' slates for election - Southington Library and Museum

' slates for election - Southington Library and Museum

' slates for election - Southington Library and Museum


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44<br />

7- 1130 SDAY, JULY 29,1999<br />

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Councilor's .............................<br />

leave some questions<br />

To the editor: debate.<br />

We felt it necessary to respond to Here are some of the facts: a mas-<br />

--che Tem-arks thar-Town Councilor sive, 103-foot-tall building in an area<br />

Leonard Marchcscllc made--inl:he-eb---zened-<strong>for</strong>-maximum heights-of-45-fee<br />

server on July 15 about the AES appeal would be built, <strong>and</strong> three to four million<br />

eAES files appeal , gallons of parable<br />

of council deci- , water would be<br />

sidnD. Are you representipg the utilized every day<br />

He believes the citizens of <strong>Southington</strong> or Approximately 1.6<br />

reason.the Sitil AES Did yOU alend any Of million gallons of<br />

Council gave JP-4 (jet fuel)<br />

denying the AES the AES hearing be<strong>for</strong>e the would be stored on<br />

project were unjus- Siting Council in New site. Also, the 74tifiable<br />

<strong>and</strong> under- acre site contains<br />

st<strong>and</strong>s AES's ap- Britain? Did you research the 36 acres of wet-<br />

peal. He also stat- adverse effects that the AES l<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> the De<br />

4 "The reasons power plant would have on partment of Ipansthat<br />

the Siting portation acknowlcouncil<br />

gave were, <strong>Southington</strong> be<strong>for</strong>e you edged in a letter<br />

I think, faulty. All voted 'yes'?' their concerns that<br />

the arguments that _ the facility could<br />

were given were create ground level<br />

fabricated; there was no substance be- fogging <strong>and</strong> icing in the vicinity.<br />

hind them. There was no fact, it was all Ask yourself, why is it that AES did<br />

fiction. So I see where AES is coming not cross-examine our expert witness af-<br />

from," he was quoted as saying. ter he presented this in<strong>for</strong>mation under<br />

Well, after reading your comments, oath? Maybe because it was true. But<br />

our questions to you, Mr. Marcheselle, you wouldn't have the answer to this be-<br />

are: Are you representing the citizens of cause you never even attended any of<br />

<strong>Southington</strong> or AES? Did you attend the Connecticut Siting Council meet-<br />

any ofthe AES hearing be<strong>for</strong>e the Siting ings, Mr. Marcheselle.<br />

Council in New Britain? Did you research<br />

the adverse effects that the AES Bob Faro<br />

power plant would have on <strong>Southington</strong> Michelle Alltire<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e you voted 'yes'? Or did you just <strong>Southington</strong><br />

listen to whatever AES told youP We<br />

know we did our homework <strong>and</strong> can (Tbe writerS arr seeking posts on tbe Town<br />

prove any in<strong>for</strong>mation you may want to Council on tbe Independent Party ticket.)<br />

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If you know any of the individuals shown at this early 19605 dinner held by the now-defunct Fratetnal Order of Eagles, call The<br />

Observer at 621-6751, ext. 323.<br />

We should all live long enough<br />

There was a small item in eaters are more likely to pamper with tips On how to get others to do what<br />

the New York Times a little - . themselves when they get you'd rathernot do yourself.<br />

while back thst I have affixed to ON THE stressed out, <strong>and</strong> that it's their Item Three: Mothers who don't get<br />

GS<strong>and</strong>wich' a success my refrigerator, another talis- strategles <strong>for</strong> relieving stress in enough dme to themselves are a danger<br />

man I use to hold the real world HOMEFROI\IT their lives that truly contribute to themselves <strong>and</strong> others. Hypothesis:<br />

at bay. to a longer life. But, hey, the Mothers of school-age children <strong>and</strong><br />

In this article, scientists JENNIFER -end#Justify the means. . younger need at least a few hours a week<br />

To the editor: · the raftle. were reporting results of re- L Moseflv-er, it seems to to themselves to 'recharge' i.e., to keep<br />

We would like to extend our thank Thank yous are also extended to the search that proved that con- JUST me th2fthts E true there are from going stark roving mad <strong>and</strong> serving<br />

you to the following groups <strong>for</strong> their sup- Police Explorers <strong>for</strong> traffic control <strong>and</strong> sumption of chocolate led to a other stressbusters that merit frozen pizza five nights out of seven. In-<br />

port to the Playscapes <strong>for</strong> Recreation crosswalk help <strong>and</strong> the <strong>Southington</strong> longer life. · further examination, <strong>and</strong> that surance companies could send affected<br />

Park project. With their help, our sum- Printing Co. <strong>for</strong> supplying our tickets. Be still my heart. Why this these also might be encouraged policyholders coupons <strong>for</strong> spa outings,<br />

mer 036concert <strong>and</strong> picnic featuring Jam The parks department an*bhard,proved was not on Page One I don't know. It by health insurance companies. I there- movies, dinners out with friends- <strong>and</strong> a<br />

Sqndwigh miwd $2,2504 All thetprocceds $uppwrind thEiR.commitweRSip.'the turns out that whether you are a thoco- <strong>for</strong>e plan to submit the following sugges;- six-pack of beer <strong>for</strong> the husb<strong>and</strong> who has<br />

from this event will go directly toward project <strong>and</strong> printed Ar fiyers7 late hog ora sometime indulger, a choco- ed areas of study to the National Science to stay home with the kids.<br />

the purchase of the school-age playscape, Finally, to friends <strong>and</strong> committee mem- late eater has a life span years longer than Foundation: Item Four: A home that is not profes-<br />

which is the second phase of the project. bers, thank you <strong>for</strong> helping set up <strong>and</strong> a chocolate abstainer. (The researchers Item One: People who have a Body sionally cleaned at least two timeS a<br />

We feel very <strong>for</strong>tunate to have the sup- serving as ticket table workers. took pains to note that they did not study Mass Index of one or two points over month results in stress-related illnesses.<br />

port of these wonderful people in our the effects of chocolate in such non-c<strong>and</strong>y their 'ideal' number are actually healthier Hypothesis: In addition to contributing to<br />

community. Playscapes items as cakes <strong>and</strong> cookies.) The optimum than those with the lower number. Hy- asthma <strong>and</strong> allergies, an irregularly<br />

Gratitude is extended to Tops Super- <strong>for</strong> Recreation amount of chocolate, lifespan-wise, was pothesis: The stress of trying to hew to a cleaned home can lead to a decrease in<br />

market <strong>for</strong> supplying 911 food <strong>and</strong> paper Committee three to four c<strong>and</strong>y bars a month, al- number that, let's face it, few of us will appetite among children who can't find<br />

goods <strong>and</strong> being a sponsor of the concert. though even those who indulged in that a ever see again, outweighs any of the their place settings under the piles of<br />

The Welcome Wagon served food while (Committee members include Sherri week (or day?) were granted , longer life health benefits of being thin. Insurance newspapers <strong>and</strong> junk mail on the table,<br />

Pralines supplied ice cream. Shef£ Show- DiNe/10, li# Cbapmag Maureen Barmm, than those who abstained completely. companies could help promote this by <strong>and</strong> an increase in blood pressure in the<br />

case provided pre-show entertainment. Linda Bannore, Kim L,Porte, Katby Smed- The fir# thing I thought of was the hosting community seminars on such tOp- household member whose primary role is<br />

Tom Dowler cooked our hot dogs while berg, Miebele London, Dawn Reidinger health spa coupon we once got from a ics as "Stop Calling me Fat, I'm Happy" to clean <strong>and</strong> who is constantly being<br />

Stuart Estra donated Beanie Babies <strong>for</strong> Colleen Clark, <strong>and</strong> Katby Brmko.) health insurance company as a "preven- <strong>and</strong> "What's One Ho-Ho, More or Less. asked if she cleaned something when it iS<br />

tive health" benefit when we enrolled. Item Two: Procrastination leads to a patently obvious that she did. This fric-<br />

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