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schmalfuss et al., bibliography of terrestrial isopods 91<br />

SHACHAK, M. (1980): Energy allocation and life history strategy of the desert isopod Hemilepistus<br />

reaumuri. – Oecologia 45: 404–413; Berlin.<br />

SHACHAK, M. & BRAND, S. (1988): Relationship among settling, demography and habitat selection:<br />

an approach and a case study. – Oecologia 76: 620–626; Berlin.<br />

SHACHAK, M., CHAPMAN, E. & STEINBERGER, Y. (1976): Feeding, energy flow and soil turnover<br />

in the desert isopod, Hemilepistus reaumuri. – Oecologia 24: 57–69; Berlin.<br />

SHACHAK, M., JONES, C. & BRAND, S. (1995): The roles of animals in an arid ecosystem: Snails<br />

and isopods as controllers of soil formation, erosion and desalinization. – Adv. Geoecol.<br />

28: 37–50; Cremlingen.<br />

SHACHAK, M. & NEWTON, P. (1985): The relationship between brood care and environmental<br />

unpredictability in the desert isopod, Hemilepistus reaumuri. – J. arid Environm. 9:<br />

199–209; London.<br />

SHACHAK, M., STEINBERGER, Y & ORR, Y. (1979): Phenology, activity and regulation of radiation<br />

load in the desert isopod, Hemilepistus reaumuri. – Oecologia 40: 133–140; Berlin.<br />

SHACHAK, M. & YAIR, Y. (1984): Population dynamics and the role of Hemilepistus reaumuri<br />

in a desert ecosystem. – Symp. zool. Soc. London 53: 295–314; London.<br />

SHAY, M., BETTICA, A., VERNON, G. & WITKUS, E. (1985): Chlamydia isopodii sp. n., an obligate<br />

intracellular parasite of Porcellio scaber. – Exp. Cell Biol. 53: 115–120; Basel.<br />

SHEN, C. (1949): On six new land and freshwater isopod Crustacea from Yunnan, China. –<br />

Contr. Inst. Zool. natn. Acad. Peiping 5: 49–66; Beijing.<br />

SHEREEF, G. (1970): Biological observations on the woodlice in Egypt. – Revue Écol. Biol. Sol<br />

7: 367–379; Paris.<br />

SHIMOIZUMI, M. (1951): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus.<br />

I. Secondary sexual characters. – Bull. exp. Biol. 1 [no page numbers found]; Tokushima.<br />

– (1952 a): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus. II. Sex<br />

ratio. – Bull. exp. Biol. 2 [no page numbers found]; Tokushima.<br />

– (1952 b): Breeding habits of Metoponorthus pruinosus [Japanese with English summary].<br />

– Mem. Gakugei Tokushima Univ. 2: 17–34; Tokushima.<br />

– (1954): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus. III. Male<br />

gonad and male characters [Japanese with English synopsis]. – J. Gakugei Tokushima<br />

Univ. (nat. Sci.) 5: 71–81; Tokushima.<br />

– (1955): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus. IV. „Female<br />

breeder“. – J. Gakugei Tokushima Univ. (nat. Sci.) 6: 1–10; Tokushima.<br />

– (1958): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus. V. Intersexuality.<br />

– J. Gakugei Tokushima Univ. (nat. Sci.) 8: 11–25 [reference perhaps not correct];<br />

Tokushima.<br />

– (1959): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus. VI. Effects<br />

of testis-ectomy and testis-implantation on the secondary sex characters. – J. Gakugei<br />

Tokushima Univ. (nat. Sci.) 9: 13–22 [reference perhaps not correct]; Tokushima.<br />

– (1961): Studies on the sexuality of the land isopod, Metoponorthus pruinosus. VII. Masculinization<br />

of the females throught the implantation of androgenous gland. – J. Gakugei<br />

Tokushima Univ. (nat. Sci.) 11: 1–9; [reference perhaps not correct]; Tokushima.<br />

– (1962): The breeding habits of Metoponorthus pruinosus. – J. Gakugei Tokushima Univ.<br />

(nat. Sci.) 2: 31–34; Tokushima.<br />

SHREWSBURY, J. & BARSON, G. (1952): The flora of the intestinal tract of the terrestrial isopod<br />

commonly known as the wood-louse. – J. Path. Bact. 64: 619–625; London.<br />

SILÉN, L. (1954 a): Notes on lateral organs in peracaridan Crustacea. – Acta zool. 35: 1–10;<br />

Oxford.<br />

– (1954 b): On the circulatory system of the Isopoda Oniscoidea. – Acta zool. 35: 11–70;<br />

Oxford.<br />

SILVESTRI, F. (1897 a): Descrizione di alcune nuove specie di isopodi della fauna mediterranea.<br />

– Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat. G. Doria 2: 413–416; Genoa.<br />

– (1897 b): Descrizione di un nuovo isopodo delle caverne liguri. – Annali Mus. civ. Stor.<br />

nat. G. Doria 2: 540–542; Genoa.<br />

– (1918): Contribuzione alla conoscenza dei termitidi e termitofili dell’Africa occidentale.<br />

II. Termitofili. Parte prima. Arthropoda. Crustacea. Isopoda. – Boll. Lab. Zool. gen.<br />

agr. R. Scuola Agric. Portici 12: 290–294; Portici.

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