Ifeat World Apr 17 final

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WORLD<br />

I N T E R N A T I O N A L F E D E R A T I O N O F E S S E N T I A L O I L S & A R O M A T R A D E S<br />

N E W S F R O M A R O U N D T H E G L O B E • A P R I L 2 0 1 7<br />

20<strong>17</strong> IFEAT CONFERENCE<br />

Preparations are well under way for the 20<strong>17</strong><br />

IFEAT Conference to be held in Athens,<br />

Greece at the InterContinental Athenaeum<br />

Hotel from 24th to 28th September. I look<br />

forward to welcoming members and their<br />

partners to this beautiful, historical city<br />

with strong global links deriving from its<br />

shipping, finance, commerce, arts, culture and<br />

Dominique Roques tourism sectors. This year, it will be a<br />

celebratory conference, as we mark 40 years since<br />

IFEAT’s inception in Kyoto in 1977; the theme will be “Celebrating<br />

40 years of IFEAT”. There is much to celebrate, as our industry has<br />

flourished and IFEAT activities continue to expand. As part of the<br />

celebrations we shall be looking at “fragrances in antiquity”. The<br />

glorious era of Ancient Athens stands roughly halfway in the course of<br />

the 40 centuries of documented perfumery. With the unique smells of<br />

Greek origin such as labdanum or mastic, our conference will pay<br />

special tribute to the on-going discoveries around the fascinating<br />

richness of these ancient scents.<br />

Following the success of last year’s Dubai Conference, the order of<br />

events at the Athens Conference will be the same as 2016. There will<br />

be two days of a formal conference speaker programme with<br />

presentations on topical issues for the global essential oils and aroma<br />

chemicals trade (Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th September). This will<br />

be followed by a two-day Trade Exhibition on Wednesday 27th and<br />

Thursday 28th September, as well as private meetings and networking<br />

between members. Workshops are being organised for these last two<br />

days including the ICATS Intermediate Perfumery Workshop<br />

led by Joanna Norman and Special Topics in Flavours and<br />

Flavourings led by Michael Zviely. More information about these<br />

ticket-only courses can be found on the IFEAT website at<br />

www.ifeat.org .<br />

InterContinental Athenaeum Hotel<br />

The Welcome Reception will be held on Sunday 24th September prior<br />

to the start of the conference. The annual IFEAT Dinner will be held<br />

at The Zappeion Hall on Tuesday 26th September with the Closing<br />

Banquet being held at the exquisite beach front Balux Prive on<br />

Thursday 28th September.<br />

I am delighted to have a very energetic and competent new IFEAT<br />

secretariat (see page 2) working on this year’s IFEAT Conference. I am<br />

also very grateful to my organising committee which consists of longstanding<br />

members of the IFEAT Executive Committee, who already<br />

have form with regard to the organisation of spectacular IFEAT events.<br />

Thank you for your time and unwavering support: Kim Bleimann,<br />

Michael G Boudjouk, Antonella Corleone, Hussein Fakhry,<br />

Csaba Fodor, Jens-Achim Protzen, Ravi Sanganeria, Michael<br />

Torre and Stephen Pisano.<br />

More information will be forthcoming soon on the IFEAT website.<br />

Please do contact the secretariat if you have any questions with<br />

regard to the 20<strong>17</strong> IFEAT Athens Conference.<br />

Dominique Roques<br />

Conference Chairman<br />

Athens organising committee (l to r): Michael Torre, Hussein Fakhry, Michael<br />

Boudjouk, Kim Bleimann, Stephen Pisano, Antonella Corleone, Jens-Achim<br />

Protzen, Dominique Roques (Chairman)<br />

Raise your company profile at the IFEAT Conference<br />

The IFEAT Conference offers superb opportunities for companies to raise their profiles during one of the most important annual<br />

gatherings of F&F personnel. From a full “platinum sponsorship” package to the inclusion of a pen in the delegate pack, a wide range of<br />

sponsorship and advertising opportunities is offered. conference@ifeat.org<br />


I F E A T N E W S<br />

I S E O 2 0 1 6<br />

IFEAT expands its staff team<br />

ISEO 2016 abstracts available<br />

Two new members of staff have joined the<br />

IFEAT team. Tina Carne takes on the<br />

combined roles of Conference Programme<br />

Coordinator and Editor of IFEATWORLD<br />

and Ronit Meier is IFEAT’s new<br />

bookkeeper. The team continues to ensure<br />

the efficient and smooth running of IFEAT, as<br />

well as the organisation of the annual<br />

conference, the study tours and<br />


The new staff join Salma Rossell, who<br />

started her role as Events Manager with<br />

IFEAT in November 2015. Salma is relocating<br />

to New Zealand this year, so will sadly be<br />

leaving IFEAT in a few months.The team will<br />

continue to be supported by independent<br />

contractor Louise Kapor who provides<br />

services to IFEAT, primarily through the<br />

Executive Committee Chairman and<br />

Executive Committee.<br />


Tina is IFEAT’S Conference Programme<br />

Coordinator and IFEATWORLD editor. She<br />

ran her own website design and marketing<br />

communications business for 15 years and<br />

more recently, was head of a film and media<br />

company.<br />

Tina attended the IFEAT 1998 London<br />

Conference in her role as Marketing & PR<br />

Officer at the University of Plymouth, where<br />

she worked with Dr Tony Curtis to market<br />

the BA Business of Perfumery course and<br />

later the IFEAT Diploma programme. She<br />

has also been to IFEAT conferences in<br />

Marrakech, Barcelona and Singapore and is a<br />

familiar face to many on the Executive<br />

Committee. In 1994, when her children were<br />

in primary school, Tina studied for a BA<br />

(Hons) degree in Public Relations with<br />

Applied Information Technology, specialising<br />

in Artificial Intelligence. She is also working<br />

with the Membership Committee on the<br />

development of IFEAT’s website.<br />

Tina is also a Clinical Hypnotherapist and in<br />

her spare time she acts in amateur and<br />

“The pillars of our Federation” (l to r): Tina Carne, Louise Kapor and Ronit Meier<br />

professional theatre productions. When<br />

time permits, she also plays guitar in a band.<br />


Ronit joined IFEAT’s London based team in<br />

January this year as the financial coordinator<br />

and is responsible for all financial transactions<br />

and the bookkeeping.<br />

She brings a wealth of experience to IFEAT,<br />

with over 12 years of accounting knowledge<br />

gained in a wide range of sectors, including<br />

most recently the property industry. Ronit is<br />

looking forward to working for an<br />

international organisation with a wide global<br />

reach and IFEAT will certainly benefit from<br />

her knowledge and skills.<br />

Ronit has two children, both girls, who<br />

attend primary school in West London close<br />

to their family home. Her hobbies include<br />

cooking, baking and make-up.<br />

SARAH<br />


Sarah will also join<br />

the IFEAT team in<br />

May for a second term<br />

as Events Manager, taking<br />

over from Salma. She<br />

Sarah Greenwood<br />

previously worked for IFEAT from 2004 to<br />

2009 and organised the conferences in<br />

Lisbon, Cochin, Cape Town, Budapest and<br />

Montreal as well as the inaugural Study Tours<br />

in Sri Lanka and Egypt. Sarah has spent the<br />

last eight years working for an events<br />

company and another membership<br />

association, organising its large UK annual<br />

conference and exhibition as well as its first<br />

overseas events in New York and Hong<br />

Kong. Sarah has a passion for all things<br />

vintage and loves to buy and sell clothes,<br />

accessories and homewares at vintage sales<br />

in her local area.<br />

Antonella Corleone,<br />

Chairman of<br />

IFEAT's Executive<br />

Committee,<br />

commented: "The<br />

new team will be<br />

able to provide better<br />

services to all members, Antonella Corleone<br />

assist them more<br />

efficiently and help the Executive<br />

Committee to make IFEAT stronger in the<br />

current demanding world of the industry.<br />

The team will also help to ensure that IFEAT<br />

will be able to follow new projects more<br />

closely and make its interest and influence<br />

wide. They will also ensure the smooth<br />

running of our annual conference. I am<br />

confident that together the new staff will<br />

become the precious pillars of our beloved<br />

Federation!"<br />

The 47th International Symposium on<br />

Essential Oils (ISEO), held in Nice, France<br />

on 11th-14th September 2016 attracted<br />

more than 280 participants from 38<br />

countries. As in previous years, IFEAT<br />

sponsored 20 young scientists to attend<br />

this event (see December 2016 issue of<br />

IFEATWORLD). A full list of participants<br />

and all the abstracts of presentations given<br />

can be downloaded from the ISEO 2016<br />

official website:<br />

http://unice.fr/colloques/iseo<br />

Dr Nicolas Baldovini, President of the<br />

ISEO2016 Organising Committee, in his<br />

report from the Nice event, said it had<br />

been “quantitatively and qualitatively very<br />

positive.” Plenary lectures gave new<br />

perspectives on research in essential oils,<br />

including a presentation by Dr Bellenot,<br />

Director of ITEPMAI on promising<br />

applications of essential oils in agriculture.<br />

Dr Blerot, from the R & D department at<br />

IFF, showed the significant impact of all<br />

stages of the cultivation and the harvesting<br />

of roses to obtain high yields of essential oil.<br />

Dr Schalk from Firmenich presented the<br />

possibilities of biotechnology to produce<br />

terpenoids and demonstrated the efficiency<br />

of this approach for the production of<br />

several fragrant ingredients in the marketing<br />

phase such as Clearwood ® , Sclareol or<br />

sandalwood essential oil derivatives.<br />

The infinite richness and variety of essential<br />

oils means that highly technological<br />

equipment is often required to identify their<br />

subtlety. Professors Tranchida and<br />

Ferreira illustrated this; Professor Ferreira<br />

by revisiting the methodologies associating<br />

chemical analysis and sensory perception,<br />

while Professor Tranchida highlighted the<br />

contribution of low-flow modulation to<br />

comprehensive two-dimensional gas<br />

chromatography to obtain ultra-high<br />

resolution separations. These new<br />

technological offerings were well illustrated<br />

in papers on the analysis of pesticides in<br />

essential oils (Dr Céline Roy - ERINI), as<br />

well as the expanded list of 61 allergens<br />

(Dr Jane Cooper - Waters,<br />

Dr Frank David - RIC, Dr Emilie<br />

Belhassen - Firmenich, Dr Thomas<br />

Dutriez - Givaudan).<br />

Regulation is still an essential element in the<br />

field of aromas and fragrances. Matthias<br />

Vey gave an enlightening presentation on<br />

the progress of IFRA's work in assessing the<br />

allergenic potential of the enlarged list of<br />

compounds covered by the European<br />

Commission. The paper by Paul Thomas,<br />

CEO of Kreatis, also highlighted an<br />

innovative method for assessing the<br />

environmental risk of a complex natural<br />

substance.<br />

ISEO 20<strong>17</strong><br />



The 48th ISEO will be held on<br />

10-13 September, 20<strong>17</strong> in the<br />

beautiful and historical city of<br />

Pécs in south-west Hungary.<br />

IFEAT will again be sponsoring a<br />

number of talented young students<br />

to attend this year’s event.<br />

2<br />


I F E A T A C T I V I T I E S<br />


By William Troy, PhD, IFEAT Scientific Advisor<br />

For fifty-six years the Expert Panel of the<br />

Flavour and Extract Manufacturers Association<br />

(FEMA) has served as the primary,<br />

independent body evaluating the safety of<br />

flavour ingredients. This Expert Panel evaluates<br />

flavour materials to determine if they can be<br />

considered “Generally Recognised As Safe”<br />

(GRAS) for their intended use as flavour<br />

ingredients, consistent with the 1958 Food<br />

Additives Amendment to the US Federal<br />

Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. Currently, the<br />

FEMA Expert Panel has determined that over<br />

2,800 flavour materials have met the criteria<br />

for GRAS status under conditions of intended<br />

use as flavour ingredients.<br />

Since its inception the FEMA GRAS<br />

programme has continued apace, with new<br />

materials being reviewed and added to the<br />

list, as well as updated re-evaluations of<br />

materials that already had GRAS status. In<br />

addition to conducting reviews for chemically<br />

defined individual ingredients, the Expert<br />

Panel has also regularly evaluated and<br />

updated the scientific approaches that are<br />

used in its review processes.<br />

In 2004 the Expert Panel published its<br />

updated process specifically for the safety<br />

evaluation of Natural Flavour Complexes<br />

(NFCs). Natural Flavour Complexes are<br />

mixtures of naturally-occurring chemicals<br />

which have been obtained by subjecting<br />

botanical materials to various physical<br />

separation techniques, such as extraction or<br />

distillation. The resulting products, for<br />

example essential oils, represent the aroma<br />

components of these natural products. The<br />

FEMA Expert Panel's approach to evaluating<br />

the safety of a natural flavour complex is<br />

similar to that outlined by the Joint<br />

WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Food<br />

Additives (JECFA) as published in their<br />

technical report series following the 2003 and<br />

2004 meetings. It begins with an<br />

understanding of the chemical composition of<br />

each commercial product, followed by a<br />

review of the history of dietary use. The<br />

NFCs are then grouped into classes having<br />

structural similarity and a toxicological review<br />

proceeds. If the available data supports the<br />

safety in use of the NFC its GRAS status is<br />

confirmed.<br />

“It may allow for critical<br />

decisions to be made about<br />

future usage patterns for<br />

some NFCs”<br />

In 2014 flavour industry discussions began to<br />

focus on the need for a systematic GRAS<br />

re-review programme that would concentrate<br />

solely on NFCs. A key driver in this discussion<br />

was the International Federation of Essential<br />

Oils and Aroma Trades (IFEAT), whose major<br />

focus is on NFCs. IFEAT was joined by FEMA<br />

and IOFI (the International Organisation of<br />

the Flavour Industry) and within the next year<br />

agreement was reached for a robust scientific<br />

review programme for these materials. By this<br />

agreement project support is provided by<br />

IFEAT and IOFI; IOFI staff take the lead in<br />

driving the programme, working<br />

collaboratively with IFEAT scientific support<br />

and with FEMA scientific staff who assemble<br />

the available data for the actual GRAS reviews<br />

by the Expert Panel.<br />

This programme makes specific use of the<br />

so-called “Naturals Paradigm” * represented<br />

in the Panel’s 2004 publication 1 . The basic<br />

premise of the FEMA Expert Panel's Naturals<br />

Paradigm is the evaluation of an essential oil<br />

based on its chemical composition. By<br />

organising the chemical constituents into<br />

congeneric groups of similar chemical and<br />

toxicological properties, the risk posed by<br />

each congeneric group can be considered<br />

separately. Essential oils are chemical mixtures<br />

and, for most essential oils, the analytical<br />

technology exists so that their composition<br />

can be accurately determined and evaluated<br />

for safety. This approach is scientifically based,<br />

transparent and comprehensive to assure that<br />

the commercially relevant NFCs destined for<br />

consumer exposure are the materials<br />

evaluated. It also allows for evaluation of<br />

mixtures, such as those derived from<br />

botanicals, that may display variability due to<br />

source country and harvesting time and<br />

conditions. During the course of its<br />

evaluation the Panel also reviews and<br />

considers the results of toxicological testing<br />

conducted on the NFC itself, which can also<br />

be very useful despite this potential variability.<br />

Dr William Troy<br />

The current FEMA GRAS list contains about<br />

350 NFCs, and it has been determined that<br />

250 of these would be appropriate for GRAS<br />

re-affirmation. The 100 or so materials that<br />

would not be included in this review are<br />

categorised as whole spices, leaves and gums -<br />

which are already GRAS - as well as newer<br />

NFCs that were reviewed when the Naturals<br />

Paradigm was developed in 2004. Using the<br />

results of global poundage surveys that are<br />

conducted regularly by FEMA to track flavour<br />

material use, the NFCs are prioritised for reevaluation,<br />

with the highest use materials<br />

being in the highest priority grouping.<br />

Materials having known biological activity also<br />

receive high priority attention. A request for<br />

compositional data is sent to the entire<br />

industry for each group of materials; the<br />

scope of this request maximises the<br />

opportunity for assembling a robust data<br />

package. Then the so-called congeneric<br />

groupings of the NFCs are created based on<br />

materials having individual components of<br />

similar structural classes. FEMA scientific staff<br />

next assembles all available safety data for<br />

these groups and, together with composition<br />

data, all information is provided to the Expert<br />

Panel for its review. If the Panel determines<br />

that additional information is needed to<br />

complete its review, FEMA scientific staff<br />

organises the necessary testing or information<br />

gathering. Finally, the results of the Panel<br />

review are published in an appropriate<br />

peer-reviewed journal.<br />

The re-affirmation programme is planned to<br />

complete the review of about 50 materials<br />

per year, with a five year timeline for overall project completion. A total<br />

of 149 materials are scheduled to have Panel review completed by the<br />

first quarter of 2018, with two more groups following that in<br />

subsequent years. The first group of materials (49 total) to be reviewed<br />

was the citrus products, broken down as follows: Lemon (6); Orange,<br />

high volume (13); Orange, moderate volume (14); Lime (6); Grapefruit<br />

(5); and Petitgrain (5). As of this writing the Panel review of these has<br />

been completed and a document for publication is in the <strong>final</strong> stages of<br />

preparation.<br />

The second group review is in progress, with the call for data being<br />

completed and the data being prepared for review by the Panel. There<br />

are five groups of materials (total 44) being addressed: Mint (13);<br />

Cinnamon (8); Alkoxybenzene-containing oils (including Basil Oil,<br />

Nutmeg Oil, Allspice Oil, etc.) (14); Eugenol (7); and two unique<br />

materials, Walnut Hull Extract and Haw Bark Extract. A draft document<br />

for publication is expected in mid-20<strong>17</strong>.<br />

Finally, a third call for data has just been issued for a disparate group of<br />

some 56 NFC materials, all of them FEMA GRAS. The same pattern of<br />

data collection, review and publication will be followed, with the latter<br />

scheduled for mid-2018.<br />

The outcome of this programme will clearly strengthen the safety<br />

support for both the natural products themselves but also for those<br />

consumer products in which they are contained. It may also allow for<br />

critical decisions to be made about future usage patterns for some<br />

NFCs. If, for example, there are some very low usage materials with<br />

gaps in the supporting data, industry members will have to decide<br />

whether to invest in generating the additional data. Likewise, it may<br />

be possible that, for some high usage materials, additional data points<br />

are recommended to supplement the data support dossiers that<br />

already exist.<br />

With the conclusion of this programme, those naturally occurring<br />

flavouring materials that have been in such long use will have all<br />

undergone the same rigorous safety review, according to updated<br />

processes for scrutiny, as the synthetic flavour materials that must have<br />

each qualified for inclusion in the FEMA GRAS list. This is a major step<br />

for the flavour industry, and a testimony to its commitment to the<br />

assurance of safety of its materials.<br />

* The Naturals Paradigm is a tool that is specifically used for the safety evaluation of NFCs. This<br />

approach prioritises constituents of NFCs according to their chemical structure and intake, for<br />

subsequent toxicological evaluation.<br />

1<br />

R.L. Smith, T.B. Adams, S.M Cohen, J. Doull, V.J. Feron, J.I. Goodman, R.L. Hall, L.J. Marnett, P.S.<br />

Portoghese, W.J. Waddell, B.M. Wagner, 2004. Safety evaluation of natural flavor complexes.<br />

Toxicology Letters. 149, 197-207.<br />

Bill Troy has spent his entire career in the personal care products<br />

industry, including 25 years at Revlon and Avon and <strong>17</strong> years at<br />

Firmenich. Actively involved in FEMA, FMA, IFRA and IOFI for many<br />

years, he served as chair of a number of technical committees for the<br />

trade associations, as well as President of FMA for a three year term.<br />

Since his retirement eight years ago he has maintained ties to the<br />

flavour and fragrance industry through consulting, and is currently<br />

assisting IFEAT as Scientific Advisor for the naturals GRAS<br />

recertification programme.<br />

Oils from basil and cinnamon are among the materials in the second<br />

group of NFCs being reviewed<br />

A leading innovator in the Essential Oils,<br />

Fragrances and Flavors industries<br />

Since 1908<br />

www.lebermuth.com<br />

4<br />


I F E A T S O C I O - E C O N O M I C I M P A C T S T U D Y<br />

I F E A T S O C I O - E C O N O M I C I M P A C T S T U D Y<br />

This report on gum turpentine is<br />

the tenth in a series of reports being<br />

produced by the IFEAT Socio-<br />

Economic Sub-Committee on the<br />

importance of specific naturals to the<br />

livelihoods of those involved in their<br />

production. This report, along with all<br />

the previous socio-economic reports,<br />

can be found on the IFEAT website,<br />

under the tab “Publications”.<br />

Tapping trees is a labour-intensive job<br />

Bags are attached to trees for gum collection<br />

Crude gum<br />



Gum (not CST or Wood Turpentine)<br />

Turpentine is the volatile oil obtained from<br />

pine trees by three manufacturing processes<br />

which yield respectively gum turpentine,<br />

crude sulphate turpentine (CST) and wood<br />

turpentine. Turpentine obtained by<br />

distillation from the oleoresin collected via<br />

the tapping of living trees of the genus Pinus<br />

is known as gum turpentine. This<br />

distinguishes it from turpentine recovered as<br />

a by-product from chemical pulping of<br />

pinewood in the pulp and paper process,<br />

which is referred to as sulphate turpentine.<br />

Wood turpentine is extracted from aged<br />

pine stumps. Due to the characteristics of<br />

the production areas, we are going to focus<br />

on gum turpentine for this socio-economic<br />

impact study.<br />

Gum turpentine is mainly used as a solvent<br />

for paints and in numerous household<br />

products including shoe polish and furniture<br />

care products. In folk medicine, it was used<br />

as a chest rub to treat colds and flu and is<br />

still used as an ingredient in contemporary<br />

pharmaceutical products of that kind today.<br />

This use is limited now due to the sensitising<br />

properties of peroxides which are easily<br />

formed when the product is stored in<br />

contact with air. The addition of antioxidants<br />

can solve the problem. Content of peroxides<br />

should not exceed 10 millimoles per litre, as<br />

advised by IFRA. It can be used against<br />

parasites, and has antiseptic and diuretic<br />

properties. It was the principal medicament<br />

used by the Magellan fleet on its pioneering<br />

journey from Europe to Asia in the sixteenth<br />

century. Certain components of gum<br />

turpentine (pinenes) are used in<br />

pharmaceutical applications for treatment of<br />

gallstones and kidney stones.<br />

Gum turpentine is also a very important raw<br />

material for the synthesis of terpene-based<br />

aroma chemicals.<br />

Impact category: High impact, many<br />

people involved.<br />

Relevant site location: China.<br />

The main production regions are located in<br />

the southern part of China. Traditionally the<br />

principal areas are located in the southern<br />

coastal provinces; ie Guangdong, Guangxi<br />

and Fujian. These areas are rich in Pinus<br />

massoniana. Next in importance with regard<br />

to gum turpentine production are Yunnan<br />

and Jiangxi Provinces, which have unique<br />

forests of Pinus kesiya, Pinus yunnaensis and<br />

Pinus elliottii respectively. These five<br />

provinces dominate the total production in<br />

China, although production is steadily<br />

increasing in several inland provinces,<br />

including Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou and<br />

Sichuan. There is currently a gradual shift of<br />

pine tapping from traditional crop regions<br />

towards less developed regions in the<br />

North. This trend is mainly driven by<br />

regional differences in wage rates.<br />

Farmed or foraged<br />

Pine gum resin is collected by tapping living<br />

trees. The approximate annual yield of pine<br />

gum resin is 2-3 kg per tree. This<br />

accumulated pine gum resin is distilled to<br />

obtain two products; gum rosin (GR) and<br />

gum turpentine (GT) in an approximate<br />

ratio of five parts GR to one part GT.<br />

Harvest timing/cropping<br />

Tapping may proceed all year round,<br />

although seasonal heavy rains may interrupt<br />

its collection (Coppen and Hone, 1995).<br />

The predominant tapping season is generally<br />

six months from around June to November<br />

in the southern coastal provinces, while in<br />

Yunnan Province it can be as long as nine<br />

months.<br />

Location of processing<br />

Over 800 GR/GT distillation plants are spread over the production<br />

area (Zheng, 2012).<br />

Distinguishing characteristics<br />

Pine gum tapping in China is still a labour-intensive industry. It is<br />

estimated that the labour needed (as a median of all farming areas in<br />

the world) for the production of three MT of pine gum resin is one<br />

person. Since 2000, the number of farmers involved in tapping has<br />

been greater than 250,000. Most activities are still done in the<br />

traditional way, which is hard work. In total there are around 400,000<br />

people relying on the GR/GT industry for a living, including farmers,<br />

crude gum collectors, dealers and gum rosin processing operators<br />

(Zheng, 2012).<br />

Volumes<br />

In 2015, the Chinese output of GT was approx. 100,000 metric<br />

tonnes of which less than 3,000 metric tonnes were exported.<br />

Regarding GR, the output was around 590,000 metric tonnes of<br />

which approximately 90,000 metric tonnes were exported. China's<br />

output was 70% of the total, followed by South America (14% and<br />

growing) and Indonesia (11%). Minor producing areas are found<br />

around the Mediterranean (5%) and Central America (5%).<br />

It is interesting to note that due to the global economic slowdown,<br />

farmers have commenced pine resin collection again in countries<br />

where it was no longer considered to be economically feasible, as<br />

illustrated by Spain’s increased tapping activities in recent years.<br />

In 2016, the Chinese output of GT is estimated to be 90,000 metric<br />

tonnes and for GR, the estimated output will be between 500,000-<br />

550,000 metric tonnes.<br />

The GT produced in China is one of the most important raw<br />

materials supporting the sustainable development of the aroma<br />

chemicals industry (Chen Doing Xia, 2007; Wimberley, 2008; Zheng,<br />

2012).<br />

Gum turpentine, like crude sulphate turpentine, provides mankind<br />

with alpha- and beta- pinenes, which are key raw materials for various<br />

industries including fragrance, flavours and resins. The chemical<br />

uniqueness of pinenes enables such industries to produce renewable<br />

perfumes, renewable flavours and renewable resins from pine trees,<br />

and create (at an affordable cost) consumer products that could not<br />

exist otherwise.<br />

The amount of pinenes from both main types of turpentine (GT and<br />

CST) exceed 230,000 metric tonnes, therefore turpentine is one of<br />

our industry’s highest contributors to socio-economic welfare.<br />

Turpentine production in Brazil is estimated to be 21,000 MT/year.<br />

Indonesia also produces about 13,500 MT per year in a cultivated<br />

area of 87,000 ha, of which only 36% is tapped. Approx. 24,000<br />

people are involved in the industry according to Perhutani, the state<br />

owned company.<br />

A distillation plant<br />


Gum turpentine is a key raw material for the aroma chemicals<br />

industry. In China, around 400,000 people rely on the GR/GT<br />

industry for a living, including farmers, crude gum collectors,<br />

dealers and gum rosin processors. A large number of people<br />

are also involved in production in other countries around the<br />

world including Brazil and Indonesia.<br />


- Chen Doing Xia, C., 2007. Status and Development of China’s Aroma Chemicals<br />

Manufacturing Industry. In: IFEAT International Conference 2007. Budapest, Hungary<br />

23-27 September 2007. London: IFEAT.<br />

- Coppen, J. J. W. and Hone, G. A., 1995. Gum Naval Stores: Turpentine and rosin<br />

from pine resin. In: Non-Wood Forest Products 2. Rome: Natural Resources Institute,<br />

FAO.<br />

- ISO 4720:2009. Essential oils. Nomenclature.<br />

- ISO 21389:2004. Oil of gum turpentine, Chinese (mainly from Pinus massoniana<br />

Lamb.)<br />

- Wimberley, M. B., 2008. A Review of the North American and Global Terpene Sector.<br />

In: IFEAT International Conference 2008. Montreal, Canada 28 September to<br />

3 October 2008. London: IFEAT.<br />

- Zheng, E., 2012. Overview of the Chinese Gum Turpentine and Turpentine Derivatives<br />

Industry. In: IFEAT International Conference 2012. Singapore 4-8 November 2012.<br />

Photos reproduced courtesy of Green Pine and Winnie Yeung of Kallin International Ltd<br />

6 7

I F E A T - H I S T O R Y<br />

I F E A T - H I S T O R Y<br />

IFEAT: THE EARLY YEARS 1977 - 1990<br />

By Peter Greenhalgh, Consultant to IFEAT<br />

This is the second instalment of Peter Greenhalgh’s “History of IFEAT” series, which is being<br />

prepared to celebrate IFEAT’s fortieth anniversary this year. It follows on from his article<br />

“The Founding of IFEAT”, published in the December 2016 issue of IFEATWORLD.<br />

Following IFEAT’s<br />

creation in 1977, the<br />

next few years laid<br />

the foundation<br />

for the IFEAT<br />

that we know<br />

today. With<br />

much effort and<br />

considerable<br />

Peter Greenhalgh uncertainty, the first<br />

few years saw the<br />

foundation of IFEAT’s<br />

committee system, membership structure,<br />

educational initiatives, an irregular newsletter,<br />

an initial study tour to China in 1982 and,<br />

most importantly, the development of the<br />

annual conferences. The early days were not<br />

easy, particularly if you were a founder<br />

member. Administration was “run on a<br />

shoestring”, predominantly by Murray-<br />

Pearce from his Cosmetic <strong>World</strong> News<br />

offices in London, and it was a struggle to<br />

meet the many expenses associated with<br />

setting up IFEAT. Insufficient funds meant<br />

that some founder members had to make<br />

donations to supplement membership<br />

subscriptions. The appointment of a<br />

Director-General was discussed in some<br />

detail but never materialised because of<br />

funding issues. As today, all the Executive<br />

Committee (EC) members met their own<br />

travel and hotel expenses when participating<br />

in any IFEAT activities.<br />


A recruitment drive began from the very<br />

beginning, and the annual $100 membership<br />

fee agreed in Kyoto in 1977 was soon<br />

lowered to $60 to encourage membership.<br />

Both individual companies and associations<br />

were encouraged to join as well as all<br />

industry stakeholders: producers, shippers,<br />

exporters, importers, brokers and users.<br />

Concerns were expressed over end-users<br />

becoming members and the voting<br />

structure, especially for associations.<br />

Membership numbers were not high (53<br />

companies by late 1979) and there was<br />

resistance to the concept of IFEAT from<br />

some larger companies in our industry.<br />

Nevertheless, the EC was undaunted and,<br />

through dogged determination and effort,<br />

gradually built up IFEAT’s reputation and<br />

membership.<br />


Various committees were formed, most of<br />

which are still in existence today, e.g. Finance,<br />

Membership, Education, Technical (now<br />

Scientific), Planning (now Strategic). In<br />

addition, there was the Contract<br />

Committee, aiming to establish an essential<br />

oil trading contract. Despite several reincarnations<br />

the “vexed question” of an<br />

IFEAT contract governing the trading of<br />

essential oils and other aromatic materials<br />

was never resolved. There was too much<br />

opposition to a general contract from some<br />

quarters. A Trade Relations Committee was<br />

established in which Richard Pisano<br />

(chair), Dr Brud and Klaus-Dieter<br />

Protzen undertook the important task of<br />

liaising with both international (especially<br />

IFRA and IOFI) and national organisations<br />

involved in the F&F sector.<br />


An early IFEAT member was the Tropical<br />

Products Institute (TPI), a UK Government<br />

scientific organisation based in London. This<br />

organisation dates back to the late 19th<br />

century and had been intimately involved in<br />

the industry for many decades. At that time,<br />

it had by far the world’s<br />

best and most<br />

comprehensive library<br />

on essential oils, and it<br />

made this available to<br />

IFEAT members along with its information<br />

service. Today it is often forgotten that the<br />

UK, and predominantly London, was a major<br />

trading centre, along with New York and<br />

Grasse, for flavour and fragrance ingredients.<br />

Dr Clinton Green was Head of TPI’s<br />

“Essential Oils, Spices, Gums and Resin<br />

Section” and was closely involved in IFEAT’s<br />

development, both as a provider of technical<br />

expertise and later as Conference<br />

Programme Coordinator. TPI staff often<br />

gave papers at IFEAT Conferences and<br />

provided considerable technical support to<br />

IFEAT activities.<br />

“The founders would no<br />

doubt be amazed at how<br />

successfully IFEAT has<br />

developed”<br />


Over the past 40 years, conferences have<br />

taken pride of place in IFEAT activities. In the<br />

early years, IFEAT held a conference every<br />

two years, while the third year was devoted<br />

to the International Congress of Essential<br />

Oils (ICEO), later becoming the<br />

International Congress of Essential Oils,<br />

Flavours and Fragrances (ICEOFF). The first<br />

triennial ICEO was held in Reggio Calabria,<br />

Italy in 1956 and these congresses were<br />

much larger affairs than the early IFEAT<br />

Conferences. They were dominated by<br />

scientific/technical papers rather than<br />

commercially-orientated<br />

papers. In establishing<br />

IFEAT Conferences, the EC<br />

had a number of objectives.<br />

Increasingly the aromatic<br />

ingredients industry was a<br />

dynamic and rapidly evolving<br />

sector and conferences needed<br />

to reflect these changes. Annual<br />

meetings were much preferred to<br />

triennial ones; conferences needed<br />

to be more commercially orientated;<br />

by attending, delegates would be able<br />

to update themselves on the many changes<br />

taking place, not only by listening to<br />

presentations but also by putting questions<br />

to experts on subjects such as legislation,<br />

which was becoming a major issue for the<br />

trade. This was particularly the case from<br />

1992 when the 12 countries in the<br />

European Community (later the European<br />

Union) intended to be regulated as one<br />

market. The number of regulations and laws<br />

expanded alongside the expansion of<br />

membership of the EU, which by 20<strong>17</strong> had<br />

reached 27. Whether EU membership<br />

numbers continue to expand or decline<br />

remains to be seen!<br />

The table lists IFEAT Conferences held<br />

between 1979 and1990, including the<br />

cancelled 1981 Conference following the<br />

assassination of President Sadat (some<br />

delegates had already arrived in Egypt prior<br />

to his assassination). The first IFEAT<br />


Year President Chairman Conference/ Medal<br />

Congress<br />

Lecturer***<br />

1977 Ramon Bordas Ronald V Neal Kyoto, Japan – 7th ICEO*<br />

(Spain) (UK) foundation of IFEAT<br />

1978<br />

1979 Bangalore, India IFEAT with<br />


and CHEMEXIL<br />

1980 Jose Luis Adrian Cannes, France 8th ICEO*<br />

1981 Cairo, Egypt Assassination of<br />

(cancelled) President Sadat<br />

1982 London, UK<br />

1983 Ronald V Neal Richard C Pisano Singapore 9th ICEOFF**<br />

1984 Cairo, Egypt Dr Brian Lawrence<br />

(UK/ Canada)<br />

1985 Varna, Bulgaria Prof Dr Iliya<br />

Ognyanov<br />

1986 Dr W S Brud Washington DC, USA 10th ICEOFF** Richard Taylor (UK)<br />

1987 Taormina, Italy Prof Angelo<br />

di Giacomo<br />

1988 Beijing, China Prof Ding Desheng<br />

1989 Mr Takio Yamada New Delhi, India 11th ICEOFF** Prof S C<br />

(Japan)<br />

Bhattacharyya<br />

1990 Antalya, Turkey Zeki Konur<br />

* International Congress of Essential Oils ** International Congress of Essential Oils, Flavours and Fragrances<br />

*** Unless otherwise stated the Medal Lecturer was from the Conference hosting country.<br />

Conference, and associated <strong>World</strong> Council<br />

meeting, was planned for October 1979 in<br />

Cairo, Egypt but was switched to Bangalore,<br />

India to coincide with a four day “Seminar<br />

on Essential Oils” being organised by<br />

UNCTAD/GATT/ITC along with<br />

CHEMEXIL. Many speakers that IFEAT had<br />

arranged for Cairo were willing to switch to<br />

Bangalore, and IFEAT’s efforts in making<br />

Bangalore a success were much appreciated<br />

by the organisers. Nevertheless, it was a<br />

relatively small affair compared with recent<br />

conferences, with approximately 80 foreign<br />

attendees alongside several hundred Indian<br />

companies. Some excellent presentations<br />

and discussions took place. To quote<br />

Ron Neal: “It was a very good Congress<br />

because we started out with not too high<br />

hopes, but in the end it proved to be very<br />

unusual in my experience of these congresses.<br />

It had a very high top rate participation from<br />

abroad.”<br />


Support for education was an early IFEAT<br />

initiative, with the 1980 Cannes Congress<br />

seeing IFEAT launch David William’s<br />

Perfumery Correspondence Course, while<br />

the 1984 Cairo Conference saw the first<br />

IFEAT Medal Lecture by Dr Brian<br />

Lawrence, but these are stories for future<br />

instalments of IFEAT history!<br />

The founders would no doubt be amazed at<br />

how successfully IFEAT has developed!<br />

Today, virtually every country and sector<br />

involved in the global industry is represented<br />

in the membership, and the annual IFEAT<br />

Conference has become a major item on<br />

the F&F industry calendar.<br />

8<br />


M E M B E R S H I P<br />


Below is a list of new IFEAT members who had joined by 16th February 20<strong>17</strong>:<br />


Berjé Inc. an SQF Level 3 Quality Certified Supplier<br />

SENSES<br />

Euroasia's<br />

Ingredients Pvt Ltd<br />

207 ParvatI Ind Estate,<br />

New Sun Mill Compound<br />

Lower Parel , West Mumbai<br />

Mumbai, MH 400013<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Mr Rishabh Chohani<br />

Web: md@euroasias-ing.com<br />

www.euroasiasgroup.com/index.php<br />

Chennai Bioflora<br />

Pvt Ltd<br />

71/72, R K Shanmugam Salai<br />

K K Nagar, Chennai, TN 600078<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Ganesh Jayaraman<br />

Email: chennaibioflora2000@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Nanjing Univis<br />

International<br />

Development Co. Ltd<br />

Room 3311<br />

Huali International Mansion<br />

No. 67 Zhujiang Road<br />

Nanjing, 32 210018<br />

CHINA<br />

Contact: Mr Jack Zhang<br />

Email: jack@univisintl.com<br />

Web: www.univisintl.com<br />

/index.asp<br />

Zhuhai Pak Li<br />

Heung Flavours<br />

and Fragrances Ltd<br />

RM701 Senyu International<br />

No. 8 Cuiqian North Road<br />

Xingzhou Zhuhai, 44<br />

CHINA<br />

Contact: Mr Kaijun Wang<br />

Email: samwangkj@<br />

zhuhaiplh.com<br />

Web: www.zhuhaiplh.com<br />

Best Value Chem<br />

Pvt Ltd<br />

706/707/708 Atlantis Heights<br />

Vikram Sarabhai Marg<br />

Near Genda Circle<br />

Vadiwadi, GJ 390007<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Mr Ravish Patel<br />

Email: r.patel@<br />

bestvaluechem.com<br />

Web: www.facebook.com/<br />

BestValueChemPvtLtd<br />

DM Aromatics<br />

Po. Sakti, Distt.<br />

Janjgir-Champa , CT 495689<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Mr Sumeet Agrawal<br />

Email: sumeet@<br />

dmaromatics.com<br />

Web: www.dmaromatics.com<br />

Lakshmi<br />

International LLC<br />

2185 West Pecos Road, Suite #5<br />

Chandler, AZ 85224<br />

USA<br />

Contact: Dr Siddharth Sanganeria<br />

Email: info@eoils.com<br />

Web: www.eoils.com<br />

Elixir Extracts<br />

Private Limited<br />

Kinfra Park, Nellad<br />

Muvattupuzha<br />

Kochi, KL 686669<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Mr Anil Krishna<br />

Email: anil@elixirextracts.com<br />

Web: www.elixirextracts.com<br />

Lucta SA<br />

Carrer de Can<br />

Parellada 28,<br />

Montornès del Vallès<br />

Barcelona 08<strong>17</strong>0<br />

SPAIN<br />

Contact: Mr Jordi Jolis<br />

Email: jordi.jolis@lucta.com<br />

Web: www.lucta.com<br />

Prodalim Group<br />

5 Droyanov Street<br />

Tel Aviv 6314305<br />

ISRAEL<br />

Contact: Mr Ofer Amitay<br />

Email: ofer@prodalim.com<br />

Web: www.prodalim.com<br />

Monachem Additives<br />

Pvt Ltd<br />

401/A, Synergy Square<br />

Krishna Industrial Estate<br />

Vadodora, Gorwa, Gujarat 390016<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Mr Vrajesh Shah<br />

Email: vrajesh_shah@<br />

monachem.com<br />

Web: www.monachem.com<br />

EKO BIO GEN d.o.o.<br />

GrudePodkrstina b.b.<br />

88345 Sovići - Grude<br />


Contact: Mrs Nives Grizelj<br />

Email: nives.grizelj@<br />

ekobiogen.com<br />

Web: www.ekobiogen.com<br />

Elixens UK Limited<br />

No. 1 Essence House<br />

Thorpe Industrial Park<br />

Egham, Surrey<br />

TW20 8RN<br />

UK<br />

Contact: Ms Barbara Keen<br />

Email: barbara.keen@<br />

elixens.com<br />

Web: www.elixens.com/en<br />

Gulbirlik<br />

Davraz Mah. 115 Cd.<br />

No:105, Isparta<br />

Isparta 32300<br />

TURKEY<br />

Contact: Mr Ibrahim Isidan<br />

Email: ibrahimisidan@<br />

gulbirlik.com<br />

Web: www.gulbirlik.com<br />

Bulgarian Herb Ltd<br />

Proslava street, 15<br />

Plovdiv 4015<br />


Contact: Yonko Stefanov<br />

Email: vivabg@mail.bg<br />

Web: www.essentialoils<br />

bulgaria.com<br />

Aliksir Inc.<br />

1040 chemin du Roy<br />

Grondines<br />

Quebec G0A 1W0<br />

CANADA<br />

Contact: Mrs Ginette Douville<br />

Email: direction.adj@<br />

aliksir.com<br />

Web: www.aliksir.com/en<br />

MCAT GmbH<br />

Raiffeisenstrasse 35<br />

Donaueschingen 78166<br />


Contact: Dr Markus Ringwald<br />

Email: ifeat@mcat.de<br />

Web: www.mcat.de/cms/<br />

index.php?lang=en<br />


37 allée du Pré clair<br />

Gif sur Yvette 91190<br />

FRANCE<br />

Contact: Ms Sema Naimoglou<br />

Email: sema.fydesan.fr@<br />

orange.fr<br />


Industria e Serviços<br />

Ltda<br />

Rodovia BR <strong>17</strong>4, Km 15, Ramal<br />

da Esperança,<br />

200 Claudio Mesquita<br />

Manaus, Amazonas 69048992<br />

BRAZIL<br />

Contact: Aguimar Simoes<br />

Email: aguimar.simoes@<br />

agroconltda.com.br<br />

Web: www.agroconltda.<br />

lwsite.com.br<br />

Mysore Essential<br />

Oils and Naturals<br />

5/10, Bushcroft Apts<br />

Norris Road, Richmond Town<br />

Bangalore, Karnataka 560025<br />

INDIA<br />

Contact: Ms Varsha Shivashankar<br />

Email: varsha@meon.in<br />

Web: www.meon.in<br />

Immortelle Group<br />

d.o.o.<br />

Berkovici b.b. 88363,<br />

Republika Srpska<br />


Contact: Ms Dajana Jukic<br />

Email: dj@immortelle<br />

group.com<br />

Web: www.immortelle<br />

group.com<br />

+1 973 748 8980 | 700 BLAIR ROAD, CARTERET, NJ 07008 USA |<br />




27 May – 2 June 20<strong>17</strong><br />

A full itinerary is now in place for this year’s<br />

IFEAT Study Tour. Participants will travel to<br />

Bulgaria to learn about the country’s rose<br />

industry as well as other domestically<br />

produced essential oils such as lavender and<br />

melissa oils. The tour has been timed to<br />

take place during the major rose harvesting<br />

season and participants will visit farms in the<br />

renowned “Rose Valley” where picking will<br />

be taking place. They will also visit rose oil<br />

producers, processors and exporters and<br />

meet leading experts from the Bulgarian<br />

essential oil industry. Bulgaria is responsible<br />

for 60% of the world’s production of rose oil<br />

and is also the largest producer of lavender<br />

oil in the world, and some breathtakingly<br />

beautiful landscapes will be seen.<br />

The trip will start in Sofia, the capital of<br />

Bulgaria, on Sunday 28th May. A tram tour,<br />

with cocktails on board, has been organised<br />

for the first evening, to be followed by a<br />

Welcome Dinner, with panoramic views of<br />

Sofia. On Monday 29th May, participants will<br />

travel by coach to Plovdiv for a visit to Rosa<br />

Impex Company, which is is one of the<br />

first private Bulgarian companies to produce<br />

cosmetic products. This will be followed by<br />

five presentations on the Bulgarian essential<br />

oil industry, including one from the Chairman<br />

of the Bulgarian National Association for<br />

Essential Oils, Perfumery and Cosmetics.<br />

The group will stay in Plovdiv that night.<br />

“Bulgaria is responsible for<br />

60% of the world’s production<br />

of rose oil”<br />

On Tuesday 30th May, participants will travel<br />

to Zelenikovo village, where they will meet<br />

local rose farmers. They will also visit<br />

Kateko Ltd and Bul Fito Oils Ltd, both<br />

of which are producers of rose concrete,<br />

absolute and various herbal extracts. After<br />

lunch they will travel to Yasenovo for a visit<br />

to Rosa Eterna, producer of rose and<br />

lavender essential oils. The group will then<br />

travel to Pavel Banya, where participants will<br />

stay two nights. From here there will be a<br />

trip to Kazanlak, the most famous town in<br />

the Rose Valley and renowned for its 4th<br />

century BC Thracian tomb, a UNESCO<br />

<strong>World</strong> Heritage Site. On Wednesday 31st<br />

May, participants will see and become<br />

involved in the rose picking at Enio<br />

Bonchev, as well as visiting the company’s<br />

distilleries at the village of Tarnichene. They<br />

will then travel back to Pavel Banya to visit<br />

Bulattars PC Ltd. Alain Dinner Frix will be at the<br />

recently opened Kazanlak Rose Museum.<br />

There will be a visit to Vigalex Ltd at<br />

Gurkovo village on Thursday 1st June, where<br />

the group will visit the local cooperative<br />

rose field as well as a private lavender field<br />

next to it. The coach will then take<br />

participants back to Sofia for a visit to<br />

Panteley Toshev, specialists in aroma<br />

flavours. A farewell dinner will be held in<br />

Sofia that night before participants depart<br />

on Friday 2nd June.<br />

The Bulgaria Study Tour was sold out within 24 hours of registration. While IFEAT has increased the number of participants from 40 to<br />

45, there is still a waiting list, but if you are interested in being added to this list, please do contact the secretariat.<br />

WORLD<br />

12<br />

The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades Limited<br />

6th Floor | Mutual House | 70 Conduit Street | London W1S 2GF<br />

Tel: +44 (0) <strong>17</strong>07 245862 | E-mail: secretariat@ifeat.org | Website: www.ifeat.org | www.facebook.com/IFEAT.ORG<br />

Registered in England & Wales with liability limited by guarantee under Company no. 01369368<br />

© IFEAT. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, stored, published or in any way reproduced without the prior written consent of IFEAT.

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