Galic Antiquities

bu John Smith

bu John Smith


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A P O E M. 283<br />

Heps on the heath. My image grew a lovely tree within her foul,<br />

and (lie trembled for the growing blaft.<br />

*<br />

If it lay thy green<br />

branches low, no leaf of mine,' fhe faid, ' fliall flovirifh; no voice<br />

of the fpring fhall awake my beauty.'—In the evening we found<br />

the beam of light in our cave. Her yellow locks wandered, on<br />

her blufliing face, in the midfl of tears, as flie told the tale of<br />

death.—' Shun,' fhe faid, ' the cave this night ; but tell not the<br />

fleps of lulorno were nigh it. The foul of my father is dark, a$<br />

the gathering of night in the narrow houfe ; why flaould he know<br />

that his daughter loves the chief of Sliruth ?'<br />

" She funk in her cloud, and retired ; like the moon of heaven<br />

when fhe hath fliewn the bewildered traveller his path on the<br />

heath. He was wandering thoughtlefs on the face of a rock ; the<br />

beam fhone around him : quick he turns his fleps ; and bleffes the<br />

light that faved him.<br />

*'<br />

We fought with the warriors of night, and prevailed. "We<br />

went for lulorno,<br />

but the fteel of her father had pierced her breaft.<br />

Nigh his gate we found her in her blood.<br />

She was fair as the dying<br />

fwan on the foam of the ftream of Lano, when the arrow of<br />

the hunter is in her breafl, and her down is lifted by the breath<br />

of gales.—Her brother afked her why flie would not rife ; and<br />

afked us, wondering, why we wept ?—I gave the child a fword of<br />

light. I reared the tomb of the fair, on the fhore of her native<br />

land.—Moon-beams fhine on the place when all is dark around ;<br />

and virgin-ghofls breathe there, on the palling breeze, their fong.<br />

The foul of lulorno is with them in mift ;<br />

is mournful.<br />

the mufic of her voice<br />

Through every warm fhower, the fun fmiles on her<br />

green turf, and bathes its rays in the dew of her tomb.—Three<br />

N n 2<br />


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