M8D #1

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HEY!<br />

We are so proud to welcome you<br />

to My8days your personal<br />

magazine/ shopping app that will help<br />

you out of any clothing crisis.<br />

We are here to keep you<br />

updated on all the new fashion trends<br />

through our cool editorials with direct<br />

link to shopping and our exciting<br />

cover stories<br />

with inspiring covergirls.<br />

Log in and get your own<br />

heart ♥ folder where you can<br />

collect all the items you can’t<br />


Our Favorites right now<br />

Go to SHOP for more amazing items<br />

Jumpsuit Zara 549kr<br />

Bag Zara 459kr<br />

Hat Tiger of Sweden 799kr<br />

Jacket Mango 499kr<br />

Boot Billi Bi 1399kr<br />

Jeans Zara 299kr<br />

Enjoy the first issue of My8days here – join us as we visit<br />

lovely Helena Christensen in her<br />

beautiful apartment in New York, get inspired to mix<br />

and match with sustainable fashion, get some hot beauty<br />

tips and and get an update on must have sport styles<br />

right now.<br />

My8days inspire to your desire

That seventies feeling seems to be here to stay.<br />

Mix up your wardrobe with fur, flair, hats and bold<br />

jewelry to create a look of your own for this autumn.<br />

Photo by Jonas Bie<br />

Model Michaela Strate fra<br />

Lemanagement<br />

Stylist Signe Christoffersen<br />

Hår og makeup Marie Dausell Retouch<br />


Hat Hornskov 1500kr, Vest Sakspotts 5995kr,<br />

Cardigan Times up Vintage 500kr, Bh Love Stories 499kr,<br />

Cross necklace National Museum 898kr,<br />

Skull ring The Great Frog 480kr,<br />

Other jewelry stylists own

Lamb coat Saks Potts 8,495kr,<br />

Cross necklace National Museum 898kr

Scarf Hermes Times up Vintage 500kr,<br />

Shirt Hermes Times up Vintage 1000kr,<br />

Pants Sakspotts showpiece,<br />

Coin necklace Aldo 899 dkk

Cardigan Times up Vintage 500kr,<br />

Jewelry stylists own

Hat Hornskov 1500kr,<br />

Suit jacket Topshop 600 dk,<br />

Jewelry stylists own

Our Favorites right now<br />

Go to SHOP for more amazing items<br />

Pants Zara 549kr<br />

Poncho Aiayu 3790kr<br />

Dress Zara 449kr<br />

Boots Billi Bi 1795kr<br />

Kimoni Valentine Gauthier<br />

2990kr<br />

Necklace Anni Lu 829,30kr<br />

Hat Tiger of Sweden 799kr

The Swallow swimsuit/body Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Suit jacket Inwear by Helena 1300kr

Join us on a trip to New York where Helena<br />

Christensen has invited us into<br />

her beautiful home in the<br />

West Village. It was an<br />

inspiring and playful<br />

experience creating<br />

the photos of this stunning<br />

power woman.<br />

Get inspired by her great taste<br />

in both fashion and way of life,<br />

right here.<br />

Photo by Anja Poulsen www.blinkproduction.com<br />

Hair by Damian Monzillo<br />

using Ecru New York Makeup Pamela Cochrane<br />

www.bridgeartists.com<br />

Runner Rikke Grønkjær<br />

Retouch Greenlemon.dk

The Swallow swimsuit/body Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Signature skirt By Stærk

Tell us a bit about where you are in your life right now,<br />

what’s in your hands and on your mind?<br />

I try to be on a never-ending evolving journey, both<br />

physically and mentally. Copenhagen is where my feet<br />

are touching the ground right now, but in my mind I<br />

would like to think I am on a planet that hasn’t been<br />

discovered yet, I think.<br />

Creatively I am playing with my camera all day long, I<br />

am really inspired by natural light, and totally high on<br />

The Danish Artist Hammershøj these days. Also I am<br />

really enjoying the photographer/model jobs as well as<br />

the personal projects I am working on right now. And<br />

then there is the new puppy.sigh.<br />

You have your hands on many inspiring collaborations<br />

right now, tell us about your interest in Design and<br />

these kind of collaborations?<br />

In this business you just get very inspired by art and<br />

interior design. Everything around you is stimulating.<br />

My everyday often feels like a huge filtering process,<br />

where I absorb everything that feels inspiring to me,<br />

and then end up with some version of what I want to<br />

work on.

The Swallow bikini Staerk&Christensen

“I am always on a never-ending journey,<br />

both physically and mentally.”

The Swallow Swimsuit Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Signature skirt By Stærk,<br />

Parfume “melt my heart” Strangelove NYC

With my good friend good Camilla Stærk, we created<br />

a little business STAERK&CHRISTENSEN, which is<br />

under constant development. It is really important for<br />

my head to be able to express myself creatively, and<br />

it´s amazing to be able to do just that with someone<br />

that I am deeply inspired by. I also travel the world<br />

with UNHCR as a photographer to document the<br />

harsh conditions that the refugees are subjected to. It<br />

is a job that I feel very privilege to have. It puts<br />

absolutely everything into perspective and pushes a<br />

lot of fundamental and philosophical boundaries on a<br />

personal level.<br />

How did the idea of swimwear arise between you and<br />

Camilla Stærk?<br />

From the very day we met (when I did a polaroid<br />

portrait of her for my newly born Nylon Magazine<br />

which I was the co-founder of) we have collaborated<br />

perfectly together creatively, and through the years we<br />

have worked on finding the exact universe between us,<br />

that would cover both of our fashion and creative expression.<br />

We developed a small jewelry collection for<br />

Skagen, which was inspired by our Scandinavian<br />

heritage and has the swallow as symbol.

The swimsuit and following collection was a<br />

continuation of that collection, with the swallow as<br />

our inspiration and symbol.<br />

You have developed your own perfume (as seen on our<br />

beautiful cover) tell us more about this project?<br />

I have a small perfume company with 2 partners in<br />

New York, one of them is a famous perfume nose with<br />

whom we develop the scents out of very rare<br />

ingredients, like Oud and Ambergris. I am the creative<br />

director in the company and the third partner overlooks<br />

the financial side. Our first perfume is called<br />

deadofnight, after that came meltmyheart and we just<br />

finished silencethesea. I am fascinated by scents and<br />

ingredients and can totally flip out over how they can<br />

take you back to moments of your life in a split second.<br />

As a true entrepreneur with a constant flow of new<br />

creative projects coming into your life, tell us where<br />

the interest and curiosity comes from to do this?<br />

I think working as a photographer and model naturally<br />

leads me to towards interesting projects that I jump<br />

into, if It feels right in my heart.

The Swallow bikini Staerk&Christensen

The Swallow swimsuit/body Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Suit jacket Inwear by Helena 1300kr

The Swallow bikini Staerk&Christensen,<br />

The Swallow dress, Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Hat Helena own

What is the best advice you can give to all of the girls<br />

and women reading along here?<br />

Oh, I am the kind of person who looks at life from a<br />

bit of an ironic/sarcastic/pessimistic perspective (but<br />

very positively so), so I don’t know if I am the best to<br />

give advise. But basically, shit happens, and it`s the<br />

little moments in life that truly counts. Put yourself<br />

above narrow minded point of views and petty opinions.<br />

It is your life, and perhaps the only life we are<br />

going to get, and it is a strange wondrous journey that<br />

in reality only lasts one second in the entire history of<br />

the existence of the Universe.<br />

And the future?<br />

I have never actually set myself any future goals, I am<br />

not sure if it`s because I feel that everything always<br />

happen the way it´s supposed to anyways, or perhaps<br />

because I feel I already have reached many of my<br />

dreams, like having a child, being close to my family,<br />

having a cosy home, traveling a lot and experiencing a<br />

lot of interesting and strange things

The Swallow swimsuit/body Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Blazer, Inwear by Helena 1300kr


Pant Inwear 799kr<br />

Parfume Helena<br />

Christensen 1715kr<br />

Skirt Zara 249kr<br />

Top H&M 199kr<br />

Parfume Helena<br />

Christensen 3200kr<br />

Sweater Fila 549kr<br />

The Swallow swimsuit/body Staerk&Christensen,<br />

Pants Inwear by Helena 900kr


The White Wall is the place where we celebrate<br />

beautiful and cool women of all ages, colors and<br />

size.<br />

Here at My8Days we LOVE diversity, it simply makes<br />

this life more beautiful, so here we have gathered 4<br />

cool women and asked them what true beauty is for<br />

them. All women are styled in sustainable Fashion,<br />

another subject very close to our hearts. So get inspired<br />

to add on those extra unique and beautiful<br />

fashion pieces that also respects the earth under<br />

our feet.<br />

Enjoy<br />

Photo Anja Poulsen<br />

Stylist Line Givskov<br />

Makeup og hair Sidsel Marie Bøg<br />

www.tomorrowmanagement.com Girls<br />

Augusta Beyer and Helga<br />

From www.etoile-models.dk<br />

Lisbet Dinsen and Bibi Deva Sabbrin<br />

Bodystocking Popupshop 599kr,<br />

Boots vintage ByeByeLove 1200kr

Jacket vintage ByeByeLove 450kr,<br />

Jeans Popupshop 849kr

Sweater Aiayu 2990kr,<br />

Dress Pas de Calais 4590kr,<br />

Boots A.T.P. Atelier 2990kr

Jeans Just Cavalli 2400kr

Dress Marc Jacobs<br />

ByeByeLove 600kr,<br />

T-shirt Armoire de<br />

Femme 290kr

T-shirt Anne Linnet & Trykkeren 249kr,<br />

Skirt H&M concious 699kr,<br />

Fur Utzon 23500kr<br />

Bomber Popupshop 1000kr,<br />

Scarf Byebyelove 350kr,<br />

Jewelry Mads Heindorf

T-shirt BWatt 350kr,<br />

Skirt Byebyelove 750kr,<br />

Kimono Byebyelove, 950kr

Dress Manoush ByeByeLove 2800kr,<br />

Custommized military jacket<br />

The Fashion Army 2500kr


SHOP<br />

Bomber Jacket 349kr<br />

Earrings Dyrberg<br />

Kern 249kr<br />

Skirt H&M 129kr<br />

Sneakers Adidas 749kr<br />

Hoodie H&M 199kr<br />

Top Zara 249kr<br />

Boots Vagabond 1595kr<br />

Dress Luxuar Fashion<br />

2995kr<br />

Jacket H&M 349kr<br />

Body by H&M 99kr<br />

T-shirt Zara 99kr<br />

Kimono Valentine Gauthier 2990kr, Swimsuit Popupshop 599kr,<br />

Jeans Nudie jeans 1100kr

Beautiful sexy lace and the romantic look is a big part<br />

of the fashion scene these days.<br />

We have taken a closer step towards this trend and<br />

played with it on the most luxurious<br />

summer glowing skin. Dont we all wish to keep that<br />

summer glow we just build, here is your<br />

ultimate beauty guide to do just that.<br />

We give you all of the necessary products to keep your<br />

skin glowing all the way into fall.<br />

Model Natalia kroll<br />

Photo Anja Poulsen<br />

Makeup Sidsel Marie Bøg<br />

Styling Line Givskov<br />

Embryolisse Lait creme concentre 199kr, Ilia Balmy days lip<br />

balm 195kr, RMS beauty Un-coverup 11 295kr, Sephora Nars Laguna<br />

Tiare Bronzer, 438kr, Sephora Marc Jacobs Glow stick spot<br />

light 278kr, Loreal Brow artist designer 303 deep brown 64,95kr,<br />

Ilia shadow of doubt mascara 190kr, MAC clear lipglass 155kr<br />

JEWELRY necklace Julie Sandlau 2250kr

Egyptian magic 259kr, Åhlens Shimmering lotion 110kr,<br />

Ellis Faas Concealer S203 219kr,<br />

Glo minerals Bronze sunlight 425kr,<br />

Ilia Polka Dots & Moonbeams Illuminator 240kr,<br />

Gosh Defining brow gel 003 79,95kr,<br />

Malin+Goetz lip moisturizer 100kr<br />

JEWELRY earring Ninna York 3400kr

Loreal Age perfect intense nutrition 189,95, Karmameju Glow<br />

face olie 399kr, Sephora Makeup forever ultra HD concealer<br />

179kr, Gosh Contour’strobe Kit 189,95kr, Loreal Glam Bronze<br />

Duo 101 Harmony Blonde 124,95kr, Gosh Lip oil 001 clear<br />

99,95kr, Glo Minerals Brow gel Brown 210kr, Loreal Volume Million<br />

Lashes 99,95 JEWELRY rings from left Izabel camille 450kr,<br />

Sloan Sable 650 kr, Izabel camille 1600kr, white silver bracelet<br />

Izabel camille 1900kr, silver bracelet Izabel Camille 650kr

Egyptian magic 259kr, Malin+Goetz Mojito lip balm 100kr,<br />

Youngblood Mineral body tint 410kr, Gosh Foundation plus+ 004<br />

149,95kr, MAC Strobe cream 270kr, Sephora Guerlain Terracotta<br />

Terra Magnifica 504kr, Gosh defining brow gel 003 greybrown<br />

79,95kr, Sephora Too faced Better than sex waterproof mascara<br />

150kr JEWELRY earring Ninna York, 4200kr

Malin+Goetz Vitamin E face moisturizer 388kr, RAZ spa Body<br />

glow 195kr, RMS beauty Simply coca lip and skin balm 240kr,<br />

Loreal Lumi magique concealer light 109,95kr, Gosh Contour<br />

n strobe kit 189,95kr, RMS beauty Eye polish Lunar 195kr, RMS<br />

beauty Master mixer 325kr, Ilia Shadow of doubt mascara 190kr,<br />

Loreal Brow artist sculpt 03 grey 99,95kr, JEWELRY Necklace upper<br />

Ninna York 8.500kr, Necklace other Dyrberg Kern 1899kr

Top Adidas 250kr, Necklace palm tree Anni Lu 634kr, Necklace<br />

gold plate Anni Lu 829kr

Sport styles has become a part of everyday wear. It is<br />

street and it is cool! Mix your sportswear with<br />

feminine elements like fine jewelry, dresses and<br />

lipstick, it creates and interesting an cool contrast to<br />

your look.<br />

Model Yohana Ottosson<br />

www.tomorrowmanagement.com<br />

Makeup Sidsel Marie Bøg<br />

Photo Anja Poulsen<br />

Styling Line Givskov

Top Adidas performance 300kr, Sweatpants Adidas 349kr,<br />

Sneakers Nike 900kr, Bracelet Dyrberg Kern 799kr, Necklace<br />

palm tree Anni Lu 634kr, Necklace gold plate Anni Lu 829kr

Hoodie Adidas 550kr

Hoodie Adidas 550kr, Bikini Ganni 699kr, Bracelet Dyrberg Kern<br />


Hoodie Adidas 550kr, Leggings Stadium/SOC 299kr, Bracelet<br />

Dyrberg Kern 799kr, Sneakers Nike 900kr


IN SHOP<br />

Top Nike 249,95kr<br />

Tights H&M 179kr<br />

Pants adidas original 439kr<br />

Top Gina Tricot 119kr<br />

Leggings H&M 199kr<br />

Snicks Puma 849,95kr<br />

Tights Reebok 529,95kr

Join us on a trip to LA where we visit the cool and<br />

succesful designer Anine Bing in her grand showroom<br />

downtown. Get all of the new hair trends, lots of<br />

denim and the very best from the danish designers<br />

right now ...Join us on a trip to LA where we visit the<br />

cool and succesful designer Anine Bing in her grand<br />

showroom downtown. Get all of the new hair trends,<br />

lots of denim and the very best from the danish designers<br />

right now...

___Contact___<br />

Anja@my8days.com<br />

___Social ___<br />

www.facebook.com/my8days<br />

www.instagram.com/_m8d_<br />

www.my8days.com<br />

Copyright ©. All rights reserved. No part of this<br />

publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted<br />

in any form without prior written permission of m8d.

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