19.07.2012 - East Midlands Cancer Network

19.07.2012 - East Midlands Cancer Network

19.07.2012 - East Midlands Cancer Network


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changed but there is still much to be done. Patients are very interested in the<br />

project and read the information boards. Considerable time ensuring by in from<br />

all staff groups has been essential to delivering the project. Haematology at NUH<br />

are keen to see the project roll out to them.<br />

DR agreed to share her presentation on powerpoint which could not be show for<br />

technical reasons.<br />

Di agreed to feedback on progress in 6 to 9 months time.<br />

7. E prescribing<br />

EMCN has invested £965,000 across the region to support E-prescribing (in<br />

addition to DH central funding).<br />

ULHT have tendered and are assessing responses. CC to meet ULHT at end of<br />

July.<br />

Derby are progressing but still to go live. The IT department is very supportive of<br />

this part of the project at Derby.<br />

Burton has two thirds of the colorectal regimens ready to go live. Breast and<br />

lung live. Still issues with consultant cover. CC to follow up with local leads.<br />

Northants project struggling to secure IT engagement. Andy Harvey and CC<br />

working with trusts to progress.<br />

NUH and SFH are progressing with IT issues almost resolved. There appears to<br />

be an issue remaining with regards to information governance agreement<br />

between the sites.<br />

Paediatrics are recruiting at UHL but NUH still awaiting trust sign off to proceed.<br />

EMCN are following this up and the link between sites with regards to IT.<br />

8. Mandatory Dataset<br />

The mandatory dataset return has been made by 4 sites-Burton, NUH UHL and<br />

NGH. There has been joint working between the 3 sites using ChemoCare to<br />

enable as many fields as possible and in a consistent format. The dataset has<br />

still not been published but CC shared some of the key findings. It is hoped data<br />

will be available in early August.<br />

The cost of upgrading ChemoCare to deliver the dataset has been discussed<br />

and CC awaits further information and a specification from CIS Oncology.<br />

For trusts not yet submitting data CC has heard of plans from ULHT. There is<br />

less clarity around how this will be delivered from Derby, and potentially SFH<br />

and KGH as the E prescribing system is unlikely to deliver by September 2012.<br />

CC to approach trusts for an update.<br />

9. Non Protocol Chemotherapy returns<br />

CC reported the submission for 2011-12 has been filtered to remove protocols<br />

now within the EMCN algorithm.<br />

There are a few algorithms outstanding for completing including melanoma and<br />

EMCN Chemotherapy Group Minutes 19.07.12 3/4<br />

CC<br />

CC<br />

CC<br />


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