Livy's History of Rome - Table of Contents

Livy's History of Rome - Table of Contents

Livy's History of Rome - Table of Contents


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Romans that it was impossible either for the senate to take the matter into formal consideration, or for a favourable reply to<br />

be given to those who were commencing hostilities, since they were themselves taking up arms to repel them. They<br />

marched to Aricia; not far from there they engaged the Auruncans and in one battle finished the war.<br />

[2.27]After the defeat <strong>of</strong> the Auruncans, the Romans, who had, within a few days, fought so many successful wars, were<br />

expecting the fulfilment <strong>of</strong> the promises which the consul had made on the authority <strong>of</strong> the senate. Appius, partly from his<br />

innate love <strong>of</strong> tyranny and partly to undermine the confidence felt in his colleague, gave the harshest sentences he could<br />

when debtors were brought before him. One after another those who had before pledged their persons as security were now<br />

handed over to their creditors, and others were compelled to give such security. A soldier to whom this happened appealed<br />

to the colleague <strong>of</strong> Appius. A crowd gathered round Servilius, they reminded him <strong>of</strong> his promises, upbraided him with<br />

their services in war and the scars they had received, and demanded that he should either get an ordinance passed by the<br />

senate, or, as consul, protect his people; as commander, his soldiers. The consul sympathised with them, but under the<br />

circumstances he was compelled to temporise; the opposite policy was so recklessly insisted on not only by his colleague<br />

but by the entire party <strong>of</strong> the nobility. By taking a middle course he did not escape the odium <strong>of</strong> the plebs nor did he win<br />

the favour <strong>of</strong> the patricians. These regarded him as a weak popularity-hunting consul, the plebeians considered him false,<br />

and it soon became apparent that he was as much detested as Appius.<br />

A dispute had arisen between the consuls as to which <strong>of</strong> them should dedicate the temple <strong>of</strong> Mercury. The senate referred<br />

the question to the people, and issued orders that the one to whom the dedication was assigned by the people should<br />

preside over the corn-market and form a guild <strong>of</strong> merchants and discharge functions in the presence <strong>of</strong> the Pontifex<br />

Maximus. The people assigned the dedication <strong>of</strong> the temple to M. Laetorius, the first centurion <strong>of</strong> the legion, a choice<br />

obviously made not so much to honour the man, by conferring upon him an <strong>of</strong>fice so far above his station, as to bring<br />

discredit on the consuls. One <strong>of</strong> them, at all events, was excessively angry, as were the senate, but the courage <strong>of</strong> the plebs<br />

had risen, and they went to work in a very different method from that which they had adopted at first. For as any prospect<br />

<strong>of</strong> help from the consuls or the senate was hopeless, they took matters into their own hands, and whenever they saw a<br />

debtor brought before the court, they rushed there from all sides, and by their shouts and uproar prevented the consul's<br />

sentence from being heard, and when it was pronounced no one obeyed it. They resorted to violence, and all the fear and<br />

danger to personal liberty was transferred from the debtors to the creditors, who were roughly handled before the eyes <strong>of</strong><br />

the consul. In addition to all this there were growing apprehensions <strong>of</strong> a Sabine war. A levy was decreed, but no one gave<br />

in his name. Appius was furious; he accused his colleague <strong>of</strong> courting the favour <strong>of</strong> the people, denounced him as a traitor<br />

to the commonwealth because he refused to give sentence where debtors were brought before him, and moreover he<br />

refused to raise troops after the senate had ordered a levy. Still, he declared, the ship <strong>of</strong> State was not entirely deserted nor<br />

the consular authority thrown to the winds; he, single-handed, would vindicate his own dignity and that <strong>of</strong> the senate.<br />

Whilst the usual daily crowd were standing round him, growing ever bolder in licence, he ordered one conspicuous leader<br />

<strong>of</strong> the agitation to be arrested. As he was being dragged away by the lictors, he appealed. There was no doubt as to what<br />

judgment the people would give, and he would not have allowed the appeal had not his obstinacy been with great difficulty<br />

overcome more by the prudence and authority <strong>of</strong> the senate than by the clamour <strong>of</strong> the people, so determined was he to<br />

brave the popular odium. From that time the mischief became more serious every day, not only through open clamour but,<br />

what was far more dangerous, through secession and secret meetings. At length the consuls, detested as they were by the<br />

plebs, went out <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice - Servilius equally hated by both orders, Appius in wonderful favour with the patricians.<br />

[2.28]Then A. Verginius and T. Vetusius took <strong>of</strong>fice. As the plebeians were doubtful as to what sort <strong>of</strong> consuls they would<br />

have, and were anxious to avoid any precipitate and ill-considered action which might result from hastily adopted<br />

resolutions in the Forum, they began to hold meetings at night, some on the Esquiline and others on the Aventine. The<br />

consuls considered this state <strong>of</strong> things to be fraught with danger, as it really was, and made a formal report to the senate.<br />

But any orderly discussion <strong>of</strong> their report was out <strong>of</strong> the question, owing to the excitement and clamour with which the<br />

senators received it, and the indignation they felt at the consuls throwing upon them the odium <strong>of</strong> measures which they<br />

ought to have carried on their own authority as consuls. "Surely," it was said, "if there were really magistrates in the State,<br />

there would have been no meetings in <strong>Rome</strong> beyond the public Assembly; now the State was broken up into a thousand<br />

senates and assemblies, since some councils were being held on the Esquiline and others on the Aventine. Why, one man<br />

like Appius Claudius, who was worth more than a consul, would have dispersed these gatherings in a moment." When the<br />

consuls, after being thus censured, asked what they wished them to do, as they were prepared to act with all the energy and<br />

determination that the senate desired, a decree was passed that the levy should be raised as speedily as possible, for the<br />

plebs was waxing wanton through idleness. After dismissing the senate, the consuls ascended the tribunal and called out

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