Cape Coral, FL - Landscape.pdf
Cape Coral, FL - Landscape.pdf
Cape Coral, FL - Landscape.pdf
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§ 9-81 Inclusion in city lot mowing program.<br />
(a) Prior to the calendar year commencing January 1, 2010, all unimproved real property in<br />
the city shall be included in the city lot mowing program described in this Article V. Individual<br />
property owners may request an exemption from the program upon submission to the City<br />
Manager, or his or her designee, of a written statement, postmarked within 60 days of the date of<br />
the December annual bill, indicating that they are requesting an exemption from the lot mowing<br />
program and stating that they intend to insure that their property will be routinely mowed so that<br />
the height of any grass, weeds or underbrush thereon will not exceed 12 inches in height. An<br />
exemption may be revoked by the City Manager or his or her designee if the property owner fails<br />
to keep the property mowed as required herein. Prior to any such revocation, the city shall send<br />
written notice of its intent to revoke the exemption indicating the date of proposed revocation. If<br />
the property is not mowed by the proposed date of revocation, the city will include the property<br />
in the lot mowing program and bill the owner as provided herein. Owners of unimproved real<br />
property included in the city lot mowing program shall be charged an annual user fee and the city<br />
or its authorized agent will provide routine lot mowing services for the property. If an owner<br />
whose property has been exempted from the lot mowing program sells or otherwise transfers the<br />
exempt property to a new owner, the city will send written notice to the new owner advising<br />
them that the property is currently exempt from the lot mowing program and further advising<br />
them that if they elect to continue the exemption and maintain their own lot, they must provide<br />
the city with written notice of that election within 30 days of the date of the written notice from<br />
the city. Failure to make such an election within the 30 day period will result in a revocation of<br />
the exemption and the property will be included in the lot mowing program and billed<br />
accordingly. If an owner whose property is included in the city’s lot mowing program sells or<br />
otherwise transfers the property to a new owner, the city, upon receiving a written request from<br />
the new owner to have the property exempted from the city’s lot mowing program, will credit or<br />
refund to the new owner that portion, if any, of the lot mowing fees for the current year for any<br />
mowings that have not been rendered at the time of the exemption request.<br />
(b) Instead of the procedures described in this Article V, for calendar years commencing on<br />
and after January 1, 2010, the city shall utilize the special assessment procedures set forth in<br />
Article III of Chapter 17, which procedures may be initiated in the year preceding such calendar<br />
year in order to utilize the uniform method of collection set forth in F.S. Chapter 197, as<br />
amended and supplemented from time to time.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995; Ord. 111-03, 10-27-2003; Ord. 41-09, 7-20-2009)<br />
§ 9-82 Establishment of lot mowing user fee.<br />
The City Council shall establish, by resolution, the amount of the lot mowing user fee to be<br />
charged to owners of all properties included in the city lot mowing program. The user fee may be<br />
changed by City Council at any time by the adoption of a subsequent resolution. The fees<br />
collected may be used for any and all costs reasonably related to lot mowing and maintenance of<br />
real property.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995; Ord. 111-03, 10-27-2003)
§ 9-83 Lot mowing bills.<br />
In December of each year, the city shall mail the annual lot mowing bill to the owner of the<br />
property. The bill will be for services to be rendered in the upcoming calendar year (January 1—<br />
December 31). All bills shall be immediately due and payable and shall become delinquent if not<br />
paid in full within 60 days from the date the bill is mailed. All bills shall include a notice to the<br />
owner that they can request an exemption from the program upon submission to the city of a<br />
written statement, postmarked within 60 days of the date of the December annual bill, indicating<br />
that they intend to insure that their property will be routinely mowed so that the height of any<br />
grass, weeds or underbrush thereon will not exceed 12 inches in height.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995; Ord. 111-03, 10-27-2003)<br />
§ 9-84 Delinquent fees; delinquent fee lien.<br />
All delinquent fees shall incur a delinquency fee of 1% per month on the unpaid balance. Fees<br />
which remain delinquent for more than 60 days may be converted to a lien pursuant to the<br />
procedures provided herein. Lot mowing fees which are delinquent as of the effective date of this<br />
article shall also begin accruing delinquency fees and shall be subject to the lien procedure<br />
provided herein.<br />
(Ord. 111-03, 10-27-2003)<br />
§ 9-85 Initiation of delinquent fee lien process.<br />
From time to time the financial services director shall compile a list of properties whose lot<br />
mowing user fees have remained unpaid for more than 60 days after bills for the fees have been<br />
sent to the property owner of record. That list of delinquent fees shall constitute a preliminary<br />
delinquent user fee roll and the Financial Services Director shall present that roll to the City<br />
Council at a duly advertised and noticed hearing.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995; Ord. 52-97, 8-15-1997)<br />
§ 9-86 Notice.<br />
Approximately four weeks prior to the hearing, the City Clerk shall publish, once a week for<br />
two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation, a notice of the time and place of<br />
the hearing when the City Council will meet to hear and consider any objections or defenses to<br />
the levy of a lien against the delinquent properties. The date of the meeting so noticed shall be<br />
approximately 14 days from the date of publication of the second notice. The Financial Services<br />
Director shall also send individual notices of the date and time of the hearing to all owners of<br />
record of property proposed to be liened prior to the date of the hearing. Mailing to the last<br />
known address of the owner in the city’s records shall constitute sufficient notice, regardless of<br />
whether the notice is accepted or actually received.<br />
(Ord. 52-97, 8-15-1997)
§ 9-87 Public hearing.<br />
The owner of record of any property proposed to be liened for delinquent lot mowing fees, or<br />
any person having an interest therein, may appear at the public hearing and voice any objections<br />
to the proposed lien or the amount thereof. Objections may also be submitted in writing either<br />
prior to or at the time of the public hearing. At the hearing, the City Council may modify or<br />
correct any proposed lien amount; provided, that no lien amount may be increased over the<br />
amount in the proposed roll. After consideration of all objections to the proposed lien amounts,<br />
the City Council shall, by resolution, approve the levy of delinquent user fee liens, effective as of<br />
the date of the adoption of the resolution. The liens shall be of the same nature and to the same<br />
extent as a lien for general county and municipal taxes falling due in the same year or years the<br />
lot mowing user fees were due. The lien shall be superior in dignity to all other liens, titles and<br />
claims, until paid.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995)<br />
§ 9-88 Limitation on time to contest levy of lien.<br />
Any person aggrieved by the action of the City Council in imposing delinquent lot mowing<br />
user fee liens must commence an action in Circuit Court within 30 days from the date the<br />
resolution is adopted. Unless the action is begun within this 30 day period, all objections of that<br />
person to the imposition of the lien shall be deemed to have been waived.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995)<br />
§ 9-89 Prepayment and recording of lien.<br />
For a period of 30 days after the date of adoption of the resolution of the City Council levying<br />
the delinquent low mowing lien, the lien may be paid without additional delinquency fees as<br />
described in § 9-84. Properties for which payments are received or postmarked within 30 days<br />
from the date the resolution is adopted will be deleted from the lien roll prior to recording. After<br />
the expiration of the prepayment period, a certified copy of the resolution and roll shall be<br />
recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in Lee County.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995; Ord. 111-03, 10-27-2003)<br />
§ 9-90 Release of lien.<br />
Owners who have paid a delinquent lot mowing lien in full after the recording of the<br />
resolution and roll shall be entitled to a release of lien from the city upon payment of any<br />
authorized release of lien fees. The recording of the release of lien and any recording charges<br />
imposed by the Clerk of Circuit Court shall be the responsibility of the property owner.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995; Ord. 111-03, 10-27-2003)<br />
§ 9-91 Foreclosure.
Liens for delinquent lot mowing user fees may be foreclosed in the same manner as liens for<br />
property taxes or special assessments. Owners of property against whom a foreclosure action is<br />
commenced shall be liable for all fees, costs and expenses incurred by the city or its agents,<br />
including reasonable attorneys fees, and the same may be assessed as a cost in the foreclosure<br />
action.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995)<br />
§ 9-92 Validity of liens not affected by irregularities.<br />
Any informality or irregularity in the proceedings to impose a lien for delinquent lot mowing<br />
fees shall not affect the validity of the same after the resolution levying the lien has been<br />
adopted, and no deviation from the procedures prescribed hereunder shall affect the validity of<br />
the lien unless it can be clearly shown that the party objecting was materially injured thereby.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995)<br />
§ 9-93 Alternate methods of collection permitted.<br />
Nothing herein shall prohibit the city from utilizing other means to collect delinquent lot<br />
mowing fees including, but not limited to, an action for damages filed in the appropriate court in<br />
Lee County, Florida.<br />
(Ord. 31-95, 6-26-1995)<br />
§ 9-43 Nuisance grasses and weeds.<br />
The purpose of this section is to provide an effective procedure to promptly notify property<br />
owners of the existence of nuisance grasses and weeds located on their private property. This<br />
section is intended to direct and provide for the removal of nuisance grasses and weeds on<br />
private property in a timely manner to preserve the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of<br />
the city and to preserve and enhance the aesthetic value of real property within the city.<br />
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the terms listed below shall have the following<br />
meanings unless otherwise specifically stated. When not inconsistent to the context, words used<br />
in the present tense include the future, words in the plural include the singular and words in the<br />
singular number include the plural. The word “shall” is always mandatory and not merely<br />
discretionary.<br />
CITY COUNCIL. The governing body of the City of <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Coral</strong>.<br />
DIRECTOR. The Director of the Department of Community Development, or such<br />
designee as he or she may appoint to carry out the administration and enforcement of this<br />
NUISANCE GRASSES AND WEEDS. Grasses and weeds which are not regularly cared<br />
for and maintained, which exceed 12 inches in height.<br />
PRIVATE PROPERTY. Any vacant lot, any dwelling, house, building or other structure<br />
designed or used either wholly or in part for private residential purposes or non-residential<br />
purposes, whether inhabited or temporarily or continuously uninhabited or vacant, and shall<br />
include any yard, grounds, walk, driveway, porch, steps, vestibule or mailbox belonging or<br />
appurtenant to such dwelling, house, building or other structure.<br />
SPECIAL MAGISTRATE. The Code Enforcement Special Magistrate appointed by City<br />
Council.<br />
(b) Nuisance declared. It is hereby declared and determined by the <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Coral</strong> City<br />
Council that grasses and weeds in excess of 12 inches in height which impair the economic<br />
welfare of property, constitute a fire hazard or create a health hazard, and shall constitute a<br />
nuisance.<br />
(c) Prohibitions. No person, firm, partnership, corporation, trust or estate, nor any other<br />
business entity, shall permit nuisance grasses and weeds as defined in this section to exist within<br />
the City of <strong>Cape</strong> <strong>Coral</strong><br />
IPMC- 301.3 Vacant structures and land. All vacant structures and<br />
premises thereof or vacant land shall be maintained in a clean,<br />
safe, secure and sanitary condition as provided herein so as not<br />
to cause a blighting problem or adversely affect the public<br />
health or safety.