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El Shaddai<br />

Teaching the World one scripture at a time<br />

Weekly Newsletter<br />

3 rd Sunday in Lent<br />

Year C<br />

29 th Feb 2016<br />

‘We teach, not in the way in which philosophy is<br />

taught, but in the way that the Spirit teaches us: we<br />

teach spiritual things spiritually.’<br />

1 Corinthians 2:13

Cooper’s Corner………:<br />

Sunday’s gospel reading can be better understood when<br />

it is read alongside Leviticus 19:23-25 "And when you<br />

enter the land and plant all kinds of trees for food, then you<br />

shall count their fruit as forbidden. Three years it shall be<br />

forbidden to you; it shall not be eaten. But in the fourth year<br />

all its fruit shall be holy, an offering of praise to the Lord.<br />

And in the fifth year you are to eat of its fruit, that its yield<br />

may increase for you"<br />

It was obvious that this vineyard owner had gone past the<br />

first 3 years of expecting figs on the tree. This was now the<br />

7 th year he was waiting for some fruit and hence in<br />

frustration he was ready to cut it down, but the keeper<br />

begged for it stay around for a year more.<br />

Symbolically, this parable seems to be teaching us that the<br />

legalistic Jewish leadership had enough time to repent of<br />

their sins, and bear some fruit, but it was not happening and<br />

God had suffered with them long enough.<br />

As Christians are we behaving like the legalistic Jewish<br />

leaders and refusing to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit? i.e.<br />

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,<br />

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.<br />

These are just the internal characteristics… what about<br />

external manifestations of those fruit? Ministry to others?<br />

Are you bearing fruit in furthering the Kingdom of God? If<br />

not it is never too late to start NOW.<br />

Audrey Cooper

Thought 4 the week:<br />

With guns you can kill terrorists, but with education you<br />

can kill terrorism. Malala<br />

Wisdom 4 the week:<br />

You cannot be glorified without being crucified.<br />

Quote 4 the week:<br />

Some people try to expose what’s wrong with you because<br />

they can’t handle what’s right about you<br />

Fact 4 the week:<br />

Counting other people’s sins does not make you a saint.<br />

Food 4 thought:<br />

When the teachings of MEN conflict with the WORD OF<br />

GOD, it would be wise to go with God.<br />

Word 4 the weak:<br />

With God ALL things are possible. Mt 19:26

Christian views:<br />

I AM The I AM. Christ can be whatever you want Him to be.<br />

To the baker He is the Bread of life<br />

To the banker He is the Hidden treasure<br />

To the doctor He is Great Physician<br />

To the plumber He is the Water of Life<br />

To the florist He is the Rose of Sharon fair<br />

To the farmer He is the Good Shepherd<br />

To the carpenter He is the Door to the Father<br />

To the geologist He is the Rock of All Ages<br />

To the education system He is the Good Teacher<br />

To the architect He is the Cornerstone.<br />

To the vine grower He is the True Vine<br />

To the electrician He is the Light of the World<br />

But to me He is my Father, my brother and my Best<br />


Bible reading: A part of the 52 week (5 days a week)<br />

plan, for those who want to learn more about ‘a particular’<br />

person in the bible. This week all the scriptures will be about<br />

Joseph<br />

The newsletter will be sent out on Mondays so that you can<br />

start your bible reading on time.<br />

Gen 39:1-23;<br />

40:1-23<br />

DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5<br />

Gen 41:1-45 Gen 41:46-57;<br />

42:1-38<br />

Gen 43:1-34 Gen 44:1-34<br />

ESB meeting: I attended the ESB ministry meeting last<br />

week. We discussed various issues re the ministry and then<br />

it was Michelle’s turn to start the meeting with the opening<br />

scripture and expound on it.<br />

What a fantastic job she did. I was impressed with the<br />

trouble she took to actually dissect the scripture on the<br />

Aaronic Blessing right down to the Hebraic translation<br />

along with the cross referencing et al. but the icing on the<br />

cake was when she decided to bless us all by ‘singing’ the<br />

Aaronic Blessing over us all.<br />

Well done my dear! I write to you the same words that<br />

Bishop Agnelo Gracias once wrote to me “I wish the priests<br />

had the same passion for the Word as you have”.

Lenten Retreat: Where do I start!! My mind is still<br />

reeling from the memories of the retreat. Firstly let me begin<br />

by thanking my God for showing up and showing off in His<br />

usual casual way. I couldn’t have done it without Him.<br />

Thanks to Rev Sarah for giving me the opportunity of a<br />

lifetime. I must be the first Catholic preacher preaching in<br />

an Anglican church <br />

Thanks also to Robin for his invaluable help and support<br />

and for handling the sound system at COTS (which was<br />

quite intricate)<br />

Thanks to Michelle for handling all the finer details behind<br />

the scenes. You should be the secretary to the Pope <br />

Thanks to the ES Breakthrough ministry and everyone else<br />

in the ES bible group who have been praying for this retreat<br />

for the last one month.<br />

Thanks to Mavis for making it to all the practices and for<br />

singing so well.<br />

Thanks to Claire for handling the workshop so well. You did<br />

a marvellous job my dear.<br />

Last but not the least thanks to Ravs for baking all that cake<br />

and to those brought a plate and who helped in the kitchen<br />

to set up and clean up. God bless you all.<br />

I was thrilled with the feedback I received from the<br />

Anglicans etc….they were really impressed with the<br />

singing, Stations of the Cross and the teachings. There was<br />

this elderly Kiwi lady from COTS who kept hugging and<br />

thanking a million times over for organising the retreat. It<br />

really made my day!!

Thanks to all those who emailed, texted or phoned to give<br />

me your feedback…I am just so glad you enjoyed it all. I<br />

guess it was worth the one month of preparation that went<br />

into it.<br />

Though I must admit that there were a few points that I had<br />

to omit in my talk as I couldn’t cram everything into a 45 x<br />

45 minute teaching session… though Rev Sarah thinks…I<br />

am an amazing preacher! Coming from her I take it as a<br />

compliment.<br />

It was nice to see so many new faces around, especially<br />

the ones from COTS. I was impressed by the fact that the<br />

people who were 80+ years old sat through the entire 4<br />

hours.<br />

To all my Catholic friends. If you would like me to conduct<br />

the same retreat in your parish, I am more than willing to do<br />

so (for the glory of God), but you will have to get me the<br />

permission of your parish priest. Btw two people have<br />

already approached a neighbouring parish but they were<br />

politely refused…..but don’t let that deter you, cause you<br />

never know; your parish priest might just be wise enough to<br />

understand the spiritual aspect of lent and give you the<br />

permission.<br />

So before I end I wish to thank each and everyone of you<br />

for attending the retreat esp Mariefleur ( I really appreciate<br />

you taking the time to come given that your new<br />

granddaughter was born less than 20 hours ago)<br />

Now I am happily exhausted! Robin came home and<br />

jumped into the pool to unwind while yours truly who was<br />

too tired to even move a muscle just sat at the edge of pool<br />

and dangled her weary legs in the water <br />

I thought I was so tired I could sleep for a week, but last<br />

night my body clock woke me up at 2am as usual to study!!<br />

But you guessed right!! I snuggled right back into bed

Prophecies: I am on cloud 9 as there have been a few<br />

prophecies that were prophesied over my life that are<br />

recently all coming to pass.<br />

1. Five years ago Russel (from COTS) had the following<br />

prophecy for me “ Audrey I see a very BIG door and a<br />

very BIG key, and the Lord says…give her the key but<br />

tell her NOT to open the door, for at the right time I will<br />

open it for her. Tell her not to ask Me what is on the<br />

other side of the door cause at the time I will tell her.<br />

Then he told me ‘The Lord is calling you to pastor a<br />

church’ to which I replied “I am Catholic; women don’t<br />

pastor churches” then he said “The Lord is calling you<br />

to do far greater things than you are doing downstairs”<br />

(downstairs was the hall where I conduct my bible<br />

study classes which I didn’t tell him about)<br />

2. This Sunday Beth (also from COTS) had a prophetic<br />

message which was like a follow-up of the one I had 5<br />

years ago. She said “ I see a door and the door is<br />

HALF open and I see a person peering through that<br />

door and is totally overwhelmed by what is on the<br />

other side of it, and the Lord is saying ‘Don’t be afraid<br />

to go through it for I Am with you’.<br />

3. Five years ago, Maria D’sousa had a vision in which<br />

she saw me preaching in a place that was totally alien<br />

to her. Together we racked our brains as to which<br />

church that might be. She described it as a place with<br />

‘no walls’ just ‘windows on either side’…but at that<br />

time neither one of us could figure out a place that<br />

fitted that description. Last evening when she entered<br />

COTS main church (for the 1 st time) she told me<br />

“Audrey!! This is the church I saw in my vision, and<br />

you were standing and preaching in exactly the same<br />

spot as it was in my vision.” …..(btw if you noticed

COTS has no walls just rows of large windows on<br />

either side)<br />

Now I am nervous and extremely excited! Just think that the<br />

Good Lord knew all along what was going to unfold in my<br />

life……….I just wish I could have jumped from 5 years ago<br />

straight to this day without having to go through the fiery<br />

furnace. But then again; God has a way of working<br />

everything out for our good and His glory!<br />

Passover Meal: On the 20 th of March we will be<br />

having our usual Solemn Passover celebration. Please feel<br />

free to bring your whanau along.<br />

For catering purposes, please let me know if you are<br />

bringing any guests along.<br />

B/A Roster: By now all of you that are on Jeff’s B/A<br />

roster would have received my email with the details. Kindly<br />

look up the website calendar and check ahead of time if you<br />

are rostered for that day.

ES Breakthrough & Rapha Ministries: Please<br />

note that both these ministries have been given the<br />

permission not to accept “lifelong” petitions (to keep praying<br />

for the person forever and ever)….unless I specifically<br />

advise them to do so.<br />

All petitions have to come through the website; as then we<br />

have the contact number and the name of the person who<br />

has referred the petitioner to us…so that we can follow-up.<br />

All petitions have to be “specific”…….e.g. marital problems,<br />

financial problems, cancer, heart diseases etc. you don’t<br />

serve a vague God so don’t let your petitions be vague.<br />

All petitions have to be kept ‘confidential’.<br />

Members of both (intercessory and healing) ministries are<br />

required to have 95% attendance on Sunday’s. There is no<br />

way you can pour out your heart during the week and pray<br />

for people if you don’t allow the Holy Spirit to pour His<br />

anointing into your heart Sunday after Sunday.<br />

Leaders please make sure that your team members are<br />

committed to their regular daily prayer time.<br />

ES Breakthrough ministry members have been given the<br />

permission to delete the names of irregular people and their<br />

families from their ‘daily prayer list’ if the person has not<br />

been attending for 4 Sundays in a row. (you do know that<br />

the whole team prays for all ‘regular ES members and their<br />

families’ on a daily basis)

ES Debate: Since summer will soon come to an end, I<br />

thought it best to make full use of the good weather and do<br />

outdoor activities and leave the indoor activities for the cold<br />

winter months. Hence I have moved the ES Debate to the<br />

month of August, and bring the overnight picnic ahead.<br />

Huia Picnic: As it was on a first come first served basis,<br />

all the 24 the beds have already been booked out for our<br />

overnight trip to Huia in the month of May. For those of you<br />

who still wish to come, you can give your names to<br />

Michelle, and we will see how we can accommodate you.<br />

Cruise: There will be no prayer meeting on the 13 th of<br />

March.<br />

Updated Calendar 2016: The ES calendar has been<br />

updated. Please go online to view the same.<br />

Shalom and I hope you have a blest week ahead.<br />

Audrey Cooper<br />

www.elshaddainz.com<br />

021 1415 778<br />

09 626 5223<br />

To all our visitors:<br />

If you wish to join us for a time of praise and worship and a study of<br />

the Word, you are more than welcome to come every Sunday at<br />

Church of the Saviour, 2 Heaphy street. Entrance from Kinross rd.<br />

Timings are from 4-6pm

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