The Ahmedi Empire

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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ahmedi</strong> <strong>Empire</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Ahmedi</strong> empire is a huge empire that stretches from east<br />

Africa all the way to the lands of Australia; Ahmed decided to take<br />

all of these lands because he wanted to lead the countries into a<br />

better life but this was not easy as Ahmed’s conquest took decades<br />

to achieve. <strong>The</strong> empire also had lots of enemies but he did have<br />

one close ally; the Kurtie empire. the Kurtie empire is also another<br />

huge empire that rules the entirety of Europe and I will explain<br />

later how they became friends but for now lets look down at the<br />

empires at their final forms and then dive into detail about how<br />

they evolved.<br />

lets begin in 2020; <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ahmedi</strong> empire’s native land is in the Arabian<br />

peninsula. In that year it is predicted that the Taliban will take<br />

over Afghanistan. a year later; the Taliban decide to invade Pakistan<br />

and this invasion succeeded.<br />

Major world powers are enraged and the countries in the Arabian<br />

peninsula unite in order to defeat the Taliban. USA and Russia<br />

also join this operation. a few months later the countries succeeded<br />

in over throwing the caliphate but now these countries are wartorn<br />

with no governments or a central power in the region. To help<br />

these people. the countries in the Arabian peninsula decide to es-

tablish a government there and now this land territorially belongs<br />

to them. <strong>The</strong> countries also unite into one country to make the region<br />

bigger and more powerful<br />

in 2027, china backstabs its ally; north Korea; in order to save the<br />

world and now china claims it as a territory. 10 years later; all of<br />

east Asia and some countries in central Asia unite to form an empire<br />

so they can protect themselves from ww3<br />

China invades the Philippines in 2032 and wants to annex it as a<br />

part of its own empire. <strong>The</strong> Arabian empire did not like this so<br />

they went to war with china. <strong>The</strong> fighting lasted for months and<br />

the Philippines was still taken over by china or at least it took

<strong>The</strong> Arabs<br />

so they can<br />

over the<br />

fully to turn<br />

a better na-<br />

arabs have<br />

Philippines<br />

which can<br />

economy) and<br />

the southern<br />

this conflict the<br />

now enemies<br />

each other.<br />

Arabian em-<br />

so they become<br />

parts of it.<br />

stayed there<br />

one day take<br />

Philippines<br />

the land into<br />

tion. <strong>The</strong><br />

taken north<br />

(has manila<br />

contribute to<br />

china has taken<br />

part. Due to<br />

powers are<br />

and they hate<br />

Russia sees the<br />

pire as a friend<br />

best buddies.<br />

after Russia and the Arabian empire form an alliance; they start<br />

negotiating on how are they going to take down ISIS.a few<br />

months later; Ahmed was elected president. he had leadership<br />

skills and also a good human rights watch. Russia gives weapons<br />

the newly renamed “<strong>Ahmedi</strong> <strong>Empire</strong>” and the empire now is now<br />

half way to being a global superpower. Russia and the empire<br />

bomb Mosul, Iraq which is where isis is located to kill their<br />

leader; Abu baker al Baghdadi. <strong>The</strong>ir leader dies and isis falls be-

cause the member were forced to kill people for them to live. <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Ahmedi</strong> empire establishes government and military presence in<br />

the region (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Turkey, and Lebanon)<br />

WW3 begins in 2042; china funded Germany because they were<br />

close allies but Germany has been waiting and waiting to declare<br />

war on Europe. it declared war on Europe because their leader was<br />

a descendant of hitler so he held grudges against western Europe<br />

and the allies in ww2. Thanks to china’s excessive funding of<br />

Germany. Germany now has the power to take over Europe so the<br />

fourth german reich is formed. <strong>The</strong> fascist empire has been risen<br />

and bombs a majority of European countries to weaken them so<br />

they can take them for them.

To make matters worse; the USA falls into anarchy 7 months later<br />

because of its corrupt system which is called capitalism. only a<br />

few Americans held the money to the point where it crumbled itself.<br />

Lots of Americans were poor and only a few people owned<br />

the money. so the Americans started a civil war. <strong>The</strong> leader of the<br />

<strong>Ahmedi</strong> empire decided to invade America to secure it from falling<br />

forever. however as the empire tried to invade the American<br />

land. two new parties were formed to fight against the empire. the<br />

united Texas and the California republic. <strong>The</strong>y fought for years<br />

and years and this is the final result.<br />

<strong>The</strong> two new countries despise the empire due to racism and invasion.<br />

Meanwhile in Europe; the empire was also fighting the<br />

fourth german reich. <strong>The</strong> leader of the reich decides to nuke jewish<br />

controlled Palestine to achieve his father’s wish; exterminating<br />

all jews on earth. the problem is that he blew up an important religious<br />

mosque in the land; so the empire is outraged and creates a<br />

new weapon. a climate changer; this can be deployed anywhere<br />

and can change the weather. it can even create tsunamis and heat

waves and cause famine. <strong>The</strong> empire threatens the leader of the<br />

fourth german reich to surrender but he doesn't take that threat seriously.<br />

<strong>The</strong> empire deploys a heat wave about 150 degrees<br />

Fahrenheit to Germany where the headquarters of the fourth German<br />

reich is. lots of people are killed and the leader of the fourth<br />

german reich surrenders. Europe is now war-torn and to revive<br />

this great continent; the empire decides to bring a person named<br />

Kurt. Kurt is a person who has experiences in life where he is different<br />

from people so he can rule a society where everyone is different<br />

which is a key to a good society. <strong>The</strong> empire gives aid to<br />

Europe and rebuilds infrastructure and more things. Europe is now<br />

great again thanks to efforts made by the <strong>Ahmedi</strong> empire. the 2<br />

empires are now very close allies.<br />

African people have looked upon the empires and efforts they<br />

have done; so the African people decide to overthrow every<br />

African government to unite all together into one utopia. leaders<br />

of a lot of African countries are corrupt and only think of themselves<br />

and give nothing to their own people. <strong>The</strong> empire decides to<br />

side with the Africans to truly make Africa great again. 5 years of<br />

protesting and wars. <strong>The</strong> African people get to create a utopia that

gets to unite the continent. Since the empire really helped a lot for<br />

the africans to achieve this, the africans gave some African land<br />

for the empire to take. and some other countries in south east asia<br />

gave up their land for the empire too so they can fully unite and<br />

grow into one huge nation.<br />

This all of the empires in the final form; the whole world has<br />

changed thanks to influences from the <strong>Ahmedi</strong> <strong>Empire</strong>.

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