Namaskar - Apr09

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Yoga 101<br />

Yogic Remedies for<br />

Digestive Problems<br />

Deva Biswas<br />

Hypoacidity<br />

...insufficient salivary<br />

enzymes and gastric<br />

acid cause stunted<br />

digestion.<br />

16<br />

This issue we are going to talk about<br />

some common digestive problems<br />

and ways to handle these through<br />

yoga. Hyperacidity and hypoacidity are more<br />

commonly known as indigestion.<br />

Indigestion occurs when food starts<br />

fermenting in the stomach. It is actually a<br />

sign of failing digestive power.<br />

Hypoacidity occurs when insufficient salivary<br />

enzymes and gastric acid cause stunted<br />

digestion. This can happen when a person<br />

eats in a rush without chewing properly, eats<br />

with anxiety, has too much water during a<br />

meal, eats when they are not hungry, or does<br />

not set a fixed time for proper meals. It can<br />

also occur when there has been long-term<br />

liver and intestinal abuse.<br />

Hyperacidity is the other extreme. Even<br />

when the stomach is empty the gastric acid<br />

still accumulates in the stomach because the<br />

taste buds and salivary glands are too active.<br />

This situation can lead to the development<br />

of gastritis and peptic ulcers. Over eating,<br />

poor diet, smoking and drinking wine can<br />

cause hyperacidity, gastritis and peptic ulcers.<br />

People suffering with this kind of<br />

indigestion should avoid the factors causing<br />

the indigestion. It’s good to start the<br />

treatment with proper fasting or a fruit diet<br />

followed by easily digested light food<br />

(sattvic) with no oil or spices. Further<br />

treatments can include enemas, hipbaths or<br />

wet abdominal packs. Kunjala kriya are also<br />

recommended with breathing exercises,<br />

meditation and yoga nidra.<br />

Indigestion usually occurs when the navel is<br />

displaced towards the lower side. Patients<br />

should practice the sequence of uttanasana,<br />

dhunruasana, chakraasana, and matsyasana<br />

to readjust their navel to the right<br />

position. After a few days<br />

practice, patients can do<br />

surya namaskar,<br />

bujangasana,<br />

salvasana,<br />

mastyendrasana and pada hastasana under<br />

supervision. Patients should change their<br />

daily routine and try to remain patient and<br />

happy. They should also avoid drinking<br />

cold water and should not drink water<br />

immediately after meals.<br />

Flatulence or a feeling of fullness in the<br />

abdomen usually occurs when someone has<br />

eaten too fast. Eating without awareness or<br />

with anxiety, as well as too much drinking<br />

water pulling high from the throat, can be<br />

the cause of flatulence and can leave a<br />

person feeling heavy and noisy in the<br />

stomach. Gas sometimes presses up in the<br />

esophagus and comes out as burp from the<br />

mouth. This is fairly common but when it<br />

is excessive it becomes a problem. The<br />

feeling of fullness can press upon the<br />

diaphragm and can sometimes cause an<br />

abnormal heartbeat and breathing<br />

problems.<br />

Patients with flatulence should practice supta<br />

pawanmutasana (right leg first because the<br />

small intestines are there), uttanpadasana,<br />

biparitkarani, ardha kurmasana, ardha<br />

matsyendrasana and jatra parivritanasana. They<br />

should also avoid cold drinks and try to<br />

drink a glass of lukewarm water before bed.<br />

A modern lifestyle can regularly result in<br />

constipation. This is a common chronic<br />

disease of the lower digestive system where<br />

the elimination of solid waste from the<br />

body becomes slow and inefficient. The<br />

causes of constipation can include a lack of<br />

physical exercise, increased mental stress and<br />

tension, a hectic lifestyle, irregular eating<br />

habits and the consumption of oily, spicy<br />

and heavy food. Tea, coffee, cigarettes,<br />

alcohol and other intoxicants can provoke a<br />

bout of constipation. In addition, grief,<br />

anger, anxiety and irritation can also be<br />

contributing factors.<br />

Constipation can leave a person feeling<br />

dizzy and heavy in the head and it can leave<br />

a bad smell in the mouth and a coating on<br />

the tongue. Food digestion becomes<br />

delayed due to constipation. Food<br />

putrefies in the intestine and results in gas,<br />

indigestion, colitis, abdomen pain,<br />

backache and loss of appetite. Suggested<br />

yoga postures include jasthiasana, tadasana,

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