private report on artane industrial school - Bergen Catholic Abuse

private report on artane industrial school - Bergen Catholic Abuse

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<strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> <strong>ON</strong> <strong>ARTANE</strong> <strong>INDUSTRIAL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />

<strong>PRIVATE</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong> <strong>ON</strong> <strong>ARTANE</strong> <strong>INDUSTRIAL</strong> <strong>SCHOOL</strong><br />



This report was held under wraps by the Department of Education for 45 years and was<br />

only made public on the 18th of August 2007 by the current Archbishop of Dublin,<br />

Diarmuid Martin.<br />

38 Harmondstown Avenue,<br />

<strong>ARTANE</strong>,<br />

DUBLIN, 5.<br />

7th July, 1962.<br />

My Lord Archbishop,<br />

In a letter of 18th May Your Grace requested me to submit a report on Artane Industrial<br />

School. I have pleasure in presenting herewith the findings of my enquiry.<br />

Due to the confidential nature of my task and the wide terms of reference I was obliged to<br />

restrict my observations to personal experience. The details are none the less factual and<br />

complete.<br />

I am, My Lord Archbishop,<br />

Your Grace’s Obedient Servant,<br />

Henry Moore [signed]<br />

Chaplain.<br />

The Most Reverend John C, McQuaid, D. D.,<br />

Lord Archbishop of Dublin,<br />

Primate of Ireland<br />

INTRODUCTI<strong>ON</strong><br />

In this report I have attempted to describe and discuss the existing situation as the<br />

Industrial School system operates in Artane. It is not a complete examination of all<br />

aspects of the system. I have, however, studied the Report of the Commission of Inquiry<br />

into the Industrial School system of 1936 and the Report on Youth Unemployment of<br />


In relation to the contemporary scene, and considering the advance in educational<br />

requirements, particularly as envisaged by the recent Apprenticeship Act, it seems to me<br />

that Artane is in need of drastic revision. Government policy as it affects the financial<br />

position of the school would indicate the urgent need of an enlightened approach to the<br />

problem. A serious decline in the number of committals reacts adversely on the school’s<br />

financial position, since overhead expenses do not decrease pari passu with a reduction in<br />

direct maintenance charges. Despite this hardship certain improvements have been made,<br />

notably by the installation of a fine modern kitchen and the construction, now in progress,<br />

of twelve class halls in the old building.<br />

The management of the school is the subject of this report. As I shall indicate, the<br />

methods employed are obsolete, proper training is neglected, and there is no attempt at<br />

adequate rehabilitation.<br />

C<strong>ON</strong>STITUTI<strong>ON</strong><br />

The early association in the public mind of Artane with the Prison system is responsible<br />

for a misconception that persists regarding Artane and the boys in it. By agreement with<br />

the Department of Justice the authorities at Artane will not accept committals with a<br />

criminal charge. This means that the inmates are either school non-attendance cases –<br />

about one-third of the total – the majority being orphans or children in special<br />

circumstances. Many of these are transferred from Junior Industrial Convent Schools at<br />

Rathdrum, Drogheda, and Kilkenny; and so, the situation frequently arises where boys,<br />

on leaving Artane, have already spent 10 to 14 years in an institutional environment. It is<br />

readily acknowledged that all of these require specialised treatment.<br />


About 450 boys are resident at the school. For any measure of success it is necessary that<br />

this number should be divided into small units. Considering that the buildings were<br />

originally designed to accommodate 800 boys, proper planning might ensure the<br />

possibility of this. A fundamental defect is the manner in which the boys are admitted<br />

indiscriminately, without regard to their background, medical history, antecedents or<br />

suitability for the training which they are to receive. The very structure of the school is in<br />

dilapidated condition, colourless and uninspiring, and reflects the interior spirit. “Tibi<br />

saxa loquuntur”. The atmosphere is somewhat unreal, particularly in regard to lack of<br />

contact with the opposite sex, and this unnatural situation in a group of 450 boys plus a<br />

staff of 40 men invariably leads to a degree of sexual maladjustment in the boys.<br />

Indeed in this respect Artane is a modern Mount Athos. The boys seem to be denied the<br />

opportunity of developing friendly and spontaneous characters; their impulses become<br />

suffocated and when they are suddenly liberated their reactions are often violent and<br />

irresponsible.<br />

DIET: The boys are reasonably well fed. There is fair variety but obvious essential<br />

requirements such as butter and fruit are never used. Milk puddings are served but these

are of poor quality and without relish. In general I feel that the boys are undernourished<br />

and lacking calcium and other components. At table I have observed the unruly indelicate<br />

manner of the boys. The services of a dietician and supervision under a female staff<br />

would considerably enhance the standards. In addition to the three meals the boys are<br />

given a light refreshment which takes the form of a slice of bread and jam. The method of<br />

serving this is crude and unhealthy. The bread is transported to the yard in a large sized<br />

wooden box and the boys are paraded to receive their portion.<br />

APPAREL: It seems to me that this aspect of the general care is grossly neglected. The<br />

boys’ clothing is uncomfortable, unhygienic, and of a displeasing sameness. They are<br />

constantly dirty, both themselves and their clothes. The quality of the material is poor due<br />

to the fact that it manufactured on the premises. Overcoats are not supplied except where<br />

a boy can pay £3 to £4 in advance, which must come from his own pocket. It is pathetic<br />

to observe hundreds of boys walking the roads of the district on Sunday mornings even in<br />

deep winter without overcoats. Moreover, on returning from their walk they are<br />

compelled to change again into their ordinary work-a-day suit. This has the affect on the<br />

boys’ morale and their association of the Sunday is easily obscured. In the matter of the<br />

clothing, likewise, there is no individuality.<br />

A boy’s personal clothing is as much the property of his neighbour. Shirts, underwear<br />

(vests are not worn), stockings, footwear, nightshirts (no pyjamas) are all common<br />

property and are handed down from generations. When these articles are laundered they<br />

are distributed at random, sometimes without regard to size. The laundry arrangements<br />

leave much to be desired. The boys’ stockings and shirts are renewed once a week and<br />

underwear once a fortnight. Handkerchiefs are not used. This fundamental disregard for<br />

personal attention inevitably generates insecurity, instability and an amoral concern for<br />

the private property of others. This I consider to be a causative factor in the habits of<br />

stealing frequently encountered among ex-pupils. In summer the boys do not receive a<br />

change of clothing. When I visited the Industrial School at Salthill I was impressed by the<br />

way in which the boys were attired appropriately and inexpensively for the summer<br />

season. In Artane the hob-nail boots, [and] the heavy burdensome material are as much a<br />

feature of summer attire as of winter.<br />

MEDICAL ATTENTI<strong>ON</strong>: I fail to understand the indifference of Departmental<br />

Inspectors to the seriously inadequate medical facilities in the school. Apart from the<br />

twice-weekly visit of the Doctor there is no matron or nurse in attendance. A Brother<br />

without qualifications and who was transferred from the care of the poultry farm is now<br />

in charge of all medical requirements. A surgical dressing room is located adjacent to the<br />

dining hall. This dreary stone flagged and depressing room resembles a vacated dairy<br />

house. Many boys, even the older ones, suffer from enuresis and nothing is done to<br />

remedy their condition.<br />

DISCIPLINE: In a school of over 400 boys, discipline must necessarily be firmly<br />

maintained. In Artane, it seems to me that the discipline is rigid and severe and frequently<br />

approaches pure regimentation. Every group activity is martialed, even the most<br />

elementary such as the recitation of the Angelus during recreation. The administration of

punishment is in charge of a disciplinarian, but in practice is not confined to him. There<br />

seems to be no proportion between punishment and offence. In my presence a boy was<br />

severely beaten on the face for an insignificant misdemeanour. Recently, a boy was<br />

punished so excessively and for so long a period that he broke away from the Brother and<br />

came to my house a mile away for assistance. The time was 10:45 p.m., almost two hours<br />

after the boys retired to bed. For coming to me in those circumstances he was again<br />

punished with equal severity. Some time ago, a hurley stick was used to inflict<br />

punishment on a small boy. The offence was negligible.<br />

Constant recourse to physical punishment breeds undue fear and anxiety. The personality<br />

of the boy is inevitably repressed, maladjusted, and in some cases, abnormal. Their<br />

liberty is so restricted that all initiative and self esteem suffers. This is particularly<br />

evident when they leave the school. The boys find it difficult to establish ordinary human<br />

relationships and not infrequently are very difficult to manage. I recommend a more<br />

liberal approach in the matter of outings, holidays etc. This year 150 boys will be away<br />

for August. Some to their families, others to god-parents and friends. The remaining 250<br />

will stay on in Artane. The trade shops close for two weeks but the boys are transferred to<br />

work on the farm. This naturally breeds discontent and frustration. Some effort should be<br />

made to provide a holiday, however brief, for the unlucky ones.<br />

The introduction of interested parties and voluntary groups would lend a welcome change<br />

to the drabness and monotony of the Institute. The more winds of change that blow<br />

through Artane the less stagnation and ugliness there will be. Here I am thinking of<br />

possible work for the Volunteer Corps or its counterpart, which some day I trust will be<br />

available for girls. Greater co-operation could be obtained from the Brothers with regard<br />

to the God-parents Guild which does invaluable work in befriending destitute children.<br />

The Guild often complains to me of the difficulty in making contacts with Artane. The<br />

question of God-parents needs to be looked into, and full use of its potential obtained.<br />

THE BAND: In my opinion the band is the only worthwhile achievement of the school.<br />

About 80 boys are involved, but this number is only a fraction of the total. The time used,<br />

the money spent, the number of engagements annually met are, I fear, out of all<br />

proportion to the results obtained. The maintenance of the band, although approximating<br />

£2,000 annually, is a continual strain on financial resources. Further, a serious gap in the<br />

boys’ education follows from prolonged hours of practice and days missed from school.<br />

There is no evidence that even a small number continue their musical career on leaving<br />

the school. Instruments are costly and encouragement is lacking. Indeed, the Brother in<br />

charge could be most helpful in placing the boys in suitable positions. Unfortunately, he<br />

is unwilling. I feel obliged to refer to the interest taken in the band boys by a Protestant<br />

layman whose constant practice it is to accompany the boys on each and every<br />

engagement. He renders no service to the school, and in my opinion should not be<br />

present. On one occasion when I questioned the Brother concerning this matter I found<br />

him not only discourteous but impertinent.

The band is good publicity but its prestige revolves around itself. It is unrelated to the<br />

true conditions obtaining in the school.<br />


A great deal of discussion has taken place between the authorities at Artane and previous<br />

Chaplains about the problems arising in the matter of religious observance. In my<br />

experience these problems are very real. Religion seems to make little impression on the<br />

majority of the boys. With many ex-pupils the practice of their Faith is a burden to be<br />

shunned, and they associate their religious training with repression. Indeed, many of the<br />

problems I encounter are quite alarming. I suggest that much of the trouble arises from<br />

the regimentation attached to the various religious exercises.<br />

Up to three years ago daily Mass was obligatory for the boys. It was the opinion of the<br />

Chaplains that this excellent practice was proving too much for the boys. It was decided<br />

that the boys’ attendance at Mass be voluntary, as the early rising for 7 o’clock Mass was<br />

unreasonable. The result of this decision was that only a handful of boys attended Mass<br />

regularly. Last year the Superior decided to go back on this decision and oblige the boys<br />

to attend Mass on two mornings each week. It seems to me a great spiritual loss that<br />

attendance at daily Mass should be relegated to the voluntary whims of adolescent minds.<br />

The obvious solution would be to put forward the hour of the Mass by one hour, but at<br />

this suggestion the Superior was unwilling to change the programme.<br />

The Rosary is recited daily in Chapel. Many of the boys complain to me of the weariness<br />

they have in attending the Rosary. This is quite natural, but I would like to see a change<br />

in the practice to give the boys an opportunity of appreciating the value of praying in<br />

small groups or even alone. Too often the Christian Doctrine classes are without<br />

enthusiasm, and lacking incentive. I altogether repudiate the use of physical punishment<br />

for failure at these lessons. At times it is excessive.<br />

CHAPEL: The Chapel at Artane does not inspire devotion, or indeed little reverence. It<br />

is stone-flagged and untidy, the furnishings are rough, uncomfortable and unattractive. It<br />

is greatly in need of decoration. The brass ware is inferior, stained and damaged; the<br />

sacred linen is carelessly handled and arranged. Some time ago mice were discovered in<br />

the Sacristy and on opening the Corporal before Mass I noticed it to be soiled by animal<br />

excretion. A few days later the Chasuble was in a similar condition. These isolated<br />

incidences merely indicate the general tone of the Chapel. The care of the Sacristy should<br />

be entrusted to females, preferably nuns.<br />

EDUCATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

PRIMARY: It is difficult to assess with satisfaction the extent of the problems attending<br />

the education, literary and technical of the boys. To my mind the standard is extremely<br />

low. Constantly I receive letters fro ex-pupils and at times I am amazed by their illegible<br />

form and unintelligible content. The majority of the boys are lacking in verbal ability.<br />

Last year a friend of mine took 22 boys on a camping holiday. He informed me that that

although their ages ranged from 10 to 14 years, only 7 could write, and these had to be<br />

assisted. There seems to be an urgent need for some psychological assessment of the boys<br />

before grading them in classes. I believe that some of these boys are mentally<br />

handicapped and require psychiatric treatment. Unfortunately the Brothers are obliged to<br />

grade these boys as best they can. This is an undue hardship on teacher and pupil. I<br />

strongly recommend that the services of a competent psychiatrist should be sought.<br />

TECHNICAL: It is, perhaps, in this department that the most glaring defect is noticed.<br />

At 14 the boy is admitted to the Trade shop. This year there are 150 boys in that<br />

department, but of these only 12 were eligible for the Vocational School examination.<br />

Last year, out of 18 who sat for the examination only 5 were successful. In view of the<br />

requirements of Technical education, the situation in Artane is obsolete. There seems to<br />

be no effort to train the boys satisfactorily at their trades. They might be described as<br />

juvenile labourer, uneducated and unskilled. This is evident from the variety of tasks to<br />

be done by individual boys. Vocational guidance is unknown. Boys are allotted to various<br />

trades without reference to their suitability or preference. This unhappy position<br />

inevitably engenders frustration. A factual proof of this is the way in which the boys are<br />

placed on leaving the school.<br />

In the past two years 140 boys or so were discharged. Approximately 75% of these were<br />

placed at employment for which they were never trained. The purpose of the school is<br />

therefore defeated. The lay instructors are all of long standing in the school – some with<br />

service varying from 29 to 30 years. They are not acquainted with modern teaching<br />

methods and practice. Little encouragement is given them towards fostering an<br />

enthusiastic and progressive attitude towards the boys. Many of them that are competent<br />

are underpaid and unappreciated.<br />

PERS<strong>ON</strong>NEL: There are 26 Brothers in the Community. An analysis of their function<br />

reveals the shortage of specialised teachers who are kind and dedicated. Only 10 Brothers<br />

are directly involved in teaching; three of these in addition are attending the University. It<br />

seems to me that these men are overworked, for apart from the multitude of tasks<br />

attending the daily schedule and the prescriptions of their own religious life, they have in<br />

addition the supervision and care of a large dormitory and the supervision of recreation.<br />

Six Brothers are at the school from 15 to 35 years, and to these are entrusted authoritative<br />

and administrative positions. Clearly, a more enlightened and efficient staff is required,<br />

but in this connection the Provincial once complained to me of the difficulty in finding<br />

dedicated men. To me this is a startling revelation of the incompetency of the Brothers to<br />

conduct the school without the assistance of trained lay personnel.<br />


The Report of the Commission in 1936 made specific mention of the lack of appreciation<br />

and responsibility in exercising aftercare by the authorities at Artane. Twenty six years<br />

does not seem to have brought about any change in this matter. The Children’s Act 1908<br />

obliges the Brothers to exercise aftercare for two years on a boy’s discharge. This task is<br />

performed at Artane by an elderly Brother who is preoccupied in seeking employment for

the boys. Within six months of my appointment I requested your Grace’s permission to<br />

use a car for this purpose. I intimated that my work was increasing in this field. I am<br />

happy to acknowledge Your Grace’s spontaneous and generous permission, and my work<br />

has been facilitated by Your Grace’s constant support and encouragement. I work in<br />

conjunction with a Praesidium established by the past pupils of St Mary’s College,<br />

Rathmines, which was requested by Father John Pierce, C.C., to undertake the running of<br />

a club for Artane ex-pupils. I am obliged to say that the Brothers’ attitude towards a<br />

Chaplain’s work in this field is uncooperative and even resentful. I am confident that<br />

your Grace appreciates the necessity of this work. The Praesidium informs me that in the<br />

past five years 80% of these boys have emigrated. It is my experience that many of these<br />

boys whom I know personally have lapsed entirely from the Faith. In Dublin I find these<br />

boys in dead-end jobs without any opportunity of advancing themselves. For some, the<br />

working conditions, especially in the country, are primitive; others are exploited for less<br />

than a living wage. Emigration in their case is a blessing. My remarks heretofore, refer to<br />

boys discharged at 16 years of age, but at least 70 boys between 12 and 14, school nonattendance<br />

cases, have left the school in the past two years. For these latter, the Brothers<br />

relinquish all responsibility in aftercare. The Superior in Salthill Industrial School is most<br />

attentive to this aspect of the boys’ training. By elaborate means and by painstaking<br />

methods he has shown what an efficient management can achieve.<br />

C<strong>ON</strong>CLUSI<strong>ON</strong><br />

In this Report I have endeavoured to illustrate, by factual information, the deficiencies in<br />

the Management of Artane. No doubt there are reasonable explanations for many of the<br />

inadequacies. It is my opinion, however, that a reappraisal of the system at Government<br />

level is necessary and a major reform of the management of Artane is desired.<br />

I strongly recommend the introduction of female personnel, preferably nuns, who would<br />

take care of the domestic arrangements and the charge of the small boys. The school<br />

should have a patron saint by name, and the stigma of the present system should be<br />

removed from the public mind.<br />

This Report would be incomplete without a special mention of the personal interest<br />

which Your Grace has taken in the welfare of these boys. I have been singularly<br />

impressed and I am deeply grateful for the assistance Your Grace has given me and<br />

which continues to hearten me no end.

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