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Szepeshazi, K., G. Halmos, et al. (1999). "Growth inhibition of experimental pancreatic cancersand sustained reduction in epidermal growth factor receptors during therapy withhormonal peptide analogs." J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 125(8-9): 444-52.Szepeshazi, K., A. V. Schally, et al. (2002). "Targeted cytotoxic somatostatin analogue AN-238inhibits somatostatin receptor-positive experimental colon cancers independently oftheir p53 status." Cancer Res 62(3): 781-8.Szereday, Z., A. V. Schally, et al. (2003). "Effective treatment of H838 human non-small celllung carcinoma with a targeted cytotoxic somatostatin analog, AN-238." Int J Oncol22(5): 1141-6.Tejeda, M., D. Gaal, et al. (2003). "The antitumor activity of the somatostatin structuralderivative (TT-232) on different human tumor xenografts." Anticancer Res 23(5A):4061-6.Tejeda, M., D. Gaal, et al. (2005). "Growth inhibitory effect of the somatostatin structuralderivative (TT-232) on leukemia models." Anticancer Res 25(1A): 325-30.Tesei, A., L. Ricotti, et al. (2000). "Lanreotide-induced modulation of 5-fluorouracil ormitomycin C cytotoxicity in human colon cancer cell lines: a preclinical study." JChemother 12(5): 421-30.Todisco, M., P. Casaccia, et al. (2001). "Cyclophosphamide plus somatostatin, bromocriptin,retinoids, melatonin and ACTH in the treatment of low-grade non-Hodgkin's lymphomasat advanced stage: results of a phase II trial." Cancer Biother Radiopharm 16(2): 171-7.Tompa, A., M. G. Jakab, et al. (2000). "The somatostatin analogue peptide TT-232 inducesapoptosis and chromosome breakage in cultured human lymphocytes." Mutat Res465(1-2): 61-8.Tsutsumi, A., H. Takano, et al. (1997). "Expression of somatostatin receptor subtype 2 mRNAin human lymphoid cells." Cell Immunol 181(1): 44-9.van den Anker-Lugtenburg, P. J., F. Heule, et al. (1996). "Somatostatin receptor scintigraphyin cutaneous malignant lymphomas." J Am Acad Dermatol 34(6): 985-93.van den Anker-Lugtenburg, P. J., B. Lowenberg, et al. (1996). "The relevance of somatostatinreceptor expression in malignant lymphomas." Metabolism 45(8 Suppl 1): 96-7.Weckbecker, G., F. Raulf, et al. (1993). "Somatostatin analogs for diagnosis and treatment ofcancer." Pharmacol Ther 60(2): 245-64.Witzig, T. E., L. Letendre, et al. (1995). "Evaluation of a somatostatin analog in the treatmentof lymphoproliferative disorders: results of a phase II North Central Cancer TreatmentGroup trial." J Clin Oncol 13(8): 2012-5.Woltering, E. A. (2003). "Development of targeted somatostatin-based antiangiogenic therapy:a review and future perspectives." Cancer Biother Radiopharm 18(4): 601-9.Yano, T., S. Radulovic, et al. (2000). "Inhibition of human epithelial ovarian cancer cell growthin vitro by somatostatin analog RC-160." Oncology 59 Suppl 1: 45-9.

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