The Life of Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak




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Do not hold all people to account for their mistakes<br />

But rather say: 'Come! Let us go on our way'<br />

If you hold them for their mistakes, then you shall tire<br />

And you shall remain in your life without any friends 112<br />

On the righteous ruler:<br />

االله يدفع بالسلطان معضلة ديننا رحمة منه ورضوانا<br />

لولا الأمة لم تأمن لنا سبل *** وآان أضعفنا نهبا لأقوانا<br />

*** عن<br />

It is with the Ruler that <strong>Al</strong>lah prevents trouble<br />

From afflicting our faith, out <strong>of</strong> His Mercy and Kindness<br />

Were it not for the leaders, roads would not be safe for us<br />

And the weak amongst us would be robbed by the strong 113<br />

His criticism <strong>of</strong> those who took to worshipping in Baghdad whilst the enemy was being<br />

fought on the frontlines:<br />

أيها الناسك الذي لبس الصو *** ف وأضحى يعد في العباد<br />

ليس بغداد مسكن الزهاد<br />

الزم الثغر والتعبد فيه ومناخ للقارئ الصياد<br />

إن بغداد للملوك محل ***<br />

***<br />

O' you monk who has clothed himself in wool!<br />

Who is now counted amongst the worshippers!<br />

Adhere to the frontlines and worship therein<br />

For Baghdad is not a place for the ascetic<br />

Indeed Baghdad has become a place for the kings<br />

And a residence only for the miserly recitor! 114<br />

أو استلذوا لذيذ النوم أو هجعوا<br />

فكيف قرت لأهل العلم أعينهم وليس يدرون من ينجو ومن يقع<br />

والنار ضاحية لابد موردها فيها السرائر والجبار مطلع<br />

وطارت الصحف في الأيدي منشرة أو الجحيم فلا تبقي ولا تدع<br />

إم نعيم وعيش لا انقضاء له إذا رجوا مخرجا من غيها منعوا<br />

تهوي بساآنها طورا وترفعه قد سال قوم بها الرجعى فما رجعوا<br />

لينفع العلم قبل الموت عالمه ***<br />

***<br />

***<br />

***<br />

***<br />

***<br />

How can the eyes <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> knowledge find rest,<br />

How can they find sweetness in their sleep and breaks<br />

When Hellfire lies on the outskirts, they must pass over it<br />

But they do not know, who will be saved and who will fall in?<br />

_______________________________________<br />

112 Dhayl al-Jawahir al-Mudiyyah<br />

113 Hilyat al-Awliya' (8/164)<br />

114 Tarikh Baghdad. It is said that Ibn al-<strong>Mubarak</strong> said these lines <strong>of</strong> poetry to Abu al-'Itahiyyah who was a poet<br />

known for his asceticism. Ibn al-<strong>Mubarak</strong> saw him in Baghdad wearing garments <strong>of</strong> wool and when he asked<br />

who he was, the people said 'Abu al-'Itahiyyah' so he wrote these lines to him.<br />


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