Judical Action to end Bonded Labour - Human Rights Commission ...

Judical Action to end Bonded Labour - Human Rights Commission ...

Judical Action to end Bonded Labour - Human Rights Commission ...


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˻˻-˺˺-́́<br />

ìPast-peshgis prior <strong>to</strong> 18-9-1988 can be recovered in accordance<br />

with law. The court has neither declared them void nor have they been held<br />

<strong>to</strong> be irrecoverable.î<br />

ΦϳέΎΗ<br />

The letter with the note is reproduced below;<br />

ϢϴΣήϟ΍ ϦϤΣήϟ΍ Ϳ΍ ϢδΑ<br />


έϭΩΰϣ ؟ՍϬΑ ϡΎϧ<br />

--- 17 ---<br />

̶ϣήΘΤϣ ϭ ̶ϣή̰ϣ<br />

BBBBB<br />

ؐϴϣ 18-9-1988 ؟ΧέϮϣ ؟Ϡμϴϓ ف̯ ϥΎΘδ̯Ύ̡ Ի̶Ϥψϋ Ζϟ΍Ϊϋ ΐΣΎλ ΞΟ ϞοΎϓ ؟Ϡχ Ϟπϓ΍ ΪϤΤϣ βՍδΟ ΏΎϨΟ<br />

فϧ ΐΣΎλ ΞΟ ϞοΎϓ Ύ̯ βΟ ف٫ ̶ΗΎΟ ̶΋Ύ̡<br />

̶Ϥ٬ϓ ςϠϏ Ϫ̪̯ ؐϴϣ ؏ϭέϭΩΰϣ ؏ϮϨ̯έΎ̯ ή̡ ρΎϘϧ ؐϴϣ ؟ϠδϠγ ف̯ ϡϮϗέ ̶̴θϴ̡<br />

̶τΨΘγΩ ήϳί ؟̯ ف٫ ΎϳΎϣήϓ έΩΎλ Ϣ̰Σ ف΋Ϯ٫ فΗΎՍϤϧ Ζγ΍ϮΧέΩ ϕήϔΘϣ ̮ϳ΍ Ϯ̯ ˯20-11-1888<br />

؟ΧέϮϣ ف΋Ϯ٫ فΘϴϟ βՌϮϧ<br />

΍άԻ٬ϟ ؐϳή̯ ΖΣΎοϭ ؐϴϣ ̶ϬՍ̩ ̵ήϳήΤΗ ̮ϳ΍ فϴϟ ف̯ فϧή̯ έϭΩ Ϯ̯ ̶Ϥ٬ϓ ςϠϏ ̶ϟ΍ϭ فϧΎΟ ̶΋Ύ̡ ؐϴϣ ϦϤο ف̯ ϡϮϗέ ̶̴θϴ̡<br />

̶Θϗϭ Ϯ̯ ϡϮϗέ ̶̴θϴ̡ ̶̯ ̶οΎϣ ؟̯ ف٫ ̶ΗΎΟ ̶̯ ΖΣΎοϭ فϴϟ ف̯ ωϼσ΍ ̶̯ ̟΁ ؐϴϣ ϞϴϤόΗ ̶̯ Ϣ̰Σ ف̯ ΐΣΎλ ΞΟ ϞοΎϓ<br />

؟όϳέάΑ Ύϳ ή̯ Ύ̴ϟ ή̡ ϡΎ̯ ̶ΘγΩήΑί Ύϳ βϴϟϮ̡ ؟όϳέάΑ ϡϮϗέ ؟ϳ Ϧ̰ϴϟ -Ύ̳<br />

ف΋ΎΟ ΎϳΩ ؟ϧ έ΍ήϗ ̶ϟϮλϭ ϞΑΎϗΎϧ Ύϳ ̶ϧϮϧΎϗ ήϴϏ ή̡ έϮσ<br />

ϡϮϗέ ̶̴θϴ̡ ؐϴϣ βΟ ̶̳ ف΋Ύϣήϓ έΩΎλ ϡΎ̰Σ΍<br />

Ϊϳΰϣ Ζϟ΍Ϊϋ ؐϴϣ ؟ϠδϠγ α΍ -̶̳<br />

ف΋ΎΟ ̶̯ ؟ϧ ϝϮλϭ ؟Ϙϳήσ ̵ήΒΟ ̶ϬΑ ̶δ̯<br />

ؐϴϣ ؟ϠδϠγ α΍ Ύϳ ؐϴ΋ΎΟ ̵Ω ή̯ ϢΘΧ Ϟ̰ϟΎΑ ؏ΎϴϟϮλϭ ؟̯ ϝ΍Ϯγ ؟ϳ -ف٫<br />

ϞϣΎη ̶ϬΑ ϝΎϤόΘγ΍ Ύ̯ տϨϓ Γ΍Ϯ̯ί فϴϟ ف̯ ̶̴ϴ΋΍Ω΍ ̶̯<br />

ΕΎϣΎψΘϧ΍ ϡΎϤΗ ؐϴϣ ϦϤο α΍ -ف٫<br />

ΎΗΎΟ Ύϴ̯ ήΧΆϣ فϴϟ ف̯ ٪Ύϣ Ϫ̩ ή̡ έϮσ ̶Θϗϭ ϮΗ ف΋ΎΟ ̶̯ ̵ίΎγ ϥϮϧΎϗ ή̡ ίήσ ̶̯ ΕέΎϬΑ<br />

-Ύ̳<br />

ف΋ΎΟ Ύϴ̯ έϮϏ ف΋Ϯ٫ فΘϬ̯έ ήψϧΪϣ Ϯ̯ ف٫ ΖϤ٫Ύϔϣ ̶̯ ϦϴϘϳήϓ ή̡ ϦΟ<br />

ϥΎΧ Ϳ΍ ϥΎδΣ΍<br />

-؏Ϯ٫<br />

Ύ٫έ ή̯ ΍ά٫ ̶ϬՍ̩ ϒϟ ϞϘϧ ϮՌϮϓ ̮ϳ΍ ̶̯ ϻΎΑ ؟ϟϮΤϣ ˯20-11-1988<br />

ή̡ Ζγ΍ϮΧέΩ ̶Ό̳ ̵Ω فγ ϑήσ ̶̯ ϥΎ̰ϟΎϣ ؟ՍϬΑ ؟̯ ϮΟ ϞϘϧ ̶̯ ˯22-11-1988<br />

؟ΧέϮϣ Ϣ̰Σ ف̯ Ζϟ΍Ϊϋ<br />

ՊϮϧ<br />

ήΒϤϧ<br />

؟ΧέϮϣ Ϣ̰Σ έϭ΍ ̮ϳ΍ ف̯ Ζϟ΍Ϊϋ<br />

-ف٫<br />

΍ά٫ ϒϟ ̶ϬΑ ٪ϭ ΍Ϯ٫ έΩΎλ<br />

6. About two months have passed since the order dated 18-9-1988 was passed. Many<br />

controversies now stand resolved. In my assessment the majority of the owners are<br />

honest, God-fearing and honourable citizens. Same applies <strong>to</strong> the majority of the<br />

labourers.<br />

7. Some of the owners made formal petitions for review, reconsideration and/or<br />

clarification of the order dated 18-9-1988. After hearing all the learned counsel, it<br />

appeared as if they sought clarification of the order. When <strong>to</strong>ld that it is not a final<br />

order and the case has <strong>to</strong> go <strong>to</strong> the Bench for final orders, they made their<br />

submissions and proposals for improving the arrangements already made. Some of<br />

them submitted the proposal in writing that office-bearers of every Bar Association in<br />

the Punjab be asked <strong>to</strong> help resolve the differences of owners and labourers on the<br />

question of re-payment/return of past peshgis. This was a laudable suggestion. It<br />

would have been accepted by the court, amongst others, for the reason that the<br />

honourable members of the Bar are not only <strong>to</strong> be entrusted the important role in the<br />

enforcement of fundamental rights in this first case of its nature dealt by the Supreme<br />

court; but, also they should act as a vanguard of an enlightened intellectual force for<br />

the enforcement of the fundamental rights and other similar rights enshrined in the<br />

constitution and the Objectives Resolution. However, the court has not been able <strong>to</strong><br />

put this scheme in<strong>to</strong> operation because of certain procedural impediments regarding<br />

the role of the Bar Associations in the Bar Councils Act and also due <strong>to</strong> the elections<br />

with which the leaders of the Bar at the local level were deeply concerned. This<br />

question and other proposals would, however, be dealt with by the Bench hearing the<br />

case. .

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