Galic Antiquities

bu John Smith

bu John Smith


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. A<br />

P O E M. 269<br />

is plealant. It is pleafant ; but I fee it not, for tliou dofl not difpel<br />

the night from the eye of the bard.<br />

— But tlie mift of years, one day, may dim thy own countenance<br />

;<br />

and flow, like mine, may be thy fteps of age on Morven.<br />

A dim circle, like thy lifter, thou mayefl wander through heaven,<br />

and forget the time of thy rifing.<br />

The voice of the morning will<br />

call, but thou wilt not anfwer. The hunter from his hill will<br />

lonk for thy coming, but he fhall not behold thee.<br />

The tear will<br />

ftart into his eye. " The beam of heaven," he will fay to his<br />

dogs, " hath failed us !" He will return to his booth in fadnefs.<br />

But the moon will fhine in her brightnefs ; and the blue ftars, in<br />

their place, will rejoice.—Yes, O fun, thou wilt one day grow<br />

old in the heavens ;<br />

and, perhaps, fleep in thy tomb, like Trathal.<br />

Dost thou not remember, O fun, the car-borne chief ?<br />

His fteps<br />

before thee on the mountain were lovely. One day as he wandered<br />

on Gormal's heath, the beauty of youth, like light, was around<br />

hira. A fpear was in either hand ; and the fhield of his father was<br />

broad, like thy face, before him. His ruddy cheeks rofe beneath<br />

a dark helmet, and his hair defcended in ftreams upon his neck-<br />

As he went, he whiftled, carelefs, the fong of heroes. A fon of<br />

age rifes before him on the heath. His eye is red : on<br />

his cheek<br />

there refts the tear. Sad is his voice of grief, and mournful lings<br />

in his gray hair the mountain-wind.<br />

" I COME," hefaid, " to alk thine help, if thou art Trathal king<br />

of fpears. On the banks of the diftant Dula, many heroes heard<br />

once the Ihield of Tual-arma, and many ftrangers in his hall have<br />

feafted. But heroes hear now the found of my Ihield no more<br />

and my halls, where blazed in the midft of fongs the oak, are filent

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