SPA News Winter 2012 - Shell UK

SPA News Winter 2012 - Shell UK

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HELEN’S PAGEFROM <strong>THE</strong>SPA SECRETARYIt was a busy autumn, mainly due toorganising the second SPA roadshowin Bristol. We had another good turnoutat the beautiful golf club, and stallholderswere kept busy answering members’queries about pensions, insurance,financial planning, benefits and healthissues. Members had the opportunity tochat with their PLRs. There was plentyof tea drunk and cakes eaten whileGraham van’t Hoff updated memberson Shell developments via a videopresentation, and Ian Chisholm reportedon the pension fund, again on video.Every attendee who completed thefeedback form agreed that the afternoonwas most worthwhile, and best of all,it was free.members phoning recently, with goodreason. Most members start at the backof SPA News and work forward, so thefirst thing they read is the obituarylisting. Due to a glitch in the newpension database, a large proportionof deceased are being listed as workingat Shell UK Oil Products. PensionsAdministration apologises and isworking to correct this, but it may takeuntil the next issue, so please bear withus until the problem is solved. We areThe National Committee, spurred on bythis success, is planning another tworoadshows in 2013: Scotland on 6 June(venue to be confirmed – we wouldwelcome suggestions) and WoldinghamGolf Club, Surrey on 19 September, soif you live within commuting distanceof the venue, make a note in your diary;you will be most welcome. Talking ofdates, it may seem a little early, but youmight be interested to know that thisyear’s AGM will be held in Shell Centre,on 9 May. When the business of theday is over, Catering Services neverfail to impress with their deliciouscanapés, washed down, of course, witha good glass of wine.I was perhaps a little unfair in my lastcolumn, when I baulked at the pricesin the Shell Centre crockery sale. AsReal Estate pointed out, the proceedsraised over £20,000 for charity. Thelucky winner of my cup and saucer wasMaryanne Beare. In fact, it seems thereis already a considerable amount ofShell crockery being used every day inmembers’ homes: Gill Springettremembers buying hers for 50p!Most of the calls we receive in the officeare usually of a positive nature, but wehave had a number of disgruntled6 | SPA NEWS

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