05-Boletín USTA - Speaks (Quinta Edición)

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Issue 5<br />

Nov-Dec<br />

2016<br />

s peaks<br />

U TA<br />


New York Culture<br />

What is the Finding<br />

Dory movie effect?<br />

Walk with teacher<br />

Find out how a blockbuster<br />

film affects<br />

Nelson through his<br />

memories and the<br />

real life.<br />

streets of the Big<br />

Apple. Go to page 6<br />

Find it out on page 4<br />

Equal Rights<br />

Read more, page 8<br />

A wonderful event<br />



2<br />

Writing: a way to scatter thoughts<br />

By: Lucimaver González Robayo, FLI Coordinator<br />

Dear faithful readers,<br />

<strong>USTA</strong> SPEAKS welcome you to our fifth edition –<br />

an edition inspired by teaching experiences. The main<br />

purpose of this publication is to share the vast knowledge<br />

of the <strong>USTA</strong> community, and encourage others<br />

to become interested in writing.<br />

Being immersed in a teaching community implies<br />

that one is aware of their own teaching and learning<br />

environments, which can encourage both students and<br />

educators to reflect on teaching dynamics in a variety<br />

of settings. Therefore, students and teachers can examine<br />

their beliefs about teachers’ views on effective<br />

motivational strategies, and build positive and academic<br />

contexts.<br />

One way to think about meaningful teaching practices<br />

is to contrast it with day-to-day surroundings. In<br />

this sense, this bulletin allows readers to feel identified<br />

with teaching patterns that emerge spontaneously while<br />

interacting inside an academic environment.<br />

We open this edition with: (Brief description of the<br />

sections included in this edition)<br />

The FLI thanks all teachers, students, and writers<br />

who helped make this bulletin possible. All your inspirational<br />

papers are meaningful and relevant insights to<br />

our teaching context. We encourage the community to<br />

contribute to future editions, and make all teaching and<br />

classroom experiences more visible in our daily lives.<br />

On behalf of <strong>USTA</strong> SPEAKS, I want to thank to the<br />

Editorial Committee for their effort and hard work.<br />

―There’s always room for a story that can transport<br />

people to another place.‖— J.K. Rowling<br />

Fr. José Arturo Restrepo Restrepo O.P.<br />

President<br />

Fr. Fernando Cajicá Gamboa O.P.<br />

Academic Vice-president<br />


Coordinator<br />

Lucimaver González Robayo<br />

Editor<br />

Yomaira Angélica Herreño Contreras<br />

Proofreaders<br />

Mckenna Marie Wellhousen<br />

Designer and Diagrammer<br />

Iván Felipe Marín Escobar<br />

Frontend Developer<br />

Rubén Mauricio Muñoz Morales<br />


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Descansa<br />

By: Juan Carlos Álvarez Rojas, Law Student, 4 th semester<br />

Mariposa agonizante y angustiada no vueles más,<br />

Descansa tus alas, estás hastiada de vivir,<br />

El mismo viento de todos los días ya no huele a gloria y libertad<br />

como antes,<br />

Como antes que sin importar nada te sumergías entre los<br />

bosques y restaurantes,<br />

Como antes que volabas entre nubes y pensamientos,<br />

Como antes que adornabas pinturas y momentos,<br />

Pero todo es pasajero y no te culpo por posarte en uno de<br />

mis muros aguardando la parca,<br />

Mi cuarto al igual que tu vibra es oscura y repulsiva,<br />

Y te ocultas en el blanco manicomio de mi encierro,<br />

Dando giros estrepitosos intentas abandonar aquel sentimiento de finalidad,<br />

Pero como todo ser viviente sucumbes ante el imperio de los<br />

muertos, No caes, permaneces inerte, estable, firme, pero ausente…<br />

Te admiro, así deseo morir, como tú y los árboles, ajeno y de pie.<br />

Beatriz Level, Brazilian exchange student<br />

DESEO<br />

Deseo que el sol ilumine tu alma,<br />

quiero que la vida te sonría<br />

cuando te encuentres triste.<br />

Dudo que puedas tener tanta tranquilidad<br />

como cuando estás conmigo.<br />

Necesito que no olvides<br />

los buenos momentos vividos,<br />

y que puedas esperar un poco más<br />

hasta que vuelva,<br />

y una vez más pueda mirar en tus ojos,<br />

y ver a través de tu alma<br />

que estás tranquilo<br />

una vez más por estar a mi lado.<br />

“If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must<br />

be the one to write it.” Toni Morrison



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By: Nelson Segura, English Teacher,<br />

Foreign Language Institute, Santo Tomás University<br />


Empire State Building<br />

I grew up in<br />

Brooklyn one<br />

of the 5 boroughs<br />

of<br />

New York<br />

City. NYC is<br />

also called<br />

the Big Apple,<br />

there are<br />

many rumors<br />

why it was<br />

named the Big<br />

Apple. NYC is also known as the Melting Pot because<br />

it’s a place where people from many cultures<br />

form a new diverse society. In NYC you can be in<br />

the middle of Chinatown and just a few short<br />

Brooklyn Bridge<br />

blocks away be in Little Italy. The same with people.<br />

I grew up with Italians, Puerto Ricans and Russian<br />

Gypsies. So you can also find all different<br />

types of food at a short distance. I loved growing<br />

up in NY because of the 4 seasons, in the Fall we<br />

played football and went to Central park to look at<br />

how the leaves on the trees changed colors, in the<br />

Winter we went ice skating in Rockefeller Center<br />

and made snowmen in front of the house, in the<br />

Spring we would go to the zoo and the park. And<br />

in the Summer we would go to the pool, the beach<br />

or simply open a fire hydrant on our block. There<br />

was always something to do whether it was playing<br />

stickball in the street or taking the subway into the<br />

city to watch a movie, catch a Broadway show or<br />

just watch the street performers. I wouldn’t trade<br />

my childhood<br />

in<br />

Brooklyn<br />

and am<br />

very grateful<br />

for it<br />

today. NY<br />

has also<br />

produced<br />

Statue of Liberty<br />

some of my favorite people. With the exception of<br />

Donald Trump. New Yorkers were the people who<br />

made my childhood special, including of course<br />

my family and friends. And I can’t forget my favorite<br />

baseball team the NY Yankees, the best team<br />

in baseball history. In conclusion if so many cultures<br />

can get along in NYC. Why can this happen<br />

all over the world. NYC is probably the only city<br />

Time Square

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s peaks<br />



By: Jaime Andrés Prieto Torres, Basic Sciences - Master in Electronic and Systems Engineering<br />

Classroom education has been the most used<br />

approach by people. However, these teaching programs<br />

set strict conditions about places and times<br />

for developing them. This inflexibility had promoted<br />

virtual education. These kind of teaching programs<br />

use ICT for setting interaction between<br />

teachers and students. It is highly flexible regarding<br />

locations and schedules. However, could this<br />

approach satisfy learning people needs?<br />

On one hand, ICT in virtual education keeps<br />

content available all the time, and students are free<br />

to look for resources as long as they wish. Additionally,<br />

ICT bridges communication between<br />

teachers and students by setting spaces for solving<br />

doubts, sharing information, and promoting collaborative<br />

work. This educational environment permits<br />

the students to save money and time in terms<br />

of transportation from campus to campus.<br />

On the other hand, virtual education does not<br />

offer face to face interaction, making it difficult to<br />

build strong relationships between teachers and<br />

classmates. It is an environment in which it is not<br />

easy to make friends.<br />

In conclusion, even without personal contact<br />

with teachers and classmates, virtual education is<br />

an efficient educational approach that fosters autonomous<br />

learning. Nevertheless, effectiveness of<br />

virtual education depends on the students. Only<br />

with responsible and determined students it is possible<br />

to ensure high level of effectiveness. Virtual<br />

education is an amazing system which offers great<br />

resources and tools that allows its students to reach<br />

“If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.” Peter Handke


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By: Fabian Moreno Rodriguez, Basic Sciences<br />

Master in Sustainable Environmental Management<br />

This summer (2016) Disney/Pixar presents their newest movie Finding<br />

where a Royal Blue Tangs (Paracanthurus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1766)), called<br />

is looking for her lost parents. What happens, though, when a successful<br />

movie like this one is watched by a lot of people on the planet? This might<br />

have certain consequences for the Royal Blue Tangs.<br />

Dory,<br />

Dory<br />

When we go to a pet shop to buy some fish, we do not know much<br />

about those animals, and the owner is probably lying about their origins. Howev- er, the<br />

Royal Blue Tangs are commonly caught in their own habitat by the use of cyanide (a toxic substance).<br />

Another problem is the fact that these species of marine reef fish have not been efficaciously bred in<br />

captivity, so every single fish might have been captured from its reef. For this reason, some research<br />

groups feel concerned. The worldwide P. hepatus sales could increase significantly after the movie release,<br />

decreasing the wild populations of<br />

Royal Blue Tangs. This is a fact;<br />

something similar happened after<br />

the movie premiere Finding Nemo.<br />

Now it is urgent to highlight the<br />

fact of extracting Royal Blue Tangs<br />

and others reef fish using cyanide,<br />

which might have impacted their<br />

habitats.<br />

In conclusion, it is very important<br />

that people who want to keep a<br />

Royal Blue Tang at home start<br />

thinking about the natural status of this species and its vulnerability, because your decisions can help or

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peaks<br />

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By: Willian Aristizábal, Basic Sciences<br />

Candidate for Master in Education<br />

Albert Einstein stated: "Do not worry about<br />

your problems with mathematics, I can assure you<br />

that mine are still greater‖. 1 For many people,<br />

mathematics has been a headache during all their<br />

lives. Many teachers struggle with their students<br />

trying to make them understand some exercises,<br />

and they get<br />

frustrated because<br />

the students<br />

do not do<br />

them properly,<br />

or they just get<br />

bored with the<br />

topic. Therefore,<br />

teachers<br />

are desperately<br />

looking for<br />

strategies or<br />

methodologies<br />

to handle these<br />

problems. A<br />

methodology which might be useful for this purpose<br />

is called suggestopedia.<br />

Suggestopedia is a teaching method developed<br />

by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov,<br />

and it is mainly used in teaching foreign languages.<br />

This method consists of setting a pleasant and comfortable<br />

environment in a classroom 2 (classical or<br />

other soft music could be used, or exercises where<br />

the students imagine themselves in a relaxing cozy<br />

atmosphere). Besides, it is possible to suggest that<br />

learning can be fun through games, interaction and<br />

competitions (like throwing a ball and asking questions<br />

related to the topic being taught).<br />

People are not used to making changes. Would<br />

it be possible<br />

for a math<br />

teacher to implement<br />

this<br />

method in his/<br />

her class? Of<br />

course it is, but<br />

it requires a creative,<br />

fearless<br />

and open minded<br />

teacher. It<br />

could be strange<br />

or difficult at<br />

the beginning<br />

because it is not common to use music for relaxing<br />

people in a math class, to play games with numbers<br />

or set different contests, but it might work meanwhile<br />

the technique is being developed.<br />

In conclusion, a useful methodology for preventing<br />

the students from feeling terrible at math<br />

and to get engaged with it is Suggestopedia, because<br />

of the positive learning environment that<br />

1<br />

Calaprice, Alice. The ultimate quotable Einstein. United States of America, 2011, p. 80.<br />

2<br />

Larsen-Freeman, Diane. Language Teaching Methods. Washington D.C. 2<strong>05</strong>47, 1990, p. 26.<br />



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By: Daniel Reyes Pardo - Humanities<br />

Candidate for Master in Latin American Studies<br />

Feminism in Colombia, not to mention in<br />

Villavicencio, is a taboo word and a ―radical‖ position.<br />

However, this viewpoint is mainly due to a<br />

misconception from the term and the ways that it<br />

is used in mass media and common jargon. Nevertheless,<br />

feminism is not only an identity, but a<br />

way of living social relations among humans.<br />

Firstly, feminism is a movement that aims for<br />

an equity in social, economic and political practices<br />

between genders. By that definition, many of<br />

us are feminists, even though we hadn’t been<br />

aware of it. Feminism is the deconstruction of<br />

certain entitlements that we assume as biologic<br />

and/or correct, such as: gender and sexual binaries,<br />

social order, and power positions in everyday<br />

life.<br />

On the other hand, feminism is a political posture, and as such, it has many variations. Some of those<br />

positions may take radical statements (for example, exposing half-naked bodies to protest patriarchy stereotypes).<br />

Moreover, all of them aim to create a world of equity for genders. However, this complexity is not<br />

seen by the general public or people outside academia. TV broadcast agencies reproduce a view of feminism<br />

where it is seen as a group of lesbians who hate all males.<br />

Finally, it would be proposed that we all call ourselves feminists, not only because we aim for a gender<br />

equitable society, where gender won’t be a cause for social inequities, but because we should annihilate the

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TA<br />

By: Jorge Arturo Bolaños Briceño<br />

Economist, Environmental Engineering Faculty<br />

WhatsApp has become the<br />

world’s most popular messaging<br />

service, holding 1 billion users in<br />

2016, resulting from a system<br />

which allows people to keep in<br />

touch with anyone without cost.<br />

Unlike other free apps, it doesn’t<br />

use advertising as its source of<br />

income. So, how does WhatsApp<br />

make money?<br />

Since its creation, the company tried to charge people with one dollar per year, and even when some of<br />

them paid for it, in the long term it did not work. So, is it a poor business?<br />

The answer is investment<br />

funds. Many investment funds put their money in companies with high growing expectative, in this case,<br />

WhatsApp. What do they get in return? If the companies earn money or are sold, the fund gets profits based<br />

upon the investment made on them. In 2014, WhatsApp was sold to Facebook for $19 billion USD, but the<br />

initial investment was only $ 8 million USD.<br />



Nowa-<br />

days, according with a company statement, they are going to veri-<br />

munication tools between users and organizations. In other<br />

words, it would give the users a way to check unusual<br />

transactions in their bank accounts, or get information<br />

about airlines flight delays. In other words,<br />

WhatsApp would offer a customer service frame<br />

for companies. As we might expect, this professional<br />

service would generate profits.<br />

fy com-<br />

To summarize, WhatsApp has used three ways to<br />

get money. First, using a fee-based plan; second, being<br />

the target of investment funds, and finally, reinventing<br />

themselves as a professional services company.<br />




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Daniel Vizcaíno, Law student,<br />

10 th semester<br />

In recent days, it has been subject of national<br />

interest the so-called «ideology of gender» and after<br />

it, the Peace Agreement between Government<br />

and FARC. These topics carry us toward a chaotic<br />

situation where doubtfulness reigns, thanks to media<br />

manipulation; and some over-populist politicians’<br />

arguments, which take advantage of all circumstances<br />

that surge from hate and other feelings<br />

caused by 52-year long wounds that have not<br />

scared, and religious fanaticism.<br />

At first sight, it may seem that Colombia is a<br />

well-formed constitutional democracy and an example<br />

to follow by other nations in the region, but<br />

from an analytic view, it is just a circus.<br />

In modern democracies, it is almost impossible<br />

for every citizen to be able to get himself or herself<br />

involved in all political issues, because of selfstructure<br />

of the 21 st century society. Just on account<br />

of it, we elect representatives. We must understand<br />

this: some people are not interested in politics<br />

because their matters are staying on other topics,<br />

and this is the reason why they are not concerned.<br />

However, the citizen participation mechanisms<br />

were stated in modern democracies as a method to<br />

let the population to be directly involved in all<br />

those debates that concern the administration of the<br />

Republic (participative democracy). Our National<br />

Assembly set them in Article 103 of the Constitution:<br />

―[T]hey are participation mechanisms of the<br />

populace in exertion of its sovereignty: the vote,<br />

the plebiscite, the referendum, the popular consultation,<br />

the open council meetings, the legislative<br />

initiative and the recall. Law will rule them, ― and<br />

indeed, law 134/1994 rules them.<br />

My discourse is focused on two of them: referendum<br />

and plebiscite. The first one is the convoking<br />

done to the population to approve or reject a<br />

bill, or repeal or not a law already into force. There<br />

are two types of referendum: approbatory, which is<br />

the submission to the populace consideration of a<br />

legislative act or law to decide whether to approve<br />

or reject it wholly or partially; and derogatory,<br />

which consists of submitting to the populace con-

11<br />

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sideration a law into force to be repealed. When a<br />

referendum aims to reform the Constitution, the<br />

constitutional tribunal must make a legal control<br />

only to find procedure vices, different from the<br />

control of constitutionality done over laws, because<br />

that control aims to find vices in content and procedure.<br />

On the other hand, plebiscite is the populace<br />

pronouncement convoked by the President of the<br />

Republic through which one supports or rejects<br />

certain decisions of the Executive branch of Public<br />

Power.<br />

The vote is a mechanism of democratic participation,<br />

by means of which a citizen elects a person,<br />

rejects or supports an executive or legislative decision.<br />

It is nowadays important in order to let every<br />

citizen indirectly be able to intervene in the public<br />

administration and the future of the State. That is<br />

why we are convoked in some periods to elect candidates’<br />

politic proposals.<br />

Apart from that, representative democracy is a<br />

system that operates the majorities decision in the<br />

most of votes and elections (the half plus one), except<br />

in those where a qualified vote or election is<br />

required. This system presents the problem that the<br />

citizens, who belong to those less than a half, could<br />

be sometimes excluded, and their ideas and projects<br />

with themselves, from the political and public<br />

panorama, conceived as a minority with neither<br />

vote nor voice.<br />

Ad referendum<br />

This year, the wrongly-self-called «liberal»<br />

senator Viviane Morales has been the head of a<br />

legislative initiative to forbid same sex couples<br />

from adopting children through a referendum to<br />

close the path the Constitutional Court has built<br />

from this affair. Her reasons and arguments are<br />

mainly based on moral populism to the detriment<br />

of Colombian State secularity conception. Taking<br />

this into account, it is<br />

above all an injury<br />

against classical liberalism<br />

thought and philosophy,<br />

and against the people<br />

who belong to it.<br />

Senator Viviane Morales<br />

has promoted a legislative<br />

initiative, collecting<br />

citizens’ signatures –<br />

2,300,000 signatures<br />

were required, and suddenly,<br />

she got them – to<br />

bring forward to the Senate<br />

a bill by means of<br />

which the Congress,<br />

once the bill passes and becomes a law into force,<br />

convokes the Colombian population to approve a<br />

modification of the Constitution in Article 44.<br />

The bill «by means of which it convokes a<br />

referendum and it is submitted to consideration of<br />

population a bill of constitutional reform by which<br />

it sets the adoption of minors only by couples constituted<br />

between man and woman» brings in its single<br />

article the addition of a paragraph to the Constitution,<br />

Article 44: The adoption is a measure of<br />

protection of the child that searches to guarantee<br />

the right to have a family constituted by a heterosexual<br />

couple into the explicit terms of the article<br />

42 of the Constitution, that is, by a man and a<br />

woman who united themselves in a marriage or<br />

factual marital union, with the fulfilling of the rest



requirements set in law; then, the question of the<br />

approbatory referendum is: Do you approve the<br />

previous paragraph? Yes / No / Blank vote.<br />

The bill has passed its First Debate in the Seventh<br />

Commission of Senate, and will be studied in<br />

the Second Debate by the Plenary Senate; by the<br />

way, this bill must pass two other debates in Senate<br />

and four in House of Representatives and an automatic<br />

and previous legal control of constitutionality,<br />

because it behoves to the Constitutional Court<br />

to decide, previously the popular pronouncement,<br />

about the constitutionality of the convoking of a<br />

referendum to reform the Constitution – here the<br />

bill dies –.<br />

Firstly, we must claim the senator is «working<br />

hard» to «defend the institution of family» from the<br />

«ideology of gender promoted by the Minister of<br />

Education» Gina Parody (who resigned this week<br />

after the plebiscite failure), of famed homosexual<br />

orientation, which has caused such scandal, and<br />

diverse reactions against, principally from conservative<br />

sectors that tearing their hair are proclaiming<br />

the end of Colombia, forgetting the Constitutional<br />

Court jurisprudence about family conception,<br />

especially the sentence C-577/11, where<br />

this tribunal considered family is not only set by<br />

mother, father and children.<br />

The scandal was the distribution of explicit<br />

sexual content books by Ministry of National Education,<br />

which has denied that distribution in public<br />

schools and the imposition of an ideology of gender,<br />

through its official pronouncements, as though<br />

a child for looking at a sexual content book could<br />

become gay – if this is true, why have not gays become<br />

heterosexuals? – or as though it were a contagious<br />

illness, gotten by looking at some pages<br />

with the teaching of respect of others’ sexual diversity<br />

and differences. Nevertheless, those books,<br />

according to the Ministry, were not ever distributed,<br />

and it was a ―massive manipulation‖ from some<br />

populist politicians.<br />

On the other hand, Constitutional Court has<br />

said that mechanisms of democratic participation<br />

cannot be exerted either to limit or deny rights, personally<br />

considering this bill is utterly discriminatory<br />

not only against same sex couples, but also<br />

against single parents, because it does not allow the<br />

opportunity to adopt children unless a person is<br />

married or in a factual union with another person<br />

of the contrary sex. Indeed, we must start with saying<br />

this is another absurd idea from our dear and<br />

over-worried lawmakers, especially a «liberal» one<br />

who alleges family must be protected, with the<br />

support of some religious sectors that aim to impose<br />

their religion convictions by force, claiming<br />

majority is democracy. Sometimes I get actually<br />

surprised of double standards of some Colombian<br />

people, because with an address, they are claiming<br />

for recovering moral and religious values, and otherwise,<br />

they are acting against scriptural injunctions<br />

they predicate of.<br />

The bill will be submitted to popular consideration,<br />

and it seems to be obvious that the populace<br />

would approve, because the traditional majority is<br />

able to support the initiative, considering that<br />

Christian churches and conservative sectors are a<br />

majority and discard the recent jurisprudence about<br />

LGBT rights, and the clamour to recover those<br />

good manners of Colombia, and yes! The majority<br />

can express its will; with the referendum, the reform<br />

would be approved… but the actual trouble<br />

and the future of the bill is visible and clear: it will<br />

not ever come into force, because it is sure that the<br />

Constitutional Court will not pronounce a sentence<br />

favourably, taking into account that referendum is<br />

discriminatory and restrictive of human rights, and<br />

before voting, the Court previously will pronounce<br />

about the bill’s constitutionality. Here is born a legal<br />

issue where there exists a point of stress: the<br />

legitimation of the population to take decisions<br />

about the Constitutions in exertion of its popular<br />

sovereignty, and the wide Court’s powers to safeguard<br />

and interpret the Constitution.<br />

Therefore, the question is: Is the high constitutional<br />

tribunal legitimated to disapprove a decision<br />

taken through a mechanism of democratic partici-

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pation like referendum, even though a majority voted,<br />

regardless restricting rights, taking into account<br />

they are just nine members of the Court, and<br />

millions of citizens who vote?<br />

This question may be answered affirmatively<br />

because of these reasons: the Constitution set the<br />

participative democracy, separated the Church<br />

from the State recognizing the freedom of faith,<br />

and created a Tribunal to safeguard the self Carta<br />

Magna. Constitutional Court has had an important<br />

role in democracy by means of its wise sentences,<br />

while in its existence it has dignified Colombian<br />

people, pronouncing decisions, sheltering rights,<br />

and protecting them particularly from state agents<br />

and public servants,<br />

especially on rights<br />

to life and work,<br />

healthcare and labour<br />

rights, children<br />

rights, displaced<br />

people by violence<br />

and protection from<br />

conflict, etc., and<br />

LGBT civil rights,<br />

protecting minorities<br />

like indigenous<br />

and afrodescendant<br />

communities<br />

(minorities).<br />

All that interpreting the spirit of the Constitution<br />

in order to protect and reclaim human rights,<br />

and following the new constitutionalism thoughts,<br />

because, even if a majority has expressed its sovereign<br />

decision, it would not be allowed for collective<br />

and individual consciousness the egoist decision<br />

from some sectors of population prevail over<br />

minorities rights, neither limit nor restrict them,<br />

because in many cases, majority is not right, even<br />

in a country like Colombia, where the ordinary citizen<br />

is not educated to respect diversity and differences,<br />

but believes himself to be entitled to impose<br />

his conceptions and ideas. So as a result, the Constitutional<br />

Court is legitimated even to discard a<br />

popular initiative to reform the Constitution, because<br />

modern democracy is not majority, such as<br />

conceived National Assembly; democracy is consensus,<br />

in protection of essential and human rights,<br />

democracy shall not use to smash a minority by a<br />

majority… that is the key: consensus.<br />

Plebis scitum<br />

Despite the reactions and media promotion, the<br />

present topic is the plebiscite convoked by President<br />

Juan Manuel Santos to countersign the Final<br />

agreement to end the armed conflict and build a<br />

stable and lasting peace reached with FARC-EP<br />

after four years of dealing and negotiations.<br />

First of all, noteworthy<br />

media, the<br />

Government, and<br />

opposition manipulation<br />

were the factors<br />

that carried<br />

toward the failure<br />

to countersign the<br />

Peace Agreement<br />

due to: President<br />

Juan Manuel Santos<br />

is one of the<br />

worst and less popular<br />

presidents the Republic has had, owing to the<br />

fact that is incongruent to his speeches and acts; he<br />

is a spendthrift of public resources, ungitimated the<br />

national peasant strike, does not show a strong<br />

character to deal with some difficult situations, and<br />

sold one of the most important elecricity public<br />

companies; in his Government time, many strikes<br />

have been carried out by many economic sectors,<br />

etc. and seems to be a person unable and unqualified<br />

to preside Colombia.<br />

President Santos pretended to sell the fake belief<br />

Since October 2 nd that Colombia would be a peaceful<br />

paradise, where there would not be social<br />

prolems, as though October 2 nd were the Frabjous<br />

Day from Alice in Wonderland, as if Colombia<br />

became a paradise with no violence. The President<br />

Offered «the Peace», not the agreements’ counte



sign.<br />

Former president Alvaro Uribe seems to be the obsessed<br />

ex-girlfriend who has not gotten over the<br />

breaking up of her last relationship, promoting the<br />

NO vote to plebiscite, alleging the agreement<br />

Brings impunity; majority said NO to countersigning<br />

the agreement; he won, but now, after severe<br />

and serious critics from his part, he does not have<br />

any different or good proposal to renegotiate with<br />

the Government and FARC.<br />

Others, even with perturbed ideas, claimed Co<br />

lombia would become another Venezuela, FARC<br />

demobilized members would be paid around two<br />

million pesos monthly as salary, the public power<br />

would be given to FARC – as if an ordinary<br />

citizen were determine to vote on them – and<br />

another out of mind ideas.<br />

Colombian people are not used to reading<br />

(folkloric) neither a summary, and I guess they<br />

never read the Peace Agreement, as an informed<br />

citizen with conviction and knowledge about<br />

what is his decision about and what is considera<br />

bly reasonable for the Nation.<br />

That Peace Agreement, in its first point which<br />

obligates the State to do something, is already obligated<br />

to, and the Constitution ordains: stimulate the<br />

agrarian sector and recognize the main role of<br />

peasants, with the Integral Rural Reform.<br />

Secondly, there is not any ideology of gender<br />

into the agreement – it happens when people are<br />

not bothered to read and understand – there is an<br />

emphasis of gender coming from the concern the<br />

women have been the main victims of armed conflict,<br />

they have been the ones who have suffered<br />

the horror of war, losing their families (sons,<br />

daughters, husbands, fathers, mothers, dignity because<br />

of violation) and their lands by dispossession.<br />

Throughout the text, we can find the word<br />

«gender» referring to the emphasis of gender, in<br />

order to restore women’ rights victims of violence,<br />

and not referring to the ideology of gender, like<br />

some paranoiac Conservatives pretend to interpret,<br />

particularly the former General Inspector<br />

Alejandro Ordoñez, of famed Catholic beliefs and<br />

leaders of Christian churches, alleging it is within<br />

the Agreement hidden into the subtle speech of<br />

«emphasis of gender».<br />

Additionally, the power would not be ever given<br />

to FARC, firstly because it must be delivered democratically,<br />

and to get it democratically, they must<br />

be elected, and the population’s aversion against<br />

FARC would never let them get more than one seat<br />

in any of both Congress houses, and knowing this,<br />

the benefit that was set in Peace Agreement was<br />

the political participation assuring FARC born politic<br />

party to have five seats in Senate and five seats<br />

in House of Representatives since 2018 as a method<br />

to begin their insertion in legal political stages<br />

without violence.

15<br />

s peaks<br />


The reason why the President convoked the plebiscite<br />

has its own political and legal basis, particularly<br />

the Constitution Article 104 «[t]he President<br />

of the Republic, will may consult the populace decisions<br />

of national transcendence» and indeed, he<br />

did it, but despite abusing public resources to support<br />

the countersign, the majority, not Colombia,<br />

said NO, as a result of not reading and media and<br />

opposition manipulation.<br />

Consequently, after the NO victory, opposition is<br />

supposed to express their proposals, but they are<br />

just like Nemo and his friends after escaping from<br />

the office fish tank: now what? They have really<br />

weak arguments, nothing different from the stipulation<br />

or the Agreement… perhaps to change the<br />

font style, include stronger penalties, if they don’t<br />

know, I the least.<br />

Transitional justice<br />

Transitional justice is a parallel system of justice<br />

– not a special kind of justice – that pursues<br />

political targets by implementing a transition from<br />

conflict to institutional stability, driven to solve<br />

non-international conflicts, created exceptionally<br />

because of its role being mainly political instead of<br />

legal. This justice applies in cases of grave and serious<br />

human rights abuses and commission of<br />

crimes against humanity and crimes of war, the<br />

punishment of those behaviours and the transition<br />

to end the conflict.<br />

There are international standards that transitional<br />

justice systems must fulfill:<br />

A real judgment: a trial shall be actually carried<br />

out, and from it, there must result a criminal sa<br />

Tion (penalty) Criminal sanctions shall be altern<br />

tive: the penalty may be of whatever nature, and<br />

must not involve impunity, setting a minimum line<br />

quantum for the sanction.<br />

The victims shall intervene in the conflict resol<br />

tion: (i) to find the real truth – the offenders must<br />

confess their crimes – and (ii) to indemnify injries.<br />

In order to the transition to peace, the agreement<br />

also created the Especial Jurisdiction for<br />

Peace, a system where the victims would be (would<br />

because the institutional crisis aims to avoid the<br />

application of the agreement) entitled to know the<br />

truth, to get soon justice, to reparation and no repetition:<br />

victims are the reason of point 5 «justice»;<br />

into that point, rebels would be beneficiary of general<br />

indults and amnesties, acts of grace only for<br />

political crimes (rebellion, sedition) with the allowance<br />

of Constitution, Title VI, Chapter 3 «Of<br />

laws», article 150, numeral 17: it behoves to Congress<br />

make laws. Through the exertion of the following<br />

functions: 17. Concede […] by grave reasons<br />

of public coexistence, general amnesties and<br />

indults for political crimes.<br />

Not every penalty must be paid in jail, and<br />

crimes against humanity and of war are imprescriptible.<br />

The agreement fits the international<br />

standards, otherwise the International Criminal<br />

Court and United Nations would not ever approve<br />

it.<br />

Conclusions (finally)<br />

To conclude, the winners here were the abstention<br />

and hate: it is shocking 63% of voters did not<br />

vote in the plebiscite, they demonstrated they give<br />

a damn; the «majority» like they call itself is not<br />

really one, at least it showed statistics; Colombia’s<br />

biggest trouble is not war, is not FARC, is the oligarchy<br />

and no-reconciliation, taking into account<br />

the municipalities and regions more affected by<br />

violence voted YES in plebiscite to countersign the<br />

agreement, victims forgive their victimizers, while<br />

city dwellers do not, after FARC heads apologized<br />

to victims under the view of the international community.<br />

In fact, problems in cities and in the whole<br />

country, more than FARC, are corrupt politicians;<br />

why deny some seats in Congress to FARC members<br />

if the Congress is not home of wise philosophers,<br />

who look for common good and a better<br />

country, just reminding some of them do not attend<br />

sessions (absenteeism), do not read the reforms to


16<br />

Bibliography<br />

Political Constitution of Colombia, Title IV, Chapter 1, article 103.<br />

Proyecto de ley 001 de 2016, Senado de la República.<br />

Constitución Política de Colombia, Título VIII, Capítulo 4, artículo 241.<br />

Corte Constitucional de Colombia, Sentencia C-577/11.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Ministry of National Education press release: http://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1759/w3-article-357802.html<br />

Decreto 1391 de 2016, Presidencia de la República.<br />

Acuerdo final para la terminación del conflicto y la construcción de una paz estable y duradera, punto<br />

I would like to make a precise reference to one of the latest films I have<br />

seen: Fargo (1996), written and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen. This<br />

film is a dark comedy that portrays a series of crime stories about some<br />

roadside homicides in Minnesota. The plot involves a pregnant police<br />

chief (Frances McDormand) who investigates a struggling car salesman<br />

(William H. Mancy), who pays two criminals (Steve Buscemi and<br />

Peter Stormare) for the kidnapping of his wife in the aim of extracting<br />

his father-in-law (Harve Presnell) a wealthy ransom.<br />

I have chosen this film not only because it was very entertaining and<br />

fun, but also because in the beginning, the following warning can be<br />

read: ―This is a true story. The events depicted in this film took place in<br />

Minnesota in 1987. At the request of the survivors, the names have<br />

been changed. Out of respect for the dead, the rest has been told exactly<br />

as it occurred‖ (Fargo, 1996), a disclaimer that clarifies that it is a work of fiction. In this sense, the films<br />

develops a conscious composition of nuances of what might be real and what might be fictitious, so when<br />

someone sees it, questions arise such as: is this a real person, and did this happen to someone in real life,<br />

are always ahead.<br />


By: Magdalena Aguilar Sánchez<br />

Law Faculty-Lawyer, Specialist in Public Law<br />


The most interesting characteristic of the film is that the artists (Joel and Ethan) don’t precipitate and<br />

answer these questions with clichés and obvious dramatic twists. Instead, they let us linger and create a<br />

perfect blend of reality and fiction. First, they used local scenery and simple actions to create an atmosphere<br />

of credibility, but they play with us at the same time with a great tale-telling of extraordinary twists<br />

and unexpected reactions. Second, they used common characters as policemen, salesmen, traditional criminals<br />

but each of them inhabits this very peculiar and strange world in a non-classical way. Third, although<br />

in some interviews and DVD extras they claimed the use of facts and real murder stories, their choices in<br />

mixing the events have the intention to promote a reflection within an aesthetic of humour and unpredictability<br />

and not to celebrate violence or to rant about some moralistic tale about real people’s flaws and vices.<br />

In conclusion, to me the artistic license, whether it is changing the names or creating some events, can<br />

be unlimited to the logic of the world that the filmmakers depict, as long as they don’t make a eulogy of the<br />

wrong and evil or try to encourage racism, bigotry, homophobia or other forms of exclusion. The cinematographic<br />

adaptations must always have respect for the dead, and also for the living.

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