"Corky" Bryan - Hawaii Cattlemens Council

"Corky" Bryan - Hawaii Cattlemens Council

"Corky" Bryan - Hawaii Cattlemens Council


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CB: Robert… Robert was kind of the foreman and Miki was kind of… see, Miki was kind of all around. Hecould build anything and all that kind of stuff. And Casey DeSilva. He was there. He was the mechanic.Isaac Kala was there. He was the machine operator. But he also could cowboy. Let’s see… oh there was a…there’s kind of two bunches. There was a cowboy gang and there was the construction gang. ‘Cause Newellloved to fiddle around so he ended up actually hiring this other guy next… airplane pilot guy. Air Force guy torun the construction part. Where we rented the D-9’s or the D-7’s. You know that road down to Weliweli. Webuilt that road. Pono called me up. He got tired of… that’s a whole ‘nother story. We built the road down toPono’s place at Welewele. We just did it. Walked the machine down from Pu’u Wa’awa’a ‘cause we’re rightabove there, right. And all that land used to be all Pu’u Wa’awa’a. It was all part of Pu’u Wa’awa’a’s leaseso… you know, we were just putting a road in on our lease, right?LW:That was just a big, huge lease?CB:Yeah.LW:How much land was there.CB:A hundred and one thousand acres.LW:Wow. That is big.CB:Ten miles wide, ten miles long. Something like that.LW: And how… can I ask… I know it’s a delicate question and you don’t have to answer. How many headwere there then?CB:When I first got there, there were about twelve hundred cows. When I left it was almost two thousand.LW:Wow.CB: When I first got there, there were fourteen employees. When I left there was just me, Miki, JohnBalucan and that was it. And then Chris Hunt came in part-time to help us.LW:Is that?

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