ARNOLD - LUCIEN MONTANDON (1852 – 1922 - Travaux

ARNOLD - LUCIEN MONTANDON (1852 – 1922 - Travaux

ARNOLD - LUCIEN MONTANDON (1852 – 1922 - Travaux


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<strong>Travaux</strong> du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle<br />

«Grigore Antipa»<br />

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> - <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>),<br />



« Bien des surprises, j’en suis convaincu sont réservées<br />

aux travailleurs, pionniers de la Science, explorateurs,<br />

chercheurs qui sauront fouiller les taillis, sonder les replis du<br />

sol, arracher à la Nature ses secrets qui Elle livre avec haut de<br />

facilité à ceux qui savent l’interroger.<br />

En tous cas, je continuerai dans la mesure de mes<br />

forces les études que j’ai entreprises, et mes efforts tendront<br />

toujours à faire connaître au monde savant la faune de la Terre<br />

hospitalière où je vis heureux depuis tantôt douze ans. Ce sera<br />

une manière de payer la dette de gratitude que j’ai contractée<br />

envers la Roumanie.»<br />

(Arnold Montandon - Broºteni le 30 Octobre 1883)<br />

Abstract. Arnold L. Montandon (<strong>1852</strong>-<strong>1922</strong>) dedicated his entire life to Science. Around 1900 he was<br />

known as one of the best entomologists-hemipterologists of the world. He studied the insects which he<br />

received from the furthest countries, describing hundreds of new taxa. He was born in France and settled<br />

for good in Romania since 1873. He had been studying the flora and fauna of the adoptive country, and<br />

his papers on Moldova, Muntenia and Dobrogea were among the first in this field. In their chronology,<br />

the authors emphasize the major contribution of the great self-educated man to the Romanian scientifical<br />

research. On 11th of April 1905, Arnold Lucien Montandon became Foreign Corresponding Member of<br />

the Romanian Academy, in the Scientifical Department, for his special merits.<br />

Résumé. Arnold L. Montandon (<strong>1852</strong>-<strong>1922</strong>) a consacré sa vie entière à la Science. Vers 1900 il a été<br />

connu comme l’un des meilleurs entomologues-hemipterologues du monde. Il a étudié les insectes<br />

qu’il a reçu des autres pays, décrivant des centaines de nouveaux taxons. Il est né en France et s’établi<br />

définitivement en Roumanie. Depuis 1873, il a étudié la flore et la faune du pays adoptif, et ses travaux<br />

sur Moldova, Muntenia et Dobrogea ont été parmi les premiers dans ce domaine. Dans leur<br />

chronologie, les auteurs soulignent la contribution principale du grand homme autodidacte à la<br />

recherche scientifique roumaine. Le 11 avril 1905, pour ses mérites spécials, Arnold Lucien<br />

Montandon est devenu membre correspondant étranger de l’Académie Roumaine, dans le Département<br />

scientifique.<br />

Key words: Arnold L. Montandon, entomologist-hemipterologist, new taxa, corresponding member,<br />

Romanian Academy.<br />

In this paper we try to bring a modest homage to a great person very fond of<br />

Science … From the very beginning we want to say that we have a special<br />

admiration for the self-educated people who succeed in reaching and becoming one<br />

of the greatest personalities of their time, without having university studies in a<br />

English translation by Mihaela Barcan Achim.<br />

Vol. XLIX pp. 479<strong>–</strong>509<br />

© Octobre<br />



certain field or even without university studies. It is about Arnold L. Montandon,<br />

who dedicated his entire life to Science, being recognized as one of the best<br />

entomologists of the world, specialized in hemiptera-heteroptera.<br />

On 26 th of November 2002, 150 years passed since the personality’s birth<br />

who had become corresponding member of the Romanian Academy on the 11 th of<br />

April 1905. As Constantin Istrati said in his speech on the candidate’s scientifical<br />

papers and activities «Montandon nu fãcu studii universitare ºi nici o specialitate în<br />

ramura ºtiinþelor la o anumitã ºcoalã. Natura, frumuseþea ºi marea varietate a<br />

faunei entomologice a munþilor noºtri furã dascãlii sãi, iar seriozitatea<br />

observatorului, preciziunea omului de ºtiinþã, dorul de a colecþiona ºi studia ºi, mai<br />

departe, de a publica observaþiunile proprii, urmarã de la sine. E un ales autodidact<br />

(…) format la ºcoala mare a faptelor, a naturii». (Montandon had not university<br />

studies or specialized courses in a certain branch of science. Nature, beauty and the<br />

large variety of the entomological fauna of our mountains draw its professors’<br />

attention, and the observer’s seriousness, the scientist’s accuracy, the desire of<br />

collecting, studying and publishing his own observations followed naturally. He is a<br />

distinguished autodidact (…) trained at the high school of nature and facts).<br />

As Grigore Antipa’s assistant and collaborator, he fully contributed to the<br />

development of the institution which we call today “Grigore Antipa” National<br />

Museum of Natural History of Bucharest. It is not about the period 1896-1907, when<br />

he actually worked beside Antipa, but also about his huge entomological and<br />

malacological collections, which belong to the Museum patrimony today.<br />

In his catalogue from 1964, Igor Sienkiewicz, Montandon’s continuer and his<br />

first biographer, published several interesting data not only on the Palaearctic<br />

heteropteran collection but also on the great autodidact’s life and activity, in that<br />

fruitful period of time of the hemipteran studies, when important personalities<br />

carried on their activity: Fieber, Iakovlev, Oshanin, Kirkaldy, Schouteden, Signoret,<br />

Lethierry, Mulsant, Rey, Noualhier, Saunders, Distant, Bärensprung, Poppius, Stál,<br />

Costa, Flor, as well as the great O. M. Reuter. Montandon was in correspondence<br />

with all of them, also making different material exchanges. «That was, indeed, a<br />

Golden Age of Hemipterology, when the number of species described for the Science<br />

knew a rapid increase». In this paper, Sienkiewicz corrected the errors published by<br />

some other authors regarding Montandon’s birth and death date.<br />

In his book dedicated to the development of education in Romania, published<br />

in 1971, Constantin Motaº wrote:<br />

«Dintre strãinii aºezaþi în þara noastrã ºi care s-au identificat complet cu<br />

interesele ei sînt de menþionat doi: Maurice Jaquet de la Geneva, elev al lui Carl<br />

Vogt (1817-1895) venit în þarã la îndemnul lui Paul Bujor (1862-1952). Jaquet a<br />

fost preparator ºi apoi ºef de lucrãri al chirurgului Toma Ionescu (1860-1926). Al<br />

doilea, Arnold L. Montandon (1850-<strong>1922</strong>), originar din Besançon, entomolog<br />

eminent, a ajuns membru corespondent al Academiei Române ºi foarte apreciat de<br />

Gr. Antipa, al cãrui colaborator a fost la Muzeul de istorie naturalã din Bucureºti.<br />

A adus contribuþii însemnate la progresul entomologiei» (From the foreigners who<br />

settled in our country and who completely identified with its interests we can<br />

mention Maurice Jaquet from Geneve, Carl Vogt’s student (1817-1895), who came<br />

here at Paul Bujor’s advice (1862-1952). The second is Arnold L. Montandon<br />

(1850-<strong>1922</strong>), from Besançon, eminent entomologist, who became corresponding<br />

member of the Romanian Academy and a very appreciated person by Grigore

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 481<br />

Antipa, whose collaborator was at the Museum of Natural History of Bucharest. He<br />

made his contributions to the development of entomology).<br />

«In România, primele cercetãri asupra heteropterelor sunt cunoscute încã din<br />

ultimele douã decenii ale secolului trecut (sec. 19, n. t.) ºi sunt datorate ilustrului<br />

savant A. L. Montandon; tot din aceastã perioadã avem ºi primele referiri despre<br />

prezenþa în þara noastrã a genurilor Aelia ºi Eurygaster …», remarked C. Popov in<br />

his paper from 1972, where the data published by Montandon in 1885 (b), 1886 and<br />

1907 were the starting point (In Romania, the first studies on heteropterans are<br />

known since the last two decades of the last century (19 th century, a. n.) and are due<br />

to the distinguished scientist A. L. Montandon; also from that period we have the first<br />

references on the presence of genera Aelia and Eurygaster in our country …)<br />

«Cu toate cã nu fãcuse studii universitare, A. L. Montandon avea cunoºtinþe<br />

temeinice de entomologie; din notele incomplete ale memoriilor lui reiese cã venise<br />

în þara noastrã pregãtit pentru studiul insectelor» (Hower A. L. Montandon has not<br />

universitary studies he had throughly entomological knowledges. From his<br />

incomplete notes results that he came in our country prepared to study insects)<br />

(Pandele, 1974).<br />

In Istoria ºtiinþelor în România. Biologia (The history of sciences in Romania.<br />

Biology), at the pages 109-110 we can read the following ideas: «În “Buletinul<br />

Societãþii române de ºtiinþe” gãsim numeroase articole despre hemiptere ºi probleme<br />

entomologice generale, scrise de francezul A. L. Montandon (<strong>1852</strong>-<strong>1922</strong>)…»; «În<br />

aceastã epocã a Muzeului de istorie naturalã se realizeazã valoroase colecþii<br />

ºtiinþifice datoritã zelului unei serii de eminenþi autodidacþi care pun bazele<br />

cercetãrii faunistice a unor grupe variate: A. L. Montandon asupra hemipterelor,<br />

Eduard Fleck despre lepidoptere ºi coleoptere (1898-1932), Robert Dombrowski<br />

(1868-1932) publicã lucrarea fundamentalã asupra pãsãrilor noastre Ornis<br />

Romaniae (1912)…» (In “Buletinul Societãþii române de ºtiinþe” there are numerous<br />

articles on hemipterans and on the general entomological problems, written by the<br />

French A. L. Montandon (<strong>1852</strong>-<strong>1922</strong>)…; In this era of the Museum of Natural<br />

History, valuable scientifical collections are made due to some prominent selfeducate<br />

persons’fervour, who creat the foundation of the faunistic research in<br />

different animal groups: A. L. Montandon, on hemipterans, Eduard Fleck, on<br />

lepidopterans and coleopterans (1898-1938), Robert Dombrowski (1868-1932)<br />

publishes his important paper on our birds, Ornis Romaniae (1912)…) (Codreanu,<br />

1975).<br />

In 1977, at Oradea, in the heading In memoriam of the journal Nymphaea, the<br />

entomologist Mircea Paina made a brief presentation of A. L. Montandon’s<br />

personality on the occasion of 125 years since his birth.<br />

In 1984, Béla Kis, Montandon’s successor in hemipterology, wrote in Fauna<br />

României (Romanian Fauna): «În urma studiilor celor doi entomologi de renume<br />

mondial <strong>–</strong> G. Horvath ºi A. L. Montandon <strong>–</strong> heteropterele din þara noastrã<br />

aparþineau, încã de la începutul secolului al 20-lea, celor mai bine cunoscute ordine<br />

de insecte.» (As a result of the two world known entomologists’ studies, G. Horvath<br />

and A. L. Montandon, heteropterans of our country were the best known insect<br />

orders, since the beginning of the 20 th century).<br />

Prof. Al. Grossu wrote, in 1995, in his memory volume, that Licherdopol and<br />

Montandon were «…singurii care au publicat înainte de 1918 diferite lucrãri<br />

despre gasteropodele din Muntenia, Moldova ºi Dobrogea», (…were the only<br />

persons which published different papers on the gastropods from Muntenia,


Moldova and Dobrogea, before 1918) and then, referring only to Montandon, he<br />

said «lucrarea sa capitalã, apãrutã în 1906 (…) un fel de inventar, catalog-listã al<br />

tuturor gasteropodelor colectate de el, amintind ºi localitãþile de unde au fost<br />

adunate» (his chief paper, published in 1906 (…) a kind of inventory, listed<br />

catalogue of all gastropods collected by him, also mentioning the collecting<br />

localities) (Andrei, 2005).<br />

In Istoria biologiei în date (The History of Biology with data), published in<br />

1996, in the chapter dedicated to Entomology, Matilda Lãcãtuºu underlines A. L.<br />

Montandon’s contribution, considering him «unul dintre precursorii entomologiei<br />

româneºti» (one of the forerunners of the Romanian entomology), together with<br />

Aristide Caradja, Constantin Hormuzaki and Eduard Fleck, his contemporaries.<br />

Besides he was of French origin and had come in Romania since his juvenile years,<br />

we found out that he published his papers on heteropterans in “Buletinul Societãþii<br />

de ªtiinþe” (Bulletin of the Science Society) from Bucharest, and his scientifical<br />

activity lasted 40 years «aducând o mare contribuþie la cunoaºterea faunei din<br />

România» (having a large contribution to the knowledge of the Romanian fauna). It<br />

is also mentioned that he received «ca specialist renumit» (as a well-known<br />

specialist) material for study from further continents and «ca rezultat al activitãþii<br />

sale a lãsat o valoroasã colecþie de Heteroptere, aflatã astãzi la Muzeul “Grigore<br />

Antipa” » (as a result of his activity he made a valuable heteropteran collection,<br />

today preserved in “Grigore Antipa” Museum).<br />

In 2005, on the ocassion of 100 years celebration since Montandon was<br />

appointed Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, a large article<br />

dedicated to the naturalist’s biological view was published in Galaþi (Pandele, 2005).<br />

Even if at least ten books and notes were published during the last decades,<br />

entirely dedicated to the great naturalist, few people know the importance of his<br />

contribution today, not only by the 400 new described taxa, by over 200 papers 1<br />

published in the most known periodical journals, the richness of his entomological<br />

and malacological collections, but also by his entire activity, always for the benefit<br />

of Science, Nature and his Adoptive Country. He was the member of some of the<br />

most famous scientifical societies and collaborated with the great museums of the<br />

world, as Muséum National d’Histoire naturelle de Paris, Museo Civico di Storia<br />

Naturale di Genova, Musée National Hongrois, Muséum entomologique de Berlin,<br />

Museo di Zoologia ed Anatomia comparata della R. Università di Torino, U. S.<br />

National Museum of Natural History etc. (Fig. 1).<br />

As Igor Sienkiewicz wrote, although Montandon did not participated to any<br />

expedition «his prodigious activity he built mostly on the material he received from<br />

dozens of people from all continents, with whom Montandon kept a vast<br />

correspondence. Some were distinguished scientists who co-operated with him;<br />

others, collectors or explorers who set foot in some of the wildest countries of the<br />

world, sent whole entomological treasures to the Bucharest worker, who based on<br />

them described the many exotic species that bear Montandon’s name. (…) His<br />

works gained A. L. Montandon a world wide reputation in the field of both aquatic<br />

and terrestrial Heteroptera, Palaearctic as well as Neotropical (Indo-Malayan and<br />

Australian). His discoveries refer to such different families as Naucoridae,<br />

Belostomatidae, Nepidae, Ranatridae, Berytidae, Lygaeidae, Tingidae, Coreidae,<br />

Pentatomidae, Cydnidae, Plataspidae, etc., etc. » (Sienkiewicz, op. cit.).<br />

Montandon’s name is bounded by the first studies on the fauna of Moldova,<br />

Muntenia and Dobrogea. We found the comment in “Istoricul cercetãrilor”

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 483<br />

(Research History) in many volumes of Fauna României, from the very first<br />

volume, Îndrumãtor: Protozoare, Viermi, Artropode (Guide Book: Protozoans,<br />

Worms, Arthropods), published in 1951. We mention some of them, after the<br />

publishing year order: Panin, 1952; Grossu, 1956; Popescu-Gorj, Niculescu,<br />

Alexinschi, 1958; Knechtel & Popovici-Bîznoºeanu, 1959; Fuhn, 1960; Fuhn &<br />

Vancea, 1961; Panin & Sãvulescu, 1961; Grossu, 1962; Niculescu, 1963, 1965;<br />

Cîrdei & Bulimar, 1965; Dobreanu & Manolache, 1969; Niculescu & König, 1970;<br />

Kis, Nagler, Mândru, 1970 and others.<br />

All references to the three provinces, published in French in the famous<br />

periodical journal of the time, undoubtedly contributed to the knowledge of<br />

Romania abroad.<br />

The fifty years lived in this country are years of an intense activity. It was a<br />

rich life, with numerous studies on Nature and men, always searching for the Truth,<br />

always in the benefit of Science and of his Adoptive Country. Here it is his brief<br />

characterization made by Constantin Istrati, in his speech at the Romanian Academy<br />

on 11 th of April 1905: «Montandon e o fire deschisã, o inimã largã, observator ºi<br />

luptãtor ales, pasionat entomolog, ºi un convins ºi încercat filoromân» (Montandon<br />

is an opened hearted person, a special observer and fighter, a passionate<br />

entomologist, a categorical and experienced philo-Romanian (Analele Academiei,<br />

1904-1905).<br />

*<br />

For mentioning as many data as possible we decided to use their chronological<br />

presentation. Because an A. L. Montandon Bibliography (Andrei, 1993) was already<br />

published, here we mentioned especially the papers referring to Romania. Where it<br />

was necessary, we added some titles which were omitted or were published with<br />

incomplete bibliographical notes in “Bibliography” (marked by *) as well as papers<br />

referring to the foreign fauna, with a certain significance in our comment.<br />

Chronology<br />

He was born on 26th of November <strong>1852</strong>, in France, at Besançon2 . He was the<br />

first of Henri-Louis Montandon (1821-1884) and Marie-Lina Wuilleumier’s (1825-<br />

1918) five children. His father was born at Plan-du-Four (Travers) and was the<br />

descendant of the old family of Montandons, who had come in Franche-Comté and in<br />

Switzerland around 1200. When he settled at Besançon around 1848-1850, he was a<br />

very well-known watchmaker and inventor in this field, his name being mentioned in<br />

the specialized papers, as Dictionnaire des grands-horlogers. Marie-Lina<br />

Wuilleumier was born at Besançon, where Wuilleumiers practiced watchmaking<br />

since the beginning of the 19th century (F.-J. Montandon, 1913; Andrei, 2006).<br />

The origin of the family and of the name of Montandon are bound by the<br />

locality Montandon from Doubs Department (France), attested by a document from<br />

1136 (Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, 1928). «Comme chaque<br />

nation, chaque famille a ses légendes, plus ou moins intéressantes, plus ou moins<br />

vraisemblables, mais toujours dignes de retenir un moment l’attention, avant de<br />

faire place à l’histoire (…). Selon la tradition, les Montandon descendraient<br />

d’Albigeois3 qui se seraient réfugiés sur les hauts plateaux du Jura dans la première<br />

moitié du XIIIe siècle» (Montandon, F.-J. op. cit.). From the second half of the 14th<br />

century, Montandons were also mentioned in Switzerland, in Locle region, where<br />

they would receive the nobiliary title of “Bourgeois de Valangin” in 1502. In 1913<br />

Montandons were present not only in France and Switzerland but also in England,


Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Italy, Romania, Asia Minor, Egypt, USA, Canada, Costa-<br />

Rica, Santo Domingo, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina (Andrei, 1998).<br />

As we have found in F.-J. Montandon’s monograph paper: «Dans les<br />

montagnes neuchâteloises, l’on a appliqué aux Montandon une expression assez<br />

courante: bon pied, bon oeil. Les Montandon ont toujours eu bon pied et bon oeil»<br />

(F.-J. Montandon, op. cit.; Andrei, 1998).<br />

He spent his childhood in Jura Mountains. As he reminded himself in one of<br />

his papers and as we found in Marcel Montandon’s original notes, his grandfather,<br />

Philibert Wuilleumier, from Tramelan, was the first who raised his interest in natural<br />

history collections (Andrei, 2006).<br />

1872 <strong>–</strong> he left Besançon, before reaching 20 years old, and came to Bucharest.<br />

1873 <strong>–</strong> he fixed his residence in Romania. From his son’s, Marcel, notes we<br />

found that: «… c’était un ami suisse qui l’avait engagé à venir en Roumanie».<br />

Before leaving France, the young Arnold had worked at Mairot-Détrey Bank from<br />

Besançon, for a short period of time, this experience being useful to him when he<br />

was employed clerk in a Financial Society, after he had come in Bucharest (Andrei,<br />

2006).<br />

«În memoriile sale intitulate “Un demi-siècle de sejour en Roumanie”,<br />

lucrare în manuscris, din care mai sunt doar fragmente disparate, el povesteºte cum<br />

îmbarcându-se la Baziaº pe un vapor al Societãþii Donau Dampschiffahrer a<br />

coborât pe frumoasa Dunãre albastrã cântatã de germani» (In his memories<br />

entitled “Un demi-siècle de sejour en Roumanie”, in manuscript, from which only<br />

disparate fragments preserved, he was telling how he went down on the beautiful<br />

Blue Danube, sung by Germans, after he had embarked at Baziaº on a ship of Donau<br />

Dampschiffahrer Society (Pandele 1974) 4 .<br />

Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, which used as source<br />

F.- J. Montandon’s monograph paper from 1913, mentions 1873 as the year when he<br />

settled in Romania. In 1993, Andrei & Serafim discussed widely upon this date,<br />

analysing several sources, among them being Montandon’s foreword at the<br />

catalogue of the coleopteran collection which he was to donate it to the future<br />

“Grigore Antipa” Museum, on 30 th of October 1883: «… mes efforts tendrons<br />

toujours à faire connaître au monde savant la faune de la Terre hospitalière, où je<br />

vis heureux depuis tantôt douze ans.». Taking into consideration only A. L.<br />

Montandon’s assertions from 1876 and 1883, the authors think that he came in<br />

Romania at the end of 1871 or at the beginning of 1872. Marcel Montandon’s notes<br />

regarding his father finally clarify things, fixing this date in 1872 (Andrei, 2006).<br />

1874 <strong>–</strong> He married Césarine G. Giger from Soleure, born in Geneva, who he<br />

met a year before, at a ball of the Swiss Society from Bucharest (Andrei, 2006).<br />

1872<strong>–</strong>1877: he lived in Bucharest.<br />

In a certain moment, the financial society where he worked went bankrupt<br />

and he had to find another job. Carol I, then Prince, just bought an estate in northern<br />

Moldova, in Bistriþa valley, at Broºteni and searched for a deputy administrator.<br />

Private secretary of the Prince Carol, Louis Basset, of Swiss origin, from Vaud,<br />

offered this job to Montandon. The idea of the retiring up in the Carpathians did not<br />

scared the young people, «L’idée d’aller s’enterrer au fond des Carpathes, à la<br />

frontière de Bucovine et de Hongrie n’effraya pas mes parents, au contraire: ils<br />

étaient assez jurassiens pour aimer la montagne; et c’était la perspective de la vie<br />

libre, la vie aisée, du grand propriétaire terrien qui s’offrait à eux» wrote Marcel in<br />

his Memories (Andrei, 2006).

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 485<br />

1875 (31 st of August/12 th of September) <strong>–</strong> his first son was born in Bucharest<br />

<strong>–</strong> Marcel-Henri (1875-1941), who would become men of letters, well-known in<br />

France and Germany (F.-J. Montandon, op. cit.). That time, the Montandons lived in<br />

Puþul-cu-Plopi Str. (Andrei, 2006).<br />

Arnold Montandon’s first papers are published in Feuille des Jeunes<br />

Naturalistes. Paris, from 1876, than in 1878, 1879, 1880. Montandon asserted that<br />

the collaborators of the journal, especially its founder, Ernest Dollfus, made him to<br />

develop «l’amour de l’étude des sciences naturelles…» (Montandon, 1878).<br />

1876 <strong>–</strong> he became corresponding member of Société d’Etudes Scientifiques<br />

d’Angers. In the meeting of 9 th of April 1876 Montandon, «naturaliste à Bukarest<br />

(Roumanie)» was listed to be proposed member and «le vote sur l’admission de ces<br />

nouveaux membres aura également lieu à la prochaine séance». In the list from<br />

1876-1877 of the members of this society, Montandon is included for three<br />

scientifical fields: Entomologie (Coléoptères), Conchyliologie and Botanique.<br />

1877 <strong>–</strong> also in Bucharest, the second son, René-Jules, was born, that one who<br />

would become map maker engineer, explorer of Costa Rica, leaving Bucharest in<br />

1898 and settling in America (F.-J. Montandon, op. cit.). Montandon’s address,<br />

mentioned in “Liste d’Echanges” (Entomologie <strong>–</strong> Coléoptères), in no 76 of Feuille<br />

des Jeunes Naturalistes, published on the 1 st of February 1877, was Fundãtura<br />

Dulgherilor 13, Bucharest. On 19 th of May 1877, Marcel Montandon noted the street<br />

Sf. Constantin as his brother’s René birth place (Andrei, 2006).<br />

1877 November <strong>–</strong> Montandon went in Moldova, at Broºteni, as administrator<br />

of the Royal House Estate. In February 1878, in no. 87 of Feuille des Jeunes<br />

Naturalistes, also at Coléoptères, it is mentioned the address «Brostenii, prin<br />

Folticeni, Roumanie» (Broºteni, through Fãlticeni, Romania).<br />

In the spring of 1878 Césarine together with her two sons, Marcel and René,<br />

left Bucharest for Moldova. They would reach Broºteni, after an agitated and<br />

tiresome travel. Marcel was less than three years old, and René was not one year old,<br />

yet. The last railway station was 100 km far from Broºteni, so, the last part of the trip<br />

was made by cart (Andrei, 2006).<br />

1878 <strong>–</strong> 1880 <strong>–</strong> he published Brostenii et la Vallée de la Bistriza and Brostenii<br />

et la Fôret de la Bistriza (Montandon, 1878, 1879 b, 1880 a, b, c).<br />

1878 <strong>–</strong> 1885. Initiation period in molluscs. The young A. L. Montandon was<br />

in correspondence with the abbot D. Dupuy, «un nom bien connu parmi les<br />

malacologistes de son temps, surtout grâce à son grand ouvrage “Histoire naturelle<br />

des Mollusques terrestres et d’eau douce qui vivent en France” (1847 <strong>–</strong> <strong>1852</strong>). Ainsi<br />

que l’on peut déduire de la correspondence, D. Dupuy a été l’un des initiateurs de<br />

Montandon dans l’étude des mollusques» (Andrei & Pãunescu, 1982). In 1906,<br />

Montandon himself wrote about what the great malacologist meant to him: «C’est<br />

grâce à l’abbé Dupuy que j’ai commencé, il y a longtemps déja, de m’occuper des<br />

coquilles terrestres et d’eau douce (c’est lui qui avait nommé la plupart des espèces<br />

qui ont été signalées dans mes publications de 1880) …» (Montandon, 1906 b).<br />

1880 <strong>–</strong> he published Souvenirs de Valachie (Montandon, 1880 d). In the list<br />

of the members of Société d’Etudes Scientifiques d’Angers he was included as<br />

«naturaliste à Cruce, domaine princier de Brostenii, plasa Muntele (Moldavie) ».<br />

1883 <strong>–</strong> he became Knight of the Crown Order (Analele Academiei Române<br />

1904-1905; Pandele, 1974; Andrei & Serafim op. cit.).<br />

In October 1883 he already was member of Société Française d’Entomologie<br />

(Andrei & Serafim op. cit.)


1883, in autumn <strong>–</strong> he left Broºteni (Moldova). «Comme l’eau, le temps a<br />

coulé, lentement ou trop vite, et les pierres du fond sont encore là, comme les<br />

souvenirs qui restent gravés dans la mémoire. Sept années se sont écoulées depuis<br />

mon départ de Bucarest….» wrote Montandon in 1884, after he left behind<br />

Moldova, the place were he had spent the most beautiful years of his youth, and<br />

added sadly: «Je viens de quitter ce coin de pays il y a quelques mois à peine….<br />

peut-être pour toujours».<br />

1884 <strong>–</strong> 1888 <strong>–</strong> temporary settled in Sinaia (Prahova Valley), also as<br />

administrator of the Royal Estate; he made the first trips in Dobrogea.<br />

1884 (1885) <strong>–</strong> the book Souvenirs de Moldavie <strong>–</strong> Le Domaine Royal de<br />

Brosteni was published, including a complete description of the area from the<br />

mineralogical, petrographical, geographical, floral, faunal and ethnographical point<br />

of view. It offers a pleasant and educational reading which addresses both to the<br />

scientists and the tourists.<br />

1885, 2 nd of April <strong>–</strong> In the meeting of Société d’Etudes Scientifiques d’Angers<br />

«M. Gallois présente, de la part de M. Arnold <strong>MONTANDON</strong>, une centaine<br />

d’espèces d’hémiptères, fort bien préparés, recueillis, pour la plupart, en Moldavie<br />

par notre collègue. L’Assemblée décide que ces insectes seront donnés au musée<br />

d’histoire naturelle d’Angers comme premier noyau d’une collection<br />

hémiptérologique, et que des remerciements seront adressés à M. Montandon».<br />

1885 <strong>–</strong> at Caen he published two papers on the Romanian fauna: Description<br />

d’un Hémiptère-Hétéroptère nouveau, where he described Camptobrochis putoni,<br />

dedicated to the great August Puton and Hémiptères - Hétéroptères de Moldavie.<br />

Description de deux nouveaux Eurygaster.<br />

In 1885 his two sons, Marcel, ten years old, and René, eight years old, left<br />

Romania for going to study in France, at Besançon (Andrei, 2006).<br />

1886 <strong>–</strong> in Revue d’Entomologie the papers Hémiptères-Hétéroptères de la<br />

Dobroudja is published. On the entomological fauna of Dobrogea, Montandon<br />

asserted that it was almost completely unknown, and as regards this region, which<br />

had become Romanian territory after the 1877 Independence War, is unfairly<br />

underestimated by the Western Europe, because of the stories, full of errors made by<br />

some travellers who never went there. This idea would be resumed and commented<br />

widely by Montandon in the paper mentioned further.<br />

1887 <strong>–</strong> he published Excursions en Dobroudja (Fig. 2). The collecting lists<br />

include over 470 coleopteran species, 86 homopterans, some tens of molluscs, etc.<br />

Heteropterans were the subject of a separated paper, published at Caen, in 1886.<br />

1888 <strong>–</strong> he left Sinaia, at the physicians’ advice. Just in Excursions en<br />

Dobroudja, Montandon says, describing the beach of Mangalia: «La faune y<br />

paraissait plus riche et d’un caractère plus méridional, de sorte que j’y prolongeai<br />

mon séjour aussi longtemps que possible. Il m’arrivait souvent de faire deux bains<br />

de mer par jour et, entre temps, étendu à plat ventre sur la plage à la recherche<br />

d’insectes sous les débris d’algues rejetés par le flot, j’emmagasinais, à l’instar des<br />

lézards, de chauds rayons de soleil qui rétablissaient, peu à peu, ma santé ébranlée<br />

par les hivers trop longs et la constante humidité des Carpathes.» (Montandon,<br />

1887).<br />

1889 <strong>–</strong> coming back to Bucharest, he moved in 22 Viilor Str., in Filaret<br />

district; he became Administrative Director of the Th. Mandrea et C ie Footwear<br />


<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 487<br />

1892 <strong>–</strong> in Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France (24 Février p. 46 et<br />

9 Novembre p. 239), J. de Joannis published «deux listes assez importantes des<br />

lepidoptères provenant de mes recherches personnelles sur plusieurs points de la<br />

Roumanie», as Montandon wrote in the foreword of his paper from 1900 on<br />

lepidopterans (Montandon, 1900 b).<br />

1893, 4 th of March <strong>–</strong> he became member in Société Entomologique de<br />

Belgique.<br />

1893, 8 th of March <strong>–</strong> he became member of Société Entomologique de<br />

France. In the list of those accepted to be members of this society we can read:<br />

“M. A. L. Montandon <strong>–</strong> directorul Fabricii Th. Mandrea et C ie , str. Viilor <strong>–</strong> Filarete<br />

Bucarest (Roumanie) Hémipt., pr. Hétéroptères”.<br />

1893 <strong>–</strong> in a note added to Montandon’s paper, published in Proceedings<br />

National Museum, we can read C. V. Riley’s words, Honorary Curator of the<br />

Department of Insects: «I have the honor to submit for publication the<br />

accompanying “Notes on North American Hemiptera Heteroptera”, by Mr.<br />

Montandon, of Bucharest, Roumania. The notes are of authoritative value and Mr.<br />

Montandon has based them to a certain extent upon Museum material which I have<br />

sent over to him from time to time.» (Montandon, 1893).<br />

1895, 8 th of February <strong>–</strong> Dr. Grigore Antipa submitted an application to the<br />

Ministry for creating an assistant job (Andrei, 1981).<br />

1895 <strong>–</strong> the paper Contributions à la Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie.<br />

Nouvelles espèces d’Hémiptères <strong>–</strong> Hétéroptères was published by two different<br />

periodical journals. Its date was “Bucarest, Oct. - Nov. 1895” (Montandon, 1895<br />

and 1895 bis).<br />

1896, 1 st of October <strong>–</strong> Montandon was employed at the Museum of Zoology,<br />

as Antipa’s assistant, with a monthly salary of 150 lei (Andrei, 1981). Nine years<br />

later, on 11 th of April, at the meeting of the Romanian Academy, Dr. Constantin<br />

Istrati said in «expunerea asupra scrierilor ºi activitãþii ºtiinþifice a d-lui A. L.<br />

Montandon, propus de Secþiunea ºtiinþificã spre a fi ales membru corespondent<br />

strãin» (the exposition on A. L. Montandon’s scientifical activity, proposed by the<br />

Scientifical Department to be elected foreign corresponding member): «Ceeace face<br />

multã cinste acestei firi de elitã, e cã continuã a-ºi cultiva specialitatea, adesea<br />

nesigur de ziua de mâne, cãci trãeºte modest ºi greu din lucrul sãu, având o<br />

poziþiune foarte puþin retribuitã pe lângã Muzeul nostru de istorie naturalã» (What<br />

makes this noble soul to be honoured by us is that he continues to learn more in his<br />

field, sometimes not sure for the coming day, because he has a very modest and<br />

heavy life, having a badly paid position in our Museum of Natural History (Analele<br />

Academiei Române, 1904-1905).<br />

1896<strong>–</strong>1900 <strong>–</strong> It is the period when Montandon studied especially<br />

orthopterans. He collected material, mostly from Bucegi Massif, and from Sinaia,<br />

Doftana, surroundings of Bucharest, Comana, Mãcin, etc. (Vasiliu, 1957).<br />

1896 <strong>–</strong>1907 <strong>–</strong> he worked at the Museum of Zoology from Bucharest 5 as<br />

Grigore Antipa’s assistant and, together with his director, has a very serious activity<br />

in organizing the new museum (Onciul, 1923), today, “Grigore Antipa” National<br />

Museum of Natural History.<br />

1897 - A. L. Montandon’s admission in Societatea Românã de ªtiinþe <strong>–</strong><br />

Secþiunea ªtiinþelor Naturale (Romanian Society of Sciences <strong>–</strong> Natural Sciences<br />



1898 and 1899 <strong>–</strong> in London, two Malcolm Burr’s papers are published,<br />

regarding Romanian orthopterans, based on the material collected by Montandon<br />

and Burr. After in the first paper he dedicated to Montandon a species (Callimenus<br />

montandoni), in the second one, the English entomologists wrote: «I take this<br />

opportunity of expressing my thanks to M. Montandon for the material he has sent<br />

me from time to time, and for his assistance in every way in compiling this paper, as<br />

well as for his courtesy and hospitality during my brief sojourn at Bucharest».<br />

1899 <strong>–</strong> Ministry of Estate enabled Montandon to make a study on the<br />

Acrididae of the Danube Delta, which damaged a lot that period, and a collection of<br />

these orthopterans, in all their development stages. In June 1899, Montandon<br />

studied the areas Sulina, Sf. Gheorghe and Letea. (Vasiliu, op. cit.). Injurious insects<br />

and other causes which diminished the cultures were some of his concerns and<br />

dedicated them several pages.<br />

1900 <strong>–</strong> he published Les Acridiens du Delta du Danube (Montandon, 1900 a)<br />

in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe. Besides Locusta migratoria, Montandon reported<br />

the presence of the second injurious locust, Dociostaurus maroccanus, in the<br />

surroundings of Mãcin locality (Knechtel & Popovici-Bîznoºeanu, 1959). In his<br />

study, he foresaw the possibility of the biological control of the locusts, considering<br />

some birds as the storks and Rose-coloured starlings (Pastor roseus L.) some<br />

efficient means.<br />

1900 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe he published Contributions à la<br />

Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie (Lepidoptera), a paper which included 91<br />

species, eight of them new to the Romanian fauna. Just in the second page we found<br />

that «Les déterminations de ces insectes ont été faites en grande partie par des<br />

specialistes: M. M. J. de Joannis, Edouard Fleck et Aristide de Caradja», to whom<br />

Montandon thanked further: «je saisis avec empressement cette occasion pour<br />

témoigner ici à ces savants confrères en entomologie, toute ma reconnaissance et<br />

leur adresser mes plus sincères remerciements pour leur gracieux concours.»<br />

(Montandon, 1900 b).<br />

1900 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe he published Contributions à la Faune<br />

Entomologique de la Roumanie. Hemiptera-Homoptera (Montandon, 1900 c).<br />

1902 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe he published Notes additionnelles<br />

aux communications de M. Paul Born sur les Carabes Roumains. In the same year,<br />

in a malacological paper, I. P. Licherdopol thanked to Montandon for his unselfish<br />

kindness offering him a large number of specimens.<br />

1903 <strong>–</strong> St. Zottu published a list of orthopterans in Buletinul Societãþii de<br />

Sciinþe, most of the species being collected by Montandon, some of them reported<br />

for the first time in Romania.<br />

1903, 21 st of September <strong>–</strong> of Prof. C. I. Istrati’s own initiative the exhibition<br />

“Romanian Association for science development and distribution” was opened,<br />

which lasted till the 19 th of October of the same year, and it was visited by high<br />

personalities: Carol I, ministers, etc. and by a numerous public. Two years later,<br />

during Montandon’s acceptance meeting as member of the Romanian Academy,<br />

also Constantin Istrati said about him that: «La expoziþiunea Asociaþiunii române<br />

pentru rãspândirea ºi înaintarea ºtiinþelor din 1903 a obþinut pentru frumoasa sa<br />

colecþiune medalia de aur» (At the exhibition “Romanian Association for science<br />

development and distribution” from 1903 he got the golden meddle for his beautiful<br />

collection) (Analele Academiei 1904-1905; Pandele, 1997).

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 489<br />

In their paper from 1985, based only on archive documents, Marinescu and<br />

Ionescu underlined: «Au sein de la IV-e section <strong>–</strong> Anthropologie, Zoologie,<br />

Botanique <strong>–</strong> le diplôme d’honneur est obtenu par le Musée d’Histoire naturelle de<br />

Bucarest et Grigore Antipa reçoit la médaille d’or. Le préparateur du musée, R.<br />

Dombrowski, reçoit, pour les pièces réalisées, la medaille d’argent et l’intendant<br />

Constantin Danescu, une mention», but they did not mention Montandon, probably<br />

because of the absence of some documents.<br />

1904, 6 th of February <strong>–</strong> Montandon’s hemipteran-heteropteran collection, as<br />

well as his specialized library were bought by the Ministry of Culture and Public<br />

Education and donated to the Museum. The collection consisted in 4,950 species<br />

represented by 22,552 specimens, 316 of them being type specimens, and the library<br />

has 764 volumes and 15 journal series and different periodicals (Marinescu &<br />

Ionescu op.cit.). Regarding heteropteran collection, Antipa declared later that it is<br />

«una dintre cele mai bune colecþiuni din lume» (one of the best collections of the<br />

world) (Antipa, 1923). Comparing these data on the collection with those from the<br />

original inventory, published by Andrei in 1981 (inventory whose vanished<br />

foreword indicated undoubtedly the exact date), we can observe that they are<br />

identical, with a little exception, i.e. 4,954 species reported by Montandon in the<br />

original inventory, not 4,950. Because on the last page of the original document<br />

Montandon wrote: «Collection et Bibliothèque se trouvent dans une grande armoire<br />

vitrée» we are sure that it is about just the inventory of the collection bought by the<br />

Ministry, in 1904 (Fig. 3).<br />

We think that an original list 6 , written by Montandon, including the<br />

specialized publications which he had at a time (the last booked titles being made in<br />

1903), represents just the titles present in his library, which he sold to the Ministry<br />

later, together with the heteropteran collection, at the beginning of 1904. Making<br />

only a numerical comparison between this list with the data published by Marinescu<br />

and Ionescu, the results are very close. We hope that our future studies will confirm<br />

our hypothesis, the more so as in the Museum Library there are most of the authors<br />

included in the above-mentioned list.<br />

1905, 11 th of April <strong>–</strong> he became Foreign corresponding member of the<br />

Romanian Academy <strong>–</strong> Scientifical Department. He was elected with 22 “pro” and 3<br />

“against” votes by 25 voters. Dr. Constantin Istrati is that one who read «expunerea<br />

asupra scrierilor ºi activitãþii ºtiinþifice a d-lui A. L. Montandon, propus de<br />

Secþiunea ªtiinþificã spre a fi ales membru corespondent strãin» 7 (the speech on A.<br />

L. Montandon’s papers and scientifical activity, proposed by the Scientifical<br />

Department to become foreign corresponding member). After the presentation of the<br />

main events of the self-educated naturalist’s life and work, of the well-known<br />

specialized journals where he had published, pointing out his wonderful character,<br />

Dr. C. Istrati ended this way: «În ce priveºte (…) Hemiptera, d-sa a ajuns o<br />

adevãratã autoritate. Fructele cãlãtoriilor depãrtate culese de naturaliºti englezi,<br />

francezi etc., (…) sunt trimise de British Museum, de Museum d’histoire naturelle,<br />

etc., lui Montandon la Bucureºti, spre a fi determinate. Trebuie sã fim fericiþi,<br />

Domnilor Colegi, ca în astfel de împrejurãri sã-l alipim Academiei ca membru<br />

corespondent strãin. Vom rãsplãti astfel munca sa în cunoaºterea unei pãrþi a<br />

faunei române» (As regards (…) Hemiptera he became a real authority. The “fruits”<br />

of the long trips, picked up by English, French and other naturalists (…) are sent by<br />

the British Museum, by the Muséum d’histoire naturelle, etc. to Montandon in<br />

Bucharest, for being identified. We have to be happy, dear colleagues, that under


such circumstances, we join him to the Academy, as foreign corresponding member.<br />

Thus, we will reward his work for the knowledge of a part of the Romanian fauna).<br />

I. Kalinderu, the chairman of the meeting, announced in the end that «propunerea de<br />

alegere întrunind douã treimi, d-l A. L. Montandon a fost ales membru<br />

corespondent strãin în Secþiunea ºtiinþificã» (election proposal being agreed by two<br />

thirds, Mr A. L. Montandon was elected foreign corresponding member in the<br />

Scientifical Department). It is worth mentioning that, within the same meeting,<br />

several personalities were elected by the Academy as active or corresponding<br />

members. Today, they are very well known: D. Onciul, L. Mrazec, the General<br />

C. I. Brãtianu, Sextil Puºcariu a.s.o. Last but one candidate proposed by the<br />

Scientifical Department was Emil Racoviþã, of 35 years old, that time deputy<br />

director at the Arago Marine Laboratory from Banyuls-sur-Mer. He was elected<br />

Romanian corresponding member, with 25 „pro“ and 1 „against“, by 26 voters.<br />

1905 <strong>–</strong> he published Notes supplémentaires pour la faune nevroptérologique<br />

de la Roumanie in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe.<br />

He was decorated with Steaua României (Star of Romania) (Montandon F.-J.,<br />

op. cit.). We do not know exactly the date of this event, yet, which we place, for the<br />

time being, between 1905-1913 8 .<br />

1906, 6 th of June <strong>–</strong> in Bucharest the opening of the “General Exhibition of<br />

Romania” (also named “Jubilee National Exhibition”) which marked three events:<br />

40 reign years of the King Carol I, 25 years since the proclamation of the Romanian<br />

Kingdom, and 1,800 years since the emperor Traian’s colonization in Dacia. The<br />

official who had to organize the exhibition park was Ion N. Lahovari, Minister of the<br />

Estate, and the general inspector of the exhibition was the savant Constantin Istrati,<br />

doctor in chemistry and medicine in Paris, member of the Romanian Academy<br />

(Andrei, M.-D. 2006). The Museum of Natural History of Bucharest, by his<br />

officials, Gr. Antipa, R. Dombrowski, A. L. Montandon and Popa Burcã,<br />

participated intensively to the organization of the great exhibition, displayed on the<br />

place where „Carol Park” was to be made on this occasion. Grigore Antipa<br />

discussed permanently with the general inspector of the exhibition, Dr. Constantin<br />

Istrati. Together with Dombrowski, he made the plans of the zoological park and the<br />

exhibition dedication to the Romanian fishfarms, and «…le musée y présenta une<br />

collection de 11 espèces de mammifères, 46 oiseaux, 7 amphibiens et reptiles, 22<br />

espèces de poissons, insectes nouveaux et rares de la faune de Roumanie, des<br />

publications. Séparément, Arnold L. Montandon exposa une collection d’insectes au<br />

pavillion «Mines et Carrières» (Marinescu, Ionescu op. cit.) (Fig. 4).<br />

1906 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Notes sur la Faune<br />

Entomologique de la Roumanie (Coleoptera) (Montandon, 1906 a). In this paper,<br />

dated «Bucarest, Janvier 1906», Montandon presents a division of Romanian in<br />

regions: Carpathian, sub-Carpathian, plains, hill of Moldavia and so on, where he<br />

marked each collecting place, when case indicating the “district” or the nearby areas<br />

of a more important locality.<br />

1906 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Notes sur la Faune<br />

Malacologique de la Roumanie (Montandon, 1906 b).<br />

1907 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Contributions à la<br />

Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie. Hémiptères- Hétéroptères (Montandon,<br />

1907 a).<br />

1907 <strong>–</strong> in Hungary it is published Notes sur les Holoptilidae* (Montandon,<br />

1907 b).

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 491<br />

1907, April <strong>–</strong> Montandon’s last signature on paylist of the Museum (Andrei,<br />

1981) 9 .<br />

1908 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Notes sur la Faune<br />

Entomologique de la Roumanie. Additions au Catalogue des Coléoptères<br />

(Montandon, 1908). The paper, dated «Bucarest, Mars 1908», is very interesting<br />

because it includes his thoughts on some forerunners’ papers, especially those of<br />

Lamarck, who was very much admired by him, besides the about 500 new forms for<br />

the Romanian fauna.<br />

1909 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe he published Les pseudoscorpions de<br />

Roumanie, representing the list of these arachnids collected from Bucharest,<br />

Comana, Sinaia, Azuga, Mãcin, Zorleni (Montandon, 1909 a).<br />

1909 <strong>–</strong> in Hungary he published the paper Nepidae et Belostomidae. Notes<br />

diverses et descriptions d’espèces nouvelles* (Montandon, 1909 b).<br />

1910 <strong>–</strong> he published A propos des soi-disant neutres chez les insectes.<br />

(Montandon, 1910 c). It is also interesting Montandon’s comment on a A.<br />

Lameere’s article, disapproving with much elegance his opinion regarding the<br />

intelligence. Montandon considered that there were a certain degree of intelligence<br />

in all creatures. He will develop this idea later, in his paper from 1915, left in<br />

manuscript (Montandon, 1915).<br />

1910 <strong>–</strong> Hans Wagner published Beitrag zur entomologischen Fauna<br />

Rumäniens. Die Arten der Gattung Apion Herbst (co 1) vorzugweise gesammelt von<br />

A. L. Montandon.<br />

1910 <strong>–</strong> Montandon made an obituary for the entomologist George W.<br />

Kirkaldy in Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe, using the most laudatory terms<br />

(Montandon, 1910 a).<br />

1910 - Notes supplémentaires pour la faune nevroptérologique de la<br />

Roumanie (2 e ). (Montandon, 1910 b).<br />

1911, 7 th of March <strong>–</strong> his wife, Césarine, died in Bucharest (Montandon, F.- J.<br />

op. cit.). That time address of the family was 2 Fabrica de chibrituri Str. The house,<br />

built in 1909, still exists, across Filaret bus terminal (Figs 5, 6).<br />

1913 <strong>–</strong> in Buletinul Secþiunii ªtiinþifice a Academiei Române he published<br />

Notes et description de deux espèces nouvelles (Montandon, 1913).<br />

1913 <strong>–</strong> O. M. Reuter’s death year, Finnish hemipterologist. According to<br />

Sienkiewicz, this year represent the beginning of the decline of Montandon’s<br />

scientifical activity (Sienkiewicz op. cit.).<br />

At Zorleni <strong>–</strong> Tutova (today in Vaslui County), enjoying R. Bolomey’s<br />

company, he wrote En marge du procès de la Science, a philosophical paper,<br />

probably the last printed one. It was published in Geneva, in 1914 and it was left,<br />

unfortunately, in the deposits of the Publishing House Fréd. Boissonnas & C ie ,<br />

because of the war 10 . Also, there was a German version, translated by Carmen<br />

Sylva 11 . We do not know, yet, if it was distributed. In a letter to G. T. Kirileanu,<br />

dated 27 th /9 th of February 1915, Montandon said: « … traducerea germanã nu ºtiu<br />

unde s’a tipãrit, am numai scrisoarea lui Dall’Orso care îmi face cunoscut deja din<br />

primãvara anului trecut, cã traducerea în limba germanã era gata…» 11 (I don’t<br />

know if the German translation was printed, I have only Dall’Orso’s letter, from the<br />

spring of last year, where he informed me that the German translation had been<br />

already finished) (Pandele, 1974).


1915 <strong>–</strong> he was in Bucharest where he wrote Quelques notes sur l’oeuvre<br />

d’Ernest Haeckel, a paper with philosophical themes, left in manuscript. The<br />

original is in Montandon’s relatives possession, in France. The manuscript, dated<br />

«Bucarest, fevrier-Mars 1915» has 53 pages and, as Montandon mentioned from the<br />

very beginning, is an analysis of some aspects and even the disapproval of some<br />

Haeckel’s ideas, which do not raise at the level of the whole Haeckel’s work,<br />

„absolutely extraordinary“, as he characterized it. Written at 63 years old, after a<br />

fully experienced life, his very interesting paper reveals us Montandon’s opinion on<br />

world and life 12 .<br />

Within the same period he wrote Un demi siècle de sejour en Roumanie <strong>–</strong><br />

Notes et souvenirs d’un naturaliste, left in manuscript, from which there are “doar<br />

fragmente disparate” (only disparate fragments) as Professor Tãzlãuanu mentioned<br />

in 1973-1974 (Pandele, 1974) 13 .<br />

Along his life, Montandon had several periods when he had to face the lack of<br />

money. For instance, when he discovered the secret of processing the Chartreuse<br />

liqueur, he started his production, together with his brother Paul. It followed a trial<br />

lodged by Perès Chartreuse from France, a trial lost by the two brothers. Paul went<br />

back to France. Arnold continued to deal with the wine trade, because, in the mean<br />

time, he became the owner of a wineyard on Filaret hill. But, his business ran worse<br />

and worse, and he was obliged to sell the wineyard, lot by lot. He made all these<br />

things for the noble purpose of continuing the study on the fauna, study who ruled<br />

all his life.<br />

He spent his last years in Cernavodã, in «le pays le plus monotone qu’on<br />

puisse imaginer», as he characterized this place in 1887. At 66 years old, financially<br />

ruined and in a bad health, Montandon was employed at the Bolt Factory. He died<br />

on 1 st of March <strong>1922</strong>.<br />

<strong>1922</strong>, 3 rd of March <strong>–</strong> During the ordinary meeting of the Academy, after the<br />

receiving of the telegram from Cernavodã, which announced «încetarea din viaþã a<br />

d-lui A. L. Montandon, membru corespondent strãin în secþiunea ºtiinþificã, ales la<br />

11 Aprilie 1905 » (A. L. Montandon’s death, foreign corresponding member in the<br />

Scientifical Department, elected on 11 th of April 1905), Grigore Antipa had an<br />

impressive speech by which he evoked the great personality, mentioning all his<br />

achievements. Antipa began his speech underlining that this lost «reprezintã o mare<br />

pierdere pentru ºtiinþã în general ºi pentru Faunistica României în special»<br />

(represents a great lost for the science, in general, and especially for the Romanian<br />

faunistic) and he ended with the words: «Sã pãstrãm dar în cinste memoria acestui<br />

modest om de ºtiinþã a cãrui viaþã a fost consacratã studiului þãrii noastre, care<br />

devenise ºi patria sa adoptivã.» (Let’s keep the memory of this modest scientist who<br />

dedicated his life for the study of our country, which became his adoptive country)<br />

(Antipa, op. cit.).<br />

*<br />

Maybe next generation want to find out and ask: What Arnold Lucien<br />

Montandon left behind? There were left the scientifical papers and most of the<br />

species discovered by him; there were left the proofs on some places and times<br />

which never come back; there were left his philosophical ideas; there were left and<br />

will resist throughout time his rich collections which spread in different places of the<br />

world, but a large part is preserved also in Bucharest, at “Grigore Antipa” National<br />

Museum of Natural History, whose fame is also due to Montandon. In this museum<br />

there is the great Palaearctic and exotic heteropteran collection, with tens of

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 493<br />

thousands of specimens, including type specimens, numerous coleopterans,<br />

homopterans, orthopterans, etc.; a separate collection of Palaearctic molluscs, with<br />

1,147 specimens, with 320 species and varieties, as well as numerous exotic<br />

molluscs, preserved together with other specimens from other collections of<br />

historical value.<br />

A name remained among the foreign corresponding members of the<br />

Scientifical Department of the Golden Book of the Romanian Academy …<br />

Knowing such kind of people’s personality, their way in approaching Nature,<br />

the young scientists could become deeper in their way of thinking and could ask<br />

several questions to which they have to find the answer. So, they could understand<br />

better the complexity, beauty and the importance of the Man <strong>–</strong> Nature relationship.<br />

It is well to remind, at least from time to time, that if we are where we are<br />

today and some of us have important achievements, it is also because there were<br />

such kind of people, capable of sacrifying their time, health and all they had for the<br />

next generations. People as Montandon will dedicate their life for noble purposes<br />

wherever they settle in the World, to whom the sacrifice is never too great and who<br />

consider that they left behind only a modest contribution.<br />

Notes<br />

1. This figure is taken from Dr. C. Istrati’s exposition from the 11th of April 1905, at the Romanian<br />

Academy.<br />

2. “Deºi nãscut la Besançon ºi de origine francezã, Montandon a fost cetãþean elveþian” (although he<br />

was born in Besançon and was of French origin, Montandon was a Swiss citizen), wrote Sienkiewicz to<br />

the senior author, in one of his letters, sent from Gulfport-Florida, on 5 th of November 1984.<br />

3. Members of a Christian religious sect which was founded near locality Albi from southern France, in<br />

the 12 th century. After a crusade made against them by the Pope Inocent III, the inhabitants of the Albi<br />

are defeated in 1213 and obliged to find refuge (Andrei, 1998).<br />

4. When drawing up his paper from 1974, C. Pandele used also original documents as the paper<br />

“Arnold L. Montandon primul entomolog care a cercetat Valea Bistriþei ºi alte regiuni din þarã”<br />

(Arnold L. Montandon, the first entomologist who studied Bistriþa Valley and other regions of the<br />

country) written by F. Cârdei and I.Tãzlãuanu, in 1956, sent to the magazine Natura, but unpublished.<br />

Another original source was R. Bolomey’s letter to G. T. Kirileanu, dated 25 th of February 1942.<br />

5. As regards the year of his employment as Antipa’s assitant, at least two wrong dates were published:<br />

V. Iuga-Ganea, who wrote on Grigore Antipa, in 1938: «C’est en 1900, que le ministère lui accorde un<br />

assistant et il s’empresse de s’assurer la collaboration de A. Montandon, versé entomologiste» and M.<br />

Bãcescu, in 1967: «Les premiers assistants au musée furent les specialistes R. Dombrowski (1895-<br />

1916), A. Montandon (1901-1907), I. Popa Burcã et R. Canisius (1907-1934) peintre-entomologiste».<br />

6. The register was obtained by the first author, by Dr. Igor Sienkiewicz’s extraordinary kindness, from<br />

Canada, and it will be the subject of another note.<br />

7. We think that the wrong data from C. Istrati’s speech, namely: 1877 <strong>–</strong> Montandon’s arrival year in<br />

Romania, instead of 1872; 1886 <strong>–</strong> his retiring from Sinaia, instead of 1888 and Buºteni, instead of<br />

Broºteni <strong>–</strong> are printing errors which were made during the transcription of the speech. We make this<br />

assertion being convinced that the errors were too obvious for passing unobserved. Unfortunately these<br />

wrong data were taken over and published by several authors.<br />

8. If we take into consideration that in his speech from the 11 th of April 1905 at the Romanian Academy,<br />

C. Istrati did not mentioned this Montandon’s decoration, maybe he received it after this date.<br />

9. It is true that in the „Anuarul Ministerului Instrucþiunii“ (Year Book of the Ministry of Education)<br />

from 1908, Montandon is mentioned as assistant at the Museum of Natural History from Bucharest, but<br />

surely the data refers to the previous year situation, because his signature had not appeared on the<br />

paylist after April 1907.<br />

10. Montandon had some issues as author, as it results from the post card sent to G. T. Kirileanu on<br />

February 27/9, 1915, submited by Pandele in 1974, as fotocopy. Soon, our colleague Alexandru<br />

Marinescu, well-known for his works on science history, had the pleasure of aquiring an original issue<br />

of this volume, from a second-hand bookseller, on the cover having a dedication writen by Montandon!<br />

11. In the original version of paper Montandon writes: Sa Majesté, la Reine Elisabeth de Roumanie,<br />

vénérée dans le monde des lettres sous le pseudonyme de Carmen Sylva, l’auteur si hautement<br />

apprécié des Pensées d’une Reine, qui a doté la littérature allemande des “Pêcheurs d’Islande” de


Loti, et des “Deux Masques” de Paul Saint-Victor, a traduit aussi Elle-même le présent travail, pour le<br />

faire publier en allemand.<br />

12. On this occasion we make a correction in the Bibliography published by Andrei in 1993: title of the<br />

manuscript Mon testament scientifique, transcribed after Tãzlãuanu’s notes from 1954, has to be<br />

replaced by Quelques notes sur l’oeuvre d’Ernest Haeckel, correction made by Tãzlãuanu himself,<br />

about in 1973-74. Also in Tãzlãuanu’s notes from 1954 it was mentioned that the manuscript was at<br />

Montandon’s relatives from France. In 1997, Prof. Corneliu Pandele published at Galaþi, in the paper<br />

ªcoala Gãlãþeanã, an anniversary article for 145 years since Montandon’s birth, where he mentioned<br />

the correct original title of this manuscript: Quelques notes sur l’oeuvre d’Ernest Haeckel. Till the<br />

moment of reading this manuscript, we cited Tãzlãuanu several times, who said that it is about “o<br />

criticã aprigã a teoriilor lui Haeckel“ (a harsh criticism on Haeckel’s theories) taking over the idea from<br />

a Bolomey’s letter to Kirileanu (dated 25 th of February 1942). Today, a coppy of this manuscript is in<br />

the senior author’s possession, due to Dr. Sienkiewicz’s kindness, who got it from Montandon’s<br />

relatives from France. As Montandon pointed out in the first pages, this manuscript did not represent<br />

such a criticism by far.<br />

13. Notes, fragments of manuscripts from different published papers, on about 50 sheets of paper,<br />

written in French, were in G. T. Kirileanu’s library from Piatra Neamþ. He knew Montandon and gave<br />

him all love and attention. When Kirileanu died, in 1960, all these documents were taken by the<br />

Academy of the Socialist Republic of Romania (Pandele, 1974).<br />


We express our thanks to Prof. Dimitrie I. Cãrãuºu (University Iaºi), Prof. Ion Tãzlãuanu (Iaºi),<br />

dr. Igor Sienkiewicz (Montreal, Canada), dr. Dan Ottiger Dumitrescu (Fribourg, Switzerland), dr.<br />

Mihai Sorin Rãdulescu (Bucureºti), dr. Paul Dãncescu (Montreal, Canada), dr. Iorgu Petrescu<br />

(„Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History) and Mircea-Dragomir Andrei. Thanks are due<br />

to anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions.<br />

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> - <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>), MEMBRU CORESPONDENT AL<br />



Arnold L. Montandon (<strong>1852</strong>-<strong>1922</strong>) ºi-a dedicat întreaga viaþã ªtiinþei. Pe la 1900 era<br />

recunoscut drept unul dintre cei mai buni entomologi-hemipterologi ai Lumii. A studiat insectele pe<br />

care le primea din cele mai îndepãrtate þãri, descriind sute de taxoni noi. Nãscut în Franþa ºi stabilit<br />

definitiv în România, din 1873, el va cerceta permanent fauna ºi flora patriei adoptive, iar lucrãrile sale<br />

referitoare la Moldova, Muntenia ºi Dobrogea vor fi printre primele în acest domeniu.<br />

În cronologia lor autorii pun accent tocmai pe contribuþia majorã a marelui autodidact la<br />

cercetarea ºtiinþificã din România. La 11 Aprilie 1905, pentru meritele sale deosebite, Arnold Lucien<br />

Montandon devine membru corespondent strãin al Academiei Române, în Secþiunea ªtiinþificã.<br />


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<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1900 c <strong>–</strong> Contributions à la Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie. Hemiptera-<br />

Homoptera. Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe Bucureºti, 9 (6): 744-753.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1902 <strong>–</strong> Notes additionnelles aux communications de M. Paul Born sur les<br />

Carabes Roumains. Buletinul Societãþii de Sciinþe Bucureºti, 11 (1-2): 158-159.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1905 <strong>–</strong> Notes supplémentaires pour la faune nevroptérologique de la<br />

Roumanie. Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 14 (6): 675-679.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1906 a <strong>–</strong> Notes sur la Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie (Coleoptera).<br />

Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 15 (1-2): 30-80.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1906 b <strong>–</strong> Notes sur la Faune Malacologique de la Roumanie. Buletinul<br />

Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 15 (3-4): 209 <strong>–</strong> 230.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1907 a <strong>–</strong> Contributions à la Faune Entomologique de la Roumanie.<br />

Hémiptères-Hétéroptères. Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 16 (1-2): 55-82.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1907 b - Notes sur les Holoptilidae. Annales historico-naturales Musei<br />

nationalis Hungarici, 5: 414-427.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1907 c - Quelques espèces du genre Ranatra des collections du Muséum de<br />

Paris. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, Paris, 76: 49-66.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1908 <strong>–</strong> Notes sur la faune entomologique de la Roumanie. Additions au Catalogue<br />

des Coléoptères. Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 17 (1-2): 67-118 (122).<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1909 a <strong>–</strong> Les Pseudoscorpions de Roumanie. Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe<br />

Bucureºti, 18 (2-4): 147<strong>–</strong>148.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1909 b <strong>–</strong> Nepidae et Belostomidae. Notes diverses et descriptions d’espèces<br />

nouvelles. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis Hungarici, 7: 59-70.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1910 a <strong>–</strong> Nécrologie. Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 19 (1-2): 5<strong>–</strong>6.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1910 b <strong>–</strong> Notes supplémentaires pour la faune nevroptérologique de la<br />

Roumanie (2 e ). Buletinul Societãþii de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 19 (1-2): 61.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1910 c <strong>–</strong> À propos des soi-disant neutres chez les insectes. Buletinul Societãþii<br />

de ªtiinþe Bucureºti, 19 (3): 5<strong>–</strong>6.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1913 <strong>–</strong> Hémiptères aquatiques. Notes et description de deux espèces nouvelles.<br />

Bulletin de la Section Scientifique de l’Academie Roumaine, 1: 219-224.<br />

<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1914 <strong>–</strong> En marge du Procès de la Science. Genève. Fréd. Boissonnas & Cie.<br />

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<strong>MONTANDON</strong>, A.-L., 1915 <strong>–</strong> Quelques notes sur l’oeuvre d’Ernest Haeckel. (manuscript) 53 pp.<br />

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<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 497<br />

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* * * 1876-1877 (1878) - Bulletin de la Société d’Etudes Scientifiques d’Angers, 6-7 (1): 7-10.<br />

* * * 1876-1877 (1879) <strong>–</strong> Bulletin de la Société d’Etudes Scientifiques d’Angers, 6-7 (2): 151-156.<br />

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(194). (in Romanian)<br />

* * * 1928 <strong>–</strong> Dictionnaire historique et biographique de la Suisse, 4: 787-788. Neuchâtel.<br />

Received: December 7, 2005 Gabriela Andrei<br />

Accepted: January 27, 2006 Muzeul Naþional de Istorie Naturalã “Grigore Antipa”<br />

ªos. Kiseleff nr. 1, 011341 Bucureºti 2, România<br />

e-mail: gabria@antipa.ro<br />

Corneliu Pandele<br />

Str. G. Coºbuc 3, bloc M1, sc. 4, ap. 123<br />

Þiglina II 800378 Galaþi, România<br />

e-mail: pandele_corneliu@yahoo.com


Annex I: Taxa described by A. L. Montandon**<br />


Family PLATASPIDAE: Aphanopneuma stali (1892 <strong>–</strong> Congo); Apotomogonius (1892);<br />

Apotomogonius exornatus (1892 <strong>–</strong> Chutes de Samlia, Riv. N. Gamic); Apotomogonius<br />

maculatus (1896 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Brachyplatys biroi (1900 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Guinée: Sattelberg dans la<br />

région de l’Huon Golf 1899); Brachyplatys caeruleatus (1896 <strong>–</strong> Woodlark, 1890);<br />

Brachyplatys capito (1894 <strong>–</strong>Otahaiti); Brachyplatys humeralis (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde); Brachyplatys<br />

humeralis var. major (1896 <strong>–</strong> Siam, 1893); Brachyplatys laticeps (1896 <strong>–</strong> Australie, 1894);<br />

Brachyplatys obscurus (1896 <strong>–</strong> I. Yule, Fly River, Nlle Guinée); Brachyplatys raffrayi (1896<br />

<strong>–</strong> Nouv.-Guinée Dorey, 1878); Brachyplatys truncaticeps (1894 <strong>–</strong> Congo, Mpala, Marungu<br />

(Cap. Storms) et Congo, Landana); Cantharodes bouvieri (1896 <strong>–</strong> Congo, 1893);<br />

Cantharodes nubilosus (1892 <strong>–</strong> Congo); Cantharodes tibialis (1896 - &: Sibange, Gabon);<br />

Caternaultiella ferruginea (1899 <strong>–</strong> sur la route de Kassongo à Stanley Falls, Congo belge);<br />

Caternaultiella haglundi (1896 - &: Congo, Chutes de Samlia Riv. N. Gamic); Ceratocoris<br />

cephalicus (1899 <strong>–</strong> Congo belge-Loulouabourg, Haut Kassaï; Beni Bendi Sankuru 1895);<br />

Ceratocoris seeldrayersi (1896 - &: Loulouabourg, Ht Kassai, Congo Belge); Coptosoma<br />

abesum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Barway, Inde boréale); Coptosoma abbreviatum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Barway, Inde<br />

boréale); Coptosoma aciculatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Ha-Lang, Haut-Tonkin); Coptosoma acuticeps<br />

(1894 <strong>–</strong> Iles Philippines); Coptosoma adjunctum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Caffrerie; Madagascar);<br />

Coptosoma alienum (1899 <strong>–</strong> Dai Badditu a Dimè. Juin-Août 1896); Coptosoma amplexum<br />

(1896 <strong>–</strong> &: Ha-Lang, Haut Tonkin); Coptosoma amyoti (1896 <strong>–</strong> Pondichery, 1840);<br />

Coptosoma annulipes (1900 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar: Baie d’Antongil); Coptosoma apiatum (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Congo); Coptosoma atratulum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Australie: Somerset, Janvier 1875); Coptosoma<br />

atriceps (1896 <strong>–</strong> Zanguebar; Zanzibar); Coptosoma aurivillianum (1894 <strong>–</strong> &: Svakop,<br />

Afrique du Sud-Est); Coptosoma bellatulum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Perak, Malacca; Poulo Laout près<br />

Bornéo); Coptosoma bifarium (1896 <strong>–</strong> Chine, Ngan Hoei); Coptosoma bisoculatum (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

%: Barway, Inde boréale et 1896 - &: Bengale?); Coptosoma bituminatum (1896 - Kiang-Si,<br />

1875); Coptosoma bottegoi (1899 <strong>–</strong> Da Mat-Agoi a Lugh. Novembre 1895); Coptosoma<br />

breviculum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Se-Tchouen, 1875); Coptosoma bullatum (1900 <strong>–</strong> &: Madagascar: Baie<br />

d’Antongil); Coptosoma caliginosum (1893 <strong>–</strong> Célèbes, Bankala); Coptosoma capitulatum<br />

(1894 <strong>–</strong> Java); Coptosoma cardoni (1896 <strong>–</strong> Barway, Inde Septentrionale); Coptosoma<br />

catagraphum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Zanzibar); Coptosoma caudatum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Montagnes des Carin,<br />

district des Carin Cheba. 900-1100 mètres d’altitude); Coptosoma centronotatum (1900 <strong>–</strong><br />

Sumatra, Padang); Coptosoma confusum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Mozambique, Rikatla); Coptosoma<br />

conpunctum; Coptosoma contectum (1893 <strong>–</strong> Inde; Bengale; Kurseong, Kombir; Darjeling,<br />

Inde bor.); Coptosoma cyanescens (1894 <strong>–</strong> Congo); Coptosoma davidi (1896 - &: Se-<br />

Tchouen, 1875); Coptosoma denticeps (1893 <strong>–</strong> Indes- Orientales); Coptosoma depulsum<br />

(1896 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar, Bezanozano); Coptosoma dilutum (1894 - Cap York, Australie);<br />

Coptosoma dissolutum (1900 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Padang); Coptosoma distanti (1893 <strong>–</strong> Naga Hills.<br />

Inde boréale); Coptosoma distigma (1896 <strong>–</strong> &: Inde); Coptosoma dubiosum (1896 <strong>–</strong> &:<br />

Sumatra, Si-Rambé); Coptosoma erosum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Montagnes des Carin, district des Carin<br />

Cheba 900-1100 mètres d’altitude); Coptosoma erugatum (1895 <strong>–</strong> &: Boran Galla, Auata,<br />

Mai 1893); Coptosoma excoffieri (1899 <strong>–</strong> Yun-nan-sen); Coptosoma falloui (1893 <strong>–</strong> Gabon;<br />

Congo, chutes de Samlia, riv. N. Gamic; Equateur); Coptosoma falloui var. candidulum<br />

(1896 <strong>–</strong> Congo); Coptosoma feanum (1894 - Montagnes des Carin, district des Carin Cheba:<br />

Rangoon); Coptosoma fieberi (1894 <strong>–</strong> &: Nouvelle Guinée: Sorong, Mai 1872); Coptosoma<br />

fimbriatum var. cingulatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Chine); Coptosoma flavescens (1894 <strong>–</strong> Indes<br />

Orientales); Coptosoma frontatum (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale: Kelesi, Novembre-<br />

Décembre 1890), Coptosoma gravidum (1893 <strong>–</strong> Java; Tonkin); Coptosoma hirsutum (1893 <strong>–</strong><br />

Gabon); Coptosoma horvathi (1894 <strong>–</strong> Chine); Coptosoma humile (1893 <strong>–</strong> Lux, côtes du<br />

Loango); Coptosoma immaculatum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Indes orientales); Coptosoma impicticolle (1900<br />

<strong>–</strong> Sumatra); Coptosoma insignitum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Iles Philippines); Coptosoma intricatum (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Iles Philippines); Coptosoma junodi (1894 <strong>–</strong> &: Mozambique, Rikatla); Coptosoma

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 499<br />

laeviusculum (1893 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar; Zanzibar); Coptosoma laticinctum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Iles<br />

Philippines); Coptosoma lethierryi (1892 <strong>–</strong> Inde boréale<strong>–</strong> Mungphu); Coptosoma<br />

libidinosum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Barway, Inde boréale); Coptosoma limbatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde, Tenass Vall,<br />

Myitta (Doherty); Coptosoma limitatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> &: patrie…?); Coptosoma loriae (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Nouvelle Guinée: Rigo (Juillet 1889), Ighibirei (Août et Septembre 1890), Dilo, Hula,<br />

Kamali, Kapa Kapa; Ile Yule (Juin 1875), Fly River (1876-1877); Coptosoma medians<br />

(1896 <strong>–</strong> Grand Bassam, 1855); Coptosoma miscellum (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale:<br />

Hula, Janvier 1891); Coptosoma modiglianii (1893 <strong>–</strong> Kifa-juc, mai 1891); Coptosoma<br />

nasutum (1896 <strong>–</strong> &: Java; Merang, Sumatra); Coptosoma nebulosum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Zanguebar);<br />

Coptosoma nigricolor (1896 - &: Java); Coptosoma notabile (1894 - &: Chine); Coptosoma<br />

nothum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Senegal); Coptosoma noualhieri (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde méridionale, Pulney Hills);<br />

Coptosoma noualhieri var. obscuratum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde Septentrionale, Barway); Coptosoma<br />

obrosum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Birmanie: Shwegoo); Coptosoma ophthalmicum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Montagnes des<br />

Carin, district des Carin Cheba 900-1100 mètres d’altitude); Coptosoma opimum (1896 <strong>–</strong><br />

Sumatra, Balighe); Coptosoma ordinatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar, 1837); Coptosoma<br />

ordinatum var. funebre (1896 <strong>–</strong> &: Madagascar, 1839); Coptosoma parviceps (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Chine); Coptosoma parvipictum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Chine: Ho-Chan, prov. Ngan-Hoei. cotype Ho<br />

Chan); Coptosoma perplexum (1896 - &: Java; Sumatra, Pea Ragia); Coptosoma perplexum<br />

suspiciosum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Buitenzorg, Java); Coptosoma perpunctum (1896 - &: Patrie…?);<br />

Coptosoma pilosulum (1892 - Chutes de Samlia, Riv. N. Gamic); Coptosoma politum (1896<br />

- &: Iles Philippines); Coptosoma pravum (1896 - Inde, Tenass Vall, Myitta (Doherty);<br />

Coptosoma prolaticeps (1896 <strong>–</strong> Chine, Ngan-Hoei, Ho-chan); Coptosoma pulchellum<br />

(1894- Montagnes des Carin, district des Carin Cheba ); Coptosoma pulchellum var.<br />

discinctum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Chine); Coptosoma pulchellum var. impeditum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Java);<br />

Coptosoma pulchellum var. omnimodum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde méridionale, Pulney Hills);<br />

Coptosoma punctatissimum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Japon; Shanghai; Java; Nouvelle Calédonie);<br />

Coptosoma puncticeps (1896 <strong>–</strong> Rikatla, Mozambique et Sierra Leone; Chutes de Samlia,<br />

Congo Belge); Coptosoma puncticeps var. compunctum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Rikatla, Mozambique;<br />

Congo); Coptosoma putoni (1898 <strong>–</strong> &: Akbès, Syrie); Coptosoma pygmaeum (1896 <strong>–</strong><br />

Ceylan; Pulo Penang; Java; Calcutta); Coptosoma pygmaeum var. accensitum (1896 - &:<br />

Sumatra, Java, Ceram et Celebes); Coptosoma pygmaeum var. paradoxum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Australie,<br />

Somerset); Coptosoma rabieri (1896 <strong>–</strong> Montagnes du Ht Song-Chai, 1895); Coptosoma<br />

rubromaculatum (1894 - &: Nouvelle Guinée N. O.: Dorei Hum, 1875); Coptosoma<br />

schaefferi (1896 <strong>–</strong> Borneo); Coptosoma sculpturatum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar); Coptosoma<br />

sphaerulum var. illuminatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde, Barway); Coptosoma signaticolle (1896 <strong>–</strong> Inde<br />

méridionale, Trichinopoly, Pullney Hills); Coptosoma signatum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Iles Philippines);<br />

Coptosoma solitarium (1894 <strong>–</strong> Birmanie: Shwegoo); Coptosoma sordidulum (1892 <strong>–</strong> Chine:<br />

Ho-Chan, prov. Ngan-Hoei); Coptosoma sparsum (1894 <strong>–</strong> Barway, Inde boréale);<br />

Coptosoma spurium (1896 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Si-Rambé); Coptosoma stabilitum (1900 - Nouvelle<br />

Guinée); Coptosoma stali (1896 <strong>–</strong> Vieux Calabar; Gabon; Assinie); Coptosoma<br />

subcarinatum (1893 <strong>–</strong> Zanzibar); Coptosoma subsimile (1893 <strong>–</strong> Condi, Afrique occidentale<br />

?; Chutes de Samlia, riv. N. Gamic); Coptosoma sumatranum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Pea Ragia,<br />

Si Rambé, Balighe, Siboga, Padang <strong>–</strong> Octobre 1890); Coptosoma tenasserimense (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Tenasserim: Aswon); Coptosoma terminale (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale: Kelesi,<br />

Novembre-Décembre 1890), Coptosoma uniforme (1893 <strong>–</strong> Java: Buitenzorg, Batavia);<br />

Coptosoma validiceps (1894 - Nouvelle Guinée méridionale: Kamali, Fevrier 1891);<br />

Coptosoma variolosum (1894<strong>–</strong> Lux, côtes du Loango,1879); Coptosoma varium (1893 <strong>–</strong><br />

Birmanie); Coptosoma verrucosum (1896 <strong>–</strong> &:Thibet, Mou-Pin, 1870); Coptosoma vicinum<br />

(1894 <strong>–</strong> Australie, Somerset, Janvier 1875); Coptosoma viridans (1896 <strong>–</strong> &: Poulo Laout);<br />

Coptosoma vollenhoveni (1896 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Perak, Hué, Ho-Lang Haut Tonkin); Coptosoma<br />

W (1893 <strong>–</strong> &: Barway, Bengale; Bhamo, Birmanie; 1894 - %: Barway, Inde boréale);<br />

Coptosoma zonatum (1896 <strong>–</strong> &: Sumatra, Pangherang Pisang); Cratoplatys (1894);<br />

Cratoplatys gestroi (1893 <strong>–</strong> Palon, Pegou); Fieberisca (1896); Fieberisca ornata (1896 <strong>–</strong><br />

Inde); Gabonia (1894 ); Gabonia irradiata (1894 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Handlirschiella (1892);


Handlirschiella aenea (1892 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Handlirschiella emarginata (1892 <strong>–</strong> Gabon);<br />

Isoplatys (1892); Isoplatys flavonotatus (1892 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Livingstonisca (1894);<br />

Livingstonisca rugatissima (1894 <strong>–</strong> Livingstonia, Afrique australe); Madegaschia (1894);<br />

Madegaschia distanti (1894 - Madagascar); Madegaschia polita (1894 - &: Madagascar);<br />

Madegaschia punctata (1900 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar: Baie d’Antongil); Montandonia irradiata;<br />

Plataspis cincta (1892); Plataspis conspersa (1892 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar); Plataspis flavosparsa<br />

(1894 <strong>–</strong> Loulouabourg, Haut Kassai, Congo); Plataspis funebris (1899 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar.<br />

Ampasimena); Plataspis gambeyi (1892 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Plataspis guirali (1896 <strong>–</strong> Congo, 1883);<br />

Plataspis guttulata (1892 <strong>–</strong> Gabon; chûtes de Samlia); Plataspis haglundi (1896 <strong>–</strong><br />

Madagascar); Plataspis maculosa (1899 - &: sur la route de Kassongo à Stanley-Falls, Haut-<br />

Congo); Plataspis notatipes (1896 <strong>–</strong> Plataux de Boshat, Etat d’Orange); Plataspis plagifera<br />

Reut. var. punctulata (1896 <strong>–</strong> Congo, Vall. du Mpozo); Plataspis pulchella (1893 <strong>–</strong> Gabon);<br />

Plataspis tenuipicta (1894 <strong>–</strong> Kagera Nil, Afrique orientale); Ponsila insolita (1893 <strong>–</strong><br />

Palawan, Iles Philippines); Ponsila severini (1892 <strong>–</strong> Chutes de Samlia, Riv. N. Gamic);<br />

Probaenops cloetensi (1899 <strong>–</strong> Beni Bendi Sankuru. Congo belge 1895); Pseudoponsila<br />

(1895); Pseudoponsila puncticeps (1895 <strong>–</strong> &: Ganale Guddà. Arussi G alla, Mars 1893 et<br />

Bardera. Somali, Août 1893); Schizometopus (1894); Schizometopus obscurus (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Nouvelle Guinée); Severiniella (1894); Severiniella haasi (1894 <strong>–</strong> Loulouabourg, Haut<br />

Kassai, Congo); Spathocrates (1893); Spathocrates atroaeneus (1893 <strong>–</strong> cotype Engano.<br />

Kila-juc., 1891); Tiarocoris contestatus (1893 <strong>–</strong> Chan Yoma, Birmanie); Tiarocoris<br />

luminatus (1892 <strong>–</strong> Malacca); …<br />

Family NAUCORIDAE: Ambrysus acutangulus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Province de Corrientes, 1834);<br />

Ambrysus attenuatus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Villa Rica, Brésil, 1893); Ambrysus bergi (1897 <strong>–</strong> Buenos<br />

Ayres); Ambrysus californicus (1897 <strong>–</strong> S. Californie); Ambrysus circumcinctus (1910);<br />

Ambrysus colombicus (1909); Ambrysus crenulatus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Grenade, Ocana);<br />

Ambrysus fraternus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Goyaz à Cuyaba, 1847); Ambrysus geayi (1897 <strong>–</strong> Darien,<br />

1896); Ambrysus hybrida (1897 <strong>–</strong> Mexique); Ambrysus horvathi (1909); Ambrysus<br />

mexicanus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Mexique); Ambrysus mormon (1909); Ambrysus mormon heidemanni<br />

(1910); Ambrysus nitidulus (1909); Ambrysus oblongulus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Costa Rica, Talamanca);<br />

Ambrysus obscuratus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Brésil, Pernambuco); Ambrysus ochraceus (1909); Ambrysus<br />

parviceps (1897 <strong>–</strong> Mexique); Ambrysus pulchellus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Guatemala); Aneurocoris<br />

(1897); Aneurocoris insolitus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Tanganyka, Mpala, 1896); Aptinocoris (1897);<br />

Aptinocoris papuus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Guinée, Hatam, 1875); Aphelocheirus denticeps<br />

(1910); Aphelocheirus schoutedeni (1914); Cataractocoris macrocephalus (1897);<br />

Cheirochela birmaniensis (1897 <strong>–</strong> Catcin Cauri, 1886); Cheirochela feana (1897 <strong>–</strong> Catcin<br />

Cauri, 1886); Coptocatus (1909); Coptocatus oblongulus (1909); Cryphocricus<br />

macrocephalus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Haute Vera Paz, 1866); Cryphocricinae (1879); Ctenipocoris<br />

(1897); Ctenipocoris asiaticus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Carin Chebà 1888); Gestroiella (1897); Gestroiella<br />

limnocoroides (1897 <strong>–</strong> Carin Ghecù, Carin Asciui Chebà 1888); Heleocoris bengalensis<br />

(1910); Heleocoris bergrothi (1897 <strong>–</strong> Indes orientales, Utakamand); Heleocoris grandis<br />

(1909); Heleocoris indicus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Inde, Bellary, 1883); Heleocoris laeviceps (1897 <strong>–</strong> Haut<br />

Tenasserim); Heleocoris nebulosus (1909); Heleocoris ovatus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Lakhon, 1878);<br />

Heleocoris spinipes (1897 <strong>–</strong> Novo Friburgo); Heleocoris strabus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Tenasserim,<br />

Thagatà 1887); Heleocoris vicinus (1910); Idiocarus (1897); Idiocarus elongatus (1897 <strong>–</strong><br />

Sud-Est de la Nouvelle Guinée, Haveri, Paumomou Riv., 1892/93); Laccocoris aurivillii<br />

(1897 <strong>–</strong> Namaquamin); Laccocoris discus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Cameroun); Laccocoris foncee (1897);<br />

Laccocoris horvathi (1897 <strong>–</strong> Brunei, Bornéo); Laccocoris marginatus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Bornéo,<br />

1886); Laccocoris nervicus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Balighe, Si Rambe, 1890-91); Laccocoris<br />

staudingeri (1897 <strong>–</strong> Brunei, Bornéo); Limnocoris bergrothi (1898 <strong>–</strong> Venezuela); Limnocoris<br />

borellii (1897 <strong>–</strong> Caiza, Bolivie); Limnocoris bouvieri (1898 <strong>–</strong> Bogota 1862); Limnocoris<br />

dissidens (1911); Limnocoris distanti (1911); Limnocoris dubiosus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Chili 1834;<br />

Martinique); Limnocoris inornatus (1898 - Guatemala); Limnocoris maculiceps (1898 <strong>–</strong><br />

Matto Grosso 1847); Limnocoris nigropunctatus (1909); Limnocoris obscurus (1898 <strong>–</strong>

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 501<br />

Colombie, Abejoral 1874); Limnocoris ochraceus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Colombie 1941); Limnocoris<br />

ovatulus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Salta, Rep. Argentine); Limnocoris pauper (1897 <strong>–</strong> Cumbase, Nord du<br />

Brésil); Limnocoris pectoralis (1897 <strong>–</strong> Salta, Rep. Argentine); Limnocoris pusillus (1897 <strong>–</strong><br />

Novo Friburgo); Limnocoris signoreti (1897 <strong>–</strong> Mexico); Limnocoris stali (1897 <strong>–</strong><br />

Venezuela; Guatemala et Bolivie; N-lle Grenade, Ocana); Limnocoris uhleri (1910);<br />

Limnocoris virescens (1897 <strong>–</strong> Costa Rica, Buenos Aires); Macrocoris convexus (1897 <strong>–</strong><br />

Benué, Niger); Macrocoris handlirschi (1909); Macrocoris laticollis (1909); Macrocoris<br />

nigropunctatus (1909); Macrocoris parviceps (1900 <strong>–</strong> Afrique orientale: Dar-es-Salaam);<br />

Naucoris madagascariensis (1899 - Madagascar); Naucoris obscuratus (1913); Naucoris<br />

subopacus (1913), Neomacrocoris parviceps (1900); Neomacrocoris usambaricus (1913);<br />

Pelocoris biimpressus (1898); Pelocoris minutus (…Rio Apa alta. Paraguay); Pelocoris<br />

subflavus (1898); Pseudambrysus (1897); Pseudambrysus fairmairei (1897- Madagascar);<br />

Sagocoris biroi (1911); Temnocoris (1897); Temnocoris translucidus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar,<br />

1897); …<br />

Family NEPIDAE: Amphischizops (1898); Amphischizops compressicollis (1898);<br />

Cercotmetus brevipes (1909); Cercotmetus compositus (1903 <strong>–</strong> Laos 1876, Bangkok, Mahé,<br />

Balasore); Cercotmetus dissidens (1909 ?); Cercotmetus strangulatus (1909 ?); Curicta<br />

borellii (1903 <strong>–</strong> San Francisco. République Argentine; co-type: Rep. Argentine); Curicta<br />

howardi (1910); Curicta suspecta (1903 <strong>–</strong> San Leopoldo); Curicta volxemi (1895);<br />

Laccotrephes ampliatus; Laccotrephes armatus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Banana. Congo belge);<br />

Laccotrephes armipes (1909); Laccotrephes biimpressus (1912); Laccotrephes calcaratus<br />

(1898 <strong>–</strong> Somalis-Medo Erella); Laccotrephes dissimulatus (1912); Laccotrephes<br />

dissimulatus incisus (1912); Laccotrephes elongatus (1912); Laccotrephes latimanus<br />

(1909); Laccotrephes oculatus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Freetown. Sierra Leone; Tomby Congo 1883; Arussi<br />

Galla 1893); Laccotrephes papuus (1900 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Guinée Britannique); Laccotrephes<br />

simulatus (1913); Laccotrephes vicinus (1914); Nepa ampliata (1895 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Nepa<br />

depressa (1895 <strong>–</strong> Congo-Chûtes de Samlia, Riv. N’Gamic); Nepa dilatata (1895 <strong>–</strong> Niam-<br />

Niam); Nepoidea (1895); Nepoidea volxemi (1895 <strong>–</strong> Sta Cruz, Mexique); Paranepa<br />

primitiva (1912); Ranatra aethiopica (1903 <strong>–</strong> Scioa: Fallé, 8 février 1885); Ranatra atropha<br />

(1905); Ranatra americana (1910); Ranatra bottegoi (1903 <strong>–</strong> Somalis: Basso Ganana août,<br />

septembre 1893); Ranatra brevicauda (1905); Ranatra brevicollis (1905); Ranatra camposi<br />

(1910); Ranatra ceana (1910); Ranatra compressicollis (1898 <strong>–</strong> Venezuela); Ranatra<br />

denticulipes (1908); Ranatra diminuta (1906); Ranatra dispar (1903 <strong>–</strong> Alexandra, Victoria,<br />

Australia; Melbourne; Sydney; co-type: Victoria. Alexandra); Ranatra dispar var.<br />

longicollis (1903 <strong>–</strong> Brisbane et Cap York); Ranatra distanti (1910); Ranatra emaciata<br />

(1907); Ranatra falloui (1907); Ranatra feana (1903 <strong>–</strong> Mandalay, Birmanie 1886); Ranatra<br />

heydeni (1909); Ranatra longicollis (1908); Ranatra longipes mixta (1907); Ranatra<br />

obscura (1906); Ranatra palidenotata (1903); Ranatra robusta; Ranatra segrega (1905);<br />

Ranatra signoreti (1903); Ranatra sjoestedti (1905); Ranatra spoliata (1912); Ranatra stali<br />

(1905); Telmatotrephes breddini (1907); …<br />

Family LYGAEIDAE: Arocatus subaeneus (1893 - Mozambique, Rikatla); Beosus luscus<br />

Fabr. var. buyssoni (1889 <strong>–</strong> Brout-Vernet (Allier) et Toulouse); Beosus buysssoni; Beosus<br />

maritimus f. buyssoni (1889); Blissus hirtus (1893 <strong>–</strong> Hazleton Pennsylvanie); Blissus<br />

minusculus (1893); Blissus pulchellus (1893 <strong>–</strong> Buenos Aires, Costa Rica); Cymus distinctus;<br />

Emblethis angustus (1890 - Algérie: Oran, Tlemcen; Batna, Biskra; Corse; Avignon<br />

(France); Emblethis parvus (1890 <strong>–</strong> Algérie: Bône, Oran; Tanger); Emblethis verbasci Fabr.<br />

var. minor (1890 <strong>–</strong> Biskra; Bône; Hyères); Emblethis verbasci Fabr. var. major (1890 <strong>–</strong><br />

Maroc; Jerusalem; Oran); Eremocoris obscuratus (1895 <strong>–</strong> Plainesci (district de Rimnic<br />

Sarat); Geocoris alluaudi (1908); Geocoris anemiatus (1907); Geocoris atricolor; Geocoris<br />

blandus (1907); Geocoris bottegoi (1907); Geocoris conjugator (1908); Geocoris dolosus<br />

(1907); Geocoris dubreuili (1908); Geocoris hirsutus (1906); Geocoris infuscatus (1907);<br />

Geocoris junodi (1906); Geocoris maindroni; Geocoris notabilis (1907); Geocoris pilosulus


(1907); Geocoris puberulus (1907); Geocoris schoutedeni (1908); Geocoris scissilis (1913);<br />

Geocoris sjoestedti (1908); Geocoris villosulus (1907); Germalus montrouzieri (1913);<br />

Gonatas obscuratus; Gonianotus barbarus (1890 <strong>–</strong> Tunisie, Oudref; Algérie, Géryville,<br />

Mécheria ); Graptopeltus angustatus (1889 <strong>–</strong> Amour); Graptopeltus validus Horv. var.<br />

lethierryi (1889- Corfou); Graptostethus dissidens (1893 <strong>–</strong> Benué, Niger et Rikatla,<br />

Mozambique); Hypogeocoris bergevini (1913); Hypogeocoris kilimandjariensis (1908);<br />

Lasiocoris antennatus (1889 <strong>–</strong> Demindje Keuy, Bosphore et Parnasse); Lygaeus<br />

consanguineus (1893 <strong>–</strong> Rufisque, Sénégal; Benué, Niger); Lygaeus melanospiloides (1893 <strong>–</strong><br />

Ile de Poulo Condore, Cochinchine); Melanocoryphus melanospiloides; Ninyas distanti<br />

(1906); Oncopeltus bicinctus (1861); Peritrechus ambiguus Horv. var. pallipes (1889-<br />

Bucarest); Pezocoris reuteri (1889 <strong>–</strong> Pamir: Turkestan); Stenophthalmicus horvathi (1908);<br />

Stenophthalmicus mixtus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Sfax, 1896); Stygnocoris mandibularis (1889 <strong>–</strong> Oran;<br />

envir. de Biskra; La Calle); Stylogeocoris biroi (1913); …<br />

Family PENTATOMIDAE: Aelia henschi (1886 <strong>–</strong> environs de Gorice et environs de<br />

Monfalcone); Aspavia acuminata (1894 <strong>–</strong> Assinie, Guinée); Aspavia nigricosta (1894 <strong>–</strong><br />

Natal, Howick; Zanzibar); Banasa virescens (…- Costa Rica. Alajuela); Brachynema<br />

cinctum var. miniatulum (1900 <strong>–</strong> La Nouvelle, Aude); Brachynema cinctum var. splendidum<br />

(1900 <strong>–</strong> Environs de Biskra); Brachynema venustulum (1900 <strong>–</strong> &: Ammi Moussa,<br />

Département d’Oran, Algérie); Cosmopepla coerulata (1893 <strong>–</strong> Venezuela; Costa Rica);<br />

Cosmopepla uhleri (1893 <strong>–</strong> Vancouver Island; Los Angeles); Dendrocoris pini (1893 -<br />

Argus Mountains, Cal.- coll. on Pinus monophylla. May 91); Demoleus haglundi (1895 <strong>–</strong><br />

Resistencia); Demoleus lethierryi (1895 <strong>–</strong> Montevideo); Edessa diolleyi; Eurostus moutoni<br />

(1894 <strong>–</strong> Chine: % Ngan Hoei, & Zo-sé); Eurostus ochraceus (1894 <strong>–</strong> Chine; Borneo);<br />

Eurygaster schreiberi (1885 <strong>–</strong> Gorice (Illyrie); Leprosoma carinatum (1895 <strong>–</strong> Plainesci<br />

(District de Rimnic Sarat); Niarius haglundi (1903 <strong>–</strong> Alexandra, Victoria); Oncocoris<br />

dimidiatus (1903 <strong>–</strong> Australie, Victoria, Alexandra); Oncocoris lethierryi (1903 - Australie);<br />

Oncocoris subsimilis (1903 <strong>–</strong> Australie, Victoria, Alexandra); Oplomus punctatus (1895 <strong>–</strong><br />

Salta); Placosternum obtusum (1894 <strong>–</strong> &: Mysore, Inde Anglaise); Platycoris distinctus<br />

(1903 <strong>–</strong> Alexandra, Victoria); Podisus borellii (1895 <strong>–</strong> Salta); Tarisa setulosa (1900 -<br />

Environs de Biskra); Thyreocoris borellii (1895 <strong>–</strong> Salta, San Pablo); Tyoma verrucosa (1894<br />

<strong>–</strong> Bénué, Niger); …<br />

Family BELOSTOMATIDAE: Amorgius camposi (1900 <strong>–</strong> Guayaquil, Equateur; co-type:<br />

Ecuador, La Palma; Provincia de Los Rios); Amorgius niloticus var. persicus (…- co-type:<br />

Bussorah); Amorgius insulanus; Amorgius oculatus; Appasus severini (1896 <strong>–</strong> Banana<br />

Boma, Congo Belge); Belostoma aurivillianum (1913); Belostoma bakeri (1913); Belostoma<br />

boutareli (1895 <strong>–</strong> Cochinchine); Belostoma candidulum (1903 <strong>–</strong> Rio Grande do Sul, Brésil;<br />

co-type: Brésil); Belostoma cordophanum f. persica (1898); Belostoma denticolle (1903 <strong>–</strong><br />

Guyanes, Surinam, Cayenne; co-type: Cavenne Pillault); Belostoma discretum (1903 <strong>–</strong> San<br />

Paolo de Olivença, Amazone; province de Corrientes 1834 et Brésil, Manaos; Rio Apa,<br />

Haut-Paraguay; co-type: N. Amazone Faro); Belostoma edentulum (1898 <strong>–</strong> Rockhampton,<br />

Queensland, Australie); Belostoma gestroi (1900 <strong>–</strong> Argentine et Paraguay); Belostoma<br />

horvathi (1903 - Sta Catharina, Brésil); Belostoma insulanum (1898 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Calédonie et<br />

Nouvelle Guinée); Belostoma mayri (1896 <strong>–</strong> Brésil); Belostoma dentatum var. major (1903);<br />

Belostoma noualhieri (1903 <strong>–</strong> Rio Grande do Sul); Belostoma oculatum (1896 <strong>–</strong><br />

Madagascar); Belostoma niloticum var. persicum (1898 <strong>–</strong> Bussorah, non loin de<br />

l’embouchure du Chat el Arab dans le Golfe Persique); Belostoma sanctulum (1903 <strong>–</strong><br />

Espirito Santo, Brésil; co-type: Espirito Santo Brasil); Belostoma uhleri (1896 <strong>–</strong> Floride;<br />

Pennsylvanie; Kansas); Diplonychus stappersi (1911); Horvathinia (1911); Horvathinia<br />

pelocoroides (1911); Hydrocyrius nanus (1906 <strong>–</strong> co-type &: West Africa); Kirkaldyia<br />

(1909); Lethocerus oculatus (1908); Limnogeton expansum (1896 <strong>–</strong> Tanganyka); Zaitha<br />

aurivilliana (Colombie; Brésil; Vénézuéla); Zaitha bergi (1899 <strong>–</strong> Buenos-Ayres; Rio<br />

Grande); Zaitha elongata (1899 <strong>–</strong> Paraguay alta); Zaitha martini (1899 <strong>–</strong> Patagonie); …

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 503<br />

HETEROPTERA varia:<br />

Alydus conspersus (1893); Anacanthopus (1894); Anacanthopus flavolimbatus (1894 - Iolo,<br />

Iles Philippines); Aphelocheirus denticeps (1910); Aphelocheirus sinensis (1892 <strong>–</strong> Chine:<br />

Ho-Chan, province de Ngan-Hoei); Aradellus fulvus (1907), Aradellus nigerrimus (1910);<br />

Aradellus pallidicornis (1907); Berytinus crassipes H.-S. var. intermedia (1887 <strong>–</strong> environs<br />

de Sinaia; Cruce; Dürnstein); Byrsinocoris (1900); Byrsinocoris nigroscutellatus (1900 <strong>–</strong><br />

Environs de Biskra); Camptobrochis putoni (1885 <strong>–</strong> Dobroudja: Mãcin (Greci); Monast. de<br />

Cucoºu); Catoplatus dacicus (1895 <strong>–</strong> Plainesci. District de Rimnic Sarat); Catoplatus<br />

distinctus (1895 <strong>–</strong> Comana (District de Vlaºca); Cyclotynaspis (1892); Cyclotynaspis<br />

acalyptoides (1892 - Singapore); Cyphodema mendosa (1887 <strong>–</strong> Bilek, Herzégovine);<br />

Deraeocoris putoni (1885); Diaphorocoris (1897); Diaphorocoris notatus (1897 - Ceylan);<br />

Enithares bergrothi (1892 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Calédonie); Eurostus moutoni (1894 <strong>–</strong> Chine, Zo-sé;<br />

Ho-chan, province de Ngan Hoei); Eurostus ochraceus (1894 - Chine); Eurycera<br />

glabricornis (1892 <strong>–</strong> Mozambiques, Rikatla); Galeatus debilis (1887 <strong>–</strong> Bilek, Herzégovine);<br />

Galgulus vicinus (…Costa Rica el Coronel 750 m); Gelastocoris major (1910); Heleocoris<br />

breviceps (1897 <strong>–</strong> Indes orientales); Heleocoris elongatus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Indes orientales);<br />

Heleocoris naucoroides (1897 <strong>–</strong> Madagascar, 1883; Andrangoloaka); Heleocoris nebulosus<br />

(1909); Heleocoris obscuratus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Siboga); Holoptilus capensis; Hyoidea<br />

horvathi (1890 <strong>–</strong> Algérie: Oran); Kalama theryi (1897 <strong>–</strong> Saint-Charles, près Philippeville.<br />

Algérie); Laccocoraria (1897); Lasiotropis amplicosta (1897 <strong>–</strong> Tenied-el-Haad, mai 1892.<br />

cotype); Limnocoris horvathi (1900 <strong>–</strong> Pérou: Callanga); Lisarda geniculata; Lisarda pallida;<br />

Lisarda raffrayi; Matinus americanus (1899 - Esp. Santo, 1898); Matinus elongatus (1899 <strong>–</strong><br />

Australie 1878); Matinus grandis (1899 <strong>–</strong> Australie); Matinus stali (1899 - &: Australie<br />

occidentale); Megochterus nasutus (1898); Monanthia putoni (1895 <strong>–</strong> Vallée du Berlad,<br />

dans les environs de Zorleni, Moldavie); Mononyx ampliatus (1899 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Guinée);<br />

Mononyx femoralis (1899 <strong>–</strong> Australie, Sidney, Champion Bay); Mononyx grossus (1899 <strong>–</strong><br />

Thibet, Mou-pin; Se Tchouen); Mononyx intermedius (1899); Mononyx latus (1899 <strong>–</strong><br />

Nanegal-Equateur); Mononyx lobatus (1899 <strong>–</strong> Sumatra, Pangherang Pisang; Java); Mononyx<br />

mixtus (1899 <strong>–</strong> Nouvelle Guinée; Nouvelle Bretagne 1889; Amboine 1859; Cap York; Port<br />

Denison Australie; Addelaide R.N.W. Australie); Mononyx peruvianus (1905 - Peru<br />

Callanga) ; Mononyx serratus (1897 <strong>–</strong> Carin Chebà, Carin Ghecù); Mononyx tuberculatus<br />

(1899 <strong>–</strong> &: Port Denison, Australie); Monosteira minutula (1897 <strong>–</strong> Taguin (province<br />

d’Alger), 1895); Myrmedobia bedeli (1887 - &: forêt de l’Edough. Algerie); Nagusta junodi<br />

(1892 - Rikatla); Nasocoris platycranoides (1890 <strong>–</strong> Algérie: Oran); Neuroctenus debilicornis<br />

(1892 <strong>–</strong> Gabon); Notopomus (1894); Notopomus isidorei (1894 <strong>–</strong> Pulo Pénang);<br />

Oncocephalus vaulogeri (1892 <strong>–</strong> Algérie: Oued Deurdeur, Juin 1892); Pelocoris magister<br />

(1898 <strong>–</strong> Novo Friburgo; Espirito Santo); Pelocoris minutus (1895 <strong>–</strong> Rio Apa alto); Pelocoris<br />

nitidus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Isthme de Darien, Lagune de Pita); Pelocoris politus (1895 <strong>–</strong> Rio Apa Alto,<br />

Paraguay); Pelocoris subflavus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Brésil, Rio Grande); Pelogonus nasutus (1898 <strong>–</strong><br />

Australie 1846; El Boilvier 1897); Pelogonus splendidulus (1898 <strong>–</strong> Nanegal, Équateur);<br />

Phonergates junodi; Ploiariola xambeni (1885 <strong>–</strong> Montélimar Drôme); Psallus puberulus<br />

(1887 <strong>–</strong> Bilek. Herzégovine); Putoniella (1897); Putoniella vaulogeri (1897 <strong>–</strong> Sfax, 1896);<br />

Reduvius notabilipes (1892 - Obock); Saica fokkeri; Scipinia aculeata ?; Selenymenum<br />

(1894); Selenymenum contractum (1894 - Banana-Boma, Congo); Selenymenum piriforme<br />

(1894 <strong>–</strong> &: Freetown, Sierra-Leone); Sinea rileyi (1893 <strong>–</strong> Panamint Valley, California);<br />

Sphedanolestes sanguineus f. albosignatus; Stibaropus laevicollis (1897- Sfax, 1896);<br />

Temnostethus bucuresciensis (1895 <strong>–</strong> Bucarest, deux exemplaires sur un poirier à Filarete);<br />

Tessaratoma miscella (1894 <strong>–</strong> %: Loanda, &: Gabon); Tessaratoma viridans (1894);<br />

Tropidocheila pilosa amplicosta (1897 <strong>–</strong> Teniet el Haad); Vadimon bergrothi (1892 <strong>–</strong><br />

Mozambique, Rikatla; Ogoué); …<br />

** For the first time in 1974 Pandele in his diploma project presents lists of taxa. We revised<br />

and completed these lists adding also, where it was possible the collecting data of the


materials that underlie for the species description too. For this purpose we used the original<br />

papers and specimens from the “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History, and<br />

also some other information sources. In our lists we exerted to present the taxa bearing the<br />

original names given by Montandon.<br />

Given that none of the authors of this paper is an entomologist and general speaking the<br />

systematics of insecta and especially of Heteroptera was many times changed in the last<br />

hundred years, we present the Heteroptera grouped in families with a large number of taxa<br />

only. These taxa are presented aphabetically.<br />

We marked with bold the new genera.<br />

Annex II: Some taxa dedicated to A.-L. Montandon<br />

HETEROPTERA: Abedus montandoni De Carlo; Anoplocnemis montandoni Distant;<br />

Aphelocheirus montandoni Horváth; Aradus montandoni Reuter, 1885; Artagerus<br />

montandoni Bergroth; Caternaultiella montandoni; Cliduchus montandoni Bergroth;<br />

Compseuta montandoni Distant, 1904; Compseuta montandoni simulans Horvath, 1910;<br />

Curicta montandoni Martin, 1898; Dictyla montandoni (Horvath, 1885); Dicyphus<br />

montandoni Reuter, 1888; Glossopelta montandoni Handlirsch, 1897; Hallodapus<br />

montandoni Reuter, 1895; Heleocoris bengalensis montandoni Lundblad, 1933; Isoplatys<br />

montandoni; Laccocoris montandoni Izzard, 1936; Macrotylus montandoni Reuter, 1900;<br />

Monanthia montandoni Horvath, 1885; Monanthia montandoni var. rivalis Horvath, 1885;<br />

Montandoneus Kirkaldy, 1904; Montandonia Haglund, 1894; Montandoniella Puton, 1888;<br />

Montandoniella Schouteden, 1904; Montandoniola Poppius, 1909; Montandonista<br />

Kirkaldy, 1901; Montandonistella Schouteden, 1905; Mormidea montandoni Kirkaldy;<br />

Myrmedobia montandoni Reuter; Nerthra montandoni Melin, 1930; Notonecta montandoni<br />

Kirkaldy, 1897; Potamometra montandoni Kirkaldy, 1899; Psallus montandoni Reuter,<br />

1894; Pseudoponsila montandoni; Reduvius montandoni Reuter; Severiniella montandoni<br />

Breddin, 1898; Thaumastaneis montandoni Kirkaldy & Edwards, 1902; Tuponia<br />

montandoni Reuter, 1899; …<br />

INSECTA varia: Apion montandoni Desbrochers; Barynotus montandoni Pic; Callimenus<br />

montandoni Burr, 1898; Cardiocondyla montandoni Santschi; Chamaesphecia montandoni<br />

Le Cerf, <strong>1922</strong>; Claviger montandoni Raffray; Elater montandoni Buysson; Malthinus<br />

montandoni Pic; Otiorrhynchus montandoni Solari; Phosphaenopterus montandoni<br />

Bourgeois; Montandonia Jacquet, 1886; …<br />

Another Taxa: Barylestis montandoni (Lessert, 1929); Clausilia montandoni (Sturany);<br />

Molge montandoni = Triturus montandoni (Boulenger); Strigillaria fraudigera var.<br />

montandoni Sturany; Vipera montandoni = Vipera ammodytes montandoni (Boulenger);<br />

Xerophila montandoni Clessin, 1886; …

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 505<br />

Fig. 1 <strong>–</strong> Original drawings of Montandon from „Nouvelles espèces de Coréides de l’Amérique<br />

intertropicale” (Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 1895).


Fig. 2 <strong>–</strong> Excursions en Dobroudja (Angers, 1887).

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 507<br />

Fig. 3 <strong>–</strong> Original inventory of the Montandon Heteroptera collection (fragments).


Fig. 4 <strong>–</strong> General Exhibition 1906. “ Mines et Carrières” pavilion.<br />

Fig. 5 <strong>–</strong> Montandon’s house, built 1909. 2 Fabrica de Chibrituri Str., Bucharest.<br />

(foto G. Andrei, 2004)

<strong>ARNOLD</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>LUCIEN</strong> <strong>MONTANDON</strong> (<strong>1852</strong> <strong>–</strong> <strong>1922</strong>) 509<br />

Fig. 6 <strong>–</strong> A. L. Montandon, August 1911.

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