United Kingdom Yearbook - 1887-1901_No49_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1887-1901_No49_ocr

United Kingdom Yearbook - 1887-1901_No49_ocr


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1902 [Cd. 1239] Statistical abstract for the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> in each of the last fifteen years from <strong>1887</strong> to <strong>1901</strong>. Forty-ninth<br />


House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

j<br />

No. o!<br />

'.l'ables.<br />

I<br />


. :<br />

1<br />

REVi~NUE AND<br />


CusTmi1s'<br />

'fAIUFF.<br />

lt3. lNJ;AND ltEVI~·<br />

Nm; DUTil~S.<br />

'<br />

LOANS I?OR<br />


lNCOl\I·E TAX.<br />

14 f PROPERTY<br />

to CHAUGED Wl'l'H<br />

18: ES'l'A'l'E<br />

• j PnonA'l'I~ AND<br />


DUTIES.<br />

and<br />

23 }<br />

24.<br />

and 25}<br />

26.<br />

27)<br />

to r<br />

33. J<br />

LOCAL<br />


EXCISE.<br />


EXPORTS.<br />

IMPORTS.<br />



:So. o(<br />

'Tables.<br />

3~ )<br />

to l<br />

41. J<br />

ExrORT8.<br />

42 l BULLIO:S<br />

·~~~ J A:SD Srr:cn:.<br />

44<br />

i\'<br />

Page<br />

Value of BriUsh and b-ish Produce, 'fotn.l thereof - 100<br />

---- To each Fm·eign<br />

Counfry and B1·itish Possession 100<br />

Principal Artidcs, British and Irish Produce, Quantities thereof 105<br />

------ Value thereof - 112<br />

Value of Fo~·cign an"ts. Total 'l'onna 0 e of British and<br />

I~oreign V e~

j<br />

J-<br />

v<br />

".No. of<br />

'fl'ables.<br />

Page<br />

64 . PRODUCE. Estimated A vemge Yiclcl per Acre • • • 201<br />

.·~~~} AGRICULTURAT, {Estimated P1'oduce of the Principal Crops<br />

• 198<br />

65 { SEA {Qua!ltity and Value of Fish landed on Coasts of <strong>United</strong><br />

' F1s11E1tu:s. Kmgdom • • • - • • . • 202<br />

E:'llPLOYMEN1' IN}<br />

~66. 'fEXTH,E Number of Persons Employed in Textile li'actories • . 210<br />

{ li'ACTORrns. .<br />

n {Total Length, Ca~Jital, Traffic, Receipts, and Working Ex·<br />

AILWAYS. penses in each Division of £T1e <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> · • · 212<br />

·68. T<br />

Total Leng_tli, Capital, Tm.ffec, Receipts, and Wo1·l.:ing Expcn~es<br />

RA:'tlWAYS. { in eacli Division of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> • · · • 216<br />

69.<br />

i\I f Coal and 1lfctals Producccl in the Uni tell <strong>Kingdom</strong>, Quantities<br />

r INES. l and Value thereof · • • · · · · · • · 218<br />

70} JOIN'l' STOCK {NumJ.x:randNominalCapitalofCompaniediegi.steredeachyear 219<br />

.and C Num~r ancl J>ail1·np Capital of Companies carrying on<br />

:71. O:'IIPANrns. Busmess at certam Dates • • • · • · · 219<br />

Amount of Gold, Silver. and Bl'onze :Moneys Issued from<br />

"72 "<br />

the Uoyal 'Mint, London. • • · • · • • 220<br />

to } COINAGE. f lAmount. of Gold Moneys Issued from l3ranches of Royal Mint<br />

.74. at Sydney, Melhourne, and Perth • • · • · 221<br />

Imports and Exports of British Gold and Silver Coin · 221<br />

'AmounL Rcccivccl and Paid by Post OJfice Savings Banks, &c. 2'22<br />

---------- Trustee Savings Banks • · 2'23<br />

Amount 1'ransferrecl from, and to Post Office Savings Banks · 2'24<br />

Government Stock bought and sold for Depositors in Post.<br />

·75}<br />

Office Saving Banks • • · · 2-25<br />

to SAYINGS llANKS. -------- held for Depositors in Trustee Savings<br />

.Sl. lfanks · • · • · · · 2'25<br />

Number of Accounts remaining open in Post Office Savings<br />

lfanks · · · 2'26<br />

Trustee Srwings<br />

Bankf: ,.. · · 2'26<br />

UA~KEHS 1 }<br />

' 8... 0 { CLBARING London Bankers' C'learing House. Amounts Cleared at · . 2'2i<br />

HOUSE.<br />

89 {<br />

.:;.<br />

~g~i~~~~\i~~E }Amount of Stocks of the Public Funds the Dividends on which<br />

STOCKS.· arc invested and added to the Capital • · . • · 228<br />

BUILDING {Number, Liabilities and Assets of, in each Division of <strong>United</strong><br />

SOCIETIES. <strong>Kingdom</strong> . . . • . • • . • . . 230<br />

INDUS'l'RIAL {Number of, with particulars as to :Members, Capital, Cash<br />

85. AND PnoYIDENT Receipts, and Trade charges, in each Division of <strong>United</strong><br />

{<br />

SOCIETIES. <strong>Kingdom</strong> · · · · · · · · · · · 234<br />

LIFE {Income, &c. of Ordinary and of Industrial Companies · . 236<br />

ASSURANCE Number and Amount of Life Ammitics granted br the<br />

86<br />

to<br />

{<br />

AND National Debt Office · • - · · · · · 240<br />

.ss. ANNUITIES. Number and Amount of Life Annuities and Insumnces<br />

'!ranted throuo-h the Post Office · · · · · · 240<br />

BANK OF<br />

ENGLAND;&c<br />

l~T;tal Amount of Deposits in the Bank of England • • • 242<br />

Total Amount of Bank Notes helcl in reserve · · · · 242<br />

Weekly Liabilities an cl Assets of the Bank of England, Averages<br />

thereof . · · - - · · · • · · 244<br />

Promissory .Notes of Public, P1·ivate, and Joint Stock Banks, in<br />

Cfrculation, Amount thereof - - · · · · · 246<br />

Rates of Discount at Bank of England, Average Monthly<br />

Minimum · 250<br />

Prices of Consols, Average Monthly ;price of. the Three<br />

per Cent. ancl of the New 2~ per Centi. Consohclatecl Stock<br />

of the Public Funds of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> · - 251<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. of<br />

T:\ble..'<br />

95 )<br />

to " POST OFFICE.<br />

100. J<br />

( PA T~:STS,.<br />

101. · DESIG!\S, AND<br />

l TRADE ~L\P.KS.<br />

10-2. POPULATIO:S.<br />

103.<br />

104 't<br />

and •<br />

105. J<br />

106.<br />

BmTns, &~.<br />

AIDIY.<br />

Paga·<br />

LcU1~rs, .J.\"'i!llJS})(tj>t>'s, Book Packets, arnl Circulm·~·, and Post<br />

Cw·d.s, Number thereof i:-.tc1~t. appliccl for arnl sealed, n:ncl Designs and Trade nfarks<br />

l 1:eg1stercll · · · · • · • - - . 256 ,<br />

J 1'otal of Unitccl J(i119do111, ancl of E119lancl and TValcs, Scotland<br />

l nml Irclaml · · · · • • · · · 257<br />

.Bfrtlts, Deaths, antl Marriages, in England and Wales, Scotlcwd,<br />

and li'elm1cl • • • • • • • 258.<br />

{<br />

fHegular Army. Average StrengMt of - - . 259 ..<br />

lArmy Heser\'e n.ml Auxiliary li'orces, Number of · 259•<br />

POLICE. Number of Police in each Di\'ision of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> - 260 •<br />

B1·itislt ancl 11·islt Emigra11ts. Number of Passengers to various<br />

. _ • Destinations · · · • · • • · • 260 •<br />

lUi } E:mGR.\TION<br />

!<br />

Total Emigrants. Number of British aml Irish and Foreiilities fn · · - · · · · · · · 272"<br />

Assets in · - ft • • • • • • 272 ·<br />

Number of Orders made l>y the Court for 'Yincling-u}) Companies<br />

under the Companles (Winding-up) Act, 1890 · 274<br />

Number aml Tonnn!!e of Vessels that belon!!ed to the Uniteil<br />

125 and '1• '\YnECKS .\XD l {ing

7<br />

' 1<br />

srl'ATISTIC.A.L ABSTRA01 1<br />

1:on THE<br />



No. 1.-A~IOUNT of the EsTIMATED and ACTU.'\.L IMPERIAL REVENUE and<br />

EXPE~DITURE of. the UNITED KINGDOM, with .the difference .between<br />

~he Esr1MAT1m and ACTUAL AMOUNTS, and the SU1U>LUS or<br />


REVENUE.<br />

EXl'ENDITURP!.<br />

------1 :,::-i-~-Io_r_e_(-f_·_) ·•--B-u-d-ge-t--~-~-ti-~~-,:-: ~~ore(~<br />

SURl'LUS (+)<br />

YEARS<br />

or<br />

ended<br />

.Budget Into the or less(-) and (exclusive of oi: less (-)<br />

3llt lfarch.<br />

1<br />

Expenditure<br />


Estimate. Exchequer. than Supp e· not than<br />

I<br />

1<br />

(-).<br />

( Vi


No. 2.-A:\IOUNT of the IMPERIAL REVENUE (Exchequer Receipts) of the<br />

--------------------------------·-----------.. ---· ··--<br />


<strong>1887</strong>-8. I 1sss.9~ \ 1889-90. , 1890-l. 11891-2. ! 1892-3-. r~--<br />

Customs·<br />

Inland lte\·enue :-<br />

I ,, I " £ J. £ I £ I " l £<br />

• \ 19,600,000 . 20,007,000 20,424,000 , 19,4SO,OOO ! 19,736,000 I 1!1,715,000 19,707,000 !<br />

i --- I I<br />

Excise 25,620,000 25,600,000 24,160,0QO 24,788,000 25,6~0,000 25,360,000 25,200,000<br />

Estate, &c. Duties·• - "L: i<br />

I<br />

Stamps (exclusl\'e of Fee andJ ' 13,000,0QO l 12,270,000 13,060,000<br />

:Patent Stamps) • • • ·<br />

Land Tax-<br />

• f •<br />

Holl!e Duty . "' A<br />

l'roperty and 1ncome Tax<br />

(Po;· Rate in the£, see<br />

note t).<br />

I Poot omu<br />

: I 1,030,000 I 1,020,000 j 1,035,000.<br />

I<br />

. : 1,940,000 ' 'J.,940,000 ~·~·boo<br />

·I<br />

14,4:&0,000 i 12,700,000 j 12,'i70,000<br />

l<br />

I<br />

!<br />

i<br />

Total Inland Re\'enue • 1<br />

56,030,000 ! 53,530,000 152,990,000<br />

Total Customs and Inland} I<br />

Revenue - • • • j 75,f.60,000 173,597,000 178,414,000<br />

Tele!;l"llph Sen'ice •<br />

. I<br />

\=1--1=-=7<br />

! ~050,000 I 0,100,000 I •,•50,000<br />

I<br />

[<br />

1,950,000 2,080,000 2,32Q,OOO<br />

390,ooo I 430,000 430,009<br />

I • {<br />

1~•00,000 i """"·ooo I<br />

",sos,ooo hzsoo,ooo<br />

·1,030,000 ! 1,050,000 ,,OOl,000 11,080,000 .<br />

1,570,000 l,4S!,O\JO 1,410,000 11,425,000<br />

13,~,0oo 13,~~o,ooo 13,470,00? ' 15,200,000<br />

1a,098,000 155,604,000 55,085,0IX\ ! 65,720,000.<br />

I<br />

73,578,000 75,340,000 74,800,000 175,427,000<br />

=·<br />

9,SS0,000 ~0,150,000 10,400,000 io,,m;ooo<br />

2,380,000 2,480,000 2,480,000 2,540,000<br />

Crown Lands (Net Receipts)<br />

430,000 430,000 480,000 420,000<br />

-Interest on Ad\·ances for Local} !<br />

Works, &:c. 'i · · · · I 43,650 : 42,128<br />

43,106 23,282 21,567 19,801<br />

:Receipts from Suez: Canal Shares~} [ I .. PM I<br />

and Sundry Loan!> • • •<br />

198,829 I 198,829 238,595 198,829 198,829 198,829 198,829<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

lliscellaneous :­ .<br />

I<br />

i<br />

j<br />

f<br />

I<br />

'"'J<br />

I<br />

Fee and :Patent Sfampa • '"'405"1 I I .. I<br />

'778,'tl3 809,860 828,830 832,568' 870,844<br />

:Receipts by Cini Depart-}<br />

!<br />

ments, &c. • • • • 2,169:254 I 2,2'tl,SS2 2,632,888 2,169,817<br />

1,232,413 U,186,936<br />

1<br />

1 ... ~ ... I<br />

Contribution to Navy by tl<br />

I<br />

Cape Colony ....- - • ! - I - - - - -<br />

l<br />

I<br />

Total lliscellaneous • r ,2,009,;i5 I 3,024.855 l . 3,411,161 2,979,1771 2,372,675 2,064,981 I 2,057,780<br />

I<br />

; I f<br />

TOTAL ltJ:YENUJ:• • • ; 89,802,25'1 I 88,472,812 89,304,3~6 89,489,112 I 00,994,786 90,305,377 91,133,410<br />

-<br />

I<br />

• Prior to 1894-95 all Death Duties were Included under t\le general head of Stamp1.<br />

t On Incomes of and<br />

Years ended 3ist lfarch.<br />

above 15-0l., with <strong>1887</strong>-8. lSSS·D. 1889·90. 1800·1~ . 1891-2. 1892·3. 1893-4.<br />

abatement of<br />

120l. on Incomes<br />

7d. 6d. 6d. 6d. ' 6d. 6d. id.<br />

under .tOOl.<br />

On Incom~ t>f above lOOl., with abatements of 160l. on Incomes· not exceed!ng} 1894·5. 1S9s-6. 1800-1. r801.s.<br />

4-00l., and lOOl. on Incomes above 400l. and not exceeding 500l. • • • 8d. Sd. Sd. Sd.<br />

On IncomeiJ Of above·160l.,-wlth·•batementt of 160l, 'Orrlneome1 not exceeding} -<br />

~.; of 150l. on Jncomes al;?ve 400l. and not exceedli1g 600l. ; ot 120l. on 1898·9.<br />

Incomes above soot. and not exceeding OOOl. ; and of. 70l .. on lncomas above 8d.<br />

61YJl. and not excee

i.'.<br />


UNiTED KINGDOM under the PRINCIPAL HEADS. thereof.<br />

31ST ){ARCll.<br />

~S95:J 1896-7. _J 1897-_s._J 1898-9.1 mi: 11900-1.1<strong>1901</strong>-2.<br />

21J,1~,ooo 20,7:.,000<br />

/ 21,20~,ooo<br />

21,i~ooo 20,:.,000<br />

~.ooo<br />

1<br />

! 26,:.,ooo<br />

£,<br />

30,993,000 Customs.<br />

Inland Revenue:-<br />

26,050,000 26,800,000 27,460,000 28,300,000 29,200,000 32,100,000 33,100,000 81,600,000 Excise. I<br />

*8,719,000 11,600,000 10,830,000 11,100,000 11,400,000 14,020,000 12,980,000 14,200,000 Estate, &c. DutieE. *<br />

Stamps (exclusiv:i of<br />

*5,721,000 7,350,000 7,350,000 7,650,000 7,630,000 8,500,000 7,825,000 7,800,000 {<br />

}'rol<br />

and Patent Stamps).<br />

1,015,000 1,0Ui,000 · !l20,000 940,000 770,000 7!JO,OOO· 755,000 725,000 Land Tax.<br />

I<br />

1,435,000 1,495,000 1,510,000 1,510,000 1,600,000 1,670,000 1,720,000 1,775,000 House Duty.<br />

15,600,000 16,100,000 16,650,000 17,250,000 18,000,000 18,750,000 26,920,000 84,800,000 'l>roperty and Income Tax.<br />

(l/or llate in the £, see<br />

11ote t).<br />

58,540,000 64,360,000 64,720,000 66,750,000 63,600,000 75,880,000 , 83,800,000 90,900,000 , 'l'otal Inland Revenue.<br />

78,655,000 85,116,000<br />

l====I====:====<br />

I 85,!l74,000<br />

1-8-8,..,,,54=8=,000=1 89~~~~~1-°"'G."J'°':_l"9,562'.°".°_!121,893,000. l{T~~'~::.toms<br />

10,760,000 11,380,000 11,860,000<br />

2,580,000 2,840,000 2,!ll0,000<br />

410,000 415,000 415,000<br />

! I l<br />

I . I I '<br />

12,170,000 i 12,710,000 j 13,300,00u . 13,800,000 : 14,300,000 ! Post Office.<br />

788,717<br />

I<br />

snd Inland<br />

3,010,000 II 3,150,0ll_'l ,350,0CO ~ 3,450,000 1 8,490,000 ' 'l'cle~raph Scr\'ice.<br />

j i !· 415,000 430,Wt.l ! 450,000 1 500,000 1<br />

455,000 ' Crown Lnnds (Net ltecelpts).<br />

8341003 8 301075<br />

~--~~~~~~<br />

' )liscellaueous:-<br />

953,000<br />

708,251 733,897 ! 713,554<br />

004,481 !)48,300<br />

,-1---<br />

1,178,153<br />

1,865,786 ! 1,533,304 2,082,634<br />

I I ' i {Interest on Advances for Local<br />

- j - - I - , Works, &c. ,-<br />

002,000<br />

!lS0,639<br />

• 1<br />

869 63<br />

-l : {Receipt.sfroiµSuczCaualShnrcs§<br />

• and Sundry Loans.<br />

I<br />

062,000 937,000 I Fee and Patent Stamps.<br />

1,283,002 1,259,609 1 0:' 3 365<br />

1 { Receipts by CMl Depart-<br />

. • - • mcnts, &1:.<br />

1<br />

{ Contribution to Navy by.<br />

30,000 30,000 30 • 000 Cape Colony. •<br />

1<br />

I 1-11--1----,<br />

1,m,101 I 1,88~639 , 2,275,"°' ~21~600 i 1,900,3115 I •rot.I >UocollAneo""<br />

I<br />

o""'"'" l'°l·"''·"' 103,0 ..... ,<br />

100,614,00• \1os,aso,100 \11•,839,0051130,3S .. 68' t•Z997,900 I TOrAL R&V"11w1111ts paicL see Table No. 13, Pl'· SO ,e: Sl.<br />

II Including 288,857l. balance of Naval Defence .Account re\)aid In pursuance of.57 & 58 Viet. c. 30, :;, 41.<br />

i Interest on purchase money oi Sharr.s to lst July 18114, and from that date Interest and Ulvideud on Shares.<br />

~ After the year <strong>1887</strong>-88 the Interest on Advances for Local Works was carrlull to the Local Loans Fund under the pro\·islons of<br />

the National Debt and Loce.l J.onm; Act, 1S8i.<br />

G!i5. \..,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

\ ;~I-~;~.\: DEBT SER'"1CES<br />


No. 3.-AMOUNT of the b1PERL\.L EXPENDITURE (Exchequer Issues)<br />

ended 31 st March<br />

,---- ------, lSSi-;-11888-9. , 1889-90.11890-1. , f891-2. , 1892-3. \ 1893-4.<br />

/ Inside the Permanent or I :Fi.'\':ed<br />

Annual Charge :<br />

!<br />

I<br />

t<br />

£ I £ £<br />

I<br />

Funded Debt:<br />

Interest· 1s,1si,SS6 I 18,361,2SS 16,836,466<br />

Terminable Annuities<br />

Trustee Savini:s Bank<br />

ftciency Annuity<br />

l!nfunded Debt<br />

: D•J<br />

)fanagement of the D ebt<br />

~·"}<br />

Interest on Exch<br />

Bonds issued •<br />

(1) For "Purchase o ~Sue:<br />

Canal Shares<br />

(2) For Constructi on of<br />

Cape ltailway<br />

Interest on Treasury<br />

issued under the Co nver·<br />

Bills}<br />

sion Act, lSSS •<br />

Interest, &:c., on<br />

created under the<br />

Loan Acts<br />

~~~;\<br />

• .J<br />

l<br />

6,614,7041 5,00i,495 6,555,596<br />

I<br />

3H,i24 369,932 716,603<br />

204,351 197,348 191,968<br />

New Sinking :Fund<br />

6i8,835 1,163,937 700,86i<br />

'.l.'otal - 26,000,000 !.:6,000,000 25,000,000<br />

Outside the Permanent or Fixed<br />

Annual Charge:<br />

213,911 214,000 214,000<br />

- I<br />

10,594 12,i60<br />

'<br />

- I - -<br />

I<br />

Total for National<br />

Sen·ices<br />

_Deb~} I 2G,213,911 126,224,594125,226,760<br />


STRATIO~ •<br />

:m~H·)_<br />

• J<br />


AOC•)t'!i'TS • ·J -<br />

FR~DLi' SOCIETIES' DEFIC IEN'Cl· 10,000<br />


II<br />

Il\IPERJAT-' REV~NUE,. K~PE~DITURE; ~~. 5<br />

of the UNITED KINGDO~r, under the PRINQIPAL HEADS thereof, ip each Year<br />

<strong>1887</strong>-8 to <strong>1901</strong>-2.<br />

- ---·------------------------------------------·<br />

I894-5. , 1S95-6. J 1s96-1. j 1so1-s. j. IS9S-9. /1s99_19ooj .1QOO-I. I <strong>1901</strong>-2. I<br />

16,220,544 ! 16,110,274 16,108,037 16,063,925 16,009,557<br />

6,422,410 6,442,138 7,149,743 7,261,159 7,281,703<br />


Inside the Permanent or Fixed<br />

Annual Charge :<br />

Funded Debt :<br />

15,242,192 15,106,532 15,076,023 Interest.<br />

Terminal>le .AnnuiLies.<br />

7,290 491 2,756,613 2,754,425 { Trustee Savings Bank Deficiency<br />

Annuity.<br />

461,830 118,367<br />

176,953 ' 176,447<br />

1,718,2f.l31 2,152,774<br />

25,000,000 ! 25,000,000<br />

112,534<br />

175,692<br />

139,300<br />

174,309<br />

139,254<br />

175,027<br />

272,577<br />

174,Sfl4<br />

415,254<br />

174,310<br />

314,751<br />

173,617<br />

1,453,904 1,361,307 ,_1_,3_94_,_45_9_ ___ 1_9,_87_6_ 1<br />

t----,--•------ 1<br />

25,000,000 25,000,000 125,000,000<br />

23,000,000 18,452,709 18,318,810<br />

216,657<br />

•----''--·--·----r-----r----·------------1<br />

1<br />

2.'i,000,000<br />

20,367,421<br />

25,000,000 j 25,000,000 25,000,000<br />

25,ooo,ooo 1 zs,216,657 19,835,489 21,685,532 ! {<br />

1<br />

Unfunded Del>t.<br />

)fanageroent of the Debt.<br />

New Sinking Fund.<br />

Total.<br />

Outside the Perman cm tor Fixed<br />

.Annual Charge :<br />

Interest on Exchequc1· Bonds<br />

issuE:d<br />

(1) I


Xo. 3.-.AilIOUNT of the IMPERIAL EXPENDITURE (Exchequer ~ssues)<br />

ended 3lst March<br />

I<br />

------------·--:----------------·-----------------<br />

--- ! 1ss7-8. , lSSS-9.11sS9-90. , 1890-l.11891-2. , 1892-3. l 1893-4 ..<br />

£, £ £ £ £ £ £,<br />


TIOS.\L DEBI' CoNn:RSlOS - 2,009,958 42,51\0 - - - -<br />

.\ND .REDE:lll'TIOS ACTS • •<br />


.ACT>, 1$91 AND 1893 • J - - - - 400,000 - -<br />

1--<br />

Total Expenditure, exclu·}<br />

si\'e of Cost of Collection<br />

i6,6i4,548 i6,695,158 i5,125,218 i6,42S,616 77,919,208 77,930,689 78,523,857<br />


Tm: '.REVENUE:<br />

Customs - 935,961 926,959 905,912 89i,111 897,924 850,595 845,949<br />

Inland Re,·euue . 1,771,785 1,791,333 1,748,!)i!) 1,746,336 1,794,024 1,765,000 1,825,040<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

i<br />

' J<br />

:<br />

i<br />

Post. Office 5,403,438 5,66i,848 5,463,205 5,682,562 6,126,481 6,513,000 6,721,000<br />

Telegraph Ser\'ice - 1,940,012 1,965,000 2,176,000 2,272,000 2,489,000 2,595,000 2,664,000<br />

I<br />

Packet. Service . . I G9i,901 637,502 664,000 706,230 701,136 721,081 723,000<br />

Total E:creniiture clmrge·}<br />

able against. .Revenue - Si,423,6451 Si,633,830 86,083,314 87,732,8551 89,927,773 90,375,365 91,302,846<br />


DITURE:<br />

For Conversion Expenses - 1,000,000 - - - - -<br />

Under Imperial Defence Act.,}<br />

IS.SS • • • • • - 660,000 837,000 1,023,000 500,000 285,000 37,000<br />

Under Naval Defence .Act, 1889 - - - 600,000 1,300,000 1,150,000 -<br />

Under Barracks Act, 1890 - - - - - 535,000 680,000<br />

Under Telegraph Acts, 1892}<br />

t-0 1899 • • • • - - - - - 86,000 160,000<br />

Under 'Saval Works .Acts - - - - - - -<br />

Under Public Offices (Acqui·}<br />

sitlon of Site) Act., 1895 • - - - - - - -<br />

l<br />

1896 and 1900 • • • I - - -<br />

I<br />

hall) Site Act., 189i • • - - - -<br />

i - - -<br />

I<br />

189i to 1001 - • • - - - - i - - -<br />

penses Act, 1898 - • - - - - I - - -<br />

Under Uganda Railway Acts,}<br />

- - - -<br />

Under Public Offices (White·}<br />

Under)lilitary Works Acts,}<br />

Uz!der Public Buildings Ex-}<br />

- - - - - - -<br />

Under Land Jtegt9try (New)}<br />

- - - I<br />

.Bnildings .Act, 1900 • •<br />

- Under Paciftc Cable Act, 1001 - - - - - - -<br />

"C' nder :P..oynl Niger Company} !<br />

Act, 1899 •• • • •<br />

Total Issues to meet Capital)<br />

Expenditure • • - j - 1,660,000 837,000<br />

I<br />

1,719,000 ! 1,800,000 2,056,000 877,000<br />

'<br />

'Sr.trY..-Tl1e GrantR in .Aid of Local 1'axation formerly paid to t/ie J,ocal Authorities fa En9land and Wales<br />

r~.1;::11,t/l'Jl.) a;vf Sct'Jtwnd (::tJO,f)()l)l.), arvl w/dd, furmed part qf tlte [m]letial Bxpe11ditiire, were di~continued in<br />

JPf'l-fO and J>J[Ji'}-91 T?PecUr:dy, and the proceeds of certain Inland Jlei·emte Ditties were paid over to tlie Local<br />

A utltFmtiu in liim of Ute Grant~ (see Table 13, p. 30-1).<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

13<br />

.<br />

•<br />

IMPER:IAL . ·~:~v~NU E, EXPENDITURE,. &c. 7<br />

of the UNITED KINGDOM, under the PRINCIPAL HEADS thereof, in each Year<br />

<strong>1887</strong>-8 to <strong>1901</strong>-2-Continued.<br />

' •• • • • • I<br />

is94-5. / 1s95-6. j 1s~-7. , .is91~s. j 1s9S-9. j1s99-1900; iooo-i. j 1001-2. I --<br />

f<br />

£ .£ £ £ £ £. £<br />


- - - - - - - NATIONAL DEBT CONVERSION<br />


I ~<br />

c ~. 'J!'<br />

- - - 250,000 - - - -<br />


AGE ACTS, 1891 AND.1893.<br />

Total Expenditure, exclu·<br />

SI,OQ2,4~1 84,585,857 87,926,009. •SS,625,99-i· 93,137,236' 118,081,407 167,287,264 178,555,215 { slve of Cost of Collection .<br />

..<br />

.. ---<br />


OF THE R~VENU~ : • .<br />

885,000 860,000 8"4,000 850,000 840,900 840,000 823,Q90 870,000 Customs.<br />

1,811,000 1,842,000 1,872,000 1,895,000 1,976,000 i,960,000 2,Qll,000 2,085,000 In~and Revenue.<br />

6,869,000 7,018,000" 7,150,000 7,592,000 8,030,000 8,480,000 8,00ll,000 9,240,000 Post Offic~.<br />

2,674,000 2,744,000. 2,001;000 \3,226,000 3,347,000 3,601,000 3,737,000 4,010,000 Telegraph Service.<br />

727,000 715,000 723,000 747,000 820,000 760,000 771,000 762,000<br />

93,918,421 . 97;764,357 101,476,009 102,935,994 108,150,286 . 183,722,407 183,59"2,264 195,522,215<br />

:<br />

Packet Service.<br />

{'!'otal Expenditure chargeable<br />

against RcYenue.<br />

IssuES ro xnT CAPITAL Exnx-1<br />

l'ITURE :-<br />

- - - - -. - - - l



Return No. 323,<br />

------------------------------------------<br />

I. REl·E~UE<br />

TAXES:--<br />

DEnIYED<br />

-I<br />

}'ROll j<br />

Customs- • • l<br />

"'· • I<br />

.i::..'tCISe • • • • • "j<br />

Estate, &c. Duties .. • • } I<br />

Stamps (exclush·e of Fee and '<br />

Patent Stamps) • • • i<br />


<strong>1887</strong>-s. ! 1888-9. , 1889.oo. , 1800-1. j 1s91-2. / 1892-3. / 1s93.4.<br />

10,~0.000 20,001,000<br />

25,620,000 25,600,000<br />

13,000,000 l 12,270,000<br />

20,424,Q09<br />

24,160,000<br />

13,060,000<br />

19,480,000<br />

24,788,000<br />

13,460,000<br />

lil, 736,000<br />

25,610,000<br />

13,700,000<br />

19,7:,000 1 ••. 7:.000<br />

25,360,000 25,200,000<br />

13,805,ooo<br />

12,soo,000{<br />

Laud Ta:c • • - • -1 1,030,000 1,020,000 1,035,000 1,030,000 1,050,000 1,040,000 1,035,000<br />

House Duty : I<br />

f<br />

1,940,000 1,940,000 1,005,000 1,570,000 1,434,000 1,410,000 1,425,000<br />

Property and Income Tax H,440,000 12,700,000 12,770,000 13,251),000 13,810,000 13,470,000 15,200,000<br />

1<br />

----·1-----1----, 1------';----.,-1----.,--1'-----f<br />

Total Revenue derh·ed from Taxes l 75,660,000 173,597,000 l_1_s,_n_4_,ooo __ 1_s,_5_78_,ooo<br />



1. Post Offi.ce Services :­<br />

Postal Revenue •<br />

Extra Recaipts<br />

Teleitraph -Ravenne<br />

Extra Receipts<br />

Packet Service, Extra Receipts<br />

1<br />

.. J : I 9<br />

I<br />

__ li-:f-~'-5,_34_0_,000<br />

__ __<br />

1<br />

1_4,_8oo~,ooo-·l-7-5,_42_1_,ooo._;;.._ 1<br />

9,450,000 9,880,000 10,150,000 10,400,000 10,470,000<br />

-- .36,525· · ·- - 18,5H- 18;160' ' - ' - -4,691"<br />

2,380,000<br />

27,760<br />

2,480,000<br />

25,448<br />

2,480,000<br />

3,367<br />

2,540,000<br />

De.duct:-<br />

Postal Expenditure<br />

Tekgraph Ezienditure ·<br />

Paclcet &1'Tlia Expenditure·<br />

5,11)2,898 I<br />

'<br />

l,'JSIJ,6SJ !<br />

G97,901<br />

----1<br />

8,036,98~ !<br />

Total (Net) l

€<br />

IMPERIAL ~EVJ!}NUE, EX,P,ENjl)ITURE, &c. ' 9<br />

KINGDOM adjusted by deduction of Charges and classified in accordance with<br />

Sess. 1902. . · · ·<br />

31ST ~lAROH<br />

<strong>1901</strong>-2.<br />

-----ii-----:----i-3-4_,soo_._ooo_l,<br />

I. REVE~UE DERL\'ED FRO.))<br />

l,<br />

'fAXES:-<br />

80,993,000 Customs.<br />

31,600,000 '. Excii:e.<br />

H,200,000 i Estate, &c. Duties."<br />

7,800,000 : { Stamps· (exclusive of .Fee and<br />

1 Patent Stamps).<br />

725,000 ' Land Tax. I<br />

l,7i5,000 I llouse Duty.<br />

Property and Income Tax.<br />

121,893,000. Total Revenue derived from Taxes<br />

10,760,000 11,380,000 11,860,000 12,170,000 12:710,000' 18,300,000 18,800,000· 14,300,000<br />

- 89,841 - - - - - t<br />

2,580,000 l 2,840,000 2,910,000 3,010,000 3,150,000 3,850,000 8,450,000<br />

1-I<br />

I<br />

= ! = =<br />

13,340,000 1 u,220,000 j 14,809,841 l 1s,1so,ooo 15,860,ooo<br />

1----· i-----1------,-----1------<br />

G/!69f!OO : 7/!18/m / 7,150fXll/<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!!/Jt;!!,80/, I !!,7!!0,ltJ8 ) !!,9EG,.?:J9 ( 3,14G,515<br />

7,59'/m 18,09'!/m<br />

3/!G7,4GJ<br />

__:_!!7,000: 715,000 7!!3,000 I 747,000 820,000<br />

3,490,000<br />

i<br />

··- I<br />

~6,650,000 117,250,000 I 17,790,000 :<br />

I I<br />

8,1,SOM!J 8,963/J(JO I 9,21.0,000<br />

S,JO!i,887 3,618,480 3,830,956<br />

160,000 n 1,000 I 7G2,000<br />

i<br />

j<br />

I<br />



1. Post Oillce Services :­<br />

Postal Revenue.<br />

Extra Receipts.<br />

'telegraph Revenue.<br />

Extra Receipts.<br />

Pnokot """'"• E''"' Recolpts. I<br />

Deduct:-<br />

Postal Expenditure.<br />

Telegraph Expe11dit11re.<br />

Packet Servicc·Expe11ditw·e.<br />

I<br />

10,f!48,S04 10,1,{;3,ltJS ! 10,799,939 11,485,515 : 1!!,117,465<br />

lS,744,887 13/15!!,480 13,83:J,95G<br />

I I ,---·1----.----1----1<br />

3,091,196 ! :l,766,5021 4,009,902 3,694,4851 3,742,535 3,905,163 3,897,520 8,957,044<br />

To~l (Net) Receipts from<br />

{ Post Office Serviciis.<br />

410,000 I 415,000 j 415,000 415,000 430,000 450,000 I 500,000 455,000 2. Crown Lands.<br />

394,995 673,4181 694,076 698,684 678,856 801,818 814,767 847,570 8. Suez Canal Share Receipts.<br />

3,800 1<br />

191 4,854,920 ··j 6,118,978, 4;808;169· - ·4,851,891· 1 ·6,.156,981 1---6,-21-2-,28-7--·l--.6-,2-5!l-,o-14-· 1{1~oie,,IJ~e.Y~!l~e~d~~jx.W,Jomi,_o~ber<br />

sources,<br />

82,551,191 89,970,920 91,092,9';'8 93,856,169< 94,801,391 104,786,981 , 114,774,287 127,152,614 GRAND TOTAL.<br />

r==-=:-===-=== ------=--- === 1---==-=--==== ----·--<br />

13,882,502 53,207,580 52,524,216 Excess of Expenditure over nevenm :<br />

I .<br />

* Pl'ior to 1894-li all Death l>utles were Included under the general head of Stamps.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


~o. 5.---A..\tOUNT of the EXPENDITURE (EXCHEQUER ISSUES Net) of the<br />

in accordance with Return No. 323, Sess. 1902,<br />

___________ ! 1ss1-s.11sss-9.1l889-90.11890-1.j1891-2.11so~.11803-4.1<br />

£ •<br />

I. X.\.TION.\L DEBT S1mncRS • 25,843,2H<br />

n. N.w.n .\ND ~I1L1T.\RY Ex-} 1 30 .. 58 9 93<br />

PE..'\DITURR • • • • • ' ' 1 ,.<br />


1. CMl List and CMl Adminis·<br />

tration:­<br />

!<br />

I<br />

(a.) Charged on Consoli·}<br />

dated Fund • • •<br />

(b.) Yoted • • • •<br />

2. Elementary Education<br />

Lm: Extra. Receipts •<br />

3. Charge5 transferred 3t differ·<br />

ent tim~ from Local to Imperial<br />

J.'unds, and other Ex·<br />

penditure deemed to be of a<br />

Locai Character:-*<br />

! 1,431,432<br />

I<br />

' 6,864,200<br />

j S,295,682<br />

1,9C!,198<br />

1<br />

l 6,333,434<br />

' 4,917,152<br />

SIJ/jf)~<br />

!<br />

I 4,880,460<br />

I<br />

-<br />

£ I £,<br />

25,836,136 24,i9S,Oi0<br />

29,lOi,133 32,767,749<br />

1,430,546 ': l,435,7S3<br />

6,805,600 i 6,818,311<br />

S,236,1461 8,~54,09!<br />

1,963,!!0S !!!741,986<br />

£ i<br />

£<br />

24,971,987 ; 24,825,085<br />

83,371,932 1 38,162,789<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1,449,951 I 1,452,733<br />

'i,342,578 7,800,602<br />

8,792,529 9,253,835<br />

!!,87!!,J.Sl 1,842,9~6<br />

6,272,943 i 5,51:!,lOS 6~420,042 7,U0,88~<br />

5,102,023 I ,5,175,237<br />

iJt.,707 I 35,508<br />

5,829,55, 6,828,687<br />

85,851 5,lf!l<br />

5,067,316 I 5,139,729 5,298,703 6,323,566<br />

- - - 40,000<br />

(a.) Charged on Consoli·)<br />

dated Fund • • f<br />

(b.) \'oted ! 6,381,759 5,909,876 ;_3_,5_43_,_19_1_ _____ 3,358,982 ___ 8,398,526 .__<br />

1<br />

1<br />

I 6,381,759 5,909,876 I 3,543,797<br />

Le$8 : Extra Receipts • 192,0!2 :at.,09.'J l __ f!_w_,_00_1_ ____ 170,53!! _<br />

1<br />

~95~9821<br />

3,438,526<br />

111,6()6<br />

£<br />

24,911),902<br />

£<br />

25,038,723<br />

33,265,683 33,327,475<br />

1,443,904 I 1,447,642<br />

6,479,639 I 6,489,839<br />

7,923,543 7,937,481<br />

1,IJ95,068 1,7liS,109<br />

6,228,475 6,184,872<br />

~·--<br />

8,131,5'9 I 8,594,656<br />

1,939 SIS<br />

8,129,610 8,593,843<br />

40,000 40,000<br />

8,178,105 8,189,938<br />

8,213,105 I 3,179,938<br />

76,:J!!O 70,6/,Q<br />

' 6,189,737 5,645,783 l 8,322,896 8,188,450 3,326,920 3,136,185 3,109,298<br />

----1~---·:-----1-----1-----1<br />

I<br />

Total CMl Ser;ices • 17,403,631 16,986,042113,9i4,i33 14,902,195 17,000,875 17,494,270 17,887,513<br />


I YESUE;-<br />

Cust-Oms<br />

RE· I 935,961 !l26,989 I 905,912 897,111 897,924 850,595 845,948<br />

Les~: ExtraRueipts •<br />

j 48.S.'15 /,:;~00 !iS,;!CJ 5f!,6if! lil,170 lf!,71.6 -<br />

·----<br />

887,126 881,789 I 847,649 844,439 846,754<br />

837 ....<br />

Inland Revenue<br />

1,771,785 1,191,333 - I •845,948<br />

1,748,979 1,746,336 1,794,024 1,765,000 1,825,040<br />

uu: Extra Receipts •<br />

1.2,f!OS S.S,IJ7S I S!!,7f!9 .'I0,9M! S0,854<br />

lo/<br />

1,729,582 1,752,660 ; 1,716,250<br />

Total Customs and Inland 1<br />

l'.evenue<br />

• f<br />

Y. SPECI.\L SER'\"ICES :-<br />

2,616,708 2,634,449 I 2,563,899<br />

1. Expenditure Incurred under)<br />

the Conversion Act, 1888, and I<br />

the Redemption Act, 1889,J - 2,009,008 42,550<br />

met out or l'.evenue • •<br />

2. Drawback on Repeal of}<br />

Silver l'late Duty • • • - - -<br />

3. Expenses under the Coinage} 1<br />

Acts. 18m and 1893 • • l - - -<br />

4. 'Ee."YPtlan Government, Grant}<br />

in Aid • • • • - - -<br />

Total Special Services<br />

'·"'I<br />

l,i15,394 1,763,170 1,755,225 1,824,933<br />

2,559,833 2,609,924 2,593,074 2,670,881<br />

- - - -<br />

95,107 - - -<br />

- 400,000 ·- -<br />

- - - -<br />

GRAS'D TOTAL •<br />

:Excess of Income O\'er Expen·}<br />

diture - - - • •<br />

• 8'-'- nr.t--: hi Italics O'l page 6.<br />

NOTE.-For dctailB and explanation tif tin's 7'ablc ~cc HottBc of<br />

No. 6.-BALANOES in the EXCHEQUER<br />

- . ; ~887~11$88-9.11889~90~: 1890~ij~91~2- J ~·~2-3J 18934_._<br />

i &la~~ In -:he ~~chequer at tl1e·1 1 764~0-2 I r.5~0')915.,:0261 16,3~,89716,2~,1:~ I 50~5351· fi,97~,119<br />

end of each )l!ar • • • • J l ' '• 1 "" ' • ,. ' . ' ' +-<br />

"Including iYJ,OO-Ol. Ways and )feans advance repaid nn 5th April 1894.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


-UNITED KINGD01'i, adjusted by dedqct~on of ExT~A. ~ECEIP).'S, d,I?:d Cl~ssified<br />

for each of the Years ended 3lst_March rsss to 1992; . . .<br />

~94-5.11895-6'. I 18!J6-.7. 11897-8. , 1898-9. ,_1~99-1~11~1. / 1001-2.1 --<br />

l<br />

I<br />

t<br />

£, £, £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

24,077,912 25,008,092 25,!58,150 25,323,247 25,~37,723 23,535,285 20,368,517 22,494,205 '1. NATION AL Dl-:BT SEltVICF.S. I<br />

35,143,!i63 38,116,674 40,376,962 40,093,712 43,096,949 69,372,359 121,044,541 129,766,021 \II. NAVAL AND )IILITARY EX· l<br />


I<br />


1. Civil List and Civil Adminis- ,<br />

tratlo1I. ·<br />

1,408,867 1,367,804 1,344,313 1,337,440 1,3S3,300 1,326,256 1,310,853 J,385,237 {(a.) Charged on Consoli·<br />

dated l

~<br />


No. ·7.-NET HECEll)TS from PRINCIPAL HEADS of CusTmrs, EXCISE, ESTATE, &c.<br />

DtJTIES, STAi\IPS, and TAXES, as detailed in FI.NANCE AccouNrs.<br />

CU ST 0 MS.<br />

\s.rns . Currants, Spirits, I Tobacco Other :Miscel· 1<br />

e~f:td E:t~~~1l. Coffee •. at~'\lt~~~d F~~~~gn Sugar. Tea. S~~~fr. Wine. p~~~d ln~~~us TOTAL.<br />

llar.:h. I I l .Fruits. Coto;1ial. ! Art1;1es. celpts. I<br />

1SS7-S<br />

lSSS-9 -<br />

16.':l"'9-00-<br />

1&.Xl.l<br />

1891·2 -<br />

189"'·3 - .<br />

1S93·4 -<br />

1Sll4·5<br />

lS"tHi •<br />

1&_)6.j<br />

is:::;.::.; •<br />

18'JS.0 -<br />

1899-19(111'<br />

ll)(.~).l -<br />

1001·2 - 1.Sll.703<br />

.c £ I<br />

lS;",562 I<br />

184,:?92 !<br />

li2,S32<br />

lSl,903 !<br />

177.205<br />

173.SSS :<br />

16..'i,!l&'l I<br />

li(•,0!4 .<br />

1\i;",6i3 :<br />

·~£--~,--£~·1-~£--1 --£--~,~-£~-! --£--~I--£~~, -£--1~<br />

538,732 ! '4,224,347 - i 4,013,3121 S,il3,9H 1,085,046 I 176,0iO I 40,463 I 19,579,476<br />

5i9,429 I 4,296,0341 - I 4,02!1,001 S,858,781 11,210,537 li9,SOO 31,817 l!),971,101<br />

534,531 4,651,225 - 4,400,506 9,061,984 1,302,160 183,157 28,868 20,455,563<br />

323,779 4,492,Sll - 3,412,258 9,533,888 1,318,000 184,978 31,848 19,4i9,4il<br />

346,9U 4,427,004 1 - 3,418,162 9,948,810 1,291,052 188,148 30,086 19,828,309<br />

345,464 4,091,524 - 3,399,375 10,124,435 1,268,491 184,786 31,358 19,6W,291<br />

365,093 4,130,685 - 3,493,094 10,119,952 1,210,142 179,264 34,483 19,698 1<br />

098<br />

300,602<br />

3!>5,lS'.3<br />

}j2.333 I 401,244<br />

lill,04\) :<br />

173,590 I<br />

191,509 .<br />

1S9,i:;3 i<br />

174,342 .<br />

.<br />

*<br />

!<br />

4,197,2CO<br />

4,216 1<br />

921 I<br />

4,318,192<br />

4,299,001<br />

889,5':3<br />

3ll'2,005 ' 4,236,160 -<br />

424,210 i 4,S9S,930 , -<br />

34!1,264 ' 4,iG!l,763 ! -<br />

3i9,~'9 ! 4,581,520 j6,399,22S<br />

3,587,632 10,415,139 1,143,693 197,400 31,103 20,138,948<br />

S,746,194 10,748,522 1,254,994 203,207 29,626 2p,762,413<br />

I 3,799,3i2 1 11,018,048 1,296,181 224,272 36,4So 21,266,ia1<br />

3,86S,2u7 11,433,909 1,325,372 267,494 37,635 21,702,250<br />

4,023,504 110,993,727 1,309,100 I 272 1 1 540 77,601 f2l 1<br />

558 1<br />

227<br />

-1,628,0!6110,ss:;,022 1,720,540 I 252,491 1,9:?4 )f23,043,472<br />

6,264,515 12,S3S,57S ; 1,488,452 : 331,916 I 38,GSS l 26,270,959<br />

5,792,001 10,56i,705 1 1,449,687 I 346,9.32 42,873 31,046,869<br />

EXCISE.<br />

i Ch~~ I Glnoose., if&~~~ l_::,:J Lke~;"· IR~~1~[,.1<br />

YE.U~S<br />

en1ied 31st Beer. Spirits. TOTAL.<br />

llarc-h.<br />

I<br />

.e<br />

I £, £, .e £, J:. £ £, £<br />

1SS7·S S.ill.53:3 13,0$8.21)~~ 1,iH -- 2,S5i 314,903 3,562,25! 3,936 25,625,520<br />

lSS-3-:l s,;;0,2115 12,Si9,1G:J 1,0.li - 2,6S7 311,506 3,505,625 4,090 25,474,403<br />

l&!l·~ tl,410,420 13,SG0,002 · 1,509 - 2,-133 824,461 530,245 4,156 24,133,232<br />

----~- ----<br />

-·--<br />

1'3!!4H !l.3'.llJ.141 H,770,730 · 1,587 - ! 2,560 324,117 230,450 4,332 24,723,917<br />

1&'.11-::! ::l,45i,7·rn 15,G93,631 : 1,630 2,486 324,984 232,669 4,276 25,717,425<br />

i<br />

l~Sr,::.3 !l.44.'.;.~9;) l:>,284,(167 1,i5.t I 2,627 310,325 234,280 4,188 25,253,13·1<br />

I<br />

l~!.'3-4 !'l.53G.9!S 15,189,345 : 834 - 2,•)16 270,093 234,564 4,061 25,246,861<br />

I !<br />

I<br />

l:!H·j l•J,l(l.!.11;,,, l:i.269,296 I 1,523<br />

l<br />

- 2,101 260,694 236,086 3,8i6 25,875,623<br />

l'!!)",.t; ltl,ilS.71!1 15,C03,6S') . f.Sl - l,SOS 250,342 238,540 4,015 26,826,755<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1,792 2i2,183 240,866 4,247 27,435,006<br />

1!~-::.; - l•J.'Xll,1)94 16,(113,U2 1,502 I<br />

IHl':·S ll,3$S,l:!•J 16,300, 72G 1,3tW - 1,521 287,924 243,216 4,263 28,323,H2<br />

lS'JS.9 ll,63S,2(Jl 17,11)9,273 ' 1,427 - 1,704 308,975 246,916 4,443 20,310,939<br />

1&'~·1:'.'i•J • ll.~7,9.:3 19,335,36-J : 1,133 1,656 328,160 249,·139 5,003 81,808,704<br />

I<br />

19"fH 13,400,f,:?•J 10,200,COO ! 1,067 1,574 331,2H 250,25G 5,167 33,286,588<br />

I<br />

1001·2 13,2iG,~1;3 17,()!i,421 I 1,183 04,·190 1,50!<br />

l<br />

i 340,863 252,606 4,732 31,5!!7,962<br />

l -<br />

--==-.::=:-=..---- - ----------------<br />

• ExdusiYe of additional Beer and Spirit. duties collected for J..ocal Authorities (see l'nble No. 13, p. 30-1).<br />

t H will h;: l)hsen·ed that the net receipts brought to ncconnt In the year 1898-9, viz.<br />

1:x•:eedetl tilt: Exchequer Receipts (11ce '.!'able Xo. 4, p. 9), viz. • • • •<br />

by<br />

This •lifference is due to :ibnormal Clearant es during the last few days or 1808-99 on account o( :­<br />

(11.) Te1. estimated at • •<br />

(b.) Tobacco, e3timatcd at<br />

Total<br />

I<br />

f,<br />

• 100,000<br />

• 610,000<br />

• il0,000<br />

£<br />

• 21,658,227<br />

- 20,850,000<br />

708,227<br />

l'ud1 ,-Jearan !cs w1;re made In anticipation or a possible Increase of the duty on these articles. The amounts<br />

thus •~IJlle-:teeal •raxat!on Llcencea collected for J.ocal Authorities (m Table Ne. 13, p. 30-1).<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



----~TA:\!PS,~-1:1~ TAxE_s_-::9on!~~~~~'---- --·---<br />

ESTATE, &c. DU'rIE'S. *<br />

~1-~ffi~;)~0~~ 1 ~~~91 Estate Duty --j~egac~·, ~-:::::f------<br />

YEARS ended 31st ~[arch.<br />

1 '1'1m1pornry Estate<br />

18 !)<br />

1<br />

• I und ToTJ.L.<br />

j Duty (5:? jict. c. 7). < 57 & 58 ilct. c. 3 0). Corporation Duties.!<br />

1<br />

1-------------------------~-:---~ £ £, --~~~----~...-..----~-~---~-<br />

188i·8 •<br />

1888·9 •<br />

1889·90.<br />

1890·1 •<br />

1891-2 •<br />

1892-3 •<br />

1893·4<br />

1894·5 •<br />

1895·G •<br />

1800·7 •<br />

1897·8<br />

1898·9 •<br />

18&9·1000<br />

1900·1 •<br />

<strong>1901</strong>·2 •<br />

4,500,620<br />

2,S:!l,030<br />

3,054,420<br />

3,608,045<br />

4,213,00S<br />

3,652,692<br />

3,595,287<br />

1,773,006<br />

253,211<br />

lil,420<br />

115,107<br />

101,125<br />

78,ilO<br />

63,15-1<br />

07,86i<br />

2,781,570<br />

7,564,64-l<br />

7,159,581<br />

7,705,855<br />

7,719,943<br />

9,865,538<br />

8,489,872<br />

9,693,599<br />

S,6Si,583<br />

ll,iii,5dl<br />

3,830,118<br />

3,876,5117<br />

4,00i,942<br />

4,735,156<br />

4,021,345<br />

4,11)8,798<br />

3,822,015<br />

3,410,369<br />

3,365,036<br />

3,665,760<br />

3,005,065<br />

3,930,236<br />

4,489,360<br />

b,:!:H,:W3<br />

li,M~,tJtO<br />

6,8S4,!i38<br />

7,4d.J,U4t<br />

8,281,850<br />

8,38i,848<br />

7,616,632<br />

8,i54,343<br />

11,639,000<br />

10,741,370<br />

11,185,998<br />

11,486,818<br />

13,009,313<br />

12,483,262<br />

H,250,826<br />

------~·----------<br />

\"JURS ended 3lst March.<br />

<strong>1887</strong>·8 •<br />

1SSS·9 •<br />

1889·90<br />

1800·1 •<br />

1801·2 •<br />

181'12·3 •<br />

1893·4 •<br />

1894·5 •<br />

1895·G •<br />

1896-7 •<br />

1807·8 •<br />

1808·9 •<br />

18!H).1000<br />

1000·1<br />

<strong>1901</strong>·2 •<br />

Deeds<br />

nnd other<br />

Instruments,<br />

&c.<br />

-- ----}f ~-<br />

2,38.5,602<br />

3,153,084<br />

3,530,024<br />

3,29i,73i<br />

2,84i,G64<br />

2,Si2,3Si<br />

2,640,0lll<br />

3,2G6,957<br />

4,643,822<br />

4,553,301<br />

4.700,055<br />

4,842,358<br />

!i,449,401<br />

4,809,115<br />

4,701,148<br />

-- ---i--------. --------- -- Property<br />

------- - -<br />

-------<br />

- -- ---------------·---<br />

S'l'A?\IPS.<br />

1 ---miiS of Receipts,<br />

Exclum~e,<br />

D ft<br />

Bankers' l:' otcs, Life nnd ~~ids,<br />

Other<br />

t:1d 1on1.JJoi1° I11~~~~l~1~es. other lteceipts.<br />

0~1nBft~s a~1~<br />

Penny<br />

Notes.<br />

Stamps.<br />

- ---£,--"""'---£-----£,------£-.---<br />

783,436 168,284 992,325 443,100<br />

823,470 174,441 1,041,247 450,092<br />

8G7,686 186,827 l,OiD,200 403,32i<br />

SS0,652 194,850 1,111,630 4H,314<br />

837,009 203,836 1 1 131!,308 422,922<br />

7Si,415 188,17i 1,148,300 404,160<br />

709,128 193,800 1,166,772 89i,210<br />

74i,SOO 194,405 1,202,747 421,342<br />

i00,363 211,321 1,261,301 426,424<br />

792,341 216,654 l,:!05,324 443,826<br />

784,030 216,666 1,350,691 450,803<br />

iS9,922 230,718 1,381,835 400,0S7<br />

829,097 237,463 1,431,305 4S2,205<br />

819,2i9 260,372 1,447,447 41>0,644<br />

825,Si5 266,324 1,478,392 500,684<br />

TAX.ES.<br />

and Income 'l'ax.,<br />

'.l'OT.\L.<br />

-- -----~:-:- !<br />

4,11.,14i I<br />

5,642,334<br />

6,157,154 '<br />

5,0'29,18!><br />

5,448,33-l :<br />

5,400,535<br />

5,167,001 '<br />

5,833,SU<br />

7,339,231 I<br />

7,311,446<br />

7,598,245 I<br />

7,704,9£0 I<br />

~.429,~r!<br />

1<br />

1,88G 1 J.>1 .<br />

7,7i2,423 :<br />

i<br />

\"EARS Inhabited ·---- --- Schedules.<br />

e~i~id Land 'l.'nx. Hoase ----------------<br />

March. I Duty. A. : B. C. D. I E. Total.<br />

£ .£ -------£, .£ .£ --£'-- I---£,-' ------x.--<br />

<strong>1887</strong>•8 • 1· 1,041,:188 1,917,614 4,870,001 329,735 l,290,16S 6,872,641 903,0S7 14,275,502<br />

1SSS·9 • 1,033,361 1,923,32S 4,211,992 265,667 1,137,117 6.055,5:!7 805,066 12,4i5,36!l<br />

1889·90 • 1 046,860 1,977,644 4,2i0,9i7 255,524 1,054,735 6,Si0,566 823,0!lll 12,iS3,!)f)I<br />

1800·1 •<br />

1891·2 •<br />

1,025,764<br />

1,038,837<br />

1,526,763<br />

1,442,S48<br />

3,98:1,119<br />

4 1<br />

236,254<br />

218,610<br />

230,424<br />

1,020,643<br />

059,986<br />

7,059,212<br />

7,518,551<br />

862,348<br />

912,801<br />

13,143,932<br />

18,8S!{,016<br />

1892·3 • 1,02i,713 1,411,511 4.118,240 220,868 000,266 7,222,9iS 917,218 13,439,576<br />

1893-4 • 1,003,111 l,440,62S 4,037,700 253,550 1,114,900 7,973,6:!0 1,002,58! 15,842,363<br />

18~·5 • 1,021,705 1,462,3i8 4,752,224 189,258 1,257,539 8,352,451 l,OOi,800 15,649,36:?<br />

1188!e:2, : ! 1,020,801 1,486,!)48 44',~s,~33',600000 177,500 1,800,300 S,5Si,:HO 1,124,200 15,l)S2,ll41)<br />

'"' 916,445 1,518,434 .. 155,000 l,2Sl,OOO 9,884,3-11 1,23CJ,OOO 10,001,SH<br />

1897°8 • 922,860 1,566,7f>S 4,772,000 148,000 1,168,000 9,828,377 1,255,000 17,171,377<br />

1898·9 • 1 805,460 1,570,SiS 4,9i9,000 150,000 1,171,000 10,396,311 1,340,000 18,042,311<br />

1899·1900 739,493 1,698,523 5,156,000 155,000 1,212,000 10,951,336 1· 1,893,000 18,867,336<br />

1000.1 • 765,869 1,701,035 7,253,000 '>3 ooo l,6il,OOO 16,415,161 l,mm,ooo 2i,561,161<br />

<strong>1901</strong>·2- • 775 1<br />

210 1,126,076 9,021,5os 283;020 2,264,23i 21,os;;,106 2,724,100 35,3iS,7oo<br />

1 Nou:.-The fiq10-es in this Table ;.Yo. 7 gfre the a11101mt of the actual uet receipts clcrh·e1l /1'1111~ tlie. C11~tm11~, .Hxci~e·<br />

E~tatc, «:c., Duties, StamJ)s, and Taxes; aml do not therefore corrupo11d exactly with the fi91m~s in 'l'aloles Xos. ~ and!,'<br />

wllicli give the payments made into the Bxchcquer "Exchequer Receipts," 01i acco1rnt of the.~e duUes in each year. '<br />

* P1·lor to 1894-5 11.ll De11th Du~les wert> inoludcd under the guneral i1end of Stamps.<br />

t Bxclusive of proportion of Probate Duty collected fo1· Locul Authorities (ue 'l'nble No. 13. p. 30-1).<br />

: F.xclnslve of proportion of Duty cnrried to Locnl 'l.'axntion Accounts.<br />

4!1 The ornom1ts under the aovc1·:il schedules show the n1mroxlmnte produce or the 'l'n:c h:lsml r.n the nssess ncnt.d ol<br />

property and income under ea1Jh schcuult:.<br />

I<br />

j<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


EXPENDlTURE, &c.<br />


l<br />

I<br />

Ye.'lrs<br />

eudt>d<br />

31st<br />

I llarch.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l"unded<br />

Debt.<br />

1 Terminable<br />

Annuities,<br />

Estimated 1<br />

unrunded<br />

Capital<br />

I Debt.<br />

Value or.<br />

Totals of<br />

Cohimus<br />

1to3.<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Other Capital Llnbllities.<br />

Estimated Liability in respect of Sums borrowed<br />

· under:-<br />

------,---1<br />

l<br />

I<br />

Russlnnjlmperinl. Russian i I Niwa! I<br />

(!elegrnph,<br />

Dutch .Defence, Dutch<br />

. . Works Uganda<br />

Acts,<br />

1<br />

Lo 1<br />

an. Act, , Lonn Uarrncks 1 1, Acts,<br />

1 llallway<br />

18 !) 2<br />

j lSSS ;' Act, Act, 1890.; I l 18!>5 I Act,<br />

1<br />

! to<br />

18 6<br />

(Part I.) lSVl. to 1·<br />

18!)!),<br />

!) •<br />

_,_______,.__ ___!___!_3__ --~--- ~ _ ~--G _l_:!_ __ 8 ____<br />

1 I ! I<br />

£, l £ £ £, £, I £, £ £<br />

lSSH! ""·''°·'"' I '~"'·''" 17,3!!5,100 705~75,013 582,SSS I<br />

lSSS-9 607,057,511 i 75,219,438 , 1~003,3'2 6'S,'30,'71 561,531! I I<br />

' 15:59-90 ' SS5,95!l,S52 : 71,731,86!) 132,252,305 6S9,9H,02G 510,740 I -1 I<br />

1800-1 579,472,082 \ G&,i!i8,79S 36,HO,Oi!l O...'tl,070,959 5Hl,940 I 707,780<br />

1S91-2 577,!.l-HlJ65 i 6-1,421,012 i 35,312,W-I G77,G71l,5il l 71H,55S 531,350<br />

1892-3 5S9,533,0S2 ~ G0,761,400 j 20,748,270 671,04~,842 l 689,200 602,770 5-12,5441 86,474<br />

lS~ SSi,631,096 ! 57,fJ76,S!lS * ll,446,8;)( OO'J,15-1,29-1 ! 611,7831473,353 ! 1,215,754 ! 249,887<br />

.,,._. soo,015~19 I .....,,m 11,400,300 ~s,on : 531,,.1 I """'' ! 1.aoo,210 i<br />

I<br />

1<br />

1001.<br />

9 ___ 1_0~1_ 1~ _<br />

"°•"° i<br />

1Sf!5-6 5S9,l-W.SiS I J0,351,4G5 I !l,075,800 64S,474,H3 l 440,705 411,827 I 2,387,362 l 436,113 SS0,!)55<br />

l&JC-i<br />

I<br />

5Si,t;:>5,732 l H,041,9-17 l S,133,000 IH0,773,670<br />

5S5,7~7,G24 10,515,QSQ S,133,000 634,435,70-1<br />

l<br />

I<br />

365,0'.)0 3i0,672 ; 2,267,05-1 I 075,182<br />

t<br />

; 2ii,750 346,554 2,134,385 ' 020,206 145,877 I<br />

£<br />

140,:no i<br />

18!18-9 :;&.a,186,3


AsSETS, and the Ex,CIIEQUER BA~ANCES on 31st i\farch of each YEAR from 1888 Lo 1902 .<br />

. ------------------------------------- - ---~~ -- ---- ---<br />

Othtir Cap'ital Llabll!til]s.<br />

-·----------------------1 Aggregate•-------·-<br />



YXAM<br />

ended<br />

I<br />

I<br />

3lst llarch. :<br />

r<br />


OF l'AXATION.<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

-<br />

j<br />

I<br />

l CUSTOlCS :-<br />

! / REDUCED:<br />

Tobacco Duty •<br />

' ST.UIJ.>S :-<br />

<strong>1887</strong>·8 . I<br />

\ i REDUCED:<br />

Duty on )larine Insurance, on}<br />

policies under 28. 6d. • • •<br />

:. , ISCOlIE TAX:-·<br />

Reduced • •<br />

I<br />

TOTAL<br />

•<br />

---<br />


Date<br />

of<br />

I Change.<br />

'<br />

I<br />

l<br />

I 21 May, <strong>1887</strong><br />

I<br />

1<br />

i<br />

I 5July,<strong>1887</strong><br />

!<br />

I • Ap•il, <strong>1887</strong><br />

j<br />

l '<br />

Budget Estimate of Loss<br />

to Revenue.<br />

For the Year<br />

in which<br />

the change<br />

took place.<br />

For the<br />

complete<br />

Year,<br />

Loss t-0<br />

Revenue in a<br />

normal year,<br />

as computed<br />

at the end of<br />

the year of<br />

change.<br />

£, £, £,<br />

600,000 600,000 508,404<br />

20,000 20,000 t 7,290<br />

1,560,000 1,950,000 2,000,000<br />

2,180,000 2,570,000 2,515,694<br />

--<br />

I<br />

,' l EXCISE:-<br />

1 Licences t-0 Hawkers reduced to} I<br />

16::May, !SSS<br />

1 I 2l. for <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> • • t<br />

; : LICE."\CES:<br />

• t<br />

l888-S9 i . STAlIPS :-<br />

' i<br />

:<br />

1<br />

One-third Probate Duty handed}<br />

O\'er t J..ocal Authorities



YEARS • 1<br />

ended<br />

31•t Maroh, I lNOREASF.S AND Im1 0SITIONS<br />

OP '.l'AXATION.<br />

Date<br />

or<br />

Change.<br />

I .Budget Estimnte of Gain<br />

to Revenue.<br />

Gain to<br />

.Revenue in &<br />

1-----~------.. - normal year<br />

l!'or the Year ~<br />

as computed<br />

In which ! For the at the end of<br />

the chnnge l complete the year<br />

took place. : Year. of change.<br />

1<br />

CUSTO)!S:-<br />

Additional Duty on :Bottled Wines<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2i l\Inrch, 1888<br />

lNCREASED:<br />

Duties on transfers of Debentme} 5 July, lSSi<br />

Stock, &c. • • • • •<br />

120,000 120,000 120,000<br />

TOT.\L<br />

1 -1-'1--<br />

j 120,000 I 120,000 120,000<br />

·--.=======-~· ====:;======-!<br />

CUSTOMS: - l I<br />

Additional Duty on Bottled nnd} 2!> June, 1888 I l2.'l,OOO<br />

Sparkling Wines • • • •<br />

STA)!PS:-<br />

I<br />

DEATH DUTIES· • !<br />

Succession Duty, Increase ! per\j<br />

cent. on Lineals, 1! per cent. onjl l July, 1888 I 50,000<br />

Collaternls • • · • · I<br />

GENERAL STA:\Il'S:<br />

I<br />

Stringent regulntions for prevent·} 16 )fay, l8SS 1 50,000<br />

iug evasion of duties • · • I<br />

!<br />

Foreign SP.curities to Benrer • • l July, 1888 1<br />

200,000<br />


Increase from 6d. to 10s. pe1·}<br />

Co~~l~·~ct N;tes, • Incr~ase. fro~1 16 May, 1888<br />

ld. to 6d. • • • • •<br />

Companies' Capital Duty<br />

I<br />

50,000<br />

l<br />

125,000<br />

368,000<br />

50,000<br />

200,000<br />

50,000<br />

16 l\lny, 1888 ,__<br />

11_0_,0_00 __:___<br />

1_10_,00_0 __<br />



,j<br />

l<br />

·1<br />

YEARS<br />

ended<br />

Slst :March.!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


'£AX.\TIOX.<br />


Date of<br />

Change.<br />

-------~, ~- -<br />

I<br />

I Budget Estimate of Loss<br />

t to Revenue,<br />

1-----<br />

İ<br />

l<br />

For the Year<br />

in which<br />

the change<br />

took place.<br />

For the<br />

complete<br />

Year.<br />

Loss to<br />

Revenue In a<br />

normal year<br />

as computed<br />

at the end of<br />

the year of<br />

change.<br />

~1 CUSTO~IS :-<br />

.£ £ £<br />

\ Repealed :-<br />

; Gld and Silver Plate Duty<br />

ll,3i5<br />

l<br />

1 }uw,,1soo{<br />

; Reduced:- i 210,000 210,000 201,686<br />

1 Currants • • · ·<br />

11 Tea • 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,0i2,343<br />

I: EXCISE:-<br />

' t Beer Duty (3d. a !Jarrel) handed} 9 June, 1890 386,000 386,000 391,256<br />

) I<br />

over to Local .Authorities · -<br />

1890-1 ' LICESCES :- ·<br />

Sootch over to L!oeneo Local Duties .Authorities bauded} in l .April, 1890 318,000 318,000 322,433<br />

Scotland t · - -<br />

ST.UIPS:-<br />

, Gold and Silver Plate Duty repealed l )fay, 1800 70,000 98,000 !lS,000<br />

HOUSE DUTl"' :-<br />

I Reduction in rates of Duty on}<br />

Houses between 20l. and 60,., 6April,1800 ·130,000 540,000 5i0 JOO<br />

1<br />

and Lodging House concession<br />

TOTAL 2,914,000 3,052,000 2,667,093<br />

~-=-------- --- - ----=~-==<br />

1891-2 ! Sil - I - l - I -<br />

f<br />

1 CUSTO~IS :-<br />

! Additional Duty on<br />

"""' j Wine adjusted<br />

lo.,,,.-3 -lJ ST.AfilS :-<br />

: REDUCED:<br />

' Patent Fee Stamps ·<br />

I<br />

: ST.UIPS:-<br />

r I REPE!tED =<br />

IS93-4 ~I · Duty on Foreign and<br />

•1<br />

Share Certificates<br />

._ 1<br />

==-=~=- =--~-=--~--_;;;-..;.=!<br />

_Spar!'1in~} 12April, 1892<br />

_ 4 July, 1892 24,000 50,000 § 50,000 I<br />

-======-===----..:....::~-====-===--==----~=-:::··::====:'.;....~<br />

Co~oni~} irnay, 1893 D 58,000 I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-=--==---='"'""!<br />

j L'\Co::\IE TAX:-<br />

Sobedulo A. Relief unde< i...nd•} } J 700,000 800,000<br />

and Houses • • - - -<br />

1894-5 , il April, 1894 l<br />

Small<br />

Exemptions<br />

Incomes.<br />

and<br />

Extension<br />

Abatements<br />

of}<br />

-<br />

750,000 840,000<br />

1<br />

1<br />

t<br />

I<br />

}11 !,400,000<br />

TOTAL 1,450,000 1,640,000 ~f 1,400,000<br />

:••trY..-The l-Oss tr1 Rei:enue camed 1'11 the reduction of Taxes ill in most case11 less tl1an the oain which tlte<br />

r.-•f,,t:1ayer, became the loss to Rer:entte is oenerally recouped by an increasccl ccmsumption or<br />

,,,,, ,,;f],~ articles taud Ctm8equent upon the lou:eriny of tlie d11t11. llr11ce tlte loss is not necessarily tlie meaitttre<br />

•t ,.,Ji,f"'the f.axpayer.<br />

· .vn


H.EDUCED or INCREASED-Continued.<br />

~,-- ~ud~et Est;;;;~e of Ga:-I Gain to<br />

YEARS to Jtevenne. Revenue in a<br />

~ ended lNCltRASES AND IMPOSITIONS OF g~1~g°i_ ~- -----,-------· :so=~K:J ;<br />

I 'l'AXATION. F~~~~~~i~l~r i ~·or the at the encl of<br />

13lst~far_c_h~··~--------------------------.;-----------:-t-h_e_c_h_a_ng_e-"---c-o_m_p-le-te---=---th-e--yea<br />

1<br />

took place Year. change.<br />

__ r_o_f_<br />

1<br />

£ £, £ ''.<br />

1890-1 Nil •<br />

1891-2<br />

1892-3<br />

~{<br />

1894-5<br />

Nil<br />

Nil·<br />

STA)IPS:­<br />

!NCRRASED:­<br />

Contract Notes above one penny}<br />

• (Duty raised from 6d. to ls.) •<br />

INCOl\IB TAX:­<br />

Duty increased from 6d. to 7d. in}<br />

the£ • • • • , • •<br />

CUSTOl\IS :­<br />

TOTAL<br />

• • •<br />

Beer Duty increased by 6d. per}<br />

barrel • • • • . •<br />

Spirit Duty increased by 6d. per<br />

~~~~~~· ~;1itl~rtY~ffs 0 r~1~~~te wm;<br />

Spirits • • • • • •<br />

-------<br />

- I<br />

i I<br />

12 )f~y. 189~-I<br />

6 April, ""I<br />

EXCISE:­<br />

Beer Duty increased by 6d. perf<br />

barrel · • • • • •<br />

Spirit Duty. increased by 6d. per } 17 April,1894 {<br />

l<br />

gallon • • • • •<br />

STA?IIPS:­<br />

N cw Estate Duty (in substitution}<br />

of Probate, Account l\ltd Old 31July,1894<br />

Estate Duty, &c.) • • • •<br />

INCO)IE TAX :­<br />

Duty increased from 7d. to Sd. in}<br />

6April,1894<br />

the£ • · • • • •<br />

TO:I·AL • • •<br />

-<br />

17 April, 1894<br />

-<br />

- - -<br />

l I<br />

31,000<br />

- -<br />

1,750,000 2,200,000 *2,200,000<br />

1,750,000 2,200,000 2,231,000<br />

I<br />

160,000 160,000 66,000<br />

580,000 600,000 645,000<br />

600,000 600,000 87,000<br />

1,000,000 "'3,500,000 t 4,000,000<br />

1,780,000 2,'200,000 2,130,000<br />

4,120,000 7,150,000 6,928,000<br />

I<br />

--<br />

~OTE.-As an increase of dttty may lead to a diminished c011Sttmption or 11se of the article.i taxed, thc9ain to<br />

Revcnt1e is 1wt 11eCP.ssarily a measure of the burclen of the increase on tlie ta:i7m111·.<br />

'* Approximate amount.<br />

:\lean result of tho two years 1895·6 and 189(1-7,<br />

6475. Il 2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


'.<br />

YliRS<br />

ended<br />


I<br />


Date<br />

of<br />

\<br />

Budget Estimate of Loss<br />

to Revenue.<br />

Loss to<br />

Re\'enue in a<br />

normal year<br />

as computed<br />

at the end of<br />

the year of<br />

change.<br />

Slst :l!arch.<br />

}'or the Year<br />

OF 'l'AXATIO:N.<br />

in which<br />

For the<br />

change.<br />

the change<br />

complete<br />

took place.<br />

Year.<br />

!<br />

; ! CUSTOlrS:- £, £ £,<br />

I;<br />

Sp;rit., duty redu"'d 6d. ""}<br />

gallon, with proportionate de·<br />

crease on articles made with<br />

lst July, 1895 - - *66,000<br />

189H , spirits - · • • • ·<br />

'<br />

r<br />

i EXCISE:-<br />

Spirits, duty reduced 6d. per} lst July, 1895 - - *87,000<br />

gallon from lst July 1895 • •<br />

TOTAL • • • • - - 153,000<br />

I<br />

Amounts assigned in relief of Agri-}<br />

cultural Rates (Local Taxation lst April, 1897 975,000 1,950,000 1,663,557<br />

Accounts) • • • • •<br />

i Objects of National, Scientific}<br />

or Historical Interest exempted 7th Aug., 1896 t 100,000<br />

I<br />

100,000 f 10,700<br />

from extra duty • • • •<br />

I ' 1896-7 I V a.;o., oth" oon.,.,.;o., m>d"}<br />

Finance Act, 1896. (Detailed on 7th Aug., 1896 100,000 100,000 100,000<br />

: page 19 of Parliamentary Paper<br />

:' ' 361 oflS96). • • • • •<br />

:<br />

1897-8<br />

Rate reduced from 48. in the £ to}<br />

11. on the annual yalue of land 6th April, 18961 100,000 100,000 § 85,000<br />

subject t-0 Land Tax • • •<br />

I<br />

TOTAL . - I<br />

1,275,000 2,250,000 1,859,257<br />

Nil . -<br />

I - ·I -·<br />

I -<br />


L~'DT.U:-<br />

I CUSTOlrS:- i<br />

I<br />

REDUCED:-<br />

Duty on Tobacco ot~er • thai~} 16th May, 1898 1,120,000 1,200,000 I<br />

Ciga:-s •<br />

1,400,006<br />

L'WOlIB TAX:-<br />

! Increase from lOOZ. to 150l. of'<br />

Abatement on Inoom" abo" I<br />

I<br />

400Z. and not exceeding 500Z. •<br />

Abatement of 120Z. on Incomes<br />

l!98-9<br />

I<br />

~r ,._.,. ~·· ~ot .'"':"'·~ J<br />

!<br />

Abatement of 70Z. on Incomes<br />

I ;~r ~'· ~nd •.!1ot _exce~dln~<br />

I<br />

I • l<br />

t . Lili'D TAX :-<br />

I Tax "mltted on In'°mes not<br />

l "'T } 97,000<br />

ceeding 160l. • • • • •<br />

i<br />

: On Incomes not exceeding 400Z., 6th April, 1898<br />

'l<br />

!<br />

\ 1 one-half of Land Tax remitted -<br />

Gth April, 1898 100,000 100,000 130,000<br />

~ ~<br />

i -----------<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'<br />

23,000<br />

TOTAL - 1,220,000 1,300,000 1,650,000<br />

Sr.JTY..-Th~ ln~1t In Recentie camed by the reduction of Taus is in most caxe8 less than the gain wltic/i tlte<br />

reduawr. aJ!wdt w tlte taxptJyer, became the loss to Revenue i8 nenerall11 recouped by an increased consumption or<br />

uu of the artidu taud canuquent upon the loweri11!J of the duty. llc11ce the los8 is not necessai·ily the 111easurr<br />

of reluf ro the ta:lpayer.<br />

,,. The !1lir.S Inserted here are equivalent to the gain In 1894-5 (shown in that year), when the duty was<br />

.o-mespmdlnglr Increased. But notwithstanding the decrease of the rate of duty there wne an increase 1,f<br />

.l:l.£;6ll. in the Ctutcims Jtevenue from Foreign Spirits, and of 334,000Z. In the Excise Revenue from Spirits.<br />

t As stated by Chancellor of Exchequer In Debate on Finance Bill, 1896.<br />

: Average of three years 1897-8 to 1893-1000.<br />

f llean oi tlt·o years 1897-8 and 1898-P.<br />


j_.;<br />

/<br />

IMPE~I~L ~EVENUE, EXPENJ)~1'URE, ·&c.<br />

REDUO~D or INCREASFJD-Continued.<br />

I<br />

l Budget Estimate of Gain<br />

Gain to<br />

Y~ARS Date to Revenue.<br />

L<br />

Revenue in a<br />

I!lCREASES AND IMPOSITIONS normal year<br />

ended of<br />

j l



----<br />

I Budget Estimate of Loss Loss to<br />

YEARS<br />

! to Revenue. I Rove;,u, in<br />

1<br />

I a normal<br />

---~--<br />

REDUCTIO~S .·U\D REPE.\LS Date of<br />

ended year as<br />

i For the Year<br />

OF computed at<br />

1'.\XA.T[O~.<br />

Change.<br />

' in which<br />

For the<br />

lst ~farch.<br />

the en


HEDUCED or INCREASED-Continued.<br />

YEARS<br />

ended<br />

· 3lst March.<br />

!<br />

I<br />

1---------<br />

1900-1<br />

<strong>1901</strong>-2<br />

I<br />



CUSTOMS:-<br />

Wine duties inc1:enscd<br />

Addit;onal duty on Spirits imported}<br />

in bottles • • • • •<br />

STAMPS:-<br />

Companies' Capital Duty increased}<br />

from 28. to 5s. per cent., new<br />

dnties imposed on Foreign Certi·<br />

ficates, Loan Capital, &c., and<br />

duties on other Instruments in·<br />

creased · • • • • •<br />

'fOTAL<br />

f CUSTO::\IS :-<br />

JJeer Duty increased by ls. per)<br />

barrel. Spirit Duty increased by l<br />

Od. per gallon, with proportionateJ<br />

increase on articles made with<br />

Spirits - . - - - •<br />

\<br />

Date of<br />

Change.<br />

14 April, 1899;<br />

13'"',.·1300 I<br />

I<br />

20 June, 1899 l<br />

I<br />

O .lfarch, 1900<br />

Tea Duty increased by 2d. per lb. • 0 ~!arch, 1900<br />

'J.'obacco Unmanufactured, Duty}<br />

increased by 4d. per lb., with<br />

proportionate increase on Mann· 0 ~larch, 1900<br />

factured Tobacco, other than<br />

Cigars. Foreign Cigar Duty<br />

i!11:reased by Od. per lb. • •<br />

I Budget Estimat.e of Gain<br />

to Revenue<br />

Gain to<br />

Revenue in<br />

'~~~he.Year~- -Fo~r-tl-i - coj~fEf:t<br />

m which ' e the end of<br />

the change , complete the year<br />

! toOk place. Year. of change.<br />

£<br />

310,000 I<br />

40 1<br />

000 I<br />

450,000 !<br />

I<br />

800,000<br />

I<br />

I<br />

202,000 I<br />

I<br />

1,700,000<br />

1,000,000<br />

EXCISE:-<br />

Beer Duty increased by ls. per barrel } f 1,750,000<br />

Spirit Duty increased by Od. per} fl Mar., 1900 l soo •• ooo<br />

gallon · • • • • -<br />

rncmm '.l'A.."\.:-<br />

Duty increased from Sd. to ls. in.} 0 .April, 1900<br />

the£.<br />

'I<br />

TOTAL· •<br />

1 · CUSTOMS:-<br />

Coal, Duty of ls. per ton imposedi<br />

on Coal exported, except Coal of 19 April, <strong>1901</strong><br />

a value not exceeding OS. per ton<br />

Sugar. Duty of 4s. 2


No. 10.-ARTICLES subject to htPOitT and EXPORT DUTIES in the UNITED<br />

distinguishing also the Duties levied as ordinary Import<br />

Revenue Duties upon British Productions (according<br />

---------------<br />


---- --- ------- --------<br />

EXPORT Dun·.<br />

·I<br />


£, s. d.<br />

COAL· Ton 0 1 0<br />

--------<br />


COCOA: I<br />

£ 8. d.<br />

Lb. 0 0 1<br />

~=ks ~nd Shell; : : : : : : : : : Cwt. 0 2 0<br />

Cocoa or Chocolate, Ground, Prepared, or in any way lianu·} ! Lb. 0 0 2<br />

factured • • • • • • • • • •<br />

(For additional duty if Spirit has been used in the manufacture,<br />

see next page).<br />

Cocoa Butter • 0 0<br />

COF~;: . ·I Cwt. 0 14 0<br />

CHI~~~~ied, Roasted, or Ground • ! Lb. 0 0 2<br />

:Raw, or Kiln·dried • I Cwt. 0 13 3<br />

Roasted or Ground • • 1 Lb. 0 0 2<br />

Chicory (or other yegetable Substances) and 9offee Roasted}!<br />

and Ground;<br />

0 0 2<br />

~1xed • • • • • • • • ·<br />

CORX .~SD GRAIN: ;<br />

Wheat, Barley, Oats, Rye, Buckwheat, Peas and Beans (not} i<br />

fresh), Lentils, Rice (other than whole and cleaned) •<br />

Cwt. 0 0<br />

~Iaize • ; 0 0 H<br />

Offals of the abo,·e mentioned articles • • • • • 0 0 1;<br />

Flour, meal or milled pr-:1ducts of above mentioned articles} l<br />

0 0<br />

(other than Offals) except maize· • • • • • !<br />

~Iaize :\real or milled produ.:ts of llaize, other than Offals • 0 0 2!<br />

Starch, Arrowroot, Cassava Powder&:: Tapioca, Potnt-0 Flour } 1<br />

Sago, lfalt, Pearled Barley and Rice (whole and cleant>d)· l<br />

0 0 5<br />

FRl"IT, DRIED :<br />

'<br />

Currants • l<br />

Figs, Fig·cake, Plums preserved, P.runes and Raisins • l<br />

0 2 0<br />

0 7 0<br />

iO per cent. or more of sweetening matter<br />

llOLASSES:<br />

Containing • / 0 2 9<br />

Containing''" thon 70 p0< cone, and mo" thou 50 P"~, 0 2 0<br />

cent. of sweetening matter • • • • • • '<br />

Containing not more than 60 per cent. of sweetening i<br />

0 0<br />

matter. · • • • • - • • • • • i<br />

SUG •.\R:<br />

'<br />

Tested by the polariscope, cf a polarisation exceeding}<br />

0 4 2<br />

98 degrees • • • • • • • • • •<br />

Of a. polarisation not exceeding 76 degrees • • • • 0 2 0<br />

Intermediate rates of duty are levied on Su!iar of a polari·<br />

aatlon not exceeding 98 degrees, but excee Ing 76 degrees-<br />

TEA Lb.<br />

0 0 6<br />

TOBACCO:<br />

Unmanufactured, containing 10 lbs. or more of moisture in}<br />

e\·ery lOOlbs. weight thereof • • • • • •<br />

0 3 0<br />

,, Containing less than 10 lbs. of moisture in every}<br />

100 lbs. weight thereof • • • • • • •<br />

0 3<br />

)lanufactured :<br />

I<br />

Cigars • • • • • 0 5 6<br />

Cavendish or Negrohead ' 0 4 4<br />

Snuff containing in every J more than 13 lbs. of moisture 1<br />

0 3 7<br />

100'1bs. weight thereof "lnot more than 13 lbs. of ditt-0 1 0 4 4<br />

Other )lanufactured Tobacco,and Cavendish or N egrohead,} :<br />

)lanufactured in Bond from Unmanufactured '.l'obacco !<br />

0 3 10<br />

! WJ:>E: ;<br />

!\i;.t exceeding 30 degrees of Proof 8J!lrlt • • • • i Gallon<br />

:Exceeding 30 but not exceeding 42 egrees of Proof Spirit •<br />

0 1 8<br />

0 3<br />

E\·ery de~ee or part of a degree beyond the highest above}<br />

0<br />

t<br />

charged, an c.dditlonal duty of • • • ·• • •<br />

Degree not t-) include Fractions of the next higher degree. ·<br />

0 0<br />

Wine Includes lees of wine .<br />

.Additional duty on Sparkling Wine Imported In Bottle 0 2 6<br />

Still 0 1 0<br />

- ·--- - ~---- -------------<br />

-"''·'~ lllf v1 .drtickJJ cl1arued witli lmp(Jrt Dtities.-In this Return sub·dlvlslons of Articles<br />

l<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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J;<br />


tKINGDO~r, together with and the RATE OF DUTY LEVIED upon each ARTJOLE;<br />

_Duties and those levied to countervail Excise ·and other Inland<br />

--to the· Tariff in Operation on the lst August, 1902).<br />





WHITE BEER and other preparations, whether fermented<br />

l)r not fermented, of a character similar to Mum, Spruce<br />

or Black Beer :<br />

The Worts oi which were before fermentation, of a specific<br />

gra,•ity:<br />

Not exceeding 1,215 degrees {<br />

Exceeding I,215 degrees<br />

13EER of nny other description the Worts of which were, before }<br />

fermentation, of a speriftc gravity of 1,055 degrees • • •<br />

~'or every<br />

36 galls.<br />

II<br />

)<br />

f<br />

£ s. cl.<br />

112 0<br />

117 6<br />

II<br />

0 8 0<br />

and so in proportion for<br />

any difference in gravity.<br />

GLUCOSE:<br />

Solid Cwt. 0 8 3<br />

I.iquid<br />

•<br />

0 2 6<br />

"<br />

SACCHARIN (i:1cluding substances of a like nature or use) • Oz. 0 1 3<br />


-<br />


:For everygallon, computed at hydrometer proof, of SpiritsL<br />

£, 8. d.<br />

of any description (except perfumed Spirits), including<br />

Naphtha or ?ilethylic Alcohol purified so as to be potable, J<br />

Proof gall.<br />

and inixtures and preparations containing Spirits • •<br />

0 11 4<br />

.Additional on Spirits imported in bottle, enumerated and}<br />

tested, and Sweetened Spirits imported in bottle, unenu·<br />

merated and tested • • • • • • - •<br />

II 0 1 0<br />

Swoetonoa, l"Wd fo' """glh, "'dlllonal to tho Sphi' ~<br />

II<br />

Duty, in respect of the Sugar used therein • • •<br />

0 0 2<br />

.Additional Imitation Rum, Geneva and unenum:irated<br />

Spil'its sweetened and not sweetened, tested • • •<br />

0 0 1<br />

"<br />

Liqueurs, Cordials, or other preparations containing Spirits,<br />

in bottle, entered in such a manner as to indicate that the Gallon 0 16 4<br />

strength is not to be tested • • • • • • •<br />

Perfumed Spirits<br />

II<br />

0 18 1<br />

.Additional if imported in bottle<br />

0 1 0<br />

Spil'its, :Methylated In bond Prooi'gall. 0 0 4<br />

CHLOROFORM Lb. 0 8 s<br />

CHLOitAL llYDltATE •<br />

" I 0 1 4<br />

COCOA or CHOCOLATE, in the numufncture of which Spirit has}<br />

been used, in addition to any other duty to wluch such<br />

II 0 0 0!*<br />

Cocoa. or Chocolate is at presel!t liable • • • • •<br />

COLLODION Gallon 1 6 s<br />

CONF}:C'rIONERY, in the manufacture of which Spirit has been}<br />

used, in addition to any other duty to which such Confectionery<br />

is at present liable • • • • • • •<br />

Lb. 0 0 ~·<br />

ETHER, Acetic •<br />

11 Butyric • Gaiion<br />

0 111<br />

0 16 5<br />

II<br />

Sulphuric<br />

II 1 7 5<br />

ETHYL, .Bromide Lb. 0 1 1<br />

,, Chlodde • • • • • • • • • • Gallon 0 16 5<br />

11 Iodide of • • • • • • • • • •<br />

II 0 14 s<br />

){ETHYLIO ALCOHOL, purified so as to be potable {/!CC Spirits and}<br />

NAl'llTHA 1<br />

11 11 11 Strong Waters<br />

SOAP, TnANSl'AltENT, in the mmmfacture of which Spirit has} I Lb. 0 o· 3<br />

been used· • • • • • • • • • •<br />

-<br />

};)ll'OHT DUTY to countervail STA::Ul• Dun· on BRITISIMfADE AltTICLES.<br />

-P-L-Al:-.1~~-~A-1i_n_s _____ ---------------. jn-oz-.1mek>T<br />

£0 '3-g.<br />

of a similar nature and subject· to the same mte of tluty are classed under one head.<br />

* Or such additional spirit duty mte 'as analysis may show to be necessary.<br />

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~o l l.-STATJ.Ji'1ENT showing RATES of the PRINCIPAL INIJAND-­<br />

REVENUE Dur~s in operation on the 6th August, 1902.<br />

(EJ:d.u$f1.:e of Duties of Excise Licences surrendred to Local 1'axation<br />

Acco_lt!!_~~-Cl:~d Fee and P_a_ten_t _S_ta__<br />

m=p_,s)'-. -·-----·<br />

Rates of<br />

Duty.<br />

----- ---------------'------!<br />

£ s. d.<br />

Per 36 gallons of the}<br />

* Beer - -{<br />

specific gravity of 0 7 9<br />

l,055 degrees<br />

I E.,ci,;-Duti;. :-<br />

1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

Glucose made in Great Britain or Ireland:-<br />

Solid -<br />

Per cwt.<br />

Liquid ,,<br />

Saccharin (including substance of a<br />

lik6 nature or use) made in Great Per oz.<br />

Britain or Ireland<br />

Railwa:r Duty (leYied in Great Britain only):-<br />

On receiptS from Urban Passenger!<br />

traffic at fares exceeding ld. per Per cent.<br />

mile - - - - - -<br />

On receipts fiom other Passenger<br />

traffic at fares exceeding ld. per<br />

0 2 9<br />

0 2 0<br />

0 l 3<br />

2 0 0<br />

5 0 0<br />

mile - - - - - -<br />

* Spirits - - - Per proof gallon 0 11 0<br />

fa:tate, &c. Duties :-<br />

t Estate Duty. On principal value of all property<br />

passing on death:-<br />

£ £<br />

Estates exceeding 100 in value but not 500<br />

" 500<br />

1,000<br />

" " 1,000<br />

10,000<br />

10,000 25,000<br />

Per cent.<br />

,, 25,000 50,000 ,,<br />

50,000 " " 75,000<br />

75,000 100,000<br />

100,000 ,, 150,000<br />

150,000 250,000<br />

250,000 " 500,000<br />

" 500,000 " " 1,000,000 ,,<br />

" 1,000,000 - - - • - "<br />

Settlement Estate Duty. On principail<br />

Yalue of settled property passing on ,,<br />

death - - - - - - -<br />

(This duty i-; levied in addition to the •state Duty)<br />

I<br />

Small estates not exceeding 300l. gross value pay a fixecl duty :<br />

of 30s., and if aboYe 300l. gross but not exceeding 500t.<br />

gross a fixed duty of 50s.<br />

Property real and personal (exclusiYe of properb~· settled<br />

otherwise than by the deceased's will), not exccedmg l,OOOl.<br />

and subject to Estate Duty, is exempt from Settlement<br />

Estate Duty and also from Legacy and Succession Duty.<br />

Le"aev and Succession Duties:-<br />

T'o a brother or si'iter or any descendant<br />

I To an uncle or aunt or any descendant -<br />

! To a great uncle or aunt or any descenda.nt<br />

: To any other more distant relation or to a}<br />

' r;tran~er in blood - - - - -<br />

i Corporation Duty on the net annual value,<br />

income or profit. accruing to Bodies<br />

' Corpomte or U nincorporate - - -<br />

"<br />

Per cent.<br />

,,<br />

,,<br />

l 0 0<br />

2 0 0<br />

3 0 0<br />

4 0 0<br />

4 10 0<br />

5 0 0<br />

5 10 0<br />

6 0 0<br />

6 10 0<br />

7 0 0<br />

7 10 0<br />

8 0 0<br />

l 0 0<br />

3 0 0<br />

5 0 0<br />

6 0 0<br />

10 0 0<br />

5 0 0<br />

* Of the amount collected under the 13ecr and Spirit Duties so much as would<br />

arii;e from duties of 3d. per barrel and 6d. per gallon, respectively, is paid over<br />

to J..ocal Taxation Account.'>.<br />

t Of the Estate duty collected on the net value of personal property in the<br />



27<br />


DUTIES in operation on the 6th August, 1902.-Gontinueil.<br />

(Excl1tSive of Duties of Excise Licences swrrerulered to Local Ta~.ation<br />

Accoztnts and Fee and Patent Stmnps).<br />

·--------- - - - ~-<br />

Stamps:-<br />

Bills of Exchange payable on demand}<br />

or within 3 clays after elate or sight -<br />

Other Bills of Exchange :-<br />

ll'or any sum not exceeding lOOl. - - According to value<br />

Exceeding lOOl. for every lOOl. or}· _ _ • .<br />

part thereof - - -- - -<br />

Deeds and other Instruments :<br />

Marketable Security, being a Colonial<br />

Government Security or a security<br />

not transferable by delivery :-<br />

Not exceedinO' lOl. • - - •<br />

Ex~eeding iof. and not exceedin~}-<br />

2ul. - - - - • .<br />

Exceeding 25l. and not exceeding}·<br />

50l. - - - - - -<br />

If exceeding 50l. and not exceed-}<br />

ing 300l., for each 50l. or -<br />

fraction thereof - - ·<br />

Exceedin!? 300/., for each lOOl.}<br />

or fraction thereof - • - ·<br />

I<br />

.<br />

Ra.tes of<br />

Duty.<br />

£ s. d.<br />

0 0<br />

ld. to ls.<br />

0 1 0<br />

0 0 3<br />

0 0 8<br />

0 3<br />

0 2 6<br />

Mortgage bond, dehenturc, co,•enant}<br />

Same as<br />

being the principal security for the<br />

above for<br />

payment or repayment of money -<br />

·{<br />

"marketable<br />

security."<br />

Securities (bonds) to bearer<br />

For every lOl. or }<br />

-{ fraction of lOl.<br />

0 1 0<br />

Substituted securities to bearer given} For every 20l. or<br />

in substitution of a like security fraction of 20l. \<br />

duly stamped - - - -<br />

)<br />

0 0 6<br />

Foreign ancl Colonial Share Certifi-J For every 25l. or<br />

cates - - - - - - l fraction of 25l. } 0 0 :1<br />

Conveyance or transfer on sale of any<br />

pro~erty except stock of the Bank<br />

of England (on the 'l'ransfer of which<br />

the duty is 7s. 9d.); Stock of the<br />

Go,·ernment of Canada inscribed in<br />

books kept in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>;<br />

and Colonial Stock to which the<br />

Colonial Stock Act, 1877, applies (on<br />

the Transfer of which the cluty is<br />

2s.- 6cl. for every lOOl. or fractional<br />

part of lOOl. of the nomim~l amount<br />

of Stock transferrecl)-<br />

Where the amount or value of the<br />

consideration does not exceed<br />

25l.-<br />

For every 5l. and fraction}<br />

thereof - - - · ·<br />

Where the amount exceeds 25l.<br />

and docs not exceecl 300l.-<br />

For every 25l. n.ncl fraction}<br />

thereof - - - - ·<br />

Where tho amount exceeds 300l.­<br />

For e'·ery 50l. ancl fraction 1<br />

thereof - - - - i •<br />

0<br />

0 0 6<br />

0 2 6<br />

0 5 0<br />

Other deeds, &c. - ~ - V nrions rates<br />

Public Companies-On the nomim~l}<br />

capital, to lie mised by shares, of Per lOOl. or fraction l<br />

any comtiau:y to be registered with of 1001. f<br />

limited habi1ity - - - - ·<br />

Public C'ompnni~s nnd Co~·pomtions} Per lOOl. or fraction }<br />

-on the Jorm rnsnecl wlnch is not of HlOl I<br />

seemed by deed or debenture - ·<br />

o 5 o I<br />

0 2 6<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



DUTIES in operation on the 6th August, 1902.-0ontinued.<br />

(Exclusive of Dutie.s of Excise Licerwes surrendered to Local Taxation<br />

Accounts and Fee and Patent Stamps).<br />

Rates of<br />

Duty.<br />

Stamps-continued. ! £ s. d.<br />

Medic~n~, patent, according to price of} · . 1<br />

1 1<br />

.i.a t ll<br />

mechcme · · - . . . ~ · o ·<br />

Receipts {For sums amounting I}<br />

· to 2l. and upwards l<br />

0 0 1<br />

Income Tax- \<br />

In res~ct of property, profits and gains<br />

arising from :-<br />

{For every twenty l<br />

The occupation of farm lands (Sche- shillin~s of one· I<br />

dule B) · · • · • • third or the annual ,<br />

0 1 3, '<br />

value, per annum. J<br />

Other sources (Schedules A, C, D, and E) Per £ per annum<br />

NOTES.-lncomes not exceeding 160l. per annum are exempt<br />

from the tax.<br />

Incomes exceeding 160l. but not exceeding 400l. per annum<br />

are allowed an abatement of 160l. ; if exceeding 400l. but<br />

not exceeding 500l. an abatement of 150l. ; if exceedinl?<br />

500l. and not exceeding 600l. an abatement of 120Z.; anc:<br />

if ~xceeding 600l. and not exceeding 700l. an abatement<br />

of 70Z.<br />

In the case of lands the assessment for the pur~ses of collection<br />

of the tax is to be reduced by one-eighth; and in the<br />

case of houses, if the repairs are done by the landlord, by<br />

one·sb:th, and if by the tenant then by so much not exceeding<br />

one·sLxth as will reduce the assessment to the<br />

amount of rent.<br />

Inhabited House Duty (leYied in Great<br />

Britain only)-<br />

On shops, beerhouses, farmhouses, and<br />

lodging· houses of an annual value-<br />

Less than 20l. • • Per £ per,annum Nil.<br />

Of 20l. but not exceeding 40Z. - - ,,<br />

2d.<br />

Exceeding 40l. but not exceeding 60l. ,,<br />

4d.<br />

Exceeding 60l. • • • - • ,,<br />

6d.<br />

On dwelling houses of an annual value-<br />

Less than 20l. • ,,<br />

Of 20Z. but not exceeding 40l. • • ,, .<br />

Exceeding 40l. but not exceeding 60Z. ,, I<br />

Exceedin" 60l. • • - - • ,,<br />

NoTE.-ilouses built or adapted for providing separate<br />

dwellings of au annual value not exceeding<br />

40l. for each dwelling and duly certified by the I<br />

'l\Iedical Officer of Health, are exempt in<br />

respect of dwellings under 20l. and are charged l<br />

3d. in the £. on the remainder. 1<br />

Land Tax (le\ied fo Great Britain only) :-<br />

I<br />

On lands and tenements- ·<br />

Each parish has to pay its allotted<br />

quota, but the rate /or raising the<br />

amount may· not exceed ls. in 1<br />

the£. . I<br />

NoTES.-Tfhere the owner of propertp is exemvt f?'(Y(Yl,:<br />

Incorne 'l'ax he iS" Zikewwe exempted from, I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Nil.<br />

3d.<br />

6d.<br />

9d.<br />

Land Tax.<br />

Where the ov:ner has been allowed an abatement<br />

of Income Ta:i; b'IJ 1·eas0ti. of his income 11ot<br />

I<br />

1·<br />

exceeding 400[.

js<br />


~o. 12.-STATEl\IE~l' of LoA~s for LOCAL WQRKS, &c., showing for<br />

31st :fyfarch of each Year from· 188,'t,, the TOTAL.SUMS ApvANCED,<br />

REPAID and· REl\II'lTED from 1792-to the close of each of such Years<br />

and the TOTAL Smrs Oursi'ANDING at the close of' the same Years.<br />

Principal Outstanding<br />

against BOri"owera.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Advances Principal<br />

•, On Slat March. l'rincipal<br />

to repaid by<br />

Written off<br />

from the<br />

remitt~d.<br />

Account of the Other Sums<br />

:Borrowers. :Borrowers. Assets of the<br />

Local T.Qans Outstanding.<br />

l<br />

Fund.<br />

l<br />

£, £, £ £, £,<br />

1881-8 - 110,099,954 59,761,832 12,020,328 683,688 87,69&,211<br />

I<br />

: 1888-9<br />

r<br />

113,081,585 61,600,100 12,020,828 005,778 SS,745,2'4<br />

1889-00 - 115,824,223 68,978,966 12,020,823 66:1,800 88,660,684<br />

(' 1800-1 117,966,819 66,246,251 12,020,607 663,686 89,025,875<br />

I 1891-2 . 120,407,199 67,985,224 12,150,608 531,889 89,780,528<br />

i<br />

I, 1892-8 . 123,146,812 ~,818,849 12,1.50,607 688,852 40,588,004<br />

j<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1898-4 125,788,124<br />

72,086,288 12,150,607 705,581 40,845,708<br />

j<br />

r 188'-5 1~116,957 75,000,441 12,150,607 706,500 '> 40,169,813<br />

i<br />

i 1895-6 129,867,817 78,158,554 12,167,211 601,018 88,856,084<br />

1896-7 181,143,731 79,861,599 12,180,211 698,684 88,408,287<br />

1897-8 183,001,201 81,484,850 12,295,150 621,929 SS,'109,772<br />

1898-9 188,520,971 82,879,418 12,295,150 623,442 42,722,966<br />

I '<br />

1899-1000 146,425,908 84,598,002 12,313,541 626,932 48,886,533<br />

I<br />

1000-1 158,929,114 86,624,691 12,813,541 629,688 54,861,299<br />

1001-2 161,341,009 89,052,892 12,83'i~l!7!? 628,982 59,322,223<br />

j<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 13.-NET REm~IPTS of DUTIES colleeted for LOCAL Au1;HORITIER~<br />

by hrPERlAL OFFICERS and assigned to the three Divisions of tbe<br />

UNITED KINGDOl\l in the manner prescribed by the Acts 51 & 52<br />

Viet. chs. 41 and 60, 52 & 53 Viet. c. 50, 53 Viet. c. 8, 53 & 54<br />

Viet. c. 60, 57 & 58 Viet. c. 30, 59 & 60 Viet. chs. 16, 37, and 4lt<br />

and 62 & 63 Viet. c. 17 ; and Payments to the Local Taxation<br />

Accounts.<br />


·---------------------------------__,.<br />

Years ended<br />

3lst~arch.<br />

Additional Beer and<br />

Spirit Duties.<br />

Customs.<br />

Excise.<br />

Excise<br />

Licences.<br />

Share of Probate Dut~<br />

ando! ;<br />

Estate Duty (1894}.<br />

Under the<br />

Finance<br />

Act 1894.<br />

Under<br />

Agricultural<br />

Rates Acts.<br />

I<br />

Total.<br />

I<br />

1898-9<br />

£,<br />

1,410,520<br />

£,<br />

i,410,520<br />

1889-00 •<br />

1890-1 . I<br />

205,657<br />

2,994,419<br />

2,264,401<br />

3,359,737 2,413,668<br />

5,258,820<br />

7,073,876<br />

1891-2 214,110 1,180,641 3,391,627 2,811,157 ..,,597,565 ;<br />

1892-3 19i,699 1,159,681 3,434,253 2,31>8,030 - 7,189,663<br />

1893-4 199,795 1,158,666 3,400,!J.12 2,363,059 - 7,218,462<br />

1594-.'i 194,415 1,124,683 3,514,102 2,140,042 - ·6,973,242<br />

202,885 1,188,590 3,579,880 2,448,708 - 7,420,063<br />

1896-7 209,288 1,222,336 3,635,700 2,303,895 833,000 8,204,259<br />

1897-8 208,427 1,260,184 3,694,365 2,500,7~7 1,666,395 9,426,168<br />

1898-9 205,346 1,305,491 3,799,051 2,654,353 1,591,408 9,555,649<br />

lSW-1900 234,988 1,425,014 3,840,400 2,986,398 1,513,581. 10,000,381<br />

It:<br />

1000-1 218,668 1,367,22!1 3,886,21}9 2,728,101 1,509,767 9,710,034<br />

1001-2 209,652 1,285,7~ 3,972,044 2,751,251 1,511,636 9,730,306<br />

-------------------------~-----------------------'<br />

* In the year lSSS-9 one-third of the Probate Duty; in the yenrs 1889-90 to 1893-94, one·half<br />

f the :Probate Duty; and in subsequent years, such share o! tho Estnte Duty ns was estimated to<br />

be ettniva!ent to the old :Probate Dnty (57 & 58 Viet. cnp. 30), wns assigned to local purposes. In<br />

the years 1896-97 to <strong>1901</strong>-1002 the Grt~nts out or the Estnte Duties under the Agricultural<br />

'Rates Act, 1896, and the equivalent Scotch ;..\~t were nlso pnld to Locnl Taxation Accounts, ns was<br />

ahlo the Grant under the equivalent Irish Act.,.\rntll it wns repealed, ns from 29September1898, by<br />

61 & 62 VJct. ca.p. 37, sec. 48. T110 following sums Jmve been.paid in relief or rates on Tithe rent<br />

charges attached to benefices (62 & 63 Viet. c. 17)., viz., In 1899-1900, 47,8'36l., In 1900-1001<br />

105,6871., and In <strong>1901</strong>-2, 110,452l.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 1 S-Gontinued.<br />

Years· ended<br />

31st :March.<br />

PART Ii.-PAYMENTs To liocAL TAXATION Accou:NTs, &c.*<br />

raid to Local Taxation Account, &c., England, out of:-<br />

Paid to Local Taxation Account, &c., Scotland, out of:-<br />

tShare of Probate Duty and<br />

tShare of Probate Duty and<br />

Additional of Estate Duty (1894). Additional of Estate Duty (1894).<br />

and<br />

Beer English<br />

Under the<br />

Total.<br />

:Beer Scottish<br />

Duties.<br />

Spirit' Licences. Finance Act,<br />

Agricultural<br />

I<br />

l and Spirit Licences.<br />

Duties.<br />

l!'inance Under the Act, Agricultural<br />

I<br />

1894.<br />

Rates Acts. 1894. Rates Acts.<br />

t<br />

£, £. £. £ £, £ £ £<br />

£ £,<br />

1SSS·9 - - - 1,120,000 - 1,120,000 - - 154,000 - 154,000<br />

1889·00 - - 2,970,000 1,778,416 - 4,748,416 - - 240,157 - 240,157<br />

1800-1 - 991,673 3,024,419 1,931,521 5,947,613 130,854 310,000 260,084 700,938<br />

1891-2 1,125,621 3,062,304 2,238,935 - 6,426,860 155,776 329,433 310,503 - 795,712<br />

1892-3 1,089,633 3,099,328 1,920,949 - 6,109,910 149,885 334,299 268,231 - 752,415<br />

1893·4 - 1,077,255 3,140,518 1,SSS,424 - 6,106,197 143,223 331,735 261,783 - 736,741<br />

1894-5 1,052,473 . 3,203,362 1,720,447 - 5,976,282 145,978 335,580 231,937 - 713,495<br />

1895·6 - 1,116,539 3,188,449 1,952,034 - 6,257,022 152,098 335,653 267,404 - 755,155<br />

1896·7 - 1,138,730 3,337,726 1,848,966 665 517 6,900,939 162,685 347,154 255 358 91,509 856,706<br />

1897·8 1,181,709 3,342,535 2,053,110 1,333,082 7,911,042 158,264 357,255 281:429 183,381 980,329<br />

189.3·9 1,197,356 3,432,080 2,117,437 1,333,433 S,080,912 165,061 358,679 285,648 183,347 992,735<br />

lSW-1000- 1,298,072 3,475,838 2,391,319 1,330,021 8,495,850 183,722 301,213 331,979<br />

~82,000 1,059,874<br />

1900-1 1,330,708 3,495,734 2,150,009 1,327,208 8,310,739 181,743 304,066 298,504 182,499 1,027,412<br />

1001·2 1,184,850 3,555,736 2,227,246 1,328,910 8,200,748 156,506 373,533 315,091 I 182,725 1,027,855<br />

Total Payments to Local Taxation Aecounts,.&c., of England, Scotland, and<br />

Paid to Local Taxation Account, &c., Irclaud, out of:-<br />

Ireland, out of :-<br />

tShare of Probate Duty and<br />

of Estate Duty 1894.<br />

fShare of Probate Duty and<br />

of Estate Duty (1894).<br />

Ullilerthe.IfinanceAct, 1894.<br />

Years ended<br />

Additional Retained In Additional<br />

31st :lfarch. 13eer Guarantee Deer Licences. Total.<br />

and Spirit Fund under Transferred<br />

Under<br />

Total.<br />

and Spirit<br />

Under the Under<br />

Duties. the Pttrchnse to Local Tax- Agricultural .Duties. l!'inauce Act, .Agricultural<br />

of Lnml (Ire· tion (Ireland) ltates Acts. 1894. UatesActs. t<br />

lnml) Act to Accotmt.<br />

meet charges<br />

i<br />

thereon.<br />

£ £,<br />

-<br />

.£ £ £, --<br />

£. £ £ £ £,<br />

JSSS-9 - - - - 120,000 - 126,000 - - 1,400,000 - 1,400,000<br />

1889·90 - - - 100,947 - 196,947 - 2,070,000 2,215,520 - 5,185,520<br />

1890-1 113,065 - 212,796 - 325,861 1,235,1192 3,334,419 2,404,401 - 6,074.412<br />

1891-2 115,030 - z.J.l,23°0 - 359,200 1,300,42i 3,891,737 2,793,608 - 7,581,832<br />

1892-3 131,871 - 220,007 - 351,878 1,371,389 .3,433,027 2,409,lSi - 7,214,203<br />

1893-4 112,191 - 208,823 - 321,014 1,332,609 3,472,253 2,359,030 - 7,103,952<br />

1894-5 123,090 - 200,675 - 3?.3,765 1,321,5"1 3,538,942 2,153,059 - 7,013,5·12<br />

1895·0 120,830 - 233,104 - 353940 1,389,·173 3,52·1,102 2,452,542 - 7,360,117<br />

1800-7 129,140 - l!li,000 74,871 401:017 1,430,501 3,084,880 2,301,324 831,897 8,248,062<br />

1897-8 134,005 - 220,234 lli0,040 510,939 1,·174,038 3,009,790 2,560,779 1,607,103 9,402,310<br />

JR98·9 13·1,778 - 237,712 75,023 4·17,513 1,497,105 3,701,305 2,040,797 1,591,803 9,521,160<br />

11899·1000- 145,046 10,26.: 253,022 408,937 1,020,840 3,837,051 . 2,087,189 1,513,581 0,004,001<br />

1900·1 - 161,6!)!) 8,084 240,792 401,475 1,004,210 3,860,400 2,705,249 1,509,767. 9,789,020<br />

1001-2 - 133,958 12,584 242,1)45 - 389,487 l,47!i,S20 S,929,260 2.707,860 } l,511.035 9.714.000<br />

~-- ·~-·<br />

* Yorpayments toLocnl '.l'axation Accounts, direct from the Consolidated Fund, sce'l'nble 3, page 4. In 1000-1 a sum of£37,030 wns voted as a contribution to the L?cal Taxation<br />

(Ireland) Acconnt.<br />

'<br />

t In the year 1888-9 011e·third of tho Probate-Duty; In the years 1880-00to1893-04, 011c·haljof thb P1·obatc Duty; and in subsequent years, such share of the Estate Duty as wns<br />

estimated to be e11ulvalcnt to the old Probate Duty (57 & 58 Viet. c. 80) was assigned to local purpm1cs. In the years 1890-97 to <strong>1901</strong>-1002, the Grants out of the Estate Duties under the<br />

Agrlcnlt.nral lt:ites Act, 1800, and tho equivalent Scotch Act were aleo pnld to I.ocal 'J'axntion Accounts, as was nlso the Gmnt under the equivalent Irish Act., until it was repealed ns<br />

from 21l September 1808. by 01 & 62 Viet. c. 37 sec. 48.<br />

! Includes the following sums pnhl In relief of rates on 'l'ltho !tent Chnrges nttnched to Bcnellces (02 & 03 Viet. c. 17), viz., In 1899-l!JOO, 47,83Cll. ; in 1900-<strong>1901</strong>, 105,68il.; and in<br />

Hl01-2,110,452l.<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. H.-Gnos~ AMOUNT of INCOME brought nqdol' tho R1wrnw of tho !Nr,AND H.mv1rnuE DEPAlt'l'MEN'l' for the Pun.POSES of the<br />

INCOMI~ 'l'AX.<br />

\'.~.\II<br />

ondct\<br />

oth April.<br />

SOIIRDUM~ A.<br />

1''rom the Ownorshlll of I.n111ls, llouecs, &c.<br />

80H'KDUiil~ ll.*<br />

.lfrom tho Occupntion o( Laude.<br />

Sommur,EC.<br />

from Urit!Kh,Imlim1,<br />

Ccloninl and<br />

l•'oroign Govern·<br />

mont Sccuri~ieH.<br />

YP.Alt<br />

endc. I I11•LAN~. II xY:~~~~r. ENOr.AND. I SCOTLAND. I IRELAND, II xY:~:~. K~::.~~- ------ !<br />

,__ 1_s_9_1--2--·i --1-·a-1-,s-t-3·.-0-00-· - --:9,sif.t,100- --IS,7~2,20:--1 -2-o-1,~a~--o-,o-0_4_·•--1-4-,000-£-.-4-oo ___,...__<br />

2,-1f-2-,2-3-4---o----8-,s-f-4-,4-01--,..---1-o,-4-:7-,09-5-- ·--s-s-,1-~-5.-5:-- .<br />

18!12·3<br />

1~'93··1<br />

lUll,107,ll):l<br />

172,660,Ht<br />

Ul,991,006<br />

20,:n7,538<br />

13,688,037<br />

13,764,603<br />

202,786,236<br />

200,741,885<br />

13,077,871<br />

13,455 072<br />

2,102,024<br />

2,080,030<br />

3,20S,13S<br />

3,208,200<br />

10,378,033<br />

18,S.12,401<br />

38,346,642<br />

38,013,402<br />

18!1·1-li 173,748,328 20,547,511i 13,820,1!12 208,124,975<br />

1<br />

l!l,350,353 2,0119,481 3,2!!8,-132 18,727,260 38,,184<br />

1899·1000 191,112,811 22,049,891 14,321,204 228,383,906 12,364,732 1,983,779 3,247,641 17,596,152 39,408,744<br />

1000·1 194,!li0,42.\ 23,491,653 14,330,102 232,810,179 12,380,171 1,979,610 3,?.48,985 17,603,706 41,364,917<br />

1801·2<br />

1892·3<br />

1803-4<br />

1894·5<br />

1895·6<br />

1800·7<br />

1897·8<br />

1898·9<br />

1899·1900<br />

1900-1<br />

SOllRDULE D.<br />

1''rom Business Concerns, ProfO!!sions,<br />

Employments (except those of n. Public Nntm·o),<br />

and Certain Interest.<br />

-- -----.·-=-=--:co'.=~~-=='.::-::::::::-==-==~-"= -=====I<br />

SCUEDUJ.E E.<br />

SalaricH of Govern·<br />

ment, Corpontion<br />

n.nd Public<br />

Company Officials.<br />

'l'otnl Gross Amount of Income brought<br />

under tho lw\'iew of tho Inlnml<br />

Rc\'enuo Department.<br />

~----~---~~~~--~-~- ~---~~-,,..~~~--~~11~------~-----t------------:--~--~~~..,-~--~~~~~~-------1<br />

EN•r.A•D. I SCOTLAND. I I••r..•n. II xY:~:~. iJ':O'i~~- ENOLAxn. I scOTLA•D. \ InxLA•n. II<br />

£<br />

323,366,303<br />

319,801,600<br />

309,829,608<br />

294,570,067<br />

810,454,487<br />

827,000,914<br />

349,356,756<br />

361,360,141<br />

378,225,689<br />

404,002,026<br />

£,<br />

35,198,896<br />

36,094,412<br />

35,159,500<br />

34,686,746<br />

35,024,851<br />

87,575,251<br />

40,185,057<br />

42,910,065<br />

45,770,788<br />

48,649,792<br />

11.1:8,673 I<br />

11,500,198<br />

11,634,043<br />

11,302,812<br />

11,140,505<br />

11,613,600<br />

11,821,108<br />

12,235,685<br />

12,256,611<br />

12,638,018<br />

£,<br />

3139,693,872<br />

367,306,800<br />

356,623,241<br />

340,550,725<br />

356,619,848<br />

377,098,705<br />

401,312,921<br />

416,505,891<br />

436,253,088<br />

466,189,836<br />

£,<br />

40,455,049<br />

51,583,406<br />

52,500,009<br />

51,040,114<br />

53,306,812<br />

56,449,205<br />

59,700,819<br />

65,288,025<br />

70,093,523<br />

75,881,815<br />

£,<br />

585,974,437<br />

585,650,0!6<br />

580,041,683<br />

564,(){IS,584<br />

683,966,579<br />

607,112,810<br />

633,293,018<br />

657,212,406<br />

682,020,5110<br />

719,354,160<br />

.£<br />

60,866,631<br />

62,076,761<br />

61,682,540<br />

61,328,840<br />

62,H8,688<br />

65,350,653<br />

68,548,264<br />

72,209,602<br />

76,218,242<br />

70,962,348<br />

*The "profits" Of Nurseries and ~farket Garllens and the "assumed profits' (ono thml of the "annual value") of other lands.<br />

S~ a{So Notes to T31b\e No. 15: . ' . • . "' .• . · " •· • '<br />

£,<br />

31,852,374<br />

31,763,710<br />

32,037,765<br />

:n,6611,653<br />

31,650,583<br />

32,278,145<br />

32,0l!),004<br />

33,245,301<br />

33,501,572<br />

34,039,010<br />

UNITED<br />

If IN ODOM.<br />

£,<br />

678,193,442<br />

670,490,517<br />

673,711,988<br />

657,097,077<br />

677,769,850<br />

704,741,COS<br />

734,461,246<br />

762,667,809<br />

791,735,413<br />

833.355,513<br />

1891·2<br />

1892·3<br />

18!'13·4<br />

189·1·5<br />

1895·6<br />

1800·7<br />

1897-8<br />

1898·9<br />

1809·1!)90<br />

l!J00-1<br />

1891·2<br />

1892·3<br />

189!l·"<br />

18'.1:1~5<br />

J895·G<br />

18011·7<br />

1898·9 1897·8 I<br />

1899·]900<br />

1000·1<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 15.-The AMOUNT of lNCO:l\IE on which INCOME TAX ~vas received; the TOTAL NET PRODUCE of the TAX:; the RATE In<br />

~ the £; and the PRODUCE of each PENNY of tho lNCOl\IE TAX.<br />

-1<br />

?t<br />

I<br />

Incomo on which Tnx was received.<br />

Schoclule A. Schedulo B. Schedule C. Schedule D. Schedule E.<br />

Income Tax.<br />

Years ended -- -- -- -- -- Tota'! :Rate ,Produce<br />

5thApril.<br />


34 INCOME TAX.<br />

No. 16.-Gross AmQunt of Income in Classes brought under the review of the Inland<br />

from 1891-92<br />

Sources of Income.<br />

I 1891-2. I 1892·3. I 1893·4. I 1894·5. I 159:;.5, I<br />

Schedule A :-From the ownership of Lands, Houses, £ £ £ £ £<br />

&:c.<br />

Lands 57,391,846 56,989,940 56,212,734 55,769,061· 55,408,065<br />

Houses, &c. 143,146,177 144,978,344 149,726,317 151,747,257 154,540,293<br />

Other Property - 852,971 817,952 802,834 608,657 668,115<br />

Schedule B :-From the Occupation of Lands 19,487,095 19,378,933 18,842,401 18,727,266 18,642,872<br />

Schedule C :-Fron; British, Indian, Colonial, and<br />

Foreign Government Securities.<br />

British 15,432,145 15,221,183 15,106,538 14,695,431 14,144,197<br />

Indian - 3,203,573 3,260,797 3,295,354 3,486,986 3,475,751<br />

Indian Guaranteed Railways • 4,580,797 4,529,845 4,561,367 4,534,Sll 4,543,969<br />

Colonial<br />

} 14,949,017 15,333,817 15,950,233 { 10,524,283 10,736,168<br />

Foreign 5,403,486 5,683,765<br />

Schedule D :-From Businesses, Concerns, Professions,<br />

Employments (except those of a public nature)<br />

and certain Interest.<br />

Businesses, Professions, etc., not otherwise}<br />

detailed (including Salaries of Employes)<br />

263,919,092 261,556,358 252,104,182 238,632,111 250,621,507<br />

(Railways in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> 36,176,818 36,266,182 35,786,668 34,354,852 36,461,469<br />

:llines - 10,Sil,889 12,047,001 12,321,709. 12,675,658 12,278,462<br />

"'or:S Gasworks 4,607,648 4,506,082 4,770,885<br />

~z::<br />

5,076,848 5,959,432<br />

Ironworks - 2,979,442 2,089,227 1,832,808 1,834,127 1,934,126<br />

Waterworks 8,695,057 3,741,824 3,808,179 3,936,089 3,962,777<br />

!!~~<br />

...-c. Coinals, &c. 8,431,2.'13 3,472,245 3,493,590 3,267,921 3,5ill,088<br />

~-==~ Quarries - 985,614 1,000,011 1,043,054 1,068,754 1,145,295<br />

§a]> ~Iarkets, Tolls, etc. 643,771 639,473 626,349 667,421 693,973<br />

;::~o<br />

~.:sa: .Fishings and Shootings - - 703,683 710,728 732,598 717,767 684,613<br />

-::::c:<br />

Cemeteries - 50,401 65,787 67,385 168,517 114,667<br />

,Salt Springs or Works, and Alum Works 345,700 803,'i02 262,779 227,210 218,789<br />

Indian, Colonial and Foreign Securities (other<br />

than Government 'Securities) - - 9,065,735 8,945,491 9,060,651 8,9-21,123 9,487,440<br />

Coupons (48 and 49 Viet. c. 51 s. 26) 8,229,648 8,382,809 8,098,210 7,649,487 7,941,430<br />

P.ailways out of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> 14,700,000 14,717,743 14,152,214 12.986,082 13,032,556<br />

loans secured on the Public Rates 3,500,000 3,Sf\9,676 4,0&l,999 4,955,878 5,142,444<br />

Other Interest (Sect. 102, 5 and 6 Viet. c. 35) 8,849,640 3,304,323 2,740,496 2,142,382 2,098,771<br />

Other Profits (Classes 3 and 6, Sect. 100, 5 and 6<br />

Viet. c. 35) 1,931,251 1,739,IJ89 1,625,312 1,274,653 1,271,153<br />

Profits from the occupation of Lands, the occupiers<br />

of which 11ave elected to be assessed under<br />

Schedule D (50 and 51 Viet. c. 15, s. 18) : - 7,230 17,949 12,678 12,895 9,851<br />

,Schedule E :-Salaries of Government, Corporation<br />

and Public Company Officials.<br />

Government Officials - 17,394,879 18,264,368 17,971,290 17,399,290 17,494,378<br />

Corporation and Public Company Officials 32,C61,070 33,319,038 34,619,679 33,640,824 85,812,434<br />

I<br />

'rhe Gross Amounts for Lands and Houses for each<br />

L&nds:-<br />

England 41,129,907 40,804,619 40,065,831 39,680,34(3 3!>,365,825<br />

Scotland 6,318,581 G,291,119 6,251,898 6,193,310 6,147,882<br />

Ireland 9,943,358 9,894,202 9,895,005 9,895,405 9,894,358<br />

Houscsia&:c. :-<br />

Eng nd - 125,945,646 127,544,201 181,860,499 133,511,890 135,929,399<br />

5cotland . 13,425,504 13,642,608 14,008,173 14,302,580 14,694,540<br />

Ireland . 3,775,0Z7 3,791,635 3,857,645 8,932,787, 4,016,354<br />

*.The decrease as compnred with previous years ls due to the trnnsfer of "Shootings''<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IN.COME TA~. 35<br />

Revenue Department for the purposes of the Income Tax in each year ended 5th April,<br />

to 1900-01.<br />

l 1896-7. I 1897-8. I 1898·9. I 1899-1900. I 1900·01. I<br />

Sources of Income.<br />

.£ £; £<br />

I<br />

£ £<br />

Schedule A :-}'rom the ownership of Lands, Houses,<br />

&c.<br />

54,800,902 53,937,147 53,011,086 52,814,291 52,636,364 Lands<br />

158,774,515 161,881,187 170,188,868 174,4~0,501 178,963,147 Houses, &c.<br />

623,915 639,076 632,223 1,139,114 1,210,668 Other Property.<br />

18,496,701 18,290,828 17,632,032 17,596,152 17,008,766 Schedule B :-From the Occupation of Lands.<br />

Schedule C :-From Britishs indian, Colonial, and<br />

Foreign Government ecurities.<br />

13,641,207 13,235,077 12,916,935 12,732,650 14,111,868 British.<br />

3,485,654 3,536,331) 3,606,147 3,587,909 3,643,149 Indian.<br />

4,580,212 4,631,919 4,652,673 4,693,795 4,924,490 Indian Guaranteed :Railways.<br />

10,737,310<br />

6,053,162<br />

10,812,176<br />

6,393,758<br />

11,079,341<br />

7,154,088<br />

11,275,965<br />

7,118,425<br />

11,529,608<br />

7,155,802<br />

Colonial.<br />

Foreign.<br />

Schedule D :-From Businesses, Concerns, Professions,<br />

Employments (except those of a public nature)<br />

and certain Interest.<br />

271,057,066 291,400,788 304,320,770 322,826,068 347,003,759<br />

Businesse~ Professions,&!!., not otherwise detailed<br />

f (inclu ing Salaries ()f Em1>Ioycs).<br />

37,541,260 39,715,446 40,033,665 39,357,677 40,673,870 rRailways in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

10,509,292 9,077,828 8,901,108 9,491,684 12,030,910 )Iines.<br />

5,529,456 5,582,771 5,036,205 0,053,433 6,361,750 -~~~ Gasworks.<br />

1,840,350 2,550,::192 3,007,591 3,211,984 5,880,418 "t: C)<br />

o-c:. = Ironworks.<br />

4,015,310 4,305,708 4,537,135 4,014,317 4,676,497 ~~'i:.~ Waterworks.<br />

~<br />

3,433,931 3,620,481 3,505,682 3,476,916 3,426,375 ::::-< t)<br />

Canals,&c.<br />

1,200,511 1,360,636 1,4~.i:,597 1,581,784 1,663,005 ~:g~~ Quarries.<br />

738,001 790,306 788,868 815,870 797,815 ~=E~~ ..,., )farkets, Tolls, &c.<br />

720,720 740,845 769,774 * 240,992 *249,886<br />

~ =u.i .1''ishings and Shootings.<br />

P-i~~·<br />

165,846 160,394 174,835 184,922 210,785 Cemeteries.<br />

182,082 163,156 82,649 56,492 71,924 ,Salt Springs or Works, and Alum Works.<br />

Indian, Colonial, and Foreign Securities (other<br />

9,351,688 9,210,097 10,007,943 9,789,435 8,538,369 than Government Securities).<br />

9,277,808 9,276,473 9,324,917 9,758,250 10,442,452 Coupons (48 and 49 Viet. c. 51 s. 26).<br />

12,883,133 12,778,904 13,884,794 14,043,107 14,097,655 Railways out or the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

5,235,680 6,625,199 5,631,000 5,874,441 6,017,299 Loans secured on the Public Rates.<br />

2,153,311 2,515,447 3,127,617 3,217,183 3,222,941 Other Interest (Sect. 102, 5 and 6 Viet. c. 35).<br />

Other Profits (Classes 8 and 6, Sect. 100, 5 and 6)<br />

1,297,097 1,415,127 1,292,088 1,6-15,293 1,809,081 Viet. c. 85).<br />

Profits from the occupation of Lands, the occupiers<br />

of which have elected to be assessed under<br />

10,717 10,923 12,663 13,290 14,445 Schedule D (50 and 51 Viet. c. 15, s. 18).<br />

Schedule E :-Salaries of Government, Corporation<br />

and Public Company Oftlcials.<br />

17,854,757 i8,103,003 20,228,060 21,005,880 22,619,382 Government Officials.<br />

38,594,508 41,687,816 45,059,005 49,087,6!8 52,762,433 Corporation and Public Company Officials.<br />

part of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> were as follows :-<br />

Lands:-<br />

38,806,310 38,142,515 37,296,350 87,110,545 36,941,918 England.<br />

6,100,326 6,045,378 5,967,345 5,956,530 5,943,692 Scotland. .<br />

9,894,266 9,740,254 9,747,391 9,747,216 9,750,754 Ireland.<br />

139,670,210 142,128,400 149,631,529 158,193,414 157 ,159,966<br />

llouse11i &c.<br />

Eng and.<br />

14,999,118 15,417,764 16,103,961 16,663,967 17,214,907 Scotland.<br />

4,105,187 4,835,023 4,458,378 4,573,120 4,588,274 Ireland<br />

and certain 11 Fishings ''(England and Scotland) from Schedule D to Schedule A.·<br />

6475. 02<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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- -~;<br />

1<br />

No. 17.-Nin VAT~tm of PtWPJmTY assessed to PnonATg and SuccESSION DuTrns in tho Ycara ondcd<br />

3lst .March <strong>1887</strong> to 18!H.<br />

:rs -- l---~~ns~n:1~j-~\)~~~r-;r:1n1111:f--;:n~~ng1nm1. I scot1tu111. I Iro1nnc1. j<br />

· blltloll · - - - ----· --- - ------- -- -<br />

Tot:--r Bngland. I Scotlnnd. I Ireland. I '.l'otal.<br />

---------<br />

_s1st. Hnrch. I ~ l'rolmto Duty. I Succosslon Duty. 1 Total.<br />

Years<br />

ondecl<br />

31et March.<br />

lSSG-7<br />

117,44~ 14,805,000<br />

5,815,000 138,008,000 3·1,210,000<br />

4,828,000<br />

·1,750,000 43,707,000 161,658,000 10,033,000 10,574,000 181,805,000<br />

1886-7<br />

18S7-S<br />

lSU,072,000 14,220,000<br />

7,814,000 168,106,000 3·1,457,060<br />

4,773,000<br />

4,299,000 4ll,520,000 170,529,000 18,993,000 12,113,000 201,635,000<br />

<strong>1887</strong>-8<br />

lSSS-9<br />

12(},982,000 11,883,000<br />

6,815,000 146,080,000 3·1,719,000<br />

5,335,000<br />

4,004,000<br />

44,148,000 161,701,000 17,218,000<br />

10,009,000 189,828,000<br />

1888-9<br />

1889-90<br />

133,23S,OOO 16,530,000<br />

0,550,000 156,327,000 37,583,000<br />

4,270,000<br />

4,343,000<br />

40,l!lil,OOO 170,821,000 10,809,000<br />

10,893,000 201,523,000<br />

1889-90<br />

1800-1<br />

144,418,000 13,754,000<br />

7,157,000 105,329,000 ·10,620,000<br />

4,610,000<br />

4,805,000<br />

50,050,000 185,0·i7,000 18,370,000<br />

11,002,000 215,379,000<br />

1800-1<br />

1891-2<br />

105,000,000 18,328,000<br />

9,373,000 1{)3,397,000 39,147,000<br />

·l,199,000<br />

4,710,000<br />

48,056,000 204,843,000 22,527,000<br />

14,083,000 241,453,000<br />

1891-2<br />

1892-8<br />

141,949,000 15,207,000<br />

7,160,000 164,322,000 45,~48,000<br />

5,150,000<br />

6,010,000<br />

55,614,000 1187,397,000 20,357,000<br />

12,182,000 219,936,000<br />

1892-3<br />

1893-4<br />

138,089,000 17,·150,000<br />

7,327,000 102,800,000 39,810,000<br />

4,107,000<br />

4,649,000<br />

48,472,000 177,905,000 21,557,006<br />

11,876,000 211,338,000<br />

1893-4<br />

* '.L'ho Probate Duty was repealed by Act 57 & 58 Viet. cap. 30.<br />

No. 17A.-NET CAPITAL VALUE of PROPERTY on which ESTA.TE DUTY was paid in the Years ended 3lst March 1896 to 1902.<br />

I Scotland. I Irolnnd. I<br />

Totnl.<br />

I Englnnd. I Scotland. I Ireland. I 'rotnl. I England. I Scotland. , Ireland. I Total.<br />

England.<br />

Yonrs I Years<br />

ended f<br />

ended<br />

3lst Mnrch. j *Personalty. Realty.<br />

Slat March.<br />

Total.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

£, £, £, £, £, j!, £, £, £, £, £,<br />

I I<br />

1895-6 102,so:,ooo 18,076,000 8,637,000 189,518,000 24,582,000 3,775,000 1,614,000 29,971,00C 187,387,000 21,851,000 10,251,000 219,489,000 1895-0<br />

1896-7 154,070,000 lU,874,000 9,004,000 180,617,000 32,177,000 4,351,000 3,176,000 39,704,000 186,856,000 21,225,000 12,240,000 220,321,000 1896-7<br />

1897-S 174,743,000 15,500,000 8,899,000 190,232,000 40,1)17,000 5,078,000 2,872,000 40,467,000 215,660,000 21,268,000 11,771,000 ' 248,699,000 1897-8<br />

1898-0 173,047,000 19,487,000 9,~17,000 202,751,000 .;.0,791,000 o,584,ooo 3,020,000 49,395,000 214,738,000 25,071,000 12,337,000 252,146,000 1898-9<br />

1800-1900 204,002,000 20,830,000 9,216,000 234,048,000 48,826,0CO 5,830,000 3,227,000 57,933,000 252,828,000 20,710,000 12,443,000 291,981,000 1899-1900<br />

1000-1 174,691,000 22,596,000 ll,Hl,000 208,428,000 46,984,000 6,307,000 3,432,000 56,753,000 221,675,000 28,003,000 14,573,000 265,211,000 1000-1<br />

<strong>1901</strong>-2 181,727,000 23,413,000 9,055,000 214,195,000 51,034,000 6,131,000 3,499,000 61,564,000 233,661,000 29,544,000 12,554,000 275,759,000 <strong>1901</strong>-2<br />

NOTE.-In this Statement Leasehold Properties are classified under Personalty, that being the basis for ascertaining the capital upon which the Annual Local Taxation Grants<br />

are founded.<br />

* Including cnpltnl value of property on which Probate (and Inventory) Duty and Account Duty wero paid.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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No. 18.-CLASSIFWATlON of the NUMBER of ESTATES and CAPITAL VALUE of ESTATES or Portions -of Estates liable<br />

to EsTATE DUTY in each of the uhderi;nentioned YEARS ended 31~ MARCH.<br />

NorE.-For the years 1895-6 and 1896-7 the Classification is in re3pect of the Net Capital paying Duty; fol' subsequent years it ls in respect of the Net Capital liable to<br />

Duty, of which the Inland Revepue Department had.notice in the year.<br />

(Extracted from the Annual Reports of the Inland Revenue Department.)<br />

1895-6. , 1800-7. II 1897-8., 1898-9.11899-1900l 1900-l.1<strong>1901</strong>-2.11895-6.11896-7.111897-8.11898-9.11899-l90011900-1. I <strong>1901</strong>-2.<br />

Class.<br />

Number.<br />


Percentage proportion to Total.<br />

} Not exceeding sooz. gross value. - . H,975 14,943 15,264 15,926 18,383 18,237 18,081 28•3 29'1 27•8 27•8 28•1 29'2 29'!><br />

Es~~~ 8 Exceeding 800l. but not exceeding 600l. gross<br />

''14'3<br />

value • • • • • 7,558 7,173 7,581 8,110 8,915 8,707 8,626 14'0 18'8 14'2 18'7 18'0 14'1<br />

}{et-<br />

Exceeding 1no1. but not exceeding 500l. 8,948 5,564 7,202 7,ii53 8,912 6,460 5,606 7'5 10'9 18'1 18•4 18•6 10'4 9'1<br />

,, 500l.<br />

1,000Z. 8,314 7,203 7,473 7,392 8,738 9,434 9,468 15'7 14'1 18'6 12·0 18•4 15'1 15'4<br />

.. l,OOOZ. " 10,000l.<br />

It<br />

14,460 12,972 13,836 14,379 ltl,160 15,814 15,773 27'4 25'3 20·2 25•1 24•7 25'3 25'7<br />

10,000Z. ", 25,000l. 2,184 2,024 2,118 2,~g<br />

2,462 2,290 2,246 4'1 4'0 a·s 8·9 a·8 8'7 8'7<br />

25,000Z.<br />

50,000Z. 811 748 841 986 887 008 l 'fi 1'5 1'5 1'5 1•5' 1'4 1•5<br />

.. "<br />

50,000Z.<br />

",, 75,000l. 242 276 265 251 303 263 272 0'5 0'5 0'5 0•4 0·5 0'4. 0'4<br />

75,000Z.<br />

100,000Z. 130 119 133 152 130 133 140 0·2 0·2 0·2 0·3 0·2 0·2 0·2<br />

100,000Z.<br />

150,000Z. 98 115 124 140 155 140 130 0·2 0·2 0·2 02 0·2 0·2 0·2<br />

150,0001.<br />

250,000l. 79 71 84 94 103 81 74 0·2 0·1 0·2. o·z 0·2 0·1 -0'1<br />

250,000Z. .. " 600,000Z. 39 41 49 42 55 61 47 0·1 0·1 0·1 0·1 0·1 0·1 0·1<br />

500,000Z.<br />

1,000,000l. 16 20 14 10 12 17 14 o·o o·o o·o o·o o·o o·o o·o<br />

1,000,000l.<br />

8 5 7 9 12 9 8 o·o o·o o·o o·o o·o o·o o·o<br />

"<br />

" "<br />

Total . . 54,991 62,523 61,393 100·0 100'0 100'0 100·0 100·0 100'0 100·0<br />

I···<br />


52,862 ' 51,274<br />

--- 57,2561 65,341<br />

------1-. ------------------<br />

Amount in thousands of £.<br />

Percentage proportion to Total.<br />

Small } Not cxccclllng soot. gross valuo • • 2,830 2,839 2,964 8,093 3,570 3,557 3,467 1'8 l·S 1:2 1'2 1·2 l•S 1'2<br />

Est~tcs Exceeding 300l. but not exceeding 500l. gross<br />

2,{)18 2,798 8,037 ll,251 3,570 3,499 8,484 1'4 1·8 1'2 1'8 1'2 1·3 1·2<br />

value - • • • • •<br />

Net- 4,295 4,434 4,903 8,668 2,703 0'9 1'4 1'7 1•8 1-7 1'4 0'9<br />

Exceeding 1001. but not exceeding 500l. 1,009 3,110<br />

5001. 1,000l. 6,848 6,680 7,314 7,291 8,370 8,463 8,013 3'2 8'1 3·0 2•{) 2•9 8•2 2'8<br />

1,000l. 10,000l. 61,400 48,722 53,703 55,760 61,652 60,641 58,081 24'1 22·0 21·7 22·2 21·0 22'9 20·1<br />

" 10,000Z. " " 26,000Z. 36,850 35,094 38,082 39,642 43,249 40,768 40,707 17'3 16•8 15•4 16•8 14•8 16'4 14'1<br />

..<br />

50,000l. " " 76,000l. 14,{)64 17,764 17,445 16,593 18,780 18,167 18,198 7''l s·2 7·0 6'6 6'4 6•9 6'3·<br />

" Z6,000l. " " 50,000Z. 28,284 27,854 31,628 83,319 86,616 83,597 35,237 18'2 J.2'9 12'8 13•3 12•5 12•7 12'2<br />

76,000l. " 100,000Z. 10,752 11,009 11,797 lll,885 12,966 13,000 12,599 5·1 6'1 4•3, 6!5 4•4 4•9 4'4<br />

" ..<br />

150,000l. 12,140 13,711 16,218 18,261 19,868 18,141 16,189 5•7 6'4 6'6 7•3 6'8 5·0 6'3<br />

,, 100,000l.<br />

H,419 13,980 16,617 19,262 20,11{) 17,755 15,006 6'8 6•6 6·8 7'7 6•9 6'7 5•5<br />

150,000l.<br />

250,000Z.<br />

" 12,435 18,401 17,884 13,709 20,965 16,667 19,266 6'8 6'2 7•2 5'5 7·~ 6•3 0'7<br />

2liO,OOOl. fiOO,OOOl.<br />

" 600,000l. •• " 1,000,000l. 8,809 13,300 12,622 10,624 9,997 13,088 14,489 4'1 6'2 6'1 4'2 8'4 6•0 5'0<br />

,,<br />

,,<br />

1,000,000l • "<br />

8,725 6,441 14,736 lf.~ 28,173 13,G03 88,530 4·1 2'5 6·o 4•7 9'6, 5'1 18'8<br />

.. ------<br />

To~al . 218,233 215,852 247,342 250,619 292,815 204,514 288,860 100'0 100'0 100'0 100·0 loo·.o 100·0 , 100'0<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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'<br />

i<br />


DIVISION of the u NITED KINGDOZif, in each<br />

---<br />

England and Wales.<br />

1885-6. 1886-7.<br />

I I I i <strong>1887</strong>-8. 1888-9. 188~-~~ I I 1800-1. 1891-2.<br />

£ £, £ £, £, £, £,<br />

From Rates • . 26,142,891 26,637,017 27,19:l,836 27,420,223 27,713,·.109 27,818,642 28,507,119<br />

:Repavments on account of :Pri·}<br />

" v:ite Improvements executed 756,799} 775,106 79'?,101 737,414 773,438 789,894 880,566<br />

JI<br />

JI<br />

,, "<br />

,,<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Water Undertakings - • • 2,106,667 2,171,558 2,267,932 2,400,407 2,515,217 2,608,928 2,683,496<br />

Gas Undertakilfn • • • 3,298,874 3,355,383 3,495,436 3,677,929 3,S67,41G 4,227,021 4,297,000<br />

Electric Light ndertakings • - - - - - - 7,683<br />

by.I.-Ocal Authorities "<br />

Tri:.mways t · . 110,129 115,447 117,101 125,785 128,923 139,178 143,776<br />

Government Contributions t 3,773,610 3,975,896 4,268,222 4,700,860 6,522,271) 7,079,287 8,002,596<br />

Tolls, Dues, and Duties II 3,95,t,055 3,936,702 3,934,169 4,121,975 4,061,830 3,909,462 3,856,494<br />

.Rents, Interest, &c. • 1,15:l,856 1,251,756 1,287,870 1,406,170 1,388,2il 1,447,365 1,477,783<br />

Sales of Property 484,369 548,181 390,394 578,746 513,001 303,lO·i 343,817<br />

Fee~ :Fines, Penalties and 1,064,173 l,Oi6,103 1,105,439 1,170,984 1,173,348 1,250,464 1,232,64~<br />

Licences<br />

Loans~· 11,423,295 9,270,987 8,~0,479 7,000,383 7,050,H3 6,221,989 10,043,436<br />

~Iisccllaneous 1,893,259 1,880,358 1,900,723 1,956,538 2,010,535 2,207,033 2,226,579<br />

TOl' •.\.L RECEIPTS H • - 56,162,9n I 54,994,494 55,374,702 55,387,414 57,717,SlO 58,002,167 63,702 1 491 I<br />

---<br />

* Repayments on account of prirate improvements were, up to lSSS-9, included with Rates:<br />

t Including the Revenue of Local'<br />

t Consisting partly of Grants in Aid, and iiartly of Receipts from·<br />

§ Including loans advanced to Local Authorities out of the<br />

ll Including Pilotage Dues, but excluding Light<br />

No. 20.-A!IIOUNT of the v ARIOUS BRANCHES of LOCAL<br />

in each of the<br />

England and Wales.<br />

1885-6.<br />

I 1SS6-7. I <strong>1887</strong>-8. I 1888-9. I lSS!l-90. I 18!l0-l. I . 1891-2.<br />

£, £ £ £ £ .£<br />

I<br />

I By Unions and Parlsbes in Relief to 8,296,230 8,176,768 8,440,821 8,366,477 8,434,345 •...:.181 8,847,678<br />

the Poor<br />

_ill other Parochial Expenditure 1,154,451 1,166,229 1,172,972 1,187,071 1,229,967 1,250,623 1,253,5£7<br />

payable out of Poor Rates<br />

l"romLoans . 557,217 385,763 295,501 322,997 432,418 339,103 323,457<br />

By 'Parish Councils and :Parish :lleet- - - - - - - -<br />

ings•<br />

By Burial Boards and other Local l<br />

.Authorities acting under Burial) I 469,114 488,273 493,294 522,964 484,728 513,844 543,936<br />

A.cts • - • • • •<br />

By School Boards - • - • • I 5,594,158 5,408,645 5,202,141 5,339,324 5,607,894 6,003,672 6,550,904<br />

By Town and Municipal Authorities<br />

for Police, Sanitary, and other} 28,9-23,167 28,961,828 80,422,602 29,002,514 29,856,278 31,177,841 35,657,486<br />

Public Works, &c. • - -<br />

By Rural District Councils t - - 1 526,151 548,9SS 557,943 603,724 625,534 680,426 687,347<br />

By Cow;ty Authorities for Police, I 2,S,t7,186 2,937,251 2,825,016 3,065,624 3,030,348 4,054,666 4,418,177<br />

Lunatic Asylums, &c.<br />

By Highway Boards and Road 2,027,610 2,082,623 2,130,341 2,132,940 1,751,966 1,329,801 1,498,516<br />

Trustees<br />

By Turnpike Trusts • - • , ! 65,199 45,936 43,379 41,506 2,976 4,138 891<br />

:For Bridges and Ferries • • • 1 2,009 3,380 3,074 3,026 4,160 2,886 2,365<br />

By Drainage and Embankment Au· 490,013 451,251 400,428 457,738 •J71,960 554,399 459,969<br />

I thorities<br />

From Charch and Ecclesiastical Bates 1<br />

9,299 7,359 7,960 6,101 5,871 5,606 5,692<br />

By II.arbour .Authorities - - • 2,954,674 3,047,945 2,951,701 2,976,529 3,056,078 3,000,867 3,061,315<br />

:By Pilotage .Authorities • • • I 402,077 384,719 391,130 402,835 410,131 438,496 435,215<br />

!3y other Authorities • • • • 1<br />

47,734 52,768 53,467 48,225 273,60! 295,887 327,921<br />

ror.u. EXPE~DITURE §. . -154,366,949 54,149,726 55,481,770 154,479,595 55,687,258 , 58,295,573 6·1,074,396<br />

* ExdusiYe of Expenditure under Burial Acts. t Rural Sanitary Authorities prior to 1895·6<br />

No. 20.A.-OUTSTANDING LOANS of I .. ocAL AurrroRITIES at<br />

Ī<br />

England and Wales.<br />

1885-6. I 1886-7. I <strong>1887</strong>-8. I 1888-9. I 1;-90. 11890-1. 11891-2.<br />

l tJUtl.tamlfn~ I.r.tans<br />

I £ I £, I £ I £ I £, -I £ I £,<br />

• 1181,488,720 1186,821,642 192,222,099 195,442,397 198,671,312 201,215,4581207,524,093<br />

The above statements are co111plled from the returns Issued by the Local Government Board, and from the p11bllshed<br />

retarn1 relating t(I l'ilotage In the <strong>United</strong> Klngd6m.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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FRQM OTHER- f3o~RCES 91! RECEIPT for the purposes of LOCAL EXPENDITURE, in each<br />

of the Years 1885-6 to 1899-1900.<br />

·Englan~ and Wales.<br />

1892-3. I 11894-5. 11895~. 11896-7.<br />

I I ---<br />

1893-4.<br />

1897-8. 1898-9. 11899-00.<br />

£, £ £, £, £ £ £, £<br />

80,201,903 32,223,972 33,855,283 35,898,Q.t2 37,542,016 37,605,368 38,602,673 40,734,219 From Rates.<br />

2,728,803 2,825,65~ 2,875,984 3,039,418 3,166,824 3,292,093 3,480,035 3,730,219 II Water Undertakings.<br />

4,333,589 4,519,784 4,750,738 4,718,528 4,864,381 5,091,467 5,407,329 6,ll35,526 II Gas Undertakings.<br />

21,081 4"4,123 128,580 195,472 829,819 427,310 509,621 910,329 Electric Light Undertakings.<br />

( :: ·Repayments on nccount of<br />

926,517 1,020,577 1,011,528 1,008,548 1,094,361 1,223,177 1,362,253 l,373,571<br />

Private Improvement·<br />

executed by Local Autho·<br />

1 rities*.<br />

146,639 163,028. 225,688 251,147 303,855 626,737 .9:14,252 1,575,922 II Tramways.t<br />

8,922,570 8,814,141 8,993,680 9,240,059 9,634,933 10,00S,703 11,190,958 12,249,083 Government Contributlons.t<br />

'!<br />

3,757,213 3,9lp,321 4,023,619 4,035,706 4,144,004 4,201,0Sl 4,3;t6,859 4,304,628 ,,, Tolls, Dues, and Duties.It<br />

1,627,729 1,743,188 1,779,847 1,680,892 1,718,092 1,776.612 l,904,8tl>' 2,022,694 Rents, lnterestt &c.<br />

264,981 381,474 265,128 411,416 650,330 795,045 358,425 445,948<br />

Sales of Proper y.<br />

658,268 654,906 669,204 687,283' 719,204 763,435 834,501 876,977<br />

Fees, Fines, Penalties and<br />

" Licences.<br />

12,114~972· 14,319,838 15,481,230 12,208,262 13,340,217 14,482,710 19,698,918 23,438,816 Loans.§<br />

2,285,996 2,378,597 2,336,894 2,520,944 2,803,354 2,842,439 3,010,14~ 3,~35,880 "<br />

" Miscellaneous.<br />

67 108~,161 72,995,601 !ro,39i,993 75,895;212180,311,790 J84,09S,032 92,340,814 hol,133,812! TOTAL REOEIPTS.!!<br />

.. , . ' ..<br />

The amomits.given in the.Table do not show the whole of the "Repayments," &c., to Local Authorities.<br />

Authorities uerived froiri leased lines.<br />

Local Taxation Account. See. Table No. in, p. 80-1.<br />

London· County· Council Cons01ldated Lonns Fund.<br />

Dues; hitherto iucllided' in thi~ ·statement.<br />


Years 1885-6 to 1899-1900.<br />

1892-3.<br />

England and.Wales.<br />

I 1893-4. 11894-5. 118\)5-6. I 1896-7. I 1897-8. I 189S-9. 11899-00.<br />

£ £<br />

£ I £ £ I £ £ £<br />

9,217,514 9,673,505 9,866,605 10,215,974 10,432,189 10,828,276 11,286,973 11,567,649<br />

755,249 926,950 1,002,566 1,008,190 002,562 1,094,810 1,230,238 1,271,408·<br />

5,082,115 5,422,561 5,327,821 5,533,325 5,719,613 5,817,856 6,316,041 6,441,553<br />

l,6S6,553 1,612,618 1,529,864 1,657,852 1,743,189 1,811,187 1,840,007 1,848,232<br />

621 582 548 456 - - - -<br />

2,395 1,484 1,289 1,231 2,074 1,806 838 946<br />

477,165· 454,882 478,698 467,156 441,741 513,824 501,417 454,813<br />

7,521 3,950 5,163 6,843 4,238 4,404 3,660 -<br />

8,108,205 '3)228,063 3,828,006 3,454,089 3,456,276 3,806,917 4,347,689 4,591,902<br />

427,401 406,423 439,350 429,272 460,172 464,381 462,408 481,197<br />

I "~ ....<br />

278,719, '_275,~8 , ~79,748 _2~1,157 823,949 124,224 121,780<br />

61,1~1~87 73,382,360 73,585,812, 76,104,798 78,982,443185,338,125 93,15S,!l9·i 1101,348,477<br />

---<br />

By Unions and Parishes In Relief<br />

to the Poor.<br />

1,258,850 1,269,197 1,300,065 1,320,214 1,868,072 1,358,776 1,381,297 1,553,258 All other Parochial Expenditure<br />

payable out of Poor Rat-OS.<br />

404,000 703,772 804,210 821,948 843,009 1,178,047 1,467,994 1,310,939 From Loans.<br />

- - t 29,307 146,307 162,415 153,909 156,025 148,304 By Parish Councils nnd Parish<br />

Meetings. *<br />

{By Burial Boards and other Local<br />

535,819 564,539 540,708 522,955 523,096 576,677 556,135. ·611,983 Authorites acting under Blirial<br />

Acts.<br />

7,129,134 7,783,548· 8,678,671 9,426,472 10,139,366 10,081,770 10,506,110 ll,~20,658 By School Boards.<br />

1' Town nnd Mnnicipnl AuU>0·<br />

36,784,921 41,001,567 39,932,448 40,807,766 42,462,374 47,321,946 52,977,938 59,718,85& rities for Police, Sanitary, nnd<br />

other Public Works, &c.<br />

y Rural District Councils. t<br />

By County Authorities for Police,<br />

Lunatic Asylums, &c.<br />

By p:lghway Bonrds and Ro:id<br />

Trustees.<br />

By Turnpike Trusts.<br />

For Bridges and Ferries.<br />

By Drainage and Embanl..-:nent<br />

Authorities.<br />

From Church & Ecelesia~tical Rate~<br />

By Harbour Authorities.<br />

By Pilotage Authorities.<br />

By other Authorities.<br />


! l

JO<br />


f<br />

I<br />


the UNITED KINGDOM in the<br />

From Rntes - }<br />

,, Water Unaertakings .<br />

,, Gas Undertakings • ·<br />

:Electric Light Undertakings<br />

,, :Repayments on Account of Pri·}<br />

Yate Improvements executed<br />

by Local Authorities * .<br />

,, Tramways t -<br />

,, GQ\·ernment Contributions l<br />

,, Tolls, Dues and Duties §<br />

,, Rents, Int.erestt &c. -<br />

1<br />

Scotland.<br />

1~~ 1$86~7. 1<strong>1887</strong>-8. I lSSS-9. I 1889~00. I 1890-1. I 1891-2.<br />

I~:.,,<br />

-<br />

-<br />

670,630<br />

! 6iS.62ll<br />

Sa~es of. Proper y - - • f 210,136 9,645<br />

Fees, Fines, .Penalties and} 274,257<br />

Licences - - - - -<br />

Loans .<br />

2,533,060<br />

,, :lliscellaneous<br />

I 318,004<br />

TOTAL RECEIPTS§ - 8,069,133<br />

l<br />

£, I £ £ £, £ £<br />

I<br />

{""'"""' 3,265,222<br />

3,409,221 S,40S,14913,49S,60S 3,557,565<br />

458,869 459,873<br />

44,057 43,582<br />

- -<br />

- -<br />

696,!S5 755,365<br />

68~,205<br />

217,292<br />

705,179<br />

224,962<br />

6,609 7,243<br />

288,504 294,291<br />

I,S00,380 1,784,877<br />

340,523 333,557<br />

7,443:219 7,573,623<br />

--<br />

- - - -<br />

- - - -<br />

825,040 964,525 1,000,927 1,306,370<br />

Wl,78U 772,4Sd 787,209 814,127<br />

249,094 245,554 249,178 238,171<br />

46,186 4,935 22,280 7,981<br />

293,183 175,649 97,832 85,025<br />

1,501,032<br />

391,985<br />

1,-110,398<br />

350,516<br />

1,759,939<br />

301,576<br />

1,991,850<br />

389,193<br />

7,!>36,916 7,481,578 8,002,927 8,551,353"<br />

" Sot ascertained prior to 1898-9. t Including-the revenue of Local Authorities derived from leased lines.<br />

§ Including Pilotage Dues, but excluding Light<br />

----<br />

---<br />


each of the Years 1885-6<br />

Scotland.<br />

I I I I 1886-7. 1889-00. I 11891-2.<br />

1885-6. <strong>1887</strong>-8. 1888-9. 1890-1. I<br />

:<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

By Unions and Parishes I in Relief to 874,574 890,623 878,374 SSl,937 886,543 889,507 918,178<br />

the Poor<br />

•.\11 other Parochial Expenditure { 59,909 66,564 65,732 46,780 50,976 47,297 50,308<br />

payable out of Poor Rates<br />

From Loans 56,042 55,845 43,037 40,110 32,437 88,813 41,532 I<br />

By,Parish Councils other than above - - - - - -<br />

' By School Boards - - - - - 1,323,802 1,401,242 1,469,406 1,435,569 1,493,015 1,645,894 1,672:606 !<br />

~ By Town and :'ilunicipal Authorities}<br />

, !or Police, Sanitary, and other Public 2,886,664 2,720,930 2,952,726 2,731,089 2,531,373 3,199,576 3,115,894 !<br />

Works,&c.<br />

By Rural Sanitary Authorities - - 97,756 106,912 125,323 115,132 117,989 I<br />

f<br />

By County Authorities for Police, 272,400 276,78i 803,765 295,449 349,879<br />

I Lunatic Asylums, &c.<br />

By Highway Boards and Road<br />

}<br />

}<br />

~,500 •..,,,.I<br />

Trustees 725,597 659,925 610,899 658,098 669,794<br />

By Turnpike Trusts -<br />

:For Bridges and Ferries -t -t -t -t -t<br />

I<br />

By Drainage and Embankment Au- - - - - -<br />

thorities<br />

-<br />

I<br />

'By Burial Boards: - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

:From Church and .Ecclesiastic:il Rates 49,447 39,793 48,014 38,203 47,633 41,493 45,305<br />

1<br />

1,131,684 941,473 872,587 995,987 1,030,118 1,124,304 1,346,149<br />

24,844 23,252 23,387 28195 30;162 32,643 34,309<br />

11,116 11,172 11,586 11;1ss 11,698 11,830 11,715<br />

(Herit-0rs).<br />

By Harbour Authorities<br />

By Pilotage Authorities<br />

By other Authorities • -<br />


------------- --~--------<br />

I<br />

7,513,925 7,224,518 7,404,836 7,278,337 7,251,617 7,891,923 8,177,730<br />

t Included in the expenditure<br />

! 'l.11e expenditure on Burial Grounds 111 included partly In that of<br />

I In 1895-6 the cxp(;nditure of Scottis\1 l'arochfal .Hoards was trans!erreu<br />

~ The total e:q1cnditure stated is exclusive of the expenditure from<br />


Scotland.<br />

~6. -r 18&>-7. j 1ss1-s. I 188S-9. 11889-00. 11800-1.<br />

---------,---------------- --<br />

- --- -- -<br />

-<br />

I 1891-2. i<br />

tJntitanding I..oans Cannot be given.<br />

-1 I<br />

~In additlr,n there were certain Annuities payable, the capitalized values of which at the close of each of the Years<br />

The capital value of 1 he Annuities cannot be given for previous yoara.<br />

U-1~ abr..ve 11t:Lt


41<br />

SOURCES of RECEIPT for the purposes of LOCAL EXPENDITURE, in each DIVISION of<br />

Years 1885-6 to 1899-1900-continued.<br />

I<br />

Scotland.<br />

1892-3. I 1803-1. I 1s1H-5. I 1895-13. 1 1896-7. I 1897-8. j1sn8~9~ fi809..W0o.<br />

£<br />

--.£-,---.;-·<br />

£ £ f £--<br />

.£ I £<br />

3,345,653 3,355,960 3,441,iSO 3,658,063 3,806,965 3,831,182 3,9s5,103 I 4,213,0.rn Fl'om Rates.<br />

498,625 547,407 56S,S47 621,342 (J41,Q56 667,378 697,910 727,562 Water UndcL'takings.<br />

1,150,606 1,162,285 1,237,889 1,227,226 1,273,012 1,352,228 1,480,500 i 1,611,277 Gas Uudcl.'taki:l~s.<br />

502 20,902 25,218 48,693 66,401 88,931 112,101 I 155,039 Electric Light Undertakings.<br />

:: Repayme11t on account o<br />

- - - - - -<br />

46,2~2 i 42,691 { Private Improvements exe·<br />

cuted brLoCalAuthorlties.*<br />

- 49,3i3 249,054 358,410 395,430 417,292<br />

Tramways.t<br />

1,357,603 1,675,473 1,594,139 1,648,340 1,670,247 1,847,602<br />

Qovcrnment Contributions.:<br />

918,098 897,842 910,815 1189,301 1,003,565 1,032,456<br />

Tolls, Dues and Duties.§<br />

183,857 106,113 264,530 2i0,·175 27·1,602 285,95::1<br />

Rents, Interest, &c.<br />

20,8i6 27,800 130,773 38,76$ 47,232 179,335<br />

Sales of Property.<br />

79,53/i 110,753 84,741 92,632 98,493 97,812<br />

{<br />

1,929,104<br />

307,24'1<br />

2,061,307<br />

333,837<br />

2,033,003<br />

525,475<br />

l,8!l7,144<br />

333,468<br />

3,103,848<br />

2,255,090<br />

476,858<br />

487,3191 548,503<br />

1,920,019 j 2,004.779<br />

1,036,611 1,045,510<br />

308,814 I 204,698<br />

110,142 49,976<br />

105,691 105/732<br />

3,059,238 4,072;118<br />

334,787 374,824<br />

347,991<br />

---- 10,444,151111,066,523<br />

-------------------<br />

9,791,793 11,183,862 12,731,992 , 12,532,!56 13,684,568 15,245,756 TOTAL RECEII'TS!.f_<br />

I<br />

Fees, Fines, Penalties anci<br />

Licences.<br />

Loans.<br />

)Iiscellaneous.<br />

t Consisting part.Jy of Grnnts·ln·Aid nn.-l partly of receipts from Local Taxation Account. See Table 13, pp. 30·1.<br />

Dues, lilt~erto included in this statement.<br />

in each DIVISION of the UNITED KINGDOl\I in<br />

to- 1899-1900-0ontinued.<br />

Scotland.<br />

1892-S. I 1893-4.<br />

I 1894-5. I 1895-6. 11896-7.<br />

I 1897-8. ,<br />

1898-9. 11899-1000.<br />

---<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

939,435 956,815 994,014 1,013,376 1,054,COS 1,085,728<br />

52,146 55,·J21 57,348 58,976 G0,276 63,691<br />

36,485 22,938 36,827 23,438 87,715 82,830<br />

- - - 8,269 5,918 8,386<br />

1,817,119 1,906,844 2,046,745 2,153,489 2,233,870 2,222,6$6<br />

3,911,Q43 4,027,778 5,983,098 5,522,779 6,835,019 6,654,494<br />

1,008,443 1,260,222 1,315,611 1,340,847 1,328,504 1,321,205<br />

- - - - - -<br />

- - - - - -<br />

46,030 56,264 47,408 43,089 41,035 42,775<br />

£ £<br />

1,000,733 l,lOS,892 By Unions and Parlshesg in :Re.·<br />

lief to the Poor. ·<br />

63,009 68,684 All other Parochial Expendi·<br />

· tureptfableoutof Poor Rates .<br />

24,769<br />

...... I "'°'" .....<br />

S,467 7,466 By Parish Councils otherthanabove<br />

2,275,617 2,448,330 By School Boards.<br />

. Jl3y Town and )lunfoipnl Autho·<br />

7,365,8i0 8,318,948 ~ rlties for Police, Sanitary, and<br />

other Public Works, &c.<br />

1 y Rural Sanitary Authorities.<br />

j By County Authorities for Police,<br />

'·"'"'"\<br />

Lunatic Asylums, &c.<br />

1,400,671 By Highway Bor.rds and Road<br />

Trustees.<br />

By Turnpike Trusts.<br />

For Bridges and Ferries.<br />

- - By Drainage and Embanl."Dlent<br />

Authorities.<br />

- - By Burial Boards.:<br />

39,849 47,425 From Church and Eccleaiaatical<br />

:Rates (lleritors).<br />

1,115,515 1,037,986 1,033,341 1,200,035 1,173,902 1,313,411 1,310,476 ! 1,31C,798 By Hnroour Autborities.<br />

36,652 35,605 34,339 85,790 37,586 38,545 40,610 i 39,136 By Pilotage Authorities.<br />

11,627 11,698 11,876 13,001 ~~ 15,780j~ By other Authorities.<br />

9,035,395 110,211,571 ln,560,607 11,.n1,051 12 1<br />

s20,9i2 J12,so1,s22 13,642,311 !u,898,848<br />

of County Authorities.<br />

Parish and :Municipal Authorities and partly In the t!Xpendlture or lleritors.<br />

to Parish Councils under the Locnl Government (Scotland) Act, 1894.<br />

Light Dues, hitherto Included In this Statement.<br />

end of each of tho Years 1892-3 to 1899-1900.<br />

- ~WM~ I<br />


I<br />

189"..-3. 11893-4. 11894-5. 11895-6. 1896-7. 11897-8. 11898-9. 11899-1900.<br />

1895-6, 1896-7, 18!.J7-Sr 1898-9 and 1899-1000 were 5,079,528l., 5,117,487l:, 5,102,S27l., 5,096,62-tl., 1111d 5,067,46i'l, respectively.<br />

Reports of the Accountant tor Sl!otland to the Scotch Eduratlon Depnrtment; nnd the returns rc·latini; to I'ilotngc in<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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the UKITED KINGDOM, in each of the Years<br />

l<br />

---<br />

I I<br />

1<strong>1887</strong>-8.<br />

I<br />

l"rom :Rates - - . - ! £, I £,<br />

,,<br />

"<br />

.,<br />

"..<br />

..<br />

"<br />

I<br />

Ireland.<br />

1885-6. 1886-7. 1888-9. 11889-90. , 1890-1. I 1891-2.<br />

I •<br />

!<br />

I I<br />

•<br />

£, £, £<br />

Gas and Water Undertnkings • } 2,896,861 ' 2,842,319 2,S64,03S , 2,912,099 2,901,062 2,825,557 2,810,377<br />

GoYernment Contributions* • ' lH,507111~833 109,137 119,833 160,974 347,583 368,974<br />

Tolls, Dues, and Duties t -<br />

•I 328,843 395,300 332,770 332,734 885,239 851,848 846,678<br />

Rents, Interest, &c. - - I 84,356 I SS,215 92,093 89,707 96,414 95,825 104,524<br />

Fees, }'ines, Pennllies ancl ,<br />

110,348 I 106,293 100,225 104,221 105,750 109,593 108,808<br />

Licenses<br />

Loans<br />

•I 88s,1ss ! 475,218 542,880 705,854 495,946 546,912 470,345<br />

::\Iiscellnneous<br />

223,0SO I 176,278 173,992 194,773 179,332 203,494 169,061<br />


- :~14,197,451<br />

---·<br />

4,214,635 4,458,721 4,364,7171 4,479,812 4,378,762<br />

* Consisting pnrtly of Grnnts-in·aid, and partly of Receipts<br />

t Including Pilotage Dues, but excluding Light<br />


and in each of the Years 1885-6<br />

Ireland.*<br />

1885-6. 11886-7. : <strong>1887</strong>-8. l lSSS-9. ! 1ss9-9o. ! ..... 1. I 1891-•.1<br />

• I •<br />

; By Unions and Parishes in Relief to l,062,S9S l,Oi6,294 1,030,534<br />

' thePoor<br />

All other Parochinl Expenditure }<br />

payable out of Poor Ratest 131,26(1 214,075 242,862<br />

and !rom Loans • • - •<br />

1<br />

i B~~~l ?ist?ct ~oun~ils, ~ther_ tha~ I _ _ I _<br />

By Town and )funicipal Autl1orities 1,055,266<br />

for Police, Sanitary, and other Public<br />

Works, &c.<br />

By Rural Sanitary Authorities 56,338<br />

. ByT,unCoaunty Authorities fo_r Po.lice,) !<br />

'1 tic Asylums, &c.<br />

B)'Tm~~~way_ B~nrds_ m~d 1:°_ ndJ·J 1,179,005<br />

1<br />

J For l3ridges and Ferries -<br />

I 'By Drainage and Embankment Autho· 391526<br />

j rities<br />

By Burial :Boards§ 12,717<br />

By Harbour Authorities<br />

By Pllotage Authorities<br />

1,0i8,0S7 J 11083,185<br />

I<br />

62,022 l 56,9:11<br />

l<br />

1,176,483 ! 1,172,201<br />

54,674<br />

12,830<br />

38,871<br />

11,976<br />

83,426<br />

- I 477,615<br />

- ! 14,310<br />

By other Authorities - • : 91.818<br />

401,817 442,C66 486,902<br />

14,872 15,585 21,069<br />

...... I ....., I ......<br />

£, I £, £,<br />

1,023,363 ' 1,026,292 1,031,981 1,052,262<br />

372,928 331,520 306,486 289,019<br />

1,113,503 1,176,947<br />

54,467 54,517<br />

1,172,339 1,193,559<br />

46,307 40,834<br />

10,528 12,269<br />

376,967<br />

21,297<br />

1,332,552 1,289,122<br />

54,387 55,849<br />

1,202,296 1,232,601<br />

35,110 41,935<br />

16,348 13,SOS<br />

363,052<br />

23,701<br />

401,563<br />

22,904<br />

83,676 83,281<br />

Iv'IAL EXl'l~!HJITURE-I<br />

. I '·'"'"" J •.181,1'7 I 4,183.5" I 4,385,837 4,317,6281 4,449,5891 4,431,844<br />

.c The expenditure for Police and for Education in Ireland is almost entirely provided<br />

t Including repayment of Loans raised by Poor Law Authorities for all Purposes with the exception<br />

lndudi:d with "Town and :\Iunidpal "Authorities and Rural District Councils.<br />

~ The total<br />

The above statemeut,s arc compiled from the retu· ns and reports issued by the Local<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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SOURCES of RECEIPT for the purposes of LOCAL EXPENDlTURE, in each DIVISION of<br />

1885-6 to 1899-:-1909-0ontinued:<br />

I<br />

Ireland.<br />

1~92-3. 11893-4. 11801-5.<br />

t 1895-6. 11896-7.<br />

J!, £ J!, £ £<br />

2,863,730 2,989,758 2,07·1,273 3,040,558 3,135,760<br />

363,637 400,004 320,268 406,6U8 370,857<br />

356,788 853,130 372,003 373,671 874,892<br />

lli~,685 lOS,522 113,Gll 113,218 122,334<br />

10\l/~~l 113,~30 112,846 109,473 112,488<br />

775,4~5 589,181 682,368 700,376 881,308<br />

189,104 170,736 213,600 230,703 275,193<br />

4,770,260 4,724,520 4,707,558 4,092,757 5,272,841<br />

from J,ocal Taxation Account. See Table 13, pp. 30·1.<br />

Dues, hit11erto fnclttdcd In this Statement.<br />

I 1897-8.1<br />

£,<br />

S,0!>7,734<br />

353,828<br />

386,753<br />

126,767<br />

118,408<br />

653,0..U<br />

297,445<br />

5,033,071<br />

1~8-9. 11809-1000.<br />

I<br />

£<br />

! £<br />

8,234,011 2,454,164<br />

475,384 1,562,156<br />

385,858 ' 382,712 I<br />

126,2641 ' 245,805 !<br />

116,002 l 112,008 !<br />

502,303 I 473,160 I<br />

......,. ....,.. I<br />

5 1<br />

222,1:0l s 1<br />

538,734-<br />

{<br />

From Rates.<br />

,, GasamlWa.terUndertaking:;<br />

,, GovermnentContdbutionsl


-<br />


the UNITED KINGDOM, in each of ·the<br />

---<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

1885-6. 1886-7. <strong>1887</strong>-8. lSSS-9. 1889-90. 1890-1. 1891-2.<br />

I I I I I I<br />

From Rates • • - • • ·1<br />

£<br />

I £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Water, Gas and Electric Light<br />

" Undertakings - • •<br />

38,56!3,970 39,190,604 40,082,492 40,646,680 41,418,107 41,954,833 42,954,918,<br />

II '.Repayments ou account of J<br />

Private Improvements executed<br />

by Local Authorities •<br />

II 1c&mway~" - 110,129 115,447 117,101 125,785 128,923 139,178 143,776<br />

II Government Contributionst 4,:;67,747 4,786,214 5,132,724 5,735,733 .7,647,778 8,526,797 9,677,949<br />

II Tolls, Dues, and Du~ies§ . 4,961,521 5,016,207 4,972,118 5,186,497 5,169,505 5,048,~19 5,017,294<br />

II Rents, Interest, &c. . l,449,348 1,li57,263 1,604,925 1,744,971 1,730,239 1,791,863 1,820,478<br />

Sales of Property • 494,014 554,790 397,637 624,932 517,936 325,384 351,U8<br />

".. Fee3, Fines,<br />

Licences· Penalties ~nd} 1,448,778 1,470,900 1,400,955 1,568,388 1,454,747 1,457,889 1,426,479<br />

,, Loans 14,341,543 11,546,585 10,947,736 9,206,769 8,956,487 8,528,840 12,505,631<br />

,, Miscellaneous . 2,436,143 2,397,154 2,408,272 2,543,296 2,540,SSS 2,712,103 2,734,833<br />

TOTAL RECEIPTS § • 6S,376,193166,63{i,167 67,162,960 67,353,051 69,564,105170,484,906 76,632,606<br />

* Including the Revenue of Local Authorities derlYed from Leased Lines.<br />

§ Including Pilotage Dues, but excluding Light Dues, hitherto included in this Statement.<br />


---<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

I 1885-6. l 1886-7. I <strong>1887</strong>-8. I 1888-9. 11889-90. I 1soo-1.<br />

I 1891-2.<br />

-----·<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

By Unions and Parishes in Relief to 10,233,702 10,143,685 10,349,729 10,?.71,777 "10,347,180 10,564,806 10,818,118<br />

the Poort • .. .<br />

.All other Parochial Expenditure}<br />

payable out of Foor Rates and 1,958,879 l,SSS,476<br />

from Loans • • • •<br />

1,820,104 1,969,886 2,077,318 1,982,822 1,957,843<br />

By Parish Councils (SCl)tland) other - - - - - - -<br />

than above.<br />

By Rura! Dlstrlc;t Councils (Ireland) - -- - - - - -<br />

other than abo,·e • • • • •<br />

By Parish Councils and Parish lleet- - - - - - - -<br />

ings ~ngland and Wales)*<br />

By Se ool Boards • • • • • 6,917,960 6,809,887 0,671,547 6,774,893 7,100,009 7,649,566 8,223,510<br />

By Town and llunlcipal Authorities}<br />

for Police, Sanitary, and other Public f 32,865,097 32,760,845 M,·158,513 32,847,106 33,56·1,598 35,709,969 40,012,502<br />

Works,&:.::.<br />

By Rural Sanitary Authorities •<br />

By County Authorltl"' lo• Polloe,1<br />

Lunatic Asylums, &c. • • •<br />

By llighway Boards and Road 7,800,1)()1 7,930,307 7,828,882 8,142,305 7,800,722 8,189,166 8,836,llSO<br />

Trustees • • • • • •<br />

By 'Lurnplke Trusts • • •<br />

For Brldgea and Ferries • • J<br />

By Dralna~e and Embankment Autho 529,539 605,925<br />

rltles<br />

529,299 604,045 512,79~ 589,509 501,904<br />

By Burial Boards • • • • • I 481,831 501,103 505,270 533,492 400,997 530,192 557,744<br />

'From Church :md :Ec1.:lc3lastlcal Rates I 58,740 ,7,152 55,974 44,304 53,404 47,099 50,997<br />

By Harbour AuthfJritles 4,503,U73 4,391,235 4,266,354 4,459,418 4,463,103 4,488,223 4 1 809 1<br />

0Z7<br />

By Pilotage Authorities . 441,237 422,843 430,102 452,099 470,590 I<br />

494,840 41)2,428<br />

----<br />

By other .Authorities 150,IJ-t>-S liB,943 154,410 144,444 368,728 391,393 422,917<br />

.<br />

TOTAL ~X!•E:SDITUJtE !I 66,G:"Jl,~3 tl5,555,401 167,070,18' 66,143,7!39 671250,403170,637,0SI> 70,683,970<br />

~ England and Wales only,<br />

J Th~ tA.,tal exrie'ldlture stated is exclusive of the e:~pcndlture from Light Dues, hitherto included In this Statement.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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SOURCES of RECEIPT for. the purposes of LOCAL EXPENDITURE, in each DIVISJ ON of<br />

Years 1885-6 to 1899-1900-continued.<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

--<br />

1892-3. 1S93-4. 1894-5. 1895-6. 1896-7. 1897-8. 1893-9.<br />

I I I I I I I 1899- 1900.<br />

£ £ £ £, £, £ £ £<br />

,, Water, Gas and Electric<br />

Light Undertakings.<br />

46,070,509 48,701,420 50,864,470 53,465,885 55,923,664 56,676,873 59,007,869 61,987,643 ,, Repayments on account of<br />

Private Improvements<br />

executed byLocalAuthori·<br />

ties.<br />

145,639 212,401 474,742 609,557 608,785 1,0·H,029 1,431,571 2,124,425 Tramways.*<br />

"<br />

10,643,81,0 10,889,618 10,917,087 11,295,067 11,676,037 13,170,128 14,186,361 15,816,018 Government Contributions. t<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

285,857 409,373 395,001 450,184 697,562 975,280 468,567 495,924<br />

"<br />

847,624 878,898 866,881 889,388 930,185 979,685 1,057,094 1,094,777 { "<br />

5,032,099 li,166,293 5,306,527 5,398,678 5,522,461 5,621,100 5,769,328 5,'132,850<br />

1,918,271 2,047,823 2,157,3!)7 2,064,085 2,116,018 2,189,332 2,339,927 2,563,197<br />

rm~w ..<br />

Tolis, Dues, and Duties.§<br />

Rents, Interest, &c.<br />

Sales of Property.<br />

Fees, Fines, Penalties, and j<br />

Licenses.<br />

t<br />

14,819,661 16,970,276 18,197,501 14,814,782 17,325,373 17,390,850 23,350,459 27,984,0!l4 Loans.<br />

" j<br />

2,782,344 2,888,170 3,075,568 3,0!l4,205 3,426,538 3,616,792 3,636,395 4,ll!l,373<br />

----------------------------- " ~nscellaneous. !<br />

82,545,814 88,164,27'>. 92,256,074 92,071,831 98,316,623 101,664,159 111,247,571 121,918,:!0l TOTAL RECEIPTS.§<br />

t Consisting partly of Grants-in-Aid, and pal'tly of Receipts from Local Taxation Account. See Table No. 13, p. 30-1.<br />

I<br />

of the UNITED KINGDOM in each of the Years 1885-6 to 1899-1900-continued.<br />

I<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

---<br />

1892-3. 11893-4. I J 894-5. I 1895-6. I 1896-7. I 1897-S. 11893-9. I 1899- 1900.<br />

£ s. I £ £,<br />

£ £,<br />

£, I £,<br />

11,207,592 11,669,839 11,903,428 12,282,741 12,532,572 12,983,826 13,513,040 13,795,025 By Unions and Parishes in Relief<br />

to the Poor. t<br />

{All ot.her Parochial Expenditure<br />

2,040,980 2,319,362 2,476,942 2,526,892 2,646,157 2,062,132 3,320,704 3,075,813 pnyable out of Poor Rates, and<br />

lrom Lo!lns •<br />

- - - 3,269 5,918 8,386 8,467 7,466 .By Parish Councils (Scotland) other<br />

than above.<br />

- - - - - - 294,048 By Rural District Councils (Ireland)<br />

other than above.<br />

- - t29,307 146,307 162,415 153,909 156,025 148,304 By Parish Councils and Parish<br />

.Meetings (En9land and Wnles)."<br />

8,946,253 9,690,892 10,725,416 11,579,911 12,373,236 12,304,456 12,781,727 13,663,988 Ry School Bo:ir s.<br />

{lly Town and ~Iunicipal Author!·<br />

42,043,506 47,857,756 50,305,598 55,612,161 61,941,776 69,642,893 ties for Police, Sanitary, and<br />

other :Public '\Yorks, &c.<br />

'""''·"' j''""·"'<br />

I By Rural Sanitary •.\uthorities.<br />

By County Authorities for Police,<br />

Lunatic Asylums, &c.<br />

0,991,6S5 10,710,451 10,657,020 11,028,183 11,225,347 11,631,100 12,3·14,394 12,959,446 (' JI!gl>"'•Y lloord• and Road<br />

Trustees.<br />

By Turnpike '!'rusts.<br />

For Bridges and Ferries.<br />

517,565<br />

550,079 578,652 !i59,S70 538,600 539,675 594,943 573,352 611,VS:!§ By Jlurinl Boards.<br />

497,857 511,959 508,136 489,712 560,606 645,166 500,771 By Drainage and Embankment<br />

.Authorities.<br />

53,551 60,214 52,571 49,932 45,273 47,179 43,009 47,426 From Chur

No 21.-'l'OTA.L AMOUN'r I3,108<br />

2,289,265<br />

183,971<br />

288,·153<br />

4,·105<br />

187,46·1<br />

1,031,!i92 2,01)6,052 2,203,0li!l 2,002,2U7 2,080,0.Jl 2,012,!i03<br />

I<br />

2,250,075 l 2,2·JG,SOO 2,.J00,017 2,533,292 2,524,Z.JG 2,010,435<br />

305,000 ·103,775 37i,5SO 38-1,720 401,555 488,207<br />

797,772 811,247 838,207 S.J5,023 800,115 884,547<br />

1,0S4,51G 1,805,830 1,900,07'1 2,087,4GG 2,229,737 2,235,054<br />

9,102,030 9,071,003 10,070,084 10,514,531 11,138,146 11,013,190<br />

632,089 6G6,030 603<br />

1,520,510<br />

.<br />

1<br />

281 U39,751 043,380 080,UOO 2,199,498<br />

1,409,222 1,5~0,001 1,6-14,070 1,385,52i 1,HO 931 -<br />

22,855 19,708 6,423 4,343 4,435 3,033 3,152<br />

2,527,883 2,557,585 2,548,533 2,:t56,002 2,·!0S,436 2,497,0lG<br />

181i,100 193,505 101,290 189,194 180,121 172,701<br />

TOTAL • • 26,142,891 20,637,017 27,194,836 2i,420,223 27,7W,409 27,818,642 28,507,119 30,201,G03132,223,9i2 33,855,283 35,898,042 37,542,0lG 37,605,368 ·13$1602,673 40,734,219<br />

03,111<br />

280,008<br />

3,323<br />

186,430<br />

155,401<br />

275,630<br />

7,3·13<br />

211.371<br />

126,683<br />

260,Z.15<br />

6,351<br />

166,718<br />

112,HS<br />

269,277<br />

3,205<br />

155,458<br />

110,017<br />

275,988<br />

4,810<br />

l'i0,989<br />

1,10,504<br />

275,934<br />

2i3,845<br />

* Urban Sanitary Authorities prior to 1894-95. t ltural Sanitary Authorities prior to 1895-00, i Exclusive of Rates levied under Burial Acts.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



POOR RATES for ENGLAND and WALES, and AMOUNT Received<br />

and Expended for RELIEF of the POOR in ENGLAND and WALES,<br />


----<br />


Value of Property Assessed Total<br />

Expended.<br />

YEARS to the Poor Rate. Amount<br />

Received from<br />

YEARS<br />

For other<br />

ended<br />

Poor Rates In Relief<br />

Purposes.<br />

Gross<br />

ended<br />

Rateable (includinfi<br />

of the<br />

(County,<br />

Total.<br />

Lady·day. Estimated<br />

fttJceipts n<br />

I Borough and<br />

!r.ady·day<br />

Rental.*<br />

aid of Poor. Police<br />

Rental.<br />

I<br />

Poor Rates.)<br />

Rates, &c.) (<br />

I £ £<br />

177,240,827 148,907,797 15,816,995 8,176,768 7,512,525 15,689,29S 1886-7<br />

177,954,875 149,334,624 15,839,771 8,440,821 7,525,140 15,965,961 <strong>1887</strong>-8<br />

<strong>1887</strong>-8<br />

1888-9 178,589,584 149,600,812 16,086,686 8,866,477 7,603,649 15,970,126 1888-9<br />

1889-90 179,700,566 150,485,974 17,789,210 8,434,345 9,301,369 17,735,714 1889--0<br />

1890-1 181,751,996 152,116,008 18,858,078 8,648,818 9,341,957 17,985,275 1890-1<br />

1891-2 186,126,397 155,800,383 18,087,817 8,847,678 9,606,782 18,4:54,460 1891-2<br />

1892-8 188,397,661 157,722,918 18,971,121 9,217,514 10,194,383 19,411,897 1892-3<br />

1893-4 190,770,928 159,469,468 20,180,594 9,673,505 10,853,9"..5 20,527,430 1893-4<br />

1894-5 193,130,862 161,139,575 21,546,951 9,866,605 11,626,306 21,492,911 1894-5<br />

1895-IS 195,325,527 162,839,965 23,800,205 10,215,974 13,212,413 23,428,387 '. 1895-6<br />

1896-7 199,380,667 165,990,085 24,761,618 10,432,189 14,041,318 24,473,50i i 1896-7<br />

1897-8 202,703,325 168,664,993 24,560,600 10,828,276 13,568,140 24,300,416 : 1897-8<br />

1898-9 206,996,784 172,065,842 25,229,563 11,286,978 14,171,031 25,458,004 1898-9<br />

1899-1000 211,458,966 175,622,758 26,308,069 11,567,649 14,742,138 26,309,787 : 1899-1900<br />

1900-1 216,640,573 180,406,420 27,589,010 12,119,544 15,527,169 27,646,713 : 1900-1<br />

1,..._,<br />

£ £ £ £<br />

I<br />

Total Amount<br />

Received<br />

from<br />

PoorRntes<br />

Total<br />

Expenditure<br />

from<br />

Poor Rates<br />

lREL.\ND.<br />

.Amount expended '<br />

in Relief nnd<br />

Management of YEARS<br />

nnd all other and other<br />

anS~~n~~~~he i ended<br />

Sources in aid of Sources in aid of<br />

Medical Charities, I<br />

Poor Rates Poor Rates<br />

(including (Including lVaccinatlon, Dispen· Lady-day.<br />

Loans). Loans).<br />

sary and Superannu-,<br />

ation .Acts. j<br />

:t §<br />

£ £ I £<br />

:<br />

1,308,530 1,376,011) 1,069,845 1886-7<br />

1,362,390 1,390,929 1,031,617 : <strong>1887</strong>-8<br />

1,526,044 1,444,680 l,0'22,i53 ' 1888-9<br />

1,439,478 1,409,024 1,029,708 : 1859-90<br />

1,528,287 1,405,514 1,041,9SO ! 1890-1<br />

1,285,514 1,411,701 1,054,400 1591-2<br />

i<br />

1,459,933 1,403,409 1,037,993 1892-3<br />

I<br />

1,412,056 1,398,520 l,OH,92i 1593-4<br />

1,897,029 1,448,767 1,049,724 ' 1894-5<br />

1,469,714 1,434,656 l,056,2i6 1595-6<br />

1,484,759 1,460,896 1,049,850 i 1896-7<br />

1,535,158 1,533,516 1,104,756 I 189i-8<br />

1,066,261 1,697,818 1,194,387 I 159S-9<br />

1,187,753 1,207,048 1,125,110 I 1899-1900<br />

1,309,631 1,212,038 1,170,SOl 1900-1<br />

* Includes the rateable value of Government l roperty for \\·hich no corresponding gross estimated rental<br />

!s included In the previous column.<br />

)' Includes up to the year 1892·3, Poor Law expenditure defrayed out of Loans.<br />

t The amounts received are exclusive of the sums advanced by the Go\'ernment and expended In tLe<br />

purchase of seed, under the variou~ Seed Supply Acts, and of the rates lo\•icd to meet 1iuch nd\'nnces ;<br />

also for the year 1899·1900 of receipts from rates, &c., In respect o~ the PubI1c·ne11lth Acts, Labourers' .Acts,<br />

&c., the accounts of which have been transferred to the DlstrlctCounells.<br />

§ Includes expenses under the ~t:edlcal Charities Act, Vaccination .Act, nei?istration of Births, Deaths, nml<br />

Marriages Acts, Superannuation Acts, ancl Natlonai School Teachers' Act. Expenses under the l'ubllc Health<br />

Act, and Labom·ers' Acts are also luclude

48 EXCISE.<br />

No. 23.-Ql"ANTITIES of the SEVERA~ EXCISABLE ARTICLES, distingu;shing<br />

the amount i\L\.DE in the UNITED KINGDOM, those EXPORTJm to FOREIGN<br />

CoUNTlUES, and those RE-T.:µNED for HouE CONSUMPTION; also the<br />

QUANTITY of SPIRITS remaining in BOND at the end of each YEAR.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

YE.\RS<br />

QU.\NTITY )[ADE.<br />


i<br />

ended 1-<br />

31st Dcc. l Spirits.<br />

Beer.<br />

(British made.)<br />

I<br />

(British made.)<br />

Proof<br />

Proof<br />

l Gallons. ! Barrels.t Cwts. .Gallons. llarrels. f Cwts.<br />

lSSi SS,651,750 28,239,934 2,812 3,247,676 513,777 I<br />

lSSS 3S,S93,9i9 28,417,780 2,232 3,754,203 543,47S<br />

I<br />

I<br />

t<br />

1SS9 40,4$3,545 30,402,298 2,200 3,761,304 578,525 1890 43,50S,130 31,835,594 2,612 3,922,623 598,776<br />

I 1391 46,554,613 32,236,9i5 2,649 4,242,953 569,702 1S9:! t 44,9i2.4S3 32,061,369 2,9i7 4,284,330 551,6i5 1393 44,4Sl.32ll 32,092,264 1,342 3,871,963 49i,9H<br />

I 1S94 45,15i.253 32,22S,460 2,7i2 3,938,680 433,0.n<br />

1895<br />

I<br />

4i,4iO,Sn 32,736,290 988 4,521,705 510,547 1396 52,$33,543 34,392,228 2,078 4,907,789 52i,328<br />

I<br />

1897 60,095',3$!) 35,313,035 2,274 5,199,435 557,130<br />

l<br />

1398 I 62,731,07S 86,184,568 2,333 5,179,923 560,402<br />

l 1899 i 60,lW,667 37,404,833 2,0S6 5,SU,816 563,306 1900 57,22.S,031 36,663,555 1,667 6,2Hl,782 591,714 -<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 55,306,43::> 36,139,651 1,803 6,802,028 630,847<br />

!<br />


l<br />

Chicory.<br />

I I I *Sph"its. '*Beer. Chicory.<br />

Quantity of<br />

British made<br />

Spirits. I Spirits remaining<br />

'<br />

I<br />

-<br />

in Bond<br />

(British made.) I<br />

Beer. Chicory. at the encl of each<br />

Potable.<br />

I )fethylated. I (British made.) Year.<br />

Proof Proof ---Proof --<br />

Gallons. Gallons. Barrels.t Cwts. Gallons.<br />

lSSi 25,969,i7•.I 2,197,659 2i,726,207 2,812 72,422,651<br />

!SSS 25,968,593 1,988,504 27,874,302 2,232 76,593,657<br />

1SS9 2i,1S3,851 2,110,921 29,828,773 2,296 81,303,138<br />

1890 2!.l.410,431 2,118,703 81,286,81S 2,612 86,313,357<br />

1891 3•),744,25S 2,Si4,S49 81,667,266 2,649 91,699,6i0<br />

1892 31,355,315 2951,385 31,509,694 2,9i7 94,842,658<br />

1393 29,S5i,9S7 3,171,533 31,594,350 1,842 99,377,964<br />

1894 29,893,576 2,009,9i6 31,745,419 2,772 103,985,483<br />

1S95 30,$80,28!) 3,786,680 82,225,743 933 108,778,045<br />

1896 31,S99,950 4,069,560 38,864,900 2,0iS 116,830,191<br />

1397 82,6iii,Oi5 4,841,391 84,755,905 2,274 130,704,311<br />

1898 33,741,579 4,760,5!\1 35,624,166 ,2,833 145,101,741<br />

1899 35,i70,2;;1 4,910,918 86,S.H,077 2,0S6 154,575.654<br />

1900 Si,125,241 5,028,738 36,076,841 1,667 153,858,410<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 36, 3i2,3')0 4,916,921 35,508,804 1,803 162,621,933<br />

* Includes the quantities shipped to Foreign Countries as )[erchaudise as well as those taken for Ships'<br />

St-Ores, &:c.<br />

t Quantities calcubbd at a standard gravity of 1,055 degrees.<br />

No. 24.-QUANTITIES of MALT, GRAIN, and other materials used in BREWING,<br />

and in DISTJLUNG, in the UNITED KINGDO~I.<br />


YEAP.S l<br />

ended ! I Sugar, includ·<br />

Rice, Rice Grits,<br />

30th Sep· '<br />

Ing equivalents<br />

Flaked Rice,<br />

I te b :ualt and Com. i of Syrups,<br />

)folt.<br />

Un malted<br />

Rice.<br />

1 m er. i 1<br />

Glucose, and liaize Grits,<br />

Grain.<br />

Flaked Maize, &c.<br />

~~~~~--,,..-~~~~~,--~~~-~-1~~~-,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~1<br />

I i I Saoch•rnm.<br />

l<br />

Bushels. Cwts.<br />

1886-7 52,319,02i 1,465,940<br />

188i-8 51,800,336 1,523,870<br />

I 1888-9 54,839,9-25 1,810,714<br />

l 1~90 55,859,964 l,il76,177<br />

1890-1 ' 55,698,523 2,025,659<br />

1891-21 55,8:)2,570 2,000,720<br />

11~;. 3' 55,757,851 2,122,966<br />

l<br />

I =·,.... 54,867,459 2,194,oso<br />

I<br />

1894-5 55,472,038 2,274,434<br />

1895-6 58,107,164 2,441,250<br />

IS95-i 56,642,707 2,569,716<br />

~~ 57,664,5$ 2,773,768<br />

~d0-9 58,742,700 2,914,008<br />

1899--0fJ 57,854,904 2,980,039<br />

WJJ-1 56,702,W3 2,859,091<br />

Cwts.<br />

747,063<br />

927,036<br />

1,087,537<br />

1,201,845<br />

1,325,754<br />

Quarters.<br />

855,989<br />

838,037<br />

909,971<br />

946,398<br />

994,366<br />

980,427<br />

1,020,769<br />

1,049,815<br />

1,095,130<br />

1,220,160<br />

1,393,561<br />

1,566,482<br />

1,410,932<br />

1,100,979<br />

1,195,799<br />

Quarters.<br />

991,492<br />

1,021,381<br />

1,055,222<br />

1,140,580<br />

1,208,958<br />

1,116,HS<br />

l,098,2i2<br />

1,103,618<br />

1,106,841<br />

1,223,177<br />

1,386,870<br />

1,435,502<br />

1,542,458<br />

1,515,520<br />

1,442,039<br />

Cwts.<br />

12,188<br />

75,157<br />

57,721<br />

44,993<br />

101,467<br />

26,222<br />

86,660<br />

62,286<br />

57,706<br />

34,121<br />

6,876<br />

1,380<br />

,, The quantities of the above articles are Inclusive of the amounts chargeable with Beer Duty<br />

which were used by private brewers.<br />

I<br />

Molasses<br />

and other<br />

Materials.<br />

Cwts.<br />

241,489<br />

259,312<br />

251,514<br />

213,867<br />

324,365<br />

620,685<br />

567,495<br />

497,887<br />

616,955<br />

780,327<br />

752,488<br />

818,489<br />

796,514<br />

664,257<br />

862,300<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

4:9<br />


50<br />



No. 26.-V ALUE of TOTAL hlPOR'J,'S from, and of ToTAr. EXP071TS<br />

(The Exports in this Table include British<br />

t<br />

I I ·~ ~ '<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. i 1893. I 1894.<br />

I<br />

FoREIGN' I £ £ £, £ £ £, £ £<br />

Russia - Northern{Imports 9,6SS,SSS 12,360,099 13,789,674 12,358,981 .12,442,112 9,737,373 10,332,702 12,078,482<br />

Ports • Exports I 5,858,849 6,290,049 7,286,108 7,514,795 6,903,102 7,671,102 8,963,795 10,114,981<br />

---- Southern{Imports 6,290,901 13,955,114 13,364,816 11,391,887 11,668,139 5,385,304 8,241,863 11,520,266<br />

Ports • Exports 1,018,095 1,387,747 1,357,155 1,331,259 1,290,030 1,205,797 1,399,876 1,422,076<br />

Sweden and Yorway{ Imports 10,106,954 11,246,963 12,704,560 11,906,345 11,873,280 11,806,679 11,986,844 11,987,783<br />

- Exports 4,647,957 5,389,644 6,402,154 7,002,269 6,586,438 6,279,921 6,125,025 6,558,937<br />

Denmark, Iceland {Imports 5,197,758 7,061,396 7,845,877 7,753,389 7,936,787 8,041,662 8,936,83.'i 9,543,766<br />

and Greenland • Expo1·ts 2,235,087 2,432,795 2,817,954 2,928,006 8,032,612 3,038,520 2,971,509 3,038,055<br />

Danish West lndies{Imports 24,660 14,227 5,029 2,384 595 1,048 2,689 18,237<br />

Exports 102,621 I 86,679 84,262 118,301 60,837 79,587 82,011 60,036<br />

Germany· t fmports 24,563,536 I 26,124,347 27,101,832 26,073,331 27,031,743 25,726,738 26,364,849 26,874,470<br />

• Exports 27,227,281 27,430,572 31283,624 30,516,281 29,944,361 29,641,814 27,954,494 2!l,217,328<br />



.to, -the Principal and other E'bREIGN COUNTRIES and BRITISH POSSESSIONS.<br />

as well as Foreign and Colonial Prod nee.)<br />

:...<br />

1895. 1896.<br />

£ £,<br />

13,211,128<br />

9,370,619<br />

11,525.'791<br />

1,315,714<br />

13,580,'725<br />

10,090,528<br />

9,146,718<br />

1,313,282<br />

12,615,983 13,886,243<br />

6,568,779 7,000,416<br />

9,'199,328 10,640,598<br />

3,135,122 3,307,785<br />

23,637 8,509<br />

61,947 71,142<br />

26,992,559 27,585,236<br />

32,736,651 33,984,005<br />

48,431 42,001<br />

76,557 • 77,161<br />

28,419,944<br />

11,272,258<br />

29,261,023<br />

12,330,124<br />

~74,813 752,234<br />

1,988,479 2,129,969<br />

17,545,169 19,221,408<br />

11,934,653 12,326,634<br />

47,470,583<br />

20,324,998<br />

50,104,971<br />

20,657,528<br />

549,362 531,523<br />

267,292 261,417<br />

221,704 203,442<br />

308,017 376,314<br />

50 -<br />

140,129 160,'704<br />

2,491,926 2,616,662<br />

1,865,973 2,094,762<br />

127,252 134,462<br />

154,074 152,514<br />

SS,875 33,937<br />

418,945 414,759<br />

44,045<br />

643,1'72<br />

107,087<br />

1,074,718<br />

11,314,518 11,997,919<br />

4,052,806 3,898,370<br />

410,103 507,565<br />

423,000 482,281<br />

1,020 387<br />

15,137 15,04.6<br />

-<br />

1897. 1898.<br />

J!, £,<br />

15,229,412 13,805,607<br />

10,172,011 12,511,864<br />

7,054,953 5,683,907<br />

1,606,067 1,675,344<br />

14,834,607 14,723,431<br />

7,547,212 8,504,721<br />

10,00S,897 11,703,384<br />

3,476,663 3,919,326<br />

20,122 23,332<br />

58,863 53,264<br />

26,189,469 28,534,159<br />

32,012,505 33,331,701<br />

68,194 35,165<br />

101,109 119,862<br />

28,971,316 28,532,004<br />

13,260,214 13,046,026<br />

322,309 421,837<br />

2,069,365 2,159,519<br />

20,885,812 21,534,313<br />

12,788,520 13,850,002<br />

53,346,883 51,396,793<br />

19,517,711 20,513,958<br />

671,014 675,006<br />

275,809 303,489<br />

312,430 431,192<br />

428,958 573,003<br />

7,723 86<br />

142,5ll9 134,991<br />

2,652,713 3,448,056<br />

1,900,674 2,085,564<br />

151,033 175,312<br />

173,074 166,165<br />

116,554 85,544<br />

371,185 439,485<br />

116,626 68,605<br />

1,371,263 1,270,829<br />

13,125,660<br />

3,815,951<br />

13,188,258<br />

3,505,728<br />

574,821 729,945<br />

522,176 451,803<br />

969 4,251<br />

16,228 16,502<br />

--<br />

1899<br />

£,<br />

1900.<br />

<strong>1901</strong>. L COUNTRIES.<br />

l---£,--l·--£,--1 FOREION; .<br />

13,319,184 16,383,961 16,765,191 Imports } Russia-Northem<br />

13,987,207 14,083,541 12,355,325 Exports Ports.<br />

5,391, 984 5,599,991 5,138,383 Imports } ---Southerra<br />

2,151,373 2,276,934 1,855,628 Exports Ports.<br />

15,354,132 16,391,078 15,352,063 Imports } Sweden and Nor·<br />

0,904,696 10,406,205 9,280,287 Exports way.<br />

12,432,977 13,187,757 14,440,?.32 Imports } Denmark, Ic~s<br />

Exports in ~estern<br />

Africa.<br />

Imports }<br />

Exports<br />

Holland.<br />

- Java & other<br />

Imports Possessions<br />

Exports { in the lnclian .<br />

Seas. j<br />

Imports } . 1<br />

Exports Belgium l<br />

53,000,7 88 53,618,656 51,213,424 Imports } I<br />

23,700,820 Exports Fr~nce.<br />

22,277,01 2 25,877,458<br />

737,023<br />

364,987<br />

461,267<br />

742,428<br />

1,848<br />

122,900<br />

3,172,258<br />

2,639,882<br />

155,962<br />

231,269<br />

68,021<br />

514,945<br />

69,608<br />

1,325,644<br />

14,572,954<br />

5,619,232<br />

889,104<br />

703,938<br />

2,113<br />

18,492<br />

See Cuba and Porto .Rico, page 53<br />

See page 53<br />

632,602<br />

572,780<br />

534,'727<br />

751,896<br />

19,14'1<br />

147,240<br />

3,241,367<br />

2,529,305<br />

145,433<br />

787,179<br />

75,037<br />

1,097,609<br />

608,103 Imports } .<br />

440,414 Exports --Algena.<br />

406,385<br />

565,024<br />

302<br />

131,121<br />

3,305,150<br />

2,093,992<br />

144,311<br />

943,763<br />

53,635<br />

499,619<br />

Imports } ---Pos11e!sions<br />

Exports in Senegambia.<br />

Imports } ---West lnclia<br />

:~:::: } Islsuds. I<br />

Exports<br />

Portugal.<br />

Imports } ---Azores and 1·<br />

Exports<br />

Yadei'ra.<br />

Imports {--Posse.ssions in:<br />

Exports<br />

~~7~~u<br />

73,838 48,187 Imports {--Possessions in<br />

789,157 737,798 Exports ta;{~~<br />

15,882,346 14,040,184 Imports } s i<br />

6,338,857 5,455,523 Exports pa n.<br />

843,398 1110 383<br />

981,000<br />

1<br />

889:984<br />

Imports } -<br />

Exports<br />

canary Islands<br />

- .Possessions in<br />

6,246 7,352 ImportS W . .Africa(in·<br />

24,824 24,580 Exports { eluding Fer· ,<br />

nando Po).<br />

·{ Imports } -West India Is·!<br />

Exports Jin~ds. I<br />

•{ Imports {-Philippine and i<br />

Exports J.adrono Is· :<br />

lands. 1<br />

j<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


VALUE of TOTAL IMPORTS from, and of TOTAL ~XPORTS to, the Principal and<br />

(1'he Exports in this Table include :British<br />

--------<br />


IMPOl{.TS .A~D EXPORTS. 53<br />


as well as Foreig11 and Colonial Produce.)<br />

1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>. COUNTRIES (Cont.)<br />

I -·<br />

p; £ 'FOR'EIGN..;.cont.<br />

£, £ £, £ £<br />

3,132,720 3,192,856 3,317,292 3,332,213 3,637,096<br />

6,211,837 5,888,129 6,312,669 6,284,965 7,725,984<br />

1,221,783 1,232,678 1,276,585 1,135,482 1,308,945<br />

2,149,552 1,967,258 2,120,019 2,287,395 2,682,037<br />

3,417;790 3,383,858 Importsj<br />

9,444,4.98 8,~93,48! _ .~XJ!2.tl.~ . Italy.<br />

1,375,245 1,191,29-1 Imports }<br />

3,157,716 2,838,90! Exports Austria-Hungary.<br />

-+<br />

1,2·U,406 1,246,574 1,638,995 1,448,353 1,460,855<br />

860,193 900,496 921,636 1,259,107 1,234,193<br />

2,227,'~12<br />

1,104,196<br />

1,465,985<br />

1,745,175<br />

Imports}<br />

Exports<br />

Greece.<br />

21,283 368,732 396,832 94,752 16,400<br />

182,209 291,069 409,141 317,!)16 246,139<br />

40,6i0 113,940 Imports }<br />

171,911 3-17,131 Exports Bulgaria.<br />

2,118,505 3,20-1,114 2,258,503 2,579,601 2,084,369<br />

!>44,03-! 1,352,795 1,441,269 1,383,002 1,217,411<br />

5,751,537 5,316,686 6,253,209 5,018,726 5,027,'J97<br />

5,632,!>32 5,303,421 6,968,089 6,607,953 5,613,715<br />

1,396,639<br />

616,287<br />

5,76i,918<br />

5,432,011<br />

3,993,970<br />

1,096,262<br />

5,838,556<br />

7,207,05-1<br />

Imports} .<br />

Eiqiorts .Roumama.<br />

Imports} ,<br />

Exports Turkey.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

9,5~' "';,07 9,659,376 9,294,240 8,855,689 10,914,354<br />

:::i '14,556 3,874,674 4,542,140 4,626,881 5,224,394<br />

302,255 400,590 326,871 398,809 439,413<br />

382,200 297,267 283,165 383,132 293,252<br />

404,400 218,309 211,928 386,088 350,714<br />

765,693 599,255 511,985 549,865 775,548<br />

175,857 147,129 197,778 193,291 148,027<br />

379,707 288,933 442,656 338,017 368,165<br />

157,994 110,264 246,940 63,740 18,055<br />

143,009 141,536 154,252 215,440 196,411<br />

3,343,865 2,973,887 2,684,722 2,668,064 3,069,452<br />

5,363,536 6,860,89\l 5,179,767 5,099,497 7,136,706<br />

1,143,382 1,241,433 1,283,165 1,158,134 l,692,40S<br />

4,772,829 6,160,197 5,978,454 5,062,150 8,251,991<br />

1,606,271 1,536,533 1,278,830 1,496,594 1,243,315<br />

443,640 529,489 424,133 229,521 438,635<br />

190,529 195,074 188,331 147,283 313,018<br />

108,929 128,$00 196,019 208,129 292,001<br />

I<br />

86,548,860 106,347,349 113,041,627 126,062,155 120,0Sl,188<br />

44,067,703 32,035,784 37,933,917 28,584,477 34,975,472<br />

131,567 35,841 42,913 18,464 25,621<br />

1,644,214 1,202,447 1,045,571 608,427 2,133,207<br />

467,331 593,002 593,894 264,092 511,160<br />

1,655,527 1,682,453 1,731,838 1,917,672 2,196,668<br />

976,014<br />

1,379,570<br />

948,954<br />

1,324,683<br />

1,013,523<br />

882,179<br />

1,170,801<br />

569,2.JO<br />

572,490<br />

665,502<br />

63,216 92,940 74,034 91,488 64,544<br />

372,628 295,021 310,397 203,294 224,279<br />

year Koren. is included with Other Countries.<br />

Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.<br />

12,585,578 11,905,646 Imports)<br />

6,159,468 6,·118,757 Exports f Egypt.<br />

372,685 491,182 Imports} .<br />

320,482 40~,469<br />

Exports Tripoli and Tunis.<br />

618,421 537,297 Imports} ,.<br />

720,494 911,080 Exports )fo.occo.<br />

180,279 200,124 Imports} .<br />

410,l!JO 583,225 Exports P

., ., • ,,, • 'l<br />


c "OUNTRIES (Cont.)<br />

Repu blic<br />

Co lombia<br />

V'ene zuela<br />

Ecus dor •<br />

Braz ll<br />

Orugu ay.<br />

For.EIG:S~nt.<br />

of<br />

{ Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

( Imports<br />

"'\. Exports<br />

{ Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

{ Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

{ Imports<br />

• Exports<br />

Arge ntlne Republio}<br />

(in eluding the Imports<br />

.At lantlc Coast of Exports<br />

Pa tagonia) • •<br />

Chile (including the} imports<br />

Pa cdlc 90ast of Exports<br />

Pa tagoma) • •<br />

{ Imports<br />

j Peru<br />

• Exports<br />

West ern Coast of{ Imports<br />

.A! rica · • . Exports<br />

Othe r Countri~s<br />

{ Imports<br />

• ~:cports<br />

I<br />

<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

£.<br />

266,002<br />

1,221,158<br />

117,581<br />

791,817<br />

219,062<br />

392,678<br />

5,3i9,073<br />

6,085,861<br />

288,307<br />

1,802,141<br />

2,176,758<br />

6,374,127<br />

2,208,853<br />

2,140,266<br />

l,640,li6<br />

S40,2i4<br />

951,125<br />

772,807<br />

422,4-14<br />

612,545<br />

I<br />

v ALUE of TOTAL IMPORTS frorri, 'and of TOTAL EXPORTS to,<br />

(The Exports in this Table include British<br />

•<br />

1888.<br />

I 1889 •. , 1890. · 1 1891.<br />

I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

£. £. J!, J!, £, J!, J!,<br />

372,445 245,290 304,261 829,244 457,094 629,786 569,412<br />

1,184,542 1,220,353 1,209,618 1,341,238 1,212,030 1,008,634 1,020.284<br />

269,069 284,666 308,550 290,997 256,739 89,684 145,212<br />

693,445 802,579 837,604 860,490 384,609 931,214 687,263<br />

132,360 72,430 72,843 110,238 128,032 201,137 233,4T9<br />

374,487 277,801 808,772 275,262 260,986 314,132 278,944<br />

5,206,899 5,070,628 4,350,675 4,249,909 3,511,941 4,636,102 8,940,069<br />

6,565,661 6,750,353 7,795,073 8,605,233 8,218,050 8,067,768 7,826,566<br />

458,138 450,531 341,208 374,261 288,307 131,862 267,101<br />

1,850,815 2,469,675 2,083,404 1,194,630 1,317,003 1,535,594 1,526,881<br />

2,658,659 2,016,182 4,129,802 8,451,228 4,540,358 4,836,682 6,168,624<br />

7,829,815 10,898,745 8,530,427 4,366,028 5,808,279 5,658,230 4,633,315<br />

3,089,381 3,264,5i3 8,473,348 3,710,356 3,871,399 3,797,429 3,711,544<br />

2,421,9i8 3,230,445 8,365,824 2,205,969 4,029,338 2,613,901 2,389,532<br />

1,960,563 1,293,977 1,053,604 009,814 l,5i3,813 1,399,287 1,070,949<br />

l,:!09,532 l,Oi3,i02 1,234,846 1,125,206 863,008 852,009 609,826<br />

851,942 908,545 971,051 423,546 342,626 294,133 127,348<br />

915,749 903,221 1,126,313 508,146 339,985 365,439 363,562<br />

.<br />

699,062 537,845 894,084 637,205 612,605 470,422 392,228<br />

614,431 563,735 665,864 699,639 411,665 558,585 574,893<br />

- ------<br />

300,i20,005 330,371,524 324,530,783 335,976,546 326,027,578 312,918,724 314,432,644<br />

(,_OE' FOREIGN { Imports<br />

278,428,899<br />

TOTA<br />

co U:S'IRn:5 • • Exports f 198,992,821 206,849,648 224,756,578 233,729,641) ~15,7i5,599 210,428,625 198,554,958 195,199,909<br />


Chan nel Islands<br />

Gibral tar·<br />

:\lalt a and Gozo<br />

{Imports<br />

• 'Exports<br />

{Imports<br />

· Exports<br />

flmports<br />

• LExports<br />

Nort h American {Imports<br />

Co lonies • • Exports<br />

:Berm udas<br />

. 5 Imports<br />

• t Exports<br />

Britis h West. India (Jmports<br />

lsl ancls • • ·\Exports<br />

Briti sh Guiana· pm ports<br />

• .Exports<br />

I<br />

.Briti sh Honduras<br />

Aust ralla<br />

New Zealand<br />

{lmports<br />

• Exports<br />

f Jmports<br />

• 1.Exports<br />

/Imports<br />

• I Exports<br />

9i4,120<br />

843,180<br />

56,ii2<br />

953,182<br />

118,469<br />

840,981<br />

10,564,727<br />

9,2'20,392<br />

7,459<br />

79,495<br />

1,734,380<br />

2,217,671<br />

1,295,252<br />

i78,698<br />

232,695<br />

93,592<br />

17,583,665<br />

18,885,209<br />

5,737,364<br />

3,388,075<br />

92i,266 968,668 958,175 1,201,486 1,169,200 1,226,204 1,212,158<br />

860,2i6 854,793 919,690 974,912 977,856 984,167 1,091,569<br />

37,875 46,126 49,898 48,400 37,564 61,772 48,112<br />

i69,938 852,198 896,087 800,923 6i6,101 690,031 598,111<br />

149,119 138,962 117,595 122,135 103,627 76,771 81,841<br />

939,751 1,019,798 1,126,391 1,019,467 885,645 823,958 8&3,857<br />

9,268,200 12,191,3i0 12,444,489 12,606,415 14,566,464 13,343,500 12,907,646<br />

8,707,556 9,427,991 8,272,743 8,299,942 8,529,522 8,561,140 7,381,088<br />

1,731 3,583 2,692 2,321 1,099 2,060 726<br />

92,018 85,401 219,877 95,658 97,801 97,931 100,518<br />

2,237,470 2,161,151 1,806,390 1,558,152 1,945,373 1,740,580 1,938,022<br />

2,545,7i5 2,447,280 2,900,169 2,516,900 2,433,318 2,667,619 2,503,452<br />

1,128,404 1,219,356 907,897 885,606 948,444 772,681 853,564<br />

800,589 942,533 1,022,473 828,105 862,529 968,382 869,139<br />

229,641 266,723 275,203 295,087 239,086 307,858 253,007<br />

120,761 119,006 119,150 136,849 106,686 76,765 85,954<br />

19,944,285 20,037,638 20,992,185 23,068,972 22,790,868 21,800,500 23,546,368<br />

25,275,177 22,027,851 21,750,705 24,453,359 17,617,822 13,20(),904 14,518,389<br />

5,920,774 6,752,260 8,347,430 8,192,594 7,751,741 8,054,67318,285,662<br />

3,372,3()3 3,572,359 3,705,428 3,778,394 3,884,829 3,737,699 3,411,345<br />

.Exclusive of such German, French, Portu~ese and Spanish Possessions, as are sepnrntelY. distinguished ; also<br />

t 'l'he Exports Include the. value of Ships and Boats (new) with their machinery. The<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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IMfOR'rS AND E;XPORTS 55<br />

the Pri~cipal and other FOREIGN QoUNTRIES and BRITISH POSSESSIONS-Continued.<br />

as w~ll<br />

as Foreign and Colonial Produce.)<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. · 1 <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />

COUNTRIES (Cant.)<br />

£ £ •£ £ £, £ £ FOREIGN-cont.<br />

434,893 569,232 556,560 635,488 674,021 282,906 504,539 Imports } Republic of<br />

1,261,903 1,886,849 1,221,216 815,925 696,277 364,685 936,784 Exports Colombia.<br />

53,410 57,426 63,882 45,599 45,267 128,634 103,008 Imports }<br />

812,495 796,982 568,567 472,280 494,644 567,692 518,680 Exports Venezuela.<br />

117,957 158,812 92,412 267,164 175,501 152,677 208,221 Imports }<br />

266,634 394,733 435,898 841,757 416,408 349,560 292,333 Exports Ecuador.<br />

3,614,155 4,053,663 8,736,419 4,601,773 3,959,854 5,946,547 4,957,794 Imports } :Brazil<br />

7,643,789 6,983,046 5,696,296 6,449,903 5,632,938 6,165,600 4,440,061 Exports ·<br />

460,946 316,109 339,904 392,014 258,647 489,581 474,501 Cmports }<br />

1,385,041 1,475,492 839,237 1,303,932 1,348,352 1,737,493' 1,367,857 Exports Uruguay.<br />

{ A,142 8,606,357 3,191,688 8,633,552 4,221,590 4,828,371 4,313,095 . Imports { Chile (Including th<br />

\ 8,454,332 2,719,176 2,376,290 1,855,771 2,443,498 3,535,736 3,426,500 Exports Paclflc . Coast 0<br />

; · Patagoma).<br />

.;<br />

1,371,088 1,288,383 1,453,627 1,537,428 1,303,130 1,307,004 1,813,505 Imports }<br />

l 763,619 990,045 834,856 920,024 908,589 1,069,301 1,123,980 Exports Peru.<br />

73,187 54,036 54,983 65,935 70,906 95,386 106,129 Imports } Western Coast of<br />

175,010 158,827 154,857 190,952 178,238 240,663 227,736 Exports .Africa. ...<br />

224,170 202,722 517,071 168,590 302,131 805,474 272,652 Imports } Other Countries<br />

559,515 608,766 573,838 419,782 546,270 528,803 599,576 Exports ·<br />

321,169,US r~000,875 357,001,186 :l70,921,GS5 378,206,288 413,544,528 416,416,492 Imports } TOTAL of FOREIGN<br />

209,760,256 205,729,213 207,209,749 203,903,252 235,285,058 252,349,700 234,745,904 Exportst COUNTRIXS.<br />


1,184,212 1,385,763 1,327,111 1,553,065 1,689,548 1,476,978 1,361,654 Imports }Ch<br />

1,154,640 1,201,835 1,303,259 1,299,111 1,297,326 1,207,460 1,157,443 Exports annel Islands.<br />

44,037 40,692 159,865 64,325 54,897 48,756 41,521 Imports } Gibraltar<br />

518,888 543,618 677,781 775,967 754,789 S95,298 854,842 Exports •<br />

90,167 68,819 74,903 92,829 66,744 74,717 83,934<br />

774,521 761,131 856,694 930,464 975,036 1,260,40$ 1,280,902 ~~Eg~t: })falta and Gozo.<br />

18,400,570 16,444,259 19,538,998 20,754,642 20,730,107 22,240,325 20,387,310 Imports }North American<br />

6,694,903 6,695,820 6,464,880 7,541,103 8,770,251 9,659,138 9,688,399 Exports Colonies.<br />

1,006 954 1,691 1,815 1,634 1,889 1,958 Imports } Bermudas<br />

102,052 102,402 205,526 126,862 130,951 189,046 163,061 Exports •<br />

1,863,673 1,790,451 1,453,089 1,283,413 1,517,838 1,670,206 1,838,479 Imports }British West India<br />

2,358,571 2,379,438 2,050,067 2,098,557 2,155,097 2,031,297 2,150,847 Exports Islands.<br />

765,111 694,729 523,596 575,714 411,650 600,114 442,051 Imports {British Guiana<br />

679,076 789,247 659,430 723,456 645,714 705,326 656,043 Exports ·<br />

201,553 262,845 227,808 244,953 261,232 211,939 197,874 Imports }British Honduras<br />

90,490 100,607 92,830 90,581 70,854 78,808 78,039 Exports '<br />

24,954,779 21,342,070 20,746,817 19,834,601 !3,622,371 28,800,820 24,217,669 Imports }.Australia<br />

15,867,979 19,892,916 19,179,267 18,946,245 19,803,420 23,545,565 28,518,662 Exports ·<br />

8,883,058 8,060,360 8,606,745 9,015,548 9,699,391 11,615,881 10,594,587 Imports }New Zealand<br />

3,448,6!!8 4,438,485 4,489,062 4,465,626 4,936,511 5,899,292 6,068,230 Exports<br />

of the Niger Protectorate subsequent to the year 1890.<br />

va~ue of these Exports is not Included in the years prior to 1899.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


VAI,UE of TOTAL IMPORTS from, and of TOTAL EXPORTS to, the Principal<br />

COUXTRIJ..:S (Cont.) i <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. 1889. I i 1890. I 1891.<br />

-B-'n-.1-Tr_s_II_P_o_ss_ESS_'_Io-~--s---00-· -,1-t.- £ I £<br />

! B •. 1<br />

I d" (Imports 30,529,31Q 30,763,677 36,l!l9,204<br />

nt1s l n 1a ""l Exports 32,095,002 l 33,005,604 32,429,249<br />

I The Straits Settle· (Imports · 4,781,7041 5,351,322 5,417,034<br />

! ments • • lExports I 2,t35S,619 ! 2,747,588 2,526,897<br />

I C<br />

1<br />

{Imports 2,257,8231 2,532,!)!)9 2,822,357<br />

ey on • Exports 667,328 746,822 820,321<br />

I JI K . j Imports 11,409,241 ! l,29!3,690 1,129,190<br />

i ong oug l Exports 2,810,176 j 3,011,596 2,388,629<br />

! I .)fauritius and Uc· I Imports 165,082 275,546<br />

pendencies • • \.Exports ~13,446 2SS,072<br />

j Aden nnd Depen {Imi'ortsl I 33i,7:H ' 287,306<br />

' tlencies • • · Exports 150,6721 1 212,956<br />

I<br />

1<br />

421,537<br />

330,934<br />

354,969<br />

241,188<br />

(The Exports in this Table include British<br />

£ £<br />

32,668,797 32,284,398<br />

35,230,114 32,549,207<br />

!<br />

?,187,801 15,356,865<br />

3,02·1,655 2,589,262<br />

3,411,209 4,168,998<br />

964,93511,061,374<br />

1,225,06411,101,702<br />

2,741,404 2,732,157<br />

264,900 268,060<br />

346,631 I 2i6,795<br />

I 1892. I 1893.<br />

£ I £<br />

30,513,106 26,233,949<br />

29,0·ii,287 ' 29,931,554<br />

4,868,289<br />

2,205,41!)<br />

3,945,20!)<br />

989,586 i<br />

836,705<br />

1,972,935<br />

230,l~i I<br />

291,105 !<br />

244,057 183,235 224,840<br />

459,344 643,253 221,761<br />

Eastern Coast of Africn :<br />

' Territories under ' lhlports '} Inc•ludcd und er "Other Countries !(Foreh::n)" 234,281<br />

! l:>ritishmtluence -! 1rts I {<br />

123,6221<br />

i<br />

4,518,387<br />

1,848,722<br />

4,252,794<br />

946,672<br />

I<br />

885,634 630,818<br />

1,980,227<br />

1,935,'19 I<br />

250,497<br />

340,816<br />

178,921<br />

174,870<br />

148,597<br />

293,932<br />

1894.<br />

£,<br />

27,648,857<br />

30,114,943<br />

4,584,783<br />

2,398,922<br />

4,101,275<br />

988,875<br />

224,350<br />

299,811<br />

204,419<br />

201,208<br />

235,818.<br />

80,427<br />

• ~ tal (Imp;)rts 902,153 1,057,128 962,170 1,125,040<br />

j - a 'l Exports 1,716,102 2,200,273 3,341,904 3,0~9,702<br />

I Ca f Good Hope . ( *ImporJ 4,182,753 4,552,533 5,155,680 4,970,572<br />

! pe 0 l.E:7,266,071 96,161,214 99,464,718 ! 97,766,304 ' !Jl,769,454 93,912,166<br />

' POSSESSIONS I f.Exports l 82,270,064191,727,893 90,836,101 94,522,469 93,338,1191 81,211,~~l : 78,583,312 78,5M,958<br />

! T•JrA.L of ]'>""t:"~!oo7~3-743 42763759514-90691""7 43r:441"'" jl-4"-3-,..9-3-88-~ l-404--68-8-17-8 1408344810<br />

, C•-,t."NTP.IF.'> and mpor s l -,--.,,uv2 I"" ,., "• ' ' 1- ' ,uu "• ,_,,.. - •' ' :. : ' ' , ' ,<br />

I S'flJ:S~ - • ,xpor 1~ ·- •"'"" ;~ ' , •" •" ' I ,w-, ' •' ' ' v ~ - ' ' I~_, •' I<br />

1<br />

, BRITJ:-H POSSES·j· tE · ts •'l



as we,11 as Foreign and Colonial Produce.)<br />

l<br />

£, £ £, .£ £. £<br />

I £<br />

26,431,315 25,285,467 24,813,099 27,470,081 27,740,503 27,388,106 27,3111,734 ' Imports . .• .<br />

125,487,089 30,841,551 28,009,885 30,862,984 31,967,811 30,966,938 '5,'46,Sllll I E.h Indm: .<br />

l~ISH ~~, •• ._,.;-I<br />

4,645,4·16 4,3()!),847 3,643,224 8,941,909 5,867,847 7,025,999 6,112.21 I Imp"t. } The Stra!to Sol Lie- I<br />

i 2,032,820 2,073,001 2,538,916 2,816,850 2,659,899 8,200,264 8,282,728 Exports ments.<br />

I<br />

! 4,524,843 4,723,547 4,688,278 4,847,721 5,077,758 5,473,111 4,476,552 Imports }c .<br />

t<br />

l,017,639 1,052,898 1,070,982 1,240,463 1,464,760 1,918,209 1,594,544 Exports eyJOn.<br />

759,441 797,158 606,814 726,687 883,126 1,066,048 002,841. , Imports }Hong Kous<br />

2,044,616 1,95.9,209 2,079,951 2,347,689 2,862,345 2,956,26:? 2,797,978 Exportl:I , ·<br />

j<br />

I<br />

97,795 67,502 94,548 100,863 215,149 2:{2,566 318,Sll Imports }~.fonritins and 'DcpEm· I<br />

261,842 827,006 303,487 261,407 872,200 403,!55 1,028,698 Exports dencles,<br />

259,204 190,294 173,3HI 212,355 167,625 148,292 1",6321 I,;,port• y••n and D•pohdeu-<br />

203,398 245,154 178,857 265,888 228,027 242,203 472,510 Ex1iorts ciea.<br />

Eastern Coas!Jof Africa:<br />

227,773 164,1·10 183,201 lli6,505 134,170 149,351 102,606 ImporLs { 'ren·iforles under<br />

99,309 253,681 293,647 271,718 254,341 224,105 174,822 Exports lll'itieh iniluom:e.<br />

716,745 793,557 756,871 1,035,547 857,285 335,572 574,986 Imports }Natal<br />

1,731,581 3,369,879 3,621,373 3,282,531 3,201,249 3,745,802 6,054,062 Exports • ·<br />

I<br />

I<br />

4,709,259 4,460,317 4,199,965 5,170,836 5,219,446 3,637,497 4,557,322 *Imports } Cr.pe of, Good Dope.<br />

9,781,994 11,515,842 10,766,168 9,865,184 9,008,031 10,246,330 12,885,085 Exports<br />

428,963 314,216 351,617 377,545 406,600 987,717 1,164,622 Imports } Xiger l>rotef!tomte.<br />

564,984 607,229 608,193 746,206 714,455 SOS,567 783,842 E::cport.a • ·<br />

1,034,650 1,256,717 1,100,943 1,129,583 1,183,646 367,681 264,257 Imports } La"'os.<br />

418,884 562,130 521,204 578,196 546,738 595,928 518,399 Exports "<br />

:~94,189 361,402 460,131 666,455 706,047 621,045 373,168 Imports), d<br />

471,501 501,884 482,878 550,463 690,107 689,136 999,484 Exports j J:he Go! Coast.<br />

250,702 291,590 240,721 178,752 181,557 160,630 152,533 Imports } Siel'ra J,eone nnd<br />

306,836 381,934 387,728 418,553 468,946 415,224 414,774 Exports Gambia.<br />

155,719 151,333 155,920 187,373 183,499 195,942 160,801<br />

115,350 108,654 128,854 109,782 271,242 183,993 753,571<br />

~~gg;t: } Other Possessions.<br />

95,530,210 93,208,029 94,027,774 99,623,017 106,829,295 109,580,635 105,573,706 *Imports<br />

l TOTAL of BRITISll<br />

76,072,151 90,650,001 86,964,869 90,110,786 94,249,600 102,024,054 113,118,364 tRxports j POSSESSIONS.<br />

-<br />

.<br />

rQUL Of l'OREIGN<br />

416,689,658 441,808,904 451,028,960 470,544,702 485,035,583 523,075,163 521,990,198 *Imports<br />

COUNTlnES nud<br />

285,832,407 296,379,214 294,174,118 294,013,988 329,534,658 354,378,754 347,864,268 t Rxports BRITISU POSSES·<br />

SIONS.<br />

£, £, £ £ £ £,<br />

t, I fY•lue of Diamond• "'""""'<br />

4,754,085 4,599,166 '1,435,2(10 4,523,815 4,115,582 3,433,636 "" •> from the Cape of G()(){l<br />

4,S 11 ,04. l Hope to the <strong>United</strong> King·<br />

dom ...<br />

these ExpC1rts is not included in the yea.I's prior to the yenr 1599.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

!>8 IMPORTS.<br />

No. 27.-QUANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL ARTICLES (entered<br />

AR'l'ICLES. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892.<br />

I I I ! I<br />

1-<br />

I I 1893. 1894.<br />

I<br />

Animals:-<br />

Horses- No. 11,641 11,505 18,832 19,286 21,672 20,004 18,707 22, 866<br />

0x:JJ3J~~ ?°ws!} II 295,961 877,0SS 555,222 642,596 507,407 502,287 840,045 475,440<br />

Sheep and L:lmbs II 971,404 956,210 677,958 358,458 844,504 79,048<br />

Alpbalt - - - Tons 18,859 15,5S9 20,86i 19,400 20,902 25,501<br />

·Bacon - -<br />

• Owts. 3,005,1130 2,868,80! 3,503,264 3,790,570 8,510,209 3,881,378<br />

Hams - - II 922,44.2 780,40S 980,844 1,209,446 1,204,803 1,253,132<br />

:Bacon and Hams:-<br />

~=-<br />

Fresh - - - II 656,194 836,659 1,385,752 1,854,593 1,920,511 2,079,()37<br />

Salted - - - "<br />

Sl8,.J54 226,943 262,468 274,726 247,759 275,394<br />

'Beer and .Ale • Barrels ~,MS 28,892 33,184 85,081 88,265 40,193<br />

Bones, except "1mlebone T22<br />

Brimstone - JI 661,lf.S 773,480_ 795,340 568,641 428,478 521,589<br />

Bristles - - - Lbs. 2,89'2,073 2,840,674 3,334,698 2,988,100 3,413,475 3,001,385<br />

Butter* - - Otcts. 1,513,13! l,67J,433 l,Q27,842 2,027;i17 2,135,607 2,183,009<br />

Button s and Studs,} Gros~ 3,461,177<br />

no., o! lletal • -<br />

4,320,199 4,481,808 4,821,044 4,202,700 3,817,482<br />

candles of all rorts - Otcu.i. 73,156 69,823 45,86_5 45,483 41,456 38,235<br />

Caoutdu:iu~ - - 237,511 220,350 236,310 264,008 278,837<br />

"<br />

272,163<br />

)fanufM·}<br />

tures of·<br />

Lb11. 2,816,f.l:~ 3,116,510 8,132,976 8,563,469 3,180,198 3,448,727<br />

Cheese - - - - Otcts. 1,&:U,';$1} 1,917,616 1,907,909 2,144,074 2,041,325 2,232,817<br />

China, Porcelain, and}<br />

II 16i,270<br />

Earthenware - -<br />

l68,S77 184,448 184,787 208,633 199,801<br />

Clocks t No. Not distinguished.<br />

Cocoa,Raw Lb11. 2i,S52,fi6S !.!9,618,818 26,509,701 28,112,210 31,282,598 30,839,525<br />

Coooa ••<br />

ground, prepared,<br />

Chocolate,}<br />

or<br />

in anywaymanufac·<br />

1,692,822 1,001,432 2,139,590 2,473,423 2,748,883 2,538,460<br />

tured - •<br />

1 Coffee - OtctR. 1,045,698 949,329 1,036,136 864,454 727,227 846,971<br />

I ConlooUonoey, inolnd-}<br />

ing Fruits and<br />

Vegetables pre·<br />

served in Sugar •<br />

II - 89,465 69,561 90,427 143,612 134,741<br />

Cork, Unmanufactured Tom 12,323 14,203 21,938 18,111 13,258 12,522<br />

-- !rfanufactured - L'/J11. 6,635,779 7,316,143 8,767,249 9,784,200 8,852,416 9,055,694<br />

62,632<br />

29,369<br />

8,108,887<br />

988,411<br />

1,808,051<br />

200,514<br />

48,763<br />

49,978<br />

82,529<br />

515,115<br />

3,466,244<br />

2,327,474<br />

3,140,787<br />

27,041<br />

293,373<br />

3,211,822<br />

2,077,462<br />

201,963<br />

82,982,005<br />

2,740,571<br />

826,825<br />

189,059<br />

13,667<br />

9,293,789<br />

484,597<br />

24,716<br />

3,689, 604<br />

1,129,784<br />

2,104,104<br />

24?.,311<br />

43,121<br />

96,590<br />

41,409<br />

467, 925<br />

3,677,311<br />

2,574, 336<br />

3,208,058<br />

14,878<br />

302;451<br />

8,202,3<br />

2,266,145<br />

201, 689<br />

39,115, 963<br />

2,852,1 04<br />

730,7 46<br />

186,2 19<br />

14,673<br />

9,407,0<br />

I<br />

Com, WLeat - - Otct1 648,349 951,901<br />

"<br />

- 1140,966,907 147,161,107 14\>,339,769 155,620,973 151,312,001 100,917,127<br />

• Exclmive of M:.rgarlne, for which seep. 62-3.<br />

t Incluclea Loct:at Beana from <strong>1887</strong> to 1898. For suliaequent years, aee p. 63.<br />

65,461,988<br />

22,844,562<br />

13,954,986<br />

32,002,503<br />

7,082,891<br />

20,408,168<br />

660,832<br />

163,315,930<br />

70,126, 232<br />

31,241,ll 84<br />

14,979,214<br />

35,865,048<br />

8,676,637<br />

19,134,605<br />

773,953<br />

180,297,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTS. 59<br />

bfQu~ntity} imoiiT:Ei> into·the :U°NITEI>" KiNGOOM.<br />

..<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. l 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />


26,008. 28,611 43,840 46,667 58,124 52,208 78,518 Tons Asphalt.<br />

Bacon and Hams :-<br />

4,063,418• 4,549,626 6,004,916 6,711,822 6,804,583 5,641,238 5,772,848 Owts. Bacon.<br />

1,289,618 1,459,412 1,725,876 1,972,299 1,978,626 1,802,670 1,860,670 II Hams.<br />

2,191,087 2,659,700 3,010,387 3,100,821 3,802,893 4,128,180 4,608,746<br />

"<br />

Animals:-<br />

84,092 40,677 49,619 42,921 48,899 61,786 '40,856 No. Horses.<br />

415,665 662,653 618,321 569,066 603,604 495,645 495,635<br />

{Oxen, Bulls, Cows, and.<br />

"<br />

Calves.<br />

1,065,470 769,692 611,604 663,747 607,765 382,883 383,59,1 II Sheep and Lambs.<br />

Beef:-<br />

Fresh.<br />

219,956 247,536 174,936 208,945 178,183 192,984 204,896 II<br />

·salted.<br />

44,899 45,180 46,177 46,874 50,680 53,220 56,127 Barrels Beer and Ale.<br />

85,850 73,779 64,524 65,925 72,906 79,995 67,269 Tans Bones, except Whalebone.<br />

47,095 48,851 46,484 42,848 48,448 40,904 45,977 Owts. {Books, Maps, and<br />

Charts. .<br />

49S,SS6 452,565 449,Q28 886,647 481,218 460,661 441,725 II Brimstone.<br />

3,964,760 4,056,279 4,007,693 3,778,749 4,678,248 3,735,156 4,071,863 Lbs. Bristles.<br />

2,825,662 3,037,718 8,217,802 3,209,153 3,389,851 3,378,616 8,702,800 Cwts. Butt.er.*<br />

3,680,633 8,596,917 8,125,655 2,894,968 3,145,602 8,216,379 3,106,573 Gross {Buttons and Studs,<br />

not of lfetal.<br />

21,888 27,087 19,967 13,877 11,636 11,555 10,394 Otvts. Candles of all sorts.<br />

841,563 431,148 3~,929 489,581 449,651 518,286 466,47'1 Caoutchouc.<br />

"<br />

3,909,569 4,365,472 4,551,285 4,669,998 5,065,820 6,941,834 § Lbs. {~ Mannfac·<br />

2,133,819 2,244,625 2,603,178 2,389,452 2,384,069 2,705,878 2,686,837 Owts. Che!lBO.<br />

{China, Porcelain, and.<br />

237,811 323,708 351,:no 322,928 861,048 360,684 408,535<br />

" Earthenware.<br />

Not distinguished. 1,564,381 1,646,210 1,783,495 No. Clocks. t<br />

42,769,307 38,281,803 34,533,531 42,833,993 43,478,241 52,647,818 61,798,802 Lbs. Cocoa, :Raw.<br />

8,058,850 3,846,025 9,068,176 8,127,191 5,262,394 7,860,966 S,390,286<br />

{Cocoa o' Chocolate,<br />

ground, prepared, or<br />

II<br />

in any way mnnnfactmed.<br />

774,409 713,589 756,590 922,21>2 974,991 759,656 958,464 Owts. Coffee.<br />

205,412 189,785 231,944 347,765 852,840 172,294 318,686 II<br />

{ Conf ection•'l" inolnd·<br />

Ing Fruits and<br />

Vegetables preserved<br />

in Sugar.<br />

17,554 24,535 25,544 24,064 24,897 28,439 29,766 Tons Cork, Unmnnufactured.<br />

10,118,249 11,358,407 12,604,8?.8 12,497,946 12,294,141 13,55?,183 13,128 1 7SO Lbs. --:Manufactured.<br />

81,749,955 70,025,980 62,740,180 65,227,930 66,636,078 68,669,490 69,708,630 Cwts. Corn, Wheat.<br />

23,618,867 22,477,322 18,958,720 24,457,004 17,189,358 17,054,990 21,Si3,430 II -.-Barley.<br />

15,528,310 17,586,730 16,116,810 15,577,900 15,626,730 20,109,560 22,470,6i0 --Oats.<br />

"<br />

~3,944,350 51,772,100 53,785,380 67,169,292 62,741,350 54,161,570 61,872,700<br />

" --Uaize.<br />

7,644,370 7,240,903 6,840,389 5,720,088 5,008,000 5,301,642 5,826,741 II --Other kinds.t<br />

18,368,410 21,320,200 18,680,669 21,017,100 22,945,708 21,548,131 22,576,430 --.Flol!r of Wheat.<br />

"<br />

969,751 1,459,497 2,631,800 2,658,404 3,231,443 2,800,705 2,705,908 {--of other<br />

" kinds.<br />

181,82·1,022 191,882,782 170,762,048 101,827,817 194,338,667 189,686,088 106,124,409<br />

"<br />

Totnl of Corn.<br />

t Exclusive of Wntches 1 ,rorwhlch seep. 69. Ciocks nnd Watches cannot be stntetl by number previous to 1899.<br />

§ '.l'he weight cnnnoli be given for <strong>1901</strong>. 2,750,292 1111irs of Cnoutchouc Boots and Shoes were imported.<br />

'<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTS.<br />

QUANTITIES of the PiqNCIPAL ARTICLES (entered by<br />

ARTICLES-Contimted. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890.<br />

1891.<br />

1892.<br />

1893.<br />

1894.<br />

Cott-On, Raw -<br />

-- Yarn·<br />

• Owts.<br />

• Lbs.<br />

15,994,9i6 15,462,099 17,298,770 16,013,350<br />

7,841,919 8,578,200 8,807,842 8,302,439<br />

--Waste lS,315,932 16,952,890 18,1)45,665 23,149,686<br />

-- Piec~ Goods . rams 53,135,774 36,881,708 36,250,422 36,459,181<br />

Drugs:-<br />

Tuirk, l'emYinn • Cwts.<br />

Opium·<br />

• Lbs.<br />

Dyeing or 'l'anning stuffs :­<br />

Bark* • • • • Cwts.<br />

Cutch and Gambier • Tons<br />

Indigo-<br />

• Cwts.<br />

llyrobnlnns<br />

Sumach<br />

·Tons<br />

Valonia ,,<br />

Unenumerated, en· } Ctct~<br />

tered by quantity • ·<br />

Dye 'Y oods<br />

• Ton$<br />

Eggs<br />

Thomands<br />

Feathers, Ornamental • Lbs.<br />

Bed· • Ozcts.<br />

Fish:­<br />

143,177<br />

654,122<br />

346,556<br />

27,361<br />

76,700<br />

618,043<br />

13,038<br />

29,678<br />

304,062<br />

73,52i<br />

1,090,089<br />

620,921<br />

23,886<br />

144,820<br />

587,365<br />

339,691<br />

28,543<br />

78,128<br />

454,114<br />

12,050<br />

31,871<br />

M5,002<br />

79,538<br />

1,126,792<br />

655,488<br />

31,610<br />

129,357<br />

492,115<br />

456,344<br />

25,011<br />

90,238<br />

645,408<br />

12,514<br />

31,376<br />

272,138<br />

91,979<br />

1,131,900<br />

796,537<br />

32,789<br />

Fresh • 922,385 1,088,324 1,100,842<br />

Cured or Salted • 682,282 824,320 SSi,187<br />

Flax aud Hemp :-<br />

Flar, Dressed and}<br />

Undressed • "<br />

1,341,113 1,593,l>i4 1,587,422<br />

Tow or C-Odilla of}<br />

313,611<br />

Flax and llemp • "<br />

321,661 318,979<br />

Hemp and other like}<br />

Substances(except<br />

Jute), Dressed and "<br />

1,450,445 1,794,672 1,904,857<br />

Undressed •<br />


IMPORTS.<br />

61<br />

Quantity) IMPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

-<br />

15,687,881 15,668,663 15,394,289 19,004,896 14,!>20,062 15,716,131 16,33(!,697<br />

'7,424,649 5,826,357 4,884,952 3,968,861 4,694,074 5,800,515 4,469,022<br />

14,467,942 19,503,049 20,966,005 13,614,422 14,028,104 18,501,970 13,313,073<br />

47,311,467 59,088,399 50,847,206 48,657,810 42,784,979 46,489,569 46,625,816<br />

32,206 35;291 24,674 45,920 33,579 41,108 42,546<br />

383,066 489,235 443,219 426,042 500,536 833,330 758,095<br />

384,959 309,614 313,985 338,619 824,725 299,415 441,468<br />

25,545 26,844 25,048 19,504 21,526 19,496 17,618<br />

83,071 89,941 82,526 53,838 58,977 38,877 51,359<br />

617,800 521,956 871,909 411,070 649,968 631,259 482,036<br />

15,618 15,172 14,166 11,659 13,957 10,281 11,258<br />

35,605 82,808 29,637 25,882 24,836 32,668 30,533<br />

290,513 178,835 193,602 175,665 160,833 220,033 187,024<br />

79,218 90,780 47,977 52,337 45,0i4 32,927 42,995<br />

1,526,710 1,589,401 1,688,810 1,730,952 1,940,970 2,025,849 2,048,612<br />

993,163 t 1,166,512 1,218,964 1,398,674 1,420,173 1,176,477 1,177,328<br />

29,833 26,637 35,937 39,199 38,228 40,846 34,327<br />

1,235,877 1,384,996 1,086,319 1,540,117 1,262,076 859,827 947,502<br />

1,222,766 1,236,536 1,363,411 1,439,996 1,220,617 1,366,984 1,354,521<br />

1,756,880 1,521,980 1,603,760 1,641,380 1,619,580 1,168,840 1,147,700<br />

382,700 486,000 464,400 400,520 490,060 363,660 452,780<br />

2,063,900 1,859,240 1,806,220 1,904,400 1,794,520 2,133,4·10 2,739,440<br />

121,120 147,918 162,766 170,274 146,153 140,359 111,322<br />

3,292,262 6,176,956 4,199,9il 3,458,716 3,861,172 2,128,541 1,880,210<br />

di11t.ingulshed. 1,287,442 2,228,672<br />

195,632 219,367 312,294 401,810 281,236 242,525 212,688<br />

1,093,080 986,657 1,153,142 1,241,427 1,170,934 824,527 962,026<br />

865,287 888,244 993,713 1,135,759 1,157,647 592,857 679,885<br />

407,146 483,823 1,051,877 ·191,669 571,832 476,901 348,886<br />

401,080 560,245 1,048,819 922,2·18 558,273 436,708 277,163<br />

711,241 619,493 671,602 594,161 702,774 658,371 522,010<br />

8,874,209 8,890,887 10,346,121 8,905,956 10,242,216 6,038,277 6,353,191<br />

{ ..... , 70,402<br />

26,045 21,735<br />

1,249,563 1,427,105 1,725,116 2,177,132 2,247,785 52,225 38,604<br />

494,722 535,247<br />

938,069 1,098,217 1,351,943 1,183,031 1,543,361 1,926,699 l,3il6,903<br />

750,856 853,693 901,188 1,010,092 1,266,959 1,591,189 1,689,069<br />

1,996,065 2,250,758 2,401,765 2,656,545 2,567,010<br />

I<br />

487,785 571,723<br />

1,825,138 2,000,253<br />

49,842 20,214 16,734 23,614 26,911 33,636 22,830<br />

SSS,396 ·172,206 468,322 403,786 453,227 494,922 460,102<br />

48,077 43,805 41,442 63,238 82,497 126,059 ~438<br />

25,758,928 17,143,212 26,139,506 24,862,520 29,073,847 21,896,068 22,366,2&1<br />

t Stated in Owts. in 1000 and <strong>1901</strong>, and in Bushels prior to thnt elate.<br />

ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

Owta. Cotton, Raw.<br />

Lbs. ---Yarn.<br />

II --Waste.<br />

Yards--.Plece Goods.<br />

Ow ta. Drugs:-<br />

Bark, Peruvian.<br />

Lbs. Opium.<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs :<br />

C1.ots. · Bark.*<br />

Tona<br />

Cwts.<br />

Cutch and Gambler<br />

Indigo.<br />

II .l\lyrobnlans.<br />

Tona Sumach.<br />

II Valonla.<br />

Owta. { Unenumerated, e<br />

tered by quantit y.<br />

D·<br />

TQM Dye Woods.<br />

Thousands Eggs.<br />

Lba. Feathers, Ornamental.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

62<br />

I<br />

11\~PORTS.<br />

QUANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL A.RTIOLES (entered by<br />

ARTICLES-Continued. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. ! 1893. 1894.<br />

I I I I I<br />

Hats or :Bonnets Trimmed<br />

or Untrimmed ::......<br />

Of Straw ·Lbs § 219,276 803,537 450,058 466,529 815,498 893,001 550,934 688,884<br />

,, Other Materials • Doz. 398,953 423,600 812,619 367,733 194,208 172,022 108,518 150,SOS<br />

Hay- • Tons Not separately distinguished. 61,237 263,050 254,214<br />

Hides:-<br />

Dry • Owts. 626,652 584,737 575,376 455,098 451,380 368,191 357,115 419,205<br />

Wet ,, 523,540 577,424 648,729 584,948 555,6~0 541,286 589,198 • 608,584<br />

Hops .<br />

145,122 216.606 199,384 188,028 195,266 187,507 204,392 189,155<br />

Horns, Tips and Pieces} Pons<br />

"<br />

5,517 4,921 5,746 5,360 6,446 6,145 4,919 5,427<br />

of Horns and Hoofs ·<br />

Ice •<br />

315,208 283,750 342,473 856,341 337,814 351,887 404,890~ 402,124<br />

Isinglass . . • Cwts<br />

"<br />

. 7,023 6,824 7,277 6,987 8,856 7,467 7,326 8,037<br />

Ivory:-<br />

Teeth, Elephants',Sea} 10,665 11,763 12,114 14,349 10,952 11,505 10,018 10,394<br />

Cow, and Sea Horse ''<br />

Jute • • • • Tons 327,221 313,828 383,453 369,958 344,720 255,560 278,634 338,884<br />

Lard . • Cwts. 907,634 885,036 1,192,654 1,273,236 1,051,284 1,239,051 1,118,106 1,400,516<br />

Leather:- .<br />

Undressed· II 556,492 605,771 651,872 622,835 696,578 718,301 664,448 771,218<br />

Dressed<br />

197,172 205,636 279,596 274,705 267,733 245,785 344,263 866,532<br />

Varnished, Japanned '\.<br />

"<br />

4,162 4,893 5,075 4,750 4,830 3,652 8,993 8,240<br />

or Enamelled • J "<br />

Leather Manufactures :-<br />

Boots and Shoes • Doz. Pairs 140,945 129,980 I 100,195 99,613 102,082 118,386 122,210 115,429<br />

Gloves· . • Pairs 18,161,472 17,651,592 18,902,904 19,541,772 21,332,364 22,118,916 23,639,064 23,600,616<br />

Linen, Yarn • Lbs. 14,161,645 18,192,514 19,637,817 17,365,236 19,130,076 20,447,801 19,001,986 16,321,160<br />

Locust Beans • • Ctcts. Included under Corn-other kinds<br />

Manures, unenumerated Tons. 78,9571 102,9571 88,7391 83,290 79,984 69,332 69,032 77,404<br />

Margarine & Artificial} C 1,276,140 1,241,690 1,079,856 1,285,430 1,305,350 1,299,970 1,109,325<br />

&. Imita•ion Butter wts.<br />

1,139,743 j<br />

Oleo-Margarine<br />

Not separately distinguished. 64,264 86,621 96,974<br />

"<br />

::Ueat, Unenumerated,}<br />

43,680 56,998 82,862 103,878 113,357 150,573 177,509 189,757<br />

Salted or Fresh • • "<br />

Meat, Preserved, other than<br />

Salted:-<br />

Bee!<br />

• Owts.<br />

551,098 554,235 567,991 385,727 291,056<br />

Mutton - 520,239 542,318 641,705 r 78,409 65,073 68,412 831882 112,928<br />

"<br />

Other sorts (other than} } l 105,304 156,953 163,098 121,191 150,38.2<br />

Bacon and Hams) • "<br />

Metals:-<br />

Brass, Bronze, and<br />

l<br />

lletal :Bronzed or} 15,131 16,546 13,303 16,445 18,485 14,993 18,639 22,311<br />

Lacquered, :\Ianu- "<br />

factures of • f<br />

Copper, Ore of Tons 89,636 126,799 136,517 111,028 SS,990 91,919 80,898 82,805<br />

-- Re~lus and)<br />

79,875 103,520 114,050 104,907 123,337 134,168 118,710 78,845<br />

......,pitate '} "<br />

--- Unwrougbt,<br />

I'art Wrought,<br />

31,013 47,668 41,342 52,028 46,483 36,834. 43,945 60,296<br />

and old Copper<br />

Ir.>n Ore - .<br />

"<br />

Iron and Steel, Unwrouj11t :-<br />

"<br />

3,765,788 3,562,071 4,031,265 4,471,790 3,180,543 3,780,503 4,065,864 4,413,652<br />

Iron, Pig and Puddle ,, 38,648 37,218 70,292 61,792 61,937 56,529 35,357 61,975<br />

-- Bar, .Angle, 1 112,968 113,175 111,779 92,899 77,427 75,915 65,820 63,247<br />

:Bt>lt and Rod • f "<br />

Steel, Unwrought<br />

Iron and Steel, Wrought<br />

"<br />

or llanu!actured :-<br />

Girders, P-eams, ·1<br />

14,727 12,076 10,868 8,144 8,436 6,483 8,934 8,587<br />

and Pillars • f " 58,787 68,822 81,711 71,833 74,035 74,586 66,326 69,420<br />

Other kinds (ex- I<br />

cept Sewing/"· ,,<br />

139,583 157,817 148,661 150,942 155,044 143,778 150,378 154,937<br />

llaehines)<br />

"' Cycles and lfachimiry aro now entered by Value only ; prior to 1897, these Articles were included under the heading of<br />

"Iron and Steel Wrought- or lfanufactured-other kinds (except Sewing :lfachlnes) ."<br />

'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

Quantity) IMPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM~Oc>ntinued.<br />

IMPORTS. 63<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I I 1897. 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />

ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

Hnts or Bonnets Trimmed<br />

or Untrimmed :-<br />

729,942 939,848 226,936 150,441 134,886 178,361 197,717 Doz. i Of Straw<br />

129,105 95,802 142,299 127,082- 181,412 129,926 221,169 II ,, Other ~Iaterials<br />

118,816 107,987 121,541 116,1\)7 131,546 109,698 199,976 '.t:ons Hny.<br />

Hides:-<br />

491,547 369,063 557,087 543,212 446,725 747,747 353,087 Owts. Dry.<br />

771,188 604,734 688,668 694,154 768,548 636,204 757,175 II Wet.<br />

17,161 207,041 164,154 244,136 180,238 198,494 116,042 ,, Hops.<br />

6,692 6,885 6,267 6,132 6,472 6,241 4,990 Tons. {Horns, Tips and Pieces<br />

of Horns and Hoofs.<br />

409,505 467,388 456,011 445,224 505,142 449,701 460,946 II Ice.<br />

7,842 8,488 8,118 10,178 10,800 9,211 7,878 01ots. Isinglass.<br />

Ivory:-<br />

10,911 10,911 10,288 10,002 9,939 9,889 8,825<br />

{'reeth, Elephants', Sea<br />

Cow·i>nd Sea Horse.·<br />

11<br />

392,025 840,649 836,919 862,187 286,839 280,919 821,331 Tons Jute.<br />

1,742,688 1,739,463 1,740,468 2,106,871 2,188,049 1,927,274 1,006,256 Owts. Lard.<br />

918,252 889,404 905,440 850,726 886,477 979,322 903,181 ,,<br />

Leather:-<br />

Um..lressed.<br />

344,979 852,553 865,247 891,

IMJ;ORTS.<br />

Qu4NTITIES of tb.e· :PRlNCIPAL, 1\Jl'.fICLE,S .( 01;1.t~red PY<br />

ARTICLES-Co:itinucd.<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. I isss. I 1889. 1890.<br />

1891. 1892.<br />

1893. 1894.<br />

Iron, old broken , old}<br />

Castandold bro • ke~ To11,q,<br />

Steel<br />

Lead, Pig and Sb eet • ,,<br />

Lead Ore -<br />

"<br />

:Manganese, Ore of ,,<br />

Plstinuru, wro ught} Ozs.<br />

or unwrought • Troy<br />

Quicksil\'er·<br />

Lb.~.<br />

Tin, Ore of<br />

Tons<br />

Tin, in Blocks, In·}<br />

gots, Bars, or Slabs Cict..-i.<br />

Zinc, Ore of 'l'ons<br />

Zinc, Crude, in C akes<br />

"<br />

--:Manufa1:tur es • ()1rt11.<br />

Unenumerated Ores To11s.<br />

:Metal, unenume :ate~}<br />

unwrought "<br />

Metal, unenume<br />

rated}<br />

wrought or m _anu:<br />

facturecl • "<br />

Metal, unenume<br />

old, tit only to<br />

rated}<br />

be ,,<br />

re-manufactur ed •<br />

llica and Talc<br />

Cwts.<br />

llilk, Condensed •<br />

Mutton, Fresh<br />

Sitrates<br />

Nuts and Ke mels,}<br />

used for expre<br />

I Oil therefrom • ssin~<br />

Oil, Fish<br />

-Animal<br />

I-Cast-Or •<br />

-Palm •<br />

1 -CocoaNnt<br />

1-0li\'e<br />

I -Seed<br />

i -Turpentine - -<br />

,,<br />

.<br />

'<br />

Tons<br />

Ttms<br />

Ctcts.<br />

" ,,<br />

"<br />

Tuns<br />


Quantity) bf PORTED into the UNITED KINGDOl\I-Oontinued.<br />

IMPORTS. 65<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

15,715 15,333 20,408 24,231 31,916 31,178 44,017<br />

{Iron, olcl broken, old<br />

To~w Cast, and old broken<br />

Steel.<br />

162,924 167,799 167,441 194,479 108,377 195,380 218,060 Lead, Pig and Sheet.<br />

31,726<br />

"<br />

' 56,272 32,301 43,757 29,786 21,219 29,472 II Lend, Ore of<br />

131,519 159,982 156,324 lli3,927 257,608 265,767 192,654 1: ~Ianganese, Ore of.<br />

60,629 56,201 72,564 108,957 173,752 160,860 158,109 {Oz~. {Platinum, wrought or<br />

Troy uuwrought.<br />

S,724,058 3,536,928 4,105,053 4,092,247 3,877,184 2,454,438 2,650,572 Lbs. Quicksilver.<br />

4,705 4,872 5,261 5,620 6,224 7,329 10,522 Ton.t Tin, Ore of<br />

832,028 767,495 535,716 406,788 543,478 662,359 707,939 Cwts {Tin, in Blocks, Ingots,<br />

· Bars, or Slabs.<br />

37,496 21,084 24,841 53,095 37,542 42,068 35,098 Tom. Zinc, Ore of<br />

62,525 76,635 69,884 77,470 °.(39,949 69,536 67,552 Zinc, Crude, in Cakes.<br />

"<br />

387,212 420,068 421,178 425,462 423,736 435,024 426,853 Owts. ~ Manufactures.<br />

45,378 45,061 70,54€ 60,846 70,057 62,350 75,977 T

66 IMPORTS.<br />

ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

I<br />

<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

QUANTITIES of the PRINO~P.A,L ARTIOI+~S (entered by<br />

I I I I I I<br />

1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

Petroleum • Galls. 77,300,435 04,401,285 102,SSl,256 105,080,863 130,615,360 130,186,085 155,12s,6G7 l 103,002,262<br />

Phosphate of Lime nnd}.Tons<br />

Rock· • • •<br />

283,415 257,886 304,053 343,501 256,772 314,130 323,5271 · 380,269<br />

Plumbago n 8,026 8,705 13,306 14,451 12,7:!8 10,243 10,856 I 14,135<br />

Pork Cwts. 424,983 480,353 386,700 300,106 354,316 360,461 3GS,992 I 405,402<br />

Potat-0es II<br />

2,763,357 2,383,807 1,864,426 1,040,100 3,192,836 3,008,336 2,828,125 I 2,703,803<br />

Pyrit~ of Iron ·0~}Tons 506,774 618,943 644,343 656,891 616,227 604,411 612,818 616,050<br />

Copper<br />

Rice . Cwts. 5,019,512 6,189,644 6,585,779 5,957,555 6,198,979 6,271,699 5,449,602 5,11)4,934<br />

Rosin II<br />

1,086,121 1,310,425 1,321,620 1,627,446 1,638,840 1,681,393 1,570,173 1,454,489<br />

Saltpetre (:\itrate of}<br />

ll<br />

Potash) • •<br />

301,048 351,052 331,390 312,767 278,782 308,355 242,5681 280,363<br />

Nitrate or Soda (Cubic l<br />

Nitre) • • • J "<br />

1,738,768 2,053,282 2,351,310 2,177,842 2,440,652 2,391,217 1,735,340 2,506000<br />

Seeds:-<br />

CloYer and Grass 334,966 330,039 379,593<br />

II<br />

296,360 256,920 297,821 333,412 345,118<br />

Cottn . Tons 275,6271 257,172 277,394 314,050 350,437 409,668 389,859 366,886<br />

Fla.\'. or Linseed Qrs. 2,299,123 2,533,540 2,269,495 1,933,165 2,200,112 1,902,152 1,700,581 2,087,969<br />

lfape II<br />

382,487 2i7,727 449,250 230,547 261,169 244,017 252,560 299,0!6<br />

Silk, Knubs or Husks,} Ctets.<br />

and Wast6 • •<br />

65,892 83,466 79,435 70,634 'i7,556 46,392 56,839 58,469<br />

-Raw Lbs. 2,491,982 3,065,771 3,122,911 1,961,281 2,434,609 1,503,283 2,272,929 l,·136,631<br />

- Thrown and Spun • ll<br />

453,872 559,289 607,651 584,589 581,867 502,777 344,622 308,266<br />

Skins and Furs:-<br />

Goat, undressed No. 4,889,119 5,280,502 6,981,290 8,888,298 S,329,105 10,817,303 11,405,530 I 10,774,963<br />

Seal • II<br />

604,186 712,743 788,028 470,230 .683,588 .U,829 1,422,117 701,773<br />

Sheep and Lamb,}<br />

II<br />

Undressed • •<br />

8,968,897 8,926,077 11,302,380 11,793,116 13,0U,530 12,382,213 14,362,907 13,831,508<br />

Furs of all sorts ~e:I:·}<br />

II<br />

cept Seal Skins<br />

25,134,346 28,606,704 27,401,543 33,725,808 39,158,304 46,035,769 43,295,494 39,133,592<br />

Spices:-<br />

:Pepper . Lb8. 29,795,236 28,679,221 29,787,328 29,691,858 34,794,260 31,190,075 31,222,418 I 20,213,004<br />

O! all other Sorts II<br />

23,783,900 128,520,800 21,561,572 23,508,493 12,151,653 15,212,465 21,630,94-1 ! 25,402,169<br />

--<br />

Spirits:-<br />

6,237,773 I<br />

t<br />

1<br />

I<br />

Rum- Pf. Gals. 6,362,070 4,146,564 4,087,109 7,026,364 6,852,240 5,942,132 : 6,123,269<br />

Brandy ll<br />

2,826,108 2,655,004 2,858,774 3,100,450 I 3,162,548 2,086,366 2,730,455 I 3,401,538<br />


:IMPORTS. 67<br />

Quantity) hIPO~TED into the U~ITED KINGDOM-:--Continued.<br />

I'<br />

-<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. l 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. ) ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

-177,146,628 189,953,!)45 185,665,376 21!l,249,530 { 203;521;37" 215,268,480, 217i209,001 Ga(ls. :?etr.olenm,lllumlnatlng<br />

36,625,993 30,709,563 36,575,145 ,, -·-·-- Lub'ricatlng<br />

35!l,65!) 2{)1,314 324,788 330,610 420,lOR 355,502 354,890 p 0118 {Phosphate of Lime<br />

and Rock.<br />

10,360 13,643 13,200 14,875 17,497 14,722 18,203 Plumbago.<br />

"<br />

508,452 554,750 584,823 833,595 953,6!)2 944,123 1,038,556 C1cts. Pork.<br />

3,758,156 2,244,6~7 3,!)21,205 6,751,728 5,15p,on ~,!)10,!l62 . T~o16,126 Potatoes.<br />

"<br />

582,463 58!l,056 623,0!ll 654,063 701,174 741,431 653,584 ToM {Pyrite11 of<br />

Copper.<br />

Iron or<br />

5,431,248 4,531,518 5,178,85!) 4,546,4231 5,741),316 6,2!ll,331 6,755,263 C1cts. Rice.<br />

1,427,56!) 1,655,374 1,640,745 1,662,35!) 1,708,630 1,801,571 l,812,4i8 Rosin.<br />

"<br />

228,477 340,750 330,013 262,270 248,717 252,021 240,455 {Saltpetre (Nitrate of<br />

II<br />

Putash)<br />

2,453,740 2,128,900 2,076,100 2,006,540 2,817,020 2,823,100 2,142,160<br />

{Nitrate of Soda (Cublc<br />

II<br />

Nitre)<br />

Seeds:-<br />

300,280 405,617 29!l,!l46 342,773 2!)!),268 261,!l57 281,12!). Clover and Grass.<br />

"<br />

374,111 368,419 412,876 430,432 358,012 406,478 437,14!) Tons Cotton.<br />

1,!l6!l,!l87 2,578,864 1,908,618 1,688,515 l,7!l8,887 1,666,031 1,684,822 Q1'8. Flax or Linseed.<br />

325,3!)3 17!l,730 185,232 258,951 207,648 184,243 163,329 II :Rape.<br />

56,435 62,923 54,774 70,821 77,2561 CC,720 48,162<br />

Ctcts {Silk, Knnbs or Husks,<br />

· and Waste.<br />

:i,585,835 1,697,668 1,805,608 2,138,912 2,268,762 1,418,320 1,332,480 Lbs. -:Raw.<br />

460,444 572,599 412,116 423,607 377,914 66!,641 624,859 -Thrown and Spun.<br />

"<br />

Skins and Furs :-<br />

13,906,009 !l,982,054 13,523,056 14,569,660 18,165,381 14,875,790 19,001,436 Ro. Goat, Undressed.<br />

663,719 567,007 1,901,255 479,046 559,472 556,604 380,033 Seal.<br />

"<br />

15,682,442 13,864,634 14,539,056 15,077,072 15,478,816 15,057,99:> 15,109,399 ,, {Sheep anrl Lamb, Un·<br />

dressed.<br />

45,397,180 39,791,202 39,614,872 34,023,539 39,795,703 46,155,234 52,913,443 ,,<br />

{.Furs of all Sorts (except<br />

Seal Skins).<br />

Lbs. Spices:-<br />

26,710,660 26,113,001 81,053,164 29,715,185 23,003~14122,276,242 15,706,b03 Pepper.<br />

27,328,872 22,816,212 22,477,936 19,880,875 221577,568 17,386,537 18,525,181<br />

OC all other Sort~.<br />

Spirits:-<br />

5,684,186 5,373,904 4,947,324 5,486,417 5,627,359 6,239,181 6,719,452 Pj. Gals. Rum.<br />

2,603,646 2,749,624 3,089,268 2,514,789 2,465,122 2,500,265 3,081,525 Brandy.<br />

"<br />

{Other Foreign<br />

1,989,210 1,840,658 1,890,984 1,545,572 1,854,357 2,018,688 2,617,090<br />

and<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Colonial Spirits.<br />

.<br />

10,277,051 9,964,186 9,927,576 9,546,778 9,946,838 10,8!9,134 12,418,067 ,, Total of Spirits.<br />

1,288,727 1,545,632 1,915,075 1,456,308 1,600,452 1,495,274 1,316,970 Lbs. S11011ge.<br />

Stones, Marble, and Slat~,<br />

Jfoµj;h, Hewn, or )!anuftictured<br />

(except Works<br />

of :Art):-<br />

15;686,189 37,752,567 51,256,139 5~,305,435 62,734,622 46,462,295 48,300,019 Ko. Slates.<br />

574,884 673,206 740,497 869,782 891,173 946,0-10 I {All other, Marble,<br />

1,141,020 Tons Stones, etc.<br />

41,531 73,793 91,724 71,966 64,827 55,835 40,815 ,, Straw.<br />

{Straw'Plaiting for mak·<br />

10,598,797 11,669,802 12,015,582 10,746,395 10,490,918 9,602,684 8,310,839 Lbs. ing Hats or Bonnets.<br />

Sugar:-<br />

Refined and Sugar<br />

Candy:-<br />

2,603,064 2,645,654 2,512,851 2,546,213 2,629,147 2,878,877 3,143,155 Ctvts. Lumps or Loaves.<br />

11,542,079 12,131,275 13,317,908 18,974,041 15,179,974 16,369,810 18,113,691 .All other refined *<br />

"<br />

Unrefined:-<br />

9,153,956 8,063,918 8,694,590 9,565,811 9,399,872 10,239,~56 10,009,438 :Beetroot.<br />

"<br />

7,856,0U 7,679,758 4,858,987 5,127,095 3,72:?,337 2,995,876 3,877,705 Cane and Other Sorts.<br />

"<br />

904;158 '776,586 1;165;574 ·1,853,188 · . - '1;609,559··11;847,931 . 1;709,674- ---lCol!lsses.<br />

"<br />

1,315,866 1,589,127 1,610,115 1,887,0!6 1,82s.e09 1,842,502 I 1,497,304 II -- Ghu:nse.<br />

6475.<br />

E2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

68 IMPORTS.<br />

QUANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL ARTICLES (entered by<br />

A.RTICLES-Contin11ed.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

Tallow and Steariue Ozcts. 895,121 1,145,928 1,244,031 11,383,593 1,371,201 1~75.671) I 1~"·"' 1,837,587<br />

Tea. . Lbs. 221,841,490 222,758,296 222,147,661 223,494,511 240,779,331 239,445,467 249,546,451 244,810,500<br />

Tobacco,)fanufactured,}<br />

. 3,595,071 8,583,498 4,214,123 8,678,846 3,497,408 4,142,2001 3,895,104 8,811,402<br />

Cigars, and Snuff<br />

--Unmanufactured JI 72,175,994 46,679,898 74,978,458 65,729,970 59,996,176 68,418,617 81,658,749 87,781,817<br />

Watches NCJ. Not 41gtfngulshed.<br />

Wa."C (includin~ Ozokerlt} Oicts<br />

and Earth Wax • • ·<br />

Wine:-<br />

In Casks<br />

- Gall

Quantity) Il\!PORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

IMPORTS. 69<br />

--<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I AR'l.'ICLES-Continued.<br />

2,175,822 2,049,749 1,950,925 2,021,941 2,061,137 2,177,991 1,785,319 Owts. Tallow and Stearine.<br />

255,360,128 265,394,122 266,800,'11 271,593,688 288,922,251 300,280,857 295,264,142 Lbs. '.I.'ea.<br />

4,240,770 5,037,198 4,615,123 4,621,280 4,926,721 6,862,140 7,411,675 II<br />

{ Tobacco,:Manufactured,<br />

Cigal'llandSnutf.<br />

72,879,623 83,558,757 80,728,432 79,631,955 1.19,074,885 98,848,500 84,620,722 II --Unmanufactured.<br />

Not dlstlngulahed. 1,002,902 1,983,147 2,481,329 No. Watche!.<br />

45,851 43,168 41,830 48,732 51,351 51,616 40,114 Owls {'Vax(includlng Ozokerit<br />

• and Earth Wax}<br />

Wine:-<br />

18,657,661 13,850,659 14,468,176 15,168,722 14,941,353 14,587,859 14,487,625 Galls. In Ca!ks.<br />

768,678 .987,117 1,032,837 911,170 780,646 557,986 563,528 II ,, Bottle:r, Still.<br />

,, Bottle3,Sparkling:-<br />

1,298,400 1,612,650 1,804,234 1,W6,617 1,386,265 1,383,767 1,235,490<br />

JJ Champagne.<br />

239,578 245,134 254,038 268,134 279,480 274,217 259,563<br />

JI Other.<br />

108,508 145,358 177,501 167,814 170,569 178,800 178,054 II Oak.<br />

59,466 66,367 74,474 58,917 58,930 63,080 45,768 II Teak.<br />

84,581 85,985 87,974 81,256 95,697 96,328 69,925 II Unenumerated.<br />

Sawn or SpJit :-<br />

4,926,426 5,877,449 6,843,868 6,204,787 6,459,972 6,401,686 6,095,506 II Fir.<br />

135,560 154,043 181,124 158,570 179,576 231,074 185,494 IJ Unem~merated.<br />

144,751 138,393 126,745 139,120 126,216 145,279 140,064 ll Staves.<br />

34,848 53,772 78,476 77,810 73,035 89,593 74,180 Tons<br />

Furniture Woods and<br />

Hai;dwoods :-<br />

Mahogany.<br />

98,638 186,950 147,855 138,795 239,472 192,134 241,650 II Unennmerated.<br />

Wood and Timber:-<br />

Hewn:-<br />

2,00S,206 2,135,080 2,485,716 2,024,268 2,344,681<br />

Load&{ Fir, other than Pit<br />

{ 604,338<br />

2,787,945<br />

Wood or Pit Props<br />

1,879,810 II Pit Wood or Pit Props<br />

Wool:-<br />

770,955,203 713,575,173 735,627,420 694,701,454 663,351,817 553,154,732 686,956,808 Lbs. Sheep or Lambs'.<br />

6,054,126 6,622,697 7,740,351 6,391,589 7,78-.l,432 8,687,942 8,589,140 JJ<br />

{°th" Flocks, JU•"' Including ....<br />

Alpaca, Vlcunn and<br />

Llnma.<br />

37,616 86,687 33,258 80,152 32,390 S0,695 29,902 Tons Woollen Tulgs.<br />

1,221,104 1,267,823 1,129,496 1,037,S!O 1,045,268 741,825 l<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn:-<br />

{Berlin Wool and<br />

666,715 Lbs. Yarn used for<br />

Fancy Purposes.<br />

·18,376,407 18,688,650 16,219,234 18,091,016 19,608,143 19,858,869 20,841,784 n Yarn for Weaving.<br />

Woollen Manufactures:"'-<br />

4,149,656 5,832,998 5,386,911 6,022498 li,197,182 4,086,737 4,466,128 Yards Cloths.<br />

90,135,913 81,912,246 83,725,893 73,198,086 71,288,2,30 62,717,077 69,641,927 n Stuffs.<br />

192,579 172,487 159,596 152,245 143,257 138,781) 130,536 Czots. Yeaat, Dried.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

48,290,7931<br />

'10 IMPORTS.<br />

No. 28.-DECLARED VA:f.,UE of the PRINCIPAL anti OTHER<br />

ARTICLES. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 11889. 11890. I 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

~----------~--~--~~:------~------------,-----~'----~-,-----------------------------,;---------<br />

Animals:­<br />

£<br />

;e £, £, £ £<br />

£,<br />

£,<br />

Ilorses •<br />

197,679 192,l\24 277,3SS 335,906 432,263 425,401 376,819 548,058<br />

O:xeu, Bulls, Cows and'\.<br />

Calves • )<br />

4,438,785 5,912,361 9,069,327 10,505,525 8,581,574 9,224,011 6,262,761 8,285,044<br />

Sheep aud Lambs •<br />

.Arms an

77<br />

. , IMPORTS.<br />

71<br />


- -----------------<br />

--<br />

1895.<br />

i<br />

j<br />

1896.<br />

I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900.<br />

£, £, £, £, £, £<br />

921,490 1,027,786 ,1,254 1<br />

SQ2 1,146,824 1,143,000 1,350,493<br />

7,183,040 0,305,055 f0,460,996 9,399,793 8,572,114 9,012,194<br />

l,782,5H 1,i83,634 919,096 984,863 942,891 610,125<br />

247,297 243,986 290,897 289,934 203,93& 446,300<br />

76.900 : 105,539 : 118,S.'i7 127;966 139,167 202,021<br />

72,976 78,958 103,816 127,022 161,568 145,671<br />

7,925,979 7,854,515 8,867,846 10,321,674 10,399,602 11,773,969<br />

2,898,018 3,136,089 S,6Sl,966 3,894,839 4,094,500 4,221,809<br />

237,590 249,s41 I 244,988 239,876<br />

{<br />

195,444 2SO,>J25 135,425 259,419<br />

4,275,548 5,028,828 '5,783,667 5,915,705 7,345,264 S,162,848<br />

286511 303,700 215,901 278,004 230,943 256,418<br />

108,0SS 113,592 116,834 117,507 132,101 15.J,070<br />

3SS,617 288,807 240,765 273,0SO I 337,439 353,963<br />

. 283,299 288,748 277,394 254,675 234,170 233,709<br />

99,367 94,012 102,209 00,031 101,615 109,048<br />

556,204 556,068 514,123 459,968 608,020 524,875<br />

. 257,872 269,756 317,050 269,103<br />

14,245,230 15,344,364 16,910,917 15,001,783 17,213,516 17,450,435<br />

310,515 317,928 278,936 252,929 278,802 :189,797<br />

47,875 51,600 37,263 • 2'/,740 21,822 • 23,182<br />

132,494 135,514 129,824 208,710<br />

3,700,178 I 4,991,122 4,553,416 6,214,933 5,923,897 6,986,133<br />

550,103 634,868 611,110 659,445 691,611 712,081<br />

{ ...... I 73,!l69 65,817 277,027<br />

42,S.'39 181,552 246,114 211,532<br />

4,675,130 4,000,342 ! 5,SS5,521 I 4,970,242 5,503,004 6,837,883<br />

·1,391,256 1,480,725 I 1,465,SSl I 1,537,804 1,629,510 1,823,806<br />

636,575 844,749 904,788 8UO,S48 I 920,820 929,478<br />

474,550 561,198 537,391 5.U,864 504,267 493,187<br />

•1,296,100 J.,053,962 927,020 l,3:17,882 l,s1s,n5 ! 1,668,965<br />

314,293 367,838 603,926 620,717 513,s.16 I 729,283<br />

3,778,305 S,559,454 8,585,675 S,590,871 S,295,848 2,544,726<br />

370,820 344,116 894,109 509,777 536,42S 349,619<br />

.<br />

647,109 600,603 758,489 803,SSO 904,807 1,141,330<br />

, 205,537 228,371 226,451 220,805 189,018 220,622<br />

. 589,455 640,457 674,619 696,027 708,5U 819,555<br />

---<br />

22,531,170 21,678,989 23,363,503 20,147,2561 22,281,219 23,345,929<br />

p,538,405 5,709,531 4,081,074 6,791,472 4,950,182 5,152,977<br />

~,723,465 4,226,317 4,038,813 4,882,857 4,199,724 5,230,409<br />

7,808,860 9,422,539 9,188,708 11,282,SlO 12,978,025 12,827,859<br />

2,018,408 1,961,717 1,880,731 1,708,828 1,867,207 1,711,568<br />

7,679,013 ~,227,873 9,599,656 11,545,443 10,700,980 10,102,548<br />

423,966 573,117 876,989 1,051,~8 1,110,405 1,065,100<br />

49,723,293 5z,s00,oss I 53,679,474 I 62,909,264 58,087,692 58,942,890<br />

- -<br />

I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

8,906,889<br />

267,356<br />

163,843<br />

273,845<br />

251,167<br />

99,122<br />

527,691<br />

289,231<br />

10,207,300<br />

257,393<br />

21,347<br />

168,786<br />

5,830,224<br />

{ 246,221<br />

443,006<br />

I<br />

Other Sorts.<br />

{Carriages, Wiigi: onettes,<br />

579,741 Carts, &c. (lncludin g those<br />

with Motors.) c<br />

377,'iH Cement.<br />

6,227,135 Cheese.<br />

23,081,372<br />

6,163,012<br />

6,3·17,719<br />

12,887,225<br />

1,767,727<br />

10,341,519<br />

l,086,716<br />

61,175,200<br />

--<br />


£ A11lmal11:-<br />

1,095,683 Hors•ls.<br />

8,840,664<br />

Oxen, Bulls, Cow s, and<br />

{ Calves.<br />

586,139 Sheep and Lambs.<br />

407,094 Arms an

72 Bi PORT$.<br />

I ARTICLES-Continued. I <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />

Cotton, :R..'\\\'<br />

--Yarn<br />

Cotton Waste •<br />

Cotton llinufactures :­<br />

Piece Goods •<br />

Hosiery • • •<br />

Unenumerated • • •<br />

C,.cllli 1.nd pa.'15 thereor •<br />

Diamonds*<br />

Drugs : 'Bark, Peruvian •<br />

Opium • - -<br />

Unenumernted<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs :-<br />

Bark t • · • •<br />

CUtch and Gambier •<br />

Extracts •<br />

Dyes from Coal 'IM<br />

Indigo •<br />

:\[yrobal&ns • •<br />

Sumach<br />

Yalonia<br />

Unenumerated : • •<br />

Dye Woods<br />

•<br />

Eggs.<br />

Electrical Wares and Apparatus<br />

Embroidery and Seedlework •<br />

Fancy Goods (known as Paris}<br />

Goods) • • • •<br />

Farinaceous Substances and}<br />

llinufactures thereof, un·<br />

enumerated, Including Sago<br />

and Sago Flour • • •<br />

Feathers, Omnmental<br />

'.Bed •<br />

Fish:-<br />

~'resh • •<br />

Cure48<br />

3,127,590 3,428,806 8,505,522 3,794,718<br />

Not distinguished.<br />

321,oss I 444,182 I 458,778 l 483,014 I<br />

Not sep1.rntel1 distinguished.<br />

1,230,692 1,427,278 1,494,914 1,483,304<br />

823,007 1,056,657 983,983 008,993<br />

115,462 108,547 132,587 135,756<br />

£<br />

30,684,942<br />

387,426<br />

156,579<br />

717,800<br />

371,455<br />

1,666,245<br />

140,983<br />

184,990<br />

806,282<br />

121,628<br />

530,726<br />

419,546<br />

504,318<br />

1,389,461<br />

179,007<br />

127,803<br />

449,1~<br />

261,336<br />

487,581<br />

8,875,647<br />

-494,768 l<br />

1,570,804<br />

904,673<br />

87,971<br />

768,840 850,126 846,568 939,827 801,434<br />

1,810,783 1,001,329 1,963,881 1,820,173 1,881,317<br />

2,837,800 2,655,600<br />

366,925 I 812 1<br />

265<br />

3,326,777 2,923,610<br />

202,887 259,479 345,283 410,168<br />

Not sepnrately distinguished.<br />

s16,903 I 242,180 I 412,241 I 352,154 I<br />

563,910 1,030,160 974,405 786,072<br />

2,581,054 2,519,473 2,317,519<br />

287,928 343,352 259,228<br />

3,103,686 2,399,119 2,154,941<br />

308,039<br />

418,801<br />

1,033,907<br />

{<br />

328,624<br />

359,098<br />

1,853,812<br />

33tl,330<br />

386,830<br />

843,532<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

134,847 194,584<br />

1,438,320 I l,sn,606 I 11420,708 I 1 346 1<br />

810 l 1,586,042 1,334,40:1 900,34!)<br />

893,644 530,448<br />

Not 11eparately distinguished. 200,547 347,189<br />

{<br />

199,854 331,622<br />

1,022,402 J 918,013 I 910,676 , l,006,898 J 1,033,510 994,125 708,433<br />

545,141 517,049 68tl,189 600,930 641,467 604,538 522,962<br />

1,543,667 1:4C0,921 1,731,6$ 1,756,852 1,501,052 2,052,561 1,703,761<br />

• Yor value of Diamonds exported from the Cape of Good Hope to the Unite

IMPORTED into the U;NITED KINGDOl\r-:-Oontinued.<br />

IMPORTS. ..,3<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. l 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I ARTICLEs-Continued.<br />

£ £, £ £ £ £<br />

30,429,428 36,272,039 32,195,172 84,125,554 27,672,899 40,932,594 41,.#.,531) I Cotton,Raw.<br />

879,349 200,059 250,835 206,719 246,061 286,898 221,211 -- Yarr1.<br />

92,588 125,478 145,332 85,414 97,819 134,714 91,341 . Cott-0n waste.<br />

833,025 1,040,748 911,266 858,166 740,830 932,738<br />

Cotton ManufactureE :-<br />

918,188 Piece Goods<br />

387,548 359,313 326,053 410,263 371,428 619,752 • 707:6i3 Hosiery.<br />

1,760,403 2,125,018 2,716,271 3,115,064 8,586,011 3,220,249 3,152,148 Unenumernted.<br />

- -<br />

Sec under ~Ictals :-Iron and steel, wrought.<br />

Cyr.Jes and parh thereof.<br />

- - - - 33,269 Diamonds.*<br />

58,804 61,578 52,463 98,132 77,469 92,187 120,670 Drugs : Bark, Peruvian.<br />

193,569 249,580 209,818 222,036 299,390 426,785 389,715 Opium.<br />

1,012,.166 935,978 939,098 868,728 1,078,537 1,198,954 I 1,1~2,755 Unenumerated.<br />

146,491 113,369 lOS,707 127,185 136,971 112,015 172,599<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs -·<br />

Bark. t<br />

55e,120 548,755 418,128 301,998 347,025 386,099 3i>l,773 Cutch and Gnmbier.<br />

441,127 449,180 377,983 451,928 471,105 512,180 522,395 Extracts.<br />

709,993 741,347 G95,418 739,059 708,797 720,088 777,G95 Dyes from Coal Tar.<br />

1,392,534 1,533,722 1,470,574 890,803 986,090 542,089 788,820 Indigo.<br />

190,889 152,955 114,400 127,G68 209:774 191,859 145,930 ~fyrobalans.<br />

157,221 154,350 136,209 114,418 145,729 109,714 105,755 Sumac h.<br />

395,9-13 333,225 300,32·1 270,802 281,471 313,656 324,082 Vnlonla.<br />

277,323 250,491 232,771 234,670 208,858 279,770 221,333 Unenumerated. t<br />

527,081 588,634 275,104 301,641 268,446 176,045 224,532 Dye Woods.<br />

4,003,446 4,184,656 4,356,807 4,457,117 5,044,402 5,406,020 5,495,767<br />

242,185 367,572 613,59a 1,265,946 849,257 Ew- Electrical Wares and Apparatus I<br />

690,641 842,881 848,057 872,865 914,292 1,171,550 1,233,062 Embroidery and Needlework.<br />

1,757,6-17 1,566,185 1,705,602 1,237,121 1,235,133 {Fancy Goods, (known as Paris /<br />

Go~~<br />

•<br />

1,367,258 1,451,092 1,399,047 1,606,583 1,884,561 1,039,579 1,55!i,158<br />

r•'"""'°"' Manufactures Subotanc" thereof, and un· '<br />

enim1ernted, incmding Sago<br />

I<br />

and Sago ll'Jour.<br />

1,031,987 1,139,250 1,207,512 1,440,001 1,609,€72 1,424,707 1,365,538 l!'eathers, Ornamental.<br />

96,091 87,425 90,005 00,289 J06,245 114,119 91,606<br />

Bed<br />

"<br />

Fish:-<br />

689,211 805,724 831,149 925,148 841,865 729,421 755,855 Fresh.<br />

2,289,260 2,407,359 2,590,165 2,637,453 2,522,235 2,895,330 2,864,073 Cured or Salted.<br />

2,998,778 2,7i9,45l 2,854,311 2,657,564 2,612,461 2,263,791 2,606,565<br />

Flax and Hemp :-<br />

Flax, Dressed and Undressed.<br />

34?,230 433,962 ·127,158 364,522 438,172 842,525 552,545<br />

{Tow or Codilla or Flax and<br />

Hemp.<br />

2,165,418 1,947,420 1,770,726 2,2fl5,C02 2,606,262 3,349,512 4,107,084<br />

{Hemp and other like Substances<br />

(except Jute),<br />

Dressed and Undressed.<br />

412,559 559,524 651,182 580,876 646,283 538,501 593,507 Flowers, Artificial.<br />

212,819 219,002 211,106<br />

! 212,653 232,913 --Cut, and 11 Everlastlngs"<br />

340,409 429,468 436,428 553,431 514,023 569,887 414,122 Fruit: .Almonds.<br />

960,273 1,582,495 1,187,303 I 1,108,056 l,1S6,143 • 1,22-i,657 1,182,782 -- Apples, Raw.<br />

Not scpnratl:ly distinguished. 548,9513 875,540 -- Bananas. :Raw.<br />

96,047 105,811 178,181 230,828 153,642 80S,363 213,585 -- Cherries, Raw.<br />

773,061) 747,769 1,067,224 1,083,180 1,035,905 1,820,001 1,037,086 -- Currants, Dried.<br />

486,981 ·H2,828 495,017 549,513 588,467 595,000 69-1,042 -- Grnpcs,llaw.<br />

166,600 206,67·i 377,900 221,779 260,351 866,860 200,411 -- Pears, :Raw,<br />

166,045 241,782 497,783 434,666 294,052 418,542 276,055 -- Plums, Raw.<br />

888,769 867,715 1,00S,472 882,352 1,054,186 1,317,892 8H,2fl1 --Raisins.<br />

547,882 5Sil,414 501,356 575,573 598,653<br />

602,~10 676,508 --Nuts, usecl as Fruit.<br />

2,476,510 2,369,645 2,677,070 2,426,245 2,635,·i71 2,5!1,647 2,554,242 -- Oranges au

74 IMPORTS.<br />

i-A RTICL~-Continued.<br />

r<br />

l Jtruit: Tu\w, tinennmerated<br />

j __ Uneuumernted, ?ri~}<br />

I t'r Presen·ed •<br />

Glass of nll kinds<br />

Glue. ~ize, and Gelatine •<br />

l Guano • • • •<br />

! Gum of all sorts<br />

Gutta Percha •<br />

1<br />

Hair, Goats" l!nir or Wool •<br />

I<br />

I<br />

--Other • • • •<br />

J --'lfanufactures of Ilair,}<br />

and-of G:-ats' Wool •<br />

Ilardware and Cutlery<br />

Hats •)r Bonni:ts Trimmed, or<br />

untrimmed :-<br />

Of Straw<br />

., Otht:r )latt:rials<br />

Hay •<br />

Hides, Raw :­<br />

Dry<br />

Wt:t<br />

Hops·<br />

lforns.Tips and Pieces of Horn I<br />

and Hoofs • • • f<br />

Ike . - • - .<br />

l Ix:ii:·Iements and Tools •<br />

, Ism;;Iass • • • -<br />

J Iw•ry: Teeth, Elephants', Sea }<br />

, Cow an•l Sea Horse • •<br />

"! Tute<br />

~ - :.\Ianufactures -<br />

: Lace ~nd Articles thereof<br />

' I L'll'li - •<br />

l L!:'.lther:<br />

1 t"n.iressed -<br />

Drt:SSed<br />

! Yarnish..::;;ther M.:m•1far:ture:i:<br />


f /<br />

ll\IPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Oontinued.<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. 1·<br />

IMPORTS. 75<br />

1898.<br />

I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I ARTICLES-ConUnued.<br />

£, £, £, £, £, £, £,,<br />

:87,170 75,308 -- Currants, R&w.<br />

513,261 590,766 695,169 870,711 924,823<br />

14,626 11,420 --·Gooseberries, Raw.<br />

85,949 51,290 -- Strawb~rries, Raw.<br />

289,760 302,013 -- Raw, u~enumerated.<br />

874,013 1,134,298 1,308,781 1,197,869 1,467,673 1,848,872 1,257,742<br />

{-- Une'numerated, Dried<br />

or .Preserved.<br />

362,136 394,537 402,494 445,834 527,534 674,58 736,549 Glass Bottles.<br />

{-- Flint, Plain, Cut or<br />

{ 001,707 1,026,247<br />

Ornamented and other<br />

manufactures of Flint<br />

Olaas. ·<br />

2,113,040 2,347,452 2,604,524 2,839,762 2,681,276<br />

1,623,210 1,766,731 -- all other kinds.<br />

440,673 463,484 503,191 463,828 474,938 Glue, Size and Gelatine.<br />

392,809 104,354 89,812 117,924 140,075 177,400 104,900 Guano.<br />

1,319,618 1,693,199 1,488,918 1,152,335 1,262,068 1,400,241 1,200,207 Gum of all sorts.<br />

389,258 401,490 400,975 676,400 1,005,006 1,685,568 1,382,646 Gutta Pcrclm.<br />

1,378,992 957,279 1,428,450 1,526,486 1,795,498 1,289,427 1,842,507 Hair, Goats' Hair or Wool.<br />

579,3!)0 510,llOl 635,193 536,25!) 637,746 699,834 428,900 --Other.<br />

138,514 127,300 106,007 102,068 114,084 126,460<br />

{~Ianufactures<br />

118,215<br />

of Hair and of<br />

Goats' Wool.<br />

distinguished. 710,886 8115,269 1,113,653 001,323 1,152,376 Hardware and Cutlery.<br />

Hats or Bconnets Trimmed or<br />

.Untrimmed:-<br />

180,652 186,945 90,335 60,989 72,254 98,227 125,576 Of Straw.<br />

82,955 87,129 89,684 93,196 89,242 109,597 141,879 11 Other ;\faterials.<br />

403,633. 355,844 410,215 300,032 429,709 397,585 800,133 Ilny.<br />

Hides, Raw:-<br />

1,158,757 005,425 1,413,166 l,454,ll35 1,148,189 1,950,389 987,132 Dry.<br />

1,650,369 1,319,516 1,336,991 1,451,029 1,639,898 1,467,755 1,782,779 Wet.<br />

644,505 691,582 624,297 1,030,140 809,842 705,479 461,355 Hops.<br />

191,095 183,272 178,845 184,721 193,840 213,006<br />

{Horns, Tips and Pieces of Horn<br />

164,578 nnd lloofs.<br />

229,336 262,2!)8 248,671 330,328 317,100 274,761 269,897 Ice.<br />

76,787 163,717 277,768 417,786 415,322 Implements and Tools.<br />

87,972 105,610 110,880 142,371 142,126 128,714 102,697 Isinglnss.<br />

467,976 459,181 422,398 410,511 404,063 398,654<br />

{Ivory: Teeth, Elephants', Sea<br />

335,710 Cow and Sea l!orse.<br />

4,358,036 4,167,992 3,942,610 3,801,585 8,657,519 4,134,3S9 4,326;168 Jute.<br />

1,628,906 1,592,531 1,506,292 2,151,374 2,200,056 - :Manufactures.<br />

1,141,791 1,008,711 1,434,224 1,430,014 1,392,016 1,650,814 2,139,375 Lace and Articles thereof.<br />

2,!~U,941 2,268,693 1,993,143 2,887,801 3,068,075 3,266,582 4,037,689 Lard.<br />

Leather:<br />

4,708,003 4,433,196 4,331,140 4,174,882 4,310,295 4,9~126 4,658,008 Undressed.<br />

3,236,894 8,050,618 3,097,293 3,395,084 4,009,056 3,599,664 8,52ii;&J5 \ Dressed.<br />

104,674 110,778 219,024 218,295 263,028 207,16:! 23S,3Ci4<br />

{Varnished, Jnpanned, or<br />

Enamelled.<br />

Leather Manufactures :<br />

S99,065 519,037 493,009 510,873 650,561 694,698 938,900 Boots and Shoes.<br />

2,177,926 2341,690 2,144,619 2,014,398 2,002,090 1,744,183 1,664,351 Gl\J\'es.<br />

408,408 439,927 433,193 488,732 5o:>,750 691,299 634,453 Unenumernted.<br />

998,416 779,641 618,375 599,346 1,011,961 915,441 764,299 Linen : Yarn.<br />

881,930 400,407 359,074 3!)2,668 414,854 590,310 647,036 -- Manufactures.<br />

Included under Corn, other kinds. 193,282 165,422 239,532 Locust 'Benns.<br />

151,260 182,249 178,430 186,520 222,043 206,936 179,262 ~fonures, Unenumernted.<br />

{~Inrgarinc and Artificial and<br />

2,557,170 2,498,425 2,485,370 2,384,384 2,549,476 2,464,825 2,556,679 Imitation Butter.<br />

212,528 • 212,186 221,861 257,595 263,435 300,253 298,810 -- Olco-Margarine .<br />

362,900 355,457 350,486 367,796 352,674 381,057 423,297 ~fotches.<br />

{<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

76 IMPORTS.<br />


.:\RTICLES-Continuecl. I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. 11894.<br />

I ' :\Ieat~<br />

Unenumerated, .Salted}<br />

orFresh • • •<br />

--Preserved, other than}<br />

Salted:<br />

lOS,387<br />

~:t-On - : : : :}<br />

1<br />

1<br />

851,769<br />

Other sorts (other than }<br />

:Bacon and Hams) • -<br />

lfetals:<br />

Brass, Bronze 1md )fetal }<br />

Bronzed or L'\cquered,<br />

)fanufactures of • -<br />

Cvpper, Ore of -<br />

--Regulus and Pre·}<br />

cipitate • •<br />

---Unwrout?ht, Part}<br />

Wro11gl1t, and old<br />

Copper • •<br />

--)fanufactures of,}<br />

not otherwise en·<br />

umernted • •<br />

Jron Ore -<br />

Iron and Steel, Unwrought :<br />

Iron, Pig and Puddled -<br />

-- :Bar, Angle, :Bolt,}<br />

and Rod • •<br />

Steel, Unwrought<br />

Iron anoJ St~el. Wrought or<br />

)fanufactured:-<br />

Girders. Beams, and<br />

c-Jc~~~ and ~art;)<br />

89,400<br />

623,536<br />

1,8i7,662<br />

1,325,559<br />

51,874<br />

2,547,950<br />

170,343<br />

959,858<br />

124,647<br />

333 875<br />

'<br />

thereof • • •<br />

)Jachiner> "' • •<br />

Bails, Steel, for Rail- 2,0 23<br />

, 143<br />

\rays or Tramways.<br />

Other Kinds (not<br />

including Sewing<br />

)fuchines) -<br />

INn, old br.;ken. old cast }<br />

and uld br•Jken steel •<br />

Lead. Ore of -<br />

Lead. Pig and Sheet - -<br />

~ Y..!in:;anese, Ore of<br />

! Platin11m<br />

l<br />

1 Wr.yn~ht or}<br />

'Cnwrought -<br />

Qui..::k~ilver •<br />

Sil V"er ·Jre • -<br />

Tin, Qr;: Qf • - •<br />

Tin. in Bl•:>eks, In_gots_,}<br />

i<br />

Bars. or Slabs •<br />

l Zinc.. Ore of - -<br />

l<br />

Zinc, Crude, in Cakes •<br />

' - lfannfuctures -<br />

I l:nenumeratei Ores<br />

lletal, unenumi:rat€d }<br />

l Un'\\TOUght<br />

., ,. Wft)llgbt or)<br />

I<br />

:J.[anufactured f<br />

., ,, Old, fit only)<br />

I t.n be :Re-manufactured f<br />

t :!.Ifoa, Talc, :French Chalkl<br />

I ~teatite, :?rlineral White,J<br />

I smca, and Soari!t

IMPORTS.<br />

IMPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

77<br />

1895. · i 1.896. I 1897. I 1898. 1899. 1900. I 1ooi.<br />

£<br />

400,650<br />

1,164!491<br />

834,607<br />

540,008<br />

170,981<br />

574,503<br />

2,232,860<br />

1,917,697<br />

182,100<br />

2,977,952<br />

431,272<br />

549,534<br />

95,003<br />

436,384<br />

2,861,971<br />

49,244<br />

159,480<br />

1,654,073'<br />

296,948<br />

79,191<br />

334,558<br />

1,746,444<br />

149,221<br />

2,631,038<br />

147,890<br />

933,894<br />

375,192<br />

314,009<br />

107,834<br />

281,781<br />

86,463<br />

48,271<br />

J!,<br />

554,06!<br />

1,053,954<br />

201,842<br />

519,711<br />

£,<br />

727,278<br />

1,000,180<br />

161,478<br />

540,657<br />

£,<br />

812,788<br />

1,017,480<br />

195,249<br />

589,711<br />

£<br />

883,349<br />

1,063,636<br />

156,00!<br />

676,076<br />

£<br />

932,169<br />

1,457,822<br />

150,973<br />

775,643<br />

£,<br />

1,120,447<br />

1,289,893<br />

168,143<br />

824,269<br />

ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

~!eat, Unenumerated, Salted<br />

{ or Fresh.<br />

{<br />

--Presi:rved qther than<br />

Salted: .<br />

Beef.<br />

Mutton.<br />

{<br />

Other sorts (ot11er than<br />

Bacon and Uams).<br />

Metals:<br />

(Brass, Bronze and :lfetnl<br />

'\. ~~g~:Cft~fe!~1~ered,<br />

219,204<br />

566,701<br />

2,295,509<br />

209,197<br />

476,626<br />

2,275,780<br />

213,666<br />

658,230<br />

1,955,958<br />

183,986<br />

1,130,528<br />

2,512,572<br />

217,236<br />

1,172,622<br />

3,517,508<br />

240,G58<br />

1,251,940<br />

3,668,663<br />

Copper, Ore of.<br />

--Rer,'ltlus and .Precipitate.<br />

{<br />

8,002,781 8,148,852<br />

--Unwrought, Part<br />

3,727,842 4,577,191 5,606,246 4,918,997<br />

{ Wrought, and old<br />

Copper.<br />

248,610 876,485<br />

--Manufactures of, not<br />

532,480 681,760 1,049,651 707,705<br />

{ otherwise enumerated.<br />

3,778,789<br />

4,034,648 5,374,918 5,639,003 4,550,563 Iron Ore.<br />

441,244 517,686 537,690 620,851 804,879 792,361<br />

Iron, and Steel Uuwrought:<br />

Iron, Pig and Puddled.<br />

570,412 539,669 556,549 5';'7,358 656,014 784,912 -Bar, Angle, Bolt, :md<br />

{ Rod.<br />

157,746 276,181 252,512 434,020 1,218,175 1,106,365 Steel, Unwrought.<br />

Iron and Steel, Wrought or<br />

Manufactured :<br />

467,385 484,504 645,893 681,832 705,995 828,604<br />

Girders, Beams, and<br />

Pillars. • ·<br />

, 527,413 612,644 286,796 194,848 176,355 Cycles and parts<br />

~ thereof.<br />

4,107,533 J2,080,131 2,745,884 3,405,261 3,195,850 8,612,527 Machinery. i.<br />

Rails, 8teel, for Uai!·<br />

I Not distinguished.<br />

313,212 412,829<br />

ways or 'J ram way!.<br />

Other Kinds (.JOt<br />

l2,679,995 8,006,680 3,311,363 3,616,421 3,686,663<br />

.including Sewing<br />

~ Machines).<br />

59,111 68,922 C0,846 90,426 111,944 121,773 Iron, old Lrokcn, old cast<br />

{ and old broken steel.<br />

289,649 200,228 802,507 253,912 219,082 244,!125 Lead, ore of.<br />

1,855,743 2,033,300 2,521,856 2,883,837 3,321,574 2,848,996 Lead, :Pig and Sheet.<br />

363,948 347,155 840,111 585,421 684 404 458,660 Manganese, Ore of.<br />

73,745 87,477 146,841 235,574 227,854 228,152 Platinum, ·wrought or<br />

{ Un wrought.<br />

327,729 390,881 388,176 415,430 297,243 323,278 Quicksilver.<br />

1,296,736 1,429,822 1,145,905 1,032,590 1.030,886 1,061,984 SilYer Ore.<br />

145,183 136,587 157,057 251,652 375,910 523,885 Tiu, ore of.<br />

2,289,688<br />

98,634<br />

1,623,798<br />

116,669<br />

1,389,601<br />

220,141<br />

8,298,182<br />

224,374<br />

4,359,133<br />

235,850<br />

4,215,638<br />

165,198<br />

Tin, in Blocks, Ingots,<br />

{ Bars, or Slabs.<br />

Zinc, ore of.<br />

1,245,013 1,190,370 1,444,202 1,663,381 1,442,032 1,177,071 Zinc, Crude, in Cakes.<br />

419,437 488,$73 478,089 593,930 559,768 490,206 - ~fanufactures.<br />

257,933<br />

131,369<br />

391,819<br />

269,542<br />

295,825<br />

221,409<br />

879,872<br />

264,355<br />

332,701<br />

178,699<br />

332,386<br />

241,100<br />

Uueuumerated, ores.<br />

Metnl, Unemuuerated<br />

{ Umnought.<br />

327,506 314,508 360,482 373,681 685,075 708,569 ,, ,, 1Yrought or<br />

{<br />

.Manufactured.<br />

118,675 151,597 127,297 180,0SS 239,815 156,077 f ,, ,, Old, fit only<br />

l to be Re manufactured.<br />

83,819 140,376 216,076 141,535 :llica, T11lc, Prench Chalk,<br />

{<br />

Steatite, Mineral White, Sili~,<br />

and Soapst-One.<br />

* Includes Machinery and ~lill Work of nll sorts in <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

78<br />

IMPORTS.<br />


ARTICLES-Conti meed.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> ..<br />

1888. 1889. 1890. ~891. 1892. I 1893. 11894.<br />

llilk, ~mlensed<br />

lUneral Waterllouldintr5-Gilt<br />

}<br />

£,<br />

734,676<br />

£,<br />

70-1,849<br />

£,<br />

847,625<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

£<br />

900,170<br />

£<br />

930,288<br />

£, £<br />

1,009,755 1,0i!l,235<br />

Musical Instruments<br />

I llutt-011: Fresh<br />

: Xitrates •<br />

768,591<br />

1,572,729<br />

804,174 1 894,687 l 990,203 , 1,032,391<br />

1,939,475 2,575,396 3,447,776 3,282,001<br />

Sec under Saltpetre and under ~'itrate of Soda.<br />

997,016<br />

3,447,102<br />

923,920 942,989<br />

3,873,863 4,341,227<br />

1<br />

Xuts and Kernels, used for\<br />

: expressing oil therefrom • J<br />

i Oil, Fish •<br />

--Animal<br />

624,34S<br />

373,2i5<br />

246,960<br />

713,061<br />

323,680<br />

225,835<br />

684,635<br />

440,360<br />

235,35.J<br />

603,569<br />

419,401<br />

183,690<br />

827,270 676,653<br />

454,704 415,181<br />

158,480 119,140<br />

849,356 856,871<br />

380,864 413,974<br />

92,094 99,905<br />

--Cast-0r<br />

205,9i7<br />

187,355<br />

214,343<br />

238,987<br />

252,033 234,041<br />

192,701 223,384<br />

1 --Palm·<br />

-- C:ocoa Sut<br />

943,126<br />

248,218<br />

9·J5,896<br />

245,86':<br />

1,091,922<br />

277,602<br />

1,000,535<br />

261,683<br />

1,186,705 1,169,490<br />

264,228 191,380<br />

1,458,642 1,237,072<br />

202,885 360,737<br />

-Olive·<br />

758,34$<br />

672,614<br />

817,495<br />

785,779<br />

733,435 762,516<br />

652,041 894,151<br />

--Seed •<br />

374,120<br />

412,438<br />

461,691<br />

618,400<br />

609,800 655,832<br />

718,837 654,065<br />

--Turpentine<br />

472,016<br />

517,901<br />

662,6Sl<br />

644,SS6<br />

576,207 590,933<br />

492,220 431,382<br />

--Chemkal ; Essential, or}<br />

I'erfumed • • •<br />

215,SS2<br />

194,700<br />

192,340<br />

234,997<br />

229,817 244,572<br />

274,378 286,234<br />

' -<br />

Unenumerated •<br />

136,854<br />

139,327<br />

142,734<br />

175,458<br />

159,037 202,820<br />

193,463 198,203<br />

Oil Seed Cake :<br />

Linseed Cake<br />

Other kinds<br />

i Onions, :Raw<br />

! Painters' Colours and Pigments<br />

'. Paper and Pasteboard:­<br />

, Unprinted • •<br />

Printed or Coated •<br />

Strawboard, :mnboard,}<br />

and Wood Pulp Boards<br />

1<br />

Paper :lfakini"lfaterials:­<br />

Linen and Cotton 'Rags<br />

:Esparto and ot.herVege·}<br />

table Fibres· • •<br />

Pulp of Wood •<br />

Other :lfaterials<br />

I<br />

: l'arafftne and Paraffine Wax •<br />

I Perfumery, and Articles used\<br />

in the manufacture thereof,}<br />

excep~ Perfumed Spirits •<br />

1,555,SSl<br />

616,750<br />

S56,0li<br />

1,187,407<br />

431,049<br />

466,167<br />

962,049<br />

511,367<br />

332,009<br />

451,728<br />

140,206<br />

1,607,263<br />

642,082<br />

901,387<br />

1,372,956<br />

447,179<br />

4il,566<br />

1,270,32-1<br />

681,173<br />

367,200<br />

448,23!<br />

135,354<br />

1,701,106<br />

672,079<br />

1,031,721<br />

1,431,355<br />

475,956<br />

426,322<br />

1,090,200<br />

690,692<br />

306,537<br />

374,887<br />

139,746<br />

1,743,279<br />

724,020<br />

l,034,911<br />

(1,515,571<br />

1,843,285<br />

\. 631,528<br />

733,745 724,0·10<br />

978,624 1,013,480<br />

1,519,206 1,715,553 1,958,415<br />

457,688 453,427 453,586<br />

354,306 317,555 214,065<br />

1,045,722 1,033,938 1,029,901<br />

766,841 851,389 981,025<br />

295,187 258,668 216,314<br />

636,600 805,034 7:19,704<br />

131,159 146,132 133,122<br />

1,469,f\78 1,236,100<br />

470,196 471,258<br />

783,405<br />

991,329<br />

765,040<br />

910,801<br />

1,898,959 2,136,009<br />

448,121 517,161<br />

199,155 192,314<br />

870,431 819,265<br />

1,184,265 1,432,400<br />

231,119 265,118<br />

813,937 633,209<br />

136,168 126,785<br />

Petroleum-<br />

2,103,599<br />

2,565,593<br />

2,588,947<br />

2,397,187 2,685,368<br />

2,446,906<br />

2,5'46,760 2,484,976<br />

Phosphate or Lime and P..ock -<br />

Pictures and Drawings by\<br />

Hand, Prints, "Engravings,!<br />

and Phuti:Y 0'1'3phs - •<br />

Plants, Shrnb;, ~ees,_ and_}<br />

Flower Roots -<br />


IMPORTS.<br />

'i9<br />

IMPORTED -into ths, Trees, nnd<br />

Flower Roots.<br />

177,420 224,239 220,886 301,361 461,587 346,761 302;039 Plumbago.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

80 IMPORTS.<br />

---<br />

!<br />

ARTICLES-Continued. <strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I<br />

I<br />


I I I I I I<br />

1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

£ £, £, J!, £ £, £, £<br />

Pork. 766,397 920,125' 078,922 451,188 598,057 016,427 745,121 772,102<br />

Potnloes . . 974,001 802,034 736,039 714,257 1,100,824 950,332 906,952 1,030,091<br />

Poultry, Game, and Rabbits . 722,235 680,149 814,926 895,967 743,000 886,692 866,600 778,702<br />

Pyrites of Iron or Copper 1,065,.JOS 1,179,255 1,211,791 1,219,488 1,126,247 1,063,506 1,065,407 1,049,311<br />

'Rice - 1,873,551 2,SOS,233 2,689,600 2,548,445 2,798,772 2,788,675 2,139,688 1,979,119<br />

Rosin 248,134 20S,S92 291,567 370,625 399,939 384,050 394,252 331,486<br />

Salt_petre (:Xitrate of Potash) • 259,566 293,824 291,021 282,669 251,021 267,931 213,873 265,56.J<br />

:Xitrate of Soda (Cubic Nitre)· 833,721 9S4,S94 1,102,583 903,632 1,049,818 1,020,192 806,197 1,f66,SOO<br />

Scientific Instruments (other}<br />

than Electrical) • • Xot sepnrately distinguished.<br />

Seeds, Clo>er and Grass • 6S9,7S9 OS0,792 607,853 758,294 552,979 635,135 .702,001 825,155<br />

--Cotton 1,537,806 1,657,432 1,906,220 1,749,215 2,047,747 2,363,375 2,409,942 2,052,085<br />

--Fla.'\'. or Linseed 4,222,493 4,786,426 4,570,203 3,951,557 4,564,669 3,730,3!1 3,475,290 3,941,995<br />

--Rape 449,606 446,472 805,366 416,377 388,446 315,484 343,424 3~9,189<br />

--Of all other sorts • 566,152 086,46.J 712,734 632,963 813,681 717,951 787,314 706,886<br />

Sewing :l!achines 21.{,914 217,20.J 232,600 241,673 208,226 255,255 225,241 213,247<br />

$hells of all kinds 303,682 303,371 387,387 349,691 431,82!> 536,612 535,lG:l. 454,311<br />

Silk, Knubs or .Rusks, and}<br />

""aste • • • • 815,888 987,710 899,474 792,323 823,364 528,822 572,753 566,193<br />

-Raw - . 1,700,511 1,883.272 2,192,548 1,392,460 1,0·iS,806 984,054 1,463,981 938,295<br />

- Thrown and Spun .<br />

414,976 462,80.J 510,734 532,485 501,010 441,314 298,210 352,240<br />

Silk :\Ianufacture.> :-<br />

Broad Stuffs:-<br />

Silk or Satin 3,827,250 4,171,609 5,055,185 4,618,294 4,812,163 5,411,431 5,576,434 6,557,038<br />

\el•et, plain or figured 1,320,918 948,755 718,729 695,952 639,818 480,076 728,343 500,101<br />

Ribbons 2,iOl,322 2,899,920 3,142,299 2,656,659 2,676,420 2,748,887 2,513,516 2,772,369<br />

Other ::\Ianufnctures • . 2,532,866 2,446,253 2,872,926 3,347,978 3,051,187 2,771,869 2,910,113 2,919,524<br />

Total Silk ~:nnu:}<br />

factures 10,382,356 10,466,537 11,789,139 11,318,883 11,179,588 11,412,2631 11,728,406 U,749,032<br />

Skins and Furs :-<br />

Goat, Undressed 547,072 584,622 715,912 892,866 818,932 1,054,400 1,034,434 900,884<br />

Seal - 506,322 578,655 674,467 465,844 693,803 504,819' 670,154 550,594<br />

Sheep and Lamb, Un-}<br />

dressed • • •<br />

959,772 987,092 1,243,792 1,218,102 1,413,645 1,396,662 1,522,244 1,394,827<br />

Tun of all ,.ns ( "'""'' ~ 962,796 751,2i9 1,023,175 899,284 998,963 1,035,418 1,149,207 1,040,464<br />

Seal Skins) • -<br />

lfanutactures of, in· 584,745 591,985 620,542 572,825 652,665 678,927 614,630 645,456<br />

eluding Rugs •<br />

Soap and Soap Powder . Not separately dlstingu!shed.<br />

Spices:-<br />

Fepper -<br />

1,021,583 917,soo I 856,492 I 724,968 682,442 472,142 430,636 r 332,867<br />

Of all other sorts . 594,603 640,135 567,799 557,900 333,401 424,051 537,885 501,839<br />

Spirits, :Rum 505,982 339,123 340,026 552,997 659,791 592,196 427,160 424,344<br />

---Brandy - . 1,317,224 1,220,459 1,316,137 1,401,949 1,419,028 1,346,763 1,211,096 1,437,312<br />

-Other Yorei~ and}<br />

Colonial Sp ·ts 410,704 407,325 398,655 S00,389 377,922 372,216 383,585 401,310<br />

Total of Spirits 2,233,910 1,966,90712,0S.i,848 2,345,335 2,456,741 2,311,175 2,021,841 2,262,966<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

!Ml;> ORTS. 81<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I ARTICLF.S-001itinucd.<br />

£, £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

034,775 079,207 1,018,821 1,485,158 1,703,870 1,796,742 2i039,801 Pork.<br />

1,169,922 907,975 1,200,328 1,913,912 1,577,726 2,234,569 1,851,587 Potatoes.<br />

920754 1,107,092 1,274,210 1,210,095 1,423,949 1,740,801 1,629,583 Poultry, Game, and l,·i98<br />

Seal.<br />

{Sheep and Lamb, Un-<br />

1,4135,282 1,225,615 1,30S,5(l3 1,404,632 1,506,997 l,5t19,576 1,472,672 dressed.<br />

I<br />

1,384,155 1,263,151 1,120,83!) 1,119,937 1,281,507 1,666,251 1,536,798 f'"" Seal of Skins). all '"" {oroopt<br />

)fanufactures of, in·<br />

740,518 774,726 777,230 731,028 671,660 1,002,986 1,076,572 eluding Rugs.<br />

• 18i,396 217,560 286.620 244,856 315,026<br />

Sonp and Soap Powder.<br />

Spices:-<br />

299,4681<br />

301,942 443,755 605,766 614,838 611,900 448,837 Pepper.<br />

551,171 448,585 442,420 417,00& 462,852 380311 2S6,073 Of all other sorts.<br />

371,024 ! 345,887 328,530 347,20.'> 371,851 485,998 509,950 Spirits, Rum.<br />

l,195,06ll I 1,261,800 1,375,364 1,140,33-1 1,140,277 1,205,807 1,3SS,634 ---:Brandy.<br />

396,317 432,·183 468,229 470,438 517,663 502,220 536,SSO<br />

I<br />

{--Other Foreign and<br />

Colonial Spirits.<br />

1,962,407 2,040,1751 2,172,123 l,006,9i7<br />

I 2,0:?D,791 2,194,025 2,434,970 Total of Spirits.<br />

I<br />

64:75. F<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

82 IMPORTS.<br />


-~RTICI."ES-Co11tinued.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

£ £<br />

I<br />

£ £, £ £ £ £,<br />

Sii-onge 273,838 235,392 263,311 244,198 201,631 218,155 308,372 183,595<br />

St-0ne, l!arble, and Slate,<br />

Rough, Hewn, or )fanufac·<br />

tured (except Works of<br />

Art):-<br />

Slates . .<br />

}<br />

549,419 577,691 625,458 664,118 614,909 703,345 733,614 724,446{<br />

Other· . .<br />

Straw - 188,196 163,S2'l 44,493 48,676 47,931 174,396 73,016 151,132<br />

Straw Plaiting for making}<br />

Hats or Bonnets - - 732,732 566,795 659,855 659,892 622,097 586,325 OOS,674 910,337<br />

Sugar:-<br />

:Refined and Sugar Candy:-<br />

Lumps or Loa\·es l,.J73,742 1,575,512 2,037,314 1,774,639 1,817,915 1,971,479 2,230,107 2,300,350<br />

Other sorts- 3,005,419 4,452,100 6,802,018 6,365,871 7,534,982 7,090,469' 8,372,987 8,524,003<br />

Unrefined:-<br />

Beetroot 5,378,857 4,099,470 5,894,811 6,126,459 5,787,536 5,578,624 6,157,895 4,339,730<br />

Cane and other sorts 5,575,655 8,010,198 7,719,703 3,808,638 4,715,044 5,128,285 5,301,449 4,007,981<br />

~olasses 101,778 109,375 143,662 184,416 174,960 180,610 176,332 226,568<br />

Glucose . 336,523 324,292 483,321 446,147 457,594 566,433 694,502 542,195<br />

Tallow and Stearine 1,073,611 1,432,596 1,645,801 1,725,255 1,772,268 1,747,968 2,161,407 2,344,773<br />

Tea - - 9,782,998 10,196,392 9,987,967 9,919,666 ,~,,, .... I<br />

10,047,354 10,124,810 9,761,652<br />

Tcbacco, l!anufactured,}<br />

Cigars and Snuff - 1,221,751 1,312,831 1,721,775 1,415,758 1,284,714 1,375,793 1,009,640 945,066<br />

---Unmanufactured 2,177,770 1,464,557 2,168,709 2,092,665 2,139,257 2,162,651 2,539,542 2,527,190<br />

Tobacco Pipes - . - lfot separately distinguished.<br />

Toys - - . - 669,600 7~,670 714,828 748,113 791,980 807,103 884,235 964,465<br />

Raw, Unenumer.lted<br />

J<br />

600,293 621,775 621,760 773,590 932,917 l,Ol6,280 1,076,749 1,090,370<br />

WatcheS'° - - 750,750 585,587 691,006 674,654 643,887 742,382 742,701 863,580<br />

Wax (including Ozokerit and}<br />

:Earth '\fox) - - -<br />

Vegetables:-<br />

Tomatoes<br />

Wine:-<br />

119,927 85,603 108,857 112,573 121,184 123,505 123,330 16?,762<br />

js.v~.2M<br />

In Casks - - - -<br />

3,296,803 3,304,299 3,669,144 2,772,912 2,708,335<br />

., Bottle3, Still - - f "'"~°'°<br />

436,432 415,046 456,033 418,302 388,051 417,311<br />

,. Bottles, Sparkling :- 5,385,032<br />

l<br />

Champagne- - 2,014,325 2,044,0-24 1,757,4C4 1,986,508 1,742,369<br />

1 l,901,951<br />

Other- - - - 155,010 160,693 180,345 174,709 154,731 150,093<br />

Wood and Timber :-<br />

Hewn:-<br />

l'ir . 2,301,534 2,812,0S.'i 3,717,382 3,276,361 3,004,359 3,300,487 2,649,914 2,845,690<br />

Oak - 543,834 604,409 831,486 809,893 722,889 851,184 829,8'19 667,383<br />

Teak - - 237,091 432,938 798,659 n80,162 513,052 422,228 353,143 465,709<br />

Unenumerated - - - 1G7,625 209,178 289,237 238,158 260,367 311,951 215,837 208,981<br />

Sawn or Split:-<br />

:Fi:: - 7,492,836 9,237,070 12,56-1,230 10,614,783 9,009,011 10,756,857 9,858,983 11,537,617<br />

'Cnennmerated . - 400,934 430,3-iO 579,651 478,396 375,905 415,063 406,959 361,916<br />

• Watt;hes, including also parts thereof, in each yenr previous to 1899. For Clocks seep. 70-1.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTED into the UNITED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

IMPORTS. 83<br />

1895. 1896. 189i. 1898. 1899. 1900. !!);~~-/-ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

£<br />

158,837'<br />

71,689<br />

680,977<br />

W,652<br />

749,421<br />

~~~-~~~--;:--~~~-:-~~~~~-~~~-;.~~~~<br />

£<br />

183,173<br />

188,356<br />

828,227<br />

171,169<br />

911,629<br />

£<br />

227,246<br />

307,732<br />

918,469<br />

211,124<br />

874,857.<br />

£<br />

181,754<br />

329,201<br />

1,035,900<br />

162,367<br />

767,307<br />

£<br />

215,493<br />

338,144<br />

1,105,253<br />

145,112<br />

724,239<br />

£<br />

246,107<br />

246,435<br />

1,132,851<br />

127,582<br />

643,337<br />

£<br />

250,863<br />

272,!'l76<br />

1,362,372<br />

99,SOS<br />

563,770<br />

Slat~s.<br />

Other.<br />

Straw<br />

Straw Plaiting for making<br />

{ Hats or Bonnet&.<br />

1,881,125<br />

7,528,413<br />

4,309,003<br />

S,004,9i2<br />

212,696<br />

605,i80<br />

2,5i5,0il<br />

1,950,514<br />

8,084,753<br />

4,168,484<br />

4,165,8i7<br />

169,283<br />

622,762<br />

2,178,652<br />

1,6S!,005<br />

8,043,368<br />

3,877,534<br />

2,345,437<br />

246,242<br />

581,200<br />

1,869,929<br />

1,685,967<br />

S,482,915<br />

4,431,196<br />

2,621,923<br />

346,917<br />

731,727<br />

2,066,433<br />

1,772,132<br />

9,417,738<br />

4,672,311<br />

2,197,452<br />

389,231<br />

714,638<br />

2,380,033<br />

1,985,437<br />

10,353,564<br />

5,120,821<br />

1,700,U17<br />

348,130<br />

745,578<br />

2,835,217<br />

2,111,228<br />

10,837,600<br />

4,533,008<br />

1,845,016<br />

365,329<br />

651,950<br />

2,333,246<br />

Sponge.<br />

Stones, Marble, and Slate,<br />

Rough, Hewn, or Manufactured<br />

(except Worka of<br />

Art):-<br />

Sugar:-<br />

Reflned and Sugar Candy :­<br />

Lumps or Loaves.<br />

other Sorts.<br />

Unreflned:­<br />

Beetroot.<br />

Cane and other Sorts.<br />

:llolasses.<br />

Glucose.<br />

'1'11llow and Stearine.<br />

111,242,999 10,562,773 10,405,084 10,335,643 10,620,007 10,686,910 9,4-10,374 Tea.<br />

1,256,313 1,941,082 1,720,639 1,448,489 1,947,707 1,864,858<br />

Tobacco, :lfanufactu.red, •<br />

2,0Sl,ii {<br />

2,097,603 2,410,949<br />

•<br />

3 7 Cigars and Snuff.<br />

2,345,942 2,438,521 3,562,853 2,934,659 2,664,351 ----Unmanufactured.<br />

997,647<br />

1,2i7,266<br />

828,143<br />

l!H,04i<br />

3,0i3,819<br />

434.990<br />

1,7i0,803<br />

i5!l,476<br />

2,i26,302<br />

1,051,741<br />

1,284,i53<br />

987,0iO<br />

194,630<br />

2,995,303<br />

536,801<br />

2,249,693<br />

164,499<br />

3,0:W,595<br />

16i,387 140,081<br />

1,00S,953 1,100,476<br />

1,456,iOl<br />

1,6SO,i86<br />

1,241,286 1,326,469<br />

165,285 183,25i<br />

3,104,742 3,343,663<br />

563,028 . 493,066'<br />

2,591,418 2,54S,i'49<br />

174,i46 190,213<br />

3,584,949 2,9i8,329<br />

156,190<br />

1,185,201<br />

1,744,558<br />

187,722<br />

8,110,098<br />

380,770<br />

1,945,005<br />

194,{i33<br />

3,·101,023<br />

630,i99 862,011 1,020.771 917,589 959,949<br />

574,SS2 705,224 867,083 693,629 654,304<br />

249,453 295,544 307,836 2il,O!l2 304,099<br />

10,305,483 12,926,526 16,115,306 14,572,561 15,602,63i<br />

390,433 454,054 524,625 483,479 600,914<br />

276,892<br />

1,187,773<br />

( 792,339<br />

l 766,394<br />

1,339,949<br />

202,254<br />

2,841,985<br />

265,348<br />

1,925,116<br />

160,460<br />

4,299,518<br />

1,(llS,829<br />

{<br />

302,838 Tobacco Pipes.<br />

1,232,725<br />

733;471<br />

389,829<br />

1,519,856<br />

158,'i4S<br />

2,7i0,277<br />

271,820<br />

1,731,418<br />

148,820<br />

l,581,2i0<br />

2,053,026<br />

9S6,5i·1<br />

786,066 554,76i<br />

358,312 2i-1,415<br />

17,856,360 15,615,524<br />

829,999 i03,400<br />

Toys.<br />

Vegetables:­<br />

Tumatoes.<br />

Raw, Unenumerated.<br />

Watches.*<br />

Wax (including Ozokerit and<br />

{ Earth Wax)<br />

\Vine:-<br />

In Ca:iks .•<br />

,, Bottles, Still<br />

,, Bottles, Sparkling:­<br />

Champagne.<br />

other.<br />

Wood and Timber:­<br />

IIewn :-<br />

Fir other than Pit Wood<br />

or Pili Props.<br />

Pit Woo1l or Pit Props.<br />

Oak.<br />

Teak.<br />

Unenumerated.<br />

Sawn or Split:­<br />

Fir.<br />

Unenumernted.<br />

~ Watches, including also parts thereof, In each year preYious to 1899. For Clocks see p. io.1.<br />

6475. F2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

84 IMPORTS'.<br />


ARTICLES-Continued.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I issa. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

I<br />

£, £, £, £, £, £, £, £,<br />

StaYes 564,965 589,677 691,09S 669,243 589,362 593,539 512,866 541,797<br />

Furniture Woods and<br />

Hard woods:-<br />

l!ahognny 806,606 376,987 854,501 360,965 449,433 501,213 559,670 521,859<br />

Unenumernted .J.11,578 483,622 ·60S,112 633,801 671,532 643,309 703,146 604,262<br />

I Honse Frames, Fittings,}<br />

Joiners' and Cabinet 488,43-! 511,952 591,753 016,479 653,845 675,l8S 660,315 668,325<br />

Work • • • •<br />

I Woodware, Turne~·. &c••<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

! Wool:- . Sheep or Lambs' 24,238,759 25,849,918 l 28,361,870 26,930,76! I 27,856,5461 26,839,319 24,438,898 ! 24,791,160<br />

Other kinds, and Flocks,}<br />

includill!? Alpaca. Vi- 406,070 334,372 385,706 378,544 334,938 l 824,481 861,2101 844,177<br />

I cuna, and L~;.rua •<br />

I Woollen Rags • 664,122 658,29..9 669,438 716,879 769,784 501,807 661,416 635,367<br />

I Yarn for Wea,ing . 1,905,566 1,866,534 2,204,156 1,715,494 1,633,901 I 1,688,790 1,503,931 1,511,924<br />

For other purposes, In"}<br />

1 Woollen and Worsted Yarn:-<br />

eluding Berlin Wool and 216,807 235,689 239,640· 237,101 247,312 238,466 233,753 229,082<br />

l Zephyr Yarn • •<br />

i Woollen :Manufactures :-<br />

Cloths • • • • 341,851 892,242 389,067 366,427 894,360 3i0,486 468,8891 466,834<br />

I<br />

l Stuffs . 4,870,883 5,662,500 6,699,777 6,072,7441 6,165,986 6,016,032 6,291,505 5,66.'i,282<br />

I ca.pe.; and Rug><br />

}<br />

~.695,224<br />

I<br />

Cnenumerated.<br />

2,498,993 2,74S,C06 2,882,759 3,108,833 3,453,006 3,0SS,6761 S,595,940<br />

' Yeast, Dried<br />

I<br />

77,,028 734,623 723,320 671,049 680,571 611,141 675,905 546,904<br />

I All Other Articles :-<br />

:Uanufactured 6,136,760 6,459,175 7,549,581 7,603,814 7,762,055 7,725,536 7,976,!>92 8,495,710<br />

! Unmanufactured 1,762,153 2,050,334 2,0S0,514 2,160,3161 2,269,603 2,018,3ll3 2,092,389 l,W3,502<br />

t ,---<br />

TOT.\L • • ~61,951,050 387,266,967 427,262,983 420,188,767 484,869,195 ,23,258,639 401,069,060 407,535,918<br />

I Parcel Post (Goods not liable'\. 276,514 368,776 374,612 503,280 572,069 535,2·'3 619,118 808,892<br />

t-0 Duty)* • • • • J<br />

l<br />

TuT..\.L<br />

l:YPORTS . • 362,227,5C'41387,635,743 l 427,637,595 420,691,W7 , 435,441,264 423,793,882 , 40~ 688,178 408,844,810<br />

l<br />

I<br />

•The value of dutiable articles imported through the Parcel Post Is Included In the<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

Ljl<br />

'.<br />

btPORTED iiito the °NNITED KINDGOM-Ccmtinued .<br />

. , .<br />

1895.<br />

I B96. I' 189:.J 1898.<br />

IMPORTS ... · ,g5<br />

I 1899. I 1900 •. r <strong>1901</strong>. I AR'l'ICLES-Continued.<br />

£ J!, £,<br />

I<br />

J!, J!, £ J!,<br />

594,615 656,246 569,572 646,075 659,312 i21850 730,521 Staves.<br />

270,712 477,265 658,188 691,220 693,940 827,520 641,301<br />

Furniture Woods and<br />

Hardwood&:-<br />

Mahogany.<br />

629,50~ 000,316 972,237 860,750 1,349,376 1,177,459 1,421,557 Unenumerated.<br />

762,838 974,802 l,~46,240 1,338,822 1,445,425 1,195,314 1,153,759<br />

{House Frame~ Fittings,<br />

Joiners' an Ca\?lnet<br />

Work.<br />

941,040 841,042 742,442 1,109,410 11129,554 Woodware, Tumery, &?·<br />

Wool:-<br />

26,025,960 24,958,346 24,436,871 28,586,001 23,714,771 21,836,291 21,504,577 Sheep or Lambs'.<br />

358,554<br />

{Other kinds and Flocks,<br />

383,934 351,803 327,880 425,752 432,350 402,018 Including Alpnca, Vi·<br />

cuna, nud Llama.<br />

730,743 691,269 638,6SS 580,278 611,616 577,803 568,708 Woollen Rags.<br />

l,826,4lj2 1,820,657 1,569,753 1,798,893 2,0lQ,694 2,046,745 2,105,350<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn:-<br />

Yam for Wenving.<br />

219,321 224,419 202,349 183,727 188,783 121,971 98,722<br />

{For other purposes, In·<br />

eluding .Herllu Wool<br />

and Zephyr Yarn.<br />

\Voollen :Manufactures:-<br />

701,651 953,618 81i9,497 974,052 828,077 621,863 697,478 Cloths.<br />

6,473,945 5,842,172 5,964,320. 5,111,544 4,948,870 4,312,716 4,876,353 Stuffs.<br />

3,804,590 S,861,820 4,076,052<br />

{ 453,g33 513,047 572,001 458,670 {Carpets and Rugs<br />

3,28(1,252 3,576,669 S,682,958 3,545,179 Unenumemted.<br />

491,351 427,172 386,078 308,708 343,608 340,676 277,900 Yeast, Dried.<br />

8,631,265 9,286,590 2,881,144 3,045,958, 3,637,776<br />

All Other Articles:--<br />

3,306,001 3,430,301 l!anufactured,<br />

2,088,616 i,963,067 l,4!)4,917 1,719,603 1,632,396 1,89..S,157 2,297,735 Unmanufitcturcd.<br />

415,711,467 440,796,547 450,024,010 469,231,096 483 1 896,0SS 521,955,537 520,727,736 TOTAL.<br />

978,191 1,012,357 l,(!04,950 1,313,606 1,130,500 1,l-19,626 1,262,462 {'Parcel Post (Goods not linbJe<br />

to Duty).*<br />

·-----<br />

416,689,658 441,808,004 451,028,060 470,544,702 48li,OS5,583 52.'~,075,163 521,990,ll/8 TOTAL ll!PORTS.<br />

I<br />

value of sueh dutiable articles, an




I <strong>1887</strong>. i 1s8s. j _1_s __ s9_. ~' -1_s_oo_.____ 1_s9_1_. --'1!--1-s92_ ..._·...;,-_1_s9_a_._,<br />

lxPORHD ARTICLlo:S :­<br />

Bacon and ..Hams* • Cwts. 3,738,885 s,427,733<br />

Beef, Salted and Fresh* •<br />

834,529 1,006,154<br />

Beef (from imported live oxen}<br />

and bulls)*t • • • •<br />

.Butter*· • •<br />

Margarine" • • •<br />

Cheese"<br />

Ch!CO.'.',Y<br />

Cocoa, Raw •<br />

Lbs.<br />

Coco& or Chocolate, ground,}<br />

prep:ired, or in any ""!lY<br />

manufactured • •<br />

Colfee • • • • •<br />

•<br />

Czcts.<br />

Com :-Wheat* • • •<br />

---Maize* •<br />

---Wheat lfeal ai.:J :Flour*<br />

1,408,763<br />

1,445,168<br />

1,251,109<br />

1,785,850<br />

1,856,685<br />

1,606,911<br />

1,119,405<br />

1,858,740<br />

4,206,853<br />

1,551,270<br />

2,993,409<br />

1,857,867<br />

1,210,525<br />

1,847,601<br />

4,533,269<br />

2,020,635.<br />

8,700,260<br />

1,952,009<br />

1,058,658<br />

2,084,373<br />

4,422,736<br />

2,088,016<br />

3,0·H,077<br />

2,071,118<br />

1,225,475<br />

1,976,019<br />

4,798,566<br />

2,280,299<br />

3,450,876·<br />

? 1 120.fi81<br />

1,294,661<br />

2,172,621<br />

106,284 100,391 97,194 95,499 93,142 91,267<br />

16,109,473 18,215,019 18,461,194 20,!25,849 21,595,055 20,795,271<br />

1,833,981 1,558,134 1,892,684 2,141,786 2,241,998 ~226,690<br />

4,027,191<br />

1,949,278 I<br />

2,352,409 !<br />

2,261,550 i<br />

1,285,504 '<br />

2,014,367<br />

86,176 f<br />

20,862,105 I<br />

I<br />

2,806,440 •<br />

261,749 272,782 252,947 250,281 255,678 252,000 287,486 '<br />

55,183,470 56,869,438 58,203,159 60,148,895 65,820 469 64,099,256 64,807,614 ;<br />

31,093,737 25,318,664 85,859,752 42,962,883 26,583,847 35,154,214 32,829,261<br />

17,891,769 16,719,860 14,499,848 15,617,818 16,589,807 21,896,724 20,190,027 !<br />

Eggs• -· • • • • ThOU$ands l,OSS,7SS 1,128,368 1,129,109 1,283,730 1,273,017 1,334,898 1,822,102 l<br />

Fruit:­<br />

Currants, Dried -.<br />

:Rais~ns • • • •<br />

l!eat, Presen·ed, _othe_rwise_}<br />

than by salting"<br />

l!utton, Fresh,. •<br />

Pork, Salted and Fresh*<br />

Cwts. 923,495<br />

513,054<br />

449,407<br />

769,890-<br />

1,017,219<br />

438,938<br />

506,815<br />

987,834<br />

899,985<br />

465,142<br />

601,634<br />

1,224,939<br />

1,113,793<br />

458,0U<br />

008,768<br />

1,650,778<br />

1,138,461<br />

489,035<br />

711,938<br />

1,657,987<br />

1,011,118<br />

547,463<br />

718,225<br />

l,698,071<br />

l<br />

1,212,3851<br />

510,858 I<br />

582,156 '<br />

1,970,788 i<br />

.. I 411,492 472,535 863,479 263,982 811,807 332,674 355,149 !<br />

Potatoes* • • ,, ! 2,714,594 2,333,593 1,845,442 1,917,729 3,152,916 2,962,804 2,795,418<br />

:Rice* • • ,, I 2,546,866 3,270,856 8,505,554 3,187,982 2,986,585 8,031,571 2,930,130 !<br />

Sagar, Raw! 11 117,528,381 16,726,975. 16,813,776 15,057,805 15,938,876 16,068,532 15,679,088 I<br />

--:Refilled! • • ,, l 6,704,832 6,684,414 8,809,669 9,444,789 11,115,151 10,419,955 11,385,5441<br />

Tea • • - Lbs. 183,561,835 ·185,416,288 185,578,298 193,949,452 202,396,631 207,055,679 208,036,017<br />

T°a~~n~nuf_:ictu~ed, ~igar~} ,, l 1,924,0621 2,136,191 2,330,656 2,299,292 2,828,558 2,522,200 2,490,417<br />

---Unmanufactured - • ,, ! 51,310,245152,302,572 53,679,550 55,837,672 58,595,920 00,042,680 59,986,608<br />

Wille • • • • Gal/$. j 18,593,099 .. 18,417,272 14,074,188 14,924,175 14,774,698 14,538,048 14,085,101<br />

Spirits, Potable :- Proof I I I I<br />

.Rum - • - Galle. 3,001,227 , 8,861,772 4,059,924 4,536,666 4,467,465 4,268,438 3,764,349<br />

1<br />

Brandy • • ,, 2,541,5271 2,439,780 2,500,973 2,640,164 2,679,449 2,668,499 2,588,107<br />

Other Foreign and Colonial} I<br />

Spirits (Potable) • • 11 1,658,2(;9 1,873,040 2,0:i6,948 1,787,376 1,252,409 1,175,077 1,481,030<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Total of Imported Spirits} ! I<br />

, (Potable) • • • • ,, . 8,131,023 ! S,174,592 8,007,845 8,964,206 8,399,328 8,112,014 7,833,486<br />

I ~XCIS.lllLE ARTICLJ::! :- I I<br />

: Spirits, Potable (British) • ,, · 25,969,7iG<br />

1<br />

25,963,593 2i,183,351 29,410,481 30,744,258 31,355,315 29,857,987<br />

Taal SpiriU, Potable (1111·_} !'<br />


87<br />


I 1895. I 18Q6. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />


1894.<br />

•<br />

.<br />

I<br />


4,602,952 5,111,248 5,601,347 6,383,844 7,139,938 7,301,436 7,16!,872 7,370,644 Cwts. Bacon and Hams.*<br />

2,283,814 2,847,585 2,857,057 3,139,850 3,249,020 .. ;:-~0,228· 4,287,84$ 4,669,449 ,, Beef, Salted and Fresh.*<br />

3,319,085 2,815,SRS 3,803,688 4,161,825 3,700,458 8,3~d,483. S,371,461 3,474,3$3 ,, {Beef (Crom imported live<br />

o:cen and bull&). *t<br />

2,516,445 2,768,132 2,979,350 3,146,9i4 3,145,662 3,339,398 3,326,930 3,652,934 ,, Butter.*<br />

1,098,709 930,713 914,450 922,188 S90,592 940,036 909,086 946,303<br />

Margarine.*<br />

2,210,212 2,072,466 2,191,892 2,550,361 2,282,758<br />

"<br />

2,827,679 2,649,988 2,531,768 ,, Cheese.*<br />

88,155 86,755 B;i,429 81,975 80",018 78,385 83,231 82,444 ,, Chicory.<br />

22,426,608 24,481,876 24,520,160 27,850,649 32,077,374 33,98-!,364 37,807,733 42,320,724 Lbs. Cocoa, Raw.<br />

I<br />

{Cocoa or Chocolate, ground<br />

2,443,141 2,564,172 3,270,183 8,079,076 6,373,933 6,388,608 6,762,007 7,,6Gl,630 ,, prepared, or in any way<br />

manufacture•].--<br />

237,278 244,531 243,561 243,724 246,640 259,949 200,425 283,606 Owes. Coffee.<br />

69,i74,658 81,463,205 69,751,488 62,644,873 64,785,083 65,910,G71 68,422,2G9 69,405,580 ,, Corn :-Wheat.*<br />

35,245,311 38,882,93·1 51,159,565 53,047,243 56,13·1,045 61,980,163 53,620,620 51,0H,583 ,, --~laize.*<br />

18,944,800 18,127,104 20,911,183 18,472,706 20,612,000 22,479,520 21,147,079 22,250,404 {-Wheat )!e~I and<br />

,,<br />

.Flour...<br />

1,422,595 1,524,712 1,588,467 1,681,982 1,72!l,790 1,937,oor 2,023,996 2,0!6,304 TMusands Eggs.*<br />

FJ:uit:-<br />

1,075,150 1,100,874 1,136,322 1,084;641 1,168,373 1,133,282 796,726 962,29-1 Owts. Currants, Dried.<br />

623,187 634,995 607,273 622,273. 567,159 616,110 563,125 553,505 ,, Raisins.<br />

516,558 797,403 645,276 611,79;1 506,532 589,502 701,883 705,751 ,, {Meat, Preserved, otherwise<br />

than by salting.*'<br />

2,293,022 2,607,665 2,890,898 3,188,liO 3,308,777 8,442,196 3,388,244 3,003,964 ,, Mutton, b'rcsh. *<br />

388,059 489,519 529,388 562,066 795,662 924,997 927,251 1,025,083 ,, Pork, Salted and Fresh.•<br />

2,659,833 3,746,572 2,204,577 8,884,609 6,707,228 5,084,919 8,812,346 6,874,721 ,, Potatoes."<br />

2,515,859 2,793,819 2,288,381 3,065,719 2,710,834 3,181!,533 3,726,801 4,240,073<br />

13,912,486 16,780,564 15,'118,948 13,149,6U 14,314,112 12,900,457 12,958,788 11,938,137<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Rice.•<br />

Sugar, Itaw.t<br />

13,813,492 14,003,194 14,634,792 15,614,347 16,250,495 17,626,203 19,074,721 21,075,134 ,, --Refined.:<br />

214,259,315 221,731,4!l0 227,722,561 2:n,32S,156 235,353,767 242,506,079 249,751,032 255,824,617 Lbs. Tea.<br />

2,750,357 2,911,197 3,440,538 3,354,485 3,422,543 3,(161,403 3,269,601<br />

{Tobacco, lfannlactured,<br />

3,~11,867 ,,<br />

Cigars aud Snuff.<br />

61,712,187 62,300,282 64,675,183 66,479,217 70,108,751 73,032,064 76,815,322 74,97,075 33,741,579 35,770,251 87,12.'i,241 36,372,300 S~zlf. {Spirits, Potable (Rritlsh).<br />

37,505,792 39,042,834 40,07(\189<br />

"~···"' I<br />

4'>,SS9,051 45,.10,35 1 " portei.l a:nd Excisab e).<br />

31,745,419 32,225,743 33,86·1,900 34,755,905 35,624,166 36,841,077 86,0iG,841 l 35,50S,8G4 f Barrels. Boer (British)§<br />

41,707,723, 4',415,HS<br />

- I 9 ~ {Total Spiriu, Potable vm-<br />

-- are ascertained by deducting the quantities Over·Enterccl, and those Exported subeequently to the payment of the<br />

llomc Consumption in the first instance.<br />

llome Consumption. No allowance has been made for any quantity that may have been re·e:tported after being worked up, or<br />

manufactured.<br />

~ Cnlculntccl at a stand11.r1l i:rravity of 1055°.<br />

and Bulls, when slaughtered, produced the quantity oC ml'nt, 1icr head, shown belo\T :-<br />

Sp:~~· I Den:rk.<br />

J _ Hol:d. I No::Y· '~~1~:~W;,<br />

Other Countries.<br />

560<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



UNITED<br />


I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />

- I<br />


:C.'\COn and Hams• . . Lbs. 11"44 10'41 12'67 13'55 13'10 14'09 11·11<br />

!<br />

I<br />

;<br />

Beef, Salt~ and Fresh*<br />

Beef~rom imported live o:cen}<br />

an bulls)*t • • • "<br />

Butter•.<br />

l{&rgarine* . .<br />

Cheese*· .<br />

Coco&, :Raw . .<br />

Coco& or Chocolate, ground,}<br />

prepared, or in any way<br />

mannfactured • • • "<br />

Coffee . .<br />

Corn: Wheat« . .<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

2·55 3·00 4'67 6'04 6'19 6'69 5'67<br />

4·31 5'64 9'02 11'06 !)•02 10·13 6'84<br />

4'42 4'88 5'60 5'83 6'14 6'22 6•58<br />

3·ss 3·40 3'65 3'16 3'63 3·so 3•74<br />

5•47 5•64 5•57 6'23 5'85 6'38 5'86<br />

0·44 0•49 0·50 0'54 0•57 0·55 0·54<br />

0·04 0·04 0·05 o·oo o·oo o·oo o·oo<br />

o·so o·ss 0'76 0·75 0'76 0·74 0'69<br />

168•87 172•70 175'83 179•70 194'99 188'16 188•43<br />

-Yai.te* . . .. 95'15 76•89 1os·o3 128•37 78•75 103•20 95'45<br />

-- Wheat :Meal and Flour* ,. 54·75 50•77 43'68 46•66 49'00 64'28 58'70<br />

Cnrrants and Raisins<br />

"<br />

4'40 4'42 4'11 4•70 4'82 4'58 5·01<br />

Eggs* . . - .Yo. 29•75 30'46 30'37 32'91 83'67 34·99 34•32<br />

Meat, Preserved, otherwise} Lbs<br />

than by salting* • • •<br />

lfotton, Fresh .,.<br />

"<br />

1'38 1·54 1·81 2·00 2·11 ~·09 1·55<br />

2'36 3·00 3'69 4•93 4'91 4·99 5•73<br />

F.?rk, Salted and Fresh* - .. 1'26 1'44 1·10 0·79 0·92 0·9s 1·03<br />

Potatoes* -<br />

"<br />

Rice*<br />

"<br />

8'31 7·09 5'56 5•73 9·34 8•70 8•13<br />

7'79 9·93 10·74 9•38 8'85 8·9o 8•52<br />

Sugar, Raw -I ! .. 53'64 5o·so 50'65 44•99 47·22 47'17 45'59<br />

t<br />

l<br />

I<br />

;<br />

!<br />

I !<br />

"<br />

:Refined-;f • - .. 20'52 20•30 26'54 28•22 82'93 30'59 33'10<br />

Tea . .. 5·02 5·03 4'99 5'17 5·35 5•43 5'40<br />

Tobacco· -<br />

"<br />

1'45 1'48 1'51 1·55 1'61 1'64 1'62<br />

Wine - - Gall. 0·37 0•36 0·3s 0'40 0·39 o·ss 0•37<br />

-<br />

Spi:!ts, Potable (Foreign) Proof Gall. 0·22<br />

I 0·22 I 0·23 0·24 0·22 0·21 0·20<br />

I<br />

El:CJSABL'f; .!ETICLES:-<br />

S!Jkits, Potable (British) .. o·n<br />

I 0·70 0·73 0•78 0·81 o·s2 0•78<br />

I<br />

l<br />

I Total SpiriJ~. Potabu (lm-1 j I<br />

ported and E:uUaUe) • • J " !<br />

0·93 ! o·93 o·oo<br />

I<br />

1·02 1·04 1·03 0·9s<br />

I I<br />

!<br />

!<br />

l l<br />

'Beer (British) ; • • • Gall8. l 27•27 27•21 I 28•88 30•00 ao·1s<br />

l I 20·73 29•1i3<br />

!<br />

I<br />

lt These ~.\.rticles being free of Duty, the Imports, less the Re·exports,<br />

t Based on the estimated produce of meat from live cattle<br />

: T11c Amount or P..aw Sugar cori~umed per hencl of the populntion l~ inclusive of the<br />

~ Calculnted at a standard gravity of 1055•,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


for HOl\IE CONSUMPTION per H~ of the TOTAL POPUµATION of the<br />

KINGDOM.<br />

1894.<br />

I 1895. I 1896. I 189i. I 1898. \ 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />

- ' - ---<br />


13•25 14'58 15•82 17'86 19•79 20·04 19'49 19•87<br />


Lbs. Bacon and Hams.*<br />

6°58 6•70 s·o7 8•79 ·9·00 10·79 11'67 12·59<br />

9•56 8·03 10'75 11'64 10'50 9·13 11·17 9'37<br />

7•25 7'90 8'42 8•81 8•72 9•17 9'05 9•85<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

Beef, Salted and Fresh.*<br />

{Beef (from· imported live oxen<br />

and bulla).*t<br />

Butt~r.*<br />

8°16 2'65 2•58 2'58 2'47 2•58 2·47 2•55<br />

I<br />

6°36 5'91 6•19 7'14 6°88 6•89 7'21 6°82<br />

II llargarlne. *<br />

II<br />

Cheese.*<br />

o·58 0•62 0•62 0'70 o·79 o·ss 0'92 1·02<br />

o·oo 0'07 o·os 0·20 0'16 0·18 0•16 0·18<br />

0'68 0'70 o·oo 0'68 0'68 0•71 0"11 0'76<br />

200·00 232'86 197•00 175•()() 179•53 180°94 186°16 187'10<br />

101•48 96'65 144•58 148•42 155•56 170•15 145°89 187•60<br />

54·55 51'71 59•08 51•69 57·12 61'71 57•54 59•98<br />

4•89 4'95 4·93 4•78 4•81 4•80 8•70 4'09<br />

II<br />

H<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

Cocoa, Raw.<br />

{Cocoa or Chocolate, ground,<br />

prepared, or in any way<br />

manufactured.<br />

Coffee.<br />

Corn: Wheat.*<br />

--Maize.•<br />

--Wheat !feal and Flour.*<br />

CUrranta an!l.Balsins.<br />

86°57 88·88 40•07 42'02 42°80 47'50 49'17 49°25<br />

1'49 2'27 1'82 1'71 1°40 1·62 1·91 1·00<br />

6'60 7'44 8•17 8•92 9'17 9·45 9'22 {)'72<br />

1°12 1'40 1°50 1'57 2·20 2·54 2:52 2•76<br />

7•66 10'69 6•23 10•87 18'59 13·96 23'98 18'53<br />

7'24 7•97 6•46 8'58 7'51 8•76 10•14 11'43<br />

40'06 47•86 43•56 86'79 39•67 35'41 35•26 32'18<br />

39•77 89'94 41•35 43'69 45'03 48•39 51'90 56'81<br />

No.<br />

Eggs.*<br />

Lbs {Meat, Preserved, o~h•rwhe<br />

· than by saltiug.*<br />

ll<br />

II<br />

II<br />

ll<br />

Mutton, Fresh.*<br />

Pork, Salted and Fresh.*<br />

Potatoes.*<br />

Rice.*<br />

II Sugar, Raw. ~ :<br />

II II Refined.~<br />

5'51 5•65 5'74 6°78 5•82 5•94 6•07 6•16<br />

1'66 1·00 1'72 1•74 1'82 1'88 1'95 1'89<br />

II<br />

II<br />

Tea.<br />

Tobacco.<br />

0·35 0·37 0'40 0'39 0'41 0•41 0·2S 0·37<br />

------------------------<br />

0·20 0·21 0·21 0·21 0·20 0·21 0·21 0·21<br />

o·n 0·79 o·so 0·82 o·ss o·ss 0•90 o·ss<br />

------------------------<br />

0·06 0'99 1°01 1°02 1•03 1•09 1·11 1'09<br />

29•38 20·55 30'75 81'26 81'73 32'51 81•55 30'77<br />

I<br />

haye been taken n.s being the Quantities Retained for llome Consumption.<br />

when sll\ui:;hterml, ns stntecl in the note on page 86.<br />

1>roport1011nte Amount of Rnw Sugar which was refined nnd e.fterwards re-exported.<br />

"/ Duty Imposed on Sugar from 19M1April,<strong>1901</strong>.<br />

Gall. Wine.<br />

Proof Gall. :5pirits,Potable (Forei~n).<br />


Pro"/ Gall. Spirits, Potnblo (British).<br />

ll<br />

{Total Spirits, Potable (bn·<br />

.ported and Eui$able).<br />

Galls. Beer (British).<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

90 niPO:}i-T8 :·--CORN.<br />

No. ::n.-.QUANTITIES of WHEAT and 'WHEAT MEAL and FLOUR, and of<br />

Countries into the UNITED KINGDOM (stated fa<br />


COUNTRIES. --<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />

I<br />

Cwts. I Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

Russia, Northern Ports 704,227 521,402 886,538 2,416,585 1,624,328 18,850 43,207<br />

-- Southern Ports 4,797,153120,928,944 20,423,766 16,972,440 12,928,577 4,344,136 10,018,781<br />

Denmark, Iceland, and} 17,2!)0 135,43.'i 83,183 55,156 - 2,750 1,339<br />

Greenland·<br />

•<br />

I Germany 1,551,728 3,279,457 2,537,990 1,100,846 714460 606,353 362,086<br />

j Fr:lnce • • • 69,100 16,896 126,440 590 126,004 25,749 1,452<br />

.:\.ustria·Hungary • - 127,120 463,948 18,285 20 213 3<br />

Ro:·umania 589,055 1,417,703 2,825,292 4,653,735 l,OSS,330 737,789 89,272<br />

Turkey • 1,998 160,970 l 6€5,276 903,514 1,509,903 494,184 103,552<br />

Bulgaria 65,36-1 293,1691 634,453 851,165 134,704 60,289 -<br />

J::gyp~ 197,899 734,SSS 325,757 425,455 936,687 385,145 10,586<br />

. I<br />

<strong>United</strong> States:<br />

.Atlantic Ports 20,552,001 6,220,258 5,037,746 6,427,253 17,496,890 27,023,996 21,,165,660<br />

Pacific Ports • 9,978,202 8,423,314 11,971,290 10,773,810 '6,692,065 6,862,746, 11,097,188<br />

Argentine Republic* • 1,013,869 1,751,717 37,792 2,810,317 2,478,456 3,466,096 7,845,587<br />

Chilet 2,206,272 1,485,861 672,953 24,000 2,119,875 2,287,556 2,580,147<br />

British North America 3,968,800 1,089,623 1,170,650 1,128,349 3,173,840 3,874,984 3,157,355<br />

British India 8,511,5121 8,166,254 9,218,204 9,111,582 13,005,785 12,495,442 6,196,096<br />

Australia 1,114,600 1,726,346 741,909 1,318,701 1,532,140 1,017,825 1,752,476<br />

XewZealand . 232,551 i 589,354 1 664,151 1,738,992 553,531 999,021 837,112<br />

Otper C-0untries 230,837 : 193,152 161,549 243,405 191,367 193,675 200,089<br />

!<br />

I<br />

--<br />

Total . 55,802,518 l 57,261,633 58,55l.,887160,474,180 66,312,962 64,901,799 65,461,988<br />

I 1894.<br />

Cwts.<br />

52,277<br />

16,723,604<br />

3,600<br />

715,043<br />

3,968<br />

-<br />

108,089<br />

339,577<br />

12,600<br />

184<br />

15,773,828<br />

8,884,417<br />

13,272,152<br />

1,764,413<br />

2,828,515<br />

5,349,056<br />

3,651,275<br />

226,143<br />

417,491<br />

70,126,232<br />


-·<br />

I<br />

Russia, Xorthern Ports 13,534 154,302 10,911 11,196 10,355 21 698<br />

-- Southern Ports 2!),451 78,242 225,194 185,028 66,171 1,410 473<br />

Denmark, Iceland, and}<br />

Greenland· •<br />

54,932 83,995 57,630 21,744 9,298 728 691<br />

Germany 5SS,276 1,105,426 1,153,859 894,838 364,476 163,335 116,164<br />

France • 97,640 101,86-l 90,613 102,763 44,097 39,962 52,355<br />

l .\.ustria·Ilungary • 1,412,195 1,946,023 1,841,022 1,369,887 J,217,933 977,272 1,099,614<br />

, Roumania • • . 145 - 9,870 9,492 1,250 - -<br />

I Turkey • 4 3,435 - 2,730 224<br />

\ Enlgaria -<br />

I<br />

- - 200 - - -<br />

''Egypt • - 1,738 1,250 1,758 560 487 l,5S.l<br />

C'nited States :<br />

l<br />

Atlantic Ports 13,735,564 ! 11,440,300 8,722,400 10, 72!l,188 12,593,060 18,478,479 16,709,104<br />

Pacific Ports • i,12~.ss1 I 1,118,340 1,321,320 1,296,612 1,109,975 988,912 l,~G,497<br />

Argentine Republic* • 9,'iO'i I 8,666 742 27,687 557 7,751 10,262<br />

Chilet . 3,500 - - - 35,552 15,336 760<br />

Bril ish '.!forth .America 957,553 l 1a_::o~6 I<br />

1,168,368 ! 933,.122 1,029,247 1,35!>,859 l,OS0,9SG<br />

,Eritfah India. 'i5rJ ! 10 31 3,937 643 2,SOO<br />

I Amtralfa . 6,1231 50,864 j 29,434 130,763 157,844 42,050 27,052<br />

Sew Zealand 9fl) !<br />

3,82!) 377 536 48 3,003<br />

1491<br />

OthP.r Countries 28,1131 35,473 32,195 58,350 78,155 26,986 15,901<br />

Total<br />

I<br />

. 18'.t(;3,2.:4 : 1~910,4·i2114,6'i2,082115,773,326116,723,003122,106,009120,408,168<br />

"' Including the Atlantic Coast of Patagonia.<br />

t Including the Paclllc Coaat of Patagonln.<br />

9,186<br />

24,215<br />

7,241<br />

198,543<br />

480,819<br />

1,106,971<br />

-<br />

4,411<br />

-<br />

3,380<br />

15,378,304<br />

547,182<br />

8,435<br />

1,600<br />

l,l!l5,421<br />

10,579<br />

52,972<br />

8,184<br />

97,212<br />

W,134,605<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

97<br />

91<br />

OTIIER KINDS of GRAIN; IMPORTED from the Principal' and •other-Foreign<br />

C\vts. according to present system o~ Entry).<br />

., .., .,<br />


I I I<br />

1895~ 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>.<br />


·Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. · Cwts. Cw.ts. Cwts.<br />

. 985,250: 1,581,800 4,569,500 8,141,800 311,800 1,541,400 1,028,900 Russia, Northern Ports.<br />

22,081,785' 15,659,800 10,480,400, S,090,700· 2,206,400 2,936,900 1,517,600 ---Southerii-Ports.<br />

- - - 1,800 7,020 61,300 H,SOO {Denmark, Iceland, aricl<br />

752,990. 1,032,910 1,338,400 711,800 466,(_)30 1,828,300 694,700<br />

Greenland.<br />

Germany.<br />

2,000 2,610 3,130 61,480 10 1,820 700 France.<br />

- - - - - - - Austria· Hungary.<br />

2,022,200· 5,401,800 1,221,840 188,700· 82,100 756,100 512,100 Roumania.<br />

1,300,280 1,930,400 1,862,540 271,560 27,800 181,200 406,400 Turkey.<br />

- 1,067,000 1,142,100 88,800 - 93,000 284,900 Bulgarla.<br />

2,690. 30,000 26,980 82,900'. 26,300 600 200 Egypt.<br />

<strong>United</strong> States :<br />

14,006,420- 20,638,900 24,969,800 80,561,000 28,815,948 22,345,8i0 31,824,'400 Atlantic Ports.<br />

13,077,700 10,161,000 9,688,~00 7,294,200 6,334,700 10,242,600 S,641,900 Pacific Ports.<br />

11,400,860 4,927,600 933,100 8,988,400 11,868,600 18,524,000 S,080,400 Argentine Republic.*<br />

1,038,900 1,936,iOO 1,019,SOO 807,SOO 265,800 2,500 - Chlle.t<br />

1,844,600 ·8,617,00o 4,820,500 5,012,030 5,256,500 6,337,600 6,691,710 British North America.<br />

8,802,950 2,112,9-iO 572,760 9,587,000 8,192,200 6,100 3,341,500 British India.<br />

8,472,920 6,000 206,820 2,997,480 2,651,600 5,437,700 Australia.<br />

'13,700 - - 4,800 705,600 1,136,600 1,383,100 New Zealand.<br />

994,460 23,320 151,930 186,850: 122 1 8.io 82,000 3,020 Other Countries.<br />

81,749,955 70,025,980 62,740,180 65,227,930 66,636,078 68,669,400 69,708,530 Total.<br />


[<br />

100 3,650 14,320. 120,140 1,304 8,020 I 2,700 Russia, Northern Port.s. 1<br />

84,740 11,440 41,400 8 1 050 2,200 17,300 25,600 ---Southem Ports.<br />

880 10,110 '34,450 19,450 6,220 2,500 930<br />

I Denmark, Iceland, and<br />

1 Greenland.<br />

78,745 107,840 60,707 86,154 34,300 Germany.<br />

1,682,420 438,160 6U,8S8 755,848 584,570 France.<br />

1,143,950 729,200 1,029,616 1,167,955 799,588 Austria-Hungary.<br />

3,000 10 - 900 7,500 Roumaula.<br />

250 630 700 Turke)'.<br />

- - Bulgaria.<br />

- - 400 200 - Egypt.<br />

<strong>United</strong> 8tates:<br />

Atlantic Ports.<br />

l'aclfic Ports.<br />

Argentine Republic. it<br />

Chile.t<br />

:<br />

British· North America.<br />

British India.<br />

Australia.<br />

New Zealand.<br />

Other Countries.<br />

248,870 204,790<br />

·1,125,990 1,719,390<br />

1,805,760 1,388,300<br />

9,500 -<br />

400 2,680<br />

- -<br />

- 10<br />

12,778,050 15,378,400<br />

853,800 626,700<br />

23,300 58,500<br />

1,200 200<br />

2,843,300 1,932,720<br />

200 ~00<br />

73,110 - -<br />

i4,620 83,110<br />

18,647,570 16,680,690 17,958,096 17,487,00S 18,616,982<br />

415,400 1us,200 447,700 389,400 852,900<br />

6,600 27,000 110,680 173,400 165,100<br />

- 12,900 121200 6,500 6,100<br />

1,530,690 1,968,800 ~,498,930 1,195,219 l,85S,100<br />

1,810 120 100 100 -<br />

9,400 22,470 192,720 546,710<br />

- - 1,100 1,400 100<br />

85,804 185,559 151,947 113,887 94,550<br />

18,368,410 21,320,200<br />

18,680,669 21,017,109 22,045,70e 21,!i4S,18l 22,576,430<br />

- ---<br />

-- -- -<br />

"' Jnclmllng the Atlantic Coast of Pat:\gonin.<br />

t Inclu

92 IMPORTS :-CORN.<br />

C<br />


Russia, :Sorth 11 Ports<br />

---South 11 Ports<br />

Denmark, Iceland,}<br />

nml Greenland -<br />

Germany -<br />

France -<br />

Austria-Ilungary<br />

Roumania<br />

Turkey<br />

Bulgaria<br />

.Egypt<br />

<strong>United</strong> States:<br />

Atlantic Ports -<br />

Pacific Ports<br />

Argentine 'Republic*<br />

C'hilet<br />

British S. America<br />

British llidia<br />

Austrt\liri, ·<br />

~ew z.,~'i:;n"~ .<br />

llthe'' t~•unt!ies<br />

QUANTITIES OF WHEAT and WHEAT MEAL and ~.,LOUR, and of 0Tu'lER<br />

into, ~he U~IT~D<br />

i<br />

<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I 1888. I 1889. r<br />

1890.<br />

I 1891. I<br />

Cw~s. Cwt~., 0wts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

722,516 732,775 901,6~2 2,432,135 1,638,710<br />

4,836,952 21,036,125 20,736,535 17,229,423 13,0!'!0,481<br />

91,522 250,497 163,225 35,356 12,914<br />

2,346,696 4,793,739 4,140,572 2,343;677 1,220,677<br />

201,046 155,936 252,291 143,316•, 187,250<br />

1,90S,3il 2,792,905 3,020,923 1,920,906 1,691,594<br />

589,251 1,417,703 2,839,000 4,666,918 1,090,066<br />

1,998 160,976 673,047 903,514 1,509,003<br />

65,364 293,169 634,453 851,448 134,70.1<br />

197,899 737,269 327,493 427,897 937,465<br />

39,113,634 21,891,902 17,152,190 21,328,903 34,987,251<br />

11,493,271 9,955,286 18,806,457 12,574,660 8,239,697<br />

1,027,351 1,763,753 38,822 2,8·18,771 2,479,229<br />

2,211,001 1,485,861 572,953 24,000 2,169,253<br />

5,262,791 2,165,042 2,793,383 2,424,765 4,603,24.:1<br />

8,512,526 8,166,254 9,218,218 9,111,625 13,0ll,2Y,3<br />

1,122,6731 1,796,023 782,791 1,500,819 1,75!,i~iO<br />

233,76$ 589,557 e69,46S 1,739,518 554,278<br />

2GS,463 241,580 I 206,265 824,447 299,916<br />

I<br />


1892. I<br />

I<br />

Cwts.<br />

18,870<br />

4,346,094<br />

3,761<br />

I<br />

833,207<br />

81,253'<br />

1,357,535<br />

737,789<br />

497,976<br />

60,289<br />

385,821<br />

52,688,550<br />

8,236,235<br />

3,476,861<br />

2,308,856<br />

5,763,677<br />

:.2 496,835<br />

l.,o76,'2SO<br />

999,085<br />

236,156<br />

FLOUR<br />

1s~:_J_1s94:_<br />

Cwts. ,Cwt!..<br />

·14,176 65,035<br />

10,019,438 16,757,236<br />

2,299 13,657<br />

523,425 990,797<br />

74,167 671,772<br />

1,527,244 1,537,460<br />

89,272 108,089<br />

103,863 345,703<br />

- 12,600<br />

12,786 4,809<br />

H,872,74Q 37,182,584<br />

12,883,989 11,644,392<br />

7,8£9,840 13,283,867<br />

2,581,202 1,766,635<br />

4,658,724 4,488,822<br />

6,199,985 5,863,749<br />

1,790,048 8,724,849<br />

841,283 287,5!!8<br />

222,176 552,GOS<br />

Tr;.bl<br />

S0,212,2931 80,426,352 : 78,929,778 82,881,591 189,539,355.<br />

.95,604,589<br />

93,806,666 96,702,072<br />

:BARLEY.<br />

Russia<br />

Sweden -<br />

Denmark, Iceland,}<br />

and Greenland •<br />

Germany·<br />

France<br />

Spain .<br />

.-\.ustria-Hun~ary<br />

Roumania<br />

Turkey - ..<br />

Bulgaria -<br />

Egypt - . -<br />

Tripoli and Tunis<br />

Cr.iV'..d States -<br />

Chile! -<br />

Canada .<br />

other Countries<br />

Jf1tal<br />

7,463,633<br />

602,236<br />

822,805<br />

981,951<br />

624,552<br />

2,000<br />

366,500<br />

2,809,276<br />

175,884<br />

-<br />

44,493<br />

-<br />

SC-9,169<br />

73,081<br />

2,816<br />

451,670<br />

14,239,500<br />

-- -<br />

11,530,408 7,855,500 8,254,5671 6,438,666<br />

518,903 6·1,747 61,772 69,100<br />

1,005,402 537,883 801,120 824,567<br />

2,427,669 1,608,102 544,803 228,887<br />

410,014 611,597 439,595 1,112,230<br />

10,400 8,885 2,027 -<br />

655,903 807,237 ·139,718 232,578<br />

3,207,205 8,018,457 1,964,612 2,751,202<br />

906,406 1,899,700 2,852,567 3,133,984<br />

29,285 74,114 80,700 227,255<br />

64,771 272,171 238,625 412,551<br />

- 184,263 630,848 463,679<br />

52,420 388,636 415,333 749,451<br />

326,7!)2 297,051 65,040 205,903<br />

- 1,840 6,85~ 847,631<br />

159,777 325,727 930,807 768,514<br />

-··<br />

21,305,350 17,400,910 16,6ii,9SS 17,465,61t'k<br />

1 Including the Atlantic Coast of Patagonin.<br />

t Including the Pacific Const of Patagonia.<br />

~~<br />

5,182,076<br />

74,200<br />

237,749<br />

872,403<br />

1,153,868<br />

7,366<br />

102,405<br />

1,395,016<br />

2,991,035<br />

87,473<br />

102,815<br />

SS,040<br />

1,196,678<br />

303,556<br />

237,714<br />

744,953<br />

14,277,842<br />

'<br />

13,610,085 19,447,120<br />

91,554 75,188<br />

463,486 676,411<br />

461,685 S45928<br />

205,681 177,964<br />

4,176 -<br />

393,609 607,757<br />

1,411;124 8,020,182<br />

3,501,401 2,972,697<br />

44,750 97,301<br />

114,8S7 187,328<br />

- 407,457<br />

1,586,441 1,514,751<br />

888,083 633,208<br />

18,748 3,711<br />

548,857 624,381<br />

22,844,562 81,241,884<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPO~~:s :-:-CORN.<br />

KINDS of GRAIN, IMPORTED from the P~focipal and other ·Foreign- Countries<br />

K lNGDOM-Gontinued.<br />

in equivalent Weii;l!t of GRAIN.<br />

..._..,.-~~~~~~~~:--a~.-~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1<br />

1895. I 1896. 1 18~7.. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />


Cwts.<br />

935,389<br />

22,130,035<br />

528<br />

1,091,698<br />

1,566,775<br />

1,813,556<br />

2,035,395<br />

1,300,911<br />

2,500<br />

31,753,712<br />

13,569,089<br />

11,432,721<br />

1,040,567<br />

6,099,183<br />

8,803,228<br />

3,574,462<br />

13,70')<br />

1,098,097<br />

Cwts.<br />

1,586,869<br />

15,675,689<br />

14,042<br />

1,317,340<br />

2,390,652<br />

1,928,194<br />

5,401,300<br />

1,934,122<br />

1,067,900<br />

30,014<br />

41,892,789<br />

10,592,528<br />

5,008,850<br />

1,936,378<br />

6,302,233<br />

2113,218<br />

6,500<br />

138,751<br />

107,261,6361 99,637,369<br />

Cwts.<br />

4,689,889<br />

10,537,900<br />

47,861<br />

1,435,824<br />

2,839,824<br />

1,588,819<br />

1,225,507<br />

1,862,540<br />

1,142,100<br />

26,980<br />

43,9'24,758<br />

10,210,~44<br />

942,9.67<br />

1,019,300<br />

6,916,458<br />

57·1,579<br />

271,104<br />

Cwts.<br />

8,308,001<br />

3,094,936<br />

28,814<br />

860,473<br />

670,036<br />

1,012,002<br />

183,714<br />

271,560<br />

88,300<br />

82,000<br />

53,728,625<br />

8,356,978<br />

4,020,900<br />

825,217<br />

7,746,474<br />

9,538,067<br />

219,876<br />

4,800<br />

375,126<br />

88,685,55·1 I 94,418,359<br />

BARLEY.<br />

Cwt!o.<br />

313,611<br />

Cw Ls.<br />

1,545,594<br />

Cwts.<br />

1,027,650 Russia, Xorthcrn Ports.<br />

2,209,456 2,9e0,928 l,5&3,156 ---· Southem Ports.<br />

15,659 64,897 15 , 592 {Denmark, Iceland, and<br />

Greenland.<br />

650,3·15 1,878,614 642,339 Germany.<br />

891,452 1,051,609 743,158 France.<br />

1,430,022 1,622,160 1,110,539 Austria-Hungary.<br />

32,100 757,530 522,617 Roum~nla.<br />

27,6J,7 13!,075 407,372 Turkey.<br />

93,poQ 234,900 Bulgaria.<br />

26,856 8i8 200 Egypt.<br />

<strong>United</strong>· Stutes:<br />

53,257,748 fG,634,631 57,681,319 Atb.ntic Ports.<br />

6,li56,500 10,783,433 9,173,706 Pacific Ports.<br />

lB.769,000 8,809,706 Argentine ReI>ublic. *<br />

11,528 8,472 Chile. t<br />

'i,IY.l7,6:!6 8,577,960 British N. America.<br />

6,239 3,341,500 'British India.<br />

2,919,268 6,1!l7,019 Australia<br />

l1 1<br />

522,2.'l3<br />

282,244 .<br />

8,121 1 23a I<br />

. S,l92,a39<br />

3,023,640<br />

707,12(}<br />

333,877<br />

98,505,117<br />

1 1 138,543 1,883,239 New Zealand.<br />

240,177 1341339 Other Countries.<br />

08,597,4501-:::::- '°'''·<br />

18,281,157 j 9,245,400<br />

11,140<br />

OOO<br />

157,570 34(},720<br />

840,030 410,682<br />

370,670 200,400<br />

700<br />

201,960 125,800<br />

2,370,000 2,975,300<br />

3,920,690 3,680,760<br />

106,200 25,300<br />

34,600 129,400<br />

213,100 (}53,900<br />

734,250 8,241,900<br />

980,400 1,108,500<br />

400 118,800<br />

803,000 213,610<br />

7,404,100 10,2(}7,000<br />

100,000 101,000<br />

141,810 271,820·<br />

75,640 501,800<br />

476,500<br />

220,400 205,700<br />

3,275,200 4,734,760<br />

3,150,700 3,800,800<br />

Sl,900 210,800<br />

47,520 184,240<br />

270,100 487,500<br />

3,353,600 2,892,800<br />

5221910 33(},060<br />

67,9i0 156,860<br />

207,310 326,855<br />

7,806,930<br />

9,800<br />

4,653,100<br />

900<br />

8,153,100 Russia.<br />

Sweden.<br />

148,500 01,420 1781600<br />

{Denmark, Icelaml, and<br />

Greenland.<br />

190,618<br />

800,520<br />

120,140 l<br />

147,900<br />

1,326,330<br />

2,055,600<br />

22,403<br />

2i0,420<br />

391,800<br />

410,200<br />

200<br />

65,500<br />

l,400,500<br />

4,203,270<br />

52,70:><br />

29,400<br />

524,100<br />

?.38,200<br />

2,600<br />

267,000<br />

3,505,200<br />

4,GS5,400<br />

181,000<br />

60,900<br />

Germany.<br />

France.<br />

Spain<br />

Austria-Hungary.<br />

Roumania.<br />

Turkey.<br />

'Bulg!lria.<br />

Egypt.<br />

400,400 j 63,900 255,400 Tripoli and Tunis<br />

1,9~6,0i"O j 4,277,100 2,630,010 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

400,3001' 40!!,600 36S,400 Chile. t<br />

867,600 li!lS,600 ! 420,400 Canada.<br />

610,830 I Sl!l,240 j 5v7,220 Oth.-~r C'ountrics.<br />

-2-8,-6-18-,·86-7- 1 --2-2,-47-7-,8-2-2 ·l--18-,9-5-S-,7-20_ 1 ._2_4-,4-5-7,-00,-1- 1 --1-7-,1-S9-,-85S-1--;;,0.:i4,!.'90 j 21,573,4::'0 Total.<br />

I.:::,:::;;;;:;:=:;::==========:====:=::='===:==:::=:=..=.-~~.:::=-"""'=-==-===~=-<br />

+. Including the .Atlantic • x1•1st, of J>atagonin.<br />

t Including the l>ucilic t ,;O.!I~ of Pntagom1\,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

•<br />

9! IMPORTS :-CORN ..<br />

I<br />

I<br />

CoUNTRIES.<br />


into the u NITED<br />

l<br />

<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I I I<br />

1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

I<br />

l<br />

Cwts. Cwts.<br />

. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

Rt ISSi& . . . 9,676,451 16,203,306 15,966,926 8,950,266 10,SS..\·101 5,325,063 8,250,578 12,456,906<br />

OA':..".:i.<br />

·eden . 3,407,310 1,721,357 1,568,167 1,001,524 2,53(\715 1,578,220 2,890,220 861,676<br />

Ge rtn3ny • • t<br />

476,400 3W,435 100,952 240,105 380,251 267,168 399,053 640,420<br />

~ no lland<br />

381,9'20 216,050 18~,791 173,234 207,830 703,211 166,955 212,989<br />

nee 152 41,461 1,925 6,400 219,861 1,168,400 6,493 9,696<br />

Un ited States • • i 17,195 101 148,946 2,010,451 904,072 2,569,667 876,441 89,781<br />

I<br />

:Sr itish N. America - ! 216,248 25,589 4,007 120,054 355,759 1,865,238 729,911 80,931<br />

Ot<br />

i Russ<br />

i<br />

I<br />

her Countries<br />

-I 281,171 ""387 I<br />

~ia<br />

"""<br />

225,152<br />

1,098,505 2,184,421 635,335 6i6,~15<br />

I -~~-----·<br />

rota I - - - 114,462,943118,770,686 15,990,567 12,727,186 16,600,394 15,661,394 13,954,986 14,979,214<br />

l<br />

I<br />

- --<br />

?.!AIZE.<br />

I - · 1 5,536,479 3,832,132 3,055,298 2,197,766 5,126,356 3,422,136 2,945,750 8,648,446<br />

; .P.o umania - 11,065,640 7,133,657 5,215,364 8,50G,415 11,179,045 8,253,553 15,690,482 14,167,972<br />

I<br />

1 Tur key - - 38,241 84,494 227,258 81,51{} 199,120 720,433 949,355 954,311<br />

Bul garia - - - 48,433 643 10,390 - 362,808 477,548<br />

I<br />

I<br />

·pt - 2,930 256,096 704 H,564 950,328 130,351 - 199,949<br />

· 1<br />

Un ited States - 11,201,831 9,837,536 22,501,lM 23,226,600 7,140,624 17,037,365 9,232,364 9,571,062<br />

:Am- .,entinel!epublic* 2,165,275 2,204,280 1,691,348 6,S.'>5,021 920,317 4,539,057 231,956 333,745<br />

Bn<br />

·ti•h s .. .Areerica. I 569,930 1,298,684 2.800,598 2,235,510 9i0,594 754,193 3,260,851 779,495 I<br />

Oth er Countries<br />

-l<br />

586,999 423,285 586,187 319,796 328,851 52·1,136 228,937 232,515<br />

Total . l 31,167,325 25,3i0,164 36,192,325 43,437,834 26,825,625 35,381,224 32,902,503 , 35,365,0·13<br />

!<br />

I<br />

Rm.<br />

1-~~~~~~----~~~--~~~---------------..,.--------,-----~-I<br />

!<br />

Russia · I 585,348 l,0•~"'31 278,215 237,225 256,210 67,820 320,893 809,999<br />

I<br />

, <strong>United</strong> States 61 lOi,714 127,406 85,065 246,156 181,035 16,380<br />

other Countries 199,913<br />

Total - -<br />

.!__<br />

7_85_,_26_1_ 1 --1-,3-3-2,-26-7-;<br />

290,058 ! 209,072 l 214,493 125,009 260,915 224,2!5<br />

182,847<br />

595,;-i--5-i9-,1-2_4_ 1 ___ 4_66_,_2&_1_ 1 ___ 5_7_4_,8_91-1-726,173 l-1-,009-,-2-26- 1<br />

!~<br />

··======:=:<br />

* Including the Atlantic Coast of Patagonla.<br />

'<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPOI-tTS :-CORN.<br />

95<br />

KINDS of GRAIN, Imported from the Principal and Other ForeigrrCoun~ries<br />

KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. \<br />

1900.<br />

I <strong>1901</strong>. COUNTm":s.<br />

OATS.<br />

Cwts. I Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

12,122;GO 10,222,800 6,463,480 8,8-14,220 4,722,500 10,673,670 12,609,200 Russia.<br />

1,130,870 806,400 172,600 28S,180 700,500 119,200 833,200 Sweden.<br />

748,640 426,200 284,060 869,400 861,700 1,681,120 2,355,200 Germany.<br />

2i8,350 218,250 207,600 159,0iO 76,250 141,600 78,0iO Holland.<br />

9,850 2,720 140 13,720 0,820 - 20 France.<br />

207,800 4,552,500 8,082,300 8,421,820 7,072,000 5,715,200 4,443,SOO <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

3,350 781,700 1,754,750 2,478,3()() 1,387,100 1,518,100 1,154,000 British N. America.<br />

936,800 676,160 201,980 508,690 797,860 260,'liO 1,497,180 Other Countries.<br />

15,528,310 17,586,730 16,116,810 15,577,900 15,626,730 20,109,560 22,470,0iO Total.<br />

I<br />

l•<br />

'<br />

MAIZE.<br />

I<br />

5,180,300 1,285,500 1,280,400 2,735,900 2,640,700 1,880,500 l,SS0,500 Russia.<br />

8,869,540 3,818,000 4,985,900 5,347,COO 7,408,300 2,276,600 10,016,800 P.oumania.<br />

21)4,490 6,300 28,900 7,200 8,800 114,700 1,073,200 Turkey.<br />

- - - - 37,400 - 51,100 Bulgaria.<br />

352,730 68,600 - 2,400 22,300 800 41,700 Egypt.<br />

15,487,900 27,427,300 39,645,100 37,466,1(1() 39,460,400 38,421,!l50 25,564,900 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

7,218,800 16,107,900 3,549,380 3,590,370 7,731,300 6,5~6,200 10,443,600 Argentin~ Republic."<br />

1,075,890 2,883,400 4,235,400 7,972,502 5,360,700 4,705,400 2,085,600 British N. America.<br />

I<br />

514,700 180,100 110,300 47,220 76,450 126,920 215,300 Other Counttie.o;.<br />

83,944,350 51,772,100 53,785,380 57,169,292 62,741,850 54,151,57o 151,372,700 Total.<br />

ltYB.<br />

OSS,900 373,200 102,700 58,900 277,500 418,300 I 357,940 Russia.<br />

70 262,000 486,100 525,750 468,400 410,700 313,!!00 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

267,450 8·17,500 430,140 473,120 447,430 400,420 594,540 Other Countries.<br />

956,420· 982,700· 1,018,940 1,057,770<br />

l I 1,193,330 1,224,420 1,265,GSO Total.<br />

I<br />

* ~ncludlng the Atlantic CGast or rnt.'l{;Ollia.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

96 IMPORTS :-CORN.<br />

QuA.i.~TITIES<br />

of WHEAT and WHEAT MEAL and FLOUR, and of OTHER<br />

into the UNITED<br />

Cou:xTRIES.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />


Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

'Iotal 67,780 101,543 29,646 100,940 '177,892 131,142 107,200 131,893<br />

PEASE.<br />

-- -<br />

i<br />

I<br />

j Russia 247,850 417,062 418,253 122,463 l!H,WS 59,325 lS0,123 526,654<br />

t Germanr • 293,512 46.5,852 92,757 46,324 163,501 9,951 61,110 85,552<br />

j Unit~d States • 714,729 :t.:d,481 347,790 624,445 625,126 83'1.66:l 515,325 381,101<br />

I British N. Ameri~ • 1,049,973 464,841 570,i'!9 818,901 939,550 , 1,0U,'20 878,075 GS0,394<br />

I<br />

j British India · 608,567 844,169 116,911 57,383 364,835 290,854 414,516 349,311<br />

I<br />

j Other Countries 77,726 65,971 148,719 172,972 132,271 265,278 253,291 249,611<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Total 2,992,3.57 j 2,434,376 , l,695,179 I 11842,4SS 12,419,381 2,501,492 2,302,443 2,272,623<br />

1<br />

BEANS.*<br />

Germany· . 362,S69 209,927 111,664 48,6i'9 30,989 114,549 237,454 341,481<br />

Portugal • . 69,457 84,383 122,210 100,908 50,845 170,299 148,861 198,440<br />

; It3ly 16,617 128,861 84,703 6,028 1,992 50,604 23,197 101,046<br />

I<br />

!<br />

l Turkey 246,254 316,687 tii0,533 357,589 507,514 726,153 578,139 699,454<br />

I<br />

Em>t -<br />

1,438,465 1,254,979 980,226 2,008,499 2,428,460 2,133,941 1,973,613 2,934,634<br />

I ~Iorocco . lSS,682 818,660 1,486,714 617,230 458,414 1,091,784 754,927 I 721,062<br />

I<br />

i Other Countries 1C6,668 200,481 214,529 205,985 185,199 142,518 230,794 263,7.78<br />

Total 2,4SS,962 , 3,013,978 3,579,579 3,344,918 3,672,413 4,429,933 3,946,985 ! 5,259,895<br />

I<br />

Portugal •<br />


} {<br />

CyprtLS - . Included with Beans.<br />

other Countries<br />

Total<br />

• Including TACuat Beana prior to 18~.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTS· :~CORN.<br />

Knrns of GRAIN Imported from the P1fo9ipal and other Foreign Countries<br />

KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

-<br />

1895. 1896. 1897 •. 1898. 1899. 1000. <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I I I I I I<br />

BUOKWHl:AT.<br />

Cwts. Cwtl. Cwts. Cwts. Cw ta. Cw ta. Cwt a.<br />

134,570 136,556 170,264 189,780 144,500 110,280 149,700 Total.<br />

PJ:ASB,<br />


. 97<br />

I<br />

l !<br />

I<br />

1,009,635 1,005,880 880,220 290,440 270,050 .2'>..S,020 8!3,700 RUllla.<br />

114,700 92,600 46,922 79,743 121,212 95,620 116,630 Germany.<br />

243,726 382,730 626,600 568,170 476,870 581,303 440,100 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

441,520 1,039,890 1,112,730 1,018,600 755,120 849,700 707,700 British N. America.<br />

334,170 884,940 51.8110 105,864 901,505 213,615 152,441 British India.<br />

t<br />

t<br />

'<br />

279,100 163,527 101,773 115,285 228,193 280,924 282,140 Other Countries.<br />

2,422,851 8,018,657 2,820,135 2,179,192 2,752,950 2,249,182 2,042,711 Total.<br />

--<br />

BEAKS.*<br />

410,570 316,620 272,660 303,418 270,510 183,860 221,130 Germ~y.<br />

!<br />

i<br />

82,050 98,800 162,860 261,240 - - - Portugal.<br />

28,930 68,120 248,690 115,380 8,110 15,200 i,680 Italy.<br />

981,138 932,660 1,146,550 818,700 199,420 401,100 471,000 Turkey.<br />

1,787,810 1,226,/10 805,660 465,080 1,102,100 553,600 808,000 Egypt.<br />

617,190 313,900 61,530 161,250 121,750 391,430 251,500 ~lorocco.<br />

222,850 148,180 142,100 168,283 175,SSO 168,070 109,250 Other Countries.<br />

4,130,538 3,102,990 2,840,050 2,293,346 1,877,220 1,717,760 , 1,868,560 Total.<br />

________ .. __________<br />

- -- ---· -- ---...-- .. ~- --<br />

Included with Beans.<br />


f<br />

l<br />

I<br />

251,509 211,534 454,842 Portugal,<br />

191,687 233,033 410,29"2 Cyprus.<br />

254,979 256,663 205,184 Other Countries.<br />

698,175 I 701,230 I 1,070,318 Total.<br />

6475. G<br />

:<br />

I<br />

I<br />

:<br />

i<br />

I<br />

!<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

·1'. Lbs.<br />



Chile<br />

I<br />

Venezuela<br />

British<br />

Uuit~d (Including the West India<br />

Yx..,RS •• Brazil. Peru. Pacltlc coast<br />

and<br />

St.'\WS.<br />

Islands<br />

of Republic or<br />

aud DrltLih<br />

I<br />

Colombia.<br />

~-~----L-Pab\gonla).<br />

Guiana.<br />

-- - ~ -~-~-<br />

-<br />

Turkey,<br />

European<br />

aud<br />

Asiatic.<br />

Lns. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.<br />

I Lbs.<br />

lSSi 1,256,894,46! 69,506,528 4,920,608 284,032 310,576 461,888 1,891,040<br />

.<br />

lSSS i 1,S4S,5iliS!O 48,451,312 7,443,632 862,288 234,304 516,544 w,i~<br />

1889 I 1,123,811,872 29,771,056 6,648,992 716,2-10 197,668 422,128 187,376<br />

1890 1,316,756,896 27,935,376 7,911,120 1,165,584 316,62-l 577,696 1,096,082<br />

I<br />

1891 1,617,5!0,736 29,4&0,176 6,175,3U l,093,904 764,06-l lin,850 778,512<br />

1892 1,405,528,208 17,411l,SOS 12,054,672 1,692,544 1,037,344 603,232 756,896<br />

1893 1,055,$55,360 56,92.'i,668 12,214,272 2,160,256 624,8!8 597,408 1,247,232<br />

lSW 1,393,089,040 39,857,328 7,012,656 4U,528 250,544 471,968 2,425,920<br />

1895 l,304,700,70i 13,903,232 8,288,336 376,320 71,344 466,816 715,568<br />

1896 1,394,027,152 10,540,208 7,332,192 265,776 262,0SO 402,0SO 921,200<br />

1897 I 1,380,186,0SO 16,814,448 7,852,208 423,360 200,144 236,SSO 254,576<br />

1898<br />

I<br />

1,805,353,424 6,022,128 9,834,496 585,984 685,760 320,SSO 6,720<br />

1899 1,233,958,880 5,464,59'2 9,585,184 776,832 515,984 284,032 34,272<br />

I<br />

1900 1,365,298,9"..S 30,291,744 8,030,786 1,707,328 669,088 '35,904 1,183,776<br />

<strong>1901</strong> ! l,4S0,785,936 12,240,592 10,189,648 1,857,408 569,296 349,888 521,472<br />

No. 33.-QUANTITIES of WOOL (Sheep, Lamb, Alpaca, and the Llama tribe) IMPORTED into<br />

1<br />

Turkey,<br />

British<br />

YEARS. Russia.<br />

European<br />

and Egypt. Possessions<br />

'1 Germany. II France.<br />

In<br />

I s~:~n<br />

lI~!~nd<br />

'1<br />

. l'ortugal. Belgium. Asiatic.<br />

South Africa.<br />

!~~~~~~~~~~~--I~~~~~-,--~~-"-~~-'-~~-!<br />

Lbs. I Lbs. I Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 2i,754,188 3,766,550 10,234,513 3,108,621 I 5,778,891 20,lS0,920 5,174,973 65,312,497<br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1890<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

1894<br />

1895<br />

lS96<br />

1897<br />

1898<br />

18W<br />

1~<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

24,626,644 3,887,736 I 14,098,202 I 3,759,186 5,953,845<br />

I 44,242,452 5,l!lo,os2 I 24,531,311 I s 948 045 14,1os,4s2<br />

j 24,7ss,soo 6,733,552 I 10,873,78812~40:411 6,697,466<br />

l 38,389..,854 4,751,067 12,270,828 1,677,3:!0 6,013,549<br />

24,4oa.u;; 5,570,720 j 17,060,677 2,297,832 6,298,436<br />

10,369,022<br />

7,'JS7,'113-0<br />

11,342,905<br />

10,009,'113-0<br />

11,811,000<br />

11,168,038<br />

8,270,433<br />

9,679,918<br />

3,194,238 I 13,441,970 I 2,818,389 7,899,116<br />

1,831,118 16,695,97912,229,695 6,839,200<br />

I<br />

3,554,188 I 26,263,836 3,270,084 9,521,104<br />

3,312,738 I 20,2S0,339 3,21G,232 12,575,714<br />

6,100,400 I 23,345,473 s,467,974 I 11,260,4%<br />

3,150,022 I 20,318,764 2,150,845 I 11,839,163<br />

2,082,803<br />

1,630,006<br />

2,448,386<br />

10,393,163<br />

1 8,073,984<br />

1 8,202,671<br />

17,700,718<br />

21,312,12:3<br />

17,458,657<br />

17,817,973<br />

22,774,764<br />

14,683,027<br />

16,032,117<br />

21,873,348<br />

16,542,910<br />

25,775,862<br />

14,096,338<br />

9,003,3().i<br />

16,377,630 I<br />

12,420,013 :<br />

3,601,420<br />

3,456,350<br />

2,298,243<br />

1,515,21:3<br />

1,570,915<br />

2,007,325<br />

2,459,618<br />

4,397,940<br />

3,14G,630<br />

2,701,8(15<br />

2,442,722<br />

2,283,764<br />

2,292,100<br />

1,581,657<br />

83,647,956<br />

00,189,138<br />

87,221,926<br />

96,662,061)<br />

l<br />

82,071,283<br />

84,650,636<br />

70,585,51)3<br />

75,334,0SO<br />

91,704,400<br />

78,379,780<br />

93,353,183<br />

01,470,875<br />

32,219,369<br />

71,205,472 I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IMPORTS :....:..COTTON AND WOOL. 99·:<br />

from v ARIOUS COUNTRIES,' TOTAL EXPORTED, and Exc:11;ss of IMPORTS.<br />

Egypt.<br />

llrltiah<br />

New<br />

All<br />

TOTAL<br />

l'osr.e1&ion1<br />

I TOTAL Excmss<br />

in th!l<br />

AU1tralla. Zealand,<br />

Other<br />


YEARS.,<br />


Ekit.Indiel. Countries. I<br />

- I<br />

Lbl •. ~bi. Lbl. Lba. L}?11. :Lbl. Lba. Lba.<br />

i<br />

176,ooS,096 276,566,720 62,882 ll2,560 4,877,960 i,791,487,812 202,6i5,008 1,498,822;804 <strong>1887</strong> I<br />

147,101,184 170,238,768 ' 41,llM 100,6'8 8,078,744 1,78!,7~.~ 274,889,152 1,%6,915,986 1881 l<br />

191,750,720 278,810,880<br />

10S,7i2 10,000,816 1,987,462,2'° 277,602,304 1,659,859,986 1889<br />

'°·~<br />

i<br />

181,266,176 238,746,704 48,048 66,86-i 17,608,080 1,7~,495,200 214,6'1,8'0 1,578,858,860 lSQO<br />

225,877,876 100,820,884 49,168 111,552 12,182,240 1,994,885,812 182,008,064 1,812,877,248 1891<br />

i<br />

261,492,784 qs,877,004 01,952 1~,688 5,552,176 1,775,~,288 232,908,888 1;542,382,400 1m 1<br />

I<br />

220,465,280. 62,461,504 88,304· 1«,144 4,045,888 1,416,780,00. 224,621,'88 1,192,108,576 }.ags<br />

l<br />

~,488,960 ,77,447,828 42,448 57,282 10,528,560 1,788,116,512 289,894,704 1,548,221;808 "1~<br />

,,<br />

284,855,760 51,720,928 87,2G6 00,680 1,710,~ 1,757,042,672 203,284,592 1,558, 758,080 i895<br />

278,056,224 66,176,656 - 59,800 1,847,828 1,754,800,256 'lSS,~808 1,571,066,448 1~ I<br />

1:74,182,992 42,096,096 1,232 33,S7G 1,928,976 1,724,160,868 225,0.70,272 1,,99,090,096 1897<br />

275,~,584 27,349,728 .5,986 10,6'° 2,543,072 2,128,5'8,852 203,072,~ 1,925,475,888 1891<br />

!<br />

s42,816,m 80,943,300 - 27,104. 1,889,712 1,626,246,9U 288,932,768 1,842,314,178 laoll<br />

312,448,864 86,832,820 - 88,080 8,810,004 l,760,!0G,t172 215,747,168 1,544,459,504 1900<br />

282,132,868 87,740,976 836 lG,464 S,805,680 1,~,710,064 206,566,V76 1,628,143,088 <strong>1901</strong> I<br />

- '<br />


I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Dritiah New South Falkland<br />

All<br />

RE·<br />

TOTAL<br />

ExOJCSS<br />

Pouesslona<br />


Aµstralla.<br />

Other<br />

YEARS.<br />

in the Zeale.nd. America. Islands. lKPORTXD. (Foreign and 011' l:Ml'OR.TS.<br />

Eaatlndle11. Countries. Colonial<br />

wool only.)<br />

Lh11. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs. r.bs. Lbll. Lba. Ll,lB.<br />

L~. I<br />

38,788,574 292,451,676 91,054,719 10,SS0,180 2,008,621 6,084,788 577,924,66 819 120~,oos 258, 7'll,693 1SS7<br />

34,488,026 843,785,886 84,288,152 11,258,169 2,853,009 5,969,026 639,267,975 ·889,075,488 S00,1?2-492 l lSS.S<br />

85,598,921 SSS,904,847 92,059,544 14,851,SOS 1,991,702 11,021,757 700,908,057 S6S,647,S60 837,255,697 1889<br />

84,238,686 828,069,516 95,632,598 11,178,692 1,977,400 8,826,796 638,028,131 840,7).2,803 292,315,828 1890<br />

36,508,864 872,879,486 104,848,000 12,858,985 8,558,972 10,278,805 720,014,070 884,224,656 SS5,789,41' 1891<br />

87,608,257 408,687,893 104,788,400 17,566,967 2,698,729 9,718,569 748,046,104 480,828,993 812,217,111 1892<br />

82,804,874 355;828,71~ 117,088,512 19,356,285 5,185,300 9,170,048 677,947,464 846,369,110 381,578,854 1898<br />

41,156,812 877,210,062 124,791,888 21,501,496 5,383,898 11,863,176 705,467,947 8'5,927,048 ·859,540,904 1894<br />

SS,993,242 417,163,078 124,227,005 24,042,100 4,136,100 11,259,993 775,879,00S 404,985,226 870,448,887 1896<br />

43,858,860 359,900,880 117,648,SOO 22,765,966 4,091,200 9,895,324 718.587,253 334,691,808 SSS,84.'i,45Q 1896<br />

39,348,990 863,638,151 127,672,688 30,882,129 4,142,450 10,122,236 740,748,963 871,502,812 869,246,151 1~7<br />

SS,439,764 811,780,048 135,857,600 88,791,289 4,788,800 11,422,572 699,555,048 288,817,748 416,287,SOO 1898<br />

85,819,520 295,937,787 181,188,675 82,526,996 4,780,780 15,444,631 668,817,315 292,937,192 375,880,128 1899<br />

80,751,911 250,141,937 186,225,180 85,591,192 4,651,991 6,318278 558,950,528 100,207,261 862,748,267 1900<br />

24,069,571 334,855,000 189,626,658 68,848,499' S,878,649 4,056,279 692,874,281 29,,218,76$ 898,100,468 <strong>1901</strong><br />

6475<br />

I<br />

-cc<br />

G !?<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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.No. 34. -TOTAL DECLARED v ALUE of BRITISH and<br />

. . . . . . ,' .. , ..<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. I 1888.<br />

I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

I<br />

£,<br />

I I, £,<br />

I,<br />

I I £,,<br />

·£<br />

/!, I,<br />

221,918,910 284,534,912 248,935,195 263,530,585 247,235,150 227,216,809 218,259,718 216,005,637<br />

I<br />


.. . , . ' - ' - ' ~<br />

I I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l I I<br />

COUNTRIFS. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889.<br />

I 1890; 1891. 1892. 1893.<br />

FOREIGN-: £, I, .£ I ·#- £ £ £<br />

Russia, Northern Ports • 3,322,295 3,703,301 4,257,945 4,686,!(.8 4,319,475 4,838,169 5,259~400<br />

--Southern Ports • . . 844,669 l,i00,774 1,074,318 1,065,408' 1,087,927' 1,018,967 1,112,940<br />

Sweden and Norway 8,238,189 3,755,569 4,602,487 4,977,784• . 4,890,846" 4,569,174 4,456,718<br />

Denmark, Iceland, and GreenJand • l,848,095 2,QS!i,411 2,868,284 2,68!>,467 2,617,220. 2,624,179 2,642,258<br />

---Danish West Indies 93,096 84,351 81,724 114,508 57,914 77,605 79,816<br />

Germany· • • • • • 15,748,223 15,845,816 18,478,186 19,298,626 18,804,829 17,587,098 17,708,185<br />

--- Possessions in Western}<br />

• Africa.· • • • •<br />

Included with Western Coast of Afrlea.<br />

Holland . S,202,557 8,584,8511 9,724,767 10,121,160 9,463,800 8,886,835 9,249,816<br />

--- Java and other Posses·}<br />

sions in the Indian Seas<br />

l,557,827 1)822,818<br />

~ •<br />

1,750,296 l,658,827 2,506,044 2,256,948 2,087,915<br />

Belgium • 6,866,779 ·6,889,610 '7,229,418 7,688,712 7,~741 ,\g_5 6,943,935 7,130,60~<br />

France . . 18,684,208 '14,913,884 14,682,677 16,567,927 16,4s-Uit'~65 H,1387,796· 18,866,410<br />

--Algeria . 293,889 258,093 287,066 829,876 387,086 888,816 225,554<br />

--POS11eSSions In ~negambla 84,946 99,676 99,668 110,350 180,262 465,080 158,144<br />

--West India Islands . 178,921 181,009· 222,485 308,509 194,981 287,774 lSs,430<br />

Portugal • . 2,142,361 2;212;574 2,511;240· 2,~57,784 2,018,597· 1,895,655 ·1,789,685<br />

---Azores and :Y.deira • 127,198 159,146 191,807 178,933 177,182 138,802 138,457<br />

Spa.in . . . 3,83~707 3,535,876 4,237,990 4,999,'105 . 4,1?77,473 ~.67~,038 8,~14,516<br />

--Canary Islal!ds 214,527 285,378 411,834 466,840 452,450 430,564 446,961<br />

-- Possessions In W. Africa}<br />

(including Fernando Po) 9,103 5,694 6,522 7,778 8,880 7,167 8,201<br />

--West India Islands<br />

See under Cuba and Porto Rico.<br />

Italy· 7,816,550 5,800,638 7,156,557 7,757,862 6,296,560 5,564,495 5,206,796<br />

Austria· Hungary . . 886,187 945,401 1,038,758 1,283,209 1,227,967 1,142,688 1,095,160<br />

Greece . 989,217 948,180 854,368 1,157,572 1,124,571 921,890 604,055<br />

.Bulgaria. • 75,856 76,008 81;400 88,678 00,065 168,001 ,169,711<br />

.Roumania . . 1,038,429 989,690 1,259,681 1,270,271 1,676,964 1,332,690 l,807,449<br />

Turkey . . . 5,639,002 5,079,622 6,167,484 6,772,061 6,553,878 6,190,144 5,768,816<br />

Egypt . 3,018,569 2,911,276 2,949,7~ 3,381,880 8,789,288 8,193,158 8,364,718<br />

Tripoli and Tunis . . 84,281 61,425 106,780 170,483 '182,145 116,027 132 1 321<br />

lforocco • . 844,907 513,228 572,219 638,387 592,767 6SS,386 404,908<br />

Peral& . 149,865 194,482, 809,884 362,669 469,396 311,869 251,751<br />

Siam· • • • 76,076 52,763 70,299 75,802 98,759 110,188 86,018<br />

China (exclusive of Hohg Kong}<br />

6,243,002 6,203,590 5,038,895 6,608,982 6,456,593 5,778,042<br />

and !f.acio) t · • ·<br />

'4,616,666<br />

Jap&n . 3,584,619 8,976,882 8,888,188 4,081,793 2,882,964 2,992,833 3,487,910<br />

Philippine and Ladrone Islands • 678,069 1,180,785 1,542,629 098,412 786,531 ..<br />

725,981 723,786<br />

Islands in the Pacific not else-}<br />

98,728 04,141 lSl,826 200,801 175,826 63,951 79,250<br />

where stated • • •<br />

Unite4 States • . 29,547,800 28,897,060 80,293,942 32,068,128 27,544,558. 26,647,234 23,957,441<br />

Cuba and Porto lUco . 1,453,422 1,587,884 1,819,387 1,876,756 1,481,881 1,478,171 1,321,926<br />

:llexico . . 1,106,609 1,257,009 1,512,756 1,906,817 1,695,774 1,298,321 1,152,915<br />

Central America . . 967,51S 945,530 097,471 987,168 1,144,948 829,152 694,620<br />

Raitl and St. Domingo • . 434,li29 310,060 249,624 528,357 820,998 248,005 832,818<br />

Republic or Colombia . 1,165,832 1,126,971 1,151l,049 1,144,246 1,279,708 1,105,518 057,608<br />

~ Prior to 1892, tobacco manufactured in bond was lnclmled with the Er.ports of Foreign and Colonial Produce, and with<br />

Bntfan and Irish 1T0


1<br />


1895.'<br />

I 1896: ',, I i897. I . 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I £ I £ £ I<br />

£,'<br />

£<br />

£,<br />

£<br />

226,128,246 240,145,551 234,219,708 233,359,240 t 264,492,211 t 291,101,996 f 280,022,376<br />

·-<br />


1894.<br />

I 1895. I 1896. I 1897 .. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />


I<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ .£ £ £, £, £ FOREIGN:<br />

5,796,991 5,978,168 6,200,948 6,248,528 -7,944,105 - 9,892,652 9,143,345· 7,261,181 Russia, Northern Ports.<br />

1,087,688 1;026,416' 984,237 1,264,637' 1;288,868 l,827;78i 1,857,955 1,412,158 ~-'- Sou'them :Ports.<br />

4,SSS,189 4,918,027 5,104,587· 5,816,156 6,489,199 8,004,972 8,719,431 7,699,085 Sweden and Norway.<br />

2,594,8q7 2,708,537 2,865,635 8,085,195 3,837,743 3,961,807 4,256,536 3,688,482<br />

{Denmark, Iceland, and Green·<br />

land. ' · · ·<br />

1-- Possessions in<br />

- 66,486 68,355 91,320 109,580 126,047 120,910 76,868 'Vestem Africa.<br />

8,788,311 7,375,021 8,338,935 8,854,696 8,618,719 9,425,974 10,987,401 9,089,149 olland. ' ..<br />

57,450 60,1~5· 68,085 55,086 51,755 46,550 88,312 41,183 -----Danish West Indies.<br />

17,801,169 20,586,310 22,244,405 21,602,426 22,525,987 25,996,127 27,099,712 . 23,573,785 Germany •<br />

2,014,500.· 1,964;883 2,108,511· 2,052,159 2,138,004 2,389,053 2,867,634 2,340,633<br />

1-·-.-· Java and other Pos-<br />

· sessions in -tlie ·Indian Seas.<br />

7,632001' 7,326,005 7,816;152 8,231;686 8,802,070 0,836,165 10,775,705 ~,156,208 elglum.<br />

13,526,494 i3,87o,902 14,151,512 13,818,812 13,706,246 15,288,079 W,977,912 16,472,068 France.<br />

810,785 26Jj,229 257,501 273,304 8Q0,749 361,282 571,197 487,989 --Algeria.<br />

172,980 282,845 348,~8 401,224 531,848 69:1,255 709,900 529 .. 879 --Pqssessionslll Senegambia<br />

160,328 106,969 136~163 86,843 87,189 83,072 97,115 94,,499 --West India Islands~<br />

1,446,245 1,461,999 l,585,908 ' 1,416,887- 1,529,909 2,100,126 .2,065,570 1,710,829 Portugal.<br />

186,720 124,804 124~706. 151,549 147,050 204,667 750,786 911,729 ---Azores and Madeira.<br />

3,945,037· 8,638,458 8,455,660 3,380,747 >,F ,,,.,,_,I 4,634,087 5,625,524 4,827,110 Spain. "<br />

441,724 899,964 ~50,717 475,745 li:J0,101 684,275 919,426 819,618 --Canary Islands.<br />

{--Posse~lons in Western<br />

9,2471 10,026 10,859, 10;986 10,486 12,220 18,292 19,281 Africa £ncluding<br />

Fernando· o).<br />

See under Cuba and Porto Rico.<br />

~-West India Islands.<br />

5,555,365 5,645,006 6,357,260 .5,696,000 5,647,707 6,985,916 8,772,114 7,612,562 Italy.<br />

' 1,427,434 1,715,605 1,508,304 1,553,834 1,671;874 2,0t0,606 2,516,899 2,141,185 Austria-Hungary;<br />

881,546 806,448 842,412 &3~,228 1,139,712 1,155,915 1,0M,851 l,679,138 Greece.<br />

215,721 159,026 278,409 885,001 ' 302,765 226,012 ' 126,318 284,009 Bulgaria.<br />

1,816,867 891,917 ~.286,582 1,340,281 1,833,~64 l,175,431 586,179 l,023,108 Roumanla.<br />

6,520,169 5,847,805 5,088,853 o.~~.406 6,190,958 5,833,774 5,093,826 6,881,976 Turkey.<br />

3,996,655 3,849,162 8,777;006 4,·185,101 4,419,078 5,061,686 6,000,400 6,814,867 Egypt.<br />

286,239 8Q9,843 ~J,748 265,748 368,006 278,669 806,630 391,640 Tripoli and Tunis.<br />

538,707 629,783 489,864 412,758 433,185 684,546 575,553 758,861 .Morocco.<br />

823,772 378,121 ~78,7$6 4~7,150 817,845 851,912 877,370 548,884 Persia.<br />

78,471 189,974 136,487 150,880 211,175 191,9'>..S ~01,541 252,179 Slam.<br />

4,453,616 5,257,832 6,717,853 5,142,342 5,0~9,264 7,040,460 5,574,147 6,778,599 {China (exclusive or Hong<br />

Kong and Mnc.'lo).t<br />

8,724,089 4,644,550 6,083,34~ 5,807,822 4,918,162 7,909,158 9,775,166 8,182,223 Japan.<br />

{!39,880 415,803 507,601 400,264 216,178 418,048 1,142,896 862,711 Philippine and Ladronc lslands.<br />

106,257 102,074 122,676 185,739 198,782 269,688 169,264 65,555 {Islands in the Pacific not elsewhere<br />

stated. ·<br />

18,799,570 27,948,553 20,424,225 20,~4,681 14,716,489 18,119,880 19,780,881 18,393,883<br />

1,121,000 943,798 72~550 508,637 273,841 l,~6,717 1,345,425 1,260,983 Cub.a and .Porto Rico.<br />

1,213,763 1,522,059 1,520,387 1,602,818 1,751,503 2,017,540 1,998,263. 1,550,568 .Mc.tico.<br />

'995,808 1,816,465 1,266,713. 845,100 550,049 649,748 962,998 881,850 Central America.<br />

337,979 859,027 283,894 200,004 105,928 216,714 :127,192 210,184 Halt! and St •. Domingo.<br />

976,636 1,227,252 1,844,841 · 1,191,0:!3 789,692 668,986 844,898 915,267 Republla or Colombta.<br />

Uulted States. 1<br />

t The Ex~orts lnclu~e ~he vahio of Sl~lps and.~oats (new) with their machinery. Tlie value of these Exportll ,is not<br />

Included In tile Rctums pl'ior to the year 1899.<br />

t China l11cludes Korea from <strong>1887</strong> up to 1597; since the ycnr 1897 Korea Is Included under the bearl r>f 11 Other Couutrles.''<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

8,054,849<br />



1892. 1893 .•<br />

I<br />

FORRIGX-continued. £ £ £, £, £, £, £,<br />

Venezuela . . 779,717 581,467 785,424 828,978 821,826 368,915 919,26~ .<br />

Ecuador 378,638 365,622 266,176 200,743 259,871 257,632 300,114<br />

Brazil • 5,824,408 6,256,297 6,282,320 7,458,628 8,200,089 7,911,451 7,774,610<br />

Uruguay 1,750,01~ 1,771,692 2,408,401 2,043,106 l,1~,052 1,281,304 1,609,154<br />

Argentine Republic (including the}<br />

.Atlantic coast of Pata.gonia) •<br />

6,229,666 7,657,00-l 10,682,934 8,416,112 4,246,700 5,652,377 5,586,397<br />

Chile (including the Pacific C<br />

of Patagonia) • • •<br />

001\11t} 1,980,978 2,204,671 2,934,190 3,130,072 2,000,55Q 3,736,628' 2,387,806<br />

Peru 717,121 1,148,611 958,812 1,128,895 1,037,455 763,708 700,773<br />

Western Coast of Africa * • 1,000,267 1,042,304 1,845,677 1,491,964 887,375 605,692 691,894<br />

Other Foreign Countries . 749,900 679,007 723,!~ ~,533 802,032 57~,844 86~,262<br />

COUNTRIES-Cont.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I ;1.891. ,,<br />

Total to Foreign Countries • 146,648,654 150,298,399 165,656,205 176,160,202 161;279,062 162,467,882 146,l()j),655.<br />


Channel Islands • 619,926 630,623 646,287 726,785 759,425 772,725 786,084<br />

Gibraltar . 846,653 676,725 750,638 794,967 701,39,3 571,281'. 607,583<br />

Malta and Gozo • 747,682 889,001 904,515 1,024,892 800,018 774,522 724,010<br />

North .American Colonies:<br />

Dominion of Canada . 7,768,116 7,152,417 7,721,122 6,827,028 6,820,990 6,869,918{ 6,658,492<br />

Newfoundland. 850,878 420,885 420,464 898,888 42',781 558,674 542,112<br />

Total to North ~er!can} 8,108,489 7,572,802, 8,141,686 7,225,911 7,245,771 7,428,587<br />

Colonies 7,200,604<br />

- - - -<br />

Bermudas . 71,611 8i,954 76,648 210,225 84,073 87,352 88,456<br />

West India Islands and Guiana 2,681,969 2,985,247 8,018,940 3,520,886 2,910,150 2,950,97-l 3 1 220,463<br />

:British Honduras 78,582 102,098 ' 1~~.780 101,228 113,667 87,76~ ~1,488<br />

Amtralia:<br />

West Australia • 346,165 820,617 850,678 464,209 591;958 525,197 525,181<br />

South Australia • 1,490,930 1,005,826 1;622,763 2,040,559 2,388,894 1,717,773 1,405,184<br />

Victvria . 6,969,202 8,893,495 7,741,020 7,101,848 7,249,224 4,727,634 8,854,015<br />

New South Wales . 6,36-l,078 8,119,078 7,080,117 7,884,666 8,009,009 6,568,540 4,834,612<br />

Queeneland • . . 2,096,2i8 2,745,264 2,862,408 2,128,216 2,224,316 l,794,24:l· 1,838,842<br />

-Tasmania 426,910 48-l,755 498,466 609,844 653,324 478,069 828,812<br />

New Zealand<br />

~<br />

Total to Australia 16,693,569 22,469,035 19,650,452 ' 19,678,842 22,107,685 15,811,454 11,780,946<br />

2,993,906 8 1 207,810 8,814,482 3,869,177 3,456,406 8,277,897<br />

Fiji lllanda 21,049 14,788 21,028 18,180 '2S,Ss2 19,630 86,295<br />

Britl!h India S0,658,495 82,614,665 . 81,047,892 38,641,001 81,177,968 27,934,452 28,814,SSO<br />

The Straits Settlements 2,481,682 2,592,004 2,402,474 2;888,244 2,463,648 2,116,848 1,780,799<br />

Ceylon· 628,056 708,520 786,409 '921,616 1,016,578 947,858 902,477<br />

Hong Kong· . . . . 2,553,150 2,812,978 2,181,718 2,528,212' 2,681,828 1,803,864 l,~,277<br />

11!auritius and Dependencies 284,970 253,928 801,472 '820,826' 256,695 2'io,s16 805,610<br />

Aden and Dependencies 138,119 165,560 209,859 436,305 617,694 207,011 164,828<br />

Eaatem Coast of.Africa:<br />

Territories under British In·}<br />

tluence • · • •<br />

- Included with Other Countries (Foreign). 114,167 285,758<br />

!fatal • . 1,692,182 2,029,088 3,066,956 2,837 .. 201 2,280,419 1,914,509 1,~2,641<br />

Cape of Good Hope 8,4ll 1 878 3,908,682 5,932,019 6,200,003 5,677,459 6,031,011 7,249,530<br />

Niger Protectorate • Included w itb \v. Coa stof Africa (Foreign). 589,41)4 501,859 608,472<br />

Lagos •<br />

887,425 212,123 850,605<br />

The Gold Co&st • } 405,136 464,622 474,230 489,340 { 854,614 840,327 386,010<br />

Sierra Leone and GambfA • 262 1<br />

62\ 286,739 808,424 862,962 896,657 835,030 879,526<br />

Other Possessions 35,488 38,653 47,058 48,8?2 45,788 ~9,965 ~4,984<br />

Total to British Poue11Slon1 • 75,870,256 84,241,518 88,278,990 87,370,383 85,956,088 74,748,617 72,150,168<br />

··-<br />

---<br />

Total E:tporll to Foreign Coun·}<br />

trie.t. and BritlJh Poueulona<br />

221,913,910 284,534,912 248,935,1{15 263,580,585 247,235,150 227,216,399 218,259,718<br />

t<br />

* Y.xclusive of 1uch German, "French and Spanish 'Possessions as are separately dlatlnguisbecJ. Inclusive of the<br />

Nfier Prote

EXPORTS :--BRITISH A.ND nwm. 103<br />

UNITED KINGDOM to various FOREIGN COUNTRIES a114 ::{3,RI'fISH Pof:;SESSIONS-Continued.<br />

I 1894. I 189;). I 1896. I 1897. I 1898 . t 1899.<br />

I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I CouNTmEs-Cont.<br />

£, £, £, £, £ £, £ Fo1tEIGN-contint1ed.<br />

. ~ .... 1 802,004 789,767 564,697 468,822 400,840 564,361 508,942 Venezuela.<br />

263,632 250,878 372,167 418,049 323,452 403,425 836,570 284,780 Ecuador.<br />

7,526,700 7,328,696 6,664,00:l 5,481,234 6,100,286 5,389,540 5,820,353 4,152,091 :Brazil.<br />

1,489,016. 1,3-18,955 l,434,9.i6 795,616 1,256,110 1,301,3,97 1,690,851 1,322,968 Uruguay.<br />

{Argentine Republic (including<br />

4,515,417 5,851,482 6,620,993 4,801,125 5,586,276 6,210,729 7,142,738 e,751,632 the •.\tlantic coast. of .Pata·<br />

gonia).<br />

2,208,692 3,248,780 2,553,267 2,226,478 1,600,505 2,244,661 3,254,749, 3,230,837 {Chile (Including the Pacific<br />

coast of l'atagonia).<br />

554,063 681,516 902,086 728,211 805,793 814,039 948,627 991,350 Fent<br />

707,558 560,859 543;108 4DS,8S8 596,0~0 65!l,081 1,200,247 6Sa,09..5 I Western Coast of Africa. ..<br />

951,819 .,129,175 1,656,889 1,807,938 1,520,907 1,73:3,316 1,232,472 1,266,400 Other }'oreign Countries.<br />

-<br />


888,872 950,240 9!>7,486 1,092,216 1,067,977 1,056,6·J6 981,621 929,653 Chmmcl Islands.<br />

623,329 453,846 478,417 614,6261 712,917 677,154 814,522 771,172 Gibraltar.<br />

778,414 672,460 65v,520 743,707 700,785 839,936 1,113,834 1,143,34.4 :Malta and Gozo.<br />

-<br />

North American Colonies:<br />

5,531,513 5,285,271 5,352,029 5,171,851 5,838,000 6,969,535 7,605,257 7,785,472 Dominion of Canada.<br />

780,062 254,139 403,697 304,341 316,773 377,607 521,453 358,223 Newfoundland.<br />

i43,217,0ii2j155,930,952_ 156,008,614 153,544,645 14!l,932;4w· 176,894,743 i96,812,400 175,233,975<br />

Total to Foreign Cow1tries.<br />

6,311,575 5,539,410 5,755,720 5,476,191 6,154,773 7,347,142 8,126,710 8,143,695 {<br />

Total to North American<br />

Colonies.<br />

00,790 91,925 93,028 195,702 114,487 118,531 122,952 145,028 :Bermudas.<br />

2,930,747 2,656,732 2,706,606 2,314,885 2,447,227 2,462,203 2,354,709 2,471,529 West Indialslf!.nds and Guiru1a.<br />

68,868 74,382 86,155 77,672 76,058 56,781 63,351 60,400 British Honduras.<br />

Australia:<br />

589,754 987,00-1 2,307,614 2,348,847 1,755,780 1,400,333 2,125,ll8 2,522,501 West Australia.<br />

1,598,073 1,544,800 1,962,534 1,741,125 1,002,352 1,777,022 2,007,607 1,030,119 South Australia.<br />

3,775,111 3,939,070 4,833,265 4,622,544 4,033,455 4,852,966 5,680,415 5,473,984 Victoria.<br />

5,016,030 5,466,099 6,363,976 6,167,459 6,630,789 6,874,007 8,609,760 8,668,113 New South Wales.<br />

1,691,288 1,931,796 2,002,027 1,964,411 1,950,185 2,457,244 2,563,820 2,227,835 Queensland.<br />

305,529 338,·i89 423,784 412,234 452,489 529,684 589,108 533,939 Tasmania.<br />

12,975,785 14,207,258 17,893,200 17,256,620 17,0Sb,051 17,957,156 21,675,828 21,356,491 'l'otal to Australia.<br />

-·<br />

-·----<br />

3,031,623 3,103,091 3,9!>5,092. 4,027,652 4,020,677 4,543,131 5,485,845 5,599,272 N cw Zealand.<br />

36,875 34,400 27,263 26,612 17,358 25,007 31,480 58,015 Fiji Islands.<br />

29,339,781 24,753,008 30,097,768 27,382,091 29,729,589 31,316,412 30,115,752 34,978,126 British India.<br />

2,352,259 1,995,006 2,019,874 2,496,895 2,773,812 2,612,381 3,150,139 3,203,511 The Straits Settlements.<br />

947,858 983,733 1,005,828 1,031,481 1,177,138 1,385,454 1,832,876 1,534,914 Ceylon.<br />

1,809,194 1,908,813 1,822,037 1,975,374 2,225,115 2,688,609 2,762,88'.? 2,612,725 Hong Kong.<br />

273,603 235,S.15 306,031 28·1,862 239,242 350,550 377,174 989,500 'Mauritius and Dcpendencie11.<br />

197,126 197,432 240,581 165,981 25P,9!ll 221,91~ 236,368 466,225 Aden nnd Dependencies.<br />

Eastern Coast of Africa :-<br />

72,452 93,325 245,102 281,624 257,314 223,767 197,574 159,550<br />

Territories under<br />

{ Influence.<br />

:Hrltil1h<br />

1,421,922 1,604,209 3,184,184 3,407,088 3,055,300 2,!l89,578 8,421,164 5,462,717 Natal.<br />

6,978,128 9,016,007 10,687,173 9,976,849 9,144,420 8,380,547 9,336,711 11,691,663 Cape of Good Hope.<br />

515,113 475,791 506,493 505,162 6~,075 607,866 681,161 651,421 Niger Protectorate.<br />

380,447 891,594 526,484 476,160 528,586 485,577 530,166 473,447 Lagos.<br />

431,837 421,264 449,488 ·132,442 ·187,456 615,738 576,456 855,438 '.l'he Gold Const.<br />

369,750 271,722 345,930 349,697 355,388 406,899 360,366 867,013 Sierra Leone and Gambia.<br />

62,197 63,801 60,471 83,574 78,435 227,588 129,865 663,462 Other Possessions.<br />

72,788,545 70,197,204 84,136,937 80,675,063 83,426,761 87,597,468 il1,379,596 10·1,788,401 Total to :British Possessions.<br />

- --- ----- --<br />

Total Exports to Foreign<br />

216,005,637 226,128,246 240,145,551 234,210,708 233,350,240 264,492,211 291,191,996 Countries al\11 :Briti&h<br />

1 1 Posscssiuils.<br />

t J>1·lor to 1892, tobacco mnmtfncturcd in bomt wns Included with the Exports of :l!'orclgn nnd Colonial Produce, and<br />

wlf.h British nnd Irish Produce In thnt nnd in subsequent yeat':!.<br />

t 'fhe B:xports include tho Yaluo ot Ships nntl Boiits (new) with their machinery. 'l'ho mluo of those Exports is not<br />

included in tho i·cturns prior to tho year 1899.<br />

280,0~2,376 1{<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


, --<br />


!<br />

!<br />

t<br />

Alkali·<br />

Animals: Horses<br />

• OIOts.<br />

• }to.<br />

Arms and Ammunition :<br />

Fire-arms (Small) .,<br />

Gunpowder • I.118.<br />

Bags and<br />

Empty·<br />

S~cks,} Dozs.<br />

Beeraud Ale • Brls.<br />

Biscuits and Bread • Cu:ts.<br />

Bleaching ~Iaterials • II<br />

Books, Printed •<br />

Rr:cks<br />

"<br />

Thou$.<br />

Candles, of all Sorts • Lbs.<br />

Cement<br />

• C1cts.<br />

Clay, Unmanufac·} Tons<br />

tured • •<br />

Coals, Cinders, and<br />

~auufactured Fuel:-<br />

Coals and Culm ·TOliR.<br />

Coke and Cinders II<br />

Fuel, Manufactured .,<br />

Cocoa or Chocolate}<br />

Ground or Pre- llJs.<br />

pared<br />

Cordage and Twine • Cu:t.fl.<br />

Corn: Wheat . II<br />

-- Wheat·Flour • II<br />

Cotton Yam and Twist:<br />

Grer • }<br />

Bleached and Lbs.<br />

DyeJ. •<br />

Printod • }<br />

- Dyed or )fanu·<br />

f!l.~tured of<br />

Dyed Yam "<br />

- ODI.ixed)fate·}<br />

II<br />

rials· •<br />

Total C-Otton Piece}<br />

Goods<br />

• ll<br />

,.:Otton ~~~~} Doz.Pra.<br />

'-1'hread for i l,1Jj.<br />

I Sewinr.<br />

: .Fish : Ilerrings I Brla.<br />

I Flax and Hemp, )<br />

, DrC!SSed andUn· J Cwts.<br />

I dreued • •<br />

i Glass: Plate, Rough}<br />

or Silvered Sq.Ft.<br />

I --Ylint ·Cwu.<br />

1 --lk>ttles and)<br />

: llanufac-<br />

: tares off<br />

1 Common "<br />

: Glt.88· •<br />

: --O! other Sorts<br />

'. Gret.ee, Tallowi and)<br />

"<br />

j .Aolma Yatf<br />

"<br />

I<br />

.<br />


<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

0,161,000<br />

9,403<br />

128,576<br />

9,788,500<br />

3,221,672<br />

440,867<br />

199,953<br />

1,578,300<br />

133,403<br />

9,313,100<br />

10,121,800<br />

204,718<br />

23,258,855<br />

001,931<br />

540,181<br />

162,252<br />

©,700<br />

154,995<br />

251,026,000<br />

Not given. 8,305,208 3,356,400<br />

Cotton )fanufactures;<br />

Piece Goods, l<br />

2,812,703,000 2,284,601,500 2,324,619,500<br />

Unbleached J l'ds. 3,473,308,200{<br />

-Bleached •<br />

1,295,288,300 1,180,862,800 1,257,095,700<br />

1.430,609,600<br />

94,200<br />

4,004,012,000<br />

- --<br />

1,727,589<br />

20,392,000<br />

1,014,752<br />

32,081<br />

4,697,143<br />

97,328<br />

8~,400<br />

169,957<br />

407,439<br />

1888. 1889. 1890.<br />

0,343,000 6,032,200 0,3Sl,700 I<br />

12,SSO 14,200 12,916<br />

147,335 204,100 184,078<br />

13,523,600 10,079,600 10,330,400<br />

3,586,470 8,110,841. 2,677,605<br />

447,940 495,920 503,221<br />

194,678 200,71Jl 228,545<br />

1,603,000 1,524,6001 1,736,700<br />

142,895 155,1231 102,128<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

10,830,000 12,669,100 13,556,800<br />

12,254,000 12,033,200 12,568,800<br />

215,414 249,856 250,990<br />

25,032,407 27,504,911 28,738,241<br />

798,254 769,480 732,375<br />

539,875 682,054 672,223<br />

192,592 j 192,860 209,093<br />

64,564 121,109 143,105<br />

187,844 215,203 222,124<br />

255,846,100{<br />

1,430,249,200 { 948,293,100<br />

587,394,300<br />

207,217,900 211,001,100<br />

45,217,900 47,289,700<br />

950,078,000<br />

593,128,300<br />

67,200 I 87,400 44,500<br />

5,038,307,700 ! 5,001,239,100 5,124,966,000<br />

- - ~<br />

1,692,606 1,443,701 1,304,564<br />

21,719,100 17,291,000 18,075,000<br />

071,492 1,161,450 1,150,176<br />

39,721 34,741 31,519<br />

4,349,198 3,896,673 3,070,456<br />

128,886 121,166 111,855<br />

863,613 ~82,388 934,908<br />

204,884 216,983 203,475<br />

402,636 374,363 472,160<br />

1891.<br />

0,227,400<br />

11,234<br />

182,253<br />

11,224,400<br />

2,590,136<br />

462,519<br />

218,772<br />

1,513,700<br />

173,880<br />

15,874,200<br />

11,519,880<br />

270,614<br />

29,496,785<br />

859,!i48<br />

727,788<br />

3,238,900<br />

190,454<br />

159,688<br />

218,086<br />

203,886,300<br />

41,872,400<br />

2,170,671,300<br />

1,250,753,000<br />

904,144,000<br />

574,865,800<br />

42,400<br />

4,912,475,700<br />

1,214,012<br />

18,070,600<br />

951,809<br />

33,676<br />

3,284,513<br />

109,502<br />

791,147<br />

213,974<br />

417,265<br />

1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

5,885,000 5,832,700 5,982,200<br />

11,233 11,961 10,457<br />

131,722 125,920 132,284<br />

7,935,800 7,665,300 8,315,900<br />

2,085,0l\O 2,264,349 2,304,760<br />

451,972 414,650 412,590<br />

217,202 218,006 204,090<br />

1,489,700 1,327,700 1,200,700<br />

100,981 104,295 168,53G<br />

61,030 61,515 49,983<br />

18,375,500 19,041,800 19,250,900<br />

9,852,300 8,751,300 8,511,040<br />

267,685 • 274,856 286,198<br />

29,048,056 27,708,128 81,760,368<br />

009,451 602,774 588,266<br />

796,400 721,053 729,064<br />

2,942,400 2,625,000 2,447,500<br />

224,930 191,199 203,807<br />

00,270 43,023 15,477<br />

219,023 240,952 271,553<br />

195,115,500 170,441,200 198,513,400<br />

38,108,900 86,105,100 87,607,600<br />

----<br />

2,117,317,600 1,944,188,100 2,268,328,700<br />

1,211,719,400 1,094,018,100 1,400,057,500<br />

4$,458,700 987,707,500 981,979,900<br />

595,505,800 626,283,500 661,SU3,000<br />

104,300 20,200 133,800<br />

----<br />

4,873,105,800 4,652,217,400 5,312,362,000<br />

-<br />

1,124,051 835,139 854,607<br />

16,169,300 17,244,500 17,099,300<br />

1,125,458 1,212,126 1,SS6,510<br />

34,816 39,270 86,441<br />

2,158,076 1,684,500 1,836,600<br />

93,739 83,539 84,753<br />

758,742 639,202 083,227<br />

222,088 194,316 178,907<br />

441,728 605,462 608,201<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

II<br />


lOfi·<br />

PRODUCE (Entered by Quantity) EXPORTED from the UNITED' KINGDOM.<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1,900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />


--1<br />

6,248,800 4,841,SOO 4,973,100 3,771,600 3,808,800 3,655,700 I * C1cts. Alkali.<br />

21,56:1 29,414 34,4il 30,412 33,701 30,038 27,012 No. Animals: Horaes.<br />

129,180 186,068 161,242 131,271 118,498 95,806 111,333<br />

II<br />

Arms and Ammunition :<br />

~'ire·arms (Small),.<br />

8,046,800 8,089,000 8,920,600 8,068,000 7,928,600 7,047,200 6,865,712 Lbs. Gunpowder.<br />

2,220,297 2,420,400 2,155,500 2,205,100 2,129,400 2,33:1,400 2,207,400 Dou {Bags and Sacks 1<br />

· Empty.<br />

432,742 462,000 470,827 470,424 481>,032 510,843 522,889 Brls. Beer anrl ,Ale.<br />

209,020 244,451 256,785 245,418 241,995 278,837 273,326 C1cts. Biscuits and :Bread.<br />

1,412,300 1,188,400 1,167,000 1,127,500 1,800,100 1,267,400 1,034,400<br />

II Bleaching Materials.<br />

180,029 100,:m 207,352 211,775 227,680 238,780 247,1398 ,, Books, Printed.<br />

58,066 66,835 09,6:14 75,166 83,778 74,561 63,727 Thous. Bricks.<br />

23,380,400 23,539,q(}() 24,469,700 24,546,600 27,788,300 22,585,500 24,586,500 Lbs. Candles, of all-Sorts.<br />

7,909,680 7,075,380 7,831,920 0,513,480 7,047,100 ,7,llJS,880 6,100,620 Cwt$. Cement.<br />

811,78:1 8:14,992 362,879 877,562 409,265 487,594 486,522 Tons. Clay, Unmanufactured.<br />

Coals, Cinders, and l!anu--<br />

31,714,000 32,947,680 85,354,200 35,058,480 41,180,332 44,089,197 41,877,081<br />

factured Fuel :-<br />

T0118. Coals and Culm.<br />

700,004 676,811 978,327 709,742 867,295 985,865 807,671<br />

6S6,482 637,565 764,295 734,0!?4 1,063,777 1,023,666 1,0Sl,100<br />

2,579,800 2,620,800 2,942,700 S,381,400 3,457,200 3,900,800 3,032,273 Lbs.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Coke and Cinders.<br />

Fuel, lfanufacture11.<br />

{ Coco3. or Chocolate,<br />

ground or prepared.<br />

230,518 230,173 208,776 201,427 219,077 210,185 233,980 Ctcts. Cordage and Twine.<br />

17,018 21,977 108,295 223,392 64,907 89,019 51,591 II Corn : Wheat.<br />

288,428 295,212 895,2~1 400,001 563,131 720,240 842,483 JI -- Wl1eat Flour.<br />

211,521,600 200,208,900 210,873,700 208,370,300 175,100,000 123,695,500 131,565,200<br />

Cotton Yarn and l'wist:<br />

Lbs. Grey.<br />

40,467,400 40,223,600 42,172,800 38,202,000 37,004,100 84,577,400 38,092,800 II Bleached and Dyed.<br />

Cotton :unnufocture:s :<br />

2,107,429,100 2,000,698,900 2,04~,935,400 2,261,292,900 2,163,770,000 1,926,809,500 2,104,944,200 Yd· {Piece Goods,<br />

~. Unbleached.<br />

1,279,330,800 1,307,144,000 1,241,214,300 1,286,580,600 1,355,562,200 1,300,256,800 1,533,349,600<br />

11 Bl~ched.<br />

996,882,300 1,072,848,800 876,079,500 958,689,600 1,059,899,300 957,914,800 909,998,500 --- Printed.<br />

" Dyed or Yan-<br />

64S,810,000 740,899,100 631,096,200 709,370,000 800,106,000 840,002,800 810,20l),800<br />

ufactm·ed of<br />

"<br />

~=<br />

/ l>yed Yarn.<br />

95,000 657,800 343,200 120,800 100,700 83,100 SS,600 Of )lixed<br />

~faterials.<br />

-----<br />

"<br />

5,032,562,200 5,218,248,600 4, 792,268,600 5,210,053,900 15,438,944,200 5,031,727,000 5,364,600,200 JI l'otnl Cotton Piece Goods.<br />

812,123 I 793,800 775,900 580,500 596,100 GSl,700 687,500 Doz Prs {Cotton Stockings<br />

• • and Socks.<br />

26,414,700 27,137,000 S0,705,500 84,505,400 31,058,400 Lb 8 {--- 'Xhread for<br />

' • Sewing.<br />

1,425,115 1,378,827 1,117,001 1,743,085 l,·t04,324 1,540,875 1,878,652 Brls. l'ish : Herrings.<br />

23,SUO,,., I 25,853,600<br />

44,427 28,709 ?1,800 I 26,010 32,455 32,805 33.628 Cicts. f Flax nu1l Hem~,<br />

l dressed and um ressed.<br />

1,446,000 1,804,000 1,520,500 I 1,817,100 1,764,100 2,163,800 66,835 t {Glass: Plate, Rough<br />

JI<br />

or Silvered.<br />

94,211 99,875 92,821 90,704 88,401 97,975 103,501 Cwts. --- Flint.<br />

Bottles and<br />

680,650 783,660 809,119 766,085 794,650 863,184 881,505<br />

Mnuufactures<br />

{-- JI<br />

of Common<br />

Glass.<br />

224,836 242,887 233,517 247,201 240,229 224,819 231,074<br />

JI --- OC other &>rts<br />

642,000 805,737 795,854 007,779 667,438 {Grease, Tallow and<br />

518,991 574,802 JI<br />

AuimalFat. \<br />

I<br />

• See under "i:orfa Compounds," pAgc 109.<br />

t Stakd 111 011·t11. lu 1001; p1uvio11s to that year in Sq1111r1 J'ut.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

106<br />




-Continued.<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. 11888. 11889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

Hats: Felt • Dozs.<br />

- Straw<br />

Hides,.Raw Ctcts.<br />

Jute Yarn· Lbs.<br />

Jute lbnufactures :-<br />

597,010<br />

563,477<br />

119,660<br />

23,568,500<br />

631,443<br />

645,997<br />

121,710<br />

26,582,800<br />

701,944<br />

608,268<br />

72,792<br />

84,179,200<br />

645,845<br />

653,014<br />

~850<br />

34,40.J,400<br />

659,679<br />

693,272<br />

73,4.64<br />

33,178,500<br />

I<br />

56.J,453<br />

669,252<br />

74,700<br />

25,682,400<br />

549,643<br />

723,027<br />

94,613<br />

29,346,ooO<br />

447,351)<br />

676,914<br />

124,108<br />

34,928,300<br />

Piece Goods 1·as. 244,177,700 231,510,800 265,08·1,700 273,775,900 283,618,000 266,247, 100 264,972,700 233,4.31,700<br />

Leather, Tanned,} Ctcl'<br />

Un wrought is. 152.526 159,13.~ 143,099 155,753 148,975 131,452 145,115 136,153<br />

Leather, Wrought, ])oz.}<br />

Boots and Shoes Prs. 602,716 661,907 665,909 695,8021 706,517 659,911 693,049 668,563<br />

Linen Yarn ·Lbs. 16,3S0,900 14,710,500 13,944,700 15,312,600 14,859,900 15,460,600 lil,259,300 15,540,100<br />

Linen llanufact~es :-<br />

I<br />

White or Plain - Yds. 152,605,500 161,538,500 164,590,200 165,498,900 144,416,700 156,254,800 139,682,309 135,157,200<br />

Printed, Checked,}<br />

8,376,300 11,062,500 12,422,200 14,859,300 11,807,600 12,157,000' 15,406,100 16,875,20()<br />

orDyed - - "<br />

Sailcloth and Sails - ,, 2,948,400 4,116,800 3,617,800 3,681,600 3,233,400 2,890,700 3,246,900 4!221,600<br />

Total Linen :Piece}<br />

Goods • • • "<br />

Thread for Sewing Lbs.<br />

llanures :__;<br />

Sulphate of Ammonia Tims<br />

Other Descriptions ,,<br />

:Uetals:-<br />

Iron, Old, for re-}<br />

manufacture • "<br />

- 'Pig and :Puddled ,,<br />

Bar • • ·,,<br />

.Angle, Eolt and Rod - ,,<br />

-Railroad:<br />

Rails of Iron}<br />

or Steel* - "<br />

Chairs and Sleepers • ,,<br />

Unenumented* - ,,<br />

-- :ir~t~!11(~:.}<br />

elusive of Telegraph<br />

Wire) ,,<br />

and manu-<br />

1 actnres thereof<br />

• - •<br />

- ~~.:it.s, ~ah·a:! ,,<br />

-- (notgalvanized)<br />

Boiler<br />

and Armour "<br />

Pia.test· • •<br />

- Hoops and<br />

Hooplron • • "<br />

- Tinned Plates : ,,<br />

- :Black .Plates~<br />

for Tinning (Iron ,,<br />

and Steel)t • • <<br />

-Anchors, Grapnels,<br />

Chains and ,,<br />

Cables. • •<br />

-Tubes and Pipes~<br />

Wrought • • "<br />

- Nails, Screws<br />

and Rivets • • "<br />

- Bed!tfads ! · ,,<br />

- C&sl, and}<br />

llann.factures<br />

thereof, unenu- "<br />

merated • •<br />

- Wrought, and)<br />

l!.anufac-1<br />

tnres thereof, un·J· "<br />

enumerated i •<br />

163,930,200 176,717,800 180,630 1 200 184,039,800 151),457,700 171 1 302,500 158,335 1 300 156,254,000<br />

2,817,500 I 2,806,400 I 2,800,200 2,949,000 2,474,100 2,458,400 2,397,000 2,094,800<br />

Not stated J 328,155 317,596 321,919 339,134<br />

114,786 103,0SS<br />

{<br />

237,802 251,270<br />

I<br />

2S9,Sl2<br />

1,158,174<br />

233,585<br />

29,961<br />

144,972 I<br />

1,036,319<br />

253,294<br />

44,233<br />

146,719<br />

1,190,371<br />

217,175<br />

35,2(7<br />

149,902<br />

1,145,268<br />

11)(,,108<br />

32,727<br />

111,068<br />

84.0,055<br />

191,303<br />

25,818<br />

106,488<br />

767,053<br />

155,516<br />

17,898<br />

118,522<br />

840,294<br />

135,701)<br />

13,078<br />

83,256<br />

830,985<br />

114,673<br />

14,459<br />

771,722<br />

178,104<br />

61,953<br />

46,463<br />

150,928<br />

109,669<br />

90,444<br />

353,500<br />

16,610<br />

42,102<br />

17,09..5<br />

172,680<br />

120,890<br />

713,781<br />

219,407<br />

86,814<br />

64,114<br />

186,142<br />

119,SOS<br />

105,407<br />

391,361<br />

20,915<br />

44,434.<br />

19,341<br />

202,524<br />

140,898<br />

757,935<br />

247,040<br />

84,917<br />

55,896<br />

182,386<br />

112,053<br />

91,284<br />

430,650<br />

23,764<br />

52,139<br />

18,952<br />

237,377<br />

131,294<br />

732,637<br />

210,653<br />

92,141<br />

61,567<br />

150,977<br />

107,237<br />

552,507<br />

98,219<br />

51,521<br />

67,516<br />

163,002<br />

92,4.65<br />

77,378 65,000<br />

421,797 448,379<br />

Not distinguished.<br />

23,292 21,007<br />

45,659 41,509<br />

17,964 17,208<br />

Not distinguished.<br />

233,331 180,4.80<br />

133,925 103,799<br />

377,753<br />

56,501<br />

33,749<br />

47,350<br />

157,119<br />

87,224<br />

52,893<br />

395,449<br />

20,130<br />

37,584<br />

14,812<br />

141>,949<br />

1>7,434<br />

I<br />

461,709<br />

57,004<br />

39,662<br />

37,04.0<br />

166,668<br />

~2,832<br />

47,038<br />

379,172<br />

18,251<br />

38,912<br />

16,041<br />

125,882<br />

81,167<br />

331,850<br />

52,637<br />

40,755<br />

34,675<br />

169,540<br />

75,083<br />

52,112<br />

353,928<br />

18,196<br />

38,588<br />

14 1 4.80<br />

117,065<br />

• Tie J>...odll were included with Rails up to and inclusive of the year 1889; in subsequent; yeara they arc Included under<br />

""C'nennmerated.''<br />

'<br />

t Prior to 1E95 Iron Efack Plates were included with Sheets (not galvanized), &c. Steel Black Plates were, previous to that<br />

year, lncluded with Steel Sheets. · ' · · ·<br />

77,554<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

13<br />

I<br />

. E~PORTSi:~BRJ:'FISH aND IRISH .. .107<br />

{Entered ·by ·Quantity) EXPORTED from the· U:NiTED ·KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

I·<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I<br />

2Q3,587 .iKlo . !74,208,0QO . 164,~.~· 14S,op4,600 174,27P,OQO<br />

2,401,600 2,240,SOQ 2,0~9,800<br />

'·"""·""I<br />

2,~88,100<br />

11~,8!}7 128,QSl 163,901 187,oo+ Hq,ss2<br />

216,216 226,276 ~4,937 806,146 299,806<br />

97,100 127,424. ~,833·· ~.so2· 115,726<br />

866,568 l,~,165 1,201,104 1,042,853' 1,880,342'<br />

12§,982 155,834· 148,604· 185,m 185,965<br />

lS,058 ~1,789 19,084 14 1 3-16 28,69!<br />

374,713 .~1.249 .. 579,983 476,047 471,774<br />

.i4,v56 ~2,212 112,391 73,048 60,745<br />

89,188 74,201 89,671 00,308 58,148<br />

42,220 56,po ~1.~72 ,-1,1~ 48,498<br />

20~,205'. ~4,'87 Zf7,42S 2~6,496 288,0lS<br />

4~,831 ~8,~13 !O,OB9 50,059 56,840<br />

58,096 ~2,015 48,435 51,288 58,584<br />

866,120 21)6,968 271,280 ~.9ss· 256,873<br />

8~,868 48,405 ~.~'8 58,8~. ·85,729<br />

l~,558 ~.101 20,474 21,571 22,843<br />

47,215 ~.20s ~2,42-i 57,215 63,124<br />

"<br />

l~,528 20,272 20,931 19,166 20,661<br />

Not dlstiugulshed. 10,680<br />

121,961 1~3.~32 149,671 141,7'17 ~84,280<br />

83,607 1~4,12i 121,482 . !15,988 107,785<br />

154,708,200 150,215,300<br />

i.~.100 I 1.721,000<br />

~~~.1571 149,~<br />

254,856 277,238<br />

-9~ 1001 I-· ·-ss;100<br />

1,427,525 839,182<br />

137,967 lOf,781<br />

19,19i 18,292<br />

373,956 466,007<br />

42,669 41,919<br />

•7,106 ~41198<br />

ss,~n 47,849<br />

2''1,177<br />

'250;28.;<br />

88,54~ 85,904<br />

,6,2-10 89,254<br />

272,877 . 271,820<br />

66,278 5~,895<br />

22,511 23,688<br />

58,2~ 55,251<br />

20,962 18,640<br />

14,2-14 10,584<br />

122,210 126,267<br />

100,42-i 86,941<br />

I<br />

'<br />

II<br />

Lbs.<br />

Tons.<br />

i<br />

I<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

"<br />

II<br />

"<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

II<br />

Total Linen Piece G oods •<br />

1895.<br />

1900.<br />

I <strong>1901</strong>. PRINCIPAL ARTICLES<br />

-Continued.<br />

471,690 471,459 411,919 '15,501 434,7921 . 478,508 498,014 J)ozs. Tiats: Felt.<br />

717,1~~ 691,~79, 632,900· 636,19S 62Q,~~ ~,628 576,884 II• -- ~trAW.<br />

217,0?l 13!,505 200,60~ 207,21~ I 204,395<br />

~61,152 170,097 '(,'wt8. Hlde~Raw.<br />

34,725,SQQ 87,224,8?0 . 51,878,600 49,645,400 45;251,200 88,798,100 43,0~4,!)00 Lba. Jute Yarn.<br />

Jute Manufactures :<br />

254,67~,l!QO 257,146,2QQ' 283,776,300 211,06?,700 213,2


l'l1mrn1P AL A.RTICLES<br />

-Oontinucd.<br />


:f3RI'.I:ISH anQ. IRISH J,>RQJ?UCE<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I I 1888. 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

!<br />

)t.~t!lls-cont.<br />

Steel:-<br />

Cast in Ingots or •} Tons 47,801 18,679 6,904 10,660 6,543 6,708 14,863<br />

'"'·'°" I<br />

Blooms<br />

In Bars of all kinds .. 52,307 58,701 67 1 08.'i 69,032 03,086 03,856 70,767 74,529<br />

Sheets t<br />

44,005 40,745 64,118 74,480 70,706 78,732 92,243 122,103<br />

"<br />

- lfanufnctures of}<br />

St~el, or of Steel and ,, 13,580 19,549 21,141 25,451 17,038 15,246 18,375 18,067<br />

Iron combined •·<br />

Totnl of Iron and Steel •<br />

"<br />

·-----<br />

4,143,0281 3,006,563 4,186,182 4,001,430 3,240,140 2,739,279 J 2,856,574 2,649,998<br />

I<br />

Copper, Un wrought:-<br />

Ingots, Cakes, or\<br />

Slabs, and .Pre· ·CtcU. 427,475 503,932 650,713 900,538 707,182 845,822 506,884 800,717<br />

cipitate • ·/,<br />

- Wrought or pnrt y<br />

Wrought:<br />

:llil::ed or Yellow} ,, 838,231 150,186 306,459 351;451 281,399 294,582·<br />

l[etal • • •<br />

290,987 315,170<br />

Of other Sorts • • 385,551 187,032 309,300 270,017 328,292 324,332 339,996 308,125<br />

Brass, of all Sorts<br />

89,738 76,603 107,668 106,211 114,014 108,215 115,047 109,156<br />

"<br />

Lead:-<br />

I Pig • • • • Tons 24,404 28,112 28,422 34,701 29,206 39,178 29,535 27,801<br />

Rolled Sheet, Piping,)<br />

Tubing and other J ,, 19,807 20,504 23,618 20,856 18,007 18,984 19,:fao 19,259<br />

l!anufactures •<br />

Tin, Unwrought • Owts. 98,204 120,836 108,583_ 102,642 103,307 112,939. 131,775- 116,992<br />

Zinc, Wrought and} 210,940 111,768 132,802 104,176 153,485<br />

Unwrought - • "<br />

190,211 194,513 183,077<br />

:llilk, Condensed • • 11 Not distinguished. 67,825 61,491 62,934 01,442 67,063 70,883<br />

l Oil and Floor Cloth Sq. Yds. 13,310,600 116,292,200 17,195,200 16,610,400 19,685,000 16,442,200 17,536,600 20,185,700<br />

Oil, ~ed:<br />

Linseed . Ton.s<br />

Cotton<br />

39,336<br />

~ed . 35,340 33,005<br />

} {<br />

II<br />

All other Seed Oils<br />

75,098 78,008 68,629 65,118, 70,416 20,466 29,045 23,079<br />

II<br />

1,430 1,80~ 2,081<br />

Paper and Pasteboard :-<br />

Writbag or Prlnting}cwts<br />

J.>aperand:Envelopes ·<br />

55,175 60,534 60,540 61,058 67,386 58,098 56,956 57,606<br />

Paper Hangings<br />

591,3121 786,458 712,240 708,502 713,814 687,120 672,080 622,239<br />

"<br />

Unenumeratoo • II 174,608 228,927 ~10,591 100,495 222,668 186,533 180,721 221,835<br />

Potatoes .<br />

II Not separately distinguished. 617,747 1,752,454 1,078,330<br />

Ra~ and other liate·} Tons<br />

nals !or Paper • •<br />

59,199 58,350 58,860 53,885- 49,638 67,6-18 52,210 53,834<br />

Sal~ II 818,713 898,071 066,757 726,021 671,205 054,136 630,135 768,999<br />

Seeds of all rorts • JI 178,196 213,190 227,090 214,070 232,281 215,024 242,577 250,977<br />

Ships and Boats,}<br />

new (not register· Gross }<br />

ed as Bt1tlsb)with T

E:X:E0RTS":-:-BlW(~$a: .~J?·d~~~Jf'., 109,<br />

(Eiiterea by Quantity} EXPORTED from .the ·UN~'fED ~~NGDO)l;-;-G'~#nµed.<br />

l·<br />

r<br />

i895.<br />

'1896.<br />

·~898.<br />

·I· il897. ·'i"· 1899.<br />

I +<br />

PRINC;£P.1\L ;A,RT~C~E.!?, 1<br />

1900. ·+ ~9Ql.,- ·I -·Co,nt:mued.<br />

,<br />

---<br />

Me~ls-cont<br />

. '<br />

Steel'.:<br />

.<br />

12,~ 26,892 24,587 20,404 28,481 12,875 5,038' 'ca8t In.-Ingots or<br />

To"3· { Blooms• • ·<br />

86,928 114,105 119;686 124,00't 146,239 142,891' 112,123! 'In Bars of au.kinds; ..<br />

II<br />

1~895 156,942 155,446' 1401178· 159,589. 153,182· ~.65,,<br />

II<br />

Sheets. t ·<br />

{-Manufacture1·.ot·<br />

28,84' 86,712· 46,4!)8 85,0~L 44,1~7, U,694, 51,!!!)l II<br />

Steel, or oC·Steel and<br />


110 :Ell>0RTS::.:_BRFrISH AN·D '·IRISm<br />

riuxdIPAL ARTICLF..S<br />

1 · 1ss1.<br />

-Cvntintted.<br />

QUANTiTIES •of 1 ·the PRINCIPAL; ,ARTICLES' ·of.' BRI'~l~ll 1~n4· IRISl! .. f .RQDUCE<br />

I i888. ·I<br />

1889. I· J.890.<br />

I 11891. I ll.892. I 1893.<br />

I 1894.<br />

Stones and Slates-cont.<br />

Grindstones, Mill'}<br />

l<br />

itooee, .and other T91i1 31,~4 H,755 49,l61 ~078 SZ,860<br />

Stone • • • '.<br />

iu;m H,437 81,~<br />

Sug~r, :&eflned . Ctct,, 70,i,8011' 684,042 755,bl5 7~,'16. '125,127 sioo;~1 1,122,!52 1,037,821<br />

I<br />

lt:i>luae1, Treacle, }<br />

S)'np and Gluoo.e '! 465,116 US,169' ' 418,774 no;611'· 405,689 442,864,. 891,0J~. ' " 866,041<br />

Tobacco and Snuff} , i'<br />

llanufactured in' .Lbf.t 113,1:175 121,!88 l~.~· 187,586 1 142,994• . 1,498,016,' . 1,684,267. . l,78',163<br />

the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><br />

Wool:-<br />

.<br />

Sheep and I,.ambs' * • Lba. 19,557,700 23,ssS,200 21,768,400 19;495,100 lti,727,800 17,928,100 16,049,QOO. 12,~,goo<br />

Flocki and Ragwool 16,()j7,500 18,848,400 22,580,700 16,070,400 lS,76',100 14,288,800 16,788,100 16,197,800<br />

"<br />

Forelgn,dreuedln the}<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> • "<br />

12,667,800 15,783,000 20,428,500 - - - - -<br />

NQill .<br />

J<br />

. . . II<br />

10,234,700 10,608,400 11,112,200 11,216,SOO 8,961,SOO<br />

} {<br />

Wute . . II Not dlatlnguilhed • 2.897,600 2,483,S


(Entered by Quantity) EXPORTED from the UNl';l'ED KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>., I<br />


-Continued.<br />

Stonea and Slates-cont.<br />

{Grindstones, :Mill·<br />

26,082 89,512 23,097 27,135 80,2'4 85,725 '6,750 Toni 1tone11 1 and other<br />

Stone.<br />

~210 993,698 878,943 786,041 647,560 606,853 556,809 ewu. f!ugar, Refined.<br />

847,GS9 337,938 305,60.? 264,971 240,750 238,972 228,551<br />

{ Molassee, , Treacle,<br />

II S)'I'Up and Glucose.<br />

{To1-cco and Snutr<br />

2<br />

1544,49~ 2,960,357 S,M4,~ 4,271,767 ,,751,600 5,525,509 8,620,605 Lb1. t Manufactured in the<br />

· <strong>United</strong> Kinidom.<br />

Wool:-<br />

21,667,200 18,038,500 40,087,800 12,304,400 22,627,800 24,928,800 %0,206,000 Lbl. Sheep and Lam~'. *<br />

15,697,400 14,985,800 14,272,800 18,449,700 13,700,800 12,937,800 10,745,000 II Flocka and Ragwool.<br />

- - - - - - - II<br />

13,756,200 11,178,900 11,627,200 11,939,700 13,000,800 7,897,400 9,924,800 II Noil1.<br />

S,491,000 S,032,100 3,157,~ 2,400,600 2,654,600 1,693,100 1,984,600 II W~te.<br />

{Foreign, dr~aaed in the<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

14,260,500 18,235,700 25,514,000 24,099,400 29,007,100 28,081,200 27,111,400 {Combed or Carded<br />

and Tops.<br />

II<br />

61,070,000 62,288,700 57,075,400 68i806,700 68,700,800 57,148,200 48,498,400<br />

{Woollen .and Wonted<br />

11<br />

Yam.<br />

Woollen and WonUd<br />

Manufactures:-<br />

Woollen Tluuea:<br />

\<br />

10,429,SOG 9,992,600 8,845,000 8,122,600 9,249,700 11,041,100 9,802,~00 Yds. Heavy Broad, all Wool.<br />

18,833,800 17,767,100 15,258,700 12,602,000 18,764,700 15,652,200 13,479,400 II II<br />

Ylxed.<br />

993,100 1,032,600 755,800 615,600 680,100 1165,100 469,100 II HeavyNarrow,allWool.<br />

651,100 471,500 856,500 444,500 651,200 436,200 435,400 II II lllxed.<br />

7,091,700 7,805,100 7,000,800 5,981,900 5,722,500 5,867,200 8,137,400 II<br />

Light Broad, all Wool.<br />

11,107,800' 13,938,900 11,102,800 9,900,200 10,009,400 9,702,500 8,298,100 II<br />

"<br />

:Mixed.<br />

2,926,200 3,498,700 2,764,100 2,772,000 S,078,200 2,932,800 8 1 026 1 600 II<br />

Light Narrow, all Wool.<br />

4,'18£,100 5,740,500 6,0S!,200 5,769,900 5,098,800 4,406,000 3,780,800 II II :Mixed.<br />

26,278,100 16,666,200 15,89..0,700 10,810,200 11,105,400 9,961,800 9,198,800 II<br />

{Worsted Coatings,<br />

Broad, all Wool.<br />

5,030,500 5,018,600 4,611,000 4µ1,100 4,700,500 5,473,400 6,681,700 II II Mixed.<br />

1,842,000 1,368,800 1,814,300 834,600 918,200 608,200 605,800 ,, {Worsted Coatings,<br />

Narrow, all Wool.<br />

2,676,800 1,648,400 1,000,000 1,275,600 1,877,600 1,085,500 1,818,700 II II Mixed.<br />

11,465,500 12,658,700 10,486,600 10,214,900 10,645,100 11,699,800 9,798,500 II Flannell.<br />

1,273,101 1,586,600 977,200 952,900 862.500 857,900 779,800 Prs. Blanke ta.<br />

19,185,600 18,082,400 15,192,400 10,597,600 12,598£00 10,930,400 11,688,200 Yds. {Worsted Stutts, d:c.<br />

all Wool.<br />

109,025,600 93,096,100 91,638,900 67,922,300 71,829,400 74,114,700 65,400,900 II II lilied.<br />

8,279,500 8,289,000 7,297,400 7,430,200 8,811,600 S,789,900 7,540,000 II CIU'peLs ~nd Druggets.<br />

17,742,600 14,641,9.00 10,590,100 16,277,200 16,995,000 15,419,800 17,SS4,900<br />

{Yarn of Alpaca1m11l lfo-<br />

Lbs. hair, and other sorts<br />

unenumerated.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



PRIXCIPAJ, ARTICLES. 1<strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. 11891. I 1892. I 1893. I 1894.<br />

Aerated Waters - •<br />

Alkali • •<br />

.Animals: Horses -<br />

Apparel and Slops<br />

Arms and Ammunition:­<br />

Fire-anns (small)<br />

Gunpowder·<br />

Ammunition, unenumerated<br />

Of all other Kinds<br />

Bags and Sacks, empty<br />

Beer and Ale<br />

Biscuits an1l Bread •<br />

Bleaching :slateriala •.<br />

Books, Printe1l •<br />

Bran and Pollard • •<br />

Bricks - •<br />

Candi~ of all Sorts<br />

Caoutchouc, ~fanu!actures of •<br />

Carriages and Waggons :-<br />

Ja.Uway Carriages for l'all· }<br />

sengers and parta thereof<br />

Railway Waggons, Trucb, &c.<br />

Other Sorts and ·parts (in· }<br />

eluding Carts) • • •<br />

l,7~2,771<br />

5!7,SOO<br />

S,947,306<br />

223,882<br />

263,89!<br />

588,501<br />

560,518<br />

656,181<br />

1,678,860<br />

550,297<br />

592,001<br />

1,175,411<br />

180,872<br />

1,070,Sll<br />

208,510<br />

619,051<br />

Cement - • •<br />

Chemical Product&:-<br />

• 982,776<br />

Sulphate of Copper • ·}<br />

Other Chemical Productsf·<br />

1,692,651<br />

Clay, Unmnnu!actured • • 217,587<br />

Clocks and Watches and parts}<br />

154,459<br />

thereof • • • • •<br />

Coal, Cinders, &c.:-<br />

Co&! and Cnlm • 9,528,488<br />

Coke and Cinders •<br />

391,63!<br />

Fuel llinu!actured<br />

254,919<br />

Products of Coal, Feat,}<br />

or Shale (except Dyes)i·<br />

Cocoa or Chocolate, Ground or}-<br />

Prepared - - - - •<br />

Confectionery, J"ama, and Presened<br />

Fruits •<br />

Cordage and Twine<br />

Corn, Wheat • •<br />

- Wheat Flour<br />

£ I £ I £ I & L & &<br />

1,638,770<br />

848,811<br />

4,653,589<br />

234,091<br />

868,270<br />

652,276<br />

697,885<br />

798,744<br />

1,705,868<br />

535,163<br />

615,881<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

1,572,922 2,089,295<br />

984,611 687,978<br />

4,978,618 5,0S!i697<br />

286,718<br />

273,700<br />

624,488<br />

547,160<br />

784,708<br />

1,857,946<br />

500,822<br />

563,818<br />

273,820<br />

252,828<br />

686,187<br />

706,100<br />

649,262<br />

1,874,886<br />

651,003<br />

506,076<br />

2,335,281<br />

525,085<br />

5,150,981<br />

262,152<br />

274,894<br />

667,543<br />

477,477<br />

686,820<br />

1,694,567<br />

601,728<br />

522,415<br />

1,245,959 1,294,007 1,828,70! 1,888,669<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

See under Earthen o.nd China Ware.<br />

198,298 281,897 I 261,408 SU,394<br />

l,HS,271 1,125,555 l,2~2,400 1,242,W!<br />

840,095 522,855 S00,885<br />

1,161,830 1,580,921 2,507,210 1,877,587<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

2,119,440<br />

568,864<br />

4,847,091<br />

228,620<br />

203,827<br />

651,484<br />

881,101<br />

473,678<br />

1,651,486<br />

O()j,059<br />

598,649<br />

1,200,517<br />

200,557<br />

SU,298<br />

1,215,807<br />

224,631<br />

602,077<br />

1,165,000 I 1,281,649 I 1,281,003 1,140,697 002,910<br />

1,981,964 2,282,00! I 2,706,625<br />

228,980 270,882 j 272,720<br />

160,416 l 139,850 I 128,127<br />

C) 3311561 { 297,807<br />

Ml 1,974,518<br />

298,898 297,8,6<br />

120,976 100,016<br />

1,857,928<br />

472,762<br />

4,259,650<br />

187,045<br />

194,277<br />

680,82(<br />

S3S,700<br />

511,161<br />

1,508,885'<br />

594,487<br />

550,700<br />

1,261,921<br />

189,500<br />

852,670<br />

1,185,697<br />

823,882<br />

595,041<br />

187,924<br />

744,424<br />

419,863<br />

2,145,652<br />

290,276<br />

78,802<br />

1,630,948<br />

449,80!<br />

4,122,863<br />

207,744.<br />

200,481<br />

1,002,771<br />

459,794<br />

468,797<br />

1,463,107<br />

541,271<br />

604,852<br />

1,218,325<br />

145,496<br />

SSl,086<br />

l,152,854<br />

267,009<br />

533,779<br />

166,503<br />

708,889<br />

538,959<br />

2,oa2,S05<br />

819,726<br />

61,167<br />

10,(1()3,617 j 13,838,090 17,801,958 17,635,96{1 15,820,180 13,540,607 16,524,997<br />

488,462 574,225 757,852 759,206 499,861 488,749 424,280<br />

253,220 369,675 I 460,959 499 1 906 4911217 396 1<br />

120 422 1 104<br />

717,570 913,440 1,111,825 l,414,677 1,569,914 1,832,273<br />

1,289,162<br />

Not given. 178,774 178,742 168,727<br />

160,125<br />

136,15·1<br />

129,170<br />

Su under Pickles, Sauces, Confectionery, &:c.<br />

870,475 447,978 400,106 494,653 437,297 476,734 400,688 391,489<br />

26,4U 28,256 47,509 55,007 75,144 37,765 14,942 5,874<br />

- or other kind!<br />

80,572 00,108 116,094 116,349 128,754 119,165 109,033 106,420<br />

219,854 252,515 277,082 261,138 265,126 247,023 303,235 804,944<br />

Cotton Yarn and Twist:-<br />

9,183,00! 9,699,830<br />

Grey • • ·.} 11,379,325 11,657,489{<br />

8,872,898 7,785,485 7,192,622 7,489,228<br />

Bleached and Dyed •<br />

2,528,745 2,641,077 2,304,450 1,957,800 1,862,880 1,796,417<br />

1~----it----~1----1·----~----1-----1<br />

Cotton :lfunufactures:­<br />

Pier.e Goods, Unblo::nched} 3 ., 813 698<br />

{ 20,578,707 20,010,478 20,995,000 19,758,126 17,681,218 16,040,34~ 17,617,000<br />

1<br />

--:Bleached • • -· l3,6lll,383 12,337,475 13,332,209 13,255,433 12,0l6,'ll2 10,038,7.23 12,005,70i<br />

- Printed • • ·} J<br />

10,913,041 11,224,232 10,840,697 10,853,919 11,384,521 10,707,110<br />

-- Dyed or :lfanu!ac-} 18 92' 181 18 '.lo/\ 961<br />

tured of Dyed • ...., """'' l 8,122,628 8,605,636 8,576,004 8,312,188 8,917,576 8,834,727<br />

Yam • •<br />

-- Of :l1b:ed :lfaterlals 4,483 3,507 4,651 2,591 1,717 2,011 478<br />

Stockings and Socks 443,454 441,974 394,C48 355,861 316,729 254,6:14 205,219<br />

T:..:ead for Sewing 2,979,184 3,180,885 2,692,601 2,900,751 3,254,193 2,867,551 3,004,935<br />

Lace and Patent Net • • 2,261,471 1,928,886 1,913,547 2,046,847 1,852,967 .2,100,405 2,016,406<br />

Unenumeratw • 2,153,970 2,200,248 2,404,384 2,536,225 2,374,390 2,277,836 2,191,165<br />

Total of C~tton Manufactures 69,580,441 60,3-2-0,-o.,--1-i·-58-,7-9-3-,4-48_ 1 .-62-,0-89-,4-42- 1·-.60-,-2.'W-,25-6·1-5..,..6,-26-5-,4-68_ 1 __ 5_4_6_99_,3.,.,<br />

S,789<br />

228,708<br />

2,934,882<br />

l,890,01i3<br />

2,005,918<br />

6_7_ 1 _5_7-,2-78-,-88-4-I<br />

l Saphtba, Paraffinc, Parttffinc Oil and Petroleum were included under this heading prior to <strong>1901</strong>; now fncJndcd with "Oil<br />

other wrts, unenumerated."<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


IRISH PRODUCE ExronTED, from the UNIT~ KIN.GDOM.<br />

1895. 'I 1896. I 1897. i 1898. ,. 1899. I. 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I PRINCIPAL A'Rl'ICL&S.<br />

£.,<br />

1,557,538<br />

549,882<br />

4,525,318<br />

287,622<br />

181,507<br />

1,337,804<br />

786,554<br />

448,262<br />

1,523,708<br />

553,296<br />

500,717<br />

l,228,188<br />

177,989<br />

885,703<br />

1,190,885<br />

277,581<br />

513,138<br />

209,751<br />

641,551<br />

593,803'<br />

2,165,878<br />

847,654<br />

69,719<br />

14,600,326<br />

464,843<br />

368,634<br />

1,578,781<br />

185,77G<br />

£.<br />

1,242,178<br />

671,832<br />

5,229,132<br />

459,147<br />

191,877<br />

1,4-17,985<br />

406,610<br />

485,823<br />

1,592,435<br />

600,011<br />

406,486<br />

1,309,036<br />

202,288<br />

357,024<br />

1,261,774<br />

854,690<br />

1,097,823<br />

272,757<br />

580,417<br />

860,003<br />

2,806,440<br />

381,845<br />

75,805<br />

14,3i0,712<br />

488,896<br />

358,205<br />

1,888,726<br />

139,150<br />

£,<br />

176,914<br />

1,279,403<br />

825,246<br />

4,980,176<br />

300,593<br />

201,999<br />

859,129<br />

475,223<br />

455,001<br />

1,621,472<br />

615,628<br />

370,814<br />

1,330,993<br />

210,570<br />

382,665<br />

1,230,445<br />

572,901<br />

1,198,552<br />

2i2,li2<br />

647,191<br />

1,022,700<br />

2,393,883<br />

885,985<br />

80,53\J<br />

£<br />

146,030<br />

1,005,763<br />

842,106<br />

4,605,600<br />

321,621 I<br />

194,926<br />

1,190,823<br />

764,684<br />

487,992<br />

1,623,183<br />

008,292 I<br />

310,817<br />

1,336,549<br />

208,586<br />

220,317<br />

829,167<br />

1,828,702<br />

728,008<br />

l,000,005<br />

244,038<br />

C09,320<br />

S~l,130<br />

2,5~,563<br />

400,049<br />

S0,037<br />

£<br />

192,2.'i5<br />

1,030,871<br />

757,079<br />

4,636,444<br />

223,538<br />

180,366<br />

988,198<br />

587,739<br />

438,656<br />

1,663,555<br />

610,801<br />

821,157<br />

1,444,485<br />

128,212<br />

265,477<br />

412,181<br />

1,388,805<br />

694,620<br />

1,212,780<br />

258,072<br />

600,835<br />

855,225<br />

2,600,822<br />

451,312<br />

78,511<br />

15,684,542 17,155,823 21,600,394<br />

674,905 551,116 748,749<br />

395,508 428,563 654,107<br />

1,667,858 1,524,44(1 1,543,942<br />

154,165 168,887 177,417<br />

See under Flckles, Sauces, Confectionery, &c.<br />

£<br />

172,720<br />

1,110,449<br />

681,W7<br />

li,286,740<br />

193,838<br />

157,873<br />

1,206,731<br />

501,365<br />

537,~<br />

1,700,552<br />

684,370<br />

869,100<br />

1,468,816<br />

178,246<br />

257,782<br />

898,188<br />

1,423,464<br />

508,657<br />

1,122,000<br />

831,516<br />

67i,t62<br />

1,013,200<br />

2,752,610<br />

482,616<br />

83,602<br />

36,409,614<br />

1,215,736<br />

094,500<br />

l,811,6-i4<br />

206,781<br />

£<br />

144,858 Aerated Waters.<br />

• Alkali.<br />

005,60l> Anlma1s : Horses.<br />

5,571,250 Apparel and Slop11,<br />

815,709<br />

Arni1 snd Ammunition:-<br />

Fire-arms (small). 1<br />

171,500 Gunpo'!ftler. ;<br />

1,477,856 Ammunition, unenumerated. t<br />

508,107 Of an other Kinds.<br />

500,864 Bags and Sacks, empty.<br />

1,782,898 Beer and Ale.<br />

790,SSO Biscuits and Bread.<br />

842,525 Dleach!ng Materials.<br />

1 1 552,772 Dooka, Printed.<br />

255 1 112 Bran and Pollard.<br />

210,739 Bricks.<br />

432 1 714 Candle11 of all Sorts.<br />

1,262,415 Caoutchouc, )fanufactures ot.<br />

C&H'lages and Waggoh1 :-<br />

630,143 {<br />

1,900,659<br />

843,660 {<br />

:Railway CalTlages for l'aA·<br />

sengers and ~thereof.<br />

Railway Waggons, Trucks, &c.<br />

Other Sort11 and part-11 (In· :<br />

eluding Carts). !,:<br />

583,974<br />

846,317<br />

2,563,587<br />

484,504<br />

104,002 {<br />

28,744,984<br />

700,786<br />

888,9713<br />

C;iment.<br />

Chemical Products:­<br />

Sulphate of Copper.<br />

Other Chemical Prod11~tll. t<br />

Clay, Unmanufactured.<br />

Clocks and Watches and parts<br />

thereof.<br />

Coal Cinders, &~. :­<br />

Coal and Culm.<br />

Coke and Cinders.<br />

Tuel Manufactured.<br />

1 , 151 , 253 {Products of Coal, Peat, or Shale<br />

- (except Dyes). : ·<br />

1971834<br />

{Cocoa or Chocolate, Ground or<br />

Pre11arecl. ,<br />

Confectionery, Jams, and Pre·<br />

served Frult11.<br />

534,456 · Cordage and Twine.<br />

10,709 Com, Wl1eat.<br />

361;666. --Wheat Flour.<br />

439,570 -- Of other Kinds.<br />

428,169 432,517 382,435 404,847 488,089 522,461<br />

6,407 9,050 44,658 100,632 24,268 16,070<br />

111,104 122,114 195,745 221,120 242,313 804,500<br />

275,651 286,508 377,760 427,775 343,582 858,545<br />

Cotton Yarn and Twist:­<br />

7,455,096 8,148,567 7,943,200 7,243,852 6,403,686 5,982,900 6,110,852 Gr.ey.<br />

1,835,100 1,800,109 1,986,568 1,679,020 1,655,180 1,758,189 1,866,180 13leached and Dyed.<br />

1-----1-----1:-----1-----1-----1-----1----1 Cotton llnnufactures:­<br />

15,582,186<br />

11,758,340<br />

10,498,765<br />

16,712,868<br />

12,588,416<br />

11,519,408<br />

15,727,159 16,761,GSS 16,827,646<br />

11,680,722 11,814,027 12,502,838<br />

0,403,744 9,037,329. 10,713,022<br />

lll,188,594<br />

13,232,878<br />

10,55-1,581<br />

18,809,328<br />

15,698,946<br />

10,349,455<br />

tured of Dyed<br />

8,918,155 10,859,964 8,901,170 9,804,608 11,315,559 12,406,698 12,143,003<br />

Yarn.<br />

-- Of Mixed Materials.<br />

1,912 15,430 5,350 2,401 2,518 2,193 057<br />

Stockings and Socks.<br />

220,414 230,376 168,562 174,888 175,508 228,814 222,637<br />

3,160,556 S,219,510 3,821,847 3,412,220 3,607,389 8,982,123 3,590,089 Thread for Sowing.<br />

1,001,812 2,049,109 2,202,480 2,258,997 2,876,200 2,671,021 2,600,819 I.nee and Patout Net.<br />

2,85ll,t28 2,615,171 2,·!52,581 2,221,812 2,378,272 2,792,353 2,726,453 Unonumernted.<br />

1~~-~-1--~--1<br />

54,455,268 69,309,s42 I s:1,,04s,633 s5,977,5os 59,480;042 62,009,150 65,708,582 Total of Cotton ~fanufactures.<br />

* Sea " Soda Compound~,'' pnite 121. · ,.<br />

11<br />

t Saltpetre, now included under this hen



0011 tinuecl.<br />


I <strong>1887</strong>. 11888. 11889. I 1890. I 18!H. 11892. I<br />

1893. I 1894.<br />

Cycles, and parts thereof •<br />

Dye Stuffs :-<br />

Products of Coal Tar<br />

Other Sorts, unenumerated •<br />

Earthen and China Ware:-<br />

Red Pottery, Brown Stonel<br />

Ware, and llanufactur~Jl<br />

.>f Clay* • • •<br />

Electric Lighting Apparatus, or}<br />

parts thereof (except Steam<br />

Engines) • • • • •<br />

Fish, Herrings • •<br />

- Of other Sorts •<br />

.Fishing Tackle • • • •<br />

Flax and Hemp, Dressed and}<br />

Undressed • • • •<br />

.Furniture, Cabinet and Up·}<br />

bolstery Wares • • •<br />

Glass, Plate, Rough or Silvered -<br />

-- Flint • • • • -<br />

-- Bottles and Manufactures}<br />

of Common Glass -<br />

-- Of other Sorts - -<br />

£.<br />

207,837<br />

21'll,427<br />

263,920<br />

Earthen""llre, Chlnaware,}<br />

Parian, and Porcelain • l,894,746<br />

99,905<br />

£.<br />

I £.<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

185,696<br />

283,071<br />

819,961<br />

1,997,225<br />

166,409<br />

173,176<br />

318,961<br />

445,982<br />

2,089,467<br />

211,049<br />

192,463<br />

838,338<br />

465,971<br />

2,048,501<br />

225,827<br />

297,842<br />

415,346<br />

1,958,344<br />

239,194<br />

1,046,402 l,105,350 1,287,837 1,284,946 1,250,350<br />

457,332<br />

161,0SI<br />

573,544<br />

262,680<br />

236,689<br />

390,585<br />

131,075<br />

462,816<br />

214,155<br />

745,808<br />

260,867<br />

283,674<br />

405,166<br />

159,634<br />

528,802 510,821 460,267<br />

Not separately distinguished •<br />

189,698<br />

856,020<br />

243,127<br />

275,059<br />

464,742<br />

164,407<br />

173,088<br />

649,092<br />

190,218<br />

261,105<br />

483,890<br />

180,720<br />

167,49r><br />

591,918<br />

212,422<br />

242,988<br />

186,703<br />

Grease, Tallow, and Animal Fat- 467,972 438,152 455,868 560,992 li52,lli9<br />

Haberdashery and :llillinery • 2,346,834 2,822,357 2,252,141 2,112,911 2,000,101<br />

.BardWAre • •<br />

cutlery - -<br />

~} 2,921,159 3,168,403 2,989,188 2,764,446 2,527,575<br />

Hats, Felt • • •<br />

739,528 796,208 909,607 860,57, 869,565<br />

-- Straw- • - • 849,588 393,576 a~,383 371,262 895,561<br />

Hides, Raw - • • • 232,800 202,065 114,460 144,208 121,622<br />

Implements and Tools :-<br />

Agricultural - -<br />

322,699 338,873 400,439 stll,401 408,978<br />

Unenun~~rated -<br />

567,454 660,887 852,654 946,610 002,600 I<br />

Instruments and Apparatus:­<br />

Surgical, .Anatomical and}<br />

Selentilfo - - • 215,931 245,477 284,587 307,656<br />

Jewell~ • • •<br />

Not 1eparately dllltl11gul1hed.<br />

J"nte Yarn • - • • 227,412 2i2,818 409,651 386,405 341,986<br />

- Manufactures:- !<br />

Piece Goods - I 2,058,265 2,080,700 2,730,344 2,625,885 2,li34,600<br />

Leather, Onwrought - - ~ 1,341,450 1,393,880 1,318,830 l,SSS,800 1,364,183<br />

--Wrought,'Boots and Shoes 1 1,745,922 1,802,726 1,789,342 1,898,290 1,909,326<br />

-----ot other &.rt:s • i 321,907<br />

413,874<br />

372,soo<br />

349,746 3S6,001<br />

I·<br />

--8addlery and Harne!S • I 403,00i 612,161 674,489 642,388 669,163<br />

Linen Yarn - • • • • ! 939,763 SSi,383 I 849,263 866,3!)3<br />

8!l9,0~<br />

1<br />

915,856<br />

188,916<br />

254,521<br />

152,829<br />

1,004,712<br />

174,641<br />

1,211,016<br />

448,129<br />

163,895<br />

583,025<br />

116,467<br />

225,528<br />

860,843<br />

182,967<br />

591,957<br />

1,757,820<br />

2,194,726<br />

792,287<br />

879,7i2<br />

107,489<br />

428,851<br />

838,198<br />

290,659<br />

285,882<br />

2,562,401<br />

1,245,210<br />

1,699,821<br />

832,687<br />

480,156<br />

800,142<br />

* Including Bricks up to the year 1892 1 hut cxclWJlve of that article In and after that yea<br />

1,038,896<br />

204,899<br />

246,8137<br />

168,256<br />

1,821468<br />

215,866<br />

1,804,808<br />

464,617<br />

219,852<br />

521,219<br />

86,051<br />

215,982<br />

805,781<br />

158,126<br />

781,561<br />

1,492,179<br />

2,046,606<br />

772,481<br />

898,551<br />

180,391<br />

459,411<br />

786,784<br />

273,886<br />

298,418<br />

2,852,889<br />

1,872,681<br />

1,697,232<br />

322,123<br />

447,658<br />

1,005,102<br />

1,200,918·<br />

200,557<br />

214,151<br />

1.50,885<br />

1,607,845<br />

246,854<br />

1,456,246<br />

596,933<br />

192,793.<br />

418,798<br />

72,684<br />

199,919<br />

301,453<br />

141,392<br />

668,945<br />

1,246;631<br />

1,834,481<br />

632,649<br />

8S5,969<br />

153,602<br />

409,656<br />

784,938<br />

248,71&<br />

876,408<br />

2,047,84ll<br />

1,280,074<br />

1,614,076<br />

279,38!)<br />

428,289<br />

939,202<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

'<br />

'<br />

/21<br />

EXPORTS ·:-BRI'i'ISH AND . IRISit IItr -<br />

fRiSil PRODUCE :·Exi>OR1'1m from tlic UNITED KIN.cmoM-C(mtinued.<br />

------------ -----------------.;<br />

1800. 1809. 1000. - <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

PmxcrPAL A&Ticr,F.s­<br />

1896. I 1897. I 1s98.<br />

Uontinucd.<br />

~-:..~~---,;~----:-------~·__;.----~---......:--~~~-----~~~---·<br />

£. £. : £,, £.<br />

£ £<br />

1,l!8(l,420 I 1,855,604<br />

212,647 270,025<br />

260,899 221,861<br />

153,015<br />

1,839,818<br />

335,929<br />

1,626,8891<br />

655,517 ;<br />

191,004 j<br />

'<br />

517,430 :<br />

79,7151<br />

214,334 '.<br />

324,901 I<br />

170,758 !<br />

531,540 :<br />

l<br />

1,352,778 ;<br />

1,856,532<br />

670,426<br />

396,944<br />

355,631<br />

379,98();<br />

860,338 I<br />

I<br />

277,804 :<br />

355,854<br />

2,168,912 :<br />

1,422,7471<br />

1,580,680<br />

355,Q12<br />

474,GU<br />

965,926<br />

64i5.<br />

188,515<br />

1,778,735<br />

382,438<br />

1,328,662<br />

678,843<br />

112,546<br />

595,797<br />

102,5:~8<br />

227,697<br />

370,7·19<br />

191,505 I<br />

5u,111 I<br />

1,517,487 I<br />

2,122,4011 I<br />

685,981 I<br />

396,687<br />

200,462<br />

432,Sll<br />

980,858<br />

337,408<br />

3i8,856 I<br />

2,269,692 l<br />

1,280,174 j<br />

1,799,030 .<br />

394,963<br />

523,981 I<br />

1,om,93g<br />

1,430,320<br />

305,880 I<br />

224,493 !<br />

'<br />

060,939;<br />

i<br />

234,151 !<br />

201,492 l<br />

I<br />

174,498 · 169,0S7 '.<br />

!<br />

1,725,613 : 1,650,728<br />

448,732 j<br />

\<br />

I<br />

t<br />

514,632<br />

1,862,300 i 1,899,217 f<br />

673,514 ; 689,163 i<br />

16~188 131,796 ;<br />

143,340 i<br />

I<br />

6'>.9,1251<br />

88,398<br />

219,780 :<br />

I<br />

381,034 j<br />

I<br />

182,131 ;<br />

1<br />

108,510 :<br />

I<br />

612,821 :<br />

96,498 .<br />

211,352 I<br />

364,653 :<br />

I<br />

212,529<br />

575,490 I 759,516<br />

j<br />

1,485,027 ! 1,504,519<br />

(I • 1,430 1<br />

358<br />

2,104,00U1 t<br />

l: 556,33·1 '<br />

637,609 I 643,444<br />

386,220 ! 393,197<br />

312,425 371,957<br />

397,986 . 3!12,0i6<br />

906,440 922,600<br />

348,R!ll 403,692<br />

HS,891 148,685<br />

525,981 . 469,105<br />

2,102,101 : 1,796,203 I<br />

1,308,354 : 1,421,900 :<br />

1,578,470 I J,.m:i,oa1 !<br />

408,0Sl t 408,427 I<br />

470,538 I 445,0121<br />

976,042 885,330 \<br />

I<br />

60:!,1081<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

188 1 311 I<br />

176,744<br />

170,345 !<br />

1,871,531 I<br />

510,758 I<br />

2,206,125<br />

732,~35<br />

166,152<br />

123,597<br />

574,648<br />

100,030 l<br />

216,000:<br />

'<br />

I<br />

377,855 j<br />

222,463<br />

850,892<br />

1,536,802<br />

1,536,408<br />

602,984<br />

695,471<br />

300,110<br />

399,657 !<br />

409 045 !<br />

'<br />

l<br />

1,020,741 (<br />

411,015<br />

161,9:15<br />

459,452<br />

1,003,030<br />

1,483,114<br />

1,426,00S<br />

429,637<br />

4H,lll<br />

009,066<br />

530,5\1() i<br />

210,454 I<br />

126,on' ·<br />

186,383 i<br />

1,851,620<br />

2,337,822<br />

li63,030<br />

22:.!,406<br />

119,1359 i<br />

\<br />

.&'l6,G29<br />

.i'.35,418<br />

244,640<br />

421,207 •<br />

232,340<br />

758,563<br />

1,534,451<br />

1,500,469<br />

639,269<br />

788,382<br />

400,218 '<br />

310,488 :<br />

384044 f<br />

l i<br />

1,107,383<br />

448,521 '<br />

178,204 .<br />

486,492 I<br />

1,874,867<br />

1,439,531 I<br />

1,•i9,148<br />

479,581<br />

,77,423<br />

934,201<br />

577,412 Cycles, and parts theroof.<br />

Dye Stuffs:-<br />

210,840 Products of Coal Tar.<br />

129,704 Other Sorts, Unenumerde4.<br />

Earthen and China Ware :-<br />

178 578<br />

Red Pottery, Brown Stone Ware,<br />

• { ahd .Manufactures of Clay.*<br />

Sl • ., 19<br />

{Earthenware, China ware, Paiian,<br />

1 ' "•- and Porcelain.<br />

Electric Lighting Apparatus, or<br />

552,777 f l parts thereof (except Steam<br />

Engines).<br />

2,370,340 Fish, Herrings.<br />

694,513 -- Of other Sorts.<br />

246,698 Fi1hlng Tackle.<br />

141 , 800<br />



l • ' • ~· 11 ' f ~<br />

:P1t1NCIPAL AnT1cu:s­<br />

Continuctl.<br />

Linen :\lanufactures :­<br />

White or Plain<br />

J>rinted, Checked, or Dyed •<br />

Sailcloth and Sails<br />

Thread for Sewing<br />


<strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. I 1800. I 1891. 1892. I 1893. ~894.<br />

~----~----~---~--~~-<br />

8,860,070<br />

213,539<br />

185,212<br />

8,748,507 8,817,018 3,789,518<br />

271,047 826,419 858,181<br />

£, £,<br />

8,263,'68 i 3,448,189<br />

801,279 ! 801,844<br />

180,286 166,5481 162,280- 144,227 j 138,117<br />

849,128 357,540 365,080 I 858,985 809,626 l 309,618<br />

Of other Sorts 894,'iil 995,061 1,102,40!> I 1,101,2?9 1,018,601 I 978,689<br />

Total of .I.ine11 )lanufactur~s - 1 -5-,4-5-2,"-11_5_,__<br />



ll'r<br />

ImsH PRODUCE EXPORTED ·from the UNITED KiNGDOM-Gontinued.<br />

----- ---------------<br />

18!!5. I 1896. I 1897. I '1898. 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I<br />

£ I<br />

£ i<br />

3,-!SS,369 ! 3,146,341 2,972,121 2,731,0331 3,279,749<br />

3,242,487<br />

899,525<br />

192,367<br />

263,947<br />

1,000,8171<br />

f<br />

5,351,0251<br />

798,027<br />

646,562<br />

1,838,453<br />

797,386<br />

6,151,503<br />

716,562<br />

3,788,242<br />

1,187,988<br />

'392,597<br />

225,951<br />

2:16,648<br />

1,019,429<br />

5,030,006<br />

1,077,823<br />

541,437<br />

1,667,093<br />

663,785<br />

6,745,720<br />

1,048,485<br />

4,314,487<br />

1,001,523<br />

323,746<br />

226,805<br />

226,097<br />

255,001-<br />

238,128 I<br />

207,897<br />

1,021,937 960,740<br />

4,770,706 f 4,39'.!,854<br />

I,006,136 I 1,483,600<br />

523,240 i 687,934<br />

1,494,811 11,454,9281<br />

662,288 . 850,2361<br />

5,702,183 i 6,628,012<br />

868,831 ! n6,377 I<br />

4,923,668 l 5,485,405 I<br />

1,219,740 l 1,290,0311<br />

292,007<br />

222,340<br />

235,269<br />

1,042,467<br />

5,072,792<br />

1,:167,389<br />

761,529<br />

1,646,625<br />

945,019<br />

6,803,948<br />

730,818<br />

6,016,856<br />

1,556,372<br />

M~95 1<br />

180,981 I<br />

250,039<br />

237,154<br />

1,135,825<br />

5,224,594<br />

1,496,849<br />

755,505<br />

1,842,987<br />

872,636<br />

6,214,245<br />

____,,,1---·-----____ 1<br />

1<br />

l<br />

561,5571<br />

6,424,005<br />

1,636,678 j<br />

771,612 l<br />

240,375<br />

254,212<br />

227,119<br />

.1,056,300<br />

5,020,499<br />

1,911,340<br />

620,968<br />

1,725,627<br />

732,948<br />


. Continued.<br />

I Linen lfanufactures :-<br />

White or Plain.<br />

Printed, Checked, or D!ed.<br />

Sailcloth and Sails.<br />

Thread for Sewing.<br />

Of other Sorts.<br />

Total of Linen lfanufRctures.<br />

.Machinery:-<br />

Steam Engines:­<br />

Locomotives.<br />

Agricultural.<br />

Other Descriptions.<br />

Other Sorts:­<br />

.Agricultural lfachinery.<br />

4,725,878 Textile Machinery.<br />

I<br />

509,249 llining.<br />

6,034,853 Other<br />

llanures :-<br />

I,60i,176 SulJlhate of .Ammonia •<br />

761,001 745,564 748,680 I 883,325 870,674<br />

790,335 Other Descriptions.<br />

I<br />

1,0-l8,310 1,122,201 l,133,085 , 1,103,934 I 1,155,637 1,262,685 1,339,970 ( lfedicines.<br />

:Yetals:-<br />

252,540 - 338,007 --;;,142 ~ 238,561 388,322 369,322 273,323 j Iron, Old, for re-manufacture.<br />

'1.,077,073 2,533,883 2,889,440 I 2,739,093 j 4,785,244 5,994,300 :?,630,526 : - Pig and Puddled.<br />

755,399<br />

98,618 !<br />

1,432,911<br />

170,860<br />

293,265<br />

711,188<br />

275,760<br />

686,591<br />

300,328<br />

957,869<br />

136,420<br />

2,594,357<br />

385,012<br />

581041<br />

903,995<br />

2,251,374 2,843,622<br />

424,949 I 436,728<br />

338,165 408,500<br />

4,289,193 8,036,015<br />

477,999 !<br />

345,184 I<br />

j<br />

989,876 i<br />

360,5151<br />

970,540<br />

110,504 I<br />

2,671,745 I<br />

468,038 :<br />

I<br />

717,796 :<br />

I<br />

867,640 l<br />

2,562,081 I<br />

i<br />

577,4071<br />

334,616<br />

3,038,569<br />

569,899<br />

331,573<br />

976,054<br />

367,8371<br />

900,0691' 1,053,788 1;359,028 928,859 l -Bar.<br />

93,004 I 175,300 184 1 120 I 118.175 ! - •.\ngle, Bolt, and Rod.<br />

;<br />

l<br />

- Railroad:-<br />

2,173,6651'<br />

2,366,785 .,,.~,,. I Rails of Iron and Steel.*<br />

2,811,200 1'<br />

I<br />

311,207 I 308,625 270,728 241,987 j Chairs and Sleepers..<br />

526,7731 507,649 . 554,559 656,802 ' Unenumerated*<br />

I I<br />

- Wire of Iron and St~l (except<br />

Telegraph Wire)ud<br />

I<br />

772,604 '. 886,347 : 004,1421 007,843 !{<br />

:Yanufactures thereof.<br />

2,532,376 3,120,708 8,iSS,391 8,192,850 '<br />

.<br />

- Sheets, Galvanized.<br />

420,513<br />

. - Sheets (not galvanized),<br />

527,241 ! 459,980 407,709 ~ Boiler and Armoar<br />

{ Plates.t<br />

405,286 I 478,281 : 348,183 ' - Hoops, and Hoop Iron.<br />

3,16S,614 3,976,700 8,704,0SS : - Tinned Plates.<br />

829 1<br />

715 I 711,729 584,1)18 .{<br />

- :Black Plates for Tinnlnc<br />

(Iron and Steel). t<br />

- .Anci1ors, Grapnels, Cha*<br />

410,821 488,250 458,894 :{<br />

and Cable•.<br />

1,122,5:16 i 1,331,727 i 1,004,875 ! - Tubesand Pipes, Wro~bL<br />

393,4621 449,711 i 31)1,872 j -- Nails, Screws and RiYeU.<br />

358,668 l<br />

2,744,077 ~<br />

5U,8S6:<br />

i<br />

845,504 !<br />

916,1C6 i<br />

356,518 !<br />

188G; for aubaequent years they are included under" U11enumeratcd-Hailroatl Irou.<br />

Steel Black Plate• were previous. t.o that. yeal' Included with Steel Sheets.<br />

t<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

llS<br />



~ret&ls-cont.<br />

-- :Bedsteada ~<br />

- Cast, and llanufnc· l<br />

~~~~l~eJ'eof,. uue: j<br />

-- Wrought, and )lanu- '\<br />

factures, thereof, JI.<br />

unenumerated" •<br />

S~:-<br />

Cast in Ingots or Blooms<br />

ln Bars of all kinds<br />

1,140,428 1,409,996<br />

1,S91,836 I 2,173,707<br />

I<br />

,,,:<br />

£<br />

...:<br />

I<br />

.,,:.<br />

£<br />

..<br />

t £ £<br />

1.~ '·"~"'<br />

; I t<br />

2,214,034 I 2,476,188 : 1,984,92911,910,767<br />

l<br />

761,2471 198,436 84,110 j 40,398 '. 76,381 30,740<br />

9-14,862 ' 955,3:>2 1,028,400 ! 1,134,743 . 1,013,081 1,043,167<br />

i<br />

£, i<br />

999,195<br />

11564,909 I<br />

30,485 l<br />

i<br />

1,002,836 i<br />

Sheets§ 887,166 l 418,966 556,500 l 727,172 642,611 666,747 668,513 ;<br />

-- llanufactures of Steel, } ! I<br />

868,349<br />

1,440,678<br />

62,495<br />

1,014,514<br />

8117,172<br />

or of Steel and Iron 406,516 i 572,156 639,863 j 771,382 i 592,495 S00,754 475,622 I 498,181<br />

combined - • • •----) '-----·' .•----ir----·•----------•<br />

Total of Iron and Steel t · 4,992,314 ; 26,416,666129,142,129131,565,337126,877,000 21,765,768 20,592,577 l 18,688,763<br />

Copper, Unwronght :-<br />

Ingots, Cakes, or Slabs, }<br />

and Precipitate •<br />

Wrought or partly<br />

Wrought:-<br />

)Iixed or Yellow }<br />

.lietal • · •<br />

:Brus ot all Sorts<br />

Lead:-<br />

:Pig<br />

Of other &ms •<br />

P.olled Sheet, Pipini;, Tubing}<br />

and other )fanuiactures •<br />

Tin, Unwrought •<br />

i Zinc, Wrought and Un wrought<br />

I Unenumerated and )lanu- l<br />

factures U1ereof • · f<br />

l<br />

l1ilk, Condenseu<br />

'Muslcal Instruments<br />

•<br />

Oil and :Floor Cloth<br />

on, other than :Essential or<br />

lledicinal :-<br />

Linseed • \<br />

Cot.Wu Seed<br />

All other Seed Oils • : J<br />

Other Sorts, unenumerated! •<br />

Oil Seed Cake and other Animul .,<br />

:roods • J<br />

l'aiDters' Colours and :lfaterials •<br />

Paper and :Pasteboard:-<br />

Writing or Printing Pa.per }<br />

a.nd Envelopes • • •<br />

!'aper Hangings •<br />

un·enumerated<br />

967,466 1,956,248 1,536,917 2,629,214 1,004,7~ 2,061,444 1,367,292<br />

702,206 494,873 817,430 1,004,830 756,515 729,088 652,174<br />

994,974 565,557 932,463 917,510 1,076,849 972,997 972,801<br />

336,896 370,759 486_,049 501,058 516,606 454,537 458,233<br />

308,9$3 396,356 383,833 469,539 377,219 435,498 295,393<br />

300,095 3.~2,532 373,997 342,791 305,260 278,012 257,208<br />

537,864 701,776 522,750 503,371 491,492 5'14,067 G06,399<br />

116,703 87,653 103,534 162,678 161,733<br />

465,911 50:;,447 611,357 710,297 700,08:!<br />

Not stated. 142,537 136,217<br />

175,973<br />

661,156<br />

1,567,646<br />

184,304<br />

1,347,654<br />

1,061,557<br />

147,G41<br />

271,315<br />

186,276<br />

770,538<br />

l,593,912<br />

242,206<br />

222,608<br />

819,124<br />

1,400,594<br />

281,639<br />

207,087<br />

783,693<br />

139,290<br />

210,000<br />

833,787<br />

1,499,556 1,53fi,283 {<br />

296,363 308,812<br />

Not sepnmtely dlstlngulsbed.<br />

I<br />

""~"· ·~',,.'° 1 '·'"·"'° 1,017,318<br />

1,343,973 1,264,747 !' 1,100,848 1,207,037<br />

162,418 1G2,348 159,516 177,861<br />

s30,935 337,328 I s22,001 847,600<br />

178,976<br />

649,685<br />

133,556<br />

189,731<br />

712,837<br />

793,844<br />

492,657<br />

36,217<br />

229,970<br />

1,525,152<br />

1,131,558<br />

148,490<br />

299,646<br />

158,631<br />

537,141<br />

140,784<br />

166,849<br />

706,677<br />

755,887<br />

. 637,698<br />

44,985<br />

258,451<br />

1,433,780<br />

l,OH,781<br />

140,905<br />

853,755<br />

682,026<br />

829,247<br />

406,831<br />

267,844<br />

249,967<br />

342,017<br />

126,505<br />

476,940<br />

147,605<br />

149,343<br />

752,415<br />

707,297<br />

464,703<br />

47,210<br />

277,817<br />

1,874,034<br />

947,102<br />

137,008<br />

827,549<br />

* Prior t-0 1899 Iron :3ed11tcads were Included under·~ Iron,<br />

t See alao 'l'ele·<br />

t Nn11hthn, Pnrafliuc, Pnm1l111cOll nml Petroleum nro now Included<br />

~ l'rlor to 189li Steel Black l'lntei.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

~<br />

:EXPORTS .:~13RJTJ,SH AND, J~ISH. 119<br />

!RISH PRODUCE EXPOR'f~:P. fro:µi 1 th(3 UNITE:P K~NGDO~u--Continued.<br />

1895.,<br />

: .. ,.I<br />

I 1896. I 1897., I<br />

18~8.<br />

I 1899.<br />

I<br />

1900 .. I<br />

£ £ £<br />

- - - I £ £,<br />

250,118 850,646<br />

1,064,255 1,126,760 1,057,593 1,143,668 1,195,190<br />

1,551,158. 1,959,897 2,078,976· 2,056,688 1,921,585 2,057,650<br />

59,507 109,251· 117,118 . 94,208 128,426 98,517<br />

1,189,0.~8 1,425,827 1;498,79~ 1,563,930 1,882,566 2,073,858<br />

700,250 982,477 992,744 982,0~8 1,852,834 1,511,690<br />

620,640 930,070 1,156,746 904,231 1,027,034 1,022,329<br />

19,680,923 23,801,700 I 24,641,516. 22,~30,~72 I 28,101,049 31;992,675<br />

l<br />

1,344,913 1,139,511 I 1,076,563 1,430,153 2,398,150 1,397,495<br />

629,906 515,302 526,071 505,024 436,883 585,130<br />

844,031 889,024 925,467-' 861,562. 911,847 942,219<br />

418,601 492,623 491,370 471,234 562,783 631,015<br />

...<br />

235,078 213,518 ·250,997 246,2i2 302,570 807,264<br />

258,118 309,849 287,517 299,082 333,427 882,496<br />

383,604 397,478 323,124 894,898 586,850 762,761<br />

180,885 134,529 123,61!1 157,512 153,748 166,845<br />

458,288 5SM48 592,637 632,995 711,,976 839,188<br />

166,740· 224,831 302,748 343,070 853,819 . 390,559<br />

159,293 172,·!35 :185,9?2 100,885 194,714 200,142<br />

857,430. 954,621 1,041,717 1,000,4~7 1,l64,267 1,312,833<br />

627,275 654,668 480,861 877,807 476,110 588,866<br />

312,202 371,822 398,227 323,191 217,890 428,404<br />

~0,8$4 59,061 61,151 67,645 64,657 98,014<br />

SS0,237 361,793 391,012 432,708 407,511 475,SSS<br />

88,501 85,306 100,749 200,336<br />

1,556,579 1,658,180 1,596,270 1,689,WS 1,833,937 2,053,945<br />

956,876, 1,096,995 1,016,688 922,050 883,436 1,123,755<br />

148,204 172,041 174,744 192,488 196,360 170,376<br />

331,010 361),935 883,097 317,421 SH,078 I 854,667<br />

Wr~ught, an



Continued.<br />


1<strong>1887</strong>. 11888. i 1889. I 1890. 11891. 1189-2. I 1893. I<br />

1894.<br />

I<br />

Pickles, Vinegar, Sauces, Condi·}<br />

ments, Presened Fruits, and· 1,193,727<br />

Confectionery • • • •<br />

1,868,984 1,819,211 1,442,887 1,372,917 1,264,476<br />

1,102,849<br />

1,188,317<br />

Pictures, Drawings, Prints, En·}<br />

gravings, Photographs, &c. •<br />

Plate and Plated Ware • • •<br />

Potatoes •<br />

Pro\·isions, not otherwise described<br />

Rags and other )faterlals for Paper<br />

Salt •<br />

Seeds, of all Sorts<br />

Sewing :Machines<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Ships and Boats, New,<br />

registered as British)<br />

their Machinery :-<br />

(not<br />

428,707 422,746 458,254 :479,010 518,740<br />

,829,798 891,989 488,232 403,794 300,655<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

996,963 1,020,767 876,7021 947,100 865,298<br />

j<br />

458,267 460,319 473,254 404,658 355,135<br />

524,SOO<br />

187,4541<br />

.....,.I<br />

485,915<br />

215,771<br />

445,154<br />

588,513<br />

226,426<br />

002,300 I<br />

652,671<br />

220,867<br />

697,411<br />

596,408<br />

260,877!<br />

747,852<br />

449,036<br />

821,493<br />

99,582<br />

762,975<br />

401,889<br />

589,262-<br />

278,823<br />

817,006<br />

~'i'<br />

Steam Ships:­<br />

Hulls and Fittings I I<br />

Machinery •<br />

Not distinguished.<br />

Sailing Ships • •<br />

Silk, Thrown, Twist, and Yarn 438,964 388,828 509,f:Sl!> I 477,4821 516,519 322,894<br />

Silk Manufactures :-<br />

Broad Stuffs, of Silk or Satin • 272,723 244,862 215,917 211,629 269,032 262,483<br />

"withoth~; ll~~~l mlxe~} 1,093,816 1,363,804 1,258,449 1,059,788 472,978 883,776<br />

420,642,<br />

S00,802<br />

336,714<br />

861,542<br />

504,500.<br />

361,717<br />

717,498<br />

883,0251<br />

285,718<br />

355,465<br />

422,878<br />

801,198<br />

207,SSS<br />

814,706<br />

309,684<br />

.604,105<br />

318,721<br />

,770,100<br />

842,534<br />

250,606<br />

817,~36<br />

Handkerchiefs,Scan·es and Shawls<br />

492,815<br />

560,723<br />

586,053<br />

511,076<br />

525,779<br />

446,486<br />

480,470<br />

271,978<br />

Ribbons of all kinds •<br />

I.ace<br />

Other Kinds of Silk • •<br />

,, ,, of Silk mixed}<br />

with other :l!at~rial ·<br />

Total Silk llauufactures -<br />

Skin1 and Furs:-<br />

'Brltlsb Sheep and Lambs', Un·}<br />

dressed, without the Wool<br />

British, Unenumerated<br />

:Foreign, British Dressed<br />

l ' Soap • • • •<br />

l SplrlW<br />

•<br />

I Starch and "Blue • • •<br />

I<br />

Soda Compounds - •<br />

3tatlonoey, oth"' than PaIITT<br />

•<br />

53,215<br />

185,492<br />

199,921<br />

36,475<br />

223,901<br />

180,464<br />

27,526<br />

281,721<br />

175,186<br />

16,489<br />

211,~76<br />

164,661<br />

8,568<br />

238,876<br />

167,591<br />

8,5061<br />

SSS,521<br />

159,654<br />

16,276<br />

240,506<br />

141,109<br />

275,944<br />

~.797 54,015 60,991 54,301 61,821 55,884 45,199<br />

I I<br />

2,327,779 2,664,244 _2,505,793 1<br />

L 2,229,865 1,744,645 1,655,810<br />

~=--=...---...;;..;,__. ---- -·-<br />

:<br />

279,882 373,9831<br />

387,242 324,641 382,922 318,616<br />

Not separately di1tlngul1hed.<br />

830,6041 008,993 005,7851 009,8261 915,9421 865,4721<br />

I<br />

815,710 I<br />

162,681 154,443 166,160 163,109 172,700 191,414 165,076<br />

487,251 445,718 528,876 711,953 818,653 616,815 045,835<br />

452,244 482,399 503,465 534,827 571,862 586,124 644,259<br />

!<br />

see " Alkali."<br />

1,041,229 ! 1,162,215 j 1,202,5591 1,276,486 J 1,295,843 J 1,800,582 I 1,100,1021<br />

21,129<br />

163,488<br />

147,061<br />

50,003<br />

1,222,356<br />

207,108<br />

181,999<br />

578,727<br />

621,292<br />

1,378,404<br />

797,000<br />

* The Value of Spirits shipped as ~[erchandlse only Is given<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

;27<br />

·1<br />

:<br />

.EXPORTS.:-~IUTISH .f\_~D IRJSH. 121<br />

JR~SH P~oDU.QE ;ExPQRTED from the UNITED I).INGDOM--Oontinued.<br />

189?;- . , 189~ ..<br />

I 1897. I 1898. I 18~. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>., I<br />

J!, J!,<br />

I J!, J!, J!, £<br />

{ 822,269 801,812<br />

1,286,962 1,894,488 1,818,585 1,842,969 1,428,636<br />


_;_Contimted•<br />

j<br />

£<br />

rlokl", Vinegar, 8a>1oe, an•<br />

I<br />

j 458,857 895,200 355,302 417,054<br />

i<br />

Condiments.<br />

-600,867 749,572 Confectionery, ;Jams, and.Pre·<br />

served Fruit.II.<br />

430,859 416,224 424,281 Pictures, Drawin~ Print.a,<br />

Engra \'ings, Pho . plui,~.c<br />

l<br />

;<br />

845,71~. ~,251 417,996 427,443 420,869 4?8,781 501,022 Plate and Plated Ware.<br />

j<br />

!<br />

54,618 ,69,356· ,65,629 45,064 60,657 48,442 90,528 Pota~s.<br />

I<br />

\<br />

I<br />

944,422 l,0'11,457 1,084,458' 1,107,181 1,096,059 {Provisions, not otherwise de~<br />

1,385,6~9 1,820,782<br />

scribed.<br />

293,821 287,248 299,755 293,354 841,629 375,275 382,670 {Ra? and ot~er ~ter~ls!9r<br />

aper.<br />

546,219 470,330 466,533 460,319 ~7,162 457,340 509,140 Salt.<br />

2:63,949' 242,038 186,261 210,018 ·237,876 346,282 336,753 Seeds, of all Sorts.<br />

1113,787 '955,420 ;l,074,445 1,088,481 1,280,932 1,452,000 1,551,981 Sewing :lrachines.<br />

Ships and :Boat.II, :New, (not<br />

registered as :British), with<br />

their :Machinery :-<br />

. .f 6,672,486 . ,6,149,059 7,129,841 Hulls and Fit~!ngs •<br />

I Steam SWps :-<br />

I<br />

i<br />

l Not distinguished. z,200;001· 1,892,968' )fachinery.<br />

! l 2,451,997<br />

72,156 182,0·H 126,635 Sailing Shipe.<br />

296,395 265,142 255,635 883,299 471,317 425,647 294,811 Silk, Thrown, Twist and Yarn.<br />

; Silk lfanufactures :-<br />

885,932 402,265 421,845 479,235 505,720· -539,387 .492~7 Broad Stuffs, of Silk or Satin.<br />

i<br />

I<br />

:<br />

845,292 326,186 288,237 840,053 363,884 424,847 376,887 { "<br />

,, of Silk mixed<br />

with other :lfaterfal.<br />

!<br />

386,144 304,270· 275,951 886,!!Ql 213,313 255,400 181,452 { Handkerchiefs, Scarves and<br />

Shawls. .<br />

I<br />

I 32,946 43,052 38,100 89,762 55,717 56,196 27,590 Ribbons of all kinds.<br />

:<br />

I<br />

~<br />

!<br />

I<br />

l<br />

140,670 161,703 152,008 126,496 144,631 ·144,142 98,772 Lace •.<br />

149,559' 143,945 140,162 169,529• 187,823 182,927 185,4~9 Other Kinds of Silk.<br />

44,518 41,663 21,858 87,086 38,101 35,010 67,004 f<br />

l<br />

. '<br />

---<br />

"<br />

,, of Silk mixed<br />

with other Material.<br />

1,435,061 1,423,174 1,338,161 1,528,962 1,500,139 1,637,915 1,429,881 Total Silk .lfanutactures.<br />

Skins and Furs :-<br />

266,638 208,800 268,195 318,612 426,610 854,416 871,570<br />

{ British Sheep and lambs',<br />

Undressed, without the wool<br />

193,464 155,025 232,548 258,068 354,101 348,877 441,866 British, Unenumerated.<br />

627,172 442,687 365,509 869,785 422,98~ 0~4,88.'J 535,275 .Forel:n, British DresaeJ..<br />

756,704 745,894 761,789 829,610 9"1,575 939,510 900521 Soap.<br />

~<br />

l<br />

see "Alkali " 1,125,551 Sodll. Compound1.<br />

I<br />

'.<br />

1,559,402 1,797,402 1,844,547 1 1<br />

951 1<br />

918 I !,095,185 2,363,430 2,632,817 Spirits.<br />

109,267 143,802 181,989 158,710 157,578 Starch and Blue.<br />

I<br />

I '<br />

860,098 959,189 947,950 987,517 ·l,016,835 1,070,248 1,227,019 Stationery, otl1er than Paper.<br />

-exclusive of the value or npirlts taken for Ships' Stores, &:c.<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



-Continued.<br />

<strong>1887</strong>.<br />


1888. I 1889. 1890. 11891. 11892. I 1893.· I 1894.<br />

St~mes and Slates :­<br />

Sla:.e for roofing • • •<br />

Grindstones, Millstones, l<br />

and other sorts of Stones J<br />

Sugar, '.Reftnoo - • • •<br />

Molasses, Treacle, Syrup, and}<br />

Glucose • • • •<br />

Telegraphic Wire and Apparatus<br />

Tobacco and Snuff, Manufac·}<br />

tured in the <strong>United</strong> King- t<br />

dom - - • • •<br />

Toys and Games • •<br />

Umbrellas and :Parasols •<br />

WOOdantlTimber,lfanufactured:<br />

Staves and empty· casks}<br />

and Unenumerated •<br />

Wool:­<br />

Sheep and Lambs' t • •<br />

Flocks and Ragwool •<br />

£<br />

229,709<br />

122,432<br />

465,013<br />

168,470<br />

817,385<br />

32,963<br />

604,GOS<br />

3SS,7GO<br />

249,511<br />

161,315<br />

514,842<br />

182,940<br />

521,055<br />

33,682<br />

665,003<br />

436,815<br />

£<br />

278,!)40<br />

184,894<br />

609;115<br />

186,296<br />

1,038,540<br />

276,226<br />

109,065<br />

505,777<br />

191,859<br />

1,602,205<br />

916,782 1,016,0iO 970,760<br />

'104,860 681,729 634,275. .491,014.<br />

326,9il 898,478 516,458<br />

353,701<br />

34~,918 396,015 374,327<br />

Foreign, dressed in the} SOS,549 1,015,678 1,372,734<br />

Unit-ed <strong>Kingdom</strong> - •<br />

646,318 683,457 636,340 644,562<br />

~92,085<br />

Noils· • • • ·}I<br />

Waste • • • •<br />

Not distinguished.<br />

118,174 112,111 120,280 103,455 73,956<br />

{<br />

625,578 458,551 627,264 731,495 !53,874 '.<br />

Combed or earded'&Tops I<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn • 3,969,616 4,051,980 4,341,514 4,086,458 3,910,651 4,059,778 4,531,832 4,718,205<br />

--------·r--------~-----,...-1·--~----r-~--~1----·~------------~-<br />

Woollen and Worsted ~fanufactures<br />

:-<br />

Cloths, Coatings, &c., Un·}<br />

mixed snd Mixed - •<br />

Flannels<br />

Blankets<br />

£<br />

262,103<br />

159,473<br />

521,557<br />

194,446<br />

1,434,020<br />

89 1 375 31,117 29,202 I<br />

Not separately d!stinguisherl.<br />

613,181 57i,498 608,424<br />

509,532<br />

591,588<br />

464,638<br />

£<br />

264,985<br />

161,483<br />

684,273<br />

202,373<br />

909,917<br />

173,636<br />

594,113<br />

864,117<br />

203,729<br />

190,372<br />

00?,606 1<br />

168,813<br />

1,062,887<br />

187,918<br />

579,263<br />

370,314<br />

,. 2,19i,759 2,220,881 ~.134,316 1,926,091<br />

1,515,083 1,432,00i 1,359,211 1,2i2,492<br />

247,917 227,275 187,104 155,216<br />

-96,104 71,839· 46,316- 36,107<br />

735,146 946,684 950,848 849,212<br />

9,369,825 9,653,336 10,604,249<br />

563,59i<br />

288,780<br />

541,158<br />

277,008<br />

544,153-<br />

235,084<br />

5:>4,470<br />

214,205<br />

'<br />

371,929 313,991 254,252 208,580<br />

3,113,910 2,649,750 3,251,870 3,066,601<br />

759,478 639,884 573,087 549,120<br />

576,251 487,265 505,484 389,571<br />

'- 625,965 610,983 523,075 816,489<br />

•• 417,550 58i,574 563,068 495,396 416,342 338,661 306,834<br />

546,265 506,251 571,864 6011728 540,563 462,828 451,887<br />

I<br />

I<br />

685,145 774,803 747,101 ~8,438<br />

Stuffs, Unmb:ed and ~1ixed 7,424,515 6,358,866 6,546,636<br />

4,565,505 3,548,726 8,381,458. 3,148,223<br />

Hosiery - • 734,533 757,806 885,602 913,680 821,636 739,640 730,861<br />

Carpets and Druggets -1 l,308,76i 1,227,523 1,271,506 1,115,991 1,090,705 056,142 880,678.<br />

Rugs, Coverlets or Wrappersj 380,715 468,375 468,159 -526,880 435,162 384,297 358,711 ..<br />

Small Wares - - - 210,153 225,641 191,579 109,491 196,270 172,893 168,401<br />

All other - • j 202,639 207,300 222,229 223,647 193,748 158,788 161,848<br />

{<br />

~30,818<br />

150,511<br />

728,892<br />

147,982<br />

1,386,614<br />

105,819 .<br />

454,415<br />

348,318<br />

1,613,962<br />

1,243,056<br />

131,778<br />

35,189<br />

607,809<br />

520,080<br />

160,400<br />

167,259<br />

2,157,233<br />

482,410<br />

382,747<br />

298,131<br />

305,961<br />

396,880<br />

931,379<br />

2,713,706<br />

670,211<br />

~62,884<br />

3M,261<br />

168,544<br />

12·1,861<br />

--------·!--------1--------1·--------1!-------1----~-1--------1·----·----<br />

Total of Woollen and Wor-}! , 0 59 , 96 j<br />

sted Manufactures • ~ ' .. , 2 10,092,672 21,324,892 20,418,482 18,446,640 17,006,608 16,404,035 14,010,741<br />

=======;::======:=:===~~==::==============i:=============i:===~==I<br />

Yam.Alpaca, and Mohair, and}; 1,081,955 963,010 1,179,397 1,174,477 1,135,345 1,216,731 1,405,371 1,258,808<br />

other Sorts unennmerated - '<br />

All other Articles :- i<br />

)fanu!actured<br />

4,084,058 4,!?47,856 4,428,750 4,314,643 8,802,221 8,620,077 8,887,417 8,838,327<br />

Unmanufactured : I 1,032,449 1,302,646 1,094,704 1,2sS,981 1,150,202 1,058,063 1,116,619- 1,011,461<br />

--------·1--------1--------1----,.-,---1-------l·-------l·-------~-------l<br />

TOTAL • - j 221,414,186 233 1<br />

842,607 248,048,257 262,529;092 246,130,687 226,214,51() 217,217,367 214,896,501<br />

Parcel Post • 1 409,724 602,305 886,038 1,000,593 1,095,463 1,001,880 1,042,351 11100.136<br />

Total Exports of Britfsll}I ""1913 010 231 i.;.34 1<br />

9'12 i 248,0aS,195 263,530,585 247,285,150 227,216,899 218,259,718 216,005,637<br />

and Irish Produce -I -- ' ' ,., t<br />

t Prior to 1802, 'fobacco manufactured in Land was Included with the Exports o! .h'orelgn<br />

t Raw or undressed wool onl)" In<br />

'i The Exports Include the value of Ships and l3oats (new) with t~icir 1ifochinery. The value<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


ANi) mrsH.<br />

Imsu PRonucE E~P.QR1'ED<br />

189;;.<br />

I 1s91. :<br />

176,0:!3<br />

Hl,754<br />

574,013<br />

148.266<br />

782,375<br />

256,632<br />

455,939<br />

381,805<br />

858,560<br />

359,886<br />

692,960<br />

ll~,408<br />

932,902<br />

5,372,318<br />

2,164,013<br />

1,757,337<br />

146,403<br />

44,683<br />

957,275<br />

750,246<br />

192,i60<br />

191,954<br />

4,307,357<br />

598,155<br />

300,821<br />

276,290<br />

369,258<br />

494,265<br />

943,557<br />

3,793,097<br />

832,877<br />

853,056<br />

450,595<br />

lSS,701<br />

125,24"'<br />

from the UNmE;D KINGDOM-Continued.<br />

r ~--- ----------------------- -. -·---------<br />

-~-- -, ~- ---<br />

190,984 ·20S,622<br />

155,85Ci 115,799<br />

596,794 475,478<br />

151,284<br />

857,li4<br />

333,321<br />

483,454<br />

498,902<br />

718,180<br />

338,358<br />

574,119<br />

99,478<br />

1,162,379<br />

5,654,839<br />

2,073,333<br />

1,700,089<br />

142,629<br />

33,395·<br />

993,314<br />

901,689<br />

214,257<br />

216,981<br />

2,936,044<br />

557,749<br />

203,634<br />

170,557<br />

409,626<br />

588,177<br />

913,029<br />

8,576,505<br />

860,700<br />

879,485<br />

530,474<br />

282,188<br />

135,227<br />

134,497<br />

997,802<br />

413,095<br />

244,6~6<br />

473,777<br />

521,289<br />

1,534,537<br />

320,883<br />

576,81G<br />

99,192<br />

1,493,491<br />

4,839,987<br />

1,880,844<br />

1,424,671·<br />

101,656<br />

26,404:-<br />

812,375<br />

744,792<br />

178,415<br />

225,403<br />

2,697,688<br />

503,798<br />

164,745<br />

110,831<br />

850,329<br />

368,409<br />

737,373<br />

3,276,920<br />

826,251<br />

761,2·14<br />

471,256<br />

203,146<br />

118,986<br />


-Continued. ·<br />

IS~LIS~~--'-~~ J~oo1. I<br />

£<br />

187,781<br />

121,386<br />

414,880<br />

121,221<br />

985,283<br />

448,517<br />

235,435<br />

450,661<br />

476,566<br />

440,558<br />

314,Sil<br />

IS04,573<br />

86,481<br />

1,356,400<br />

4,674,358<br />

1,742,002<br />

1 1 225,108<br />

90,991<br />

33,007<br />

715,919<br />

690,925·<br />

171,530<br />

223,400'<br />

l,983,39i<br />

4Si,717<br />

100,898<br />

106,586<br />

331,004<br />

364,lSi<br />

522,8S4<br />

2,523,671<br />

783,572<br />

794,254<br />

490,SH<br />

202,G09<br />

114,519,<br />

186,921<br />

122,538<br />

396,0liO<br />

110,205<br />

1,406,734<br />

471,i93<br />

29:i,409<br />

478,134<br />

477,049<br />

728,5,U<br />

344,316<br />

769,126<br />

77,954<br />

1,681,356<br />

4,875,~6<br />

1,945,995<br />

1,317,884<br />

82,171<br />

38,844<br />

712,553<br />

765,622<br />

204,800<br />

208,822<br />

2,174,711<br />

485,566<br />

99,200<br />

104,858<br />

353,804<br />

802,420<br />

579,331<br />

2,806,875<br />

909,358<br />

910,820<br />

455,83!)<br />

213,223<br />

117,474.<br />

U7,800<br />

154,042-<br />

381,783<br />

118,837<br />

2,801,401<br />

578,751<br />

351,675<br />

531,094<br />

439,549<br />

7i9,628<br />

328,324<br />

468,757<br />

53,849<br />

l,OOS,333<br />

4,491,596<br />

2,497,405<br />

1,457,557<br />

88,105<br />

33,481<br />

807,569<br />

611,524<br />

200,839<br />

209,799<br />

2,026,146<br />

621,865<br />

85,391,<br />

99,222<br />

408,685<br />

309,9!0<br />

552,878<br />

3,G82,74S<br />

898,606<br />

919,SOi<br />

408,.106<br />

235,50.i<br />

127,226<br />

443,680<br />

513,568<br />

244,437<br />

538,809<br />

63,014<br />

1,368,085<br />

3,48i,686<br />

2,026,055<br />

1,269,922<br />

71,294<br />

31,128<br />

928886<br />

529:733<br />

170,555<br />

162,501<br />

1,794,387<br />

647,501<br />

78,284<br />

SS,592<br />

351,398<br />

297,123<br />

544,938<br />

2,692,0H<br />

893,335<br />

829,9~7<br />

443,8331<br />

212,0!6<br />

134,616<br />

·-----·-----··----------------1-----1----<br />

19,737,944 18,269,122 15,9i5,566 13,699,435 14,789,liO 15,682,154 l4,23i,S6S {<br />

,£<br />

Stones and Slates:-<br />

122,940 Slate for rooJlng.<br />

l60_, 03 _ 3 { Grl11d11to11es1 Millstones, and other<br />

· .sorts of Stones.<br />

350,761 Sugar, Refined.<br />

135,55:1 lfolasse1, Treacle, S)Tup, and Glucose.<br />

!f,147,985 Telegraphic Wire a1id Apparatl!l!.<br />

750,644 Tobacco and Snuff, :Yanufactured h;<br />

t { the <strong>United</strong>' <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

368,418 To1s and Games.<br />

446,174 Umbrellas and Purasols.<br />

Wood and Timber, lfanu!actured :-<br />

Staves and empty casks, and Un·<br />

{ enumerated. .<br />

Wool:-<br />

Sheep and Lambs'. !<br />

Flocks and :Ragwoo!.<br />

Foreign, dressed In the <strong>United</strong><br />

{ <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

Nofl11.<br />

Waste.<br />

Combed or cnrde.I :md Tops.<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn.<br />

Woollen and Worsted !fanufactures:­<br />

Woolhm Tissues:-<br />



I<br />

1-<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. 1888.<br />

£,<br />

59,3-1S,9i5<br />

No. 38.-TOTAL DECLARED VALUE of Foreign and Colonial<br />

_<br />

1889. __ 1 __<br />

£,<br />

I £<br />

64,042,629 66,657,484 l 64,721,533<br />

------<br />

18~0. 1891_. _I 189'2.<br />

1893. -f<br />

£ £<br />

61,878,568 6!,423,767 .. ~~,.. I<br />

No. 39.-DECLARED VALUE of the Ex1 5 0RTS of Foreign and Colonial PHODUCE<br />

is8_s.--'-_1_89~-· _l_1~~~-_j _1~~~·<br />

COU.X'l'RU:S. <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888.<br />

I I<br />

~--<br />

£ :RUiSia, Sorthern J.>orts • • 2,536,554 2,586,748 3,028,163 2,828,687 I 2,583,621<br />

-- SouthernPorts • • 173,426 ! 280 1 973 282,842 265,766 l 202,103<br />

Sweden and Sorway • 1,409,818 1,634;075 1,899,667 2,024,485 l l,61?6,092<br />

Denmark, Iceland and}' 386,992 I 347,384 449,670 388,539 415,392<br />

Greenland • • • • '<br />

---Danish West Indies I 3,625 I 2,328 2,51}8 3,793 2,023<br />

Germany - - • - i ll,4'19,058 11,584,756 12,805,488 11,222,655 , 11,140,032<br />

i- FOREIG~. . -II----;---,--<br />

I<br />

---Possessions in Wes·) i<br />

Included under Western Const of Africa.<br />

tern Africa • f ;<br />

Holland • l 6,851,313 • 6,415,812 6,479,522 6,324,832 5,525,630<br />

---Java and other Pos·}<br />

sessions in the Indian Seas l<br />

'.Belgium •<br />

France<br />

---Algeria • !<br />

' --- Possessions in Sene·})<br />

gambia • •<br />

l --- West India Islands • I<br />

: Portugal •<br />

I --- Azores and llideira<br />

; --Posae~slon£ in Eastern}<br />

I<br />

, Africa· • • '<br />

Spain and the :&learlc}:<br />

Islands • • • '<br />

I --Canary Islands • •<br />

, --Possessions in West\<br />

.Africa (includingJ ·<br />

Fernando Po) • •<br />

I<br />

--West. India Islands<br />

Italy<br />

Austria-Hungary<br />

Greece<br />

Bulgaria •<br />

I<br />

ltoumania<br />

Turkey •<br />

~ Egypt<br />

l Tripoli and TuniE<br />

1 Morocco •<br />

I Persia<br />

1 SI.am<br />

l China (exclusive Of ll• ong.}<br />

, Kong and ~facio) t<br />

1 J'ap&n • • • • •<br />

Phlllpplne :u11l Ladrone}<br />

I Ialand11 • • • •<br />

lllanda In the Paclnc not.},<br />

elacwhtrt: stated • • ·<br />

I<br />

33,807<br />

6,310,062<br />

6,836,296<br />

5,939<br />

6,150<br />

37,886<br />

342,289<br />

21,529<br />

12,492<br />

716,480 I<br />

10,800<br />

797,734<br />

353,712<br />

00,123<br />

2i,680<br />

70,405<br />

546,436<br />

88,681<br />

2,989<br />

112,262<br />

13,')()3<br />

1,901<br />

440,930<br />

170,7:"4<br />

14,641<br />

3,M9 I<br />

40,063<br />

6,175,832<br />

9,318,931<br />

6,991<br />

14,643<br />

39,662<br />

.£15,837<br />

24,617<br />

17,659<br />

640,056<br />

15,149<br />

2,126 !<br />

815,615<br />

468,295<br />

76,100 !<br />

29,042<br />

63,531<br />

460,iill<br />

94,462<br />

1,ll46<br />

117,153<br />

10,3~9<br />

2,717<br />

135,713<br />

3,054<br />

38,086 21,227 26,617<br />

6,449,4,:3 5,956,254<br />

7,549,928 I S,142,876<br />

5,347 4,213<br />

6,020<br />

47,448<br />

485,378<br />

29,824<br />

13,;)~9<br />

687,722<br />

24,220<br />

1,772<br />

5,807,977<br />

7,007,011 I<br />

4,908<br />

8,942 ' 14,375<br />

-13,281 54,489 :<br />

454,854 330,657<br />

35,951 26,950<br />

20,499 I 17,775<br />

703 1<br />

091! I 549,588<br />

21,417 23,267 i<br />

3,568 3,300<br />

&e Cuba anll Porto ltico, llage 126<br />

007,297<br />

372,248<br />

83,540<br />

!8,856<br />

50,463<br />

584,122<br />

70 1<br />

192 I<br />

2,609<br />

145,100<br />

15,203<br />

2,409<br />

H0,9il<br />

167.198<br />

49,755<br />

5,278<br />

765,347<br />

411,109<br />

77,554<br />

26,340<br />

S0,226<br />

568,807<br />

78,161<br />

4,739<br />

123,614<br />

37,341<br />

4,2i8<br />

154,239<br />

105,liSO<br />

32,676<br />

9,701<br />

556,488<br />

37!>,224<br />

93,975<br />

31,576<br />

62,748<br />

544,596<br />

86,426<br />

3,008 ;<br />

140,382<br />

18,442<br />

3,170<br />

llU,069<br />

177,1!2{)<br />

2.'l,507<br />

6,276<br />

3,332,933<br />

186,830<br />

1,710,747 '<br />

414,341<br />

2,082<br />

12,054,716<br />

6,794,087 '<br />

21,041 I<br />

5,869,370 '<br />

6,649,554 :<br />

2,962<br />

12,866<br />

44,024<br />

377,204<br />

22,889<br />

24,7U;<br />

539,333 :<br />

24,857 :<br />

3,621l i<br />

743,866 i<br />

382 1<br />

815 I<br />

6S,IW5<br />

26,940 ;<br />

li6,014<br />

490,501 :<br />

123,206 :<br />

1,832 I<br />

124,108 '<br />

ti,421<br />

3,2!!.7'<br />

58,555 '<br />

288,8111<br />

a1,1s1 I<br />

!!.,8591<br />

1893.<br />

£,<br />

3,7.04,395<br />

286,936<br />

1,668,3151<br />

429,311<br />

2,195<br />

10,251,309<br />

6,400,712<br />

29,443<br />

5,SS,'l,845<br />

6,429,090<br />

2,777<br />

!1,4861<br />

I<br />

33,815 :<br />

439,604 :<br />

22,103<br />

34,167 l<br />

568,156 i<br />

,.~,,I<br />

,,,61 t<br />

770,8361<br />

"7,8111 1'<br />

45,588<br />

25,815<br />

65,881<br />

422,4513<br />

69,~Sl<br />

1,473<br />

l!l,31!<br />

tS,:SW<br />

4,982<br />

8!,&70<br />

!63,734<br />

•Prior t.o lWt tobacco rnanu!actured in bm1d w111 Included with the Export• or Foreign and C'olonlal Prorlnce, and<br />

with P.rjtlah snd Iri1b Produce In that anll In 1ubse11ue11t yt:ara.<br />

55,823<br />

4,620 I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

31<br />

125<br />

r.i~~~OL"AND~S~ EXPO~TED, from the UNITED KINGDOM.'*<br />

189;--1 ·.. ~899.<br />

1897.<br />

l~.-1~;:--<br />

£,<br />

63,181,'iGS<br />

£,<br />

67,S.U,892<br />


1894. 1895. j 1896. j 1897. j 1898.- j 1899. I .moo. j w01. I couxTnrns.<br />

£,<br />

4,317,000'<br />

834,493·<br />

1,670,748<br />

448,188<br />

2,586<br />

11,416,159<br />

5,090,785<br />

25,776<br />

5,408,190<br />

~.22'-568<br />

2,650<br />

23,351<br />

83,563<br />

363,107<br />

28,178<br />

!8,517<br />

462,066<br />

84,851<br />

4,120<br />

634,588<br />

490,693<br />

71,849<br />

52,314<br />

S9,218<br />

894,576<br />

69,159<br />

6,2J.i<br />

100,1{)0<br />

7,463<br />

6,313<br />

188,524<br />

.<br />

£,<br />

3,892,451<br />

289,298<br />

1,650,752<br />

431,585<br />

1,812<br />

12,150,341<br />

10,071<br />

3,897,287<br />

28,646<br />

4,607,688<br />

6,454,096<br />

2,063<br />

25,172<br />

42,160<br />

403,974<br />

29,2i0<br />

54,627<br />

414,858<br />

,..... ,<br />

5,111<br />

.<br />

665,371<br />

433,9!7<br />

53,745<br />

28,183<br />

52,117<br />

285,127<br />

65,394<br />

12,357<br />

185,910<br />

6,580<br />

3,035<br />

105,704<br />

£, £, £, £,<br />

l<br />

I £, £<br />

3,889,580 S,923,483 4,567,759 4,094,655 l .4,940,196 5,094,144<br />

329,045 431,430 391,481 328,592 I 418,979 443,475<br />

1,811,829 1,731,056 2,065,522 1,899,724 ( 1,686,774 1,580,302<br />

442,150 391,468 581,583 437,218 i 467,645 / 556,935<br />

3,057 3,777 1,500 1,865 l 2,429 \ 3,.ns.<br />

11,740,500 10,410,169 10,805,714 111082,130 ;10,543,078 I 10 1<br />

647,2!15<br />

Sec Cuba nnd Porto Rico, page 127<br />

530,8i0 715,769 637,258 740,00S 672,384 680,922<br />

458,954 566,635 615,521 635,531 6t0,817 697,719<br />

58,084 88,408 119,895 78,278 49,845 66,037<br />

17,660 23,240 15,181 20,127 45,598 68,122<br />

60,218 101,038 49,738 41,980 30,108 78,159<br />

!?69,568 429,683 416,995 2i9,941 838,185 325,078<br />

96,iOS 107,039 207,808 162,708 159,059 103,;390<br />

9,bl!I 1'1,422 16,126 14,588 18,852 11,829<br />

109,391 99,232 116,780 141,002 144,941 152,219<br />

15,147 15,506 20,672 16,258 32,820. ?4,841<br />

5,04\) S,872 4,265 4,4SS 8,730 5,073<br />

143,543 37,425 60,238 00,246 00,100 53,947<br />

I<br />

FOREIGN.<br />

R uaaia, Northern Ports.<br />

--Southern Ports.<br />

SW eden and Norway.<br />

Denmark, Iceland and Green·<br />

la1id.<br />

---Danish West Indies.<br />

Ge rmany. ,<br />

8,806 9,789 10,282 11,866 j 18,012 13,269 --- ~ossesslona In Wes· 1<br />

3,996,189 4,405,518<br />

tern Africa.<br />

4,427,307 4,618,494 ! 8,993,689 4,654,872 t Hand.<br />

21,458 17,206 21,515 21,987 27,218 25,273 {-- Ja,·a and other P01· 1<br />

sessions 111 the Indian Seu.<br />

4,510,482 4,556,834 5,048,827 4,750,384 4,070,602 4,468,488 Bel glum.<br />

6,506,016 6,698,899 6,807,712 6,993,988 5,899,541 l 7,228,752 France.<br />

3,916 2,505 2,7'0 8,'105 ' 1,583 2,425 --Algeria.<br />

'<br />

28,1)56 27,784 I<br />

41,155 49,1731 41,006 35,145 -- Poaession1 in Sene·<br />

{ gambia. 1<br />

33,541 55,746 47,852<br />

89,828 l 50,125 36,622 --West India Islands. I<br />

558,854 489,787 555,655 li89,756 463,785 :{83,163 Po rtugal.<br />

27,808 21,525 19,115 26,602 I 86,398 32,084 ---Azores and Madeira.<br />

I<br />

97,645 106,497 106,720 112,m I 47,411 39,807 {-- Posscssion11 In Eastern<br />

i<br />

Africa.<br />

442,ilO 485,204 658,030 985,14() l 1os,S38 I 628,418 {s pain and the Balearic<br />

Islands.<br />

31,564 46,481 61,612 69,663 ) 61,664 I 70,366 -- Canary Islands.<br />

--l'ossessions In<br />

4,687 5,292 «1,016 6,272 / 6,5821 5,299<br />

{<br />

West<br />

Africa (lncludlni<br />

}'eniando Po).<br />

{<br />

-- Westludla Islands .<br />

It Aly.<br />

Au strln·lluugary.<br />

Gr eece.<br />

Bu lga.rla.<br />

Ro umanla.<br />

Tu rkey.<br />

Eg ypt.<br />

Tr ipoli and •.ruuls.<br />

:M orocco.<br />

Pe rsia.<br />

SI am.<br />

China (exclusive of Hong<br />

{ Kong nnd Maclo). t<br />

19.J,654 128,2i9 120,855 170,632 148,958 842,833 158,759 77,229 .Ta pan.<br />

35,431<br />

27,837 21,SSS 23,869 13,3..tS 25,592 57,S!ll 51,167 {p hi!lppiuc and Ladrone<br />

Islnnds.<br />

6 SO! 0,855 6,214 10,280 0,347 22,313 S 76') 569" {I<br />

J!and11 in the Paclilc not l<br />

' • i • 1 MM f \. elll0wbere atated.<br />

t China was lnclush·c ot the Korea from.<strong>1887</strong> to 18P7; since the year 2sg7 Koru hns been lnclu1ted In "Other C'ou11t.l'll'!."<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


DECLARED VALUE of .the Ex:PORTS of Foreign and ·colonial PnonucF. and<br />

1-- I ---! _I ___ -<br />

i CoU:STRIEs-Contimted. I iSS7. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.<br />

I FoREIG>-Co•tim«d.<br />

I A A A I £ £<br />

States • • • 1<br />

10,692,350 12,8U,153 13,584,992 H,271,SS4 I:i,521,594 14,~64,772 ' 11,757,83~<br />

Guba and Porto Rico • I 727,720 S6i,8H 947,768 1,032,547 I ] ,006 1<br />

680 1,256,329 938,647<br />

.Mexico • • • ' 75 2H 115,386 108,350<br />

160,504 103,763<br />

I , <strong>United</strong><br />

,·Central • .\.merica • • I 47,891 1<br />

47,335 48,67!)<br />

I Haiti and St. Domingo • 1<br />

9,821 11,342 1:1,oq6<br />

:Republic of Colombia • 55,326 57,571 70,304<br />

Venezuela • • 11,600 11,978 17,155<br />

Ecuador • • • 14,045 S,865 11,625<br />

· Brazil • • 261,458 809,364 518,033<br />

I Uruguay • , 52,129 79,123 61,27!l<br />

106,245 260,873<br />

50,321 60,541<br />

19,Q52 H,360<br />

65,372<br />

8,616<br />

18,029<br />

336,445<br />

40,383<br />

61,525<br />

39,164 l<br />

15,S9i<br />

315,254<br />

29,57~<br />

36,171 32,294<br />

13,590 , 8,133<br />

106,517 I s1,026<br />

15,~94 ! 11,958<br />

12,35!1 I H,018<br />

306,599 ' 293,258<br />

35,699<br />

1 Argentine Republic (Ill·\<br />

eluding tl1e Atlantic coast)- 144 1 461 172,811 215,811 114,315 119,328 155,902 121,833<br />

of J.>atagonia) • • • l<br />

Chile (including the Pacific}:<br />

159 , 288 217,807<br />

coast of Patngo11fa) • • I<br />

296,255 235,752 205,419 292,710 226,595<br />

I Peru • • • • • · 123,158 160,921 115,390 111,451 87,751 SX>,SOO I 81,~6<br />

. Western C'~mst of Africa (ex-'\ '.<br />

clusiYe of German (after I<br />

I 1894), and or .b'rcnch and • 136,039<br />

Spanish Pos:;;essions whichj<br />

are separately state!\) • ,<br />

150,993 141,289 ' 167,114 !H,320<br />

1<br />

Other Countries 20,482 27,988 2'i},Oi7 37,266 45,321<br />

----------1----<br />

Total to Foreign l'tJUlltrks ' 52,449,167 50,556,249 I 59,100,373 , 57,569,447<br />


I Channel Islands<br />

• I<br />

Gibraltar-<br />

: llilta and GOZQ<br />

j North American Colonies<br />

I Bennudas • • • •<br />

I West India Islands ,t Guiana<br />

Jkitish Honduras<br />

1 Australia<br />

, New Zenla111l •<br />

! :British lmlin •<br />

! The Straits Settlements<br />

C.eylon • • •<br />

l HongKong<br />

liauritlus an!l Dependencies<br />

\ Aden a.ml Dependencies<br />

:Eastern coast of Africa : \<br />

; Tenitories under nritlshj<br />

Intlueuce • • •<br />

I Satal<br />

Cape of (ioo

EXPORTS :~FOREIGN ~~D COLONif\:L. 127<br />


I 1894. I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. 1<strong>1901</strong>. I COUNTRIES-Continued.<br />

]11,~~<br />

j 785,994.<br />

1 110,00'1.<br />

~.678<br />

11,282<br />

43,698<br />

8,220<br />

15,312<br />

299,866<br />

37,865<br />

117,898<br />

180,840<br />

55,763<br />

16,119,1,50<br />

700,421<br />

183,468<br />

68,105<br />

18,501<br />

34,651<br />

9,581<br />

15,756<br />

820,048<br />

36,086<br />

129,366<br />

205,552<br />

82,008<br />

11,611,559 16,93.f>,~ 13,817,988<br />

479,897 446,9Jl4 834,586<br />

162,066 129,020 166,169<br />

57,970 87,078 19,191<br />

6,627 18,438 7,371<br />

42,008 80,193 26,283<br />

7,215 8,870' 8,458<br />

22,506 17,849 18,805<br />

284,752<br />

165,909<br />

87,959<br />

265,062<br />

48,621<br />

194,580<br />

149,812<br />

106,645<br />

253,617<br />

47,822<br />

226,494<br />

159,266<br />

114,231<br />

16,Sii0,002<br />

746,490<br />

179,128<br />

15,759<br />

7,565<br />

27,291<br />

8,SOl<br />

12,978<br />

248,898<br />

46,955·<br />

806,838<br />

198,837<br />

94,550<br />

£, £ FOREIGN-Continiud.<br />

17,563,124 19,257,267 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

686,441 768,143 Cuba. and Porto Rico.<br />

160,718 122,511 Mexico.<br />

27,683 28,115 Central .America.<br />

10,089 6,253 Haiti and St. Domingo.<br />

19,792 21,517 Republic of Colombia.<br />

81881 4,788 Venezuela.<br />

12,981 7 1<br />

553 Ecuador.<br />

845,247 287,970 Brazil.<br />

46,642 44,889 Uruguay.<br />

'295,500<br />

.Argentine ltepubllc (in·<br />

221,069<br />

{<br />

eluding the Atlantic Gout<br />

of Patagonla),<br />

280,987 1951668 {Chile (Including the l'acifl::<br />

Coast of Patagonla).<br />

120,674<br />

56,0G8<br />

88 1 500<br />

29,978<br />

27,2°'<br />

34,357<br />

84,102<br />

.U,925<br />

44,330<br />

202,!!97<br />

74,782<br />

105,448<br />

1,06~,518<br />

P,728<br />

441,S·a<br />

17,086<br />

1,542,604<br />

370,722<br />

775,162<br />

46,668<br />

41,017<br />

171,033<br />

26,208<br />

4,082<br />

7,075<br />

204,400<br />

05,042<br />

102,061<br />

1,055,493<br />

10,127<br />

880,915<br />

16,108<br />

1,660,721<br />

840,597<br />

734 1 081<br />

36,914<br />

83,006<br />

18$,SOll<br />

25,507<br />

5,006<br />

5,98~<br />

208,849<br />

05,201<br />

110,611<br />

940,094<br />

9,874<br />

412,079<br />

14,452<br />

1,999,716<br />

488,848<br />

743,783<br />

53,127<br />

47,070<br />

137,172<br />

20,975<br />

4,578<br />

8,679<br />

211,048<br />

68,255<br />

112,987<br />

988,689<br />

9,824<br />

894,612<br />

15,158<br />

1,922,647<br />

461,410<br />

627,294<br />

42,021<br />

89,451<br />

104,577<br />

18,625<br />

7,376<br />

12,028<br />

231,134<br />

68,050<br />

189,679<br />

1,386,380<br />

12375<br />

:m,·186<br />

14,528<br />

1,861,194'<br />

444,949<br />

633,845<br />

43,588<br />

63,825<br />

122,574<br />

22,105<br />

5,897<br />

14,404<br />

240,680<br />

77,685<br />

185,100<br />

1,423,109<br />

12,420<br />

888,008<br />

18,570<br />

1,846,264<br />

893,880<br />

651,899<br />

47,518<br />

79,806<br />

178,786<br />

21,050<br />

6,115<br />

S0,574<br />

I<br />

225,8391<br />

S0,7i6<br />

146,5741<br />

1,532,428<br />

16,094<br />

881,824 .<br />

15,457<br />

1,969,787<br />

418,447<br />

851,186<br />

56,125<br />

85,833<br />

193,880<br />

26,281<br />

5,835<br />

· Total to Foreign Countrleit.<br />


227,700 Channel Islands.<br />

83,670 Gibraltar.<br />

137,558 ·Malta and Gozo.<br />

1,544,704 North .American Colonies.<br />

18,033 Bennud~.<br />

884,361 Westlndia I1lauds .t Guiana.<br />

17,549 British lfo11dura1.<br />

2,167,171 .Australia.<br />

468,058<br />

768,278<br />

79,217<br />

59,630<br />

185,253<br />

New Zealand.<br />

British India,<br />

'.l.11e Straits Settlements.<br />

Ceylon.<br />

llongKong.<br />

89,198 Mauritius and Dependencies,<br />

6,285 .Aden and Dependenc!es.<br />

Eastern Coast of Africa :<br />

26,531 15,272<br />

{<br />

1'errltorles under .British<br />

Influence.<br />

1°'1612 127,372 235,695 214,285 227,141 211,tl71 324,638 j 591,845 Natal.<br />

633,182 714,997 82S,669 789,819 720,714 627,484 909,0l!l , 1,103,422 Cape of Good Hope.<br />

114,066 891193 100,786 103,031 118,131 100,589 127,406 l 132,421 Niger Prowctorate.<br />

311095 27,200 851646 45,0H 49,610 61,161 05,762 li 44,952 Lagos.<br />

40,$50 h0,237 521300 49,936 63,007 74,369 112,0SO 144,0·'6 The Gold Coaat.<br />

451877 35,114 36,00'1 88,031 5~165 62,047 54,858 j 47,761 Sierra Leone and G1unbta,<br />

111172 17,029 14,920 18,668 13,939 17 1 743 22,648 ! 88,094 Other Possessions.<br />

5,797,'18 5,874,8571 6,513,0641 6,289,3061 0,683,9i5 6,65211281 7,644,458 j 8,829,003 Tot~l to British Poasesslons.<br />

157 "''""n•o1597ono1156 283 663-15995' 4101606547481- 05 04c:i 4471 u:ns~ ; 5_8-,r6=;-s::~89--: {Total Exports of Yoreign 111d<br />

• ""•""' 1 • • • • •<br />

1<br />

' • "• • • • • - Coloulal l'roduce. •<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


No. 40.-QuANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL ARTICLES of Foreign·<br />

AR'l'ICLES. I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. i89i. j 1892. I 1893·<br />

. .<br />

Bacon andHnms<br />

:Bristle s • . . -<br />

Butter .<br />

Caout.c hone .<br />

heese . .<br />

Chillllo r Porcelain, and Earthen·\<br />

ware<br />

• J<br />

Cocoa - . - . .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

- .<br />

- -<br />

- .<br />

Coffee<br />

Cork, :lli. nufactured<br />

Corn,' ;\"heat • . . .<br />

--0 ther kinds of Corn & Grain<br />

--W heatmeal or ]'lour -<br />

Cott-On ,Raw • • - - -<br />

Waste of (Raw and Yarn)<br />

Owts.<br />

Lbs.<br />

Cwts.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Lbs.<br />

Owts.<br />

Lbs.<br />

Owts.<br />

"<br />

"<br />

Lbs. "<br />

Cott-On 'Manufactures:-<br />

Pie ce Goods . • l'"ard8<br />

Drugs :-<br />

:Bar k Peruvian· . . Uwt.Y.<br />

Opi um . - Lbs.<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs :-<br />

Cute h and Gambler • Tom<br />

Ind igo • •<br />

Cwts.<br />

Feathe rs, Ornamental<br />

-. Lbs.<br />

Fish Cur ed or Salted . .<br />

t<br />

. Cwtll.<br />

J!'lax' a hdHemp:-<br />

Flax , Dressed and Undressed •<br />

Tow or Codilla of Flax and ,, "<br />

H emp- • • • •<br />

Hem p and other like subnces<br />

(except Jute), j<br />

sta<br />

D ressed and Undressed • "<br />

Fruit: .Almonds • .<br />

Currants ,, "<br />

:Raisins . . .<br />

n<br />

Oranges and Lemons .od • • •<br />

Iron and<br />

"<br />

St~el :Manufactures,<br />

Unenumerated t f<br />

Lead, Pig, or Sheet • • ,,<br />

Platinum, Wrought } Oza trw<br />

or 1Jnwrought • ~ ·<br />

Quicksilver • • • Lbs,<br />

Tin, i:l 'Blocks, Ing!>ts,} Cwt11.<br />

J3ars, or Slabs • •<br />

Mica a nd Talc ,,<br />

Milk: CondenE"..d • . ,,<br />

"Nnta and Kernels used for)<br />

'Obta iningOll • . . Tom-<br />

·f<br />

188,717<br />

495,399<br />

67,966<br />

116,572<br />

50,939<br />

28,840<br />

8,171,893<br />

692,525<br />

1,202,431<br />

619,048<br />

241,990_<br />

171,465<br />

2,612,634<br />

37,433,638<br />

38,088,451<br />

131,379<br />

353,137<br />

9,631<br />

53,085<br />

292,600<br />

308,256<br />

44,187<br />

33,664<br />

405,574<br />

9.312<br />

~458<br />

88,580<br />

482,122<br />

180,597<br />

13,354<br />

12,329<br />

184,297<br />

S,824<br />

37,647<br />

488,481<br />

2,185<br />

6,298<br />

106,31)5<br />

16,280<br />

18,392,314<br />

60,975<br />

138,031 I<br />

15,427<br />

85,044<br />

53,490<br />

6,241<br />

321<br />

4,685,678<br />

239,110 I<br />

stated. Not<br />

33,620<br />

I<br />

166,479 277,2[>5 466,747 292,276<br />

531,162 500,338 518,585 726,426<br />

64,522 70,475 75,108 64,489<br />

126,587 180,506 142,524 15tl,259<br />

5S,876 60,398• 59,701 65,306<br />

25,716 27,881 19,941 24,264<br />

7,988,991 8,277,500 7,201,411 8,887,030<br />

815,272 676,716 669,002 487,481<br />

1,387,807 2,176,164 1,955,37~ 1,504,404<br />

391,925 MS/128 380,285 492,4!13<br />

239,497 546,630· 644,781 459,985<br />

190,582 172,234 156,023 188,696<br />

2,453,921<br />

29,803,080<br />

2,478,592<br />

26,696,234<br />

1,916,445 1,625,072<br />

20,906,355 28,601,107-<br />

25,366,800 27,214,851 18,071,501 16,214,089<br />

123,792 120,591 105,812 106,059<br />

535,397 409,738 373,450 297,534<br />

9,3i9 10,449 9,617 7,934<br />

51,129 58,784 55,685 38,297<br />

859,251 888,526 447,623 275,112<br />

319,948 293,370 315,562 312,929<br />

63,061 79,476 101,654 105,141<br />

19,693 25,219 83,856 26,281<br />

637,051 715,188 705,957 1,018,371<br />

40,418 56,259 46,287 48,600<br />

84,926 78,579 106,158 64,608<br />

102,262 84,899 95,420 75,188<br />

598,731 548,779 504,992 357,189<br />

188,679 188,741 220,853 254,981<br />

14,280 14,691 14,719 15,873<br />

5,154 4,122 8,589 1,056<br />

196,802 188,572 188,206 211,210<br />

8,373 8,304 11,456 ~.40?,<br />

52,412 51,516 55,510 47,545<br />

492,593 419,469 350,720 294,595<br />

1,767 1,599 1,741 2,055<br />

6,712 7,671 S,243 7,857<br />

102,788 115,630 109,778 110,000<br />

57,502 97,642 144,125 158,175<br />

19,498,696 19,204,998 18,767,411 18,645,384<br />

87,387 85,676 77,911 116,885<br />

109,977 100,689 217,331 ~92,~43<br />

32,845 l4,557 16,965 11,781<br />

82,782 75,366 65,225 56,180<br />

52,507 40,09..5 25,321 27,242<br />

10,477 13,162 15.e93 16,028<br />

12,864 6,006 9,548 3,962<br />

3,534,907 4,317,852 4,609,867 4,248,337<br />

371,715 349,973 296,355 29'2,419<br />

Not separately distinguished.<br />

112,560 I 111,519 I 100,546 110,707<br />

39,719 41,485 24,975 39,190<br />

~.9~4 160,i07<br />

778,134 066,981<br />

62,428 65,924<br />

150,601 H9,!03<br />

60,196 83,095<br />

14,674• 15,801'<br />

8,969,740 9,285,516<br />

588,805 405,858<br />

1,891,155 1,308,374<br />

802,543 -654,874<br />

874,531 !OO,S76<br />

209,28;i 218,14~<br />

2,079,499<br />

41,865,488<br />

!,005,549<br />

43,8'10,814<br />

19,160,544 , 15,384,725<br />

112,322 '13,995<br />

442,390 314,472<br />

9,470 6,794<br />

49,701 36,881<br />

331,161 812,504<br />

338,644- ' 845,481<br />

48,892 87,140<br />

47,038 41,820<br />

824,751 59e,120<br />

47,535 61,074<br />

79,720 79,990<br />

91,678 69,419<br />

402,382 S4?~031<br />

218,822' 162,776<br />

19,008 17,468<br />

1,930 1,450<br />

224,881 197,eoo<br />

7,989 '1;480<br />

34,118 22,405<br />

387,224 362,480<br />

1,894 1,589<br />

7,019 5,'177<br />

87,116 107,208<br />

264,482 140,246<br />

20,080,705 20,158,058<br />

14'1,040 132,842<br />

190,206 132,788<br />

11,100 1~214·'<br />

46,477 28,111<br />

35,055 4:1,597<br />

15,613 18,836<br />

2,293,' 4,888<br />

S,775,880 2,852,045<br />

327,283 381,399<br />

106,518 101,690<br />

:15,498 40,558<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

E:k:i>ORTS :-FOREIGN ANl) COLONIAL. 129><br />

a 11 ct Colonial ~faRCHANDISE<br />

EXPORTED from the UNITED. KINGDOl\I.<br />

189!. ' ~95. 1~896. I- 1897. 1898. I 1899. ,--;;,~ I- <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />

AR'I'ICLES.<br />

~;-- 241,6§8. --:0;~~;4;,;~ 1 543,683 : 481,7731 1 279,036 -,~~3'i4 Cwts~- Bacon and Hams. . ··- ··-- --<br />

1,213,181 1,287,006 1,228,982 1,435,958 ! 1,335,800 { 1,797,655 1,407,612 1,102,785 Lbs. Bristles.<br />

58,390 • 5'!,530 58,368" 70,828 : 63,491 ' 50,453 51,586· 49,956 Cwts. Butter.<br />

171,217 202,485 235,~54 237,6il i 294,853 i 306,110 I 293,624 293,7~ Caoutchouc.<br />

55,933 ' 61,358 52,633 : 52,817 l 56,694 , 56,390 55,890 55,069 Cheese.<br />

18,530 27,929 55,.108 I 103,858 i 46,002 ' 80,683 65,043 72,687 {China or Porcelain, and<br />

· Earthenware.<br />

7,SS6,257 11,036,297 12,238,804 14,728,311 i 9,666,845 1 11,075,685 I 9,197,104 11,201,067 Lbs. Cocoa. ·<br />

536,429 i 430,764 443,742: 451,334 l 558,916 ; 686,6221 463,149 676,328 Cwts. Coffee.<br />

l,28S,181 ; 1,458,471 1,751,767 2,048,142 1 l,865,108 j 1,981,741 I 2,428,151 ~,336,239 Lbs. Cork, )fa1mfactured.<br />

351,579 286,750 274,492 195,307 ; 442,847 i 725,407 I 247,221 I 302,950 Cwts. Corn, Wheat.<br />

354,767 I 235,943 917,001! 961,370· 1,254,929 008,391 642,125' 442,330 --OtherkindsofCorn&Grain.<br />

189,805 j 241,306 409,017 207,003 405,109 , 466,1~ I 401,052 326,026 --Wheatmeal or J;i'lour.<br />

2,141,9171 1,815,041 1,641,284 '. 2,009,556 1 1,813,147 : 2,535,114 1,926,314 1,844.348 ,, Cotton, Raw.<br />

38,539,637 43,906,040· 47,117,~! I 39,177,867 i 46,297,309 1 51,587,338 ! 51,736,908 40,658,308 /,bs. --Wasteof(Raw and Yarn).<br />

1<br />

1<br />

I ' I Cotton :\Ianufactnres :<br />

20,959,900 i9,830,938 26,481,1,00 111915,695122,417,324 :,20,290,153117,916,060 10,956,615 Yards Piece Goods.<br />

I<br />

~P=<br />

57,696 29,286 25,701 1<br />

23,435 29,187 1 31,431 44,326 25,767 CwtF. Bark, Peruvian.<br />

532,081 j 181,050 241,5!)1 I 322,li6 I 233,035, · 266,06i ' 416,2ii I 407,293 Lb.~. Opium.<br />

I , Dyeing.or i'a.uniug Stuffg :- l<br />

10,166 8,479 6,523 ; 5,000 I<br />

I<br />

4,094 f 4,206 5,056 ;I 4,320 2'ons Cutch and Gambier.<br />

~5,069 51,227 51,302 ! 44,469 39,064 i 39,768 20,034' 81,0iO Cwts. Indigo.<br />

449,1(16 467,851 529,046 : 577,312 5:{4,509 : 502,299 523,497 503,032 .Lb11. l'eathers, Ornamei1tal.<br />

312,160 322,283 335,076 : 384,847 ! 889,091 384,170 386,523 ! 445,912 Cwts. }'ish, Cured or Salted. 1<br />

' r I Flax and Hemp :<br />

32,800 60,020 37,620 '. 65,020 1 49,960 : 47,040 I 42,320 54,0SO<br />

li'l:i.x .Dressed &..Undre5Sed.<br />

1<br />

29,000 · 73,640 · 59.,o"" - """ ' 24,060 I , 32,140 23,900 13,600 I 2:{,840 ~Tow Hemp. 0!-' CQdilla of Flax, and<br />

783,620 ! I j I Hemp nucl other like sub-<br />

48S,9SO 589,220 - 1 615,740 653.260 , 827,540 809,260 1,3i5,560 , i stance::; (except Jute),<br />

1<br />

1 ! \. Dressed and Undressed. 'i<br />

~:m i~:g~ ~:m ! ~~:~~ ~~:~~ I ~~:m @2.~ I ::m }'ruit = tA~~;?:s. ,<br />

43,208 55,195 45,983 47,790 40,782 25,il78 48,550 42,281 ---Ra1S1ns. 1<br />

517,163· 930,940 1,033,502 1;199,745 I 628,844 1 '629,161 323,808 270,638 B11i!hs. ---Oranges·and Lemo 1111 •* I<br />

213,397 185,750 187,111 236,209 234,441 ! 243,926 303,928 240,906 Owl$. ---Unenumerated, Dried.<br />

10, •25 23,114 57,736 61-,009 73 '""9 1 l 69,235 51,444 98,"35 r__ Preserved without<br />

"- ' - 1 v i. Sugar, other than Dried.<br />

1,525 1,969 1,700 2,403 3,076 l 1,823 6,411 1,371 Tons Gu1mo.<br />

213,448 2~1;314 214,857 239,SSS 233,284 ; 233,066 '! 254,474 241,677 C1cts. 'Gum of all Sorts.<br />

7,975 12,536 14,497 7,674 10,278 : 7,502 15,266 10,936 Gutta-Percha.<br />

l_l,758 93191 15 884 21,240 11,373 1 . 18 o·6 1 12,020 6 0·3 n · eo o -o 11<br />

_ , - , , a , a air: w, x, ..,u , or Elk.<br />

403,310· 567,981 318,416 560,844 670,206 i 463,291 597,327 365.834 Hides, Raw, Dry and Wet.<br />

2,086 2,230 2,139 1,677 2,103 : 1,956 1,635 1,703 2'011$ Horns and Hoofs.<br />

5,897 -6,363 4,790 4,875 5,708 ; 4,831 5,830 , 5,444 Cict.~. {Ivory: Teeth,Eleplumts',Sea<br />

, Con·, and Sea Horse.<br />

112,791 1<br />

117,983 101,325 ! 100,423 1 115,6.54 1 09,279 lOi,938 l 121,965 Tom~ Jute.<br />

172,237 1 282,524 382,7741 414,16591 502,515 1 - 585,362 : :n0,920 I 282,282 Owts. Lard.<br />

26,100,842129,606,314 24,724,656 26,243,728 , 31,618,832 :25,592,112 '. 20,886,432 20,783,392 Lbs. Leather.<br />

111,735 134,460 166,6481 160,206 188,302 194,117 • 192,943 I 167 704 Doz. Pafrs -- Glo\'es.<br />

: , ! · l ' · (:'.feat : Preser\'e

:J.30<br />


I<br />

1<br />

Anl'ICLES-Continuccl. lSSi. 1888.<br />

Oil, Cocoa Xut<br />

-Olh·e •<br />

'-Palm<br />

l . -Seed<br />

I<br />

j J>Iumbago • - • • •<br />

I<br />

Rags and other lliterials used<br />

for making Paper:-<br />

; I.inen and Cotton Rags •<br />

Other materials -<br />

'I Rice • -<br />

. Saltpetre<br />

---Cubic Sitre<br />

j Seeds, Flax or Linseed<br />

~--Rape<br />

, --Unenuruerated, used~<br />

· for obtaining Oil •<br />

Silk: Knubs or Husks of Silk<br />

a•1d Waste • • •<br />

-Raw<br />

' - Thrown and Spun<br />

Skins and Furs:­<br />

Goat, Undressed<br />

Seal •<br />

QUANTITIES of the PRINCIPAL. ARTICLES of f.oreign aµd<br />

Cwts. 84,712 1 1<br />

Tuns I 2,782<br />

- c""· I """" I<br />

Tons 2,134<br />

2,974 1<br />

Tm" ' 18,9321<br />

19,085 j<br />

C1ctJJ. 2,472,646 !<br />

Qrs. ·<br />

I<br />

C1cts.<br />

Ihs.<br />

32,8561<br />

295,726<br />

76,076 ;<br />

I<br />

20,932 !<br />

85,695 ;<br />

7,071 '<br />

I<br />

120,050 '<br />

Sheep, Undressed<br />

Furs of all Sorts}<br />

(ucept Seal Skins) •<br />

I<br />

'<br />

; Spices, Pepper •<br />

.:--of Other Sorts· • ·c1cts. : 145,166 ;<br />

116,978 i<br />

2,876 I<br />

674,577<br />

2,007<br />

2,685<br />

22,037<br />

22,345<br />

2,918,788<br />

42,335<br />

86,790<br />

146,427<br />

29,475<br />

82,214 ;<br />

7,438 i<br />

167,086 i<br />

58,650 63,192 •<br />

So. l 4,964,015 j 5,816,544<br />

,, I 42,528 l 29,946<br />

,, J 988,150 I 935,416<br />

" ; 15,219,455 i 18,758,683<br />

LIJ8. I 20,616,789 , 18,212 1 608<br />

I<br />

1889. ; 18~ 'J.<br />

8~,783 ! 00,140 i<br />

31691 l 3,642<br />

615,945 600,618<br />

3,619 ' 5,082<br />

4,894 4,464<br />

21,075 18,179<br />

25,686 25,378<br />

3,020,225 2,819,573<br />

47,200 27,727<br />

i4,854 73,382<br />

241,213 96,182<br />

62,76$ 4..&,940<br />

113,881 108,674<br />

12,2i0 11,189<br />

394,080 262,168<br />

30,746 124,149<br />

7,452,504 I 7,958,$87<br />

33,400 ; 5-!,~<br />

I<br />

1,614,050 i 2,526,156<br />

18,079,941 ! 22,930,287<br />

21,958,300 ' 20,40'l,101<br />

: Spirits: Rum - Pr/. Galls. :-1-,5-62-,"-,28-i-1-,3-1-5,-71-1-:!--1-,0-25-,-6-27-.<br />

1<br />

!---:Brandy­<br />

J ---Geneva, and other\ Galls. 1<br />

; Foreign and Colo-f<br />

nial Spirits • •<br />

Total of Spirits<br />

Lbl!. I<br />

Cicts.1<br />

I<br />

1891. i 1892.<br />

85,200 I<br />

3,785<br />

525,764<br />

4,068<br />

4,149<br />

20,723<br />

21,101<br />

3,212,394·<br />

23,997<br />

126,991<br />

6!!,994<br />

37,000<br />

112,667<br />

7,185<br />

78,172<br />

?.S,739<br />

40,8521'<br />

3,351<br />

670,8~·1<br />

S,984·<br />

2,(!54<br />

15,729<br />

23,040<br />

3,240,128<br />

30,975<br />

77,924<br />

121,487<br />

12,866<br />

136,473<br />

J,3!)7<br />

164,150<br />

32,5741<br />

1893.<br />

45,515<br />

2,878<br />

664,122,<br />

8,029<br />

1,838<br />

4,188<br />

20,947<br />

2,519,472,<br />

26,094<br />

95,800<br />

110,016'<br />

39,020<br />

100,074<br />

'1,061<br />

119,418<br />

·38,502<br />

8,198,736 10,552,991 10,032,164<br />

30,051 36,820 58,820<br />

2,500,o78 4,168,314 5,365,047<br />

22,015,665 81,180,431 28,985,216<br />

19,002,402 20,417,731 18,112,118<br />

129,963 145,733 l 138,836 116,121 102,626 124,707<br />

- -1-,1-8-2-,1-54-r·-1,-04-8-,2-.1-8 1 1,100;356 1,038,977<br />

129,594 l 99,2891 113,276 l 117,184 95,880 96,084 109,850<br />

773,694 ~ 687,9031 668,793 ! 533,887 367,267 865,410 293,410<br />

-----.1--~~':------1<br />

=2,""'4""66=,o,.,,1:::6='=2=,1=02=,9=0=3=1=1=,80=7,=600::-.-=:.!.-- 1,833,:.:::_ I 1,511,360<br />

Straw Plaiting, for making}<br />

3,432,208<br />

Hats or Bonnets • • •<br />

3,728,101 ; 4,936,9221 4,900,924<br />

8ugar, Forei~"ll, Refined, and}<br />

Candy - • -<br />

291,480 1s7,261 168,591 I 531,816<br />

I<br />

-- Unrefined<br />

481.9SS · 1,130,494 i 736,371 j 660,171<br />

i<br />

-- :?.Iol;;.czse1·<br />

55.833 134,179 : 174,318 , 131,Wl<br />

I<br />

Tallow and Stearine • 310,0i7 ; 315,653 ' 301,311 I 532,274<br />

Tea Ihs. 35,237,643 : !.Ul,400,702 1 36,064,040 1 37,297,599<br />

TobacetJ, Unmauufactured 6,168,189 : 6,3iP.371 , 5,669,2161 6,529,443<br />

--- )fanufactured:<br />

Cigars 248,478 ! 274,174 304,337 I 228,865<br />

--- Other Sorts (lnclu


J31<br />

Colonial' MERCHANDISE EXPORTED from the u NITED KINGDOM-'-Continued.<br />

1894. I 1895.<br />

58,898 I<br />

4,784<br />

1896. 1897. I 1898.<br />

1899. ! 1000. I<br />

105,976 140,792 I<br />

<strong>1901</strong>. I ARTIOLES-Cont-inuecl.<br />

. --------i<br />

162,7691 Cwts. Oil, Cocoa Nut. I<br />

2,984 Tuns - Olive. I<br />

91,2431<br />

48,9331 71,356<br />

I<br />

67,003 l<br />

5,945<br />

4,585 ; 3,979 8,655 I 4,534 1,997<br />

707,333 799,218 665,208 : 635,821 572,2421 602,999 624,456 688,861 Cwts. - Palm.<br />

3,969 4,484 ?,918 i 5,692 l 4,803 3,938 2,842 3,174 Tons - Seed.<br />

1,812 2,237 2,795 ;<br />

2,76' I<br />

3,080 2,772 2,603 3,572 Plumbago.<br />

!<br />

Rags and other ~Iaterials used<br />

for making Paper:-<br />

8,127 10,152 7,502 12,584 I<br />

! 6,306 6,431 5,991 6,881 Tons Linen and Cotton Tulgs.<br />

18,585 18,038 14,957 ; 9,412 11,954 10,804 10, 773 8,125<br />

Other Materials.<br />

2,679,075 2,637,429 2,243,137 I 2,113,140 1,835,589 2,559,783 2,564,530 2,515,190 Cwts. Rice.<br />

53,472 28,725 37,662 I 58,057 54,618 30,961 31,125 27,614 Saltpetre.<br />

136,780 114,740 .100,120 I 59,900 239,520 65,140 77,980 96,0-10 --- Cubic Nitre.<br />

I<br />

351,180 113,481 61,1641 81,576 141,373 87,681 137,474 170,808 Qrs. Seeds, Flax or Linseed.<br />

S,672 3,279 9,857 23,942 24,895 29,051 22,127 15,423 JJ --Tulpe,<br />

81,025 58,843 62,371 i 167,201 112,705 103,402 103,231<br />

I<br />

I<br />

152,242<br />

4,738 5,781 5,053 4,953 4,018 4,055 5,961 5,370<br />

t -- Unenumerated, used 1<br />

" for obtaining Oil.<br />

Cwts Silk: Knubs or Husks of Silk !<br />

· and Waste. ,,<br />

112,2~ 115,232 142,034 92,696 107,836 132,054 192,616<br />

244,5~6 Lbs. -.Ra:w.<br />

I 31,300 44,790 7-1,140 54,033 13,371 29,902 35,858 48,666 - Thrown and Spun. !<br />

Skins and Furs :<br />

!<br />

111,316,565 13,101,890 U,958,926 ;13,313,637 13,314,686 18,055,3.23 13,623,282 17,066,6l0 No. Goat, Undressed.<br />

I<br />

! 45,559 48,238 87,051 l 60,587 73,688 54,745 63,714 51,603 Seal. J<br />

' 4,589,135 5,235,786 4,750,870 ! 5,803,887 5,547,055 6,·!58,441 7,816,346 7,761,680 Sheep, Undressed. 31,240,426 38,528,808 26,149,348 \28,780,640 28,054,558 27,681,161 31,313,681 38,361,490 Furs of all Sorts (except I<br />

{ Seal Skins).<br />

17,326,866 14,018,045 12,036,001 !20,700,139 l'i,165,129 19,993,756 15,949,340 11,478,560 Lbs. Spices, Pepper.<br />

1<br />

I 140,018 160,807 158,468 ! 133,668 128,706 136,984 105,186 79,722 Cwts. -- of Other Sorts.<br />

i--9·-S7-,S-O_S_ 1 --1-,0-83-,-14-4-•--l-,O-l-0,-68-3-j 914,669<br />

913,360 940,355 969,917 927,134 Prj. Galls. Spirits: Rum.<br />

I 77,266 85,449 76,391 Ii - 53,647 53,672 54,631 63,214 60,468 ---Brandy.<br />

I 3os,o79 315,522 221,1s6 205,109 n6,S49 275,747 242,482<br />

Geneva, and other<br />

266,246 Galls.---<br />

{<br />

Foreign and Colonial<br />

Spirits.<br />

1<br />

1-.-1-,3,_73-,1-5_3_ ___ 1-,4-8-4,-11-5:_:1 :1:,s:o:s.:8:60:=1 =1,=1=74=,0=2=5=!=1=,1=53=,88=1='l=1=,2;;..7;...o,;;;;73;.;::3=l=1=,=27=5=,5=63==1,=25=3=,S1=8 Total of Spirits.<br />

I, 5,681,880 4,972,009 5,170,586 4,949,743 4,838,941 5,438,899<br />

4<br />

5,'18,lM I 1013 , 9 0 5 Lbs {Straw Plaiting, for making<br />

· Hats or Bonnets .<br />

131,300 141,949 142,137 216,412 269,759 182,918 173,466 :<br />

.. , 0<br />

, 415 n..vts {Sugar, Foreign, Refined, and<br />

""' · Candy.<br />

393,518 229,433 824,728 403,886 378,794 221,252 276,144 i 122,895 ,, -- Unrefined.<br />

I 195,878 230,028 228,976 272,141 297,162 9s,412 152,05711 50,151 -- Molasses.<br />

I 683,894 890,715 772,970 9:J5,217 1,043,8151 982,936 927,278 949,555 Tallow and Stenrine.<br />

131,894,171 30,552,248 34,027,806 37,854,723 36,834,902 32,224,205 43,057,884 43,889,518 Lbs. '.l'ca.<br />

l 7,196,582 6,651,927 6,495,063 6,540,511 8,064,8831 5,185,667 6,282,488 5,139,391 Tobacco, Unmanufactured.<br />

222,008 269,611 312,540 308,722 277,1891 228,244<br />

392,477 476,898 471,537 426,025 478,443 ' 428,229<br />

1,036,822 1;167,190 1 1<br />

1111595 966,693 990,667 I 953,655<br />

'"·"'·°'' I'°"""'·"" 334,691,8031371,502,8121283,317,743 ! .. ~037,192<br />

249,024 852,965 I<br />

--- :Manufactured :<br />

Cigars.<br />

1,764,257 1,053,141 ,,<br />

Other Sorts (in·<br />

--- { cluuing Snuff). "<br />

994,0331 1,038,443 Galls. Wine.<br />

19620'"961129 913'"6$<br />

Lbs {Wool, Sheep, L.'lmb, Alpnc.'\,<br />

• '•- i 4·- '•' · and Llama.<br />

!<br />

Colon in I Produce and with British nnd Irish Produce in that and in subsequent years.<br />

6475. I 2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


:No. 41.-DEOLARED VALUE of the PRINCIPAL and OTHER Au.nor.Es of ~.,oreign<br />

\~~---A-R_TI_c_LE_s_._____ ~~1-ss_7_._! __ 1_ss_s_. ___ 1_ss_9_._;_I _1_s_90_.~_1_s9_1_._j,..-1_s9_2_.~l~1-s9_s_.___ 1_s_9~4·<br />

£<br />

£,<br />

Bacon and llam• sfll,8561 ,;,~15 ,i;,723 ,,';,.., ,J,559 s,£112 I 351,310 403,353<br />

I<br />

1<br />

I<br />

Bristles • • 68,632 j' 72,350 75,991 68,777 103,673 106,116<br />

Butter • 300,331 326,523 370,048 369,409 357,244 358,0H<br />

Caout49 577 161,778 216,709<br />

l<br />

; China or rorcelain, and Earthen· 65 , 701 51 , 218 59 , 537 : 46,955 53,305 34,440<br />

' wart> • • • • • •<br />

I Cocoa • • • • • • 279,3S7 257,386 259,895 211,332 301,396 299,203<br />

Products, Unenmnerated· ·t "• - ""' - "' -•<br />

Coffee • • • • • • 2,6il,624 3,059,0-11 2,669,8.U ; 2,887,728 2,246,HO 2,414,498<br />

Cordage, Twine, and Cable Yarn 108,151 103,469 114,138 . 97,256 117,502 100,515<br />

I<br />

Cork, )fauufa.ctured 88,015 ' 105,399 153,501 i 184,436 102,365 92,789<br />

\ Corn : Wheat • 238,501 ; 156,370 143,788 · 133,734 212,825 307,681<br />

I --O~h~nkinc:s of. Cor~ an~} 73,699 ; 73,590 155,521 172,996 161,146 112,214<br />

! --Wheatmeal or Flour • 93,828 106,151 113,175 97,672 114,792 118,164<br />

; Cotton, :Raw • • • • • 1 5,726,889 1 5,538,699 5,871,600 4,750,493 3,787,891 4,535,937<br />

: -- Waste of (Raw and Yarn) · 429,392 378,182 361,148 262,028 319,442 471,809<br />

' Cottoa .llanufa.ctures :<br />

I I'ie~ Goods<br />

Other Articles •<br />

! Cycles and parts thereof<br />

I Drugs:<br />

l Bark, Peruvian •<br />

i Opium<br />

I<br />

Unenumerated •<br />

: Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs:<br />

· Cutch and Gambier •<br />

! Fari;;;.~;n~nb>~n~' ~d}: I<br />

)f.anufactures thereof, Unenu·<br />

merated • • • • •<br />

Feathers, Ornamental<br />

Fish, Cured or Salted<br />

Flax and llemp :<br />

Flax, Dressed and Undressed •<br />

. Tow or C.Odilla of :h'la."t and}<br />

Hemp· • • · •<br />

! Hemp and other like Sub·<br />

1<br />

stances (except Jnte)<br />

Dressed and Undressed<br />

1 Pruit: Almonds • • • • ,<br />

-- C'urrants • • •<br />

1--Eaislns- · •<br />

I -- Oranges anrl Lemons<br />

\ -- UnE:Dumerated, Dried • 1·<br />

J -- Preserve1l without :;ugar,}<br />

I other than Drlecl • •<br />

I GWU1') • • • • • I<br />

I<br />

Gum (Jf all sorts<br />

I<br />

• i<br />

610,577<br />

92,923<br />

481,636<br />

240,808<br />

384,740<br />

423,947<br />

99,025<br />

343,913<br />

331,475<br />

366,566<br />

251,4571 249,710<br />

1,178,879 1,084,000<br />

868,746<br />

127,762<br />

348,600<br />

fil6,968<br />

68,701<br />

30,8751<br />

628,394 I<br />

130,5861<br />

80,945 I<br />

113,932 !<br />

149,3331<br />

"""'I 28,840'<br />

I<br />

96,8551<br />

601,296<br />

366,535<br />

176;592<br />

389,554<br />

,491,592<br />

97,150<br />

19,892<br />

1,054,707<br />

119,964<br />

92,733<br />

138,802'<br />

161,075<br />

147,755<br />

28,037<br />

44,150<br />

(i40,852<br />

481,483 292,043 259,579<br />

98,719 96,746 125,687<br />

Sea under )Ietals, page 134.<br />

257,680<br />

229,330<br />

865,844<br />

232,442<br />

231,730<br />

429,852<br />

184,948 !<br />

159,691 .<br />

414,072 .<br />

292,284<br />

1,170,460<br />

395,745<br />

103,388<br />

442,219<br />

473,536<br />

138,244<br />

29,504<br />

1,430,135<br />

173,991<br />

77,394<br />

125,236<br />

148,874<br />

181,230<br />

~.794<br />

31,178<br />

610,565<br />

265,579 196,~97<br />

083,781 653,021 :<br />

293,925 249,858<br />

186,126 274,113<br />

558,370 421,770<br />

493,278 534,178<br />

137,539<br />

37,771<br />

157,256<br />

21,894<br />

1,153,353 1,677,818<br />

159,930 169,004<br />

113,029 68,151<br />

H4,55!l 116,783<br />

138,502 104,626<br />

171,052 185,0H<br />

27,784 85,816<br />

29,180 10,458<br />

626,646 OC9,4e2<br />

289,234<br />

116,365<br />

203,557<br />

206,439<br />

421,834<br />

215,706<br />

!lSS,235<br />

210,862<br />

212,676<br />

451,562<br />

640,403<br />

87,128<br />

30,700<br />

1,140,239<br />

169,827<br />

74,680<br />

110,790<br />

105,523<br />

142,663<br />

32,729<br />

12,000<br />

718,703<br />

114,980<br />

372,873<br />

1,618,838<br />

195,696<br />

196,857<br />

32,027<br />

335,680<br />

2,802,345<br />

88,382<br />

86,446<br />

219,113<br />

66,740<br />

117,549<br />

4,607,933<br />

567,072<br />

238,620<br />

112,060<br />

109,487<br />

167,853<br />

411,506<br />

158,951<br />

826,610<br />

165,472<br />

185,702<br />

377,724<br />

547,009<br />

70,877<br />

29,601<br />

810,134<br />

158,702<br />

08,159<br />

74,316<br />

9·1,809<br />

110,853<br />

2,,534<br />

12,7841<br />

715,146<br />

158,727<br />

811,298<br />

1,801,130<br />

168,089<br />

216,862<br />

25,941<br />

248,0llO<br />

2,518,466<br />

94.401<br />

82,228<br />

99,114<br />

101,313<br />

99,511<br />

4,666,915<br />

458,400<br />

315,636<br />

98,542<br />

99,677<br />

274,057<br />

438,610<br />

222,855<br />

700,411<br />

158,568<br />

172,1.95<br />

4·14,089<br />

47'1,808<br />

69,114<br />

20,083<br />

562,622<br />

165,583<br />

44,344<br />

44,434<br />

124,083<br />

138,596<br />

21,082<br />

10,746<br />

788,096<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


and Colonial MERCHANDISE EXPORTED from the u NITED KINGJ;>OM~<br />

1895.<br />

I 1896. \ 1897.<br />

I 18~8. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />


£<br />

424,934 676,253 523,85C 864,116 820,861 603,20:1 629,096 Bacon and Hams.<br />

£ T £ £ £ I £ £<br />

160,328 141,8641 150,018 134,301 221,949 224,582 ·168,634 Bristles.<br />

283,529 304,995 353,086 319,800 257,999 258,934 254,746 Butter.<br />

2,265,586 2,643,782 2,795,878 :1,020,850 4,271,061 3,808,472 3,602,723 Caoutchouc.<br />

174,013 147,323 152,764 159,210 163,991 168,358 163,6i9 Cheese.<br />

210,063 218,717 259,080 301,839 217,037 235,6:12 338,880 rhom;oa1 )fanUfaoturo' and<br />

Products, Unenumeratcd.<br />

60,283 102,276 180,680 88,072 142,295 151,871 240,913<br />

China or l'orcelain, and :Earthen·<br />

ware.<br />

326,694 322,258 405,805 310,733 341,615 301,655 342,656 Cocoa.<br />

2,050,288 2,007,677 1,932,485 2,132,717 2,295,711 1,543,3:10 1,947,831 Coffee.<br />

99,054 99,101 128,840 137,190 126,364 142,16:1 120,726 Cordage, Twine, and Cable Ya.rn.<br />

94,090 115,403 120,710 95,353 109,767 115,915 131,914 . Cork, )fanufactured.<br />

81,598 88,008 72,781 181,128 245,082 89,652 108,740 Corn : Wheat.<br />

69,048 216,780 209,364 289,794 282,450 172,153 125,058<br />

__ "{Other. .kind.:! of Corn and<br />

Gram.<br />

117,425 177,578 97,'il2 249,390 217,793 187,143 161,095 -- Wheatmeal or Flour.<br />

3,537,876 3,571,680 4,316,242 3,598,283 4,761,285 4,809,470 5,021,!162 Cotton, Raw.<br />

425,002 492,467 397,777 413,894 443,782 574,831 458,020 -- Waste of (Raw and Yarn).<br />

Cotton Manufactures :<br />

290,974 379,084 244,396 ,..,,,, , 276,215 248,529 300,473 Piece Goods.<br />

106,384 121,490 125,164 181,113 211,609 239,649 256,968 Other Articles.<br />

Sec und1i.· )fetals, J>age 135.<br />

Cycles and parts thereof.<br />

I<br />

Dnigs:<br />

40,553 30,331 39,389 53,865 70,036 115,800 69,323 13ark, Peruvian.<br />

9·i,671 123,239 154,823 125,252 134,486 215,698 218,0i7 Opium.<br />

438,569 464,688 426,921 4·18,223 578,437 586,W6 555,126 Unenuruerated.<br />

200,430 163,818 127,776 83,456 86,499 U2,092 98,314<br />

954,227 908,598 786,641 643,450 638,713 338,186 462,156 Indigo.<br />

Dyeing or1:anning Stuffs:<br />

Cutch and Gambier.<br />

202,596 179,159 157,670 203,798 186,·Ul 205,487 204,SSS Other kinds.<br />

{Farinaceous Substances and<br />

127,486 109,438 I 137,Ul6 155,374 123,077 117,866 77,052 Manufactures thereof, Un·<br />

enumerated.<br />

534,328 489,374 622,102 616,495 635,074 587,036 690,117 l!'eathers, Ornamental.<br />

522,255 572,548 608,678 627,405 668,349 695,948 847,574 Fish, Cured or Salted.<br />

Flax and llemp :<br />

100,381 74,589 123,116 03,482 .80,671 73,124 107,059 Flax, Dressed and Undressed.<br />

41,291 31,895 10,980 26,198 22,232 11,530 23,437<br />

Tow or Codilla of Flax and<br />

Hemp.<br />

Hemp and other like Sub-<br />

625,082 793,671 557,743 795,389 1,186,361 1,398,629 2,073,130 { stances (except Jute),<br />

Dressed and Undressed.<br />

136,0SS 149,283 138,243 187,430 178,843 194,983 145,971 Fruit: Almonds.<br />

49,668 40,205 48,0i·1 44,198 28,260 58,955 91,275 -- Currants.<br />

. 59,832 49,809 59,350 59,906 44,109 74,763 55,613 -- Raisins.<br />

'<br />

226,640 277,779 271,893 174,269 158,722 162,280 131,488 -- Oranges and Le1nuu:1.<br />

115,709 131,962 164,775 135,494 164,273 175,742 132,372 -- Unenuruerated, Dried.<br />

{-- Prescn·cd without Sugar,<br />

35,670 126,392 119,098 126,552 78,907 101,015 117,493 other than Dl'ied.<br />

12,617 13,893 17,493 18,902 13,057 35,653 9,190 Guano.<br />

777,882 753,947 769,750 725,9!0 712,040 757,658 732,021 I ·Gum of all Sorts.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


DECLARED VALUE of the PRINCIPAL and OTHER ARTICLES of Foreign. and. Colonial _<br />

ARTlCLES-Cont·inuecl. <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. 1889. I 1890. I 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894:<br />

. i .f,,,.1 :...,. ,;,,,,., ,,f..,, .~106 ,:,,.. ,~... '~'"'<br />

~----~------~-.,.;!--~----------------~----~'------.----------~<br />

Gutta.Percha •<br />

Hair: Cow, Ox, .Bull, or Elk · 1 60,887 79,112 92,736 . 111,553 106,8i9 81,886 50,575 29,068<br />

-- Otl1er kinds, including}<br />

Horse and Goats' Ilair, or 223,i71 204,lll 334,129 I 272,706<br />

Wool • • • • ·<br />

Hard,vare and Cutlery • • •<br />

Hides, Raw, Dry and Wet • • 11,505,749<br />

1 Horns and Hoofs · • • • 63,997<br />

Ivory: Teeth,Elepl1ants',Sea Cow,}<br />

303 562<br />

and Sea Horse • • • • , •<br />

Jute • • ! 1,260,551<br />

--)lanufactures of, Including} I<br />

Piece Goods, Sacks, and .Bai:.-s 1<br />

i Lace and Articles thereof • I 71,955<br />

I Lard • • I 28,127<br />

Leather • : 1,553,899<br />

---Gloves<br />

1<br />

81,109<br />

)latches • f "238,038<br />

:lfeat: Preserved, Salted,<br />

Fresh, all kinds exc~pt<br />

orl·1' 278,003<br />

Bacon and Ilams • • I<br />

:lfetals : Copper, Unwrought, !<br />

Part Wrought, and I 702,935<br />

Old Copper· • •<br />

---- Iron, l3ar, Angle, Bolt ! ;o 4<br />

, 202<br />

andlWd • • • '<br />

--- Iron and Steel, )fanu·<br />

factures: ·<br />

Cycles :md parts I 1<br />

thereof • • I<br />

)fachinery · • J-<br />

Unenumerated •<br />

601,!l58<br />

---- Lead, Pig, or Sheet 77,873<br />

--- Platinum, Wrought or} I<br />

Unwroui;ht · •<br />

365<br />

---- Quicksilver - - - 439,386 I<br />

---- Silver, Ore of - ; 51,830 ,<br />

----Tin in Blocks, Ingots,}1 1 l l')P 4<br />

00s j<br />

Bars, or Slabs - • 1~ •<br />

1 .Mica and Talc - - - •<br />

I<br />

• 1<br />

~fot dis·<br />

1<br />

)lilk, Gondensed • • • • '.tingulshed<br />

! ~uts :ind ~ernels used for ex-}! 3 !l 2 434 I<br />

· tractmg Oil - - • • , •<br />

' Oil: Cocoa :Xut - • 11J7,287<br />

l - Olh·e • • 1H,!l53<br />

- Palm • • • • - j' 506,699<br />

- Seed • • - • • • 48,351<br />

Pfoturt:S and Drawings by hand;}!<br />

Prints, Enf,T.ivings, and Photo· 20Cl,133<br />

~-rarihs- • • • • •<br />

Plnmbar;o - l 33,457<br />

1<br />

I l'reei

J;_;<br />

EXPORTS':_:....:FOREIGN· KND cot©NI~ .<br />

.MERCHANDISE EXPORTED from .the UNITED KINGDOM-;"""Gontinued.<br />

' " + • _:, "" • • ~ - ~ ~ ' -., - ' • i • < • ~ : ; r •<br />

. ·~~95.<br />

1. ··~~96. 1-<br />

J~97.<br />

I -· 1898. I 1899. , ~<br />

1900.<br />

I <strong>1901</strong> • I<br />

ARTICLES-Qontinueq.<br />

£, £ £.<br />

£, I £ £, £,<br />

100,408 .J.g9,446 68,188 82,158 73,601 146,689 143,900 Gutta-Percha •<br />

'<br />

52,827 36,857 47,024 24,589 45,497 22,067 i2,S32 Hair : Cow, Ox, Bull, or Elk.<br />

{- Other kinds, including"~<br />

371,810 137,835 257,810 215,234 245,966 212,851 100,003 ~:'~ and Goats' Hair, or '.<br />

115,015 103,759 137,71)7 247,368 264,073 Hardware and Cutlery.<br />

1,220,200 712,790 1,321,862 1,620,630 1,089,662 1,488,687 972,431 Elides, Raw, Dry and Wet.<br />

I'<br />

66,837 64,002 54,461 72,474 63,619 60,809 51,361 Horns and Hoofs.<br />

272,857 203,325 205,931 238,557 201,841<br />

I 234,332· 207,132 { Ivory;.Teeth, ·Elephimta',·Sea Cow~ :}<br />

and Sea Horse. " '<br />

1,897,484 1,291,610 1,281,741 1,317,447· 1,287,618 1,620,619 l,7~,09'2 Jute. .<br />

{-l!JLnufactures of, including<br />

~,255,247 1,227,3~1·. 1,234,203 I 1,672,956 l,83~,654 Piece Goods, Sacks, and Bags.<br />

230,977. 327,780 515,695 518,610 408,073 600,189 770,H~ Lace and-Articles thereof.<br />

400,114 566,'159 487,562 674,828 810,003 480,797 551,512 .Lard.<br />

__,<br />

1,971,030 1,690,751) 1,80:1,205 .2,108,202 1,882,036 1,597,322 1,562,600 Leather.<br />

'.<br />

162,913 198,844 i91,273 214,464 216,161 216,l40 193,452 --- Gloves.<br />

•103,836 '82,061 ·101,288 116,758 71,89-2 67,151 115,838 )latches.<br />

PreserYed, Salted or 1-··<br />

241,156 249,026 260,708 840,417 29.£,988 369;634 306,154<br />

f""<br />

Fresh, all khids except '<br />

Bacon a1id Hams. ;.<br />

l!etals: Copper, Unwrought,<br />

357,784 467,659 505,230 715,802 1,831,966 1,440,!l!JO 1,634,353<br />

Old Copper.· Wrought, ·<br />

and • I<br />

174,989 127,741 192,581 227,090 173,986 109,4431 116,633<br />

Iron, Bar, .Angle, Bolt<br />

I<br />

and Rod.<br />

l<br />

--- Iron and Steel l!anu·<br />

factures: .<br />

I 98,20.£ 218,SSS 91,50? 47,836) 28,220 --- Cycles and rparh<br />

j<br />

I<br />

thereof.<br />

499,934 742,490{<br />

438,915 561,742 568,892 580,160 I 620,698 ---- ~I11ochinery. *<br />

319,722 886,485 8.U.185 276,564 309,035 ---- Uueuumerated.<br />

180,468 134,406 81,614 199,819 239,348 220,18> I<br />

l~,454 --- Lead, Pig, or Sheet.<br />

11,798 14,561 62,997 102,049 63,188 66,272 37,674 {- Platinum, Wrought or ~<br />

Un wrought.<br />

248,293 230,004 210,076 240,000 263,226 237,741 l 238,820 --- Quicksilver.<br />

370,958 195,804 86,044 195,573 93,715<br />

27,356 --- Sliver, Ore of.<br />

71~1<br />

1,318,711 1,183,989 009,162 1,062,070 1,991,482 2,620,252 2,477,627 \--- Tin in Blocks, Ingc-tE, ..<br />

J3ars, or Slabs .<br />

29,759 46,066 48,949 41,812 59,407 86,55~ ' 66,727 • Ilea and Talc.<br />

232,671 241,930 274,578 256,525 228,446 309,460 354,580 llllk, Condensed.<br />

464,092 324,011 235,068 281,717 31!>,122 288,190 223,705<br />

{Nuts and Kernels used for ex·<br />

tmctlngOll. ~<br />

70,841 60,819 88,577 80,887 134,402 176,952 201,986 Oil : Cocoa Nut.<br />

183,278 166,878 137,162 124,728 154,773 81,110 109,915 -OliYe.<br />

I<br />

821,848 691,195 665,635 623,664 657,700 721,397 762,427 -Palm.<br />

90,789 75,881 99,356 83,746 59,861 59,110 74,500 - Seed.<br />

{Pictures and Drawings by hnnd • 1<br />

101,871 100,702 110,300 109,746 102,000 75,674 121,571 Prints, EngraYlngs, and Photo~ ·<br />

graphs.<br />

24,930 28,436 82,697 54,548 77,178 80,099 70,185 Plumbago. i<br />

{Precious Stones, unset(except<br />

190,928 161,355 114,004 115,202 159,361 80,622 199,335<br />

Dl~monds).<br />

I<br />

I lfag'S and other Materials used<br />

for making Paper : ·<br />

I<br />

76,~39 56,538 81,4~ 41,907 48,278 48,650 61,8981 Lin•• and Cotton l:a.,,<br />

152,578 121,2~2 65,995 78,017 72,266 69,226 59,138 Other Materials.<br />

957,444 857,792 946,382 862,756 1,140,049 1,123,045 1,098,986 Rice. \<br />

.26,004~- . - ·30,653· -- 43,722. ,40,606- -24,4.£9 25,650- .22,407 ! .Saltpetre ..<br />

49,958 41,29S 24,613 !X>,103 25,800 83,181 42,012 l ---- Cubic Nitre.<br />

* lnc~1des Machinery and MUI Work of 1111 sorts (other than Metal) in <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I<br />

.<br />

..<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

136 EXPORTS :..--]'QREJGN .AND COLONIMi.<br />

I<br />

DEcr.,,umn VALUJ.~ of the PRINCIPAL and 0THER,AR~i'iCLES of Foreign and, Colo!iial<br />

AR'l'ICLES-Go11tinucd.<br />

I<br />

Seeds : Flax or Linseed -<br />

• 1<br />

I<br />

I --Rape • - • • ~ II<br />

; ---Uneuumerated, used for}<br />

obtaining Oil - • - •<br />

; I<br />

j<br />

'<br />

I<br />

Shells of all kind11 - - - -<br />

Silk: Knubs or Husks of Silk and},<br />

Waste - - - -<br />

1-Jtaw - • - - \<br />

, - Thrown and Spun<br />

, Silk :\fanufactures •<br />

t<br />

, Skim and Furs :-<br />

'. -.- Goat, Undressed • •<br />

: --Seal<br />

~ j<br />

• I<br />

.1<br />

-- Sheep, Undrr.ssed •<br />

•-- Furs of all Sorts (except}.<br />

.. Seal Skins) • • • \<br />

· --1Ianufa.ctures of, including}<br />

: Rugs - - • • • !<br />

Spices : Pepper<br />

--- of Other Sorts -<br />

• Spirits : Rum • - I<br />

£<br />

14' 1 711<br />

.;,,,,I<br />

159,450<br />

159,40~<br />

69,300<br />

83,744<br />

41,537<br />

593,276<br />

457,804<br />

34,00S<br />

00,596 i<br />

837,785<br />

80,189<br />

002,937<br />

3$9 1<br />

672 I<br />

249,322;<br />

£,<br />

279,720 l<br />

56,796:<br />

148,355 i<br />

!<br />

201,630<br />

77,9$7<br />

106,016<br />

36,309<br />

727,673 !<br />

I<br />

j<br />

519,76!) I<br />

"1,789 !<br />

71,125 j<br />

·1<br />

162,100 I<br />

77,291 ;<br />

l<br />

590,516 ;<br />

334,418 '.<br />

205,192:<br />

£,<br />

492,221<br />

136,802<br />

220,570<br />

205,4tl3<br />

110,835<br />

263,503<br />

22,934<br />

002,002 \<br />

620 343 I<br />

I I<br />

60,847 I<br />

114,71)2 l<br />

999,092 I<br />

£, l<br />

203 1<br />

299 I<br />

99,3941<br />

229,579<br />

221,4.24<br />

lU,89.3<br />

173,138<br />

90,119<br />

935,730<br />

716,26~<br />

64,159<br />

191,439<br />

003,702<br />

82,719 ' Sl,949<br />

634,067 I 490,649<br />

419,345 t 330,681<br />

173,319 j 208,721<br />

£,<br />

146,310<br />

S0,920<br />

231,562<br />

309,223<br />

80,596<br />

48,461<br />

21,944<br />

900,740<br />

728,547<br />

64,156.<br />

189,204<br />

943,914<br />

115,055<br />

371,346<br />

275,079<br />

187,961<br />

~ .. ,I<br />

23,6451<br />

257,000<br />

'17,344<br />

83,691<br />

87,769<br />

22,845<br />

730,lil6<br />

973,190<br />

Cll,325<br />

328,347<br />

1,041,403<br />

101,400<br />

300,747<br />

267,20!><br />

188,547,<br />

i893. --,---~~<br />

£, £,<br />

224,932 659,109<br />

74,452 15,859<br />

195,791 135,502<br />

345,33!) 315,37Ci<br />

.7S,32S ! 37,846<br />

62,009 62,431<br />

30,374 21,812<br />

711,'135 • t 620,147<br />

9~4,878 r. 914,23~<br />

84,402 61,344<br />

466,338 412,029<br />

1,240,022 1,009,971<br />

125,487 122,729<br />

245,026 194,842<br />

287,769 279,760<br />

175,251 152,546<br />

: --- Brandy - ' 70,505 'j 59,100 ; 65,339 1 69,138 65,228 '66,98~ 62,537 51 1 670<br />

! I<br />

-- GeneYa, and other }'o· l_ 1 I<br />

reign and Colonial J 231,737 : 226,102 , 240,829 236,207 204,860 203,201 178,797 168,723<br />

Spirits - • • • I l I<br />

Sup:.<br />

11~fine~, an~ Caudy - ~- 1<br />

· St~w ~aiting, for Hats or} 249,389 284,299 1 325,844 328,177 287,432· 332,603 409,947 I 429,088<br />

1<br />

229,486 170,485 , 167,9321 443,096 182,2i9 171,013 149,862 ·: 103,603<br />

-- Unrefined • 337,837 ; 825,749 · 624,206<br />

1<br />

464,052 200,655 169,645 264,266 l 2;>2,028<br />

-- llolasses l 21,072 [ 52,983 ' 69,093 I 511622 77,725 71,517 79,7941 72,502<br />

Tallow and Stearine • ' 351,173 ' 367,537 378,64!) 644,361 553,649 63-1,104 793,202 863,264<br />

Tea • ! 1,684,354 I 1,807,130 1 1,742,205 ! 1;742,100 1,562,531 1,625,714 1,500,011 1,397,367<br />

Tobacco, Unmanufactured • 100,988 1 191,423 162,407 I 218,662 218,005 176,13! 188,063 II 202,004<br />

--- 1lanufactured, Cigars 148,121 l 139,18-l i 168,221 j 131,830 118,893 112,lGl 85,013 100,507<br />

----- Other ~rts, (in·) ... 87 730 95,174 109142 133 938 l '3 249 27,857 35 085 "9 08n<br />

eluding Snuff) f<br />

1<br />

' · ' i ' .. ' ' I ~ ' "<br />

: Wine 556,214 1 600,431 678,707 j 611,9i4 585,129 561,923 Ci19,786 I 485,581<br />

Wool,<br />

Llama<br />

Sheep,<br />

• -<br />

r..amb,<br />

-<br />

Alpaca,<br />

• -<br />

and}!<br />

• ;<br />

13<br />

•<br />

823<br />

•<br />

489 i 13<br />

•<br />

793<br />

•<br />

286 15<br />

•<br />

428<br />

•<br />

430 l<br />

,<br />

14<br />

'<br />

472<br />

,<br />

086 15,790,674 16,833,010 113,328,408 I<br />

13,516,228<br />

1<br />

Woollen lianufa'!tures:-<br />

)<br />

-- Stuffs 168,988 j 268,253 380,0SS l 1,038,SOO 1 1 091,452 1,023,6631 741,442 Gll,500<br />

-- Other Kinda - - l 300,753 i 378,330 429,347 486,979 244,959 255 1<br />

580 298,247 234,520<br />

All O;her Articles not enumerated , 4,945,531 5,334,856 I S,620,041 5,50G,238 '5,076,164 5,081,577 I 5,017,692 4,871,189 I<br />

Total Y.xport1 of Foreign and} I , 1 I<br />

Colonial Proauce • • • : 59,348,975 ; 64,042,G2!)<br />

1<br />

66,657,4S.i .: 64,721,533 j 61,878,Ci68 (64,423,767 58,878,552 57,780,23J<br />

1<br />

* Prior to 1S02 Tobacco manufactured in bond was included with the Exports of.Foreign<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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137<br />

MERO;II.t\'.NDISE ;ExPOR'fED ,froµi the ViS"~T~D· :K1NGDO¥-Owi#nued~,<br />

-----~--·---- -<br />

ARTICLES-Ccmti1iue~-,<br />

------- ----<br />

£ £ J!, £ £ £ £,<br />

t<br />

211,218 98,865 134,241 245,597 166,586 !U3,031 410,694 Seeds : Flax or Ll~ed.<br />

4,852 17,489 42,644<br />

•'<br />

44,326' 48,040 45,581 31,783 --Rape.<br />

95,801 _104,444 317,263 220,892 189,766 211,989 324,677 {-- Unenumerated used for<br />

obtaining Oil.<br />

302,805 324,915 412,307<br />

!<br />

435,67~ 454,024 428,775 446,111 Shells of all Jtindi.<br />

47,915 37,892 30,005 32,3.U 34,5G9 '4,309 44,259 {Silk: Knubs or Husks of Silk and<br />

Waste.<br />

52,429 62,069 41,488 56,279 81,269 110,917 153,086 -Raw.<br />

32,318 56,5!>7 40,889' I 9,513' 16,382 25,243 41,676 - Thrown and Spun.<br />

. 66(),017 725;123 719,729 876,222 888,200 919,011 1,021,637 Silk llanufacture11 •<br />

Skins and Furs :<br />

1,143,831 764,847 1,026,323 1,076,110 1,642,191 1,246,452 1,565,103 Goat, Undressed.<br />

65,806 67,00S ·102,1s3· l.10,342 87,910 121,244 101,541 Seal.<br />

478,372 465,230 482,760 475,894 560,646 6'8,736 611,059 Sheep, Undressed.<br />

1,~59,199 1,151,116 1,121,619 1,187,980 1,487,218 1,657,788 1.1524,572 Furs of all Sorts (except Seal<br />

{ Skins).<br />

'162,875 208,158 200,007 184,856 219,830 !11,584, 212,146 Manufactures of, including<br />

{ Rugs.<br />

153,303 139,517 297,071 368,307 468,101 438,7531 319,825 Spices :Pepper.<br />

291,692 '295',750 271,933 279,008 '295,628 241,409 178,050 -- of Other Sorts<br />

. i69,940 157,056 146,~fo 1 144,200 152,890 179,658 142,40;) Spirits :Rum.<br />

54,406 49,506 38,113 36,342 37,688 48,755 48,232 --Brandy.<br />

{--· Geneva and Other Fo·<br />

175,743 16J,756 75,tl83 6,117 00,~7 85,6.'U 97,401<br />

reign and Colonial<br />

Spirits.<br />

404,832 396,043 346,223 333,160 361,70'l<br />

I 800,004 272,342 {Straw Plaiting i'or Jiats or<br />

Bonnets.<br />

94,885 102,23.'I 134,593 I 1558r9 118,538<br />

122,858<br />

I 202,868 213,708 I<br />

65,049<br />

I<br />

I<br />

119,S09 49,352 Sugar, Refined, and Candy.<br />

213,591 136,379 165,215 74,875 -- Unrefined.<br />

I 62,077 92,938 I<br />

91,810 32,044 49,561 15,945 --:.\folasses.<br />

998,612 785,927 944,086 i 1,005,143 1,165687 1,232,649 1,278,9'.?S Tallow and Stearint.<br />

1,352,471 i 1,443,168 1,545,675<br />

I<br />

1,508,870 1,894,405 1,688,915 1,698,694 Tea.<br />

i<br />

I<br />

177,113 167,914 161,598 209,445 141,795 165,854 159,621<br />

I<br />

Tobacco, Unruanufactured.<br />

l<br />

127,112 153,634 140,029 129,323 107,332 117,083 165,746 --- lf&nufactured, Cigars.<br />

27,708 32,644 34,55& 37,934 86,716 114,2H>- 98,947 {-----Other Sorts (In·<br />

"' cludlag Snuff).<br />

~72,439 545,475 481,102 460,513 459,301 499,584 562,079 Wine.<br />

·15,181,119 112,251,167 13,357,881 10,092,758 I 10,218,994 i 7,476,854 10,710,885 {Wool, Sheep, Lamb, Al_paca .,nd<br />

Llama.<br />

I<br />

Woollen lfa11ufactures :-<br />

I<br />

584,666 I 403,004 485,798 470,327 410,208 395,811 521,554 Stuffs. j<br />

335,759 242,431 264,677 311,~97 200,122 406,029 800,724 Other Kinds. !<br />

5,005,513 5,442,610 4,610,322 4,007,478 5,126,834 5,458,941 5,453,209<br />

All Other Articles not enumerated.<br />

59,7o4,161 56,233,663 59,954,410 60,6..'i4,748 165,042,447 Os,181,758 67,841,892 £, (Total Exrirts of l'orelgu and<br />

1 l. Colonia Produce.<br />

aud Colonial Produce and with :British awl Irish Produce in that and in subsequent years.<br />

f<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


No. 42 -DECLARED VALUE of the REGISTERED· IMPORTS of Gor,n and' 'SILVER.:<br />


.. FROM<br />


Denmark •<br />

Germany •<br />

France<br />

Portugal, .Azores, and )fadeira • I<br />

t<br />

Spain and Canaries •<br />

Italy·<br />

Egypt<br />

China<br />

Japan<br />

<strong>United</strong> States •<br />

Republic of Colombia<br />

Chile<br />

Brazil<br />

Uruquay •<br />

.Argentine Republic<br />

Other :Foreign Countries<br />

•<br />

Total from Foreign Countries<br />

)!al ta<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

West COast of .Africa, British •<br />

I<br />

British Possessions In South}<br />

.Africa • • •<br />

British :East Indies •<br />

Hong Kong<br />

Australia<br />

Sew Zealand<br />

•<br />

:British West India Islands<br />

British Guiana.<br />

Other British 1'03seesions<br />

Total from British l'osseuions<br />

l I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I '<br />

\<br />

'<br />

•<br />


s<br />

and BRITISH<br />

I I 1 I l l I ---<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

-<br />

I<br />

£, I<br />

I<br />

£ £, l £, ! £ £, £, £,<br />

- l 3,1781 loo,7oo I 2,szs I - - 16 -<br />

'<br />

I<br />

'<br />

28,357 210,272 180,443 204,040 . 458,241 181,311 165,887 309,223<br />

Holland 154,526 1,047,168 2,250,934 3,104,733 21,256 4,989 654,057 809,517<br />

.<br />

Belgium • I 520,417 591,707 450,22_2 658,762 438,515 815,678 891,8S2 326,488<br />

I<br />

: Ti;,tal from Foreign Conn tries ·1<br />

I and British Possessions • J<br />

\<br />

1,920,726<br />

3,867<br />

40,779<br />

6,303<br />

........,I<br />

I<br />

' 514,293<br />

·~r.1<br />

37,010<br />

~·~1 48,042<br />

141,060 '<br />

~,,ro I<br />

1,846,043<br />

141,0921<br />

8,198,944<br />

57,488<br />

146,058 I<br />

.......,<br />

131,212<br />

537,227<br />

204,852<br />

115,945<br />

287,870<br />

9111<br />

44,420 l<br />

l,7W,382 I<br />

--!<br />

!<br />

I<br />

8,107,801 1,672,651 4,848,085<br />

4,589 7,398 1,725,840<br />

46,0491<br />

39~171<br />

120,181<br />

12,180· 11,158' 29,880<br />

1,821,402 670,309 463,040<br />

880,929 241,613 141,005<br />

I<br />

60,020 822,264<br />

·~1<br />

2.2.'ll,369 2,700,831 2,594,2~9<br />

.. :, .. I 55,846<br />

256531 272,70~<br />

345,6561<br />

895,808 527,877 820,116<br />

115,155 57,223 107,870 67,078<br />

86.649 77,608 I 2,512,948 I 8,324,114 563;_29 642,027<br />

~'°°I<br />

58,051<br />

"'·'"I<br />

65,840 I 1,876,806 710,581<br />

127,491 i<br />

93,666 i 99,012<br />

I<br />

. I<br />

9,569,506 ! 10,921,406 I 18,199,625<br />

78,310 \ 5,440 51,698<br />

145,687 \ 160,777 147,518 !<br />

847,054 ! 1,441,787 1,876,677<br />

260,031 I 320,397 458,596<br />

671,812 856,517 118,121<br />

3,251,674 3,434,070 1,398,627<br />

693,445 734,659 ! 608,247<br />

223,016 401,465 ; 505,148<br />

9,865 38,036 37,844<br />

42,188 84,485 76,453 ii<br />

-<br />

6,218,082 0,986,633 5,868,424<br />

9,955,326 t. 15,787,588 , 17.014,080 ! 23,568,040<br />

1,687,510 1,110,668 1,690.682<br />

6,275,838 2,lGl,818 1,209,721<br />

140,693 70,098 61,980<br />

9,506 19,660 147,011<br />

11,445 570,093 1,070,SSO<br />

556,$13 1,601,202 927,906<br />

4,588 597,116 178,155<br />

7,675,184 1,050,206 4,~2,007<br />

12,563 36,570 '278,628<br />

90,804 445,761 397,770<br />

00,100 I 56,989 64,076<br />

21,221,291 9,421,239 18,080,249<br />

29,197 10,048 11,848<br />

177,825 200,767 157,763<br />

2,489,618 4,800,827 5,325,239<br />

788,9951 8,046,881 1,190,256<br />

&7!!,391 696,926 517,209<br />

·~56 .... I<br />

2,757,111 3,211,525<br />

423,005 400,120 495,709<br />

526,425 001,094 658,478<br />

108,348 17,833 .123,01)5<br />

74,876 64,041 54,766<br />

0,054,829 12,161,993 I 11,745,478<br />

So,275,620 I 21,588,282 .!'<br />

24,834,727<br />

·l,007,798<br />

SS.'i,215<br />

40,294<br />

275<br />

l,O.il,259<br />

1,477,507<br />

371,647<br />

8,246,614<br />

480,934<br />

62,126<br />

267,200 :<br />

2,792<br />

16,520<br />

103,181<br />

l<br />

10,454,540 i<br />

42,634<br />

157,923<br />

I<br />

7,364,305<br />

3,387,105<br />

580,698<br />

4,853,477<br />

490,403<br />

453,826<br />

230,662<br />

88,599<br />

17,117,807<br />

27,572,847<br />

;<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

•<br />

/l-!-5<br />




I<br />



FROM<br />

1895. I 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>. WHICH IMPORTED.:<br />

I<br />

I<br />

£, £, £, £ £, £, £,<br />

150 530 - 50,009 - 152,225 - Denmark.<br />

421,192 411,750' 278,392 3,908,707 2,300,790 2,543,809 365,892 Germany.<br />

·620,612 863,052 15,442 1,505,920 1,403,838 1,371,132 118,309 Holland.<br />

1,020,508 827,309 884,781 434,036 894,219 436,095 458,346 l3elglum.<br />

1,834,012 755,916 621,571 4,431,033 1,8·10,646 2,156,032 1,174,548 }'ranee.<br />

522,404 780,429 475,623 365,221 210,357 842,901 207,972 Portugal, Azores, and :Madeira.<br />

62,574 65,681 61,570 49,412 59,398 91,414 113,900 Spain and Canaries.<br />

5,570 4,535 10,574 86,760 133,634 152,211 101,867 Italy.<br />

1,299,244 188,4511 250,000 755,120 181,058 275,401 1,148,890 Egypt.<br />

651,393 786,386 487,704 1,156,509 200 20,000 42,114 China.<br />

289,640 14,038 60,240 2,419,903 970 824,798 17,080 Japan.<br />

11,181,956 8,170,977 68,056 48,497 2,379,046 5,870,734 263,SlG <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

898,561 399,750 886,642 421,347 345,614 189,952 471,l!l:l Republic of Colombia.<br />

264,594 258,743 56,452 325,035 158,401 99,952 78,998 Chile.<br />

254,203 239,950 831,551 361,890 441,983 478,768 ·159,706 Brazil.<br />

- 792,809 92,201 349,882 27,881 803,609 5,600 Uruguay.<br />

15,952 245,437 398,612 18,305 6,032 7,800 7,855 Argentine :Republic.<br />

98,208 62,814 29,405 57,6i6 113,163 23,44{1 878,022 Other Foreign Conn tries.<br />

18,390,863 9,818,056 4,008,816 16,745,262 10,043,230 14,840,282 5,413,700 Total from I

HO<br />



'<br />

BRITISH-<br />



FROM<br />

WHICH IMPORTED. 188i. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

I l<br />

I<br />

£. £. £ £.<br />

I £. I .£ I ~.<br />

" £<br />

;<br />

I Denmark -<br />

100 -<br />

I - 120 5,000<br />

! Germany •<br />

612,331 307,416 257,349 662,210 884,533 726,170 345,087 187,605<br />

I<br />

l Holland •<br />

6,703 3,207 3,133 15,364



PossESSIONs.-Oontinued.<br />


I I I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


FRO!\I<br />

1895. 1896. 1897.; 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>. WHICH IMPORTED.<br />

I £ £ I £, £ £<br />

100 - - - 25 - - Denmark.<br />

£ £,<br />

211,006 183,911 213,907 396,064 040,SOO 548,920 281,705 Gerrnnny.<br />

1,864 751 742 76,016 1,448 33,954 52,285 Holland.<br />

Hl,467 76,168 2,587,852 1,643,549 1,116,547 77,175 69,666 Belgium.<br />

012,430 1,741,153 S,018,128 1,227,450 726,801 393,791 418,645 France.<br />

li,520 2,083 1,280 1,936 2,054 1,972 402 Portugal, Azores, and Madeira.<br />

26,206 26,607 28,502 22,600 23,650 30,551 28,021 Spain and Canaries.<br />

490 409 167 560 1,223 878 552 Ii;aly.<br />

58,058 123,187 65,724 07,455 45,645 24,522 61,880 Egypt.<br />

300 72,850 10,800 10,000 - 268 20 China.<br />

825 - 2,320 565 - - 261 Japan.<br />

8,082,02;) 10,141,289 10,087,749 9,359,395 S,821,476 11,459,612 9,718,993 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

362,768 501,958 729,977 725,670 545,443 26.J,495 251,732 Republic of Color.Jbia.<br />

818,496 1,105,~78 955,082 896,001 • 451,863 203,090 200,826 Chilo •<br />

4,8·~6 3,473 62,742 5,776 1,801 2,GS2 220 Braz!!.<br />

- 470 - 7 - - - Uniguny.<br />

16,000 14,020 20,115 5,600 - 2,200 - Argentine Republic.<br />

45,203 27,826 45,921 53,3S·i S,611 18,614 38,707 !l_ther Foreign Countries.<br />

I<br />

..<br />

10,884,068 14,021,078 117,831,008 12,886,893 lS,057,624 Total from Foreign Countrie:>.<br />

I<br />

1 l~"2,9SS 111,128,05'<br />

6,768 ..t,752<br />

I 8,785 8,159 550 - - :\[alt,n,<br />

80,252 56,659 26,232 7,946 lS,612 92,734 93,941 West Coast of Afric.'L, British. I<br />

49,050 lS,H7 82,781 33,SO! 47,861 7,647 5,513 {:British Possessions in South .<br />

Africa.<br />

S,208 200 - 219 483 247 006 British East Indies.<br />

- - - 12,000 40 416 480 Hong Kong.<br />

05,56! 150,426 45,812 67,·160 189,234 126,005 146,897 Australia.<br />

11,SSO 7,470 12,7!?5 17,19:1 10,179 21,210 46,475 New Zealand.<br />

56,582 liS,612 65,104 6,499 45,449 9,126 75,'i04 British West Iuclia Islands.<br />

- 370 - - 6,000 l,250 - British Gulann.<br />

23,070 16,102 14,694 lH,630 19,238 5,072 7,747 Other British Possossions.<br />

-----<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

282,260 808,038 201,083<br />

I lS:i,Sll I 841,596 26.J,1}76 877,723 Total from B1·Itish Possessions.<br />

- I<br />

10,006,832 14,829,116 I lS,032,091 ! H,677,79£!<br />

j<br />

I<br />

i<br />

I"""~"'<br />

13,822,300 ll,501,678 {Total from Foreign Coun trios<br />

and British Possessions.<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



and BRITISH<br />

Ī<br />


Cou:tiTRIES<br />

FROM<br />

WHlCH IM.PORTED. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

l i I I 1 I I<br />

I<br />

Denmark •<br />

I Germany •<br />

£, £ £ £ f!, £, £, £,<br />

- 3,178 100,700 2,928 - - 136 5,000<br />

640,688 523,688 443,792 866,250 1,342,774 007,490 511,624 496,828<br />

j Holl!md 161,229 1,050,375 2,254,067 3,120,097 27,7SS 9,287 658,326 812,160<br />

Belgium 635,095 667,670 577,361 1,103,016 795,454 881,189 1,302,939 627,~.5<br />

France 3,162,656 3,947,728 3,953,173 6,870,101 3,214,689 2,446,803 3,077,483 1,741,12,<br />

Portugal, Azores, and Madeira 4,287 7,404 9,558 1,730,063 6,277,325 2,163,783 1,301,419 887,253<br />

1 Spain and Canaries • - 160,836 206,145 198,671 243,433 201,054 180,100 126,717 67,333<br />

Imly • G,306 12,180 11,156 29,830 9,552 89,896 317,011 333,612<br />

Egypt. 2,195,369 1,346,705 819,787 647,185 37,595 577,497 1,091,148 1,068,979<br />

) China- 514,293 SSl,149 241,676 142,011 556,891 1,751,202 927,906 1~'177,507<br />

I Japan 12,577 4,648 60,020 322,264 4,588 597,116 178,155 I 411,967<br />

<strong>United</strong> States • 2,250,754 4,635,112 6,772,774 6,651,908 11,659,028 6,353,332 11,500,294 10,493,629<br />

Republic of Colombia 782,546 693,?.7'1 859,104 1,252,944 1,288,131 1,216,417 893,211 845,437<br />

Chile· 1,116,730 559,954 1,289,077 1,350,477 873,645 1,252,162 1,305,380 1,369,987<br />

Brazil 142,06! 94,620 86,700 2,644,635 3,364,014 624,292 649,687 273,557<br />

Uruguay • 887,560 SS,400 60,151 172,547 157,963 88,650 270,348 S,132<br />

Argentine Republic 1,541,208 225,843 2,051,634 927,634 252,731. 489,403 411,840 87,009<br />

Other Foreign Countries 887,0H I 925,885 141,942 257,807 145,730 87,274 71,806 126,662<br />

I<br />

Total from Foreign Countries- 15,101,242 15,323,961 19,931,343 28,285,100 30,208,802 19,664,883 24,604,330 21,079,291<br />

:lialta . 72,359 81,642 0,733 54,506 30,996 14,822 23,932 44,959<br />

West Coast of Africa, British 188,700 185,829 196,891 175,950 212,385 245,058 179,1)25 243,267<br />

British Possessions in South} 241,385 850,296 l,H:l,945 1,883,923 2,489,776 4,386,665 5,418,14·1 7,435,071<br />

Africa - • • •<br />

British East Indies • 165,954 275,497 320,397 475,426 867,233 3,149,661 1,257,703 3,420,955<br />

I<br />

Hong Kong - 537,227 671,812 356,517 173,948 582,291 697,626 617,409 580,693<br />

Australia • - 260,118 3,284,302 3,·158,764 1,589,530 3,990,718 2,952,419 3,360,319 4,485,834<br />

New Zealand . 120,288 6$!3,452 738,174 704,270 433,793 407,525 501,953 505,865<br />

British West India Islands . 1,033,589 568,361 494,610 528,697 568,617 713,li21 694,435 486,995<br />

British Guiana • 911 9,865 52,036 37,S44 118,343 17,833 123,001; 245,662<br />

Other British l'ossessions 52,991 56,511 100,029 94,915 88,264 79,201 66,877 49,172<br />

I Total from British Possessions 2,673,522 6,677,567 7,168,096 5,718,518 9,382,416 12,664,731 12,143,792 17,498,473<br />

I<br />

l Total from Foreign Countries<br />

17,774,76-i 122,001,628 27,099,439 33,953,708 39,591,218 32,329,614 36,748,122<br />

I<br />

· and British l'ossesslons •<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

~17,!M I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

143<br />

:3.nd SPECIE into the Um'rE~·:;KIN~DOM. from. th~ YiA,mous fORilmm COUNTRIES<br />

f OS,SES~IO~s-Con~iriued. . '<br />

----------<br />

TOTAL OF Go~D 4~1? SILV.Elf ~tg.1,ION 4NI> SPECIE.<br />

1895. 1896. I I· l898.<br />


FRO~[.<br />

1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. WHICH IMPORTED.<br />

£,<br />

250<br />

682,258<br />

622,476<br />

1,161,975<br />

1,946,451<br />

527,924<br />

Ss,780<br />

6,060<br />

1,858,202<br />

£,<br />

580<br />

595,661<br />

868,803<br />

403,477<br />

2,497,069<br />

782,512<br />

92,288<br />

4,944<br />

261,587<br />

492,299<br />

16,184<br />

2,972,638<br />

3,639,699<br />

476,903<br />

90,072<br />

10,741<br />

315,724<br />

J!,<br />

50,009<br />

4,804,771<br />

1,581,936<br />

2,077,585<br />

5,658,483<br />

867,157<br />

72,012<br />

87,320<br />

822,575<br />

25<br />

3,087,596<br />

1,405,286<br />

1,510,766<br />

2,566,947<br />

212,411<br />

88 1 048<br />

134,857<br />

176,703<br />

£,<br />

152,225<br />

3,092,729<br />

1,405,086<br />

518,270<br />

2,549,823<br />

SU,873<br />

121,005<br />

153,089<br />

2ll9,923<br />

647,597<br />

170,544<br />

528,012<br />

1,593,188<br />

208,464<br />

141,921<br />

102,419<br />

1,210,770<br />

Denmark.<br />

Germany.<br />

Holland.<br />

:Belgium.<br />

France.<br />

Portugal, Azores, and ~Iadeira.<br />

Spain and Canaries.<br />

Italy.<br />

Egypt.<br />

651,698 858,786 498,50! 1,166,509 200 !'.0,268 42,134 China.<br />

I 289,005 14,038 62,560 2,420,468 970 324,798 I 17,341 Japa~1.<br />

119,214,881 18,312,266 10,155,805 9,407,892 11,200,522 17,330,346 9,982,809 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

001,708 1,110,619 1,147,017 891,057 454,447 722,926 Republic of Colombia.<br />

1<br />

1,:~::: 1,864,216 1,011,534 1,221,900 609,764 303,042 279,824 Chile.<br />

259,049 248,423 394,298 367,6Ce 443,784 481,350 459,926 Brazil.<br />

798,279 92,201 349,889 27,881 303,609 5,696 Uruguay.<br />

l<br />

! 81,952 259,457 418,727 28,905 6,032 10,000 7,355 Argentine Republlc.<br />

! 1.43,591 00,140 75,826 111,000 121,77! 37,063 416,729 Other Foreign Countries.<br />

l----·-1·~-----1·-------1-------1----.....:...-1-------~---~1<br />

! 28,774,926 23,389,134 21,839,824 31 ,238,250 22,429,623 27,897,006 16,537,655 Total fr•m Foreign Countries.<br />

41,020<br />

200,386<br />

8,403,863<br />

121,140<br />

262,141<br />

8,016,002<br />

63,800 78,228 9,150<br />

174,248 93,084 79,852<br />

13,654,117 16,802,801 15,002,492<br />

37,100<br />

159,179<br />

386,273<br />

17,300 :Malta.<br />

123,545 West Coast of Africa, British.<br />

1,967,796<br />

British Possessions in South<br />

{ .Africa.<br />

2,007,169<br />

462,200<br />

1,235,098<br />

226,522<br />

1,400,614 1,656,354 1,725,995<br />

194,465 221,486 340<br />

3,778,578<br />

47,346<br />

6,947,300 British East Indies.<br />

224,428 Hong Kong.<br />

5,420,062<br />

4,304,157<br />

9,957,614 7,298,846<br />

4,851,548<br />

6,809,683<br />

4,969,119 .Australia.<br />

552,699<br />

459,606<br />

704,975 352,057<br />

412,495<br />

297,419<br />

790,977 New Zealand.<br />

602,280<br />

567,851<br />

683,591 511,974<br />

415,273<br />

300,723<br />

449,087 British West India Islands.<br />

154,882<br />

2i8,522<br />

36,552 87,592<br />

199,400<br />

239,889<br />

108,984 British Guiana.<br />

56,578<br />

47,523<br />

35,149 60,087<br />

75,318<br />

59,577<br />

81,055 Other British Possessions.<br />

17,900,735 15,458,562 27,001,125 27,162,509 22,831,003 11,615,267 15,679,651 'l'otal from British Possessions.<br />

38,797,600 48,840,949 58,400,759 45,261,456 39,513,173 32 •<br />

217 •<br />

,'l'otal from l

-<br />


No. 43.-'"-DECLAREI> v ~LUE of the REGISTERED EXPORTS of ·Gow<br />

y ARIOUS FOREIGN 'botJN;tmE:s<br />

Russia<br />

Sweden<br />

Denmark •<br />

Germany •<br />

Rolland<br />

13elgium<br />

France<br />

•<br />

•<br />

£<br />

233,500<br />

• 2,627,619<br />

41,946<br />

6,908<br />

24,158<br />

Portugal, Azores, and ::\Iadeira 930,265<br />

Spain and Canaries •<br />

I , Austria-Hungary •<br />

I<br />

Roumania·<br />

I<br />

Turkey<br />

•<br />

l :Egypt<br />

i Java and other Dutcl1 Pos-}<br />

: sessions in the Indian Seas<br />

·China<br />

Japan<br />

<strong>United</strong> States •<br />

'. R€public of Colombia<br />

! Peru·<br />

; Chile·<br />

: Bxazil<br />

50,000<br />

32,000<br />

• 1,760,764<br />

500<br />

• I 26<br />

201l,835<br />

£<br />

1,301,200<br />

50,500<br />

81,5iS<br />

1,182,882<br />

520,763<br />

1,422<br />

2,634<br />

1,722,000 I<br />

202,640<br />

25,000<br />

54,000<br />

3,939<br />

1,2()():<br />

355,981<br />

1 Uru!,'Uay • • • 1,300 22,700<br />

! Argentine .Republic· • l,6i!>,638 7,233,53!l<br />

Other ~·oreign Countries • • 1 39,912 1--ss_,1_7_1_ 1<br />

,<br />

Total to Foreign Countries • 7,637,Sil 12,845,149<br />

Gibraltar • • • • • , 30,000 i--16-,00-0·1·<br />

:lfalta • 15,075 10,000<br />

~ West C45<br />

i Tr.ital tl'J British l'(}Ssessfons • ----, j<br />

18<br />

205<br />

: I<br />

1 10,042 10,000<br />

!<br />

£ £ £ £ £.<br />

.;OOO I - j • -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

4,830 ' 10 100,000 130,00(J 1,119<br />

334,476 1,634,020 6,314,771 6,401,434 I 5,193,122<br />

183,910 I 246,580 1,327,040 76,235 1,803,552<br />

271,282<br />

138,432 366,000 129,392<br />

51 I '<br />

1,692,1561 812,996 5,538,681 3,818,759 786,290<br />

.,., ..... I 3,246,780 l 827,284 206,166 305,182<br />

298,800 908,070 ( 268,000 900,111 300,940<br />

- ! 4,000 l 22~000 - 42,800<br />

l<br />

-<br />

I<br />

20,000 40,000 120,000<br />

1~600 ! 10,000.<br />

'<br />

5!l8,580 - 250,000<br />

650,000 l 805,6001 1,440,000 690,000 ! 630,500<br />

i<br />

8,000 ! 46,000 i 89,500<br />

- '<br />

I - !<br />

- -<br />

- - - - I -<br />

-<br />

I - 60 -<br />

1,<br />

9~500 I 150,175 I<br />

I<br />

: 10,3001 1,011,617 ; 3,162,800 131,796 5,917,300<br />

I<br />

- I<br />

70,000 !<br />

850. - 5,000 i 'i,000<br />

t<br />

15,200 1,900 22,000 'i0,260<br />

:<br />

: i 1/335,743 2,098,994 4,161,643 3,698,(;25 1,655,839 362,0j8 3,067,893 1 115,522<br />

:Total t,t, Foreign Omntries) ~---! I<br />

and Eritlah Possessfohs • f · 9,323,614 14,!)44,143 14,455,318 ! 14,306,688 24,167,l>25 j 14,832,122 ( ll>,502,273 I 15,647,551<br />

j<br />

'<br />

I<br />

~29,550<br />

313,183<br />

6,470,755<br />

291,030<br />

85,000<br />

100,000<br />

80,000<br />

330,000<br />

27,500<br />

21)9,926<br />

1,000<br />

l,SOO<br />

310,150<br />

3,848,462: 1,199,614 1,529,823 551,986 300,854 375,250<br />

I<br />

100,000 j 2,255 I 42,561 728 110,300 124,240<br />

519,951 l 587,027 i 1,00'i,415 921,390 127,125<br />

t<br />

377,SSO J • 77,393 t 23,299 18,779<br />

l<br />

98,463<br />

382,587<br />

161,378<br />

10,21l3,675 I 10,oos,003 I 22,512,086 . 14,470,044 ! 16,434,380 14,932,029<br />

) !<br />

...,,.I 34,000 - 19,200 l 9,500<br />

j<br />

40,000 95,000 95,000 130,045 40,000<br />

l>,000<br />

15,000<br />

10,452 4,577 16,728 34,925 25,547 14,172<br />

2,390,080 750,000 - 172 - 235,000<br />

1,668,456 2,751,280 1,499,999 173,620 ~15,196<br />

i<br />

434,420<br />

1,030 45,661 - - 2,000<br />

- s,ooo 1 60 300 -<br />

21)7 -<br />

- 800 1,877,400<br />

- - \ - - -<br />

14,938 - 30,000 - 100,000 3,930<br />

- 5,049 7,000 - S,000<br />

11,290 8,058 7,052 3,016 5,250<br />

l 4,000<br />

---------------------------------------------------------------<br />

I<br />

1 ..<br />

I:<br />

I!<br />

I.<br />

!'<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

67<br />

.A~D S1~y:En :f3uu.10N and' SPECiE from the UNh.F:n ~INGDOM to th.e'<br />



I l 1 I I I<br />


. TO '<br />

1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. U!99. 1900; <strong>1901</strong>. -WHICH .EXPORTED.<br />

'<br />

£ £ £ £ £ I. £<br />

20,000 625,6'0 27~,ooo _51),000 119.000 120 - Russia.<br />

I<br />

- - 850,000 822,500 - ,25,400 281,500 Sweden.<br />

2,619 1,252 929 985 8,f?OO 8,518 155,211 Denmark.<br />

1,803,036 5,660,928 11,9,8,619 12,877,283 ,,420,878 ,,90',019 S,!116,5~ Germ~ny.<br />

55,185 276,056 832,6S8 1,116,500 330,500 1,068 287,660 Holland.<br />

4,000 ll,7,940 862,440 77,000 85,,00 42,850 SS,070 Belgium.<br />

1,291,565 2,,25,295 1,188,95, 1,444,20' 1,878,918 2,360,,00 1,697,682 France.<br />

167,000 81,080 95 9,040 9,5p7 - - Portugal, Azores a.1,1d ¥adeira.<br />

- 147 - - 1,215,226 - - Spain and Canaries.<br />

640,000 1,926,195 ,,200,980 880,000 290,000 76,950 2,589,700 Austria· Hungary.<br />

66,000 5,000 781,500 80,000 280,000 875,000 247,000 Ro um an la.<br />

300,000 50,000 - - 100,040 500 ~ Turkey.<br />

1,209,000 2,000,689 1,051,500 400,,00 2",315 1,'87,985 167,740 F.gypt.<br />

151,200 78,250 78,300 128,500 883,500 226,850 41,500 {Java and other Dutch Pos·<br />

sessions in the Indian Seas.<br />

- - - - - - - China.<br />

- 1,012,,00 5,278,620 8,776,700 612,099 585,000 100,000 Japan.<br />

S,817,799 10,528,882 1,208,,66 10,9,2,162 1,823,700 1,082,500 52,050 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

- 8,000 600 - so 75 - Republic of Colombia.<br />

6,150 575 16,186 159,185 152,592 365,825 80,800 Peru.<br />

1,961,000 1,000,663 50,000 810,700 1,000 ~.~ 1,030,000 Chile.<br />

1,029,875 540,710 864,92, 1,134,670 1,610,865 218,185 425,936 Brazil.<br />

299,~ 480,000 130,000 540,000 84~,ooo 246,800 852,100 Uruguay.<br />

902,065 109,000 20,000 857,000 1,701,466 81',450 238,056 Argentine l\epublic.<br />

8,810 10,946 122,457 155,866 152,283 154,741 124,746 Ot11er Foreign Countries<br />

14,184,254 27,210,048 28,161,153 SS,762,645 15,214,260 18,791,685 11,071,287 Total to Foreign Countries.<br />

14,000 12,000 8,500 82,000 12,000 7,600 12,000 Gibraltar.<br />

120,350 100,000 60,000 40,000 120,000 80,000 101,ioo :&lalta.<br />

37,718 26,962 20,763 81,421 24,785 '6,12' 9,873 West COl\st of Africa, British<br />

..<br />

5,620,010 820,000 100 {British Possessions in South<br />

- 4,225,554 1,780,162 300,225<br />

Africa.<br />

1,,10,011 1,929,915 2,513,055 2,650,484 1,933,203 2,682,539 2,448,801 British East Indies.<br />

8,000 10,000 - - - 5,000 - Straits Settlements.<br />

10,500 - - - - 8,500 - Hong Kong.<br />

- - - - Australia.<br />

- - - - - - New Zealand,<br />

..<br />

5,440 - 25,000 85,000 - - - British North America.<br />

7,000 13,000 - 8,000 5,750 s,,981 4,500 British West India Islands.<br />

2,040 2,000 20,000 30,500 500 10,868 17,9i!l Other British Possessions,<br />

7,285,069 2,913,877 2,647,418 2,827,405 (\321,792 4,005,774 2,893,9iS Total to British Possessions.<br />

21;369,323 30,123,925 30,808,571 36,500,050 I 21,536,052 18,397,,59 13,96.'i,265 {Total to Foreign Couiltrles<br />

and B1·itish Possessioni::,<br />

-- - .<br />

6475.<br />

K<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

146· .. ~B"J~LION AND._ SPECIE :-EXRORTS.<br />



TO<br />

wmcn EXPORTED. <strong>1887</strong>.<br />

. 'CdtiNTRIES and' 13RiTISH<br />

1;<br />


l<br />

l I I I I I<br />

I<br />

1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 189B. 1894.<br />

£, £ .£, £ £, J!, £, £,<br />

Russia . . - 5,625 - 5,930 405,010. 105,360 196,270 23,695.<br />

Sweden . . . 745 650 75 - 100 175 211 -<br />

venmark . . - . - 338 - - - 32,000 - -<br />

Germany - - 148,328 I 241,335 39,!?.57 104,612 318,313 265,962 768,865 683,854<br />

Holland - 10,947 ! 13,158 6,651 47,068 79,578' 104,702 103,597 165,644<br />

Belgium 14,160 560 810 2,280 7,337 30,850 14,719 31,255<br />

France - 474,629 li45,023 126,411 457,739 760,674 151,487 373,447 500,863<br />

Portugal, Azorr.s, nml )fadelrn 76,974 257,364 43,467 227,930 759,369 395,842 23,415 22,781<br />

Spain and Canaries ·:' - - 126,400 93,616 102 403,205 3,249,870 478,841 3,956 20<br />

Austria-Hungary . - - - - - - 18,520 68,950<br />

Roumania- - - - - - - - - -<br />

Turkey - . - . - - 3,046 13,500 8,800 758 17,194 17,987<br />

Egypt - . . 1,420 210<br />

455 700 6,84f> 9,575 28,680<br />

_2051<br />

JaYa and Other Dutch Posses·}<br />

sions in the Indian Seas - - - - - - -<br />

China - - - 159,7491<br />

41,333 68,240 121,300 22,180 50,300 670,000 980,230<br />

Japan - - - 895,000 330,000 1,045,000 - 1,286,192 2,193,200 608,150 955,800<br />

<strong>United</strong> Stat~s • - . 35,349 l 32,319 31,150 629,048 8,580 18,246 3,037 2,229<br />

Republic of Colombia . 38,465 18,045 - - - 351,840 11,571 21,687<br />

Peru - - - - 321<br />

- 100 - - 2,730 - 7,505<br />

Ch!Ie • - . - - - - - - 2,856 1,240<br />

'Brazil - 4,114 I 172,073 62,404 4,945 5,321' 4,329 5,929 I 2,563<br />

!<br />

Urugnar - -<br />

I - - - - 400 - ·1 -<br />

Argentine Republic - -<br />

73· 86,100 - - - 50 85<br />

Other Foreign Countries 24~6121 32,611 147,694 ~4,113 70,326 53,5SS 36,989 225,912<br />

I<br />

Total to Foreign Countries 2,zss,924 I 1,784,333 1,660,802 2,002,125 6,982,350 4,247,405 2,869,251 3,740,980<br />

l<br />

'<br />

Gibraltar • 2,120 I 1,613 7,386 1,952 2,270 4,463 880 830<br />

• )falta - - 7,285 l 4,200 OOO 200 5,000 100 90 17,848<br />

West Coast o! Africa, British- 20,515 I 32,983 76,378 152,493 149,385 77,092 188,117 112,385<br />

Rritish Possessions In South} 68,620 I 70,000 242,000 61,200 10,5QO 4,210 47,000 108,712<br />

Africa • • • •<br />

British East Indies • - 4,286,5421 4,418,153 6,029,058 6,981,707 4 1 253,2.'i3 7,816,201 7,495,828 !i,152,212<br />

Straits Settlements • . - 811,976 943,207 2,141,739- 1,027,307 1,231,280 1,634,705 1,200,961 781,961<br />

Hong Kong . . 172,426 108,012 336,471 325,940 260,091 180,63·1 1,663,997 2,170,959<br />

Australia • - 31,648 121,758 45,538 101,013 75,713 6,260 10,018 5,491<br />

Sew Zealand - . . 5,295 85 2,243 644 - 40,632 31 -<br />

British :!forth America - 23,450 33,988 20,319 24,420 39,551 47,761 24,182 29,368<br />

British West India Islands . 140,808 87,846 97,138 121,135 44,318 16,753 86,830 38,830<br />

Other 'British Possessions 2,705 4,250 6,340 3,248 7,155 2,352 2,560 11,473<br />

·----<br />


~<br />

BULLION 4:ND' ~$J?~GI~ ;~~*fQJ:il:$.<br />

and SPECIE from the UNITED KnmDOM to the VARIOUS FOREIGN<br />

Poss:Ess10Ns~Oontlnued. · · · · · ·<br />

SmVER •BULllION AND .SrmcIE.<br />

C.U~'.I'RI,ES<br />

TO,<br />

' 1895. ·1896. •1897. 1898~ 1~99. 1900: <strong>1901</strong>; WIIICH EX:OORT.ED •.<br />

I I<br />

:j.<br />

l ·I 1<br />

£<br />

I £ j, £ ·£ £, £<br />

1~286,910, 3,553,~76 6,63S,tH1:3 2,~3,099 2,QSS,~60 422,~7 62,010 Russia.<br />

- l~ - ~ 67 ~,31~ 251, Sweden.<br />

5 - ,,<br />

~<br />

-<br />

-;"" '• . 25 pen mark •<br />

275,002 p72,156<br />

I<br />

754,265 608,9~. '88,249 1~,5~ 2;10,009 Germany.<br />

41,733 60,31Q 35,220 72,459. 80,485 . 15,670 ~.no :J!olland.<br />

5,880 14,150 1,652,730 .. 1,224,320 ; 330,290 ~ 8,376 Belgium.<br />

1,457,552 2,915,404 963,550 3,672,12;J 945,543 1,286,934 1,~11.€!63 France.<br />

29,881 332,081 37,1~ 185,644' 143,199 38,631 41,185 Portu~al, .Azores, and lI~elra.<br />

- 8,097 ~.800 .. 970,924 155,330 - - Spain and Canaries.-<br />

14,800 33,800 3,900 - - - 15,300 Austria·Hungaey.<br />

- - - - - - - Roumanla.<br />

15,4~5 13,008 ~1,810 7,925 9,39~ 86,105 182,156 Turkey.<br />

10,140 11,085 31 1<br />

Q03 25,412 27,077 31,818 39,207 Egypt.<br />

- - - - - -<br />

..,. {Java and· otlier·Dutch·POesel·<br />

siona in the Indian Sea.a.<br />

716,180 106,400 164,200 178,450 1,587,350 1,808,SOO 651,680 China.<br />

175,000 1,029,800 40,000 150 - 80,800 ~o.ooo Japan.<br />

7,614 6,618 16,446 8,121 18,287 28,661 72,000 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

- - 850 - -:- - - Republic of Colon1hia.<br />

- 4,023 356 - 5H - - Peru.<br />

70,000 - - - - 43,700 - Chile.<br />

512 1,295 730 1,407 3,057 2,000 120 Brazil.<br />

- - - - - - 10 Uruguay.<br />

87,600 - - - - 80 - Argentine Repub,lc.<br />

147,482 H7,619 250,80S 100,75'! 133,~42 187,657 587,580 Other Foreign Countries.<br />

4,S42,64tJ 8,804,147 11,466,459 9,155,735 6,850,475 4,2Jj2,827 8,058,982 Total to Foreign Countries.<br />

---·-<br />

1,600 - 158 25,210 1,650 009 145 Gibraltar.<br />

28,287 11,040 5,800 - 15,570 16,000 20,000 Malta.<br />

286,685 164,834 87,805 405,271 456,458 395,089 160,733 West Coast of Africa, British.<br />

79,413<br />

I 165,660 61,128 97,000 92,666 318,584 185,454 {British Possessions iu South<br />

Africa.<br />

3,578,403 4,767,2SS 5,920,735 4,640,860 5,486,111 6,694,674 7,464,866 British F .. ast Indies.<br />

712,258 318,876 722,459 408,818 115,477 621,08j 281,907 Straits Settlements.<br />

1,803,097 675,151 876,003 631,507 553,891 861,584 619,966 Hong Kong.<br />

85,600 27,0H 116,460 115,967 134,170 246,850 lSS,150 Australia.<br />

13,200 30 - - - 50,500 5,000 New Zealand.<br />

4,026 28,954 2,liOO 29,040 60,144 55,914 31,938 British North America.<br />

14,000 72,927 15,700 19,800 172,700 50,805 24,475 British West India Islands.<br />

-8,216 12,183 5,696- 3,983 15,820 -14,760 4,221 O~her British Possessions.<br />

6,014,700 6,243,987 7,814,529 6,467,916 7,104,657 9,321,758 8,995,855 Total to ·British Possessions.<br />

10,857,436 15,048,134 18,780,9SS .15,623,651 13,955,182 13,574,580 12,0!9,837<br />

{Total to Roreign Countriet<br />

and British :Pos~esslons.<br />

K2<br />

"<br />

'<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

- --<br />



TO<br />

WHICH' EXPOR'r-lm. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888: 1889.· 1890. '189'2. 1893.<br />

I I 1- I 1891.. ·I I<br />

1•):'1894.<br />

£, £ £, £, £, J!, £ £.,<br />

Russia - 1,806,825 - 5,930 405,010 105,860 196,270 89,695<br />

Sweden 745 51,150' 203,075 - 100 175 2Ii' 3l5,000<br />

Denmark • 233,500 s1;916 4,330 10 100,000 162,ooO' 1,119 50,882<br />

Germany • 2,775,947 1,424,217 873,733 1,738,632 6,633,084 6,667,446 5,961,987 5:451,652<br />

.Holland 52,893 533,921 190,561 293,648 1,406,6i8· 180,987' 1,907,149 '595,194<br />

Belgium 2i,66s 1,982 212,oiJ2·1<br />

2;331·; us;'iim 896,850' 144,111 344,488<br />

France 498,787 547,657 l,S:.3,567' ' 1,270,7S5 6,299,355 8,970,100· l,159,7Jif' 11,971,618<br />

.Portugal, Azores, and !Ia~eir& 1,007,289 1,979,864- 2,113,u:is I s,m;1io- 1,586,658 602,003 828,597 'si8,~ll<br />

Spain and Canaries • 126,400 200,256 298,902 1,811,275 8,517,870 1,463,952 804,896<br />

A.ustria·Hungar1 - - - 4,000 ~.ooo - 61,320 168,950<br />

20,oOo:·<br />

Roumania· - - - - 40,000 120,000 80,000<br />

Turkey - - ,<br />

153,646 23,500 607,380 758 267,194 17,987<br />

Egypt 51;420 25,210 650,205 soo;o5s 1,440;100 696,845 640,075 858,680<br />

J'ava and other Dutch Posses-}<br />

11ions in the Indian S~aa •<br />

,,<br />

I -<br />

85,020<br />

32,000 54,000 8,000 46;ooo 89,500'' 99,500' 150,175 27,600<br />

China . . 159,749 n,333 68,240 121,300 22,180 50,300 670,900 980,280<br />

J'apan 895,000 830,000 1,045,000 - l,286;102 2,193,200 608,150' '955,800<br />

<strong>United</strong> States 1,796,113 36,258 41,450 1,640,665 3,171,380 150,042 5,920,337 'so2,i55<br />

.<br />

llepubllc of Colombia 88,965 18,045 - -<br />

;_<br />

851,900 ll,5'il 22,!IB7<br />

Peru - - 58 1,200 190 850 - 7,730 7,000 8,805<br />

Chile - . - - 70,000 15,200 1,900 22,000 73,116 Sll,890<br />

Brazil - - 213,449 528,054 3,410,866 1,204,559 1,535,144 556,315 896,783 377,813<br />

Uruguay 1,800 22,700 100,000 2,255 42,561 1,128 110,300 124,240<br />

Argentine 'Republic 1,679,638 7,233,612 606,051 587,027 1,007,415 921,390 127,175 882,672<br />

..<br />

Other Foreign Countries • 287,524 115,782 525,574 121,506 93,6'.?.'i 72,867 185,452 387,290<br />

----<br />

Total to Foreign Countries· 9,871,795 14,629,482 11,954,477 12,670,188- 29,494,486 18,717,449 -19,303,681- 18,678,009<br />

Gibraltar • 3~,120 17,613 31,85~ 35,952 2,27~ 23,663 10,380 9,880<br />

Yalt& - - 22,360 14,200 40,900 95,200 100,000 180,145 40,090 82,348<br />

West Coast of ..\.frica, British - 22,399 37,136 86,860 157,070 166,113 112,017 213,664 12!1,557<br />

British Possessions in South}<br />

Africa • • • • -<br />

783,675 1,490,394 2,682,680 811,200 10,500 4,382 47,~ 848,712<br />

Britiih East Indies • 5,129,794 5,048,000 7,697,514 9,732,987 5,753,252 7,989,821 8,411,024 5,586,~32<br />

Straits Settlements • 816,676 945,207 2,142,7G~ .. 1,072,968 1,231,280 1,634,705 1,202,961 781,961<br />

Rong Kong 172,426 108,030 836,471 330,940 260,151 180,934 1,663,997 2,170,959<br />

.Australia - 81,865 121,003 45,835 101,013 75,713 7,060 1,887,418 5,491<br />

New Zealand 5,295 85 2,243 644 - 40,632 31 -<br />

British North .America 83,492 48,988 35,257 24,420 69,551 47,761 214,182 88,298<br />

British W' est India !elands 144,098 88,212 97,138 126,184 51,318 16,753 89,830 ss,aso<br />

Other 'British Posseulons- 15!023 10,195 17,630 11,306 14,207 5,368 7,810 15,'73<br />

ToW to British :Fouessioll5 • 7,259,228 7,930,089 13,167,153 12,499,884 7,734,355 10,193,241 13,788,887 9;13!>,591<br />

Total to Yoreit,'Il Countries }<br />

and Briti.9h Possessions - 17,131,018 22,559,571 25,121,680 25,170,072 ,87,228,791 28,910,GOO SS,002,018 21,812,l!OO<br />

-<br />

..<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

.BVLLION .. ~~p: ~P~orn ,: ~;EXPORTS.<br />


tf .. 't. >. ~.~·~ .t: ... _J~ H/,Jtl .~,<br />


Cc>UNTRIES<br />

- 1895. I lS~~. t I 1897.-. J! .189~~__,·1_·:_·1_8_99_.~1_1,:_ooo_.-;..j_100_·_·1_<br />

•.---=--'-;v1_u_c._n_. E_T_~P-· o_n:_T_ED..;;..._<br />

i £<br />

. 1,806,910<br />

2,624<br />

· :2,018;008<br />

96,918<br />

•"· ' 9,880<br />

2,749,117<br />

196,881<br />

£ . " . i?,<br />

!1,917,633 2,148,099<br />

130 350,000 322,500<br />

1,252 929<br />

6;2SS;os,·: · :i2;7o2;ss'.l<br />

935<br />

12;986;227·<br />

336,366 867,853' l,1!38,959<br />

862,090- 2,015,170' ' ' l,301,32o'•<br />

5,340,691)<br />

413,061<br />

s,244.'<br />

2,102,50-i<br />

:17,253<br />

865,800·<br />

5,1~6,327<br />

194,684<br />

970,924<br />

.£,<br />

3,102,360<br />

8,500<br />

'4,004,i22<br />

860,985- -<br />

865,690<br />

2,324,456<br />

lli2,756<br />

1,370;556<br />

I,.<br />

422,527<br />

£.<br />

62,010 Russia.<br />

67 445,711 231,751 Sweden.<br />

8,518<br />

5,004;oos 1<br />

16,638<br />

48,114'<br />

155,236 Denmark.<br />

3;555,545 Germany.<br />

261,070 Holland<br />

41,446 Tullgiuµi.<br />

s,6:17,433 · 2,809,345 France.<br />

88,0sl 41;185 Portugal, Azores, and :Uadelra.<br />

- Spain and Canaries. •<br />

!154,SOQ 1,95~,4~~: ' 4,204,880 380,090 290,000 76,~50 2;605,000 Aixstria-Hungary.<br />

66,ooo 5,ooo 781,50Q so,~. 2s~.ooo 875,QO.O 247,ooo. Roumania.<br />

815,445 63,008 11,310 7,925 109,435 86,605 182,156 Turkey •<br />

• , · . i,219;140 2,102,574 1,082,503 425,812 271,392 1,519,803 2oo,947 Egypt.<br />

. {Java and other.Dutch Posaes_.<br />

· · · · · l~l,200 · 78,250 78,300 123,500 883,500 226,350 41,500 slons in the Indian seas.<br />

716,189 106,400· 164,200 . 178,450 1,587,350 1,805,300 6!il,680 China •<br />

. 175,000. 2,0.U,700' '5,318,620: S,776,850-· 612,000 624,800 .120,000. Japan.<br />

3,325,413 ~0,534,995 1,224,912' ' 10,950,283 1,llU,987<br />

S,000 1,450<br />

e,150 4,598 16,492· 159,:185<br />

2,oin,000 1,000,oos. 50,000 310,100<br />

1,930,387 548,005 365,65,& 1,136,077<br />

299,450 430 1 000 180,000 · 540,000<br />

989,C65 109,oOo 20,000 357,000<br />

1 _ _._15_5_,7_4_2 -i-.....:..· 1_5_8,_~_5_ 1 _--:..._8_72_,1_9_:; 1<br />

262,623<br />

18,476,900<br />

15,600<br />

148,637<br />

27',858<br />

5,699,423<br />

4,988,.£14<br />

720,253<br />

1,313,597<br />

35,600<br />

13,200<br />

30<br />

153,136<br />

'.l,000<br />

1,613,422<br />

8,5,000<br />

1,701,466<br />

285,525<br />

36,014,195. 39,627,612 42,918,SSO 22,064,735<br />

12,000 8,653· 57,210 13,650<br />

111,0-iO· 65,890 ~0,000 135,570<br />

191,796 108,li68 436,692 481,243<br />

985,600 61,228 97,9!!0 4,318,220<br />

6,697,203 8,433,790 7,291,844 7,419,314<br />

328,876 J22,459 4~8,318 liS,477<br />

675,151 876,003 631,507 55S,891<br />

2i,044 61,700 115,967 lH,170<br />

30<br />

9,'66 28,954<br />

54,760<br />

27,500<br />

1,111;161<br />

75<br />

365,325<br />

509,100<br />

220,135<br />

246,800<br />

814;530<br />

342,398<br />

124,050 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

30,800 Peru.<br />

1,030,000 Chile.<br />

426,0f6 :Brazil.<br />

Republic of.Colombia;<br />

352,110 Uruguny.<br />

288,056 Argentine Republic.<br />

712,326 Other·Forelgn Countries.<br />

18,044,512 14 11~5,269 Total to Foreign Countries.<br />

8,509 12,145 Gibraltar.<br />

00,000 121;tOO Malta.<br />

441,213 179,606 West Const of Africa, British'.<br />

{<br />

British P'>Ssesslona in South<br />

2,093,7-i6 485,6i9 Africa.<br />

9,327,213 !l,913,1157 British'Easnndles.<br />

626,084 281,907 Straits Settlements.<br />

870,08-i 619,966 Hong Kong.<br />

246,8SO 188,150 Australia.<br />

50,500 5,000 New Zealand.<br />

!14;040 60,14' 55,914 31,llSS British North .America.<br />

21,060 85,927 15,700 27,800 1';'8,450 85,786. 28,975 British West·lndla Islands.<br />

10,256. 14,183 25,696 34,488 16,320 25,628 22,200 Other British l'oase1!9lons.<br />

13,249,859 9,157,864 9,961,947 9,295 1<br />

321 13,~26,449 13,927,527 11,889,883 Total to Brltlsh.POlllleselons.<br />

11,7!!1,759. ~.172,op~ 411,580,f!59 52,218,701 :15,491,184 s1,~1z,039 26,015,102 { To;:~ titr~~}t~e~:~~~ies<br />

1<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.



.. ·><br />

.. . . .. .-·. .. "<br />

..<br />

' , ..... ~ .. ..<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891.<br />

..<br />

1892.<br />

. .<br />

1893. 1894.<br />

£ £ l, £ l, £, £. l,;<br />

9,992,7i8 10,938,495 10,181,012 9,772,227 9,923,480 10,580,716' 11,546;204 11,649,367<br />



I<br />


<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I 1888. 1889.<br />

I I 1890. I 1891.. I 1892. I 1893. r 1894.<br />

l, £<br />

Russia . . . 4,848 40,868<br />

Denmark, Iceland and Green·}<br />

land • • • •<br />

4,597 5,889<br />

Germany • . . 1,588,557 1,886,508<br />

Holland . . . . 573,772 617,999<br />

Belgium . . . . . 483,561 ~.984<br />

Channel Islanru, . . . 16,297 16,605<br />

France . . . . . 2,971,142 3,209,091<br />

Portugal, ~ores, and ~fadeira 238,819 280,616<br />

Spain and Canaries • . . 828,186 307,580<br />

Italy • . . . 54,5'i5 104,699<br />

Austria-Hungary . . SB,942 35,410<br />

Greece . . . . 246,400 214,894<br />

Turkish Dominions • . 414,673 403,741<br />

Egypt . . . . 24,394 12,958<br />

British .India; including Cey-}<br />

lon and Straits Settlements<br />

560,639 848,681<br />

Aden and Dependencies • 160,381 146,372<br />

China, including Hong Kong*· 572,544 1,118,666<br />

Japan . 14,165 9,151<br />

Philippine and Ladrone Islands 62,729 144,812<br />

<strong>United</strong> States • . . . 1,105,468 1,280,789<br />

Cuba and Porto Rico . . 7,364 4,115<br />

Danish West India Islands 870 600<br />

Republic of Colombia . 97,501 68,500<br />

Ecuador . . 27,736 29,520<br />

Brazil . . . ., 147,655 102,695<br />

Chile (including the Pacific} I<br />

coast of Patagonla) • • 3,819 22,906<br />

Ot.her Countries • • • I ?58,204 189,8'46<br />

j Total Y.:>reiJll ~ferchandise } I<br />

I Jmporl

TRkNSHIPMEN'ik<br />

' ... ,,.., .. ,<br />

TitA:Nsh1 1 i>i>Eri -riiider- Boi4o. ~t PoitTS ·IN 'tlie u ~ITED :K1~Gooir:<br />

,,<br />

..<br />

. ;1895.<br />

1897 .<br />

'Jl898.<br />

·~· ·,<br />

£.<br />

10,266,379•<br />

~·<br />

'i!0,752,108<br />

£.<br />

9,792,~<br />

;~~-<br />

10,786,612 11,016,516<br />

£,<br />

.12,834,0U.<br />

TRiANSHIPMENT under BOND,Jfrom each GouNTRY;:·at J.>o&Ts iu the 1 UNITED· KINGDOM.<br />

'.<br />

1895;<br />

-'.<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. I COUNTRIES<br />


.. .. 1i• ~<br />

£,<br />

.1., £, £ '• '£, £, .'£,<br />

:<br />

10,424 6,967 18,311 !0,24!) •• ' 12,469 4,359 14,078 ·Ruaala,:<br />

'.<br />

S,284 3,045 2,682 2,816 81,421 2,846 1,061 {Denmark, Iceland and Greenland.<br />

682,099 643,479 768,184 85'l,984 1,186,418 1,157,960 986,340 ~ermany.<br />

~5,868 617,954 84~,024 ~4,124 000,92't 770,554 904,9U Holland, ''<br />

522,')57 635,0SS 551;254 488,856 475,237 514,926 557,446- Belgium.<br />

6,040 '5,426 5,879 9,180 18,002 20,366 20,862 Channe~ islands.<br />

4,84~,348 8,~41,904 3,829,425 S,253,692 ;538,410 3,575,518 4,908,387 ¥ranee.<br />

122,611 147,732 174,426 164,219 256,020 285,717 345,436 Portu~l, .Azores, J!.lld Madeira.<br />

266,591 209,418 286,289 295,946 366,820 269,865 270,156 Spain and:Canarles.<br />

99,168 76,528 59,469 73,795 82,813' ~,345 84,637 Italy.<br />

5,990 8,329 12,034 13,995 8,944 16,491 18,957 Austrla-Hunga17.<br />

81,904 66,236 48,723 86,612 42,260 17,260 26,781 Greece.<br />

384,172 386,208 338,915 256,521 438,611 435,560 425,763 Turkish Dominions.<br />

6,557 51,333 182,143 53,694<br />

I<br />

21,624 81,578 88,088 Egypt.<br />

1,184,650 909,148 887,437 492,800 406,982 615,509 676,417 (British India, Including Ceyloti<br />

'\: and Straits Settlement.a.<br />

377,119 282,899 811,462 888,903 280,671 '109,306 171,445 Aden and Dependencies.<br />

288,520 206,349 235,259 322,850 300,894 224,412 84,84( '*China, Including Hong Kong.<br />

25,720 42,327 31,170 5,827 43,153 7,248 521 J~pan.<br />

15,451 30,746 90,635 77,075 11,495 45,718 68,864<br />

PhUlpplno audLadrono "'"""''!<br />

910,179 1,159,080 981,886 788,050 840,941 902,414 1,376,701 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

813 - 732 - 185 81 - Cuba and Port Rico.<br />

- - 2 43 6 2 9 panish West India Islands.<br />

109,464 264,701 315,309 551,158 649,495 482,191 397,620<br />

194,660 109,354 188,397 '84,558 120,285 184,21 148,728, Ecuador.<br />

1<br />

Itopubllo of Colomb!~<br />

306,026 323,213 238,102 438,234 249,488 658,427 763,982 Brazil.<br />

l<br />

4,328 6,090 24,795 7,844 338,724 829,259 129,043 {Chile (Including the Paci:lc~<br />

coast of Patagonia). I<br />

l<br />

501,453 '532,880 332,164 174,610 159,37~ 268,896 868,431 Other Countries. '<br />

11,054,991 -10,266,379· 10,752,108<br />

I ro"' •o"'•" ,,,,,,,; ... ., •• l<br />

0,792,635 10,786,612 11,016,516 12,834,0H· I£ I11111ortetl for T11mshi,.·<br />

ment under Brind.<br />

1'ra11shipment tmder Bond, ns stnted nhove, is not include~ in the Ge:icral Returns or Import:;.<br />

that year the Koren has bcer1 included under" O~hr:r Countries."<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

IM':<br />

TR:NNSHIP~~TS.,<br />

No. 46.-TOTAL V ALU],!: of f91tEIG~ MERCHANDISE ExPORTlm ~ter TRAN~HIP~~N'J,'<br />

CoUNTRIF~ TO I ~887.<br />

I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I<br />


1891.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I 1892. 1893.<br />

I<br />

,,.<br />

.1894.<br />

£<br />

..\<br />

RUllla • . . '4,126 52,•SS '8,58i :1,677.1 219,0.2 Hli,!M<br />

:s,12S I<br />

£,<br />

!29J<br />

£, ,,<br />

Sweden . . 28;929 u;829 21,!>9' 28,6n .. 15,0'tl i5;552 6;A2 ~7sf.<br />

Denmark, Iceland,}<br />

and Greenland •<br />

87,•37 61,820 51,•22 51,'88 47,896 '1,814 40,671 &7,779<br />

Germany . . . 831,980 Ml,980 785,819 606,668 ·6'8,6~1 65;686. 919,~ ;~1,174<br />

Holland . . . ~.2M 749,692 617,592 371,0.3 566,710 279,290 267,203 172,'61<br />

Belgium . . . 153,305 H6,667 169,362 115,024 186,728 178,°'° !12,9'8 397~<br />

Channel lllands . 51,644 47,0lS 50,153 40,173 45,236 31,976 12,724 42,105<br />

France . . 147,398 44,837 Sl,08& 25,320 66,651 39,185 58,494 lOS,148<br />

Portugal, Azores, and} 18,107 13,058 S0,929 19,947 19,554 23,160<br />

Madeira· • •<br />

18,698 9,847<br />

Spain and Canaries . 55,757 63,065 61,814 78,097 49,618 81,229 48,440 27,618<br />

Italy . . 192,195 142,610 10.,800 120,118 50,348 71,970 77,585 71,967<br />

Austria-Hungary- . 241,404 210,157 239,528 105,891 98,586 208,076 142,244 158,598<br />

'furkish Dominions . 63,855· 56,122 48,854 65,2•9 57,322 47,66' 24,000 39,!52<br />

Egypt • . . 17,285 26,806 9,730 15,373 22,928 18,lSS 6,863 9,169<br />

Yorocco an.: W e1t}<br />

Coast of .Africa •<br />

101,861> 124,283 152,987 134,700 145,738 126,0M 127,0SS l1Sjl18<br />

British Poueulon1}<br />

in South Africa •<br />

276,684 849,367 338,SOS 222,582 205,'¥14 298,017 403,179 244,898<br />

British Indln, in·}<br />

· eluding Ceylon and<br />

Straits Settlements<br />

1,0SS,316 1,057,601 952,091 1,126,102 996,288 1,098,480 982,518 681,363<br />

China, including}<br />

Hong Kong't • •<br />

639,856' 553,886 167,260 221,376 895,889 177,262 130,724 211,285<br />

Japan • . . 102,217 41,154 58,171 63,706 68,777 60,076 87,050 !6,609<br />

Philippine and<br />

drone Islanda<br />

La:} 93,392 89,721 100,426 77,054 43,275 SS,~ 47,166 37,986<br />

Australia . . 919,150 1,127,475 865,935 681,185 768,873 570,542 529,653 444,828<br />

Xew.Zealand . . 158,987 178,517 122882 125,167 155,989 163,389 158,000 146,798<br />

Brit il:i ~forth America 204,372 2SO,S89 231,868 205,217 280,245 224,066 205,665 216,503<br />

Hrithh West Indies}<br />

and Guiana • •<br />

83,150 85,6!W 97,857 130,029 100,4SS 100,776 88,298 llS,088<br />

Haiti and :Foreign}<br />

West Indies • •<br />

217,711 170,291 165,247 166,195 196,616 283,185 249,110 186,244<br />

<strong>United</strong> States . 2,897,585 8,407,i62 3,367,785 8,741,267 S,752,560 4,619,881 li,254,SSO 4,112,459<br />

'liexico . . 29,506 19,500 28,099 17,199 68,256 44,754 75,279 54,798<br />

Central .America . 45,765 29,113 22,674 41,597 . 50,075 17,810 28,839 20,719<br />

Republic of Colombia 268,556 255,111 187,70. 224,965 260,146 227,383 249,992 161,535<br />

• Brazil • • • • 157,367 226,589 298,137 282,268 _218,189 411,196 470,865 !51,295<br />

'"''"""' (including]lop>•bllc}<br />

the .At-<br />

iantic Coaat or<br />

Patagonla) • •<br />

Chile (including the}<br />

Pacific Cout of<br />

Patagonia) • •<br />

250,078 256,436 355,818 146,865 69,355 10.,569 86,498 51,SOO<br />

U8,821 309,786 268,648 261,711 146,800 182,876 105,018 114,288<br />

Pero . . . . 7,420 16,118 11,599 10,844 15,441 26,001 22,818 12,660<br />

Other Countries • . Ul,291 217,974 160,396 203,259 173,SOO 135,391 176,028 165,120<br />

Total :F°"'lgn llu·}<br />

chandise 'Exported<br />

it fr er Tranahipment F.<br />

under P..ond • •<br />

9,992,T78 10,938,495 lC,181,0121 9,7'i2,227 9,!)23,480 110,580,716 11,546,204 WH9,S67<br />

~ China was inclllli\'e of the Korea from 1886 to 1897, since that year the Korea h11s beea.Jncluded under" Other<br />

Countries." ··.<br />

c<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

TRl:NSHIBMENTS., 153<br />

1896.<br />

1~,979J<br />

I 1896. I 1897. I IS!JS •. 1 1899. 1900.<br />

I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />



£,<br />

£ I ~<br />

£,<br />

£ I<br />

68,000 118,660. lOS,197 1!,0fJ •7,qs' 25,688 Rmala.<br />

29~ 30,348 'tt,272 84,008 H,110 5',580 50,68li Sweden.<br />

81,42!J 32,680 ·28,015 82,'85 37,369 38,SOO H,668 {Denmark, Iceland,, \nd<br />

Greenland.<br />

811,607 ~iS,257 974,125• 1,207,860 1,824,966. 1,eoo,866. 1,182,011 Germany.<br />

!2!1,208 257,900 336,401 218,983 224,807' 288,198 387,888 Holland.<br />

~,8H 226,059 110,819 16',W 1116,596 182,68' 169,917 Belgium.<br />

41,208 51,488 51,116 '3,591· H,888 •7,440 •7,0S. Channel I1landl.<br />

8',598 53,43' 121,841 48,129 114,971 238,648 16',9'8 France.<br />

10,895 7,427 9,6'3 7,673 15,945 82,02!> 26,767<br />

{Portugal, Azores, and<br />

Madeira.<br />

11,867 7,241 20,524 M,796 49,166 68,859 57,686 Spain and Canarlet.<br />

39,894 30,700 88,478 57,218 54,082 S0,940 28,'37 Italy.<br />

141,872 93,514 180,686 173,057 285,646 207,557 199,090 Aut~rla-Hungaey,,<br />

28,71S 37,900 34,292 51,103' 36,749 29,9M 50,SOO Turklah DomlnlQna •• .<br />

6,!58 6,106 21,523 18,546 8,386 29,47• 27,519 Egypt.<br />

lM,008 iss,085 isl,973 t15,5•1 ,25,447 309,241 278,510 {Morocco and We.t<br />

Coaat of Africa.<br />

400,91' 493,219 582,157 424,745 461,759 557,811 910,313 {Brltl1h Poueulona in<br />

South Africa.<br />

144,339 700,158 1,071,SM 1,!88,SOO 1,430,850 1,437,727<br />

{Brltl1h India, In·<br />

1,414,475 eluding ·Ceylon aud<br />

Stralta Settlement&.<br />

~.!i7 287,648 121,529 ~42,178' 100,887 223,085 423,«162<br />

{China, including Bong<br />

Kong,*<br />

108,117 154,021 96,644 86,266 11,549 70,695 4,133 Ja1ian.<br />

H,099 82,838 27,"88 8,S22 12,500 Sl,7S5 55,415<br />

{Philippine and Ladrone<br />

bhmds.<br />

467,587 027,887 669,516 Ss9,249 252,047 289,559 619,874 Amtralla.<br />

16S,400 235,413 SOS,021 257,687 189,126 256,117 S15,H7 New Zealand.<br />

!07,996' 214,837 410,340. •18,137 413,938" 400,708 520,410 British N. America.<br />

102,981 91,953 85,942 128,988 G0,679 76,075 79,445<br />

{British West 1ndles<br />

and Guiana.<br />

1'5,129 125,897 107,004 58,595 1'2,750 204,001 172,046 {Haiti and Foreign<br />

West Indies.<br />

5,868,880 4,169,687 4,168,250 l,!12,656 3,746,728 3,249,919 4,789,184 <strong>United</strong> States.<br />

57,6'2 72,869 58,893 124,542 97,666 188,671 84,595 Mexico.<br />

Sl,201 22,723 24,598 8,669 7,468 12,099 11,848 Central America.<br />

193,864 266,914. 278,999 !16,615 !95,603 288,896 260,889 Republic of Colombia.<br />

187;7!1 155,214 15't',892 171,160 100,496 178,61• 100,587 Brazil.<br />

S9,37G 60,494 68,743 76,5H 80,160. 83,173 65,205<br />

~ Argentine Republic (In·<br />

eluding the Atlantic<br />

( COllst of Patagonla).<br />

{Chile (including tl1e<br />

147,849 182,105 67,756 19,232 37,8S5 89,2U 72,592 Pacific Coaat of Patagonla).<br />

16,045 22,528 16,3N 46,860 57,019 87,376 45,935 Pent.<br />

185,255 277,034 284,560 286,959 240,878 149,m 197,451 Other Countries.<br />

f Total Foreign Mercbandiae<br />

Exported after<br />

l Transhlpment under<br />

l\nntl •<br />

11,054,991 10,266,379 10,752,108<br />

9,~92,oSs I 10,786,612 11,016,5161 12,8340.l4<br />

• Vot1.-The Value of ·Merchl\ncllse ExpJrte

154: ; 'l TRANSHIPMENTS. ,·<br />



l <strong>1887</strong>.. I 188.8. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 189'2. I<br />

-------<br />

(luantitiu oj'..-frtfolu separattly<br />

enumerated.<br />

1893. I 1894.<br />

I<br />

. ....:<br />

Spirits, Rum . . Galls. 1D7,089 222,477 189,885 232,424 127,845 90,528 144',518 120,143<br />

---Br1ndy .<br />

ll<br />

1,499,502 1,642,062 1,678,548 1,6f4,094 1,476,861 1,891,610 1,186,759 1,120,188<br />

--Geneva .<br />

"<br />

874,7-18 004,00s 686,959 592,~6 580,079' 598,818 582,122 1 678,608<br />

--Of all other Sorts II<br />

748,229 561,467 875,282 321,642 228,904 262,577 287,724 282,466<br />

Sugar, Refined* . . Owts. - - - - - - - -<br />

--Unrel1ned*· .<br />

II - - - - - - - -<br />

--Mola..~es* •<br />

,<br />

II - - - - - - - -<br />

llilk, Condenseil,<br />

} JI<br />

- - - - - - - -<br />

Sweetened• .<br />

.<br />

Tea . . .... . Lbs. 10,152,011 16,692,612 15,749,807 10,207,576 8,234,806 8,586,400 7,617,048 7,565,622<br />

Tobacco, Unman11factured<br />

--- Yanufnctured}<br />

andClgan •<br />

Wine . . . '• Galls. Not dlstingulshed<br />

ll<br />

10,134,480 17,630,738 17,561,512 12,419,291 13,990,430 10,940,436 11,988,360 8,600,061<br />

8,544,958 5,469226 3,867,801 3,182,479 3,645,274 4,074,152 1 -1,786,554 4,052,854<br />

2,684,962 2,887,612 2.306,766 234.2618 2,!92,564 1,764,326<br />

___ _I<br />

Value of,.Articlu separately<br />

t?Wmcrated. £ £, £, £, £, £, £, £,<br />

Spirits, :Rum . . 25,332 24,083 19,0Sl 25,958 16,2•2 10,356 15,281 13,891<br />

--Brnndy . . 761,198 874,849 917,552 927,202 902,673 82-1,540 656,896 589,176<br />

--Geneva . . . 131,424 133,133 103,891 87,891 86,104 SS,029 78,441 89,462<br />

--Of all olher Sorts • . 193,588 115,016 131,866 95,552 76,171 104,194 99,908 89,959<br />

Sugar, Refined* . . . - - - - - - - -<br />

--Unrefined*· . . - - - - - - - -<br />

-- ~fola.sses* • . . . - - - - - - - -<br />

lfilk Condensed,<br />

} - - - - - - - -<br />

Sweetened• .<br />

Tea . . . 491,996 850,244 789,081 520,993 417,961 440,620 875,208 334,593<br />

Tob~, Unmanufactured • . 285,208 736,428 72i),567 479,767 693,265 834,877 325,557 219,814<br />

---llanufactured and Cign: s 359,440 516,534 450,150 355,989 889,928 365,284 427,978 351,580<br />

Wine . . Not dlsl hgulshed ~16,857 876,164 775,910 812,631 769,028, 590,594<br />

I<br />

v A.LUE or OTHER .All.TICLF.S NOT}<br />

7,744,592 , 7,688,n> 6,130,007 6,402,711 6,565,217 7,599,335<br />


8,797,007 7,370,298<br />

'<br />

..... ~,,._ r ...,.,... TOO'AL VALUE OP' 4.LL ARTICLY.S}<br />

Bo:rn •<br />

I<br />

TP.A.N!lllll'PED<br />

" -<br />

UNDER<br />

,<br />

10,181,012 9,772,227 9,023,480 10,580,716 11,546,204 0,649,367<br />

j<br />

"Tot.ll Traml,ip;wl under &nd Crom 19th April, <strong>1901</strong>, on whlc~ . .;11.te Sugar, Molasses, and Milk, Condensed, Sweetened,<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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~!<br />

155<br />

TRANSHIP.PED ·under ·BoND ~t PORTS in; tho· ]!JNITED' BliNGDOk<br />

I<br />

- ,<br />

I I I<br />

l~<br />

l I<br />

1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>. AR1'ICI1ES.<br />

-,<br />

Q~ntitica (lj A.rt~~~ ~cfe~-attly<br />

·1<br />

·enumerated.<br />

185,811 83,637 87,64.2 2g8,7oo 250,851 '!3,895' 211,182 GaUt. Spirft.s, ltum.<br />

1,100,609 1,155,797 1,246,149 1,100,200 1,100,188 1,251,57, 1,553,618<br />

II ·---Bran\fy.<br />

,28,851 866,762 816,001 332,629 s1s,s34, :!6SJ,tlil. 245,0U<br />

"<br />

--~Genen.<br />

218,101 248,086 2011289 25~1281 287,837, 216,10£ 360sil4'1- II --. -- Of nll other·Sor~a.<br />

I<br />

- - - - - - !39,59g ·1-0

•<br />

.<br />


No. 48.--.AVERAGE PRICE of the undermentioned ARTICLES lMPOltT~D into. the<br />

QUANTITIES and v ALUES (as stateQ<br />

ARTICLES. 1.887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1~92. 1893. 1894.<br />

I<br />

i<br />

.Animals:-<br />

_J "<br />

Oxen and .Bulls • . ·Each 17•85 17•86 18'41 18'05 18'37 18'48 18'43 1N3<br />

Cah·es • .<br />

"<br />

• £, S·Si 3'64, 8'84 • 4'00 8'67 3·91 ··~o s·n<br />

Sheep Md La.robs . . " . '·<br />

33•89 36'41 85'26 88'85 38•49 31'79 28•25 38•22<br />

.Bacon . . ~<br />

C10t. . '·<br />

42'19 44•79 '1'60 86'82 37'89 40'86 58 1 02 •s·82<br />

Hams . . . "<br />

• 8 • 51•93 52'84 51'16 47'4!'> 46'34 47'80 58'48 4g·o1<br />

• s • 45•05 45'8S 43'72 42•31 42'06 42'44 42•37 40'05<br />

"<br />

• B • 30'55 so·s1 27'95 27'79 28•74 28·22 "<br />

27•83 28•80<br />

Bones, except. Whalebone ·Ton • £, 5·30 5'15 5·u 5'65 5·ss 4'94 4'65 4•85<br />

Books, ~aps. and Chart!! • • Ctvt. • £, s·6o s·o2 8·12 8·5o s·30 8•49 7'66 ·5·21<br />

Brimstne • . .<br />

• s . 4•75 4'48 4'34 4•65 6'04 6•67 4•85 4'89<br />

"<br />

Bristles . . . .. ·Lb. -d. 83•62 32'42 33'89 35•60 85'04 35•13 35•92 84'77<br />

Butter . . ·Cwt . • £ 5•29 5'33 5·31 5•23 5•43 5•48 5•48 5'23<br />

.Buttons ani Studs, not rJZ metal ·Gross • 8, 1'58 1'71 1'65 1'70 1'82 1'76 1'63 1'66<br />

I<br />

CAndlea •>f all Sorts • . . Doz. lb1. -d. 50·08 50'57 55·01 54•82 55·85 53'39 55•28 54•63<br />

Caoutchoue • Cict. • £, 11·39 11·00 11·08 12'87 12'02 10'96 11·35 10·82<br />

:Manufacture~ -et ·Lb. • 8 • 2·25 1•86 2•03 2·02 2'28 2'37 2·34 2•78<br />

Cheese . • C:tet. • £, 2•46 2'37 2•35 2·32 2'36 2'43 2'48 2'42<br />

Cocoa., Raw . . ·Lb. ·d. 7•98 7'53 7•25 7'58 7'62 7'72 7'89 7'70<br />

.. ,,<br />

r<br />

2·37<br />

Coffee . . ·Cwt. • £, 4•06 3·77 4•17 4'63 •·73 4'65 4'82 4•82<br />

Confectionery, Including !fruits nnd} • J!, 2'42 2·12 2·13 1·80 1•90<br />

Vegetables preserved in Sugar. "<br />

}<br />

Yilk, Condensed .<br />

• £, 2·09 2•07 2·08 2·02 1"93 2·02 2·04<br />

!<br />

"<br />

~<br />

Beef:-<br />

Fresh • .<br />

Salted· .<br />

Cork:-<br />

\;nma.nufactured . ·Ton • J!, 19•28 15'27 12·27 13'06 15'39 15'01 12·ss 11·17<br />

:Manufactured • L'J. • a. 1'45 1'47 1'47 N7 NS 1'34 1'81 1'2%<br />

Com:-<br />

Wheat . ·Cwt.<br />

. '·<br />

7'65 7'68 7•69 7'80 8·ss 7•66 6:44 l:i'35<br />

Barley· .<br />

"<br />

• 8 • 5•28 5•70 5·'i1 5•98 6•80 6•04 5·~ 4·54<br />

Oats . .<br />

" .'· 4•82 4'90 5·59 6'14 6'59 0•40 6•16 5'21<br />

Maize • .<br />

" .'· 4'84 5•43 4•74 4•5£ 6'27 5•33 ,.so 4'50<br />

Flour of Wheat • .<br />

II • t • 11·10 11·27 11'65 11•51 12•18 11·10 9•57 8'36<br />

" or other kinds • " .'· 6'07 5•75 8'51 s·oo 8•27 8·27 8•67 7'10<br />

Cotton, Raw . . . . .£,<br />

"<br />

2'51 2·59 2'64 2'67 2•59 2•l!Q 2'43 2'06<br />

Y&rn . . ·Lb. • 8 • 1'12 1'10 1·08 1'08 1·07 1'05 i·o5 1'02<br />

I I<br />

.Piece Goods • ·Yd. -d. !M2 3·92 4'35 NO 4•55 4'51 "53 4•21<br />

' Orui•:-<br />

J>,ulc. Pemvi&n • • C1ct • . t ''62 3'81 a·it?. 2'92 2·s5 2·17 1·05 1•83<br />

Optum • L~. • s. 12·11a ln5 12'13 1!'53 10·00 n·2a 10'0' o·~<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

15'iil<br />

U~fti'En·<br />

K'.ING:bOM; fo_.: each of the' last 'Fifteen:¥ ears* deduced·:froili the1declated<br />

in Tables Nos. 21· an·d ·2s). ·: • · ·<br />

is9s. j is9a. j · is91. I 1s9s. I i899. j iooo: ·I 1ooi. I·<br />

,,,...1 ;,...1 · 16•1)2 16'52 · 11·os<br />

3·3'9<br />

33•46<br />

6'68 l 5•17 5'51<br />

29'46<br />

18'19·<br />

4•93<br />

31•87<br />

ARTICLES:.<br />

Animals:-<br />

17·~ £,·.Each ·Oxen and Bulli.<br />

Calves.<br />

30'66·· '· • •.. ·Sheep and Lambs.<br />

...<br />

~9'01<br />

44'95<br />

34'.53<br />

42'98<br />

3.6'14. ?5'83<br />

89'50 ,41'39<br />

47•09. 1. • Cwt. Bacon.<br />

48:67 · . 1. • .11 Hams.<br />

89'03<br />

26'05<br />

4'58<br />

6'02<br />

·3·w<br />

83'67<br />

5'04<br />

1'78<br />

37'82<br />

24'64<br />

8•85<br />

6·47<br />

4'15<br />

82'90<br />

5•05<br />

1'77<br />

38·42<br />

24'68<br />

3·73<br />

5·1n<br />

4:55<br />

_30:71><br />

4·95<br />

1'78<br />

~8·16 88'63<br />

25'92<br />

4'68<br />

5·39<br />

4'71<br />

29'21 31'87<br />

5'08<br />

1'75 1'77<br />

39·55<br />

26'58'<br />

4'42'<br />

5·7f:<br />

4'84<br />

33•73<br />

5•17<br />

1·30<br />

'Beef:­<br />

89'51 I, • II Fresh.<br />

26'16' I, •, II Salted.<br />

.<br />

4'07 £. • 7'01~ 'Bones, except Whaicbonc.<br />

5'46 iJ , Cwt. Books, Maps; and Charts.<br />

4•49 1. • •11 l3riinston~.<br />

31'10 d.· Lb. Brl~tles.<br />

5'21 £, • Cwt. Butter.<br />

1 '66 •· • G.ross. Buttons an4 Stu~. n9t of metal.<br />

57'56<br />

11·01<br />

2'81<br />

2'19<br />

49'07 47•99<br />

.11'58<br />

1~·47<br />

2·91 2'6\)<br />

2·18 .2'26<br />

6'61 I ,6'45<br />

4:1)1) 4•74<br />

1'81 1'70<br />

51'40 48'22<br />

12'69 13'17<br />

2'82 2'73<br />

2·12 2'31<br />

7'55 7'28<br />

s·89<br />

s·ss<br />

1'47 1'52<br />

51'59<br />

13'61<br />

2'40<br />

2·53<br />

7'61.<br />

3•35<br />

2·03<br />

52'81 d.· Doz.lb1.Candles of all Sorts.<br />

12·50 £ •

U,!P,ORT$~.A:YERAG,E PR:IQ~.<br />

AVERAGE PRICE of.the, under:inentioned ARTICLES 1MP9R:TEP-. intq·t~e UNI'f~D.<br />

QUANTITIES ~nd VALU.ES (as sta~e~,in<br />

. I<br />

ARTICLES-Con#ntted. I <strong>1887</strong>. j 1sss~ I ~889.11~00. I 1&~1.1 ~89~.1189~.1.1~~~ .<br />

Dyeing or Tanning Stuffs :-<br />

7·95 8'94 9·09<br />

Bark • • • • . • Cwt. . '·<br />

8'49 8•85 8·31 7•63 7 80<br />

Cutch and Gambler •. . ·Ton -·£, 24"18 24'7? 27'02 26"15 ~·63 21'76 21•30 21'03<br />

Indigo . . . ·Cwt. • £, 21·81 21'79 19'70 18'59 20•51 19'01 20'74 19·~8<br />

Myrobalans . . • Cwt.<br />

. '·<br />

6'75 6'98 7'69 8'15 9•M 9'01 7•00 6'~2<br />

Sumach . . ·Ton • £ 12·02 11·24 11·23 11·03 11'49 10'88 11·10 10'76<br />

Valonia . II<br />

• £ 14'81 14•28 1N9 i9'85 19'48 18'85 12·00 12'69<br />

Dyewoods. . . ;. £,<br />

II<br />

5'64 5'74 5•87 6'21 fi•OO ·5'53 6'65 6°8!<br />

Eggs • . . . • Doz. -d. 8'15 7•88 7'96 8'00 7'92 8'18 8'42 7'65<br />

Feathers, Ornamental ·Lb. 31'10 24'92 20'66 26'26 27·54 22•71 20·72 21'43<br />

. '·<br />

Fish:-<br />

Fresh • . . . ·Cwt. •I• 16'48 14•28 13'97 12'91 12'48 12•32 12'54 10·20<br />

.<br />

Cured or Salted· 87'29 87·~ 41'02 40'08 89'31 35'54 86•12 36'28<br />

II<br />

.'· Flu and Hemp :-<br />

Flax, Dressed and Undressed . II<br />

,..,, . 86'34 38•98 35'75 33'57 85'04 34•32 .s7,·25<br />

Tow and Codilla of :nax and}<br />

Hemp • • • • • " . '·<br />

28'68 22•86 2801 18'29 18•46 16•1)9 .19·71 22·25<br />

Hemp and other like Snb·}<br />

stances aexcc£t Jute),<br />

Dressed an Un ressed • "<br />

Fruit:-<br />

~!:08<br />

• 8. 29·..., 30·00 34•93 31'54 80'92 27'02 !!)•87 22'45<br />

.Almonds . .<br />

"<br />

Apples . . . • Bmh. • s . 5·so fl•43 5·39 6•11 6•57 ' c·oo 4'88 5•59<br />

• £, 3·17 2·98 3'18 3•57 8•59 .s·86 2'94 .2'95<br />

Oherries, :Raw<br />

• B.<br />

" * * * * * 12'43 11·24 10•7S<br />

Currants, Dried • ·Cwt. • 8. 26'13 26'57 24'22 28'63 23•21 28'14 14·70 18'14<br />

Grapes . . • Bmh. • I • *<br />

. * * 1o·s3 10'84 11·so<br />

Pears • II •It.<br />

. "<br />

. . * 9•31 7'59 '6'28<br />

Plums• .<br />

II • 8, * • • * * 9'68 8'53 7'77<br />

:Raisins . . - Cwt. . '·<br />

31·s1 30'34 81"16 35•84 33•81 30•23 27•00 24'83<br />

Oranges.and Lemons· . • Btuh. • 8 • 6'42 6'01 5·92 6•11 6•14 .6'07 6'00 5'60<br />

Glass:-<br />

Window . ·Cwt. • 8 • 12·18 12·04 11'59 11•25 11•47 11'36 10·74 ~0·33<br />

Guano . . ·Ton • £, 8'22 8'04 6'98 6•07 5'87 6'80 5•17 5•1!<br />

Gutta Percha . . ·Cwt. • £, 6'48 8·os 12·02 11'38 12•06 11'42 7•50 9·55<br />

Hair: Goats' llai:- or Wool . • J,b. -d. 10'09 10·22 11'37 10•53 10•83 10•79 11·79 10:44<br />

Hay . . . Ton • £ * *<br />

. * * 4'24 5'26 4'62<br />

llides, Raw, Dry, and Wet ·Cwt. .t, 2"72 2'58 2'51 2'42 2'42 2·29 2'31 2·17<br />

• £, 2'95 3'70 3'58 4'67 5·02 5'12 5•58 4•09<br />

flops • . .<br />

"<br />

Ice . ·Ton • 8 • 13'61 12'59 14'09 13•96 12•12 11'99 12'90 12'30<br />

Jute . ·Cwt. • 8 • 11·25 12'44 14'16 13•34 12·19 15'22 13'18 13'64<br />

Lard • II • 8. 85'35 41'11 36'50 82'86 32•72 35'88 50'24 39•39<br />

Leather:-<br />

Dressed ·Lb. -d. 23•29 23•73 22·09 22·01 20•89 21'43 18•23 17'67<br />

Undressed • . ..<br />

n ·d. 12'91 12·35 11'96· 11'74 11·94 11'47 11•45 11·os<br />

Leather :uanu!actures:-<br />

Boots and Shoes • Doz. Pair1 • £, 3·01 3·00 3'50 8·34 3•16 3·15 3'10 . 3·02<br />

Gloves- . II ,, 21·52<br />

. '·<br />

21·74 21'65 21•49 ·21•56 21·ss 21'49 21'51<br />

Linen Yarn . . • Lb. -d. 9·42 9•43 9'40 9•42 9•52 !)•27 9·39 !)'43<br />

. • . * 2'2' 2·15 2'28<br />

~fargarine and Artificial<br />

Imitation But~r • a~d} Cwt. • £, 3•04 2•87 2·94 2•86 2•88 2'84 2·s1 2•74<br />

Oleo·lfargarlne .<br />

• £, .<br />

Meat, Unenumerated :- "<br />

Salted or Fresh • • Cwt.<br />

. '·<br />

49•63 42'48 42'89 43•82 45'15 4r;·82 45·~ 43'29<br />

:Preurved, other thRn Salted<br />

" . '·<br />

51•97 50'78 50'93 52•97 48'85 4.8•82 52•31 53•79<br />

11 Cannot be st~te".<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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, , .K~NGDQ!tf,. ir.i· ~acl~ P.f the lq.,st., fi(GQ~.µ. Ye~:rs, d~duceq. frQm . the declared<br />

T~bles Nos 27 and 2.B)~contir?~f!d. ·<br />

J~95. j 1.s96. j 1s97 ! j 1s~s. j<br />

,A.RTICLES-ContitJ.ued •<br />

i<br />

7'61 7•32 6'92 7'51<br />

21'77 20•44 16'69 i5•64<br />

16'76:-< . 17'05 17'82 16'55<br />

t• 6•18<br />

. 10•07<br />

11·12<br />

6'65<br />

7'55<br />

5•86<br />

10'17<br />

10'16<br />

6·48<br />

7'58<br />

6'15<br />

9'62<br />

10·13<br />

5'78<br />

7'45<br />

6'21<br />

9'81<br />

10'46<br />

5'76<br />

7'42<br />

'20·78' 19'53 19'81 10'61<br />

11'15<br />

87'44'<br />

84'14<br />

18'15<br />

20'98<br />

2·31<br />

5'88<br />

. 9•82<br />

14·14<br />

11'26<br />

8•19<br />

8'28<br />

24'99<br />

5'58<br />

2·22<br />

2'97<br />

11·20<br />

11'12<br />

33'76<br />

20·11<br />

10·99<br />

s·o2<br />

21'45<br />

9•34<br />

2'72<br />

20•95<br />

2·90<br />

5•12<br />

9•65<br />

15'16<br />

1o·os<br />

8•54<br />

8·6S<br />

28•01<br />

5•3S<br />

10•04<br />

5'16<br />

9•17<br />

18•40<br />

3•29<br />

2·28<br />

2•86<br />

11·23<br />

12'24<br />

26·0S<br />

18'54<br />

10•68<br />

3·00<br />

21·16<br />

9'32<br />

2•70<br />

1'76<br />

39'66<br />

50'60<br />

35•60<br />

18•40<br />

19•61<br />

2•68<br />

5'65<br />

11'41<br />

18•51<br />

9•96<br />

7'19<br />

9•54<br />

30·03<br />

5•18<br />

!)•88<br />

5;37<br />

!)•68<br />

13',12<br />

3·38<br />

2•30<br />

3•19<br />

10·01<br />

11'70<br />

22·00<br />

18•17<br />

10'25<br />

2·52<br />

21·17<br />

9·33<br />

2•65<br />

1.49<br />

39'87<br />

50•84<br />

12·01<br />

36'63<br />

82'38<br />

18'20<br />

24'10<br />

3'25<br />

6'41<br />

11.49<br />

17'45<br />

9'68<br />

9'02<br />

9'43<br />

29'70<br />

5'45<br />

10'15<br />

4'99<br />

10'70<br />

13'81<br />

s·u<br />

2'35<br />

4•22<br />

14'84<br />

10'50<br />

27'41<br />

18•60<br />

10•52<br />

2·so<br />

21·12<br />

1)'14<br />

2•65<br />

1'48<br />

39•17<br />

02·70<br />

.... J ,... ,... 8,. • Cwt.<br />

16'12 19'80 22'24 J!, ·Ton<br />

16:72 10:00 15'36 £ • Cwt.<br />

6•45 6'08 6'05 1. • Cwt.<br />

10•44 10•67 9'89 £, • Ton<br />

i1·57 9'60 , 10'61 £, • "<br />

5•96 5•35<br />

7'48<br />

22'67<br />

13·3s<br />

41'33<br />

32'26<br />

17'&$<br />

29'05<br />

3•52<br />

6·14<br />

10·9s<br />

17'69<br />

10•17<br />

9·32<br />

10·53<br />

30·00<br />

.5'15<br />

10·33<br />

5'21<br />

12'19<br />

14"82<br />

3'27<br />

2·30<br />

4·~9<br />

12'56<br />

1?.•75<br />

28'05<br />

l.8·7o<br />

10•42<br />

2'89<br />

21·~7<br />

9'50<br />

2•67<br />

1'59<br />

38'!>1<br />

58'11<br />

7'69<br />

24'22<br />

16'98<br />

42•36<br />

31'4<br />

4•06<br />

C1ct.<br />

11•51<br />

Cwt •<br />

25'43<br />

44•15<br />

Cwt.<br />

20·0:<br />

C1ot.<br />

15•39<br />

Cwt.<br />

19•17<br />

40•03<br />

Cwt.<br />

8'42<br />

11•15<br />

5•27<br />

13•37<br />

14'18<br />

3'62<br />

2•47<br />

4'01<br />

12·22<br />

l.J•72<br />

83'89<br />

18'24<br />

10•91<br />

2'97<br />

21•93<br />

8'62<br />

2·68<br />

1•()5<br />

5'22 ·£,. "<br />

J·73 d, • Doz.<br />

23'20 8. ·Lb.<br />

15'95 8., • Cwt<br />

42'29 8. • 11<br />

45'42 8 • • "<br />

24'41 1 • • "<br />

29•!)8 8 •• "<br />

8•72 £, • "<br />

Cwt.<br />

12'93 8 • •<br />

Cwt.<br />

20'08 8 • •<br />

21 ·58<br />

Cwt.<br />

8. • Cwt.<br />

20'44<br />

Cwt.<br />

'· •<br />

16'99 8 • •<br />

Cict.<br />

19'92 8 • •<br />

s2·35<br />

C1ct.<br />

8. • Cwt.<br />

8'04 8 ••<br />

11·09 8. • Cwt.<br />

4'60 J!, • To1t<br />

15'63 I!. • Cwt.<br />

14'41 d.· Lb.<br />

4'00 J!, • Ton<br />

2·40 £ • Cwt.<br />

Dyelnit or Tanning Stuffs:­<br />

Hark.<br />

'Cutch and Gambler.<br />

indigo.<br />

'.liyrobalan1.<br />

Sumach.<br />

Vatonla.<br />

· Dyewoods.<br />

Eggs.<br />

Feathers, Ornamental.<br />

Flsh:-<br />

Fresh.<br />

Cured or Salted.<br />

Flax and Hemp:-<br />

Flax, Dressed and Und1eaed.<br />

Tow and Codilla. of Ft~ and<br />

{<br />

Hemp.<br />

Hemp and other like Substances<br />


160<br />

AVEltAGE PRICE of the undermentioned ARTICLES IMPORTED _into tl}.e UNITED<br />

QUANTITIES and' VALUES (as stateQ<br />

ARTICl."ES-Continued. j 1ss1. j 1sss. j 1ssB., 1soo. ·! 1s9i. f 1s92. \ 1s9s. j 1s94,<br />

Merels:-<br />

Copper:-<br />

Ore . . ·Ton • £, 6•96 8•64 7'69 s·1s 8•24 6'8'1 6·01. 5'96<br />

Regulus and Precipitate . II<br />

• £, 28'51 87·~9 2'1•92 28•67 26•77 24'54 28•86 22·42<br />

Unwroui:ht and partly}<br />

Wrought • • •<br />

II<br />

• £, 44•66 78•40 52•28 65•91 58'43 47•23 f5•56 n·«<br />

Iron Ore . . . II • 8 • 13'58 13•87 15'01 16•08 16'48 14'87 18•7S 1s·50<br />

Iron Bar,Angle,BoltandRod •<br />

"<br />

.£ 8•76 9·00 9·25 9·96 9•71 9·12 9·01 8'78<br />

Girders, Beams, and Pillan . II<br />

.£ 5'68 5•61 6'86 7'18 6'89 6•74 6'82 6'17<br />

Steel, Unwrought . . II ·£ 8•46 9•26 8.90 10•49 10·3s 9·64 10·1s s·94<br />

Lead, l'ig and Sheet • II -£ 12•63 18•!)2 12'91 18•28 12'60 10'81 9•86 9•36<br />

Manganese Ore • .£<br />

II 3·02 2·79 2·98 s·10 s·21 s·u ~·92 !'64<br />

Platinum, Wrought or Un·} Oz.Troy 8. 24'()9 28•66 24·45 25•lfl<br />

wroughr, · • • •<br />

25'66 26•92 26'19 25·s3<br />

Quicksih·er . • Lb. • 8 • 1·01 2•28 2·21 2'64 2'16 1•85 l"TS, 1'58<br />

Tin, in Blocks, Ingots, Bars,}<br />

or Slabs, and Regulus •<br />

Cwt. • £, 6•58 6•28 4'65 4•71 4•55 4•66 4·s1 3•47<br />

Zinc:-<br />

Crude, in C:-.ii:es • . ·Ton .£ 15•07 lNS 19'05 22•92 22·72 20'89 17•70 16•50<br />

'l!anufactures • Cwt. • £ o·oo i·o1 1•09 1·25 1'28 1·22 1·os 1°01<br />

::\futton, Fresh • . . . II • 8 • 4.0•17 89•26 42'05 41°68 39•47 40'55 89'80 87•88<br />

Nuts and Kernels, used for ex·}<br />

pressing Oil therefrom • • Ton • £, 11·00 11·8s 11·07 12·10 18'15 12·19 12•19 11'41<br />

Oil:-<br />

Fish . ·Tun • £, 21'09 19•19 21·01. 20'65 20·70 19'66 19•56 17'10<br />

Palm • Cwt. • 8. 19•48 19•88 21·17 22·00 23'30 22·10 24·94 21·75<br />

CocoaNut • .<br />

• 8 • 27"46 25·34 26'05 28•38 28'84 28•26 26'12 24·12<br />

Olh·e . ·Tun " • £, 36'48 86•29 35"13 88•92 40'51 S7•24 87'91 SNS<br />

Seed . ·Ton • £, 24'12 25•37 27'10 26'90 26•50 25•28 23•88 21•88<br />

Turpentine . ·Cwt. • 8 • 26•28 28•85 82'48 so·s9 27'27 22·88 21'72 21·20<br />

Oil Seed Ca'ke :-<br />

Linseed Cake . . ·Ton ·£<br />

Other Kinds . .<br />

"<br />

{ 7'27<br />

7•28 6'65<br />

5'87 6'24 6•65 6'17 6•81<br />

·£ 6•11 ·5•75 5·ss<br />

Onions, Raw . . ·Bush. • s • 3·ss 8•68 3•49 3'7& 3•48 :S·28 a·s5 2'89<br />

l'aper-makin~ )latertals:-<br />

Linen and Cotton Rags ·Ton -£, 12·1s 11'37 10·04 10•16 9•67 9•29 9•60 9'19<br />

:Esrmrto and other Ve~etable}<br />

Y1bre • • • • • ·£ 4'81 5·11 5•02 4·82 4•56 4•84 4•69. NS<br />

"<br />

l'ulp of Wood . . .<br />

• £, 6'48 6'17 5'65 5•56 5'44 5'14 5•48<br />

5'12<br />

"<br />

Other 'liaterials • . . . ·£ 5•53 s·ss 6•62 6·10 "<br />

6'97 8'20 7'61<br />

:Parafilne and Paraffine Wax • ·Cwt. ·£ ]•38 1·29 l•l!) 1·27 1'44 1·86 1·00<br />

l':u;teboard :-<br />

Strawboard, Millboard and)<br />

Wood l'ulp Boards • • f " I<br />

7•65<br />

1·02<br />

• 8. !)•85 9·49 9•11 8•65 7'78 7•67 N3 7'77<br />

:Petroleum . . ·Gall. • d. 6•52 6•52 6•04 5'48 4•93 4·51 3·94 3'66<br />

l'hosphate of Lime and Rock • ·Ton • £, 2•17 2·11 2·a1 2•47 2·45 2·12 1'84 1·00<br />

I'lumbago • .<br />

"<br />

. . •£ 10•46 11•65 12•28 13•23 u·50 15'80 16•57 14•09<br />

l'ork • . . . . ·Cwt.<br />

"<br />

• 8 • 36•07 87•61 35•11 80•07 83'79 34'20 40•39 38'09<br />

, :Potatoes . . . .<br />

J •B• 7'06 6•73 7•00 7·86 7:55 6•32 6'41 7'62<br />

Pyrites of Iron or Copper . ·Ton • 8 • 35•71 ss·u 37•61 37'13 86'65 35·19 34·77 34·07<br />

Rice . . . Cwt. • 8 7'47 N6 8'17 8·W o·oa 8•89 7'85 7'i2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


.KINGDOM,, in ~adJ:·of the l.ast Jfi~~~P Years, de and Rock.<br />

16'59 j £, • Plumbago.<br />

11<br />

s1>·2s<br />

5'23<br />

34'31 I :: : :~:~ ;;:;.~! Iron or Copp".<br />

7•33 s. • Cu·t. Rice.<br />

L<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


AVERAGE PRICE of the undermentioned AUTICLES bIPORTED into the UNITED<br />

QUANTITIE~ and VALUES (as stated<br />

ARTICL1':S-0ontinued. ! 188i. i 1888. I 1889.11890.11891.11892. , 1893. ·11894 .<br />

lto9in.<br />

Saltpetre •<br />

Cubic Nitre<br />

Seeds:-<br />

CloYer and Grass<br />

Cotton<br />

Flu or Linseed •<br />

]tape •<br />

• Owt. • 8. 4•57 4°10 1 Nl 4°63 4°88 i 4°57<br />

• '· 11·24 17'02 17·56 1s·o8 18·01 17·3s<br />

• 8. 9·59 9·59 9·33 s·so 8'60 3·53<br />

• s. n·19 u·26 u·o2 39·95 43·05 42·72<br />

• Ton • £ 5°58 6·44 6'87 5°57 5°84 5•77<br />

• Qr.<br />

. "<br />

. £<br />

.£<br />

ltaw •<br />

Thrown<br />

·Lb.<br />

. "<br />

1°84<br />

1°18<br />

• 8. 18•65<br />

0'91<br />

1°89<br />

1°61<br />

12•29<br />

0•83<br />

2·01<br />

1°79<br />

14°04<br />

0'84<br />

14•20<br />

0'91<br />

13·50<br />

0'86<br />

18'09<br />

Seal • - 8. 16'76 16·24 18·28 19·81 20·30 13·94<br />

Goat, Undressed • d. 26·85 26·57 24"61 24°11 23•60 !3•39<br />

Silk:-<br />

Knubs or Husks and Waste • Cwt. • £ 12'38 11·83 11°32 11°22 10"62 11·'°<br />

Skins:-<br />

Sheep and Lamb, Undressed · Each • d. 25°68 26·54 26·41 24•79 26'01 27•07<br />

Spices:-<br />

Cinnamon •<br />

Pepper<br />

Of other Sorts<br />

•<br />

·Lb.<br />

·d.<br />

• d.<br />

• d.<br />

9"61<br />

8'23<br />

5'82<br />

Spirits:­<br />

:&um • • PJ. Gall. • i. 1°59<br />

Sponge<br />

:Brandy<br />

Other Foreign and Colonial}<br />

Spirits • • • •<br />

Straw Plaiting for making Hats)<br />

and Bonnets • • J<br />

Sugar:-<br />

:P.etlned and Sugar Candy :-<br />

Lumps or i.oaYes<br />

Other Sorts<br />

Unrefined :­<br />

Beetroot •<br />

Molasses<br />

Gluooae<br />

Cane and Other Sorts<br />

•<br />

Tallow and Stearine •<br />

Tea<br />

•<br />

. '·<br />

9'32<br />

7•61 7'61<br />

6'90<br />

5'28 6°22<br />

1°64<br />

9'19<br />

1·66<br />

9'21<br />

7'23 7-21<br />

5°86<br />

5'60 6·5o I<br />

1'77<br />

9'04<br />

1°88<br />

8•97<br />

0°88<br />

7•75<br />

3°63<br />

6'60<br />

1·73<br />

9'02<br />

3·00 2'42 2•19 2'81 3•58 8'61<br />

·Lb. • s. 3·94 4'03 3'12 3·10 3•02 3'04<br />

• 8. 1"40 1•54 1°57 1"44<br />

• Cwt. • 1. 16'33 18'58 20·59 17'22 17-42 17'97<br />

• 8. 15·39 17'20 19'44 16'08 16'30 16°83<br />

- 8. 11°80 13·05 H·93 12'25 12·11 1n1<br />

• 8. 12•53 13'84 16'00 13°83 13'28 13•18<br />

8. 6•66 6'32 7•34 6'54 6°26 5•86<br />

• B. 12•54 13"49 13°26 12°11 12'92 12'33<br />

• 8. 23•99 25'00 26•46 24'94 25'85 25'41<br />

• Lb. · d. 10·58 10'99 10·79 10'65 10'70 10'07<br />

Teeth., Elephants', Sea-Cow, and} C1ct.<br />

Sea-Horse - • - •<br />

• £ 44•82 45·70 47'37 52·63 50·16 48•59<br />

Tobaeeo:-<br />

Clgars • • Lb. • 8. 10·43 9'76 11"46 10•58 10'!3 9·20<br />

cave11dlsh or Negrohead -<br />

Un manufactured<br />

• d.<br />

• d.<br />

11"53<br />

7"24<br />

11'18<br />

7•53<br />

10'47<br />

&'94<br />

10'87<br />

7'64<br />

11"05 9'9i<br />

8·56<br />

I<br />

a·1s<br />

5•02<br />

17•63<br />

9°29<br />

10°08<br />

12'88<br />

0°87<br />

25°44<br />

9·42<br />

21°77<br />

7'46<br />

8'31<br />

5·88<br />

1"44<br />

5·34<br />

3•52<br />

3'64<br />

1"47<br />

19'35<br />

18·11<br />

14•38<br />

14'20<br />

6'03<br />

11'24<br />

27'72<br />

9•74<br />

6•80<br />

10'23<br />

7'46<br />

4•56<br />

18°86<br />

9•31<br />

47•82<br />

5•59<br />

1°89<br />

1·07<br />

9'68<br />

18'06<br />

o·ss<br />

24'20<br />

15°69<br />

20·07<br />

6·ss<br />

2°78<br />

4'42<br />

1·39<br />

8°45<br />

3'22<br />

2'77<br />

1"57<br />

16'97<br />

15°18<br />

11·21<br />

12·22<br />

5·31<br />

10·21<br />

25'52<br />

9•59<br />

6•20<br />

10•78<br />

6'91<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


KJ~GDO¥; .i~l. ea~h of the l~t Fifteen Years, deduced from the declared<br />

in Tables Nos. 27 and 28)-contim"ed.<br />

---1895. r 189~. 11~7. : ~~~.rl89~--;~~-; 1~1.1 -- ~-:T~~L=~on_t:~ued. __ .-1<br />

- 4·~-;-~.~;-- --~.9;---~;- ~-5·12 j - 4·74 8 •• Ctct. Roaln. I<br />

18·70 16·35 14'95 15'50 16'44 I 17'07 ' 17'18 8. • Saltpetre.<br />

'8'14 7'86 7•68 7'46. 7'60 I 8'191 8·50 s. • Cubic Nitre.<br />

Seeds:-<br />

43'18 38'88 38'62 38'23 36'741 ss·ss ' 43·51 '· • Clover and Grass.<br />

4'68 4'69 4'66 4'81 5'60 6'461 6'19 £ • Ton ('.otton.<br />

1'71 1'56 1·57 1'73 1·ss 2·50 I 2'53 £ · Qr. Flax or Linseed.<br />

o·94 1 ·09 1 ·39 1'42 l '48 t ·84 1 '831 £ · ,, .Rape.<br />

8•98<br />

12•64<br />

0'81<br />

2N2<br />

14•79<br />

20'73<br />

7•00<br />

2'69<br />

4•70<br />

1'31<br />

9'18<br />

2"47 l<br />

1N5<br />

13'05<br />

9'42<br />

10·09<br />

4•70<br />

11·21<br />

23'67<br />

!)•63<br />

42'89<br />

7•!19<br />

10'15<br />

6•91<br />

64i5.<br />

8'66<br />

12'54<br />

0·75<br />

22·01<br />

14'37<br />

20·19<br />

7'91<br />

2'78<br />

4'52<br />

1·29<br />

9'18<br />

4·io I<br />

2·s1 I<br />

· 1~s6· I<br />

14'75<br />

13'38<br />

10·34<br />

10'85<br />

4'36<br />

8•09<br />

21'26<br />

9·55<br />

42'08<br />

10'05<br />

10'i3<br />

8'92<br />

I<br />

I<br />

8'40<br />

12'88<br />

21·00 I<br />

4•34 l<br />

19'37<br />

8'36<br />

8'43<br />

4'45<br />

1·s3<br />

8·00<br />

4•1)5 I<br />

2·31 I<br />

__ 1'461'<br />

13'41<br />

12·os<br />

I<br />

I<br />

8·921<br />

0'651<br />

4'23<br />

7'22 II<br />

19'17<br />

41'06<br />

10·02 i<br />

1o·so I<br />

8'97 !<br />

7'70<br />

12'52<br />

0'74<br />

21'75<br />

11'98<br />

19'70<br />

8•62<br />

4'89<br />

4'68<br />

1·27<br />

6'09<br />

2'50<br />

i<br />

13'241<br />

12•14<br />

9•26<br />

10·23<br />

5'13<br />

i'i6<br />

20'44<br />

9'13<br />

n·•H<br />

9'56<br />

10·10<br />

7'36<br />

7'81<br />

12'77<br />

0•76<br />

23·37<br />

l0'34<br />

21·35<br />

6'88<br />

6'17<br />

4'65<br />

1'32<br />

9'25<br />

I<br />

5·53'<br />

2·6D !<br />

1·381<br />

l<br />

l<br />

13'48 ~<br />

I<br />

12'41<br />

9·94<br />

11·81<br />

4'841<br />

7•83<br />

28'09 !<br />

s·82 !<br />

40·6s I<br />

I<br />

11·15 I<br />

10'113<br />

7'18<br />

12'97 '11 ·53 8. • Lb.<br />

0'91<br />

25'49<br />

18'25<br />

22·so<br />

5•93<br />

6'59<br />

5·32<br />

I<br />

1'56 !<br />

9·29 I<br />

,&·91) I<br />

I<br />

3'291<br />

.1°34<br />

13'79 j<br />

12'65 I<br />

I<br />

10.00 I<br />

12'00 l<br />

5'17<br />

8'09<br />

26'04<br />

s·54 I<br />

40·:n<br />

l<br />

11·,1,s 10'26 !<br />

1·10 I<br />

Raw.<br />

0'92 £,. Thrown.<br />

Skins:-.<br />

23·39 d.· Each Sheep and Lamb, UndreB!ed.<br />

19·97 1. • Seal.<br />

22·24 d.· Goat, Undressed.<br />

7'05 d.· Lb.<br />

6'86 d.·<br />

4•84 d.·<br />

Silk:-<br />

9·00 8'38 £ • Cwt. Knubs or Huska and Waate.<br />

Spices:-<br />

Cinnamon.<br />

Pepper.<br />

Spirits:-<br />

1·52 ! s. • Pf. Gall. Rum.<br />

Of other Sorts.<br />

9'01 ~.· Brandy.<br />

4<br />

Other Forelen and Colonial :<br />

' 10 . 8 • • { Spirits.<br />

3'81 '. s. · Lb. Sponge.<br />

18'43 ~ JI, • C1ct.<br />

11·97 : s: • •<br />

9'06 is ..<br />

10•92 I 8. •<br />

::~I:::<br />

26'14; l'l ••<br />

I<br />

7'6i ' d.· Lb.<br />

Straw·Plalting for making-Hate and·<br />

" { Bonnets.<br />

Sugar:-<br />

ReHned and Sugar Candy :­<br />

Lumps or Loaves.<br />

Other Sorts.<br />

Unretlned:­<br />

Eeetroot.<br />

Cane and other Sortg.,<br />

.Molasses.<br />

Glucose.<br />

Tallow and Stearine.<br />

1'ea.<br />

38 . 04<br />

,· " Cwt. {Teeth,E1cphants' Sea-Cow,:md Se&·<br />

"" Horse.<br />

Tobacco:--<br />

11'44 ' .~•• Lb.<br />

9·01 I d ••<br />

N6 I d.·<br />

I<br />

Cavendish or N'e1trohea1l.<br />

Unmanufaotured.<br />

r. •)<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


AVERAGE PRICE of the undermentioned ARTICLES !1'1PORTED into ,the UNITED<br />

QUANTITIES and VALUES (as stated<br />

ARTICLES-Continued. i <strong>1887</strong>. J l88S.11ss9. J 1soo. J 1s91. i 1s92. J 1s9a. J 1s94. -<br />

-.--- -<br />

Wine·<br />

·Gall.<br />

7'80 'i'43 'i'27 7'18 6'95 7'23 6'98<br />

. ·· 1 '"11<br />

I I<br />

Woodand Timbe"-<br />

Hewn:-<br />

I<br />

I Fir • Load . £ 1°49 I 1'59 1'77 1'63 1'50 1'50 1'40 1'34<br />

I<br />

l<br />

:<br />

Oak .<br />

• £ 5·52 5•41 5'78 5·70 5•89 5'89 5'00 6'03<br />

"<br />

I<br />

.£<br />

~<br />

Teak<br />

10'41 11·57 11'94 11'30 10•27 10'68 10'31 10'50<br />

"<br />

l Unenumemted • £ 2'96 8'09 8•i9 3·59 3'46 8'72 8:'5 8'48<br />

i " I<br />

Sawn or Split:-<br />

Fir .<br />

. £ 2·10 2'24 2·50 2·35 2·14 2'18 2·u I<br />

"<br />

2'17 I<br />

I<br />

Unenumernted .<br />

. £ 1·7~ 1'89 2·02 1'85 2•31 2'56 2·10 I 2·15 I<br />

"<br />

Staves· .<br />

• £ 4'11 4'10 I 4'08 4'29 4'53 4·~6 8'89 4'10<br />

"<br />

l'urniture Woods nnd Hard woods:-<br />

Mahogany . . ·Ton • £ 8•14 8·so I 8'89 9'06 9'86 s·w 8•68 7•97<br />

Wool:-<br />

Unenumerated<br />

"<br />

.£ 7'67 7'61 7•83 7'68 7•87 7'14 7'66 6'94<br />

Sheep or Lambs' . • Lb. • d. 10'15 9·77 ; 9'i8 '10'27 9'84 8'78 8'72<br />

Other kinds nnd Flocks'}<br />

'<br />

including .Alpaca, Vjcuna,<br />

"<br />

·d. 12•00 11·00 11'82 14•88 lNl 11'60 12'09 12'17<br />

and Llama • •<br />

woollen Bags ·Ton • £ 20'97<br />

I<br />

2o·so 1 21'36 20•67 20•78 19•89 20'05 20'42<br />

Woollen and Worsted Yarn :-<br />

I<br />

I<br />

:Berlin Wool and Yarn used} Lb -d. 43'18 42'10.: 42'27 42'64 4S·os 40•80 42'12 44'15<br />

for Fancy Purposes • • •<br />

Yarn for Weaving .<br />

-d. 28•43 21·12 I 27'77 27•19 26•65 26'50 !5'47 24'20<br />

"<br />

Woollen Manufac~ures :-<br />

Stuft's • ·Yd. -d. 21·11 21·13 I 21·10 21'25 20•64 20·5~ 19'01 18'02<br />

Yeast, Dried . '• • Cwt • • £, 2•i2 ~·731 2'77 2'67 2·67 2·00 !'60 2'57<br />

8'491'<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


16&·<br />

.K1N.GDOl'tl, fa each of· the last Fift~en<br />

in Tables 1 N'os; .27· ·and 28)-cO'lltinued.<br />

Years, deduced• :from the .declared.<br />

11895. ,. 1896. l 1897. , 1898.1 1'899. I 1000.1 <strong>1901</strong>. I<br />

ART1CLF..S-Continued.<br />

I<br />

I 6°81 5•93 5'75 5'66 5'63 5'86 51'0 £ • "<br />

9'67 10'63 11'64 11'77 12•13 12'46 12·12 £ •<br />

"<br />

Teak.<br />

I<br />

2'95 3'44 3'50 8•34 3'1S 3'72 8'921 £ • Unenumerated.<br />

!<br />

"<br />

Sawn or Split:-<br />

2·09 2·20 2'85 2•35 ~·42 2'70<br />

.... I£ - "<br />

Fir. :<br />

f<br />

!'SS 2'95 !•90 3'05 3·ss 3•59 3•71> £ • Unenumerated.<br />

ii<br />

l<br />

t<br />

"<br />

4'11 4'74 "49 4'114 5•22<br />

I 4'97 5·22 I£ • Staves. ..<br />

"<br />

I Furniture Woods and Hardwooda :-<br />

I 7'77 s·ss s·oo s·ss 9·50 9'24. s·as 1 £ ·Ton )fahogany.<br />

ci·sa. 6'57 6'58 6·20 5'.63 6'13 5'88 £ • ,, Unenumerated.<br />

0:871 7'12 7'33 7'25. 6'48 6°18 5·00. s. ·Gall. Wine.<br />

! j<br />

Wood and Timber:-<br />

!<br />

Hewn:-<br />

:<br />

{ 2'62 £ • Loa


No. 4:9.-AVERAGE PRICE of the. undermentioned ARTICLF.S of BRITISH nnd IRISH<br />

Years, deduced from the declared QUA~'fiTIKS<br />

_____<br />

-- --~---------------------=----------,--<br />

A_n_1_·1_cL_r:_s~. ______,l_1_s_s7~ _1~~s~-'~:_J-~soo. j 1s9i. j 1s92. \ 1~93. \ 1s94.<br />

'.<br />

I I I l !'<br />

Animals: Hones • Each • £, i 57'85 , 05·86 69'02 : 53'27 ! •0·74 50•15 39'53 • 27'38<br />

\ 1 ~<br />

Arma, &c.:­<br />

ll'ire Arms<br />

Gunpowder •<br />

Bap, Empty<br />

Beer and Ale<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Biscuits and Bread •<br />

Bleaching 'Materials •<br />

Books, Printed<br />

Bricks<br />

candles of all Sorts •<br />

C.ment<br />

Clar, TJnmanufactured<br />

Ccal and Culm •<br />

l Cordage and Twine<br />

I Corn:­<br />

Wheat •<br />

j Wheat Flour • •<br />

•<br />

I 1 I<br />

• 8. ! 8-l'i5 8l'i8 28·09 l 29'i5 ·<br />

• Lb. • d.- i 6'46 I 6°.&5 l 6'15 5'87 I<br />

·Doi. • 8. r.<br />

• Brl. • 11. !<br />

• Ctct. • £<br />

I<br />

• II, i<br />

• £ l<br />

·Thou& £;<br />

• Doz. lb11. • 8. l<br />

• Ctct. • 11. j<br />

• Ton<br />

• Cwt.<br />

. £I<br />

76'1" ! 76".ii ;<br />

~-75 I 2•75 !<br />

7'51 I<br />

s·s1 I<br />

4'66 !<br />

l'I).& !<br />

1'00 i<br />

R·72 !<br />

I<br />

4·39·j<br />

1·00:<br />

1·00 \<br />

• 6. 8'19 l s·21 j<br />

I<br />

• 11. 45'6i 46•52.<br />

I<br />

• 8.<br />

• 11.<br />

S·i5 !<br />

5'04 I 4'85 !<br />

74'03 ! 74'52 :<br />

I<br />

2'89 : 2'85 I<br />

7'89 i 5'83 I<br />

8'35 j<br />

4'40 '<br />

j<br />

1°05 i<br />

1·08 I<br />

10·00<br />

5o·ss i<br />

I<br />

8°16'<br />

4'68 t<br />

2'04:<br />

1'09 i<br />

12'39 I<br />

I<br />

4i'31 :<br />

j•$1 I<br />

10'40 : 10'23 10·;9 : 10'48<br />

I<br />

Cotton lannfactures :- \<br />

Piece Goog.s :- 1 , J<br />

Unbleached • l'd. • d. i} • 2 27<br />

I{ 2'14 I 2·10 j 2'17<br />

Bleached • • d. ! I 2·5~ I 2'51 , 2·55<br />

.Printed.-......-. .... '" .~-tl. , s·it j 3<br />

. 08<br />

t{· .2:76-I .2:8,.<br />

Dyed or Manufactured of} d l 3 . 32 I 8'48<br />

Dyed Yarn. . • • ! 1<br />

Stockings and Socks· • Doz.1>atr8 • 8. ! 5·13 l 5·221 5'471 5'46<br />

i fuh:Hottln8'- - n,z. - '· i ,. .<br />

Thread for Sewing • • Lb. • d. ' 85'06 85'15 37·37 , 39·71<br />

., : 2:»1• i 21·50 j 22·34<br />

·~~ I : ,.<br />

Plate, Rough or Silvered • • Sq.ft.· 8. 1°12 j 1·20 l 1·25 1'24 :<br />

I I i<br />

Flint • C1ct. • 8. 48'64 1 44'02 45'40 46'60 I<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Common Bottles • ,, • s. 9·45 i 9'38 '. 9'46 9'27 1<br />

Of other Sorts • • •<br />

Gre&le, Tallow, and Animal Fat<br />

Hats, Felt·<br />

-- Straw<br />

.Tnte Yarn·<br />

I .Tute Manufacturea -<br />

l Piece Goods<br />

I<br />

• k. 15'42 ! 15°58 ! '15'15 17'76<br />

• " 1·15 ! 1·09 I 1·22<br />

• Doz. • 8. , 24·77 l 25'22 l 25'92 ! 26'05<br />

• 3 I 12'41 12'19 11'78 11'37<br />

• Lb. • a: j 2·32 2'46<br />

- r•. . •. / ... , I ,.,.<br />

1<br />

* Czmnot be stated.<br />

1'19<br />

2'70<br />

, • ., 2'3G<br />

f<br />

!<br />

23·11 I<br />

5'87 \ ·<br />

I<br />

''58<br />

78'28<br />

2'81<br />

()•!JO<br />

i•D9 l<br />

I<br />

"75 I<br />

,::: i<br />

45•92<br />

9''1<br />

12·08<br />

J Cotton Yarn and Twist:-<br />

Grey ·Lb. ·d. '{ lo·a-1 : 11·03 1 10'47<br />

10'1:'8 I 10'94 : !<br />

Bleached and Dyed<br />

• Cl, I<br />

· 13'42 · 13·u I 13•21<br />

2•18<br />

2°53<br />

.2·88<br />

3•58<br />

5·22<br />

43'22<br />

26'20<br />

1°29<br />

~4·87<br />

9'89<br />

17"5<br />

1'82<br />

26'36<br />

11·•1<br />

Ni<br />

34·71 I<br />

6°15<br />

4·54 I<br />

73·08 j<br />

2'78<br />

I<br />

8'0'<br />

29'71<br />

6'08 l<br />

4·51 I<br />

72'7.8<br />

2·;2<br />

s·so<br />

31'41<br />

4'07<br />

i0'92<br />

2'65<br />

7'82<br />

i'78 7'68 7'23<br />

3•29 8'08· l 2·01<br />

5'00 • 4'45 • 4'18<br />

1'83 l•iO 1'65<br />

1·11<br />

• 1o·so<br />

42'89<br />

1·00 1°12<br />

9•77 • 10'41<br />

41•01 l 88'51<br />

8°37 6•95 6°94<br />

10'88 9°05 7'84<br />

9·51 10·13 9·05<br />

12'33 12'38 11°46<br />

1'90 1'98. 1'86<br />

2°88 2'40 2'23<br />

.2~75 .... ..J.:7L .. 2:63_ ~<br />

8'35<br />

4'53<br />

42'56<br />

21·52<br />

1'08<br />

48'12<br />

9'56<br />

16'48<br />

1'34<br />

28'07<br />

11·35<br />

2'67<br />

2'31<br />

8°42<br />

4'91<br />

'1°82<br />

21'58<br />

1'02<br />

51'71<br />

9'57<br />

16'28<br />

28•11<br />

10'89<br />

NA<br />

2'13<br />

3'20<br />

5'35<br />

41°10<br />

21·01<br />

1'09<br />

47'18<br />

9'52<br />

15'81<br />

1'32<br />

28'28<br />

10'81<br />

2'58<br />

2·11 j<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


16.T<br />

PnpnucE Ex1>0RTED from the UNITED KINGDOM, in each of the last Fifteen<br />

and VALUES (as stated in Tables Nos. 36 and 37).<br />

1895. , 1896. , 189i. , 1898.<br />

25·50 1 22·s2 28·04 28·18<br />

j<br />

30·80 l 40'85 44'78 40·02<br />

5•41 j 5'60 5°43 5·40<br />

3·08 . 4·01 4'28 3·07<br />

70°42 68°70 68'88 68'14<br />

2'65 ; 2'45<br />

7·09 i 6°84<br />

6'80 6'67<br />

3·os 3·08<br />

3·00 3'64<br />

1'62 1"64<br />

1·12 1·11<br />

9·n 8'78<br />

87"15 37"58<br />

7"70 i 8'271<br />

8°46 9'48<br />

to·as 11·31<br />

1•77<br />

2·21<br />

!'53<br />

3•SO<br />

5°42<br />

81'87<br />

22'83<br />

1"10<br />

9•55<br />

15•19<br />

11>2<br />

28°43<br />

111)7<br />

2•46<br />

1'91<br />

2·31<br />

2•58<br />

s·so<br />

5·8o<br />

29'89<br />

19'34<br />

1·14<br />

45'60<br />

!1'46<br />

15•77<br />

o·oo<br />

29°10<br />

11'47<br />

2·12<br />

2"40<br />

6'85<br />

6°42<br />

3'02<br />

s·20<br />

1'65<br />

1·06<br />

8·s2<br />

36"64<br />

8'25<br />

9'91<br />

9'06<br />

11°31<br />

1"85<br />

2'26<br />

2•60<br />

3·39<br />

4'34<br />

so·1s<br />

24'37<br />

1'16<br />

47°36<br />

9'42<br />

15'60<br />

0·90<br />

30•06<br />

12·20<br />

2·43<br />

2°48<br />

5°51<br />

6°31<br />

2•03<br />

3'22<br />

1·s1<br />

1·08<br />

9'79<br />

40'20<br />

9'81<br />

11·05<br />

8'34<br />

10"53<br />

1·'18<br />

2·20<br />

!N9<br />

3"18<br />

0·03<br />

30°18<br />

21·79<br />

1·06<br />

46'57<br />

9'52<br />

17'19<br />

0'94<br />

30'97<br />

12'36 I<br />

2·27<br />

1899.<br />

22'46<br />

37"73<br />

5"46<br />

• 4"07<br />

68'60<br />

2"52<br />

4'9-i<br />

6°34<br />

8'17<br />

8'57<br />

1·00<br />

1°10<br />

10'53<br />

44'64<br />

7"48<br />

8'61<br />

8'77<br />

10'46<br />

1"81<br />

3°16<br />

1·1s<br />

48"87<br />

9'51<br />

18'521<br />

1·071<br />

31'99<br />

·:::I<br />

!"1'·1<br />

iooo. / 1ooi. f<br />


I<br />

22·10 ; 21 ·04 l £ - Each Animals : Horses.<br />

I<br />

40'68 j 56'71 8. •<br />

5"38 6'00 d. • Lb.<br />

4'61 4'54 8. • Doz.<br />

1<br />

68·03 l 68·19 s. - Brl.<br />

Arms,&c.:­<br />

FlreArms.<br />

Gunpowder.<br />

Bags, Empty •<br />

Beer and Ale.<br />

2"46: 2·i9 £ • Cwt. Biscuits and Bread.<br />

I<br />

5°88 6'62 8. • 11 Bleaching :\Iaterlals.<br />

6°15 0·27 £ • 11 Books, Printed.<br />

8°46 3'31 I £, Thous. Brlckl.<br />

4•23 4"22 s. • Doz. lbs. Candles of all Sorts.<br />

1"87 1 ·91 $, • Civt. Cement.<br />

1·10 1'11 £,·.Pon Clay, Unmanufactured.<br />

13'78 8. • " Coal and Culm.<br />

45·68 1. Cwt. Cordage ancl Twine.<br />

Com:­<br />

Wheat.<br />

7'641 '"" 11<br />

i Wheat Flour.<br />

11<br />

16·52 j<br />

49·11 I<br />

j<br />

8·10 I<br />

8•461<br />

11 '61 I 11 ·15 d. • Lb.<br />

12'20 ! 11•76 d.. "<br />

Cotton Yarn and Twist:­<br />

Grey.<br />

Bleached and Dyec.<br />

Cotton Manufactures:-<br />

Piece Goods :-<br />

2·02 2'09 d •• l"'d. Unbleach~·~·<br />

2'46 d." 11 Bleached.<br />

2•73 d •• " Printed.<br />

3•54 3 . 57<br />

d. • ,, {Dyed or Maoofa.itured of<br />

Dyed Yarn.<br />

6°48 11. Doz. pr8. Stockings and Socks.<br />

27·35 27'75 d.· Lb. Thread for Sewing.<br />

25•80 , ,. • Brl. Fish : Herrinp.<br />

1·25<br />

49·94<br />

9'76<br />

20·07:<br />

!<br />

1·261<br />

32'951 I<br />

13'55 I<br />

I<br />

3·02 i<br />

2•59'<br />

I<br />

34°51 , II.• f]ict.<br />

48'421 s. • C1rt.<br />

9•!J6 8. " 11<br />

21'85 I$ . . II<br />

1·23 ! £ ...<br />

32'68 ! a. • Doz.<br />

I<br />

13'8818. • "<br />

2·87 d.· Lb.<br />

,.,.1 d. • y,1.<br />

Ola&&:-<br />

Plate, Rougl1 or Silvered.<br />

Flint.<br />

Common :Bottles.<br />

Of other f:orts.<br />

Grease, Tallow, and Animal Fat.<br />

Hats, Felt.<br />

--Straw.<br />

Jute Yarn.<br />

Jute )lanufacture1 :­<br />

Piece Goode.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

168<br />

A \"ERAGE PRICE of the ~mder;mentioned ARTICLES of BRITISH ang lRISH<br />

Fifteen Years, deduced from the declared QUANTLTIES<br />

~~---- ~~~--~~~~~~~--,~~--,.~~~~~~~~~~~...,-~~......,....~~~~__,~:-<br />

.ARTICLES-Continued. ! <strong>1887</strong>. ! ISSS. l 1889.11890. \ 1891.11892. , 1893. 1894 .<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Leat.her, '.fnnned :-<br />

Unw1'\>ught • •<br />

Linen Yarn • •<br />

Linen Mnnufactures :­<br />

White or Plain -<br />

• Cict. • £,<br />

Doz. pafrs • i.<br />

·Lb. • cl. I<br />

• Yd • • d.<br />

8•79<br />

6'07<br />

8·7a I<br />

54'47<br />

14'48<br />

5·57<br />

9'18<br />

53'74<br />

14'62<br />

5'57<br />

8'91<br />

54•56<br />

13'58<br />

5·42<br />

9'16<br />

54'05<br />

14'52<br />

5·42<br />

9•47<br />

51'55<br />

13•82<br />

Printed, Cheeked, or Dyed • • d. 6·12 5'88 6'31 5'70 6'12 5'95<br />

Sailcloth and Sails • 'd. 11·01 10'51 tl'05 10'58 10'71 11·05<br />

Thread for Sewing • Lb. • d. 29·74 30'58 s1 ·29 28'81 so·o4 80·28<br />

Pig and Puddled<br />

Bar, Angle, Bolt, and Rod<br />

Wro11~l1t:-<br />

lloots and Shoes<br />

Metals:­<br />

lron:­<br />

i<br />

Old • • Ton • £, I 2·86 2'i4<br />

:Railroad:-<br />

Rails (Iron and Steel) •<br />

Otl1er Sorts -<br />

Wire (except Telegraph) of}<br />

Iron and Steel, &c. • •<br />

Black Plates for Tinning l<br />

Sheets, not gah·anized, andJ·<br />

Pia.tea • • • •<br />

Sheets, Gah·anized -<br />

Hoops a.nd Hoop Iron<br />

Tinned l'lates •<br />

Anchors, Grapnels, Chains,}<br />

and Cables· • • ·•<br />

Tubes a.nd Pipes, Wrought<br />

Nails, Screws, and Rivets<br />

Cast 1md )fanuracturcs}<br />

thereof, Unenumerated •<br />

Wrought and ~fanufaetures}<br />

thereof, Unenumerated •<br />

Steel:-<br />

Cast in Ingots or Blooms<br />

:Ba.rs of all kinds<br />

.Bia.ck Plates for Tinning } •<br />

Sheets - • • •<br />

~h.nufactures of Steel, &c.<br />

Copper:-<br />

Unwrougbt :­<br />

Ingots, Cakes, &c.<br />

Wrought or partlv Wrought:-<br />

Jifu:ed or Yellow )!etal -<br />

Of, other Sorts<br />

.Brass of all Sorts<br />

• :. I 4i·26 ,<br />

I<br />

• .£, 5•50 l 5·57<br />

42'58 50'21<br />

4-40 4•33 4'61<br />

• £ ' 5·10 5'16 j 5•54<br />

£, l 13•5S I 13'46 ! 1-l'S9<br />

!<br />

• £. i 9•06<br />

£, I 11'75<br />

12"i4 I'<br />

£, I<br />

6•07<br />

6·06<br />

£, . 18•561 14"li<br />

• £, 14·19 I 13·9S j<br />

£,<br />

1<br />

12•92<br />

• .£ I 18·28 I<br />

s·o4<br />

. I<br />

14'7.1<br />

1s·a1 I<br />

9·20<br />

18'63<br />

6'75<br />

14'00<br />

15'24<br />

• £, ! 6•60 I 6"9d I 6·~"<br />

• £, I 15·65 I 15·43 16·86<br />

• £, I 4·01 j 4'15 I 4•50<br />

• .£ ' 18°06 ! l6'2i 15·33<br />

;, 1 8·so I 8·96 9•15<br />

I<br />

• £, l 29·93 I 29'2i 80'27<br />

I<br />

·Cwt.· £ · .. ,. : s·ss . 2•861<br />

I<br />

• £, '<br />

• £,<br />

£,<br />

2·os 1-<br />

2·58<br />

3·75<br />

I<br />

3·30 I 2•67 .<br />

4"15 4·90 I 3'01<br />

4·51<br />

5'30<br />

3·35 s·19 3·08<br />

61 ·10 52'51 51"49<br />

N4 0'74<br />

5·47 I 5·03<br />

6·52 I 7'16<br />

6•62<br />

4•40<br />

17'59116·93 / 16·77<br />

9'28 ! 8'41 !0•18<br />

I<br />

u·90 I 14'09 13·22<br />

7'77 I 7·28 1·10<br />

15·0S j 15'9S 13'48<br />

li•S4 I<br />

l<br />

15'88 . 15•(jl)<br />

20·24 I 18'04 I 17-36<br />

22·13 I 21"72 22·14<br />

7'56<br />

18'49<br />

6'84<br />

10'44<br />

9·76 I<br />

30·31 I<br />

9. 9 9 I --,<br />

2'86<br />

3·40<br />

4·72<br />

7'48<br />

19'12<br />

4•58<br />

16'06<br />

9'09<br />

8·1'77<br />

2•78 .<br />

Lead : Pig, Sheet, and Pipe, and}. Trm<br />

oUler )!anufactures • · • .e ! 13·75 u·w I 14·56 u·62 14·15<br />

Tin, Unwrought • • Cwt • •<br />

2·80<br />

3·33<br />

£, I 5'48 5•81 I 4-81 4•90 4'7U<br />

Zinc : Crude in Cakes· ,, . s. 1<br />

12·w j 12·95 I 12·8? j 18·06. j 10·22<br />

MO<br />

4'70<br />

16•34<br />

2·47<br />

3·00<br />

4'20<br />

12·18<br />

4 82<br />

17'19<br />

48'98<br />

14'84<br />

5·37<br />

5'21<br />

10'65<br />

28·ss<br />

2·82<br />

46'92<br />

6•25<br />

4"16<br />

6'10<br />

17"18<br />

9'69<br />

12'27<br />

6'90<br />

13'16<br />

15'29<br />

15'42<br />

20'1J7<br />

7'04<br />

19'28<br />

4•54<br />

14'17<br />

7"25<br />

25'88<br />

2·34<br />

2'86<br />

3'98<br />

11·31<br />

4·50 •<br />

_15·37<br />

9'03<br />

48•28<br />

14•50<br />

5·14<br />

5•87<br />

10'77<br />

28·00<br />

46'04<br />

6'38<br />

3·!)5<br />

6'17<br />

17'!)0<br />

9·13<br />

11•49<br />

6°68<br />

12'26<br />

15'00<br />

14'i0<br />

19'45<br />

7'42<br />

1S·5S<br />

4'20<br />

13'61<br />

26'69<br />

2-19<br />

2'16<br />

2'69<br />

3'78<br />

n·oo<br />

3•69<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

m~:PORTS-'-A vERAGE PRICES. 169<br />

'PRODUCE EXPORT~D from th~ UNITED KINGDOM, in each of the last<br />

and VALUES (as stated in Tables Nos. 36 and '31)-contin1w


- .<br />

AVERAGE PRICE of the undermentioned ARTICLES of BRITISH and !RISH<br />

• last Fifteen Yeai:s, deduced from the declared QUANTITIES<br />


177<br />


171 .<br />

PRODUCE EXPOR1 1 ED from the UNITED KINGDOM, in each of the<br />

and VALUES (as stated in Tables Nos. 36 and 37)-continued.<br />

1895.-1 ;ool 1s9,: 1·1s~s. i 1s~.·: 1~: ~r~-A~TICLFJl-ao11u,:"d·<br />

20·15 18'6-i 17·01 17'19, w·s1 1 25·u: 21·01 I £.Ton on: seed.<br />

9•17 U·7S 10·22 10'18 10'40 ll '81 11 '64 d. • Sq. yd. Oil and l!'loor Cloth.<br />

30•50<br />

80•85<br />

31·os<br />

14-75<br />

2·su<br />

l•i2<br />

11•70<br />

20·78<br />

11·ss<br />

9•51<br />

5•53<br />

12'00<br />

so·oo<br />

27•!)8<br />

27'00<br />

3'48<br />

5•42<br />

2u·o5<br />

27•51<br />

20·-12<br />

2'96<br />

5·20<br />

27'52'<br />

31·22<br />

4'6-i,<br />

5'08<br />

14'28 1s·u5 13'36<br />

80'42<br />

20·10<br />

32'10 25'05<br />

4•84<br />

5'26 6'03<br />

16•71<br />

6'73 7'61 5'92 6'54 7·12<br />

2:so 2·28 2·2s 2·zs 2·26<br />

1'53 1·53 1'45. 1'40 1·~5<br />

12'55 13'32 12'58 12'11 12'45<br />

20·7S 20'61 '20·60. 20•19 21'49<br />

7·68 7·US 7•97 8·14 8'26<br />

12'01 10'88 11·20 12'23 12'59<br />

!)•55 9•19 8'59 7'73 7'51<br />

5·44 5•55 5·62 6 OS 6'09<br />

12·3s n·o1 12·15, u·20 u·oo<br />

1<br />

Paper and Paateboard :-<br />

80'56 s. ·Cwt. Writlng or Printing Paper and<br />

Envelopes.<br />

oo gn<br />

'"°' " 8. • "<br />

Unenumerated (except Hang-<br />

Inga).<br />

88'67 £ • Each, Pie ure1.<br />

-1·02 8. ·Cwt. Potatoes.<br />

li'87 £ · Totl Rags and other Materials for Paper.<br />

16'50 8.. ,, Salt.<br />

7'9U 8. • Lb. Silk, Thrownt Twist., or Yarn.<br />

Silk Manufactures :-<br />

2'31 8. • l'd. Broad Stuffs of Silk or Satin.<br />

1 ·50 8 • iBroad Stuffs of Silk -.nd other I<br />

· • " ~foterlal1.<br />

12'28 s •• Hum'!. Sia es for Roofing. I<br />

21 ·10 11. • Cwt. Soap.<br />

15•70 ·r 15'30 14:05 13'51 .1S:4U. 13:77. 12:11, .d,,• II'<br />

49•80<br />

22·39<br />

85'38<br />

19'46<br />

28:75<br />

16'08<br />

15•81<br />

9•73<br />

su·s4<br />

28•54<br />

89•19<br />

24~77<br />

MS<br />

11•8()<br />

21·81<br />

4!)'80<br />

22·00<br />

83'15<br />

17'00<br />

20·35<br />

51'03<br />

22'41<br />

32'30<br />

17'78<br />

10·os<br />

51'47<br />

23'33<br />

35'47<br />

17'82•<br />

18'87 18'86<br />

54•29<br />

22•49<br />

37'42<br />

18'41<br />

so·54 21·ss . 28·12 zu·ss ss·os<br />

15'52 16•10 16'58 16'84 15'13<br />

8'48 s. • Gall. Spirits, Brltl1h.<br />

12'61 1. • Cwt. Sugar : Refined.<br />

Wool:-<br />

0·10 d. ·.Lb. Sheep and Lambs'.<br />

5'46 d. • ,, I

172 SHIPPING.<br />

No. 50.-TOT.~L NET TONNAGE of BRITISH and FdREIGN VESSELS, distinguishing SAILING<br />


I. With Cargoes<br />

~ .. ~1<br />

-<br />

ES'l'ER}~D.<br />


Sailing. Steam.<br />

I 'l'otnl. Salling. I Steam.<br />

i 'l'otal. Sailing. Steam. I 'l'otal.<br />

:<br />

Tons. 1'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 'l'ons. '!'ons. Tons.<br />

188';' 2,S-28,252 20,815,192 23,646,444 8,651,101 4,8i9,836 8,530,937 6,479,853 25,698,028 32,177,381<br />

lSSS 2,814,551 22,134,773 24,9'9,324 3,667,769 5,335,649 9,003,418 6,482,320 27,470,422 88,952,742<br />

1SS9 2,703,S&l :!S,241,530 25,945,414 S,784,087 5,794,774 0,578,861 6,487,971 29,036,804 35,524,275<br />

1890 2,487,265 24,840,600 26,777,955 8,793,869 6,263 SSS 10,057,757 6,231,184 30,004,578 86,835,712<br />

1891 2,210,09-i 24,427,093 26,637,187 3,585,'776 6,686,052 10,221,828 5,745,870 81,113,145 86,859,015<br />

18re 2,137,578 24,902,578 27,040,156 3,693,241 6,939,507 10,682,748 5,830,819 31,842,085 37,672,904.<br />

1893 2,089,325 24,829,939 26,919,26-1 3,375,694 6,846,080 10,222,674 5,465,019 81,676,919 87,141,938<br />

1894 2,026,788 27,000,221 29,032,959 8,400,416 7,29-1,6"4 10,785,060 5,517,154 84,300,865 39,818,010<br />

1895 1,87S,9SS 27,296,!?9-! 29,175,282 3,193,708 7,632,701 10,826,400 5,072,696 34,928,995 40,001,691<br />

1896 1,5Sl,6

·SHIPPING. 173<br />

and STEAl\I, ENTERED and CLEARED, at PORTS in the UNITED KINGDOM, from and<br />

BRmsH Posslj:SSIONS.<br />

and in Ballast.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

CJ,EARED.<br />

Br.ITISH. 1''0REIGN. 'l'OTAJ..<br />

YJCARS.<br />

-- -- ------ ----- - --<br />

Sailing. Steam. Total. Salling. Steam. Tohl. Sallln~. Steam. Total.<br />

Tons. '.fons. Tons, Tqn1. Tons. Tons. Tons. 1.'ons. Toni.<br />

2,964,361 21,389,132 24,303,498 3,751,868 4,929,032 8,680,900 6,716,229 26,268,16! 32,984,398 <strong>1887</strong><br />

2,912,666 22,533,264 25,445,930 3,704,860 5,415,613 9,120,473 6,617,526 27,948,877 34,566,403 1888<br />

2,745,473 28,778,767 26,524,240 3,892,251 6,949,129 9,841,380 6,637,724 29,727,896 36,365,620 1889<br />

I<br />

2,512,072 24,683,085 27,195,157 3,855,654 6,397,346 10,253,000 6,S67,72d 31,080,431 • 37,448,157 1800<br />

2,375,943 24,944,305 27,320,248 3,725,728 6,007,634 10,633,357 6,101,666 31,861,939 37,953,00li 1891<br />

2,377,452 24,955,122 27,332,574 • 3,771,003 7,089,774 10,861,677 6,149,355 82,0H,800 38,194,251 1892<br />

2,16!i,711 25,063,689 27,229,400 8 1 831,985 6,929,524 10,261,509 5,497,696 31,993,213 37,490,009 1893<br />

2,241,779 27,406,909 29,648,688 S,618,781 7,450,871 11,069,652 5,860,660 34,857,iSO 40,718,340 1894<br />

1,912,958 27,603,686 29,5!6,644 S,245,852 7,774,987 11,020,839 5,158,810 35,378,6';'3 40,537,483 1895<br />

1,673,3&2 29,509,034 31,182,41~ 3,108,731 8,61)3,816 11,802,547 4,782,113 38,202,850 42,954,963 1896<br />

1,1:48,663 30,686,423 32,235,086 8,103,583 9,936,865 13,040,448 4,652,246 40,628,288 45,275,584 1897<br />

1,406,516 30,953,278 32,359,794 2,893,~0 10,584,908 13,478,828 4,300,436 41,538,186 45,SSS,622 1898<br />

1,265,349 81,519,116 32,784,465 2,847,485 18,275,019 10,122,504 4,112,834 44,794,185 48,006,009 lSW<br />

1,199,734 30,065,774 31,265,508 2,0i0,086 15,005,293 18,085,379 4,169,S20 45,131,•)67 49,300,SS7 1000<br />

1,126,176 30,327,021 31,453,197 2,581,159 14,715,641 17,296,800 3,707,835 45,042,662 48,749,997 <strong>1901</strong><br />

I<br />

goes Only.<br />

CLEARED.<br />

~ I<br />

-~--~<br />

----<br />

I<br />


'<br />

I<br />

------<br />

~~<br />

Sailing. Steam. Total. Salling. Steam. 'l'otal. ,Snillng. Steam. Total. I<br />

I<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. l Tons. Tons.<br />

2,715,628 20,399,960 28,115,588 2,858,575 4,100,47-1 7,055,049 5,574,203 24,500,484 30,170,6S71 <strong>1887</strong> I<br />

2,690,521 21,438,285 24,126,800 2,928,093 4,614;54i 7,537,634 5,618,614 26,050,826 31,664,440 1888 l<br />

2,486,265 22,2so;os8 24,766,353 2,986,239 6,200,~ s,282.5~. 5,472,504 27,576,877 33,048,881 1889<br />

2,252,030 23,014,988 25,267,018 2,818,700 5,771,865 8,590,005 5,070,730 28,786,853 83,857,083 1800'<br />

2,123,539 23,064,121 25,187,660 2,736,559 G,289,221 9,025,780 4,860,098 29,353,342 34,218,440 1891:<br />

2,052,989 23,010,786 25,008,725 2,410,841 6,469,259 8,880,100 4,463,830 ~9,479,995 33,043,825 1S92<br />

1,790,759 22,705,011 24,495,770 2,145,703 6,310,918 8,456,681 3,936,522 29,015,929 32,9p2,451 1893<br />

1,899,000 2!,783,823 26,682,888 2,247,086 6,847,763 g,094,849 4,146,146 I 31,631,586 35,777,732 1894 '<br />

I<br />

1,665,648 25,268,049 26,938,607 2,162,609 7,170,180 9,338,789 3,828,257 32,444,229 36,272,486 1895'<br />

1,477,311· 26,248,816 27,726,127 2,098,416 7,878,752 9,977,168 S,575,727 34,127,568 87,703,295 lSOO;<br />

1,349,316 26,751,982 28,101,298 2,128,429 9,083,549 11,200,978 3,472,745 35,835,531 89,308,276 1897:<br />

1,182,395 26,7711,927 27,959,322 1,807,738 9,635,582 11,503,320 3,050,183 36,412,509 39,462,042·1 lS9S<br />

1,108,458 27,859,911 28,968,369 11062,025 U,057,0-26 14,019,951 3,Q70,483 39,917,837<br />

42,9SS,S2'J ' 1899:<br />

1,028,951 26,877,084 27,906,035 1,975,(1()5 18,790,176 15,765,781 3,004,556 ! 40,667,260 43,671,816 1900:<br />

:<br />

959,2841 27,841,818 28,801,102 1;630,&69 13,385,634 15,016,003 2,500,253 j 40,727,452 43,317,705 ~-- 1001 I<br />

I<br />

conveyance of troops, stores, &c., from and to South Africa, 1ee pp. 179 and 181.<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

. ·1' 114.~42<br />

____<br />

17-i SHIPPING.<br />

No. 51.--TOTAI. NET TONNA(}E of SAILJNG ancl STEAM VESSELS of each NATION,<br />

KINGDOM, from a1id to FomHGN<br />


<strong>1887</strong>. ; 1888. j 1889. I<br />

I<br />

1890. l 1891.<br />

I<br />

1892. l 1893.· i 1894.<br />

----, ~---------------------- ---li-~NT-Rl-tE-D-.---------~-~----~---------- -~-----<br />

J3ritiah -<br />

Russian -<br />

Swedish·<br />

Xorwegir.n<br />

Danish •<br />

German •<br />

Dut.ch<br />

Belgian -<br />

.French •<br />

Spanish •<br />

Portuguese -<br />

Italian •<br />

.~ustro·Hungr.ri&n -<br />

Greek<br />

<strong>United</strong> States of America<br />

Other Countriea •<br />

TOTAL •<br />

'I To~s. I Tons. I Tons.<br />

• ,23,646,444124,949,324 25,945,414<br />

• J 25.1,108 219,505 252,378<br />

712,276 748,864<br />

• 1,926,892 2,049,109 2,841,S.'\6<br />

. I 1,763,419<br />

Tons. '.!'ons. 'l'ons. Tons. Tons .<br />

26,777,955 26,637,187 27,040,156 26,919,264 29,032,959<br />

270,243<br />

783,045<br />

2,477,936<br />

• I 708,126 766,412 854,003 901,819<br />

1,793,489 1,937,336 2,162,586<br />

1<br />

900,860 1,035,811 946,863 952,695<br />

289,647 310,007 308,507 317,967<br />

869,516 1 900,801 918,848 l,os9,618 1<br />

I<br />

2,451,112 2,665,69412,527,51712,664,6541'<br />

918,219 956,295 859,5981 991,774<br />

1<br />

2,151,170 12,006,842 l 1,898,240 1,8(15,426<br />

~68,065 1,049,94911,079,876 1,185,028<br />

~ I :::~:: ::::: :~:::: :::::: I ::::~; :::: :::: ::~~:<br />

I<br />

462,641 508,466 588,929 681,629 i 611,078 570,844 580,588 620,878<br />

23,~98 29,578 31,505 50,8471 24,086 34,457 39,965 I 29,348<br />

• · 272,648 279,136 228,U.8 2l:J,848 287,U.5 293,173 ' 180,019 218,855 !<br />

64,US 77,292 65,319 • 59,5621<br />

1<br />

64,881 I 76,875 ' 93,538 I 95,616 I<br />

72,26! 7!,717 76,721 110,418 122,948 1131,083 98,687 134,0091<br />

• I 14!,659 ' 130,130 168,132 146,721 I l56,845 120,810 ; 284,463 , 278,806<br />

! l I<br />

'<br />

, _ _ 7,885 ! 8J~¥8 11 1 739 6,949 • 9,U16 I 8,608 ; 8,116 ; 7,lGO<br />

32,111,ss1 '33,952,742 S5,524,27S 36,835,712 ;36,859 1 011; !87,672,90-& ;37,HJ,938 .39,818,019 •<br />

I<br />

British •<br />

Russian •<br />

Swedish·<br />

Norwegian<br />

Danish •<br />

German •<br />

Duteh<br />

Belgian·<br />

'French •<br />

CLF.AltED.<br />

Tons. ' ---~·ons:- ; Tons. I Tons. - ! l'ons. --Tons. --;~:s~ -- 'l:o~-~.T<br />

24,308,493 125,"45,930 \26,524,240 l2i,195,157 127,820,248 :27,832,5i4 ,27,229,400 1 29,6~8,688<br />

I 241,043 '. 215,875 l 260,741 ; 280,BSO I 26-l,Hl 316,958 309,076 : 330,901<br />

727,422 720,355 742,817 792,76j 1 893,189 :' 975,286 I 980,508 ; 1,0-19,512<br />

'<br />

J<br />

• I 1,006,839 ' 2,047,534 ! :?,395,355 . 2,522,86fi ' 2,5!H,42tl : 2,6SS,170 : 2,486,016 i 2,754,300<br />

• ; 750,236 I 806,948 : 905,137 . 952,ls;IS : 9il,652 i 994,340 : 913,239 '. 1,00S,353<br />

• : 1,i86,'i40 ; 1,813,561 12,018,979 '. 2,280,·U9 · 2,249,304 2,038,303 1,896,462 : 1,962,702<br />

- • 895,805 : 1,051,oos 9i3,933 i 948,196 985,789 , 1.094,15-1 1,010,331 I ·r,Hs,ss9<br />

!<br />

330,612 328,666 391,161 J 428,639 -173,160 -173,694 507,148 : 513,511<br />

874,261 I 986,723 I 942,224 852,935 : 023,003 : 970,013 l 002,224 i 88.5,291<br />

Spanl!h - '77,972 j 503,702 l 619,269 I 644,431 622,245 i 592,165 ', 58,,963 i 082,260<br />

PortugueH 27,87i j 27,19:~ 40,742 l 51,816 1<br />

30,005 38,882 , 3,,3i9 ! 31,970 I<br />

Itr.ilr.n • • 1 297,0681 296,7651 228,00Z l 224,339 I 239,577 , 297,73-l , 178,0891 234,161<br />

J.:Dltro-Hmigsri:m - - I 67,260 , 80,005 ' 60,477 58,269 · 69,060 98,144 97,598 I 105,t\65<br />

Gre9k • ! 74,642 l 70.691 . 76,112 I 108,785 : 134,849 HS,66i 102,5631 131,029<br />

Ualt.d State& of America •• !, H3,SOO • 134,018 i 157,478 l 145,212 : 149,199 ; 101,699 , 230,005 !63,HO<br />

1<br />

I Olher C-Ountires - 20.227 M,529 ' 28,9!,3 1 16,264 32,768 I :~6,528 12,908 23,49~<br />

1<br />

1 __________________________ TOTAL .13f,984,3!i3 •____,,__. !34,566,4-03-:36,365,620:37,448,157 __ ~ :_______ 1 ________!~i,953,llOr.138,l!H,251<br />

37,490,009 '°,718,:HO<br />

1 ________________________________ __<br />

Nr,te.-'ior wnnaie of vessels em11loyed by Oovormnent In 1800, 1000 and 1001 for the<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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t>I<br />

SHIPPiNG.<br />

175<br />

ENTERED and CLEARED wi~h CARGOES ·and iri BALLAST; at PORTS in ·the UNITED<br />


ENTERED.<br />

I l l I I I<br />

1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>.<br />


--<br />

I<br />

--<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. •ron1. '.l'ons.<br />

29,175,282 30,881,919 32,191,459 31,856,934 32,864,524 31,"5,S28 81,336,64' British.<br />

820,969 884,515 339,093 S82,SS6 44i,778 582,789 544,582 RUlll!an.<br />

990,728 1,112,884 1,245,494 1,861,666 1,678,895 1,788,SU 1,825,8'9 Swedish.<br />

2,604,049 2,953,747 8,154,654 3,304,469 8,727,227 8,889,602 B,458,297 Norwegian.<br />

961,WO 1,~20,015 1,272,552 1,407,119 1,689,603 l,7a5,288 1,690,189 Danish.<br />

1,940,858 1,876,195 1,992,026 2,237,020 2,582,769 2,966,426 2,694,254 German.<br />

1,150,098 1,222,297 1,256,440 1,292,940 1,472,021 1,600,317 1,670,826 Dutch.<br />

551,513 596,809 675,851 701,876 727,858 804,472 812,292 Belgian.<br />

929,250 QOl,891 1,068,838 1,025,102 1,262,378 1,417,128 1,581,375 lfrtmch.<br />

645,210 655,831 738,264 692,994 978,227 1,809,915 1,870,772 Spanish.<br />

45,785 45,256 52,850 48,194 84,850 28,109 25,218 Portuguese.<br />

156,115 185,791 238,181 298,760 526,910 686,6SS 521,963 Italian.<br />

95,889.1 111,747 126,172 117,749 196,718 227,163 242,914 Austro·Hunprian.<br />

100,~5 117,509 161,685 101,714 167,840 214,504 244,976 Greek.<br />

328,700 886,156 ?48,679 153,441 285,054 282,152 264,975 <strong>United</strong> States of Amert~.<br />

4,810 24,947 61,091 147,980 2:IB,771 294,136 316,980 Other Countries.<br />

40,001,691 4~,477,459 44,923,329 45,125,344 • 48,875,918. 49,222,~ 4M.91.Q.l.6 '.(OTAL.<br />

I<br />

CLEARED.<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

Ton• I<br />

To us. Tons. '.l.'ons.<br />

29,516,644 31,182,416 32,235,086 32,859,794 32,784,465 81,265,508 31,453,197 British.<br />

324,278 358,940 349,585 408,011 455,769 596,708 559,543 Russian.<br />

1,003,634 1,128,548 1,285,848 1,366,494 1,644,453 1,808,854 1,807,308 Swedish.<br />

2,660,795 2,929,720 8 1 201,sss 3,800,494 3,715,870 8,821,969 8,437,383 Norwegi!ln.<br />

990,006 1,145,188 1,306,978 1,421,799 1,680,029 1,759,509 1,702,820 Danish.<br />

l,948,i84 1,946,973 2,054,195 2,302,892 2,655,288 8,060,782 2,737,749 German.<br />

1,156,936 1,247,841 1,266,069 1,321,18~ 1,478,426 1,613,450 1,685,007 Dut,584 Spanish.<br />

41,038 51,721 57,886 40,829 83,247 _41,027 29,384 Portuguese.<br />

180,197 148,146 263,345 345,166 560,896 722,445 554,322 Italian.<br />

118,953 126,071 147,770 1.30,041 216,516 264,059 281,411 Austro·Ilnngarian.<br />

126,855 122,934 171,464 114,334 178,885 247,48' 259,999 Greek.<br />

332,825 382,441 302,271 161,004 284,925 277,400 236,539 <strong>United</strong> States of Antearic.<br />

12,892 89,018 118,907 176,211 165,UP 220,529 228,655 Other Countries.<br />

4015?7,488. 42,984,963 45,275,534 45,8381622 48,900,~9 49,800~37 I ~8,749,ll97. TOTAL,<br />

conveyance of troops, stores, &c., from and to South Africa, tu pp. 170 and 181.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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176 SHIPiPI~G. ·<br />

~o 52.-TOTAL NE!. ToNN~GE of STEA·M VESSELS ONLY of each ~ATWt~;,<br />

KINGDOl\I, from 'and to :FoREIGN Cou~TRIE,S<br />

XATIO~.\LITi. j I I I<br />

1------ ______<br />

1s_s_1_. __ i_ss_s_. __ 1_s_s9_. ___ 1s_9_0._j_1_s9_1_. ______ i_s __ 9_.~: ___ 1~~-a_. ___ i_s9_4_.<br />

British .<br />

Russian<br />

Swedish<br />

Norwegian<br />

Danish.<br />

German·<br />

Dntch<br />

Bel~n-<br />

French<br />

Spanish·<br />

Portuguese •<br />

Italian •<br />

Austro-Hungarian<br />

Hreek<br />

<strong>United</strong> States of America •<br />

Other Countries •<br />

TOTAL<br />

:British ·<br />

RtWi&n<br />

Swedish<br />

Xonvegian -<br />

Danish •<br />

German·<br />

Dutch<br />

J'.elgia:i.<br />

l'rench •<br />

Spanish·<br />

:Portuguere<br />

Italian •<br />

A'llltro-Hungarlan<br />

Greek<br />

<strong>United</strong> States of America •<br />

Other Countries •<br />

TOTAL<br />

Tons. I Tons. Tons. I Tons. I Tons.<br />

• ' 20,818,192 22,134,733 23,241,530 . 24,340,690 124,427,093<br />

55,097 1 51,370 10,220 76 1<br />

120 · 69,218<br />

Tons. ' Tons.<br />

24,902,578 24,829,939<br />

92,310 92,348<br />

Tons.<br />

27,006,221<br />

98,706<br />

383,292 306,076 430,638 437,866 522,803 603,310 571,694 659,841<br />

282,008 so4;s33 445,607 575,583 721,358 770,524 830,863 930,125<br />

.! 444,911 527,653 595,593 641,389 675,010 696,007 612,9481 748,782<br />

I,226,SSl i 1,273,492 1,450,773 1,678,725 , 1,679,784 1,549,674 1,436,077 1,473,729<br />

800,766 1 942,711 866,067 864,451 870,493 957,876 1,012,817 ! 1,057,927<br />

331,24s I s32,929 398,210 446,806 478,038 478,680 514,148 ! 509,650<br />

700,54811 806,279 746,324 650,792 -749,321 794,464 740,854 : 717,886<br />

43S,520 480,337 562,146 611,5971 593,826 551,191 56!,023 607,677<br />

23,135 , 28,937 30,657 50,360 23,114 ss,oo9 36,248 ; 28,834<br />

61,517 I 44,157 36,857 51,628 83,389 158,226 72,342 I 63,073<br />

I<br />

l<br />

25,060 I! 30,333 22,701 24,069 32,383 49,325 I 71,793 '. 76,562<br />

68,32i 70,610 73,513 104,0S4 l 118,231 126,774 I 95,761 I 118,953<br />

:H,440 1' 43,637 61,993 50,0351 67,435 73,272 188,170 I 199,368<br />

3,215 2,795 4,015 ss3 I 2,199 4,205 6,894 4,031<br />

25,698,028 !-2-7-,4·-70-,4-2_2_ 1 _2_9_,0_3_6,-30_4_1...-30-,6-0-4,-5-78-i 31,113,145131,842,085 i 81,676,919 i-3-4,-300-,8-65-1<br />

CLEARED.<br />

-----,------,-- ,-----;---------------------------<br />

1<br />

: Tons. • Tons. ] Tons. 1· Tons. ' 1'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons .<br />

.! 21,339,132 l 22,.'>33,263 ' 23,778,767 24,683,085 ' 24,944,305 2-1,955,122 25,063,689 l 27,406,909<br />

1<br />

-l)ss- 1 5688" · 6931 9 • "1)49" 88 8 j o "<br />

• , ~~:51: · 404:91~ l 418:1~ 4:;:15~ . 538::3~ :::::: :8::;;; I :::~:<br />

283,523 819,5561 456,525 593,!l67 738,501 769,723 828,035 949,379<br />

• · 461,111 537,949 j 615,8i8 667,524 699,604 709,345 644,858 745,034<br />

1,227,162 1,285,939 l 1,501,179 1,723,002 j 1,748,i02 l 1,552,559 1,432,361 1,581,1621<br />

189,891 951,961 j sss,581 863,012 I 001,34411,002,144 1,orn,345 1,066,961 .<br />

326,500 I 827,461 f 391,088 422,300 I 471,115 t 473,040 506,095 515,1071<br />

692,203 I 699,518 ; 760,535 668,699 l 755,687 ! 801,397 752,087 715,703<br />

4£5,105<br />

' . , I '<br />

J 481,995 i 595,270 1 622,526 1 503,252 i 571,680 570,258 618,829 I<br />

.. l 26,329 J<br />

79,322 i<br />

27,4421 ·<br />

. . I . i<br />

71,409 66,409 ! 72,345 lOJ.,7'74 I 130,455<br />

26,788 I 38,892 l 51,157 2!l,381 ; 36,010 32,053 I 30,3251'<br />

61,591 l 42,9031 52,826 : S4,8H I 165,069 70,3281 77,730 '<br />

28,644 l 24,98;' 21,656 ! 35,655 71,440 83,35~ I 89,!llS :<br />

' ,<br />

144,973 99,607 126,4461<br />

35,245 : 44,743 56,994 I 59,9681 51,012 s1,680 rn1,5os j rn1,004 ,<br />

1<br />

11,4251 21,200 : ·~724 ! ~''" "·"' ' 20~11 11,5091 ·~... !<br />

• ; 26,268,164 127,Q48,876 ! 29,727,896 ! 31,080,431 ! 31,851,939 , 32,044,896 31,993,213 34,857,780 I<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Nou.-}'or tonnage of.ves11els employed by Government in 1899, 1000 and 1001 for the<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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i1r··<br />

l : t /: tf : :,1 l; f,!<br />

~nq CL~A:J.~EI>:1vi~4·9A~GO:E;~ ~µ~ jQ. BALLAST at PORTS in the UNITED<br />


~NTERED.<br />

1895.<br />

I 18H6. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. l <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

- -<br />


Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

27,200,294 29,300,315 30,685,610. ' 30,442,6~0 ~.1,9()0,!)54 ,30,236,879 80,27~,22Q. British.<br />

102,899 114,539 121,46(! 151,0~3 216,;3-13 328,4~3'. ~~~.272 Russian.<br />

649,661 752,851 916,376 1,028,47f, 1,341,14~· 1,458,408, ' 1,609,877 Swedish.<br />

984,077 1,355,136 1,604,630. 1,815,532 2,311,85_? 2,444,727 2,~04,107· Norwegian.<br />

748,329 915,602 1,073,682. 1,210,960 · l,479,770 1,549,438· 1,~20,423 Danish.<br />

1,561,703 1,563,342 1,710,352 1,973,854 2,822,783 2,707,333 2,461,418 German.<br />

1,078,719 1,147,356 1,176,194 1,221,672 1,401,566 1,625,783 .. 1,581,385 Dutch.<br />

550,515 595,209 !)75,542 701,354. 725,98{) 803,898 809,832 Belgian.<br />

772,775 755,005 871,899) 828,27~ 1,044,079- 1,206,Q75 1,3PQ,099 l'rench.<br />

638,860 646,341 728,525 681,304- 969,779 1,304,069. l,865,418 Spanish.<br />

41,053 .13,810 49,043 37,848 28,540 16,795 5,139 Po~tuguese •<br />

29,765 41,741 147,784. 194,306 442,776 588,691 449,896 Italian.<br />

84,084 103,442 123,257 114,754 193,570 224,?.69· 239,755 Austro-Hungarian.<br />

102,624 115,322 160,220 96,320 165,518 211,572 242,905 Greek.<br />

285,266 362,344 825,269 137,542 270,812 270,361 ~2,183 <strong>United</strong> States of America.<br />

2,371 23,546 59,892 142,729 235,570 290,753 313,872<br />

34,928,995 3'1,835,901 40,429,741 40/178,604 44,750,647 45,168,874 44,936,305<br />

Other Countries_<br />

TOTAL.<br />

CLEARED.<br />

Tons. •rons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

27,603,686 29,509,034 30,686,428 30,953,278 31,519,116 30,065,774 80,327,021<br />

108,706 133,563 135,112 170,738 232,122 340,844· 826,575<br />

653,778 769,175 940,220 1;043,843 1,332,877 1,454,048 1,502,507<br />

1,027,924 1,328,462 1,624,859 1,832,456 2,3?.2,805 2,394,586 2,304,059<br />

764,898 929,504 1,100,000· 1,225,763 1,483,136 1,563,277 1,533,636<br />

1,570,067 1,610,079 1730,551 2,019,930 2,370,164 2,764,281 2,494,859<br />

1,087,345 1,172,153 1,186,403 1,249,996 1,411,316 1,538,545 1,607,885<br />

537,247 582,636 676,330 702,541 746,376 795,174 803,331<br />

761,193 759,620 853,806 827,653 1,052,950 1,199,790 1,270,498<br />

674,121 687,912 724,042 674,522 1,018,696 l,381l,707 1,418,209<br />

36,994 48,940 47,594 35,394" 26,222 25,452 9,902<br />

39,252 40,995 160,699 246,289 457,115 616,569 479,364<br />

96,115 119,079 142,804 1~,176 213,684 260,665 277,500<br />

119,17!) 120,586 170,325 112,755 178,368 246,lsS 256,589<br />

288,793 359,779 383,865 14j,710 269,039 ~65,580 211,581<br />

9,375 s.1 1 333 109!295 170,142 l!i0,149 210,642 219,146<br />

35,378,673 38,202,850 40,623,288 41:5~,1~·· I 44,794,135 45,131,067 45,042,662<br />

British.<br />

Russian.<br />

Swedish.<br />

-<br />

Norwegian.·<br />

Danish.<br />

German.<br />

Dutch.<br />

Belgian.<br />

French.<br />

Spanish.<br />

Portuguese.<br />

Italian.<br />

Austro-Hungarlan.<br />

Greek.<br />

<strong>United</strong> States of America.<br />

Other Countries ..<br />

TOrAL.<br />

conveyance of troops, stores, &c., from and to South Africa, ace pp. 179 and 181.<br />

6475.<br />

l\f<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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1<br />

178 SHIPPING.<br />

i<br />


PoR'rs in the UNITED KINGDbM, from<br />

PORTS. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894.<br />

I I I I I I I I<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Ton.. I<br />

Ton•. I Ton•. Tons.<br />

Barrow· . . . . 84,733 73,806 105,665 147,883 94,897 124,843 87,746 101,751<br />

Blyth . Included with North Shields •<br />

Bristol • . . . 540,944 577,524 574,064 556,971 610,609 599,566 639,742 778,760<br />

Cardiff • . . . 2,536,129 2,928,265 2,912,896 8,178,699 8,425,891 8,511,961 8,478,636 3,789,856<br />

Do"rer . . 698,171 692,759 668,947 789,846 825,100 795,787 801,194 750,424<br />

Fleetwood . . . 132,648 126,809 147,987 176,897 141,692 186,328 201,958 193,783<br />

Folkestone . 219,611 229,130 217,888 216,370 ~19,784 232,418 23?,413 231,3!!1<br />

Gloucester . . . . 208,197 242,966 259,688 244,951 239,465 241,564 ?.42,115 805,106<br />

Goole . 410,266 275,988 267,230 272,225 298,855 281,998 325,040 400,238<br />

Grimsby . . 566,780 586,477 606,719 663,513 673,036 735,255 704,432 824,870<br />

Hartlepool • . 500,185 511,290 555,170 492,433 468,443 502,793 461,700 509,317<br />

Harwich . 513,039 564,271 590,322 500,029 527,210 654,088· 616,633 642,578<br />

Hull . . . l,816,296 l,897,868 2,008,205 1,997,138 2,087,871 2,141,311 l,949,676 2,210,021<br />

LiYerpool (iucluding Birkenhead) 5,186,393 5,368,196 5,789,400 5,782,351 5,866,920 5,913,860 5,251,570 5,492,327<br />

London . . . . 6,880,187 7,470,949 7,550,121 7,708,705 7,637,965 7,866,946 7,782,402 8,301,868<br />

Lynn . . . . 77,900 69,200 88,480 95,717 105,883 123,343 112,290 124,103<br />

*:Uanchester • . . - - - - - - - 201,106<br />

*Runcorn . Included in other Ports. 60,888<br />

§lfaryport . . . 108,975 80,335 78,268 124,079 54,536 47,108 43,145 35,9H<br />

Middlesbrough 729,714 681,H4 758,488 833,562 761,068 695,878 952,303 l,063,6~0<br />

Xewcastle and North a~d}<br />

South Shields •<br />

2,868,282 2,818,307 2,953,442 3,401,216 3,568,293 3,054,885 3,210,813 8,470,523<br />

XewhaYen 292,178 309,456 338,806 287,339 302,688 305,444 345,257 350,114<br />

Newport 950,743 962,329 945,471 920,560 736,145 754,073 752,901 933,585<br />

I Plymouth 202,293 210,810 202,756 200,919 195,507 190,850 l92,:i36 214,559<br />

l Southampton 809,162 867,737 924,255 888,352 918,068 913,187 l,117,906 1,211,533<br />

i Sunderland • 748,182 743,443 791,119 725,859 756,800 702,187 859,1)99 895,206<br />

'Swansea 532,899 504,818 531,751 565,644 559,884 585,993 506,278 539,478<br />

·Weymouth - 41,976 42,823 54,165 87,264 92,909 107,936 113,822 118,918<br />

i Aberdeen . 98,943 119,389 141,583 146,332 144,848 146,086 110,625 136,835<br />

.Alloa 124,979 104,170 120,075 120,983 122,872 138,462 118,294 101,03S<br />

; Ardroo •• san . 19,924 33,786 34,318 46,481 19,467 8,004 90,835 108,786<br />

Borrowstoness 157,929 165,216 191,912 197,776 185,640 189,837 179,807 141,417<br />

Dundee 265,618 266,018 281,620 811,505 818,373 283,185 240,~72 268,977<br />

Glasgow - 972,032 994,811 1,058,228 1,121,700 995,885 1,209,841 1,039,297 1,088,185<br />

Grangemouth· - 320,257 899,254 436,480 415,749 514,145 611,778 563,409 478,986<br />

Gran ton - - 102,951 112,868 112,958 143,524 145,040 127,900 121,887 187,515<br />

! Greenock 283,681 277,663 829,004 274,498 230,451 252,512 181,042 184,0!!9<br />

Kirkcaldy - 267,146 288,645 830,400 387,107 434,699 517,731 ~58,867 328,683<br />

I Leith • 636,521 687,616 708,084 706,491 778,978 821,603 839,940<br />

85',9781<br />

:Belfast • . - - - 231,354 195,899 227,058 243,255 248,048 825,215 283,809 821,090<br />

Cork - 105,659 89,178 115,228 187,110 107,728 121,628 181,588 126,828<br />

DubJin • . . . 240,459 215,838 222,394 248,732 228,788 252,712 227,467 240,520<br />

Other Forts - - 1,199,055 1,171,761 1,298,550 1,300,857 1,220,594 1,381,858 1,472,592<br />

TO'l.·A.L UNITED KINGDOM - 82,177,381 83,952,742 85,524,275 36,835,712 36,8[19,015 37,672,004 B7,141,988 39,818,019 ···°'·"'I<br />

• lfanchester was constituted a Customs Port frum lst January.189~, and Runcorn was Included within its limits.<br />

i Including also Workington.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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SHIPPiNG.··<br />

i't9<br />

STEAM) that ~NT:i!;R~D witli·C4Rd6ES andt}n 13AttAST, at each:·Of ,the PRINCIPAIJ<br />


1895.<br />

I 1896. 1· 1897.<br />

I i898. I 1899: I 1900. ·1<br />

<strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I<br />

P6RTs'.<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

. 85,65-1 141,460 126,692 169,888 279,734 200,331 166,139 Barrow.<br />

731,473 940,523 989,504 974,285 884,077 Blyth.<br />

676,884 733,595 740,824 7S7,54S· 764;787· 719,762' 824,772 :Bristol.<br />

8,700,615 3,957,920. ' 4,485,782 S,188,599 5,193,248· 5,132,523 4,958,980 Cardiff.<br />

742,940 809,851 891,931 908,684 982,062· 973,074 955,472 Dover.<br />

161,290 125,566' 142,812 92,312· 100,879 137,679 109,654 Fleetwood.<br />

235,132 240,885 300,465 367,884 380,017 392,159· 814,598 Folkestone.<br />

268,274 284,910' 268,514 251,606 269,676 231,926 '217,815 Gloucester.<br />

470,844 498,067 496,144 485,926 522,362 588,820 505,845 Goo le.<br />

763,892 795,648 874,490 944,158 966,624 931,238 876,333 Grimsby.<br />

406,412 479,207 523,904 512,974 516,569 587,416 513,629 Hartlepool.<br />

653,718 714,133 739,594 722,900 737,609 709,421 722,8(11 Harwich.<br />

2,150,654 2,262,929 2,278,875 2,466,714 2,509,262 2,666,598 2,460,830 Hull.<br />

5,598,341 5,643,514 5,845,384 6,170,454 6,152,187 6,001,563 6,465,153 }Liver~! (Including<br />

'48,968 ~.'J,457 Bir :enhead)<br />

8,435,676 8,993,235 9,110,925 9,437,764 9,437,950 9,580,854 9,992,753 London.<br />

18,679 278,fJ76 116,191 London.<br />

107,815 139,731 153,323 161,679 186,946 151,002 150,961 Lynn.<br />

317,625 480,627 516,887 576,792 682,517 787,497 758,670 "~Ianchester<br />

63,525 81,513 68,050 76,754 62,611 72,680 62,810 *Runcorn<br />

65,210 122,937 205,981 250,807 362,786 299,706 802,855 §Maryport.<br />

953,985 1,005,667 985,834 919,659 1,087,167 1,096,130 855,598 Middlesbrough.<br />

8,292,624 3,517,256 3,175,734 3,678,416 8,720,731 3,897,142 3,881,554 { Newcastle and<br />

South Shields.<br />

848,087 366,037 390,180 390,487 385,878 368,403 355,792 New haven.<br />

871,886 924,593 1,066,254 626,563 1,196,146 1,092,068 906,231 Newport.<br />

216,191 246,684 262,887 233,910 231,988 234,285 214,074 Plymouth.<br />

1,420,531 1,563,891 l,5i'S,956 1,548,684 1,646,080 1,618,913 1,645,166 Southampton.<br />

16,168 860,341 371,778 Southampton.<br />

730,396 746,824 845,012 810,987 838,042 800,027 880,912 Sunderland.<br />

580,481 579,332 616,020 712,860 003,781 1,018,148 874,583 Swansea.<br />

115,361 124,757 134,794 146,735 131,170 118,197 104,911 Weymouth.<br />

136,941 130,308 127,213 147,899 149,050 141,104 185,927 Aberdeen.<br />

125,418 101,916 108,400 109,462 118,884 lS0,691 91,457 Alloa.<br />

155,024 219,975 245,396 259,004 227,980 209,34$ 187,263 Ardrossan.<br />

199,812 233,850 223,108 220,082 254,926 350,216 222,355 Borrowstoness.<br />

330,682 275,477 278,720 811,986 273,461 234,158 219,914 Dundee.<br />

1,184,537 1,289,377 1,418,724 1,457,705 1,460,700 1,452,023 1,558,301 Glasgow.<br />

e,ss1 - Glaagow.<br />

597,562 626,464 6i5,635 681,529 706,497 789,5U 700,59' Grangemouth.<br />

136,324 129,106 133,777 176,630 148,067 164,548 132,310 Gran ton.<br />

213,533 179,956 184,981 161,708 142,688 120,848 • 159,468 Greenock •<br />

496,753 484,320 613,364 654,923 741,132 785,640 737,141 Kirkcaldy.<br />

887,842 962,843 966,249 1,023,819 968,482 1,055,291 1,023,669 Leith,.<br />

310,449 '349,470 419,146 372,570 414,350 435,980 447,855 Be If Mt;<br />

1S4,840 148,501 153,500 144,917 141,247 136,562 115,i89 Cork.<br />

215,822 225,563 236,498 210,127 249,160 2~9,674 232,253 Dublin.<br />

1,448,109 1,540,064 1,588,447 1,660,721 1,641,041 1,630,340 1,699,142 Other Ports.<br />

40,001,691 42,477,459 44,923,S20 145,125,3-14 48,875,918<br />

es~u<br />

49,222,806<br />

690,/,17<br />

48,601,016<br />

510,421<br />

North and<br />

} TOTAL U~ITKD ~XGDOX. _<br />

Note -The flgarcs in italics for the years 1899, 1900, anll 1001 show the tonnaip of vesssls employed by Govern·<br />

ment In the conveyance of troops, stores, &c., from South .Africa. 'l'heso figures arc not included In the<br />

fli;mre11 in l(om:in type above.<br />

C475 M 2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

J80 SHIPPING ..<br />

Barrow·<br />

No. 54.-ToNNAGE of BRITISH and FOREIGN. VESSELS (S.~JLING ,~p.d<br />


PORTS.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I<br />

1893. 1894.<br />

'.l'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Toos. I Tons. • 1 Tons. I ToDJ.<br />

150,241 58,974 00,252 105,497 121,120 89,412 ~00,251l 81,850<br />

Inclmfod with North Shields.<br />

. 222,946 182,634 207,171 221,180 219,673 313,672 288,5~2 328,776<br />

- 4,714,247 5,148,008 5,401,618 5,641,511 5,000,444 6,267,218 5,029,408 .6,738,585<br />

Blyth<br />

Bristol •<br />

Cardiff •<br />

Dover<br />

675,948 671,411 655,009 767,724 .818,045 789,437 701,092 ·,~,001)<br />

Fleetwood<br />

47,829 45,832 54,482 67,252 52,177 87,232 63,011 79,448<br />

]rolkestone . 215,214 227,1)84 220,1)98 215,825 219,963 241,829 232,07!) 280,273<br />

Gloucester<br />

Goole<br />

Grimsby<br />

Hartlepool<br />

Harwich<br />

Hull<br />

Liverpool (including Birkenhead) 4,758,525 4,941,556 5,147,028 5,159,450 5,220,988 5,236,116 4,588,231 4,997,251<br />

London· 5,284,149 5,470,912 5,566,620 5,772,062 5,787,552 6,049,518 5,635,654 6,131,712<br />

55,441 57,675 56,091 59,428 60,455 70,156. 65,561 87,196<br />

400,517 392,486 368,785 429,009 448,117 437,732 383,096 480,176<br />

617,885 593,673 609,082 689,165 683,308 723,025 636,841 869,308<br />

453,SSO 472,528 419,758 336,300 303,258 279,24~ 291,038 366,425<br />

- - 463,055 543,198 548,808 '514,720 492,431 567,353 553,246 604,384<br />

. 1,585,238 1,503,824 1,582,178 1,655,996 1,725,805 1,659,869 1,465,654 1,728,102<br />

Lynn . . . 19,660 20,071 36,679 34,597 67,516 67,918 38,243 74,891)<br />

I<br />

*:llanchester • - - - - - - - 198,811<br />

*Runcorn . Included in other Ports. 48,620<br />

~lfaryport 88,213 58,521) 87,124 182,983 71),{)86 91,863 67,573 70,832<br />

:lliddlesbrough 564,253 555,048 675,029 623,967 588,165 497,Wl 707,229 885,492<br />

Newcastle and North • and}<br />

South Shields<br />

3,665,WO 4,392,727 4,786,939 5,010,008 5,308,201 4,441,340 4,817,571) 5,184,592<br />

Newhaven . 281,380 291),961 335,516 283,455 I 293,047 298,871) 334,2?Z 358,229<br />

Newport 1,482,436 1,469,403 1,422,712 1,816,430 1,101,818 1,109,980 1,086,027 1,450,066<br />

Flymouth 100,160 102,462 101,501 101,172 00,017 W,100 111,042 124,114<br />

Southampton 749,739 790,891 838,911 818,133 833,508 822,848 1,012,847 1,111,983<br />

Sunderland • 1,000,278 930,345 1,001,570 956,266 06(),018 858,910 1,120,634 1,189,SlS<br />

Swansea 746,459 733,952 810,134 858,215 809,157 836,495 818,866 803,282<br />

Weymouth • 40,378 39,739 49,057 81,634 91,900 108,782 118,381 121,448<br />

Aberdeen 33,542 43,739 23,21)3 38,003 42,078 53,259 46,863 61,699<br />

Alloa - 219,042 205,595 203,786 186,491) lSS,535 100,945 171,839 114,575<br />

Ardrossan 17,952 22,982 27,527 39,728 26,273 61,894 112,715 102,757<br />

Borrowstoness 158,275 163,278 100,128 208,803 206,773 232,772 210,294 153,111<br />

Dundee 57,408 56,342 55,306 85,851 00,436 72,403 96,666 92,526<br />

GJ.!lligW . 1,464,326 1,554,671 1,621,807 1,697,662 1,661,672 1,731,064 1,700,302 1,672,089<br />

Grangemouth 425,047 491,461 560,694 616,173 674,787 729,165 706,358 592,408<br />

Gran ton . 72,839 62,569 61,830 97,431 102,326 95,060 79,052 82,lb7<br />

Greenock . 142,438 176,0~9 236,915 202,752 208,078 230,838 186,706 167,431<br />

Kirkcaldy - 549,654, 605,100 697,885 710,541 740,805 822,266 831,311 530,369<br />

Leith . 502,068 512,988 557,587 626,673 666,602 722,784 729,492 716,520<br />

:Eelfaat. • 63,671 68,649 69,392 86,024 81,179 157,009 159,160 172,339<br />

• 1<br />

Cork 36,054 80,222 30,480 42,676 28,601 32,026 32,549 27,511<br />

Dublin • - 88,702 78,803 68,043 79,033 79,160 120,847 108,324 U0,430<br />

Other Ports • 810,248 791,142 ~87,895 874,685 816,681 916,208 959,948 1,040,286<br />

I<br />

TOTAL U:UTED KillGDOlt 32,984,393134,W(i,40~ 136,365,620 187,448,15~ 87,953,605 38,194,251 37,400,009 40,718,840<br />

• .lfauchester was constituted a Customs Port from lst Jimuary 1894• and Runcorn was lnclmlcd within Its limits.<br />

* Including also Workington.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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181<br />

STEAM1 that CLEAftED, w,it4 CARGOES and in BALLAST, at each of the<br />


1895.<br />

1 1896. l 1897. I 1898. \ .1899. 1 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>. l<br />

PORTS.<br />

Tons. Tons. l'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

47,235 60,979 641076 84,617 150,064. 117,165 106,028 Barrow·<br />

55,088 11460,580 1,563,505 1,512,982 11425,918' Rlyth.<br />

1!!,695 !14,726 Blyth.<br />

271,983 875,187 850,492 486,316 386,434 401,483 449,820 Bristol.<br />

6,500,510 6,947,224 7,504;927 ,5,699,506 8,227;112 7,686,717 7,788,077 Cardi.ff;<br />

7,flS Cardiff.<br />

784,834 800,822 863,937 896,800 1,019,169 964;476 950,447· Dover.<br />

62,936 48,329 60,653 44,779 46,649 55,785 42,504 Fleetwood.<br />

234,299 239,851 200,796 864,072 876,~04 885,654 806,471} Folkeatone.<br />

83,456 85,958 82,355 85,288 69,337 75,284 59,862 Gloucester.<br />

449,962 481,481 479,586· 485,042 527,348 5901784 400,582, Goo le.<br />

829,83i 761,097 849,176 982,163 ~44,889 960,236 899,314 Grimsby.<br />

293,420 322,366 828,654 8'1'0,801 878,307 411,620 86S,lH9 Hartlepool.<br />

604,832 ·665,861 686,070 685,160 699,086 656,600 672,886 Harwich.<br />

1,612,685 1,748,980 1,862,107 2,160,766 2,075,921 2,274,187 1,004,526 Hull.<br />

4,883,190 5,230,510 5,415,667 5,998,348 5,665,813 5,666,145 6,171,072 }Liverpool (including<br />

80,788• 111,969 76,281 · Dlrkenhead).<br />

6,110,825 a .. 588,910 6,686,784 '7,158,438 7,091,125 7,119,673 7,282,892 London.<br />

le;·,aos 869,835 !!93,.'118 London.<br />

61,79! 5!!,747 60,073 64,984 94,709 85,232 81,157 Lynn.<br />

288,001 864,151 854,084 488,950 513,865 595,757 572,662 *::\Ianchester.<br />

46,807 51,243 40,880 55,575 84,837 80,571 25,031 *Runcorn.<br />

01,671 101,520 121,410 161,l!l5 148,282 102,038 07,698 §Uaryport.<br />

875,050 1,011,140 1,010,249 863,804 1,012,242 882,156 710,570 :i\liddlesbrongh.<br />

4,822,648 4,044,316 4,207,098 4,581,096 4,528,881 4,8~4,157 4,840,256<br />

}Newcastle and North and South<br />

Shields.<br />

5!1,118 24,645<br />

8,7,703 855,058 879,797 388,801 870,982 858,619 847,840 .Newhaven.<br />

1,374,237 1,461,082 115521456 904,818 1,6521751 1,511,883 1,487,400 Newport.<br />

7,734 Newport.<br />

132,952 184,800 127,228 108,755 107,758 112,405 107,619 .Plymouth.<br />

1,328,303 l,434,863 1,434,253 1,374,927 1,476,378 1,895,486 1,417,555 Southampton.<br />

9!!,f)(XJ 921/.M 314,76!) &mthampton.<br />

l,002,55~ 1,054,866 1,098,955 1,150,753 1,111,034 1,159,905 1,266,243 Sunderland.<br />

S,1/)5 - S1111dcirland.<br />

031,588 012,385 084,849 1,209,211 1,280,300 11427,903 1,389,856 Swansea.<br />

116,650 124,728 188,870 146,588 125,747 109,H2 102,704 \\'eymouth.<br />

50,840 61,460 64,054 451867 88,219 48,008 46,802 Aberdeen.<br />

154,479 147,217 187,487 140,804 137,865 154,757 117,2113 Alloa.<br />

152,162 108,407. 180,658 218,456 1841266 187,141 95,80$ Ardrossan.<br />

212,536 240,060 218,898 285,267 251,748 839,577 221,187 Dorrowstoness.<br />

84,822 121;038 105.2i5 108,038 128,635 82,465 65,892 Dundee.<br />

11911,730 110021830 2,002,002 2,226,788 21152,234 2,229,574 2,267,589 Gll\sgow.<br />

19,011 10,68'1 !!,!84 Glasgow.<br />

733,576 768,883 807,481 800,750 828,854 939,100 83U,9Sl Grnngemouth.<br />

87,423 64,150, 62,654 • 110,514 891570 118,850 76,430 Gran ton.<br />

187,804 1281587 135,497 1661085 1S0,84S 138,777 146,421 Oreenock.<br />

771,098 818,404 956,839 11088,082 11009,354 1,258,793 1,163,785 Klrkcaldy.<br />

750,257 829,839 8641996 958,298 8271244 982,809 ·022,085 Leith.<br />

176,101 176,577 266,254 2861061 265,087 2491770 226,168 Belfast.<br />

38,147 881301 47,197 SS,887 30,944 25,5'6 15,079 Cork.·<br />

31,794 - - Cork.<br />

180,830 126,604 148,426 101,004 77,702 148,705 188,628 Dublin.<br />

950,002 988,707 087,722 1,118,080 1,009,386 004,211 11047,468 Other Porta<br />

S,87!t - - Other Poru.<br />

----<br />

401537,483 42,984,968 45,275,584 451838,622 48,006,960 40,800,887 }TOTAL UNITl:D KtNGDOX.<br />

956,089 881,56! 48,~~:~~<br />

Notc.-l'ho figures In ltaUcs for tho ycara 1899, 1000 n.nd 1001 show tho tonnage of veuela emplo;red by Government<br />

In the conveyance of troops, stores, &c., to South Africa. '.l'hcsc figures are not Included In t11e figures In Roml\n<br />

tyre above.<br />

}'rom U-0chestcr.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

182 SHIPPING.<br />

No. 55.-TOTAL NET TONN.AGE of BRITISH and FOREIGN VESSELS, _distinguishing Sailing<br />

(exclusive of PORTS in th9. 0HANNEL<br />

!.-With CARGOES<br />

ENTERED.<br />


I<br />

I Sailing. ) Steam. I Total. Sailing. ) Steam. I Total. Sailing. I Steam. I Tot.al.<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> ll,221,9i0 33,20i,i60 44,429,730 542,123 515,252 1,057,3i5 11,764,093 33,723,012 45,48i 1 105<br />

lSSS 10,SS2,573 35,699,~20 46,582,193 494,368 496,424 990,792 11,876,941 36,196,0U 47,572,985<br />

1SS9 10,570,486 35,840,506 46,410,992 476,855 636,507 1,113,862 11,047;341 36,477,013 47,524,354<br />

lSW 9,776,Sil 36,696,877 46,473,248 493,883 771,481 1,265,364 10,270,254 37,468,858 47,738,612<br />

1891 9,457,250 ~.090,6-H 47,547,894 457,544 828,184 1,285,728 9,914,794 38,918,828 48,833,622<br />

1892 I 9,279,736 38,715,347 47,995,083 455,126 964,857 1,419,983 9,784,862 89,680,204 49,415,066<br />

1893 9,046,842 41,238,844 50,285,680 539,204 91)7,640 1,536,844 9,586,046 42,230,484 51,822,530<br />

1894 9,070,494 43,798,926 52,869,420 528,806 1,171,126 1,699,982 9,599,300 44,970,052 54,569,352<br />

1895 S,626,905 44,146,973 52,773,878 488,832 1,091,998 1,530,825 9,065,737 45,238,006 54,304,703<br />

1896 8,728,941 45,213,214 53,942,155 421,475 1,252,365 1,673,840 9,150,416 46,465,579 55,615,995<br />

1897 8,256,682 46,35~619 54,615,301 402,807 1,500,645 1,903,452 8,659,489 47,859,264 56,518,758<br />

1898 6,251,636 47,023,963 53,275,599 370,140 1,770,290 2,146,430 6,621,770 48,800,253 55,422,029<br />

1899 5,726,492 48,223,554 53,950,046 341,346 2,021,194 2,362,540 6,007,838 50,244,748 56,312,586<br />

1900 5,881,391 47,308,609 52,750,000 403,840 2,674,723 3,078,569 5,785,237 50,043,332 55,828,569<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 5,282,370 47,181,469 52,463,839 349,794 2,995,472 3,S.15,200 5,632,164 50,176,941 55,809,105<br />

I<br />

Note.-Pnor to the year 1898 the Tonnage of Vessels Cleo.red Coastwise<br />

ENTERED.<br />


II.-With<br />

Saillng.<br />

I Steam. I Total. So.illng. I Steam. I Total. Snillng. l Steam. I Total.<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tous. Tons. Tons. •rons. Tons.<br />

188i 7,i27,i98 19,653,198 27 ,Se':>,006 74,375 38,800 113,235 7,802,173 rn,6!>2,058 27,494,231<br />

1888 7,534,1{)5 21,464,503 28,998,698 55,981 25,543 81,524 7,590,176 21,490,046 29,080,222<br />

1889 7,474,013 21,234,101 28,708,114 57,459 21,526 78,985 7,531,472 21,255,627 28,787,099<br />

1890 6,955,778 21,544,481 28,500,259 54,047 45,917 99,004 7,009,825 21,590,398 28,600,223<br />

1891 6,714,475 22,330,579 29,045,051 76,184 34,074 110,258 0,790,659 22,3M,G53 29,155,812<br />

1892 6,524,218 22,282,080 28,806,298 51,452 90,209 141,601 0,575,670 22,372,28!) 28,947,959<br />

1893 6,306,250 23,646,405 29,052,655 69,915 05,24!) 125,104 6,300,165 23,711,65-1 30,077,819<br />

l~ 6,232,li82 !4,691,708 30,924,200 69,934 100,319 170,253 0,302,510 24,708,027 31,100,643<br />

1895 6,051,980 24,991,319 31,043,305 54,404 71,999 120,403 6,106,300 25,003,818 31,169,708<br />

1896 6,302,022 25,556,194 31,858,816 56,063 tlS,455 124,518 0,358,(!85 25,624,049 31,083,334<br />

1897 5,001,GS'i 2/J,031,058 81,!)32,645 53,804 84,861 138,725 li,955,451 20,115,919 32,071,SiO<br />

la98 4,401,846 26,370,358 SQ,772,204 45,152 00.918 142,070. .S,446,998 25,467,270<br />

"·'"·'"I<br />

1S9'J 4,1.11~ 26,744,385 30,855,76!) 49,414 105,061 154,475 4,160,708 26,841>,440 31,010,244<br />

"""·'" I<br />

1000 3,827,184 26,720,901 80,548,085 67,325 l40,fi27 218,852 3,894,liO!l 26,807,428<br />

1001 3,799,724 26,580,004 30,380,328 li2,998 130,827 183,825 S,81i2,722 20,711,481 SO,li64,153<br />

I<br />

-<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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'SHIPPI:NG.<br />


ISLA,NDS a;1d th.e ISLE OF .M:A!i).<br />

and in BALLAST<br />

CLEARED.<br />

183<br />


YEA~.<br />

Sailing.<br />

I Steam. I Total. Sailing. I Steam. I Total. Salling. I Steam. I Total.<br />

I<br />

Tons. 1'ons. Tons. Tons. Tona. Tons. Tons. . Tons. Tons •<br />

9,707,956 28,492,747 SS,200,703 446,177 347,201 793,878 10,154,183 28,839,948 38,994,081<br />

9,528,910 31,698,561 41,222,471 419,790 302,128 721,918 9,048,700 81,995,689 41,044,889<br />

9,341,624 81,887,110 41,228,784. 398,600 404,395 802,995 9,740,224 82,291,505 42,031,729<br />

8,612,485 32,790,448 41,402,933 425,587 489,406 914,9~8 9,038,022 83,279,854 42,317,876<br />

8,282,851 38,976,728 42,259,080 397,092 532,328 929,420 8,679,449 8.&,509,051 43,188,500<br />

8,004,914 34,671,327 42,676,241. 382,922 622,916 1,005,838 8,387,836 35,294,243 43';682,079.<br />

7,911,022 36,767,380 44,678,411 ·140,504 606,567 1,047,071 8,351,526 37,873,056 45,725,482<br />

7,7813,211 83,741,622 46,527,883 456,034 795,302 1,251,336 8,242,245 39,536,924 47,779,160<br />

7,362,245 38,828,270 46,100,524' 862,370 710,888 1,073,267 7,724,624 39,539,167 47,263,791<br />

7,422,938 81J,998,6S4<br />

·.<br />

47,421,622 364,471 823,909 1,188,470 7,787,409 40,822,688 48,610,092<br />

6,948,902 41,115,508 48,064,500 361,264 991,458 1,852,722 7,810,166 42,107,056 49,417,222<br />

6,181.568 46,275,383 52,456,951 325,823 1,670,287 2,005,110 6,507,301 47,954,670 54,462,061<br />

5,661,880 47,374,470 53,036,359 312,418 1,003,831 2,216,249 5,974,807 49,278,301 55,252,608<br />

5,266,USS 46,384,728 51,651,716 362,873 2,411,077 2,773,950 5,629,861 48,795,805 54,425,666<br />

5,208,4!)1 46,216,418 51,424,909 310,020 2,710,254 3,029,274 5,527,511 48,026,672 54,45-1,183<br />

I<br />

fa Ballast from London Is noli included m tlte above statement.<br />

CARGOES only.<br />


<strong>1887</strong><br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1890<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

lSOa<br />

1804<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

1897<br />

1898<br />

1899<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

Sailing.<br />

I Steam. I<br />


I<br />

Total. Sailing. Steam. Total. Sailing. Steam. I Total.<br />

I !<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. 'l'ons. Tons. I<br />

Tons.<br />

6,363,604 18,632,271 24,005,875 55,992 72,900 128,901 6,-119,500 18,705,180 25,12-1,776<br />

6,284,014 21,807,816 27,681,SSO fi0,640 42,702 03,351 6,334,668 21,440,518 27,775,181<br />

6,217,676 21,205,730 27,423,406 45,220 26,429 'il,649 IJ,262,800 21,282,159 27,495aQS5<br />

5,785,218 21,501,007 27,287,125 44,793 55,487 100,280 5,830,011 21,557,394 27,387,405<br />

5,567,960 22,106,498 27,674,458 64,584 40,948 105,532 5,632,544 22,147,446 27,779,990<br />

5,414,084 22,177,228 27,592,212 46,61{) 89,695 136,SH 5,461,663 22,266,923 27,72£;626<br />

5,203,388 23,500,226 28,712,614 54,041 li0,165 113,206 5,257,429 28,568,301 28,825,820<br />

5,089,578 24,750,007 29,846,185 67,757 105,305 178,1112 5,157,835 24,86~002 80,0IO,SS7<br />

4,880,864 24,933,376 20,764,240 40,305 73,lll 118,416 4,871,ltl9 25,006,487 20,S77,ll56<br />

4,092,3i9 35,630,099 30,523,078 47,821 61,228 109,040 5,040,200 25,591,927 S0,632,127<br />

4,719,102 26,105,680 80,824,872 47,505 89,100 186,671 4,766,097 26,194,840 S0,001,1>43<br />

4,166,566 26,202,974 30,869,540 41,550 93,001 134,551 4,208,116 !6,295,975 80,504,091<br />

S,858.Q79 26,580,036 80,444,115 47,441 107,163 154,004 S,905,520 20,603,109 30,598.719<br />

S,576,816 26,535,834 80,111i650 64,366 147,24'& !11,610 3,640,682 26,682,578 S0,89..3,260<br />

3,592,519 26,428,300 80,020,885 51,024 148,259 lOj,283 l!,643,548 26,571,6~ S0,215,16S<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1<br />

!YE.!2.S.<br />

I<br />

j<br />

1SS7<br />

lSSS<br />

1SS9<br />

lSOO<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

18!H<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

1897<br />

]~<br />

1899<br />

1001 '~I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

184 SHIJ?PING.<br />

No. 56.-TOTAT.1 NuMBERand TONN.AGE of VESSELS REGISTERED under the ME11C~ANT<br />

I<br />

SHIPPING Acrs, belonging to the UNITED KINGDOM, including JERSEY, GUERNSEY,<br />

and the ISLE OF MAN, at the end of each Year.<br />

YEARS.'<br />

Number.<br />

l<br />


Tonnage. Tonnage. Tonnage.<br />

Number.<br />

Number.<br />

Net. Gross. Net. Gross. Net.<br />

I Gross.<br />

I<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. '!'ons. 'l'ons.<br />

lSSi 15,4~3 3,249,907 3,362,724 6,663 4,085,275 6,523,626 ' 22,136 7,335,182 9,886,350<br />

lSSS 15,025 3,114,509 3,224,059 6,871 4,349,658 6,950,967 ', 2i,800 7,464,167 10,175,026<br />

1889 14,640 3,041,278 3,152,202 7,139 4,717,730 7,555,424 21,779 7,759,008 10,707,626<br />

1800 14,181 2,936,021 3,055,136 'i,410 5,042,517 8,095,370 21,591 7~978,538 11,150,506<br />

1891 13,823 2,972,093 3,108,379 7,720 5,307,204 8,545,252 . 21,543 8,279,297 11,653,631<br />

1892 13,578 3,080,272 3,233,058 '7,950 5,564,482 8,975,452 21,528 8,644,754 12,208,510<br />

1893 13,239 3,0SS,260 3,201,617 8,088 5,740,243 9,277,865 ; 21,327 8,778,503 12,479,482<br />

1894 12,943 2,987,161 3,158,973 8,263 5,969,020 9,671,063 21,206 8,956,181 12,830,036<br />

1895 12,617 2,866,895 3,040,194 8,386 6,121,555 9,952,211 21,003 8,988,450 12,992,405<br />

1896 12,274 2,735,976 2,909,~96 S,522 6,284,306 10,237,?03 20,796 9,020,282 13,146,999<br />

1897 11,911 2,589,570 2,758,358 S,590 6,363,601 10,401,202 20,501 8,953,171 13,159,560<br />

1~8 11,566 2,387,943 2,550,819 8,838 6,613,917 10,829,811 20,404 11,00l,fl60 13,380,830<br />

189'J 11,167 2,246,850 2,404,594 9,029 6,917,492 11,3-11,622 20,196 9,164,342 13,746,216<br />

1900 10,773 2,096,498 2,247,228 9,209 7,207,610 11,816,924 19,982 9,304,108 14,064,152<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 10,572 1,990,627 2,135,265 9,484 7,617,793 12,472,584 20,050 9,608,420 14,607,849<br />

I<br />

,,<br />

~To.<br />

57.-NmmER and NET TONNAGE of SAILING and S'l'EAl\I VESSELS BUILT in<br />

the UNITED KINGDOM (exclusive of Vessels Built for Foreigners and of Vessels<br />

Built for the Royal Navy).<br />

I<br />


I n:ARs.<br />

Num~. I<br />

Tons. :'iumber. Tons. . Numbe>. I Tons.<br />

YEARS.<br />

188i 258 81,279 322 225,.140 580 306,719 <strong>1887</strong><br />

1888 269 75,696 465 407,445 734 483,141 lSSS<br />

IS.~ 277 117,481 582 554,024 859 671,505 1889<br />

1890 277 123,224 581 528,789 858 652,013 1890<br />

1891 SOS 191,917 622 478,682 930 670,599 1891<br />

1892 322 258,700 521 434,091 843 692,791 1892<br />

1893 33S 114,895 448 380,393 781 495,288 1893<br />

1894 363 89,156 524 485,460 887 574,616 1891<br />

1895 319 54,155 541 465,467 860 51!.l,622 1895<br />

1800 389 57,467 542 462,503 931 519,970 18!)(i<br />

1897 518 66,729 536 t.15,538 1,054 482,267 189i<br />

1898 665 41,839 705 654,158 1.370 695,997 1898<br />

1899 570 45,510 675 703,904 1,245 749,414 1899<br />

1900 504 38,576 667 698380 1,171 736,906 1900<br />

1001 567 54,967 637 720,714 1,20! 775,681 <strong>1901</strong><br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

. .SHIPP;DNG. 185<br />

No. b8.-NU.l\IBER and NET TONNAGE of SAILING arid STEAnI VESSELS (other than<br />

War Vessels) SOLD to FOREIGN COUNTltIES, distinguishing between SHIPS NEW<br />

BUILT and VESSELS on the REGISTRY of the UNITED KINGDOM, which were<br />

sold to FOREIGN COUNTRIES in each year from <strong>1887</strong> to <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

YEAR.<br />

•<br />

Number.<br />






----<br />

I<br />

I Tons. Number. Tons. Number. Tons. Number. I '.!.'ons.<br />


---<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 14<br />

I li,848 125 60,665 134 67,967 81 44,9{1'<br />

1888 37 20,697 93 68,210 160 87,269 100<br />

I 48,707<br />

1889 17 19,666 204 162,832 161 87,304 133<br />

f<br />

55,611<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1890 29 25,468 178 131,720 236 93,936 105 ! 52,~61<br />

1891 67 37,693 148 ·100,001 154 34,473 126 79,588<br />

1892 26 28,372 97<br />

I<br />

77,593 105 39,969 I 95 59,756<br />

1893 32 l 8,979 89 77,936 141 55,466 134 105,771<br />

1894 58 I 10,472 102 81,921 163 62,484 137 121,200<br />

I<br />

j<br />

1895 60 10,562 154 113,298 146 62,162 196 183,035<br />

1800 100 15,824 205 187,709 142 74,3S5 191 164,697<br />

1897 72 22,916 142 130,027 188 96,342 216 183,0H<br />

1898 31 3,051 148 164,828 226 149,671 261 267,380<br />

1899 53 4,973 162 176,163 265 96,W5<br />

I 178 188,297 246 I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

334 313,407<br />

1900 64 7,434<br />

99,882 301 306,180<br />

I<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 71 6,6ll6 113 189,756 146 64,465 lSl 176,068<br />

,!<br />

I<br />

In addition to the above the following VESSELS were J3UILT for 'WAR PURPOSES.<br />


I<br />

I<br />

I Ym. I I I<br />

You. I I<br />

! I I I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Yt:ar. I No. I Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. Year. No. Tons.<br />

-·<br />

I<br />

I<br />

188a 17 840 1800 20 3,437 1894 10 2,4SS 189S 17 6,732<br />

IS87<br />

I 17 3,006 1891 I<br />

13 300 1895 25 4,152 1899 26 lS,460<br />

18SS 17 1,899 1802 8 2,792 1896 27 13,311 1900 20 11,63(1<br />

1889 6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

7l!G 1893 7 2,471 1897 15 !l,457 <strong>1901</strong> 10 11,000<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

1<br />

I<br />

j<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

lSG<br />



to the UNITED KINGDmr, EMPLOYED in the Hol\IE and FOREIGN TRADE, and the<br />


(Vessels ernployed on Rivers and in Inlancl Navigation are not included.)<br />

--<br />


I<br />

TR •.\DES I?I WHICH·<br />

:E:UPLOYED.<br />

I I Poraon• I Ponono<br />

Number. I I Ponon•<br />

5umber. I Tons.<br />

Employed<br />

Xumber. l Tons. Emfiloyed Tons. Emfiloyed<br />

(including (inc uding (Inc uding<br />

'Joreigners).* foreigners).~ foreigners).*<br />

rlSSi 9,5i2 633,602 32,1G5 1,i40 304,538 18,631 11,312 938,UO 50,796<br />

I is.'5 9,199 59i,H5 39,505 1,760 289,852 20,540 10,959 886,997 60,045 I<br />

: 1SS9 8,985 571,438 38,31-1 1,841 289,245 21,015 10,826 860,683 59,329<br />

j 1soo 8,894 575,147 37,618 2,004 325,082 22,850 10,898 900,229 60,463<br />

I 1891 8,6i5 556,968 36,714 2,211 354,714 25,107 10,886 911,682 61,821<br />

i 1S9:? 8,428 539,326 35,4v5 2,344 371,530 26,611 10,772 910,856 62,106<br />

In the 1&93<br />

i<br />

8,211 518,264 34,659 2,446 372,527 27,809 10,657 890,791 62,468<br />

Home lS94 7,9'20 503,727 33,480 2,597 404,634 29,727 10,517 908,411 03,20i<br />

I<br />

Trade. 1895 7,495 4i9,i64 31,757 2,633 I<br />

! !5!16 7,0SO 449,19'2 30,HS ~5" .,1 """" .<br />

I<br />

I 421,40! 31,800 9,838 870,500 01,948<br />

406,477 30,424 10,128 886,241 62,181.<br />

l f !S9i 6,8il 434,125 28,866 2,0UO 432,839 83,759 9,777 866,904 62,025<br />

I<br />

I<br />

: 1S9S 6,521 407,626 26,989 3,102<br />

! I<br />

438,382 35,682 9,623 8-10,008 02,671<br />

i I<br />

i lSff.l 6,485 39i,lii 25,000 3,295 I 4i0,449 37,893 9,780 873,020 03,493<br />

i<br />

'lf!04) 6,203 3iS,957<br />

I<br />

23,734 3,545 508,359 40,288 9,748 887,310 04,022<br />

I<br />

I, lOOL 5,S53 356,052 22,13i 3,()05 492,108 40,025 9,458 848,100 02,702<br />

:<br />

---- ---- --·<br />

, l3Si 405 51,129 1,845 226 : 103,022 8,287 631 154,751 5,132 •<br />

j<br />

I ·~sg<br />

\ .1.~- 42S 55,495 2,420 248 105,712 8,839 676 101,207 0,259<br />

j<br />

I ' l3S9 500 66,619 2,856 2GO 118,407 4,092 700 185,020 0,948<br />

i 151>0 331 50,991 2,219 250 133,563 4,386 031 184,554 0,005<br />

l<br />

I<br />

: 1$91 312 40,248 1,796 2S6 100,813 5,109 598 207,061 0,905<br />

Partly in<br />

I<br />

:S:)2 283 37,200 1,655 300 206,000 0,228 589 24:1,860 7,883<br />

! thellome<br />

:Sfl3 263 32,345 l,46i 345 224,562 6,438 608 250,907 7,905<br />

and partly<br />

!594 246 31,669 1,422 33S 222,402 6,135 5~,1 254,131 7,557<br />

in the<br />

lSll:i 222 26,721 1,210 32!) 238,033 0,444 551 205,354 7,054<br />

Foreign<br />

. !SOO 220 24,640 1,156 204 232,297 6,003 514 250,937 7,15!)<br />

Trade.<br />

l&fli 180 22,645 1,022 313 256,223 6,584 493 278,863 7,606<br />

'1&98 199 26,174 1,115 320 265,144 6,722 519 291,318 7,83i<br />

lSW 178 20,250 960 338 308,898 7,834 510 329,148 8,794<br />

'1000 134 15,936 710 207 201,542 4,930 401 217,478 5,049<br />


• 'SHl'.PJ>lNG. · 187<br />

Nu:rirnER and To~N4G~. o~ ~E

188<br />


•<br />


.(As published in<br />

l\lONTHS.<br />

I<br />

<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I 18!:!8. I 1889. I 1890. l 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />

WHEAT· . . . . .<br />

'<br />

Janus.ry - .<br />

February . .<br />

. :\larch<br />

. A11ril ~fay . .<br />

June 'July . . .<br />

.August •<br />

, September<br />

October .<br />

SoYecber .<br />

I D"'emOO -<br />

The Year . . .<br />

January .<br />

February<br />

• )[arch .<br />

i .April · 1<br />

)lay - . -1<br />

l June -<br />

: I<br />

• Julr -<br />

August • . .<br />

September -<br />

October - - .<br />

::;o,·ember .<br />

December - . .<br />

The ~ear . .<br />

January - . -<br />

February .<br />

llirch -<br />

.April . .<br />

~fay<br />

June . . . .<br />

July<br />

..<br />

, .August •<br />

: ~ptember . .<br />

October· . .<br />

1<br />

~oYem?er I December . .<br />

I<br />

' The Year • .<br />

s. d. s. cl. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d.<br />

85 s 31 1 30 2 30 l 82 8 35 4 26 s<br />

33 3 30 4 29 6 29 9 32 s 32i 6 25 9<br />

82 10 so 4 30 l 29 9 83 10 82 11 24 10<br />

32 9 80 4 29 1\) 29 10 SS 3 31 2 25 l<br />

38 9 31 5 29 9 32 2 40 4 31 5 26 8<br />

35 l 31 6 28 6 S2 8 89 9 30 l 27 l<br />

S4 4 3110 29 2 83 8 38 6 29 2 26 7<br />

32 6 I 85 0 80 9 36 l 39 9 29 7 26 2<br />

29 l I 35 10 29 11 32 11 38 5 28 11 26 3,<br />

29 2 31 5 29 8 30 11 35 0 28 2 27 7<br />

30 5 ! 3110 80 1 S2 8 87 10 28 l 27 3<br />

I<br />

31 0 31 0 30 0 32 8 37 6 26 3 26 8<br />

I<br />

32 6<br />

I 3110 I I 29 9 8111<br />

BARLEY· . . .<br />

37 0 so 3 26 4<br />

26 6 so 3 26 9 31 6 28 6 29 2 25 4<br />

I<br />

25 10 30 0 26 4 81 8 27 10 28 2 25 l<br />

I<br />

24 2 29 8 25 10 30 6 27 8 27 8 25 2<br />

23 11 30 4 25 0 29 8 27 8 26 9 ~ 10<br />

22 G 30 6 23 10 28 l 27 8 25 4 23 8<br />

22 0 24 11 21 6 25 4 27 6 24 2 23 5<br />

21 0 24 3 21 7 24 l 26 l 22 9 21 4<br />

22 5<br />

I<br />

21 2 20 7 26 l 26 2 23 7 23 2<br />

27 4 28 6 29 l 30 2 28 6 27 0 27 6<br />

28 11 29 1 30 0 29 6 29 6 27 9 29 4<br />

29 6 28 l 30 5 29 2 31 0 26 10 29 l<br />

I<br />

29 l 27 l 30 2 28 6 29 11 24 9 28 11<br />

:<br />

.<br />

25 4<br />

I<br />

27 10 25 10 28 8 28 2 26 2 25 7<br />

OATS . -<br />

17 1 l 15 11 16 4 18 4 17 9 20 6 16 11<br />

16 11 15 10 16 5 18 6 18 0 19 11 17 9<br />

I<br />

16 3 15 8 16 11 18 G 18 5 20 4 18 2<br />

16 0 15 11 17 6 18 4 19 5 20 6 18 6<br />

l<br />

16 4 16 8 18 4 19 4 20 10 21 2 19 5<br />

1611 17 l 18 8 19 9 21 1 21 9 20 8<br />

17 2 17 3 19 4 19 7 21 3 21 5 21 7<br />

16 7 I 19 0 19 6 20 0 21 4 21 5 19 11<br />

1411 18 2 17 9 18 3 20 2 19 7 17 9<br />

15 2<br />

l<br />

f 16 5 16 7 17 4 18 9 17 10 18 0<br />

15 8 16 5 17 1 17 5 21 7 17 10 18 2<br />

16 0 I 16 6 17 11 17 9 21 5 16 10 18 l<br />

i<br />

16 3 ! 16<br />

!<br />

9<br />

! 17 9 I 18 7 20 0 I<br />

10 10 18 9<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


189<br />


the LONDON GAZETTE.)<br />

1894.<br />

I 1895. I 1896. \ 1897. I 1898. I 1899.<br />

WHEAT,<br />

I<br />

8, d. 8~ d. 8, d. 8. d. 8. d. g, d.<br />

26 3 2t 7 25 7 31 2 34 9 26 11<br />

25 0 20 0 26 2 2{) 4 35 1 26 2<br />

24 3 19 11 25 2 27 il 35 7 25 8<br />

24 7 20 5 24 10 27 3 36 0 24 8<br />

24 7 22 5 25 6 28 0 46 0 25 3<br />

23 10 25 9 25 1 27 3 43 7 25 6<br />

24 6 24 9 24 4 27 0 37 5 25 5<br />

24 3 24 2 22 11 30 3 33 1 24 8<br />

20 7 22 10 23 9 33 7 211 5 25 3<br />

17 8 24 6 27 10 32 5 26 6 27 4<br />

18 10 25 9 32 4 33 9 28 1 26 4<br />

20 7 24 11 81 8 83 11 27 2 25 6<br />

22 10 23 1 26 2 80 2 34 0 25 8<br />

I 1900. I <strong>1901</strong>;<br />

g, d. 8. d.<br />

25 10 26 8<br />

25 11 26 5<br />

25 11 25 9<br />

25 11 26 6<br />

25 8 27 3<br />

25 9 27 6<br />

28 8 27 4<br />

28 9 27 4<br />

28 6 26 l<br />

28 5 25 9<br />

27 2 26 8<br />

26 8 27 4<br />

26 11 26 9<br />

I<br />

MONTHS, .I<br />

January.<br />

February.<br />

Ma1cl!.<br />

.April.<br />

~Ia.r.<br />

June.<br />

July.<br />

August.<br />

September.<br />

October.<br />

November.<br />

December.<br />

The Year.<br />

B.i.RLEY.<br />

28 11 21 6 23 10 24 11 2i 7 28 0<br />

28 ·5 21 9 22 2 24 2 27 9 26 11<br />

27 2 21 3 21 3 22 9 28 1 26 6<br />

27 3 21 0 21 11) 22 1 27 9 25 6<br />

25 0 20 5 21 6 20 7 26 0 23 11<br />

23 8 19 7 20 8 21 8 25 8 23 10<br />

21 7 10 8 18 s 18 0 24 s 22 1<br />

20 4 20 3 20 9 19 7 26 6 2·1 1<br />

23 11 24 0 24 0 27 11 27 3 26 s<br />

28 0 25 5 28 10 28 4 27 9 27 7<br />

22 10 25 1 27 0 26 3 28 5 26 7<br />

21 5 28 11 25 1 26 3 28 5 25 8<br />

24 6 2111 22 11 28 6 27 2 25 7<br />

I 25 7 25 6<br />

25 1 25 4<br />

24 s 25 0<br />

24 9 25 7<br />

24 7 ~b ~<br />

23 8 23 9<br />

23 6 22 9<br />

23 10 2~ 0<br />

25 7 25 3<br />

26 3 26 6<br />

25 11 26 10<br />

25 8 26 7<br />

24 11 25 2<br />

January.<br />

February.<br />

Mnrch.<br />

April.<br />

.~foy.<br />

June.<br />

July.<br />

August.<br />

Sei>tember.<br />

October.<br />

November.<br />

December.<br />

'l'he Year.<br />

O •.\.'£S.<br />

17 11 13 11 13 10 16 4 17 2 li 0<br />

18 0 13 8 13 11 16 5 17 7 1611<br />

18 2 13 10 13 7 16 2 17 9 16 11<br />

18 3 14 2 13 6 16 4 18 2 17 0<br />

18 8 15 2 14 5 17 5 21 0 17 8<br />

18 9 16 0 14 10 18 0 20 8 IS 0<br />

19 9 16 1 15 0 18 8 20 8 18 0<br />

18 11 15 7 14 4 17 7 20 1 17 (j<br />

15 9 ·13 7 14 1 16 11 17 s 16 4<br />

13 6 13 5 15 9 16 l 16 6 16 5<br />

13 9 14 2 17 6 16 5 17 2 16 6<br />

14 l 13 11 16 7 16 9 17 0 16 2<br />

16 2 17 8<br />

16 7 17 7<br />

16 11 17 8<br />

17 6 18 4<br />

18 l • 19 3<br />

18 10 19 11<br />

19 4 10 8<br />

19 4 18 0<br />

17 5 17 4<br />

16 11 17 6<br />

16 11 18 2<br />

17 2 19 5<br />

I<br />

January.<br />

Fobnmri-.<br />

March.<br />

.A.1>ril.<br />

~fay .<br />

JUlill.<br />

July.<br />

August.<br />

I Sqpt-Onlber.<br />

Octobe.r.<br />

NO\·ember.<br />

December.<br />

I<br />

17 l 14 6 14 0 16 11 18 5 17 0<br />

17 7 lS 5<br />

'l'ho Year.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

190 CO~N-SA:LES.<br />

No. 61.-QUANTITIES of BRITISH WHEAT, BARLEY, and .QJ\.Ts Retumed aE<br />

I<br />

?IIONTHS.<br />

I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I I I<br />

1889. 1890.* 1891. 1892. 1893.<br />

WHEAT· . .<br />

I Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. I<br />

Qrs. Qr.s. Qrs.<br />

January· . . 209,641 220,361 lSS,842 245,5[.5 410,660 2~5,773 247,176<br />

February . . 163,326 228,443 203,576 26{},613 287,764 24p47 248,&88<br />

. )larch . li0,644 805,490 2SS,810 886,134 271,777 2SS,019 218,271<br />

.April . 284,760 180,620 193,249 279,293 289,246 252,547 259,775<br />

May 206,398 203,343 237,544 384,269 ~02,048 315,256 246,203<br />

June 1-15,024 197,684 205,762 lllS,923 209,915 217,218 168,727<br />

Jul.r . 101,469 106,549 138,604 122,164 110,'193 211,131 170,338<br />

.A.ug'llSt • . 102,645 71,556 193,752 111,584 169,422 238,828 130,240<br />

Sep~mber<br />

272,260 140,63i 245,222 346,.699 183,662 159,957 267,535<br />

October· 339,246 269,359 336;180 367,670 411,746 327,624 213,084<br />

No'iember : I 243,831 225,295 386,864 416,138 313,709 246,123 204,724<br />

305,880 278,524 327,00~ 314,657 288,001 249,256 241,449<br />

December .<br />

· I<br />

l .,<br />

The Year 2,495,124 2,427,861 2,945,408 3,439,699 3,248,743 3,0~2,879 2,620,060<br />

BARLEY·<br />

-<br />

I<br />

J~nuary- 440,209 305,411 362:109 407,611 58(},578 594,642 513,826<br />

Yebruary 283,134 203,365 319,489 287,217 330,(;'16 373,214 363,021<br />

1Iarch - 152,987 117,386 245,225 209,446 242,663 22H,674 2}5,610<br />

April 83,712 27,942 67,415 53,792 102,164 88,499 85,315<br />

:May 18,107 8,436 20,9i0 13,965 35,153 23,498 14,4:36<br />

June - 5,915 1,510 4,837 2,li5 6,946 4,804 4,404<br />

July 2,322 625 2,032 547 2,315 2,642 2,'172<br />

August - - - 1,747 404 2,176 2,426 2,205 2,405 4,054<br />

September G0,239 9,568 102,043 115,892 23,146 37,013 242,603<br />

October - . 515,507 298,832 586,688 595,509 454,951 578,033 672,050<br />

No\'ember - - 517,997 431,456 954,757 989,904 758,535 782,762 660,440<br />

December - 507,791 596,900<br />

l'he Year 2,5S9,66i 1,911,835 3,329,815<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

3,327,991 3,255,518 3,493,634 3,366,056<br />

I -<br />

OATS -<br />

660,474 649,507 710,316 781,548 588,125<br />

r January. 46,168 31,068 31,642 56,053 88,984 70,297 69,799<br />

I Feb?Ull.ry 41,068 32,513 35,155 64,047 66,908 56,518 71,968<br />

: :ltarch - 37,386 35,181 42,795 76,943 61,369 53,785 59,805<br />

i April 22,858 14,580 20,749 32,1)28 42,366 28,632 41,21)8<br />

')lay - . 16,036 13,137 16,925 41,727 28,131 18,082 22,139<br />

June 9,243 10,482 10,810 19,514 13,971) 8,891 12,020<br />

1 July . . ~ 6,387 3,636 7,694 10,560 7,767 6,534 12,987<br />

'Angust 9,178 2,914 10,066 16,334 12,455 6,338 14,307<br />

! September - 21,779 11,224 27,201 46,716 21,476 22,026 72,605<br />

' Octt,ber • - 31,753 25,257 49,762 70,282 73,185 76,470 60,078<br />

'Sovember . . 26,389 30,686 84,347 89,271 75,072 70,543 63,879<br />

i Dei-..ember - . 41,233 45,0i8 78,637 74,658 70,021 74,050 'H,637<br />

:<br />

The Year - 309,478 255,726 415,783 599,033 561,713 492,166 575,522<br />

I<br />

,....i;.<br />

~etnms were collected from 187 market towns till April. l~~o · from 191' towns till De-:ember, 1900 ; and from<br />

100 towns for t.b~Yi.llr <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

CORN-:-SALES. 191<br />


1897. 1898. 1899. 1900.<br />

• WHEAT.<br />

Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs. Qrs.<br />

108,900 177,581 100,868 211,671 241,383 263,093 230,952 202,421 Janu:ir;.-..<br />

205,683 207,709 214,187 211,994 250,450 315,184 291,426 252,919 l~cbrua:.-y.<br />

208,721 267,584 133,541 196,014 207,824 289,453 846,001<br />

288~678 )!arch.<br />

104,000 188,187 118,725 162,831 227,448 347,205 259,140 157,937 April<br />

148,800 180,362 180,151 296,230 243,578 842,057 307;117 100,434 l\fay.<br />

116,560 178,060 90,088 60,557 86,479 305,030 288,2'69 11)3,367 June.<br />

03,215 97,129 68,574 HS,032 49,447 237,852 116,159 70,556 July.<br />

54,291 187,786 195,785 195,881 54,265 156,250 142,633 159,212 August.<br />

195,782 126,307 241,630 291,785 204,567 360,500 252,556 305,341) September<br />

194,874 184,412 295,205 322,000 401,353 283,614 252,048 235,790 October<br />

161,000 108,3114 260,142 309,049 310,161 282,289 1SS;130 296,932 Novcmllr;r<br />

__ 2_4_4,_8-33_ _1_14_,8_00_ __ 2_1_1,_0_20_ __ 2_5_0,_51_1_., __ 3_25_,_46_1_ __ 3_41_,6_1_8_,, __ u_9_,os_2_ 245,004 _J December.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

________________________ 1,956,824 1,928,383 2,111,021 .:.-,______________...,________________________)<br />

2,756,561 . I 2,602,416 3,530,961 2,923,483 2,605,550 ! 111~ Year.<br />

BAJLLEY.<br />

I<br />

321,160 427,830 389,594 409,838 476,007 370,351 358,053 387,705<br />

232,614 366,503 396,104 253,651 292,188 290,327 315,660 268,198<br />

117,846 241,256 170,204 121,223 134,257 109,721 215,237 188,713<br />

31,655 55,734 61,040 52,873 36,015 74,330 59,381 35,178<br />

6,216 19,119 26,473 19,893 9,295 14,051 27,737 14,716<br />

2,99~ 5,083 4,626 5,723 1,712 3,667 6,038 8,514<br />

294 1,980 2,427 3,329 1;184 2,613 2,398 485<br />

982 3,323 9,546 2,835 762 2,463 2,117 6,467<br />

93,845 136,682 153,749 112,711 97,796 232,859 139,037 229,212<br />

517,812 627,604 892,999 917,488 997,077 773,237 577,646 710,832<br />

688,768 985,142 774,431 750,371 882,SSS 698,137 742,949 1,006,497<br />

715,164 550,320 510,069 607,252 722,970 664,388 744,540 518,112<br />

January.<br />

February.<br />

)larch.<br />

•.\pril.<br />

)fay.<br />

June.<br />

July.<br />

.August.<br />

Septe11>l;.:;('.<br />

i<br />

l<br />



No. 62.-AOREAGE under each CROP, and also under FALT.OW and GRASS, together<br />

· -each year from<br />

D:&sCRIPTION<br />

of<br />

CROPS and LIVE STOOS:.<br />

GREAT BRITAIN (Total Area 56,785,9-17 Acres).*<br />

----<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. ! 1888. I<br />

Acres. I Acres.<br />

CULTIY ATED .ARE.\ • I 32,615,~04 32,684,399<br />

CORY CROl'S.<br />

\\11eat •<br />

Barley or :Sere<br />

Oats<br />

1<br />

Rye<br />

Beans<br />

: Ft:as<br />

Total •<br />

GR:Et.'\ CRoJI.'S.<br />

Potatoes<br />

i<br />

, Turnips and Swedes<br />

I .lfangolJ • • • •<br />

1 Cabbage, Kohl-Rabi, and}<br />

' Rape· • • • •<br />

i Vetches or Tares • • •<br />

I<br />

Other Green Crops (except}<br />

Clover or Grass) • -<br />

Total • • -<br />

j 3.463,706<br />

Ormm CROPS, GRASS, &c.<br />

Fla."C<br />

Hops - -<br />

. Small Fruit - - - -<br />

I Bare Fallow or Uncropped}<br />

: Arable faud - - •<br />

: Ciov!?r, Sain·}For Ifay •<br />

fom, and<br />

1<br />

; Grasses'!lnder Notforllay·<br />

i :Rotation - -<br />

1 Total - • •<br />

l<br />

I 4,562,360<br />

I 11,109,035<br />

l<br />

Total - - • I lfi,671,395<br />

Permanent }<br />

'. Pas~ure(e.'C- For Ila~· .<br />

. clus1\'e of<br />

: S}~;~tainor Not for Ilay<br />

Land) -<br />

; ORCHARDS : Arable or Grass}<br />

1 Land used also for Fruit<br />

Trees- • • •<br />

' )L\RKEl' G.\RDENS • •<br />

j Kt'RSEP.Y G.ARDE::SS : for~<br />

Trees, Shrubs,<br />

I i;rowing<br />

I .'.LC. • • • • -<br />

1<br />

W• IQDS, C.Vppices, and<br />

!<br />

J'lantations • • •<br />

LrrnSTOCK.<br />

· Horses : used solely for}<br />

1 Agriculture, ~fares kept<br />

: YJlely for breeding, and<br />

, unbroken 1Iorses • -<br />

' Cattle •<br />

: Sheep<br />

i 'f5g:a (~xclusive of those}<br />

: kept in Town11 and by<br />

I C:Qttagers) • -<br />

!<br />

I<br />

2,817,32-1<br />

( 2,085,156<br />

8,0S7,9S!l<br />

t<br />

!<br />

65,160<br />

! 370,714<br />

229,551<br />

I<br />

I S,145,894<br />

!<br />

i 559,052<br />

I 1,972,287<br />

I 360,600<br />

l<br />

I<br />

153,673<br />

!<br />

272,014<br />

H5,300<br />

I<br />

l<br />

3,70-2<br />

I 63,706<br />

I -<br />

485,874<br />

I<br />

~·"'·'"'I<br />

I<br />

2,456,069<br />

I 4,781,021 I<br />

I<br />

202,:m \<br />

I ...... 1<br />

12,478<br />

I<br />

- t<br />

I<br />

2,564,237<br />

2,085,56L<br />

2,SS2,252<br />

75,144<br />

339,056<br />

2411503<br />

8,187,758<br />

- l<br />

590,160 I<br />

1,944,liB<br />

361,185<br />

159,414<br />

307,445-<br />

109,479<br />

3,4il,861<br />

2,203<br />

58,494<br />

36,724<br />

456,858<br />

2,292,499<br />

2.431,800<br />

4,724,299<br />

4,776,954<br />

10,969,243<br />

15,746,197<br />

199,178<br />

67,383<br />

12,265<br />

2,560,7441<br />

No.<br />

No.<br />

1,428,383 l 1,420,350<br />

6,441,268 I 6,121'1,375<br />

25,958,768 l 25,257,149<br />

!<br />

2,299,323; 2,404,3441<br />

I<br />

lSS!i.<br />

I 1890. I 1891. I 1892.<br />

--- ---·-<br />

Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres.<br />

32,733,357 32,767,741 32,918,514 32,685,550<br />

2,449,354 2,386,336 2,3071277 2,219,839<br />

2,121,530 2,111,178 2,112,798 2,03&,811<br />

2,SSS,704 2,002,998 2,899,129 2,997,645<br />

69,438 54,826 '46,640 48,103<br />

321,220 358,413 354,702 311,310<br />

224,926 219,382 204,277 194,424<br />

S,Oi5,172 S,033,133 7,924,823 7,808,031<br />

-<br />

579,222 529,661 532,794 525,361<br />

1,920,6-11 1,947,598 1,918,535 1,937,163<br />

326,128 331,288 354,704 361,235<br />

147,091 169,761 156,891 150,992<br />

226,559 233,071 228,258 198,678<br />

100,006 96,149 lOB,387 00,148<br />

-<br />

3,2ro,647 3,2!l7,52S 1 3,2!l7,569 I 3,269,577<br />

2,375 2,455 1,801 1,421<br />

57,749 53,001 56,145 56,259<br />

H,933 46,234 58,704 62,148<br />

513,320 508,ll!l 429,040 457,162<br />

2,476,731 2,292,194 2,130,124 2,135,362<br />

2,400,5641 2,516,625 2,586,458 2,537,449<br />

4,877,298 4,808,819 4,716,582 4,672,802<br />

4,987,486 4,778,639 4,503,108 4,489,626<br />

10,878,3i7 11,238,853 11,930,7·12 11,86S,524<br />

15,S65,&63 16,017,492, 16,433,850 I 16,35S,150<br />

199,897 202,305 209,996 208,950<br />

69,620 73,335 81,368 83,081<br />

12,649 12,811 12,883 12,954<br />

- - 2,694,575 -<br />

So. No. No. No.<br />

1,421,389 1,432,620 1,488,403 1,518,082<br />

6,139,555 6,508,632 6,852,821 6,944,783<br />

25,632,020 27,272,459 28,732,558 28,734,70:1<br />

2,510,803 2,773,609 2,888,713 2,137,859<br />

*TncludinglUvers and Lakes, but not Including Foreshore and Tidal water.<br />

I 1893.<br />

---<br />

Acres.<br />

32,643,709<br />

1,897,524<br />

2,075,097<br />

3,171,756<br />

65,929<br />

244,95-1<br />

210,479<br />

7,655,739<br />

627,821<br />

l,~'75,235<br />

3-17,009<br />

156,202<br />

175,492<br />

105,147<br />

8,286,906<br />

1,258<br />

57,564<br />

65,487<br />

514,558<br />

2,047,008<br />

2,522,622<br />

4,569,630<br />

4,270,480<br />

12,222,087<br />

16,492,667<br />

211,66'1<br />

87,560<br />

12,801<br />

-<br />

No.<br />

1,524,527<br />

6,700,676<br />

27,280,334<br />

2,113,530<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

le;/<br />


with the Number of favK .SrocK: in GREAT BRITAIN in the first week of June in<br />

<strong>1887</strong> ·to <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I<br />

!<br />

GltEAT BRITAIN ('l'otal .Area 66,785,947 .Acres).*<br />

I I I I 1. I I<br />

D~Rll'TIO!C<br />

of<br />

I 1894. 1895. 1896. 189i. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>. CROPS and LIYK Srocx.<br />

l Acres. ! Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. .Acres.<br />

32,629,855 , 32,577,513 32,C6~,359 32,520,076 32,477,031 82,457,107 82,437,886 32,417,445 CULTIV A.TED ARRA.<br />

----<br />

CORN CROl'S.<br />

1,927,962 l,4l7j483 1,693,957 1,889,161 2,102,206 2,000,981 1,845,042 1,700,965 Wheat.<br />

2,095,771 2,166,279 2,1C4,764 2,035,790 1,903,666' 1,982,108 1,990,265 1,972,448 .Barley or :Bere.<br />

3,253,401 3,296,063 3,095,488 8,036,056 2,917,760 2,959,755 8,026,088 , 2,900,902 Oats.<br />

90,617 68,713 74,844 ,76,486 .68,795 52,236 53,564 56,650 Rye.<br />

2~4,180 242,665 251,076 228,912 2s1,u64 249,056 263,240 251,618 :Beans.<br />

!<br />

I 7,854,074 I 7,400,227<br />

I<br />

I<br />

-------- ---<br />

7,416,690 7,457,061 7,400,835 7,406,887 7,335,403 7,133,iOS • Tot.al.<br />

243,043 209,024 196,661 190,656 175,9·!4 162,751 157,209 155,130 'Peas.<br />

GREEN CROl'S.<br />

504,454 541,217 563,741 504,914 524,591 547,682 561,361 5i1,260 Potatoes.<br />

1,956,573 1,915,902 1,888,118 1,833,145 1,772,502 1,740,993 1,688,606 1,004,525 Turnips and Swedes.<br />

353,598 334,861 837,723 354,588 352,235 873,942 414,416 398,805 Mangold.<br />

( Cabb:ige, Kohl·Rabl, and<br />

177,394 153,053 162,105 166,66i 165,724 173,036 195,683 lso,s~s ·1 Rape. ·<br />

187,117 165,804 178,830 199,424 193,612 185,891 177,951 157,546 \'etches or Tares.<br />

(Other Green Crops (except<br />

121,683 114,925 133,574 130,776 124,806 127,559<br />

\ Clover or Grass).<br />

----<br />

3,258,591 I<br />

14~1051 '"""'<br />

l!,800,769 3,225,762 3,189,508 3,183,470 8,149,103 3,180,122 - :3,12 ,230 • Total.<br />

' I<br />

4761<br />

!<br />


1,760 2,023 1,796 1,419 902 467 640 Flax.<br />

69,535 58,940 54,217 50,863 49,735 51,843 51,308 51,127 Hops.<br />

68,415 74,547 76,245 69,792 69,753 71,526 73,780 74,999 Small Fruit.<br />

! 3i5,701 475,650 432,375 384,757 352,09J S38,574 808,108 ::!4.J,105 {Bare Fallow or Uncropped<br />

Arable Land.<br />

l<br />

------------------------- ,,.0 , liay f lo«>, Sain·<br />

2,121,90.J 2,803,431 2,171,966 2,285,965 2,381,551 2,214,888 2,201,781 2,356,415 • foln,and<br />

2,SSl,728 2,426,370 2,423,971 2,567,843 2,529,799 2,503,068 2!557,877 2,.J90,9i2 Not for Hay. G~:tfo~er<br />

---- ----<br />

I 4,503 1632 4,729,801 4,595,937 4,853,~8 4,911,350 4,807,951 4,759,158' 4,856,387 Total.<br />

I !Permanent<br />

I 4,852,442 4,760,889 4,637,923 4,509,785 4,535,907 4,339,085 4,373,099 4,3~0,459 ForIIny.<br />

.Pasture (e:tc~usive<br />

of<br />

!<br />

Heath or<br />

1 11,612,627 Il,849,674 12,088,553 12,008,083 12,023,485 12,291,662 12,355,936 12,4i6,i90 Notforllay. l :Mountain<br />

j<br />

Land);<br />

16,610,563 16,726,476 16,512,8~ 16,559,392 16,630,747 16,729,035 16,S'2i,249 -<br />

I 16,465,069<br />

------------<br />

Total.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

214,187 218,428 224,116 226,0591 .~., .. I<br />

{OnCHARt>S: Arable or Grass<br />

221,254 228,608 234,660 J..and used also for Fruit<br />

'.1'rees.<br />

88,210 92,837 00,696 Not ascertained. .U•.\.RKF.T GA!tDENS.<br />

12,716 18,290 Npt ascertained. l {NUnSERi GARDENS: for<br />

growing Trees, Shrubs, &c.<br />

- .!<br />

2,726,116<br />

{WOODS, Coppices, and Plan·<br />

- - - I - ·- I - tations.<br />

'<br />

l No. No. No. No. No. No. No. j :No. {Ho"": mod •olo!J' f°'<br />

I 1,529,461<br />

.Agriculture, ~tares kept<br />

1,545,228 1,552,507 1,526,424 1,51i,160 1,516,630 1,500,143 ; 1,511,431 solely for breeding, and<br />

l<br />


unbroken Horses.<br />

l 0,347,113 6,354,836 6,493,582 6,500,497 6,622,364 G,795,720 6,805,170 i 6,i63,S04 Cattle.<br />

25,861,500 25,792,195 26,705,329 ~6,340,440 26,743,194 27,238,754 26,592,226 : 2'3,377,200 Sheep.<br />

i {l'igs, exclusi\·e cf those<br />

2,390,026 2,884,431 2,878,801 2,842,302 I 2,451,595 2,628,813 2,SSI,932 2,179,925 kept in '.!'owns and by<br />

I<br />

!<br />

Cottni;crs<br />

6475 N<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


ACREAGE under each CROP, and also under FAT.LOW and GnAs8,<br />

week of June in each<br />


of<br />

CROl':i and LIVE STOCK.<br />

IRELAND (Total Arca 20,706,258 Acres).*<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. 11889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />

I<br />


C-OR~ CROPS.<br />

Wheat·<br />

' Barley or Bere<br />

Oats • •<br />

Rye • •<br />

Beaus • •<br />

I<br />

Ip~<br />

Total<br />

, GREE!\ CROPS.<br />

! l'ot.:lt-Ocs<br />

Turnips and Swedes<br />

l!angold and Beet.Root<br />

Cabbage and Rape<br />

Yetches or Tares·<br />

Other Green Qrops (except}<br />

Clover or Grass) •<br />

I<br />

Total • ••<br />

, OTHER CROPS, GRASS, &c.<br />

l<br />

I<br />

~~~s: : : : :<br />

Small Fruit · • • •<br />

Bare Fallow or Uncropped}<br />

Arable Land • •<br />

.Acres.<br />

15,129;107<br />

66,222<br />

162,415<br />

1,815,70-2<br />

10,711<br />

0,852<br />

762<br />

1,562,164<br />

700,763<br />

800,008<br />

.n,670<br />

49,813<br />

'i,497<br />

.s~ 1995<br />

1,228,746<br />

Acres. I Acres. I Acres .<br />

15,062,252 15,066,9U 15,145,617<br />

99,426<br />

171,195<br />

1,280,503<br />

18,933<br />

5,089<br />

732<br />

1,570,878<br />

804,508<br />

2!l4,2Q3<br />

45,729<br />

4!l,S07<br />

8,185<br />

32,0f;'<br />

1,234,009<br />

~,202 j :::i,5S6 I<br />

Not nscertnlned.<br />

12,716 15,68!)<br />

01,181<br />

186,543<br />

1,237,135<br />

15,764<br />

Acres.<br />

15,128,651<br />

Acres.<br />

15,162,521<br />

93,208 81,8!l.& 75,344<br />

182,218 178,299 175,612<br />

1,220,241 1,214,475 1,226,807<br />

14,571 13,480 13,120<br />

~.862 I 8,714 4,H2 3,973<br />

667 655 58!) 460<br />

l-1-,5-1·4·,-60-7_ 1 _1-,4-92-,-32_9_ 1 --1,-4il-4-,8-1-6<br />

1,535,102<br />

787,152<br />

2!)7,818<br />

43,900<br />

49,454<br />

6,014<br />

35,121<br />

1,219,549<br />

11~817 J<br />

17,103<br />

780,801<br />

2!)5,861<br />

46,451<br />

53,301<br />

5,922<br />

32,560<br />

1,214,300<br />

~871 I<br />

15,538<br />

1-~~~-1-----1--~~~-1-~~~--1<br />

753,060<br />

300,261<br />

51,682<br />

50,275<br />

5,614<br />

~0,051<br />

1,100,943<br />

7~672 I<br />

21,786<br />

789,ll42 I<br />

300,445<br />

51,562<br />

47,770<br />

5,300<br />

29,752<br />

1,174,861<br />

2_0,o.i2 j<br />

26,936<br />

Acres.<br />

15,208,414<br />

54,!)88<br />

168,984<br />

1,248,860<br />

13,455,<br />

S,280<br />

326<br />

1,48!l,393<br />

723,636<br />

302,820<br />

47,025<br />

46,897<br />

5,358<br />

27,891<br />

1,153,527<br />

Clov~r, Sain· }For Hny 636,192 627,879 669,966 631,639 595,277 624,095 642,056<br />

!omand ·<br />

G~w~~er SotforHny. 559,509 576,679 5!ll,659 605,702 653_,3_2_7_,. __ 6_28_,88_4_ __...;6_68_,_1_12_<br />

1<br />

Total • • • 1,195,701 1,204,558 1,261,625 1,237,~41 1,248,604 1,252,979 1,300,168<br />

PP~~:(~:c-}For Ila'-' l==l=,50=7,=34=6::;::=1=,5=9=4,=74=3==1=,5=1=6,=6=19==1=,4=6=1,=45=2=:;;::::::1=,4=6=2,=24=4===1,=62=0=,3=7=0===1,=52=5=,l=OS .<br />

elusive or<br />

I<br />

J.<br />

, M~~~tain or ~ot for Ilay. 9,492,232 9,828,729 9,403,126 9,605,472 9,638,073 9,621,917 9,650,736<br />

Land)- •<br />

I Total • • • 10,999,5781 10,923,472 10,919,745 11,066,924 11,100,317 11,142,287 11,175,844.<br />

!oncHAP.Ds:.ArableorGrass}l.}'==========================================================I<br />

I.and u:oed also for Fruit·<br />

Trees. - • •<br />

l£ARKET GARDEXS • • Not ascertained.<br />

NURSERY GAP.D~::iS:<br />

for}<br />

I a;~wi~g :rees~ Sh~ubs,<br />

1 WooDS, Coppices, and} 32!l,363 I 331,687 j . 326,6361 327,461 I 311,554 I 309,5861 807,386<br />

I<br />

I<br />

İ<br />

67,'44<br />

22,038<br />

Plantations . . !==================:==========:==========<br />


Horses: used solely for} No. No. No. No. No. No. No .<br />

.Agricultu;e, )[ares kept<br />

solely !or breeding, and<br />

499,330 507,201 615,188 523,284 528,576 539,783 M5,180<br />

unbroken lforaes •<br />

Cattle • 4,157,409 4,009,2.U 4,093,944 4,240,763 4,448,477 4,531,025 4,464,026<br />

Sheep • • 3,378,417 3,626,780 3,789,629 4,323,805 4,722,391 4,827,702 4,421,693<br />

J'iga • _ 1,408,485 1,397,800 1,380,548 1,570,279 I 1,367,776 1,115,888 1,152,365<br />

1<br />

• Including Rh·ers and Lakes, but not including ¥oreahorc anti Tidal wator.<br />

1<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

iol<br />


together with the Number of LIVE STOCK in IRELAND .in the first<br />

year from <strong>1887</strong> t.o <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

IRELAND (Total Area 20,700,258 Acres).*<br />

DISCRil'TIOM'<br />

of<br />

1894.<br />

I 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>. CROl'S and LIYE STOCK.<br />

I I l I I<br />

·1<br />

t<br />

j Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. I Acres. Acres. Acres.<br />

15,161,925 15,178,718 15,194,'118 15,224,761 15,191,152 15,215,643 15,234,693 15,219,175 CULTIV ATID ARU.<br />

----------------<br />


49,342 30,529 37,1)11) 46,SSO 52,862 51,866 53,821 42,934 Wheat.<br />

104,780 171,785 173,300 170,634 158,151 169,678 174.173 161,684 Barley or Bere.<br />

1,254,813 1,210,?70 1,193,604 1,175,467 1,165,21)5 1,135,536 1,105,050. 1,()!)1),885 Oats.<br />

l 11,921 11,517 13,047 12,384 12,113 11,407 11,001 Rye.<br />

1~718 ·1<br />

2,784 2,354· 1,771 1,377 l,'712 l,WO 2,297 2,254 Beans.<br />

401 498 318 440 587 425 441 866 Peas.<br />

j<br />

f<br />

1,484,041 1,.1:m,05s 1,407,845 l,300,9U 1,871,608 1,847,189 1,817,574 Total.<br />

1,420,121 I ----------------<br />


717,120 710,389 705,652 677,765 664,912 002,914 6M,Oi9 685,321 Potatoes.<br />

311,294 313,248 308,494 308,942 806,936 801,449 297,859 289,759 Turnips and Swedes.<br />

52,023 53,026 54,280 54,246 55,941 02,714 68,803 77,283 Mangold and Beet.Root.<br />

50,673 45,263 50,217 46,217 49,086 46,070 47,076 47,898 Cat?bage nnd .Rnpe.<br />

4,1357 4,247 4,292 4,212 8,465 3,539 S,880 8,484 Vetches or Tares.<br />

27,510 25,409 24,782 24,027 24,686 !?5,855 27,180 2.'i,748<br />

{Other Green Crops {except<br />

Clover or Grass).<br />

------------ ----<br />

1,163,277 1,151,582 1,147,717 1,115,409 1,105,026 1,102,041 1,098,877 'i,079,443 Total.<br />

OTHER CROl'S, GRASS, &c.<br />

84,489 34,989 47,451 55,442 Flax.<br />

- - - - Hops.<br />

l~,851 I ~,202 J ::.so1 j 4~5761<br />

Not ascertained. 4,809 4,859 4,8:'7 Small Fruit.<br />

19,030 ------------------------ 18,500 18,2SO 20,152 16,857 8,277 8,280 r.:009 {Bare Fnllow or Uncropped<br />

Arabic Land.<br />

-----<br />

J 6U,043- 035,603 654,894 637,200 651,007 624,168 607,880 617,831) Fo< lloy. r~~~- ;:~n·<br />

671,155 049,754 664,766 614,28{ 000,922 636,858 611,337 616,440 Not for Hay Grasses under<br />

• .Rotation.<br />

--------------<br />

1,312,198 1,285,857 1,819,660 1,251,400 1,252,889 1,260,516 1,218,717 1,233,7?0 Total.<br />

1<br />


~<br />


ACREAGE under each CROP, and also unqQr FALLOW and GnAss, togetlu~r ,<br />

June in each year<br />

DESCRil'TION<br />

OF<br />

UNITED KrnoDO:M,lncludlng the Isle of ~Ian and Channel Islnnds<br />

(Total Area 77,677,959 Acres).*<br />

I I I I I I<br />

CROPS and LIVE STOCK. <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.<br />

Acre11. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acrea. Acres. Ac1·cs.<br />

CULTIY .\TED AREA. 47,87-1,369 47,876,81" 47,931,165 48,045,161 48,1~9,478 47,977,908 47,979,69S<br />

CORN CROI>S.<br />

I<br />

Wheat. 2,387,518 2,668,226 2,544,540 2,483,505 2,892,245 2,208,607 1,055,213<br />

~rley or Ilerc • 2,255,256 2,264,448 2,316,04-l 2,300,99-l 2,208,078 2,220,243 2,251,293<br />

Oats 4,418,047 4,177,121 4,H0,663 4,187,790 4,128,127 4,238,036 4,435,04-l<br />

Rye . 65,9-l'l. 80,176 85,281 69,458 60,148 61,392 69,526<br />

:Beans· 877,306 844,812 325,191 862,242 859,039 815,418' 248,804<br />

Peas . 280,426 242,414 22S,726 220,170 20-l,1>72 195,010, 210,900<br />

Totnl • 9,735,400 9,785,697<br />

I 1),637,354 1),574,249 1),4-18,509<br />

I<br />

9,828,701 9,171,180<br />

I<br />

GREEN CROl'S.<br />

l'otatoes . 1,867,125 1,400,484 1,877,451 1,821,272 1,200,763 1,276,835 1,262,674<br />

Turnips and Swedes • 2,282,152 2,246,542 2,22t\,734 2,25:,220 2,227,050 2,245,008 2,286,473<br />

ltangold . . 403,897 407,558 370,654 878,818 406,930 418,384 894,543<br />

Cabbage, Kohl-Ra bi, and}<br />

:Rape • • • 203,583 208,836 100,687 213,165 207,260 198,895 203,270<br />

Vetches or Tares 279,826 315,900 232,1)16 230,310 !34,210 204,390 181,152<br />

Other Green Crops(except}<br />

Clover or ,Prass) • lSC.500 143,775 187,868 130,865 138,440 127,654 134,643<br />

Total • 4,716,679 4,720,191 4,541,760 4,534,145 4,510,653<br />

I<br />

4,467,115 4,462,755<br />

Flax • . . 133,904<br />

I<br />

115,795 116,192 90,326 76,477 72,065 68,715<br />


Hops • • 63,709 58,494 57,749 5:1,961 56,145 56,259 67,&65<br />

Small Fruit. . . - 36,l>U 42,600 46,738 59,122 62,547 65,845<br />

Bare Fallow or Uncropped}<br />

Arable "Land • • 498,992 473,116 531,010 524,112 451,402 481,434 586,008<br />

Clo~"• Sain-y•• Ray • -<br />

fom and 2,1>75,094 2,934,788 8,162,002• 2,938,680 2,738,170 2,772,065 2,701,846<br />

Grasses under N t; f ll<br />

Rotation.<br />

1<br />

... o<br />

·<br />

or ay 3,051,852 3,044,568 3,026,440 3,158,630 8,276,867 3,201,391 3,214,503<br />

Totnl • -~·026,946 5,979,351 6,188,502 6,W7,210 -~·~!_5~7__ 5,!173,456 5,016,349,<br />

-<br />

l'enn•nont<br />

Pasture(ex- !

ACREAGE OF' ·dim'.PS A.1."'iD· Nffi\IBER OF LIVE STOCK. 197<br />

with ~he Numb.er of i1vE Srocx, in .the UNITED KINGDOM in the firat .week of<br />

froµi <strong>1887</strong> to <strong>1901</strong>. ·<br />

UNITED KlNODOM, Including the Isle of ~tari;and Channel Islands<br />

(Total Area '17,677,959 Acre.'~·*<br />

I<br />


•-1-89-4-.-,-1-89-5-.-.-1-'18_9_6_.""'""1-18-9-7.__,...1-·1898. \- 1899. \ 1~. / <strong>1901</strong>. ! caol'S and ~;vJ: SToo:tt.<br />

Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. A crcs. ~~ 47,SS:?,000 ~868,553 !!:_79'M74_ 47,795,556 47,795,120 47,760,~ I CULTIVATED AREA.<br />

I CORl~ CROPS.<br />

·1,1)80,228 1,456,042 1,734,118 1,938,956. 2,158,465 2,055,290 1,001,038 1,7'6,11i5 j Wheat.<br />

2,268,193 2,346,867 2,285,933 2,218,529 2 1 068,760 .2.,1.S:};iii· 2,172,lW 2,140,00S B~rley or Bere.<br />

4,524,167 4,527,899 4,308,007 4 122~ 1231 4,097,7~1 · 4,109,825 4,145,835 4 1 112,297 j Oats.<br />

102,676 80,293 88,634 89,621 • 81 1 285 6!,442 65,0!! 67,752 Rye.<br />

247,002 245,128 ~52;QS3 280,429 . 2881327 251,198 265,743. 25i,OOO 1 Beans.<br />

248,551 . 200,609 100,973 ~ 17~ 1ts28 ~~ 157,~13 155,668 l Peas.<br />

9,365,877 8,865,889 j 8,862,608 I 8,890,002 8,816,756 8,808,488 8,707,602 S,-&76,876 i • • • 'l'otal.<br />

1;232,055<br />

2,276,28!<br />

406,16·1<br />

1,262,766<br />

2,237,653<br />

388,441<br />

1,281,819<br />

2,1119,864<br />

302,591<br />

•212,467<br />

182,808<br />

160,125<br />

1,194,19411,201,417<br />

2,150,289 2,087,505<br />

409,501 408,812<br />

213,048 214,970<br />

203,955 197,420<br />

liXl,586 151,317<br />

i<br />


1,222,680 1,227,285 1,223,784 l rotatoes.<br />

2,050,416 ~,094,835 1,962,157 j Tun1lps and Swedes.<br />

437,807 · 484,015 -i73,827 I Mangold.<br />

228,230 198,465<br />

219,200<br />

242 , 972 228 46' {Cabbage, !{ohl·'.r.abl, and<br />

1 I Rape,<br />

192,ll3<br />

151,246<br />

170,868<br />

142,256<br />

189,767<br />

154,697<br />

181,677<br />

170,996<br />

161,8·'9·1 Vetches or Tarea.<br />

{·vGher Green Crops (except<br />

178 • 445 Clover or Grass).<br />

4,·186,092 4,S00,949 4,429,264 ~ 4,261,dl 4,274,US -4-,8-01-,280-- 1 --4-,23-1-,0-2-6-;i • Total.<br />

102,622<br />

59,535<br />

68,868<br />

395,682<br />

97,225<br />

58,1)40<br />

74,920<br />

494,W5<br />

7!,098<br />

5-&,217<br />

70,797<br />

450,946<br />

46,995<br />

50,863<br />

70,245<br />

405,282<br />

85,891<br />

49,735<br />

70,238<br />

369,202<br />

85,466<br />

51,843<br />

76,772<br />

847,031<br />

47,918<br />

51,808<br />

78,690<br />

816,585<br />


56,082 I l


No 63.-STATEMENT showing the ESTIMATED TOTAL PRODUCE of each of<br />

KINGDOM, in each ·of the<br />


CROP.<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. I .1888. 1889. I 1890.<br />



I 1891. I 1892. 1803.<br />

ComCrops:­<br />

Wheat·<br />

Barley and Bere •<br />

Oats<br />

Beans •<br />

Peas<br />

Green Crops:­<br />

Potatoes<br />

Turnips and Swedes<br />

Mangold<br />

Other Crops:-<br />

Hay froJ'!l Clover,Saln·j<br />

fom, d:c.<br />

,, from Permanent<br />

Pasture.<br />

Hops • • • •<br />

Bushels. Bushels. I Bushels.<br />

U,822,747 71,939,tJi'i .7S,202,'rl8<br />

65,800,904 68,482,089 67,426,7~4<br />

107,288,892 107,844,009 118,441,897<br />

8,889,018 9,725,009 9,249,871<br />

5,607,697 5,845,917 5,906,101<br />

Tons.<br />

S,564,894<br />

19,747,726<br />

5,428,491<br />

8,169,218<br />

4,724,313<br />

Cwts.<br />

457,515<br />

Tons.<br />

8,059,124<br />

24,674,981<br />

6,239,267<br />

8,214,114<br />

6,787,525<br />

Cwts.<br />

281,291<br />

Tons.<br />

8,587,76l><br />

28,097,268<br />

6,118,639<br />

4,146,999<br />

7,283,879<br />

Cwts.<br />

497,811<br />

Bushels.<br />

78,854,484<br />

Bushels.<br />

72,127,263<br />

Bushels •.<br />

58,500,932<br />

Bushels.<br />

49,247,297<br />

78,933,801 72,129,095 70,484,597 59,585,377<br />

120,188,046 112,886,261 116,294,989 112,887,879<br />

11,697,610 10,513,858 6,905,229 4,745,843<br />

6,293,719 5,759,00s 5,017,010 4,750,110<br />

Tons.<br />

2,811,785<br />

27,747,491<br />

6,045,805<br />

8,494,278<br />

6,877,799<br />

Cwts.<br />

283,629<br />

Tons.<br />

8,058,461<br />

25,392,123<br />

6,751,012<br />

3,089,100<br />

5,289,495<br />

Cwts.<br />

486,716<br />

Tons.<br />

3,048,783<br />

27,348,326<br />

6,680,730<br />

2,725,211<br />

4,290,042<br />

Cwts.<br />

418,259<br />

Tons.<br />

3,476,828<br />

26,262,101<br />

4,456,568<br />

1,917,750<br />

2,681,051<br />

Cwts.<br />

414,~<br />

IRELAND.<br />

ComCrops:­<br />

Wheat· •<br />

Barley and Bere •<br />

Oats •<br />

Beans • • •<br />

Peaa<br />

Green Crops :­ I<br />

Potatoes<br />

·I<br />

Turnips and Swedes<br />

Mangold and Beet<br />

Bushels.<br />

1,902,193<br />

4,647,272<br />

43,506,024<br />

138,989<br />

15,529<br />

Tons.<br />

3,569,402<br />

2,719,151<br />

454,887<br />

Other Crops:-<br />

Hayfro.m Clover,Saln·} { l l86 588<br />

fom, d:c. ' '<br />

., from Permanent j<br />

2 462 602<br />

Pasture.<br />

' '<br />

Hops • • • • -<br />

1<br />

Bushels.<br />

2,553,486<br />

6,063,400<br />

50,681,576<br />

119,465<br />

16,182<br />

Ton&.<br />

2,523,207<br />

3,326,651<br />

590,055<br />

1,386,758<br />

3,794,188<br />

Bushels.<br />

2,680,838<br />

7,277,001<br />

50,637,839<br />

125,571<br />

15,006<br />

Tons.<br />

2,847,622<br />

3,009,822<br />

621,689<br />

1,478,344<br />

8,375,657<br />

Bushels.<br />

2,639,899<br />

6,859,724<br />

51,107,358<br />

162,023<br />

19,191<br />

Tons.<br />

1,810,429<br />

4,254,710<br />

663,081<br />

1,358,009<br />

3,235,981<br />

Bushels.<br />

2,615,487<br />

7,425,994<br />

54,086,167<br />

180,523<br />

18,077<br />

Tons.<br />

3,0361586<br />

4,849,464<br />

807,204<br />

1,289,208<br />

8,103,644<br />

Bushels.<br />

2,214,813<br />

6,454,538<br />

51,886,208<br />

149,046<br />

11,484<br />

Tons.<br />

2,585,221<br />

4,070,827<br />

747,041<br />

1,200,060<br />

8,211,168<br />

Bushels.<br />

l,665,650<br />

6,210,615<br />

55,700,742<br />

117,703<br />

6,387<br />

Tons.<br />

3,064,265<br />

4,848,212<br />

708,894<br />

1,248,00t<br />

• 8,234,880<br />

Com Crops:-<br />

Bushels.<br />

Wheat- 76,224,940<br />

Barley and Bere • . 69,9'8,266<br />

Oats . 150,789,416<br />

:Beans • . 8,473,007<br />

Peas 5,623,226<br />

Green Crops :-<br />

Tons.<br />

Potatoes • 7,134,296<br />

Turnips and Swedes • 22,466,877<br />

lLtl.ngold . . 5,878,328<br />

Other Crops :-<br />

Hay from Clover,Saln· l { 4,305,801<br />

!oin, &c.<br />

I " from Pasture. Ponnmnt J 7,186,915<br />

Cwtl!.<br />

!Wps • . 457,515<br />

Bushels.<br />

74,493,133<br />

74,545,549<br />

157,975,675<br />

9,844,474<br />

5,862,099<br />

Tons.<br />

5,582,331<br />

28,001,632<br />

6,829,322<br />

I<br />

4,600,872<br />

10,531,713<br />

Cwts.<br />

281,2{)1<br />

Bushels.<br />

75,883,611<br />

74,703,755<br />

164,078,736<br />

9,374,942<br />

5,921,107<br />

Tons.<br />

6,435,887<br />

32,007,085<br />

6,740,278<br />

5,625,343<br />

'"·"~·"' Cwts. I<br />

407.811<br />

Bushels.<br />

75,993,883<br />

80,793,525<br />

171,29!i,404<br />

11,859,633<br />

6,812,910<br />

Tons.<br />

4,622,214<br />

82,002,201<br />

6,708,886<br />

4,852,287<br />

0,613,780<br />

Cwts.<br />

283,629<br />

UNITED KINGDOX (exclusive of the<br />

Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.<br />

74,742,?00 60,775,245 50,!ll2,S:t7<br />

'i!J,555,08(.l 76,939,135 65,745,00'2<br />

166,472,428 108,181,197 168,588,121<br />

10,694,376 7,054,275 4,S63,046<br />

5,777,445 5,028,494 4,756,,47<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

6,000,047 5,633,954 0,540,593<br />

29,741,587 31,419,153 31,110,318<br />

7,558,216 7,427,771 5,225,457<br />

4,278,308· 4,015,271 3,166,657<br />

8,393,189 7,501,210 5,915,431<br />

Cwts.<br />

436,716<br />

Cwts.<br />

413,269<br />

Cwts.<br />

414,929<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

ioS<br />

AGliiCULTT:iRA:L PRODUCE. 199<br />

tho PRINCIPAL CROPS :in· GREAT ffaJTAIN, in IRELAND, and in the UNITED<br />

Years <strong>1887</strong> to <strong>1901</strong>.<br />


1897. 1898. 1899.<br />

1894. 1895. 1800.<br />

i<br />


Bushels.<br />

Busl~els, Bushels .. Bushels. Bushels.<br />

59,172,801 37,176,257 57,052,9.52 5-l,1140,535 73,028,856<br />

Bushels.<br />

65,529,325<br />

72,295;000 GS,650,9~5 70,774,77.6 66,814,066 68,051,918 67,715,698<br />

135,462,931 122,1~8,928 114,015!007 116,847,179 118,92p,917 114,746,544<br />

7,0SS,558 5,555,02.5 6,436,!l47 6,602,00? 7,200,1~1 7,481,~~8<br />

6,218,85~ 4,719,589. 4,970,481 5,239,273 4,848,79~ 4,420,721<br />

Tons. 'fons. Tons. Tons. 'foils.<br />

2,788,983 3,592,619<br />

3,562,~35 2,608,193 3,~82,517<br />

Tons.<br />

3,076,721<br />

26,398,238 24,730,400 23,254,189 25,651,773 21,336,508 16,060,683<br />

6,551,631 5,548,717 5,092,484 6,628,259 6,218,032 6,537,839<br />

3,4-17,998 3,116,513 2,624,250 3,s19,371 I 4,006,540 3,043,668<br />

0,942,0:?l 4,559,017'<br />

Cwts. Cwts. •.OOO Cwts. ••., I<br />

6,631,503 4,978,745<br />

'b""~" wts. I Cwts. Cwts.<br />

630,8413 553,300 453,188 411,086 356,816 661,373<br />

IRELAND.<br />

I<br />

Bushels. Bushels; Bushels.<br />

1,581,581 1,108,850<br />

1,194,0~6<br />

Bushels.<br />

1,355,239<br />

Bushels.<br />

1,856,424<br />

Bushels.<br />

1,731,244<br />

6,305,569 6,377,529 7,049,925 5,799,389 6,678,867 6,816,708<br />

55,399,783 52,327,554 48,848,872 46,708,977 53,657,356 51,393,296<br />

112,151 71,460 58,898 47,458 66,631_ 84,836<br />

10,242 12,146 8,103 10,459 9,216 10,177<br />

Tous.<br />

1,873,164<br />

Tons.<br />

3,472,015<br />

Ton.<br />



No 64-.-STATEi\IENT showing the ES'fll\IATED AVERAGE Yrnr.n PER<br />

and in the UNIT~D KINGDOM, in<br />


CROP.<br />


<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I 1888. I 18vC9. I 1800 I 1891. I 1892. I 1803.<br />

'<br />


Com Crops:- Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels, Bushels, Bushels. Bushels.<br />

Wheat- - - 32'07 28'05 29•89 30'7' 31;26 2a·3~ 25'95<br />

Barley and Bere • - 31·s2 32•84 31"78 35•02 84°14 34•61 28•69<br />

Oats - - - - 34•74 37•24 39·27 41"40 88•77 s8·so 85·59<br />

Beans - - - - 22•49 28°68 28•81 82•65 29'66 22·19 19•89<br />

Peas - - - 2N3 24°21 26•28 28•71 28•23 25•85 22•61<br />

Green Crops:- Tons. Tons. Tons. '.!.'ons. Tons. '.!.'ons. Tons.<br />

Potatoes - - - 6•87 5·1s 6•19 5·31 5•73 5·so 6°59<br />

Turnips and Swedes - ;J.0·01 12°69 14•68 14•25 13·24 14•12 13·so<br />

Mangold - - - 15•0-i 17•27 18•76 18•25 19·03 1s·-19 12•8-i<br />

Other Crops :-<br />

Jhy<br />

Sainfoin,<br />

from<br />

&c.<br />

Clom,~ 1·86 NO 1•67 1"52 1"43 1·28 0•94<br />

,, from.Permanent<br />

Pasture.<br />

1"04 Nl 1"46 1·33 1•17 o·oo 0°68<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

Hops - - - - ns 4·81 8°62 5•26 7"78 7·35 7"21<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

IRELAND.<br />

-eom Crops:- Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.<br />

Wheat· - - 28'31 25·79 2!l"!~7 28•58 32·s4 29•86 so·2s<br />

Barley and Bere 28'61 35•39 I 89•07 37•60 41°64 86•76 86°76'<br />

Oats - - - ss·os 39•53 40•87 41•86 44'50 42'81 44•62<br />

Be:lns - - -<br />

21·08 23·47 34•05 43•61 43•58 37'51 85•85 I<br />

Peas - - . 23·14 22·11 22•46 29·30 30•48 24•97 19°68<br />

Green Crops:- Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

Potatoes - - 4'48 3•14 8•62 2·s2 4·os 3•49 4"2'd<br />

Tnnlips and Swedes - 9•06 11·31 13•12 14'40 14"48 13·55 16•01<br />

Mangold and Beet - 10·00 12•00 u·12 14•27 15°60 14'49 16°85<br />

Other Crops:-<br />

Jh.y from Clov"• ~<br />

Sainfoln, &c.<br />

1"79 2·21 2·21 2·15 2·08 2·01 1·94<br />

,, from Permanent<br />

Pasture.<br />

1•68 2"88 2·23 2·21 2·12 2·11 2·12<br />

Hops<br />

- - - - - - - - - - -<br />

UNITBD KINGDOX (exclusive of the<br />

Corn Crops :- Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels, Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. !<br />

Wheat- - . 31•97 27•97 29'89 so·oo s1·so 26•48 26•08 Barley and Bere • -<br />

31·12 33•03 82'87 35·23 84•72 3·1"78 29•30<br />

Oats - - I<br />

34•25 37·95 39·75 41°54 40•46 39•82 38•14<br />

Beans - . . 22"47 28'61 28•87 32"77 29•82 22•38 19•61<br />

Peas . . 24"43 24•20 26•27 28•71 28•23 25•85 22•61<br />

I<br />

Green Crops:- Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. '.!.'ons. Tons. I<br />

. l<br />

Turnips and Swedes • 9·89 12·51 14'43 14•27 18•40 14•04 18•66<br />

Other Crops=lliy<br />

Imm Clom, i 1'45 1•58 1'79 1·66 1'57 1'46<br />

Sainfoin. &c.<br />

1'18<br />

,, from Permanent I 1'18 1"65 1·64 1·54 1'41 1•17 1·02<br />

Pasture.<br />

-I Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

II ops . 7'18 4°81 I<br />

8•62 5•26 7"78 7•35 1·21<br />

J<br />

j<br />

Potatoes . . 5'26 4•()() 4'71 3·53 4•74 4'45 5'23 I<br />

:uangold . 14'61 16'78 18·21 li'76 18•60 17•99 18'26 I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

~<br />


~01<br />


each of the Years <strong>1887</strong> to <strong>1901</strong>.<br />


1894.<br />

I 1895. I 1800. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1000. I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />


CROP.<br />


Bushels. Bushels. Bmhels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.<br />

30'69 26'23 83'68 29'08 34·74 32•75 I 28°58 80'84<br />

84'50 81'69 88'68 82·82 85•75 84'16 s1·s1 80°98<br />

41'64 87'06 86°88 88•49 40•76 88•77 87•95 86°74<br />

29·04 22•91 25•66 28°88 81'07 80'09 28•11 24•16<br />

25'64 22·61 25'84 27'56 27'62 27•28 25'80 25'96<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. '.l'ons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons.<br />

5•58 6•64 6'32 5'17 6'26 5'62 4•87 6'86<br />

18'49 12•91 12'85 18'99 12'04 9'28 1''19 12'26<br />

18'58 16°57 15'08 18°69 17'65 17'48 20·42 19•49<br />

1'63 1'85 1'21 1'45 1°68· 1'87 1'45 1•27<br />

1'48 o·oo o·ss 1'25 1'46 1'15 1'22 o·ss<br />

cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

10'70 9'89 8•86 8·08 7'17 12'76 6':'8 12•70<br />

I<br />

IRELAND.<br />

Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.<br />

31'04 80'35 81'41 28'69 85'16 33'38 31':?6 34•24<br />

38•27 37·12 40•65 88°98 42'23 40'17 85'78 40•42<br />

44•15 48'02 40'92 89'75 46•0.£ 45'26 45·51 "6'45<br />

40•28 so·8-t 80'48 84'49 88•92 42'68 35•44 88•74<br />

25•5-i 2.£•89 26°40 28'72 21•84 28•95 25'18 27•66<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons. '.l'ons. Tons. Tons.<br />

2'61 4'89 3·ss 2·21 4'43 4'16 2·82 5'81<br />

18•75 14·33 15•60 18°88 16•82 14•29 14'86 16°86<br />

14•57 15'61 14'41 18•74 18•0.£ 17'00 17'25 18•74<br />

2'83 1'82 2•0'.Z 2•25 2•84 2·18 2·25 2·12<br />

NS 2·1s 2·20 2•87 2'46 2'35 2'47 2·20<br />

- - - - - - - -<br />

corn Crops:-<br />

Wheat.<br />

~rley and Bere.<br />

Oats.<br />

Beans.<br />

Peas.<br />

Green Crop11 :-<br />

Po ta toe!.<br />

Turnips and Swedes<br />

Mangold.<br />

·other Crops :-<br />

t Hay from Clo..,,<br />

Safnfoln, &'c•<br />

., from Perma·<br />

nent Pasture<br />

Hops.<br />

Corn Crops:-<br />

Wheat.<br />

Barley anu Bere.<br />

Oats.<br />

Bearn<br />

Peas.<br />

I<br />

Green Crops :-<br />

Potatoes.<br />

Turnips and Swedes ;<br />

~!angold and Beet. 1<br />

Other Crops :- I<br />

{ Hay from·Clovor,<br />

Saln!ofn, &:c.<br />

,, from Penna·<br />

nent Pasture.<br />

II ops.<br />

lile of Man and Channel, Islands).<br />

Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels.<br />

80•70 26'83 83'68 29•07 34•75 32·7(} 28'61 80'93<br />

84'77 32•09 84•16 82•91 36'24 84•6-& 81'67 81'70<br />

42•8.£ 88•67 87•97 88·84 42'27 40'57 39·97 39•35<br />

29'17 22•98 25'69 28•91 81'13 80°19 28'18 24'20<br />

25•64 22•62 25'3-i 27•55 ,27'60 21·22 25'89 25·97<br />

Tons. Tons. Tons. •rons. Tons. '.l.'ons. Tons. Tons.<br />

s·82 5•64 4·93 8'47 5'23 4•82 s·n 5'81<br />

18°53 13'11 12'79 IS·90 12'74 9·97 14•29 12'95<br />

1s·o2 16•44 14'99 l8·os 17'71 17'41 19'97 19'87<br />

1'79 1'45 1'40 1'68 1·s2 1'55 1•62 1'45<br />

1'68 1'26 1·21 1'54 1'71 1'46 1'55 1°19'<br />

Cwts. Cwts. cw;,s. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

l Cwts.<br />

10'70 9•89 8'36 s·os 7'17 12'76 (}•78 12·10<br />

I Corn Crops :-<br />

Wheat.<br />

Barley and Bere.<br />

Oats.<br />

Beans.<br />

Peas.<br />

Green Crops:- i<br />

Potnt.oes.<br />

Turnips and Swedes<br />

Mangold.<br />

Other Crops :-<br />

~ H., from Clover<br />

Snlufoln, &c.<br />

,, from Penna· .<br />

' nent Pasture.<br />

j iiops.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

\<br />

202 SEA FISHERIES.<br />

\<br />

l<br />

--<br />

No. 65.-QUANTITY and VALUE of FISH (exclusive _of ~ALMON<br />

Krnanoi\r1 distin~uishing ·the<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1SS7.<br />

t<br />

Cwts.<br />

j<br />

Soles • . 85316<br />

Turbot . 63,166<br />

I<br />

l<br />

: Cod . 256,155<br />

! Haddock . 1,545,604<br />

: I<br />

I Herrings • 1,605,140<br />

I )!ackerel • .1 290,630<br />

Ling • -I<br />

75,015<br />

Pilchards -<br />

: I<br />

l'"ill - - - -<br />

*<br />

66,625<br />

Sprats . . 118,040<br />

Plaice • • • • •<br />

..<br />

Fish not separately dis·}<br />

: ti!lguished, except Shell 1,906,680<br />

Fish • • • • •<br />

:<br />

I Total • 6,012,3il<br />

I<br />

I<br />


lSSS.<br />

I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1~93.<br />


Cwts. Cwts. I Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Owts.<br />

72,522 74,143 72,129 82,688 72,821 7ti9.84<br />

55,041 58,576 51,87!> 56,875 62,630 68,237<br />

245,497 801,405 363,374 860,511 377,546 401,990<br />

1,538,368 1,576,954 1,585,392 1,740,548 1,903,8il! 1,957,696<br />

1,728,982 1,923,258 1,331,560 1,206;457 1,580,890 1,421,755<br />

327,798 333,918 509,430 368,487 358,413 315,411<br />

66,786 94,650 96,328 93,551 104,716 103,446<br />

154,316 107,974 60,994 98,915 83,897 117,945<br />

88,287 62,968 98,660 115,702 35,862 .43,150<br />

* * 15,403 16,571 17,740 18,784<br />

698,142 594,307 622,577 711,322 696,227 8·15,908<br />

1,365,035 1,336,911 1,287,791 1,114,449 i,191,126 i,204,328<br />

6,340,774 6,460,06! 6,095,612 5,966,076 6,485,699<br />

I 6,578,634<br />

I<br />

VALUE.<br />

I<br />

i £<br />

~ Sc•les • 389,414<br />

l Iurbot 184,662<br />

! Cod . . . 172,952<br />

I<br />

: Haddock 545,846<br />

! lierrings . 441:192<br />

j )fu~kcrel • .<br />

: Ling •<br />

I 166,(l(Y.)<br />

~ ! 48,102<br />

: Pilchards • 21,379<br />

~ Sprats l~,698<br />

·I<br />

I Brill •<br />

I Plaice . *<br />

· .Hsh not. separately dis"}<br />

; tin~ulsbed, except Shell<br />

1<br />

Yum • • • • •<br />

I<br />

-<br />

1,600,622<br />

Total • . 3,683,076<br />

l<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

379,382 431,269 458,331 517,146 499,453 540,038<br />

171,967 180,841 189,895 209,006 228,669 258,320<br />

1G4,518 197,9S7 252,019 248,305 260,877 272,176<br />

601,372 646,328 763,154, 884,135 963,186 1,047,219<br />

485,830 469,357 475,840 503,481 434,880 402,527<br />

249,369 229,505 393,321 3G1,684 3~,657 S02,51G<br />

47,136 68,29S 68,521 64,032 73,522 71,085<br />

40,371 32,865 171721 25,461 26,278 30,169<br />

8,966 11,010 15,015 12,834 S,123 7,047<br />

* "<br />

36,928 39,905 45,527 48,315<br />

614,700 536,921 500,787 670,316 7ll,279 841,101<br />

1,143,361 1,028,078 1,069,965 954,713 1,048,351 l,OOG,787<br />

-<br />

3,900,972<br />

I r 3,833,359 4,340,497 4,491,018 ·l,62$,705 4,827,300<br />

I<br />

-----~--<br />

NOTE.-A small qnauUty of Salmon l:mded In l~nglnnd nnd 11ot 11epamtely<br />

* Included with ".Fish not<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

.SEA. FISHERIES. 203<br />

and SHELµ FISH) . returl}~d as LANJ)ED 91). the COA!:ITS of ~~e u NITED<br />

CoAST on which L~DED.<br />


1894.<br />

I I I I I<br />

1895. 1896 1897, 1898.<br />

1899.<br />

I 1900. I 1001. I<br />

--<br />


Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

82,817 82,786 83,604 79,298 82,911<br />

81,836 77,931 80,11~ 69,578 69,948<br />

486,544 495,928 486,886 540,711 546,494<br />

2,175,177 2,482,938 2,557,245 2,548,918 2,608,199<br />

1,455,618 '1,436,701 1,526,113 1,815,765 1,832,423<br />

447,822 374,616 404,986 510,996 38.J,035<br />

104,518 114,118 107,728 103,489 111,534<br />

90,170 65,185 67,550 125,011 103,700<br />

45,809 91,085 96,700 61,544 54,631<br />

18,396 19,000 19,451 18,487 10,878<br />

855,408 789,123 720,094 746,881 715,760<br />

1,229,853 1,284,289 1,400,207 1,825,435 1,558,610<br />

7,023,963<br />

i<br />

7,263,595 7,550,678 7,946,108 8,088,123<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

79,056 75,824 76,385 Soles.<br />

65,422 60,715 52,801 Tm bot.<br />

564,877 588,958 572,414 Cod.<br />

2,646,891 2,487,222 2,853,468 Ii&ddock.<br />

2,2Sl>,176 2,425,247 2,452,848 Herring!.<br />

449,424 321,862 867,659 Mackerel.<br />

9i,640 99,767 98,192 Lfng.<br />

108,611 106,001 91,025 Pilchards.<br />

45,329 73,405 41,186 Sprats.<br />

20,200 20,717 17,583 BrilJ.<br />

752,438 752,504 848,188 Plaice.<br />

J Fish not sepa·<br />

1,536,147 1,588,83!) 1,676,056 rately distin·<br />

l guishedf except,<br />

Shell Fell.<br />

8,604,807 8,600,061 8,647,805 Total.<br />

VALUE.<br />

£, £ £ £ £<br />

640,850 564,325 545,160 558,191 591,274<br />

297,482 801,997 284,175 254,811 269,853<br />

277,707 309,093 299,818 860,450 885,703<br />

1,114,244 1,187,898 1,217,618 1,418,086 1,524,683<br />

431,595 417,159 380,877 529,866 482,638<br />

358,108 304,922 295,152 346,476 270,718<br />

67,774 66,457 64,887 60,207 67,205<br />

16,700 17,144 17,366 24,562 20,336<br />

9,605 14,269 17,956 12,920 12,344<br />

47,840 48,637 48,692 60,170 55,882<br />

817,729 821,085 795,001 853,267 878,680<br />

1,007,826 1,076,603 1,200,578<br />

1,099,972 1,257,789<br />

I<br />

4,981,960<br />

I 5,129,089 I G,166,780 I 5,568,978 I 5,761,605<br />

£ £ £<br />

569,526 567,488 560,859 Soles.<br />

259,900 252,680 228,995 Turbot.<br />

418,148. 482,188 437,940 Cod.<br />

1,642,642 1,696,424 1,699,728 Haddock.<br />

798,874 984,429 892,687 Herrings.<br />

263,804 252,815 263,008 Mackerel.<br />

61,422 63,955 64,322 Ling.<br />

25,146 28,693 24,804 Pilchards.<br />

.9,604 18,280 11,472 S11rats<br />

66,380 56,273 51,219 Brill.<br />

922,595 909,328 934,474 Plaice.<br />

1,319,081 1,402,765 l,35.J,5i0<br />

(Fish not sepn·<br />

rately dlstin·<br />

l guisl1ed 1 except<br />

Shclllt1sh.<br />

G,842,022 6,610,268 6,523,528 Total.<br />

returned is included with "Fish not separately distiuguished."<br />

soparately distinguished."<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

204.: SEA FISHERIES.<br />

QUANTITY and VALUE of ]'1sn (exclUsiv~ of SALMON ~nd<br />

KINGDOM, distinguishing the<br />

--<br />


<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I lSSS. I 1859. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1898.<br />


Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

I Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. I Cwts.<br />

Soles • . - - - - - - -<br />

Tur·bOt . . 5,285 5,42·1 6,838 5,554 5,015 ·4,598 4,140<br />

Cod 383,039 469,453 !>03,663 448,942 514,177 467,007 426,152<br />

Haddock . 751,4il 820,498 792,130 753,654 726,287 722,785 684,783<br />

Herrings . 3,217,361 2,741,371 3,718,505 3,980,363 3,539,624 3,655,117 4,424,591<br />

~fackerel • 2,697 598 664 938 1,734 3,471 2,901<br />

Ling • . 100,593 99,i22 134,481 169,W6 180,089 153,341 191,843<br />

Pilchards • . - - - - - - -<br />

Sprats . 93,260 12,930 4,371 14,077 5,379 5,908 58,319<br />

Brill • .<br />

96,297 87,134 74,270 Sl,309 78,777 70,865 75,501<br />

Plaice nnd Flounders J<br />

Fish not separately dis· I_<br />

tlnguished, except Shellj 338,526 394,221 354,816 410,005 383,124 353,046 339,788<br />

Fish • • • • •<br />

Total 5,043,529 4,631,401 5,539,238 5,864,483 5,434,206 5,436,138 6,208,018<br />

VALUE,<br />

£ £, £ £ £ £, £,<br />

Sol£S • . - - - - - - -<br />

Turbot 14,425 16,310 20,472 18,459 17,~15 14,510 13,394<br />

Cw . 127,976 205,704 172,100 155,987 188,611 171,563 155,858<br />

lladdock . 334,033 333,134 3a1,215 370,252 375,557 394,277 387,447<br />

Ilerringa . 641,572 551,0~6 716,445 827,072 923,754 756,136 800,317<br />

)lackerel • 1,631 397 380 525 1,452 1,615 2,244<br />

Ling • 35,036 49,083 46,493 50,521 57,326 49,800 59,108<br />

Pikhards • . - - - - - - -<br />

Sprats . . 5,571 807 263 1,070 303 848 ,,394<br />

Brill • . . .<br />

l'lsice and Flounders .<br />

J<br />

Fish not separately dis-}<br />

t!?J:t;115hed, except Shell<br />

}IS • • • • •<br />

69,844 55,018 53,072 68,187 67,103 61,448 62,811<br />

110,306 120,291<br />

Total . 1,330,394<br />

I 1,332,760 I 1,454,175' 1,623,346 I<br />

I<br />

113,735 131,273 131,173 H5,262 133,323<br />

1,762,494 1,595,551! 1,~24,8!>6<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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211<br />

SEA FISHERIES. 205.<br />

S:s;ELL FISH) returned as LANDED on the COASTS of the "UNITED -<br />

COAST on whfoh LANDE:b-co~tinued.<br />

80.:>TCH COASTe,<br />

1894.<br />

I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1899. I 1899. , . ·1990;<br />


I --<br />

I 1001.<br />

I<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwte. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

- - - - - - - - Soles.<br />

S,184 8,564 5,391 4,980 6,227 6,956 5,571 5.591 Turbot.<br />

447,766 459,837 575,076 590,764 556,805 514,520 434,138 445,673' COd.<br />

812,414 1,001,340 990,198 866,314 748,638 784,898 761,313 830,768" Haddock.<br />

4,833,926 4,077,466 8,960,28'!. 2,965,965 4,703,641 8,207,078 3,520,216 4,338,743' Herrings.<br />

2,435 1,725 4,241 4,767 5,846 5,506 6,873 6,435 ~Iackerel.<br />

170,429 164,792 129,576 160,000 111,634 14?.,411 156,923 157,164 Ling.<br />

- - - - - - - - Pilchards.<br />

14,877 12,842 87,746 20,950 5,939 8,928 7,3491 14,9(1.1 Sprats.<br />

81,179 79,784 84,894 70,711 73,125 92,417 102,221 I 122,157<br />

JBrill.<br />

lPlaice an

206<br />


QUANTITY and VALUE of FISH (exclq.sive of Sl1,LMON ,~nd<br />

KINGDO?ii, ~i~tingui$~jng the<br />

--<br />


<strong>1887</strong>.<br />

I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />


Soles·<br />

Turbot . . . ~<br />

C-Od .<br />

Haddock . . .<br />

Herrings . .<br />

::.\Iackerel • .<br />

Ling·<br />

Sprats .<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

3,695 4,496 4,530 8,928 3,859 2,719<br />

- 1,223 1,728 1,40~ 1,240 1,421 1,465<br />

- 83,845 44,606 89,~34 44,283 86,914 4~,66:i<br />

- 9,845 12,594 16,374 20,920 25,570 ' . 22,104<br />

- 132,2ii 118,989 85,267 102,920 96,289 105,606<br />

- 821,451 444,701 501,943 808,581 321,847 467,560<br />

- 9,854 19,098 14,812 16,329 19,873 17,775<br />

- 52,970 33,290 36,765 5,802 9,970 1,914<br />

Fish not separately dis· '\<br />

tingullbed, except Shell r<br />

Fish . . . )<br />

- 113,821 123,931 108,163 117,391 00,683 120,158<br />

Total .<br />

- 678,981 803,353 SOS,892<br />

I<br />

621,894 606,426 780,965<br />

VALUE.<br />

Soles •<br />

Turbot .<br />

Cod<br />

Haddock .<br />

Herrings .<br />

lfackerel •<br />

Ling·<br />

Sprats .<br />

£ £<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ £ £<br />

- 11,514 16,551 16,606 15,546 14,748 9,117<br />

- 4,248 5,428 4,561 3,972 4,411 5,210<br />

- 19,H5 23,045 17,770 19,709 17,287 18,873<br />

- 8,923 10,348 11,067 13,082 15,630 14,401<br />

52,465 41,905 37,989 39,827 31,310 80,952<br />

- 129,0S4 156,164 218,672 149,617 132,580 152,512<br />

- 4,708 7,41'..3 5,81::1 6,257 7,674 7,603<br />

- 1,962 1,547 1,911 607 959 212<br />

Fish not separately dis· \<br />

tlnrisbetl, except Shell r<br />

'Fis····)<br />

Total .<br />

- 48,132 54,749 fi5,200 5:1,868 46,113 51,638 I<br />

- 280,176 817,205 369,589 801,8851 270,602 290,518<br />

I I I I<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


207.<br />

SREr.L FISH) returned as LANDED ·On· the· COASTS· of 'the UNITED·<br />

COAST on which ·LA:ND:!J:D ...... Gontinued.<br />


1894~<br />

I<br />

1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I<br />


<strong>1901</strong>.<br />

Cw~. Cwts. Cwts. .,cwts. Cw~s. Cwts. Cwts.<br />

2,513 1 1 847 l,890 2,113 8,202 s,s17 3,100<br />

l,870 982 992 ·~d.;689 l,958 1,486 l,465<br />

40,262 43,592 42,047 47,263 52,121 88,842 33,5Cl<br />

28,468 80,857 81,574 28,178 28,517 16,805 12,489<br />

98,960 171,?:i7 244,828 287,678 '464,818 427,382 284,251<br />

507,0i7 888,798 582,772 477,958 528,001 624,999 277,729<br />

25,890 29,696 19,561 17,788 17,'IJ77 16,557 11,893<br />

5,522 2,073 1,221 8,675 1,627 2,882 2,358<br />

125,857 78,283 89,807 88,916 97,902 82,959 74,9~8<br />

Cwts.<br />

s;295<br />

1,287<br />

22,241<br />

9,588'<br />

265,750<br />

810,156'<br />

9,802<br />

6,?83<br />

76,949<br />

Soles.<br />

Turbot.<br />

cod.<br />

Haddock<br />

Herriligs.<br />

Mackerel.<br />

r.ing.<br />

Sprats.<br />

r·<br />

ot sep:t­<br />

rately distln­<br />

d, ei:cept<br />

guishe n<br />

:>hell· Fish.<br />

885,919 698,005 1,013,692 950,198 1,100,628<br />

VALUE.<br />

I'·"""""<br />

701,744<br />

£ £ £, ·£ £ £ £<br />

10,972 6,969 6,719 7,150 10,920 12,800 12,911<br />

5,845 8,185 8,856 5,428 7,160 5,SSO 4,690<br />

18,517 18,859 18,415 18,605 19,003 17,493 19,092<br />

17,429 18,158 18,560 15,715 18,680 14,152 11,584<br />

705,746<br />

£<br />

11,001<br />

8,9'22<br />

15,748<br />

10,0Sl<br />

Total<br />

Soles.<br />

Turbot.<br />

Cod.<br />

Haddock.<br />

i<br />

·I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

j<br />

24,795 0,747 63,092 61,602 69,537 97,096 83,956<br />

75,093<br />

Herrings.<br />

183,622 '-33,588 150,921 162,234 164,491 202,085 120,112<br />

105,994<br />

::\fackerel.<br />

9,459 11,861 7,49~ G,961 7,760 8,402 5,4"8<br />

4,924<br />

Ling.<br />

860 382 15:) 363 184 481 234<br />

l,Oi8<br />

Sprats.<br />

46,995 87,793 41,499 SS,899 49,385 46,803 48,20i<br />

I<br />

267,894 274,945 819,207<br />

I<br />

66,939<br />

___ 1 ____<br />

I 817,017 I 843,036 I 404,142 ""·"'· I 284,795<br />

{Fbh n<br />

Total.<br />

ot sep:tdistln·<br />

rately<br />

lsl1e d, except<br />

'ish.<br />

~ellli<br />

l<br />

_I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

208 SEA FISHER~.<br />

QUANTITY and VALUE of FISH (exclusive of SALMON and SnEr,L<br />

distinguishing the COAST ·on<br />


<strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893.<br />

·----------------------:--------"--------'--------~-------'---------.:.--------.;.._-------·<br />

I<br />

I Soles·<br />

I<br />

! Turbot<br />

I<br />

Cod •<br />

Haddock<br />

Herrings<br />

~fackerel<br />

•<br />

Cwts.<br />

Cwts.<br />

76,217<br />

61,688<br />

748,795<br />

2,368,711<br />

4,602,680<br />

649,847<br />

176,362<br />

154,316<br />

154,187<br />


Cwts. Cwts. Cwta.<br />

78,639 76,659 86,616<br />

61,642 58,887 63,130<br />

849,674 851,950 918,071<br />

2,881,678<br />

5,760,702<br />

779,283<br />

248,229<br />

107,974<br />

100,629<br />

2,355,'20<br />

5,897,100<br />

1,012,311<br />

280,781<br />

60,094<br />

149,502<br />

2,487,755<br />

4,849,001<br />

678,802<br />

289,009<br />

98,915<br />

126,883<br />

Cwts.<br />

76,680<br />

68,649<br />

881,467<br />

2,652,186<br />

6,332,296<br />

683,731<br />

Cwts.<br />

82,703<br />

73,842<br />

869,800<br />

2,664,683<br />

6,951,952<br />

785,872<br />

277,930 313,004<br />

83,897 117,945<br />

51,740 103,383<br />

2,658,403<br />

2,-18,,235<br />

2,525,248 2,421,634<br />

2,419,687 2,604,467<br />

Total·<br />

11,651,156112,85~68511~768,892 l~"'·"· 12,528,263113,567,617<br />

VALUJI.<br />

£:-oles •<br />

! Turbot<br />

£,<br />

£,<br />

390,800<br />

192,520<br />

£,<br />

447,820<br />

200741<br />

£,<br />

474,937<br />

212,915<br />

£,<br />

532,692<br />

230,193<br />

£,<br />

514,201<br />

247,·190<br />

£,<br />

549,155<br />

276,924<br />

'Cod<br />

Haddock •<br />

, Herringa •<br />

· ~!acki:rel •<br />

Ling • • •<br />

Pilchards • •<br />

Sprats<br />

389,457<br />

943,429<br />

l,OS9,321<br />

378,850<br />

100,027<br />

40,371<br />

11,735<br />

393,132<br />

037,891<br />

1,227,707<br />

386,049<br />

122,259<br />

32,865<br />

12,820<br />

425,776 456,625<br />

1,144,473 I 1,272,774<br />

1,340,901 1,466,562<br />

612,518 512,753<br />

124,855 !27,615<br />

17,721 25,461<br />

17,900 13,644<br />

449,677<br />

1,873,093<br />

1,222,326<br />

462,852<br />

131,092<br />

26,278<br />

9,930<br />

446,907<br />

1,449,007<br />

1,239,796<br />

457,272<br />

137,700<br />

30,169<br />

11,653<br />

Drill • • • • • }<br />

Plaice • • • •<br />

1,982,402 1,787,,55<br />

1,917,078 2,057,983 2,143,975<br />

\, Fish not separatel1 dis·<br />

tln~hed, except Shell<br />

1 ·~·~" I<br />

1 Flan • • • •<br />

I<br />

I Total· 6,555,397 6,494,922 6,742,714<br />

!--------~--------:·-------- --------1---------1--------1<br />

1 •~m,oos I 6,"°'"" i 6,933,m !<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

~/5<br />

SEA l!,ISHERIES.<br />

209<br />

F1su) returned as LANDED on the COASTS of the UNITED KINGDOM,<br />

which LANDED-Continued.<br />


1894. 1895. 1896.<br />

18~--L 1898.<br />

1899. 1900. 1001.<br />

QUA:STITY.<br />

-~~--,-~~~~I ~~-.-~~cwts.<br />

Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. Cwts. C,\·ts.<br />

85,q30 84,633 86,494 Sl,411 86,113 82,3i3 iS,424 79,650 j Soles.<br />

86,340 82,4i7 86,502 76,24i 78,rn3 7s,so4 67,751<br />

i<br />

59,629 I Tnl'hot.<br />

924,572<br />

3,016,059<br />

5,SSS,499<br />

957,334<br />

300,837<br />

998,852 1,104,009 1,liS,738 1,154,920 1,113,239 1,056,65i 1,040,328 j Cod.<br />

3,465,135<br />

5,685,444<br />

715,139<br />

308,606<br />

00,110 I 65,135<br />

66,208 106,550<br />

2,633,308 2,556,670<br />

3,579,017<br />

5,i30,722<br />

001,990<br />

256,800<br />

3,443,400<br />

5,069,408<br />

003,716<br />

281,317<br />

6i,550 125,011<br />

135,667 86,160<br />

2,673,289 2,5G2,1illl<br />

3,380,354 3,447,594 3,200,974 3,193,819 I Haddock.<br />

i,000,382<br />

917,382<br />

241,145<br />

103,700<br />

62,197<br />

5,&73,636 6,229,714 7,057,341 lfcrrim:s.<br />

l,Oi!l,020 005,00.1 6$4,2M :\fackctc1.<br />

2!.6,008 268,683 265.158 I.Ing.<br />

lOS,611<br />

57,134<br />

' 2,812,189 !' 2,866,1.124<br />

I<br />

I<br />

106,001<br />

83,112<br />

2,913,SilO<br />

91,025 Pilchards.<br />

.62,823 Sp11Lts.<br />

3,204,5lll<br />

-r--,:--,:---1--.-1--1--<br />

14,048 1<br />

657 14,068,641<br />

._,___....;__________ 1<br />

I __ I --- - ---------<br />

(Bt·il!.<br />

! l'lnlce.<br />

; I<br />

14,7ll,ll)I) 13,IS9i,!liS : 15,836,515 j 14,959,612 14,671,070 15,738,644 '.l'otul.<br />

! ' :Fish not separately<br />

! l clistinguished, ex·<br />

ccpt Shell Fish.<br />

V.UUJ.!.<br />

£,<br />

£,<br />

551,822 5i1,20:l<br />

312,002 317,065<br />

45i,887 :195,099<br />

1,503,848 1,615,162<br />

1 1<br />

226,901 l,380,829<br />

487,900 439,559<br />

128,079 120,641<br />

16,700 17,144<br />

11,638 17,357<br />

2,117,038 2,193,875<br />

~,......<br />

551,879<br />

302,559<br />

509,382<br />

1,056,663<br />

1,117,156<br />

457,504<br />

lOS,05'1<br />

17,366<br />

21,88~<br />

£,<br />

51!5,:Hl<br />

274,598<br />

5&,638<br />

1,SGS,000<br />

1,209,023<br />

511,263<br />

113,142<br />

24,f,62 I<br />

15,4G!l I<br />

'·""'·'" I<br />

I I<br />

I ""'",;-I "'1~,:-1-7,-1)$-4,-50_7_<br />

£ -- ---:/<br />

£,<br />

002,194 582,3261 580,300<br />

.~<br />

571,800 Soles.<br />

293,917 284,472 275,695<br />

253,050 ' Turbot.<br />

62:.!,282 654,255 657,238 666,552 Co

:no<br />


No. 66.--NmrnER of PERSONS EMPLOYED in 'l.'EXTIT.E FACTORIES, 1895-1898.<br />

·workshops for the Years 1896, 1897, 1898 anS ..<br />

Wool, Worsted and Shoddy.<br />

1895 ••<br />

1800 ..<br />

1S9i ..<br />

1S9S ..<br />

.Flax, Jute, llem11, and Chinn<br />

Gross.<br />

Silk.<br />

llosle~·.<br />

Lace.<br />

1S91i ..<br />

1800 ..<br />

1S9i ..<br />

1S9b ..<br />

1895 ..<br />

lSOO ..<br />

l:i9i ••<br />

1S9S<br />

••<br />

1895 ••<br />

lSOO<br />

••<br />

lS!li ..<br />

1803 ••<br />

1895 ••<br />

1800 ..<br />

1897 ..<br />

1893 ..<br />

...<br />

Elastic, Cocoa·nut Fibre n111l<br />

Jlorsehalr.<br />

1S95 ..<br />

1&00 ••<br />

1897 ••<br />

!SOS<br />

••<br />

H.\LF·TDtl:RS.<br />

1<br />

(Children nn_!l_ ___ 4,_ss_o_, ___<br />

1 1<br />

~_1_79_ 11 ____<br />

I<br />

1_0._01_s_ __:~4-·_3ss-~---54_,soo<br />

__,<br />

1<br />

4,029 4,703 S,732 ! 11,826 20,460 32,286<br />

4,240 4,s17 0,057 I 12,0!!4 10,054 32,04s<br />

4,000 4,840 8,!l36 l ll,72i 20,142 3!,861)<br />

•• 3,936 4,58-1 S,520 11,433 10,SSO 31 1 318<br />

1-----1-----1-----1!-----1----------<br />

··! 110 103 213 ! 1,581<br />

i f<br />

··1,_____ 100 112 212 1587<br />

,1_____--·---<br />

46.S<br />

410<br />

812<br />

833<br />

1,280<br />

1,243<br />

~.135<br />

2,046<br />

33i 801 1,133 . l,!li2<br />

!<br />

32S 633 1 001 l,!)27<br />

I<br />

12!> 250 i 3';1) I 1,422<br />

117 303 420 I<br />

'<br />

00 2H I 30-1 !<br />

101<br />

211) I<br />

1,30!~<br />

121<br />

118 '<br />

lli 238 I<br />

1,446<br />

1 I<br />

.. j 41 2!!<br />

70 ! 651<br />

ll,<br />

•• t 25<br />

31<br />

f16 I 730<br />

.. j 21 !<br />

!<br />

2i ! 43 : 774<br />

.. 1 29 I 23 I 52 i 772<br />

-----~-11------------------:F~r.;.:-<br />

1-·-<br />

6,121<br />

6,202<br />

6,685<br />

G,21ii<br />

G,836<br />

7,730<br />

1,554<br />

1,780<br />

1,240<br />

1,174<br />

1,248<br />

l,so;,<br />

S,256<br />

S,338<br />

8,657<br />

S,142<br />

8,258<br />

1),221<br />

2,857<br />

3,277<br />

3,273<br />

3,307<br />

1,891<br />

1.004<br />

2,022<br />

2,162<br />

All Materials.<br />

18!ll'i ••<br />

25,525 I 30,100 55,625 83,086 154,W2 233,078<br />

1&00 ••<br />

r<br />

24,30:? I 23,054 &3,256 S:.?,383 153,862 236,245<br />

189i ••<br />

22,074 26,003 41),o:n 78,71!) lfi2,5S3 231,302<br />

!<br />

1893 ••<br />

20,m I 21,706 I 45,247 / 76,33.'i 151,604 221,039 I<br />

I<br />

" Including children between 13 and 14 years of age, who, luwlng fulftlled certain educational<br />

employed In textile factories in<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

FACTORIES. 211<br />

[Compiled from the Annual Reports of the Chief Inspectors of Factories and<br />

of 1897, C. 8965 of 1898, Cd. 27 and Cd. 841 of <strong>1901</strong>.)]<br />

-- TDIRll~.-- ·-- .. ~- -- ·---~,---------<br />

Over 18 years.<br />

Moleo. I Femal"· i<br />

148,724 234,471) 383,203 ,I ~~w<br />

TOTAL Ell:l'T.OYED.<br />

Total )fales. 'l'otal.<br />

149,146 232,852 381,91)8 203,686<br />

333,053<br />

329,234<br />

538,883<br />

147,245 232,821 380,006 I 109,576 327,647 527,228<br />

1! ___ 1_.t_6,_o-_12_1,, ___ 2_33_,S8l_a ___ 3_8_o,_52_1_ w1,101 328,406 1<br />

I 520,107<br />

00,072 """" ' 208,cJOO ~ 1'!0,•721 191,429 ! ""~'"'<br />

92,020 nu,63s 211,001 11 121,4111 16:i,l)oo 284,441<br />

84,005 113,:!74 10S,2ill 11 111,278 154,466 1· 265,744<br />

___ 81_,l)l)() __,.___<br />

1_10_,D_s_o_1 ..__<br />

10 __ 2_,9_4_0_!<br />

I 3',851 I<br />

"'·"'' I<br />

35,486 S.'i,872<br />

34,551<br />

33,i~<br />

84,075<br />

83,130<br />

1<br />

_!00,2~ 150,2~ _25G,42f;<br />

Cotton.<br />

1895.<br />

1800.<br />

181)7.<br />

1898.<br />

)fATERIAL.<br />

Wool, Worsted and Shoddy.<br />

1805.<br />

1800.<br />

1807.<br />

189S.<br />

l!'lax, Jute, Ilcm11 and China<br />

Grass.<br />

120,001 \1 51,200 I 100,613 : 161,01' 1805.<br />

121,858<br />

Ii<br />

I !il,820 110,643 162,463 1800.<br />

118,626 50,374 lO!l,057 I 160,431<br />

181)7.<br />

116,86'1 40,102 107,G03 lW,705<br />

181>8.<br />

l i Silk.<br />

8,8161 17,530<br />

8,639 I 1.;,6:£, 26,2\ll) 111)9') I<br />

Ill 26,346 I 11,·1!0 ! 24,463 I 35,882 1895.<br />

24,755 I 3S,8j0 lSOO.<br />

8,5i9 18,263 26,842 l1 10:~ I 25,74!.I II 36,637 1897.<br />

8,ooo 18,289 26,3!18 'I to,a24 25,131 s5,46J lsos.<br />

,<br />

1-~:---:--11---1:-__<br />

I<br />

lloslery.<br />

8,220 17,341 25,561 11 O,i71 1 24,427 l 35,l!lS 1$l)5,<br />

8,640 17,651) 26,308 :1 10,200 1 25,!192 ! 35,952 1800.<br />

8,454 18,160 26,614 11 1),0251 26,250 ! 30,175 1S97.<br />

II 11' .,,, l""S.<br />

__ 1_,_ll0:,_.?_ __ 1s_,oss __.,___!.._~o_,0_1_1_11_~~__<br />

20_,0 __ 1_0_ ·--.,;;_,4_o_4_, °"<br />

-<br />

1<br />

I<br />

1: !' Lncc.<br />

i<br />

7,714 S,778 111-102 1·1 u,ns , 5,450 I 14,5US<br />

1<br />

s,746 4,S27 13,573 1 lO,:n3 I o,776 17,0SS<br />

s,7031 5,168 13,001 r1 Hl,484 6,963 I li',447<br />

S,709 4,627 13,421! !I 10,481! I 6,519 li,005<br />

3,473<br />

3,461<br />

3,531<br />

----·--;-~---- --------·-------·-------!<br />

1$l)5.<br />

1896.<br />

1897.<br />

181)8.<br />

I ; I' Elnstlc, Cocon·nut Jl'ib1·e and<br />

11 Horsehair.<br />

3,300 ti,831) Ii 4,105 4,635 ; 8,SOO 1895.<br />

S,li52 I 7,013 11 4,2l6 1· ·1,757 ' 8,1)73 1800.<br />

3,306 ' 6,837 ,, 4,3211 4,581 : 8,007 1Sll7.<br />

3,012 I 7,180 I 4,378 ! 5,025 I l),i0:1 lSllS.<br />

3,677<br />

•------~··-----l-----1,-----i---------·---- All ::irntcrials.<br />

803,270 478,778 7S:t,O~S j! 411,SSl ,1 6U:J,Si0 I 1,075,751 1$l)5.<br />

30Cl,156 482,030 788 1<br />

186 i . 412,841 664,$46 j 1,077,687 lSOO.<br />

296,058 475,167 7il,225 l 300,851 I 654,713 ; l,O:il,564 1Sll7.<br />

21)0,707 ~2 1 587 7U:~,3S4 ! 387,583 j ll4S,9S7 i l,030,5i0 1898.<br />

' )• l<br />

rcquucmcnts, wcrn nllowc

212 RAILWAYS.<br />


RECEIPTS, and ·woRKING<br />

YE.\ltS.<br />

Paid-up Capital at the end of each Ye1u·.*<br />

Number<br />

Length<br />

of Passengers<br />

of Line open<br />

Guaranteed,<br />

Conveyed<br />

, at the End of PreCerential,<br />

11<br />

(exclusive of<br />

! each Year. Ordinary. also Loans Total. Season-Ticket<br />

mul Debenture<br />

Stock.<br />

I<br />

j<br />

r Holders).<br />

I 11<br />

I:<br />

of~~N! 1 ~nd<br />

Minerals<br />

Conveyed.<br />


:\Iiles. £, .£ £,<br />

No ..<br />

Tons.<br />

188i 13,825 263,006,5i2 43S,5Si,831 702,554,403 I 647,774,956 229,052,478<br />

lSSS 13,982 265,841,172 448,195,399 714,036,571 654,172,918 239,282,927<br />

18b'9 14,034 268,225,35i 455,348,441 i23,573,79S 683,2(13,57 4 .252,479,121<br />

1890 14,119 271,26S,356 468,765,551 7 40,033,907 721,114,781 259,150,162<br />

1891 14,156 278,537,55i 480,580,949 759,118,506 746,555,822 263,820,597<br />

18!>'2 H,242 285,042,036 402,095,059 77i,138,895 762,630,966 260,4Q0,183<br />

1893 14,440 289,651,18!) 511,029,488 800,680,6ii 769,334,215 245,114,243<br />

1894 14,530 293,771,961 518,042,504 811,814,465 804,140,008 279,236,660<br />

1895 14,651 29i,817,991 527,377,889 825,195,880 816,921,056 280,324,042<br />

I<br />

1896 14,iOS 303,i65,'i6i 539,060,707 842,826,474 860,080,304 300,163,796<br />

189i 14,818 343,806,353<br />

l<br />

552,604,600 896,411,043 898,060,071 315,876,495<br />

I<br />

1898 15,007 34S,5U,312 58i,594,016 936,135,328 022,171,407 31'6,385,474<br />

1S99 15,044 353,051,890 597,667,71i 050,719,60i 950,601,776 350,070,663<br />

I<br />

1900 15,18i 350,2ii,i36<br />

9i0,147,581 992,425,709 3!i0,!i24,742<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 15,308 364,22i,3!)1 622,410,301<br />

I 610,869,845 I<br />

l 086,646,782 Ii<br />

-<br />

1,021,178,850 351,116,884<br />

,------~-<br />

SCOTJ.AND.<br />

--- --- --<br />

!<br />

! I -<br />

1S87 3,0i9 34,174,041 i •<br />

'<br />

72,785,021 I 106,059,062 66,432,617 30,102,520<br />

1888 3,()9i I 40,0-29,891 I 74,090,228 114,120,110 68,413,340 38,691,030<br />

1889 3,118 j 41,491,850 l 74,492,US 115,983,9i7 70,007,464 40,863,033<br />

1890 3,162<br />

I 44,622,559 I 75,517,038<br />

i<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

120,139,59i i5,215,084 39,072,307<br />

1891 3,172 45,595,640 ! 76,934,llil 122,530,011 70,705,588 42,087,270<br />

1892 3,188 i 40,310,928 I 82,396,23i 128,716,165 79,157,412<br />

I<br />

44,814,736<br />

j<br />

!<br />

1&93<br />

3,215 48,404,269 I 83,4W,832 131,884,101 80,127,776 44,032,540<br />

I<br />

1894 3,328 I 50,112,141 i 84,305,918 134,418,059 82,73(},531 40,583,!lf.S<br />

1895 3,35(1 I 50,010,998 86,635,742 136,646,740 86,604,305 49,147,192<br />

1&00 3,301 59,861,617 87,0il,3i2 146,932,980 93,693,859 51,591,500<br />

1897 3,447 65,248,0!)5 88,638,600 153,887,595 106,453,031 53,400,221<br />

1898 3,47U 68,728,241 00,254,5U<br />

!<br />

158,082,782 114,107,445 57,005,39'2<br />

lfiOO 3,480 70,603,032<br />

I<br />

i 00,902,839 161,505,871 1W,6i5,5S2 58,SH,583<br />

I<br />


RAIL\VAYS.<br />

213<br />


Gross Receipts.<br />

Average<br />

Proportion<br />

From Receipts from Workinf. Net of Working<br />

~'roh1 Goods Traflic Passenger Expend·<br />

Receipts. Expend!·<br />

P11.isenger t,1t1cludin~ 11nd Goods<br />

)Iiscel-<br />

Total. ture. ture to Gross<br />

Traffic. ive Stoc<br />

laneous.<br />

Receipts.<br />

Traffic). ;t~~ft~h1l~~<br />

open.<br />

I<br />

YEA<br />

1':NOLAND AND W AU:S.<br />

--------- ---------------------------- -<br />

£ £ £ .£ £ £, £ Per Cent.<br />

26,0i6,764 31,Q92,729 4,179 2,733,432 60,502,925 31,764,204 28,738,721 53<br />

26,2i4,388 32,886,598 4,231 2,844,647 62,005,633 32,391,197 29,614,436 52<br />

27,774,284 ·34,917,533 4,467 2,984,152 65,675,969 34,402,009 31,273,000 52<br />

29,207,694 35,976,180 4,617 3,089,034 68,272,008 36,004,577 31,308,331 5-l<br />

29,006,508 36,764,095 4,710 3,164,879 69,836,382 38,764,123 f31,088,05-l 55<br />

30,357,743 36,282,591 4,6i9 3,212,02-l 69,852,358 39,250,277 30,602,081 56<br />

30,505,135 . 34,340,820 4,491 3,406,549 68,252,50-l 39,207,291 29,045,213 5i<br />

31,024,000 36,867,298 4,671 4,041,009 71,934,16i 4~,662,660 31,271,507 57<br />

31,687,77-l 37,014,948 4,689 4,089,036 72,791,758 41,126,298 31,665,460 56<br />

33,247,758 38,958,869 4,009 4,378,329 76,584,956 43,152,669 33,-132,287 56<br />

34,461,205 40,395,865 5,052 I 4,002,706<br />

45,723,761 34,036,015 57<br />

"'""::761<br />

35,587,391 41,484,293 5,13U 4,708,817 81,780,nOl 48,177,454 33,603,047 59<br />

37,225,740 44,186,881 5,412 5,~95,385 86,708,006 51,922,103 34,785,1)031 60<br />

38,633,679 45,339,962 5,529 5,418,860 89,392,501 l 55,882,810 33,509,691 63<br />

39,608,759 44,894,936 5,520 6,200,075 90, 703, 770 I 53,349,00tl 32,35-1,164 ! 64<br />

----- -<br />

=--=---,-::===--=-~.;;;;::_-=--=j<br />

I<br />

SCOTI1A!W.<br />

------- -------~-~--------<br />

~ --------<br />

----------<br />

2,900,264- 4,368,500 2,390 251,903 7,610,007<br />

--,<br />

3,773,617<br />

3,831,050 50 I<br />

3,163,195 4,564,627 2,495 266,605 7,094,427 3,S-15,366 4,149,001 48<br />

3,2-14,509 4,788,0.U 2,576 275,210 8,307,850 4,039,800 4,267,960 49<br />

3,469,233 4,818,00-2 2,621 262,822 8,550,457 4,460,266 4,000,191 52<br />

3,528,326 5,002,597 2,689 283,700 8,814,623 4,634,017 4,180,600 53<br />

3,595,235 5,165,006 2,748 301,030 ll,061,931 4,730,177 4,331,754 52<br />

3,607,149 5,104,856 2,738 328,713 9,130,718 4,712,935 4,417,783 52<br />

3,701,477 4,943,258 2,598 336,342 8,981,077 4,701,120 4,2i9,957 52<br />

3,832,319 5,453,737 2,772 356,230 0,642,286 4,864,615 4,i77,6il 50<br />

4,014,454 5,001,309 2,853 379,809 10,055,662 5,116,008 4,938,694 51<br />

4,100,872 5,846,802 2,914 395,283 10,438,957 5,384,639 5,054,318 52<br />

4,356,182 6,105,581 3,010 Ul,555 10,873,318 I 5,712,866 5,160,452 53<br />

l<br />

4,f>-10,393 6,258,004 8,103 447,818 11,246,215 li 6,047,)76 5,199,139 54<br />

4,715,592 6,431,U93 3,109 455,725 l l,tl03,0l0 11<br />

I'<br />

5,013,833 6,375,700 3,198 631,00i 12,020,6!)(1<br />

1<br />

1'<br />

I'<br />

t I11cl11dlnir 15,7951., special receipts.<br />

U,584 1 215 5,018,795 57<br />

6,732,928 5,287,768 56<br />

l<br />

188<br />

1 888<br />

188<br />

18 90<br />

189<br />

18 92<br />

189<br />

181?<br />

189<br />

1 800<br />

189<br />

lf:9<br />

18 99<br />

1900<br />

1001<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1800<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

189~<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

1897<br />

189~<br />

1S9f<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

214 RAILWAYS.<br />


~---,.·<br />

Paid·up Cnpital at the end or each Year.*<br />

YE.ms.<br />

ofLiueo Length<br />

I<br />

at the Enrof<br />

n<br />

each Year. Ordinary.<br />

I ' Numbe1·<br />

Guaranteed,<br />

of Passengers Weight<br />

Conveyed of Goods and<br />

Preferential,<br />

(exclusive of<br />

Minerals<br />

and Loans Total.<br />

Conveyed.<br />

and Debenture<br />

Season·'l.'icket<br />

Holders).<br />

Stock.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

·~~----~~~~~~~~--~~~--'~~~~~~~~~--~~~-----~-----~~--~~--<br />

IllELA.lSD.<br />

188i<br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1800<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

1894<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

1S9i<br />

1898<br />

1899<br />

1000<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

)liles.<br />

2,6i4<br />

2,733<br />

2,791<br />

2,79"?.<br />

2,863<br />

2,895<br />

2,991<br />

3,04-1<br />

3,173<br />

3,178<br />

3,168<br />

16,654,704<br />

16,467,383<br />

16,51~,342<br />

16,179,238<br />

16,22i,SG6<br />

16,338,012<br />

16,221,331<br />

16,202,582<br />

16,208,416<br />

16,446,519<br />

16,446,234<br />

19,802,585<br />

20,071,890<br />

20,525,049<br />

21,119,284<br />

21,548,738<br />

22,164,248<br />

22,537,244<br />

22,952,249<br />

23,059,185<br />

23,269,353<br />

23,020,223<br />

£<br />

36,457,289<br />

36,539,273<br />

3i,03i,391<br />

3i,29S,522<br />

37,776,604<br />

38,502,260<br />

Z.>,758,575<br />

39,154,831<br />

39,267,601<br />

39,715,872<br />

39,466,45i<br />

No.<br />

19,470,958<br />

19,912,897<br />

21,012,035<br />

21,413,281<br />

22,202,258<br />

22,647,010<br />

23,715,061<br />

24,536,387<br />

26,245,548<br />

26,565,270<br />

25,905,200<br />

Tons.<br />

3,771,886<br />

3,774,482<br />

4,164,343<br />

4,296,958<br />

4,410,731<br />

4,32l,459<br />

4,194,464<br />

4,637,015<br />

4,759,457<br />

4,712,707<br />

5,046,530<br />

3,liG 16,159,991 23,190,361 39,350,352 26,632,264 5,113,419<br />

3,176 16,GOS,621 I 23,483,402 40,092,023 27,414,633 5,207,779<br />

3,183<br />

16,0SS,893 23,6i6,680 39,765,573 27,649,815 5,151,310<br />

3,208 I 15,590,232 I 24,664,03i 40,25-1,269 26,853,332 5,136,624<br />

~~-~----------~----~~~~~-·~---~--------~--~~~~~--------=-':='-:::_:_=_::::::::~==:=='::==:-=--====:::========<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

19,578<br />

3H,79::i,317<br />

s:U,176,3.~7<br />

845,971,654<br />

733,678,531<br />

268,926,884<br />

lSS.S<br />

19,812<br />

322,338,446<br />

542,357,517<br />

864,695,963<br />

7 42,499,164<br />

281,748,439<br />

1889<br />

19,9-13<br />

326,220,558<br />

550,365,608<br />

8i6,595,166<br />

775;183,073<br />

297,506,497<br />

1800<br />

20,0i3<br />

332,0i0,153<br />

565,401,873<br />

897,472,026<br />

817,744,046<br />

303,119,427<br />

1891<br />

20,191<br />

340,361,063<br />

579,064,0i>S<br />

919,425,121<br />

845,463,668<br />

310,324,607<br />

1892<br />

20,39..5<br />

347,700,876<br />

596,656,444<br />

944,357,320<br />

864,·135,388<br />

309,626,378<br />

1893<br />

20,646<br />

354,276,789<br />

617,046,564<br />

971,323,353<br />

8i3,177,052<br />

293,341,247<br />

1894<br />

20,908<br />

300,086,684<br />

625,300,671<br />

OS5,38i,355<br />

911,412,920<br />

324,457,033<br />

1895<br />

21,174<br />

364,037,405<br />

637,072,816<br />

1,001,110,221<br />

929,770,00!)<br />

334,230,991<br />

1896<br />

21,277<br />

380,073,903<br />

6~9,401,432<br />

1,029,475,335<br />

980,339,433<br />

356,468,009<br />

1897<br />

21,43!~<br />

425,501,582<br />

664,263,513<br />

1,089,765,095<br />

1,030,420,201<br />

374,389,246<br />

1898<br />

21,659<br />

433,429,544<br />

701,038,918<br />

1,134,468,462<br />

1,002,911,116<br />

378,564,285<br />

189!)<br />

21,700<br />

440,263,543<br />

712,053,958<br />

1,152,317,501<br />

1,106,691,991<br />

413,623,025<br />

1900<br />

21,855<br />

449,000,886<br />

727,001,004<br />

1,176,001,800<br />

1,142,276,686<br />

424,929,518<br />

1001<br />

22,'YiS<br />

454,379,lOi<br />

741,185,371<br />

1,195,564,478<br />

1,172,395,000<br />

415,953,441<br />

l\·ou.-The riald·UP capital of the Itnllwny Companies hns from time to time been nominally increased by the<br />

C-Onverslon and consolfdatlon of stocks. '£he nominal Increase of the cnpltnl of English Companies amounted In<br />

l901VJ142,737,86ll., of Scotch Companies to 44,3SU,W2l., and of Irish Com}lanles to 332,000l. The totnl for all<br />

l'..alhray Com11anles In the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> being 187,456,S29l.·<br />

.,. lneludln~ Caplt.111 nilsed for the purpose of subscribing to other undertakings.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

2~1<br />

nAIIiW.A.¥S. 215<br />

EXPENSES of RAJT.iWAYf' in BNGT;A.ND and \VALl~S, SCOTLAND, and IREf;AND-Gontinued.<br />

-------- -- - - --- --- - - - - -- ..--- ...-- -<br />

---------<br />

Gross Receipts.<br />

Average<br />

Proportion<br />

:From Receipts from<br />

Working<br />

Net<br />

of Working<br />

:J-jxp~ndi·<br />

From Goods Tmtttc Passenger<br />

Receipts.<br />

Expe111li·<br />

Passenger (including and Goods<br />

::.\fiscel· ture. ture to Gross<br />

laneous.<br />

Total.<br />

'.L'mffic. J,iVe Stock Traffic, per<br />

Receipts.<br />

Traffic). )Iile of Line<br />

open. ~<br />

--------= - --- ----------- -- - --- - ------- ~ ~~ ---- ~~--~-- -<br />

YEARS.<br />

!ItELA!m.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

I<br />

J!,<br />

I<br />

J!, J!, .£ J!, £<br />

1<br />

l<br />

£<br />

I<br />

Per Cent.<br />

1,506,259 1,280,070 1,042 43,455 2,829,784<br />

I<br />

11525,445 I 1,304,339 54 <strong>1887</strong><br />

1,546,507<br />

j<br />

1,304,555 1,043 43,543 2,894,605 1,525,544 1,369,061 53 lSSS<br />

1,611,841 1,380,759 1,072 48,598 3,041,198 1,651,257 1,389,941 54 1889<br />

'<br />

I<br />

1,651,038<br />

i<br />

1,425,300 1,102 48,999 3,125,337 1,763,713 1,361,624 56 1890<br />

1,696,082 1,463,125 1,103 50,395 3,209,602 1,746,638 1,462,004 54 1891<br />

1,709,838 1,418,241 1,081 49,672 3,177,751<br />

1,737,165 1,458,961 1,069 52,544 3,248,670<br />

I 1,774,893<br />

1,769,111 1,568,522 1,000 57,954 3,395,587<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1,737,511 i,440,240 55 1892<br />

1,473,777 55 1893<br />

1,844,533 1,551,054 54 1894<br />

!<br />

1,841,069 l 1,566,200 1,074 81,389 3,488,658 1,885,724 1,602,934 54 1895<br />

I<br />

1,858,653 1,555,067 1,074 IH,784 3,478,504 1,922,787 1,555,717 55 1896<br />

1,859,987<br />

'<br />

1,614,505 1,097 63,829 3,538,321 1,975,404 1,562,917 56 1897<br />

1,903,501<br />

:<br />

1,629,090 1,112 00,091 3,598,682 2,070,223 1,528,459 58 1898<br />

1,968,200<br />

i<br />

I 1,672,109 1,146 72,469 3,712,844 2,121,508 1,591,336 57 1899<br />

I<br />

2,034,717 1,698,909 1,173 72,721 3,806,347 2,276,495 1,529,852 60 1900<br />

2,007,273 1,694,837 1,154 132,239 3,834,349 2,407.205 1,427,144 63 <strong>1901</strong><br />

- -- - --- - -- -- -<br />

UNITED KnrnDo:u.<br />

I<br />

! 30,573,287 37,341,299 :l,469 3,028,790 70,943,376 37,063,200 l 33,880,110 I 52 1SS7<br />

30,984,090 3$,755,780 3,520 :l,154,795 72,894,665 ! 37,762,107 I &'i,132,~8 52 lSSS<br />

32,630,724<br />

l<br />

I<br />

41,086,333 3,600 3,307,000 77,025,017 40,094,116 36,030,901 52 1880<br />

34,327,965 42,220,382 3,813 3,400,355 70,948,702 43,188,556 36,760,146<br />

I<br />

I<br />

54 1890<br />

35,130,016 43,230,717 3,881 3,408,974 81,800,607 45,144,778 t86,73I,624 55 1891<br />

35,662,816 42,866,498 3,864 3,562,726 82,092,040 45,717 ,96.'i 36,374,075 56 1892<br />

;<br />

35,849,440 1 40,994,637 3,722 3,787,806 80,631,892 45,605,110 34,936,77!J 57 1893<br />

!<br />

36,495,488 43,370,078 3,820 4,436,265 84,310,831 47,208,313 37,102,518<br />

i<br />

56 1894<br />

I<br />

37,361,162 44,034,885 3,844 4,526,655 85,922,702 47,876,637 38,046,065 56 1895<br />

:m,120 1 865 46,175,335 4,009 4,822,022 90,119,122 50,102,424 89,026,698 I 56 1896<br />

40,518,064 47,857,172 4,123 5,361,818 93,737,054 53,083,804 40,6!13,250 j 57 18Q7<br />

'<br />

T<br />

41,847,074 40,218,004 4,205 5,186,463 00,252,501 55,000,543 40,21>1,!lf.S 58 1898<br />

I<br />

43,734,899 I 52,116,W:l 4,417 5,815,672 101,667,065 60,000,6$7 l 41,570,878 59 1899<br />

45,383,088 53,470,564 4,523 5,047,306 104,801,858 64,7-13,520 I 4o,oss,s38 62 I 1900<br />

46,629,865 li2,965,500 4,511 0,003,381 106,MS,815 07,489,73!! l 80,000,076 6.'l<br />

I 1001<br />

i<br />

t Including 15,795l., spechll 1·ecelpts.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

- ----~--<br />

216 TRAMWAYS.<br />


~-<br />

------<br />

i<br />

I Length Paid-up Capital at the end or 1<br />

I Number of<br />

I Yx.rns of Line each Year.<br />

open at Gross Working Net<br />

i ended<br />

-- '<br />

the end<br />

Passengers<br />

~Oth .Tune. of each !<br />

Year. Share.<br />

DebentlU'e.<br />

Total.<br />

C:onveyed.<br />

i<br />

r<br />

I<br />

I Loan and I<br />

ltecei1lts. Expenses. Receipts.<br />

------ ---- --<br />


~Iiles. .£ £, .£ No. £,<br />

£, £,<br />

I<br />

lSSi 722 7,775,500 2,884,463 10,660,053 330,3.'i9,S45 2,200,747 : 1,739,463 521,284<br />

!<br />

I<br />

lSSS 736 S,251,455 3,0S0,402 11,331,857 340,511,00~ 2,248,117 ' 1,755,345 492,772<br />

1SS9 75~ 7,846,992 3,258,340 11,105,332<br />

r<br />

1379,580,005 2,375,032 : 1,831,846 543,186<br />

lS!X:l ':53 7,758,791 3,235,550 10,994,3U 418,399,936 2,573,535 1,932,444 641,091<br />

1S9l 768 7,731,427 3,362,691 U,09',118 I 448,251,111 2,741,723 2,116,753 624,970<br />

1$9'.! 750 7,009,513 3,479,426 ll,OSS,939 463,137,946 2,841,325 2,300,223 541,102<br />

1$9:; 761 7,595,258 3,557,922 11,153,180 1 476,928,S.~2 2,904,026 : 2,298,573 605,453<br />

:<br />

18W 772 7,469,282 3,716,912 11,186,1941 501,494,739 2,960,198 I<br />

I<br />

2,336,860 623,338<br />

1895 774 7,510,427 3,801,911 11,312,338 52.'i,838,417 3,038,804 '. 2,344,302 694,502<br />

I<br />

1896 79"2 7,329,648 3,830,400 11,160,108 585,048,162 3,322,96-l 2,493,882 829,082<br />

1897t<br />

l<br />

812 7,289,689 4,108,246 11,397,935 595,634,73.J 3,340,843 ' 2,543,443 797,400<br />

I<br />

1$98 I<br />

l<br />

835 6,624,423 5,645,276 12,269,699 654,812,254 3,634,064 ' 2,838,244 795,820<br />

1899<br />

SS1 6,804,005 7,160,023 13,964,628 700,436,783 3,860,701 2,002,039 898,662<br />

I<br />

1900 933 7,163,114 8,738,809 15,001,923 816,768,639 4,347,142 j 3,316,590 1,030,552<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

I<br />

1--<br />

1,040 7,564,099 11,69:>,325 19,259,424 ! 932,052,219 4,793,775 j 3,6.'i2,047 1,141,728<br />

-=--== --;;:::_------ - -<br />

\ lREL.\XD.<br />

I<br />

'<br />

- -- -----<br />

I<br />

)liles. £, l £<br />

No. £ £, £,<br />

I<br />

.£ 11<br />

18Si 87 950,278 I 133,601<br />

" I<br />

1,083,81911 23,875,734 100,791 142,422 48,369<br />

lSSS S9 1,030,231 ' 131,301 1,161,532 l 24,740,00S 188,849 143,503 45,346<br />

I<br />

1889 110 1,0-11,011 I 151,676 1,198,753 j! 27,432,147 208,221 157,089 51,132<br />

..... "I'<br />

34,043,466<br />

1800 111 1,080,090 i 152,326 1,232,416 i 31,960,847 223,858 173,863 49,0951<br />

I'<br />

1891 111 1,073,6871 152,301<br />

,,,., I 235,812 178,917 b6,895 l<br />

189'2 112<br />

lPS0,621 I<br />

152,711 ~.2a3,332 I 36,304,933 241,956 198,254 43,702 I<br />

1893 113 1,091,487 li.J,421<br />

""'·... 1<br />

257,631 191,3!)1 66,240 '.<br />

I ao.2"'~" I<br />

1894 115 1,000,499 I 189,l!ll 1,285,690 l r 40,855,033 264,148 198,026 66,122 i<br />

!<br />

I 1895 11.J 1,111,915 i 209,991 1,321,906 lj 41,910,824 68,995 l<br />

t 270,004 201,009<br />

I 1800 l!!l<br />

I<br />

1,233,515 ! 258,966 1,492,481 If 45,964,177 : 285,839 213,516 72,323<br />

! ', !<br />

1897 121<br />

320,887 225,425<br />

I 1,290,530 i 255,991 1,546,521 I! 53,116,913 95,462<br />

;<br />

1898 126 1,299,165 1 201,680 1,590,845 ; I 56,425,267 329,448 232,320 97,128<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I 1899 ! 135 1,409,675 347,154 1,756,829 I<br />

I<br />

;<br />

1<br />

l<br />

l 1{)(11<br />

I<br />

61,587,322 357,320 245,377 111,943<br />

19(J(J<br />

i 13i ! 1,489,287 343,716 l ,S.~3,00311 7a,040,178 399,157 243,479 165,678<br />

140 1,527,672 348,661 1,876,:{33 d 79,336,716 424,219 304,076 120,1431<br />

!<br />

*The decrease In the amount of paid-up Share Capital Is due to tl1e transfer of old<br />

t 'lhe fl~ures for England are conshlerably reduced !or 1897 in consequence of no return or trafllc,.recelpts<br />

· had recently been trans·<br />

! The decrease In the Share Capital ls chiefly due to the transfor of undertakings from Companies to<br />

the lenr,t.h C\f line and working of the undertakings so<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

-<br />

TRAMWAYS. 217<br />


-,,<br />

I<br />

-~:~~1-- Pnhl-up Capital nt the end of !'j<br />

of Line<br />

each Year.<br />

j Numuer or<br />

open at<br />

Gross<br />

the end<br />

----!j Passengers<br />

Receipts.<br />

of each Share. II Lonn and I Total. 'i Conveyed.<br />

Expenses. I Receip~s.<br />

Year.<br />

____ ---~e~enture. l !<br />

Wo•k;•g I ~.:-,1 · ~:;;~ !!<br />

:lOth June.<br />

SCOTJ..\ND.<br />

----- - - - --- - - -- - --- -- - -<br />

:\Iiles. £ £, £, No. £, £ £<br />

----- --- - -- -- ------<br />

~---<br />

77 650,082 513,366 1,163,448 62,282,844 350,786 260,517 90,269<br />

79 676,354 520,921 1,197,275 63,744,042 359,333 276,586 82,747<br />

81 717,299 535,579 1,252,878 70,583,156 396,971 277,746 119,225<br />

84 743,284 531,085 l,275,269 I 76,008,545 417,350 206,493 120,857<br />

s~ 746,280 529,911 1,276,191<br />

l<br />

82,426,001 452,151 335,259 116,892<br />

I 84 719,615 529,lH 1,248,729 82,145,667 448,150 35..t,SiO flS,271<br />

I<br />

86 714,565 574,696 1,289,261 82,095,160 444,438 347,482 ,96,956<br />

SS 546,31!~ 1,094,376 l,640,6S9 - - - -<br />

93 540,520 936,757 1,477,277 94,0ll,220 424,882 333,179 91,703<br />

96 557,452 947,31& 1,504,765 ; 128,453,708 543,213 398,113 145,100<br />

I<br />

98 486,169 1,352,075 1,838,244 : 139,818,(122 573,863 429,576 144,287<br />

103 390,172 1,669,GSS 2,059,860 ' 147,248,021 596,614 437,331 159,283<br />

I 106 302,436 2,028,880 2,331,316 l 162,796,H2 661,5!S1 468,143 193,438<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

107 286,322 2,561,444 2,847,766 . 175,565,530 699,330 515,283 184,047<br />

116 302,753 3,451,7f3 8,754,516 I 186,$37,823 743,068 569,056 174,012<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

l~~<br />

!.SS9<br />

1800<br />

1891<br />

lfill2<br />

1893<br />

1894<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

1897<br />

1898<br />

1899<br />

1000<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />


:.\Iiles. £.. £ .t No. i<br />

I .t £<br />

.£<br />

I<br />

886 9,375,950 3,531,430 12,907,380 416,518,423 2,802,324<br />

:<br />

2,142,402 659,922<br />

904 9,958,040 3,732,624 13,690,664 428,996,045 I 2,796,299 ' 2,175,434 620,865<br />

I<br />

949 ~9,611,368 3,945,595 13,556,963 477,596,268 2,980,224 I 2,266,681 713,543<br />

948 9,582,16.5 3,919,861 13,502,026 526,369,328 3,214,743 2,402,800 811,943<br />

1)63 9,551,394 4,044,903 13,596,297 565,621,478 3.429,686 2,630,929 '/98,757<br />

I<br />

946 9,409,74!) 4,161,251 13,571,000 581,678,546 3,531,4~1 2,S.'i3,3.'i6 678,075<br />

:<br />

960 9,401,310 .J,307,039 13,708,349 598,289,509 3,606,095 2,837,4-16 7GS,649<br />

i<br />

975 9,112,094 ii,000,470 14,112,573 - - - --<br />

982 ll,162,862 4,948,65!) 14,111,521 001,760,461 3,733,690 2,878,490 855,200<br />

1,009 9,120,615 5,036,739 14,157,354 I 759,466,047 4,152,016 3,105,511 1,046,505<br />

1,031 9,066,388 5,716,312 14,782,700. I 788,569,669 4,235,5!)3 s,rnS,444 1,037,149<br />

1,064 t8,313,760 'l,!lOll,644 15,020,404 ' 858,485,542 4,560,126 3,507,895 1,0:12,231<br />

1,122<br />

1,177<br />

! S,516,716 ll,536,057 18,052,773 994 890 9 4h : ... 4,879,!!02 3,675,559 1,204,043<br />

I J .... , ... I<br />

, I<br />

S,938,723 : 11,643,969 20,582,692 11,06.'i,374,347 :l,445,629 4,075,352 1,370,277<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1,305 9,39.J,524 15,495,749 24,890,273 11,198,2!!0,758 5,961,062 4,52.'i,179<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1,43.'i,SSS<br />

m1de1·taklngs to new Companies, with reduced Cnpltnl nnd to re-arrangements of Capital.<br />

and working expenditure having ueen rccelvc

218 MINES.<br />

:No. 69.-QUANTITIES and VALUE of Co.u" and METAT~s Produced in the UNITED KINGDO?ir<br />

YEARS.<br />

1<br />

COAL. '-~,:..:• In~;;~n 1,-;~ne--I ~.;:~: 1 1P~~:.::•rro_m.Bltn"s1~~:~1-:::<br />

_ _! ____ ::o~~h I o,.,._ J Coppor. L""d. I 'fin. I<br />

QU •.\!'i'TITIES.<br />

Zme.<br />

I ~a':l. >Iotalo.<br />

'£0TAL<br />

of<br />

COAL and<br />

.l[ET•.\.LS.<br />

YEARS.<br />

1SS7<br />

lSSS<br />

18S9<br />

1S90<br />

lS91<br />

189"2<br />

1893<br />

189'1<br />

1896<br />

lS97<br />

1S9S<br />

1899<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

'Ions.<br />

162,119,812<br />

I<br />

Tons. Tons.<br />

4,708,994 2,850,524<br />

169,935,219 5,130,861 : 2,86S,10S<br />

176,916,724 5,lSl,733 · 3,141,091<br />

181,6H,2SS<br />

4,848,748 ' 3,0:i5,466<br />

185,479,126 4,528,312 I 2,877,752<br />

181,786,871 4,041,178 2,668,077<br />

164,325,795 3,978,694 2,99S,296<br />

188,277,525 4,347,472 . 3,079,870<br />

189.661,362 4,394,987 3,308,472<br />

195,361,260 4,759,446 3,!l00,235<br />

20'2,129,931 4,736,667 ·i,059,798<br />

I<br />

20-2,054,516 4,850,508 : 3,759,211<br />

220,094,7Sl 4,913,846 . 4,507,589<br />

I 2'25,181,300 4,666,942 I 4,29'2,749<br />

219,046,945 4,091,00S . 3,836,739<br />

•.rons. Tons.<br />

SS9 37,S90<br />

1,456 37,578<br />

905 I 35,604<br />

936 ! 33,590<br />

720 32,205<br />

495 l 29,540<br />

425 i 29,698<br />

447 ! 29,687<br />

579 : 29,600<br />

Tons.<br />

9,282<br />

9,241<br />

8,912<br />

9,602<br />

9,353<br />

9,270<br />

S,837<br />

8,327<br />

6,648<br />

556<br />

518<br />

-!,88-S<br />

4,453<br />

640<br />

l<br />

j 25,355 4,648<br />

637 ! 23,552 4,013<br />

765 i 24,364 4,268<br />

532 20,034 4,560<br />

Tons.<br />

9,760<br />

10,002<br />

9,392<br />

8,582<br />

8,S91<br />

9,349<br />

Ozs.<br />

320,345<br />

321,425<br />

306,149<br />

291,724<br />

279,792<br />

271,259<br />

9,284 274,100<br />

S,130 275,696<br />

6,654 280,434<br />

7,110 283,826<br />

7,049 249,156<br />

8,574 211,403<br />

8,698 191,927<br />

9,066 187,S42<br />

8,418 173,724<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1890<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

1894<br />

1895<br />

1800<br />

1897<br />

1898<br />

1S99<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />


1&>7<br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1S90<br />

1891<br />

1893<br />

1S94<br />

1895<br />

lb96<br />

1&97<br />

lb98<br />

lb99<br />

Wf'JO<br />


-i---~-----, ____<br />


219<br />

1891 •<br />

1892.<br />

·1893.<br />

1894.<br />

1895.<br />

1896.<br />

1897.<br />

!SOS·<br />

1899.<br />

1900.<br />

<strong>1901</strong> •<br />

2,59i<br />

2,505<br />

2,515<br />

2,885<br />

3,805<br />

4,658<br />

5,148<br />

5,065<br />

4,879<br />

4,859<br />

3,441<br />

6<br />

s<br />

2<br />

2<br />

72<br />

82<br />

78<br />

74<br />

'iO s<br />

59 s<br />

65<br />

104<br />

sn<br />

100<br />

51<br />

*Exclusive of increases of ca)lital after registration.<br />

2,686<br />

2,607<br />

2,617<br />

2,970<br />

3,892<br />

4,735<br />

5,229<br />

5,182<br />

4,975<br />

4,960<br />

3,502<br />

309,532,047<br />

291,117,559<br />

272,287,690<br />

245,939,676<br />

I 221,827,0341<br />

l *144,084,749 I<br />

No. 71~-TOTAL NUl\IBER and AMOUNT of PAID-UP 0AI>I'.I'AL (including<br />

AMOUNTS considered as paid on VENDORS' SHARES) of all REGISTERED<br />

COMPANIES having a SHARE CAPITAL, and believed to be currying on<br />

BUSINESS at the under-men~ionecl DATES.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

L:i~if ~~~e;;~g ~l:e Registered in I :Registerecl in I<br />

! l'otal.<br />

Stnnnaries.*<br />

Edinburgh. Dublin. I<br />

Date.<br />

/____<br />

I ' No. Paicl·UJl<br />

I No. Pai•~·llI> ' Xo Pai~·up i No Pai~·up<br />

I l I Capital. Capital. : • · 1 Cap1t11l. j • • Capital.<br />

l<br />

J!,<br />

I £, £,<br />

April <strong>1887</strong> 9,091 528,671,858<br />

£ I i 895 41l,9.ts,125 I 508 : 15,SSS,709 10,494 591,508,692<br />

: I<br />

I<br />

9,507 544,447,145 I'<br />

i<br />

April 1888 948 50,255,054 i 546<br />

j<br />

16,728,172 11,001 611,430,371<br />

April 1889 . / 10,3751604,239,039 '' l,OOi 50,3Si,974 586 i 17,243,171 11,968 671,Si0,1S4<br />

i<br />

April 1890 11,608 I 705,669,347 l 1,102 52,182,679 613 17,287,527 13,323 775,139,553<br />

April 1891 13P'2 I SI ~4'5,671 I 1,192 58,546,874- 649 l 19,511,567 14,873 891,504,112<br />

I<br />

April 1892 14,198 ! 005,145,756 l,2i9 62,118,501 696 22 1<br />

019,877 I 10,173 &39,283,634<br />

Aprll 1893 15,431 i 92.'i,025,647 1,882 65,687,129 ' 742 ....<br />

400 5'"4 I i'" --5<br />

1 1 I 1,013,119,359<br />

I<br />

i<br />

!· 1100<br />

April 1SQ4 16,104 1942,689,164 1,481 68,668,5551 776 24,272,116<br />

I ! 18,361 l,035,029,SS5<br />

Aprll 1895 16,988 ! 002,141,029 1,619 75,113,251 823<br />

~ 25,479,541 I w,43o 1,002,783,821<br />

I<br />

!<br />

.~prll 18Q6 18,524 il,035,551,743 1,804 82,508,882 595<br />

i 27,:H2,368 I 21,223 1,145,402,993<br />

Aprll 189_7• 20,720 ,160,251,535 2,032 93,893,989 9i6 ' 31 1 300,497 I 23,728 1,285,042,021<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.<br />

.A1irn 1s9's 21,987 1,248,038,344 2,255 102,875,480 1,025 32,lli9,33S ! 25,2G7 1,883,593,162<br />

11<br />

i<br />

April 1899 24,462 j1 1 302,S59,410 2,443 114,&74,708 1,004 -l 84,003,980 ,27,009 1,512,098,098<br />

8(1,861,045 29,730 11,622,641,406<br />

.April 1900 21l,040 ,l,46.'l,278,676 2,593 121,00i,695 .... , I<br />

April 1001 27,57·• 11,560.840,521) 2.714 127,512,852 1,141 87,587.131 Sl,429 1,725,940,512<br />

Thu Stiumurles Com·t was abolished on the lst AJlrll 1897, under Act 59 a111l 60 Ylct. c. 45.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

220 COINAGE.<br />

No. 72.-AMOUNT of IMPl~RIAL GOLD, S1LVER, and BRONZE ~foNEYS lssu'ED<br />

from the ROYAL MINT, LONDON, and of LIGH'i' GOLD Corn and WORN<br />

SILVER COIN sent in for RE-COINAGE.<br />

I<br />

Gold. Silver.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Light Coin withdrawn from .<br />

l Circulation.<br />

I Nominal Value Bronze<br />

Years.<br />

l Sominal Value I<br />

of Worn and :Moneys<br />

I<br />

Defaced Coin<br />

Issued 1 of Amount ' Issued.<br />

withdrawn<br />

j withdrawn P11rchase1l from<br />

(under Pro· at Bullion Circulation.<br />

\'isions of Value.<br />

Coinage Acts,<br />

1889 and 1891).<br />

Issued.<br />

I<br />

£, £, I<br />

£, £ £, £,<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 1,008,700 - I 2,301,200 909,768 354,860 57,680<br />

i<br />

I<br />

I<br />

iSSS 2,033,000 I - I 1,668,472 799,646 235,712 41,345<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1889 7,500,700 I - 603,531 2,178,888 232,163 66,950<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1890 i 7,680,200 * 2,275,000 973,437 1,694,688 296.982 90,285<br />

j t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1891 i 6,723,600 l * 42,477 I 292,031 1,000,548 203,573 89,535<br />

I<br />

! I<br />

I<br />

1892 13,907,800<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

16,200,000 1,168,125 849,932 227,434 58,556<br />

I<br />

!<br />

1893 9,266,300 6,300,000 I - 1,008,971 294,323 46,664<br />

!<br />

l<br />

!<br />

1894 5,678,100 I 3,600,000 - 942,856 390,948 33,485<br />

l<br />

1895 I 3,810,636<br />

1800<br />

\<br />

I<br />

lfs97 1,778,437<br />

l<br />

j<br />

!<br />

~.400,000<br />

- 1,100,168 444,001 40,995<br />

I<br />

4,808,860 2,400,000 l 194,688 1,235,161 226,167 122,860<br />

I<br />

I<br />

2,749,309 - 982,001 379,208 107,230<br />

1898 5,780,446 2,050,691 - 1,312,300 377,457 84,555<br />

!<br />

1899 9,011,011 1,800,000 I - 1,616,246 412,728 139,065<br />

1900 13,103,793 1,800,000 - 2,013,381 346,893 168,295<br />

' 1,800,000 - 914,201 243,075 120,280<br />

I<br />

I<br />

l !<br />

1001 2,59'J,OOO<br />

• 'l11e coins withdrawn

'COINAGE. 221<br />

No. 73.--Al\IOUNT of IMPERIAL GOLD MONEYS ISSUED from, and of<br />

LIGHT Gow recefred for RE-COINAGE at, the BRANCHES of the<br />


I<br />

- --- -- ~ -- -- --- ------ ------ ----- - -<br />

Light Goltl Coin withdrawn from Circulation. l<br />

Years.<br />

-- -<br />

Gold :Moneys<br />

Received for Exchange<br />

Issued. at Nominal Value Purchased<br />

(under Pro\"lsions of at Bullion Value.!<br />

Coinage Act, 1889).<br />

£, £<br />

I<br />

£<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 4,956,800 - 512<br />

lSSS - 5,017,000 - 99,013<br />

1889 6,026,000 - 135,034<br />

1890 5,281,500 t 4~,6il 31,365<br />

1891 '5,422,600 - 18,861<br />

1892 6,3!!5,700 ·- 1,397<br />

1893 6,587,800 788<br />

1894 7,233,900 - 67,3~<br />

1895 - 6,923,900 - 1,197<br />

1896 - 7,110,400 - 1,732<br />

1897 7,662,600 - 868<br />

1898 8,107,138 - 435<br />

1899 9,642,759 - 887<br />

1000 10,024,141 - 952<br />

1001 9,889,034 - 837<br />

* The Perth .H1:a11ch of the Royal llint was opened in June, 1599.<br />

t The loss incurre

222 SAVINGS BANKS.<br />

No. 75.-TOTAL .A.":'IIOUNT RECElVED from, and PAID to, DEPOSITORS in the PosT<br />


BANKS at the end of each Year.<br />

YR.ms.<br />

j f RECEIYED • ,<br />

ilSS7· PAID • •<br />

l DUE TO Dt-:· \ '<br />

I l'OSlTORS • J I<br />

'. (RECEIVED • I<br />

• lSSS ')PAID • •<br />

~ l DUE TO DE·) i<br />

I POSITORS • f<br />

1 {:RECEIUD • '.<br />

'1SS9· P.1ID • • '.<br />

! DUE TO DE· I I<br />

l'OSITORS • (<br />

! (RECEIVED ~ l<br />

1890 •• P.UD • • I<br />

I lDUI~ TO DE· I I<br />

: l'OSlTOns • f '<br />

l<br />

f RECE1'"ED<br />

I 1891 •• PAID • •<br />

I l DUE TO DE·} :<br />

I l'OSITORS •<br />

I (llECElYED • :<br />

I<br />

1892 .·l PAID • • ,<br />

DUE 'fO DE-\<br />

· POSITORS • I '<br />

I llECEn"ED •<br />

1893 )lP.UD • ·<br />

DUI-~ TO DE· I<br />

l'OSITORS ·) ,<br />

J RECEIYED •<br />

1 1894 • PAID • • ·<br />

; l DUE TO DE· I. I<br />

i l'OSITOHS • J I<br />

'RECEI\'ED • ,<br />

1895) ?AID ' ' ,<br />

DUE TO DE·\ ,<br />

l<br />

l'OSITORS • J (<br />

: (}tJ.:CEIVED • '<br />

; 1800 j P.HD<br />

I ~ ' l]IUE<br />

•<br />

DE·<br />

• :<br />

i '<br />

TO<br />

l'OSlTOllS • f '.<br />

I<br />

t (RECEIVED • ;<br />

I 1897 • PAID • • ' lDUE TO DE· ·1 '<br />

· l'OSITOllS • f<br />

J :RECEI\"}!D<br />

,1S98·lPAID •<br />

DUE TO DE··I<br />

• l'OSITO.RS • / .<br />


1800 •· PAID •<br />

DUE TO DE··I<br />

L POSITORS • J :<br />

; RF.CEI\'ED<br />

l!IOO • • P.Ull •<br />

l DUH TO DI:· I<br />

l'OSITt)HS • J ,<br />

"ll.ECEI\'ED • ,<br />

' J PAID • • I<br />

, lOOl • lDUF. TO DE·., :<br />

' l'OSI'IORS • J •<br />

I<br />

E:SGI.A::rn<br />

AXIi<br />

WAL}:S ...<br />

£<br />

16,305,99!<br />

13,~4,0i!<br />

49,898,408<br />

18,743,829<br />

14,572,033<br />

5!,070,20!<br />

19,572,0U<br />

15,494,852<br />

58,147,393<br />

20,769,803<br />

16,!95,202<br />

62,421,994<br />

21,170,281<br />

17,5i4,0'17<br />

66,018,228<br />

22,053,356<br />

18,798,013<br />

69,Si3,571<br />

24,352,782<br />

19,949,ro3<br />

74,277,260<br />

29,602,953<br />

21,910,841<br />

81,960,372<br />

• 31,071,405<br />

23,611,750<br />

89,420,027<br />

35,177,703<br />

26,066,652<br />

98,531,0i8<br />

34,772,0iO<br />

2S,0'17,895<br />

105,255,253<br />

36,382,192<br />

30,132,440<br />

lll,505/I05<br />

38,154,169<br />

32,039,450<br />

ll7,61!l,i2!<br />

39,596,852<br />

34,851,383<br />

122,305,193<br />

40,600,981<br />

3(),391,001<br />

126,575,173<br />

SCOTI. •.\.!\D.<br />

£<br />

414,10!<br />

326,253<br />

1,1!2,625<br />

450,057<br />

340,214<br />

1,252,468<br />

500,607<br />

3i5,869<br />

1,377,206<br />

558,307<br />

436,429<br />

1,499,08!<br />

560,96!<br />

4!5,242<br />

1,614,806<br />

635,287<br />

481,227<br />

1,708,866<br />

i!l,479<br />

530,120<br />

1,980,225<br />

988,23!<br />

638,445<br />

2,330,014<br />

1,236,372<br />

721,080<br />

2,844,706<br />

1,420,754<br />

851,675<br />

3,!ta,785<br />

1,477,123<br />

954,982<br />

~,935,026<br />

1,566,930<br />

1,088,523<br />

4,414,333<br />

1,663,247<br />

1,280,770<br />

4,787,810<br />

1,671,225<br />

1,332,736<br />

5,126,299<br />

1,672,592<br />

1,417,42.1<br />

6,381,468<br />

IllELA!\D.<br />

£,<br />

1,059,908<br />

829,951<br />

2,933,032<br />

1,191,178<br />

890,4SS<br />

3,233,722<br />

1,184,845<br />

943,546<br />

3,475,021<br />

1,215,937<br />

977,229<br />

3,713,729<br />

1,261,805<br />

1,000,566<br />

3,974,008<br />

1,302,651<br />

1,006,977<br />

4,210,642<br />

1,414,867<br />

1,285,353<br />

4,34(),156<br />

1,86"1,165<br />

1,228,641<br />

4,975,080<br />

1,993,428<br />

1,364,866<br />

5,604,242<br />

2,120,537<br />

1,571,001<br />

6,153,778<br />

2,173,9!7<br />

1,622,118<br />

0,705,607<br />

2,251,020<br />

1,781,866<br />

7,224,761<br />

2,328,565<br />

1,842,255<br />

7,711,071<br />

2,304,835<br />

2,0~7,258<br />

8,058,158<br />

2,459,741<br />

2,0Sl,619<br />

8,436,275<br />

USITED<br />

KISGDOM.*<br />

£,<br />

17,780,006<br />

14,680,278<br />

53,974,065<br />

20,385,004<br />

15,802,735<br />

58,556,39!<br />

21,257,493<br />

16,814,267<br />

62,999,620<br />

22,544,0!7<br />

17,008,860<br />

67,634,807<br />

22,993,050<br />

19,019,855<br />

71,608,002<br />

24,691,29!<br />

20,341_';217<br />

75,853,0(i)<br />

26,509,128<br />

21,764,566<br />

80,597,641<br />

32,455,352<br />

23,786,927<br />

89,266,006<br />

34,301,205<br />

25,698,206<br />

97,868,975<br />

38,718,91)4<br />

28,489,328<br />

108,098,641<br />

38,423,HO<br />

30,624,995<br />

115,800,786<br />

40,200,142<br />

32,952,829<br />

123,144,099<br />

42,145,981<br />

35,171,475<br />

130,118,605<br />

43,662,412<br />

38,231,372<br />

135,640,645<br />

H,733,314<br />

39,890,043<br />

140,892,1)16<br />

YEARS.<br />

I I<br />

RECEIVED : PAID • flSS7.<br />

DUE TO D1-:·<br />

{ l'OSITORS •<br />

I<br />

RECEIVJ0.yments under Annuity nn

II<br />

SAVINGS BANKS. 223<br />


from and to DEPOSITORS in each Year; together with the TOTAL AMOUNT due<br />

to DEPOSITORS in the BANKS at the end of each Year.<br />


_ 20Tll .NOV1':lIBEit.<br />

I<br />

ENGLAND.*<br />

RECEIVED I 6,87~807<br />

INTEREST }<br />


949149<br />

' •<br />

<strong>1887</strong> PAID 7,756,255<br />

{ DUE TO DE· ) r.<br />

' l'OSITORS f 35,095,889<br />

I {RECEIVED 6,685,941<br />


} 944,355<br />

18SS ~~~!TED<br />

8,827,566<br />

DUJUE TO Dl:· } o '> 9<br />

~~~~~~~J--~9~9:,51.<br />

I<br />

WAI.ES<br />

£,<br />

122,814<br />

24,308<br />

183,6.U<br />

915,171<br />

117,933<br />

23,713<br />

166,554<br />

890,263<br />

112,453<br />

21,281<br />

151,0il<br />

872,926<br />

124,055<br />

20,976<br />

165,502<br />

852,455<br />

122,654<br />

20,766<br />

144,537<br />

851,338<br />

107,614<br />

20,536<br />

145,480<br />

834,002<br />

91,639<br />

10,100<br />

20:1,111<br />

741,630<br />

87,895<br />

17,160<br />

147,503<br />

699,182<br />

77,249<br />

15,858<br />

145,214<br />

647,075<br />

83,MG<br />

15,718<br />

97,577<br />

648,702<br />

SCOTJ.AND.<br />

£<br />

2,472,500<br />

224,576<br />

2,340,033<br />

8,688,354<br />

2,584,183<br />

236,238<br />

2,440,034<br />

9,068,741<br />

2,678,340<br />

221,705 '<br />

2,596,041 i<br />

9,372,745<br />

2,824,391<br />

227,242<br />

2,870,407<br />

9,553,0il<br />

2,832,427<br />

232,959<br />

2,798,920<br />

9,820,437<br />

2,830,666<br />

237,929<br />

2,8i0,979<br />

10,018,053<br />

2,973,494<br />

249,086<br />

2,761,860<br />

10,478,773<br />

3,473,213<br />

263,469<br />

2,824,964 i<br />

11,390,491<br />

4,010,439<br />

294,548<br />

3,101,308<br />

12,600,170<br />

4,628,017<br />

324,025<br />

3,601,018<br />

18,946,199<br />

IRELAND.<br />

£<br />

409,350<br />

52,242<br />

428,6i3<br />

2,002,808<br />

408,250<br />

52,432<br />

476,425<br />

2,047,065<br />

407,581<br />

48,249<br />

437,069<br />

2,065,826<br />

350,965<br />

48,174<br />

483,200<br />

2,011,675<br />

381,894<br />

46,906<br />

451,400<br />

1,988,970<br />

372,727<br />

47,191<br />

422,783<br />

1,986,114<br />

355,457<br />

45,703<br />

500,552<br />

1,886,722<br />

441,370<br />

46,534<br />

3i7,137<br />

1,99i,49!<br />

457,74S<br />

48,610<br />

H6,465<br />

2,0Si,397<br />

468,677<br />

50,657<br />

425,517<br />

2,181,214<br />

• Inclutllng Chnnnel Islnnl!s.<br />

UmTF.D<br />

KINGDO)f.*<br />


20Tll NOVEMBER.<br />

£<br />

1),876,561 RECEIVED }<br />

l 250 96g { INTEREST<br />

I ·- CREDITED -<br />

10,708,602 PAID 1881<br />

411 "9 """" 1 I DUE TO DE·<br />

-<br />

6··-··{ l'OSITORS<br />

9,700,307<br />

1,256,738{<br />

11,910,579<br />

.JG,404 1688{<br />

RECEIVED }<br />

INTF.ltEST<br />

CltEDITED<br />

PAID<br />

Dur. TO DF.·<br />

l'OSITORS<br />

lSSS<br />

9,557,931 REOE1''ED }<br />

,. { lNTRRF.ST<br />

l,ll 4 ,i0 5 CREDITED<br />

11,949,504 I P.AJD . lSS 9<br />

4r. 19,. S"O{I' DUE TO DE·<br />

" 1 • 11 • l'OSlil'OltS<br />

9,564,407 I RJ.:CEIVED }<br />

l 084 '"25{I INTl:ltEST<br />

• • 1 Cm:D1T1m<br />

12 1 126,400 PAID<br />

1890<br />

43 050 550 { DUE TO DE·<br />

I • - l'OSITORS<br />

9,253,470 RECEIVED. }<br />

l 061<br />

.,,,n{ lNTERF.5T<br />

I ·-"" CREDITED<br />

11,089,693 P.UD<br />

4:.,8i5,5 ~ ,. ·{i DUI-: TO DE·<br />

6.'> l'OSITORS<br />

189 L<br />

9,141,200 I RECEIVED l<br />

1 046 ..... 8 { INTEREST<br />

111<br />

• CmmITED 9<br />

10,678,094 PAID J 189 - ,<br />

., ( DUE TO DE·<br />

4-,385,H 9 .l J>OSITORS<br />

9,098,129 RE\Jlff\'ED }<br />

( lNTEltEST<br />

1,044,641 l I CUEDITED<br />

10,284,619 P.\ID<br />

400 -1- 43 ,600 {'\DUE l'OSITORS<br />

DE·<br />

1893 1<br />

10,354,449 RI-:CRIYED l ,.<br />

l 0-3 S94 { lNTl:R1':ST<br />

• " • I CREDITJm<br />

10,177,039 ! PAID J<br />

,.4nn•{1 1894 1<br />

43 Dul-: TO DE·<br />

f<br />

•<br />

41<br />

,mn l'OSITORS l<br />

11,082,590 llECKIYED l I<br />

I INT}'Rl-:ST<br />

110941833 { I cirnomm •<br />

10,339,6461' P.\ID J IS 9 1<br />

a<br />

• •) { Dux TO DE· 4,1,31.,GSl l'OSITORS I<br />

12,02-1,129 ! UJ.:CEIYED } 0 ,. • { ' lNTF.lt:&ST j<br />

l,l,.i,O.iO l CREDITED ,<br />

1896<br />

11,704,179 ' r.uD<br />

1<br />

4 ,,.{;DUE TO DE·<br />

0. 699 •(!:) 1 I l'OSITOltS<br />

- l -<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

224 SAVINGS BANKS.<br />

No. i6-Conlinw:cl.-TOTAL A.¥.OUNT RECEIVED and PAID by TitUS'fEES of SAVINGS<br />

BA..:.~Ks from and to DEPOSITOR8 in each Year; together with the ToTAr.<br />

A:\lOU~T dnc to DEPOSITORS in the :BANKS at the end of each Year-Continued.<br />

I<br />

-~---- ----- --<br />

tl!.\llS RNDl:D<br />


F.XGf,AXD. * "rAI.l:s. SCOTLAND. lm·:I.A?iD.<br />

I<br />

2(1TJl Nl•nmmm. KINGDO)f.* 2o·ru NOYEMJH:ll.<br />

-------- I<br />

.£ .£ .£ £, £, I<br />

( ltEOEl\'ED 6,862,737 Sl,984 4,608,836 461,999 1~015,056 I RRCKI\'ED }<br />


} 748,778 15,840 347,452 52,6·10 l l6'1 -io{ lNTERJ.:ST<br />

lS 97 , CREDITED , ' 1 CREDI'l'ED<br />

I P.\ID 6,840,228 93,957 4,037,215 443,756 11,415,156 I p AID<br />

!<br />

Dm: TO DE·<br />

} 30,694,799 652,629 H,865,272 2,252,097 48 464 .. 9-{, Dul: •rv DE·<br />

• l'QSITORS I ' 1 I l'OSITORS<br />

I lNTERF~b<br />

rRECElYl:D 6,909,044 Sl,232 4,796,76!1 4.>7,131 12,244,176 I ltEOEIVED }<br />


1898 _ CREDITED _ l,.OS,00 3 l CREDITED<br />

DUE TO DE·_} - -9 DUJ.: TO DE·<br />

31,350,274 651,161 15,690,459 2,297,478<br />

l'OSITORS _<br />

' 19 • 99 "• 31 ~ {I l'OSITOltS<br />

rltl-:CEIYED 7,235,389 89,207 ·1,940,554 4i2,495 1~'37,6'5 I REOEl\'ED }<br />


lNTmEST<br />

. }<br />

lPAID<br />

7,345.1!l3 95,745 4,659,248 469,765 12,509,951 PAW 1$9!><br />

DUF. TO Dl:·<br />

.} 32,023,340 660,507 lll,365,010 2,355,403 51404 999 { I DUP. TO DE·<br />

I'OSITORS • I I - ! l'OSITORS<br />

lS!l 9 • CREDITED 782,870 15,!JH 387,854 55,195 1,241,863 {I C~tRDITJ:D<br />

(RECJ-:l\'ED 7,075,611 101,!lSO 4,606,333 403,748 1~2'7,672 i Rl!C>:I\-.D }<br />

I~TEREST t 792,000 16,210 3SS,603 55,460 19 • 2 .,~ {1 IN'uan:sT<br />

3<br />

1000 t CR}lDITEl> 'J ·-" ,~I I CllEDITED<br />

P.UD 7,SS7,027 101,!l.un S,026,048 103,i.;i:~ 4,628,703 •193,007 13,251,630 I PAID f lOOl '<br />

! l DUJ.: TO DE· ) 31 003 691 r. Du:i.: TO DE·<br />

l'O:)ITORS f ' ' -<br />

189 7<br />

694,961 16,!124,024 2,3S3,77i .1l, 9 G6,SS 6 { ! J'OSITORS l<br />

* Including Channel Islands.<br />

SOTE.-Tl1e above statement lnc!Ulles the eums received and pnicl for Government Stock bought and sold for<br />

Depositors, as well as dividends credited, but it Is exclusive of Government Stock hehl for Deposlto1·s.<br />

Tht amount due to Penny l~nnks, C'lrnritahle Institutions, nut! 1''1·ientlly Societies included above wns in-<br />

1 &-7 • I :?,!)';'!J,541 I 109,304 I 236,440 I 43,940 I :i,36!l,2S!i I .<br />

1001 • 2,185,3Ir> I S0,2!18 . 511,8111 68,51!1 ' 2,8·15,9:il •<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

l!lOl<br />

I<br />


SAVINGS BANKS~ 225<br />

No. 78.-Toi'AL AM:OUNT·of GOVE!lN.\\J:ENT STOCK bought and sold oil<br />

behalf ·of DEPOSITORS in the 'Posi' OFFICE. SAVINGS BANKS in each<br />

of the years <strong>1887</strong>· to <strong>1901</strong>; ~nd of such Stock standing to tho<br />

credit of Depositors ·at the end of each year.<br />

Years<br />

I Stook booght. I<br />

Stock sold.<br />

l<br />

I<br />

Stock standing<br />

to the credit of<br />

Depositors at the<br />

end of the Yenr.<br />

£, £, £,<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 917,477 469,312 3,:m,100<br />

1888 1,026,242 585,737 3,785,611<br />

1889 - 1,021,521 631,498 4,175,634*<br />

1800 1,132,128 632,667 4,6S0,167t I<br />

1891 1,062,301 654,703 5,0S7,765 I<br />

1802 - 1,270,880 759,626 5,599,019<br />

1893 1,553,543 788,068 6,364,49:1<br />

1894 - 1,666,893 1,003,191 7,02-S,193<br />

1895 - 1,117,046 1,195,293 6,9t9,9·H<br />

1896 - l,o78,187 1,136,245 6,891,891<br />

1897 968,852 827,179 7,033,564<br />

1898 - . 1,184,162 755,592 7,462,134<br />

1899 1,673,807 738,818 S,397,213<br />

1900 . 2,832,0SS 761,011 10,465,200<br />

<strong>1901</strong> - 3,194,207 876,807 12,786,190<br />

't Including 302,274l. of the redemption money placed to tbo credit of depositors nnder the<br />

National Debt Redemption Act of 1889, 52 Viet. cap. 4.<br />

t Of the Redemption money mentioned In the nl>ove Note, 248,532l. was paid for invQstment<br />

in Stock, and 53,742l. in Cash was paid out to Deposit-Ors.<br />


. in TRUSTEE SAVINGS BANKS on the 20th November in each year.<br />

YEARS.<br />

I ENGLAND.* I<br />

\YALAS.<br />

I SCOTL.-1.ND. I<br />

lREL.\..~D.<br />

I UNITED<br />

KINGDOM ...<br />

£, £ £ £ £<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 808,186 4,000 110,005 18,SS.t 94:?iJ,25<br />

!SSS 888,612 4,829 131,IOS 10,306 1,040,355<br />

1889 1,002,447 4,840 147,793 20,168 1,175,24$<br />

1800 1,115,879 4,894 134,387 24,009 1,280,00!)<br />

1891 1,121,279 5,687' 126,924 28,393 1,252,2!!8<br />

1892 l,lS0,561 5,842 114,85$ 31,180 1,2Sl,S91<br />

1893 1,159,943 5,631 124,677 32,281 1,322,532<br />

189, 1,173,483 5,614 189,021 81,897 1,350615<br />

1895 1,096,408 4,652 137,641 27,4$3 i,:!66,189<br />

1896 927,419 4,410 126,697 23,722 1,0S2,2'8<br />

1897 912,467 J,430 118,866 22,264 1,05$,0-27<br />

1898 935,148 4,250 113,898 23,127 1,075,928<br />

1899 982,147 4,725 110,366 ! 26,870 1,124,lOS<br />

1000 1,198,1'8 5,405 125,953 36,011 1,305,517<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 1,451,041 0,193 162,000 44,853 1,W!,687<br />

·'<br />

11<br />

Including Chatmel Islands.<br />

6475.<br />

p<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

2~6 SAVINGS BANKS.<br />


SAVINGS BANKS pn 31st December ·IN EAC~ YEAR.<br />

I Years. I England.* I Wales. I Scotland. I lteland. I <strong>United</strong><br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong>.*<br />

18S7 • S,518,-!88 189,744 139,681 158,848 8,951,761<br />

I<br />

lSSS • 8,750,048 150,286 148,288 172,305 4,220,927<br />

1SS9 • 8,999,273 163,256<br />

I<br />

159.920 185,360 4,507,809<br />

1890 • 4,456,08G 172,438 198,790 4,827,814<br />

1891 • 4,723,929 182,300 212,076 5,118,395<br />

1892 • 5,027,431 199,062 225,823 5,452,816<br />

1893 • 5,292,178 220,117 235,944 5;748,239<br />

1894 • 5,610,032 238,861 259,870 G,108,763<br />

1895 • 5,912,496 ~60,602 280,499 o,453,597<br />

1896 • 6,276,493 283,566 301,97(} 6,862,035<br />

1897 • 6,612,639 304,636 322,486 7,239,761<br />

1893 • 6,000,995 327,437 342,070 7,630,502<br />

1899 • 7,332,728 351,236 362,716 8,046,680<br />

1900 • 7,685,317 372,801 381,865 8,439,983<br />

<strong>1901</strong> • 7,999,764 888,072 399,839 8,787,675<br />

*Including Islands in the British Seas.<br />


BANKS on 20th November IN EACH YEAR.<br />

Years.<br />

l England.* I Wnles. I Scotland. f<br />

Irelntul.<br />

I <strong>United</strong><br />

<strong>Kingdom</strong>.*<br />

<strong>1887</strong> • 1,193,563 25,9.n 335,1~2 49,994 1,604,GIO<br />

1888 • 1,158,739 25,439 34G,126 49,242 1,579,546<br />

1889 • 1,116,569 24,891 359,679 50,455 1,551,594<br />

1890 • - 1,089,099 24,120 372,920 49,643 1,535,782<br />

1891 • 1,055,186 23,880 381,940 49,276 1,510,282<br />

1892 • 1,041,544 23,480 387,891 49,005 1,501,920<br />

1893 • 1,027,132 21,447 376,062 46,505 1,471,146<br />

1894 •<br />

1,018,071 20,175 385,100 ~7,510<br />

~ I I 1,470,946<br />

1895 • 1,013,841 18,791 435,474 48,123 1,516,~29<br />

1896 • . 998,256 18,542 430,194 48,911 1,495,903<br />

1897 • 1,008,388 18,41& 450,895 49,518 1,527,217<br />

1898 • 1,027,166 18,342 468,714 49,725 1,563,947<br />

1899 • 1,047,890 18,373 484,898 50,324 1,601,485<br />

1900 • 1,060,147 18,558 400,000 50,318 1,625,023<br />

i.:~.<br />

1,072,177 18,655 505,179 51,191 J,647,202<br />

NOTE.--'!'J)e number of accounts of Penny Banks, Charitable Instltutlon11, and Friendly Soclctlea<br />

included a:Wvc was ln-<br />

<strong>1887</strong> -. I 20,s1s 856 3,963 576 3?~218<br />

1001 22,811 l 604 7,002 715 32,632<br />

.. Inr.ludlr.g Cnannel Islands.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


' - '<br />

No. 82 ....,....AMOUNTS CLEARED at the LONDON BANKERS 1 Or.EARING HousE<br />

' (In l\iilliol)S of Pounds. Sterling).<br />

Years.<br />

-·<br />

'.l'otal Amount<br />

cleared in<br />

l'welve<br />

Months<br />

ended 3lst<br />

December.<br />

Total .Amount<br />

Total<br />

cleared in<br />

Amount<br />

Six Montl1s<br />

cleared on<br />

ended<br />

Stock Exchange<br />

30th Jmie.<br />

fortnightly<br />

Settling Days.<br />

Total<br />

Ainount<br />

cleared 011<br />

Consols .<br />

fortnlfihtly<br />

Sett Ing<br />

Days.<br />

----- - -<br />

Amount<br />

cleared_ on<br />

4th of ·each Years.<br />

Month.<br />

?ililliou £. Million£. Million£. ~Iillion £. 1\filllon £.<br />

1882 0,221 3,173 1,229 278 238 1882<br />

1883 5,920 3,070 1,059 255 239 1883<br />

1884 5,799 2,980 961 268 243 1884<br />

1885 5,511 2,787 935 249 222 1885<br />

1886 5,902 2,863 1,199 263 216 1886<br />

1~87 6,077 3,075 1,H6 2'J7 256 <strong>1887</strong><br />

1888 6,942 S,462 1,252 882 272 1888<br />

1889 7,619 3,844 1,339 852 290 1889<br />

1800 7,801 3;001 1,417 359 289 1800<br />

1891 6,848 S,562 1,067 815 265 1801<br />

1892 6,482 3,802 1,023 299 260 1892<br />

1893 6,478 3,370 1,003 SOO 268 189~<br />

1894 6,837 8,247 964 801 262 1894<br />

1895 7,598 3,57' 1,805 345 284 18gs<br />

liOO 7,575 3,700 1,168 880 291 1800<br />

1897 7,491 8,634 1,114 863 302 1sg7<br />

1898 S,097 4,044 1 1 232 403 331 1898<br />

1899 9,150 4,670 1,544 403 359 189!)<br />

1000 8,960 4,463 l,840 488 372 1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 9,561 4,8611 1,58$ 484 S92 <strong>1901</strong><br />

1"2<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


I<br />

No. 83.-NUMBER of ACCOUNTS of STOCFS of the PUBLIC FUNDS on the BOOKS of the<br />

of the PROPRIETORS, received, invt sted, and added ·to the 'CAPITAL by the<br />

at the Date when the first DrvmENDd were payable in each of the YEARS 1891<br />

Iv=.<br />

. ,<br />

Consols 21J>er Cent. Local Loans India India India<br />

(2i per Cent.) nuities. (3 per Cent. Stock). (S! P,er Cent.) (S per Cent.) (2! per Cent.)<br />

Numb" I Amount Number 'Amount Numb" 'Amount Numb


BANKS of. ENGLAND and IRELAND, the QUARTERLY D~IDENDS on which are, at the request.<br />

RESPECTIVE BANKS ; and AMOUNT of each Cuss of STOCK belonging to such PROPRIETORS<br />

to 1902.<br />

)letropolitan<br />

(3! per Cent.)<br />

~letropolltan<br />

(8 per Cent.)<br />

Metropolitan<br />

(2! per Cent.} ·<br />

Corporation of<br />

London.<br />

London County I Londnn County 1<br />

(21 per Cent.) (8 per Cent.) I<br />

War Stock.<br />

Numb" IAmnunt Nnmb'' IAmnunt Num""' IAmnunl Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount<br />

of" of of of of of of I of of of of of · or of<br />

AccoW!ts Stock. Accounts Stock. Accounts Stock. Accounts! Stock. Accounts Stock. ,Accounts Stock. ,Accounts Stock.<br />

I I I I I<br />


£ £, £ £ £ £, £,<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1891<br />

YKARS.<br />

":,__ - - - - - - -- - - - 1502<br />

- -<br />

~<br />

- - - - - - - - - -. - - 1893<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - lllll-1<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18{>5<br />

2 520 7 2,827 8 1,130 - - - - - - - 1800<br />

..<br />

7 2,081 u 6,558 24 7,868 - - - - - - - - 1897<br />

12 8,467 20 8,167 28 8,139 - - - - - - - - 1898<br />

17 4,610 26 9,583 87 10,812 2 407 20 8,918 - - - - 1899<br />

46 10,571 31 . 11,569 58 16,591 2 1,152 49 11,451 - - - - lWO<br />

57 15,290 40 14,820 57 18,006 2 1,182 64 14,581 22<br />

I 5,806<br />

70 18,782 <strong>1901</strong><br />

68 15,944 47 16,165 61 19,189 2 1,528 78 19,262 58 15,662 123 33,786 1902<br />


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1891<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - 1892<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1893<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1894<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1895<br />

- - - - - - - - - 1896<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - 1897<br />

- - - - - - - - - - 1898<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - 1899<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - 1900<br />

-<br />

I - - - - - - - - - - - lQ()l<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 105 1902<br />


- - - - - - - - - - - 1~91<br />

- - - - - - - - 1892<br />

- - - - - - - - - - 1893<br />

- - - - - - - - - -1<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1895<br />

I 1894<br />

2 520 7 2,827 8 1,180 - - - - - - - - 1800<br />

7 2,081 14 6,558 24 7,863 - - - - - - - - 1897<br />

12 8,467 20 S,167 28 8,189 - - - - - - - - 1896<br />

17 4,610 26 9,583 $7 10,312 2 407 ·20 8,918 - - - -<br />

I lSW<br />

46 10,57! 81 11,569 58 16,591 2 1,152 49 11,451 - - - - ! 1900<br />

!<br />

57 15,290 40 14,820 57 18,006 2 1,182 64 14,581 22 5,806 70 1s,182 j <strong>1901</strong><br />

I<br />

58 15,944 47 16.165 61 19,189 2 1,528 78 19,262 53 15,662 124 83,891 I 1902<br />

I<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.


No. 1:)4:.-SL.\.TK\rENT of ~he<br />

NUMBER and AGGREGATE LI.t\BIL11llES· and ASSETS. rpf<br />

SOCIETIES in ENGLA'N'D and WALES, Sc.o:rLA~D, al).d,<br />

(The figures for years prior to 1895 are from Returns made by the Registrar to Orders<br />

of the Chief Registrar laid before the Home Secretary and before Padiamont pursq.ant to<br />

I 188-1. I 1885. I 1886. I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. 11890. I !SSH.<br />


~umber of Societies making Returns • 1,838<br />

"Liabilities:<br />

£<br />

On Shares· 82,!85,452<br />

'.l.'o Depositors and otl1cr Creditors • 15,055,rn2<br />

For Balance of Unappropriated }<br />

Profit, including Reserve F:mds . 1,58'2,213<br />

l,953 1,992 2,1()1) 2,157 2,333 2,262<br />

£<br />

£ .£<br />

88,479,216 33,929,716 34,902,841 84,705,003 34,031,541 33,345,012<br />

15,385,503 15,27~ 1075 , 15,lOS,899 14,734,511 14,689,499 14,05i,531<br />

1,691,617 1,675,420 , l,727,759 1,778,349 1,861,325 1,816,459<br />

Assets:<br />

Due on Mortgage Securities •<br />

Othtr Secnrities and Cash •<br />

Total • • 49,472,827<br />

Total<br />

50,556,366 50,877,211 51,733,999 , 51,218,823 50,582,365 49,713,002<br />

I<br />

46,503,307 46,955,176 47.214,867 I 48,416,313<br />

2,009,520 :{,601,190 3,632,3H I 3,317,686<br />

47,680,916 46,910,760 46,038,44'2<br />

3,537,90\" 3,671,605 3,674,500<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

49,472,8'27 50,556,866 50,S77,211- ,-5-1-,7-33-,-Q99- -51-,2-1-8,-8-23- ·'-50-,-58-2-,3-65- ·-4-9,-71-3-,00-2<br />

I<br />

lWCORl'OR.1.TIW S<strong>ocr</strong>F:Tms-SOOT LAND.<br />

:Xumoer of ::societies making Returns •<br />

46<br />

48<br />

45<br />

45<br />

43<br />

61<br />

Liabilities:<br />

On Shares 696,833<br />

To Depositors and other Creditors • 278,120<br />

£<br />

695,974<br />

267,9"21<br />

725,702<br />

242,549<br />

l<br />

7:W,580<br />

221,313<br />

£<br />

729,970<br />

242,198<br />

£<br />

713,224'<br />

228,939<br />

£,<br />

737,256<br />

203,704<br />

For Balance of Unappropriated } 40,28! 37,092 37,602 58,7-13 40,163<br />

Profit, Including Reser\·e I



IRELAND for each of the under-mentioned years.<br />

of ~lie House of Commons. The figures for 1895 and subsequent years are from the Reports<br />

Section 27 of the '.Building Societies Act, 1894:.)<br />

1893.<br />

I 1894. I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I<br />

---<br />


2,158 2,213 2,1,81 2,350· 2,297 2,219 2,124 2,031 {Number of Societies<br />

making Returns.<br />

£ J!, £ J!, J!, £ £ £<br />

Liabilities:<br />

29,710,729 2:>,083,343 28,621,513 80,202,881 29,619,004 . 29,409,919 29,676,014 30,005,199 On Shares.<br />

11,145,152 10,448,329 10,212,662 10,933,207 10,802,210 10,989,826 11,249,862 11,630,581 . { To Depositors nnd<br />

other Creditors.<br />

For Balance of Unap·<br />

1,827,890' 1,869,961 1,762,875 1,808,755 1,825,518 2,025,007 2,177,546 2,299,70~<br />

{<br />

propriated Profit, in·<br />

eluding Reserve Funds<br />

42,683,211 . 41,401,633140.597,050 42,944,903 42,246,792 42,424,752 43,103,422 43,935,482 Total.<br />

Assets:<br />

39,019,900 36,553,989 36,769,894138,770,032 88,400,131 38,982,088 , 39,696,112140,691,262 Due 011 Mortgage Securities<br />

3,663,371 4,847,644 3,827,156 4,174,871 3,846,661 3,442,664 3,407,310 3,244,220 Other Securities and Cash.<br />

42,683,271 41,401,'633 40,597,050 142,944,~3 42,246,792 42,424,752143,103,422 r:3,935,4S2 'l'otal.<br />


·89 123 186 159 157 144 136 189 {Number of Societies<br />

making Returns.<br />

£ f. £ £ £, £, J!, £ Liabilities:<br />

745,637 809,879 812,812 1,158,665 1,258,211 1,294,700 1,322,680 1,875,157 On Shares.<br />

To Depositors and<br />

220,788 194,274 128,767 208,952 255,555 227,105 2C!?,!)59 279,776 other Creditors.<br />

For Balance of Unap·<br />

~<br />

88,627 84,015 51,629 75,086 83,853 101,728 110,587 116,266 propriated Profit ineluding<br />

Reserve l<br />

Funds<br />

1,005,052 1,088,168 992,708 1,487,658 1,597,619 1,628,533 1,696,226 1,771,199 Total.<br />

Assets:<br />

868,799 902,731 882,5531 1,254,883 1,416,866 1,464,153 1,547,375 1,605,868 Due on Mortgage Securities<br />

130,654 135,437 110,155 182,J70 180,753 159,880 148,851 165,831 Other Securities and cash.<br />

999,453 1,088,168 !>92,7081 1,487,658 1,597,619 1,623,533 1,696,226 1,771,199 Total.<br />

I<br />


50 54 56 55 60 62 65 69<br />

{Number of Societies<br />

making Returns.<br />

£, £ J!, £ £, £ £ £ Liabllltles:<br />

~576,730 476,869 597,284 615,308 621,820 644,803 646,720 735,510 On Shares.<br />

To Depositors and<br />

124,641 42,151 117,910 40,038 156,917 207,174 235,395 258,787 other Creditors.<br />

For Balance of Una.1;>·<br />

31,837 5,298 45,551 86,672 60,495 62,990 70,488 79,165 . pro£rinted Profit, m·<br />

clu ing Resen·e I

232 BU~LDING .soq~~T~ES.<br />

Statement of the NmrnER and AGGREGATE LIABILITIES and ASSETS of BumDING; SoCIETIES<br />

- \\T AL~~' SCOTfJAND ~ml l:ij.~L~Np; for<br />

1884. \ 1ss5. I 18SQ. \ 1s8'7. j 1sss. I 1890. 11891. ! is9~.<br />


Number of Societies makiug}I<br />

2,on 2,0i9 2,197 2,240 2,422 2,382 2,297<br />

returns - - • - 1,919 l<br />

. I<br />

Linbilities :- £, j £<br />

On 3hares<br />

33,604,870 I 34,8W,350<br />

To Depositors nnd r.~her} .<br />

Creditors _ 113,3-19,347 16,031,298<br />

1<br />

For Balance of UMppro-}<br />

f<br />

Jltiated Profit including 1,646,8il 1,773,252<br />

ReserYe.Funds .<br />

1<br />

Total<br />

85,355,388 36,313,515 36,116,749 35,296,799 34,729,966 81,038,000<br />

15,~37,Q63 15,606,·108 15,225,023. 15,065,24\J 14,911,514· 11)490,581<br />

l,747,424 1,840,292 1,851,811 1,020,882 1,81)7,211 1 1<br />

897,854<br />

• ;I.-5-1,-60_1..,,o_ss~J_s_~.~6-S-3~,9~00~:~5~2~,9~39~,-s_7~5~:5~8-,7-6-0,_21-5_,.,_53-·1<br />

... 9-3-·5 33...-.l _5_.,-::sso I 51,53~001 «,421~31<br />

I<br />

Due on :\fortgage Securities 4S,441,S3i 48,893,420 49,178,435 50,302,684 49,486,618 48,442,880 47,703,054 40,546,9'29<br />

Other Securities and Cash . 3,132,247 3,787,769 3,753,176 3,.197,939 8,735,GSO 3,810,348 3,842,953 3,867,186<br />

-------------·--11----·;----·1-----1----<br />

Total 51,574,084 52,0Sl,W8 52,931,611 53,800,628 53,22',•98 , .. ,,.,,.,. 51,540,007 44,414,115<br />


Xumber of Societies making l<br />

Returns • • • J<br />

Liabilities ;­<br />

On Shares<br />

To Depositors and o_tller}<br />

Creditors<br />

For Balance ')f Unappro·}<br />

printed Profit including<br />

Resen·e Funes •<br />

.-<br />

Total<br />

.Assets:-<br />

.A.&Sets:-<br />

Due on )fortgnge Secprities<br />

Other Securities and Cash •<br />

Total<br />

~,---<br />

!\OTEs.-Retums received for 1895 from five Unincorporated Societies In Scotland showed· the liabilities of such societies to<br />

No orders were made by the Houee or Commons for Returns for the years 1889 and 1892.<br />

~<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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which made RETURNS to the REGISTRAlts of FmENDLY S<strong>ocr</strong>n'i'rns in' ENGLAND and<br />

each of the undermentioned' Years~continued. -<br />

1894. 18!>5. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899.<br />

----<br />

-----~-<br />


1900.<br />

-¥- -------------- - ---<br />

J<br />

2,390 2,373 2,56! 2,514 2,425 2,325<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £,<br />

30,370,091 30,031,109 :ll~876,S.'>4 31)499,095 31,349,422 81,645,414<br />

10,68·1,754 101459,1189 11,177,257 ;l.1,214,682 ll,42J,105 11,748,216<br />

I<br />

1,909,269 1,860,055 1,920,463 1,969,866 2,189,725 2,358,621<br />

-----------<br />

42,964,114 42,350,503 44,974,5i4 44,683,643 44,963,252 45,752,251<br />

2,239<br />

£<br />

32,115,866<br />

l~,164,14!<br />

2,495,133<br />

46,775,143<br />

{ Number of Societies ma king<br />

returns.<br />

Liabilities :-<br />

{<br />

{<br />

On Shares.<br />

To Depositors<br />

Oi'cditiol'!.<br />

and<br />

other<br />

For Balance of Unappropr<br />

Profit including Re serve<br />

fated,<br />

Funds.<br />

Total.<br />

I<br />

3i,9i0,093 38,338,907 40,567,800 40,567,822 41,278,589 42,108,900<br />

5,019,000 4,011,!i96 4,406,774 4,115,821 3,684,663 3,643,351<br />

42,989,0!l!l 42,350,503 44,97·1,574 44,683,643 44,963,252 45,752,251<br />


.<br />

43,272,862<br />

3,502,251<br />

------<br />

46,775,143<br />

Total.<br />

Due ou liortgage Securiti es.<br />

Other Securities and Cash<br />

- 230 71 76 70 65<br />

68<br />

{Number of Societies<br />

:Returns.<br />

DI aking<br />

- 5,036,088<br />

.£ £, £ £ £<br />

•• oos.364 I<br />

3,18!l,S58 8,257,025 3,460,790<br />

- 7,223,280 7,852,985 S,807,711) 10,109,445 10,832,145<br />

- 818,448 GOl,534 647,587 683,252 781,822<br />

----<br />

-- 13,072,810 11,422,888 12,595,164 14,049,722 15,024,257<br />

I<br />

I<br />

5,399,899 2,7$2,639 3,051,754 3,170,419 8,444,519 !<br />

- 7,672,917 8,640,244 9,543,410 10,879,308 11,579,788<br />

- 18,072,816 11,422,883 12,595,164 14,0,19,722 15,024,257<br />

£,<br />

8,586,033<br />

9,712,000<br />

762,344<br />

14,060,437<br />

8,344,781<br />

10,715,656<br />

·---<br />

14,060,437<br />

Liabilitloo :-<br />

{<br />

{<br />

On Shares.<br />

To Depositors and<br />

Creditors.<br />

other<br />

For :Balance of Unappro1>rf ated<br />

Profit including }{ eserve.<br />

Funds.<br />

Total.<br />

Assets:-<br />

Assets:-<br />

Total.<br />

Due on .llortinge Securiti CS.<br />

Other Securities ancl Cash.<br />

be .£135,867. There were no Unincorporated Societies In Ireland, and are now none in Scotlnnd or Wales.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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(Extracted from the Annual Reports of the<br />

I 1886. I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I · 1891. I 1892.<br />

Number of Societies}<br />

making Returns -<br />

951 !<br />

Number of )!embers · 701,488 I<br />

Share Capital ·<br />

l £ I<br />

S,391,0iO '<br />

Loon .. • • I 1,370,845 l<br />

950 I<br />

755,611<br />

£<br />

S,812,321<br />

1,368,405<br />

Due to Depositors} I I ·<br />

and other Creditors , - . - I<br />


1,024<br />

793,534<br />

£<br />

9,287,531<br />

1,539,157<br />

1,085<br />

852,801<br />

£,<br />

9,982,082<br />

1,651,002<br />

Sales of Goods ; 25,504,799126,736,266128,86~,941 131,750,3561<br />

1<br />

1,0741<br />

882,023 .<br />

£,<br />

10,716,545<br />

1,762,090<br />

1,1481<br />

940,183<br />

£ .<br />

11,539,652<br />

1,931,375<br />

1,346<br />

1,023,486<br />

£<br />

12,373,757<br />

2,094,987<br />

33,457,231 137,827,825139,716,917<br />

Trade Charges · • 1,450,490 1,578,828 1,654,'/27 1,775,859 1 1 883,905 2,103,448 2,289,844<br />

;-=-======='=================='========'=======:::::::========'=========I<br />

' I SCOTLAND<br />

t--~~~~------...,-~~~--------.....,.--~---------------------1<br />

J Number of Societies}<br />

' making Returns • ;<br />

320 323 328 333 336 342<br />

Number of :\!embers • j<br />

Share Capital<br />

I..oan<br />

Due k, Deposit.)rs}<br />

and other Creditors<br />

Sales of Goods<br />

Trade Charges<br />

l~,:1<br />

SSS,535<br />

598,430<br />

5,691,001 I<br />

261,244<br />

13(),293<br />

£<br />

987,3·17<br />

640,242<br />

147,843<br />

£<br />

1,076,178<br />

697,886<br />

158,331<br />

£<br />

1,180,410<br />

812,943<br />

171,088<br />

£<br />

1,335,809<br />

971,181<br />

184,526<br />

£,<br />

1,512,597<br />

1,119,674<br />

195,919<br />

£<br />

1,713,587<br />

1,269,716<br />

._ 1 5,877,5221 7,107,021 I 7,303,283 I 8,000,897 I 9,008,493 I<br />

9,743,238<br />

272,076 286,730 316,094 348,182 397,027 445,223<br />

,=======================================I<br />


l _________________ ~------------------------.......... ...---------1<br />

Number of Societies) 1 making Returns •<br />

9 7 9 9 10 ...,.. 241<br />

Number of Members • 777 587 '959 1,120 1,118 1,677<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Share Capital<br />

2,794 2,432 3,725 3,620 3,633 9,115<br />

Loan<br />

Due to Depositors}<br />

and other Creditors<br />

Sales of GOQds<br />

Trade Charges<br />

,... _... _"''<br />

31,1631<br />

1,811<br />

23,2251<br />

1,442<br />

34,278 I<br />

2,286<br />

_,<br />

... I _.., _.."',<br />

85,448 I<br />

2,491<br />

88,901 I<br />

2,014<br />

75,752<br />

2,841<br />

35 I<br />

2,298<br />

£<br />

15,186<br />

6,774<br />

136,385<br />

4,721<br />


Sl!lDber of Societies)<br />

making Returns • f<br />

~umber.of :\!embers •<br />

I<br />

Share Capital • •<br />

Loan ,,<br />

Due t-0 Deposit-Ors)<br />

and other Creditors f<br />

Sales r.rf Goods<br />

Trade Charges<br />

l,280<br />

833,534<br />

£<br />

9,282,399<br />

1,969,503<br />

1,277<br />

895,491<br />

£<br />

.9,802,100<br />

2,008,941<br />

1,356<br />

942,336<br />

£<br />

10,367,429<br />

2,237,167<br />

31,226,963132,637,018 ( 36,005,235<br />

·! 1,713,545 1,852,3451 1,943,743<br />

1,422<br />

1,012,252<br />

£<br />

11,166,112<br />

2,464,045<br />

1,417<br />

1,054,229<br />

£<br />

12,055,987<br />

2,733,589<br />

1,508<br />

1,126,886<br />

£<br />

13,061,864<br />

3,054,262<br />

1,683<br />

1,221,703<br />

£<br />

14,102,530<br />

8,371,477<br />

39,0S0,087141,407,029146,912,070 1401500,640<br />

2,094,444 2,234,101 2,503,316 2,739,788<br />

-Sr rE.-~,, returns from Land and Building Societies, from Socloties for carrying on Financial Business,<br />

from \\'

2,3~,838<br />

241<br />


rclYistercd under tlie JNiiCJ~TRIAL AND PROVIDENT SOCIETIES ACTS, making RETURNS to<br />

W~LES, ScoTLAND,: and fa.EJI'..AND~ in 'the undermentioned· Years.<br />

Chief J{ogistrar of F'dcndly Societies.)<br />

1893. 1894. I 1895. I 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900.<br />

~;---1.31~<br />


--~.310 I 1,317 1,311 1,338 1,351<br />

1<br />

1,0~1 Sl6 l,0~,061 i l,l~1H6 l,lf,707 1;2~1666 l,3f1570 1,3811628<br />

12,006,533 13,159,167 \ 13,983,366 I 15,0i4,25i 16,088,772 17,002,592 18,420,132<br />

2,110,556 2,041,708 l! 2,222,860 1·<br />

- I - - I<br />

5,785,938 I 6,260,701 t,043,2.jS i<br />

i<br />

l<br />

39,085,246 139,147,2161 ·il,Hi0,685144,524,3331' 48,056,961 i 50,691,630 54,405,551<br />

2,373:0~- .::7~546-==. 2,632,714 2,849,02~f _ -~~~~l_JjJ~~~~!-z_.;=~:2::~::::~:::~:':::~;=<br />

1 ~::=:::=~=:~=:: 5 ;.;~ 1 ;:;'~= 7<br />

1<br />

346<br />

204,826<br />

£<br />

1,831,875<br />

1,405,231<br />

323<br />

212,147<br />

£<br />

1,901,256<br />

1,146,502<br />

·SCOTLAND.<br />

---------- -- ------------- ----~---------<br />

26<br />

226,382<br />

£<br />

2,ll!l,698<br />

1,681,12'5<br />

321<br />

240,861<br />

£<br />

2,396,697<br />

1,742,450<br />

318<br />

253,578<br />

£<br />

2,612,~2<br />

2,330,350<br />

313<br />

258,864<br />

. £,<br />

2,742,655<br />

2,665,775<br />

3121<br />

272,118<br />

I,<br />

3,034,399<br />

2,905,066<br />

~~--~-1-----------·------<br />

!<br />

1<br />

Number of Societies<br />

•<br />

346 { making Returns.<br />

l,4~,558 Number of l!ernber3.<br />

10,864,502 Share Capital.<br />

Loan<br />

Due to Depositors'<br />

7, 63 S. 205 { aud other Creditors. ·<br />

60,221,641 Sales of Gm:;<br />

ExpeuEes :­<br />

Productive.<br />

pistrlbutive.<br />

{Number of Societies<br />

310<br />

~aking Returns.<br />

287,809 .Number of lfembers.<br />

£,<br />

3,326,033 Share Capital.<br />

- Loan ,,<br />

• {Due to Depositors<br />

3 , 223 ,851 and other Creditors.<br />

9,758,7881 9,737,625 i 10,626,513 ' 11,636,005113,086,379<br />

1 I { 453,164<br />

491,538 521,179 570,116 I 631,609 539,537<br />

~--==----~~.....-:-..;:...:;: .....<br />

18,940,263 14:884,70.J 116,424,070 Sales of Goods.<br />

491,386 : 543,~84 626,583 Expp~~d 8 dcl°ive.<br />

5~,272 _ 648,121 731,332 Distributive<br />

---------·---- --- ----- -<br />

litELAND.<br />

. -- ---- --------- ~<br />

39 42 59 87 101 162<br />

{Number of Societiea<br />

ISO l 161 making Re turns.<br />

3,338 3,554 4, S!l2 S,337 10,616 20,283 23,3SS ' 24,034 Number of :Ue mbers<br />

£, £, £, £ £, £,<br />

~0,:130 21,929 Hl, 64G 36,070 3J,575 51,698 U5,302 Share Capital.<br />

207,002<br />

6,563 7,026 11, 248 16,728{<br />


23,705 S3,453 44,0!5 411,918 Productiv c.<br />

9,979 l~.~11 _ _17,2QL __ 21,785 Distributi ve.<br />

-- ---------------<br />

1,718 l,67i ,605 1,725 1,730 1,813 1,843 1,i317 {Number of Societies<br />

making Re turns.<br />

1,265,980 1 12~4,662 J,340 ,420 1,436,905' 1,520,860 l,596,'i26 1,685,134 'l,7~,401 Number Of :U embera.<br />

£ £ £ £, £, £<br />

H,518,73$ 15,082,352 16,122 ,710 17,507,024· 18,735,039 19,856,945 21,524,161 !3,255,837 Share Capital.<br />

3,522,:113 3,496,672 3,0H ,264 4,157,901 - - - - Lo:lll ,,<br />

·~001 ....<br />

2,872,000 1 a,006,651 I 3,211 ,o78 I 3,497,301{<br />

- S,IG0,749 8,900,858 10,037,821 10,962,283 {Due to D eposltors<br />

and•>ther Creditors.<br />

77,529,915 Sales of Good s.<br />

49,132,206 fi2,090 ,6641<br />

~oos,~1<br />

61,63'1,lOI I<br />

65,270,640<br />

70,00S,7~· 1<br />

i'o .... I £<br />

6,526 8,462 10, !79 16,613 - - - l - Loan ,,<br />

! {Du~ to D epositors<br />

- .J4,461 70,382 S9,507 100,227 ancl other Creditors.<br />

31!l, 566 467,731 493,854 884,204 Sales of Good s.<br />

247,3651<br />

"'18,7471 "..... I<br />

Expense~:-<br />

=-=----=-~===-<br />

J.:xpenmi:-<br />

1,781,511) 1,865,708 2,093,0~ ·2,830,078 Productiv e.<br />

2,810,232 2,971,107 S,213,SOO S,558,018 Distributi \"C.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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-----~~-----------------------------------------------------,--.------....--------:--<br />

hemlum• • • • \ 13,0:'.,.'5<br />

Co~~f1<br />

: 18$6. I <strong>1887</strong>. I 1888. t 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892.<br />

I<br />

l•~-----.,.~~----:-------~-1-N_c_o~_r_E_. ________ ,..-------=------~i<br />

118,.;,,,,. 13,:.,001 j u,2~3,880<br />

~<br />

14,833,359<br />

~atio~ tor_ An: }I 703,993 812,660 1:107,787 1,275,006<br />

1<br />

Interest (less tax) of.} I 6,039,705 l 6,170,171 6,325,678 6,527,543<br />

1,184,705<br />

6,744,876<br />

£<br />

14,565,861<br />

1,096,870<br />

6,618,912<br />

£<br />

16,573,686<br />

1,359,476<br />

7,206,828<br />

Increase iu Value<br />

lnvestm'!nts • • I 31,726 10S,89S 171,328 174,830 30,86-i 104,115 52,425<br />

~lisccllam:ous • •<br />

Total • •<br />

19,121 56,258 33,991 50,241 80,861 35,570 44,478<br />

19,828,490 I 20,734,312 21,566,785 22,241,665 22,874,665 22,421,328 25,236,893<br />

l<br />


£, £ £ £<br />

Claims • • • •<br />

Cash Bonuses and Re·}<br />

ductiou of J.>remiums<br />

Annuities<br />

Surrenden<br />

Management (including}<br />

Commiss~on) \. •<br />

Dh·idends, Bonuses, &c.,}<br />

to Shareholders •<br />

~Uscellaneous • •<br />

11,356,437 11,710,695 11,001,581 10,627,096 11,783,800 12,800,122 13,517,068<br />

1,008,:134 949,963 1,003,444 998,693 1,057,400 1,045,530 959,450<br />

689,841 704,989 748,826 797,427 871,070 806,234 1,055,411<br />

860,808 870,963 888,728 819,458 792,073 823,776 937,971<br />

1,930,132 2,048,388 2,133,752 2,040,237 2,122,209 2,086,032 2,506,781<br />

562,512 492,327 601,815 593,403 498,344 587,042 427,664<br />

18,837 39,116 50,880 54,667 13,600 30,846 94,343<br />

Total • •<br />

16,486,401 116,816,441 16,483,526 15,930,981 17,138,586 17,775,582 19,498,688<br />


Paid-up Capital • •<br />

Life and J.nnuit7Funds<br />

Fire an




1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897.<br />

INCOME.<br />

£, £, £ £, £,<br />

16,862,514 '17,637,683 18,657,348 19,604,748 20,199,386<br />

1,415,769 1,742,387 2,365,466 2,330,381 1,985,892<br />

7,252,747 7,393,739 7,576,282 7,964,761 8,198,530<br />

1898.' 1899.<br />

£, £,<br />

20,829,017 21,259,186<br />

.2,356,812 2,139,014<br />

8,390,852 8,755,116<br />

1900.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

£,<br />

21,795,619 Premiums.<br />

1,716,027 { Consideratio::i for<br />

Annuities.<br />

8,910,353 Interest (less tax).<br />

154,494 51,937 160,567 138,890 173,121<br />

70,873 207,583<br />

18,319<br />

{Increase in Value or<br />

Investments<br />

39,132 24,560 35,189 23,230 31,211<br />

25,724,656 26,850,306 28,794,852 30,062,010 30,588,140<br />

54,552 85,183<br />

31,702,106 32,300,082<br />

43,461 Miscellaneous.<br />

32,478,77!1 Tota.I.<br />


! £, £, £ £, £,<br />

12,774,929 12,792,252 13,614,138 13,191,929 13,176,000<br />

1,085,490 1,054,089 1,008,220 1,201,353 7.,028,396<br />

£ £,<br />

15,597,349 15,881,168<br />

1,0Sl,438 893,426<br />

£,<br />

16,937,676 Claims.<br />

1 008 021 {Cash Bon\1508 and Re·<br />

' ' ' ductlon of Premium s.<br />

1,054,276' 1,135,282 1,230,700 1,377,819 1,504,2"..5<br />

l,~3,009<br />

l,714,5j'3<br />

l,'Z75,793<br />

Annuities.<br />

1,006,851 981,465 973,737 993,397 930,339<br />

992,682 1,005,723<br />

1,125,455<br />

Surrenders.<br />

f<br />

!<br />

I<br />

i<br />

2.ri04,429 2,584,635 2,714,975 2,840,424 2,899,497<br />

531,004 616;600 573,562 458,001 861,919<br />

69,571 66,080 51,614 52,581 77,408<br />

2,918,714 2,938,106<br />

381,680 564,733<br />

82,083 86,314<br />

2,992,0Sl<br />

434,018<br />

76,69~<br />

{lfaua.gement (inclucll ng<br />

Commission).<br />

{ Dlvid01:ds, Bonuses, & c.,<br />

to Shareholders.<br />

lliscellancous.<br />

19i026,550 19,230,4991 20,166,946 22,116,464 19,978,684<br />

22,657,0}5 23,084,043<br />

24,409,742<br />

Total.<br />


£ £,_ £, £, £,<br />

11,197,946 11,120,920 11,094,403 11,123,750 11,827,962<br />

£ £,<br />

11,430,781 11,438,138<br />

£<br />

11,729,834<br />

Paid-up Capital.<br />

-<br />

183,009,704 190,918,237 199,334,074 209,221,502 210,835,806<br />

10,303,110 10,389,422 10,731,4U 11,241,'?SO 11,452,69l<br />

228,874,161 238,196,831<br />

ll_i543,351 11,377,449<br />

246,129,803<br />

11:518 1 902<br />

Life nnd Annuity Fund<br />

{Fire and Marine }'un<br />

of Companies trnnsac ds<br />

t-<br />

lug Lile Business.<br />

4,120,264 4,070,823 4,083,548 4,128,099 4,169,573·<br />

4,201J936 ,4~469,389<br />

4,431,505<br />

Reserve Funda.<br />

2,573,~5 3,280,762 3,953,SSS• , 4,079,460-1 4,341,513<br />

4~50~,725 4,534,576<br />

4,588,249<br />

Profit and I.oss Bnlnnce<br />

-bus!ness In the <strong>United</strong> Klng

238 LI:@E .ASSURANCE . .t\.ND. ANNVlTIES.<br />

~rouNT DF lNco~rn,<br />

OuTGornos, P 1 Arn-ur. CAJ>ITA11,. LUt'E AND ANN.UITY,<br />


____ ----~==------ ---.!__<br />

1_ss_6_<br />

. ...:.!_1s_s_1._!_1s __<br />

s_s_. L_1~s9.<br />

j _<br />

~~9~. j 1891. l 1892.<br />

INCOME.<br />

Premiums • • - •<br />

Considerotion for Annuities<br />

Intcu:st (less tax) • •<br />

Increase in Value of Investments<br />

Miscellaneous - - - • •<br />

Total<br />

•<br />

!-----------~------·-----------.,.--<br />

£ I<br />

4,003,912 I 4,360,438<br />

•<br />

i 3751<br />

1~659 ,. 1~429 ,,<br />

___ 2_21._<br />

. ____<br />

1<br />

175<br />

219,419<br />

oo_a_,l ___<br />

2_01_ ___<br />

1<br />

~;5<br />

4,330 3,807<br />

250,836 312,400 335,2SI)<br />

779<br />

s,_1a_s 1_ ~~'.~..:.1_<br />

1<br />

___<br />

4_,5_0_1 ·i--6._1_,1_so_<br />

s,9rn,121 4,200,622 j 4,580,s29 s,uo,485 I r.,sv~,590 s,788,333 6,116,567<br />

1--=---~----"-----;....__-~<br />


Claims<br />

Cash Bonuses and Reduction<br />

Premiums • • •<br />

53<br />

10<br />

l,663,G61<br />

46<br />

£ I<br />

1,028,406<br />

7<br />

~---...,.----<br />

£ I £<br />

2,181,S.i] 2,537,261<br />

15<br />

2,451,005<br />

HG<br />

Annuities • • •<br />

Surrenders • • • •<br />

:Management (Including Commission)<br />

Dividends, Bonuses, &c., to Share·}<br />

holders • • • • •<br />

Decrease in Value or Investments<br />

lilscellaneous - - •<br />

9,103<br />

1,561,787<br />

8,219<br />

878<br />

l,1G6<br />

27<br />

8,893<br />

1,770,766<br />

253,560<br />

101<br />

56<br />

9,495<br />

1,883,296<br />

54,448<br />

191<br />

819<br />

1192<br />

13,807<br />

2,142,63!)<br />

53,809<br />

661<br />

1,131 1,742<br />

12,534 14,113<br />

2,2:'.1.~~!J I 2,·176,236<br />

!.:3,!>01 - 55,957<br />

4G3 395<br />

Hl 140<br />

2,434<br />

15,909<br />

2,570,549<br />

466,9ll9<br />

468<br />

213<br />

Total<br />

3,0·i3,05S 3,656,&'>4·f 3,f.12,012 4:139,599 4,474,91-;-i- 5,085,859<br />

~----------- I --~----i-<br />

5,508,658-<br />

I=============·-=·==·-============'=='-==============<br />


Pal:l·UP Capital • • •<br />

Life and Annuity :rundl •<br />

~ne.Funda • • •<br />

1------------------------~--~--~---:---------~-----'""".'*--<br />

£<br />

£,<br />

165,990 294,921 290,916 469,754 519,744 854,910 859,528<br />

5,367,58!1 5,918,839 6,878;519 U,026,323 8,S73,082 9,592,2'.lO 10,206,1321<br />

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AND OTHER' Fu.Nns OF LIFE AssunANOE,COMP~IES-continued.<br />


1893.<br />

I -1894. I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. J 1898.<br />

I 1899. 1900. I<br />

--<br />

INCOME.<br />

£ £, £ £ £, £ I £, £,<br />

5,927,835, G,382,927 6,616,613 7,151,109 7,570,150 8,078,728 8,422,577 9,29(},047 Premiums.<br />

791 10,560 6,114 5,784 1,686 ll,584 7,633 6,9S6 Consideration for Anr.ultles.<br />

868,639 S00,850 4S6,303 480,264 528,361 oOS,530 615,503 676,180 Interest (less tax).<br />

3,530 953 63 - - 139 - -<br />

{Increase ln Value o! [wrestmcnt~:<br />

32,051 81,759 S9,067 43,644 49,163 71,931 58,004 62,USO ~IisceUt peous.<br />

--1 ----------~<br />

6,332,846 j 6,823,0:ll) 1,on8,wo I 7,680,751 -8;144,309 I 8~7-m,792 9,103,777 10,0:H,803 Total.,<br />

--<br />


£, £, £ £, £ I £ £ I,<br />

2,547,832 2,418;754 2,774,101 2,761,280 2,012,046 S,181,916 3,410,642 S,866,537 Clnirns.<br />

27 13 3 579 288 551) 2,01!) 960 {Cush Don uses nnd reduction oi.<br />

Premiums.<br />

2,418 8,800 4,151 4,783 5,142 6,697 7,368 7,858 Annuities.<br />

20,893 25,220 ~4,853 27,70:l 37,836 44,997 85,372 38,059 Surrcnclers.<br />

2,572,730 2,7SS,015 2,919,520 S,159,006 3,272,538 3,597,430 I 3,59S,207 3,!)46,893 ·{:\fnnngcment (including Com·<br />

mission).<br />

1<br />

231,260 286,119 33:3,64-t 882,831 386,771 4&8,047 470,593 477,263 {Dividends. Bonuses, &;c., to<br />

I Shareholders.<br />

I - - - 1,985 1,712 - 7,166 8,835 f Decrease In Value of ln\'e!tl<br />

ments.<br />

248 278 lSS 1,046 694 6,6H 528 g.;5 :Miscellaneous.<br />

------ 1-·---1-- ---<br />

5,374,004 5,523,100 6,055,1)19 6,329,962


No. 87.-NmIBEit and A~IOUNT of CONTRACTS for LIFE 1\.NNUITIES entered into by<br />

TRUSTEE SAVINGS BA..i.~Ks) and Amount received in respect<br />

j <strong>1887</strong>-8.1188S-9. J 18s9-90., 1890-L / 1s91.2. j 1892·3. , 1893-4. I<br />

A.N:SUITIES lllllEDIATE.<br />

Contracts for A1m1!ities enterGd into :-<br />

Number . . .<br />

1,009 705 762 666 672 780 864<br />

.Amow1t of Annuities • . £ 69,280 38,103 44,458 42,321 44,924 55,330 69,640<br />

Receipts by the Bnuks and National £ 788,265 460,763 552,522 501,208 559,267 683,544 849,808<br />

Debt Office in respect of Contracts.<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered into:-<br />

Number . . . . 14 18 12 17 12 10 12<br />

.Amount of Annuities • . £, 452 519 310 486 210 225 305<br />

Receipts by the Banks and National £<br />

Debt Office in respect of Contracts •<br />

3,437 3,095 3,476 3,707 2,739 3,00S 3,458<br />

.<br />

* Including the ironey Valu11 of Stock<br />


POST OFFICE in respect of CONTRACTS, and NUMBER and AMOUNT of p AY.MENTS by the<br />

I 18S7. , 1888. , 1889. , 189o. I 1891. I 1892. I 1893. , 1894.<br />

--- -<br />

ANNUITIES· .<br />

I<br />

Number . . . . . 912 995 988 948 968 1,157 1,{20 1,565<br />

AmoWlt of Annuities • £, 19,299 23,404 23,361 21,956 23,673 28,155 36,746 41,495<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered into:-<br />

Receipts by Post Office in respect of £ 234,17·! 286,762 292,846<br />

Contracts.<br />

273,578 296,882 355,72S 461,599 540,277<br />

Payments by Post Office in respect of<br />

Contracts:-<br />

Number lPayable half-yearly) • l0,556 17,050 17,537 17,976 18,195 18,523 19,844 20,418<br />

Amount . . . . £ 164,546 178,160 193,140 206,422 217,595 230,370 251,474 275,248<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered iuto :-<br />

Number . 90 188 131 116 142 214 159 164<br />

Amount of Annuities • . £ 1,628 2,719 2,858 2,627 2,183 4,258 3,091 3,772<br />

Receipts by Post Office in respect c1f<br />

Contracts.<br />

£ . 9,721 10,853 11,464 14,283 12,578 15,300 16,148 17,202<br />

•payments by Post Office in respect o!<br />

Contracts:-<br />

Number (Payable balf·yearly) • 264 301 343 412 475 478 535 600<br />

Amount . . . . £ 5,020 3,877 4/l97 4,644 6,341 6,932 8,070 9,130<br />



Contracts !or Life Assurances entered<br />

Into:-<br />

Sumbcr . . . 585 580 671 468 629 1,983 858 1,128<br />

Amount of Assurances £, 36,168 34,819 32,832 25,466 28,930 80,307 44,000 56,010'<br />

.Recelp~ by Post Office in respect of £, 13,492 14,121 15,112 14,422 15,073 10,p99 17,227 18,229<br />

Contracts.<br />

l'aymen~. by Post Office in respect of<br />

C-Ontr.acts :-<br />

Sumber . . . 182 190 343 196 232 190 228 291<br />

Amo11nt of Clalmi on Death and £ 5,976 5,538 7,473 6,841 8,561 7,354 9,226 1),641<br />

Surre1!de:.<br />

*The Deferred Annuity Payments include tl~e PU?chase<br />

t In connection with new Life Insurance Tables which were brought into operation in the year 1895·6,n rebate<br />

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24J<br />

I<br />

the NATIONAL DEBT 0F:JfICE (incluQ.ing OoJ?.trapt~ ~nt,er~d into through the medium of<br />

of CONTRACTS.in years ended 31st March.<br />

I894·5.11895·6.1189M.11897-8.,11898-9. i i=~ j 1000-1.1<strong>1901</strong>-2., ---<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered into:-<br />

829 67!1 501 505 477 488 540 605 Number.<br />

60,263 44,831 84,598 86,585 34,061 81,811 31,881 4.J,970 £, Amount of Annuities.<br />

743,881 597,555 472,149 451,778 450,831 390,261 410,988 597,627 , £, * Recei~ts by the Banks and National<br />

l>eb Office In respect of Contracts.<br />

12 16 18 14 12;. 16 16 13<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered Into:-<br />

Number.<br />

291 405 278 479, 272 53~ 279 200 £ Amount of Annuities.<br />

3,445 2,771 2,674 4,812 2,848 4,200 2,456 2,910 £ Receipts by the Banks and National<br />

Debt Office in respect of Contracts.<br />

transferred for the purchase of ~nnulties.<br />

entered into through the POST OFFICE, AMOUNT of PURCHASE MONEY received by the<br />

PosT OFFICE in respect of ANNUITIES and .AssunANCES in years ended 31st December.<br />

l 1895. j 1896. 11897. 11898. 11899. \ 1000. 1<strong>1901</strong>. I<br />

__<br />

- • ANNUITIES.<br />

I<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered into :-<br />

l,S!lS 2,208 2,051 2,065 2,081 2,258 1,764 Number.<br />

49,Sltl 60,965 56,287 55,i53 54,044 49,893 42,26S £ Amount of Annuities.<br />

665,363 823,713 756,483 750,:i54 719,411$ 728,142 562,159 £ Receipts by Post Ofllce in respect of<br />

Contracts.<br />

Payments by Post Office In respect of<br />

l 21,911 23,820 26,057 27,953 29,747 31,409' 33,269<br />

Contracts :-<br />

Number"(Pnyable half·yenrly).<br />

305,712 347,126 392,285 432,761 472,532 503,297 527,871 £. Amount.<br />

I<br />

I<br />


Contracts for Annuities entered into :-<br />

169 202 !07 164 1'7 137 142 Number.<br />

4,038 4,178 4,009 3,626 3,085 2,722 s.ooo £ Amo1wt of Annuities.<br />

23,863 2ii,336 24,112 23,876 28,617 19,852 23,630 £, Receipts by Post Office in respect of<br />

Contracts.<br />

*Payments by Post Office· in 'l'espect of<br />

Contracts:-<br />

646 719 827 864 1>42 1,020. 1,075 Number (Paynble 11alf·)'earlv).<br />

: S,957 8,746 10,!lln 10,6g.) 11,891 12,921 I 14,175 £ AJ!lOUUt.<br />

:<br />

I<br />

!<br />



Contracts for J.ifo Assurances entered<br />

I i<br />

into:-<br />

I<br />

720 1,223 849 731 S27 6i7 920 Number.<br />

3i,358<br />

.<br />

6!i,582 48,017 42,554 43,723 35,512 44,296 £, Amouht of Assurances.<br />

l!l,140 18,587 t 20,439 21,562 21,575 22,1S5 22,647 1£ neceipts by l'ost.Offica in respect of<br />

Coutructs.<br />

Payments by Post Olllco in respect of<br />

200 431 321<br />

Contracts:-<br />

I 3U 342 364 sso Number.<br />

9,861 9,578 10,050 11,073<br />

I<br />

I<br />

10,663 15,422 12,!.192 £ Amount of Cini ms on Death nnd,<br />

Surreniler.<br />

I .I I<br />

I<br />

:\loner Returned in respect of surrendered eontrach.<br />

was nllowccl from the Annual Premiums on l'ontrattts granted iuior to 3rd Jun~, 1~84.<br />

!H75 Q<br />

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242 BANK OF ENGLAND.<br />


(Stated in thousands,<br />

-<br />

On the last day of the<br />

Second Week in <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 189-2. 1893.<br />

TOTAL DEPOSITS • . . -<br />

Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand· Thousand Thousand Thousand<br />

£ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

January . 28,444 80,496 81,901 Sl,902 87,703 36,854 86,806<br />

February 27,741 81,842 32,711 81,291 38,784 34,758 85,606<br />

Yarch 32,460 '86,980 86,058 82,892 40,863 37,595 36,322<br />

April • 80,552 38,886 34,281 84,236 88,587 84,776 85,159<br />

:\lay 30,579 ·S0,887 82,821 82,864· 86,42~ 85,739 35,627<br />

June . 81,973 31,455 83,849 82,269 40,516 35,987 89,162<br />

July 81,472 82,258 25,209 83,450 ~1,998 86,710 39,921<br />

August .. 27,644 27,756 81,778 81,548 38,472 36,108 33,805<br />

Sep~mber • 26,044 28,657 29,161 30,498 36,966 84,884 33,262<br />

October . 27,032 82,171 80,995 SS,849 85,927 87,109 35,907<br />

November· 25,860 80,288 28,716 83,178 84,022 33,573 84,71!!·<br />

December • 28,372 27,296 30,328 86,562 85,057 82,615 32,288<br />

..<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

No. 90.-TOTAL AMOUNT of BANK NOTES held in RESERVE by the<br />

(Stated in thousands,<br />

On the Inst day of the<br />

Second Week in <strong>1887</strong>. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1892. 1893.<br />

Thousand Thousand Thousand '.L'housand Thousand Tho~nd I Thousand<br />

£ £ £ £. £ £<br />

January . . . 0,602 11,070 11,502 8,96S 16,010 13,192 14,103<br />

February . 12,491 12,977 13,663 18,753 15,001 14,556 16,320<br />

~larch<br />

- . 14,537 14,940 14,142 15,881 14,733 15,416 17,170<br />

.April • 13,040 11,732 13,165 14,137 12,413 13,215 14,711<br />

~tar 12,042 9,804 12,529 12,530 ll,4S6 14,161 12,388<br />

June . 13,263 11,013 13,486 12,381 17,000 15,270 17,755<br />

July . 11,557 10,080 12,807 10,571 15,828 15,460 17,380<br />

August . 0,9'43 9,600 11,00S 12,262 16,158 15,268 12,768<br />

! September· 10,337 11,329 11,580 13,034 16,270 15,877 15,739<br />

. Oct.>ber • 10,054 9,849 9,80'1 9,767 12,771 14,399 14,575<br />

I<br />

No1ember • 10,979 10,573 11,012 10,024 12,818 ·13,29-i 14,01}4<br />

December • . . ll,832 9,990 11,008 15,g()4 14,U~<br />

I<br />

l<br />

14,373 15,1)1)7<br />

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on th~ 1~$t day Qf ·Ph~.J:)~cohQ.. We!}k iµ,. ~ac.h. ~~Q11th~ .<br />

i.e., OOO's in each case omitted.)<br />

1894. 1895. 1896. 1597. 1898. 1899.<br />

1900. <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

o.·thet.-<br />

.darottbe<br />

Second Week<br />

In<br />

. . . . . • T9TAL DEPOSI'I'S •<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'<br />

I<br />

j<br />

Thousand Thousand Thousand 'l'housand Thousand '£housand<br />

£, £, £, £, £ £,<br />

36,249 45,059 60,022 52,035 49,762 49,204<br />

35,926 41,107 62,Sl~ 53,874 51,408 51,587<br />

38,550 41,110 64,889 55,108 54,481 52,495<br />

37,495 39,600 02,052 49,763 47,903 49,902<br />

36,374 42,021 63,694 49,635 54,920 49,181<br />

41,919 45,549 64,579 49,782 55,465 49,246<br />

44,202 40,548 63,158 50,934 54,156 48,228<br />

43,345 50,123 61,909 47,519 51,007 47,478<br />

43,9i4 53,494 57,365 46,994 48,500 40,775<br />

44,607 55,020 53,127 47,712 43,641 52,285<br />

42,593 54,613 48,903 43,310 40,535 48,831<br />

39,936 58,981 49,070 43,542 41,195 42,314<br />

Thousand<br />

£,<br />

Tbouaand<br />

p,<br />

55,157 52,592<br />

51,703 46,252<br />

63,617. ·50,368<br />

49,568. 47,176<br />

49,107 47,382<br />

47,621 48,912<br />

50,878 51,107<br />

48,075 49,020<br />

45,605 51,4~'3<br />

48,928· 58,046<br />

46,108 50,5U<br />

46,950 48,571<br />

J"annarr.<br />

Febmarf.<br />

}[arch.<br />

.April.<br />

)lay.<br />

.Iune.<br />

July.<br />

August.<br />

September.<br />

October.<br />

November.<br />

December.<br />

!<br />

BANK of ENGLAND on the last clay of the Second W cek in each Month.<br />

i.e., OOO's in each case omitted.)<br />

18!>4. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I<br />

Thousand 1'housaml I Thousand · Thousand • 'rhousnml '.l'housantl Thousand Thousand 1<br />

£ £ I £, £<br />

I<br />

£ £ £ £,<br />

i<br />

i.;,,893 22,914 34,210 24,181 18.559 18,075 20,387 IG,262 .Tan nary.<br />

!<br />

18,!)()3 26,544 3i,400 20,421) 20,779 21,603 22,606 20,971)<br />

21,002 26,152 38,0i!l 27,SOS ;?l,220 21,113 22,560 23,891!<br />

20,570 24,370 3J,615 22,840 15,813 17,3S!i 18,280 20,000<br />

21,:ml 24,765 35,180 23,096 21,368 li,38.i lS,fl!lO 21,533<br />

2i,26S 26,001 36,096 22,865 24,883 18,3i8 19,262 23,ii12<br />

26,$83 24,932 34,708 23,200 22,6ifl 18,176 li,098 22,303<br />

26,017 26,782 34,308 22,0i2 20,931 10,461 16,0:;2 2:~2S:l<br />

28,i32 30,072 30,234 22,205 21,850 22,687 23,13:l 25,182<br />

2:.,1ao 29,3(14 24,689 18,710 18,040 19,4!1i 19,000 22,959<br />

24,2:!0 29,4()(! 23,185 18,753 1!1,Hi rn,o:;i 18,470 21,000<br />

I·<br />

2:?,{)jfi 33,610 24,207 l!>,530 18,79$ 16,344 18,017 I 21,42:l<br />

'<br />

On the last<br />

day of the<br />

Second Wecl:<br />

in<br />

llelJruary.<br />

.:\lurch.<br />

April.<br />

:\fay.<br />

.Tune.<br />

.July.<br />

August.<br />

September.<br />

October.<br />

Soveml>el'.<br />

December.<br />

CHi5<br />

1i 2<br />

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244:-<br />


"<br />

Y'UltS.<br />

-<br />

QUA.RTE&<br />

Enden.<br />

Notes fn<br />

Circulation.<br />

!<br />

I<br />


Deposits.<br />

I<br />

Total.<br />

{"'-• . . 28,764,383 S0,708,00S 5-1,472,476<br />

1SS7 June • .• . 2-1,620,005 81,819,799 55,939,804<br />

£, £ £,<br />

September• . . . 24,932,811 28,649,620 58,582,431<br />

Deeember • . . 24,209,867 26,930,149 51,140,016<br />

f""cb . . " 23,542,00S 88,S?l,995 56,914,003<br />

lSSS • June • • 2-i,830,927 81,916,751 56,2471678<br />

I September• . . . 24,854,261 29,2S5,9S1!· M;000,191<br />

I December • . . 24,405,0SO 29,281,524 53,086,554<br />

. . . 23,471,127 88,519,0!ltl 56,990,168<br />

{ l&roh •<br />

1$89. • June • .. 24,510,186 8-A,918,30'1 59,428,440<br />

September· . . 25,0$5,272 81,300,860 56,976,132<br />

December • . 24,460,886 29,837,081 M,207,917<br />

rreh . . . . 23,714,lSS 82,370,006 56,085,044<br />

1800. • June • • 24,701,011 33,638,074 58,884,IJSS<br />

September· . 25,053,007 Sl,887,925 56,941,592<br />

j December • . 24,782,153 3Ci,414,l55 60,146,308<br />

I<br />

64,085,535<br />

{ ;r.,.• . . . . 24,205,929 00,879,006<br />

1891.<br />

lStl'l.<br />

1893.<br />

1<br />

June • • 24Si5,346 38,885,848 63,761,104<br />

· t September· . 26,145,SST 38,004,002 61,749,889<br />

f December • . 25,510,059 34,830,307 00,340,456<br />

. . . 24,983,628 37,535,141 62,518,76!)<br />

{' :lfAreh<br />

1 June • • . . 25,945,176 36,595,85() 62,541,026<br />

· I September • . . . 26,646,200 36,180,071 62,826,S:U<br />

l December • . 26,039,500 lH,367,453 60,400,953<br />

{IM- . . 25,033,26' 86,500,920 61,539,184<br />

June • • . . 26,170,343 36,830,0St 63,010,327<br />

t·- . . . . 24,582,&-:ro 37,443,2~ Gt,026,204<br />

· i September· . . . 26,518,832 35,800,021 62,327,353<br />

1 December • . . 25,i78,436 lH,21»,021 59,982,457<br />

f<br />

1894.<br />

Jw1e • • . 25,055,871 39,219,967 64,275,838<br />

• j September • . . . 25,522,215 43,9!>9,153 69,781,368<br />

l December • . 25p2S,878 41,61~,576 6i,H3,454<br />

t<br />

I<br />

( )!.arch . . . 25,000,230 42,186,418 67,246,648<br />

1695.<br />

J l June • • 25,931,910 43,367,932 69,2W,85l<br />

· l ! Septemller • . . . 26,416,472 50,757,700 77,174,172<br />

I December • 26,000,666 56,354,680 82,445,346<br />

·1<br />

.. . 2.'.i,S'il,842 63,009,213 SS,981,0lm<br />

{ )f&reh l juue • • . . 26,368,045 64,035,205 90,·103,2-00<br />

.<br />

; December • . 20,672,217 50,574,404 77,246,621<br />

soo. · l September • 27,413,695 60,9'2S,S82 l SS,342,!'i77<br />

i<br />

r; lforeh . 25,986,293 M,400,408 S0,446,701<br />

fQl. . J June .. • ·I 27,501,632 50,804,412 78,306,044<br />

l September • . .<br />

: f<br />

27,882.360 48,405,4$5 76,287,845<br />

j December • . . 27,422,525 45,601,685 73,024,210<br />

I<br />

1<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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}67<br />

and ASSETS of the :BANK 01!' ENGLAND.<br />

" I<br />

Securities.<br />

Bullion.<br />

,Total.<br />


1Ende'd;<br />

YBARS.<br />

£<br />

34,739,997<br />

34,169,619<br />

34,004,337<br />

32,508,224<br />

£<br />

22,235,730<br />

'28,852,ooo<br />

21~144,706<br />

•20,288,589<br />

£<br />

56,976,727<br />

58,021,619<br />

66,049,048<br />

'62,746,763<br />

March<br />

June<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

36,976,333<br />

~·31,010;108<br />

'35,311,709<br />

35,977,745<br />

87,567,216<br />

38,388,093<br />

37,407,588<br />

36,301,144<br />

21,972,314<br />

'20,871,825<br />

·20,779,052<br />

19,455,412<br />

21,636,156<br />

22,789,206<br />

·21,602,318<br />

19,712,868<br />

58,948,647<br />

57,951,583<br />

56,090,851<br />

'55,483,157<br />

59,103,372<br />

61,177,299<br />

'59,009,906<br />

•56,013,512<br />

March<br />

June<br />

September·<br />

December<br />

March<br />

June •<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

J· '~<br />

: } . , ...<br />

36,554,42<br />

37,441,788<br />

37,256,649<br />

39,168,647<br />

4W67,957<br />

41,753,034<br />

39,973,749<br />

SS,607,719<br />

21,519,007<br />

22,4o2,141<br />

'21,540,693<br />

'21,820,279<br />

.. ~?.!Nl,18~<br />

23,536,100<br />

26,647,486<br />

~,159,668,<br />

58,073,427<br />

·59,843,879<br />

58,797,242<br />

60,988,926<br />

66,029,139<br />

65,289,134<br />

66,621,285<br />

61,767,887<br />

llarch<br />

June<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

liarch<br />

June<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

'}:·~<br />

J "'"<br />

40,13l,829<br />

38,323,158<br />

37 354,040<br />

36,809,048<br />

24,240,314<br />

25,595,924<br />

27,~70,258<br />

24,0!il,060<br />

61,372,143<br />

63,919,082<br />

6.&,62.&,298<br />

61,800,108<br />

}larch<br />

June • •<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

. } 1m<br />

37,857,144<br />

38,186,981<br />

36,804,314<br />

35,543,007<br />

26,261,039<br />

26,285,899<br />

27,336,966<br />

25,865,721<br />

64,118,183<br />

64,422,SSO<br />

64,141,280<br />

61,408,788<br />

)larch<br />

June<br />

September •<br />

December •<br />

} IMS<br />

35,039,257<br />

30,005,861<br />

32,050,926<br />

32,937,638<br />

32,424,492<br />

as,018 1 668<br />

~597,693<br />

40,996,456<br />

~:,40S,Si9<br />

43,766,~59 •<br />

4f,020,154<br />

42,203,7118<br />

28,639,856<br />

34,299,039<br />

8~,040,469<br />

35,26l!,470<br />

36,196,979<br />

37,291,181<br />

30,841,977<br />

42,473,334<br />

47,909,408<br />

47,l}!l0,256<br />

45,66t,i!l0<br />

35,911,881<br />

63,679,113<br />

65,264,900<br />

71,091,395<br />

68,200,108<br />

68,621,471<br />

70,304,849<br />

78,439,670<br />

U,469,700<br />

90,318,287<br />

91,456,715<br />

89,682,9'4<br />

78,805,679<br />

?.!arch·<br />

June<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

:\!arch<br />

June<br />

September.<br />

December •<br />

:lfarch<br />

June<br />

September·<br />

December •<br />

• } 1894<br />

: I<br />

. 1} 18~5<br />

: I<br />

} !SOO<br />

43,983,887<br />

42,824,0li<br />

4l,~37,634<br />

42,242,939<br />

27,973,138<br />

36,531,456<br />

35,865,871<br />

31,834,320<br />

81,957,025<br />

79,355,473<br />

77,703,bOb<br />

74,077,259<br />

I March- •<br />

r Juno •<br />

September·<br />

Doccmber •<br />

. 1} . 1897<br />

~ !<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

BANK OF: ENGLAND,, &c.<br />

r<br />

YliRS-<br />

Cont.<br />

IS9f.<br />

1~-<br />

1900.<br />

I <strong>1901</strong> •<br />

I<br />

·{<br />

·{<br />

·{<br />

I<br />

I<br />

QU.ARTKR<br />

Ended.<br />


Notes in<br />

Circulation.<br />

I<br />


Deposits.<br />

I<br />

Total.<br />

£, .£ £<br />

:March ·26,930,378 52,742,441) 79,672,827<br />

June • . . . 27,661,880 53,16~,1.51 80,823,031<br />

September· . ,27,884,395 50,638,056 78,517,451<br />

December • . 27,311,327 42,459,967 69,771,294<br />

March 26,841,276 .52,246,578 79,087,8,54<br />

June . 27,657,186 49,867,768 77,524,954<br />

September· 28,534,984 . 47 ,845,3'-8 76,380,327<br />

December • 28,479,02: 48,247,856 76,726,879<br />

March· 28,317,187 54,559,784 82,876,971<br />

June • 29,627,471 49,(175,149 78,702,620<br />

September· . . 30,153,536 48,898,123 79,051,659<br />

December • 29,638,602 47,017,854 76,656,456<br />

. f March . 28,88'2,800 50,351,557 79,284,8.66<br />

June . . 29,596,500 49,479,7~ 79,076,235<br />

September· 30,126,476 51,568,195 81,694,671<br />

1 De::ember • 29,630,620 50,492,232 80,122,852<br />

I<br />

No. 92.-AVERAGE AMOUNT of PROl\IISSORY NOTES, payable to Bearer on<br />

distinguishing those issued in ENGLAND<br />

r<br />

I<br />

I<br />

11~<br />

l 1888<br />

'!<br />

1889<br />

J:J.l!S.<br />

·{<br />

·{<br />

·{<br />

.<br />

{<br />

![OV:ll<br />

Ended.<br />

March 5 .<br />

June 25 .<br />

September 17<br />

DecemberlO<br />

.March 3<br />

Juue2S .<br />

September 15<br />

December 8<br />

)larch 2<br />

June 22<br />

September 14 •<br />

DP.-eember 7<br />

:March 1<br />

June 21<br />

September 13 •<br />

December 6<br />

lmnk<br />

of<br />

England.<br />

£,<br />

23,657,000<br />

24,787,000<br />

24,814,000<br />

24,061),000<br />

%3,370,000<br />

24,346,000<br />

24,671,000<br />

23,987,000<br />

23,163,000<br />

24,493,000<br />

. 24,851,000<br />

24,088,000<br />

23,3!!3,000<br />

21,611,000<br />

24,806,000<br />

24,561,000<br />


Country Banks.<br />

I<br />

-<br />

Private Joint Stock<br />

Banks. Banks.<br />

I I I<br />

~ £,<br />

1,226,000 1,294,180<br />

1,220,005 1,886,275<br />

1,130,203 1,248,745<br />

1,223,215 1,335,397<br />

1,130,215 1,263,099<br />

1,1'6,327 1,295,422<br />

1,003,401 l,218,612<br />

l,171,0Q6 1,352,614<br />

1,046,587 1,265,945<br />

1,067,762 1,324,836<br />

1,010,115 1,%21,318<br />

1,1!3,059 1,:m,s13<br />

1,032,289 1,279,536<br />

1,041,00! 1,298,345<br />

OOG,236 1,187,630<br />

1,0S9,S.'>0 1,334,688<br />

Total.<br />

£,<br />

2,520,270<br />

2,556,880<br />

2,378,948<br />

2,558,612<br />

2,308,314<br />

2,441,749<br />

2,282,103<br />

2,5:?4,270<br />

2,312,482<br />

2,302,598<br />

2,231,433<br />

2,..1!!4,572<br />

2,311,775<br />

2,339,400<br />

2,153,872<br />

2,424,538<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

B:A~K .or·,$NGLAND, . . &q.<br />

... ~ ...<br />

and ASSETS of the BANK Qf ENGLAND-.Oontinued.<br />

.L 'I :.:I I/..<br />

I<br />

A.9s!TS<br />

-<br />

Securities. :anmoh. Total.<br />

I<br />


Ended<br />

YBARI-<br />


248 BANK OF EN(}LAND, &c.<br />

I<br />

AVERAGE AMOUNT of PROMISSORY NOTES, payable to Bearer on Demand,<br />

distinguishing· those issued in ENGLAND and<br />

. ·-<br />

··- .. I ENGL.urn .A.MD w A.LES •<br />

YEARS-<br />

MONTH<br />

Country Banks.<br />

Ce>tit. Ended. Bank<br />

of<br />

England. Private Joint Stock<br />

Banks.<br />

Banks.<br />

1891 •<br />

1892·<br />

1893.<br />

1894.<br />

1895.<br />

1896·<br />

189i.<br />

·{<br />

·f<br />

·{<br />

·{<br />

·{<br />

I<br />

I<br />

TOTAL.<br />

£ ~ £ £<br />

March 2S • 24,167,332 1,013,647 1,240,362 2,254,009<br />

June20 24,832,007 1,006,920 1,!44,832 !,251,252<br />

September 12 • 25,973,996 927,733 1,147,118 2,0i4,851<br />

Decembers 25,240,628 1,026,358 1,266,124 !,292,482<br />

1iarc~~ 26 • 24,822,993 928,671 1,187,147 2,115,818<br />

June lS •. 25,933,082 940,857 .1,228,779 2,178,!!36<br />

September 10 • 26,275,828 878,SOO 1,080,488 1,950,384,<br />

\.<br />

December 31 25,478,996 goQ,!1'2 1,16S,87i !,064,820<br />

. {<br />

·{<br />

!,~. ·{<br />

I<br />

!<br />

!<br />

.1<br />

March 2f, • 24,592,518 !63,181 .J.,128,22.£ 1,991,405<br />

June 17 26,603,278 875,860 1,1(1(),66! !,036,531<br />

September 9 26,363,180 790,GSS 1,05(1,607 1,847,380<br />

:beceinber 30 25,200,323 I07,0SS 1,112,683 1,939,771<br />

March 24 • 24,273,948 705,881 l,OSS,581 1,1sg,•02<br />

Juue 16 ~4,890,94!) 731,937 1,~04,131 1,836,008<br />

September 8 25,628,786 670,100 1,0lS,!70 1,692,460<br />

December 29 25,358,850 708,227 l,059,SS6 1,767,613<br />

March 23 • 24,850,467 050,877 1,0!7,7!6 1,687,603<br />

June 15 25,735,796 090,20~ 1,095,581 l,785,'i84<br />

September 7 26,435,033 047,571 1,001,~9 1,649,!30<br />

December28 25,843,827 600,481 1,056,681 1,747,16!<br />

March 21 • 25,086,Tl3 631,181 1,023,781 1,656,96!<br />

June 13 26,237,177 646,055 1,074,73! 1,7!0,7!'1<br />

Sept~mber 5 27,403,476 4'!!,!59 969,075 l,39:.0,2H<br />

December 26<br />

26,147,572 456,201 l,02~,067 1,481,158<br />

· 1<br />

: I<br />

March20 •<br />

25,848,848 427,607 ~87,U6 1,415,0U<br />

Junel2 27,326,258 438,811 1,042,864 1,481,675<br />

Sept_ember 4 27,885,036 396,545 889,245 l,2S5,790<br />

December25 27,262,697 439,42! 994,826 1,484,!48<br />

:March 19 • 26,641;557 40i,242 94'r,788 1,355,080<br />

June 11<br />

27,532,998 427,!48 1,000,410 1,427,658<br />

September 3<br />

!<br />

i 2~,946,641 381,9!S5 sso,on l,262,03Z<br />

December24 ·I 27;178,264 425,i05 983,133 l,40S,9!i<br />

·I<br />

March 18 • 26,546,516 887,833 913,309 1,301,1'2<br />

I June 10 •I 27,656,215 408,327 958,174 1,361,501<br />

' l!S'J'J.<br />

September2<br />

28,599,328 363,271 805,106 l,16S,377<br />

· 1<br />

40:S,445 892,374 1,295,819<br />

I<br />

l -Dec&mber 23 28,649,405<br />

I<br />

. J lfarch 17 • l 28,!38,727 380,909 8!!1,109 l,24Z,10S<br />

• June !I •<br />

29,424,505<br />

406,45g 928,928 1,385,387<br />

Im· f<br />

1 "September 1 30,140,487 333,019 786,(l33 1,119,0SZ<br />

I<br />

I December 2! ~9,360,204<br />

354,91ll 8'7,i:jA 1,202,605<br />

UlOl •<br />

1<br />

I<br />

:March 16 • 28,53M41 311,585 798,021 l,lOii,606<br />

• June 8 • 29,627,625<br />

3.U,174 855,402 1,196,576<br />

l Septem her 28 •<br />

29,623,144 l 299,108 724,013 1,023,121<br />

December 21 • 29,38G,275 331,012 690,7ia 1,021,788<br />

I<br />

: l<br />

'<br />

.<br />

' -<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

BANK OF ENGLAND; &o. 249<br />

which· were in Circulation in each of the undermentioned MONTHS,<br />

WAL~, SCOTLAND, and IRELAND-Continued.<br />

!COT LAND.<br />

l~BLAND.<br />

Chirtered<br />

·and -<br />

Joint Stock<br />

B!lnks.<br />

:Bank<br />

of<br />

Ireland.<br />

Joint Stock<br />

:Banks.<br />

Total for tl.1e<br />

UNll'ED<br />

KINGDOM.<br />

MONTR<br />

Ended.<br />

Y.URS­<br />

.Cont.<br />

£<br />

5,891,484<br />

6i785,279<br />

6,874,624<br />

7,204,629<br />

6,9ss;s68<br />

6,912,4~4<br />

6;885,840<br />

6,714,399<br />

5,911,279<br />

G,905,980<br />

G,405,522<br />

6,824,175<br />

6,089,075<br />

7;093,971<br />

6,425,971<br />

6:006,079<br />

6,822,461><br />

7,440,039<br />

7,041,601<br />

7,3~6,083<br />

6,570,615<br />

·7,700,357<br />

7,184,900<br />

7,479,250<br />

8,711,693<br />

7,874,969<br />

7,264,514<br />

'l,673;786<br />

6;819,971<br />

7,943,31!<br />

7,44!,SSI<br />

8,024,75&<br />

'l,191,000<br />

i,870,604<br />

7,745,190<br />

8,267,537<br />

7,!!6,701><br />

S,463,()91<br />

7,795,960<br />

8,565,743<br />

7;395,173<br />

S,484,466<br />

7,ilG,590<br />

8,265,0!3<br />

£<br />

·2,534,150'<br />

!,395,225<br />

!,339,650<br />

2,676,825<br />

!,428,750<br />

!,320,375·<br />

2,249,350<br />

!,462,875<br />

!,360,075<br />

2,416,925<br />

2,380,550<br />

!,551,275<br />

2,447,675<br />

2,860,750<br />

2,894,050<br />

2,553,925<br />

2,484,250<br />

2,418,000<br />

2,309,300<br />

2,513,200<br />

2,892,775<br />

2,424,025<br />

2,836,325<br />

2,516,5'i5<br />

2,300,575<br />

2,358,150<br />

2,294,975<br />

2,582,850<br />

2,395,550<br />

2,331,375<br />

!,266,600<br />

2,499,575'<br />

2,362,600<br />

2,383,400<br />

2,370,000<br />

2,G59,675<br />

2,066,600<br />

2,688,900'<br />

2,535,300<br />

2,~6,125•<br />

2,702,800<br />

2,620,500<br />

2,524,125<br />

.. 2,648,150<br />

£<br />

4,033,510<br />

S,769,514<br />

3,620,195<br />

4,270,287<br />

S,778,802<br />

VS,644,708<br />

8,522,399<br />

3,824,389<br />

s;638,37S<br />

S,671,162<br />

8,658,018<br />

3,984,720<br />

8,753,079<br />

S,645,986<br />

8,650,857<br />

8,947,238<br />

3,811,143<br />

S,835,260<br />

S,598,817<br />

S,946,05S<br />

3,691,427<br />

3,771,367<br />

8,605,290<br />

8,895,829<br />

8,658,978<br />

8,650,654<br />

8,567,780<br />

3,935,17i)<br />

8,657,117<br />

3,627,193<br />

8,430,866<br />

8,901,739<br />

8,636,939<br />

8,792,725<br />

8,727,932<br />

4,154,630<br />

3,984,79!<br />

4,072,375<br />

3,896,674<br />

4,432,235<br />

4,126,853<br />

4,144,697<br />

3,862,155<br />

4,167,45~<br />

£<br />

38,880,435<br />

40,038,967<br />

40,883,316<br />

·U,684,851<br />

39,104,726<br />

40,989,285<br />

40,392,801<br />

40,544,979<br />

38,4~,655<br />

41,688,876<br />

40,654,650<br />

40,596,264<br />

38,358,239<br />

39,827,701<br />

89,791,624<br />

40,538,705<br />

39,164,932<br />

41,209,879<br />

41,033,481<br />

41,376,330<br />

89,398,492<br />

41,883,713<br />

41,922,225<br />

41,522,394-<br />

40,031,137<br />

42,691,701<br />

42,298,115<br />

4!:839,051<br />

40,869,225<br />

4:?,86:!,536<br />

42,349,022<br />

41,013,264<br />

41,038,203<br />

43;(>64,445<br />

43,610,877<br />

45,0!7,066<br />

43,418,936<br />

45,SS4,!SS<br />

45,487,473<br />

46,417,092<br />

43,8!!8,373<br />

46,023,864<br />

44,849,135<br />

45,4SS,il5<br />

March 28 •<br />

June 20 •<br />

September 12 •<br />

December5<br />

} 1S1ll<br />

March 26 •<br />

June 18 •<br />

September 10 •<br />

. }. 1892<br />

December31<br />

March 25 •<br />

June 17 •<br />

Saptember 9 • }1892<br />

December SO<br />

~!arch 24 •<br />

June 16 ...<br />

Septembers : }· 1S11•<br />

December29<br />

March 23 •<br />

June15<br />

September7<br />

December28<br />

• } 1$5<br />

March 21 • ·-<br />

Juue 13 •·<br />

September 5 : } lSOO<br />

Decembcr26<br />

March 20 •<br />

June 12 • .} ,.,<br />

September 4 ~<br />

December25<br />

March 19 •<br />

June 11 • • } • 1893<br />

September 3 -<br />

Decembcr24<br />

March 18 •<br />

JunclO<br />

~eptcmbcr 2<br />

December23<br />

l 1009<br />

~farch 17 •<br />

I June 9<br />

I September 1 •<br />

December ~2<br />

March 16 •<br />

Junes<br />

September 28 •<br />

j December 21 -<br />

'l<br />

. J 1900<br />

} 1001 !<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

No. 93 -.AVEltAGn Mrnmul\l RA'l'l


in each Month in each of the Years from <strong>1887</strong> and 1888, and of the Ne'" 2i per cent. Consolidated Stock in each Month from<br />

l\Iarch 1888 to December <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

------<br />

Three per<br />

!<br />

t<br />

cent.Con-<br />

New 2:/ per cent. Consolidated Stock.<br />

I<br />

solicla.tcd<br />

I<br />

l\lON'rHS. Stock. l\foNTHS.<br />

<strong>1887</strong>. , 1888. 1888.11889. , 1890. , 1891. , 1892. , 1893. , 18!H. , 1895. , 1896. , 1897. , 1898. , 1899. , 1900. , 190!.<br />

I<br />

, ______<br />

I £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £<br />

Ja.nuP.ry - - lOOf 102! - 98t 9H 96f 95i 981 98H 104~ 107 112 ll~i 111 l~ 9QH January.<br />

l"clm1ary - - 1001 102! - 99 9H 97t 95! 98i 99~ 104i 108{ 112! 112g llJy~ 101 971\ February.<br />

March - lOlt lOlt lOOi 97t 97:} 971 11 11 95~ 98·r"11 99i 104fr 109/'lf lllt lllf! 11().h 1011' 9tP' Ill March.<br />

April - 102i 101 1001 1 11 98~ 98 96rc 9G/i: 99 100 1051\ llli 112 llOH llo.fa· IOOH 95fc April.<br />

May - - 103t 1011 99! 99 98} 95i 97! 98/ii 1001"i: 1051-a 112-h 113i llOH llOt 1011\; 941 May.<br />

June - - - 101! 100! 99/t: 98-} 97} 95rc 96! _99 lOlj\ 106~ 113 ll2t lllx11;r 108/ 11 1011'\J 931\ Jun_e.<br />

July - - lOli 100~ 9911111 98~ 961 95.i 96H 99 101/11 107ll: 113! 112t Ill~ 10(>! 9st ~H July.<br />

August 101-k 100! 992- 98i1o 96! 96 97{- 98 102-1- l07l1i: 1131~ ll2! 110~ 105H 98t 94t August:<br />

September - - 101,:'a 100} 98 97 9-,<br />

cJ ... 94H 97 98! 102y 3 .-: 1074 110H Ill! 109H lQq 98ii: 93H Septemt~r.<br />

October 102! 100?· 97! 97 94! 9-ii 97 981\ 101! 107/ll' lOSH Ill-~ l09g 103~ 98H 92H October.<br />

I<br />

I November • . 103! 101 97 97 94~ 95 97:1 98i 102f 106~ 110/w 112-~ non- 99:h 98! 9li November.<br />

I<br />

/ Dccc1~1bcr •__- lOI 1'1ij 99~ 96.?'6 9n 95! 95! 97j- 98-(-g 103i 106H 111! 112i llOy\ 10019~ 97i 93-h December.<br />

I<br />

101! 101 - 98 96! 95!1 96H 98~ lOln 106b 11;111~1 HOH 1061- 99i 94-l {A vera-f e _for<br />

Aver~c for}<br />

the car ·the· ear.<br />

, " ~ ' ,... .... .. -<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

252 POST OFFICE :-LETTERS, &c.<br />


CULAHS, SAMPLES, and PosT CARDS delivered by the POST OFFICE) .and<br />

PROPORTIONATE NmrnER of LETTERS delivered .Per Head of the ;population,<br />

in each DIVISION of t\le UNITED KINGDOM. -<br />

I I UNinD<br />

I . ·<br />

I UN~KD<br />



Years<br />

WALES,<br />

ended<br />

3!~!arch.<br />

NUllBER of L'&TTERS delivered<br />

Nuxn1m of LETTERS delivered per Head·<br />

(stated in -Millions).<br />

of the J.>opulntion.<br />

I<br />

)fillions. :mm ons. ~lilllons. ~lillions.<br />

lSSi·S l,2Si 182 93 1,512 46 34 19 u<br />

1SSS·9 1,326! 186 95' 1,558 47 34 20 42<br />

I<br />

lSS!l·OO 1,413 140 OOi l,a49i 50 35 20 44·<br />

i<br />

lS00-1 1,462~ 143. 99~ 1,705! 51 86 21 ,45<br />

1S%2<br />

I<br />

1,510 146! 105 1,767\ 52 36 22 4.7<br />

::.892·3 11532! 152 1 105~ 1,7901 52 37 23 47<br />

1S93·4<br />

I<br />

1,5-19~ 151 108! 1,812 52 37 24 47<br />

lS!H-5 1,502(a 156 112/0 l,7i0fo 50 37 - 25 46'<br />

1595-6 I 1,5581~0 1621 9 " 112?" 1,834\~ 51 39 25 47<br />

1$96-'i l,600la 16St5(1 118 1,893 52 40 26 48<br />

l<br />

lS!>i·S l,7111is 177,~ 123ia 2,01213S-9<br />

I<br />

l<br />

l,859r'ct 190,do 1861511' 2,186 1<br />

8 0 59 u 30 54<br />

1899-1000 1,908/o 1961".i 1411111 2,2461".r 60 45 31 55<br />

100:1-1 l l,9ii 2021•.; 144f11 2,323l11 61 46 82 56<br />

1001·2 i 2,0S.t,"a 2181'11 1481d(f 2,45lln 6-1<br />

I<br />

49 83<br />

I<br />

59<br />

I I I<br />


i and SA){PLES delivered (stated in ~Iillions).<br />

NUMBER of POST CAltDS deli\'cred<br />

(stated in :mmons).<br />

!<br />

f<br />

I<br />

)lilllons. :\Iilllon!i. I )lillions. )!ill Ions. :\Ill lions. Millions. )!ill ions.<br />

l I<br />

l ::\lilllons.<br />

lS.Si-S 451 56<br />

35 542 159 21 D 189<br />

I l<br />

lSSS-9 4il :<br />

j 5i 36 564 170 22 !>l 201~<br />

ISS!>-00 ! 502 ! 58~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

g7~ 598l 184 28 9i 216i<br />

I OOi<br />

41 637i 105 24 I 10~<br />

1S91J-1 1 53G<br />

I<br />

1sn:2 ! 55~ 621 42 658 205i<br />

I ·251 11<br />

B.r:?-~ 5Si i 68~ 45t 698 2061 26i lll l 244!<br />

I<br />

1893--l<br />

61!l~ 74 45~ 731l.i 209 27~ 12<br />

I 248!<br />

I<br />

lS~~-5<br />

I<br />

640 l 78r'u 4St1i 766t(f 271/0'<br />

I '!13.(11 12! l<br />

312i'a<br />

I<br />

SS<br />

I<br />

5li11 821(h 268j'l,;<br />

14 314/a<br />

I<br />

1S95-0 682{.;<br />

I S2fa 1<br />

lS'W·i 699/(f 92.(n 56 8481~6 286!11 3lir> 151:.,. 33B1<br />

I<br />

4 •<br />

i I<br />

I<br />

139i-S 7'.!.!>ia 94(11 541 •• Si8 1<br />

'<br />

~, 30Sfa I<br />

3614 0 i 151 1 11 300.4a<br />

t<br />

!!)Ilg.!) i0S1 I<br />

9 "' 93 53(6 855l(f 327fd SSt\ 16fa<br />

I 382fa<br />

I<br />

1!~ 1900 720{' I 4 94 1 ~a 3421r," l<br />

I<br />

511611 866i,i<br />

40180 16f(f I 400i".<br />

:<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

19'Jl)·1 74ii1G 'Jir'a 56 OOO in 3591'11 411qo 18 419<br />

I<br />

W.Jl·2 783,,, 00(.i 56r'r. 936 3SOlh 45y~<br />

! lSJ'"' I 444 1'n<br />

I : ; I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

229i<br />

241i<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

I<br />

!<br />

,N'o.. 96,-:-'I1.~L1l:GR~P~S1: ·~~NGTH of JJJN~,. ~UMB.ER-1ff ·O.FF19t~~: NVl\IB~a<br />

Qf MEss~PE.s, R~cm1*t~,. ExPji:~J?iWRE,_ ~%_9~,. ~!i Ef\.Qll' YE~R<br />

(ending··the-3lst .Mi~rcb), FROM 1895-6 TO· 1900~1.<br />

r ---- >:KARS'EN.UING 81ST M.i~~crr. .._.J<br />

: ·~895-U. . i ;800·~. :l.897·8.. I 1898·9. I ~3~-g.10001 I . 1000..1.<br />

,. ,. Underground " Silo 918· " PS5 I l.OSl l,l4ll l,2e0-.<br />

11 .,,. Submarine 11 .... !'.1:::;;, l.?,831_ . 2 1 300 2,i74 I 2,51i- 2,48S<br />

Length of Line Over~ead i~ Mil9s •• 88,975 ,- . 37,807 ---;~; j 39,ti3i 1 1 ·:t0,9S;i ·1'~:;<br />

Total Length qf Uno ·t 87,023 4l)O!ll .J21US~ .43,48!) . 4.S,65i.S. j -15,'iSl?<br />

Length of Wlre Overhe&d l~ ~!ilea • , . )93,525 . 289;'362 - 2!; 1<br />

762' 1 · . ~9,!6S- ~· 272;71~ I 285,10;<br />

11 11 Undergroui\d ·,, , ;f.8,405 S!!,212 33 1 573 I 40,633 · 47,0.!S' I fil,2!.11<br />

Submarine .. .,, •7;309 J P,(l~3 s;rns S,508 S,591:t 8,4Sl<br />

Total L•••" of w~· ·f ""'·"• I 278,617 . ·""'~;., l ......,, ~ ...."' I. ."';"".'<br />

1»"n.nuot be sepat'at.:ily disiingulshed.<br />

'l'hls Includes telegrams dealt with entirely by Submarine Cable CoruiJ,nies in this country.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

254: posrr OFFICE :-PARCELS, MONEY ORDERS.<br />

No. 97.-NUMBEU. and WEIGHT of PARCELS delivered through the PAIWEL POST,<br />

with TOTAL RECEIPTS, and AM.OUNT paid to the RAILWAY ·COMPANIES.<br />

1857<br />

lSSS<br />

1839<br />

1800<br />

1S91<br />

1892<br />

l~<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

18\)i<br />

1S9S<br />

1599<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

--<br />

.<br />

. . .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

No. 98.~··-NU?ilBER<br />

..<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

i<br />

:<br />

...<br />

I<br />

-<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

I<br />

Number.<br />

Weight<br />

(estimated).<br />

'!ot.al :Receipts.<br />

.Amount paid for<br />

Carrh1ge to Railway<br />

Companie•.<br />

Cw ta. £, £,<br />

36,104,691 \'60,777 795,576 894,061<br />

SS,79',030 817,4'6 860,930 425,117<br />

42,275,604 949,159 939,051 462,227<br />

45,528,952 1,036,596 1,016,075 492,749<br />

48,673,824 1,121,236 1,093,381 523,418<br />

51,608,892 1,185,836 1,159,826 554,994<br />

53,525,030 1,237,766 1,203,205 575,945<br />

56,668,161 1,805,392 1,271,'64 600,158<br />

59,488,150 1,885,1?.l 1,348,953 637,819<br />

63,081,171 1,481,281 1,432,776 676,442<br />

66,792,730 1,649,784 1,430,184 675,549<br />

71,398,622 1,899,718 1,483,028 699,640<br />

74,499,487 1,992,196 1,559,235 732,194<br />

79,780,427 2,144,099<br />

I<br />

1,672,374 788,270<br />

85,447,281 2,311,654 1,798,474 847,643<br />

and AMOUNT of MONEY ORDERS ISSUED in each Division of<br />

the UNITED KINGDOM •<br />

; AMOUNT for which MoNifr ORDERS were<br />


Issued in--<br />

i '<br />

YE.ms. \ '.ENGLANl><br />


I ScoTLA•D-1 l•ELAND. I I I ,RR~····<br />

'UNITED<br />

I I<br />


KINGDOlC.<br />

KINGDOM.<br />

WALES.<br />

WALES.<br />

£, £, £, £,<br />

lSSi 7,932,507 1,102,890 606,586 9~641,983 19,331358 2,852,945 1,218,377 22,897,680<br />

lSSS I 7,630,441 1,081,836 592,495 9,304,7i2 19,253,924 2,413,660 1,259,727 22,927,311<br />

I I I I<br />

l<br />

I<br />

1859 I 7,88.J,308 1,072,036 5il,Olll 1 9,027,363 19,430,752 2,482,716 1,282,800 23,196,265<br />

1890 i 7,852,013 1,056,513 552,542 ! 8,961,068 l 20,071,132 2,556,066 1,298,783 23,925,981<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1S'91 ! 7,291,330 1,024,305 546,757 I 8,862,392 20,360,532 2,561,139 1,339,183 24,260,85!<br />

r<br />

189"2 I 7,394,124 1,031,999 530,106 8,965,229 20,614,0fl3 2,00tl,075 l,849,8i8 24,570,046<br />

I<br />

l 1893 7,450,938 1,011,0SO 536,363 8,998,881 20,640,801 2,566,460 1,861,109 24,5G7,8i0<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

l<br />

1894 7,C34,700 ! 1,002,SH 588,5i5 9,176,179 21,068,600 2,562,036 1,370,018 25,000,654<br />

i l<br />

18% : 7,732,151 i 1,000,681 533,002 !>,272,794 121,319,""8 2,639,990 1,358,214 25,317,302<br />

i<br />

1500 7,851,428 I 1,010,839 544,836 9,407,153 21,'100,553 2,667,488 1,398,769 25,856,810<br />

I<br />

i I<br />

I<br />

1897 7,800)321 I 960,iG9 539,6li 0,307,237 22,8r.o,r.02 2,740,776 1,483,687 27,0i4,965<br />

J<br />

i<br />

l<br />

1S93<br />

i 8,120,82G 992,50.i 559,327 !),f3i2,658 ! 23,000,1t72 2,872,649 1,562,181 28,395,202<br />

lS~<br />

I 8,420,fi21 1,041,216 570,Sf>G I lfJ,t).U,203 3,o78,342 1,656,963 29,765,356<br />

woo<br />

I<br />

I"·°'°·"'<br />

I 9,Ci13,47·1 1,0ii,HIJ 629,498 11,220,072 28,52!>,606 3,266,213 1,838,647 33,630,4G6<br />

l !<br />



No. 99.-NmrnER and AMOUNT of POSTAL ORDERS IssuED in each DIVISION of<br />


•YEARS.<br />

~OUNT<br />

NUXBER of POSTAL·ORDBRS 'ISSU:!D in....:.<br />

for ,which POSTAL ORDERS were<br />

Issued in-<br />



WALES. • W,ALES.<br />

ENGL&•• 1 I ,:ENGLAND<br />

I<br />

£, £ £<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

I· 31~) .....<br />

2,085,717 1,742,145 85,198,754 12,731,618 828,118 668,998 14,228,734<br />

I £<br />

1888 34,009,632 2,386,813 l,942,60S 39,289,058 14,024,955 948,130 789,484 15,707,575<br />

1889 38,672,557 2,730,175 2,124,159 43,526,891 -15,409,181 1,075,590 802,704 j 17,2871505<br />

1890 42,505,881 3,075,222 2,290,195 47,870,798 16,754,727 1,202,046 857,503 18,814,276<br />

1891 45,648,167 8;854,629 2,4t'n,091 51,463,887 17,890,9M 1,300,426 921,983 20,119,373<br />

1892 49,774,856 3,692,910 2,622,790 56,090,556 18,830,254 1,402,668 9i4,i21 21,207,038<br />

189S 49,928,257 3,880,970 2,727,729 56,486,956 19,045,273 1,462,525 1,018,114 21,525,912<br />

1894 52,700,';'66 4,161,758 2,905,049 59,778,568 19,800,044 1,576;124 l,OiS,113 22,451,281<br />

1895 55,472,819 4,828,294 3,035,058 62,946,171 20,739,6i9 1,662,799 1,118,007 23,521,445<br />

1896 58,282,181 4,756,816 3,181,263 6!!,200,210 21,504,60;? 1,764,333 1,152,1$1 24,481,li!><br />

1897 62,606,787 5,252,372 8 1 373,178 71,232,837 22,700,689 1,916,627 1,219,35-1 25,926,670<br />

1898 00,101,242 5,667,411 3,510,077 75,278.730 23,5S3,730 2,009,444 1,~1,;5; 26,844,001<br />

1800 70,645,507 6,154,757 8,638,929 S0,439,193 24,634,1(:1<br />

I<br />

2,151,690<br />

I<br />

1,285,268 28,072,119<br />

1000 74,865,366 6,504,143 3,872,138 84,741,647 25,879,414 2,282,998 l,359,115 29,521,527<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 77,018,750 6,814,321 3,998,692 87,881,768 26,984,143 2,403,080 l,401,6W 30,iSS,Si8<br />

No. 100.-NUMBER and A1\IOUNT of MONEY ORDERS IssuED in r.he UNITED<br />

KINGDOM for PAYMENT in the COLONIES and in l!'OREIGN COUNTRIES; and the,<br />

NmIBER and AMOUNT of MONEY OIWERS ISSUED in the CoLO~IES and in<br />


~-~-~------~-----~--~--------~----------\\<br />


~~S~ Issued in the <strong>United</strong> II Issued la tl.ie Colonies. Issued In the <strong>United</strong> II Issued In Foreign --i<br />

318t March. <strong>Kingdom</strong>. -----:-----1----K-in_g::-d-on_1_. __ Countries. (,<br />

----~ber. J Amount. Number. I Amount. Number. I Amount. Number. J ~n~ount. j<br />

<strong>1887</strong>-13<br />

1888-9<br />

1889-90<br />

1890-1<br />

1891-2<br />

1892-3<br />

1893-1<br />

1894-6<br />

1895-6<br />

1896-7<br />

1897-8<br />

1!!98-9<br />

1899-1000<br />

1900-1<br />

1001-2<br />

67,768<br />

74,085<br />

£ I £, £, I £ I<br />

242,344 330,202 1,195,994 245,151 598,238 I 548,595 l,415,874<br />

1<br />

268,401 3/i0,902 1 1,252,600 261,457 643,409 I 593,ooo 1,495,951 i .<br />

306,344 371,385 1,325,272 282,108 692,631 I 611,184 I l,50S,2U I ·<br />

315,316 88'2,527 1,342,786 28&,331 720,380 ! 639,320 l,591,638 1! I<br />

332,411 387,072 1,323,670 298,021 746,139 662,407 1,643,845 !:<br />

!•<br />

305,394 882,755 1,289,936 301,535 741,470 692,415 1,688,342 I<br />

8~,717<br />

86,191<br />

92,554<br />

103,181<br />

117,425 430,364 398,051 l,837,337<br />

140,772 449,483 539,59S 1,625,012 426,935<br />

142,114 I 456,901 642,621 2,00~ 1 813 472,312<br />

123,955<br />

127,1{)4<br />

427,288<br />

435,820<br />

394,607<br />

412,592<br />

1,284,630<br />

l,342,759<br />

322,153<br />

330,0SS<br />

129,lil 430,4U 443,964 1,475,247 355,633<br />

137,655 483,935 I 429,660 1,358,936 386,231<br />

142,16!i<br />

142,574<br />

497,629<br />

476,631 I<br />

451,245<br />

474,766<br />

1,360,678<br />

1,399,780<br />

400,691<br />

407,128<br />

I<br />

797,377<br />

7SO,SS3<br />

i9S,5S2<br />

893,558<br />

993,901<br />

1,015,170<br />

1,039,489<br />

1,0S0,975<br />

1,175,142<br />

663,558<br />

654,187<br />

600,793<br />

6iS,S27<br />

745,103<br />

759,449<br />

770,101<br />

780,744<br />

SU,030<br />

1,580,715<br />

1,470,894<br />

1,567,420<br />

1,530,015<br />

l,7S3,662<br />

l,S00,002<br />

1,7~0,011<br />

l,itl4,336<br />

1,870,2-25<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

Copyright (c) 2005 ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights reserved.

256 .p ATENTS; &c.<br />

No. 101.-NUMBER of PATENTS APPLIED FOR and SEALED, and of<br />


YEARS.<br />

Applications<br />

for.<br />

Patents.<br />

Designs Registered.<br />

Sealed.* ~Ingle. Sets.<br />

I<br />

Trade Marks<br />

.Registered.<br />

No. No. No. No. No.<br />

l!Si • 18,051 9,226 25,734 309 4,7'0<br />

lSSS • 19,103 9,309 25,853 812 5,520<br />

18S9 • . . 21,008 10,0Sl 2,,287 833 5,053<br />

1890 • 21,307 10,646 22,235 318 6,0H<br />

1891 • . . 22,SSS 10,643 21,673 277 4,22i<br />

1892 • . . 24,169 11,164 18,190 244 3,6{9<br />

1893 • . 25,123 11,530 17,960 295 3,522<br />

159-l • . 25,386 11,699 19,740 1,001 2,905<br />

I<br />

1895 • . 25,062 12,191 10,lSl 901 2,821<br />

1896 • . 30,193 12,473 20,445 1,100 ~,917<br />

.<br />

189i • . 30,952 14,210 18,072 1,00S 3,358<br />

1893 • . . 27,649 14,063 17,922 908 3,437<br />

18W • . . 25,800 14,160 17,769 701 3,777<br />

100!) • . . 23,921 13,170 15,615 667 3,223<br />

i ll)(Jl • . 21J,i77 13,062 15,451 7611 3,24(1<br />

! !<br />

.. The al>ove statement relate:( to tile number of J?atents actually scaled during eaeh year<br />

alld no\ the number of Patents scaled in respect of the applications made in each ycur. '<br />

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POPUJ;ATION. 257<br />

No. 102.-=-TOTAL FoPULATION of each DIVISION of the UNITED<br />

KINGDOM, Estimated to the Middle of each Year (exclusive of the<br />


I<br />


(30th of UNITED AND SCOTLAND. IRELAND. (SOth of<br />

June.> .KINGDOM. WALES. .June) !<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

! <strong>1887</strong> 86,599,143 27,827,706 8,914,818 4,857,119 1~7<br />

I<br />

I<br />

:<br />

r 1888 86,881,271 28,136,258<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

t<br />

l<br />

I<br />

:<br />

1889 87,178,929 28,448,239<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

8,943,701 4,801,812 1888<br />

8,978,305 4,757,385 1889<br />

1890 87,484,764 28,763,678 4,003,132 4,717,959 1890<br />

I<br />

1891 87,806,773 29,090,211 4,036,245 4,680,317 1891 j<br />

;<br />

1892 88,158,676 29,441,251 4,078,910 4,633,515 1892 l<br />

1893 88,521,61l5 29,792,731 4,122,029 4,606,935 1893<br />

l<br />

'<br />

I<br />

1894 88,898,675 80,144,570 4,165,606 4,588,499 1894<br />

l<br />

!<br />

1895 89,265,823 30,496,737 4,209,645 4,558,941 1895<br />

l<br />

1896 39,644,147 30,849,162 4,254,153 4,540,832 1896<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I 1897 40,029,416 31,201,830 4,299,182 4,528,454 1897<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1898 40,416,068 31,554,698 4,844,589 4,516,781 1898<br />

I<br />

j<br />

1899 40,798,762 31,907,762 4,390,530 4,500,470 1899<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

1900 41,164,207 32,261,018. 4,436,958 • 4,466,326 1900<br />

:<br />

l I <strong>1901</strong> 41,546,698 82,619,448 4,483,SSO 4,443,870 <strong>1901</strong><br />

1902 41,952,5W 32,995,614<br />

6475<br />

J 4,631,299 4,425,597 1902 l I<br />

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258 BIRTHS, &c.<br />

No. 103.-·roTAL NmrnER of BIRTHS, DEATHS, and MARRIAGES, in<br />


YE.\RS.<br />

t<br />

BIRTHS.<br />

I<br />

DEATHS.<br />

I<br />



<strong>1887</strong> 886,331 530,758 I 200,518 <strong>1887</strong><br />

1888 879,868 510,971<br />

203,821 1888<br />

1889 885,944 518,353 ! 213,865 1889<br />

1800<br />

I l 869,937 562,248 223,028 1890<br />

1891 914,157 587,925 226,526 1891<br />

1892<br />

I 897,957 559,684 I<br />

227,135 1892<br />

1893 914,572 569,958 j 218,689 1893<br />

1894 890,289 498,827<br />

I<br />

226,449 1894<br />

1895 922,291 568,997<br />

228,204 1895<br />

1896 915,831 526,727 ! 242,764 1896<br />

1897 921,693 541,487 249,145 1897<br />

1898 923,165 552,141 255,379 1898<br />

1899 928,646 581,799 262,334 18!>9<br />

1900 927,062 58i,S30 257,480 1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 929,270 551,816 250,0i7 <strong>1901</strong><br />


<strong>1887</strong> 124,418 74,546 24,876 <strong>1887</strong><br />

1888 123,269 71,174 25,305 1888<br />

18811 122,783 73,238 26,344 1889<br />

i<br />

1890 121,526 70,004 27,469 18110<br />

1891 125,986 83,573 27,960 1801<br />

I<br />

1892 125,043 75,545 28,670 1892<br />

!<br />

1893 127,110 79,670 27,145 1893<br />

1<br />

i<br />

1894 124,367 71,113 27,604 1894<br />

i 1895 126,494 Sl,852 28,422 1895<br />

I 1896 129,172 70,677 30,270 1896<br />

'<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1897 128,877 79,144 31,050 1897<br />

1898 130,861 78,307 32,112 1898<br />

1899 130,7~3 79,593 32,978 18911<br />

1900 131,:!55 82,267 32,449 1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 132,178 80,103 31,360 <strong>1901</strong><br />

-- - - --- --- --<br />

IRELAND.<br />

--------- ------- - ----- ---<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 112,400 88,585 20,945 <strong>1887</strong><br />

1888 109,557 85,868 20,060 1888<br />

1889 107,841 82,908 21,521 1889<br />

1890 105,254 85,850 20,990 1800<br />

1891 108,116 85,999 21,475 1891<br />

I 1892 104,234 90,044 21,530 1892<br />

j 1893 106,082 82,821 21,714 1893<br />

i 189i 105,35-i 8:1,528 21,002 1894<br />

l<br />

1895 106,113 84,395 23,120 1895<br />

1S':l6 107,641 75,700 23,055 1896<br />

I<br />

1897 106,664 83,839 22,891 1897<br />

1898 105,457 82,404 22,580 1898<br />

I<br />

I 1899 103,900 79,699 22,311 1899<br />

I<br />

I 101,459 87,006 21,330 I 190\)<br />

i 1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 100,966 79,126 22,095 <strong>1901</strong><br />

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•259<br />

YI!ARS.<br />

·Ofilcers;<br />

n:-~e. I Abroad. , . ~otal. '<br />

1<br />

;w~rM~foMc~ril; · · ' ··"<br />

Non-commlssioned-Omcers,<br />

, . '. : , rand ~en; · .<br />

omcera and Men.<br />

Home. .A:t 1· J~broad. I Total.<br />

<strong>1887</strong><br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1890<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

1894<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

1897<br />

1898<br />

1899<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

3,758<br />

3,773<br />

3,513<br />

3,549<br />

7,271<br />

7,322<br />

S,899 8,589 . . . 7,488<br />

3,896 3,631 7,527<br />

3,876 ~,788 7,614<br />

3,878 S,775 7,063<br />

S,846 S,820 7,666<br />

S,908 S,771 7,070<br />

S,930 3,783 7,713<br />

3,932 8,833 7,765<br />

S,865 3,892 7,767<br />

3,737 4,143 7 1<br />

830<br />

3,056 4,705 S.751<br />

2,490 8,082 11,172<br />

S,197 10,071 13,268<br />

103,009 99,294 202 303 106,767 102,807 20~,57'<br />

103,140 100,648 203,783 106,918 104,192 211,105<br />

102,051 100,753 202,810 105,956 104,342 210.~98<br />

101!772 99,922 201,694 105,668 103,553 209,221<br />

100,984 101,101 202,085 104,860 104,839 209,699<br />

102,237 103,650 . ' 205,887 106,115 107,425 213,540<br />

102;228 107,385 209,613 106,074 111,205 217,279<br />

lOl,841 109,601 211,442 105,749 113,372 219,121<br />

103,706 108,890 212,596 107,636 112,678 220,309<br />

102,476 110,501 212,977 106,408 114,834 220,742<br />

98,290 113,236 211,s26 102,11is 111;12s 219,283<br />

08,465 118,682 217,147 102,202 122,825 225,027<br />

103,5481 126,440 229,988 107,504 131,285 238,739<br />

114,551 257,814 371,865 117,041 265,996 383,037*<br />

125,1461 276,503 401,649 128,343 286,574 414,917*<br />

* Includes Imperial Yeomanry, Volunteers enlisted fol' c.ne year, re·enllsted Ex-Soldiers, and<br />

Indian troops on the British establishment. ·<br />



YEARS.<br />

Army<br />

Reserve.*<br />

!Iilltia.<br />

and<br />

:Militia<br />

Resc1·ve.t<br />

Yeomanry.f<br />

Efficient.<br />

I<br />

· Volunteers.t<br />

Nonefficient.<br />

I<br />

Total.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 55,068 121,411 11,267 221,491 6,547 228,038<br />

1888 53,195 119,888 10,001 220,124 6,845 226,469·<br />

1889 56,082 110,494 10,710 216,999 7,022 224,021<br />

1890 60,233 113,163 • 10,697 212,298 8,755 221,048<br />

1891 68,988 112,201 10,710 214,197 7,849 222,046<br />

1892 76,874 116,SH 10,579 217,302 8,121 225,428<br />

1893 80,580 124,692 10,400 219,111 8,630 227,741<br />

1894 82,947 121,667 10,014 224,525 6,803 231,828<br />

1805 78,io8 117,789 9,745 224,962 6,742 231,704<br />

1896 78,182 117,773 10,184 229,034 7,025 236,059<br />

1807 82,068 114,&SS 10,191 225,206 6,692 281,708<br />

1898 78,839 113,439 10,207 224,800 6,378 230,678<br />

189~ i 24,169 100,551 10,114 223,921 5,938 229,854<br />

1900 115,275 06,232 10,147 270,860 7,259 277,628<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

.I<br />

2,415 105,672<br />

I<br />

18,201 281,062<br />

I<br />

7,414 288,476<br />

'* On the lst January of the year following that stat;ed. t At the date,of Inspection up<br />

to the year 1890. At lst July of yoars 1900 and <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

t On the lst November l u e.'\ch year.<br />

§ The decrease between 1898 and 1899 is due to the number of men called out In the latter part<br />

of 1899 for permanent service. '.1110 number so called out form part of the Rt:gular .Army, but the<br />

incre:asc In the number or tllc ltegnlar .Army, shown In Tabl~ No, 104, docs not correspond with the<br />

decrease shown·fn 'Table No. 105, because the average strength of the Regular Ar1i1y for the year is<br />

shown and not the number at a given date, as In the case of tho Anny Reserve.<br />

II Includes 2,168 Volunteers.<br />

6475 R 2<br />

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260 POLICE. -EMIGRA:NTS.<br />

No. 106.-STRENGTH of the PoLiOE FORCE in ENGLAND and W·.ALEs;<br />


YEARS.<br />

I<br />

Number in<br />

England and Auth°""'<br />

Number in<br />

I Number<br />

Ir la d<br />

lu<br />

Wales Scotland e n<br />

on 29th Sept. on 15th March.* on 8l11t March.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 86,912 8,892 1S,Oi7<br />

1888 87,296 8,986 18,084<br />

1889 87,957 4,038 18,951<br />

1890 89,221 4,108 18,921<br />

1891 80,678 4,228 13,840<br />

1892 40,596 4,400 18,630<br />

1893 41,164 4,488 18,463<br />

1894 40,600 4,525 13,831<br />

1895 40,966 4,588 18,187<br />

1896 41,560 4,598 18,141<br />

1897 42,140 4,707 12,900<br />

1808 42,658 4,767 12,855<br />

1899 43,450 4,867 12,351<br />

1900 44,054 4,911 12,820<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 44,593 5,051 12,309<br />

* Years ended on the 15th March in each year, inclusive of 1896. On the 8ist December<br />

after that date.<br />


IRISH ORIGIN, from the UNITED KINGDOM to Countries out of<br />

Europe.<br />

YEARS.<br />

<strong>United</strong><br />

States.<br />


I<br />

I 13ritish I Australia Capool<br />

I Other Place" I<br />

America. Zealnnd. and Natal.<br />

North and New Good Hope Total.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 201,526 32,025 34,183 4,909 S,844 281,487<br />

•<br />

1888 195,086 34,853 81,127 6,466 11,496 279,928<br />

1889 168,771 28,269 28,294 13,884 14,577 253,795<br />

1890 152,413 22,520 21,179 10,321 11,683<br />

i<br />

218,116<br />

1891 156,395 21,578 • 19,547 9,090 11,897 I 218,507<br />

I<br />

1892 150,03~ 23,254 15,950 9,891 10,908 210,042<br />

1893 148,949 24,732 11,203 13,097 10,833 208,814<br />

1894 104,001 17,459 10,917 13,177 10,476 156,030<br />

1S95 126,502 16,622 10,567 20,234 11,256 185,181<br />

1896 98,921 15,267 10,354 24,594 12,789 161,925<br />

1897 85,324 15,571 12,061 21,109 12,395 146,4GO<br />

1898 80,494 17,640 10,693 19,756 12,061 140,644<br />

1899 92,482 16,410 11,467 H,432 11,571 146,862<br />

1900 10-2,797 18,443 14,922 20,816· 11,848 168,826<br />

I<br />

i <strong>1901</strong> 104,195 15,757 16,350 23,143 13,270 171,715<br />

I<br />

I<br />

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No. 1Q$.-:-NVMBJ;!:,i;t 9£ ~NGLISH,, ScoTcH, lRISII, and FOREIGN<br />

PASSENGERS that 1eft the 'UNITED KINGDOM for Countries<br />

out of Europe.<br />

'" ..<br />

Y:IARS.<br />

E!l&lbh.1<br />

Nationality of<br />

I I<br />

Paasen~ers.<br />

Scotch. 1r1sh. Total British of Foreigner&. tlngulshed Not Di• Total.<br />

and Irish.<br />

•<br />

I<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 168,221 34,865 78,001 281,487 108,572 6,435 396,494<br />

1888 170,822 35,873 73,233 279,928 113,230 5,S36 . 898,494<br />

1889 163,518 25,854 64,928 253,795 83,466 5,380 342,641<br />

1890 189,979 20,653 57,484 218,116 94,515 3,349 315,980<br />

1891 137,881 22,100 58,436 ' 218,507 112,275 8,761 334,543<br />

1892 i83,815 23,325 52,002 210,042 107,351 4,004 321,397<br />

1893 184,045 22,637 62,132 208,814 95,123 . 3,696 307,683<br />

1894 99,690 14,432 42,008 156,030 ' 67,032 8,765 226,827<br />

1895 112,538 18,294 54,349 185,181 82,818 3,773 271,772<br />

1896 102,837 16,866 ii' 42,222 161,925 76,015 4,012' 241,952<br />

1897 94,658 16,124 35,678 146,460 62,932 8,888 218,£80<br />

1898 00,679 15,570 34,395 140,64'1 60,551 3,976 205,171<br />

1899 87,400 16,072 42,890 146,362 90,020 4,314 240,696<br />

1900 102,448 20,472 45,905 168,825 124,722 5,014 298,561<br />

1001 111,585 20,920 89,210 171,715 124,854 6,506 302,575<br />

.. '<br />

..<br />

No. 109.-NUMBER of INWARD BOUND PASSENGERS that entered the<br />

UNITED KINGDOM from Countries out of Europe. •<br />

I<br />

YEARS.<br />

British<br />

and Il'ish.<br />

I<br />

Nationality of Passengers.<br />

Foreigners. I Distinguished. Not l '.l'otal.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 85,475 32,008 1,530 119,013<br />

1888 94,133 33,895 851 128,879<br />

1889 103,070 43,122 1,206 147,398<br />

1800 109,47o 44,663 1,777 155,910<br />

1891 103,037 47,197 1,135 151,369<br />

1892 97,789 44,673 1,294 143,747<br />

1893 102,119 87,634 1,301 141,054<br />

W94 118,309 66,129 1,861 185,799<br />

1895 109,418 64,803 1,458 175,674<br />

1896 101,742 56,509 1,662 159,918<br />

1897 95,221 57,994 1,899 155,114<br />

~898 01,248 46,362 1,736 139,346<br />

1899 100,246 59,676 2,289 162,111<br />

1900<br />

I<br />

97,637 74,681 8,429 175,747<br />

1001 99,699 60,736 4,583 165,018<br />

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26~<br />

No. 110.-EbucATI6N :-PRil\rAir~'Sdnoots ,i!l't~~EA't B1Uh1N.<br />

1 ' !\' •• > ('<br />

Day Schools.<br />

·Evening Schools.<br />

Number Nrimbe'r Average Number Average<br />

J.llRS Number of of Number Number of Number<br />

ended. of Children Children of of Scnolnrs of<br />

Schools who can be ,ohtM Children Schools on the Scholars<br />

lnspected. Aecom· , School in Atten- Inspected. School In Atten·<br />

modated, Registers. dance. Registers. dance.<br />

ENG LAN~ and w ALES.<br />

3lst Aug. <strong>1887</strong> 19,154 5,278,992 4,685,184 8,527,331 ' 917 49,128 80,684<br />

ll 1888 19,221 . 5,356,554 4,687,510 3,614,967 980 51,338 38,300<br />

ll 1889 19,310 5,440,441 4,755,835 3,682,625 1,043 56,525 37,118<br />

1890 19,419 5,539,285 4,804,149 3,717,917 1,178 64,810 48,347<br />

"<br />

II 1891 19,508 5,628,201 4,824,683 8,749,956 1,888 76,915 51,974<br />

II 1892 19,515 5,692,975 5,006,979 3,870,774 1,604 96,842 65,661<br />

II 1893 19,577 5,762,617 5,126,373 4,100,030 1,977 115,582 81,068<br />

ll 1894 19,709 5,882,944 5,198,741 4,225,884 3,318 266,688 115,530<br />

II 1895 19,739 5,937,288 5,299,469 4,325,030 3,421 270,285 129,528<br />

II 1896 19,848 6,072,374 5,422,989 4,422,911 3,742 298,724 147,028<br />

II 1897 19,958 6,?.15,199 5,507,03,9 4,488,548 4,226 858,628 179,600<br />

II 1898 19,937 6,316,866 5,576,866 4,554,165 4,626 435,600 211,096<br />

ll 1899 20,064 6,417,514 5,654,092 4,636,988 5,008 474,568 201,855<br />

ll 1900 20,100 6,509,611 5,686,114 4,666,130 5,263 509,251 206,335<br />

ll <strong>1901</strong> 20,116 6,610,416 5,737,861 4,731,911 5,244 546,405 210,242<br />


SOth Sep. <strong>1887</strong> 8,111 677,984 631,865 491,735 184 14,465 10,024<br />

II 1888 8,105 687,297 641,540 496,239 200 16,255 11,057<br />

II 1889 3,116 706,085 648,089 503,100 221 17,809 12,391<br />

II<br />

1890 3,076 714,865 664,466 512,690 191 16,524 11,686<br />

1891 8,105 732,785 677,048 638,365 207 18,305 13,518<br />

"<br />

1892 3,080 736,511 666,992 538,678 257 21,748 ·16,007<br />

"<br />

II 1893 8,004 737,797 664,838 542,851 275 27,092 19,575<br />

II 1894 8,054 770,244 686,385 567,442 ' 669 67,200 32,934<br />

"<br />

II<br />

1895 3,034 789,126 692,202 575,305 953 91,898 45,487<br />

1896 8,083 824,448 709,478 592,934 1,063 96,247 50,822<br />

ll 1897 3,086 848,769 716,893 605,889 1,019 94,595 51,967<br />

1898 3,067 847,876 717,747 605,776 998 90,450 52,840<br />

"<br />

1899 3,062 866,066 781,272 612,457 950 87,473 49~202<br />

"<br />

II 1900 3,104 893,842 753,287 626,089 867 82,190 43,962<br />

II <strong>1901</strong> 3,141 921,119 767,421 636,374 939 87,599 47,002<br />


<strong>1887</strong> . 22,265 5,956,976 5,267,049 4,019,116 1,101 63,593 40,608<br />

1888 22,326 6,043,851 5,329,050 4,111,~06 1,180 67,593 44,357<br />

j<br />

1889 . 22,426 6,146,526 5,403,924 4,185,725 1,264 73,834 49,509<br />

1890 22,495 6,254,150 5,468,615 4,280,607 1,364 Sl,83·1 54,983<br />

1891 22,613 6,860,936 5,502,631 4,288,321 1,595 95,310' 65,487<br />

1892 22,545 6,429,486 5,673,971 4,409,452 1,861 118,590' 81,568<br />

1893 . 22,581 6,500,414 5,791,211 4,642,881 2,252 142,674 100,643<br />

189-! 22,763 6,603,188 5,885,076 4,793,276 3,987 383,883 148,464<br />

1895 'l!J..,773 6,726,414 5,991,671 4,900,335 4,374 362,183 175,010<br />

1896 22,931 6,896,822 6,132,467 5,015,845 4,805 394,971 197,845<br />

1897 . . 23,044 7,058,008 5,223,932 5,093,932' 5,245 . 453,223 281,567<br />

1898 23,004 7,164,742 6,29·!,613 5,159,941 ' 5,624 5~6,050 263,436<br />

1899 23,126 7,283,580 6,385,364 5,249,395 5,958 562,036 251,057<br />

1900 . 23,204 7,403,453 6,439,401 5,292,219 6,130 591,441 250,297<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 23,257 7,531,535 6,504,782 5,368,285 6,183 634,004<br />

..<br />

257,244<br />

I<br />

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No. 111 -EnuoATlON.-.li;XPlfJNDITUR~ .FROM PARLIAl\IENTARY GnANTS lfOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS in Great Britain.<br />

Years ended 31st ~farch.<br />


FROl\I GRANTS <strong>1887</strong>-8. 1888-9. 1889-90. 1890-1. 1891-2. 1892-3. 1893-4. 1894-5. 1895-6. 1896-7. 1897-8. 1898-9. 1899-00. 1900-1. <strong>1901</strong>-2.<br />

-----------1--·--------------··----··----··---------·-----·----------------· --------<br />

Grants for Examination and<br />

Attendance of Scholars :<br />

:England ancl Wales<br />

s~otland - -<br />

h'ee Grants for Day<br />

Scholars:<br />

England and Wales<br />

Scotland - -<br />

Grants to School Boards,}<br />

§ 97, Elementary Educa·<br />

tion Act, 1870 · • -<br />

Do. §.67, Education}<br />

(Scotland) Act, 1872 -<br />

Special Grants to Schools}<br />

in the Highlands and<br />

I.slapds of Scotland -<br />

·Jrants to Voluntary<br />

Schools:<br />

England and Wales<br />

Scotland - -<br />

Grants to '£raining Col-}<br />

leges - - - -<br />

Inspection • • -<br />

Administration • -<br />

On Organl1.atlo11 of Dis·}<br />

tricts under Act 33 & 34<br />

Viet. c. 75 • • •<br />

Pensions and Gratuities}<br />

to Teachers • • •<br />

Special Inqnlrlcs 1 &c. -<br />

Grants for Ag1·1cultural~<br />

:Education (Scotland)<br />

Grants for Science and<br />

Art (Scotland) • •<br />

:\IisceHaneons • • •<br />

•<br />

3,110,210<br />

474,759<br />

7,167<br />

7,037<br />

144,707<br />

188,887<br />

62,894<br />

139<br />

14,319<br />

3245<br />

1<br />

450<br />

488:686<br />

7,733<br />

7,645<br />

146,328<br />

102,775<br />

62,976<br />

176<br />

15,510<br />

3,3'?6,220<br />

493,354<br />

7,292<br />

8,183<br />

147,398<br />

195,648<br />

03,046<br />

154<br />

16,546<br />

3,414,411<br />

522,925<br />

8,217<br />

9,586<br />

4,000<br />

151,696<br />

197,755<br />

04,080<br />

55<br />

17,843<br />

3,496,747<br />

540,828<br />

774,884<br />

8,:m5<br />

9,873<br />

1,469<br />

162,903<br />

201,008<br />

08,187<br />

115<br />

10,582<br />

• £,<br />

3,098,580<br />

505,771<br />

1,942,289<br />

205,000<br />

11,270<br />

10,674<br />

1,479<br />

171,203<br />

200,589<br />

71,607<br />

177<br />

21,245<br />

3,855,029<br />

603,090<br />

2,120,37~<br />

272,000<br />

13,938<br />

10,809<br />

192<br />

178,080<br />

211,358<br />

76,052<br />

500<br />

23,056<br />

4,056,437 4,303,215 4,516,420 4,564,500 4,000,927 • 5,072,595 5,212,08!) 5,381,538<br />

650,085 692,312 718,846 729,880 734,513 741,870 747,154 761,281<br />

2,151,575 2,184,418 2,257,002 2,240,772<br />

286,000 297,344 307,734 312,349<br />

18,793<br />

11,585<br />

735<br />

185,591<br />

217,786<br />

80,565<br />

574<br />

28,492<br />

20,507<br />

12,995<br />

1,462<br />

150,604<br />

223,070<br />

81,436<br />

738<br />

38,341<br />

008<br />

45,971<br />

14,603<br />

1,500<br />

192,377<br />

227,847<br />

82,048<br />

441<br />

30,059<br />

1,493<br />

2,000<br />

141,998<br />

16,130<br />

1,500<br />

617,003<br />

12,298<br />

202,295<br />

231,431<br />

86,486<br />

500<br />

38,695<br />

2,570<br />

2,000<br />

2,302,952 2,329,258 2,829,722 2,415,861<br />

331,995 821,800 814,918 317,249<br />

200,001<br />

84,631<br />

1,200<br />

017,SOO<br />

12,453<br />

218,315<br />

247,870<br />

92,871<br />

608<br />

41,010<br />

1,705<br />

2,000<br />

210,871)<br />

44,138<br />

1,200<br />

621,471<br />

12,181<br />

226,472<br />

249,576<br />

97,282.<br />

765<br />

46,878<br />

1,725<br />

2,000<br />

219,929<br />

44,785<br />

1,200<br />

624,050<br />

12,126<br />

245,914<br />

250,511<br />

99,180<br />

656<br />

56,299<br />

23<br />

2,000<br />

213,750<br />

50,058<br />

1,200<br />

018,283<br />

12,SOO<br />

278,819<br />

250,094<br />

101,617<br />

660<br />

- 60,810 07,470 74,020 79,670<br />

854 596 639 958 934 007 1,843 2,03!) 1,050 1,34!) 1,260 1,910 1,788 1,745 1,641<br />

·----··----------------------------·-----·-----·---------------------<br />

'.l'otal - .J,010,973 4,167,884 .J,250,080 4,392,120 5,291,585 0,996,911 7,807,093 7,690,257 8,024,060 8,406,290 9,202,405 9,798,188 10,Q.18,940 10,236,938 10,f,50,591<br />

J J I I<br />

NOTIC.-'.l'ho Expenditure on Evening Scltools included above amonnte

264 EDUCATION.<br />

No. 112.-EnuoATION.-PRrnARY ScnooLs IN IRELAND.<br />

Number of Schools Number of Pupils<br />

Years. In operation. on the 'Rolls. i.-<br />

Average number of I<br />

Pupils in<br />

Attendance.<br />

Number oCPnplls<br />

present and<br />

examined at Inspectiou.<br />

<strong>1887</strong> 8,112 1,071,768 515,388 550,839<br />

lSSS 8,100 1000,895 493,883 565,468<br />

1SS9 8,251 1,053,399 507,865 553,681<br />

1890 8,298 1,037,102 459,144 543,182<br />

1S91 8,346 1,022,361 506,336 54.4,907<br />

1892 8,403 1,019,624 495,254 533,017<br />

1893 8,459 1,032,287 527,000 555,268<br />

1894 8,605 1,028,281 525,547 567,477<br />

1Sil5 8,557 1,018,408 519,515 561.247<br />

1896 8,606 808,939 584,957 578,012<br />

1897 8,631 798,972 521,141 560,187<br />

1898 8,651 791,818 t 518,799 560,170<br />

1899 8,670 785,139 f 513,852 562,378<br />

1900 8,684 745,861 478,224 -t<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 8,692 741,248 482,031 -t<br />

• For the years <strong>1887</strong> to 1895 the total number who made at least one attendance within the year; for the years<br />

1S96, 1900 and <strong>1901</strong> the number on the rolls on 31st December; and for the years 1897 to 1899 the number for "results<br />

year'' of each achool examined.<br />

t for "result! year" of each school examined.<br />

f:aunot be given. Results System of Individual examination of pupils discontinued since lst April, 1000.<br />

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EDUCA'fION. 265<br />



I<br />

;.:rg.!2 ui Salaries and .:. "'<br />

other Payments to ;:; :..'§ E I i~<br />

t<br />

'E~-=8~<br />

'<br />

-=-~'S '<br />

~=~~ .s?~ c;...J<br />

d .. ~=.:: OJ ..<br />

Teachers and = 8't1-o<br />

~ ~9§.g . _.., l<br />

.o,....t) .:,::..,~<br />

-=<br />

i<br />

d I<br />

266 PAUPERS.<br />

No 114.-NlJMBER of PAUPERS exclusive of VAGRANTS* in RECEIPT of RELIEF Ill<br />

the several Unions and Parishes under Boards of Guardians, in ENGLA.i~D<br />

A.ND WALES, on the lst of January and on the lst ·July in each Year.<br />

(For amount of Poor Rates Received and Expended. see Table 22).<br />

1<br />

Adult Able-boclied. i All other Paupers Total. I<br />

1 __ _· --n----..------,----<br />

011<br />

~~~ ~:r5t : . . 1<br />

! In-door. I<br />

1<br />

Out·door.1<br />

---:-1-1- 1<br />

1-----i----.<br />

January lSSi • i 27,03'2 ! S3,19i J, 110,2"9 JI 169,821 537,139 I 706,000 ·1196,853 620,336 817,189<br />

Totiil. ~ 111-cloor.1 Out-door.! 'fotal. In-cloor. Out-door. Total. I<br />

,Tuly 1SS7 • 19,S7S 73/i24 92,897 . 154,088 517,944 G7f!,OM 173 461 591,468 764,9£9<br />

January lSSS<br />

J1dy lSSS·<br />

·.<br />

1<br />

.Tanuary 1889 • 1 27,11)1<br />

JulylSS9· 18,70[1<br />

January 1890 25,917<br />

July 1890·<br />

.J3lluary 1891<br />

Julu 1891·<br />

18,IJ79<br />

27,834<br />

· l eo,796<br />

77,626 I 104,817 I 171,000<br />

67,7S1 I 86,490 il 15£,SO:J<br />

il,S2S I Oi,745 1! 169,131<br />

64/264 ' S-2,3/,...'1 ' 1 150,028<br />

I l!<br />

I 70,960 I 98,794 1· 165,108<br />

! '11-<br />

64,601 85,S97 I 147,5fl9<br />

534,315 705,315<br />

513,740 666,542<br />

520,669 ' 689,800<br />

501,080 I 651,108<br />

511;003 i 6i6,lll<br />

489,108 I 6SG,637<br />

198,191<br />

171,511<br />

195,048<br />

168,107<br />

192,942<br />

168,3f!5<br />

611;941<br />

581,5f!1<br />

502,497<br />

565,344<br />

581,963<br />

558,709<br />

810,132<br />

75s,032 I<br />

.,<br />

787,545 I<br />

738,451 !<br />

774,905<br />

7!J2,084<br />

January 1892 • 1 31,9SS<br />

Jul!f 1S'n·<br />

January 1893<br />

· i ~:;.a;;2<br />

34,752<br />

July 189tJ· ! ,39S<br />

• ! .H,Q70<br />

40,69S<br />

s::,zc:;<br />

39,0:!9<br />

·[ !Jf).11.2<br />

38,662<br />

29,.589<br />

3i,57()<br />

- l :;o,J.J8<br />

1<br />

6i,546 ' 09,534 160,472<br />

!<br />

67~07 ! 92,859 ~1 146,317<br />

72,426 I lOi,178 :1 165,182<br />

66,SSI. l 98,949 'i'l<br />

15S,SS4<br />

11,559 I u6,478 113,110<br />

ai;,11,;: I; 95.168 ii 15a,a99<br />

74,_~S5 114,415 175,218<br />

as}ss I 9S,I6fJ :11co,1::9<br />

71,052 I n2,3i9 175,545<br />

c4,1s1 I 94,8s1 :.1·<br />

1s9,?35<br />

68,429 ; 108,827 175,631<br />

62.1:;1 I<br />

160,695<br />

66,3i3 I<br />

177,HU<br />

61,389<br />

57,1.77<br />

61,058<br />

58,018<br />

59,0SS<br />

I<br />

l<br />

l<br />

I l 96,658 I<br />

165,781<br />

178,804<br />

161,,90/j<br />

178,486<br />

1fi2,6SG<br />

178,053<br />

404,479 i 654,951<br />

488,11,:J<br />

504,098<br />

497,722<br />

522,253<br />

507,456<br />

527,798<br />

634,!,GO<br />

669,280<br />

6.'H,606<br />

695,963<br />

664,155<br />

703,016<br />

5!'/5,!'/63 I 685,39£<br />

539,293 ! 714,838<br />

51!7,5:37 I 687,1,12<br />

i<br />

539,904 I 715,535<br />

527,515 ' 688,210<br />

538,539<br />

.'j53,SSfJ<br />

528,650<br />

li15/}50<br />

519,5'18<br />

505,279<br />

515,091<br />

I<br />

I<br />

716,279<br />

719,1G3<br />

707,454<br />

680,855<br />

698,034<br />

687,91.'j<br />

693,144<br />

192,460<br />

171,969<br />

199,934<br />

180,949<br />

212,629<br />

185,7£0<br />

215,548<br />

190,158<br />

216,872<br />

! 189,979<br />

I<br />

216,029<br />

I<br />

191,765<br />

f<br />

218,438<br />

197,944<br />

217,833<br />

195,017<br />

217,148<br />

l!J2,f!25<br />

215,623<br />

502,025<br />

555,850<br />

576,524<br />

564,606<br />

599,812<br />

579,598<br />

601,883<br />

593,396<br />

610,345<br />

592,Sf!/,.<br />

608,333<br />

690,f66<br />

604,912<br />

635.480<br />

590,039<br />

tmJ,1,27<br />

580,606<br />

561,297<br />

574,170<br />

57,fJ'lf; l 88,014 168,769 51e,985 681,751. 199,101 570,661<br />

.January 1902 • l 39,852 61,496 j 101,348 ! 186,912 523,404 ! 710,316 , 226,764 584,900<br />

754,485<br />

737,319 ,1<br />

776,458<br />

745,555<br />

812,441<br />

759,818<br />

817,431<br />

I<br />

l<br />

788;55!, 1<br />

!<br />

821,211 I<br />

782,SOS<br />

l<br />

824,362 i<br />

782,031<br />

I<br />

823,350 i<br />

833,421.<br />

807,730 I<br />

768,SO/,.<br />

797,630<br />

758,469<br />

789,689<br />

769,677 811,449 I<br />

.VMe.-A few paupers received both in·door and out-door relief 011 the same day. Prior to !S99 these paupers are<br />

im:luded once only in the figures in the Table, but in 1899 and subsequent years they are included both in the number<br />

o! in-door anrl of out-door paupers; they are counted once only, however, in the Total Number of Paupers shown<br />

in the last ooluum of the Table •<br />

.. The number ot vagrants relieved on 1st January and lst July <strong>1887</strong> was 5,026 and 4,686 re:1pectively, and on the<br />

r,orresponding- da~i in JOOl, 11.IJSS !lnd 8,407.<br />

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.<br />

/.<br />

:273<br />

267<br />

No. li5 . ...,-Nv~~R of Poo~ of ,~i D,4ASi:rn:s anif. of ~;-4~~~1s in,<br />

RECEIPT of RELIEF in PARISHES in SCOTLAND, ·on 'the .under·<br />

mentfoned. dates.<br />

(For amount of Poor Rates Received and"Expended see Table 22).<br />

-<br />

Number of Foor of all Number of Vagrants in·<br />

C!aSfes. chided in Preceding. , ,<br />

Paupers. I Dependents. Paupers. I. De;iendents~ ,<br />

January 14th, <strong>1887</strong> • . . 63,408 36,326 245 128<br />

September 14th, <strong>1887</strong><br />

~<br />

61,67'1 S4,650 171 81<br />

January 14th, 1888 - 68,085 '85,667 181 S:l<br />

September 14th, 1888 60,777 84,146 184 97<br />

-Janul\ry 14th, 1889 • - 62,242 84,647 132 50<br />

September 14th, 1889 •' 60,'201 88,640 SS ~<br />

-Jannnry 14th, 1890 • - - - 61,577 33;463 ~11 as<br />

SeptembeJ• 14tl1, 1890 - 59,871 Sl,997 40 ~1<br />

January 14th, 1891 • 60,844 82,678 93 40<br />

September 14th, 1891 58,875 81,7'11 85 SS<br />

January 14tb, 1892 • 60,633 82,651 151 82<br />

September 14th, 1899 . - 58,688 81,804 186 66<br />

January 14th, 1893 • 60,784 82,762 ISO 31<br />

-September 14th, 1899 - - 59.,885 81,714 115 65<br />

January 14th, 1894 • - 61,978 33,218 109 19<br />

September 14th, 1894 - 60,990 82,489 1S8 69<br />

January 14th, 1895 63,307 83,611 193 M<br />

September 14th, 1895 Gf!,360 38,985 87 SS<br />

January 14th, 1896 • 64,673 84,847 211 48<br />

September 14th, 1896 63,SBe 89,988 183 81<br />

January 14tl1, 1897 • 65,918 34,996 177 50<br />

Septembe1· 15th, 1897 64,S05 SS,86!! 115 4S<br />

, January 15th, 1898 66,519 34,889 133 22<br />

September 15th, 1898 64,348 88,647 188 !9<br />

January 15th, 1899 - 66,755 34,755 161) l'.6<br />

September 15tli, 1899 6~~1 SS,858 104 SS<br />

Jnuunry 15th, 1900 • 65,929 34,003 132 40<br />

September 15th, 1900 68,71)2 SS,S-31 1()9 $1)<br />

January 15th, 1001 • 65,817 35,002 166 22<br />

September 15th, <strong>1901</strong> - 64,480 S4,S~3 7S f8<br />

Jnuunry 14th 1 1902 • 66,836 35,663 139 SS<br />

I<br />

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268 PAUPERS.<br />


at the Close of the First Week of January and of the First Week of JulJ<br />

in each Year.<br />

(For amount of Poor Rates Received and Expended see Table 22).<br />

I<br />

· ·Malntalned<br />

In-door.<br />

from the<br />

Caauals<br />

.Poor Rate<br />

I included in Asylums<br />

in the<br />

First Week<br />

Total of<br />

Out-door. for the<br />

of Adult All other<br />

Blinda.nd<br />

I<br />

Able·<br />

Total.<br />

In-door<br />

Paupers.<br />

Paupers.<br />

other Public<br />

bodied.*<br />

Institutlons<br />

t<br />

Total.<br />

1--<br />

I<br />

I January <strong>1887</strong> 7,880 40,010 47,800 480 65,015 886 113,2'1<br />

July 1SS7 • 5,7!!6 37,004 4£,730 4!1 69,001 904 11!!,635<br />

l Jl\lluary lSSS 7,866 40,370 48,236 596 6-1,884 877 118,9-17<br />

I July lSSS • 5,714 36,!!!S 41,936 573 65,931 SSS ioB,690<br />

l January 1SS9 7,200 39,16-i 46,364 589 62,760 883 109,957<br />

t<br />

i J11ly 1889 • 5,473 35~15 40,687 501 63,006 896 104,589<br />

! January 1800 6,817 37,886 44,658 525 62,213 008 107,774<br />

: July 1890 5,!43 34,378 09,6!!1 46! '6!!~18 1,009 10!,848<br />

I<br />

: January 1891 6,208 86,893 42,601 U9 63,426 1,102 107,129<br />

I July 1591 4,904 34,119 39,0!!S 359 64,570 1,115 104,708<br />

I<br />

l Janunry 1892 5,953 36,065 42,018 463 60,709 1,112 108,839<br />

i July 1893 4,987 33,198 38,185 460 6.0,1~5 1,116 99,4£4<br />

: January 1893 6,272 36,488 42,755 496 59,001 1,109 102,865<br />

J11ly189J . J.,989 33,356 38,345 .419 58,784 1,137 98,266<br />

, January 1894 6,495 37,370 48,865 550 59,170 1,176 10!,211<br />

JvJ,y 1894 5,01.4 33,S..'fS 38,877 546 57/+61 1,200 97,588<br />

: January 1895 6,\>59 36,840 42,899 482 67,005 1,167 101,071<br />

July 1595 4,837 3!!,81.4 37,681 604 58/+69 1,S6!Z 97,505<br />

; January 1896 6,080 86,165 42,195 621 55,019 1,418 98,G27<br />

July 1596 4,763 38,!30 37,993<br />

I<br />

434 54,750 1/+06 94,149<br />

: January 1897 5,955 36,715 42,670 555 54,767 1,445 98,882<br />

July 1S'"J7 4,891 34,173 39,064 653 66P78 1,438 96,580<br />

;<br />

: January 1898 6,223 37,333 43,556 609 55,368 1,422 100,846<br />

I<br />

: July 1898 5,0!3 35,951 40,974 535 85,564 l,M5 1£7,998<br />

I<br />

; January 1899 . 6,180 38,886 44,566 604 56,732 1,462 102,760<br />

, July 1893 4,66! 35,354 40016 488 58/J'lO 1,511 99,897<br />

January 1000 5,72' 88,096 &3,820 612 58,584 1,512 108,866<br />

\ Jzuy 1900 4,261 33,859 38,lfO M3 68,SSB 1/+45 97,947<br />

I January <strong>1901</strong> 4,94i 36,934 41,881 595 57,757 l,452 101,000<br />

I July :~01 • t,,!19 34,459 38,688 697 57,787 l/~S 97/i07<br />

I<br />

l Jani;sry 1002 5,822 88,209 43,531 699 57,818 1,427 102,771<br />

l<br />

* Exclnal~e of any who may be tempornrlly disabled by sickness.<br />

f Up to January, 1890, In :Bllnd and Deaf;and·Dumb Asylums and Extern Hospitals.<br />

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· CRI~E. 269<br />


'<br />


.. ,,<br />


I<br />

I<br />

II<br />

A~omBD,' exclitsive<br />

YEARS.<br />

CONVIOTED. 4lf of Persons,found<br />

Males. Females. Total. " and detained<br />

I<br />

II<br />

as Insane.<br />


<strong>1887</strong> ll,162 2,130 18,292 10,838<br />

2,896<br />

1888 11,678 2,072 18,750 10,561 8,1~<br />

1889 10,192 1,907 12,099 9,348 2,709<br />

1890 10,075 1,899<br />

I<br />

11,974 9,242 2,670<br />

1891 9,837 1,858 11,695 9,055 2,585<br />

1892 10,492 1,724 12,216 9,607 2,567<br />

1893 10,648 1,646 12,296 § 9,707 2,550<br />

1894 10,519 1,636 12,155 9,634 2,464<br />

·1895 10,018' 1;602 11,621 II 9,169 2,397<br />

1896 9,833 1,879 11,214 § 8,856 2,317<br />

1897 9,930 1,411 11,842 II 8,992 2,301<br />

1898 10,144 1,450 11,595 9,272 2,269<br />

189!1 9,728 1,822 11,045 8,751 2,248<br />

1000 9,099 1,280 10,331 § 8,157 2,125<br />

1001 9,748 1,262 ll,007 § 8,841 2,099<br />


<strong>1887</strong> 1,090 867 2,857 1,848 577<br />

1888 2,001 851 2,352 1,853 511<br />

1889 1,833 417 2,250 1,737 489<br />

1890 1,909 403 2,312 1,825 476<br />

18!11 1,069 885 2,354 1,823 484<br />

1892 1,871 881 2,252 1,778 491<br />

1893 2,010 884 2,894 1,903 462<br />

1894 1,984 387 2,871 1,937 425<br />

1805 1,711 816 2,027 1,652 Sil<br />

1896 1,781 839 2,120 1,704 393<br />

1897 1,866 837 2,203 1,796 392<br />

1898 1,946 84~ 2,290 1,877 399<br />

1899 1,861 292 ,158 1,785 349<br />

1900 1,886 281 2,167 1,835 809<br />

<strong>1901</strong> 1,947 344 2,291 1,872 393<br />


<strong>1887</strong> 2,309 385 2,69·1 1,411 1,114<br />

1888 1,821 367 2,188 1,220 8!>4<br />

1889 1,801 380 2,181 1,225 889<br />

1890 1,728 333 2,061 1,193 817<br />

1891 1,714 398 2,112 1,255 792<br />

1892 1,761 270 2,031 1,196 765<br />

1803 1,994 345 2,339 1,878 893<br />

-1894 2,026 382 2,408 1,469 868<br />

1895 1,535 240 1,775 1,096 063<br />

1896 1,754 301 2,055 1,310 722<br />

1897 1,609 ~76 1,885 1,242 620<br />

1898 1,786 825 2,111 1,867 728<br />

1899 1,644 309 1,953 1,829 610<br />

1900 1,438 244 1,682 l,OS'i bSl<br />

I <strong>1901</strong> 1,565 291 1,856 1,211 626<br />

I<br />

* Persons discharged without Tl'lal are Included with those Acquitted.<br />

t For Scotland the number of persons convicted Is exclusive of those outlawed.<br />

*·Including two cqrpomte bodies Indicted for nuisances. ,<br />

'\J Incliidlng 104 incorrigible rogues sentenced ntQuarter Sessions in ~SU3, 116 m 1894, 105 In<br />

1595 111111 1896, 125 in 1897, ISO In Hl98, 143 In 1899, 182 in 1900, and 209 In <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

II including one corporate body Indicted for nuisance.<br />

t<br />

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270 IN SOL VEN GY.<br />

No :18.-NUl\rBER of ADJUDICATED·B,i\Nrutui>Ts and :NmrnER<br />

CREDITORS under the<br />

,.<br />

--- I l I I I<br />

l <strong>1887</strong> 1888 1889. 1800. 1891. -<br />

..<br />

Number of debtors adjud.i·<br />

cnted bankrupts • • : .,<br />

:Sumber of schemes of nr·<br />

rangement under sec. 18 ot<br />

. Act oflSS3 and sec. S of Act<br />

l 0{1890 • • • • •<br />

Nt:mber of compositions under<<br />

• sec. lS of Act of 1853 and .<br />

j sec. 3 of A'Ct of 1800 • ~ <<br />

!'\umber o! orders for the<br />

I admln~tmtion<br />

ENGLAND AND WALES (Years ended Slst_ De.comber).<br />

1892 •. ·I 1893.<br />

4,6Si 4,695 4,415 S,924 4,1~0 ·4,575 4,805<br />

Sl 27 so 27 22 18 10<br />

127 104 75 60 44 • 47 59<br />

of dece"ed 27 ss· 22 33 26 22 27<br />

debtors' estates under sec.<br />

125 of the Act of lSSS ·,,<br />

------ 4,542 l~ ---------<br />

Total • • • • 4,866 4,8!i9 4,242 4,667 4,901<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Numbe' of a

37<br />

277<br />

INSOLVENCY. 271<br />

of 801-IEl\IES OF ARRANGEMENT and CoMPOSiTIONS with<br />

BANKRUPTCY ACTS 1883 and 1890.<br />

1894. I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I 1001. I<br />

4,702<br />

11<br />

49 40<br />

.ENGLAND AND w ALES (Years ended 3lst December).<br />

4,3497 4,10913 4,0328 4,247:~ 4,04151 4,3431 I 4,176 Number or debtors adjudi·<br />

N~~~~rb~~~V1~~es of ar·<br />

5 ~:ts;~~~ ~~~~~ 0~e~J8A~~<br />

of 1890.<br />

! I<br />

31 34 42<br />

3! 19 17 24<br />

18<br />

Number of compC'sitions under<br />

37 1, II 34 sec. IS of Aft of 1883 and<br />

>:x~~b:rof otcto~~:::'ror the<br />

28 1, 1<br />

29 29 administration of.decensed<br />

debtors' estates under sec.<br />

' 125 of the Act or 1833.<br />

4,m--w54,17()4,098 4;3i0---;,illl~l~4<br />

To~J.<br />

I I I I I I I {<br />

Xumber or administration<br />

3,284 3,898 3,715 . 3,951 3,959 3,601 3,420 . - orders made by County<br />

Courts under sec. 122 of the<br />

...._._________"!"""'_ 1 Act of 1883.<br />

_______ _... _______ ,_. ___<br />

SCOTLAND (Years ended 3lst·october).<br />

341 356 317 I . t 2781 ! 282 I ! 297 I t 341 J<br />


+ 31 (Number of bnnkrupteies<br />

• - l awarded dul'ing the year.<br />

1894.<br />

I 1895. I 1896. I 1897. I 1898. I 1899. I 1900. I 1001. I -- I<br />

ENGLAND AND w A.LES (Years ended 3lst December).<br />

l<br />

£, £, £, £, £, £, £ £<br />

6,791,250 6,247,355 5,796,273 5,546,170 6,685,748 5,784,04li 6,325,243 6,512,917 Amount of bonk,npts'·lfabili· i<br />

ties per their statements.<br />

39,253 134,004 17,742 45,320 16,151 951 - 72,707<br />

Gross amount of debts In<br />

schemes of arrangement. 1<br />

,<br />

133,303 136,832 88,123 87,008 00,836 91,779 103,051 107,827<br />

Gross amount of debta in<br />

compositions.<br />

•<br />

Amount ofliabilities of estates<br />

54,362 29,509 17,059 93,059 34,993 48,449 51,021 100,869<br />

forwhichordersforadministration<br />

were issued under<br />

sec. 125 of the Act of 1883.<br />

----------------------------<br />

7,018,168 6,547,700 5,919,197 5,771,557 6,827,728 5,925,222 6,479,315 6,79~,320 Total.<br />

SCOTLAND (Years ended 3lst October).<br />

7,50~,5021 909,37911,475,14411:01~,291 I 873,02611,572,034<br />

i t<br />

I<br />

{.Amount of debts in bank-<br />

662,244 1,002,280 j ruptcies concluded as a,;;cert<br />

t · tamed by trustees. *<br />


1894. I 1895. I 1896.<br />

I<br />

1897.. l 1898. 1899. I 1000.<br />

ENGLAND AND w ALF..S (Years endcd·;nst])ectimber).<br />

I<br />

£, £, £, £<br />

2,296,032 1,937,389 2,275,243 2,520,361<br />

~··""53 I '"'"~'°<br />

-------<br />

2,s13,ss..i I 2,046,627 2,339,93(! 2,802,602 1 2,622,492 1,937,170 2,608,238<br />

I <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

£ ! £ £ £<br />

2,554,503 3,110,SSl Amount of bankrupts' assets<br />

per trustees' estimates. ,<br />

12,871 71,781 25,92G Sb,971 28,337 674 2,000 30,804 Gross value of estates in<br />

1 schemes of arrangement.<br />

40,364 $4,843 33,082 149,747 128,043 I 28,700 31,810 69,949 Gross amount paid to eredi- l<br />

!! tors in compoaitions •<br />

.Amount of assets of estates<br />

24,617 2,614 5,685 46,523 15,259 12,726 14,925 30,Sll for,whichordersforadministratlon<br />

were issued under 1<br />

1<br />

sec. 125 of the .Act of ISS3.<br />

----<br />

3,242,4-'5 I Total.<br />

I<br />

SCOTLAND (Years ended 3lst October).<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

l<br />

----~--1<br />

!{·Gross value of estates pe1· i<br />

560,404 397,615 I 620,418 48~,685 787 651 391,117 322,230 321,540 1<br />

l inventory and valuation by ;<br />

+ t t t 1 I trustees. * j<br />

t The debts of a bankruptcy concluded within the year In ccnne.::tion with the failure of the City of Glasgow<br />

.Bank amounted in l&.'lD t(J 6,512,782l .. of ono in 1890 to 7,039,lSll., o_( one in 1891 to 6,362,669l., and or one fn 1894<br />

to 6,5S6,339l.<br />

t Year ended Slst December.<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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272 INSOLVENCY.<br />

~o 121.-NUMBER of AssIGNiUENTS, COMPOSITIONS, &c., registered<br />

1888 to<br />

I lSSS. 11889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I 189S. 1894.<br />

Numberof-<br />

Assignment.s • ) [<br />

Compo;itions •<br />

3,495 3,837 3,097<br />

Absolute Assignments<br />

2,269 2,574 3,047<br />

675 I<br />

23 12<br />

so<br />

S,017<br />

702 816 810<br />

30<br />

Iuspect\lrships<br />

41 45 45 37<br />

---------·1----·1----1----1---<br />

Total 3,495 3,837 S,097 3,008 3,383 3,938 3,894<br />

!..____ ____________________ ......, ________________________________ _<br />


- I 1888. I 1889. I 1890. I 1891. I 1892. I<br />

1893. 1894.<br />

Liabilities in- £<br />

Assignments .<br />

Compositions<br />

)·~~;<br />

I £ £ £ £ 1":' £ £<br />

3,260,706 S,943,192 5,452,688 4,670,584<br />

•• , ,,,,~9'7<br />

1,332,936<br />

'·'®·2;1(<br />

1,674,510 1,879,897 1,530,341<br />

Absolute A!!Signments 30,692 29,645 48,785 51,131<br />

Inspectorships<br />

I<br />

· 1 i<br />

468,114 309,675 192,496 167,043<br />

Total .. . i 4,803,481 14,773,947 4,360,271 5,092,448 5,957,022 7,573,866 6,419,099<br />


I 1888. !<br />

-·- I<br />

1889.<br />

I 1890. I 1891. , . 1892.<br />

I<br />

1893. 1894.<br />

Assets in- £, £, £ £ £ £ £<br />

Assignments<br />

'1<br />

1,717,983 1,890,089 2,237,789 2,308,333<br />

···~·"(<br />

Compositions . . l 677,815 784,940 1,001,553 725,910<br />

(2,416,755 2,718,721<br />

Absolute Assignments f 1<br />

13,045 11,094 25,725 24,155<br />

t<br />

Iuspectorshlps . - ) 697,912 251,192 176,485 103,277<br />

---<br />

Total . - • 12,416,755 2,718,721 2,352,941 3,106,755 2,{)37,315 3,440,652 3,161,675<br />

- l<br />

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers Online.<br />

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under the Deeds of Arrangement Act, <strong>1887</strong>, in England and \Vales, in the years<br />

<strong>1901</strong>. .<br />

-<br />

I<br />

1895. I 1896. 18!)7. 1S!J8. lSW. 1900.<br />

~---------- ----<br />

I<br />

2,787 2,689 2,638 2,6!)7 2,501 l 2834<br />

I<br />

Number of-<br />

2,862 Assignments.<br />

625 587 530 505- 439 I 468 473 Compositions.<br />

i<br />

15 13 1!J 13 6 ' J4 J4<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Absolute Assignments.<br />

I<br />

S5 82 21 31 28 38 ~ 20 Inspectorships.<br />

3,i62 3,271 3,208 3,2.;6<br />

I<br />

----<br />

2,!li4 S,354 3,369 Total.<br />

I<br />

;<br />

I<br />

TIONS, &c., in England and '\Vales, as estimated by the Debtors.<br />

-F1~1--;;;-1 ... ,.<br />

; £ £ I<br />

I 3,569,709 I 3,425,526 ' S,096,786<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1899. 1900. I 1001.<br />

-- ----------------------·<br />

: Liabilities in-<br />

2,888,094 2,763,87!) 3,'18,334 3,218,789 Asslgn~ents.<br />

l,l!lS,188 I 981,022 ! 803,245 860,931 558,322 651,360 710,315 Compositions.<br />

I<br />

'<br />

I 30,00S 16,477 ' e2,557 lS,570 3,158 10,676 12,li!I Absolute Asslgnmente.<br />

f<br />

i 80,216 _56,858 _ ls,02; _ 79,1~1_:1,301 ~,24o l~15s lnspectorehipe.<br />

Total.<br />

i '·'"'·!"' i '·""·""' 3,980,6151 ·"~"' . S.371.00G i •,263,619 I • tl(l(l, .. l<br />

TIO~S, &c., in England and Wales, as estimated by the Debtors.<br />

1<br />

-- ---- -<br />

1895. I 1896. ! 1s~~~--·-1~~s~J~J--~~~_I~~~- ___ _<br />

1-----·------- ---<br />

----<br />

1 £ £<br />

£, £ £ £. £ Assets Inj<br />

l,82i,21S 1,698,561 1,446,940 1,-188,366 l,42i,H6 J,900,1~ l,i78,4i2 Assignments.<br />

625,145 581,0Si 410,512 421,05!) 30i,0'20 3i3,!l25 42G,179 Compositions.<br />

I<br />

18,780 0,027 85,5411 S,294 l,it8 !<br />

3,9i7 I 5,l>5i Ab:.olute Assignment&.<br />

!<br />

I<br />

75,00Q 49,S39 li,491 00,208 3S,12i 20S,S4i ,4,404 luspeetonslllps.<br />

I<br />

!<br />

--- I<br />

2,542,002 2,338,iiH 1,l>I0,4112 1,!li8,927 l,i i4,32! :!,4S6,013 2,255,012 'l'otal.<br />

____ .__<br />

I<br />

I<br />

.. i<br />

'<br />

6475 s<br />

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'<br />

:274 INSOLVENCY.<br />

No. 124 .. -NmrnER of ORDERS made by the COURT* for WINDIN~<br />


(WINDING-UP) ACT, 1890, with the EsTmATED AMOUNT of their<br />

AssETS and LIABILITIES, in each of the Years 1891 to <strong>1901</strong>.<br />

I 1S91<br />

11892<br />

1S93<br />

l<br />

1894<br />

Yenr::.<br />

· 1<br />

I<br />

!<br />

Numbel·<br />

of<br />

Orders<br />

made.<br />

120<br />

117<br />

139<br />

lH<br />

Number<br />

of<br />

Companies<br />

lodging<br />

Statemtmt<br />

of<br />

Affairs.<br />

115<br />

115<br />

I<br />

I<br />

J<br />

I<br />

I<br />

!<br />

i<br />

127<br />

108<br />

As Estimated in<br />

the Statements of Affairs by<br />

Directors or Officers, &c.,<br />

of the Companies.<br />

S,322,290 6,822,446<br />

ll,017,830 12,567,180<br />

25,807,791 22,188,162<br />

3,261,573 3,037,378<br />

j<br />

·+<br />

1895<br />

90<br />

86<br />

1,136,992 1,547,0H<br />

l 1S96<br />

86<br />

81<br />

921,366 1,134,039<br />

----+--<br />

lS97<br />

1898<br />

108<br />

125<br />

!)!)<br />

!)87,226 836,273<br />

-·-- - _______ ,_<br />

123 tl,343,968 tl,230,321<br />

'. 1899<br />

108<br />

102 l,2!l2,C60 1,'l05,500,<br />

1900<br />

<strong>1901</strong><br />

· l<br />

!<br />

f<br />

I<br />

117<br />

110<br />

109 1,252,880 l,423,51S<br />

104 9,030,087 4,720,540<br />

• Particular& ()f voluntary liquidations eit11er under the supervision of the Court, or otherwise<br />

are not Included in the above fable. '.l'he number of such liquidations was in 1891 754 • in<br />

1892, !P4; in 1893, 903; in 1894, SU in 1895, 970; in 1896, 1,176; in 1807, 1 1 479; in 1SIJ8 I 620 •<br />

In 11:99, llJg!; ; In 1090, 16.57; und in <strong>1901</strong>, 1,500; no information, l1owevcr, is available us i.o' thd<br />

assets and liabilities In such cases.<br />

t Ex,clu~ing: the Assets and Liablllt!es in two cases rcg~stcrJl!t~brQad._<br />

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WRECKS. 275'<br />

No. 125,-NmIBER and TONNAGE of VESSELS belonging to the<br />

UNITED KINGDO.i\[ TOT.ALLY LOST at SEA, exclusive of VESSELS of<br />

the ROYAL NAVY,' in the Years 1886 to 1900. __ _________<br />

_,_<br />

----·<br />

Sailing. Sfeam. '.l'otal.<br />

Years.<br />

Vessels.<br />

Ve~s~l!!. ;J,.'ons,. Vessels. '.!.'ons.<br />

I<br />

__ .... -<br />

I<br />

-<br />

1886 507 125,631 137 00,871 644 216,602<br />

I Tons.<br />

'' I I<br />

''<strong>1887</strong> 364 98,202 1:m: W,984 500 198,186<br />

1888 428 115,848 115 ·73,512<br />

l<br />

·543 189,860<br />

,,<br />

1880 331 93,343 116 Sl,199 447 174,542<br />

,,.<br />

1890 394 93,870 1~4 112.~. 528 206,734<br />

1891 448 104,Wl 139 112,431 587 217,422<br />

1892 321 SS,220 00 .76,0i6 417 164.200<br />

1893 391 82,888 132 96,031i 523 178,924<br />

1804 390 70,792 149 104,126 539 174,918<br />

1895 ~52 90,572 126 94,851 ~73 185,423<br />

1800 :!26 81,217 107 94,607· 433 175,824<br />

1897 ?47 63,877 128 105,053 475 168,930<br />

1898 288 52,409 125 111,686 n3 164,095<br />

18!){) 265 50,447 132 133,128 39i 183,575<br />

1900 255 64,117 132 00,596 38i l!I0,718<br />

Nor:s.-The lolses of uin'egistcred vesaeli; are included in the above t1i11res.<br />

No: 126.-NUl\IBER of PASSENGERS and CREW LOST by "WRECKS and.<br />

CASUALTIES at SEA to VESSELS belonginp to the UNITED KINGDOM<br />

(exclusive of VESSELS of the 'ROYAT, :NAVY) in the Years 1886 to<br />

1900.<br />

! From Sailing Yessels. From Steam Vesseli;. 'fotal. -,<br />

Yeara. 1-- I ·-- -·- - ~----- '<br />

l-____ \_c_re_'r·_1_,<br />

P_=:_~-~-· !_'.I_'ota~ 1~ C1~e: ~~~ 5 1~~-· _:r_ota_i_. ,....;,_c_r_ew_._! P:;::~· 1 Total. I<br />

I 1886 I 867 I 32 : 899 403 38 441 1,2i0 i 70 1,340<br />

I I • I !<br />

I <strong>1887</strong> f 7i2 ; 271 1,043 754 91 845 1,526 862 1,888<br />

1888<br />

1889<br />

1890<br />

1891<br />

1892<br />

1893<br />

1894<br />

1895<br />

1896<br />

189i<br />

1898<br />

189!1<br />

1000<br />

757 60<br />

613 21<br />

SS4 25<br />

942 18<br />

812 40<br />

763 l Si<br />

946<br />

955<br />

4i4 I<br />

420 I<br />

442 i<br />

484<br />

57i<br />

il<br />

70<br />

12<br />

9<br />

20<br />

23<br />

13<br />

817 Si9 721 1,100<br />

634 3i6 35 I 411<br />

909 ~SS Hi 635<br />

960 I 400 566 966<br />

852 406 72 478<br />

820 634 33 I 667<br />

1,017 535 1,183 1,718<br />

1,025<br />

486<br />

429<br />

462<br />

507<br />

MIO<br />

385<br />

~59<br />

40S<br />

430<br />

699<br />

551<br />

34<br />

898<br />

39<br />

so<br />

102<br />

Si I<br />

419<br />

76i<br />

447<br />

510<br />

801<br />

5SS<br />

1,186 ' 781<br />

989 i 56<br />

1,372 j 172<br />

1,342 : 5S4<br />

1,218 : 112<br />

l,s97 I 90<br />

1,481 i 1,25-l<br />

1,340 ! 104<br />

SSS ' 410<br />

828 i<br />

48<br />

Si2 : 100<br />

!<br />

1,183 I 125<br />

1,128 l<br />

I<br />

Nou:.-The l0tse1 of unr.r,l!!tered "Haaels arc Included in the above figures.<br />

1,917<br />

1,045<br />

1,5·14<br />

1,926<br />

1830<br />

1,48i<br />

2,i35 I<br />

1,4-H<br />

1,243<br />

876<br />

972<br />

1,308<br />

1,178<br />

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276<br />

INDEX.<br />

(The information given is in all ilver Bullion and Specie - 142<br />

Declared Value of Registered Exports to various<br />

"<br />

countries:-<br />

Gold : 13ullion and Sr,ecie . 144<br />

Silver : Bullion and Specie - - 138, 146<br />

Total Gola and Silver Bullion and Specie . 148<br />

Coa1 : Produced in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> • 218<br />

Coinaae- - · - · · · • - 2'20 2'21<br />

Colonial Produce (and Foreign) : Value of Exports to various countries • ' 124<br />

,, · Quantities ?f l?rincip:t:l articles exported . 128<br />

,, ,, ,, Value of prrnc1pal articles exported - 132<br />

,, ,, ,, 'rranshipments - - . 150<br />

Companies: NumlJer, Capital, etc., of Hegistered Companies . 219<br />

Consols : Average Price in each month - - - - . 251<br />

Corn, British: Average Gazette Prices of various kinds in each month . 188<br />

,, ,, Returned as sold in the 'Market Towns in each month . 190<br />

Com : Cluantities of vaiious kinds importe

277<br />

J>age<br />

Imports into <strong>United</strong> King

~79<br />

Paj!'e<br />

l'osti Office : :.Money On1ers Issued, }i'oreign -<br />

- 255<br />

,, l'ostal Orders Issued -<br />

- 205<br />

,, Savings 13anks . 22-2, 224, 2'25, 226<br />

l'rices of British Corn - - 188<br />

,, Consols<br />

• 251<br />

,, Principal Articles Imported - • 156<br />

,, ,, ,, Exported - • 166<br />

P.rohate Duty: Net value of property assesse(l<br />

·Produce: A

280<br />

Page·<br />

Shippi.ag: Nu moor null 'l'onnage of Vessels Registerecl under the Merchant<br />

Shi}l}>iiw Acts - · - - - - 184<br />

Number aml Tonnage of Vessels Built - . - - 184<br />

"' ,, ,, ,, Solil to Foreign Countries - 185<br />

N um her tmd 1'ommgc of Registered Vessels Employed aml<br />

Number of Persons Employed thereon - · - 18Ci<br />

Sih·er Bullion and Specie: Imports - - 140•<br />

,, ,, ,, EXJ.lOrts - 14.6·<br />

Spirits remaining in Bond : l3ritish madt> 48<br />

Stamp Duties • - - - 27<br />

Stamps : Imperial ReceiJ.>tS from 13·<br />

State Assets and Liabilities - 15·<br />

Sncce...~ion Duties, Net value of property assessed<br />

::l6·<br />

'l'n.xes: Reduced or Increased - 16'<br />

" Im1>erial Recei1)tS from . - - - . rn~<br />

'l'elegraphs, Statistics of · - · - - - 253<br />

Textile Factories: Number of Persons .Employed therein, 1895-8 - -. 210·<br />

'l'mmways: Statistics of, in each Division of tl1e <strong>United</strong> l{ingdom ~ 216·<br />

Trnnshipments : Total Value of li'orei~n Merchandise 'l'ranshipped nt<br />

Ports in the Unite

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