Brown, Sandra-Friction

Brown, Sandra-Friction

Brown, Sandra-Friction


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Neal had closed the door but had remained standing just in front of it. In stark contrast to<br />

Crawford’s rumpled appearance, he was a paragon of neatness—hair carefully parted, clothes<br />

wrinkle-free, shoes shined, so closely shaven, his face reflected light.<br />

Crawford said, “Kitchen’s this way.”<br />

By the time Neal joined him, he had the coffeemaker’s water tank filled and was scooping grounds<br />

into the filter. Rudely, he asked, “What, Neal?”<br />

“The ME said if we want to view the body before he performs the autopsy, we’d better get over<br />

there.”<br />

Crawford’s hands were momentarily arrested in motion, then he dumped the last scoopful of<br />

grounds, clicked the filter basket into place, and punched the start button on the machine. Only then<br />

did he turn around. He gave Neal a once over. “Huh.”<br />

“What?”<br />

“You don’t look like a man who’s lost his mind. But I think you must have. You spent hours last<br />

night doing everything you possibly could to piss me off, then you show up this morning and pretend<br />

we’re partners? Get out of my house.”<br />

Neal’s mouth formed a thin, grim line that barely moved as he said, “It wasn’t my idea to bring you<br />

in. The request came from the chief himself.”<br />

“If he wants a Ranger, have him call the Tyler office, see who’s available. I requested a few days<br />

off, and my major said I could take all the time I needed.”<br />

“I know, but the chief said—”<br />

“You got the perp. All that’s left to do is ID him, and you don’t need me for that. I’m going back to<br />

bed. Or maybe I’ll go for a long run or a swim. I’ll clip my toenails. The one thing I’m not doing is<br />

accompanying you to the morgue to look at your dead guy.”<br />

“I figured you would say that.”<br />

“You figured right.”<br />

“Hear me out before you refuse.”<br />

“I already refused.”<br />

“The chief thought maybe you’d recognize Rodriguez if you got a better look at him.”<br />

“He was a total stranger to me until our standoff on the roof. I didn’t recognize him yesterday. I<br />

won’t today. Bye.”<br />

“The chief says it won’t hurt for you to look at him again.”<br />

“Won’t help, either.”<br />

“We won’t know that for certain until you do. You didn’t see Rodriguez close up. If you do, it<br />

might joggle a memory.”<br />

“It won’t. And I’ve got other things to do.”<br />

Actually, he didn’t. He had an outing with Georgia planned for later this afternoon, but until then,<br />

he was at loose ends. But under any circumstances, he wanted nothing to do with an investigation<br />

under Neal Lester’s direction. If the local PD wanted the Texas Rangers’ help, they could get another<br />

one. The sooner he distanced himself from yesterday’s incident—incidents—the better.<br />

However, true to form, Neal was taking his job as the police chief’s messenger boy seriously. He<br />

remained standing in the center of the kitchen, looking pained but stubbornly duty-bound. Crawford<br />

turned away to take a mug from the cabinet. “Want coffee?’<br />

After an abrupt no thanks, Neal said, “We’ve been unable to confirm that Rodriguez is his real

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