Comprehension Questions - GDHS English Department

Comprehension Questions - GDHS English Department

Comprehension Questions - GDHS English Department


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To Kill A Mockingbird <strong>Comprehension</strong> <strong>Questions</strong><br />

Chapter 1<br />

1. What is Lee’s purpose for including Boo Radley in the story since the reader has not<br />

seen him?<br />

2. How does Lee use the setting of Maycomb, Alabama to emphasize the themes of the<br />

story?<br />

3. Is Atticus an example of a static or dynamic character? Explain your answer.<br />

4. How does Scout’s role as narrator affect the reader’s understanding of the story?<br />

Chapter 2<br />

1. On her first day of school, what does Scout get in trouble for?<br />

2. How does Miss Caroline Fisher feel at the end of her first day?<br />

3. What are the Cunninghams like?<br />

4. Given Miss Fisher’s activity with her 1 st graders (reading about the cat family), what is ironic about her reprimand to<br />

Scout, “Let’s not let our imaginations run away with us, dear?”<br />

Chapter 3<br />

1. Why hasn't Walter Cunningham passed the first grade?<br />

2. Why did Calpurnia request Scout's presence in the kitchen?<br />

3. How does Scout solve her problem with Walter Cunningham? How does Jem, on the other hand?<br />

4. When Scout questions Walter’s table manners, the reader learns something about Calpurnia and her place in the<br />

family. What do you learn? Why might this surprise some of Maycomb’s citizens?<br />

Chapter 4<br />

1. What was in the knot-hole of one of the oak trees?<br />

2. Who was the meanest old woman who ever lived?<br />

3. Why did Scout freeze?<br />

4. Who had the most to say about the Radleys than anybody in Maycomb?<br />

5. TF Jem lied to his father about their Boo-Radley theatrics.<br />

6. What was Scout's first reason for wanting to quit the Boo-Radley game?

Chapter 5<br />

1. What direct order does Atticus give the children?<br />

2. Explain Miss Maudie’s statement, “…sometimes the Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whiskey bottle in the<br />

hand of- oh, your father.”<br />

3. TF Atticus, after reading the note, asked his son to stop tormenting Boo.<br />

4. What was the oldest lawyer's trick on record?<br />

Chapter 6<br />

1. How do the children spend Dill’s last night in Maycomb?<br />

2. What goes wrong with the children’s escape plan?<br />

3. How did Dill explain the loss of Jem's pants to the crowd in front of the Radley place?<br />

Chapter 7<br />

1. What did Jem find unusual about his britches?<br />

2. TF After a three-day waiting period, Jem and Scout considered everything they found in the knot-hole to be their<br />

property.<br />

3. Why wasn't the letter delivered?<br />

4. What was Nathan Radley's ulterior motive for cementing the knot-hole?<br />

Chapter 8<br />

1. Why was school closed?<br />

2. TF After her house burnt to the ground and the fire trucks left, with whom did Miss Maudie stay?<br />

3. Who put the brown woolen blanket around Scout?<br />

4. TF Miss Maudie was bitterly pessimistic about rebuilding her house.<br />

CHAPTERS 9 and 10- Language and Character Revelation<br />

Remember that an author does not always specifically tell us what a character is like. Sometimes a character’s<br />

personality or background is revealed indirectly through his or her speech. This may include how the character speaks or<br />

what he/she says.<br />

Examine each of the novel excerpts below and on a separate sheet, explain:<br />

1) The speakers name and situation being discussed (frame the conversation)<br />

2) Significance of the quote<br />

3) What this excerpt reveals about his/her personality or background.

Excerpt 1<br />

“Well if you don’t want me to grow up talkin’ that way, why do you send me to school?” (Lee 75)<br />

Excerpt 2<br />

“Scout, simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally.<br />

This one’s mine, I guess. You might hear some ugly talk about it at school, but do one thing for me if you will: just hold<br />

you head up high and keep those fists down.” (Lee 83)<br />

Excerpt 3<br />

“If Uncle Atticus lets you run around with stray dogs, that’s his own business, like Grandma says, so it ain’t your fault. I<br />

guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a n-lover besides, but I’m here to tell you that it certainly does mortify the rest<br />

of the family.” (Lee 83)<br />

Excerpt 4<br />

“And why do I not understand children, Miss Jean Louise? Such conduct as yours required little understanding. It was<br />

obstreperous, disorderly, and abusive.” (Lee 85)<br />

Excerpt 5<br />

“Shoot all the bluejays you want, if you can hit ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” (Lee 90)<br />

Excerpt 6<br />

“I don’t call fifty very old,” said ______ tartly. “Not being wheeled around yet, am I?” (Lee 90)<br />

Chapter 11<br />

1. Why did the Finch children dislike passing by Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose's house?<br />

2. Atticus advised his son to act like a gentleman toward whom?<br />

3. What did Atticus do that made Scout think he was the bravest man who had ever lived?<br />

4. To show his wrath for Mrs. Dubose, what did Jem do?<br />

5. TF Mrs. Dubose kicked the morphine habit.<br />

6. Atticus would have insisted that Jem read to Mrs. Dubose because he wanted his son to see an alternative view of<br />

what?<br />

Chapter 12<br />

1. TF Scout gravitated toward Calpurnia partly due to the imposition of Jem's changing values.<br />

2. Why was Scout temporarily crushed?<br />

3. Who tried to intimidate Calpurnia at her own church?<br />

4. TF When asked by Scout what Tom had done, Calpurnia dodged the question and declined to answer.<br />

5. TF Aunt Alexandra was the phantom who told Boo to get out of the swing.

Chapter 13<br />

1. TF Aunt Alexandra was visiting in order to bring some "feminine influence" to Scout.<br />

2. TF Aunt Alexandra's criticisms of various people always went unchallenged by Atticus.<br />

3. What would cause "a ripple in the quiet stream of family resemblance," but not enough to upset the "caste system in<br />

Maycomb"?<br />

4. It "takes a woman to do" what kind of work?<br />

Chapter 14<br />

1. TF Calpurnia had not told Atticus about having taken the children to her church.<br />

2. What pronoun did Scout misconstrue?<br />

3. Who told Atticus about Dill's presence in the Finch household?<br />

Chapter 15<br />

1. Where did Mr. Heck Tate want to move Tom Robinson to avoid trouble from the "Old Sarum bunch"?<br />

2. TF The group of men who visited Atticus's house on Saturday were his friends.<br />

3. TF Scout sensed the peril surrounding her father.<br />

4. To where was Tom moved?<br />

5. What did Atticus do after supper that Jem and Scout thought peculiar?<br />

6. Why did Atticus need the extension cord?<br />

7. From amongst the semi-circle, whom did Scout recognize?<br />

8. Both Scout and Jem made faulty assumptions in this chapter. List as many as you can.<br />

Chapter 16<br />

1. Why did Aunt Alexandra spew out waves of disapproval at the breakfast table?<br />

2. TF Aunt Alexandra objected to Atticus's communicative habits.<br />

3. Who objected to Miss Maudie Atkinson's yard?<br />

4. TF Judge Taylor's casualness often led to a chaotic courtroom.

Chapter 17<br />

1. What two major points did Atticus score in his favor during Heck Tate's testimony?<br />

2. TF The Sheriff's testimony was found to be rather dull, leaving the audience in a relaxed mode.<br />

3. Where did the Ewells live?<br />

4. What made the ground around the Ewells' cabin look like the playhouse of an insane child?<br />

5. What was Mr. Gilmer’s trademark?<br />

6. How did Mr. Bob Ewell describe his daughter's screaming?<br />

7. How did Bob Ewell regard Atticus?<br />

8. TF Atticus asked Mr. Ewell some of the same questions that he had asked Heck Tate.<br />

Chapter 18<br />

1. TF The nineteen-year-old Mayella misconstrued routine courtesy.<br />

2. What habit brought Mr. Ewell into suspicion?<br />

3. Judge Taylor felt who was browbeating whom?<br />

4. What is Atticus's perception of Judge Taylor?<br />

5. How did Mr. Robinson injure his left arm?<br />

Chapter 19<br />

1. Why did Tom have to serve his 30 days for misorderly conduct?<br />

2. Scout felt Mayella was lonelier than whom?<br />

3. TF Mayella, who initiated the kissing, ordered Tom to reciprocate.<br />

4. Why was Dill crying?<br />

5. What does "thin-hided" mean?<br />

Chapter 20<br />

1. Why did Mr. Raymond entrust the reason for his pretentiousness to Scout and Dill?<br />

2. TF Jem was confident that the defense would win.<br />

3. In his closing argument, Atticus referred to a "time-honored code." What is that unwritten law that Mayella violated?

Chapter 21<br />

1. Calpurnia's note was from whom, announcing what?<br />

2. TF Scout's intuition told her that the defendant would be found guilty.<br />

3. Why did Jem jerk repeatedly?<br />

4. TF The attending blacks gave reverence toward Atticus as he passed by.<br />

Chapter 22<br />

1. Atticus told his sister that "'they might as well learn to cope with it.'" What did he mean?<br />

2. Which neighbor was impervious to the fact that the Finch children were sitting in the Colored balcony?<br />

3. State Jem's critique of the legal system.<br />

4. Who pledged revenge against Atticus?<br />

Chapter 23<br />

1. Atticus reminded Jem about what ugly facts of life?<br />

2. According to Atticus, what constitutes white trash?<br />

3. From Jem's perspective, why does Boo Radley want to stay inside?<br />

Chapter 24<br />

1. Why couldn't Scout go to Barker's Eddy, the swimming creek, with Jem and Dill?<br />

2. TF Aunt Alexandra mourned for the loss of one black man just as she would grieve for the loss of many.<br />

Chapter 25<br />

1. Why did Scout conclude that Jem "was getting more like a girl every day"?<br />

2. What was Helen's reaction to the news of her husband's death?<br />

3. Maycomb, at large, understood Tom's sense of futility, hence, his motivation for attempting to escape.<br />

4. TF Mr. Underwood's editorial, which stated that killing a cripple was a sin, similar to the senseless slaughter of<br />

songbirds, encapsulated the core of Atticus's defense.<br />

Chapter 26<br />

1. TF Scout felt a flicker of regret for having disturbed the peace of a recluse.<br />

2. TF It was clear to Atticus that Tom Robinson's trial was not completely digested nor thoroughly sorted in the minds of<br />

both of his children.

Chapter 27<br />

1. TF Bob Ewell pestered Judge Taylor and Helen.<br />

2. Who came to Mrs. Robinson's rescue?<br />

Chapter 28<br />

8. What characteristics do we know about the attacker?<br />

9. Who carried Jem to the safety of his house?<br />

10. What garment did Scout get to wear?<br />

11. TF Scout asked what question repeatedly?<br />

12. TF Atticus, because he had underestimated the depth of Ewell's grudge, did not initially suspect Bob as the attacker.<br />

Chapter 29<br />

1. TF Aunt Alexandra had a premonition about the evening's turn of events.<br />

3. What caused the "shiny clean line" on the dull wire of the remains of Scout's costume?<br />

4. How did Heck Tate describe a man like Bob Ewell's kind?<br />

5. TF Scout assumed it was Jem who had yanked Bob down off of her.<br />

6. What blurred Scout's image of Arthur Radley?<br />

Chapter 30<br />

1. TF Dr. Reynold's casual greeting towards Arthur helped humanize Boo's existence in Scout's mind.<br />

2. TF Aunt Alexandra's influence upon Scout was seen via the latter's cordial politeness towards Boo.<br />

3. Explain how exactly Bob Ewell died. Be sure to give an account of both knives and all relevant parties.<br />

Chapter 31<br />

1. With regard to returning to the Radley Place, how did Scout show signs of becoming a lady?<br />

2. While standing on the Radley porch, what did Scout learn as evident from her daydreaming?

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