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Synopsis<br />

Of Mice and Men<br />

first performance: Seattle, Washington, January 22, 1970<br />

place: A ranch in California x t i m e: 1930’s x language: English<br />

Act One<br />

Scene 1: A clearing in the woods.<br />

Two migrant ranch workers: George and<br />

Lennie, are running from the police. Lennie,<br />

who has the strength and physique of a<br />

giant and a child’s mind, cannot stay out of<br />

trouble. George laments about how much<br />

better his life would be without Lennie, but<br />

he doesn’t really mean it, any more than<br />

Lennie means his offer to leave.<br />

Lennie has a mouse with him which he has<br />

killed by petting it. After throwing the dead<br />

mouse away, George cheers up Lennie by<br />

reciting their long-standing dream: to get<br />

a farm of their own.<br />

Scene 2: The bunkhouse.<br />

Curley, the ranch boss, is complaining to<br />

Candy, an old ranch hand, about George<br />

and Lennie’s late arrival. Curley’s wife comes<br />

in to plead for attention. Curley orders her<br />

out and forbids her to return.<br />

George and Lennie arrive as the ranch hands<br />

return from the fields. Slim offers his dog’s<br />

new litter of puppies to the men. Lennie<br />

asks George if he can have one.<br />

Curley’s wife arrives again. She discovers<br />

Lennie, but she leaves before anyone does<br />

anything they regret. After she leaves, the<br />

hands make coarse jokes at her and Curley’s<br />

expense.<br />

Carlson complains about how Candy’s old<br />

dog stinks up the bunkhouse. Slim suggests<br />

that they shoot Candy’s dog and replace it<br />

with one of Slim’s puppies. Candy resists,<br />

but ultimately concedes. Carlson takes the<br />

dog outside. For a long moment tension<br />

rises in the bunkhouse as everyone waits for<br />

the shot. Finally, the shot rings out. Night<br />

falls as the hands sing of their longing for<br />

a home.<br />

Act Two<br />

The bunkhouse.<br />

As the hands play horseshoes, George is<br />

looking in the newspaper for farms for sale.<br />

Suddenly, he spots an ad and calls Lennie in.<br />

Lennie arrives, cradling his new puppy.<br />

Candy offers to go in with them. After some<br />

figuring, George sees it will work. George,<br />

Lennie, and Candy celebrate.<br />

Curley’s wife arrives. As George tries to<br />

throw her out, Curley walks in. Curley tries<br />

to pick a fight with George, but then Lennie<br />

giggles, and Curley’s rage turns to Lennie.<br />

Lennie grasps Curley’s fist in his big hand<br />

and crushes it. Slim blackmails Curley into<br />

not firing Lennie and George by threatening<br />

to reveal how Curley hurt his hand.<br />

Candy asks George to read about their farm<br />

again. The scene ends with Candy, George,<br />

and Lennie imagining the farm.<br />

Act Three<br />

Scene 1: The barn.<br />

Lennie is in the barn mourning his now-dead<br />

puppy. Curley’s wife enters, looking to<br />

escape from Curley. Each sings of their<br />

dream: Lennie of a farm with animals he can<br />

pet, and Curley’s wife of the stardom that<br />

awaits her in Hollywood.<br />

Curley’s wife tempts Lennie to stroke her<br />

soft hair. When Lennie won’t stop, she<br />

screams. Lennie panics and accidentally kills<br />

her. Aware that he has done something<br />

wrong, he flees.<br />

Candy comes in and discovers the body.<br />

He calls in George and Slim who both<br />

realize immediately what has happened.<br />

Slim convinces George to take a pistol and<br />

shoot Lennie, rather than let Curley and<br />

Carlson lynch him. George sets off<br />

after Lennie.<br />

Continued on page 29<br />


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