Wisdom Mag Issue 12 draft 4

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is that God Himself is your allotted portion. Whatever your<br />

desires may be, even if it is not yet in existence, He will create<br />

it! The All-Sufficient God is your portion! You can only ‘take hold<br />

of Him’ or rather appropriate His all-Sufficiency through the<br />

covenant. Friend, all your portions in God are included in the<br />

covenant. In fact, the New Jerusalem Bible version says it this<br />

way, “..my lot is all I could wish for.” Moreover this covenant is<br />

both a will and a testament, and it made us an heir of God and<br />

a joint heir with Jesus Christ. By the tenor of this eternal<br />

covenant, we were adopted into the family of God and given<br />

the privileges of sons. See Rom.8 v 15-17, 1 Cor.3 v 21-23, Gal.3<br />

v 15-17, 4 v 4-7 and Heb.9 v 16-17, It is all you need in time and<br />

eternity. May God in His infinite mercy give us the heart and the<br />

desire for the covenant and the ability to work faithfully in this<br />

covenant with Him. May He create in us according to His love, a<br />

steadfast and a committed heart just as like Abraham and cause<br />

the voice of this prayer to be heard; to let it come up to His holy<br />

dwelling place in heaven, as He did in the days of Hezekiah<br />

when “the priests and Levites arose and blessed the people,<br />

and their voice was heard and their prayer came up to His holy<br />

dwelling place, in heaven.” May He implant the desire and the<br />

love for the covenant in us and incline His ears to hear.<br />

Amen. Ps10 v 17.<br />

Thirdly, this covenant is ‘well assured’ or ‘guarded<br />

or ‘secured,’ and therefore cannot fail. It is referred to in Isa.55<br />

v 3 as the ‘sure mercies of David’. Please read with me: “Incline<br />

your ear and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; and I<br />

will make an everlasting covenant with you-The sure mercies<br />

of David.” When Jesus, the greater David, to whom this promise<br />

was made, rose from the dead, this ‘sure mercies of<br />

David’ became the possession of all the children of God who will<br />

ever receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour; the federal<br />

head. This is written for us in Acts13 v 33-34.“God has fulfilled<br />

this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is<br />

also written in the second Psalm: ‘You are My Son, today I have<br />

begotten You.’ And that He raised Him from the dead, no more<br />

to return to corruption, He has spoken thus: ‘I will give you the<br />

sure mercies of David.’” Everything about this covenant is sure<br />

and well assured; and when we channel our desires and hopes<br />

through it, they cannot fail more than God can fail. Jesus stands<br />

as the surety or guarantor of this covenant. Heb.7 v 22. He is the<br />

only one who has ever died and risen again to probate His own<br />

will. What He died for, He is enthroned at the right hand of the<br />

Majesty on high to make sure we get it. This is why the<br />

covenant is the springboard of hope and desire. There is no heir<br />

of salvation who is hopeless, no not one! Eph.2 v 11-<strong>12</strong>,<br />

says: “Therefore remember that you were once Gentiles in the<br />

flesh- who are called Uncircumcision by what is called<br />

Circumcision made in the flesh by hands- that at that time you<br />

were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of<br />

Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no<br />

hope and without God in the world.” When I look at the state<br />

of the Church today, its poverty and lack of understanding of the<br />

covenant, it moves me to tears. Why should we continue to live<br />

as Gentiles, as if though we are without Christ, aliens from the<br />

commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of<br />

promise? Is not our lack of understanding of covenant the robber<br />

and the armed man that has kept us captive? Friend, I challenge<br />

you to take a good look at yourself, reflect on what you are and<br />

where you are as opposed to where you ought to be or where or<br />

what you could be by the covenant and let that challenge and<br />

move you to the depth of your being. Let it move you into prayer<br />

and the laying hold of other means of grace to make this<br />

covenant your experience. Beloved, if Jesus went to the limit by<br />

shedding His blood to make this covenant available to us; it will<br />

be a crime on our part if we do not do all that lies within us to<br />

make it our living experience. Let His Blood be precious to you<br />

and the purchase of His Blood and let that move you to your<br />

knees as you cry to God for an understanding of a covenant<br />

union and the establishment of His covenant with you! The word<br />

of the Psalmist is conclusive here; “They do not know, nor do<br />

they understand; all the foundations of the earth are unstable.<br />

I said, ‘You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most<br />

High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the<br />

princes.’”The covenant provided for us to live as gods in the<br />

world. It is the covenant that is the wellspring and the fountain<br />

of strong and robust faith. Oh, how we need to long and desire<br />

for God to make us a witness of the power, the blessings, the<br />

wisdom and the glory of the covenant! See Isa.55 v 4. God told<br />

Abraham, “And I will establish (set up on a firm or permanent<br />

basis) My covenant between Me and you and your<br />

descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting<br />

covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after<br />

you.“ Gen.17 v 7. You are the seed of Abraham in this<br />

generation, so you are qualified for the best and the highest<br />

expression of covenant lifestyle in this generation. Are not, “All<br />

the promises of God in Him Yes and in Him Amen to the glory<br />

of God though us?” You have a covenant right to cry to God to<br />

establish the same covenant with you as He did of Isaac, Jacob,<br />

David, and so on. Beloved, nothing else satisfies apart from the<br />

covenant! ”Why do you spend your money for what is not<br />

bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen<br />

carefully to Me and eat what is good and let your soul delight<br />

itself in fatness/abundance.” Isa.55 v 2. Nothing outside of the<br />

covenant guarantees your fulfilment or satisfaction; only the<br />

covenant is guaranteed and tailor-made for your nature and<br />

your need!<br />

To be continued on the next edition<br />



The Heavens Declare the Glory of God.<br />

Culture that Glories God First and Foremost,<br />

Brings Pleasure to God.<br />

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