Second Opinion

Second Opinion - Research To Practice

Second Opinion - Research To Practice

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In another trial addressing this question, patients with HER2-positive metastaticbreast cancer that had progressed through one line of trastuzumab-based therapywere randomly assigned to capecitabine with or without trastuzumab (vonMinckwitz 2008; [1.2]).The combination yielded nearly double the objective response rate, a 50 percentimprovement in the clinical benefit rate, a significant improvement in progression-freesurvival and a trend for improvement in overall survival. So this trialfavored continuation of trastuzumab and simply switching the chemotherapyupon disease progression.DR WINER: The von Minckwitz study probably underestimated the benefitof continuing trastuzumab because the women who received capecitabinemonotherapy still had trastuzumab in their system (von Minckwitz 2008). Thatstudy, along with Joyce’s data with the combination of lapatinib and trastuzumab(O’Shaughnessy 2008), confirm that, at least for some patients, a role does existfor continuing trastuzumab after disease progression.1.1Lapatinib (L) with or without Trastuzumab (T) for HeavilyPretreated Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer ExperiencingDisease Progression on Trastuzumab TherapyLL + TParameter (n = 145) (n = 146) Odds ratio p-valueResponse rate 1 6.9% 10.3% 1.5 0.46Clinical benefit rate 2 12.4% 24.7% 2.2 0.01Hazard ratiop-valueMedian PFS 8.1 weeks 12.0 weeks 0.73 0.008Median overall survival 3 39.0 weeks 51.6 weeks 0.75 0.1061Confirmed complete responses (CR) + partial responses (PR); 2 CR + PR + stable disease ≥6 months; 3 Intent-to-treat population; PFS = progression-free survival; Odds ratio > 1, hazardratio < 1 favors L + TSOURCE: O’Shaughnessy J et al. Proc ASCO 2008;Abstract 1015.1.2Phase III Study of Capecitabine (X) versus Capecitabine/Trastuzumab(XH) for Patients with HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast CancerProgressing During Trastuzumab TherapyEndpoint X (n = 78) XH (n = 78) p-valueTime to progression 5.6 months 8.2 months 0.03Overall survival 20.4 months 25.5 months Nonsignificant trendResponse rate 27% 48% 0.01Clinical benefit rate 54.0% 75.3% 0.007SOURCE: Von Minckwitz G et al. Proc ASCO 2008;Abstract 1025.5

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