Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde - Staatliche Museen für ...

Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde - Staatliche Museen für ...

Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde - Staatliche Museen für ...


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70 stuttgarter beiträge <strong>zur</strong> naturkunde Ser. A, Nr. 639<br />

– (1978 b): Some aspects of the population characteristics of the soil isopod, Porcellio laevis,<br />

in the Delhi region. – Zool. Anz. 201: 86–96; Leipzig.<br />

– (1978 c): Growth of different instars of Porcellio laevis. – Comp. Physiol. Ecol. 3:<br />

120–122; Jodhpur.<br />

– (1981): On ecological factors influencing the abundance of Porcellio laevis. – Uttar Pradesh<br />

J. Zool. 1: 40–49; Muzaffarnagar.<br />

– (1984): Breeding and population biology of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio laevis in the<br />

Delhi region. – Symp. zool. Soc. London 53: 314–335; London.<br />

– (1998): Reproduction and population biology of Porcellio scaber in Benghazi, Libya. –<br />

Israel J. Zool. 44: 399–412; Jerusalem.<br />

NAIR, G, ATTIA, F. & SAEID, N. (1994): Food preference, feeding and growth rates of the<br />

woodlouse Porcellio scaber. – Afr. J. Ecol. 32: 80–84; Oxford.<br />

NAIR, G. & FADIEL, M. (1991): The feeding and conversion of leaf litter by the pillbug Armadillo<br />

officinalis. – Arid Soil Res. Rehab. 5: 167–174; New York.<br />

NAIR, G. & NAIR, N. (1979): On the size structure of two representative species of isopod populations.<br />

– Bull. aquat. Biol. 4: 85–93; Amsterdam.<br />

NAIR, G., NAIR, N. & NAIR, T. (1989): Nutritional biology of Porcellionides pruinosus with<br />

special reference to conversion efficiency. – Monitore zool. ital. (N. S.) Monogr. 4:<br />

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NASH, J. (1979): The effect of daily fluctuating temperatures on the oxygen consumption of<br />

Oniscus asellus. – Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 62 A: 9893–987; London.<br />

NASRI, K. & MARTIN, G. (1996): Localisation et ultrastructure des ocelles en fonction du niveau<br />

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NEGISHI, S. & HASEGAWA, Y. (1991): Maturation of pigment granules in chromatophores of<br />

Armadillidium vulgare. – In: JUCHAULT, P. & MOCQUARD, J. (eds.): The Biology of<br />

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of Terrestrial Isopods, pp. 183–187; Poitiers.<br />

NĔMEC, B. (1895 a): O ectoparasitech Ligidia. – Sber. k. böhm. Ges. Wiss. (math.-nat. Cl.) 32:<br />

1–13; Prague.<br />

– (1895 b): Studie o isopodech. I. – Sber. k. böhm. Ges. Wiss. (math.-nat. Cl.) 45: 1–46;<br />

Prague.<br />

– (1896): Studie o isopodech. – Mém. Soc. r. Sci. Bohème 25: 1–55 and plates 1–3; Prague.<br />

– (1897): Ueber einige Arthropoden der Umgebung von Triest. – Verh. zool.-bot. Ges.<br />

Wien 1897: 1–7 and plate 1; Vienna.<br />

NEUHAUSER, E. & HARTENSTEIN, R. (1976 ): Degradation of phenol, cinnamic and quinic acid<br />

in the terrestrial crustacean, Oniscus asellus. – Soil Biol. Biochem. 8: 95–98; Oxford.<br />

– (1978): Phenolic content and platability of leaves and wood to soil isopods and diplopods.<br />

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NEUHAUSER, E., YOUMELL, C. & HARTENSTEIN, R. (1974): Degradation of benzoic acid in the<br />

terrestrial crustacean, Oniscus asellus. – Soil Biol. Biochem. 6: 101–107d; Oxford.<br />

NEUMANN, U. (1971): Die Sukzession der Bodenfauna (Carabidae, Diplopoda und Isopoda)<br />

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NEWCOMER, W. (1956) Digestive carbohydrases of the woodlouse Porcellio. – Physiol. Zool.<br />

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NEWELL, R., ROY, A. & ARMITAGE, K. (1976): An analysis of factors affecting the oxygen consumption<br />

of the isopod Ligia oceanica. – Physiol. Zool. 49: 109–137; Chicago.<br />

NEWELL, R., WIESER, W. & PYE, V. (1974): Factors affecting oxygen consumption in the<br />

woodlouse Porcellio scaber. – Oecologia 16: 31–51; Berlin.<br />

NICHOLLS, A. (1931 a): Studies on Ligia oceanica. I. A. Habitat and effect of change of environment<br />

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with a description of the structure of the foregut – J. mar. biol. Assoc. U. K.<br />

17: 675–706 and plate 1; Plymouth.<br />

NICHOLLS, G. (1926): A description of two new terrestrial isopods from Western Australia. –<br />

J. Proc. r. Soc. West. Aust. 12: 149–159 and plates 19–20; Perth.<br />

NICHOLLS, G. & BARNES, H. (1926): Description of a new species of terrestrial isopod, Halo-

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