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bongchull shin

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bongchull shin

ongchull shin<br />

1981, born in Suwon, South Korea<br />

Lives and works in Munich, Germany<br />

about<br />

Glass, while pivotal in my work, is merely the vessel through<br />

which my art is created. By reflecting and refracting light,<br />

my glass shapes create something new and unique. Patterns<br />

never stay the same. They emerge by coincidence and they<br />

are constantly changing depending on where the light falls and<br />

where the observer stands.<br />

When I see highrise buildings on the street,<br />

I imagine my glass works hanging in a beautiful sunny spot. I’ve<br />

always wanted to create glass art works making harmony with<br />

architectures, during the whole day showing different faces<br />

according to the movement of the sun.<br />

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cubes and stripes

In the series cubes and stripes my aim is to unify glass and light.<br />

Depending on the way the light falls on the glass shapes and<br />

the position of the observer, the shapes and colours of the<br />

reflections change and a circus of colour intertwines with the<br />

textures of the wall behind.<br />

In der Serie Cubes and Stripes ist es mein Ziel, Glas und<br />

Licht zu vereinen. Abhängig von der <strong>Art</strong> und Weise, wie<br />

das Licht auf die Glasformen fällt und der Position des<br />

Beobachters, ändern sich die Formen und Farben<br />

der Reflexionen und ein Farbenzirkus verflechtet sich<br />

mit den Texturen der dahinterliegenden Wand. 8 9

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Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

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Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

24 25 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

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Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

32 33 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

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broken glass

Combining the themes of antagonism, peace and harmony<br />

is the driving force behind my series Broken Glass. On initial<br />

observation, the words appear soft and loving. But closer<br />

viewing reveals antagonistic associations with words formed<br />

of jagged glass shards.<br />

Die Kombination der Themen des Antagonismus, Frieden und<br />

Harmonie ist die treibende Kraft hinter meiner Serie Broken<br />

Glass. Bei erster Beobachtung erscheinen die Worte weich und<br />

liebevoll. Aber eine nähere Betrachtung zeigt antagonistische<br />

Assoziationen mit Worten aus gezackten Glasscherben. 38 39 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

40 41 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

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Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

44 45 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

46 47 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

48 49 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus

Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus<br />

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Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum accum alit et lamus 52 53

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void in solid

The fascinating concept of empty space is the source of my<br />

inspiration for the series Void in Solid. Can empty space be<br />

defined only when separated off by a physical barrier? The<br />

use of glass in these hollow forms twisting their way through<br />

intricately cut layers enables the observer to see both<br />

concepts: at first glance shapes within the sculptures appear<br />

solid, on further reflection the observer realises the shapes<br />

are simply empty space.<br />

Das faszinierende Konzept des leeren Raumes ist die Quelle<br />

für meine Inspiration zu der Serie Void in Solid. Kann der leere<br />

Raum nur dann definiert werden, wenn er durch eine physische<br />

Barriere getrennt wird? Die Verwendung von Glas in hohlen<br />

Formen, die sich durch aufwendig geschnittene Schichten<br />

verdrehen, ermöglicht es dem Betrachter, beide Konzepte<br />

zu sehen: Auf den ersten Blick sind die Formen innerhalb<br />

der Skulpturen zu erkennen, auf den zweiten Blick sieht der<br />

Beobachter, dass die Formen lediglich leere Räume sind. 56 57

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education<br />

Akademy of Fine <strong>Art</strong> Munich<br />

— Klasse Prof. Prangenberg<br />

Korean National University of <strong>Art</strong><br />

— Glass <strong>Art</strong> M.A<br />

Kookmin University<br />

— Ceramic, B.A<br />

solo exhibitions<br />

Seven Elohim (Munich), 2015<br />

St. Paul Church (Munich), 2013<br />

Gallery 175 (Seoul), 2010<br />

Alternative Space Noon (Suwon), 2010<br />

group exhibitions<br />

Münchener Freiheit - Ernsting Stiftung (Coesfeld), 2015<br />

MKG Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Hamburg), 2014<br />

Schein - Hans-Reiffenstuel-Haus (Pfarrkirchen), 2014<br />

Schrift & Objekt - Galerie Handwerk (Munich), 2014<br />

Manifesto Lucis - Kunstarkaden (Munich), 2014<br />

PdG - Galerie Handwerk (Munich), 2014<br />

Oberbayerischer Förderpreis für Angewandte Kunst (Freising), 2013<br />

Strasbourg Glasbiennale - Vauban dam (Strasbourg), 2013<br />

Halo - Galerie für Angewandte Kunst (Munich), 2013<br />

Talente -Messe München (Munich), 2012<br />

Alternative Current - Beograd National University (Beograd), 2009<br />

Fragile Present - Brown Hillel Gallery (Providence), 2009<br />

Body Mapping - Gallery 175 (Seoul), 2008<br />

collection<br />

Alexander Tutsek Foundation (Munich)<br />

Glasmuseum Alter Hof Herding (Coesfeld)


10 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

12 Accum alit et lamus<br />

14 Busandis aut molorum aliquunt laut<br />

16 Quibus expeliquate voluptat<br />

18 Nonsenis quis sequas nosam<br />

20 Esto endanita prero<br />

22 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

24 Quibus expeliquate voluptat<br />

26 Busandis aut molorum aliquunt laut<br />

28 Nonsenis quis sequas nosam<br />

30 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

32 Nonsenis quis sequas nosam<br />

34 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

36 Esto endanita prero<br />

38 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

40 Esto endanita prero<br />

42 Busandis aut molorum aliquunt laut<br />

44 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

46 Accum alit et lamus<br />

48 Busandis aut molorum aliquunt laut<br />

50 Quibus expeliquate voluptat<br />

52 Nonsenis quis sequas nosam<br />

54 Esto endanita prero<br />

56 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

58 Quibus expeliquate voluptat<br />

60 Busandis aut molorum aliquunt laut<br />

62 Nonsenis quis sequas nosam<br />

64 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

66 Nonsenis quis sequas nosam<br />

68 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

70 Esto endanita prero<br />

72 Ut ma conecusaped molorestrum<br />

74 Esto endanita prero<br />

76 Busandis aut molorum aliquunt laut<br />


studio bongchull shin<br />

Bongchull Shin<br />

mail@bongchulllorem.com<br />

19 All Saints Road<br />

London W11 1HE<br />

United Kingdom<br />

represented by<br />

<strong>Art</strong> <strong>Venue</strong><br />

bongchullshin@artvenue.com<br />

www.artvenue.com<br />

Tel: +44 (0)20 7313 8310<br />

Fax: +44 (0)20 7792 8507<br />

Top Floor<br />

19 All Saints Road<br />

London W11 1HE<br />

photography<br />

Bongchull Shin<br />

Christoph Schaller<br />

design<br />

Substance [www.studiosubstance.com]<br />

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art direction<br />

Max Werdin [www.maxwerdin.de]


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