GED 210 Unit 2 Examination Answers

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<strong>GED</strong> <strong>210</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 2 <strong>Examination</strong><br />

<strong>Answers</strong><br />

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<strong>GED</strong> <strong>210</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> 2 <strong>Examination</strong> <strong>Answers</strong><br />

1. One goal of anthropological linguistics is to determine the number of phonemes<br />

(phoneticstructure) that exist in different languages. This goal is accomplished by employing the use<br />

of:<br />

minimal pairs<br />

phone taps<br />

maximal differences<br />

syntax units<br />

2. The word “lower” contains:<br />

two bound morphemes<br />

two bound phonemes<br />

two free morphemes<br />

one bound morpheme and one free morpheme<br />

3. The words “boy” and “girl” are:<br />

bound phonemes<br />

bound morphemes<br />

free morphemes<br />

bound phones<br />

4. An example of a bound morpheme in English is:<br />

the phrase “boys will be boys”<br />

the word “boys”<br />

the word “boy”<br />

the “s” in the word “boys”<br />

5. How many morphemes are there in the English word “antidisestablishmentarianism”?<br />

1<br />

6<br />

28<br />

0<br />

6. The goal of ethno semantics is to understand:

that reality is inherently unorganized and can be perceived in any way; thus, color<br />

naming, plant classification, and time categories are completely arbitrary<br />

the meanings of words, phrases, and sentences and how members of other societies use<br />

language to organize things, events, and behaviors<br />

that languages and behavior are the same<br />

that classification systems in all societies are random<br />

7. Linguistic anthropologists find that people who are forced to abandon their native language<br />

and culture:<br />

begin to lose their self-esteem<br />

all speak English<br />

are better off socially and economically<br />

easily regain both in 100 years<br />

8. The concept of ____________ maintains that societal change occurs when societies borrow<br />

cultural traits from one another.<br />

functionalism<br />

structuralism<br />

evolutionary dispersal<br />

diffusionism<br />

9. The body of anthropological theory concerned with the spread of technology, religion,<br />

economic systems, art forms, and other expressions of culture is known as:<br />

idealism<br />

particularism<br />

functionalism<br />

diffusionism<br />

10. Grafton Eliot Smith and William Perry, major figures associated with the school of British<br />

diffusionism in the early 20th century, proposed that:<br />

each culture has a key personality type<br />

a culture can only be interpreted in the context of its own historical development<br />

culture’s principal function is establishing institutions to guide behavior<br />

all aspects of civilization are derived from the culture of ancient Egypt<br />

11. In order for diffusionism to work as envisioned by the British and German schools, adherents<br />

had to assume or maintain all of the following ideas except:<br />

some peoples were not sufficiently innovative to develop their own cultural traits<br />

inherent inferiority of different non-western peoples was assumed<br />

cultural traits that were diffused were part of the technological dimension of the society<br />

cultural traits in the same geographical region would inevitably spread from one society to<br />


12. One of boas’ principal criticisms of nineteenth century anthropologists was that:<br />

they failed to make use of archaeological evidence for pre-literate societies<br />

their theories were based on “armchair anthropology” and not their own fieldwork<br />

there was too much cultural relativism in their interpretations<br />

they failed to assign adequate importance to biological effects on culture<br />

13. According to Franz Boas, in order to conduct a historical particularist study of a society, one<br />

must adopt the notion of ___________, or the belief that each society should be understood in terms<br />

of its own cultural practices and values.<br />

particular evolution<br />

cultural relativism<br />

lagged diffusionism<br />

functionalism<br />

14. During your lifetime you will probably be a member of two families, the family of orientation<br />

(the family into which you were born and enculturated) and the family of __________ (the family in<br />

which you will have or adopt children).<br />

acculturation<br />

deculturation<br />

procreation<br />

life<br />

15. Which of the following is not a function of the family?<br />

nurture and enculturation of children<br />

regulation of sexual activity<br />

protection and support for members<br />

regulation of statuses, roles, and gender<br />

16. A typical ____________ family consists of two parents and their immediate biological offspring<br />

or adopted children.<br />

basic<br />

atomic<br />

extended<br />

nuclear<br />

17. Marriage within the same social group or category is __________, while __________ is<br />

marriage between people from different social categories or groups.<br />

incest; outcest<br />

endogamy; exogamy<br />

in-marriage; out-marriage<br />

monogamy; polygamy

18. From a female perspective, you will be a daughter and possibly a mother and wife. As such,<br />

you assume what are called __________ roles that correspond to these different status positions.<br />

family<br />

social<br />

gender<br />

temporary<br />

19. The relationship between age and status is an anthropologically interesting subject. Which of<br />

the following statements concerning age and status is correct?<br />

Since age is biologically determined, the statuses attached to each age category are the same<br />

in every culture around the world.<br />

The elderly occupy a high level of status in all societies.<br />

Anthropologists doing cross-cultural research have found that age does not influence status;<br />

statuses are either ascribed at birth or earned during one’s lifetime, and they donot change even if one<br />

ages.<br />

Anthropologists have found that age stratification varies in accordance with the level of<br />

technological development; the elderly have relatively high status in many preindustrial societies, but<br />

experience a loss of status in most industrial societies.<br />

20. “Fission” and “fusion” in hunting and gathering societies refer to:<br />

hazards of contacts with the industrialized world<br />

cyclical change in population density relative to resources<br />

decision-making processes used by tribal leaders<br />

the dynamics of wild plant resources<br />

21. Hunting and gathering societies will sometimes resort to infanticide in order to:<br />

engage in more frequent intercourse<br />

supplement scarce hunting resources<br />

reduce the effects of anticipated food shortages<br />

make sacrifices to tribal gods<br />

22. Which of the following would not have the effect of lowering fertility?<br />

marriage at an older age<br />

weaning babies at an older age<br />

practicing infanticide<br />

an earlier onset of menarche<br />

23. The most likely reason why hunter-gatherer technology is limited to simple tools made of<br />

stone, wood, and bone is because foraging peoples:<br />

lack the basic intelligence necessary to make anything more complex<br />

are too busy looking for food to spend time on more advanced tools<br />

have not acquired knowledge of more sophisticated technologies<br />

substitute profound knowledge of their environment for complex tools<br />

24. The principal technology used for obtaining plant foods by tropical foragers is the:<br />

boomerang<br />

blowgun and darts

polished stone axe<br />

digging stick<br />

25. The _________ produced the most extensive material culture found among hunting and<br />

gathering societies.<br />

Kung San<br />

Eskimo<br />

Shoshone<br />


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