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<strong>CAPITALISM</strong><br />

<strong>CURES</strong><br />

“Aid is just a stop-gap. Commerce [and] entrepreneurial<br />

capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid…<br />

In dealing with poverty here and around the world, welfare<br />

and foreign aid are a Band-Aid. Free enterprise is a cure…<br />

Entrepreneurship is the most sure way of development.”<br />

~ Bono, August 12th 2013<br />

a Turning Point USA publication

<strong>CAPITALISM</strong> <strong>CURES</strong><br />

a Turning Point USA publication<br />

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www.turningpointusa.net onningpointusa.net<br />


“Aid is just a stop-gap. Commerce [and] entrepreneurial<br />

capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid…<br />

In dealing with poverty here and around the world, welfare<br />

and foreign aid are a Band-Aid. Free enterprise is a cure…<br />

Entrepreneurship is the most sure way of development.”<br />

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turning point usa <strong>CAPITALISM</strong> <strong>CURES</strong> | page 1

In every nation of the world where the people enjoy an overall standard of living<br />

superior to those that are impoverished you will find that either they eagerly<br />

embrace the principles of capitalism or they have done so in their not-so-distant<br />

past. Those nations, like the U.S., that have drifted away from capitalistic<br />

principles and still enjoy prosperity are those where they continue to live off the<br />

momentum that capitalism generated for them.<br />

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But Bono knows it is not a disease; it is the cure.<br />

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Disease: Some People are Purely Greedy and care<br />

nothing about others.<br />

Cure: Capitalism limits how much money people<br />

can make.<br />

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The engine of capitalism that creates wealth and opportunity for all is driven by<br />

the purpose of each and every individual. Some may be greedy, some may be<br />

altruists, some may be hedonists and some may have no particular agenda at all.<br />

Whatever their motivations, whatever their purpose, in a capitalist system the<br />

only way they can fulfill their purpose is to produce or provide something that<br />

someone else wants to have.<br />

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Capitalism neutralizes the disease of greed within a society by not permitting<br />

the greedy person to gain an advantage over decent, caring people.<br />

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Disease: Some employers wish to exploit their<br />

workers and care nothing of their wages or safety.<br />

Cure: Capitalism gives the worker control over their<br />

own destiny.<br />

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Capitalism is the best cure for the exploitation of workers in an economy because<br />

only their own skills and talents limit their wage level!<br />

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Disease: American jobs are lost as companies turn<br />

to overseas suppliers at lower costs.<br />

Cure: Letting the free market have control over<br />

wages and production costs.<br />

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In a capitalist system, jobs go overseas, or come in from overseas, when it is<br />

the best decision for both parties. In a government-controlled system, jobs go<br />

overseas when it is the only decision left for the parties to make.<br />

Capitalism cures the social injustice of having jobs sent unnecessarily overseas<br />

because business owners will only do so when there is a pure economic<br />

advantage!<br />

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Disease: Great wealth disparity between the one<br />

percent and the 99 percent.<br />

Cure: Capitalism lifts the income level for all<br />

citizens.<br />

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Howard Schultz grew up in the Brooklyn projects<br />

before becoming CEO of Starbucks<br />

Ursula Burns grew up in the crime infested projects on the<br />

lower east side of New York City. She attained a college<br />

education and became the first African-American woman<br />

to run a Fortune 500 Company.<br />

Steve Jobs adopted into middle class family and worked<br />

his way into founding the most valuable company in the<br />

world, Apple.<br />

Oprah Winfrey turned a life of hardship into inspiration<br />

for a multi-billion-dollar empire.<br />

Ralph Lauren dropped out of high school and became a<br />

store clerk at Brooks Brothers before starting his own<br />

clothier company with just $50,000. Now one of the most<br />

recognized brands in the world, Ralph Lauren hit over<br />

$5 Billion in revenues last year.<br />

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Capitalism cures the hopelessness felt by those at the lower end of the income<br />

ladder by giving them the steps to climb to a higher level!<br />

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Disease: People who find themselves outside the<br />

economy looking in are left to lives of hopelessness,<br />

starvation, and despair.<br />

Cure: Capitalism provides the resources for a<br />

compassionate society to help those who are<br />

truly needy.<br />

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Capitalism is the only cure for helping lift the truly needy to a place of safety<br />

and comfort!<br />

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Disease: The environment and all natural resources<br />

are being damaged and exploited for economic gain.<br />

Cure: Capitalism creates its own incentives for<br />

conservation and preservation.<br />

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turning point usa <strong>CAPITALISM</strong> <strong>CURES</strong> | page 17

The US has the third safest food supply in world<br />

and feeds 330 million people plus much of the rest of the world.<br />

Capitalism cures the waste and destruction of natural resources, and protects the<br />

consumers of products, by making it worth the business owner’s while to find<br />

the cleanest and most efficient ways to get their products to market!<br />

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Disease: There are a very few companies controlling<br />

far too much economic power.<br />

Cure: Capitalism contains the growth of companies<br />

by allowing free entry into markets and increased<br />

competition.<br />

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but only when capitalism is interfered with by the government!<br />

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20-30 years ago none of terms below existed.<br />

Government did not have any hand in creating<br />

these companies or terms. Instead it was risktaking<br />

entrepreneurs who created brands, ideas,<br />

and companies that still change our world today.<br />

‘Google it’<br />

‘Let me GPS that for you’<br />

‘I’ll Skype you’<br />

‘Just text it’<br />

‘Snap me!’<br />

‘Wanna Facetime?’<br />

‘Go on FB’<br />

‘Fwd that email to me’<br />

‘Can you FedEx that package to me?’<br />

‘DropBox that file to me’<br />

‘Make sure you DVR that show!’<br />

‘That’s a sweet Vine!’<br />

‘YouTube that song’<br />

‘I’ll just NetFlix it later’<br />

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Capitalism cures the problem of large companies wielding too much power<br />

and control by allowing for competitors to constantly enter the market while<br />

providing more jobs for workers and more choices for consumers!<br />

If you care about social justice and providing the best quality of life for every<br />

single citizen, then you need to embrace the message of Capitalism!<br />

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The values of capitalism are not at odds with objectives of social justice. Indeed,<br />

the objectives of sincere social justice advocates cannot ever be fulfilled unless<br />

you start from the foundation of a capitalistic system. Only then is it possible to<br />

create the abundance of both wealth and opportunity that is needed to help the<br />

least amongst us.<br />

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Get Involved NOW<br />

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217 ½ Illinois Street<br />

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“Turning Point USA is a student organization fighting<br />

for fiscal responsibility, free markets, and capitalism.<br />

The most innovative youth movement in the country.”

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