November 2015

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the magazine<br />

Peebles Old Parish<br />

Church of Scotland<br />

with<br />

Eddleston Parish<br />

Church of Scotland<br />

<strong>November</strong> <strong>2015</strong>

Daily<br />

Worship<br />

in Peebles Old Parish,10am<br />

Daily Worship Leaders Nov/Dec<br />

Mon. 2nd Matthew 13:36‐43 Jim Edgar Nov<br />

Tues. 3rd Matt 13:44‐52 John Fairless<br />

Wed. 4th Matt 13:53‐58 Lily Swinney<br />

Thur. 5th Matt 14:1‐12 Marjory Renton<br />

Frid. 6th Matt 14:13‐21 Sheena Edgar<br />

Sat. 7th Matt 14:22‐36 Rachel Forsyth<br />

Mon. 9th Matt 15:1‐20 Sally Thorburn<br />

Tues. 10th Matt 15:21‐28 Tom Fairbairn<br />

Wed. 11th Matt 15:29‐39 Wilma Barrett<br />

Thur. 12th 1 Chronicles 10:1‐14 Tom Mills<br />

Frid. 13th 1 Chron 11:1‐25 Pamela Strachan<br />

Sat. 14th 1 Chron 13:1‐14 Janet Macdougall<br />

Mon. 16th 1 Chron 15:1‐29 Alistair Robertson<br />

Tues. 17th 1 Chron 16:7‐36 Mary Wight<br />

Wed. 18th 1 Chron 20:1‐8 Cathy Davidson<br />

Thur. 19th 1 Chron 21:1‐27 Calum Macdougall<br />

Frid. 20th 1 Chron 22:1‐19 Frances Carrol<br />

Sat. 21st Isaiah:17‐25 Pauline Copeland<br />

Mon. 23rd Joel 3:1‐2,9‐17 Geoff Goldstraw<br />

Tues. 24th Nahum 1:1‐13 Isabella Coghill<br />

Wed. 25th Obadiah 15‐21 Janette Cameron<br />

Thur. 26th Zephaniah 3:1‐13 Jim Edgar<br />

Frid. 27th Isaiah 24:14‐23 John Farless<br />

Sat. 28th Micah 7:11‐20 Elisabeth Parker<br />

Mon.30th Psalm 90 Lily Swinney<br />

Tues. 1st 2 Sam 7:18‐29 Marjorie Renton Dec<br />

Wed. 2nd Isa 1:24‐31 Sally Thorburn<br />

Thur. 3rd Mal 3:5‐12 Tom Fairbairn<br />

Frid. 4th Mal 3:13‐18 Tom Mills<br />

Sat. 5th Mal 4:1‐6 Rachel Forsyth

Pastoral letter<br />

<strong>November</strong> <strong>2015</strong><br />

Plans are well in hand for what promises to be both an enjoyable and a<br />

poignant occasion in the Old Parish Church on Wednesday 11th of this<br />

month. Peebles Silver Band came up with the idea of presenting a<br />

Fest ival of Remembranc e and for t he last few mont hs t he organisers<br />

have been busy shaping a concert that should appeal to a broad<br />

spectrum of musical tastes.<br />

Along with Peebles Silver Band, together with some members of St<br />

Ronan’s Silver Band, the programme will feature the three local pipe<br />

bands as well as InChorus. Not only will there many fine performances<br />

to listen to, there will also be audience participation, the climax to the<br />

evening being a singalong section featuring many wartime favourites …<br />

and don’t worry, song sheets will be provided.<br />

The date and time?<br />

Wednesday 11th<br />

<strong>November</strong> at<br />

7.30pm.<br />

In the course of the evening there will be a<br />

short service of remembrance led by local<br />

clergy and host for the whole proceedings will<br />

be Edinburgh Royal Military Tattoo compère<br />

and former Convener of Scottish Borders<br />

Council, Alasdair Hutton OBE.<br />

So much of what takes place around<br />

Remembrance Day each year is inevitably<br />

very solemn: Many of us have very sad and<br />

painful memories, from recent conflicts as well<br />

as from the two world wars, but it is good too<br />

that we take the opportunity to celebrate the peace and freedom that<br />

has resulted from those bitter conflicts. For those who have lived<br />

through wartime, memories will be aroused by much of what will be<br />

featured in the Festival of Remembrance, and for those of us fortunate<br />

enough not to have lived through war, there will be reminders of why it<br />

is vitally important for people of all ages and at all stages of life, to<br />

mark this special season of remembering each year.<br />

I hope that if you are able you will make a point of coming to the<br />

Festival of Remembrance. The date and time? - Wednesday 11th<br />

<strong>November</strong> at 7.30pm.<br />

With all my love,<br />


News from<br />

Peebles & Eddleston<br />

What we’re up to.<br />

A Celebration of Church Music<br />

A Celebration of Church Music with Peebles Old Parish Church Choir wllbe ed on<br />

Friday 20 th <strong>November</strong> I the church at 7pm. The choir will be singing a wide range<br />

of pieces from traditional to more contemporary styles.<br />

Admission will be free and refreshments provided afterwards.<br />

Sunday Drivers Required!<br />

We used to be able to provide a service of lifts to Church for<br />

those who wanted to come but did not have transport. To be<br />

able to offer this service again we would need volunteers and<br />

their cars.<br />

• Do you come to Church in your own car?<br />

• Would you be willing to volunteer your services for this?<br />

• Would you like to come to Church but have no way of getting there?<br />

We already know of at least 1 person who would benefit from this and we would<br />

like to offer this chance to more people. So if you would like a lift or be interested<br />

in giving someone a lift would you please give your name to one of the Elders on<br />

duty or to Elizabeth Parker on elizabethiparker@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Would there be someone in the congregation who would like to co-ordinate this? It<br />

probably wouldn’t take too much to set people up who would like a lift with people<br />

who could offer a lift. Your help would be very much appreciated.<br />

A Bite and A Blether<br />

A Bite and a Blether is still meeting successfully each Wednesday from 11.30am -<br />

1.00pm<br />

On Wednesday 7th October there will be a Traidcraft Stall and an opportunity to<br />

browse through the catalogues and order Traidcraft goods.<br />

Please encourage as many of your friends and neighbours to come along and<br />

support the work Traidcraft does.<br />

A warm welcome awaits as well as some lovely home baking and of course a tasty<br />

bacon roll all for a minimum donation of £2.<br />

Weekly celebration of Communion<br />

From Sunday 13 th September there will be a Short Celebration<br />

of Holy Communion in the chancel each Sunday after the<br />

Morning Service.

SHARE will meet for the second time<br />

S H A R E<br />


Singing Bible Stories Games Talking Time with<br />

Friends<br />

WHERE: MacFarlane Hall, Peebles Old Parish Church<br />

WHEN: Sunday, 15 th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2015</strong> at 2 pm<br />

A Date for Your Diary<br />

We could all do with an evening out in January so how about a<br />

Burns Supper to be held on Friday 22nd January 7.00 for 7.30<br />

pm in the MacFarlane Hall.<br />

For further information contact Geoff Goldstraw (722040) or<br />

Eddie Knowles (722860).<br />

Bellringer vacancy<br />

We are looking for another bellringer (or two!) and would be<br />

delighted to hear from anyone in our congregation or in any of the<br />

other churches in the town who would be interested.<br />

Our group currently consists of 8 people. Since it only needs one<br />

person to ring the bells each Sunday, you sign up your name on<br />

the rota for a Sunday which suits you. Most people ring about once<br />

every other month. You don’t need to be able to read music,<br />

although clearly that’s a huge help. The actual ringing on the keyboard is very<br />

straightforward and not at all difficult if you already play a keyboard instrument. A<br />

starter pack of music is provided to get you going and the current bellringers are<br />

always happy to take someone up the tower with them as an apprentice until the<br />

new ringer feels confident enough to go solo.<br />

We ring for a number of annual community events such as Beltane Saturday, St<br />

Andrews’ Day, the Christmas Lights Switch-on. All these events, and more, are<br />

manned by volunteers from the bellringers, though there’s no pressure to take<br />

part. If you just want to ring on Sundays, that’s fine. We welcome ringers from<br />

other churches in the town, and currently St Andrews Leckie and St Joseph’s have<br />

ringers on the team. If you think you might be interested, please speak to Anne<br />

Derrick (01721 721075 annederrick@sky.com) or any ringer as they descend from<br />

the tower on a Sunday morning.

TOPCOP needs you<br />

You will probably be aware that TOPCOP runs only through the generosity of our<br />

members giving their time and their talents to the many ‘jobs’ that need doing.<br />

What you may not be aware is that<br />

a) there are currently a few opportunities where your help is needed and<br />

b) you do not need to be an Elder to be able to help<br />

So, in the words of hymn 251 – I the Lord of Sea and Sky – are you able to say<br />

‘Here I am, Lord. Is it I Lord?<br />

10 o’clock Club – to continue to run our 10 o’clock<br />

Club, there is a pressing need for people to help and<br />

possibly lead from time to time. Our young people<br />

need to be encouraged and the leaders need your<br />

help as they have young families themselves and<br />

cannot always be available for Church every week.<br />

We can continue to grow our youth membership if<br />

we can get enough people to help with the youngest<br />

members of our Church and if we could get enough<br />

Please come and visit<br />

us to let us continue<br />

to enjoy the 10<br />

o'clock Club<br />

people to share this work it would mean that the requirement may only be once a<br />

month or even every couple of months. For example, do you have a past time or<br />

hobby which you could share with the children? Anyone looking for more of an idea<br />

of what might be required could speak to Monica Aikman on 01721 729051<br />

Church Administrator – Alison Duncan, our long serving<br />

Administrator has indicated her wish to retire and has been<br />

kind enough to give us some notice before she does so. The<br />

role includes general office duties which mean use of the<br />

computer and photocopier in the Church Office (Session<br />

Room). The role does attract a salary for 6 hours per week<br />

which can be worked flexibly and training will be given. Would<br />

your skills and talents lend you to serving God in this way? If you think you might<br />

be interested, or know someone who might be interested then please speak to<br />

Alison in the first instance 01721 721033.<br />

Treasurer – we are keen to find someone with the right<br />

knowledge and appropriate skills for this role. It is a big job but<br />

it may be that it could be divided into smaller parts so that one<br />

or two people could share it. It is a skilled role and needs<br />

people who like working with figures but to the right person or<br />

persons This would be a great way to serve God through your<br />

talent. Do you have the necessary skills to help with this or do you know of

someone who might be willing to help? For further information please, in the first<br />

instance talk to either of the Elizabeth Parker or the Minister.<br />

Book Keeper – Mr Derek Redfern at present does our month<br />

to month book keeping and we are very grateful to him for<br />

doing this. This includes checking and transferring income &<br />

expenditure figures, checking the bank statement to enter<br />

Direct Debits and weekly offering amounts, and balancing the<br />

amounts with the bank statement. There is however, need for<br />

someone to learn this role and to provide cover for Derek. It<br />

would also be useful if the person was willing to help out from<br />

time to time. You know the old saying – two heads are better<br />

than one. We asked Derek if he had any enjoyment from what he does: “It's good<br />

to be doing something which is clearly useful and needed. There is a sense of<br />

satisfaction in getting the books to balance at the end of each month and if they<br />

don't balance there is also satisfaction in tracking down what went wrong. It's also<br />

nice to deal with other people in the church”. If you enjoy working with figures<br />

would you be able to help with this?<br />

Joint Session Clerk – This is another big role but it is shared<br />

between 2 people. It would suit someone who is organized but<br />

who perhaps does not work or works part-time. The role is to<br />

support the Minister, provide a point of contact for Church<br />

business, deal with correspondence, prepare for meetings, take<br />

minutes, prepare rotas and generally keep on top of the<br />

paperwork needed for the running of the Church throughout the<br />

year. This is an enjoyable and yes, sometimes challenging role<br />

but for the right person, with the right skills there will be a great sense of<br />

achievement. If you would like to find out more about this role then please speak<br />

to Elizabeth Parker 01721 725153.<br />

Some of these roles might appear daunting however training will be offered and<br />

remember that our church is only where it is because of those that have gone<br />

before us and given of their time and talent so would you prayerfully consider if<br />

you would be suitable for any of the above roles?<br />

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these<br />

members do not all have the same function , so in Christ we, through<br />

many, form one body. We have different gifts, according to the grace given<br />

to each of us. (Romans 12:4-6)

Did you know?<br />

Supply chains are so complex these days<br />

that w hen most people shop they may have<br />

no idea where in the world their goods came<br />

from, and are almost detached from the<br />

farmers and artisans who grew or made<br />

those products.<br />

Fairtrade is making a real difference to the<br />

lives of more than 1.5 million farmers and<br />

workers in 74 developing countries.<br />

Faith groups are key supporters of Fairtrade<br />

and more and more churches are making the<br />

connection between trade and poverty and<br />

committing to using Fairtrade products<br />

including tea, coffee, sugar and biscuits.<br />

People and groups that visibly support fair<br />

trade and demonstrate social responsibility<br />

reinforce the message that they care about<br />

both their customers and suppliers and<br />

Peebles Old Parish is no different.<br />

Come and visit our stall in<br />

the hall next Sunday<br />

Our Fairtrade stall in the<br />

MacFarlane Hall stocks:<br />

Coffee Tea Hot Chocolate Fruit &<br />

Nut Muesli Geo Bars Demerara<br />

Sugar Unrefined Raw Cane Sugar<br />

Caster Sugar Muscovado Sugar<br />

Dried Raisins Sultanas Apricots<br />

Dates Mixed Dried Fruit Walnuts<br />

Cashew Nuts Brazil Nuts Divine<br />

Chocolate Almond & Orange<br />

Chocolate Yogurt Raisins<br />

Chocolate Raisins Chocolate<br />

Wafer Biscuits Stem Ginger<br />

Cookies Chewy Fruit & Oat<br />

Cookies Chocolate Chunk cookies<br />

Fusilli Pasta Basmati Rice and<br />


Did you miss the eco service at breakfast Church on 4 October?<br />

If so, here is a copy of the Pledge Card that members of the congregation were<br />

invited to complete.<br />

During the service, members of the congregation were invited to take home a<br />

'pledge card' to complete as they wish. Please don't think you are being asked to<br />

save the planet all by yourself! All we suggested was that you decide on one small<br />

thing that you could do to be more eco-friendly, or, if you prefer, less wasteful.<br />

Here are some suggestions:<br />

Turn off the cold tap when you are cleaning your teeth<br />

If it's a nice day, and you are able, walk one of those short journeys rather<br />

than take the car<br />

Turn the shampoo bottle upside down when it feels nearly finished- you'll get<br />

a few more usages out of the bottle. The same goes for any liquid or gel in a<br />

plastic container<br />

Fix that dripping tap<br />

Plant some bulbs for the spring<br />

Make a plan to buy regularly from the Fairtrade stall after church<br />

Save used stamps<br />

Tidy that untidy corner of the garden<br />

In a couple of months’ time you will be invited to let us know (anonymously!) how<br />

you got on and what your idea was.

Eco Congregation October Report<br />

Five members of our Eco Group attended a meeting of the Esk and Tweed Network<br />

in Penicuik North Kirk at the beginning of October. We were given a very<br />

interesting presentation from Penicuik North about their Food Store, which they run<br />

in close conjunction with Midlothian Social Work Department and which gives<br />

support to over 100 needy families identified by Social Work, who take<br />

responsibility for the distribution of food for 3 days worth of meals, thus preserving<br />

confidentiality.<br />

At the meeting, the present Network Coordinator, Jo Blackburn from Carlops,<br />

indicated that she wished to retire from the job next Easter. Despite its grandsounding<br />

title, Jo tells us that the job is not very onerous or time-consuming and<br />

mainly involves forwarding newsletters and emails to the rest of the Network and<br />

ensuring that everyone is aware of the twice yearly meetings, again by email.<br />

Other than that, it is up to you whether or not you choose to go to meetings or<br />

take further part. Jo would be happy to discuss the role with anyone who is<br />

interested. Really, all you need is a computer and basic computer skills. If anyone<br />

in our congregation would be interested in this worthwhile role, please email<br />

annederrick@sky.com and I will pass you on to Jo.<br />

The Next Eco Group Meeting<br />

There will be a meeting of the Eco Group ('Green Team') on Sunday 15<br />

<strong>November</strong> in the Macfarlane Hall after church. The meeting will focus on our next<br />

steps towards gaining our third award in 2016.<br />

Although the group has a core of regular members, anyone else who is interested<br />

is very welcome to attend.

Visit to Northern Iraq<br />

…with Open Doors<br />

Barry Hughes<br />

In September of this year I was fortunate to join a trip to Northern Iraq along with<br />

other Christians from across the UK; we travelled with Open Doors, a charity which<br />

acts in support of persecuted Christians around the world, and the aim of the trip<br />

was to visit some of the refugee camps where refugees from the ISIS conflict are<br />

now housed.<br />

Actually, ‘refugee’ is not the correct<br />

term, and neither is ‘camp’; the<br />

people we visited are all Iraqis,<br />

driven from their home cities of<br />

Mosul and Qaraqosh when ISIS<br />

arrived in August 2014, so they are<br />

Internally Displaced Persons, or<br />

IDPs; also we were told very quickly<br />

that their new homes are never<br />

referred to as ‘camps’ but as<br />

‘centres’ or ‘villages’ – this reflects<br />

the fact that the people we met have<br />

now made their homes in these<br />

centres, albeit not in the best of<br />

circumstances.<br />

In total there are some 120,000 Christian IDPs in Northern Iraq – we visited 7<br />

different centres where they are now living. Typical accommodation now consists<br />

of ‘caravans’ (which have replaced the original tents) – the ‘caravans’ are, in<br />

reality, portacabins, each housing one whole family, sometimes 3 generations, and<br />

are tightly packed in specific areas – one such centre housed 8,000 people in a<br />

space not much larger than a few football pitches. Many of the centres are housed<br />

behind barbed wire, giving the impression of a prison camp – this is for the<br />

Christians’ protection, since they are still<br />

only some 40 kilometres or so from the<br />

ISIS front line.<br />

Many of the stories we heard were truly<br />

distressing – stories of families uprooted<br />

from their homes and businesses at one<br />

hour’s notice, stripped of all valuables.<br />

Children have lost their education,<br />

families their livelihoods and homes, and<br />

all have lost their churches. However the<br />

faith of the Iraqi Christians is truly<br />

astonishing; we did not enter a single

home where the cross was not prominent, and<br />

the word ‘Hamdullah’ (I give all thanks to God)<br />

was repeated frequently in conversation. The<br />

Church in Northern Iraq has responded<br />

magnificently to the crisis, giving people both a<br />

material home and a spiritual home; however for<br />

this they need continual funding, and this is what<br />

Open Doors (and other charities) are helping to<br />

provide.<br />

Some IDP centres are very different – we visited<br />

one housing estate where families are housed in<br />

3-bedroom houses. This sounded very<br />

comfortable, until we realised that each house is<br />

now a home to 4 families, one per room – around<br />

20 people per house. The many children we<br />

spoke to were desperate to re-start their<br />

education, and the Church has launched a<br />

Kindergarten at each centre we visited.<br />

Most of all, the Christians we met asked why the<br />

west has forgotten about them; we see and hear<br />

much about the refugee crisis in Europe, but those still in Iraq (and Syria) are<br />

largely overlooked. Our trip was designed to help raise awareness of their plight.<br />

We met many inspiring people on our trip, who have overcome hardships we could<br />

not even begin to imagine. Their stories were heartbreaking, their resolve<br />

impressive, their faith unshakeable. The priest who now helps to run one of the IDP<br />

centres right in the heart of a city in Northern Iraq spoke these words – words<br />

none of us will ever forget. “ISIS took our homes – now we live in one home<br />

together here. They destroyed our churches – now we worship together in one<br />

church. They took our land – but they will never take our Jesus.” Amen to that.<br />

I will be arranging<br />

an evening shortly in<br />

Peebles to speak<br />

about the trip in<br />

more detail, and to<br />

talk about the work<br />

of Open Doors – full<br />

details to follow. O<br />

see more about<br />

Open Doors and its<br />

work please visit<br />

http://www.opendo<br />

orsuk.org<br />


Words of Wisdom<br />

Are You Growing Spiritually?<br />

‘Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee…’<br />

Psalms 55:22 NKJV<br />

First, you must learn how to carry your own burden. Second, you must be<br />

able to help those who are weak to carry theirs. Third, you must learn to give<br />

your burden to the Lord. ‘Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain<br />

thee’ Sounds easy, but it’s not, because:<br />

1 If you’re self-centred you will think only<br />

about your own personal wants, needs,<br />

and plans.<br />

2 If you’re a self-starter and self-motivator<br />

you will struggle with the humility required<br />

to get down on your knees and say, ‘Lord,<br />

I need you; before I make a move I need<br />

to know You are with me’.<br />

3 If you’re self-sufficient you will wait until<br />

your knees are buckling and your back is<br />

breaking, then send an SOS up to heaven<br />

asking, ‘Lord, where are you?’ And He will reply, ‘I’m right here, wondering<br />

when you’re going to start trusting Me, leaning on Me and drawing strength<br />

from Me’<br />

Jesus said, ‘I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I<br />

in him, bears much fruit: for without Me you can do nothing; (John 15:5<br />

NKJV). The key to success in God’s Kingdom is: work like it all depends on<br />

you and pray like it all depends on God! Martin Luther said, ‘I have held many<br />

things in my hand, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in<br />

God’s hands, that I still possess.’<br />

If He has to, God will allow you to fall flat on your face in order to get you on<br />

your knees. If you’re wise, you won’t wait for that to happen.<br />

This is reproduced with kind permission from United Christian Broadcasters (UCB)<br />

Word for Today. Copies can be obtained from them at<br />

UCB Operations Centre, Westport Road, Stoke on<br />

Trent, ST6 4JF They can be reached on 0845 6040401<br />

or at www.ucb.co.uk

News<br />

from the<br />

Magazine babes.<br />

A plea from Marianne and Ruby!<br />

We’re looking out for travel stories, life stories, recipes, jokes and articles that<br />

would brighten up our magazine pages. We know you’ve got it in you as we’ve<br />

seen them before you know.<br />

Just think you could see your own thoughts and<br />

words in print and be able to share the things that<br />

inspire you about life, worship, travel, cooking, or<br />

even The Old Parish Church itself.<br />

We can even help you with the scanning of<br />

photographs if you don’t have them electronically<br />

and if you ask nicely we can arrange for articles to<br />

be typed up from your own notes or ideas.<br />

So why not get in touch with either of us as<br />

detailed below or simply e-mail<br />

magazine@topcop.org.uk<br />

Would you like your own copy each month?<br />

Well help is at hand… just fill in and post this form!<br />

To:<br />

Miss Marianne Ewart, 23 Cuddyside, Peebles EH45 8EN (721964) or<br />

Mrs Ruby Buchan, 14 Kingsland Square, Peebles EH45 8EZ (721048)<br />

Your name ……………………………………………………………………<br />

Your address……………………………………………………………………………………..<br />

I’m happy to enclose a donation of £….... towards the cost of the<br />

Magazine.<br />

Please make cheques payable to “Peebles Old Parish Church of Scotland”



<strong>November</strong> 1 Barbara Crawford Ruth 1:1-18<br />

St Mark 12:28-34<br />

8 Remembranc e<br />

Sunday<br />

Deuteronomy 4:9-14<br />

St John 15:9–17<br />

15 Sheena Edgar 1 Samuel 1:4-20<br />

St Mark 13:1-8<br />

22 Jim Edgar 2 Samuel 23:1-7<br />

St John 18:33-37<br />

29 Sandy Murray Jeremiah 33:14-16<br />

Luke 21:25-36<br />

December 6 Marjorie Renton Malachi 3:1-4<br />

St Luke 3:1-6<br />

13 Tom Mills Zephaniah 3:14-20<br />

St Luke 3:7-18<br />

20 John Fairless Micah 5:2-5a<br />

St Luke 1:39-45<br />

27 Elizabeth Parker 1 Samuel 2:18-20 and 26<br />

St Luke 2:41-52<br />

Duty Elders<br />

<strong>November</strong> Banker Frances Carrol<br />

Marjory Gregory<br />

December Banker Douglas Cunningham<br />

Elizabeth Fairless<br />

Len Douglas<br />

Fiona Fleming<br />

Please note: Elders unable to undertake any of the above duties are asked to<br />

arrange for a substitute. Duty elders should be in place by 9.30am. On the first<br />

Sunday of the month, when there is an evening service, one of the duty elders<br />

should be in place for 5.30pm.<br />


<strong>November</strong> 29 Alistair Cumming<br />

Sheena Edgar<br />

The Bell Ringers<br />

<strong>November</strong> 4 Jeanette Mackison (am & pm)<br />

11 Mary Hudson<br />

18 Anne Derrick<br />

25 Fiona Taylor

<strong>November</strong><br />

Sunday 1st<br />



PRAISE SERVICE at Peebles Old Parish Church<br />

Sunday 8th 10.50am Remembrance Sunday Service<br />

Sunday 15th 11.45am Morning Worship – Twenty-fifth after Pentecost<br />

Sunday 22nd 11.45am Morning Worship – Christ the King Sunday<br />

Sunday 29th 6pm Monthly Evening Service – First Sunday in Advent<br />

December<br />

Sunday 6th 11.45am Morning Worship – Second Sunday in Advent<br />


There will be a Short Celebration of Holy Communion in the chancel each<br />

Sunday after the Morning Service.<br />

<strong>November</strong><br />

Sunday 1st<br />

11am<br />

6pm<br />

All Saints & Singers with Ian McCrorie MBE<br />

Monthly Evening Service.<br />

Fr. Wojciech Rybka will be our guest<br />

Sunday 8th 10am Remembrance Sunday Service – Short service<br />

followed by Act of Remembrance at County War<br />

Memorial<br />

Wednesday 11th 10.50am<br />

7.30pm<br />

Sunday 15th<br />

10am<br />

2pm<br />

Daily Worship for Remembrance Day<br />

Fest ival of Remembranc e.<br />

Morning Worship. Twenty-fifth after Pentecost.<br />

SHARE in the MacFarlane Hall<br />

Sunday 22nd 10am Morning Worship - Christ the King Sunday<br />

Sunday 29th 10am Morning Worship - First Sunday of Advent<br />

December<br />

Sunday 6th<br />

10am<br />

6pm<br />

BREAKFAST CHURCH in the MacFarlane Hall.<br />

Breakfast from 9.30am<br />

Monthly Evening Service.<br />




25 th Oc t ober Cameron James, son of Alison and Jim Mc Quaker<br />

Craigengar, Lamancha

Flower Calendar<br />

Convenor: Janet Macdougall 720568<br />

Nove<br />

Dec<br />

1 Donors Mrs K Ritchie<br />

Mrs Mason<br />

Arranger Rachel Forsyth<br />

Distributor Mrs Sally Thorburn<br />

8 Remembranc e<br />

Arranger Janet Macdougall<br />

15 Donor Mrs E Douglas<br />

Arranger Elizabeth Douglas<br />

Distributor Marianne Ewart<br />

22 Donors Mrs C Davidson<br />

Mrs E Diggins<br />

Arranger Anne Hervey<br />

Distributor Mrs Elizabeth Palmer<br />

29 Donors Mr J & Ms E Fairless<br />

Arranger Stephanie Porter<br />

Distributor Janet Macdougall<br />

6 Donor Mrs Nancy Forsyth<br />

Arranger<br />

Distributor<br />

Caroline Lazenby<br />

Distributor required please<br />

13 Christmas<br />

Decorations<br />

20 Christmas<br />

Decorations<br />

27 Christmas<br />

Decorations<br />

Mrs A Edgar (Northumberland) was left out of last month’s magazine by<br />

mistake. She donated to the flowers on the 25 th October.<br />

If you are able to be a distributor could you please let me know, on 720568 or<br />

by email janfingal@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Thank you Janet Macdougall<br />


Eddleston<br />

Total Offerings for October <strong>2015</strong> £584.50<br />

Total Offerings for October 2014 £684.16<br />

Total Offerings for the first 10 months of <strong>2015</strong> £7,987.76<br />

Total Offerings for the first 10 months of 2014 £7,804.82<br />

Increase in giving over 2014 £182.94

A very warm welcome to<br />

Our Organisations<br />

You’ll receive a warm welcome at any of our groups, whose details are given<br />

below. For further information about each organisation, please see our website<br />

www.topcop.org.uk<br />

Group Where and when we meet Contact<br />

All children welcome.<br />

Monica Aikman<br />

MacFarlane Hall Sundays in term time 01721 729041<br />

at 10.00am<br />

The Ten o’<br />

Clock Club<br />

Choir<br />

Song School<br />

Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm (not July and<br />

August)<br />

Girls’ Brigade MacFarlane Hall<br />

Wednesdays in school terms<br />

Explorers (P1 – P3) 6.00-7.00pm<br />

Juniors and Brigaders 7.00-8.15pm<br />

Flower<br />

Committee<br />

Bellringers’<br />

Group<br />

Guild of<br />

Friendship<br />

Traidcraft<br />

Meets once a year as a whole group,<br />

Members take their turn at arranging the<br />

flowers in church each week and at major<br />

religious festivals.<br />

Members take their turn on the Sunday<br />

Bell ringing rota and ring on other<br />

community occasions if they wish.<br />

Members meet together twice a year. The<br />

Guild visits housebound members of the<br />

congregation. The number of homes and<br />

frequency of visits is flexible and can<br />

easily be arranged to suit the availability<br />

of the Visitor<br />

Members take turns at the purpose-built<br />

cupboard selling Fairtrade goods after<br />

morning worship each Sunday<br />

‘Green Team’ Help to provide ideas for each of us to<br />

better care for God’s creation.<br />

Toddlers’<br />

Group<br />

Bacon Rolls<br />

MacFarlane Hall<br />

Tuesdays in school terms. 9.30-11.00am<br />


Friday mornings. Join a team taking your<br />

turn preparing and serving Bacon Rolls.<br />

Each team is ‘on’ once every 6 weeks.<br />

Great fun!<br />

Sarah Brown<br />

(Director of Music)<br />

07597 394059<br />

Catriona Steven<br />

01721 723669<br />

Janet Macdougall<br />

01721 720568<br />

Anne Derrick<br />

01721 721075<br />

Elizabeth Fairless<br />

01721 720344<br />

Dorothy Russel<br />

01721 720583<br />

Please speak to the<br />

Minister or Session<br />

Clerks<br />

Janette Cameron<br />

01721 722528

Who’s Who at Peebles & Eddleston<br />

Minister:<br />

The Reverend Calum Macdougall<br />

The Manse, 7 Clement Gunn Square<br />

Peebles EH45 8LW<br />

01721 720568<br />

calum@topcop.org.uk<br />

Joint Session Clerk:<br />

Elizabeth Parker<br />

Temple Bar House<br />

Peebles<br />

01721 725153<br />

elizabethiparker@yahoo.co.uk<br />

Finance Convenor:<br />

Tom Fairbairn<br />

4 Gallowhill<br />


Tel: 01721 720642<br />

Church Administrator &<br />

Roll Keeper:<br />

Alison Duncan<br />

House: 721033<br />

Mobile: 07707 001795<br />

admin@topcop.org.uk<br />

Joint Session Clerk:<br />

Position Vacant<br />

See the advert in this<br />

magazine<br />

Eddleston Treasurer:<br />

Archie Smellie<br />

Hattonknowe, Eddleston.<br />

01721 730282<br />

Ordained Local Minister :<br />

Pamela Strachan<br />

Glenhighton, Broughton<br />

ML12 6JF<br />

01899 830423<br />

Organist & Choir Leader:<br />

Sarah Brown<br />

16a Cross Street, Peebles<br />

07597394059<br />

music@topcop.org.uk<br />

Beadle:<br />

Edward Knowles<br />

56 Eliot’s Park, Peebles.<br />

01721 722860<br />

Treasurer:<br />

Position Vacant<br />

See the advert in this<br />

magazine<br />

Eddleston Session Clerk,<br />

Organist & Choir Director:<br />

Lorraine Mulholland<br />

Millbank, Eddleston.<br />

01721 730332<br />

Lorajazz@aol.com<br />

Interim Ecocongregation<br />

Coordinator,<br />

Peebles:<br />

Anne Derrick<br />

Edderston Road, Peebles<br />

01721 721075<br />

Eco-congregation &<br />

Fairtrade Co-ordinator,<br />

Eddleston:<br />

Vivienne Wilmut<br />

Manse Road Eddleston<br />

01721 730335<br />

Registered charities (Peebles) SC013316 (Eddleston) SC010081

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