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CO N TEN TS<br />

DESIGN c an b e an ov eru s ed w ord . T oo of t en i n s ert ed i n i t s s l i gh t l y l on ger<br />

‘ d es ig n er’ f orm i n f ron t of al l m an n er of p rod u c t s or p l ac es b y t h e ov er- eager t o s u gges t<br />

n eb u l ou s ex t ra s p ark , sl eu c h n ot i on al ‘ d es ig n er good s ’ h av e b ec om e, i n t h e w ron g h an d s , m ere<br />

m ark et i n g c l i c h é s . A l l t h i n gs are d es i gn ed af t er al l . J u s t n ot al l of t h em v ery w el l . T h i s i s s u e<br />

c el eb rat es m ore c on s i d ered d es ig n , f rom s u p erb J agu ars – w h i c h h av e al w ay s b een k n ow n f or<br />

t h ei r el egan t f orm s – t o i n n ov at i v e an d ori gi n al arc h i t ec t u re, l i f e- i m p rov i n g p rod u c t s i n s p i red<br />

b y t h e n at u ral w orl d p l u s a t rav el rep ort f rom argu ab l y t h e w orl d ’ s m os t ex c i t i n g d es i gn - l ed<br />

c i t y . T o k eep t h i n gs b al an c ed , t h i s i s s u e ffers al s o o<br />

t ec h n ol ogy s t ori es on em<br />

i s s i on s red u c t i on an d<br />

t h e b ran d ’ s i m p en d i n g l au n c h i n t o t h e f u t u re- f oc u s ed<br />

w orl d of al l - el ec t ri c m ot or rac i n g i n F orm u l a E . A n d<br />

n o i s s u e of J-<strong>Magazine</strong> w ou l d b e c om p l et e w i t h ou t<br />

b eau t i f u l p h ot ograp h y of t h e ex p an d i n g J agu ar<br />

ran ge – i n t h i s ed i t i on w i t h c ars as<br />

art i s t i c s t i l l l i f e i m ages i n t h e<br />

s t u d i o, an d al s o i n d ram at i c<br />

m ot i on . A f t er al l , t es t i n g t h e<br />

al l- w h eel d ri v e ran ge at s p eed i l l u s<br />

t rat es t h at b eau t y al on e i s n ot h i n g<br />

w i t h ou t great f u n c t i on , i n t h i s c as e<br />

1 8<br />

c h arac t erf u l p erf orm an c e an d<br />

c ap ab i l i t y . A s al w ay s .<br />

1 6<br />

5 0<br />

6 6<br />

5 8<br />

0 8 Ignition<br />

In keeping with our design theme, weí ve rounded<br />

up some of the best designed new products<br />

and spaces plus Jaguar news from around the globe<br />

4 4<br />


3 4<br />

UTOR<br />

ORS<br />

Greg Pajo splits his time between<br />

Austin, Texas and L ondon, but is<br />

actually way more down to earth than<br />

that intro sounds. He takes photos for a<br />

host of clients and shot the stunning<br />

AWD story for J <strong>Magazine</strong>in this issue.<br />

iven his hectic<br />

lifestyle the design<br />

heí d like invented soon<br />

would be a teleporting<br />

device or a gadget to<br />

keep his shirts free of<br />

wrinkles in transit<br />

Ben Barry knows a thing or two<br />

about driving and writing about<br />

performance cars for the likes of CAR<br />

and AutoWeek<br />

magaz ines, so was the<br />

perfect author for our demanding<br />

AWD story. The one gadget heí d like<br />

designed is a<br />

passport app for his<br />

smartphone, ì so it<br />

would be one less<br />

thing to lose or get<br />

damaged on my<br />

work tripsî<br />

Trent McMinn is an Australian<br />

decamped to L ondon who takes<br />

portraits for Monocle, B ritish Vogue and<br />

Wired<br />

Japan. For our lead story he<br />

captured the key designers and<br />

engineers that make Jaguar cars great.<br />

The one design heí d<br />

like to fi nd is something<br />

that would ì allow me to<br />

transport all my<br />

photography gear<br />

around town without<br />

breaking my back! î<br />

1 6 Motorsport: Jaguar joins Formula E<br />

Read our exclusive interview with team director James<br />

B arclay on Jaguarí s exciting all electric race plans<br />

1 8 Turning dreams into reality<br />

aking Jaguars beautiful and<br />

functional is a<br />

tough job enabled by designers and engineers<br />

in collaboration. J <strong>Magazine</strong>highlights both<br />

in our 1 6 page cover story<br />

3 4 Travel: Miami Nice<br />

We visit the sunny southern city rapidly transforming<br />

into Americaí s foremost centre for art and design<br />

4 2 Infographic: The power of design<br />

esign doesní t just make things look good, it can have<br />

major positive economic, health and safety impact too<br />

4 4 Global design stars<br />

We spotlight how some of the leading luminaries from<br />

product design to architecture are changing our world<br />

5 0 Classic adverts<br />

L et J <strong>Magazine</strong> be your guide for a trip down memory<br />

lane to revisit some of Jaguarí s fi nest classic adverts<br />

5 6 Profile: The man who saved Jaguar<br />

We talk to the thoughtful and humble Ratan Tata,<br />

the man who arguably saved the brand<br />

5 8 Test drive: All-wheel drive & F-TYPE SVR<br />

Seeking out the best open roads in Wales we put<br />

Jaguarí s new all wheel drive range ñ including the<br />

brandí s rather special fi rst SVR sports car ñ to the test<br />

6 6 Inspired by nature<br />

The need to evolve to survive has required the natural<br />

world to design many amazi ng things and processes.<br />

We highlight a few man made designs inspired by it<br />

7 2 Future power<br />

How Jaguar is reducing emissions on all fronts from<br />

petrol and diesel engines to future hybrids and electric<br />

7 4 Me and my Jaguar<br />

To chime with our issue theme, we profi le two<br />

different owners with decidedly artistic leanings<br />

7 7 Last page: Behind the scenes<br />

Why photoshoots in deepest Wales are tricky and<br />

watching designers sketch is awesome...<br />



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