StoryTime July 2017

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The Newsletter of Story Preservation Association (www.fqstory.org)<br />

Stay Safe T his Summer<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2017</strong><br />

Summer is the time for fun with family and friends. However, it’s also when many accidents occur around the<br />

home. Keep your family, friends and neighbors safe with these tips.<br />

• Swimming pools and spas may be fun to play and lounge in; however, children and pets can get hurt<br />

in and around them. Children’s drowning deaths and injuries are highest between the months of<br />

May and August. Never leave children unattended. Make sure everyone knows how to swim and<br />

keep children away from pool drains, pipes & openings.<br />

• Always grill in an open, well-ventilated area, and keep children & animals at least 3’ away from<br />

the grill.<br />

• Put away hoses when not in use to prevent falls<br />

• Keep paint, fertilizers and hazardous chemicals<br />

out of reach of children and animals<br />

• Remove dead trees & branches before they become<br />

a hazard<br />

• Put away lawn & garden tools & machinery when<br />

you’re finished with them and maintain them & use<br />

them as instructed to prevent injuries.<br />

• Put ladders and other home maintenance items<br />

away when not in use<br />

<strong>July</strong> Visual Award Winner<br />

Please Note:<br />

No <strong>July</strong> Steering Committee meeting<br />

Celebrate our Nation<br />

See article on page 10 about this visual award winner<br />

Page 1

Welcome To The<br />

Neighborhood<br />

Conor Giffen<br />

Tyler Best<br />

Amy & Carmeon Clark<br />

James Foley<br />

Andrew Stravitz<br />

1342 W Lynwood<br />

1525 W Lynwood<br />

1142 W Culver<br />

1334 W Culver<br />

730 W Moreland<br />

<strong>StoryTime</strong> Deadlines<br />

Just a reminder that articles for the monthly<br />

newsletter are due the 2nd Friday of the<br />

month. You may drop your article off at<br />

737 W. Lynwood, or e-mail to azsharonhu@<br />

aol.com or call 602-412-8226. If you would<br />

like your article to also be published on our<br />

website, when you e-mail Sharon cc to:<br />

art.dept@tenike-artworks.com<br />

Courtesy of<br />

The Romero<br />

Team -<br />

The Melcher<br />

Agency<br />

New to Story (Owner or Renter) & not<br />

listed here? Please call Chris @ 503-<br />

313-0578 or Jason @ 602-228-9800 of<br />

the Welcoming Committee. A welcoming<br />

package full of all sorts of goodies &<br />

info will be delivered to you!<br />

Fairgrounds Calendar for <strong>July</strong><br />

8-9 Crossroads of the West Gun Show<br />

(Coliseum )<br />

Story<br />

The Story Book Club is taking the summer off<br />

and won’t be meeting again until September<br />

11th when their selected book is The<br />

Underground Railroad<br />

For details and further information, please visit our<br />

NEW website:<br />

http://fqstorybc.blogspot.com/<br />

or contact Shari at 602-702-0706 or email her at<br />

freddybombeck@fastmail.fm We look forward to<br />

seeing you there.<br />

Coupons & Box Tops for Kids<br />

submitted by Susan Cramer<br />

Neighborhood volunteers pack week-end food bags for<br />

food-insecure preschoolers at The Family School which is on<br />

McDowell Rd at the north end of F Q Story. We also try to<br />

supply cleaning & laundry supplies as well as personal care items.<br />

Please drop any unused manufacturer’s coupons from your<br />

Sunday paper or from the Wednesday food ads that come in<br />

the mail, in the basket on the front porch of 730 W Willetta<br />

St. The basket is available every day. No need to cut out the<br />

coupons. Unused coupons go to the families we support.<br />

Box Tops for Education are also collected by the school. They don’t<br />

need to be perfectly trimmed. Just rip them off your soup cans and<br />

cereal boxes and drop the off along with the coupons.<br />

Many thanks to all of you who have been supporting this endeavor<br />

for the past year. The need grows and we hope the list of folks who<br />

support the project will grow as well.<br />

Page 2

Notes from the President<br />

Hello FQ Story! Happy Fourth! I hope you’re staying cool.<br />

As unpleasant as our extreme heat weather has been,<br />

October will be here before you know it and we can all<br />

celebrate the cooling off with some ice cream at our next<br />

neighborhood social.<br />

Block Watch Signs – The SPA is considering purchasing<br />

neighborhood Block Watch signs for our neighborhood’s<br />

entry points. These signs would be the same signs as<br />

those in other neighborhoods. Once the number of signs<br />

and hardware (required to be purchased from the City of<br />

Phoenix) is determined, it will be brought to the Steering<br />

Committee for a vote.<br />

The Clinton Campbell House – As many of you may be aware of, a demolition request has been<br />

filed for this 120-year-old building. The development firm that purchased the parcel that included<br />

the house and two adjacent, vacant lots, says refurbishing would cause “an unnecessary economic<br />

hardship.” A last-minute appeal has been filed, as well as, preservation advocates are considering<br />

adaptive reuses.<br />

Seventh Ave Landscaping Update – The median project has been completed and the focus is now<br />

on the west side of 7 th Avenue. More to come on plans from Phoenix officials.<br />

Air Quality Working Group – As you all know; Ginger Mattox has been actively involved in the<br />

environmental issues that affect FQ Story. Her many connections with business and local agencies<br />

has been instrumental in staying on top of our eco-friendly quality of life. If you have any<br />

questions on this issue, contact Ginger to get information on the subject.<br />

<strong>2017</strong> Home Tour – The Home Tour Subcommittee is off and running. They are looking at homes<br />

and working on making this year’s event better than ever. But, we can’t have a home tour without<br />

homes. Last year, we only had seven causing us to lower the price of tickets, bringing in less funds<br />

to help FQ Story. If you are interested in having your home on tour, or just want info on what is<br />

involved, contact any Home Tour Subcommittee member.<br />

No <strong>July</strong> Meeting – It’s summer break for the Steering Committee. If you have an issue that can’t<br />

wait for August, let me know and we’ll work on it outside of a physical meeting.<br />

As always, please contact me if there’s anything I can help with.<br />

Will Denney (w_denney@yahoo.com/(602) 291-7637)<br />

Page 3

How Do I Get My House On T he<br />

National Register Of Historic Places?<br />

by Joan Gresch (gresch@cox.net)<br />

No doubt you have seen some bronze plaques from the National<br />

Register on a few homes in Story or other historic Phoenix neighborhoods.<br />

This designation is valued by many people, though there<br />

are different opinions on the potential impact in the monetary<br />

value of your home. It is certainly appreciated and celebrated by<br />

history and architecture buffs and most neighbors, though. It also<br />

verifies that a home is at least 50 years old, valued by the owners<br />

and the city or state, and is a great example of architecture from<br />

its particular era and locale. If you are interested in considering<br />

this national historic designation, here are some details.<br />

Usually, the application process starts with your local historical preservation department. They will likely<br />

have applications for the federal process, and can help you. They will also have easy access to research<br />

and facts involving your particular home. One note, though—though they may work together at times,<br />

your local preservation agency and the National Register (a federal agency) are separate entities. Obtaining<br />

a state preservation easement or a tax break locally does not guarantee the same with the feds,<br />

though in some cases tax credits or renovation assistance may apply. Each agency, state or federal,<br />

makes their own determination.<br />

Though the national designation recognizes and celebrates the home’s historical and architectural status,<br />

it general will not protect the home from changes by subsequent owners. That, again, generally lies with<br />

the local (state) preservation agency.<br />

What will hopefully qualify a building for designation? It is beneficial if the building has most of its<br />

architectural integrity intact… if it looks basically the same as when it was built, or if it has significance<br />

because a historical event or a prominent person had ties to the structure. The nearby neighbors may be<br />

contacted for comments, and if most of them object, you may not be able to be on the federal register.<br />

If your home is designated by the National Register,<br />

you then have the right to order a plaque from them<br />

to install on the front of your home. You will also be<br />

on a preservation database and have the opportunity<br />

to communicate with other groups and individuals who<br />

promote preservation. And you also will have the pride<br />

of ownership and historical significance of your home<br />

celebrated right on the front of your residence with<br />

a beautiful plaque.<br />

So, let’s practice responsible custodianship and keep<br />

our homes as original as possible, thereby hopefully<br />

ensuring their eligibility for this status. Preservation<br />

is so important… subsequent owners may never be able<br />

to replicate the historical features that you remove.<br />


Page 4

In the past few weeks there has been a sharp increase in outdoor property crimes reported on NextDoor and the F Q Story<br />

Yahoo group. Those who take part in the online groups have immediate knowledge of these events. For those who do not<br />

participate this may be new and alarming information.<br />

Unfortunately, some of the recent problems did not seem to be included in the statistics provided by the CAO for Story<br />

north of the freeway at Tuesday’s Steering Committee meeting. It is important to report all incidents, even ones that feel<br />

minor to you, to the police to draw their attention to our neighborhood.<br />

Make Your House An Unattractive Target<br />

Crime Prevention<br />

• Keep your porch light on from dusk until dawn. The limited number of street lights we have in Story will not illuminate<br />

your porch. If all our porch lights were on every night it night make thieves feel less welcome. Timers for porch lights<br />

range from under $20 to upwards of $40 at big box stores. Lights that will come on from dusk to dawn without a timer<br />

are also available. Another option would be motion sensor lights that might frighten off unwelcome visitors.<br />

• Make your house look occupied. Program timers to automatically turn your lights, radio or TV on and off at pre-set<br />

times. Lamp timers cost from $10 to $20.<br />

There is a common misconception that leaving a bathroom light on will keep thieves at bay. Unfortunately the thieves<br />

know about this trick as well.<br />

• Choose plants with fierce thorns to plant under windows that could be used for easy access into your home.<br />

• Where possible, attach porch furniture to your house or a porch railing, etc. We have some very determined thieves<br />

who will unbolt items such as lamp posts and wrenching John Pierce creations off their posts, but we don’t want to<br />

make their lives too easy.<br />

• Case your place. Think like a thief. Is your car inviting to thieves? How secure are the gates into your backyard?<br />

Protecting Your Car From Thieves<br />

• Keep your vehicle locked at all times, even while driving. This includes locking your car as you are filling your gas tank.<br />

• When parked, never leave your keys in the car. Close all the windows and the sunroof.<br />

• Never leave your car running and unattended.<br />

• Avoid leaving valuables inside your vehicle where passersby can see them. Even an empty shopping bag can look attractive<br />

to a thief.<br />

• If you’re going to hide valuables in your vehicle do it before you park so anyone watching as you park will not see you do<br />

it.<br />

• If you drive an SUV, try to cover the contents of the cargo area with a retractable cover or at least a cover of some<br />

kind.<br />

• Do not leave your vehicle title in the car. Too often a car thief is pulled over and gets away from the police because he<br />

or she can produce the auto registration. (If multiple drivers use the vehicle, the best suggestion would be to hide the<br />

registration in a secret location in the car that only the owners know.).<br />

• Install an anti-theft system in your vehicle if it doesn’t have one. Thieves are reluctant to steal vehicles if they know<br />

the cars can be recovered quickly. Many insurers offer discounts for the some types of anti-theft systems.<br />

• Thieves prefer to work in the dark. Be particularly cautious at night about where you park your car. Park it in a well-lit<br />

area if possible.<br />

• Have your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) etched on each of the windows. Car thieves want to get off cheap.<br />

They don’t want to go to the expense of replacing all the glass.<br />

Get Involved<br />

• Get to know your neighbors and who belongs to which car so you could spot illegal activity.<br />

• As you are driving through the neighborhood, slow down and be aware of your surroundings.<br />

• If you see suspicious activity, call 602-262-6151<br />

• If you see a crime in progress, call 911.<br />

• It takes everyone to make our neighborhood a safe place to live and YOU CAN HELP!<br />

Page 5

F.Q. Story <strong>2017</strong> Traffic-Tube Test Results<br />

submitted by Ginger Mattox<br />

The results from the 4-day Traffic-Tube test conducted<br />

in FQ Story April 28 th to May 2 nd were presented at the<br />

Steering Committee meeting on June 13 th . Phoenix Streets<br />

and Transportation Traffic Engineers, Carl Langford and<br />

Michael Vellotti presented the data in a multi-media presentation<br />

and answered questions from the audience.<br />

The collected data from this study was compared to a<br />

similar study conducted in 2016. The difference between<br />

the two years was that the 2016 study had 10 traffic tubes<br />

placed only on the “East-Side” of Story. The <strong>2017</strong> study<br />

was monitored with 20 tube set-ups ...10 “East-Side” and<br />

10 “West-Side” (which included both north and south of<br />

the freeway). The instruments measured traffic volume<br />

averages (Vehicles Per Day) and vehicle speed averages<br />

(Miles Per Hour).<br />

East-Side VPD ranged from 171 (low) on Portland between 9 th and 11 th to 814 (high) on Willetta<br />

between 7 th and 9 th . Department regulations require 1,000 VPD to be reached before a residential<br />

street is considered to have “high” traffic volume. But…. compared to the 2016 study, volumes<br />

have significantly increased in the last 12 months. The VPD high range in the 2016 study was 445.<br />

The average speed at the Portland location mentioned above was 19.4 MPH and the Willetta speed<br />

average was 21.9 MPH. The posted speed limit is 25 MPH therefore most drivers were found to<br />

be driving well within the speed limit.<br />

The percentage of speeders that drove 10+ MPH over the posted limit ranged from 0.1% to the<br />

high on Latham between 11 th and 13 th @ 4.5% There was no change in speed averages when comparing<br />

2016 to <strong>2017</strong>.<br />

West-Side VPD static’s are lower when compared to the East-Side. The high volume was south<br />

of Franklin High School on Culver at 17 th with a VPD of 694. The low volume location of 62 was<br />

at 16 th Ave and Culver.<br />

The MPH speed range gave a slightly different picture compared to the East-Side static’s. At<br />

the highest VPD location, the “average” speed was 25.2 MPH both north and south bound. While<br />

all other West-Side locations were between 17.1 and 18.0 MPH. Lynwood at 16 th was the slowest<br />

at 14.8 MPH.<br />

The percentage of speeders that drove 10+ MPH over the posted speed limit ranged from 0.3%<br />

to 2.9%. Once again the high % was just south of the high school. This is in an area considered<br />

to be a “school zone” with many students walking to and from the Franklin campus daily.<br />

Page 6

Traffic Tube Test Results continued:<br />

The West-Side study could not be compared to any other year. This was the first time the study<br />

was considered important. A head-on collision between two cars at Willetta-Culver location on 17 th<br />

stirred the neighbors into action earlier this year. No one was hurt but one of the vehicles was<br />

pushed into the front yard of a nearby home.<br />

West-Sider’s are seeing an increase in speed and volume during the weekday that they attribute<br />

to “cut-thru” traffic as drivers attempt to avoid the 19 th /McDowell/Grand Ave. intersection during<br />

rush-hour. The VPD 4-day total average breakdown for all of Story is as follows: Friday 33%, Saturday<br />

21%, Sunday 18% and Monday 28%<br />

One additional issue the West-Sider’s face is the 3 weeks in October that the State Fair is open.<br />

A separate Small Group Taskforce is being set-up to address those particular issues associated<br />

with the once-a-year event.<br />

Last week-end, 150 flyers were distributed to the neighbors south of McDowell and west of 15 th<br />

Ave. It asked residents for past testimonial experiences and suggestions to the city that would<br />

improve their quality of life while enduring the 3 week traffic invasion. Those comments were<br />

delivered to the Engineering Dept and were acknowledged at the meeting. Several options are<br />

currently available but further discussion needs to take place between the affected community<br />

and the city…..”stay tuned” for more info on this subject.<br />

So, what can the “City” offer the community if we think we need their help? We already have<br />

59….. yes, “59” Stop Signs in Story. Those signs were recently updated with a larger version.<br />

Currently, the City’s map shows 2 speed bumps installed in Story.<br />

If we want more traffic control devices, it is a complicated process. The most difficult part of<br />

getting more speed humps is getting a 100% consensus of homes within 100 feet of the installation.<br />

It also requires 70% approval of homes considered within the boundary area of the hump.<br />

The city’s expense is currently $2,800. per installation with a cost of $1,200. per to be covered<br />

by the community.<br />

So what’s next? Do we want more Stop Signs? Do we want more Speed Humps? Do we feel that<br />

we have a problem that the city can not help us to address with their current options? Do we<br />

want to start thinking-outside-the-box and come up with our own approach? I have a few ideas<br />

that are different. What about you?<br />

There will be no <strong>July</strong> Steering Committee meeting so between now and August let’s put some<br />

thought into this issue. If you would like to be part of a “think-tank”, send me an email gmattox@<br />

cox.net or give me a call 602-340-0381. If you would like to head-up a project, I will volunteer to<br />

be part of the team. There is lots of talent in this community; lets put it to good use.<br />

For more in-depth information on the study, I will be asking the FQ Story Web Master to place a<br />

copy of the city’s multi-media presentation on our Yahoo website or send me an email request and<br />

I will forward it to you.<br />

Page 7

Summer Wellness Just A Memory?<br />

Summertime fun is coming again. This will be your 48 th summer to enjoy. It would be so much more fun if<br />

you were just healthy like in all those years gone by. It’s over now but the memories are so good!<br />

The summer of ’85 you ran in lots of 5K races. You were in high school and joined the cross country team.<br />

You and your teammates trained by running twice a day and logged 50 miles each week during that steamy<br />

summer. Plenty of hard work but it was so way cool to be in such great shape. Those Guess jeans fit you<br />

nicely with the size 29 waist.<br />

The summer of ’92 you graduated from Indiana University. Before heading right into the “real world”,<br />

you and your buddies decided to bike around Europe as a healthy challenge that would let you explore<br />

everything from Barcelona to Budapest to Brussels. You cycled through the Alps in Italy, Austria, and<br />

Switzerland and had some incredibly toned legs from the 45 day journey.<br />

The summer of ’99 you bought your first house. You landscaped the entire yard on weekends throughout<br />

those dog days of yesterday. You were able to carry large bags of dirt over your shoulder and wheelbarrow<br />

two tons of decorative rock to create the perfect backyard sanctuary. You were light years ahead<br />

of the cross fit challenges of today.<br />

The summer of ’04 had you in the best shape of your life. You were doing intensive training for that<br />

triathlon that you finally decided to enter. Three hours of training every day in June, <strong>July</strong>, and August.<br />

Biking, swimming, and running were more of a priority than TV and that last season of Friends. You did<br />

amazing on race day. First place in your age group and 9 th overall out of 388 competitors.<br />

The summer of ’08 will be remembered as the season of playing in the softball and kickball leagues. Four<br />

nights every week of competition and camaraderie. An all-star lineup of wellness activities to keep you<br />

height weight proper during that part of your life. Throwing, hitting, running, kicking, jumping, and sliding<br />

were part of the rigorous repertoire.<br />

The summer of ’13 was the last of the golden age of healthy living for you. But what a summer it was!<br />

You went hiking on so many trails in the high country. You rode your bike to work and back almost every<br />

day back then. Zumba was all the craze for you and your pals at your gym. And you worked out like an<br />

Olympic gymnast and gained so much muscle mass. You looked and felt like a million dollars!<br />

The last several summers have been punctuated by apathy, laziness, and procrastination. Now you’re<br />

thirty pounds overweight and have bad knees. Your friends tell you not to worry and say it is part of<br />

getting older.<br />

Page 8<br />

submitted by Ron Blake<br />

I say find some new friends. We are all<br />

getting older. That doesn’t mean you have<br />

to give in to age.<br />

Get up and get healthy again. It is NEVER<br />

too late. Stop living on the memories of yesterday<br />

and create some moments of today.<br />

Dream of what you want tomorrow to be…<br />

and make it happen. The summer of ’17 is<br />

going to be epic healthy fun for you!<br />

This wellness is brought to you by dat guy of<br />

dose and dees. Dat guy with the Chicago accent<br />

is Ron Blake and he’s always ready for some<br />

healthy summer fun. He can be reached at<br />


While we wait...<br />

As of this month’s submission deadline, the US Court of Appeals has not yet rendered a decision on<br />

our Petition for Review against the FAA. However, it is still important to support our effort. Please<br />

continue to help!<br />

We need you to continue to make complaints...<br />

Smart Phone App:<br />

skyharbor.com/FlightPaths<br />

Contribute:<br />

We need your help to meet our obligations to our legal team...<br />

Or donate online: http://tinyurl.com/phxfairskies<br />

Keep up to date:<br />

• FAA Flight Path Changes: skyharbor.com/FlightPaths<br />

• Follow “Let’s Make Some Noise” on Facebook<br />

Page 9

Congratulations to our<br />

<strong>July</strong> Visual Award Winner<br />

For Jeanie Baber, the love affair with her<br />

home has spanned more than three decades<br />

.<br />

She first moved into the house in 1984, when she and<br />

her then-boyfriend came to live in the house his father<br />

had owned since 1970. Their '80s-era rent?<br />

$200 a month. She's been in and out since then.<br />

When John, by then her father-in-law, died, she and her<br />

daughters inherited the 1922 Bungalow. While there<br />

was a lot of work to do on the inside, Jeanine said the<br />

trees planted in the streetscape (the space between<br />

the sidewalks and the street) had grown to maturity,<br />

creating shady canopies for her and all passersby.<br />

She built on that, with an eye to create an inviting,<br />

quiet spot. She installed a garden on the west end of<br />

the house, cleaned up the yard and added awnings to<br />

protect the home from the sun but also to give the<br />

exterior some pop. Now she has a calming streetscape<br />

to enjoy from the comfort of her shaded front<br />

porch, and F.Q. Story has a peaceful spot for neighbors.<br />

For her efforts, Baber is the winner of this<br />

month's Visual Award. Check it out at 737 W. Willetta.<br />

Home Tour Committee<br />

Here is a list of the committee members email addresses.<br />

Their phone numbers are listed on page 11<br />

.<br />

Liz Atkinson<br />

liz.atkinson@outlook.com<br />

Jen Bracy<br />

jenniferbracy@cox.com<br />

C.J. Carenza<br />

ccarenza@cox.net<br />

Kelsey Dake<br />

kelseydake@gmail.com<br />

Heather Denney Lheathermac@yahoo.com<br />

Robin Hillyard<br />

robin.m.hillyard@gmail.<br />

com<br />

Natalie Maitleand natasnews.online@gmail.<br />

com<br />

Vickie McDermott-Rupp vickiemcdermott28@<br />

gmail.com<br />

Jennifer Mindala indpndjenaz@aol.com<br />

Julie Moy<br />

jmoy4@cox.net<br />

Aimee Perez<br />

aaperez4@gmail.com<br />

Carly Wallin<br />

carlywallin@gmail.com<br />

F.Q.Story Home Tour<br />

FQStoryHomeTour@gmail.com<br />

Street<br />

Repair News<br />

The Portland Cement Concrete Repair Program is<br />

a citywide effort to replace the concrete sidewalk<br />

ramps on both sides of 7 th Ave. between<br />

I-10 & Thomas Rd.<br />

Construction is scheduled for this summer with<br />

work hours of 6am to 5pm, Monday through<br />

Friday. Expect traffic lane restrictions, sidewalk<br />

closures & detours during the concrete<br />

replacement effort.<br />

For more information or if you have questions or<br />

concerns you can call the 24-hour construction<br />

hotline at 602-956-2670.<br />

The Story steering committee welcomes nominations for the monthly Visual Award, which recognizes the efforts of residents to<br />

improve the look of their home’s exterior or for their work in maintaining it. Send nominations to Diego Delgadillo at 253-4265 or<br />

e-mail to (diego3@cox.net) or Mary Jo Pitzl at 495-9202 or e-mail to (maryjpitzl@cox.net). The neighborhood Steering Committee<br />

votes on the winner, & the winner receives a gift certificate to Southwest Gardener at 301 W. Camelback Rd.<br />

Page 10

Steering Committee<br />

Phone Numbers<br />

Officers:<br />

Will Denney, President 602-291-7637<br />

Steven Methvin, Vice President 602-292-4035<br />

CJ Carenza, Secretary 602-573-7782<br />

Liz Atkinson, Treasurer 480-231-9114<br />

Members-at-Large:<br />

Jean Barnhart 913-484-4293<br />

Bob Croft 602-695-3337<br />

Che Czirr 602-733-9444<br />

Diego Delgadillo 602-253-4265<br />

Christopher Dillman 503-313-0578<br />

Steve Dreiseszun 602-253-2223<br />

Diane & Gary Hochstetler 602-253-1362<br />

Milt Jacobs 602-622-1712<br />

Courtney Lonergan<br />

Jason Martinez 602-228-9800<br />

Ginger Mattox 602-340-0381<br />

Viva Ramirez 602-300-5564<br />

Steering Committee<br />

E-Mail Addresses<br />

Home Tour Committee<br />

FQ Story Home Tour 602-730-4377<br />

Liz Atkinson 480-231-9114<br />

Jen Bracy 602-721-6974<br />

C.J. Carenza 602-573-7782<br />

Kelsey Dake 480-201-8717<br />

Heather Denney 602-253-3488<br />

Robin Hillyard 480-620-9238<br />

Vickie McDermott-Rupp 602-722-7971<br />

Jennifer Mindala 602-769-0327<br />

Julie Moy 602-571-1457<br />

Aimee Perez 602-312-6150<br />

Carly Wallin 602-516-0810<br />

Welcoming Committee<br />

Chris Dillman 503-313-0578<br />

Jason Martinez 602-228-9800<br />

Story Time is the newsletter of the Story Preservation Association,<br />

which is the neighborhood bounded by McDowell Rd., 7th Ave.,<br />

Roosevelt St., & Grand Ave. Address comments & news to Sharon<br />

Hunnicutt, 737 W. Lynwood, 602-412-8226 or azsharonhu@aol.com<br />

Standing Committee<br />

(if on steering committee info is on the left)<br />

Officers:<br />

Will Denney<br />

Steven Methvin<br />

CJ Carenaz<br />

Liz Atkinson<br />

Members-at-Large:<br />

w_denney@yahoo.com<br />

phxspm@yahoo.com<br />

ccarenza@cox.net<br />

liz.atkinson@nospamoutlook.com<br />

Jean Barnhart<br />

jeankb@aol.com<br />

Bob Croft<br />

bobc@cbnclean.com<br />

Che Czirr<br />

checzirr@gmail.com<br />

Diego Delgadillo diego3@cox.net<br />

Chris Dillman<br />

christopher.dillman@abbott.com<br />

Steve Dreiseszun sdviewpnt@aol.com<br />

Diane & Gary Hochstetler gshoch@cox.net<br />

Milt Jacobs<br />

mljacobs2000@yahoo.com<br />

Courtney Lonergan courtneylongergan@gmail.com<br />

Jason Martinez jasonizm1010@gmail.com<br />

Ginger Mattox<br />

gmattox@cox.net<br />

Viva Ramirez<br />

freeviva09@gmail.com<br />

Please Note that meeting minutes are posted on the<br />

website, and there is a page devoted to the ongoing<br />

FAA/flightpath situation.<br />

Historic Preservation:<br />

Steve Dreiseszun<br />

Ginger Mattox<br />

Bob Croft<br />

Visual Award:<br />

Diego Delgadillo<br />

Viva Ramirez<br />

Welcome:<br />

Chris Dillman<br />

Jason Brown Martinez<br />

Environmental<br />

Ginger Mattox<br />

<strong>StoryTime</strong>:<br />

Sharon Hunnicutt 602-<br />

412-8226<br />

azsharonhu@aol.com<br />

Social Media<br />

Steven Methvin<br />

Will Denney<br />

Cheryl McGregor<br />

Block Watch:<br />

Jean Barnhardt<br />

FAA Flight Path Mitigation<br />

Steve Dreisezun<br />

Bob Croft<br />

Hance Park Conservancy<br />

Liz Atkinson<br />

Zoning & Liquor License Issues:<br />

Looking for a volunteer<br />

Contact Will Denney if interested<br />

Web Master:<br />

Pat Tenike 602-253-9336<br />

art.dept@tenike-artworks.com<br />

Feral Cat Population<br />

Diane Hochstetler<br />

Ginger Mattox<br />

Nancy Crimmings<br />

nlcrimmings@gmail.com<br />

Kristi Kinnison<br />

kkinni66@gmail.com<br />

Marty B<br />

furperson2953@gmail.com<br />

Traffic Calming & Speed Humps:<br />

Ginger Mattox<br />

page 11


FOR HIRE<br />

PC & MAC computer expert, Having performance issues<br />

with your computer? Call Tim Hunnicutt, Story resident<br />

@ 602-254-6000<br />

Simple Sewing Need something hemmed? patched? New<br />

custom throw pillows? Placemats? Leave a message for<br />

Cheryl at 602-257-1697 or email me at tismeinaz@mac.<br />

com<br />

Painted embellishments & murals Custom decorative<br />

painting, no job too small. Want a mural in your child’s<br />

room? Butterflies or lizards on the patio? Scrollwork on<br />

the side of your clawfoot tub? Mexican stencils on your<br />

old kitchen cabinets? Contact me!! Call Joan at 271-9921<br />

Window Cleaning by long time FQ Story resident. Interior<br />

& Exterior. Call Diamond Dave @ 602-405-6785<br />

Cleaning by Ruby - Small to large jobs, including things<br />

others don’t want to do (like windows). I don’t mind<br />

one-time-only jobs, either. Dependable and thorough.<br />

Call 623-247-6316<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Pat McKay, animal nutritionist & homeopathic practitioner,<br />

has a raw food program that insures maximum<br />

health results. Her supplements, are now available from<br />

neighbor Ce. Contact her at ceciliamolloy@yahoo.com<br />

Avon Products are available from 25 year rep. Marsha<br />

Brink, Story resident. Reliable service right to your door.<br />

Call for an appt or a brochure as 602-576-0160<br />



16 year old neighbor, CPR certified for babysitting,<br />

caring for your furry friends, taking in mail or watering<br />

thirsty plants while you’re away, entertaining your hyper<br />

toddler, walking your crazy dog or picking up their poop.<br />

Please call Katie Hartnett @ 602-758-1052<br />

10 year Story Resident. House Sitter or Pet Sitter .<br />

Call Chris at 480-600-5477<br />

Free to Story residents only.<br />

If you have something you would like to rent, sell or want,<br />

call Sharon at 602-412-8226 to submit your ad.<br />

FOR HIRE<br />

PC computer repair, upgrades & adware detection & removal<br />

by Story resident, Gary Hochstetler. Call 253-1362<br />

Custom Jewelry for every occasion.Work w/all kinds of beads<br />

Have sterling, gold-filled, & fun metal chains, nickel-free,<br />

stainless steel & sterling ear wires. Susan Bliss 602-459-<br />

0742 (call or text) bliss5@cox.net<br />

Call your neighborhood personal trainer Jamie Pettis of<br />

32Fitness today at 405-210-3142, and receive your FREE<br />

fitness consultation (studio or home appointments are both<br />

available)! Also, visit Jamie at 32fitness.com<br />

Want to enhance the charm of your home? professional<br />

House Painter 30 years experience in all types of finishes,<br />

including faux painting & drywall/stucco repair. Call Lucas<br />

for a free estimate @ 602-743-8202 or lucasjruelas_@<br />

msn.com<br />

Redesigning your front or back yard? I am a licensed landscape<br />

architect in the Story Residence with over 14 years<br />

experience. I would love to help you realize your dream<br />

landscape. Contact Monina at 602.418.1804 or monina.<br />

la108@yahoo.com<br />

Tutoring. Do your students need help studying? Are they<br />

struggling with their math homework? I am a certified math<br />

and science teacher who loves helping students succeed.<br />

Contact Keara if you are interested at kearamoo@gmail.com<br />

Did you know you have a great Hairstylist in the neighborhood?<br />

Call Margo Zetye, a Goldwell colorist specialist, @<br />

602-262-2932. Now accepting new clients (men & women.)<br />

Notary Public, Mary Lou DeLeon, National Notary Association<br />

Member, 30 years Notary Experience. By appointment only.<br />

Hm 254-2850, cell 316-9205 Se Habla Espanol<br />

Diaper Cakes Baby shower? Need a special gift for new<br />

parents? Contact Jenny 602-495-1812, a long time story<br />

resident 20+ years. I have many to choose from starting at<br />

$2 on up to $45. May be slightly higher for custom orders<br />

Are you planning an addition or remodel? I am a registered<br />

architect & Story Resident w/over 14 yrs of experience.<br />

Would love to help make your dream home a reality. Contact<br />

Denise at 602-561-9599 or bebe011@cox.net<br />

Private yoga & yoga therapy classes, Certified & Registered<br />

Instructor (RYT-200). Start a new practice, deepen your<br />

existing practice or safely work to heal an injury or condition.<br />

Feel good and breathe! Paige Reeves, (480) 478 5185 paige@<br />

rootsofsantosha.com www.rootsofsantosha.com<br />

Page 12



ANIMAL<br />


Medicine, Radiology and Surgery<br />

Dogs, Cats, Ferrets, and Rabbits<br />

Alicia Ruiz, DVM<br />

• Early morning drop off<br />

• Professional quality pet care<br />

• Quality pet care products and pet foods (Science Diet)<br />

25 West Thomas<br />

(S.W. Corner First Ave. and Thomas)<br />

Phone: 277-5155<br />

M-T-Th-F: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm W-S: 8 am - noon<br />

Please join the Story Yahoo Group.<br />

Its easy! Just follow the instructions on our<br />

neighborhood website “http://fqstory.org” and<br />

then follow the instructions.<br />

When you join, youll be able to hear about<br />

events, keep an eye out for suspicious activities,<br />

sell and buy stuff from neighbors and<br />

much more.<br />

So visit the neighborhood website to check<br />

out all the latest happenings and then join our<br />

Yahoo Group.<br />

Remember: http://fqstory.org<br />

Important Phone Numbers<br />

APS Emergency Number<br />

In the event of a power outage, APS has an emergency<br />

number that avoids many of the voice prompts of their<br />

main number. Call 855-688-2437<br />

Street Lighting - Report of Damage-Malfunction<br />

(As found in the famous BLUE pages of the Business<br />

Edition of the Phone Book) 602-495-5125<br />

Please report any street lights that are out ASAP as we<br />

need all we have to be functioning. You’ll need to have<br />

the pole number (approx 6-8 ft up on the street side)<br />

and the address of the house closest to the street light<br />

that’s out. Leave a report on voice mail along with your<br />

phone number. It generally takes approx. 2 weeks to<br />

repair. If you have any problems with<br />

repairs taking longer, call Steve D.<br />

at 253-2223.<br />

Dead Animal Disposal<br />

If you find a dead animal on the<br />

street please call the City at 602-<br />

262-6791<br />

Asphalt Odor Hotline<br />

As soon as you notice any Odor, please call the hotline<br />

phone number: 602-794-2542 which will be answered<br />

24/7 by a live operator.<br />

Graffiti<br />

As soon as you notice any please call 602-534-4444<br />

or e-mail blight@phoenix.gov<br />



Page 13

Commercial<br />

Residential<br />

Apartments<br />

Removal of Furniture<br />

Apartment & Home Trashouts<br />

Construction, Monsoon & Yard Clean<br />

Ups<br />

Trees<br />


For Airplane Noise:<br />

Please Contact<br />

Sky Harbor’s<br />

Noise Officer at<br />

602-683-2669, or<br />

844-244-7430<br />

Window Restoration Specialist<br />

Stanton Advantage LLC<br />

ROC 250203<br />

David Stanton<br />

Owner<br />

1122 W. Lynwood St.<br />

Phoenix, AZ 85007<br />

Cell: (602) 738-8005<br />

Tel: (602) 462-5359<br />

Fax: (602) 523-0278<br />

dstanton@basewest.com<br />

Personal Injury, Criminal, Domestic Relations, Aviation<br />

Page 14


A+ Perfect Record with the<br />

Better Business Bureau<br />

(125+ reviews)<br />

First time buyer specialist<br />

Low down-payment loans<br />

Locally Operated<br />

Jeremy David Schachter<br />

Mortgage Advisor | MLO #148435<br />

jschachter@pcmloan.com<br />

5229 N. 7th Avenue, #108 Phoenix, AZ 85013<br />

©2015 A division of Finance of America Mortgage LLC • Equal Housing Lender • NMLS 1071 • AZ BK-0919184 • Licensed by the Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act.<br />

mortgageloansaz.com 480.703.8088<br />


Page 15

Your Downtown<br />

Phoenix Agents!<br />

Sold!<br />

$<br />

462,500<br />

322 W. Vernon<br />

WILLO<br />


Sold!<br />

$<br />

394,000<br />

2221 N. Laurel Ave.<br />



Reduced!<br />

$<br />

539,000<br />

70 W. Windsor Ave.<br />

WILLO<br />


Historic Home Specialists<br />

Bobbi Ryals & Tricia Amato, REALTORS ®<br />

602-486-3587 520-247-3305<br />

DowntownPhoenixAgent@gmail.com<br />

DowntownPhoenixAgent.com<br />

Page 16

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