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medicine was his true calling. He had on a mission trip overseas. I was so<br />

been serving as the lay youth leader at excited! I knew it would change his life,<br />

the local Adventist church and found but I never anticipated that it would<br />

himself neck high in ministry rather change mine. I was more excited than he<br />

than immersed in Northwestern’s<br />

was because I had recently worked for<br />

Chapter<br />

highly rigorous academics. Not everyone<br />

gets into a program that gives you a<br />

straight acceptance to medical school<br />

without sitting for the MCAT, * so realizing<br />

what would be jeopardized by a<br />

change in plans, I blasted him with sisterly<br />

advice: “Finish your last semester<br />

and then, maybe, think about seminary,”<br />

I said. “Don’t make such a rash decision<br />

at a dusty crossroad; wait on the Lord.”<br />

And my best one: “Take time away from<br />

this academic surrounding by serving as<br />

a student missionary overseas.”<br />

This last thought was not at all farfetched.<br />

Recently returned from Palau<br />

myself, I was preaching from my postmission<br />

high.<br />

I still remember his gentle, consistent<br />

reply: “Sis, there is so much to do here<br />

in the U.S. I don’t need to go overseas to<br />

find a mission field or a ministry; the<br />

person next to me is my mission field.”<br />

My brother lived his own life story. It<br />

didn’t make any sense to me for him to<br />

switch paths at that point; but somehow,<br />

even with all the prodding, in my heart I<br />

knew it was the right thing for him.<br />

Brian had found peace in his decision<br />

and heeded the call to pastoral ministry.<br />

He immediately transferred to Andrews<br />

University to enroll in the seminary.<br />

Life Changer for Me<br />

A few years later, Brian and I had a<br />

surprise announcement for each other.<br />

My news was that he was going to be an<br />

uncle. His news was that he was going<br />

the Adventist Volunteer Center at the<br />

General Conference office and had interacted<br />

with student missionaries and<br />

volunteers from all over the world. I<br />

was very enthusiastic about mission<br />

service overseas—and now my own<br />

brother was finally going to experience<br />

it for himself. As the Science Department<br />

chair at Garden State Academy in<br />

New Jersey and pastor of a local church,<br />

Brian would be joining a conferenceorganized<br />

mission team going to El Salvador.<br />

The group included Garden State<br />

Academy students, with my brother<br />

serving as a chaperone.<br />

Then late one night during the mission<br />

trip the phone rang. I was six<br />

months pregnant and feeling very nauseated,<br />

so I couldn’t answer it. Later I called<br />

my mom to find out what was going on.<br />

My uncle answered the phone, and then I<br />

knew something was terribly wrong. It<br />

was about the El Salvador mission trip.<br />

After a week of building an orphanage,<br />

the students and chaperones decided to go<br />

wading in the water along the beautiful<br />

shores of a small town. A spontaneous, roaring<br />

riptide swept them up, and without hesitation<br />

my brother and a lifeguard rushed<br />

into the water to rescue them. One by one,<br />

each student was brought safely ashore. As<br />

the last student was pulled in, he turned to<br />

hear my brother’s last cry, “Help me, Jesus!”<br />

He simply had run out of strength.<br />

Senseless Loss<br />

How could a loving God ignore such<br />

an earnest plea? How much more earnest<br />

could such a plea be? Why would<br />

He allow the life of such a faithful and<br />

bold soldier for Christ to end at the age<br />

of 26? For someone so overflowing with<br />

advice, at that moment I had<br />

no answers.<br />

My mind wrestled for reason<br />

and hope; despair overwhelmed<br />

me. I sank into a<br />

flood of anger. I hopelessly<br />

sought the peace that my<br />

brother had relentlessly lived<br />

by. I desperately scrambled to<br />

retract any credit for planting the idea<br />

of serving in an overseas mission. In the<br />

midst of my anguish, it took me a long<br />

time to realize that Christ had been gently<br />

tapping on my shoulder to tell me<br />

something that would give me a fragment<br />

of peace:<br />

My child, Lilian, Brian is not lost. I have<br />

not lost him; and you have not lost him either.<br />

His life is on pause. You did not send him to<br />

his death. He found a reason to live that was<br />

worth dying for. Besides, he is not gone from<br />

you forever. There are so many more pages to<br />

add to the chapters of his life.<br />

Renewed Hope<br />

Since that tragic time I have experienced<br />

a long and winding voyage, but I<br />

have now caught a glimpse of the waves<br />

of hope and peace in Him. In the words<br />

of a traveler on a similar journey, “My life<br />

with my brother has been put on pause,<br />

. . . but it will be continued in a short<br />

while, . . . and this story has no end.”<br />

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection, and<br />

the life. The one who believes in me will live, even<br />

though they die; and whoever lives by believing<br />

in me will never die’ ” (John 11:25, 26). n<br />

* standardized multiple-choice exam taken by prospective<br />

medical students<br />

Born and raised in New York,<br />

Lilian Han Im grew up wanting<br />

to teach children. She and her<br />

husband are now homeschooling<br />

their own children, Alexis<br />

and Austin, in Richmond, California.<br />

www.AdventistReview.org | February 21, 2013 | (157) 29

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