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Mar<strong>in</strong>e 2017

“Mar<strong>in</strong>e 2017 - Presidential Commitments<br />

To put France right <strong>in</strong> five years - this is<br />

the commitment I am mak<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

My project conta<strong>in</strong>s 144 essential<br />

measures, which will be detailed as the<br />

campaign progresses. By present<strong>in</strong>g<br />

them <strong>in</strong> this way, I want to give you the<br />

opportunity to scrut<strong>in</strong>ise what I <strong>in</strong>tend to<br />

do as Head of State dur<strong>in</strong>g my five-year<br />

term. Without these checks, there can be<br />

no healthy democracy.<br />

The aim of this project is first and foremost<br />

to give France back its freedom and to<br />

give the people a voice. For it is <strong>in</strong> your<br />

name, and for your benefit alone, that any<br />

national policy should be conducted.<br />

I also want to give the French people their money back because, for far too<br />

many years, our social and taxation policies have impoverished the middle and<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g classes, whilst enrich<strong>in</strong>g mult<strong>in</strong>ational corporations and wast<strong>in</strong>g public<br />

money on totally uncontrolled immigration.<br />

My project, as you can see, consists of a genu<strong>in</strong>e revolution of proximity.<br />

Democratic proximity: I want decisions to be taken at a level as close to our<br />

citizens as possible and under their control. Economic proximity: this means<br />

reth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g our territorial development, mak<strong>in</strong>g sure there are public services<br />

everywhere, relocat<strong>in</strong>g our companies and therefore our jobs. No French person,<br />

no corner of France, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the Overseas Territories, for which I have already<br />

presented a complete <strong>program</strong>me, will be forgotten.<br />

As you are aware, this election will confront two visions. The “globalist” choice<br />

on the one hand, which is the vision shared by my all my adversaries, which<br />

seeks to destroy the economic and social balances <strong>in</strong> our society, which wants<br />

to abolish all borders - economic and physical - and which wants ever more<br />

immigration and less cohesion between the French people. On the other hand,<br />

there is the patriotic choice, which I am represent<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> this election, which places<br />

the defence of the nation and the people at the heart of all public decisions and<br />

which, above all else, wishes to protect our national identity, our <strong>in</strong>dependence,<br />

the unity of the French people and the prosperity of all.<br />

This choice between two basic visions is the choice that you will be fac<strong>in</strong>g -<br />

it is a choice of civilisations. And it is one that will govern our children’s future.





1 To rega<strong>in</strong> our freedom and control over our own dest<strong>in</strong>y by restor<strong>in</strong>g sovereignty<br />

to the French people (monetary, legislative, territorial and economic sovereignty). To<br />

achieve this, negotiations will be entered <strong>in</strong>to with our European partners, followed by<br />

a referendum on whether we should rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the European Union. The aim is to arrive<br />

at a European project that respects French <strong>in</strong>dependence, national sovereignties and<br />

which serves the <strong>in</strong>terests of the different people.<br />



2 To organise a referendum with a view to revis<strong>in</strong>g the Constitution and mak<strong>in</strong>g any<br />

future revisions of the Constitution subject to a referendum. To widen the scope of<br />

Article 11 of the Constitution.<br />

3 To enable all French people to be represented by apply<strong>in</strong>g proportional<br />

representation to all elections. For the National Assembly, the proportional system<br />

will <strong>in</strong>clude a w<strong>in</strong>ner’s bonus of 30% of the seats allocated to the w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g list and a<br />

threshold of 5% of the vote to obta<strong>in</strong> the first seat.<br />

4 To reduce the number of Members of Parliament to 300 (from 577 today) and the<br />

number of Senators to 200 (from 348 today).<br />

5 To create a genu<strong>in</strong>e system of popular referendums, whereby a petition signed by<br />

at least 500,000 voters will be sufficient to force a vote.<br />

6 To endorse only three levels of adm<strong>in</strong>istration (<strong>in</strong>stead of six currently):<br />

municipalities, departments and the State. This reform will provide:<br />

• simplification (elim<strong>in</strong>ation of duplication and a clear division of competencies);<br />

• proximity (by giv<strong>in</strong>g more weight to elected officers known by the people, such as Mayors);<br />

• sav<strong>in</strong>gs (<strong>in</strong> particular on elected officers’ allowances and the expenses to run their<br />

offices, etc).<br />

These measures will rapidly reduce local taxes.<br />

To enhance the role and status of the Mayors of small and medium-sized municipalities.


7 To guarantee freedom of speech and digital freedom by add<strong>in</strong>g them to the<br />

fundamental freedoms protected by the Constitution, whilst re<strong>in</strong>forc<strong>in</strong>g the fight aga<strong>in</strong>st<br />

cyber-jihadism and paedophile crimes. At the same time, to simplify procedures<br />

enabl<strong>in</strong>g victims to seek redress for defamation or <strong>in</strong>sult.<br />

8 To create a Constitutional Charter that will <strong>in</strong>clude the protection of the personal<br />

data of French citizens, <strong>in</strong> particular through an obligation to store such data on<br />

servers located on French soil.<br />

9 To defend women’s rights: to combat Islamic fundamentalism, which has set back<br />

their fundamental rights; to <strong>in</strong>troduce a national plan for gender pay equality and<br />

counter job and social <strong>in</strong>security.<br />

10 To uphold freedom of association with<strong>in</strong> the sole limits of the necessity of public<br />

order and support the small cultural, sports, humanitarian, social and educational<br />

voluntary bodies, etc, that susta<strong>in</strong> the life of every area of the country. To <strong>in</strong>troduce<br />

genu<strong>in</strong>e trade union freedoms by abolish<strong>in</strong>g the monopoly on closed shops and<br />

enhanc<strong>in</strong>g trade union life by means of public oversight of union f<strong>in</strong>ances.<br />

11 To guarantee the right to choose how to educate one’s children, whilst strictly<br />

oversee<strong>in</strong>g the compatibility of the teach<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>in</strong> private schools not contracted to<br />

the State, with Republican values.




12 To restore security by ensur<strong>in</strong>g the protection of <strong>in</strong>dividual freedoms.<br />

13 To provide a massive boost to the resources of the law enforcement agencies:<br />

personnel (plan to recruit 15,000 police officers and gendarmes), equipment (modernisation<br />

of equipment, police stations and gendarmeries, plus the adaptation of weapons available<br />

to counter new threats), but also to boost morale and provide new legal authority (<strong>in</strong><br />

particular the presumption of self-defence) for police officers and gendarmes. To guarantee<br />

the military status of the gendarmerie.<br />

14 To refocus the police and the gendarmerie on their ma<strong>in</strong> task of ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g law<br />

and order by spar<strong>in</strong>g them adm<strong>in</strong>istrative and other irrelevant tasks.<br />

15 To set up a plan to disarm the suburbs where guns are a problem and to reestablish<br />

the authority of the State <strong>in</strong> areas that have succumbed to lawlessness.<br />

To target the 5,000 del<strong>in</strong>quent and crim<strong>in</strong>al gang leaders identified by the M<strong>in</strong>istry of<br />

the Interior. In order to prevent gangs reform<strong>in</strong>g, to <strong>in</strong>troduce, on top of the sentence<br />

handed down by the courts, a civil <strong>in</strong>junction to ban gang members from return<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

their old place of residence.<br />

16 To re-establish an <strong>in</strong>land <strong>in</strong>telligence service capable of gather<strong>in</strong>g evidence on the<br />

ground to combat crim<strong>in</strong>al traffick<strong>in</strong>g.<br />


17 To apply the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of zero tolerance and put an end to undue leniency once<br />

and for all by repeal<strong>in</strong>g lenient crim<strong>in</strong>al laws (such as the Taubira Act), re-<strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

m<strong>in</strong>imum sentences and end<strong>in</strong>g automatic remission of sentences.<br />

18 To combat juvenile del<strong>in</strong>quency by mak<strong>in</strong>g parents accountable, by stopp<strong>in</strong>g payments<br />

of benefits to the parents of repeat juvenile offenders <strong>in</strong> cases of manifestly deficient parent<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

19 To <strong>in</strong>troduce a real life sentence without parole for the most serious crimes.<br />

20 To create 40,000 extra prison places <strong>in</strong> 5 years.<br />

21<br />

<br />

To re-establish the automatic expulsion of foreign crim<strong>in</strong>als and del<strong>in</strong>quents.<br />

To sign bilateral agreements so that convicted foreigners can serve their prison<br />

sentences <strong>in</strong> their country of orig<strong>in</strong>.

22 To attach the Prisons’ Department to the M<strong>in</strong>istry of the Interior and re<strong>in</strong>force<br />

<strong>in</strong>telligence gather<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>side prisons.<br />

23 To <strong>in</strong>crease the number of Judges, <strong>in</strong> particular by means of external recruitment.<br />

In order to break with the culture of excessive leniency, to abolish the ENM<br />

(National School for the Judiciary ) and to create a jo<strong>in</strong>t tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g pathway for all legal<br />

careers (with «application schools»).<br />



24 To restore national borders and leave the Sch<strong>eng</strong>en Area (specific arrangements will be put<br />

<strong>in</strong> place for cross-border workers to facilitate their rout<strong>in</strong>e border cross<strong>in</strong>g). To restore the jobs<br />

cut <strong>in</strong> the Customs Service with the recruitment of 6,000 officers dur<strong>in</strong>g the five-year term.<br />

25 To make it impossible to legalise or naturalise undocumented foreigners. To make<br />

their expulsion automatic and simpler.<br />

26 To reduce legal immigration to an annual balance of 10,000. To end automatic<br />

family reunification and regroup<strong>in</strong>g as well as the automatic acquisition of French<br />

nationality by marriage. To abolish policies that attract immigrants.<br />

27 To abolish jus soli (right of the soil): it will only be possible to acquire French nationality<br />

by filiation or naturalisation, the conditions for which will be tightened. To abolish dual<br />

nationality for non-Europeans.<br />

28 To return to the orig<strong>in</strong>al spirit of the right of asylum which, furthermore, will only<br />

be granted after the fil<strong>in</strong>g of an application <strong>in</strong> French Embassies or Consulates <strong>in</strong> the<br />

countries of orig<strong>in</strong>, or border<strong>in</strong>g countries.<br />



29 To ban and dissolve organisations of any nature with ties to Islamic fundamentalists.<br />

To expel all foreigners with ties to Islamic fundamentalism (<strong>in</strong> particular those with an<br />

«S» <strong>in</strong>telligence file).<br />

30 To close all extremist mosques identified by the M<strong>in</strong>istry of the Interior and ban foreign<br />

fund<strong>in</strong>g of places of worship and their personnel. To ban all public fund<strong>in</strong>g (State, local<br />

authorities, etc) of places of worship and religious activities.<br />

31 To combat jihadi networks: stripp<strong>in</strong>g of French nationality, expulsion and bann<strong>in</strong>g<br />

re-entry <strong>in</strong>to the country for any person with dual nationality l<strong>in</strong>ked to a jihadi<br />

organisation. To apply Article 411-4 of the <strong>Pen</strong>al Code on pass<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>telligence to<br />

the enemy and to place any <strong>in</strong>dividual with French nationality, with l<strong>in</strong>ks to a foreign<br />

organisation promot<strong>in</strong>g hostile activities or aggression aga<strong>in</strong>st France and the French<br />

people, <strong>in</strong> preventive custody. To draw up a list of such organisations.<br />

32 To restore the offence of «national <strong>in</strong>dignity» for <strong>in</strong>dividuals guilty of crimes and<br />

other offences relat<strong>in</strong>g to Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.<br />

33 To re<strong>in</strong>force the human and technical resources of the domestic and foreign<br />

<strong>in</strong>telligence services and to create a s<strong>in</strong>gle counter-terrorist agency attached directly to<br />

the Prime M<strong>in</strong>ister and <strong>in</strong> charge of analys<strong>in</strong>g the threat and of operational coord<strong>in</strong>ation.

III - A FRANCE<br />



34 To implement a re-<strong>in</strong>dustrialisation plan as part of a process of cooperation between<br />

<strong>in</strong>dustry, with the State act<strong>in</strong>g as the strategist <strong>in</strong> order to give preference to the real<br />

economy over speculative f<strong>in</strong>ance.<br />

35 To support French bus<strong>in</strong>esses fac<strong>in</strong>g unfair foreign competition by <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>telligent protectionist measures and restor<strong>in</strong>g a national currency, adapted to<br />

our economy and able to boost our competitiveness.<br />

36 In order to protect consumers and fair competition, to ban the import<strong>in</strong>g and sale<br />

of foreign goods that do not meet the standards imposed on French producers.<br />

At the same time, to support «Made <strong>in</strong> France» by mandatory, clear and fair labell<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

stat<strong>in</strong>g the orig<strong>in</strong> of goods and commodities sold <strong>in</strong> France.<br />

37 To establish genu<strong>in</strong>e economic patriotism by ridd<strong>in</strong>g ourselves of European<br />

constra<strong>in</strong>ts and impos<strong>in</strong>g an obligation to «buy French» on all public bodies, as<br />

long as the difference <strong>in</strong> price is reasonable. To set aside a certa<strong>in</strong> portion of public<br />

orders for SMEs.<br />

38 To abolish the “Post<strong>in</strong>g of the Workers’ Directive <strong>in</strong> France”, as it creates<br />

unacceptable and unfair competition. To <strong>in</strong>troduce an additional tax on the hir<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of foreign nationals <strong>in</strong> order to guarantee an effective policy of national preference <strong>in</strong><br />

employment.<br />

39 To protect strategic and growth sectors by controll<strong>in</strong>g foreign <strong>in</strong>vestments that go<br />

aga<strong>in</strong>st the national <strong>in</strong>terest by sett<strong>in</strong>g up an Economic Security Authority. To create,<br />

under the authority of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (publicly-owned credit<br />

<strong>in</strong>stitution), a sovereign fund with the dual mission of protect<strong>in</strong>g enterprises from<br />

vulture funds or hostile takeover bids and to acquire stakes <strong>in</strong> growth sectors.<br />

40 To create a government department dedicated to economic transformation,<br />

attached to the M<strong>in</strong>istry of F<strong>in</strong>ance, <strong>in</strong> order to anticipate changes <strong>in</strong> work<strong>in</strong>g practices<br />

due to new technologies (‘uberisation’, robotics, the shar<strong>in</strong>g economy, etc). In cooperation<br />

with the sectors concerned, to establish new regulations to preserve fair competition.<br />

41 To anchor <strong>in</strong>novation <strong>in</strong> France by prevent<strong>in</strong>g companies which have received public<br />

subsidies from be<strong>in</strong>g sold to foreign companies for a period of ten years. To promote<br />

the strategic sectors of research and <strong>in</strong>novation, by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the tax deductibility of<br />

donations. To <strong>in</strong>crease the public research budget by 30% (to br<strong>in</strong>g it to 1% of GDP) .

42 To create a Great Maritime and Overseas M<strong>in</strong>istry <strong>in</strong> order to make the most of<br />

France’s maritime dimension and to develop a massive <strong>in</strong>vestment plan focused on<br />

the «blue gold economy».<br />

43 To sort out our public f<strong>in</strong>ances by putt<strong>in</strong>g an end to bad public spend<strong>in</strong>g (especially<br />

spend<strong>in</strong>g on immigration and the European Union) and by combat<strong>in</strong>g social and tax<br />

fraud. To end our dependency on the f<strong>in</strong>ancial markets by allow<strong>in</strong>g the Banque de<br />

France to f<strong>in</strong>ance the Treasury once aga<strong>in</strong>.<br />



44 To reduce the complexity of the adm<strong>in</strong>istrative and tax burden weigh<strong>in</strong>g on microenterprises<br />

and SMEs: a one-stop shop for the social, tax and adm<strong>in</strong>istrative systems,<br />

extend<strong>in</strong>g the TESE (enterprise service employment voucher) scheme to micro-enterprises,<br />

replac<strong>in</strong>g the arduous work account, which is <strong>in</strong>applicable <strong>in</strong> its current form, with a new<br />

scheme based on a personalised assessment by the occupational health service, which<br />

will be rebuilt. The arduous nature of a job will be compensated for by an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong><br />

pension annuities.<br />

45 To encourage companies to hire staff, to reduce the number of adm<strong>in</strong>istrative obligations<br />

l<strong>in</strong>ked to the 50-employee threshold and to merge the staff representative <strong>in</strong>stitutions for<br />

companies with between 50 and 300 employees (exclud<strong>in</strong>g trade union representation)<br />

<strong>in</strong>to a s<strong>in</strong>gle structure, which will reta<strong>in</strong> the same attributes.<br />

46 To reduce the social contributions paid by micro-enterprises and SMEs <strong>in</strong> a way<br />

that is easy to understand and significant, by merg<strong>in</strong>g all the different social charges<br />

relief schemes <strong>in</strong>to one taper<strong>in</strong>g scheme (the CICE (competitiveness and employment tax<br />

credit) will be converted <strong>in</strong>to a system for reduc<strong>in</strong>g charges and will be <strong>in</strong>corporated <strong>in</strong>to<br />

the new scheme). This reduction <strong>in</strong> charges will be made conditional on ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g jobs .<br />

47 To ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the 15% reduced corporation tax rate for micro-enterprises and<br />

SMEs and create an <strong>in</strong>termediate rate of 24% (<strong>in</strong>stead of 33%) for SMEs.<br />

To facilitate the transmission of companies by a total exemption from capital ga<strong>in</strong>s tax on<br />

the sale of shares <strong>in</strong> SME-SMIs after seven years.<br />

48 To oblige the State and local authorities to comply with payment deadl<strong>in</strong>es by<br />

apply<strong>in</strong>g truly imperative and automatic late payment penalties.<br />

49 To free up access to credit for small and very small bus<strong>in</strong>esses with preferential<br />

<strong>in</strong>terest rates under the supervision of the Banque de France, <strong>in</strong> order to make f<strong>in</strong>ance<br />

work for the real economy.<br />

50 To halve the maximum <strong>in</strong>terest rate (usury ceil<strong>in</strong>g) on bank loans and overdrafts<br />

(overdraft charges) for bus<strong>in</strong>esses and households.<br />

51 To make France a land of <strong>in</strong>novation: to refocus Research Tax Credit on SMEs and startups,<br />

to channel a part of life <strong>in</strong>surance deposits (2%) <strong>in</strong>to venture funds and encourage<br />

large groups to set up their own <strong>in</strong>vestment funds to <strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>novative companies.


52 To fix the legal retirement age at 60, with 40 years of contributions required to<br />

receive a full pension.<br />

53 To repeal the recent Labour Act (known as the El Khomri Act).<br />

54 To <strong>in</strong>crease progressively the upper limit on the dependants’ tax allowance, to<br />

re<strong>in</strong>state the widowed person’s allowance and to exempt the pension supplement<br />

paid to the parents of large families from tax.<br />

55 To <strong>in</strong>troduce a genu<strong>in</strong>e policy to boost the birth rate, which will be reserved for<br />

French families, by re<strong>in</strong>stat<strong>in</strong>g universal family allowance and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the cost-ofliv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>dexation. To re<strong>in</strong>state the free shar<strong>in</strong>g of parental leave between both parents.<br />

56 To str<strong>eng</strong>then <strong>in</strong>tergenerational solidarity by enabl<strong>in</strong>g each parent to transfer taxfree<br />

100,000 Euros to each child every five years (<strong>in</strong>stead of fifteen years currently)<br />

and by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the upper limit on tax-free donations to grandchildren to 50,000<br />

Euros, also every five years.<br />

57 To create a «social shield» for the self-employed by offer<strong>in</strong>g them the option to jo<strong>in</strong><br />

the general welfare regime or to keep their specific regime after a total overhaul of the<br />

organisation that runs it, the RSI, which will operate on the basis of quarterly selfdeclarations<br />

of <strong>in</strong>come.<br />


58 To raise the m<strong>in</strong>imum old age pension (ASPA) everywhere <strong>in</strong> France, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><br />

the Overseas Territories, and to make it conditional upon hold<strong>in</strong>g French nationality<br />

for a period of twenty years’ residence <strong>in</strong> France, which will also enable very small<br />

pensions to be <strong>in</strong>creased.<br />

59 To <strong>in</strong>troduce a Purchas<strong>in</strong>g Power Bonus (Prime de Pouvoir d’Achat (PPA)) for<br />

those on low <strong>in</strong>comes and small pensions (for <strong>in</strong>comes up to 1,500 Euros a month),<br />

f<strong>in</strong>anced by a 3% social contribution on imports.<br />

60 To reduce immediately the regulated prices of gas and electricity by 5%.<br />

61 To secure French citizens’ deposits and sav<strong>in</strong>gs by repeal<strong>in</strong>g the European Directive<br />

on the s<strong>in</strong>gle bank<strong>in</strong>g market and the provision of the Sap<strong>in</strong> II Act, which provides for<br />

a levy or freeze on bank sav<strong>in</strong>gs and life <strong>in</strong>surance policies <strong>in</strong> a situation where there<br />

is a risk of a bank<strong>in</strong>g crisis. To ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> a variety of payment methods and the freedom<br />

to choose between them.<br />

62 To <strong>in</strong>crease the sanctions aga<strong>in</strong>st company directors guilty of anti-competitive<br />

agreements or fraudulent activities, which amputate a part of consumers’<br />

purchas<strong>in</strong>g power. To freeze permits granted to open supermarkets and mail order<br />

warehouses until an overall audit of mass retail’s land surface has been completed.

63 To ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the legal work<strong>in</strong>g week at 35 hours. To allow negotiations on the<br />

extension of the work<strong>in</strong>g week exclusively at branch level and on the condition of full<br />

wage compensation (ie 37 hours: paid 37; 39 hours: paid 39).<br />

64 To exempt overtime from <strong>in</strong>come tax and to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the <strong>in</strong>creased rates.



65 To guarantee coverage by the Social Security system for all French people as well<br />

as the reimbursement of all the risks covered by state health <strong>in</strong>surance. To secure its<br />

long-term f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g by simplify<strong>in</strong>g the adm<strong>in</strong>istration of the system, combat<strong>in</strong>g the chaotic<br />

exist<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ancial arrangements and <strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> new digital tools to make last<strong>in</strong>g sav<strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

66 To raise the numerus clausus on access to healthcare studies to avoid the need<br />

for a massive <strong>in</strong>flux of foreign doctors, while allow<strong>in</strong>g the replacement of the large<br />

numbers of staff due to retire <strong>in</strong> the near future. To facilitate cooperation between<br />

health professionals, by recognis<strong>in</strong>g the specific skills of each of them.<br />

67 To combat «medical deserts» by <strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g a requirement for tra<strong>in</strong>ee doctors<br />

to spend a period <strong>in</strong> the zones affected, by enabl<strong>in</strong>g retired doctors to cont<strong>in</strong>ue<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g with reduced charges and by develop<strong>in</strong>g community health centres.<br />

68 To keep a maximum of local hospitals open while <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the number of staff<br />

<strong>in</strong> the public hospital system.<br />

69 To create a fifth branch of Social Security designed to enable every French person<br />

to access healthcare and live with dignity.<br />

70 To support French start-ups, to modernise the health system.<br />

71 To make sav<strong>in</strong>gs by abolish<strong>in</strong>g the state medical aid provided to undocumented<br />

foreigners, by combat<strong>in</strong>g fraud (creation of a biometric healthcare card («Carte<br />

Vitale») which will be comb<strong>in</strong>ed with the identity card), by reduc<strong>in</strong>g the prices of<br />

expensive medic<strong>in</strong>es (by <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the proportion of generic medic<strong>in</strong>es used), by<br />

develop<strong>in</strong>g the sale of reimbursable medic<strong>in</strong>es by the unit (oblig<strong>in</strong>g pharmaceutical<br />

companies to adapt their production l<strong>in</strong>es).<br />

72 To protect the complementary nature of the dual public and liberal healthcare<br />

system. To protect the territorial coverage of <strong>in</strong>dependent healthcare professionals<br />

(pharmacies, medical analysis laboratories, etc.).<br />

73 To reorganise and clarify the role and obligations of the medical and food safety<br />

agencies and to guarantee their <strong>in</strong>dependence.


74 To guarantee fair taxation, by refus<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>crease VAT and the CSG contribution<br />

and ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the wealth tax (ISF).<br />

75 To reduce the <strong>in</strong>come tax rate on the first three bands by 10%.<br />

76 To simplify the tax system by abolish<strong>in</strong>g taxes that collect very little revenue.<br />

77 To abandon the <strong>in</strong>troduction of pay-as-you-earn to protect people’s privacy and<br />

avoid add<strong>in</strong>g a further layer of adm<strong>in</strong>istrative complexity to bus<strong>in</strong>esses’ obligations.<br />

78 To combat effectively tax evasion, to preserve our social model by attack<strong>in</strong>g tax<br />

havens and creat<strong>in</strong>g a tax on bus<strong>in</strong>ess carried out <strong>in</strong> France by large groups and the<br />

profits that they have diverted. To cont<strong>in</strong>ue <strong>in</strong>ternational tax cooperation to this end.<br />

79 To refuse to award public contracts to mult<strong>in</strong>ationals which practise tax avoidance<br />

and refuse to correct this situation.<br />

80 To term<strong>in</strong>ate the tax treaties with the Gulf States that grant <strong>in</strong>appropriate<br />

privileges, which facilitate the tak<strong>in</strong>g over of the French economy by petrodollars and<br />

which are contrary to the national <strong>in</strong>terest.<br />


81 To reassert the value of manual work by sett<strong>in</strong>g up «streams of excellence» <strong>in</strong><br />

vocational education (gradual abolition of the comprehensive system at junior high<br />

school level, authorisation of apprenticeships from age 14). To develop «second<br />

chance» vocational and technology high schools for students that have dropped out<br />

of the school system with no qualifications.<br />

82 To set up a «first job» scheme under which companies which hire a young person<br />

under the age of 21 for their first job will be exempted from employers’ charges for up<br />

to two years.<br />

83 For true social justice, to make general and vocational secondary schools responsible<br />

for f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g a work experience placement for every pupil.<br />

84 To extend the Adapted Military Service scheme to ma<strong>in</strong>land France, on the same<br />

l<strong>in</strong>es as the scheme that operates <strong>in</strong> the Overseas Territories.<br />

85 To expand the «third competitive exam<strong>in</strong>ation» scheme for the civil service and to<br />

reserve it for over-45s who have at least eight years’ experience <strong>in</strong> the private sector.<br />

86 To end the freeze on and then <strong>in</strong>crease the «<strong>in</strong>dex po<strong>in</strong>t» that serves to calculate<br />

civil service pay. To protect the status of the civil service. For reasons of equality<br />

of treatment, to <strong>in</strong>troduce a two-day wait<strong>in</strong>g period for sick pay <strong>in</strong> both the public and<br />

private sector.

87 In the face of pressure from supranational authorities, to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the ban on<br />

surrogacy and to limit the use of medically-assisted reproduction <strong>in</strong> favour of those<br />

with sterility problems. To create a civil union (an improved version of the current<br />

civil partnership (PACS)), which will replace the provisions of the Taubira Act (gay<br />

marriage), with no retroactive effect.<br />

88 To raise disability benefit (AAH), to <strong>in</strong>crease the resources provided to Departmental<br />

centres for the disabled (MDPHs) and to develop a worthy system of care for those<br />

suffer<strong>in</strong>g from autism and autism spectrum disorders. The public authorities must<br />

provide more aid to disabled citizens and their families.<br />

89 To facilitate access to employment for disabled people, to re<strong>in</strong>force the fight aga<strong>in</strong>st<br />

all forms of disability and health-related discrim<strong>in</strong>ation and to extend the «right to be<br />

forgotten» to adults <strong>in</strong> remission from long-term illnesses, with a maximum period of<br />

5 years. To impose an accessibility standard for the visually and hear<strong>in</strong>g-impaired.<br />

90 To launch a comprehensive audit of all children’s centres and care homes <strong>in</strong> order<br />

to put an end to the abuses observed <strong>in</strong> some of them. To re-organise and improve<br />

child welfare policies.




91<br />

To defend the French national identity, the values and traditions of French civilisation.<br />

<br />

To write <strong>in</strong>to the Constitution the defence and promotion of our historical and cultural<br />

heritage.<br />

92 To make it clear that hold<strong>in</strong>g French citizenship is a privilege for all French people<br />

by writ<strong>in</strong>g the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of «national priority» <strong>in</strong>to the Constitution.<br />

93 To fly the French flag on public build<strong>in</strong>gs at all times and to remove the European flag .<br />

94 To raise war veterans’ pensions by reallocat<strong>in</strong>g available fund<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

95 To promote secularism and combat multiculturalism. To write the follow<strong>in</strong>g<br />

pr<strong>in</strong>ciple <strong>in</strong>to the Constitution: «The Republic does not recognise any communities.»<br />

To re<strong>in</strong>state the secular state everywhere, to extend it to all public spaces and write it<br />

<strong>in</strong>to the Labour Code.<br />

96 To defend the French language. In particular to repeal the provisions of the Fioraso<br />

Act, which allow the restriction of teach<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> French <strong>in</strong> the universities .<br />

97 To str<strong>eng</strong>then national unity by promot<strong>in</strong>g the national narrative and refus<strong>in</strong>g divisive<br />

acts of repentance by the State.<br />

98 To promote the Republican notion of assimilation, a pr<strong>in</strong>ciple more demand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

than that of <strong>in</strong>tegration.<br />

99 To restore genu<strong>in</strong>e equality and a meritocracy by refus<strong>in</strong>g the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of «positive<br />

discrim<strong>in</strong>ation».<br />

100 To defend the unity and <strong>in</strong>tegrity of the French territory by reassert<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

unbreakable ties between Metropolitan France and the Overseas Territories.


101 To guarantee the transmission of knowledge by re<strong>in</strong>forc<strong>in</strong>g teach<strong>in</strong>g of the basics<br />

(French, history, arithmetic). To ensure primary schools spend half their teach<strong>in</strong>g time<br />

on teach<strong>in</strong>g spoken and written French. To abolish «the teach<strong>in</strong>g of the language and<br />

culture of orig<strong>in</strong>» (ELCO).<br />

102 To make schools an «<strong>in</strong>violable haven where the quarrels of men have no place»<br />

(Jean Zay), therefore impos<strong>in</strong>g not only secularism, but also neutrality and safety.<br />

103 To re-establish the authority of and respect for the teacher and to <strong>in</strong>troduce<br />

school uniforms.<br />

104 To reverse the reform of the school hours.<br />

105 To re-establish genu<strong>in</strong>e equality of opportunity by return<strong>in</strong>g to the Republican<br />

meritocracy.<br />

106 In universities, to move from a system of selection by failure to one of selection<br />

by success. To refuse the draw<strong>in</strong>g of lots as a method of allocat<strong>in</strong>g places. To raise<br />

scholarships for deserv<strong>in</strong>g students. To defend the French model of higher education,<br />

which comb<strong>in</strong>es the complementary university and «grandes écoles» (specialist<br />

<strong>eng</strong><strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g schools) systems.<br />

107 To develop, significantly, sandwich courses and work tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g schemes<br />

(apprenticeship contracts, «professionalism» contracts) <strong>in</strong> the trades, the public and<br />

private sectors and to make vocational tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g more effective, less opaque and less<br />

expensive.<br />


108 To re<strong>in</strong>force the network of French primary and high schools around the world.<br />

109 To develop popular sponsorship by sett<strong>in</strong>g up a dedicated digital platform.<br />

110 To pass a heritage plann<strong>in</strong>g law to provide better support for the ma<strong>in</strong>tenance<br />

and preservation of the nation’s heritage. To <strong>in</strong>crease the budget allocated by 25%.<br />

111 To put a stop to sales of national palaces and historic build<strong>in</strong>gs to foreigners and<br />

the private sector.<br />

112 To launch a major national plan to set up courses (<strong>in</strong> high schools and universities)<br />

<strong>in</strong> the art-and-craft trades throughout the country and to set up a national network<br />

of arts <strong>in</strong>cubators. To re<strong>in</strong>state proper, general musical education <strong>in</strong> schools.

113 To reform the Audiovisual Council (CSA), creat<strong>in</strong>g three new colleges: one<br />

made up of representatives of the State, the second of professionals, the third of<br />

representatives of civil society (associations of consumers, television viewers, etc.).<br />

114 To clarify the status of <strong>in</strong>termittent enterta<strong>in</strong>ment <strong>in</strong>dustry workers by creat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a professional card, <strong>in</strong> order to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> the exist<strong>in</strong>g regime whilst better monitor<strong>in</strong>g<br />

organisations that abuse the system.<br />

115 To abolish the Hadopi <strong>in</strong>ternet law and start work on develop<strong>in</strong>g a global media<br />

licence.<br />

116 To create a «top levels sports person’s contract» for a renewable period of three<br />

years which will enable amateur sportsmen and women, represent<strong>in</strong>g the Nation <strong>in</strong><br />

<strong>in</strong>ternational competitions, to have a decent standard of liv<strong>in</strong>g and devote themselves<br />

entirely to their discipl<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

117 To provide support for small clubs <strong>in</strong> order to keep as many French players as<br />

possible <strong>in</strong> French professional clubs and combat the excessive <strong>in</strong>fluence of<br />

money <strong>in</strong> professional sport. To take stronger measures to combat violence <strong>in</strong><br />

amateur sport and strictly impose the pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of secularism and neutrality <strong>in</strong> all<br />

sports clubs.

VI - A FRANCE<br />



118 To leave the <strong>in</strong>tegrated military command of NATO so that France is not dragged<br />

<strong>in</strong>to wars that do not concern her.<br />

119 To ensure France has an autonomous Defence capacity <strong>in</strong> every area.<br />

120 To reconstitute a French <strong>in</strong>dustrial offer<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> all areas of Defence to meet the<br />

needs of our army and guarantee our strategic <strong>in</strong>dependence.<br />

121 To <strong>in</strong>crease the Defence budget to 2% of GDP <strong>in</strong> my first year <strong>in</strong> office, gradually<br />

<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g this to 3% by the end of the five-year term. This 2% m<strong>in</strong>imum will be<br />

written <strong>in</strong>to the Constitution. This substantial effort will f<strong>in</strong>ance <strong>in</strong> particular:<br />

• a second aircraft carrier to be called «Richelieu», <strong>in</strong>dispensable if our carrier task force<br />

is to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong> a permanent presence on the seas;<br />

• an <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> military personnel (to return to the 2007 level; namely an extra<br />

50,000 military personnel);<br />

• the ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g of our nuclear deterrent;<br />

• a general <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> our military capacity (more planes, ships, armoured vehicles)<br />

and the modernisation of equipment;<br />

• the progressive re<strong>in</strong>troduction of national service (an obligatory three months, m<strong>in</strong>imum).<br />


122 To commit France to the service of a multi-polar world based on the equality<br />

of nations before the law, permanent consultation with them and respect for their<br />

<strong>in</strong>dependence. To base our foreign policy on the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of realism and to give France<br />

back its role as a power of stability and balance.<br />

123 To str<strong>eng</strong>then the ties between peoples who share the French language.<br />

124 To implement a true policy of co-development with African countries focused<br />

ma<strong>in</strong>ly on aid to develop primary education, to improve agricultural systems and to<br />

re<strong>in</strong>force defence and security.

VII - A FRANCE<br />




125 To apply the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of economic patriotism to French agricultural produce <strong>in</strong><br />

order to support our farmers and fishermen immediately, <strong>in</strong> particular through public<br />

contracts (State and local authorities).<br />

126 To transform the Common Agricultural Policy <strong>in</strong>to a French Agricultural Policy.<br />

To guarantee the amounts of subsidies whose criteria are fixed by France and no<br />

longer by the European Union, with the aim of sav<strong>in</strong>g and susta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the French familyfarm<strong>in</strong>g<br />

model.<br />

127 To refuse to enter <strong>in</strong>to free trade agreements (TAFTA, CETA, Australia, New<br />

Zealand, etc). To develop short food supply cha<strong>in</strong>s from the farm to the consumer,<br />

by reorganis<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>dustry.<br />

128 To simplify daily life for farmers by stopp<strong>in</strong>g the explosion of adm<strong>in</strong>istrative<br />

standards and encourag<strong>in</strong>g young farmers to take on farms, by offer<strong>in</strong>g tax<br />

exemptions <strong>in</strong> the first few years.<br />

129 To defend quality: <strong>in</strong> order to combat unfair competition, to ban the import<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of agricultural produce and foodstuffs that do not meet French production<br />

standards <strong>in</strong> terms of food safety, animal welfare and the environment. To impose<br />

total traceability of geographical orig<strong>in</strong> and place of process<strong>in</strong>g on food labels, <strong>in</strong><br />

order to guarantee consumers have full, clear <strong>in</strong>formation.<br />

130 To promote agricultural exports, <strong>in</strong> particular by support<strong>in</strong>g quality labell<strong>in</strong>g.<br />



131 To preserve the environment, to break with the economic model based on the<br />

unchecked globalisation of trade and on social, health and environmental dump<strong>in</strong>g;<br />

true ecology consists of produc<strong>in</strong>g and consum<strong>in</strong>g and then recycl<strong>in</strong>g/reprocess<strong>in</strong>g<br />


132 In order to combat fuel poverty and have a direct impact on French people’s<br />

purchas<strong>in</strong>g power, to make the <strong>in</strong>sulation of homes a budgetary priority dur<strong>in</strong>g<br />

my presidential term, because the cheapest energy is the energy that we do not<br />

consume.<br />

133 To develop massively the French renewable energy sector (solar, bio-gas, wood,<br />

etc), thanks to <strong>in</strong>telligent protectionism, economic patriotism, public and private<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestment and the orders placed by EDF. To order an immediate moratorium on w<strong>in</strong>d<br />

power.<br />

134 To ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>, modernise and secure the French nuclear <strong>in</strong>dustry, to start the Great<br />

Refit and keep EDF under State control, by giv<strong>in</strong>g it a genu<strong>in</strong>e public service mission<br />

once aga<strong>in</strong>. To refuse the closure of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant .<br />

135 To support a French hydrogen (clean energy) <strong>in</strong>dustry, by provid<strong>in</strong>g State support<br />

for research and development, <strong>in</strong> order to reduce our oil dependence.<br />

136 To ban frack<strong>in</strong>g for as long as satisfactory environmental and health safety<br />

conditions are not guaranteed, and to apply the precautionary pr<strong>in</strong>ciple by<br />

bann<strong>in</strong>g GMOs.<br />

137 To make animal protection a national priority. To defend animal welfare by bann<strong>in</strong>g<br />

slaughter<strong>in</strong>g without pre-stunn<strong>in</strong>g and replac<strong>in</strong>g animal test<strong>in</strong>g, wherever possible. To<br />

prevent the open<strong>in</strong>g of factory farms, otherwise known as «farms with a thousand cows».<br />



138 To guarantee equal access to public services (tax office, post office, gendarmerie,<br />

water, healthcare, transport, local hospitals and community health centres, etc)<br />

throughout the land and <strong>in</strong> particular <strong>in</strong> rural areas. The railway privatisation/<br />

liberalisation, pursued by the European Union, will be refused. La Poste and the SNCF<br />

will rema<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> public hands.<br />

139 To group together <strong>in</strong> a s<strong>in</strong>gle M<strong>in</strong>istry: territorial development, transport and<br />

hous<strong>in</strong>g. To rebalance policies that favour the cities with a view to divert<strong>in</strong>g more<br />

attention to rural and depopulated areas.<br />

140 To make it easier to buy a home by re<strong>in</strong>forc<strong>in</strong>g assisted loan schemes and<br />

improv<strong>in</strong>g the terms under which social hous<strong>in</strong>g tenants can buy their homes, to<br />

reach the stage where 1% of the public hous<strong>in</strong>g stock is sold every year. To reduce<br />

transfer duty by 10%.<br />

141 To reduce households’ spend<strong>in</strong>g on hous<strong>in</strong>g by implement<strong>in</strong>g a major home build<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and renovation plan, by reduc<strong>in</strong>g hous<strong>in</strong>g tax for the lowest <strong>in</strong>comes and freez<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>creases, and by mak<strong>in</strong>g hous<strong>in</strong>g benefit (APL) more stable over time (assets owned<br />

will no longer be taken <strong>in</strong>to account <strong>in</strong> its calculation). To set up a young people’s

hous<strong>in</strong>g protection scheme: to launch an extensive build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>program</strong>me of student<br />

accommodation and to <strong>in</strong>crease hous<strong>in</strong>g benefit for the under 27s by 25%, from my<br />

first year <strong>in</strong> office.<br />

142 To give French nationals priority <strong>in</strong> the allocation of social hous<strong>in</strong>g, without any<br />

retroactive effect, and to allocate hous<strong>in</strong>g first to those who need it most. To<br />

apply the right to quiet enjoyment, on pa<strong>in</strong> of the cancellation of the disturber’s lease.<br />

143 To rationalise and simplify the urban plann<strong>in</strong>g and construction regulations <strong>in</strong><br />

order to free up the hous<strong>in</strong>g market. To guarantee the preservation of the environment<br />

and protected natural areas (coastl<strong>in</strong>e, mounta<strong>in</strong>s, etc).<br />

144 To support the effort to <strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>frastructure, <strong>in</strong> particular rural areas (broadband<br />

and mobile phone coverage, roads, etc) and to renationalise the motorway<br />

operators, thereby return<strong>in</strong>g to the French people an asset they f<strong>in</strong>anced and from<br />

which they have been robbed; more generally, to refuse the sale of strategic assets<br />

belong<strong>in</strong>g to the public authorities.

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