Brown, Sandra-Friction

Brown, Sandra-Friction

Brown, Sandra-Friction


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Chapter 7<br />

The morgue was in the basement of the county hospital. The medical examiner, Dr. Forest Anderson,<br />

was a fifty-something bachelor who loved forensics and French cooking. When he wasn’t busy<br />

pursuing one interest, he was elbow deep in the other, which explained why he was almost as wide as<br />

he was tall.<br />

In addition to being obese, he had high blood pressure and diabetes, and often joked that his<br />

autopsy would be one for the textbooks, and that he regretted he wouldn’t be around to observe it.<br />

As he waddled toward the table on which the cadaver lay covered, he said, “One bullet entered<br />

his back, burst through his heart. He never felt it.”<br />

Matt Nugent had been waiting for Neal and Crawford when they arrived. The three of them lined<br />

up along one side of the table. The ME moved around to the other, the cadaver’s left, and folded back<br />

the sheet as far as the navel.<br />

Over the course of his career, Crawford had seen a lot of bodies, but the dispassion of death never<br />

ceased to shock him. It was the ultimate equalizer. Whether one died violently or peacefully in his<br />

sleep, death left the remains cold, gray, and eerily motionless.<br />

He took a few seconds to bolster himself, then looked at the dead man’s face.<br />

“This one would also have been fatal,” Dr. Anderson continued. “It went through the neck from the<br />

back, severed the spinal column, exited here.” He pointed to the area where the Adam’s apple should<br />

have been.<br />

Crawford’s ears had begun to ring. His blood seemed to have come to a boil. He forced himself to<br />

breathe evenly through his nose.<br />

“The third shot entered the torso from the back, lower right side, exited through the gut on the left.<br />

Until I look inside, I won’t know the damage it did, but I’m guessing it was extensive. Those SWAT<br />

guys don’t mess around when it comes to saving a fellow officer.”<br />

Standing beside Crawford, Neal maintained a stoic professionalism. No one acknowledged that<br />

Matt Nugent was swallowing noisily.<br />

Anderson said, “Good thing none of them went for a head shot or his face might not be intact.” He<br />

looked across at them. “No one’s come forward to ID him?”<br />

Neal answered for the group. “Not yet.”<br />

“Autopsy may shed some light on his last few hours,” the doctor said, rocking back and forth on<br />

feet that were comically small compared to the rest of him. “Contents of the stomach. Drugs and<br />

alcohol in his system. I haven’t found any needle marks yet, but heavy users can be clever. I’ll be<br />


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