Userguide - WebToGo

Userguide - WebToGo

Userguide - WebToGo


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<strong>WebToGo</strong> <strong>Userguide</strong> for IDA - Integrated Data Access<br />

<strong>Userguide</strong><br />

IDA – Integrated Data Access<br />

The experience of being always connected<br />

© <strong>WebToGo</strong> Mobiles Internet GmbH 1

<strong>WebToGo</strong> <strong>Userguide</strong> for IDA - Integrated Data Access<br />

Table of Contents<br />

IDA User Guide............................................................................................................3<br />

1 The Menu..............................................................................................................3<br />

2 Searching and Statistics.......................................................................................5<br />

3 Lists.....................................................................................................................8<br />

4 Main Forms.........................................................................................................10<br />

5 Special IDA Modules...........................................................................................13<br />

5.1 The Calendar.................................................................................................13<br />

5.2 The Project Plan.............................................................................................16<br />

5.3 The Tree View...............................................................................................18<br />

5.4 Reservations Module......................................................................................20<br />

5.4.1 Calendar Controls....................................................................................22<br />

5.4.2 Reservation Types and Categories..............................................................22<br />

5.5 Absence Calendar..........................................................................................22<br />

5.5.1 Calendar Controls....................................................................................24<br />

5.5.2 Absence Types and Categories..................................................................24<br />

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<strong>WebToGo</strong> <strong>Userguide</strong> for IDA - Integrated Data Access<br />

IDA User Guide<br />

<strong>WebToGo</strong>'s Integrated Data Access is a Web-application to access company data. One of its<br />

greatest strengths is that it can be quickly and easily expanded to cover new Objects. It is<br />

therefore a challenge to write a specific user guide for one IDA implementation. But there is a<br />

lot of generic IDA functionality common to all objects, which is discussed in the first section of<br />

this guide.<br />

The second section will discuss some IDA standard applications with some specific modules.<br />

Again, the details in your implementation might be different.<br />

Finally, most of the visual appearance of IDA can be set as a style for each specific user. So the<br />

icons, colors and fonts might not match the ones you can see.<br />

1 The Menu<br />

When you log into IDA, you will normally see the menu on the left:<br />

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This is your main navigation tool around the application.<br />

1. The logo will bring you back to the page you see after login. This should provide a<br />

sensible overview of your most important tasks, but can be set specifically for each<br />

user.<br />

2. This is your username.<br />

3. The question marks can be found throughout IDA. They contain helpful information and<br />

hints about how to use certain functionalities. Either the question mark is a link and you<br />

can obtain the information by simly clicking on it, or it contains the information in a<br />

tooltip, which will be showing when hovering the mouse above it. Following the link will<br />

open a new page in the current window. The form that was opened at the time you<br />

retrieved the support can be found at the bottom of the page.<br />

4. Clicking will log you off.<br />

5. The Bookmark button : If there is a page in IDA that you would like to view<br />

repeatedly, such as a special statistics report, you can bookmark it, such that you can<br />

access it with a click of a button.<br />

6. This will lead you to the Settings. Under the first tab, the "Team Setings", you have the<br />

possibility to specify how you would like to receive notifications from the system. Email,<br />

IM, SMS and those in combination are the options you can choose from. If you<br />

also have purchased our Instant Messaging solution <strong>WebToGo</strong> InterAct, you can assign<br />

your InterAct user account to your team member entry to be notfied through InterAct.<br />

In addition you may want to specify whether your calendar is showing after login or not.<br />

You can also define the appearance of IDA by setting a style. IDA is currently available<br />

in english and german. Further language support will follow. If you prefer to log on<br />

automatically, check "Remember Login" to be authenticated by a Cookie. Checking<br />

"Buttons" will determine whether you see the action buttons gathered at the top of the<br />

menu right beneath the database selection. These buttons grant access to certain<br />

modules depending on which groups you are assigned to. Action Buttons are explained<br />

in more detail below. You can also change your password by entering your new<br />

password twice in the corresponding fields and saving the data.<br />

Under the tab "Email Settings" you can enter a signature that will be attached to the<br />

end of every e-mail you send through the system. Checking "Quote" takes effect if you<br />

are replying to an e-mail and will add the past conversation to the e-mail you are<br />

currently sending. If you have one or more alternative e-mail adresses, you can add<br />

them here as aliases.<br />

The tab "Support Settings" provides several adjustments regarding customer support.<br />

These settings are only applicable if your purchase of IDA includes the support module.<br />

First you can set up the language used for customer support. Filling out the field "Alias"<br />

will be helpful if you don't want to use your real name sending support e-mails. Another<br />

option that comes in helpful is to specify an e-mail address exclusivly for support emails.<br />

In the field "Truly" you can enter a salutation that will be added automatically to<br />

every support e-mail you send.<br />

7. Database selection: If you have rights to access more than one database through IDA<br />

(such as the system administration database as well as the user database), then these<br />

databases will be listed here for you to select from. They can be listed as icons or in a<br />

dropdown field.<br />

Note that all of the above items will be covered by the system message field, whenever<br />

a system message is sent. System messages are normally sent only once, so a refresh<br />

will bring back these controls.<br />

8. Action buttons: These are buttons that execute actions or lead you to a certain module<br />

independent of the particular entry you are currently looking at in the database. An<br />

example might be your calendar or the project plan.<br />

9. Your bookmarks list: IDA allows you to bookmark selections and pages that you have<br />

opened for faster access. This is particularly useful for complex queries such as the<br />

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number of purchases for a particular product during the last week, where a single click<br />

is easier rather than re-entering all the selection criteria. To bookmark a page, you only<br />

need to click the bookmark icon when you are on the page you wish to revisit regularly.<br />

A new entry will appear under the heading "Bookmarks" in the menu, with a blank field<br />

next to it, where you can enter the name. After having entered and saved the name,<br />

you can visit the bookmark by clicking on it. Alternatively you can delete it again, by<br />

clicking on the delete button next to it. Normal users cannot modify bookmarks.<br />

10.This is the main section of the menu. It contains the objects you have access to, sorted<br />

by the groups you belong to. For each object you can open a search form, by clicking on<br />

the entry itself. Holding the mouse above an item will give you additional information<br />

about the object, if available. If you have permission to add new records, you can click<br />

on the new record icon ( ) to the right of the entry to add your data.<br />

11.Clicking will hide the menu to make additional space on the screen. You can bring it<br />

back by clicking .<br />

12. and allow you move the menu across to the other side of the screen (if there is<br />

other content visible).<br />

2 Searching and Statistics<br />

A typical search page will look like either of these images:<br />

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At the top you see the object you are searching. On the left are a list of possible search criteria<br />

defined by your system administrator. Next to each of these fields is a search operator field<br />

with entries from the list below, depending on the data type of this field. Then there is an input<br />

field where you can enter your search term. And on the far right, there are statistics functions,<br />

if you want to display a statistics graph, rather than searching for entries. These will only<br />

appear if you are in statistics mode. You can toggle from normal to statistics mode, either<br />

clicking on "Show Stats" or "Hide Stats". To do a search, you click on "Go". To do statistics,<br />

you click on "Stats". For some forms, an "e-mail" button might also appear. From this you can<br />

select recipients of a mailing list, if the object you are searching for has an e-mail address field<br />

and your administrator has set it as such.<br />

Here is a list of the search operators:<br />

= Equals exactly (but case independent)<br />

Does not equal<br />

~ Contains (text only)<br />

!~ Does not contain (text only)<br />

-* Starts with (text only)<br />

*- Ends with (text only)<br />

> is larger than (numbers and dates only)<br />

< is smaller than (numbers and dates only)<br />

/ between two values (numbers and dates only)<br />

?<br />

ignore this parameter - only used for checkboxes, where "=" will only return the entries<br />

where this field is unchecked.<br />

In the field to the right of the operator you can enter values you wish to search for. Lines<br />

where you leave this field empty are ignored. If you enter several conditions, they will all have<br />

to be met.<br />

There are a few special values you can enter in these input fields:<br />

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• You can enter and in a single line. For example to get all the names<br />

starting with "a" or with "b" you would enter:<br />

• You can enter the current date as "Date()" and for instance today + 5 days by entering<br />

"Date()+5". Therefore, all contacts that took place yesterday would be returned by:<br />

• You can enter a condition compared to another field. For example for all users where<br />

the first name matches the surname you could enter:<br />

or<br />

Note that you have to enter the field labels between the opening and closing brackets<br />

exactly as they are displayed on the IDA forms.<br />

• You can also enter comparative values compared to the field name in the database. This<br />

is not typically visible to the user, but might be useful in cases where a form contains<br />

several fields with the same label. In this case your system administrator might be able<br />

to help you.<br />

Pressing "Go" will lead you to your search results. By default up to 10 entries will be shown on<br />

a page. If there are more than ten search results, you will see a list of pages at the bottom and<br />

can move through them one by one. If you wish to see a different number of entries per page,<br />

you can enter a number in "Max. Entries". This number will be remembered for your session.<br />

Alternatively, you can do statistics on this object, by pressing the "Stats" button. If you do not<br />

see the "Stats" button, then you either do not have rights to do statistics or you simply need to<br />

click "Show Stats".<br />

For statistics, you can additionally chose functions for individual fields in the dropdown field on<br />

the right of each row (again this field will disappear if your search view is collapsed or you<br />

have no rights for statistics). The most commonly used function is "Group", which means that<br />

the graph that you will see when you click on Stats will be broken up according to the different<br />

values of the field you have decided to group. If you do not select another function, your<br />

statistics will simply return the number of entries that exist for each value. As an example, you<br />

can group tasks by status and would obtain results looking like this:<br />

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Of course, you can combine statistics functions with search criteria:<br />

Alternatively, you can select one of the following functions, which will only yield sensible values<br />

for numeric fields:<br />

SUM<br />

Instead of the count of the entries corresponding to your search criteria, you will see<br />

the sum. This is particularly useful if you would like to see the running total of a<br />

purchase.<br />

Max This will return the maximum value amongst those selected.<br />

Min This will return the minimum value amongst those selected.<br />

Avg This will return the average value amongst those selected.<br />

Cut<br />

This is a special function which requires that you enter a condition in the input field.<br />

Your result will then be grouped according to whether this condition is met or not. For<br />

instance, you could enter<br />

to see the number of<br />

tasks that have a status higher than finished or lower than finished.<br />

If you wish to group a field and apply one of the other functions at the same time, you can use<br />

the "-" operator.<br />

3 Lists<br />

When you enter search criteria that match more than one existing record that you are allowed<br />

to see, then clicking "Go" on the search form will return a list which will look a bit like the<br />

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example below. Which fields are actually shown in the list is determined by your system<br />

administrator and can be changed easily:<br />

Opening, Saving and Deleting<br />

You can access an entry in a list by pressing the "Open" button (4). Depending on your rights,<br />

you might also be able to modify an entry in the list and then press the "Save" button (2).<br />

Again depending on your rights, you might also see the "Delete" button (3). Please note that<br />

you have to save or delete each entry individually. If you would like to recover the last entry<br />

you have deleted in a list, you can click the "Recover" button (7). This will open the recovered<br />

entry, if one is found. IDA keeps track of all items you have ever deleted that match your<br />

search criteria, not just those deleted during the last session.<br />

Sorting<br />

If you would like to sort the list by one of the shown columns, you only have to click the field<br />

label in the table header. When you click on the left part of the label, the entries will be sorted<br />

in ascending order, while the right part will sort them in descending order. IDA will remember<br />

all fields you have sorted by, with the last field clicked being the first in the sort order. So if<br />

you would like to sort this example by "Status" and then by "Priority", you would click on<br />

"Priority" first and then on "Status".<br />

Opening related entries<br />

If one of the fields you see in a list is linked to a different object, you will see an "Open Related<br />

Entry" button (1), that will lead you to the related object. Note also, that in this example the<br />

"Owner" field is a dropdown menu. But when a dropdown field with many entries is included in<br />

a list, IDA automatically turns it into a read-only field as the html code required for a list of<br />

dropdowns would significantly slow down the page transmission. You can modify this field then<br />

by opening the entry and looking at it in a main form.<br />

Paging<br />

Depending on whether you have entered a value in the "Max. Entries" field on the search form,<br />

you will get the default of up to 10 entries showing on one page or another number. If there<br />

are actually more search results, then you will see page numbers of the search result showing<br />

at the bottom (5). The current page you are on is shown in red, the others are shown in blue.<br />

You can open the corresponding page simply by clicking a number. You can also use the arrows<br />

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to navigate through the different pages (6).<br />

Exporting Data<br />

IDA allows you to export data from lists to either a comma-separated-values file (8), which you<br />

can open in a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or as an HTML table (9), which you<br />

can print or copy and paste into other applications.<br />

4 Main Forms<br />

When your search criteria returns one record or you open an entry in a list, you will see this<br />

entry in a main form, like in the example below:<br />

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Tabs<br />

The main form might have one or several tabs (1,2). The first tab will correspond to the name<br />

of the object in the menu. The active tab is shown in a different colour. You can open the other<br />

tabs simply by clicking on them. Please note that data on each tab is saved separately.<br />

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Dashboard<br />

There might be fields above all the tabs in the space referred to as the dashboard (3). These<br />

will not change regardless of which tab you are on. The data in these fields will also be saved,<br />

regardless of the tab you are on.<br />

New Records<br />

If you enter a new record, you will see a form very similar to the main form. The only<br />

difference is that there are no tabs (as only one tab can be saved at a time). Depending on the<br />

form definitions, different tabs will appear as different sections on the main form.<br />

Special Fields<br />

A form might contain some required fields. These are marked in a colour set by your system<br />

administrator - typically red (4). When you try to save with one of these fields left blank, an<br />

error message will appear. Some fields might also be set to be read-only by your system<br />

administrator, even though you can edit other fields on the form. In some special cases, the<br />

data available in one dropdown field is dependent on the value selected in another dropdown<br />

field. In this case, you will have to save the record to update the other list.<br />

Links and Locators<br />

A form might also include links to other objects. These are typically shown in blue (5,6).<br />

Clicking the link will open this related entry. Please note that if you have made a change, the<br />

link will only be updated when you save the record (7). Link fields will often be dropdowns (6),<br />

so that you can select an entry from a list. If the list is too long, then a locator symbol will be<br />

shown instead (5). Clicking this symbol will bring up a special variation of the search form for<br />

that object (see below). This allows you to search for and select the entry you want. To delete<br />

the entry in the field, you would open the locator and either search with criteria that do not<br />

return any records or you can click on the "Clear" button (13). All of these actions will bring<br />

you back to the main form you were working with.<br />

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Help<br />

When you see a question mark next to a label (6) then additional information about the<br />

purpose of this field is available as context help. This should be the case whenever a label is<br />

not self-explanatory.<br />

Saving and Deleting<br />

You can save (7) and delete (8) records according to your rights. Depending on your style<br />

settings, each record might show the author, creation date and the last modification next to<br />

the save and delete buttons (9).<br />

Related Lists<br />

A main form might contain one or more related lists. An example are the "Email Aliases" (10)<br />

for a "Person" above or the "Subtasks" associated with a "Project" below. The entries on a list<br />

are all saved and deleted independently from the main form - they correspond to separate<br />

entries in a different table in the database. This allows you to store any number of e-mail<br />

aliases for a person or issues for a task.<br />

There are two types of list:<br />

1. Lists with not so many fields are just modified from within the list, like in the example<br />

above. To enter a new entry, you simply fill in the blank line (12) beneath the lines with<br />

the existing entries (11) and press the save button.<br />

2. If the list contains a more complicated object, then there will be a separate main form<br />

for the object and a new entry will be created by clicking on the "New" symbol (14)<br />

above the list. Such lists will also have an "Open" icon (15) - much like a list of search<br />

results.<br />

All lists on main forms can be sorted and might have several pages of entries (16), just like the<br />

lists you obtain as a search result. If there is more than one page and you would like to show<br />

more or fewer entries per page, then you can click the<br />

You can also export the data in such lists (19,20).<br />

(18) or the (17) button.<br />

5 Special IDA Modules<br />

5.1 The Calendar<br />

The IDA calendar is a powerful and versatile workforce tool, that provides an immediate<br />

overview of your current activities and the ability to share these with your colleagues.<br />

Typically, you will see your calendar on the right of the screen, when you log into IDA.<br />

Whether it shows only the current day or the current week is determined by your system<br />

administrator. You can also see a blown up view of the whole month - or in fact - any number<br />

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of days you like. To show just a single day, simply click on the day of the week you wish to<br />

see. To go to a bigger view, click the expand button in the top left corner , or simply extend<br />

the horizontal scale .<br />

The day view The week view<br />

The calendar displays the following objects:<br />

The month view<br />

• Appointments and contacts, including periodic events. These are displayed at their<br />

respective time in the calendar. In the day view, the title of the appointment is shown.<br />

In multi-day view, there will be a folder icon, which will show the title as a tool-tip.<br />

Periodic events are shown as , personal events are shown as , private events are<br />

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shown as and regular events are shown as . Clicking on the icon will open the<br />

•<br />

appropriate entry.<br />

Tasks and Issues: These are displayed at the bottom of the day on which they are due<br />

to be finished. Finished tasks and issues are shown as , open tasks and issues are<br />

shown as and overdue tasks and issues are shown as .<br />

• Holidays and Weekends. Holidays and weekends are shown in a different colour.<br />

Holidays are also marked by the icon, which will also tell the user what the holiday is.<br />

• Birthdays of team members and your contacts. These are shown with the icon and<br />

•<br />

will give the name of the person whose birthday it is. Clicking on the icon will lead you<br />

to the respective "Team" or "Person" entry.<br />

Absences and business trips: These are marked in a different colour on the calendar.<br />

Tool-Tip help on the icon will give you details about the trip.<br />

• Anniversaries: These are appointments you set on a yearly repeat and lasting the<br />

whole day. They are marked like birthdays.<br />

You can set which of your calendar entries you would like to keep private. All other entries will<br />

be visible to your colleagues, but you can still mark them as either business or personal. When<br />

you add another person to a meeting, who has another engagement entered in his calendar at<br />

that time, you will receive a warning with a link to the prior engagement.<br />

The following icons help you control the layout of the calendar:<br />

Move backward in time<br />

Move forward in time<br />

Expand the number of days shown<br />

Decrease the number of days shown<br />

Increase the number of hours shown<br />

Decrease the number of hours shown<br />

Go to the calendar full screen view<br />

Displays all your team members in a list. From here you have quick access to their<br />

calendars and utilization charts to easy add appointments or to view their workload.<br />

This displays a single day view with details of the entries on that day.<br />

This displays the days as columns with entries for every hour.<br />

This displays the weeks as columns with entries for every day.<br />

This displays the months as columns with entries for every day.<br />

These two buttons help you to toggle between an expanded and a narrow view of the<br />

calendar. By default, the narrow view as explained above is displayed. Using the expanded<br />

view by clicking on will always show also the enries for hours, even if a whole month is<br />

displayed. Clicking on takes you back to the narrow view.<br />

+ Show more contact types, i.e. phone-calls or e-mails in addition to appointments<br />

- Show fewer contact types<br />

New entries are entered into the calendar as "Appointments" by simply clicking on a time slot.<br />

The date and the time will be pre-filled to the nearest hour. Checking "Private" will keep the<br />

entry hidden from all other users. A team member and a contact person can be added<br />

immediately. You can also decide to invite your entire business unit or even the whole<br />

company. Further individual attendees, detailed repeat settings and other information can be<br />

added after you have saved the entry.<br />

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5.2 The Project Plan<br />

IDA project management allows you to organize your work in a hierarchical structure, where<br />

any task entry can contain any number of other task entries, much like a folder on your<br />

desktop. In this way, all work that is done in your organisation can be depicted, with different<br />

levels of management gaining a quick overview at their required resolution. The easiest way to<br />

visualize current progress is to look at a section of this hierarchical task structure through a<br />

gantt chart module. This can be opened from any task, by pressing the "Proj. Plan" button, or -<br />

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if you wish to enter at the top - by pressing the "Proj. Plan" button in the menu.<br />

The current task you are looking at is shown in bold on the third row. Tasks that contain<br />

subtasks are shown as brackets and milestones are shown as diamonds. Follow-on tasks or<br />

also graphically shown with arrows.<br />

You can navigate upwards by clicking on the "Parent" or downwards by clicking on any of the<br />

tasks shown below. You can also add a new subtask for the current task by clicking on the new<br />

entry symbol to the right of the task. Clicking on the folder icon will open the "Task" form for<br />

the corresponding entry, while clicking on the name of a task will return a subsection of the<br />

Gantt Chart View.<br />

Determine how deep you want to explore each task, i.e. whether you want to see just the<br />

subtasks, or also the subtasks of the subtasks and so on, by changing the "Depth" value: Click<br />

on the "+" or "-" signs next to it. You can also drill down into tasks with subtasks individually,<br />

be clicking on the icon or you can hide the children by clicking the icon.<br />

Change the time-scale by clicking on the "+" or "-" sign next to "Zoom".<br />

Display only the open tasks or all tasks by clicking on the respective link next to "Mode".<br />

Move backwards and forwards in time by clicking on or . When these symbols are shown<br />

next to a task, it means that this task extends beyond the shown time frame into the past or<br />

into the future.<br />

The bars in the Gantt Chart denote the anticipated time extent of a task. If you are in "Show<br />

Priority" mode, the colour will denote the priority of a task, otherwise it will denote the status.<br />

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Beneath the tasks, you can see the resources involved in the tasks displayed, as well as their<br />

over-all work-load during this time-span. Green bars represent under-utilization, black bars are<br />

full load and red and above indicates a team-member who is somewhat overworked. The teammembers<br />

are represented by their initials. Clicking on one of the coloured bars will open the<br />

tasklist of the corresponding team-member. Weekends and holidays are taken into shown as<br />

while vacations are shown as .<br />

Clicking "+" and "-" next to "Priority" will determine how many tasks will be displayed in the<br />

project plan. Is the number low, only the tasks with the highest priority will be shown. This<br />

way you can hide the less important tasks.<br />

The multi-colored entries to the left of the tasks show the person in charge of the task. Clicking<br />

on the initials will open their "Team" entry. You can hide this column and the utilization by<br />

clicking on "Hide Team" at the bottom. But note that also the graphical representation of the<br />

team-members workload will then disappear from the project plan.<br />

The "Task Type Filter" control at the bottom allows you to hide all different types of tasks<br />

provided in IDA individually.<br />

5.3 The Tree View<br />

IDA uses tree views as a graphical representation of hierarchical structure of various objects.<br />

These include the Support Database in IDA Support, website navigation in IDA CMS and the<br />

Org Chart in IDA CRM. All of these tree views are similar. You can open them from any object<br />

within the tree by opening this entry and pressing a button. For instance, to see the Org Chart<br />

of a company, you open the company and click on "Chart".<br />

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Then you can navigate through the tree by clicking on any of the sub-entries (this will just give<br />

you a subsection of the tree) or the actual entry itself, by clicking on the folder symbol. You<br />

can also collapse or expand individual nodes with the and buttons. Additional information<br />

will be displayed about each entry, such as the preferred language of a person in an Org Chart,<br />

or the preview of web-page in the CMS module.<br />

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To return to the menu, simply click on and to bookmark this particular view, you can click<br />

on .<br />

5.4 Reservations Module<br />

This module manages reservations for facilities and displays them in a calendar. The calendar<br />

can show all the reservations for a specific facility, for a type of facilites or for all facilities. The<br />

latter mode enables the user to see if there are vacancies of specific facility type, how many<br />

reservations there are in a certain time slot or whether it is fully booked.<br />

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• If there are no reservations, the timeslot will appear in the normal background color and<br />

clicking on a slot allows the user to enter a new reservation.<br />

• If there are some reservations but also vacancies, the timeslot will appear in yellow and<br />

the number of existing reservations will be displayed. Clicking on the number will show<br />

the existing reservations. If you click just to the right of the number, you can enter a<br />

new reservation for that timeslot.<br />

• If all facilities of the current type are fully booked, then the timeslot will be shown in<br />

red, with the number of bookings indicated. Clicking the number will show the existing<br />

reservations. You can not enter a new reservation for that timeslot.<br />

At the bottom, all the facilities of the current type or the number of facilities of the<br />

current type are shown, so the user can easily work out how many vacancies are left.<br />

Your administrator might also prefer you to see the number of remaining vacancies,<br />

rather than the number of existing reservations.<br />

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5.4.1 Calendar Controls<br />

At the top of the calendar, there are four controls that allow you to toggle the<br />

timescale:<br />

This displays a single day view with details of the entries on that day.<br />

This displays the days as columns with entries for every hour.<br />

This displays the weeks as columns with entries for every day.<br />

This displays the months as columns with entries for every day.<br />

These buttons also allow you to change the timespan covered:<br />

Takes you back in time.<br />

Takes you forward in time.<br />

Extends the hours per day visible.<br />

Reduces the hours per day visible.<br />

You can also click on the column headings to get a close-up view of a specific timespan.<br />

In this way, you will get from the month view to the week view to the day view to the<br />

day view with detail.<br />

5.4.2 Reservation Types and Categories<br />

The reservations calendar will allow you to differentiate according to reservation<br />

categories and facility types. You can click on the corresponding links at the bottom of<br />

the calendar, to toggle between a view of "all" or a specific type or category<br />

respectively.<br />

Both "Types" and "Categories" can be set freely by your administrator. Selecting a<br />

certain type of facility will either give you a list of all the facilities of that type beneath<br />

it, or just the number of facilities of a certain type, if there are more than a pre-defined<br />

number of facilities of that type. This number is pre-set to 10, but can be changed by<br />

your administrator for your installation.<br />

5.5 Absence Calendar<br />

This module visualizes absences for team members in a calendar. The calendar can<br />

show absences for an individual team member, for all team members from one unit or<br />

for all team members. The latter mode enables the user to see how many members of a<br />

unit are available at any one time, which is particularly useful in the vacation planning<br />

of a help-desk, for instance.<br />

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• If there are no absences, the timeslot will appear in the normal background color<br />

and clicking on a slot allows the user to enter a new absence. Absences can also<br />

be entered from the team member form.<br />

• If there are some absences but also remaining team members, the timeslot will<br />

appear in yellow and the number of absences will be displayed. Clicking on the<br />

number will show the existing absences. If you click just to the right of the<br />

number, you can enter a new absence for that timeslot.<br />

• If all team members of the selected unit are absent, then the timeslot will be<br />

shown in red, with the number of absences indicated. Clicking the number will<br />

show the absences as a list. You can not enter a new absence for that timeslot.<br />

At the bottom, all the team members of the current unit or the number of team<br />

members in the current unit are shown. Your administrator might also prefer you to see<br />

the number of team members, rather than the number of absences.<br />

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5.5.1 Calendar Controls<br />

At the top of the calendar, there are four controls that allow you to toggle the<br />

timescale:<br />

This displays a single day view with details of the entries on that day.<br />

This displays the days as columns with entries for every hour.<br />

This displays the weeks as columns with entries for every day.<br />

This displays the months as columns with entries for every day.<br />

These buttons also allow you to change the timespan covered:<br />

Takes you back in time.<br />

Takes you forward in time.<br />

Extends the hours per day visible.<br />

Reduces the hours per day visible.<br />

You can also click on the column headings to get a close-up view of a specific timespan.<br />

In this way, you will get from the month view to the week view to the day view to the<br />

day view with detail.<br />

5.5.2 Absence Types and Categories<br />

The absence calendar will allow you to differentiate according to absence types and<br />

team units. You can click on the corresponding links at the bottom of the calendar, to<br />

toggle between a view of "all" or a specific type or category respectively.<br />

Both "Types" and "Categories" can be set freely by your administrator. Selecting a<br />

certain unit will either give you a list of all the team members belonging to that unit<br />

beneath it, or just the number of team members in a unit, if there are more than a predefined<br />

number of team-members in the unit. This number is pre-set to 10, but can be<br />

changed by your administrator for your installation.<br />

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