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The Internet Explorer Event Object<br />

Chapter 12: Events<br />

Unlike the DOM event object, the IE event object is accessible in different ways based on the way in<br />

which the event handler was assigned. When an event handler is assigned using the DOM Level 0<br />

approach, the event object exists only as a property of the window object. Here is an example:<br />

var btn = document.getElementById(“myBtn”);<br />

btn.onclick = function(){<br />

var event = window.event;<br />

alert(event.type); //”click”<br />

};<br />

Here, the event object is retrieved from window.event and then used to determine the type of event<br />

that was fired (the type property for IE is identical to that of the DOM version). However, if the event<br />

handler is assigned using attachEvent(), the event object is passed in as the sole argument to the<br />

function as shown here:<br />

var btn = document.getElementById(“myBtn”);<br />

btn.attachEvent(“onclick”, function(event){<br />

alert(event.type); //”click”<br />

});<br />

When using attachEvent() , the event object is also available on the window object, as with the DOM<br />

Level 0 approach. It is also passed in as an argument for convenience.<br />

If the event handler is assigned by an HTML attribute, the event object is available as a variable called<br />

event (the same as the DOM model). Here’s an example:<br />

< input type=”button” value=”Click Me” onclick=”alert(event.type)” / ><br />

The IE event object also contains properties and methods related to the specific event that caused its<br />

creation. Many of these either map directly to or are related to DOM properties or methods. Like the<br />

DOM event object, the available properties and methods differ based on the type of event that was<br />

fired, but all events use the properties and methods defined in the following table.<br />

Property/Method Type Read/Write Description<br />

cancelBubble Boolean Read/Write False by default, but can be set to true to cancel<br />

event bubbling (same as the DOM<br />

stopPropagation() method)<br />

returnValue Boolean Read/Write True by default, but can be set to false to cancel the<br />

default behavior of the event (same as the DOM<br />

preventDefault() method)<br />

srcElement Element Read only The target of the event (same the DOM target<br />

property)<br />

type String Read only The type of event that was fired<br />


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