2016 Destiny Is Calling Spring Issue

Joshua 1:9 This Spring Issue encourages everyone to be strong and to trust God no matter what you are going through right now in your life. We dedicate this issue to those who are facing new opportunities that may be causing them to feel like they are not good enough for the position or to take the lead. We want you to know that your and God has already equipped you for the job! In this issue, we address how you, too can be courageous and bold just like Joshua. " Destiny Is Calling" and your life has a purpose, for with God all things are possible!

Joshua 1:9
This Spring Issue encourages everyone to be strong and to trust God no matter what you are going through right now in your life. We dedicate this issue to those who are facing new opportunities that may be causing them to feel like they are not good enough for the position or to take the lead.
We want you to know that your and God has already equipped you for the job! In this issue, we address how you, too can be courageous and bold just like Joshua. " Destiny Is Calling" and your life has a purpose, for with God all things are possible!


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Saints With A Mission And A Purpose<br />

–swampmagazine@yahoo.com -334.233.3003-<br />

Who can believe this? Yet, this is again a great revelation from God’s word. Nothing in this world can change the mind of<br />

God once God decides to act, especially, in judgment.<br />

At the time of final judgment many will go to hell if we do not intercede for them, because with prayer all things are possible<br />

to God’s children.<br />

We can get a glimpse of the burden Jesus carried in prayer in His high-priestly prayer. In John 17:1-4, Jesus prayed that<br />

“they might know thee as the only true and living God”. His interest was His Father’s interest; the nations of the world.<br />

Can we think of any better content in prayer when we think of the lost in a nation like India filled with her millions of<br />

gods and goddesses! No matter where we go in this nation of India we cannot but see a temple not just few temples but<br />

numerous temples on every nook and corner.<br />

When Paul stood in the streets of Athens, he lamented, here is a “city filled with idols”, but if Paul were to visit India, he<br />

would shout saying: here is a Nation filled with idols. If so, what should be our pray?<br />

That’s why I emphasize to mobilize churches because church needs to know the difference between general prayer and<br />

intercession.<br />

Almost, Christian’s prayer revolves to themselves, like my family, my job, my relatives, my daily bread healing etc. It is<br />

not harm to have such kinds of prayer, but remember if we have always such prayer attitude then Jesus says to such kinds<br />

of prayer, Non-Christian are doing much better than you. What to eat, what to drink, what to drive, what to cloths etc.<br />

(Matt.6:31-32). We see prophets, Jesus and His disciples never prayed in this manner but they prayed for the kingdom.<br />

Therefore, my motto is to mobilize church so that they can stand in the gap to win the lost.<br />

►Secondly evangelism with bible vision, bible for the bible-less homes because only god’s word can change the heart of<br />

men and women.<br />


“Lord opened the eyes of the King of England” was the last prayer of William Tyndale (1492-1536), who was strangled<br />

and burnt at the stake for translating the Bible to English. His vision was to equip every farmer in England with a copy of<br />

the bible. Due to his work and sacrifice the word of God became available not only to the farmers in England but to us<br />

too- all because William Tyndale was willing to pay for it with his life. Similarly, every Christian in India and the Church<br />

as a whole need to pay a price in order to reach the Word of God to millions of homes in India.<br />

Bible Vision:<br />

Let's start by asking two simple questions:<br />

Who are the people most likely to possess a bible?<br />

Simple answer: CHRISTIAN<br />

<strong>Is</strong> the Bible meant only for Christian? Simple answer: No.<br />

India is a country of over 1.2 billion people and Christians comprise a paltry 4% of this massive population. Assuming<br />

every Christian in India possesses a copy of the bible, this still leaves over a billion people without a copy of God’s precious,<br />

life-changing Word in their home! Do these people deserve the Word of god?<br />

If yes, who will take up the challenge of reaching those unreached with a copy of the bible? We know that in our nation<br />

alone there are millions who have never heard the name of Jesus, the God of the Bible, even once, simply because we<br />

have failed to share or give a bible to a neighbor. Hence, people live in stark superstition, and idolatry prevails with millions<br />

of gods and goddesses being worshiped by the masses. It is God’s will that the people who sit in darkness may be<br />

brought into His light. Only His Word can bring light in the midst of those who sit in darkness. Apostle Paul was given a<br />

heavenly vision; God said: “I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from<br />

the power of Satan to God” (Acts 26:18)<br />

A question arise before every evangelist if he gives bible to the non-Christian, Will they read it or understand it? To tell<br />

you the truth making them read the bible is not in our hands, as only God can make them read, hence it is the work of the<br />

Holy Spirit. Of course we could pray (Intercessory Prayer) and do whatever follow-up possible, but it is again the Holy<br />

Spirit who can make them read and also helps them to understand. Think of this: “when we do what we can, God will do<br />

what we cannot”. Our duty is first to get the Word (Bible) into their homes and let not the enemy discourage us otherwise.<br />

Of course, this is the greatest burden God laid upon my heart to reach the unreached with Word of God and since<br />

long time I have been serving my Lord.

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