Environmental Claims in Consumer Markets Summary Report North America April 2009

Environmental Claims in Consumer Markets - The Sins of ...

Environmental Claims in Consumer Markets - The Sins of ...


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TM4. What <strong>Consumer</strong>s Can Do5. What Marketers Can DoAlthough governments <strong>in</strong> the United States, Canada,Australia, and the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom discouragegreenwash<strong>in</strong>g, these efforts clearly are not enough.Greenwash<strong>in</strong>g persists, and cont<strong>in</strong>ues to threatenprogress to real susta<strong>in</strong>ability.If the good <strong>in</strong>tentions of consumers and theenvironmental benefits of their choices are to beleveraged, consumers themselves must play a role. Withfour simple actions, consumers can have a very realimpact:1. Keep support<strong>in</strong>g greener products. As consumers,we have enormous power to shape the marketplace.The worst result of greenwash<strong>in</strong>g would be to giveup.2. Look for, and choose, products with reliableeco-labels. (See Exhibit 4.)3. In the absence of a reliable eco-label, rememberthe Seven S<strong>in</strong>s of Greenwash<strong>in</strong>g (www.s<strong>in</strong>sofgreenwash<strong>in</strong>g.org)and choose the product that offerstransparency, <strong>in</strong>formation and education.4. For more <strong>in</strong>formation and green-shopp<strong>in</strong>g tools,consult the resources <strong>in</strong> Appendix F, or visitwww.s<strong>in</strong>sofgreenwash<strong>in</strong>g.org and www.ecologo.org.Green market<strong>in</strong>g is a vast commercial opportunity, andso it should be. When it works – when it is scientificallysound and commercially successful – it is an importantcatalyst toward susta<strong>in</strong>ability. The purpose of the SevenS<strong>in</strong>s of Greenwash<strong>in</strong>g report is to encourage greenmarket<strong>in</strong>g and to help marketers improve their claims sothat:• Genu<strong>in</strong>ely ‘greener’ products excel;• Competitive pressure from illegitimate green claimsis dim<strong>in</strong>ished;• <strong>Consumer</strong>s do not become jaded and undulyskeptical of green claims; and• Marketers employ environmental concerns toestablish honest, trustworthy, and long-last<strong>in</strong>gdialogue with their customers.Green marketers and consumers are learn<strong>in</strong>g about thepitfalls of greenwash<strong>in</strong>g together. This is a sharedproblem and opportunity.The Seven S<strong>in</strong>s of Greenwash<strong>in</strong>g do NOT suggest thatonly perfectly ‘green’ products should be marketed asenvironmentally preferable. There is no such th<strong>in</strong>g asa perfectly ‘green’ product: environmentally preferableproducts are ‘greener’ not ‘green’, and market<strong>in</strong>g themas such is entirely fair.<strong>Environmental</strong> progress will happen one step at a time.Not only should gradually ‘greener’ <strong>in</strong>novations andproducts be encouraged, consumers should and willreward this <strong>in</strong>cremental progress.<strong>Consumer</strong>s need to cont<strong>in</strong>ue support<strong>in</strong>ggreener products.Each of us has enormouspower to shape the marketplace. The worstresult of greenwash<strong>in</strong>g would be if we wereto give up.<strong>Environmental</strong> progress will happen one step ata time. Not only should gradually ‘greener’<strong>in</strong>novations and products be encouraged,consumers should and will reward this<strong>in</strong>cremental progress.12www.s<strong>in</strong>sofgreenwash<strong>in</strong>g.org

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