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Given today’s economic environment, some companies are secretly freezing pay raises or even cutting pay for some<br />

employees so they can offer substantial raises to people considered star performers.<br />

As a motivational technique, does this practice seem like a good one to you?<br />

Discuss pros/cons of this practice from various stakeholder perspectives e.g. employees, co-workers,<br />

management, tenure vs. non-tenure employees, etc.<br />

Your initial post must contain a minimum of 250-300 words. Respond to two of your classmates’ postings.<br />

<strong>ABS</strong> <strong>415</strong> Week 3 DQ 2<br />

Leadership in a Crisis<br />

Listen to the Leadership in a (permanent) Crisis podcast by Harvard Business Idea Case. Think about a recent crisis. Here<br />

are some examples:<br />

BP oil spill in the gulf<br />

Toyota’s quality and safety concerns<br />

The decline and fall of large financial institutions<br />

The H1N1 (swine flu) scare<br />

The 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood Army base.<br />

Discuss how you think leaders handled the crisis in terms of communication. What techniques were effective and why?<br />

What techniques did not work well? Why? Your initial post must contain a minimum of 250-300 words. Respond to two of<br />

your classmates’ postings.<br />

<strong>ABS</strong> <strong>415</strong> Week 3 Assignment Employee Motivation<br />

Employee Motivation<br />

Write a three- to four- page paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you debate the pros and cons of monetary<br />

incentive plans from an employee motivation perspective. Research and summarize two companies that have implemented<br />

successful motivation plans that did not involve monetary reward/compensation. Discuss why these practices were<br />

successful based on needs-based motivational theory. Include two to three APA citations from current scholarly sources.<br />

<strong>ABS</strong> <strong>415</strong> Week 4 DQ 1<br />

Leadership Role in Diversity<br />

Evaluate how a leader’s role and responsibilities might change as a company becomes more diverse. Is it important for<br />

today’s leaders to develop cultural intelligence? Do you think a leader that has never had experience with people different<br />

from him or herself can develop the ability to smoothly adapt to culturally different ways of thinking and behaving? Support<br />

your response. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings.<br />

<strong>ABS</strong> <strong>415</strong> Week 4 DQ 2<br />

Transformational Leadership/Transactional Leadership<br />

Evaluate what you consider the most important difference between transformational leadership and transactional leadership<br />

and between transformational and charismatic leadership? How is transformational leadership similar to charismatic<br />

leadership? Respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings<br />

<strong>ABS</strong> <strong>415</strong> Week 5 DQ 1<br />

Vision and Mission Statements<br />

Contrast what the difference is between a mission and vision statement? In terms of strategic vision and strategic action,<br />

they are both needed for effective leadership; which do you think you are better at doing and why? Respond to at least two<br />

of your classmates’ postings.

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