Celebrating 150 Years Of Christianity - Siquijor Heritage Foundation ...

Celebrating 150 Years Of Christianity - Siquijor Heritage Foundation ...

Celebrating 150 Years Of Christianity - Siquijor Heritage Foundation ...


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August 8, 1857 — August 8, 2007<br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong> <strong>Of</strong> <strong>Christianity</strong><br />

“Journeying in Strengthened Faith through Established Basic<br />

Ecclesial Communities Working Towards Social Transformation.”<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish Church (1884)<br />

A National Cultural Treasure of the Philippines<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong>, Philippines

2<br />

Brief History of the Town and Parish of Lazi<br />

(With excerpts from an Aug. 7, 2005 article in the Negros Chronicle<br />

by Diocesan Historian Rev. Fr. Roman C. Sagun, Jr. and<br />

contributions from Dr. Concepcion A. Aljas, Verna M. Alih & Leo Mamicpic)<br />

This year’s parish day, August 8, marks the <strong>150</strong> th year of Lazi’s creation as a parish.<br />

Fray Juan Felix de la Encarnacion, having already spent some eighteen years in the whole island<br />

as pastor of the <strong>Siquijor</strong> parish was no doubt its trailblazer. He was assigned to Manila in 1846<br />

and stayed for 9 years. It was during this time he developed a very good relationship with Governor-General<br />

Manuel Pavia y Lacy (02Feb1854 - 28Oct1854) and proposed the creation of Lazi<br />

as an independent parish. The Governor-General chose to name the parish ‘Lacy’ after his<br />

mother’s last name. This was subsequently changed to Lazi, following the 19th century reform<br />

of the Spanish language.<br />

On 01 January 1857, Fray Juan Felix de la Encarnacion wrote to Bishop Romualdo Jimeno of<br />

Cebu recommending the establishment of a new parish town in the Island. “For an effective administration<br />

of that town (Lacy), there is absolute necessity to establish the parish… so that those<br />

inhabitants may not find themselves negligent in all their religious and civic duties.”<br />

“The visita or district called Tigbauan in the Island of <strong>Siquijor</strong> was declared an independent<br />

town to be named Lacy by virtue of a decree by Governor General Manuel Pavia y Lacy on 31<br />

May 1854. In the same place, there exist a church, a parochial house, a government building, and<br />

schools (for boys and girls), edifices required for the erection of a parish.” Moreover, the new<br />

town of Lacy had 599 (families) paying tribute as opposed to <strong>Siquijor</strong> with 1,616.”<br />

Presented on 28 May 1857 by then Governor-General Fernando Norzagaray y Escudero<br />

(09Mar1857 - 12Jan1860) that ‘Lacy’ be independent from <strong>Siquijor</strong>, Bishop Romualdo Jimeno<br />

of Cebu established the parish on 08 August 1857. The first pastor was the Recollect Friar Victor<br />

Garcia who came to nurture the faith sown by its trailblazer, Fray Juan Felix de la Encarnacion.<br />

The most notable of the Recollect missionaries was M.R.P. Ex-Definidor Fray Toribio Sanchez<br />

(05Aug1882 - 09Aug1894) who is credited with Lazi’s National Cultural Treasures - the San<br />

Isidro Labrador church and convent. These two grandiose buildings occupy two blocks of the<br />

hilly town, and beneath the church complex is the poblacion called Tigbauan. They increasingly<br />

command more respect, especially when their magnificence is viewed from the bay.

Message from the<br />


Mailing Address: 2140 Taft Avenue, P.O. Box 3364, Manila · Tel. Nos.: 521-03-06/07 · Fax: 521-12-35<br />



As we celebrate our <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day this coming August 8, 2007, we call to<br />




I would like to elucidate further this theme so our parishioners and faithful<br />

may gain a better understanding and in the process help to implement the vision of<br />

the local church in line with the Universal as well as the National Church as we embark<br />

on our programs on the years ahead of us.<br />

Our Theme is indicated in these three perspectives:<br />

1. JOURNEYING IN STRENGTHENED FAITH: We know that Life is always<br />

a Journey with its ups and downs. We recognize it in the eyes of our<br />

FAITH-LIFE EXPERIENCE and we believe that God is with us. Thus, we<br />

are strengthened in our faith.<br />


2007 the Feast of St. Paul our vicariate launched BEC programs. This<br />

is the thrust of our Diocese and it is the prerogatives of the national<br />

church as embodied in the PCP II documents.<br />


the Social Doctrines Year. This is the goal of all our endeavors<br />

and apostolate to FORM and TRANSFORM people in our society in<br />

the Gospel Values.<br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> this Jubilee year, our <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary as a Parish, let us not forget<br />

the directions pointed out in our Theme. And I call on all of you my beloved parishioners,<br />

people of faith and good will, on this CHALLENGE and TASK.<br />

Parish Priest<br />

HAPPY <strong>150</strong> th ANNIVERSARY!<br />


6<br />


Every anniversary is an occasion of thanksgiving, most of all, to God for<br />

the countless blessing and to the people ahead of us who have shed their<br />

sweat, even tears and blood as they labored to build the church and the parish<br />

of St. Isidore the Farmer of Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong>. We have to look back and remember<br />

in our prayers and gratitude to the many people who were responsible<br />

for what we are celebrating now. We have to remember the past with<br />

gratitude and thanksgiving.<br />

So as the Parish celebrates its <strong>150</strong> th founding anniversary, I join the people<br />

in thanking GOD, as they rejoice for the many number of years the Almighty<br />

has continued to bless them. I pray that what they have endured for<br />

many years and what lies ahead will be continually blessed by the Almighty.<br />

May this celebration bring together the faithful towards renewal. It is always<br />

in working together that we can accomplish many good things for the benefit<br />

of the church.<br />


Rt. Rev. Msgr. Candelario O. Catubig, E.V., H.P.<br />

Parish Priest, <strong>Siquijor</strong>

M E S S A G E<br />

from the Chairman of the<br />

National Commission for Culture and the Arts<br />

One hundred and fifty meaningful years connote strength, vitality, faith, abundance<br />

and blessings. Indeed, all of these traits symbolize the Parish of San Isidro Labrador<br />

in Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong> on the occasion of its <strong>150</strong> th anniversary as an independent<br />

church- reflecting the many triumphs and travails of the Filipino people in our journey<br />

as a nation.<br />

Grounded on the theme “San Isidro Labrador Parish: Journeying in Strengthened<br />

Faith through Established Basic Ecclesial Communities Working Towards Social<br />

Transformation,” we are certain that the celebration will serve as a window to the past<br />

and a door to the future not only for the Siquijodnons but for all Filipinos.<br />

The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) lauds the San Isidro<br />

Labrador Parish in the celebration of its <strong>150</strong> th anniversary and hopes to march until the<br />

next <strong>150</strong> years of your foundation as an independent parish.<br />

Mabuhay po tayong lahat!<br />


Chairman<br />

"Remembering the past can be a prayer if we try to see the work of<br />

God and thank Him for it."<br />

Christian Community Bible, Catholic Pastoral Edition, 2005<br />



The twin historical religious landmarks in Lazi - the Church and<br />

Convent of the parish of San Isidro Labrador - may have stood to inspire<br />

awe to artists, architects, engineers, local and foreign sojourners, and<br />

the countless bipeds who paid a visit to our town. More than such a concomitant<br />

delight, however, is the larger truth that they feed the religious<br />

need of every Lazijanon, collectively the Catholic faithful, no less<br />

with a house to pray in, to light candles for, and to gather together<br />

within as a community of believers.<br />

San Isidro Labrador must have been patiently pleased to serve us as<br />

our popular intercessor. He has heard our prayers for more than two centuries.<br />

Until one hundred fifty years ago, his parish was still an auxiliary<br />

of St. Francis of Assisi of <strong>Siquijor</strong>. He obtained it as an independent parochial<br />

domain on the 8 th of August of 1857.<br />

What we Lazihanons have become now signifies the momentous<br />

celebration in thanksgiving to San Isidro Labrador for three golden years<br />

of being the medium of God’s graces.<br />

We know our beautiful town is a fountainhead of genuine music, of<br />

good harvests, of a string of natural endowments, and of able leaders.<br />

Lazi has undergone changes - to the better. There are many things<br />

to be proud of now. I tell you: “You are a part of it.”<br />

That is the best thing we can give back to God. In a way, that is<br />

how we thank our constant guide - San Isidro Labrador.<br />

Sgd. HON. ORLANDO B. FUA<br />

Representative, Lone District of <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


10<br />

Message From The Governor<br />

If the visitor will look around the fields today, he would not fail to notice<br />

the robust growth of the year’s crop. The corn stalks are straining against<br />

the soil, they are thick in the stem, their leaves dark with pigmentation,<br />

their ears round and heavy. Every sign points out to a bountiful harvest. Not<br />

in ten years have our farmers enjoyed a more favorable season than what<br />

they are enjoying now. The rains are consistent and were early to come.<br />

There have been no significant winds that disturbed the growth of the corn.<br />

And last of all, government has provided the seeds and inputs for modernization.<br />

It makes one feel grateful for a town blessed as ours.<br />

It couldn’t have occurred just by its own. A divine hand had guided fortune<br />

at our doorsteps. Out of the myriad of people and concerns, some good<br />

patron interceded for us. And we only have one.<br />

San Isidro Labrador has sent our prayers to God and pleaded our case<br />

mightily. As parishioners we owe it to Him that the harvest in the offing is one<br />

of abundance and plenty. It is a reaffirmation of our faith that truly we are<br />

God’s beloved and He will not fail to provide for us.<br />

It is a truth that should ring clear for each and everyone of us too,<br />

whether we are government workers, businessmen, construction workers, fish<br />

vendors, drivers for hire, fishermen, or plain ordinary folks earning our living<br />

from day to day.<br />

God loves us all! If we plant goodness in His ground and in our hearts, a<br />

harvest far superior than what one could reap in a lifetime is ours to enjoy<br />

forever. That is the crop of goodwill, of peace and of joy towards and with all<br />

His people.<br />

Happy Parish Day my dear brothers and sisters.<br />


Provincial Governor


Salutations of love, peace and joy to every parishioner of Saint Isidore<br />

The Farmer Parish on its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

A century and a half is quite a long time. Parishioners had come<br />

and gone. But the parish has lived and grown. Its existence has affected<br />

the lives of its parishioners thus its history has become a living past to<br />

all. In the niche of everyone’s memory is a slice of life that has touched<br />

him and eventually shaped his present being.<br />

My ancestors who had long gone to join their Creator did not leave<br />

behind material wealth. Instead, they left a legacy more endearing and<br />

more lasting… that of spirituality and faith in the power of prayer. From<br />

Rev. Fr. Valentin Abellana, once a parish priest of this parish, a brother<br />

of my great grandmother was handed through the lineage the thought<br />

that “once a priest, always a priest” and thus he is to be revered at all<br />

time. My immediate grandparents were prayerful, urging us always to do<br />

our best and leaving the rest to God… making HIM a partner in all our endeavors.<br />

I feel beholden for these spiritual bequests. They are my foothold<br />

as I traverse my life today and my lighthouse as I walk on to face tomorrow.<br />

In behalf of the municipality of Lazi, I shall remember with gratitude<br />

all those who made the establishment and incessant growth of St.<br />

Isidore The Farmer Parish from August 8, 1857 to the present possible.<br />


Municipal Mayor<br />


12<br />


San Isidro Labrador Parish, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Resource: Rev. Fr. Roman Sagun, Diocesan Historian<br />

Parish was established on 08 Aug 1857, independent from mother Parish of <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

1857 - 1898 Spanish Recollect Missionaries 1916 - 1951 Spanish Recollect Priests<br />

1899 - 1916 Filipino Secular Priests 1951 - Present Filipino Diocesan Priest<br />


1. M.R.P. Fray Victor Garcia 19 Mar 1857 25 Jul 1868<br />

2. M.R.P. Fray Patricio Adell de S. Macario 26 Jul 1868 12 Dec 1874<br />

3. M.R.P. Fray Hilario Eraso 19 Dec 1874 30 Jul 1880<br />

4. Fray Eusebio Bastan de Santa Ana 07 Aug 1880 14 May 1881<br />

5. Fray Constancio Asencio 21 May 1881 29 Jul 1882<br />

6. M.R.P. Ex-Definidor Fray Toribio Sanchez 05 Aug 1882 09 Aug 1894 Built the church & convent<br />

7. Fray Gaudalecio Ocio 16 Jun 1894 18 Aug 1894<br />

8. M.R.P. Fray Manuel Maria Guillermo 25 Aug 1894 04 Apr 1896<br />

9. Fray Laureano Navarro 11 Apr 1896 22 May 1897<br />

10. Fray Benito Garayoa 29 May 1897 22 Nov 1898<br />

11. Fr. Claro Balite 1899 02 Sep 1900 Phil. Revolution<br />

12. Fr. Sancho Abadia 28 Sep 1900 06 Dec 1902<br />

13. Fr. Valentin Avellana 06 Dec 1902 12 May 1903<br />

14. Fr. Jose España 03 May 1903 12 Jun 1903<br />

15. Fr. Valentin Avellana 12 Jun 1903 01 Jan 1907<br />

16. Fr. Agustin Medalle 28 Jan 1908 01 Nov 1911<br />

17. Fr. Valentin Avellana 13 Nov 1911 10 Nov 1915<br />

18. Fr. Filomeno Lucero 14 Nov 1915 19 Mar 1916 Acting parish priest<br />

19. Fray Licinio Ruiz 08 Apr 1916 01 Dec 1917<br />

20. Fray Juan Bea 15 Dec 1917 20 May 1922<br />

21. Fray Andres Ferrero 27 May 1922 8 Jul 1922<br />

22. Fray Paulino Jimenez 14 Jul 1922 5 May 1923 Acting parish priest<br />

23. Fray Andres Ferrero 12 May 1923 22 Mar 1926<br />

24. Fray Serafin Fernando 27 Mar 1926 21 Jan 1928<br />

25. Fray Cyriaco Iyawaga 04 Feb 1928 17 Feb 1928 Acting parish priest<br />

26. Fray Facundo Valgañon 18 Feb 1928 13 Nov 1937 Acting parish priest<br />

27. Fray Pedro El Busto 20 Jan 1937 28 May 1938



28. Fray Joaquin Gonzales 04 Jun 1938 11 Jun 1938<br />

29. Fray Rafael Garcia 18 Jun 1938 17 Dec 1938 Acting parish priest<br />

30. Fray Abundio Frias 24 Dec 1938 27 Apr 1940<br />

31. Fray Severino Garcia 11 May 1940 04 Nov 1950 Acting parish priest<br />

32. Fray Emilio San Eufracio 11 Nov 1950 09 Dec 1950<br />

33. Fray Pio Santillana 16 Dec 1950 08 Dec 1951<br />

34. Fray Jesus Gonzales 15 Dec 1951 19 Dec 1951 Acting parish priest<br />

35. Fray Valeriano Agustin 22 Dec 1951 27 Jun 1953 Acting parish priest<br />

36. Fr. Felipe Jomaoas 04 Jul 1953 28 Apr 1955<br />

37. Fr. Jose Ortiga 30 Apr 1955 28 May 1955<br />

38. Fr. Angel Jumawan 09 Jul 1955 20 Aug 1955<br />

39. Fr. Felipe Jomaoas 27 Feb 1955 26 May 1956 Acting parish priest<br />

40. Fr. Enrico Roca 30 May 1956 29 Jun 1957 Acting parish priest<br />

41. Fr. Jose Castañeda 06 Jul 1957 31 May 1959<br />

42. Fr. Roque Acebedo 07 Jun 1959 20 Jun 1959 Acting parish priest<br />

43. Fr. Porferio Abadia 21 Jun 1959 22 Jun 1959 Acting parish priest<br />

44. Fr. Reginaldo Piñero 23 Jun 1959 27 Aug 1969<br />

45. Fr. Antonio Ferreron 28 Aug 1969 02 Sep 1969 Acting parish priest<br />

46. Fr. Peter Pacoribot 03 Sep 1969 08 Sep 1969 Acting parish priest<br />

47. Fr. Antonio Vicente 01 Oct 1969 06 Nov 1969 Acting parish priest<br />

48. Fr. Rene Villanueva 06 Nov 1969 19 Mar 1975<br />

49. Msgr. Antonio Ferreron 19 Mar 1975 19 Jul 1975<br />

50. Fr. Moise Gile 20 Jul 1975 12 May 1976<br />

51. Fr. Antonio Vicente 13 May 1976 20 Jun 1984<br />

52. Fr. Zacharias Cortes 20 Jun 1984 11 Feb 1989<br />

53. Fr. Carmelito Torres 14 Feb 1989 02 Apr 1989<br />

54. Fr. Aliford Maglinte 01 Apr 1989 19 Jun 1993<br />

55. Fr. Oscar G. Calunod 10 Jun 1993 12 Jan 1999<br />

56. Fr. Casiano O. Salac, Jr. 12 Jan 1999 08 Apr 2002<br />

Fr. Rene L. Gomisong 01 Aug 2001 30 Aug 2001 Acting parish priest<br />

57. Fr. Victor A. Fontejon 09 Apr 2002 20 Apr 2006<br />

58. Fr. Leonardo Tan 20 Apr 2006 to present<br />


14<br />

<strong>150</strong> years is a long time in our history as a parish. We embrace<br />

the past <strong>150</strong> years for it is definitely part of our present. And our<br />

past and present influence our future. One thing we can be sure<br />

of is that we will continue with the legacy our forefathers bequeathed<br />

to us - faith, spirit of community, magnificent structures,<br />

and valuable records. This is the mission of the <strong>Siquijor</strong> <strong>Heritage</strong><br />

<strong>Foundation</strong>, Inc. - to preserve and conserve the visible legacy of<br />

<strong>150</strong> years. To this end, the SHFI will always work hand-in-hand<br />

with the parishioners in conserving our legacy.<br />

Let us not stop with <strong>150</strong> years of celebration. Padayon ta sa<br />

paglig-on sa atong parokya pahinungod ngadto sa atong Makagagahum,<br />

ug ilalom sa pagsagop ni Señor San Isidro Labrador. Magtinabangay<br />

kitang tanan sa pagpalambo sa atong Kristohanong<br />

pagtuo ug pag-amoma sa atong parokya.<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

From the<br />

Board of Directors and Members<br />

<strong>Siquijor</strong> <strong>Heritage</strong> <strong>Foundation</strong>, Inc.

The Parish Speaks . . . a compilation of personal connections, reflections and/or<br />

recollections of the San Isidro Labrador Parish by Lazi parishioners from different walks of life. Feedback<br />

was either written or collected via interviews. Written responses (in English and/or Bisaya) are<br />

published “as is” without editing.<br />

Niadtong Mayo 15, 2007 pista sa Lazi. Nanuroy me sa simbahan kauban sa akong amiga,<br />

dayon mesulod me sa simbahan ug nag-ampo para magpasalamat, dayon nanagkot me sa<br />

kilid sa simbahan. I’m very proud Parish Day so much. Bisan talagsa rako makaanha sa simbahan,<br />

mubisita gyud ko ug panalagsa kay love nako ang Parish Day. Dili gyud nako makalimtan<br />

ang Parish Day forever.<br />

- Maeshel C. Lo-oc, IV-Platinum, Kinamandagan High School<br />

Nag eskwela ko sa Lazi Provincial High School 1984. Gipapanilhig mi sa kumbento duha ka<br />

oras. Gipa-snack pod mi ug saging pagkahuman. Diha ko naka first communion sa simbahan.<br />

Sukad niadto, nakita ko nga na-improve jud ang atong simbahan ug kumbento.<br />

- Adelina Balios, Tindera, Simaculong, Lazi<br />

Since when I am in Nursery 2 - Grade V, I studied in St. Isidore The Farmer Catholic School.<br />

I was so happy that I studied there because they teach us about the Parish Church. The also<br />

teach us about Jesus. Happy <strong>150</strong>th years Parish Church.<br />

- Joanne Mae H. Agan, Grade VI, Tignao Elementary School<br />

Katoliko man ko. Daghan tag makat-unan sa atong relihiyon. Makahatag ug maayong pagtulun-an<br />

ug makahugot sa atong pagtuo kabahin sa atong Gino-o.<br />

- Eleazar Maghanoy, Medicare Ambulance Driver, Nagerong<br />

I am not a Catholic person but I believe also to God. Because God was powerful and he can<br />

solve our problems. I thank to the grace of God and to help us to our fault. Congratulations of<br />

Parish. Thank you.<br />

- Gleezel Mae Parami, 3 rd Year, Po-o High School<br />

Kining simbahan lami kayo og limpio pa kaayo. Lami gyod balik-balikan og simba og Happy<br />

Birthday diha sa simbahan sa Lazi og nalipay god ko nga hing abot og <strong>150</strong> years.<br />

- Nionilo O. Alaya-ay, Grade VI, Tagmanocan Elementary School<br />

Ang atong parukya ay big and clean. Birthday party ang atong parukya ay miabut og <strong>150</strong><br />

years.<br />

- Dionito D. Bahungsua, Jr, Grade V, Capalsanan Elementary School<br />

I am a catolic. The catolic parish give ma a faithfulness and give me a trust in my life<br />

- Marlon L. Taborada, 3 rd Year, Po-o High School<br />

Gikan sa Lazi Central School nga kami nag-escuela mohapit kami sa ilalum sa convento aron<br />

manguha ug gillete (sharpener) kay daghan mang biya sa pari nga among magamit sa pagtalinis<br />

sa lapis. Dinhi ako kasla ug mass wedding mga 120 ka partisan ang tanang gikasal adtong<br />

panahuna. Ang pari si Padre Vicente. Sadya mi kaayo. Mahinumdom pod ko diin kami<br />

mag-flores nga taga-an kami ug ticket kon madaghan na bansilian ug pan.<br />

- Anita M. Montoya, Teacher, Gabayan Elementary School<br />

. . . continued on page 24<br />


16<br />

Schedule of Novena Masses and Pilgrims<br />

July 30, 2007 - August 7, 2007<br />

5:00 PM<br />

Date (2007) Pilgrims Choir<br />

July 30 Tignao Tignao<br />

July 31 Gabayan Gabayan<br />

August 1 Catamboan / Tigbawan Catamboan<br />

August 2 Simacolong / Nagerong Simacolong<br />

August 3 Kinamandagan / Cangclaran Kinamandagan<br />

August 4 Po-o / Cangomantong Po-o<br />

August 5 Tagmanocan / Capalasanan Tagmanocan<br />

August 6 Religious Movements BSBCG<br />

August 7 Religious Organizations CFC A & B<br />

Date (2007) Activity<br />

Program of Activities<br />

July 30, 2007 - August 8, 2007<br />

July 30 - August 8 Daily Novena Masses (5:00 PM)<br />

August 7<br />

August 8<br />

Part I<br />

Part II<br />

Part III<br />

Part IV<br />

Part V<br />

• Open House SHFI Museum (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM)<br />

• Presentation of the Detailed Engineering Studies<br />

(after the mass)<br />

• Fireworks Display (7:00 PM)<br />


Parade (8:00 AM)<br />

High Mass (9:30 AM)<br />

Blessing of the new Comfort Room<br />

Lunch at Lazi Social Center (11:00 AM - 12:30 PM)<br />

Cultural Presentations (1:00 PM)

Parish Day Celebration Working Committees<br />


Chair : Rev. Fr. Leonardo L. Tan<br />

Vice-Chair : Mr. Fletcher Gumahad<br />

Members : Dr. Concepcion A. Aljas Mrs. Salvacion D. Jumawan<br />

Mr. Lyndon Duhaylungsod Mrs. Myrna B. Ondo<br />

Mrs. Teofila Dumam-ag<br />



Chair : Mrs. Anita Montoya Chair : Rev. Fr. Leonardo L. Tan<br />

Vice-Chair : Mrs. Salvacion Jumawan Vice-Chair : Mrs. Myrna Ondo<br />

Members : Mrs. Victoria Acacio Members : Dr. Concepcion A. Aljas<br />

Ms. Ester Alaya-ay Ms. Castora Dag-uman<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Dongon Mrs. Teofila Dumam-ag<br />

Mrs. Asteria Dueñas Mr. Fletcher Gumahad<br />

Mrs. Remedios Soliveres<br />


Chair : Mr. Charlie Malhin Chair : Mr. Jovenioso Looc<br />

Vice-Chair : Mr. Regino Jumawan Vice-Chair : Mr. Lydio Ligutom<br />

Members : Mr. Fletcher Gumahad Members : Mrs. Brenda Bation<br />

Mr. Igmedio Pastoril Mrs. Linda Vios<br />

GSK Presidents Knights of the Altar<br />

PNP Personnel Ministry of Readers<br />


Chair : Mr. Amado Dumam-ag (local) Chair : Mrs. Pura Jumadla<br />

Vice-Chair : Ms. Ester Alaya-ay (international) Vice-Chair : Mrs. Chonita Blancio<br />

Members : Mrs. Muriel Baroro Members : Ms. Ester Alaya-ay<br />

Mrs. Fe Cortes Mrs. Lilia Balanay<br />

Mrs. Remedios Soliveres Mrs. Rosebeth Gumahad<br />

Mr. Fermin Olarita<br />

Mrs. Josephine Saplot<br />


Chair : Lyndon Duhaylungsod : NCCA & SHFI staff<br />

Member : Leo Mamicpic<br />


Chair : Mr. Lydio Ligutom Chair : Mrs. Rowena Vidad (Church)<br />

Member : SHFI Members Member : Mr. Gelio Mera (Social Center)<br />


Chair : Mr. Dionie Cortez Chair : Mrs. Godofreda Yuag<br />

Vice-Chair : Mr. Crespo Vios Vice-Chair : Mrs. Rejane Monte<br />

Members : Mr. Robert Molato Members : Mrs. Concepcion Magsayo<br />

GSK Presidents Dadie Malicay<br />

Lay Ministers All GSKs<br />

SIFCS Faculty/Students<br />

SERVERS :<br />

Mrs. Victoria Acacio Mrs. Rosita Agan Mrs. Leizelda Aragon<br />

Mrs. Elodesa Aso Mrs. Charlyn Balagtas Mrs. Maribel Camingawan<br />

Mrs. Rita Delgado Mrs. Jeanette Dimagnaong Mrs. Roselyn Jerusalem<br />

Mrs. Alie Jean Lacre Mrs. Moisesa Looc Mrs. Lyn Rufila<br />

Mrs. Fe Samson Mrs. Josephine Saplot<br />


18<br />

1998<br />

Bro. Roger Salac<br />

Religious Organizations / Movements<br />

120<br />

June 22, 2003<br />

1984<br />

Sis. Myrna B. Ondo<br />

22 / 6<br />


GSK - Gagmayng Simbahanong Katilingban As of August 8, 2007<br />


20<br />

God’s Love and Blessings<br />

to all the Faithful of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

as you<br />

Celebrate your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

We pray for your success in attaining your theme:<br />

“Journeying in Strengthened Faith<br />

Through Established Basic Ecclesial Communities<br />

Working Towards Social Transformation.”<br />

Prayerful Greetings and Congratulations<br />

from<br />

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Candelario O. Catubig, E.V., H.P.<br />

Parish Priest<br />

St. Francis of Assisi Parish<br />

<strong>Siquijor</strong>, <strong>Siquijor</strong>

Warm Greetings<br />

for a<br />

Blessed <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labradro Parish<br />

From<br />

Gov. Orlando “Shane” & Mrs. Grace Fua, Jr.<br />

and son<br />

Tingting<br />


22<br />

Remembering with fondness and gratitude<br />

the efforts of those who labored<br />

for the establishment and growth of<br />


thru the last <strong>150</strong> years of its existence.<br />


The Late Engr. Desiderio S. Aljas Sr.<br />

Dr. Concepcion A. Aljas<br />

and Family<br />

Dodong - Fe & children<br />

Butchoy & John Daveson<br />

Inday Mae - Alvin & Sionna<br />

Angging - Filmore & children<br />

Buddy - Marites & children<br />

Randy - Norma & children<br />

Gigi - Ating & children

The St. Isidore the Farmer Catholic School<br />

San Isidro Labrador Convent, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

wishes the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

a<br />

Blessed <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Our Love & Prayers to all the Faithful<br />

Congratulations On your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings from<br />

Joven & Moisesa T. Looc<br />

and children<br />

Mel Marga She-Ann<br />


The Parish Speaks . . . a compilation of personal connections, reflections and/or recollections<br />

of the San Isidro Labrador Parish by Lazi parishioners from different walks of life. Feedback was either<br />

written or collected via interviews. Written responses (in English and/or Bisaya) are published “as is” without<br />

editing.<br />

Parish: a) It adds knowledge/learning to the people about religious works. b) It gives love,<br />

peace and guidance for the unity. c) It keeps us spiritually healthy. Happy <strong>150</strong>th Parish Day<br />

Celebration.<br />

- Eugene Gumisad & Neri Colong, Teachers, Cangclaran Primary School<br />

The Parish made me closer to God. The Parish made me good.<br />

- Vince Nemesius M. Guarino, Grade VI, Lazi Central School<br />

I will great the birthday of Parish in Lazi. It’s so very beautiful and very big. It’s so many people<br />

to pray the God of Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador.<br />

- Parlie A. Lingo-lingo, Grave V, Capalasanan Elementary School<br />

Akong maingon sa atong simbahan ay bisag naignon na siya og gubaon dili dapat natong kay<br />

dili nata makagama og ingonana nga simbahan kay ginama na gikan sa kasingkasing sa<br />

atong mga katigulangan. Ang akong nahunahunaan na og dili tungod sa simbahan ako gagamasigahapon<br />

ko og sala hangtud sa hangtud. Tungod sa simbahan monang makabalo ko sa<br />

angay og dili angay nga buhaton.<br />

- Jelly Jovie M. Baldong, Grade VI, Lazi Central School<br />

Parish is the important of my life because it will make a big faith for our God. Og nakatabang<br />

usab nato sa hugot na paghigugma og pagtuo sa Dios / sa Ginoo. It help improvement in my<br />

life.<br />

- Jimallo Y. Bation, 3 rd Year, Po-o High School<br />

I so very happy for parish day in <strong>150</strong> years.<br />

- Danielle M. Ocao, Grade IV-Jasmine, Simacolong Elementary School<br />

For me, Parish day is a time for uniting people where in they will be showing love and thanks<br />

to the Supreme being.<br />

- Ma. Lualhati H. Tumapon, Teacher, Kinamandagan Elementary School<br />

Last December 26, we went to Lazi Parish. In Lazi Parish, there are so many people, saints<br />

and beautiful flowers. Then after praying, we eat our lunch. After eating we played hide and<br />

seek. My cousins and I urinate in the back. Then we climb the big mango tree then we play apsanay.<br />

My cousin is fall down. I am so very happy. Congratulations for Lazi Parish in <strong>150</strong><br />

years.<br />

- Preslie L. Bulaybulay, Grade VI, Tagmanocan Elementary School<br />

I can say about our parish is they give a good manners. They decipline the children also in<br />

Flores de Mayo. They teach about our Saints. They read and explain what happen to the<br />

Saints. I am very happy because they decipline me and I realize what I am doing. Our church<br />

is so very old but it is beautiful to look at.<br />

- Aireen G. Arong, Grade VI, Lazi Central School<br />

Magtinabangay ang mga parokyano ni San Isidro Labrador alang sa kalambuan sa parokya.<br />

- Clarita G. Padayhag, Head Teacher I, Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

. . . continued on page 41<br />


Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Lazi Parish Day Celebration - <strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

God Bless Us All!<br />

Greetings from<br />

Jonathan & Wennilyn Fua<br />

Francine<br />

Nathan<br />

Elk Grove, California<br />


26<br />

With pride and honor, we join you<br />

in the <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary celebration of our parish.<br />

Such a wonderful feeling to be a part of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish.<br />

Jovencio & Felisa Monte Family<br />

Wala na uy laing higayon nga kitang Lazihanon magarbohon mo saulog sa<br />

ika <strong>150</strong> years Parish Day Celebration. Naka-abot kita karon sa okasyon<br />

nga dili na nato masubli sa atong panahon. Ang atong mga kaliwat na<br />

maoy mag-gahin ug panahon sa sumosunod nga mga tuig gikan karon.<br />

Malipayong adlaw sa atong pagsaulog sa Parish Day <strong>150</strong> th year celebration!<br />

Gikan sa familia sa mipahulay nang ginikanan<br />

Domingo ug Francisca Arcamo<br />

Catamboan, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong>

Lazi Parish Day Celebration - <strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

We’re so blessed to be a part of this milestone anniversary.<br />

We need to nurture, love and respect our parish for it to<br />

continually grow for generations to come.<br />

God Bless!<br />

Warm Greetings from<br />

Vincent and Virgie Vios<br />

Gerard Vincent, son<br />

Elk Grove, California<br />


28<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary Celebration<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Greetings from:<br />

Hon. & Mrs. Evacueto L. Siong Sr.<br />

and family<br />

Engr. & Dr. Levy P. Siong (Vietnam)<br />

Joshua, Justine & Jasmine<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon P. Siong (California)<br />

James Kelmer<br />

Engr. & Mrs. Omer P. Siong (UAE)<br />

Eyah & Alek<br />

Mr. Cyril & Mrs. Philna P. Siong Palongpalong (Lazi)<br />

Kay & Choie<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Evacueto P. Siong (Dodong) Jr. (London)<br />

Sophie<br />

Ms. Sophia Therese P. Siong (Dumaguete)

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Birthday<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

from<br />

Barangay TIGNAO<br />

Wilmor A. Ligutom, Kapitan<br />

Marites M. Boncales, Secretary<br />

Brigida M. Santos, Treasurer<br />

Dibelyn S. Luntayao, SK Chair<br />

Kagawad<br />

Alan L. Agan<br />

Patricio B. Jumawan<br />

Albert J. Lumingkit<br />

Bobby E. Luntayao<br />

Norberto P. Sierras Jr.<br />

Elma S. Sumagang<br />

Garry L. Sumondong<br />

Come one! Come all!<br />

Let us make this celebration<br />

a truly meaningful and a memorable one.<br />

Hon. Raymark B. Dalaygon<br />

Congratulations on the<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of the San<br />

Isidro Labrador Parish.<br />

Greetings from the<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fice of the Provincial Assessor<br />

Capitol, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Norma B. Duazo<br />

Prov’l. Assessor<br />

Winson D. Bation<br />

Asst. Prov’l. Assessor<br />

STAFF<br />

Juliet Bagotchay Albin Roel Baroro<br />

Gaudiosa Caliso Marchel Gahob<br />

Cherry Jumalon Leweline Maglinte<br />

Melva Pactol Jeneath Samson<br />

Reggie Zennia Ymbol<br />


Parish Day Greetings<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

30<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

Congratulations!<br />

From the<br />

Sta. Barbara Parish<br />

Campalanas, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Rev. Fr. Aniceto Gutierez<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th<br />

Parish Day Celebration<br />

to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

San Roque Parish<br />

Banban, <strong>Siquijor</strong>, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Rev. Fr. Clifford Buhian<br />

Parish Priest<br />

Our Best Wishes to the St. Isidore the Farmer<br />

Parish as it celebrates its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

Congratulations!<br />

Greetings from the<br />

LGU - <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Province of <strong>Siquijor</strong>

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mr. Danny & Lilibeth Daug<br />

Children<br />

Danny Don Gerone Dan Divina Grace<br />

Congratulations to the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish!<br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>150</strong> years is a<br />

testimony of your strong faith in<br />

God and your steadfastness to the<br />

ideals of Señor San Isidro Labrador.<br />

Mabuhay!<br />

Loret & Ima Batiancila<br />

Daro, Dumaguete City<br />

God Bless Us All!<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th<br />

Parish Day Celebration<br />

to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Lazi Rural Health Unit<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


32<br />

Among kinasingkasing nga pasalamat<br />

ug<br />

pahalipay kanimo<br />


sa imong pagsaulog<br />

sa ika-<strong>150</strong> ka tuig nga kasumaran<br />

uban kanamong tanang nga Lazihanon<br />

nga nagmahal ug nagpangga kanimo.<br />

Guikan kanamo:<br />

Lola Aming Sierras<br />

Hon. Remegio Sierras<br />

Pening J. Sierras

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Simacolong Elementary School Teaching Staff<br />

Simacolong, Lazi<br />

Your theme is very convincing and<br />

interesting and I hope that your celebration<br />

will be successful. Regarding<br />

your theme, it is very great because it<br />

concerns the strengthening of faith<br />

through establishing ecclesial communities.<br />

Thank you for the invitation<br />

and<br />

God Bless You.<br />

Mrs. Aida A. Hagiwara<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Mr. Victoria C. Acacio, Principal<br />

Mrs. Victoria A. Arcamo, Grade I<br />

Mrs. Elisa J. Eleccion, Grade 1<br />

Mrs. Genevieve C. Pacarat, Grade II<br />

Mrs. Reggie Cora Bongcawel, Grade IV<br />

Mrs. Vellesa C. Largo, Grade IV<br />

Mrs. Fe M. Samson, Grade V<br />

Mrs. Rosalyn Jerusalem, Grade V<br />

Miss Arlene L. Fua, Grade III<br />

Mrs. Concesa P. Cutad, Grade VI<br />

Mrs. Arlene U. Saquindel, Grade III<br />

Mrs. Rose B. Arcamo, H.E.<br />

Congratulations<br />

On your<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary.<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings from<br />

Ernesto & Evangeline Kho<br />

with grandson Lance.<br />

New Kho’s Marketing, Real St., Dumaguete City<br />


34<br />

Among dakong pasalamat sa atong<br />


Uban usab niini ang kinasingkasing nga pahalipay<br />

sa inyong pagsaulog sa ika-<strong>150</strong> ka tuig nga kasumaran.<br />

Guikan sa Pamilyang Soliveres.<br />

Al & Ma. Theresa Soliveres<br />

Joe Marie<br />

Albert<br />

Bob & Bebs Soliveres<br />

Angeline<br />

Joseph Bob

Greetings to the Parishioners of<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

in the Celebration of its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

From the<br />

Department of the Interior and Local Government<br />

Crespo B. Vios, Jr.<br />

LGOO V<br />

Zosilito C. Ligutom<br />

LGOO V<br />

Judy A. Armirola<br />

LGOO II<br />

(DILG)<br />

Dominica K. Lacuesta<br />

Provincial Director<br />

Lydio M. Ligutom<br />

Asst. Provincial Director<br />

Kenneth S. Kilat<br />

LGOO V<br />

Martin Faustino L. Gabas<br />

LGOO V<br />

Vanisa R. Fua<br />

LGOO II<br />

Adela B. Baroro<br />

AC III<br />

Democrita M. Largo<br />

CEO II<br />

Serafin S. Albon, Jr.<br />

Driver I<br />

Ruth G. Gubantes<br />

Clerk II<br />

Elvie S. Gaudan<br />

LGOO II<br />

Chester O. Gumalo<br />

LGOO V<br />

Ma. Theresa S. Boca<br />

LGOO V<br />

Sheryl Theresa E. Sabolboro<br />

AC III<br />

Julio Y. Ponce<br />

Utility Worker I<br />

Karen C. Lañohan<br />

LFOO II<br />

Edsel B. Ligutom<br />

RMO I<br />


Parish Day Greetings<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

36<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

Congratulations!<br />

From the<br />

Barangay Sang Birhen<br />

Choral Guild<br />

(BSBCG)<br />

Lazi Chapter<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gil T. Panganoron<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Our Best Wishes to the St. Isidore the Farmer<br />

Parish as it celebrates its <strong>150</strong> th Day<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Faculty, Staff & Students<br />

of the<br />

Republic of the Philippines<br />


Region VII, Central Visayas<br />


Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Jose Chiquito M. Mahinay<br />

Acting Vocational School Administrator

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Metro <strong>Siquijor</strong> Water District<br />

<strong>Siquijor</strong>, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Congratulations On your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings from<br />

Dr. Archibald Inso<br />

&<br />

Dra. Gay L. Inso<br />


38<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary to our Parish!<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings from:<br />

Mrs. Felomina Omandam Partosa<br />

(Manang Mina)<br />

Buntod, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

To<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Melvin & Vanisa Fua<br />

Frances & Melissa

In behalf of the Maria community,<br />

I wish the San Isidro Labrador parishioners<br />

much happiness in celebrating the<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of their parish<br />

this 8 th day of August, 2007.<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

God Bless!<br />

Rebecca B. Padayhag<br />

Maria Municipal Mayor<br />


40<br />

Maayong Adlaw sa atong Parokya <strong>150</strong> years!<br />

“Ang tawong di kahibalong molingi sa iyang gi-gikanan<br />

Dili makaabot sa iyang padulngan.”<br />

Greetings from:<br />

Director Nonoy Ligutom & Family<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

FROM<br />

Barangay Cangomantong<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Kapitan Rio B. Duhaylungsod<br />

Kagawad<br />

Pablo L. Atig Rufino Calunsag<br />

Olympio Daniel Bernard Daque<br />

Remegio Gumahad Francisco Sumalpong<br />

Inocencio D. Ymbol<br />

Secretary Elsie A. Lumingkit<br />

Treasurer Yolanda O. Ymbol<br />

SK Chair Jerry Lapinig

The Parish Speaks . . . a compilation of personal connections, reflections and/or<br />

recollections of the San Isidro Labrador Parish by Lazi parishioners from different walks of life. Feedback<br />

was either written or collected via interviews. Written responses (in English and/or Bisaya) are<br />

published “as is” without editing.<br />

It plays a vital role in the formation of my spiritual life. I consider the parish as one of the pillars<br />

of our country because without it we cannot find happiness and peace.<br />

- Joel E. Pabinguit, SST-1, Po-o High School<br />

Ang kumbinto lami kaayo taas. Tua nagapuyo ang padre si father Tan og kauban niya ang<br />

mga liminister. Dinha pod sila maga meeting. Ang simbahan lami pod kay limpiyo lami kaayo<br />

tan-awon. Bisang kanang kalsada limpiyo pod kay naa may manilhig sa kalsada. Binayran<br />

ang maga limpiyo. Ang kumbinto sa Lazi maoy dakong kumbinto. Lami pod og dekorasyon<br />

ang simbahan kung nay kasal bisag walay kasal. Og naa poy mga langgam na kulansyang tua<br />

sila na gapuyo. Nalipay ko na hing-abot og <strong>150</strong> years na sila.<br />

- Jewelyn M. Tambuli, Grade VI, Tagmanocan Elementary School<br />

The parish is beautiful and pretty. The church is many people and many children. Im going to<br />

the parish. I am happy and my family is very happy. Thank you God.<br />

- Maricar R. Lumacad, Grade V, Capalasanan Elementary School<br />

The church of Lazi is special for me, I hope that more birthdays to come. You continue to tell<br />

the works of Jesus to the people. You’re the confidence of all people in Lazi and other place<br />

that are people going to pray and share their problem. And I know Jesus is good and sharing<br />

of all the time.<br />

- Jona Mae Tabodlong, IV-Platinum, Kinamandagan High School<br />

The <strong>150</strong>th Parish Celebration has much meaning in my life. It is in this parish where I was<br />

baptized, married and for sure the very place where I will be buried. Living in Lazi has taught<br />

me how to live, laugh and love life.<br />

- Anastacia S. Bagundol, Master Teacher II, Tignao Elementary School<br />

For me Parish is very special. 1) sa parish church ko nabunyagan, 2) dinhi mi gisiminar<br />

pagka sacristan, 3) dinhi pod mi gisiminar pag apostoles last April, 4) dinhi mi unang hingsayaw<br />

adtong gipasayaw mi ni Padre Fontihon last August 8.<br />

- George Dominic Magsayo, 3 rd Year, Po-o High School<br />

Ang atong simbahan ang kinakaraanan sa tibuok <strong>Siquijor</strong>. Ang akong nakat-onan sa atong<br />

simbahan mao ang pagtudlo nila og maayong batasan, pagpangadye, pagsalig sa Ginoo og<br />

pag choir.<br />

- Oula Mae G. Duhaylungsod, Grade VI, Lazi Central School<br />

Dako nakong kalipay nga gipaabot pa ug <strong>150</strong> ka tuig.<br />

- Mrs. Zosima Siong, Retired Teacher<br />

What made me remember the parish and convent? The place seems to be memorable to me because<br />

thats the place where I was baptized and I received my first holy communion.<br />

- Adela B. Reyes, Teacher II, Gabayan Elementary School<br />

. . . continued on page 60<br />


42<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

FROM<br />

Barangay Catamboan<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Kapitan Jose Albert S. Aclao<br />

Kagawad<br />

Uldarico A. Baldado Fritzie D. Balikig<br />

Odelon L. Baliquig Meddie C. Bongcawel<br />

Salvacion L. Jumawan Anna Liza G. Pacuribot<br />

Carmelo A. Yuag, Jr.<br />

How blessed we are to be counted<br />

in this <strong>150</strong> th anniversary of Saint<br />

Isidore the Farmer Parish. We salute<br />

our forefathers who helped<br />

establish our parish and helped<br />

build two valuable structures more<br />

than a hundred years ago.<br />

MABUHAY!<br />

Quijada - Dumam-ag Family<br />

Stephen - Vernaliza and Sophia Lauren<br />

Sharon Shiela<br />

Sherwin Sperryjun<br />

and<br />

Mama Lalang<br />

Secretary Merced M. Baroro<br />

Treasurer Nancy O. Tipanero<br />

SK Chair Marlon Brando D. Rabanes<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong> and Going Stronger<br />

Let The Bells Ring!!!<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Heartfelt Greetings from<br />

Peter & Lilia Navera

Mabuhay!<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />


Dinsay-Hangad Cooperative Relatives<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


1. Joaguina Dinsay<br />

2. Emeliano Dinsay<br />

3. Francisco Dinsay<br />

4. Liceria Dinsay<br />

5. Benita Dinsay<br />

6. Nemesia Dinsay<br />

7. Baldomero Dinsay<br />

8. Godofredo Dinsay<br />

9. Eduardo Dinsay<br />

10.Teodorico Dinsay<br />

11. Ariston Largo<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Erlinda B. Aso Claire M. Guarino<br />

Marie Genevieve E. Calunod Chester O. Gumalo<br />

Mardenia V. Felices Marie Luce V. Jumadla<br />

Julito D. Gallegos Estela Lynn B. Ligutom<br />

Alley A. Regalado<br />

<strong>Of</strong>ficers<br />

President Lyndon A. Ligutom<br />

Vice- President Al Anthony D. Aljas<br />

Secretary Marlon C. Omandam<br />

Treasurer Philna S. Palongpalong<br />

Auditor Janet O. Aso<br />

PRO Hazell Junah G. Calunod<br />


44<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

FROM<br />

Mrs. Corazon Valesco Padayhag<br />

&<br />

Family<br />

Casa Parroquial de Lacy, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Blessings to the Lazi Parishioners<br />

on your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish.<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador!<br />

Greetings from<br />

Hon. Andre Jesu E. Cortes<br />

Vice-Governor, Province of <strong>Siquijor</strong>

Blessings<br />

on your<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Tomogsoc<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

God takes possession of us<br />

only in the measure that we give<br />

ourselves to HIM.<br />

Happy Greetings<br />

on the <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish.<br />

Anne Mariae Celeste V. Jumadla<br />

L.L.B, B.S. Chemistry<br />

Patent Attorney, Patent Agent, Registered Chemist<br />

Congratulations!<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

We wish to greet our fellow parishioners<br />

a joyous and meaningful<br />

<strong>150</strong> th anniversary celebration.<br />

More Power!<br />

Ivan & Inday Marchan<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


46<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

St. Isidore The Farmer<br />

From the family of<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Bernardo L. Paglinawan, Sr.<br />

Yowman (boy) & Ionne P. Uymatiao (New York, USA)<br />

Dodong Ben & Angie Paglinawan (Banawa, Cebu City)<br />

Nonoy & Yvette P. Maglinte (Laguna, Dumaguete City)<br />

Brian & Mercy Paglinawan (Dublin, Ireland)<br />

Ilene D. Paglinawan (London, UK)<br />

Cesar & Ilex P. Divinagracia (London, UK)

Congratulations<br />

to the<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

for holding its<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

We wish you success in attaining<br />

your chosen theme<br />

Mabuhay and Godspeed!<br />

Department of Agriculture<br />

Lazi LGU<br />


48<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />

FROM<br />

Cyril Tumimbang Pal-ing<br />

Maria, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Blessings on your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings From<br />

the MONDA family<br />

Hugh Ana<br />

Mary Ann Debie Ann<br />

Bridgette<br />

Lower Cabangcalan, Lazi

Happy Greetings to St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

on its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

From the<br />

Gabayan<br />

Elementary School<br />

Faculty & Staff<br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings to the Lazi Parishioners on your<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of the San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

From the ENSONG Family<br />

Aurea vde de Ensong<br />

Amelito & family<br />

Nonilo & family<br />

Gerry & family<br />

Leonard & family<br />

Jonnie & Elsa Alvarado<br />

Yoyoy & Sonia Lumingkit & children<br />


50<br />

Mabuhay!<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary Celebration<br />


Sean Michael Fua Azucena<br />

AND<br />

Enrico Fua Azucena<br />

Vienna, Austria

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

How fortunate we are to be a<br />

part of the <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Celebration of our Parish. Let us<br />

all rejoice in the name of the<br />

Father, the Son, and the Holy<br />

Spirit!<br />

Greetings from the children of Simplicio & Remedios O. Mamicpic<br />

Ester, Noel, Celia, Verna & Leo<br />

Malipayong <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

Panghinauton nga ang mga sumo-sunod nga<br />

kabataan makasinati si inyong celebrasyon.<br />

Fedelina Arong & children<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />


52<br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador!<br />

Greetings from the Partosa-Brown Family<br />

Nicole, Belen, Mike, Samantha, and Nathan<br />

Elk Grove, California

It is with pleasure that I greet the Lazi Parishioners on their <strong>150</strong> th<br />

anniversary as an independent parish. Your accomplishments all<br />

these many years is a tribute to your enduring and ever-growing<br />

faith.<br />

God bless you all now and into the next century.<br />

Mabuhay!<br />

Dr. Josefa R. Limbaga<br />

Pathologist, Silliman Medical Center<br />

Special Greetings<br />

On your <strong>150</strong> th Parish Anniversary<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

From<br />

Joje and Libby F. Tulod<br />

Children:<br />

Jennifer Louise Joshua Anthony<br />


54<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Yuag Families<br />

Alex & Perla Yuag<br />

Arturo & Amor Yuag & children<br />

Inday Pina Yuag‐Generoso & children<br />

Jesse, Minas, Jason, Erika & Edrienne Yuag<br />

Nenito & Evan Yuag & Harriette<br />

Wilmer, Jewelyn, John, Farah, Eli Yuag‐Calunod<br />

Aboy & Lilia Yuag & children<br />

Clyde, Chloe & Cassie Yuag

Viva San Isidro Labrador!<br />

Among Patron!<br />

Congratulations on your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

From the GENEROSO family.<br />

Mama Pina Generoso<br />

Rey Generoso<br />

Myrell, Marrisa, Samantha & Miko Generoso<br />

Ray, Merlyn & Rhea Generoso-Pakilit<br />

Marlon Generoso<br />

Happy Parish Day St. Isidore!<br />

You’re <strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong>!<br />

and<br />

Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary<br />

to<br />

Daddy Arsen & Mommy Tioning Pakilit<br />

Greetings from:<br />

Pierre, Violeta, Katrina, Karla & Kylien Pakilit<br />

Peniel Ray, Merlyn & Rhea Mae Pakilit<br />

Jojo Pakilit<br />


56<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

August 8, 1857 - August 8, 2007<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong>!<br />

We are blessed to be a part of this<br />

historic event.<br />

May the Good Lord Bless and Keep Us All!<br />

Greetings from<br />

the children of<br />

The late Antonio Caliso Alaya-ay<br />

&<br />

The late Tita Bongcawel Alaya-ay<br />

Mrs. Zenaida A. Maghanoy<br />

Ms. Emilia B. Alaya-ay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Elpidio M. Sumaylo & family<br />

Ms. Ester B. Alaya-ay<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Regalado B. Alaya-ay & family

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings From<br />

Chief Mate & Mrs. Mario Monte<br />

Luigi Monte, son<br />

Krsytal Mae Monte, daughter<br />


Parish Day Greetings<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

58<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

Congratulations!<br />

From the<br />

Jumawan Family<br />

Rey Antonio & Locil<br />

Roy Augustine & Dinah<br />

Dhonne Augustine<br />

Reycil<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

“Ang matuod nga iglesia mao kadtong iglesia<br />

nga nanglagbas na sa mga katuigan ug namunga<br />

ug mga balaan.”<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Tignao Elementary School<br />

Teaching Staff<br />

Greetings from<br />

the family of the late Oscar Yuag<br />

Mira Yuag<br />

Merli & Dominador Frontal & children<br />

Marjorie & Aaliyah Yuag<br />

Elinita & Imok Sivillano & children<br />

Marinet & Nonilo Yuag-Ensong<br />

Rosalyn "Allen" Yuag<br />

Mr. Hilario R. Abrigana<br />

Principal<br />

Mrs. Rosita H. Agan<br />

Mrs. Anastacia S. Bagundol<br />

Mrs. Lilia E. Balanay<br />

Mrs. Marivel S. Camingawan<br />

Mr. Ronie L. Duhaylongsod<br />

Mrs. Josephine S. Saplot<br />

Mrs. Cristina C. Sierras

Viva San Isidro Labrador Parish!<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Year Anniversary!<br />

May harmony & peace rule our hearts & minds in our daily lives.<br />

Live and Let Live!<br />

Edsel & Maribel Ligutom & family<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Engr. & Mrs. Dexter G. Paglinawan<br />

Dickenson<br />

Dexson<br />

Retxed<br />


The Parish Speaks . . . a compilation of personal connections, reflections and/or<br />

recollections of the San Isidro Labrador Parish by Lazi parishioners from different walks of life. Feedback<br />

was either written or collected via interviews. Written responses (in English and/or Bisaya) are<br />

published “as is” without editing.<br />

When I went to Lazi last Sunday, I saw the church and the convent and the ground was clean.<br />

Near the church, I saw a beautiful girl and I don’t know what’s her name. Happy Lazi Parish<br />

Day!<br />

Bernard A. Cabanlit, 4th Year, Kinamandagan High School<br />

The parish, through the church has been the solid rock upon which my enduring Christian<br />

faith rests. Nurtured by the living examples of my parents thru their prayerful lives, this abiding<br />

faith in God has been a legacy from past generations.<br />

Concepcion Aljas, Retired Gov’t. Employee, Buntod, Lazi<br />

Ang petsa Agosto 8 maoy buhing hulagway sa paghandom sa matag tuig tungod kay mikunsat<br />

man ang maayong balita sa kaluwasan sa katawhan dinhi sa lungsod sa Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong>. Niining<br />

adlawa natukod ang parokya sni San Isidro Labrador, diin nahimong modela sa mga<br />

mag-uuma nga magsubay sa dalan nga matarong sa panginabuhi. Viva San Isidro Labrador.<br />

Gavina O. Caducoy, Pensioner, Lazi<br />

Isip usa ka parokyano nga nanginabuhi sa pangisda among namatikdan sa dili pa moadto sa<br />

lawod paasohan ang mga pukot ug sakayan. Kasagaran sa adlaw’ng Domingo, ang asawa ra<br />

ang mosimba kay ang bana nagpadayon sa pagpanagat. Panahon sa bagyo, linog ug ubang<br />

katalagman, mangadye usab ug magrosaryo.<br />

Rita C. Borongan, Fish Vendor, Gabayan, Lazi<br />

Isip parokyano ni San Isidro Labrador, ako mapasigarbohon na nahimong kabahin niining<br />

madasigong pundok. Luyo sa atong mga tawhanong kakulangan, malaumon ako nga sa pangama<br />

ni San Isidro Labrador masulbad nato ang mga problema.<br />

Joel Besin, negosyante, Catamboan, Lazi<br />

Dinha ko mo samba usahay. Nalipay ko na hingabot sila og <strong>150</strong> years. Dinha ko mo dagko<br />

kong birth day na nako.<br />

Ronelyn A. Caliso, Tamanocan Elementary School<br />

I am proud to be a member of the Saint Isidore Parish!. May the good Lord bless all of our<br />

endeavors so that we will prosper as his people. Happy Anniversary.<br />

Ivan Marchan, Gov’t. Employee, Catamboan, Lazi<br />

In last Jun 18 I went to the Lazi church to mass. After praying I play in the ground. I see many<br />

big trees and beautiful flower. I congrates that the Lazi Parish is <strong>150</strong> year.<br />

Danny T. Fabugais, Jr., Grade VI, Tignao Elementary School<br />

Ang relehiyong katoliko ay makahatag og dakong paglaom kanato ilabi na ang hustisya og<br />

kinahanglan natong respitohon ni og hatagan ug maayong pagtagad.<br />

Clark Calunod, 3rd Year, Po-o High School<br />

60<br />

. . . continued on page 79

God - Love, always active, calls us and awaits our response. Together<br />

with our children - Celeste, Christie, Joannes and Dominic, we celebrate<br />

joyfully with fellow parishioners<br />

the <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of St. Isidore Parish!<br />

Warm Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Teodoro G. Jumadla, Jr. & famly<br />

Happy<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

From<br />

Donald & Eve Marie Guirit<br />

and family<br />

Liloan, Maria<br />

Congratulations!<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings from<br />

Hon. Leonardo Acain<br />

SP Member, 2 nd District<br />

Province of <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


62<br />


for <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary Celebration of<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

From the<br />

BORONGAN family<br />

Jefry & Marissa<br />

Bonnie Francis<br />

Jeff Dominique Jemarie Fraunz<br />

Cebu City, Cebu

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day<br />

to the Lazi Parishioners<br />

Warm Greetings From<br />

Ruthelia Labaco, Ph. D.<br />

and<br />

Family<br />

Ayungon, Negros Oriental<br />


Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

64<br />

Congratulations<br />

on its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Prayers & Greetings<br />

from<br />

Kinamandagan<br />

Elementary School<br />

Teaching Force<br />

Kinamandagan, Lazi<br />

Prayerful Wishes for a successful <strong>150</strong> th Parish<br />

Day Celebration of St. Isidore the Farmer<br />

Parish in Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />

Greetings from<br />

Nene & Pablo Baliquig<br />

Tignao, Lazi<br />

Our expression of gratitude and happiness, as San<br />

Isidro Labrador Parish of Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong> reaches its<br />

<strong>150</strong> th anniversary, are beyond the bounds.<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Noel A. Ondo and family

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

&<br />

Congratulations<br />

to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mae Cherrobeth B. Gumahad<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mrs. Isidra Omandam<br />

Congratulations to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Prayerful Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daryll Cayongcong<br />

Cangbasa, Larena, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Greetings from the family of<br />

Elpedio & Brigida L. Arcamo<br />

Catamboan, Lazi<br />


66<br />

Happy Greetings on the <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

from the

Congratulations!<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

Warm Greetings From<br />

Dr. Gaudencio R. Dueñas, Jr.<br />

Dra. Elma G. Dueñas<br />

and children<br />

Earnest Miguel Patricia Gael Niña Terace<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />


68<br />

Warm Greetings To The<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parishioners<br />

On Your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary Celebration<br />

From<br />

Mr. Ariel Abner R. Dueñas<br />

Mrs. Karen P. Dueñas<br />

and son<br />

Nick Luis<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador

Viva San Isidro Labrador Parish!<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Year Anniversary!<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Department of Social Welfare & Development<br />

Ma. Fe K. Patelona<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Year Anniversary!<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Engr. Maricor June B. Ligutom<br />

Parish baptismal record books dating back to 1870s<br />


70<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day<br />

From the<br />

<strong>Of</strong>fice of the Municipal Civil Registrar<br />

Lee Hines Lumacad-Largo<br />

Municipal Civil Registrar<br />

Edna B. Caliso<br />

Civil Registry Clerk<br />

Congratulations on the <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Kenichi Wada & Jinky Presiados<br />

Catambaon, Lazi

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

Greetings<br />

to all<br />

Lazi Parishioners!<br />

Arturo P. Pacatang<br />

SP Member, 1 st District<br />

Province of <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

It is with great pleasure that I extend my warm<br />

felicitations and congratulations to St. Isidore the<br />

Farmer Parish as they complete another year of generous<br />

service filled with countless blessings and success.<br />

I am especially grateful this parish has come to<br />

initiate contacts with certain communities in the<br />

Diocese of Dumaguete, manifesting the society’s<br />

sincere desire to reach out to communities and be a<br />

companion in people’s journey towards human development<br />

and social progress.<br />

It is my prayer this parish will continue to grow<br />

in this light and give of itself through its members<br />

with generosity, so that God’s love may shine<br />

through them and whose lives they touch may give<br />

glory and praise to God!<br />

May God continue to bless the noble mission of<br />

the St. Isidore the Farmer Parish and may its presence<br />

be manifested throughout the land!<br />

In the Holy Spirit who directs our steps,<br />

Romeo R. Lumingkit, Kapitan<br />

Barangay Tagmanocan, Lazi<br />

Greetings and<br />

Happy Parish Anniversary - <strong>150</strong> years!<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Restituta Gumalo<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

& family<br />


72<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Marchan family<br />

Myrna, Ernesto & Mary Grace<br />

Archer & family<br />

Junie & Bebe<br />

Jocelyn<br />

Christopher<br />

Blesila Tinai & family<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Happy Parish Day<br />

Gagmayng<br />

Simbahanong<br />

Katilingban<br />

Gikan ni<br />

Rev. Fr. Victor Fontejon<br />

Congratulations to the Lazi Parishioners<br />

on the<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mayor Gold & Elvie Calibo<br />

Larena, <strong>Siquijor</strong>

Happy Greetings<br />

to the<br />

Lazi Parishioners<br />

on the<br />

Celebration<br />

of the<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

greetings from<br />

Ma. Dolores (Dolly) & Feliciano (Toto) Lumbang<br />

Sofia, daughter & Alex, son.<br />

Elk Grove, California<br />


74<br />

To All Lazihanons<br />

Happy Parish Day<br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> <strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

of<br />

<strong>Christianity</strong><br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador!<br />


Daday Partosa and Mike Bleckley<br />

Rocklin, California

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

Congratulations on your<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

Greetings from<br />

Ric & Lydith Tan<br />

and sons:<br />

John Riel<br />

Ric Michael<br />

Helen, Larena<br />

Happy Anniversary to<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

on its <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration.<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Lazi Community E Center<br />

Hon. Dicken Paglinawan<br />

Manager<br />

Staff Members<br />

Kim Pastoril<br />

Ian Aso<br />

St. Isidore <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

with the theme, “St. Isidore the Farmer<br />

Parish: Journeying in Strengthened Faith<br />

through Basic Ecclesial Community Working<br />

Towards Social Tranformation.”<br />

Congratulations on your <strong>150</strong> th year!<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador!<br />

Greetings from<br />

Bro. Monching & Sis Norma Taroc<br />


76<br />

Happy Parish Day Celebration<br />

From the Maria Municipality<br />

Hon Vito T. Magdalan<br />

Vice-Mayor<br />

SB Members<br />

Hon. Menard R. Asok Hon. Diosdado C. Daug<br />

Hon. Orlando D. Fernando Hon. Cayetano M. Malolot<br />

Hon. Ronald Guy B. Magpiong Hon. Meinard Mark Magsayo<br />

Hon. Jaime A. Parami Hon. Salome T. Tiguman<br />

Hon. Nelson V. Catian<br />

ABC President<br />

Parish Day Greetings<br />

Viva Señor San Isidro Labrador<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong><br />

Congratulations!<br />

Mr. Dionie D. Bongcawel<br />

Mrs. Jovita T. Bongcawel<br />

and children<br />

James Lester<br />

Jerald Junn<br />

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Hon. Ray M. de la Peña<br />

SK President<br />

“Do not regret growing older. It is a<br />

privilege denied to many.”<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration to<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from the<br />

Teaching Sfatt<br />

of<br />

Dapdap Elementary School<br />

Lower Cabangcalan, Lazi

We enjoin one and all<br />

to participate in<br />

the pilgrimage in<br />

3 golden faith anniversary<br />

for<br />

Social Transformation.<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

FROM<br />

Fr. Ralph L. Sumagang<br />

&<br />

Po-o Basic Ecclesial Community<br />


78<br />

Congratulations<br />

To<br />

St. Isidore The Farmer Parish<br />

as it celebrates its<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />


Campalanas, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong>

The Parish Speaks . . . a compilation of personal connections, reflections and/or<br />

recollections of the San Isidro Labrador Parish by Lazi parishioners from different walks of life. Feedback<br />

was either written or collected via interviews. Written responses (in English and/or Bisaya) are<br />

published “as is” without editing.<br />

Congratulations! As we celebrate may we promote love and peace. More so, may this celebration<br />

unite us as we desire for progress. Its not a matter of how much we spend for the celebration<br />

but how we mend it.<br />

- Archi M. Abellana, 4 th Year Adiviser, Kinamandagan High School<br />

Ang relihiyong katoliko atong respito-on kay kana ang gipasunod sa atong mga katigolangan.<br />

Bisag dili ko katoliko akong gimahal ug girespito and simbahang katoliko og dili ra ang simbahang<br />

katoliko kon dili ang tanan na simbahan og relihiyon. Dili nato yaga-yagaan ang simbahang<br />

katoliko kay pareha ra na sa ubang simbahan og relihiyon na gato-o og Gino-o.<br />

- Mark Neal Tacang, 3 rd Year, Po-o High School<br />

The Katholic church in Lazi is the bigger church in <strong>Siquijor</strong>. It was the oldest church in this<br />

place. Happy birthday in <strong>150</strong> th celebration.<br />

- Madylan Bim Alimudin, Grade V, Capalasanan Elementary School<br />

Our church is very old, so we should take care of it. It is like a bridge for me to communicate<br />

with God. In that place, I found who is God. It helps me to do good things. When I am in the<br />

church, I feel I’m safe with God our savior. Happy <strong>150</strong>th Anniversary. More Power!<br />

- Retxed Fe L. Paglinawan, Grade VI, Lazi Central School<br />

I hope that Jesus will continue to give their grace to the Paris Church of Lazi. HAPPY BIRTH-<br />

DAY PARIS CHURCH FOR <strong>150</strong> YEARS.<br />

- Megene Jasdoce, IV-Platinum, Kinamandagan High School<br />

Happy Birthday Lazi Forest diha ko nagsugod og simba ang pari adto sa una padre pontihon.<br />

Pachada kaayo na. It also clean and green, it also so many trees. And now the father is father<br />

tan. And father pontihon is a good pari. It also now father tan he is good. Father tan is many<br />

joke. Og gapailog pod na padre tan og kwarta. God Bless.<br />

-Joemar B. Malhin, Grade VI, Tagmanocan Elementary School<br />

Ang atong simbahan mao ang pinakatigulang na simbahan sa tibuok <strong>Siquijor</strong>. Adtong ga suroy-suroy<br />

mi sa tibuok simbahan sa <strong>Siquijor</strong> and simbahan ni San Isidro Labrador mao ra ni<br />

ang salog na kahoy. Kining simbahana, ang mga Espanyol pa gagama niani. Anang maga<br />

Flores de Mayo mi, ako nalipay na mahiduol ko sa Ginoo. ..<br />

- Melody Anne O. Aso, Grade VI, Lazi Central School<br />

Mga kaayohan sa mga katawhanong Catoliko.<br />

- Leonardo Yuag, driver, Nagerong, Lazi<br />

For me this parish is so meaningful because three of my kids were baptized here. And I can<br />

still recall my 4 year old son climbed in the upper portion of the church together with a bigger<br />

boy. I was so terrified on that time because some of the floor were already destroyed. I<br />

shouted, and prayed hard that they can come down safely.<br />

- Esterlina S. Sumalpong, Teacher II, Gabayan Elementary School<br />

�����<br />


Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day<br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />

from<br />


Municipal Mayor<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


POEA LIC 035-LB-020907-R<br />

Engr. Orpheus A. Fua<br />

President & General Manager<br />

XTAZI Audio & Lights<br />

POEA LIC 035-LB-020907-R<br />

Engr. Orpheus A. Fua<br />

Proprietor<br />


82<br />

Congratulations to the <strong>150</strong> th Existence<br />

of<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

from the<br />

Faculty & Staff of<br />

<strong>Siquijor</strong> State College - Lazi Campus<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Mr. Marcelino C. Oro ............................ Instructor I / Campus Director<br />

Miss Ma. Lloyd B. Oro............................ Registrat<br />

Meljhoven Louise L. Looc........................ Training Specialist II<br />

Mr. Gilio B. Mera...................................... Training Specialist II<br />

Mr. Amelito D. Ensong ............................ Training Specialist II<br />

Mr. Erwin G. Calunsag............................. Training Specialist II<br />

Mr. Relly T. Macadildig, Jr.. ............... Training Specialist II<br />

Mr. Renato F. Aba ................................... Driver / Welding Trainer<br />

Mrs. Avelina B. Patria............................. Utility Worker<br />

Mr. Florencio A. Omandam.................... Carpenter / Maintenance<br />

Mr. Manuel D. Yu, Jr............................. Security Guard I<br />

Mr. Maximo Catubay, Jr.. ..................... Security Guard I<br />

Mr. Jonathan A. Villas............................ Security Guard I<br />

Ms. Asuncion M. Bugtay ......................... School Canteen In-charge (Volunteer)<br />

The absorption of <strong>Siquijor</strong> State College - Lazi Campus from <strong>Siquijor</strong> State College<br />

- Larena Campus per Board of Trustees Res. No. 22 S.2006 approved/dated<br />

August 10, 2006 is a joint venture between LGU of Lazi, Provincial Government<br />

of <strong>Siquijor</strong>, Congressional Lone District of <strong>Siquijor</strong> and Technical Education and<br />

Skills Development Authority (TESDA).

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Warm Greetings<br />

from<br />

Sultan Mini Mart<br />

Hon. Dale Dimagnaong<br />

Proprietor<br />

Xycaine Drug Store<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Berlin Laure<br />

Proprietors<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

To The Parishioners of<br />


Warm Greetings from<br />


Catamboan, Lazi<br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />

Felicitations on your<br />

<strong>150</strong> <strong>Years</strong> of <strong>Christianity</strong><br />

From<br />

DAVAL Motor/Parts<br />

Levi C. Daval<br />

Proprietor<br />

Proprietors:<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Elpedio (Peping) D. Largo<br />


84<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

J-Mark Store<br />

and<br />

Jalmark Houseware<br />

Proprietor<br />

Shirley Ligutom Engr. Judy Ligutom<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Parish Greetings!<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Birthday of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

from<br />


Route 6, Daro, Dumaguete City<br />

Owned by:<br />

Engr. & Mrs. Carlos C. Sumagang<br />

Tignao, Lazi


From:<br />

Dr. Edgardo D. Apolinar, President & Owner<br />

Joe S. Clarion, Manager<br />

Staff & Personnel<br />

Princesa Bulakna Resort<br />

Candaping B, Maria, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Dumaguete: (035) 225‐1036<br />

www.princesabulakna.com bulaknaresort@yahoo.com<br />


86<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

GSAM Enterprises<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Proprietor<br />

Glen Samson<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day<br />

from<br />

Great ACAS Internet Café<br />

No. 60 Dr. Marciano Rd.<br />

Dumaguete City<br />

Email & Web Search<br />

Proprietors<br />

Arnulfo G. Acacio<br />

Briar Cris C. Acacio<br />

Victoria C. Acacio<br />


Joins the entire Parish of St. Isidore the<br />

Farmer in celebrating its <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day.<br />

Congratulations!<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Danilo Borongan & family<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi

Happy Greetings<br />

on the Celebration of the<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary of the<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />


Propietors<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Restituto P. Sierras<br />

and family<br />

Rosie Robert RJ<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />


88<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Romulo Dandoy & Family<br />

Catamboan, Lazi

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />


Agrivet & Motor Parts<br />

All kinds of animal feeds and motor parts.<br />

Wholesaler & Retailer where prices are lowest.<br />

Proprietor/Owner<br />

Engr. Arvic Leo C. Acacio<br />

Mrs. Ellit C. Acacio, wife<br />

Aldrick Rinehart Acacio, son<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day!<br />

Greetings from<br />

Westfa Clothier & Store<br />

14 Nov 1957 - 14 Nov 2007<br />

<strong>Celebrating</strong> our Golden Anniversary!<br />

Amado O. Dumama-ag, Sr.<br />

Proprietor<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />


90<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Wish for aJoyous Celebration!<br />

Greetings from<br />

NoyNoy’s Eatery<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Proprietor<br />

Gaga Luchum Besin<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

From<br />

L-RHEXA<br />

General Merchandise<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

The LACRE family<br />

Reynaldo Jr. Alie Gean<br />

Rhea Blanch<br />

Rex Jason<br />

Mabuhay!<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

on its <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

from<br />

Jaireen’s Bakeshop<br />

Oven Fresh Breads, Cakes, Cookies & Pastries.<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

(035) 482-0138 0910-688-4286

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

from<br />

M/V <strong>Siquijor</strong> Island<br />

ORLINE Sea-Land Transport, Inc.<br />

Ticketing Schedule<br />

Effective 01 July 2007<br />

MONDAY 6:00 AM - 8:00 AM (Plaridel Trip)<br />

8:00 AM - 9:00 PM (Iligan Trip)<br />

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Pier)<br />

THURSDAY 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Iligan Trip)<br />

7:00 PM (Pier)<br />

FRIDAY 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM (Dumaguete Trip)<br />


NOTE: First Come, First Serve! NO RESERVATIONS.<br />

Sailing Schedules<br />


Lazi MON 8:00 AM Plaridel MON 11:00 AM<br />

Plaridel MON 3:00 PM Lazi MON 6:00 PM<br />

Lazi MON 10:00 PM Iligan TUE 6:00 AM<br />

Iligan TUE 5:00 PM Lazi WED 12:00 MN<br />

Lazi THU 10:00 PM Iligan FRI 6:00 AM<br />

Iligan FRI 5:00 PM Lazi FRI 12:00 MN<br />

Lazi SAT 6:00 AM Dumguete SAT 9:30 AM<br />

Dumaguete SAT 5:00 PM Lazi SAT 8:30 PM<br />

Ticketing <strong>Of</strong>fice: ........8:00 AM - 7:00 PM JENOSHANISE, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

Ticketing Booth: .........7:00 PM - 9:00 PM Lazi Pier<br />

Call for info: ..............(035) 482-0058 or 0921 278 2392 (Ging-ging)<br />

Freight Reservation: ...0910 311 6814 (Tatay Igming)<br />


92<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Vernie Mar Fua & Family<br />

and<br />

Kyron Computer Sales & Supplies<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

DEALER OF:<br />

Affordable and Quality<br />

• Computer Units (Desktops & Laptops)<br />

• Computer Parts & Accessories<br />

• Printers (ribbon, inkjet, DeskJet, LaserJet)<br />

• Ink & Ribbon Cartridges<br />

• Faxes, Photo Copier & digital Camers<br />

• School & <strong>Of</strong>fice Supplies

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration!<br />

Greetings from<br />

Cakes Bread Pastries<br />

Peanut Products Grocery Items<br />

and what have you. . .<br />

C a t a m b o a n, L a z i, S i q u I j o r<br />

(035) 482-0051 0920 447 9814<br />

Parish Greetings!<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Birthday of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

from<br />


Province of <strong>Siquijor</strong> Electric Cooperative, Inc.<br />


is the way we care!<br />

Board of Directors, Management, Staff<br />

and Associates<br />

Nonoc, Larena, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

(035) 481-5087 (035) 377-2065 (telefax)<br />


94<br />

Congratulations to San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

on your <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

Greetings from<br />

Northland Electrical<br />

and<br />

General Supply<br />

Proprietor<br />

Noraliza & Andrew Baguio<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />

Parish Greetings!<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Birthday of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

from<br />

JOBERT<br />

Transportation<br />

and<br />

General Store<br />

Proprietor:<br />

Erlyn Dumam-ag<br />

T I g b a w a n, L a z i

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day<br />

Viva San Isidro Labrador<br />


of<br />



96<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

Prep I Prep II<br />

Nurserette Nursery

Our Best Wishes to the Parishioners of the<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

on its <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day Celebration<br />

from<br />

FIRST<br />


BANK<br />

<strong>Siquijor</strong> Branch<br />

<strong>Siquijor</strong>, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />

For your financial needs, visit or call us.<br />

(035) 244-2005 (035) 344-2003<br />

Parish Greetings!<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Birthday of St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

from<br />


Proprietors:<br />

Caruso & Democrita Fua<br />

Tigbawan, Lazi<br />


98<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Parish Day<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

Greetings from<br />

XCOMP<br />

Computer Sales & Service<br />

R. Duterte St. corner V. Rama Avenue<br />

Guadalupe, Cebu City<br />

Dealer of quality & affordable:<br />

Computer Equipment, parts & accessories<br />

Desktop & Laptop computers<br />

Printers, Faxes & Photo copier<br />

Digital Cameras, LCD projectors<br />

Home appliances<br />

School & <strong>Of</strong>fice supplies<br />

Also offers services for any computer related problems.<br />

Owned & Managed by:<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Uy & Family<br />

children:<br />

Clyde Ryan<br />

Christelle Ann<br />

Carrel Joy

Congratulations<br />

to the<br />

St. Isidore the Farmer Parish<br />

for celebrating its<br />

<strong>150</strong> th Anniversary!<br />

Greetings from<br />

Lazi Catholic Center<br />

Lazi, <strong>Siquijor</strong><br />


100<br />

Happy <strong>150</strong> th Anniversary<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish<br />

from the following supporters:<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Filmore Castillon<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Duhaylungsod<br />

Hon. Emely B. Gom-os (SP Member)<br />

Mr. & Mrs Joemarie L. Gran<br />

Mrs. Mardeliza B. Jaictin<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Floro B. Jumawan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Ibong Jumawan<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Calunod Jumawan<br />

Mr. Eddie Monte<br />

Ms. Alma Oliveros<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Arsenio Omandam<br />

Police Station - Lazi<br />

NICARM c/o Carmelina Baguio<br />

Mr. Steven J. Sumaylo<br />

Telecom<br />

Lilia F. Yuag

San Isidoro Labrador<br />

1070 - 1130<br />

Isidore was born to very poor yet very pious Catholic parents<br />

in Madrid, Spain. His parents were unable to support him<br />

when he was a youth and sent him to work for a wealthy landowner,<br />

John de Vergas (He ended up working for him for the<br />

rest of his life).<br />

He married a very religious woman named Maria Torribia (also known as Maria<br />

de la Cabeza). She, like Isidore became a saint. They had one son who died<br />

unexpectedly as a child. Their grief inclined them to believe their son’s<br />

death to be a sign from God and consequently vowed to live a life of perfect<br />

continence.<br />

Isidore frequented Holy Mass every morning but often reported to work late.<br />

Late, though, his plowing was nevertheless accomplished by angels that resulted<br />

in three times more productivity. His coworkers and his boss witnessed<br />

such miraculous events and accorded Isidore with great respect.<br />

St. Isidore loved the poor and loved the animals. The miracle of the multiplication<br />

of food occurred when Isidore fed a flock of starving birds and on another<br />

time when Isidore shared his food with a large group of beggars.<br />

Isidore died May 15, 1130 at 60 years of age and was canonized in 1622 along<br />

with four very notable Spanish saints. The group, known as “the five saints”,<br />

included St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Teresa of Avita, St. Francis Xavier, St. Phillip<br />

Neri and St. Isidore. His body has been found incorrupt. His memorial is<br />

celebrated on May 15th on the Roman Calendar.<br />

St. Isidore is known as the patron of Madrid, Spain as well as Leon, Saragosa,<br />

and Seville. He is also considered the patron of farmers, peasants, day laborers,<br />

and rural communities. Lastly, he is the patron of the United States National<br />

Rural Life Conference.<br />

Summarized and adapted from:<br />

1. Leonard Foley, O.F.M., Editor, “Saint of the Day: Lives and Lessons for Saints and<br />

Feasts of the New Missal”<br />

2. 2. Joan Carroli Cruz, “Secular Saints: 250 Canonized and Beatified Lay Men, Women,<br />

and Chidlren”<br />

(Reference: http://www.savior.org/saints/isidore.htm)<br />


Desktop Publishing: Leo Mamicpic Front/Back Cover Photos: Faisal Mamicpic-Alih<br />

Printing: Concept Printing Services San Jose Street, Dumaguete City, Oriental Negros 6220<br />

102<br />

San Isidro Labrador Parish Convent (1894) A National Cultural Treasure of the Philippines

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