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OSPRI | FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <strong>2014</strong>/<strong>2015</strong><br />


FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE <strong>2015</strong><br />

(g) Comparatives<br />

The presentation of the OSPRI Group’s comparatives has been reclassified from those reported in the 30<br />

June <strong>2014</strong> financial statements where appropriate, to ensure consistency with the current year’s position and<br />

performance, and with the OSPRI Group. The net position and net surplus reported in the comparatives are<br />

consistent with last year’s financial statements.<br />

(h) Critical Accounting Estimates<br />

The Group makes estimates and assumptions regarding the future. The resulting accounting estimates will,<br />

by definition, seldom equal the related actual results. The estimates and assumptions that have a significant<br />

risk of causing material adjustments to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial<br />

period are outlined below:<br />

(i) Useful lives of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets<br />

In determining the amortisation charge for the year the Group estimates the economic lives of intangible<br />

assets based on judgement.<br />

(ii) Accrual of expenses<br />

As detailed in the pest control expenditure note (Note 3), TBfree estimates the percentage of completion<br />

of these pest control and management contracts based on information provided by the OSPRI Pest<br />

Management group.<br />

(iii) Revenue recognition<br />

The revenue of the Group comprises revenue from levies raised on the slaughter of cattle and deer,<br />

the sale of cattle tags and funding agreements with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), DairyNZ<br />

Incorporated, Beef + Lamb New Zealand Limited, Deer Industry New Zealand and regional councils.<br />

Revenue is recognised when received or receivable; it is recognised exclusive of GST. Interest income<br />

is recognised on a time proportion basis using the effective interest method. Interest is accrued on<br />

held-to-maturity investments using the effective interest rates proportioned over the durations of the<br />

investments.<br />

Tag levy revenue received includes revenue for services yet to be provided by NAIT, as the average onfarm<br />

life of tagged cattle is six years. A portion of this tag levy revenue is held as revenue in advance to<br />

offset future animal tracing expenditure. This revenue in advance is determined by analysing current trends<br />

in animal lives and tag sales.<br />

Non-exchange revenue received has been disclosed separately in the financial statements.<br />

(i) Significant Management Judgements in Applying Accounting Policies<br />

(i) Capitalisation of internally developed software<br />

Judgement is required when distinguishing between the research and development phases of customised<br />

software projects and whether the costs meet the recognition requirements for capitalisation. Post<br />

capitalisation, management monitors whether the recognition requirements continue to be met, or<br />

whether there are any indications that capitalisation costs should be impaired.<br />

As enhancements to internally developed software are created and capitalised, OSPRI in accordance with<br />

IAS 38 reviews the useful lives of the existing assets. If an enhancement will extend the useful life of an<br />

asset, this is adjusted. Historical amortisation is not affected but amortisation for the extended life of the<br />

asset is revised on a straight-line basis.<br />

(ii) Impairment<br />

Opening asset values have been reviewed for impairment to determine that the carrying amount does not<br />

exceed the recoverable amount. By doing so, the Group has determined that asset carrying values are in<br />

line with recoverable values.<br />

(j) Changes in Accounting Policies<br />

Uniform accounting policies have been applied by the Parent and the Group on a consistent basis throughout<br />

the period.<br />

(k) Standards, Amendments and Interpretations Issued that Have Not Been Early Adopted<br />

The OSPRI Group is a not-for-profit (NFP) public benefit entity and will be required to adopt a new suite of<br />

accounting standards (PBE Standards – with NFP guidance) applicable to NFP entities.<br />

Owing to the size of OSPRI Group (with total expenses over $30 million), the Group will fall under Tier 1 of the<br />

new Accounting Standards Framework, and therefore must apply all of the PBE Standards and meet the full<br />

disclosure requirements. The Group will be required to adopt these standards from 1 July <strong>2015</strong>, and therefore<br />

will apply to the 30 June 2016 financial statements, including comparatives of these financial statements. The<br />

Group has chosen not to early adopt these standards. The impact of the adoption of these standards has yet<br />

to be assessed.<br />


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