BUS 518 (Project Management Leadership) Entire Course

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<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> (<strong>Project</strong> <strong>Management</strong><br />

<strong>Leadership</strong>) <strong>Entire</strong> <strong>Course</strong><br />

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<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> (<strong>Project</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong>) <strong>Entire</strong> <strong>Course</strong><br />

<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> Assignment 1 A Peaceful Evacuation- Building a Multi-<strong>Project</strong> Battalion by Leading<br />

Upward<br />

Read the case study titled “A Peaceful Evacuation: Building a Multi-<strong>Project</strong> Battalion by Leading Upward.”<br />

before starting this assignment.<br />

Write a 3-5 pages paper in which you:<br />

Describe the leadership style that Lieutenant Colonel Yaron exhibited as the commander of a battalion for<br />

theevacuation operation. Provide three (3) examples of his leadership actions and behavior. Discuss the<br />

pros and cons in each example you describe to support the response.<br />

Analyze the leadership style that Lieutenant Colonel Daniel exhibited as he took center stage to lead this<br />

complex military operation. Provide three (3) examples of his leadership actions and behavior, assessing<br />

the pros and cons in each example you describe to support the response.<br />

Compare and contrast the leadership styles of Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel.<br />

Provide three (3) examples of the similarities and differences between these project leaders, and discuss<br />

how each leader might address contemporary leadership issues and challenges in Israel today.<br />

Discuss Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant Colonel Daniel interrelationship using Jung theory and<br />

the four (4) personality traits. Provide three (3) examples of how Lieutenant Colonel Yaron and Lieutenant<br />

Colonel Daniel personality and leadership style might enhance or hinder team performance for the<br />

complex military operation in this case study.<br />

Your assignment must:<br />

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides;<br />

citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any<br />

additional instructions.<br />

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the<br />

course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required<br />

assignment page length.<br />

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Apply the concepts of project leadership to implement sound leadership practices and effectively lead<br />

high-performance teams in a project environment.<br />

Determine the most appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, consultative, participative, or delegative)<br />

in a projectenvironment to effectively manage the project.<br />

Analyze the project team using Jung theory and the four personality traits to understand human behavior<br />

and motivate team members<br />

Use technology and information resources to research issues in project management leadership.<br />

Write clearly and concisely about project management leadership using proper writing mechanics.<br />

<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> Assignment 2 Wooden’s Pyramid of Success & <strong>Project</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Leadership</strong><br />

In the current business world, team projects are commonplace. This assignment will use John Wooden’s<br />

Pyramid of Success, its different facets, how it relates to project management leadership, and how it is<br />

fulfilled in different circumstances. Visit this site dedicated to him to retrieve the information.<br />

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:<br />

Describe the extent to which John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success fits today’s business environment after<br />

reflecting on your own organization or one that you have observed. Provide three (3) examples to support<br />

the response.<br />

Typify your leadership style, and provide three (3) examples of how your own temperament, motivation<br />

pattern, thinking styles, character, expectations, and leadership philosophy relate to or contrast themes<br />

discussed in John Wooden’sPyramid of Success.<br />

Analyze John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success and identify the aspects with which you agree and disagree.<br />

Provide a rationale for each aspect.<br />

Create a new Pyramid of Success model based on your analysis of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success,<br />

and provide a rationale for each aspect or step of this new model.<br />

Using either the coaching philosophy of John Wooden’s Pyramid of Success or your own newly designed<br />

Pyramid ofSuccess model, develop a step-by-step strategy that self-directed project team members may<br />

use to adapt to any project-related crisis.<br />

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:<br />

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides;<br />

citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any<br />

additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the<br />

course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required<br />

assignment page length.<br />

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:<br />

Analyze the interests, temperaments, motivation patterns, and thinking styles to effectively motivate<br />

project team members.<br />

Determine the most appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, consultative, participative, or delegative)<br />

in a projectenvironment to effectively manage the project.<br />

Use technology and information resources to research issues in project management leadership.<br />

Write clearly and concisely and project management leadership using proper writing mechanics.<br />

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and<br />

language and writing skills. Click here to access the rubric for this assignment.<br />

<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> Assignment 3 Developing a Missile, The Power of Autonomy and Learning<br />

Read the case study titled ‘Developing a Missile: The power of Autonomy and Learning’ Before starting<br />

this assignment.<br />

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:<br />

1. Formulate a one (1) paragraph vision statement for the team project as project leader for the<br />

Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile program.<br />

2. Analyze key actions that Terry Little took to foster higher levels of performance, and<br />

recommend, in retrospect, a new course of action for a comprehensive organizational change as if<br />

you were in his position.<br />

3. Describe the fallacies, consistencies, and inconsistencies that emerged from Terry Little’s<br />

leadership tactics, geared toward inspiring the team to greater heights. Construct an argument for how<br />

you would have acted differently than Terry Little and support the position.<br />

4. Recommend at least three (3) strategies to the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile program<br />

management team with a view to improving its operational performance. Provide three (3) specific<br />

examples to support the response.<br />

<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> Assignment 4 Building of Memory<br />

Read the case study titled ‘Building of Memory: Managing Creativity through Action’ before starting this<br />

assignment.<br />

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:<br />

1. Suggest three (3) specific change management techniques that Shimon Kornfield should have<br />

used in order to manage the morale of the team assigned to the Yad Vashem memorial site project.

2. Outline the essential steps that Shimon Kornfield could have taken in order to endure that all<br />

team members learned of any proposed changes. Provide the rationale and justification for each step<br />

outlined.<br />

3. Assess the criticality of the timing of communication in the success of the Yad Vashem<br />

memorial site project. Support the response with three specific examples.<br />

4. Assume that two (2) key members of the team were replaced during the executing phase of<br />

the Yad Vesham memorial site project due to family crises. Discern actions Shimon Kornfield could<br />

take in order to establish trust and gain credibility with the remaining project participants.<br />

<strong>BUS</strong> <strong>518</strong> Assignment 5 – Organizational Change and Personal <strong>Leadership</strong> Development Plan<br />

Read the case study titled “A Successful Downsizing: Developing a Culture of Trust and Responsibility”<br />

before starting this assignment<br />

Write a 7-9 Page paper in which you:<br />

Describe specific practices that successful project managers apply in exercising their leadership and<br />

management roles overall.<br />

Evaluate Judy Stokley’s level of success in developing a culture of trust while implementing her<br />

drawdown planas Eglin Air Base’s new Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) program<br />

director. Provide three (3) specific examples to support the response.<br />

Indicate three (3) key learning and behavior modification strategies that Judy Stokley used in order to<br />

address AMRAAM’s organizational problems and gain the trust of project team members. Provide three<br />

(3) specific examples to support the response.<br />

Analyze three (3) actions that Judy Stokley took in order to change the project team’s culture and create a<br />

relationship of trust, mutual support, and teamwork between the government and contractors. Support the<br />

response with three (3) specific corresponding examples.<br />

Create a personal leadership development plan for Judy Stokley so that she may be eligible for future<br />

promotions to leadership roles beyond program director. The plan should, at a minimum, focus on<br />

promoting keyleadership behaviors, designate specific strategies to promote a higher level of<br />

performance relative to the position, and specify actions that Judy could take to promote the AMRAAM<br />

culture in her new role.<br />

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:<br />

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides;<br />

citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any<br />

additional instructions.<br />

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the<br />

course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required<br />

assignment page length.<br />

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:<br />

Apply the concepts of project leadership to implement sound leadership practices and effectively lead<br />

high-performance teams in a project environment.

Determine the most appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, consultative, participative, or delegative)<br />

in a project environment to effectively manage the project.<br />

Apply successful leadership practices to inspire and encourage teams through shared vision, purpose,<br />

and commitment, and set high expectations to promote a higher level of performance.<br />

Develop productive relationships with project participants to gain the trust of project team members and<br />

build the personal credibility required for effective leadership.<br />

Use technology and information resources to research issues in project management leadership.<br />

Write clearly and concisely about project management leadership using proper writing mechanics.

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