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Showers<br />

C o n n e c t i n g G o d T h r o u g h P r a i s e & W o r s h i p<br />

Free<br />

Published FortNightly By The Fountain of Life Church, Ilupeju. No. <strong>306</strong><br />

“It is well!”<br />

By Pastor Taiwo Odukoya<br />

“So it was, when the man of God saw her afar off, that he said to his servant Gehazi,<br />

‘Look, the Shunammite woman! Please run now to meet her, and say to her, Is it<br />

well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with your child?’ And she<br />

answered, ‘It is well.’” 2 Kings 4:25-26<br />

It is natural to think that nothing can tamper<br />

with the blessing God has given us.<br />

Much as that is true, there are times we<br />

have to fight to stop the enemy from taking<br />

what belongs to us. And such was the<br />

case of the Shunammite woman.<br />

She did not have a son until she had<br />

passed her productive age. And it was only<br />

because God orchestrated circumstances<br />

and made her path cross that of Prophet<br />

Elisha. It would therefore be an understatement<br />

to say that her joy knew no bounds at<br />

the birth of this particular son. This miracle<br />

must have made the entire city rejoice with<br />

her. But, you see, the devil is always a killjoy.<br />

He will do anything to make a man’s testimony<br />

turn sour.<br />

One day, as was the custom, the boy went<br />

to the farm with his father. Then a sudden<br />

sickness hit him. His father must have<br />

thought it was a minor thing, so he asked<br />

his servant to take the child to his mother.<br />

Although the child got to his mother alive,<br />

he died soon after arriving home.<br />

This woman felt the indescribable pain<br />

of losing an only son. She must have wondered,<br />

and for good reason, why God gave<br />

her this particular blessing if He was not<br />

going to sustain it. The truth is, the Lord<br />

did not afflict her son but must have allowed<br />

it to reveal His mighty power of deliverance.<br />

In spite of everything, the Shunammite<br />

Cont’d on page 3<br />

Promise for<br />

TheWeek<br />

“Until now you have asked<br />

nothing in My name. Ask,<br />

and you will receive, that<br />

your joy may be full.”<br />

John 16:24 (NKJV)

2<br />


SIS. MANNA<br />

I thank God for His healing power upon my life. Recently, one<br />

morning, I observed that my left ankle was swollen and I felt a<br />

tinge of pain inside. I came for Thursday Showers that morning,<br />

but by Friday, my leg had swollen and was double its size.<br />

I was confused. I remembered that I had a gel for dislocation,<br />

which I applied, but I was not relieved. I used the anointing oil,<br />

it was still the same. Then my elder sister advised me to raise<br />

up the leg to reduce the lump. I did, and it would reduce in the<br />

morning before I went to work, but by the time I returned home<br />

in the evening, it would become so large again.<br />

At Thursday Showers the following week, I keyed into the<br />

various healing testimonies and I told God that “this leg will heal<br />

forever.” I took the communion and poured it on my leg. Behold,<br />

this past week, I did not use any ointment, and the pain has gone.<br />

I thank God for the healing.<br />

Today, I can testify that the Lord has healed me and it will<br />

remain permanent in Jesus’ name.<br />


UATION<br />


I bless the name of the LORD for what He did in my life. For<br />

over eight years I was perambulating the Olabisi Onabanjo University<br />

campus: from diploma to direct entry, which fell through.<br />

I had to come in as a fresher and it seemed as if I would not<br />

graduate. I was depressed.<br />

Anytime I come for Showers, God gives me specific words<br />

that are always similar: “I will give you the land; I will strengthen<br />

you… who has decreed a thing and it came to pass when the Lord<br />

had not said it”. Truth is, I was almost giving up, thinking ‘when<br />

would it be?’ I was supposed to graduate last year, but couldn’t<br />

because of the strike. However, I am now a graduate, and in the<br />

course of my eight years in school, the Lord straightened my life;<br />

I was renewed and restored.<br />

I joined a fellowship and it changed my life. I assumed<br />

responsibilities at the fellowship - a position I never thought I<br />

could hold, and God saw me through. It was not easy, but God<br />

helped me. Now I am a graduate. Even before I graduated last<br />

week Friday, I had travelled to Abuja last year for a visit, and<br />

there and then, I got a job. In fact, I was begged to accept the<br />

offer of managing a particular company with an official car and<br />

other fringe benefits. I bless the name of the Lord for what He<br />

has done for me!<br />



I bless the name of the Lord for what He has done for me and<br />

my family. It is about my son, Oluwagbemiga. He is a year old<br />

today and this made me to look back and thank God for what<br />

He has done for me.<br />

When I conceived, it was all good until the seventh month.<br />

Then, I was at work one day when I got a call from a pastor friend<br />

who charged me to get closer to God because he saw something<br />

negative about me, which had to do with me and the baby. He<br />

even said it might end up in death. That scared me and I could<br />

not focus at work that day.<br />

When I got home, I told my husband and he said it was well,<br />

but I still didn’t have peace. I decided to come for the Showers<br />

programme two days later. I sat outside and was so eager to pick<br />

a word, because I had told myself that God had something to say<br />

about it. I picked a promise in Isaiah 46, which reads, “Have I not<br />

said it? Will I not complete it?” Immediately, I just felt peace and<br />

I told myself that it was settled.<br />

In the eight month, the journey started. We had a fire incident<br />

in our house, but our neighbours came in to help put out<br />

the fire. I was laughing that devil had lost it. Then in the last<br />

month, the D-day, I was to deliver at LUTH because my husband<br />

works there. But the hospital was closed and we had to move to<br />

a nearby clinic. Alas, there was no doctor on duty, and I was left<br />

with the midwives. It was such a funny situation, they were just<br />

playing with me.<br />

I was at 8cm, they told me to start pushing and I saw blood,<br />

and was just ‘manifesting’ all over the place. Eventually, my husband<br />

called a colleague of his, who came in to lend a hand. I was<br />

wheeled to the theatre. I looked at my husband and I could see<br />

fear all over his face. He also looked at me and said that I would<br />

come out alive, I said “Amen.” On getting to the theatre, not up<br />

to two minutes, I had a vision. I saw myself in the clouds and was<br />

flying up with somebody holding my hands. I looked at the person<br />

and asked who would take care of my daughter Pelumi. But<br />

the guy did not say anything, and we just kept flying in the clouds.<br />

Suddenly, the guy looked at me and said, “It is time to go<br />

back.” Then he pulled me. By the time I jerked back to life in the<br />

theatre, they were shouting my name, trying to resuscitate me.<br />

When I opened my eyes, I said “thank you Jesus.” That is why<br />

I am here today to say a big thank you to my heavenly Father.<br />


C o n n e c t i n g G o d Th r o u g h P r a i s e & Wo r s h i p

3<br />

“It is well!”<br />

from page 1<br />

woman was wise enough to watch what she confessed.<br />

When her husband, who was unaware of the sudden turn<br />

of events, sought to know why she was leaving home in a<br />

hurry to see Elisha, her answer was, “It is well.”<br />

And when Elisha saw her from afar and sent his servant<br />

to find out if all was well with her household, all she<br />

said again was, “It is well.” She did not add to or remove<br />

from that confession until she came face to face with the<br />

one who could help her. Then Elisha moved in faith and<br />

restored her son to life.<br />

Is it not amazing that the devil understands the power<br />

of confession so well? He can never take anything from<br />

you until he gets you to accept it by confessing it. The<br />

spiritual principle is, “…whatever things you ask when<br />

you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will<br />

have them” (Mark 11:24).<br />

So what would you rather have instead of the picture<br />

the devil has constantly presented to you - about your<br />

Welcome<br />

health, finances, family, studies, neighbourhood, etc.?<br />

Look for appropriate scriptures to back up your desire<br />

and make sure you do not say anything contrary to what<br />

the Bible says. Remember, the mouth of the righteous is<br />

a well of life.<br />

In spite of your numerous challenges, I want you to<br />

know it is well with you. So, like the Shunammite woman,<br />

learn to activate and sustain your blessing by saying, “It<br />

is well.”<br />

The question is: Do you have a relationship with the<br />

God who can cause all things to work together for your<br />

good? If you do not, you can start one right away by praying<br />

this prayer:<br />

Lord, I thank you for giving up your Son that I might<br />

have life. Today, I confess I am a sinner and that I cannot<br />

save myself. I receive the gift of salvation through your Son<br />

Jesus Christ and the power to live the victorious Christian<br />

life. In Jesus’ name I have prayed. Amen.<br />

If you just prayed to receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour, please fill out the Decision Slip hereunder,<br />

mail to the stated land address or send an e-mail to:thursday<strong>showers</strong>@tfolc.org<br />

We shall promptly mail you a free copy of NOW THAT YOU ARE BORN AGAIN to help you in your new life in Christ.<br />

Congratulations!<br />

I just prayed now to receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. P l e a s e r u s h m e m y f r e e c o p y n o w !<br />

If by email, state email address:<br />

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Name:<br />

Tel (gsm):_ ___________________________ Marital status:_ _________________________________<br />

Age: ( below 14 yrs) 15-21 Above 21<br />

Male Female Today’s date_____________<br />

All enquiries to:<br />

12, Industrial Estate Rd ., Ilupeju, P. O. Box 698,<br />

Shomolu, Lagos. Tel: 234-7098505186/7 Email:<br />

fountain@tfolc.org Website: www.tfolc.org<br />

Send to<br />

Receive by email: thursday<strong>showers</strong>@<br />

tfolc.Org<br />

To receive by post<br />

The Fountain of Life Church, P.O. Box 698<br />

Shomolu, Lagos.<br />

Worship with us<br />

@<br />



THURSDAY: SHOWERS (Praise and Worship) 9am<br />

SUNDAY: SERVICES 7am & 10am<br />

Team Publishers: Pastors Taiwo & Nomthi Odukoya Editors: Sylvester Ojenagbon, Babatunde Oladele, Charles Anyasi, Olawale Olanihun. Photo Editor: Korede Olabanji<br />

Writer: Becky Olorunpomi. Graphics: Oluwafemi Adegboye Photographers: I-image, Oluwafemi Adegboye, PHD Photos, New Dawn Photos, Moses Anyom, Lanre<br />

Faleye & SB Visuals.<br />

C o n n e c t i n g G o d Th r o u g h P r a i s e & Wo r s h i p<br />


4<br />

My<br />

Bro Ted Celestine<br />

ShowersExperience<br />

My Thursday Showers<br />

experience is<br />

always exhilarating;<br />

it’s never a dull<br />

moment. It is a<br />

place you go to with a heavy heart<br />

and leave with peace and joy overflowing<br />

your soul. It’s a place you<br />

go to in a state of despair and leave<br />

with renewed hope and confidence<br />

to take on any challenge.<br />

I just love the praise; I feel at liberty<br />

to express myself in joy, songs,<br />

and dance. You know, when there<br />

is joy, there is a song, and when<br />

there is a song there is dancing.<br />

Not that I’m good at dancing, but<br />

I have realised that dancing is<br />

the movement of the body to the<br />

sound of music; for the Australian<br />

Christians they just jump.<br />

Taking the Holy Communion at<br />

Showers is like a replication of the<br />

Lord’s Supper (do this in remembrance<br />

of me), a constant reminder<br />

of the sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus<br />

Christ on the cross of Calvary for<br />

the salvation of our souls (Luke<br />

22:19-20).<br />

The exhortations by Pastor<br />

Taiwo and other ministers are<br />

often the cherry on the cake. There<br />

is always a word for me, no matter<br />

how short the sermon is.<br />

Come experience the Showers<br />

experience and you’ll be glad you<br />

did. God bless you.<br />

Showers PHOTO WALL Showers PHOTO WA<br />

September 13, 2012<br />


C o n n e c t i n g G o d Th r o u g h P r a i s e & Wo r s h i p

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LL Showers PHOTO WALL Showers PHOTO<br />

September 06, 2012<br />

C o n n e c t i n g G o d Th r o u g h P r a i s e & Wo r s h i p<br />


6<br />


Kate was still in her mother’s womb when her<br />

father denied responsibility for her. Therefore,<br />

her paternity was under question even<br />

as an unborn child. He repeatedly told her<br />

mother that the baby she was carrying was<br />

not his. He accused her mother of sleeping with someone<br />

else because, to the best of his knowledge, it had<br />

been medically proven that he could not sire children.<br />

It did not matter to him that when<br />

the baby was born, she had his eyes,<br />

his mouth and, as she grew, she had<br />

even his mannerisms. He remained<br />

adamant that she was not his child.<br />

People would tell Kate, “You look<br />

just like your mother”, but when she<br />

showed them a picture of her father,<br />

they marvelled at the resemblance<br />

saying, “But oh, you do look more<br />

like your father!” As she grew up,<br />

she sensed this rejection from her<br />

father and it didn’t matter that her<br />

mother expressed her love for her.<br />

And so Kate went through life fearful,<br />

full of worry, guilt and anxiety.<br />

She had a poor self-image and felt<br />

hopeless, defensive and distrustful.<br />

These feelings of inadequacy made her think that she<br />

was different, she did not fit in and, as a result, she<br />

gradually started keeping to herself and shunned the<br />

company of friends, preferring to be alone, reading,<br />

writing, and watching television.<br />

“I knew something was wrong with me but did<br />

not know exactly what and how to deal with it,” she<br />

said. She remembered a particular occasion when,<br />

after a fight with her mother, she cried out to God,<br />

“What is wrong with me?” She had asked this question<br />

repeatedly. As she watched a Christian programme on<br />

television, she heard the preacher talk about rejection<br />

and how it can affect a person’s life. She felt the need<br />

to do a little research on the topic and found a book<br />

on the root of rejection. In it, the author describes the<br />

symptoms people suffering from rejection manifest;<br />

such as defensiveness, fear, escapism, perfectionism,<br />

being judgmental and so on.<br />

Kate mentally assessed her own feelings and attitude<br />

and checked them off against the symptoms<br />

listed in the book and, as if a light bulb had come on<br />

in her head, she discovered her problem. She was suffering<br />

from rejection! “This is it. This is why I am the<br />

way I am,” she exclaimed. For a long time in her life,<br />

she felt that she was being rejected at every turn. She<br />

felt rejected too often as a child, craving acceptance<br />

from her father; as a woman, wanting to succeed in<br />

her career, in her relationship with<br />

friends and with the opposite sex.<br />

After any failed relationship with<br />

the opposite sex, she would emotionally<br />

shut down and recoil into<br />

her shell. As a defense mechanism,<br />

she had made an unconscious decision<br />

to reject people before they<br />

rejected her. She became reclusive.<br />

One day, she looked around and<br />

realized that she had no relationships<br />

to show for her life. She was<br />

all alone.<br />

God has given us an in-built<br />

desire to feel recognized, valued,<br />

and accepted for who we are. When<br />

this need is not met, it can result in<br />

us feeling rejected or rejecting others,<br />

ourselves, God, and people who genuinely love<br />

and care about us.<br />

Some of life’s most painful feelings of rejection<br />

come from childhood experiences. Rejection suffered<br />

in the early years often sets the tone for a person’s<br />

entire life. Whenever someone that is significant in<br />

our lives - a parent, grandparent, or someone we hold<br />

in high esteem - rejects us, feelings of being unloved,<br />

unworthy, useless, or insignificant can arise. God<br />

never intended for us to struggle with feelings of<br />

low self-esteem or rejection. Instead, He wants us to<br />

understand that we have value and worth, not because<br />

of who we are, but because of who is in us - Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

Culled from<br />

How to Handle Rejection<br />

By Pastor Bimbo Odukoya<br />


C o n n e c t i n g G o d Th r o u g h P r a i s e & Wo r s h i p

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THURSDAY SHOWERS (Praise and Worship) 9am<br />

SUNDAY SERVICES 7am & 10am<br />

12, Industrial Estate Rd, Off Town Planning Way, Ilupeju, Lagos. » Tel: +234-709 8505 186/7 » Web: www.tfolc.org

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