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Farquhar Park<br />
why<br />
all the fences?<br />
more than just<br />
<strong>fishing</strong><br />
It is understandable that if we think this place is pretty good, so do many other species of plants<br />
and animals, in particular waders and shorebirds . You might be aware of the Little Tern colony<br />
which visits us from Asia over summer. As well as terns there are 4 other species in the area listed<br />
as Vulnerable or Endangered plus many more coastal species. They love to nest in sand dunes, on<br />
sand spits and in salt marsh. As a survival strategy against predators both their nests and chicks<br />
are super camouflaged. Fences ensure that humans and 4WDs don’t accidentally squash them or<br />
interfere with their nesting. Be wary wherever you go, we don't want mothers to stay off their<br />
eggs too long, stay out of the fenced areas and enjoy the birds from afar. Bring your binoculars!<br /><br />
Can you identify these four birds? See if you can spot them while you’re here.<br />
a b c d<br />
Located at the southern intermittent entrance to the<br />
Manning River, Farquhar Park offers far more than just a<br />
top <strong>fishing</strong> spot. With the beach just a hop skip and jump<br />
away and the calmer estuary waters within metres of your<br />
tent, watersports are only limited to the number of toys<br />
you own! Canoeing, swimming, wakeboarding, skiing,<br />
surfing, snorkelling or simply floating around on a lilo. If<br />
that’s too much water for you, there is plenty of onshore<br />
exploring to be done. Why not a day picnic across to<br />
Charleys Island (be mindful of the out-going tide when<br />
the entrance is open) or a wander through the littoral<br />
rainforest? All the while you can enjoy the picturesque<br />
setting of the area which is teeming with special birdlife,<br />
especially over the summer months. Read more about<br />
how you can share the shore with our valuable (and<br />
vulnerable) shorebirds on the back of this brochure.<br />
Answers: a) Osprey b) Pied Oystercatcher c) Little Tern d) Red-Capped Plover
Farquhar Park<br />
Farquhar Inlet<br />
why<br />
all the fences?<br /><br />
The camping ground consists of 25 campsites set amongst shady trees.<br />
There are barbecues, toilets and two day use shelter areas facing out across the water.<br />
ACCESS<br />
Access to the park is by 4WD along the beach from Manning Point (only at low tide) or by boat.<br />
Access from Old Bar is only possible when the entrance is closed.<br />
Camping Fees: Fees collected onsite by the park Caretaker. A site is defined as an area of approx 8m x 8m for 4 persons per night.<br />
Prices are as follows:<br />
* Sites cannot be pre-booked.<br />
* Cash or cheque only.<br />
$11 per site per night<br />
$20 per site per night<br />
$2.50 (regardless of age)<br />
Water: There is no potable water at this reserve. Please bring your own drinking water.<br />
Firewood: Please bring your own firewood.<br />
No Dogs: There is a total prohibition on dogs at Farquhar Park, Charleys Island and Old Bar Park. 1080 poison baits are in use for fox control as part of the Endangered<br />
Shorebird Program.<br />
Vehicles: All vehicles accessing the reserve require a beach permit. Vehicle on Beach Permits can be obtained from Manning Point General Store, Manning Visitors<br />
Information Centre or Taree and Wingham Council Offices.<br />
Charleys Island: No camping is permitted.<br />
Kiteboarding: Must keep to the southern end of Farquhar Inlet.<br />
Rubbish: ‘Take in take out’ — there are no rubbish bins provided in the park, please take all rubbish and recycling with you when you leave. Prepare to recycle by<br />
setting up two bags or bins at your campsite – one for recyclables and another for rubbish.<br />
No Generators Permitted: Don’t ruin the serenity for everyone else!<br />
Penalties apply for non-compliance of these rules<br />
under the Crown Lands Act 1989 and the Local Government Act 1993.