Dafni Barbageorgopoulou « Soap »

Revolver Publishing (Verlag), Berlin 2016, 70 pages, ill., 29 x 19 cm, Z-fold, Softcover, English/German, ISBN 978-3-95763-319-4

Revolver Publishing (Verlag), Berlin 2016, 70 pages, ill., 29 x 19 cm, Z-fold, Softcover, English/German, ISBN 978-3-95763-319-4

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Head Facing Left, 2013, MDF, lights, 190 x 104 x 28 cm (p 43 8)<br />

Inverted Diagonal, 2013, MDF, lights, 190 x 116 x 28 cm (p 43 8)<br />

Discipline(!), 2013 (installation view) (p 45 10)<br />

One-legged Bridge Pose, 2013, MDF, lights, 61 x 140 x 28 cm (p 11 46)<br />

One-legged Bridge Pose, 2013 (detail), MDF, lights, 61 x 140 x 28 cm (p 49 14)<br />

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