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Australia Samoa Newspaper<br />

Health<br />

02 <strong>May</strong> 2016<br />

Soifua maloloina faalemafaufau ole fanau talavou<br />

(Mental Health and young people)<br />

E<br />

taua tele<br />

le lelei ma<br />

atoaatoa ole<br />

soifua maloloina<br />

ole mafaufau o<br />

soo se tagata.<br />

O itu nei e maua<br />

pe afai e lelei ma<br />

saogalemu le soifua<br />

faalemafaufau<br />

o soo se tagata<br />

talavou pe matutua foi. E maua le:<br />

1. fiafia<br />

2. lelei aoga ma galuega<br />

Dr.Paniani Patu<br />

3. mafai ona tete’e atu i faafitauli ole olaga fou<br />

ma faiga fou e lu’itau ai le aga’i i luma ole ola<br />

a’oa’oina ma le ola galulue ole fanau.<br />

Aisea e ala ai ona afaina le mafaufau ose tagata<br />

talavou ? (Triggers for mental health difficulties<br />

for young people)<br />

E pei lava ona iai mafuaaga o faama’i ole tino<br />

e faapena foi ona iai mafuaaga o faama’i ole<br />

mafaufau.<br />

1.Ua faauma se faiga uo mafana sa iai (<br />

relationship break up )<br />

2.Ua faaogaina le ava malosi ma le pia faatasi ai<br />

ma fualaau faasaina.<br />

3.Ua faigata tele le nofo a’oa’oina ona ole tele<br />

o meaaoga ma le faigata o suega o loo feagai ai.<br />

4. Ua soonafai e isi tagata talavou i aoga poo<br />

fale faigaluega – bullying.<br />

5. Ua tele le faaoga o fesootaiga faaonopo nei –<br />

social media – ma ua tau le maua ai se moe ma<br />

le mafia ai ona maua se malolo ole mafaufau .<br />

6. Ole maliu ose tasi ile aiga poo se uo peleina<br />

7. Ua afaina ise faamai poo se laveaga matuia i<br />

taavale poo taaloga<br />

8. E a’afia nisi ole aiga ini faamai ole mafaufau.<br />

O faailoga e mateia ai ua tulai mai le afaina<br />

ose tagata talavou i faamai ole mafaufau.<br />

(Warning signs that a young person may be<br />

Backrow: Mrs Margaret Nekeare-Cowan (Chairperson – Australian Cook Island Community Council NSW<br />

Inc); Thomasina Tepuia; Audrey Hill (Janawi Family Centre); Minerva Patu(Samoan Council Sydney Inc); Patty<br />

Perez (South West Sydney Family Referral Service and SVSG Sydney); Sina Winterstein (Multicultural Community<br />

Liaison Officer - Campsie Police); Rachel (Cook Island Community); Vicki Papageorgopoulos (Community<br />

Development officer – Headspace Campbelltown); Sapate Afeaki (Headspace Camperdown); Paniani<br />

Jnr Patu (Headspace Campbelltown)<br />

Front Row: Shane Cross (Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Director – Headspace Campbelltown and Camperdown);<br />

Ms Dora Onesemo (Project Officer – Transcultural Mental Health); Dr Paniani Patu (GP); Mrs Tuioti<br />

Ruta Tonumaipea (Secretary – Samoan Council Sydney Inc); Mal Fruean (Chairperson – NSW Council Pacific<br />

Island Communities); Dr Geoffrey Afeaki (Tongan Community)<br />

experiencing mental health difficulties)<br />

E taua tele i matua le silasila toto’a i amio ma<br />

uiga ole fanau ina ia vave ona faataunuuina ni<br />

siaki ma togafitiga ole fanau talavou. E mafia<br />

ona ave sa’o ise headspace clinic i Sydney area.<br />

E mafia foi ona ave e vaai le family GP ona<br />

faafesootai lea o se headspace clinic .<br />

Afai ose tagata talavou ua le gata ina iai ni auga<br />

ua taua i lalo ae ua umi foi ona faauau<br />

ma ua afaina ai lona olaga i aso ta’itasi-o uiga<br />

nei e masalomia le afaina olea tagata talavou.<br />

1.Leai see fiafia<br />

2. Ua le manao i mea sa fiafia muamua iai<br />

3.E itaita gofie<br />

4.Ua le toe oso foi se fiafia i aoga ma galuega<br />

ma taaloga<br />

5. Ua fiafia ile ava malosi ma le faaogaina o<br />

fualaau faasaina<br />

3<br />

6. Ua faigata ona nofo umi e faaau se galuega pe<br />

faitau tusi pe suesue foi.<br />

7.E maligi gofie loimata pea a iai se mea o<br />

faanoanoa ai.<br />

8. Ua le toe tele ni mea e fia alu i ai pe fai foi . Ua<br />

le fiafia ini tagata ma ni talanoaga.<br />

9. Ua tele ina nofo ile potu ma ua le toe fia<br />

tafafao ma ni ana uo e pei ona masani ai.<br />

Faaiuga – conclusion.<br />

Ole pule ile ola poo le suicide ole itu lena e<br />

matua taua ona puipuia e matua ina aua nei<br />

oo iai le fanau. E faatauaina ai le nofo silafia o<br />

matua ma vaai toto’a foi iai ina ia aua nei misi ai<br />

le avanoa e fai ai togafitiga ole fanau i faamai ole<br />

mafaufau e lamatia ai latou.<br />

Headspace resources: http://headspace.org.au/<br />

get-info/category/mental-health-and-wellbeing<br />

Beyond Blue ‘Stats and Facts’: https://www.<br />

youthbeyondblue.com/footer/stats-and-facts<br />

There was a good turn out to Headspace<br />

Campbelltown Pacific Leaders Lunch and<br />

Information Session on Wednesday 27th 2016<br />

at Minto Community Centre.<br />

This initiative was to highlight Mental Health<br />

Access by Pacific Island Youth and to engage<br />

Pacific Island Leaders. This was organised<br />

by Headspace Campbelltown’s Vicky<br />

Papageorgopoulos (Community Development<br />

and Engagement Officer), Sapate Afeaki and<br />

Paniani Jnr Patu; in partnership with NSW<br />

Council of Pacific Island Communities.<br />

Guest speakers<br />

1. Dr Paniani Patu – General Practitioner<br />

–“Barriers to Access by Pacific Islanders to<br />

Health Services in Australia”<br />

2. Ms Dora Onesemo – Project Officer<br />

–“Transcultural Mental Health and services “<br />

3. Mr Shane Cross – Clinical Psychologist and<br />

Clinical Director – Headspace Youth Mental<br />

Health Service Campbelltown/Camperdown-<br />

“Mental health and well being”<br />

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