
MYP Community & Service - The International School of Azerbaijan

MYP Community & Service - The International School of Azerbaijan


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Welcome<br />

to<br />

<strong>M1</strong><br />

2011-2012<br />


‘The distance is nothing. It is the first step that is<br />

important.<br />

This booklet has been created to help you in your transition to the MYP program here at<br />

TISA. It contains important information to help you have a successful year in <strong>M1</strong>. It will<br />

help to answer many of the questions you might have about life in <strong>M1</strong>.<br />

Dear Parents and Students:<br />

There will be some changes this year. You will have more<br />

freedom and responsibility as you move up to TISA 3 and 4.<br />

It may be a big adjustment but there are many people<br />

including teachers, the principal, the counselor and other<br />

students who will help you as you make the transition to<br />

Middle School. You will have the opportunity to participate<br />

in new and exciting after school activities, Community and<br />

Service projects, discos and dances, Student Government<br />

events and lots of great sporting activities. It is going to be a<br />

great year.<br />

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is a great way to grow and learn in<br />

<strong>M1</strong><br />

And some of it will be familiar to you. Just as you did in the PYP:<br />

you’ll study a range of different subjects in interesting ways<br />

you’ll show your understanding through a wide range of methods; not<br />

just tests!<br />

you’ll see the fascinating connections between your subjects<br />

you’ll make connections with the real world<br />

you’ll continue to grow into a global citizen – someone who cares about<br />

our world and its inhabitants<br />

you’ll be prepared for the world beyond school and you’ll have the<br />

skills for success in your future<br />


Some of the areas in Middle School that may be new to you are:<br />

Homeroom:<br />

Each day you will meet in your homeroom so your teacher can take attendance<br />

and to go over any important notices for the day<br />

Tuesday mornings you will have a homeroom period to discuss issues that affect<br />

you as a student, different aspects of the MYP, and learn ways to be a successful<br />

student. On Tuesday, you will have an extra period finishing school at 3:30<br />

instead of 2:50. (See the timetable at the back of this booklet).<br />

Lunch and Break Times<br />

Lunch and break times are an opportunity to catch up with your friends, prepare for<br />

class or have some relaxing time.<br />

o Break time is from 10:00 – 10:20. During this time you are free to use the<br />

computers in the SRA (Student Resource Area in TISA 3), hang out by the lockers,<br />

go to the library, lunch hall, or outside. All food and drink must be consumed<br />

outside or in the lunch hall.<br />

o Lunch is from 11:50 – 12:35. You can eat your lunch in the lunch hall or outside.<br />

We expect you to tidy up after yourself. You are responsible for returning plates<br />

and utensils to the lunch hall and making sure all rubbish is put away<br />

After School<br />

o After school, students are expected to be supervised in<br />

an after school activity, in the library using school<br />

resources, or leave the school.<br />



In <strong>M1</strong> one of the most important skills to help you is<br />

ORGANIZATION! Hopefully the information in this booklet and<br />

the tips it provides will help you to get started on your journey<br />

to being an organized student!<br />

The secrets of success in <strong>M1</strong>...<br />

Never be afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. If you<br />

don’t understand something, chances are you aren’t the only one.<br />

There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. It is how we learn.<br />

Do your homework!<br />

Take the responsibility to get caught up when you miss a class. Find out from<br />

another classmate or the teacher what you have missed and complete it.<br />

Come prepared to learn. This means that you should be on time, bring all of the<br />

required equipment for the course and have a positive attitude.<br />

Come in for extra help as soon as you get lost. Do not wait until the day before a<br />

test, it might be too late!<br />

Put time and effort into everything you do. Don’t hand anything in that isn’t your<br />

best work.<br />

Use time management skills. Do not wait until the night before an assignment to<br />

complete it.<br />

Hang in there! Your hard work will pay off!<br />


What Supplies Will I Need?<br />

During break times you will have the chance to go to your locker and collect the<br />

books you need. Please remember to leave your backpacks and bags in your locker or in<br />

the racks beside your locker and take only the books and equipment you need to your<br />

class. MP3 players and mobile phones should be left locked in your locker.<br />

The following equipment should be brought to every class:<br />

Equipment Checklist<br />

o Writing utensils: For each class you will need a pencil, eraser, red pens, blue or<br />

black pens, and, highlighter. Having a pencil case will make staying organized<br />

much easier.<br />

o Diary<br />

o Textbooks<br />

o Binders and Folders: Your subject teachers will provide you with a binder or<br />

folder. It is your responsibility to keep these binders and folders organized with<br />

your work.<br />

o Notebooks: You will also receive a notebook from your teacher.<br />

o Change of clothes (PE): you will require a TISA PE shirt and a change of clothes<br />

for all PE lessons. Bring a towel if you want to shower.<br />

Homework Diary – The essential tool to staying organized<br />

Take it to each class!<br />

Keep it on your bag and fill it in for every class.<br />

Your organizer should be a reflection of you. Keep it neat.<br />

Fill in the timetable on the back to help remember which classes you have each day.<br />

Once a week both your parents and your homeroom teacher will sign your<br />

homework diary to ensure you are using it properly. Have it filled in and get it<br />

signed regularly.<br />

Important information to include in your diary in each lesson:<br />

o Subject<br />

o Due Date<br />

o Details about the assignment<br />


What About Homework?<br />

Homework Tips<br />

Homework is an important component of school as it helps you to practice and<br />

review your lessons at home. You will be much more successful if you put in a consistent<br />

effort to complete homework on a daily basis. In <strong>M1</strong>, you will have a different amount<br />

of homework each night. You should expect that for each class you will be assigned one<br />

hour of homework per week. This could total 1- 1 ½ hours on homework each night.<br />

The subject and amount will vary depending on the day of the week, but it is still<br />

important to be consistent. Be sure to plan ahead for bigger projects and assignments<br />

by completing them a little at a time. It is important to complete each homework<br />

assignment, as it will be checked and is part of your assessment for <strong>M1</strong>.<br />

The most important things to remember when it comes to homework in <strong>M1</strong> are:<br />

o Let your teacher know if you are spending more than 1½ hours of homework per<br />

night. Your teacher cannot help you with your homework load if they are<br />

unaware of the problem.<br />

o Time management skills are crucial in <strong>M1</strong>. Doing small amounts of large projects<br />

each night will be much less stressful than waiting until the night before the due<br />

date to complete it.<br />

o Set aside one hour for homework every night. If you have no homework to<br />

complete, use it to read a novel or the newspaper. This will help your reading<br />

skills and keep you up to date with what is going on in the world – important<br />

skills for an international school student.<br />

o If you don’t understand the homework, ask the teacher. Together all homework<br />

problems can be solved.<br />

o Use the Significant Assignment notices on the TISA webpage (www.tisa.az) to<br />

help you organize your time.<br />


Extra Help<br />

Before a little problem becomes a big problem, come in and ask for help! All of your<br />

teachers are available for help. Just ask for assistance and set up a time to get it!<br />

What if I am away from School?<br />

You can collect your missed work when you return to school or you can send<br />

someone to your homeroom to collect it. Remember: it is your job to catch up on work<br />

that you miss!<br />

How am I expected to behave in <strong>M1</strong>?<br />

Classroom expectations vary slightly from teacher to teacher but the overall<br />

expectations are the same as in primary. All students are expected to be respectful of<br />

the school environment, their teachers, and peers. You will be called upon to answer<br />

questions. Please raise your hand if you want to give an answer or have a question. You<br />

are also expected to help keep the classroom neat and tidy by putting everything away<br />

after you use it.<br />

Lockers<br />

o You will be assigned your own locker in <strong>M1</strong>. Your locker is where you will keep all<br />

of your books, your lunch and anything else it is not necessary to carry to class.<br />

o You will be given a key for your locker at the beginning of the year. It is a VERY<br />

good idea to have a copy of your locker key made so that you have a spare. Your<br />

homeroom teacher can keep this copy for you in the classroom in case you<br />

forget your original at home.<br />

o Be sure to keep your locker tidy and clean.<br />


MYP Community & Service<br />

What is Community and Service and how does it apply to me?<br />

At TISA we believe students should develop a personal value system that guides their<br />

own lives as thoughtful and active members of local and global communities. The MYP<br />

Community and Service programme at TISA aims to develop:<br />

Awareness and understanding of the needs of different communities and our<br />

community in particular.<br />

Reflection on the ethical implications of activity or inactivity within the<br />

community, using personal strengths to enhance communities.<br />

Involvement through service in terms of being an active contributor—including<br />

showing willingness and the skills to respond to the needs of others and coming<br />

up with solutions to actively resolve issues within communities.<br />

You homeroom teacher will go through specific details of the MYP Community & Service<br />

programme and what it is all about when the school year begins. <strong>M1</strong> students are<br />

required to participate in the community & service programme at TISA and a variety of<br />

activities will be made available for them. In terms of a minimum number of required<br />

hours, our <strong>M1</strong> Community & Service programme has no such requirement. The<br />

emphasis is upon ‘making a difference in our community’ - not counting hours.<br />

Some examples of Community and Service projects from the 2010-2011 school year are:<br />

Working with Jabrayil School in the REACH OUT program<br />

Volunteering at TISA sports activities<br />

Visiting children at Ishegli Ev Street kids Center<br />

Outreach at the United Nations High Commission for Refugees<br />

Raising money for Smile Train<br />

You can find out more about our Community and Service program and what activities<br />

the students participated in this year by logging into<br />

http://tisacommunityservice.wetpaint.com/.<br />


After School Activities<br />

After school activities are offered once at the beginning of each term.<br />

Activities on offer change each term. There are many to choose from; art,<br />

sports, community and service based activities, drama, and music. Some of<br />

the activities on offer will allow you to claim Community and Service hours.<br />

Important People<br />

Here is a list of teachers and other staff that are important to <strong>M1</strong>’s. We have included<br />

their email addresses too so that you and your family can contact them if you have any<br />

questions or concerns.<br />

Staff Member Role Email Address<br />

Lesley Peacock Principal ssprincipal@tisa.az<br />

Nadine Mains Pastoral Coordinator <strong>M1</strong>-2/ MYP myp@tisa.az<br />

Coordinator<br />

Nicola Dixon Community and Service<br />

dixon_nicola@tisa.az<br />

Coordinator<br />

Sue Ogilvie <strong>M1</strong>A Homeroom Teacher Ogilvie_sue@tisa.az<br />

Dilber Kuliyeva <strong>M1</strong>A Homeroom Teacher Kuliyeva_Dilber@tisa.az<br />

Sean Tangey <strong>M1</strong>B Homeroom Teacher Tangey_sean@tisa.az<br />

Basilia Mudzudzu <strong>M1</strong>B Homeroom Teacher Mudzudzu_basilia@tisa.az<br />

Anne Kennedy <strong>M1</strong>C Homeroom Teacher Kennedy_anne@tisa.az<br />

Ellen Childs <strong>M1</strong>C Homeroom Teacher Childs_ellen@tisa.az<br />

Cheryl Travers Counselor Travers_cheryl@tisa.az<br />


Notes about <strong>M1</strong><br />



My Timetable<br />

This is a copy of your timetable. You can fill it in with the classes you will be taking and even colour code it if you want.<br />

Time Periods Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday<br />

8:25-8:30 Homeroom Homeroom<br />

Homeroom Homeroom Homeroom<br />

Homeroom<br />

8:30-9:15 1<br />

9:15-10:00 2<br />

10:00-10:20 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess<br />

10:20-11:05 3<br />

11:05-11:50 4<br />

11:50-12:35 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch<br />

12:35-13:20 5<br />

13:20-14:05 6<br />

14:05-14:50 7<br />

14:50-15:30 8<br />


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