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Albrighton FC<br />

Our Mission<br />

To continually provide quality training,<br />

development and education<br />

which will benefit the individual, the<br />

football club and the local community<br />

Future Editions<br />

If you have a story or an advert you would like including in future editions please<br />

email the club at albrightonfc1992@gmail.com for more information.<br />

The newsletter will be produced quarterly and distributed around all local shops<br />

and restaurants.<br />

Issue 1<br />

Free<br />

Albrighton FC<br />

Our Commitment<br />

Develop young people’s selfconfidence,<br />

self-esteem and selfworth<br />

through football.<br />

Develop team work and leadership<br />

skills.<br />

Develop and promote a policy of<br />

equal opportunity for all, regardless<br />

of race, religion or cultural believes.<br />

Encourage sportsmanship.<br />

Football Has Never Been So<br />

Black & White<br />

First Edition<br />

Albrighton FC, who are we?<br />

Sponsorship<br />

Albrighton FC is your local FA Chartered Standard football club. Established in 1992 the<br />

club has gone from strength to strength. We have a number of teams ranging from a new<br />

Crèche team up to the Albrighton First men's team. Our teams comprise of both male and<br />

female teams playing across Shropshire in various leagues.<br />

Albrighton FC<br />

Loak Rd Sports Complex<br />

Loak Rd<br />

Albrighton<br />

WV7 3HR<br />

albrightonfc1992@gmail.com<br />

The club currently have a number of sponsors. Providing valuable funding to a local Grassroots<br />

club such as ours. Without this support our club wouldn’t be able to operate and provide<br />

the facilities and equipment that the children have.<br />

If you would be interested in sponsoring an item of kit or merchandise. Maybe you want a pitch<br />

side advertisement then please get in touch. We have a number of packages and deals we<br />

can offer potential sponsors. May be you would like an advert in this newsletter, get in touch.<br />

We have an ever growing social media footprint. Followed by local residents, large and small<br />

companies and also premier league players.<br />

Please help your local club to grow, a little support goes a long way.<br />

Thank you.<br />

The main club pitch is located off Loak Road, at the Albrighton Sports Complex that the<br />

club shares with the Albrighton Bowls Club. We also have pitches at Clockmills on<br />

Worthington Drive, and two at Albrighton Primary School for the junior teams under 12.<br />

All of the club managers, coaches, referees and the committee are made up of volunteers<br />

. They dedicate a lot of time to the club and its management. Not just at weekends<br />

during matches, also running weekly training sessions, attending FA training courses,<br />

and club and league meetings.<br />

All coaches are FA qualified, have undergone safeguarding children and emergency aid<br />

training. Every coach and referee is also DBS cleared. The safety of all our players, no<br />

matter what the age is paramount,<br />

Always looking to the future, we aim to grow the club and the number of teams. Whilst<br />

still maintaining our club philosophy and great community ties.<br />

21st Century Club<br />

Albrighton FC are a modern club, connecting and communicating across the World Wide<br />

Web. We now have a new club website and an online store, Albrighton FC Direct. These<br />

are both live sites, and are managed by members of the club.<br />

We make full use of social media to communicate information. Primarily utilising social<br />

media sites Facebook and Twitter.<br />

More information about all of our club websites and social media sites can be found inside<br />

the newsletter. If you have a smart phone and QR code reader use the codes below<br />

to access the website or online store.<br />

Inside this issue<br />

Website & Store .........................<br />

Coffee Morning...........................<br />

Wanted .......................................<br />

FA Respect ..................................<br />

Sponsorship ................................<br />

Special points of interest<br />

New website and online store<br />

Club merchandise available<br />

Players Wanted<br />

Interested in joining the club?<br />

FA Respect<br />

Sponsorship<br />

Online Store<br />


Albrighton FC Supports The FA Respect Campaign<br />

When playing football, I will:<br />

Always play to the best of my ability and for the benefit of my team<br />

Play fairly – I won’t cheat, dive, complain or waste time<br />

Respect my team-mates, the other team, the referee or my coach/manager<br />

Play by the rules, as directed by the referee<br />

Be gracious in victory and defeat – I will shake hands with the other team and referee before or at the end of the<br />

game<br />

Listen and respond to what my coach/team manager tells me<br />

Understand that a coach has to do what is best for the team and not one individual player<br />

Talk to someone I trust or the club welfare officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club. I understand that if I do<br />

not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club, County FA or The FA:<br />

I may:<br />

Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager<br />

Receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee<br />

Be dropped or substituted<br />

Be suspended from training<br />

Be required to leave the club<br />

In addition:<br />

My club, may make my parent or carer aware of any infringements of the Code of Conduct<br />

The FA/County FA could impose a fine and suspension against my club<br />

Spectators<br />

We all bear a collective responsibility to set a good example and help provide a positive environment in which children can learn and<br />

enjoy the game. Play your part and observe The FA’s Respect Code of Conduct for spectators at all times<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Remember that children play for FUN.<br />

Applaud effort and good play as well as success.<br />

Respect the Referee’s decisions even when you don’t agree with them<br />

Appreciate good play from whatever team it comes from<br />

Remain behind the touchline and within the Designated Spectators’ Area (where provided)<br />

Let the coaches do their job and not confuse the players by telling them what to do<br />

Encourage the players to respect the opposition, referee and match officials<br />

Support positively. When players make a mistake offer them encouragement not criticism<br />

Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour.<br />

Players<br />

As a club we are always looking for new players. Every year our junior teams move up an age group, and at the same<br />

time the squad sizes increase.<br />

We have teams from Crèche up to adult. We do however have gaps in the team set up at some age groups. For more<br />

information please contact the club.<br />

All team managers are contactable via the club website at http://albrightonfc.leaguerepublic.com/index.html. Alternatively<br />

contact the club at albrightonfc1992@gmail.com.<br />

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about<br />

playing for Albrighton FC<br />

Managers & Coaches<br />

Ever fancied turning your hand to football management or coaching? Well why not give it a go?<br />

The club will pay to put all managers and coaches through FA training if required. It is a very rewarding and<br />

enjoyable experience.<br />

Why not come along and join the club? If you have any questions about joining as a manager or coach<br />

please get in touch via the club website http://albrightonfc.leaguerepublic.com/index.html or email<br />

albrightonfc1992@gmail.com.<br />

Referees<br />

Could you be the next Howard Webb? If you think you have what it takes to put on the<br />

black top as a referee then get in touch.<br />

We have dates and places available on FA referee courses in 2016. The club<br />

will pay to put anyone interested through the Referee course. For more info<br />

please get in touch with the club at http://albrightonfc.leaguerepublic.com/<br />

index.html or email albrightonfc1992@gmail.com.<br />

Contact us via the club<br />

website QR Code.

Albrighton FC Online<br />

Community Comes Together for Macmillan<br />

It was a lovely sunny Saturday morning at the Loak Rd Sports Complex back on the 26th September. After a number of<br />

months of planning, the Football and the Bowls clubs opened the gates to the public for a coffee morning in aid of the Macmillan<br />

appeal.<br />

With hundreds of cakes baked and donated by parents, club members and<br />

local business. Coffee, tea, milk and sugar donated by Spar Cosford. Bacon<br />

provided by the Village Butcher for bacon sandwiches. All we needed now<br />

where people to come along and eat and drink. Logic Discos provided some<br />

great background music and even took some requests. The raffle prizes we<br />

received where donated by businesses, parents and the local community.<br />

Raffle tickets sold like hot cakes, and helped to raise the final total.<br />

Club Website<br />

The Albrighton FC club website has all the latest breaking news, team info, fixtures, results and<br />

league tables if applicable.<br />

Via the website you can contact all club officials including the committee. Should you need to<br />

contact any club members please utilise the links. We are happy to answer any questions you<br />

may have about the club, becoming a player, a manger or a coach<br />

The club shop, Albrighton FC Direct can be accessed via the club shop link in the menu bar.<br />

All the latest club merchandise can be found here.<br />

The website address is http://albrightonfc.leaguerepublic.com/index.html. If you have a smart<br />

phone with a QR code reader installed please scan the QR code below.<br />

We hope you all enjoy using our new website.<br />

http://albrightonfc.leaguerepublic.com/index.html<br />

Find Us On<br />

With a couple of games taking place that morning, the home and away fans<br />

and teams made great use of the refreshments. A much needed refuel following<br />

a game of football.<br />

By the end of the morning, copious amount of cake, coffee, tea and bacon<br />

had been consumed. Once the morning had passed the counting began. The<br />

total raised for Macmillan cancer was £1133. A great effort by the whole community.<br />

Thank you from Albrighton FC and the Albrighton Bowls Club.<br />

Albrighton FC Direct<br />

The Albrighton FC club store can be found online. It is open for business 24/7 365 days a year. Current<br />

items we stock include mugs, scarves and hats. More lines of merchandise are planned and will be available<br />

in 2016.<br />

Albrighton FC direct can be found at http://albrightonfc.jimdo.com/ or by utilising the QR code below.<br />

All prices are shown on the website.

Pictures From 2015<br />

U12 Trip to Stamford Bridge<br />

Earlier in 2015 the U12 manager Gary Pritchard came up with an idea of entering a tournament at Stamford Bridge. The<br />

idea was floated with the parents and the players. For the players it was an instant YES.<br />

The U12 management team sat down and began planning. Logistically, with a team of kids in London what could possibly<br />

go wrong. Before this though was the cost! The cost of entering the tournament and the transport. The management<br />

set about coming up with ideas. Firstly a raffle, the good old fashioned method of raising some cash. But what else could<br />

we do???<br />

Well, after much deliberating it was decided on a charity bike ride, on turbo trainers. The distance that would need covering<br />

was the mileage from Albrighton to Stamford Bridge and<br />

back.<br />

The raffle tickets sold very well, with some great prizes donated<br />

by parents, local businesses and RAF Cosford. The<br />

money raised from raffle tickets was great.<br />

The Spar Cosford agreed to let the guys set up turbo trainers<br />

outside the store. The coaches and parents turned up on a<br />

Saturday morning to cycle away the miles. The boys all<br />

turned up to stand with collection buckets. The distance was<br />

completed by lunch time. This meant that all the funds where<br />

raised.<br />

A coach was booked to get everyone to London. New tops<br />

where purchased, which where specially embroidered. These<br />

would be great keep sakes for the boys to remind them of the<br />

day.<br />

The day of the tournament soon came around. Everyone met at the Shrewsbury Arms early in the morning. The Shrewsbury<br />

Arms put on a breakfast. Everybody fed we boarded the bus and set off for London. On arrival in London we were<br />

dropped of at the Natural History Museum. Everyone than met up at Stamford Bridge after Lunch. It was at this point the<br />

manager, coaches and the boys headed off to register for the tournament.<br />

From here on in the experience was amazing. Wondering around behind the scenes of Chelsea FC. Looking around the<br />

dressing rooms, both home and away. Standing in the tunnel waiting to walk out was strangely nerve racking. But once<br />

out and on the hallow turf… Well it was amazing, and a once in lifetime opportunity for the boys.<br />

It was a long day for everyone. Stopping for a late night snack at the services and a spot of karaoke on the bus made the<br />

journey home pass quickly.<br />

It will hopefully be a day that everyone involved will remember for ever.

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